Annals of Internal Medicine REVIEW The Emergence of A Narrative Review Kathryn B. Anderson, MD, PhD; Stephen J. Thomas, MD; and Timothy P. Endy, MD, MPH

Zika virus (ZIKV) is yet another arbovirus that is rapidly emerging transmission of ZIKV and asymptomatic ZIKV infections to the on a global scale, on the heels of a epidemic in the overall burden of transmission. The limited understanding of Americas that began in 2013. A ZIKV epidemic that began in ZIKV presents an enormous challenge for responses to this rap- Brazil in 2015 has now spread rapidly to more than 30 countries idly emerging threat to human health. This article reviews the in the Americas and the Caribbean, infecting more than 2 million existing literature on ZIKV and proposes critical questions for inhabitants. This epidemic currently continues unabated. The ex- vaccine development and other areas of needed research. plosive nature of recent outbreaks and concerning links to Ann Intern Med. 2016;165:175-183. doi:10.7326/M16-0617 Guillain–Barre´ syndrome and microcephaly are incompletely un- For author affiliations, see end of text. derstood. Also unknown is the relative importance of sexual This article was published at on 3 May 2016.

ika virus (ZIKV) was first isolated in 1947 from a sen- led to an estimate of 28 000 suspected cases during Ztinel rhesus monkey in the Zika forest near Entebbe, the epidemic, the largest on record at that time. This Uganda (1). It was one of many viruses discovered via epidemic was also associated with the novel report of a the Rockefeller Foundation's program on yellow fever case of Guillain–Barre´ syndrome (GBS) that developed in Africa and South America (2). In 1948, ZIKV was 1 week after a ZIKV-like illness (16). At the time, there again isolated from the Zika forest, from africa- were concurrent epidemics of dengue virus serotypes 1 nus (1). Serologic studies in people living and 3 and chikungunya in the Pacific Islands (17). Sci- near the Zika forest showed an estimated ZIKV sero- entists postulated that a reported 20-fold increase in prevalence of 6% (3). GBS cases in French Polynesia may have been linked to The first isolation of ZIKV from humans arose dur- dengue virus infection, as had been reported previ- ing investigation of an epidemic of jaundice in eastern ously (18); ZIKV infection; or some pathologic mecha- Nigeria in 1952, when virus was isolated from a (non- nism related to sequential infection with the 2 viruses jaundiced) child presenting with fever and headache (16). After the outbreak in French Polynesia, outbreaks (4). These symptoms were reproduced during experi- of ZIKV occurred in New Caledonia, the Cook Islands, mental inoculation of a human volunteer in 1956, which and Easter Island (19, 20). resulted in a mild, self-limited febrile illness (5). The The largest ZIKV outbreak to date, by sheer num- virus was next isolated in Uganda in 1962, from an in- bers and geographic range, began in northeastern Bra- dividual with maculopapular rash, fever, and mild body zil in May 2015 and is ongoing (21, 22). By October pain (6). In the decade following initial discovery of 2015, 14 states in Brazil and the department of Bolivar, the virus, sporadic febrile illnesses with seroconversion Colombia, had confirmed autochthonous ZIKV trans- patterns suggestive of ZIKV infection were identified mission (23). By January 2016, the virus had spread to throughout Africa and Asia (7–11). Estimated sero- 20 countries or territories in the Americas and the Ca- prevalence was highest in Nigeria, at 48% to 56% ribbean; regions with the highest burden of ZIKV trans- (12, 13). mission in Brazil, most notably Pernambuco State, were also reporting an increase in the number of infants born with microcephaly (24, 25). On 1 February 2016, the World Health Organization declared the reported clus- RECENT EPIDEMICS ters of microcephaly and other neurologic disorders a The first recorded ZIKV epidemic occurred in 2007 public health emergency of international concern (26), on Yap Island, a small Micronesian island with approx- the fourth of its kind following swine flu (2009), the imately 10 000 inhabitants. Physicians noted an out- threatened resurgence of polio (2014), and Ebola break of a mild dengue-like illness characterized by (2014). As of March 2016, the epidemic had spread to rash, fever, arthralgia, arthritis, and conjunctivitis (14). 33 countries or territories, with transmission increasing ZIKV was identified in 14% of serum samples from pa- in most countries (27). tients with acute illness. A limited serosurvey per- Early estimates from Brazil suggested a 20-fold in- formed on the island found that 73% of Yap inhabitants crease in the number of microcephaly cases compared older than 3 years of age had demonstrable IgM anti- with previous years (25). Estimation of true differences bodies to ZIKV, indicating recent infection. Only 19% of these individuals reported a history of clinical illness consistent with suspected ZIKV infection, suggesting an See also: asymptomatic-to-symptomatic ratio of 4 to 1. A second major ZIKV epidemic occurred in 2013 in Web-Only French Polynesia, a chain of 67 islands with approxi- CME quiz mately 270 000 inhabitants (15). Expanded surveillance

