Liberian Investigations



Donald H. Johnson APR 21 1969 DENVER and

Richard W

U. S. Geological Survey

U. S. Geological Surve OPEN FILE REPORT This report is preliminary and has not been edited or reviewed for confornity with Geological Survey and has not been edited or reviewed conformity with Geological Survey standards or nomenclature

Monrovia, Liberia



by Donald H. Johnson and Richard ".W. '^hite » * U. S. Geological Survey

January 1S39 INTRODUCTION . -. This compilation represents an attempt to list, as nearly as possible, aU references pertaining to the geology and mineral industry'of Liberia, and to indicate those that are held by the library of the Liberian Geological Survey. The bibliography is a contribution of the Geological Exploration and Resource Appraisal program, a combined effort of the Government of Liberia and the United'States Agency for International Development, carried out jointly by the Liberian Geological Survey and the United States Geological Survey. The references were compiled from many sources, including the card catalog of the U. S. Geological Survey library in Washington, the holdings of the Liberian Geological Survey libraryy various published bibliographies, references cited by authors of publications dealing with Liberian geology, and chance encounters in the literature. The list is admittedly incomplete, and readers are requested to call additional references to the attention of the compilers. References to mining, metallurgy, and mineral economics involving Liberia have been included, as have papers dealing with physical geography,. cartography, pedology, hydrology and related subjects. Because the present geological knowledge of Liberia depends heavily on comparison with other area* an extensive list of references to the geology of countries adjacent to Liberia and of the west African region is included. Because this bibliography has been compiled in part from other biblio­ graphies and authors' citations, and because we have not seen many of the references listed, some of the papers included here may not actually be ger­ mane to Liberian geology and mineral industry. Pending further evaluation, we have included all such dubious references so as not.to miss inadvertently a useful paper. For similar reasons we have listed a number of references for which such information as publisher, volume number, pagination, or date of ; publication is lacking.

The listing is strictly alphabetical by author, with no attempt at segre­ gation by country, subject, or other criteria. Publications held in the library of the Liberian Geological Survey in Monrovia are marked with an asterisk. . An effort ia being made to increase the library holdings through purchases, exchanges, and gifts. BIBLIOC3RAPHY (Author unknown), 1903, GoldinJLiberia: Liberia Bull. (Am. Colonization Soc, Washington), v. 22, p. 45-43. ______, 1905, Geography, resources, and inhabitants of Liberia: Smithsonian Inst. Kept.., p. 247-264.

. 1903, Liberia's new boundary: Am. Geog. Soc. Bull., v. 40, p. 21-22.

, Physiography of western Liberia: Scottish Geog. Mag., v. 24, p. 6G5-60-S.

, 1933, Climate and physiographic notes on French Guinea: Geog. Rev., v. 23, p. 243-253.

2 Abeele. M. Van den, 1941, L'eVosion, probleme africain6: Inst. royal colonial beige, Sec. sci. nat. et med., Mem., v. 11, no. 5, Sup.

Abrard, R., 1955, Une Operculine cordelee de 1'Eocene inferie'ur de la C3te d'lvoire; Qperculina (Nummulitoides) Tessieri n. subgen., n. sp.: Soc. geol. France Bull., ser. 6, v. 5, p. 489-493.

Adjanohoun, E., Bouet, J., and Ake Assi, L., 1966, Contribution a 1 '£tude palynologique de quelques pteridophytes de C3te d'lvoire: Univ. Abidjan, Annales, Sci., no. 2, p. 55-72.

*Afrique Occidental Fran9aise Direction Federale des Mines et de la Geologic, 1956, Carte Geologique de 1'A. O. F. a 1'Schelle du 2. (JOG. UOOe; Notice explicative de la feuille no. 2, Cote d'lvoire-Togo-Dahomey: French Equatorial Direction Federale Mines Geologic, Dakar, 34 p., map.

Aisenstein, B., 1968, Relation between geological site conditions and dam- designs in west-Africa (absi): Internat. Geol. Cong. > 23d, Prague 19o8, Rept., Abs. v. , p. 294-295.

