
of Biodiversity, Your ref. Conservation and Attractions Our ref. CE0693/18,2017/005212 Office of the Director General Enquiries. Kathleen Lowry GOVERNMENT OF Phone. 92199109 WESTERN jjDepartment Email [email protected]

Mr Ross McKim Chief Executive Officer City of Greater Geraldton P0 Box 101 GERALDTON WA 6531

Dear Mr McKim


On 6 October 2017, the Premier, Hon Mark McGowan MLA announced that the McGowan Government would pursue the establishment of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands National Park. The national park is proposed to be created by July 2019 to commemorate the first sighting of the Abrolhos Islands by Captain Frederick de Houtman on 29 July 1619.

The Departments of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) and Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), have been tasked to create a Class A national park from islands included in the existing Houtman Abrolhos Nature Reserve, Class A, Reserve no. 20253. The islands to be included in the proposed national park are listed at Attachment 1 and depicted on the maps at Attachment 2.

The creation of the national park is intended to protect environmental and heritage values of the islands, whilst providing for tourism to the islands and creating economic development opportunities for the Midwest. The fishing industries, aquaculture and other marine focused primary industries will continue on the islands that remain part of the Houtman Abrolhos Nature Reserve. The nature reserve will remain under the care, control and management of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD).

The City of Greater Geraldton (COGG) is an important stakeholder for the creation of the National Park. Consultation commenced with key stakeholders at the Tourism Summit hosted by the COGG in March 2018. Additional consultation occurred on 23 October at the COGG offices to key stakeholders by DBCA, DPIRD and the WA Museum. I would like to thank your staff for their support in providing valuable information on the proposed national park planning process.

An interagency committee has been established between DBCA and DPIRD to ensure agreement on the national park boundary and operational management of the islands post creation of the national park. Discussions have commenced with DPLH in relation to the registration of the Houtman Abrolhos Islands as part of the State Heritage Register. It was agreed this process will commence with DPIRD, DBCA and the Commercial Fishing Industry as part of a future lease

PARKS AND BOTANIC GARDENS WILDLIFE PerthZoo RO1NEST L & PARKS AUTHORITY SERVICE U SAVING WILDlIFE 17 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington WA 6151 Post: Locked Bag 104, Bentley DC WA 6983 Phone: (08) 9219 9000 www.dbca.wa.gov.au

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2 planning process for the islands. National Heritage sites on the islands will become part of the national park and managed by DBCA in partnership with the Western Australian Museum.

Recreation planning has commenced with relevant stakeholders for the planning for recreation activities and facilities (a recreation master plan) and a management plan that will provide guidance on future management of the national park when it is created.

I ask that you assist this process by providing:

• relevant comments on the proposed national park, tourism, conservation, economic, heritage and other activities you would like this area to provide; your support for the creation of the proposed Class A national park as described at Attachment 1; and

• your consent to a public access easement on Rat Island in the over a portion of Reserve 20253 between the public jetty and the proposed national park to ensure legal public access between the water and the airstrip (Map F).

National parks are areas of land set aside for the protection of conservation values, the facilitation and management of recreational activities (including tourism) and the interpretation of cultural and historic values. These areas are managed to balance the need for conservation whilst allowing some economic activities that are compatible with the conservation values of the land. Management of the national park will be conducted by DBCA in accordance with the Conservation and Land Management Act 1984 (CALM Act) in consultation with DPLH, DPRID, the fishing industry and other stakeholders. Where appropriate, leases and licences could be granted in accordance with the CALM Act to allow tourism ventures and other appropriate economic activities.

To assist DPLH and DBCA with completing this proposal within a condensed timeframe, can you please provide any comment on the proposed national park and the activities this park may offer. Given the condensed timeframe for national park creation, it would be appreciated if comments can be provided by 30 November 2018 as these will be provided to DPLH for review and consideration in actioning the above.