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reported for 2015 compared with previous years (32). Key Summary Points Sixty-two percent of patients with GBS in Brazil re- Zika virus (ZIKV) was identified in 1947 and for decades ported a history of symptoms consistent with suspected caused only sporadic cases of mild human disease. The ZIKV infection, and 7 patients with neurologic disease explosive nature of recent epidemics and links to Guil- (including GBS) had laboratory-confirmed ZIKV infec- lain–Barre´ syndrome and microcephaly are concerning tion. A retrospective study of GBS cases during the and remain poorly understood. French Polynesia outbreak demonstrated that 100% of patients with GBS had antibodies to ZIKV compared There is evidence that maternal ZIKV infection at any with 56% of controls (33). stage of pregnancy may result in an increased risk for To date, Europe, continental North America, and microcephaly, intrauterine growth restriction, and fetal Australia have not reported -borne transmis- death. The contribution of ZIKV infection to the total in- sion of ZIKV (34). Transmission has been documented crease in microcephaly cases being observed, relative in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and is ex- to other potential (unidentified) causes, remains pected to increase (35). Sexual transmission has been unknown. reported in the United States, Argentina, and Chile (27, 36, 37). Numerous imported cases of ZIKV infection in There is evidence of sexual transmission of ZIKV by men, travelers returning from tropical countries to more tem- with virus detectable in semen by reverse transcriptase perate regions have also been reported, including 116 polymerase chain reaction for at least 2 months after cases in the United States (38). Importation of ZIKV to infection. The relative importance of sexual transmission susceptible countries across the globe raises concern with regard to the overall burden of ZIKV transmission for virus establishment in areas endemic for suitable and risk for microcephaly is unknown. mosquito vectors. A recent model that incorporated ecologic niche data for A aegypti and A albopictus, as At present, no specific antiviral or vaccine is available for well as regional travel patterns throughout the Ameri- ZIKV, although vaccines are in development. Treatment cas, indicated that 60% of the U.S. population lives in is supportive. Pregnant women in unaffected areas are areas conducive to at least seasonal, possibly year- currently advised to postpone travel to ZIKV-endemic round, ZIKV transmission (Figure 1) (39). regions if possible and to avoid sex with male partners The Zika virus is closely related to the Spondweni who have traveled to endemic regions. virus. There is a single serotype of ZIKV, and infection is thought to lead to lifelong immunity. The 2 lineages, Providers should maintain a high level of suspicion for Asian and African, are derived from a common ances- ZIKV infection in any patient presenting with rash and tor in Uganda (40, 41). All 3 recent epidemics have either a personal history of recent travel to an area with been linked to expansion of the Asian lineage of ZIKV active ZIKV transmission or a history of travel in a sexual (Figure 2) (22, 41). It is not known whether strains of partner. ZIKV are associated with an increased risk for neuro- logic disease or whether mutations have facilitated the explosive spread of ZIKV in recent years.