* Alexander, L. T., and Cady, J. G., 1962, Genesis and hardening of laterite in soils: U. S. Department Agriculture Tech. Bull. 1232, 9'G p. ** . Alldridge, T. J., 1901, Sherbro and its hinterland: London,

Alien, G. M.. 1930, Birds of Liberia, ^n African republic of Liberia: Massa­ chusetts Dept. Tropical Med. and Inst. Tropical Biol. Med., Contr. no. 5, p. Alien, G. M., and Coolidge, H., 1930, Mammals of Liberia, in African republic of Liberia: Massachusetts Dept. Tropical Med. and Inst. Tropical Biol. Med., Contr. no. 5, p. 569-622.

Alien, P. M., 1966, Summary description of the geology of western Sierra | Leone: Research Inst. African Geology, Univ. Leeds, ICth Ann. g | Rept. Sci* Results, Sess. 1964-1965, p. 23-24.

J Alien, p. M., 1967, Geology of part of an orogenic belt in Sierra Leone: ^Pllll^.Univ. Leeds, unpub. Ph. D. thesis. - - "^-*:^s^ 'v " "'

5 Alien, P. M., 1968, Stratigraphy of a geosynclinal succession in western v,^^|| Sierra Leone, : Geol. Mag., v. 105; no. I/ p. 62-73.

I Alien, p. M., Snelling, N. J., and Rex, D. C., 1967, Age determinations IiSPllfSi*rom Sierra Leone, jja Variations in isotopic abundances of strontium," ?P^|ftf calcium^ and argon and related topics: M. L T. -1381-15, 15th Ann. wfJIS Progress Rept. 1987, Dept. Geology Geophysics, Massachusetts Inst. :"'"j^^-^Technology, Cambridge, p. 17-22. :.':'*':;' '. -.' ' ' .. I American University, Foreign Areas Studies Division, 19S4, *U. S. Army area handbook for Liberia: Washington, U. S. Govt. Printing Office, 419 p. 3 . Anderson, B. K., 1679, Map of the Republic of Liberia:

Andrews-Jones, D. A., 19ti6, Geology and mineral resources of the northern Kambui schist belt and adjacent granulites: Sierra Leone Geol. Survey Bull, c, ICO p., illus.

Andrews-Jones, D. A., 19cd, Petrogenesis and geochemistry of the rocks of the Ken em a district, Sierra Leone: Univ. Leeds, unpub. Ph.D. thesis.

* Andrews-Jones, D. A., 1953, Petrogenesis-and geochemistry of the rocks of - the Kenezna district, Sierra Leone (Ph.D. thesis abs.): Research Inst. African Geology, Univ. Leeds, 12th Ann. Rept. Sci. Results, Sess. 1966-1967, p. 20-21.

Apostolescu, V., 19cl, Contribution a 1'etude paleontologique (ostracodes) et .stratagraphique des bassins cretaces et tertiaires de 1'Afrique Occident ale: Inst. Fran9ais Petrole, Rev., v. 15, no. 7-8, p. 779-330 (incl. English, Spanish summ.), illus.

Archambault, J., 1938, Les gisements de bitume d'Eboinda (Cote d'lvoire): French Vvest Africa Service Minier Bull., v. 2, p. 33.

Archambault, J., 1938, Les indices petroliferes de la Basse C6te d'lvoire et de la Gold Coast: French 'West Africa Service Minier Bull., v. 2., p. 21.

Archambault, J., 1961, Les eaux souterraines de 1'Afrique Occidentale: . Nancy, Berber-Levrault, 137 p., illus. .

*Army Map Service, 1950-1953, Map of \\est Africa,. Series G.501 1:250,000: Army Map Service, 2 sheets in color.

Army Map Service, 1955, Map of \\est Africa, Series G.504 1:250, 000: Army Map Service, 3 sheets in color (9 sheets not published).

Arnaud, G., 1945, Les resources minieres de TAfrique occidentale: Anhales Mines Mem., v. 34, p. 639-738.

Arnaud, G., 1945, Les ressources minieres de 1'Afrique Occidentale: French Vv:est Africa Direction Minier Bull., v. 8,

Arnould, M., 1961, Donnees nouvelles sur les restes organiques de la serie e metamorphique precambrienne de la Comoe" (C6te d'lvoire): Univ. _; Clermont-Ferrand, unpub. thesis, 18 p., illus.