I look forward to receiving your comment on and support for the national park. Should you require further information about this proposal, please contact Ms Kathleen Lowry on (08) 9219 9109 or kathleen. lowry(ädbca.wa.qov.au.

Yours sincerely


8 November 2018


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Attachment 1. Proposed Houtman Abrolhos Islands National Park Area and Boundary

As agreed by DBCA and DPIRD 25 October 2018

Island Group Island Comments Actual watermark Current title and plan and Map boundary of the national park

NORTH ISLAND North 1. Land leased to the Body Corporate High water mark LR 3112/263, Lot 12279 Map A is to be excluded from the national park; on Plan 193982 2. Lease area H612370 around the lighthouse will be included in the national park and the existing LR 3079/256, Lot 11785 MOU between DPIRD and AMSA to be on Plan 188937 transferred to DBCA possibly as a lease under the CALM Act WALLABI East Wallabi Uninhabited. Include in the national park High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 Map B DBCA proposes to include in the national park an area on Plan 28084 Map C- Jetty of water extending 150 m seaward and 150 m wide that includes the existing jetty and allows for future upgrades. (Map C) West Wallabi Land leased to the Wallabi Group Body Corporate is to High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 be excluded from the national park. Remainder on Plan 28084 included in the national park Long Uninhabited. Include in the national park High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 on Plan 28084 Little Pigeon Whole island not included in the national park N/A N/A

Alcatraz Whole island not included in the national park N/A N/A

Pigeon Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Map D- Jetty Beacon Uninhabited. Include in the national park High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 DBCA proposes to include in the national park an area on Plan 28084 of water extending around 100r seaward and 100 m wide that includes the existing jetty and allows for future upgrades. A MOU will be established with the WA Museum under the Maritime Archaeology Act 1973 for appropriate protection of heritage values of the island

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EASTER Leo Land leased to the Easter Group Body Corporate is to High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 Map E be excluded from the national park. Include remainder on Plan 28084 in the national park Map F- Rat Island Rat A. Land leased to the Easter Group Body Corporate High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 is to be excluded from the national park on Plan 28084 B. The land of the Reserve east of a line between 28 42.903S 113 47.219E and 28 42.925S 113 47.218E that is not within the Body Corporate lease is to be excluded from the national park (contains DPI RD research station). A public access easement is proposed between the public jetty and the proposed national park to ensure legal access between the water and the public airstrip. C. DPIRD aquaculture sites are to be excluded from the national park Remainder included in the national park Little Rat Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Roma Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Bushby Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

PELSAERT Post Office Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A Maps G-I

Coronation Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A Island

Newman Land leased to the Southern Group Body Corporate is High water mark LR 3157/32, Lot 12623 to be excluded from the national park. Include on Plan 28084 remainder in the national park

Burnett Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

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Basile Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Foale Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Jackson Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Nook Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Robertson Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Newbold Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Rotondella Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A

Uncle Margie Whole island not included in national park N/A N/A (Mangrove)

Pelsaert All areas included in the national park, including lease High water mark LR 3112/264, Lot 12280 area H612369 around the lighthouse and MOU on Plan 193981 transferred from DPIRD to DBCA with AMSA possibly LR 3086/988, Lot on as a lease under the CALM Act Plan 93490 ALL GROUPS All non-body To be included in the national park High water mark N/A corporate lands on all other islands Terrestrial All existing terrestrial navigational aids excluding N/A N/A navigational Aids lighthouses to remain under the management of the (excluding Department of Transport lighthouses) All other There are a large number of very small to small High water mark N/A uninhabited islands and emergent rocks in the Abrolhos Groups of islands and Islands to be included in the national park Small Emergent Rocks

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Abbreviations: DPIRD-Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Former Fisheries) DBCA-Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (Former Parks and Wildlife) MOU-Memorandum of Understanding AMSA-Australian Maritime Safety Authority CALM Act - Conservation and Land Management Act 1984