in incidence by affected region and by year has been complicated by increased sensitivity of the current sur- TRANSMISSION veillance system at the cost of decreased specificity (28) The Zika virus is spread through the bite of mosqui- and likely increased awareness and reporting; how- toes, and multiple mosquito species are capable vec- ever, there appears to be a true increase in the occur- tors. The virus was first isolated from A africanus in rence of microcephaly in several countries in the Uganda (1, 42). Aedes hensilli was the primary vector in Americas. the Yap epidemic (43), and A aegypti is likely a domi- Clear evidence now indicates that maternal ZIKV nant vector in Asia and the Americas (44–46). Multiple infection can cause fetal microcephaly. The virus has species are suggested as possible vectors, including a been isolated from the amniotic fluid of 2 pregnant long list of Aedes species, Mansonia uniformis, Culex women who had infants with microcephaly (29) and has perfuscis, and Anopheles coustani (47, 48). been identified in brain tissue from 5 fetuses with mi- Besides nonhuman primates and humans, ZIKV has crocephaly during autopsy (30, 31). All mothers re- been isolated from small mammals, reptiles, birds, and ported a history of febrile illness with rash during their livestock (49). The previously sporadic occurrence of first trimester. It remains unclear whether other uniden- human infections suggests that humans were once ac- tified factors underlie the epidemic of microcephaly, in- cidental hosts in a sylvatic transmission cycle involving cluding other known causes of microcephaly and pos- primates, possibly other animals, and forest mosquitos. sible surveillance artifacts. Recent outbreaks indicate that the evolving epidemiol- Seven countries in the Americas and the Caribbean ogy of ZIKV may now more closely mirror that of yellow have reported increases in the incidence of GBS con- fever virus, involving a sylvatic cycle as well as an effi- current with a rise in the number of ZIKV infections (27). cient urban cycle involving human hosts and A aegypti In Brazil, a 19% increase in the incidence of GBS was mosquitoes.

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Figure 1. Predicted risk for local Zika transmission, based on final destinations for travelers departing Brazil and incorporating ecological niche information for and A albopictus.

New York

Los Angeles

Orlando Miami Cancun Punta Cana Mexico City

Risk for local Zika transmission None Caracas Seasonal Year round Number of travelers 1001–10 000 Bogota 10 001–50 000 50 001–150 000

150 001–300 000

>300 000 Lima

Santa Cruz de la Sierra


Santiago Montevideo Buenos Aires

Reproduced with permission from reference 39.

There is evidence of sexual transmission of ZIKV. In set of hematospermia 2 weeks after the second epi- the first report in 2008, a U.S. scientist working in Sen- sode. His semen was positive for ZIKV by reverse tran- egal became ill after returning to the United States, and scriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), and the his wife developed symptomatic ZIKV infection 9 days virus was found to be replicative (50). An additional later (36). Given her lack of travel, the inconsistency of patient from the Cook Islands had detectable ZIKV in the time interval with the suggested external incubation his semen at 27 and 62 days after onset of illness; period of ZIKV (>15 days), and reported hematosper- however, the replicative potential of these late samples mia, sexual transmission of the virus was suspected. In was not investigated (51). Multiple cases of suspected 2013, a patient in French Polynesia had 2 episodes of sexual transmission are under investigation in the ZIKV-like illness separated by 8 weeks, followed by on- United States (37). Little is known regarding the poten- Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 165 No. 3 • 2 August 2016 177 Downloaded From: by Kevin Rosteing on 08/08/2016 REVIEW The Emergence of Zika Virus

Figure 2. Lineages of Zika virus isolates based on envelope gene sequences.