Arnould, M., 1961, Etude ggologique des migmatites et des granites du Nord- Est de la C6te d'lvoire et de la Haute-Volta meridionale: Bur. Recherche Geol. Minieres (Paris) Mem. 3.

, Arnould, M., 19Cl, Etude, geologique des migmatites et de granites precambrient du ^ordl-JJst de la CQte d'lvoire et de la Haute Volta xneridionale: Ivory Coast, Direction Geologic et Prosp. miniere Bull., no. 1, 150 p. ^rnouid, M. , Ayme, Iv*., and Guiiiaume, R., 196S, iSouveiie stratigraphie des series primaires du Nord de Fouta DJalon (Guinee, ): Soc. geol. France Bull., ser. 7, v. 1, p. 631-&34.

Arnould, M., Ayme, J. -M., and Guiiiaume, R., 1959, Nouvelle stratigraphie des gres primaires du Nord du Fouta-Djalon (Guinee, Senegal): Soc. geol. France comptes rendus, v. , no. , p. 53.

Association des Services Geologiques Africains, 1959, Symposium sur la geologic de 1'uranium en Afrique. Resume des communications pre­ sentees al'Association des Services Geologiques Africains. a Leopojd- ville, en juillet 1958: Chronique des Mines d'Outre-Mer et Recherche miniere, v. 27, no. 279, p. 277-331.

Association of African Geological Surveys, 1937, Bibliographic geologique de 1'Afrique centrale: Paris, Assoc. African Geol. Surveys, 300 p.

* Association of African Geological Surveys-UNESCO, 19C3, Geological map of Africa, 1*5,000,000: Paris, Assoc. African Geol. Surveys-UNESCO^ 9 sheets plus explanatory text. (Sheet 4 covers Liberia.)

Association of African Geological Surveys-UNESCO, 19S7, Geologic background map of Africa, 1:10, GOO, 000: Paris, Assoc. African Geol. Surveys- United Nations Educ. Sci. Cultural Organization, 1 sheet 100 x 92 cm.

Association of African Geological Surveys-UNESCO, 19c7, Background geologic map of Africa, 1:20, 000, 000: Paris, Assoc. African Geol. Surveys- United Nations Educ. Sci. Cultural Organization, 1 sheet, 64 x 53 cm.

Aubert de la Rue, E., 1928, Observations sur les gisements de manganese de la C6te d'lvoire: Soc. fran9aise Mineralogie, v. 51, p. 275-284.

*Axelrod, J. M., and others, 1951, Phosphate mineralization at Bomi Hills ' and Bambuta, Liberia, west Africa (abs.): Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. o2, no. 12, pt. 2, p. 1:421-1422: Am. Mineralogist, v. 37, no. 3-4, p. 284. - *Axelrod, J. M. ,'Carron, M. K., Milton, Charles, and Thayer, T. P., 1952, Phosphate mineralization at Bomi Hill and Bambuta, Liberia, west Africa: Am. Mineralogist, v. 37, p. 883-909.'

Ayme, J. -M., 1966, Senegal Salt basin, Jn_ (British) Institute of Petroleum, 1965, " Salt basins around Africa: London-New York, Elsevier Publishing Co., p. 83-90. Babet, V. / and-Furon, Raymond, 1935, Sur les formations £ontinentales post- hercyniennes de 1'Ouest africain: - Acad. sci. /ParisJ Comptes rendus, v. 201, p. 8u.

Bachelier, G., 1959, Etude pedologique des sols de Yaounde. Contribution & 1'etude de la pe*dogendse des sols ferrallitiques: Agronomic tropicale, v. 14, no. 3, p. 279-305, illus.

Bagarre, E., 19fc3, Geologie du gisement de manganese de .£temougoula et de la region environnante: Socie*te pour le DeVeloppemert Minier de la C6te d'lvoire (S.G.D. E.M.I.), Abidjan, Kept... , 31 p.,. illus. .

