The University of Newcastle Uninews, September, 2000

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The University of Newcastle Uninews, September, 2000 development of the country's I:: • providing better 7 research base in the lead up to dle opJX>rtunities for graduates to link E next Federal election. We need to with business; and :::J ~ be in a good position for what I • improving access to -0 hope will be major enhancement relevant coursework postgraduate of the availability of research and progrJIllS. 0 infrastructure funding to Australia's For 'generating ideas': tn best researchers. ~ • increasing the ... An example of this agenda is Commonwealth's R&D tax 0 the repOlt from the Innovation concession rate to 130 percent; -(1) Sunmtit Implementation Group, • proViding a 'cash out' (.) which was released in August option for small and medium sized I:: ( enterprises; as index.html). The report arose from • doubling of funding for ..c: a National Innovation Summit ARC GrAnts over the next 5 years; 0 organised by dle Business Council and of Australia and the Federal • providing an incremental (1)• Govenunent in Februaty. 11le tax concession rdte of behVeen (.) .- 1'tX:ommendations, in a package 170-200 percent for R&D over and > designed to enhance Australia'S above a company's cunent level of innovation system, were released to R&D expenditure. Recently, I have been thinking Branch. Faculties will drive dlese the Prime Minister's Science, For 'acting on ideas': more and more aixlUt our future as new enterprises and have prime Engineering and hmovation • douhling funding for the a university. These thoughts have responsibility for providing the Council seven months after the Govenunent's Conunercialising been initiated by the university infrastructure and initial planning Summit. 11le report Wisely Emerging Teclmologies (Comet) recognised that Australia's Program; wide review of OUf cutTent and support. organisationalstruclUre and R&D centres have the international econonlic • establishing a national administrative arrangements which potential to enhance dle reputation competitiveness is dependent upon incubator program iYased on dle will be undertaken later thi'i and recognition of our research our 'ability to develop and utilise Building on Infonnation semester, and the 2001-2003 program.:.; and researchers and to new ideas and tedmology'. Technology Program (BITS); Profties discussions with DElYA establish a national and/or Recognised as essential to this • establishing a competitive lastmondl. international proftle. In addition, innovation enhancement process pre-seed fund for universities and Central to thi') review and dley may assist in obtaining further were: a world class research base; odler research organisations; and planning for the future is our goal re5C'arch grants, consultandes, easy pathways for the • inneasing support for of enhancement as a scholarships for research and commercialisation of new idC'As; international business R&D comprehcmive and research honours students, equipment and good access to the latest ideas and collaboration, including through intensive university across all of other infrastructure, as well as a teclmology; and a culture where CRCs. our major aea.demie are-dS. We are base for effective and successful innovation is actively pursued and It is an impressive and fortunate to have a substantial community, business and encouraged by businesses and ambitious report with a research base as well as a growing professional consultation. research institutions. comprehensive set of number of rese-.1rch postgraduate I urge all of our researchers to TIle recommendations are in recommendations commended for students. It was pleasing just last consider whether the current three areas: neating an ideas implementation by the Federal week to be able to celebrate the anangements are the most culture; generating ideas; and aC1ing Government. achievement of the milestone of effective for their research and on ideas. A fully comprehensive During a time when Austrdlia more than 1(X)() research students re5C'drch training agendas, and to program is envisaged in order for i<; hosting the Olympic Games and now undertaking their training contemplate associating with an this to be successful. winning medals due to excellence in sporting achievement, it would programs with us. established research centre, or For 'creating an ideas culture', establishing new research centre." the following initiatives were be pleasing to see this country as nlC university has also recently established a number of within dle university. This does not prorJa5e<[ outstanding in research, new research centres and ha..