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Scanned and Imported into City of Greater Geraldton TRIM System by eleanorf on 20181114 1029014 of pages:16 D-18-094314 Attachment 2


Wallabi Group

w Jim ge



Easter Group



/ GPetsaertGroup

Proposed Houtman Abrolho: Islands National Park Legend

Proposed National Park - DBCA f Houtman Abrothos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) / Body Corporate excluded from National Park Existing Leases Aquaculture Sites DPIRD ,' Proposed Jetty Area and National Park -

- National Heritage Area - Shipwreck Site and Survivor Camps Mid-West Aquaculture Development Zone -

Fish Habitat Protection Areas DPIRD

5000 metres 0 5 10 15 20 25km I I M Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) adopting the Map Grid of Australia (MGA); Horizontal datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) WGOVERNMENT OF Projection: UTM Zone 49 (108 to 114 degrees East longitude) AUSTRALIA

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MapA.0 NorthIsland

The Flat

Jr Suda Bay Passage

I Record — Hill All p


Proposed Houtman Abro ihos Islands Park NationalLegend Barker Passage Proposed National Park - DBCA Houtman Abrolhos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) Body Corporate excluded from National Park Existing Leases 500 metres 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5km I I R1 M Aquaculture Sites DPIRD I—I"I—I" Department of Biodiversity, ,' Proposed Jetty Area and National Park Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) adopting the Map Grid of Australia (MGA); Horizontal datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) Conservation and Attractions Mid-West Aquaculture Development Zone Projection: UTM Zone 49 (108 to 114 degrees East longitude)

Fish Habitat Protection Areas DPIRD Map produced by the Ofhc of information Management, Geographic information Services on the 28th of September 2018 from spatial data held by the Department at time of pubIIcaton GOVERNMENT OF I The Dept. of B,odiversity. conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or Other consequence v/neS may arise from relying on any information depicted - Scanned and Imported into City ofGreater Geraldton TRIM System by eleanorf on20181114 102901 # ofpages: 16 D-18-094314

MapB: Wallabi Group


Point CFish.TLi(N5Bj



! Recruit Bay C PW Ta L)UI b'C dEC'11'. d Island*rn stone - Jslanai Pelican Point Pigeon IslanAll Seagull 04 Is I a' . J an •70V •r - - - - V / Alcaira° / - > Pelican / / / / Is/and. / Fa f I Little Sftelter Reef It //' / r I / Jtercatc/ier Horse/d f'asternIsland I Slhter Point / w S Plover /- V - Long Island — / Wann Island Island Hedda Wreck

V I_I Hadda Wreck '1/all Island / keacon Oyster Cliffs L. Shag Rock - is.. 20253 Island Dakin Sister r Island)!S First e I Morning Reef

Snake Flat R 2025 / Second Sister / )rpr,/ / / / / C Passage Eagle Point di R 20253 ,eaI Island West Reef ..... The Lagoon Proposed Houtman Abroihos Islands National Park --...... • Batavia Wreck J Legend 'Third Sister — Proposed National Park - DBCA Houtman Abroihos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) Dick Is/and Body Corporate excluded from National Park Existing Leases Aquaculture Sites DPIRD - s Proposed Jetty Area and National Park Noon Reef V On National Heritage Area Batavia Shipwreck Site and Survivor Camps " - V Mid-West Aquacuhure Development Zone - i55rerr, 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5km Department of Biodiversity, o VV Fish Habitat Protection Areas DPIRD Crazy I 4 Conservation and Attractions the tap G040t Auntata (SCsi. tor!550td datum. G000mtro Qatar, olGotraSa Its iGOt59ai hnisiha, Utn Zoos 49108 to lit degrees had hratiatol Corner GOVERNMENT OF - WESTERN AUSTRALIA Map produced by the CRc ot,nfonnatton Management, Geographic Information Services on the 28th of September 2018 from spatiai data held by the Department at time of pubiication, The Dept. of etodivesfr, conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map Is without law of any kind and disclaims ail liability to, any errors. loss or other consequence winch may dose from relying on any information depicted.