* Bagarre, E., 1965, Le Birrimien. Contribution au memoire explicatif a la . carte au 1/1 000 000 de la C6te d'lvoire: Societe" pour le Developpement Minier de la Cote d'Iv*ire(S. O. D. E. M. I.), Abidjan, Kept. 100, 30 p.

Bagarre, E., and Tagini, B., 1965, Carte geologique de la Cote-drlvoire, Schelle 1/1 000 000.-Abidjan, Direction Mines et Geologie.

* Baker, C. .G., and Bott, M. H. P., 1961, Gravity survey over the Freetown basic complex of Sierra Leone: Overseas Geology Mineral Resources, v. tf, no. 3, p. 280-27

* Baker, C. O. , Marmo, Vladi, and Wells, M. K., 195o f Ijolites at Songo, Sierra Leone: Colonial Geology Mineral Resources, v. 6, no. 4, p. 407-415. Sierra Leone Geol. Survey Dept. Short Paper no. 3.

Baker, J., 19^3, Flora of tropical Africa: Thiselton-Dyer,

Balakhshin, G. D. f Savrasov, D. I., and Federov, N. N., 19c'7, O vozmozhnosti primeneniya aeromagnitnoy c'J^yemki pri poiskakh kimberlitovykh i karbonatitovykh tel v Yakutii ^The possibility of applying aeromagnetic surveying to exploration for kimberlite and carbonatite bodies -in Yakutia/: Razved. Okhr. Nedr, no. 3, p. 43-46, illus.

Balkay, Balint, and Bardossy, Gy., 19t>7, Lateritesede*si r^szfolyamat- vizsgalatbk guineai lateriteken ^Study of fundamentaljjrocesses of lateri.1- zation of the laterites of Guinea/: Foldtani K5zl6ni^Budapest^/, v. 97, no. 1, p. 91-110 (incl. French summ.).

Bardet, M. G., 1951, Sur de nouveaux gisements diamantifdres dans le Birrimien infeVieur de Cote d'lvoire et remarques sur la geologic du diamant dans 1'Cuest africain: Chronique Mines d'Outre Mer, v. , no. 176, p. 90- .

Bardet; M. G.; 1956, Note sur la relation probable entre les lignes de fractures profondes de disjonction continentale et les venues diamantiferes de 1'Afrique: Chronique des Mines d'Outre-Mer..(Bur. d'Etudes G^ol. et Minieres Coloniales, Paris), Annales, v. 24, no. 235, p. 2-6, and no 238, p. 34-3U. 6 *3ardet, M. G, iiK3, ^aut -ii rechercher uu diamant; : Chronique des Mines et Recherche minidre, v. 31, no. 320, p. 201-203; no. 321, p. 233-240.

*Bardet, M. G., 1964, Controle geotechtonique de la repartition des venues diamantifSres dans le monde: Chronique de Mines et Recherche MiniSre, v. 32, no. 328-329, p. 67-89, illus., (English and Russian summ.).

Bardet, M. G., and Vachette, Michelle, 1986, Determination d'age de 'kimberlites de 1' Quest Africain et essai d1 interpretation des datations des diverses venues diamantife'res dans le monde: Third Colloquium on. African Geology, Brussells, April 1966.

Barrere, Jean, 1959, La presqu'He du Kaloum et le massif du Kakoulima (Republique de Guin£e): Ivory Coast Service de Geologie et Prpspectfon Minier Notes, no. 2, p. 7-44, illus.

Barrere, Jean, and Slansky, Maurice, 19C5, Notice explicative de la carte geologique au 2. 000. GGOe de 1'Afrique occidentale (republiques de- Cote d'lvoire, du Dahomey, de Guinee, de Haute-Volta, du Mali, de Mauritanie, du , du Senegal et du Togo): France,. Bur. Rech. Geol. Minieres Mem., no. 29, 120 p.

*Bassler, Fritz, 1956, Unerschlossene Wasserkrafte in Liberia: Die Wasser- wirtschaft, Stuttgart, v. 46, no. 6, p. 141-150.

Bassot, J. P., 19SO, Attribution au Cambro-Ordovicien des formation situees dans le triangle Dalafi-Younkounkoun-Kedougou (Sud-Est du Senegal): Acad. sci. ^JParis? Comptes rendus, v. 251, p. 112-114.