<; necessarily apply to everyone given • improving innovation development and in the streamlined the anangements for the nature of research in many awareness and sUpPJrting young commercialisation of our R&D dle establishment of these centres. afC'dS, which may be an intense and entrepreneurs; outcomes. For tllis to be acltieved, Substantial research and personal experience. Nevertheless, • enhancing entrepreneur­ substantial public and private development (R&D) groups within partidpation within a research ship as a di<;cipline in teaching investment will be required, as well faculties, schools and departments, centre may provide an edge in this progrdms in universities, VET as a strong commitment by institutions and schCXJls, including universities and other research as well a...:.; multidisciplin..1.ry groups very competitive world of seeking dut are organisationally based grant<;, infrastructure and online programs; institutions to succeed in their across these units, are advised to scholarships. • improving the quality of research agendas. consider establishing additional One can sense a growing tC'dChing, and increasing funded centres. MOOel con<;titutions are agenda for the Federal student enrolments in areas of Roger S. Holmes available from the Research Govenunent (and the Opposition skills shortage such as IT and Vlce-<1lancellor aruiPresident and Shadow Ministry) for the mathematics; Page 2 UNINEWS Malaysian graduation ceremony well attended More than 120 people graduated at the ftrst graduation ceremony held by the university in Kuala Lumpur in August.The ceremony, held in <l..<;sociation with one of the university's strategic partners, Institut Wira, was officiated by Deputy Chancellor Professor Trevor Wating and attended by the Vlce-Chanceliol~ Profes.,>or Roger Holmes, and other senior university officers. Graduates from Architecture, Building and Design, Arts ancl Social Sciences, Economics and Commerce, &Iucation, Engineering, Medicine and Health Sciences, and Science and Mathematk"S received their A,> a member of the Board of Malaysian Parliament and ha..,> licence in Malaysia. testamurs or celtmcates of Directors of Institut Wira, Tan Sri attended the United Nations The university also held dle participation. Data' Somasundram has been Assembly in New York as a biggest alumni dirmer ever held An honam!), degree was ulstnllnental in enabling the member of the Malaysian outside Australia, with more than presented to Tan Sri Dato' K R delivery of the university's delegation. 300 graduates from South East Somasundram, Executive postgraduate business programs TIle grJduation ceremony was Asia attending. The Warden of Chairman of Malaysia's National through a paltnership with the held on August 12 at the Hotel Convocation Jill Scott, who Land Finance Cooperative Society Institut. Born in 1930, he is Istana in Kuala Lumpur. It was attended dle dinner, held and the founder of Institut Wira, proficient in four languages and followed by the signing of an discus..<;ions with graduates on the for his contribution to education. was a founding member of the agreement with Sedaya College to formation of a University of Founded in 1960 by Tan Sli Malaysian Indian Congres..<;. He was deliver the university's Bachelor of Newcastle Alumni Chapter in Dato' Somasundram and the then also a member of the Senate of the Music degree program under Milaysia. Malaysian Minister of Works and Telecommunication'> Tun Sambanthan, the National Land Finance Cooperative Society was SIGNING fonned to prevent the fragmentation of mbber estates and has grown to be one of Malaysia's leading cooperative societies with 70,000 members. Under Tan Sri Dato' Dr SoIY1.1.sundram's Ie-ddership, the cooperative has helped with the education of children from c\i<;advantaged background<;, introducing several loon and scholarship schemcs. "I believe that education is the most unlxHtant vehicle to Bringing Newcastle's music to Malaysia -left to right: Acting Dean ofthe FaCility ofMusic at Sedaya College Mrs EfiZdbeth LOll, CEO and develop one's cllaracter, personality, President Dato' Peter Ng, Deputy Chancellor Trevor WIlring, Vice-Chancellor Proftilor Roger Holmes, and Dean ofthe FaCIlity ofMusic wisdom and sensibilities," he said. Proftssor Robert Constable September edition Enquiries regarding display Publisher Fran Flavel Designer Heather Redman adveltisement'> and design services Editor Kim Britton Editorial enquiries and -Jacky Kitcher, phone: ext 5594. Contributors Cae Pattison Cover pic: Bachelor of Commerce contributions should be directed to Classified advertisements and Mich.'l.el Stembeck student and swimming sensation the Editor, Uninews, Marketing other contributions for Etcetera Debbie Smith Justin Norris named Sports Person and Media Services, phone: should be sent to Rose Roohan, Lama Lewi<; of the Year at the Blue,> Dinner. 495618690r0412128727, phone: ext 6463, email: Photography Jolm Freund Photo republished courtesy of the emai1:[email protected]
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