58 KU312314, 2015, Suriname 92 KU312315, 2015, Suriname 57 KU312313, 2015, Suriname 96 82 KU312312, 2015, Suriname KJ776791.1, 2013, French Polynesia Asian 89 KJ634273.1, 2014, Cook Islands lineage 95 KF993678.1, 2013, Thailand 100 JN860885.1, 2010, Cambodia 100 EU545988.1, 2007, Yap Island HQ234499.1, 1966, Malaysia 100 KF268950.1, Central African Rupublic 100 KF268948.1, Central African Rupublic 49 KF268949.1, Central African Rupublic 88 100 AY632535.2, Uganda African LC002520.1, Uganda lineage 100 DQ859059.1, Uganda 100 HQ234501.1, 1984, Senegal HQ234500.1, 1968, Nigeria


Reproduced with permission from reference 41.

tial for vaginal secretions or cervical mucous to transmit though none are universally present. Arthralgia, partic- ZIKV. ularly of the hands, wrists, and ankles, is common and is Perinatal transmission was demonstrated during frequently associated with periarticular swelling. Such the epidemic in French Polynesia, when 2 mothers and arthralgia may persist for weeks to months (36). In the their infants tested positive for ZIKV by RT-PCR on se- Yap study, the most common symptom reported was rum collected within 4 days of delivery (52). It is unclear rash (90%), followed by fever (65%), arthralgia (65%), whether infection occurred by transplacental transmis- and nonpurulent conjunctivitis (55%) (14). Other re- sion or during delivery. The association of ZIKV with ported symptoms include aphthous ulcers, prostatitis- birth defects suggests that transplacental transmission like symptoms (perianal pain and dysuria), and hema- may occur. The risk window for fetal exposure to ZIKV, tospermia. Jaundice, plasma leakage, and hemorrhage the rate of vertical transmission, and the incidence of have not been noted during previous ZIKV epidemics. birth defects with maternal infection are unknown. As a ZIKV infection has been associated with develop- result, some countries have advised women to avoid ment of GBS, typically a self-limited neurologic disease pregnancy to decrease the risk for microcephaly. characterized by a relatively favorable prognosis and Risk for transmission via blood transfusion was doc- cerebrospinal fluid studies showing increased protein umented in the French Polynesia outbreak, during (57). Guillain–Barre´ syndrome may be severe if associ- which 3% of blood donors tested were asymptomati- ated with respiratory failure, profound or persistent pa- cally infected with ZIKV (53). There are 2 unpublished ralysis, or autonomic instability. The syndrome classi- reports of ZIKV transmission by blood transfusion in cally involves autoimmune-mediated myelin sheath Brazil in 2015 (54) and additional cases under investi- destruction along peripheral nerves, manifesting as an gation (55). The U.S. Red Cross is asking potential ascending progressive polyradiculoneuritis (58). It can blood donors who have traveled to areas with ZIKV result from many bacterial or viral infections and, in transmission to wait 28 days before donating blood, some cases, vaccination. Classically associated patho- and Brazil's Health Ministry is requesting that those in- gens are Campylobacter jejuni and the influenza viruses fected with ZIKV or dengue avoid donating blood for (58). It has also been associated with infections from 30 days, a measure that will not exclude the estimated other members of the flavivirus family, including Japa- 80% of asymptomatic ZIKV infections from donation. nese encephalitis, infection, and den- Screening of the blood supply using nucleic acid am- gue (59–61). Higher incidence rates have been re- plification testing of pooled specimens has been per- ported for men and the elderly (62). A retrospective formed in the United States for West Nile virus infection since 2003 and should be considered for ZIKV as well study of ZIKV-associated GBS in French Polynesia re- (56). ported electrophysiologic findings compatible with the acute motor axonal neuropathy type (33). Deaths due to ZIKV have been rare. A small num- CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS ber have occurred in the setting of GBS. Other deaths Up to 80% of Zika virus infections may be subclini- have occurred in individuals with underlying comorbid cal (14); the remainder are typically mild, self-limited conditions, in whom the precise cause of death cannot illnesses lasting 5 to 7 days. A pruritic, maculopapular be discerned. Few deaths have been attributed to ZIKV rash, headache, and fever are dominant features, al- infection in previously healthy individuals. ZIKV PCR of