Bassot, J. P., 1966, Etude geologique du Senegal et de ses confins Guineo- Maliens: France Bur. Rech. Geol. Minieres Mem. 40, p. 7-207.

Bassot, J. P., 19dt>, Etude geologique du Senegal oriental et de ses confins guineo-maliens: Senegal Direction Mines Geologie Bull. 1, 322 p., illus.

Bassot, J. P., Bonhomme, M., Roques, M., and Vachette, M., 1963, Mesures d'ages absolus sur les series precambriennes et paleozolques du Senegal ' oriental: Soc. geol. France Bull., ser. 7, v. 5, no. 3, p. 401-405. (1984).

* Battelle Institute, 1963, Region of Monrovia. Geology: Uhpub. rept., City and Regional Planning, Monrovia/Liberia, v. 6, p. 191-:226.

1 Beall. J. V., 1962, Little shift in the big picture: Mining Eng., v. 14, no. 12, p. 35-39. / ^Behrend, Fritz, ed., 1942, Der geologische Bau, die nutzbaren Lagerstatten und die Bergwirtschaft Afrikas (Afrika, Handbuch praktischen Kolonial- wissenschaft): Berlin, V/alter de Gruyter & Co., 2 vol., pt. 1, North 'Africa, 315 p.; pt. 2, West Africa, 496 p.

Bell, W. D. M.. 1923, Wanderings of an elephant hunter: 7 fccquaert, J., 1830,. MeaigaJl and economic entomology In African republic of ' Liberia and the Belgian Congo: Massachusetts Dept. Tropical Medicine and Inst. Tropical Biol. Medicine, Contr. no. 5, p. 797-1CC1.

* Berge, J. ^., 1962,. Contributions to the petrology of the Goe Range area, Grand Bassa County, Liberia: Uppsala Univ., unpub. thesis, 53 p.

* Berge. J. W., 1964, General geology of the Nimba iron ore mine: The Liberiaa Naturalist, Nat. History Assoc. Liberia Jour., v. 2, no. 3 , Sept. , p. 16-1& no-. U, p. unknown.

* Berge, J. W., 19Go, Contributions to the petrology of the Goe Range'area, Grand Bassa Co., Liberia: Geol. Inst. Univ. Uppsala Bull., v. 43, nc^ 4-4, 24 p.

* Berge, J. W., 1960, Genetical aspects of the Nimba iron ores: Geol. Mining Metall. Soc. Liberia Bull., V. 1, no. 1, p. 36-43.

Bernazeaud, J», and Grimbert, A., 195£, Conditions de gisemejat et £ge de l^Uraninite du Bas-Cavally (C3te d'lvoire): Acad. sci. ^Paris/ Comptes rendus, v. 242, p. 2744-274e.

Berthois, Leopold,. 1967, La sedimentation,. en periode de crue dans le fleuve Konkoure (Republique de Guine*e) /Sedimentation during flood periods of the Konkoure river, Republic of finest/: Rev. Geog. Phys. Geol. Dynamique, Ser. 2, v. 9, no. 3, p. 253-262 (incl. English summ.).

Berthois, Leopold, and Le Galvez, Yolande, 19G6, fetude sedimentologique des dep3ts a Jullienella ffietida.de la region dfAbidjan (Cote d'lvoire): France Bur. Rech. Geol. Minie'res, Bull., no. 1, p. 45-55.

Besson, M., 1958, Indices et gisements de cuivre de 1'A. O. F. : French West Africa Service de Geologic et Prosp. minier Pub. 14, 19 p., illus.

* Beyer, M. G., 1959, Iron ores of the Nimba Range, Liberia, West Africa: Royal Inst. Technology, Stockholm, unpub.. thesis, 98 p.

Beyer, M., 1960, Geolog pa Nimba: Malm (Stockholm), v. 9, no. , p. 10.