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Map C: Fish Point Proposed Jetty Area Ak

Turtle Bay

Wallabi Group

:1' IuIF 4•

Proposed Houtman Abroihos Islands National Park Legend

Recruit Bay — Proposed National Park - DBCA Houtman Abroihos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) .) Proposed Jetty Area and National Park

a 500 metres 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5km

Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) adopting the Map Grid of Australia (MGA); Horizontal datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) Projection: UTM Zone 49 (108 to 114 degrees East longitude)

Map produced by the Off/c of information Management Geographic Information Services on the 28th of September 2018 from spatial data held by the Department at time of publication. The Dept. of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence which may arise from relying on any information depicted.

Scanned and Imported into City of Greater Geraldton TRIM System by eleanorf on 20181114 1029014 of pages: D-18-094314 Map 0: Beacon Island Proposed Jetty Area

and Wallabi Group

II ) R 20253

Proposed Houtman Abroihos Islands National Park Legend

— Proposed National Park - DBCA 50 metres 0 50 100 150 200 250m Houtman Abroihos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) I Proposed Jetty Area and National Park

Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) adopting the Map Grid of Australia (MGA); Horizontal datum: Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) Projection: UTM Zone 49 (108 to 114 degrees East longitude)

Map produced by the Offic of information Management, Geographic Information Services on the 28th of September 2018 from spatial data held by the Department at time of publication. The Dept. of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map is without flaw of any kind and disclaims all liability for any errors, loss or other consequence which may arise from relying on any information depicted.

114 102901 :T ofpages D-18-094314

MapE,m Easter Group

R 2025 -. Little North Island

Gilbert '5 - Is/tind Bvnoe Island Helms Island

White 1-A)' ' Dan 01,041 Alexander - Is/and ••- I Island Stokes Island .. • ,) Island R 20253 Good Friday Bay Joe Smii/t Island1 Su'rventy S Island Gibson Is ALeo s/attdAf

VIlipbelt R 2025 Is/and

White Bank



F uomi

Bushbi hand

Little Rat Island / Island

— . g Rosen / IslandLittleIs/and /' IShearwater Roma Is/and.

(Dry Island R 20253 (rake Is/isis!

Ylmorlei Island

R 2025 Wooded li/am! Proposed Houtman Abroihos Islands National Park Legend

Proposed National Park - DBCA Houtman Abrolhos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) Body Corporate and other land excluded from National Park Existing Leases Aquaculture Sites DPIRD Alia¶ndy Aquaculture Development Zone Island Mid-West Fish Habitat Protection Areas DPIRD

Disappearing Island 1000 metros 5 1 5 3 4 5km I _a_ —J— Mu-BiodiverSity, Department of Projeetcor Universal Transverse Mercator sin) adopting the Rap Grid lfovstr,ia Moo); Horizontal datum Geocentric Saturn of ovttrala 1994 (G5h94) Attractions I Conservation and Projection: UTM Zone 49(1080114 degrees East longitude) GOVERNMENT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA Map produced by the 0Cc of information Management, Geographic Information Services on the 28th of September 20 IS from spatial data held by the Department at time of publication. The Dept. of Biodonertaly, Conservation and Attractions does not guarantee that this map in without flaw of any hod and disclaims all liability for any errors. 10015, other c0n00n50e00e which may arise from relying on any nformat ion depicted.