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tissue specimens from a previously healthy patient who sera from ZIKV cases may demonstrate a dramatic rise died showed widely disseminated disease throughout in antibodies to another flavivirus, presumably reflect- multiple organ systems (63). ing an anamnestic response to a previous infection or Maternal infection with ZIKV at any stage of preg- vaccination (36). These observations suggest that ZIKV nancy may be associated with a range of serious and serologic testing will be most informative when ZIKV adverse fetal outcomes, including fetal death, placental occurs as a primary flavivirus infection and less helpful, insufficiency, intrauterine growth restriction, and central even misleading, in the common setting of prior flavivi- nervous system abnormalities, including microcephaly rus exposure or vaccination. This cross-reactivity also (64). Microcephaly is manifested as incomplete brain complicates interpretation of seroprevalence data in development in the setting of an abnormally small most of the flavivirus-exposed world. More specific se- head circumference. Severe microcephaly can be asso- rologic assays to discern infections from ZIKV, dengue, ciated with fetal death, seizures, significant develop- yellow fever, and Japanese encephalitis are desper- mental delay, and intellectual disability. Infants with mi- ately needed. crocephaly commonly require intensive developmental services to maximize their physical and intellectual abil- ities from an early age, and individuals with severe mi- CLINICAL MANAGEMENT crocephaly typically require life-long care and ad- Zika virus infection is a nationally notifiable condi- vanced medical support, an especially significant tion in the United States. In mild cases, supportive care, challenge in resource-limited countries. close follow-up, and reassurance are usually sufficient Historically, causes of microcephaly have included to achieve complete resolution of symptoms. Rest, malnutrition, genetic abnormalities, and exposure to oral hydration, and treatment of symptoms with toxic substances, including alcohol, drugs, and chemi- acetaminophen-based products are appropriate. In the cals. Toxoplasma gondii, rubella virus, cytomegalovirus, absence of confirmed ZIKV infection, treatment regi- and herpes simplex virus (ToRCH complex) are com- mens should avoid aspirin-based products and non- mon infectious causes (65). Although previous studies steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs because dengue may of the ToRCH complex of pathogens indicate that the present similarly to ZIKV early in the disease course and first trimester is the period of greatest risk for transmis- platelet dysfunction induced by these drugs may pre- sion, evidence suggests that maternal infection with dispose to bleeding complications. ZIKV at any stage of pregnancy may result in micro- Patients with GBS require comprehensive monitor- cephaly (64). ing to identify potential respiratory failure, autonomic dysfunction, and arrhythmias. Essential to survival and recovery is intensive supportive care, including ventila- DIAGNOSTICS tor support, which may be problematic in resource- Several diagnostic RT-PCR–based assays have poor settings where ZIKV is being transmitted. Bowel been used to identify ZIKV from the body fluids and and bladder care and treatment of neuropathic pain tissues of infected individuals (66, 67). The virus ap- may be necessary (71). Plasma exchange and adminis- pears to generate relatively low viremia (40), and virus tration of intravenous immune globulin are the main- in serum may be detectable for only 2 to 3 days after stays of GBS treatment (72); typically, these are effec- the onset of illness (68). One study found that viremia tive in hastening recovery, and most cases recover waned quickly with the onset of rash, which would chal- almost completely after 2 to 4 weeks of disease. lenge the identification of suspected cases and confir- Prevention of mosquito feeding on patients early in mation of infection by serum PCR (68). Virus has been their disease course is encouraged on the basis of the detected by PCR in urine longer than in serum, with hypothetical risk that a viremic patient could transmit urine excretion continuing for more than 20 days in 1 ZIKV to mosquitoes. To prevent sexual transmission of case (68, 69). In a study of 182 ZIKV-positive individuals ZIKV, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with both serum and saliva specimens, 9% were PCR- has developed guidance for men who reside in or have positive by serum but negative by saliva, and 19% were traveled to an area of active ZIKV transmission concern- positive by saliva but negative by serum (70). The po- ing sexual activity with pregnant or nonpregnant part- tential to identify ZIKV infection in saliva and urine, pos- ners (73). Pregnant women are advised to postpone sibly for an extended period, offers unique opportuni- travel to areas with ZIKV transmission or to practice ties for the development of noninvasive diagnostic tests strict measures for mosquito bite avoidance if travel and may facilitate epidemiologic and clinical studies. cannot be postponed (74). Previous studies in Africa indicated little to no se- There is no licensed antiviral for the treatment of rologic cross-reactivity between ZIKV and other flavivi- ZIKV infections. Despite the mild nature of most cases, ruses (2, 4); the Yap epidemic revealed that neutralizing preventing potential complications of infection, such as and IgM antibodies were specific when ZIKV was a pri- GBS, adverse fetal outcomes, or sexual transmission, mary flavivirus infection but that antibody profiles on may provide sufficient rationale for development. Avail- secondary ZIKV infection were highly and unpredict- able human data on ZIKV kinetics suggest that duration ably cross-reactive with dengue, yellow fever, and Jap- of viremia may be extremely short and the opportunity anese encephalitis (40). “Original antigenic sin” has to affect the disease process narrow. Passive immuno- been demonstrated, wherein acute and convalescent therapy with monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies is a Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 165 No. 3 • 2 August 2016 179 Downloaded From: by Kevin Rosteing on 08/08/2016 REVIEW The Emergence of Zika Virus