Bischoff, Gerhard, 1964, Statische Gesetzmassigkeiten des basischen Decken- vulkanismus und deren Hinweise auf Vorgange im oberen Erdmantel mit Beispielen von Analogien aus Sildamerika und Afrika (Application of hydrostatic laws to analysis of the volcanism of basic plateau basalts and processes in the earth's upper crust; with examples from South ; America and Africa): Deutsche Geol. Gesell. Zeitschr., v. 116, no. 3, p. 813-831 (incl. English summ.) (1967). " '.

Bize, J. t 19G&, Application d1 observations geomorphologiques et hydrodynamiques a la prospection des nappes des terrains dfalte*ration en C3te d'lvoire et en Haute-Volta: Comite Inter-Africain d'fetudes Hydrauliques, Paris/ £3 p., annexes, illus. £._acl_, r-:utLC*i., .9^ ., Sur rexiate^ee d'une oro^enie ripiifienne en Afrique occidentale: Acad. Sci. (Paris) Comptes rendus, se"r. D, v. 262, no. 10, p. U4&-1C49.

* Black, Russell, 1967, Sur 1'ordonnance des chaines metamorphiques en Afrique Occidentale ^pn the order of metamorphic mountain chains in west Africa (with English summ. )J\ Chronique des Mines et RechercheS Miniferes v. 35, no. 364, p. 225-233.

Blyden, E. W., 1882, Chapter in the history of Liberia: Freetown,

Blyden, E. vv., 1887, Christianity, Isla-m and the negro race: London,

Boateng, E. A., 1956, Geography of Ghana, 2d. ed. : Cambridge, Univ. Press, 212 p., illus.

*B6ckh, E., 1964, Itabiritische Eisenerze in Liberia: Schr. Gesell. Deutscher Metallhutten- u. Bergleute, no. 14, 1964, p. 23-28.

* Bodon, L., 1951, Contribution a I 1 etude des granites birrimiens dans le Precambrien de I 1 Afrique Occidentale Fran^aise: French West Africa Direction Mines Bull. 12, 113 p.

* Bonne, R., 19£5, Bergbautechnische Probleme bei der Erschliessung uon Eisenerzlagerstatten: Haus d. tech. E. V. Essen - Vortragsueroffent- lichungen, no. 50, June 23, 19o5, p. 54-55.

* Bolgarsky, Michel, 1950, Etude geologique et description petrographique du sud-ouest de la Cote d'lvoire: French West Africa Direction Mines Bull. 9, 169 p., map.

* Bolgarsky, Michei, 1950, Notice explicative sur la feuille Tabou (N. B. 29 S. E. -E. 1): French West Africa Direction Mines Notice, 29 p., map.

Bpnhomme, Michel, 1961, Absolute ages in the Bouna granite massif in Upger Volta and In the V indane granite in Ivery Coast: Acad. sci. /Pairs/ \ Comptes rendus, v. 252, no. 25, p. 4016-4017. - * Bonhomme, Michel, 1962, Contribution a I1 etude geochronologique de la ^ Plate-forme de 1'Ouest africain: Fac. Sci. Univ. Clermont (France) Annales, no. 5, Geol. et Mineral, pt. 5, 62 p.

Bonnault, D., 1938, Le role de la laterite dans les formes du relief des environs de Bondoukou (C8te d'lvoire): French " V eet Africa, Service Mines Bull. 2, p. 49-52. ! Bouet, F.; 1910, Les Tomas: Paris, .

Bouige, L., and Bonnault, D., 1933, La serie arenacee dans le centre et dans 1'Est de la Cote d'lvoire: French West Africa Direction Mines Bull. 2, p. 57-c9.

Bourzeix, p. , 1887, Republique de Liberia: Paris, 9 *Jboyd, D. ?., 19. j, Nimba ore handling system: Geol. Mining Metail. tfoc. Liberia Bull., v. 1, no. 1, p. 55-58.

* Boyd, D. F., 19£7, Pelletizing process: Geol. Mining MetaLL Soc. Liberia Bull., v. 2, p. 29-35.

* Bracewell, Smith, 1962, Bauxite, alumina, and aluminium: Overseas Geol. Surveys, Mineral Resources Div., London, 235 p.

Eraithwite, vV., 1910, Prismatic compass traverse in Liberia, scale 1/500, 000th: Geo. Jour., v. 35, p. 356.