- Scanned and Imported into City ofGreater Geraldton TRIM System by eleanorf on20181114 102901 i/ofpages: 16 D-18-094314

MMap Group Map Fw Rat Island

4 1

Proposed Houtman Abroihos Islands National Park Legend

- Proposed National Park - DBCA Easter Group Body Corporate lands (A) Excluded from National Park, Proposed Public Access Easement (B) CJ Aquaculture Sites - DPIRD (C)


1000 metres 0 1 2 3 4 5km

cram ore, aroii c,-naorr oar.rro'arrr, Department of Biodiversity, a or Conservation and Attractions

Map produced by the OffIc of information Management, Geographic Information Sem,ceo on the 10th of October 2018 from spatiai data held by the Department at time of put,ficaf,ori. GOVEANMENI OF The Dept. of Bisdiversity, Connematmn and AU racbOns does not guarantee that thin in kind and disclaims all liability for Inns other which arise from WESTERN AuSTRALIa map wrihnut flaw of any any errors, om consequence may relying on any information 11*

- Scat3iand Imp too ofGfeatGiFdiiTRIMISvstem y e eanor on or pages: to D-18-094314

Proposed Houtman Abroihos MapG,n Islands National Park R 20253 Proposed::Legend

Sandy — tional Park - DBCA West HoutmanAbrolhos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) Island Body Corporate excluded from National Park Existing Leases Aquacutture Sites DPIRD Ir u I Mid West Aquaculture Development Zone Jf.çttJ'_ - ... Fish Habitat Protection Areas DPIRD

- Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions


Gun Island it Stick Island R 2025

Murray Is/and

R 20253 8/s/and

. R 20253

------3 Is/and 7 Is/and 2/s/and .' 1/s/and Sid Liddon Is/and Davis Island Middle Island

Sweet Island .. .. I!iUhiT... 500 metres 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5km -j

Map prod—of by the 0fVn ofivto,mat,os Mavagemevt. Geographic information SRtViCRS on the 28th of September 2018 from spatial data held by the napalm Ret at time of pubi,catvn. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) adopting the Map Grid of Australia (MGA); Horizontal datum: of Australia 5994 (00A94) Corsomabov gvamsiov dsciavns ail liability Projection: Geocentric Datum The Dept oiB4O0oers,ty, aiid.Aihaoiiovs does not that this maps without Vaoo of any hoed and for any so-sm, loss slather 00000qu0000 ecineh may wise from relying an any oiforanahoit depicted. Projection: UTM Zone 49 (108 to 114 degrees East longitude)

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I ProposedHoutman Abrolhos

IslandsNational Park Map H: Pelsaert Group East 2I



— R Proposed National Park — DBCA Houtman Abroihos Nature Reserve R20253 (DPIRD) Body Corporate excluded from National Park Existing Leases EJ Aquaculture Sites DPIRD Mid-West Aquaculture Development Zone The Coral Patches Fish Habitat Protection Areas DPIRD

250 metros 0 0.25 U.S 0.75 1 0.25km

Post Proleorron- UnIners crartoersa Mercator (UTM) adoptjng the Map Und cfoustralia MOO); flOn000tat datum 00000n1rt0 Datum at euniraha 1994 1000941

0oj0000 0191 Zone 09108 to to degrees last 11941000) Off' Tray/a Newman The Nook Uncle Island Island uncle Is and Island Margie Diver '. '. Burton Islan Island f\JIslandIL Nook Island / C ron at/on Island 41- Jackson Burnett Island R 20253 Lagoon -Island / Island r Rottondeila Basile Island/ St Island R 2025 1 Foale * Island Iris Refuge Islan Newbold Island o, Department of Buodiversity, a Conservation and Attractions J Robertson Island

GOVERNMENT OF WESTERNAUSTRALIA snto0000000004 tIe crop crtntcem3000 Management, Ge091tohtc lntorrrraaon DeMons 10010 ZerO Ofoa0100,tberptl 00cm ccatratdara 40001 roe 000001rmarrrert/rr000tpsettratlert the Depr or9p00rernr5 000eeonetena000flrt000 dcen ncrgnieracrr,, Oral De000ag re certtnorrtacn scary oIeanddrectamsattaortr9 facto9 error. 030 ernoe100,reeqoo,rcs ndrrmeye.noefrorn $00100 arlr:rnomc00000eprorog, ______

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