possible approach. Permutations of various scenarios points (disease) would need extremely large sample (postexposure prophylaxis, outbreak disruption, pas- sizes and incredibly robust disease surveillance sys- sive protection during pregnancy) need to be tems. Given links between ZIKV, GBS, and microceph- explored. aly, is it possible to conduct a study large enough to assess vaccine effect on either of these potentially re- lated end points? Finally, how can pregnant popula- VACCINE DEVELOPMENT tions be ethically included? Numerous licensed flavivirus vaccines exist, so it is reasonable to assume that a safe and efficacious ZIKV OTHER CRITICAL RESEARCH QUESTIONS vaccine is possible. All candidate vaccines thus far are There are additional key questions for Zika re- in preclinical development, with optimism for human search. ZIKV has likely been endemic in Asia for many testing before the end of 2016. years (78–80). Why are the same neurologic complica- Numerous uncertainties exist regarding the tar- tions not noted? Are differences in previous flavivirus get population for vaccination and the desired out- exposure, particularly flavivirus vaccinations or expo- comes of vaccination: to prevent transmission/epi- sure intensity to dengue viruses, playing a role in pro- demic interruption, to prevent complications with tection from, or predisposition toward, more severe pregnancy-associated infection, to prevent GBS, and to ZIKV disease? What is the capacity for A albopictus to generate sustained herd immunity. The ZIKV vaccine spread ZIKV? What is the relative importance of sexual development pathway is complicated by an in- versus mosquito-borne transmission in the overall bur- complete understanding of ZIKV pathogenesis, most den of ZIKV transmission? What is the importance of notably the associations with GBS and microcephaly. In asymptomatic infections in transmission of ZIKV, partic- addition, complicated bioethical and development ularly given the apparent long-term persistence of ZIKV pathway issues are associated with inclusion of preg- in semen? nant women in research and vaccination strategies The poorly understood association of ZIKV with ad- (75–77). verse neurologic outcomes also raises important ques- Both live and replicating (for yellow fever, Japa- tions for research, including the incidence of vertical nese encephalitis, and dengue) vaccine constructs transmission, the risk for microcephaly at different have been successfully developed for other flavi- gestational ages, and whether any other factors may viruses as well as killed platforms. Live vaccines are contribute to the rise in reported microcephaly cases, generally believed to induce durable humoral and such as toxin exposure or other infections. Does preex- cellular immunity requiring fewer doses and boost- isting flavivirus antibody, particularly dengue antibody, ers. Killed (nonreplicating) vaccines may be used in from previous exposure, or maternally transferred anti- special populations (pregnancy, immunosuppressed) body predispose toward, or protect against, GBS and but may be less reactogenic, and they often require microcephaly? If preexisting flavivirus immunity is multiple doses, boosters, and possibly adjuvant to found to be protective, could existing flavivirus vac- improve immunogenicity. Questions surrounding cines be used to mitigate severe consequences of ZIKV vaccine viral strain selection also exist. Although ge- infection? netic homology between ZIKV strains circulating in Asia