Briscoe, M. S., 195?, Ecological aspects of Liberia . . . vegetation on ground and aerial photography . . . distribution of parasites: Catholic Univ. America, Washington, D. C.

Briscoe, M. S., 1952, Relation of insects and insect-borne diseases to the vegetation and environment in Liberia: Ecology, v. 33, no. 2, p. 187.

(British) Institute of Petroleum, 19bc, Salt basins around Africa: London-New York, Elsevier Publishing Co., 122 p. * Bromery, R. W., 19o7, Application of airborne geophysical methods to mineral exploration and geologic mapping programs (abs.): Geol. Mining Metall. Soc. Liberia Bull. , v. 2, p. 95.

* Bromery, R. /V., 19C3, Feasibility study for an airborne geophysical survey of the Republic of Liberia: U. S. Geol. Survey open file rept., Proj. Rept. Liberia Inv. (IR) LI-1, 23 p.

Bruckner, W. D., 1957, Laterite and bauxite profiles of West Africa as an index of rhythmical climatic variations in the tropical belt: Eclogae geol. Helvetica (Lausanne), v. 50, no. 2, p. 239-25C.

Briickner, TO. D., 196u, Salt weathering and inselbergs: Nature, v. 210, no. 5033, p. 832.

Bruckner, V&. D., and Morgan, H. J. , 1984, Heavy mineral distribution on the continental shelf off Accra, Ghana, west Africa, in JDeltaic and shallow marine deposits (Internat. Sedimentol. Cong., Sth, Netherlands- Belgium 19G3, Proc.): Devel. Sedimentology, (Amsterdam, Elsevier Publishing Co.), v. 1, p. 54-bl.

Buell, R. L., 1928, Native problem in Africa: New York, 2 vol., .

Bullard, E. C., Everett, J. E., and Smith, A. G., 1965, Fit of the continents around the Atlantic, in Symposium on continental drift: Royal Soc. . . Trans. , v. 1088, p. 41-51. 10 Business wee-c, 194

Business \7eek, 1951, Liberia is newest foreign source for United States iron ore: Business Vv'eek, v. , no. , p. 24-25, 30 June 1951.

Buttikofer, 1335, Zoological researches in Liberia: Notes Leyden Mus. VII, Jentink, p. 129-25c.

Buttikofer, J. , 1385-1839, Zoological researches in Liberia: Leyden, Zapiski Museum,

Biittikofer, J., 1890, Reisebilder aus Liberia: Leyden, . 2 vol.,

Butt-Thompson, , 1929, ..West African secret societies: .

11 * Cahen, Lucien, 19ci, Review of geochr«n01ogical knowledge in middle and northern Africa: New York Acad. Sci. Annals, v. 91, pt. 2, p. 535-5^7,. illus.

* Cahen, Lucien, Macgregor, A. M., and Nel, L. T., 1953, Provisional table of radioactive ages in Africa south of the Sahara: Internat. Geol. Cong., 19th, Algiers 1952, Comptes rendus, sec. 1, v: 1, p. 5P-52.

Cahen; Lucien, and Snelling, N. J., 19 c, Geochronology of equatorial Africa: Amsterdam, North Holland Pub. Co.,

Callow, V/. J., and Hassall, G. I., 19t>8, National Physical Laboratory radio­ carbon measurements V: Radiocarbon, v. 10, no. 1, p. 115-118.

* Campbell, J. L. , and Sawyerr, J. L. F. , 19s7, Potable water supply develop- ment in the Republic of Liberia: Internat. Conf. on V'ater for Peace, Washington, 23-31 May 1967, Doc/22, 2 p.

Carrive, J. P., 1961, Rapport de prospection sur la chatne des Monts Nimba (Cote d'lvoire): Direction Geologie Prospection Miniere, Abidjan,

Carter, A., 1939, American roadbuilding in Liberia: Eng. News Rec., v. 123, p. 479-48C, 12 October 1939.

Ceston, J. M., 1911, Greegree bush (Initiation de la jeunesse) chez les Negres Golah, Liberia: Anthropos, v. t,

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