Other ZIKV vaccine development questions include and the Americas appears highly similar (>99% potential vaccine associations with GBS and fetal ab- identical), there is the potential that their clinical fea- normalities, whether live virus or replicating ZIKV vac- tures may differ (for example, the incidence of GBS cine platforms are viable options, and possible safety and complications of infection during pregnancy), and performance issues in flavivirus-primed (dengue, and the basis for this difference may affect vaccine Japanese encephalitis, yellow fever) populations. safety and performance. The ZIKV vaccine development pathway is also complicated by the absence of a validated animal SUMMARY model. The possibility of developing a human infection The current, explosive epidemic of Zika virus in the (challenge) model exists, but without clarity on the Americas marks a shift in the epidemiology of this virus cause and incidence of GBS after infection and the po- and its clinical features. Associations with GBS and birth tential for sexual transmission remote from infection, defects, most notably microcephaly, are concerning the risk may not be acceptable. In light of these con- and poorly understood. The scientific community has straints, how will performance of a ZIKV vaccine be much to learn about the transmission and pathogenesis measured? Early animal experiments and study of hu- of this virus, which complicates the assessment of risk man infection suggests that the antibodies generated to travelers and residents of epidemic areas as well as in response to infection are neutralizing in vitro and the development of accurate diagnostic tests, antiviral demonstrate efficacy in passive protection studies in agents, and vaccines. This review echoes a call to ac- small animals (3, 5, 6). Therefore, focusing on the mea- tion by the scientific community and highlights impor- surement of neutralizing antibodies for immunogenicity tant areas for future research. studies is reasonable. In contrast, for an infection that results in mild disease with a brief period of viremia, From the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota; phase 2b or 3 vaccine trials measuring clinical end U.S. Army Medical Directorate–Armed Forces Research

180 Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 165 No. 3 • 2 August 2016 Downloaded From: by Kevin Rosteing on 08/08/2016 The Emergence of Zika Virus REVIEW

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Current Author Addresses: Dr. Anderson: Department of Author Contributions: Conception and design: K.B. Ander- Medicine, University of Minnesota, MMC 741, Mayo Building, son, T.P. Endy. Minneapolis, MN 55455. Analysis and interpretation of the data: K.B. Anderson, S.J. Dr. Thomas: Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 503 Rob- Thomas. ert Grant Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Drafting of the article: K.B. Anderson, S.J. Thomas, T.P. Endy. Dr. Endy: Division of Infectious Diseases, State University of Critical revision of the article for important intellectual con- New York, Upstate Medical University, 750 East Adams Street, tent: K.B. Anderson, T.P. Endy. CPOB Suite 304, Syracuse, NY 13210. Final approval of the article: K.B. Anderson, S.J. Thomas, T.P. Endy. Administrative, technical, or logistic support: K.B. Anderson. Collection and assembly of data: S.J. Thomas, T.P. Endy. Annals of Internal Medicine • Vol. 165 No. 3 • 2 August 2016 Downloaded From: by Kevin Rosteing on 08/08/2016