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WA999 Wallabi Group 999 WA HOUTMAN ABROLHOS - WALLABI GROUP WALLABI - ABROLHOS HOUTMAN SEE RELATED PUBLICATIONS: Notice to Mariners (http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/imarine/coastaldata/), Symbols, Abbreviations DEPTHS IN METRES and Terms (INT 1), Tide Tables, Sailing Directions. For surveys beyond this chart refer to RAN Charts AUS 83 and AUS 751. E= 7 52 000 E= 7 60 000 E= 7 68 000 E= 7 76 000 34' 35' 36' 37' 38' 39' 113°40' E 41' 42' 43' 44' 45' 46' 47' 48' 49' 52 46 44 43 42 44 28° 13' 24" S 51 49 113° 40' E Zone of Confidence (ZOC) Diagram 28° 13' 24" S 28° 13' 24" S HOUTMAN ABROLHOS AUSTRALIA - WEST COAST 50 48 43 CHART LAYOUT WESTERN AUSTRALIA 113° 49' 48" E 14’ 14’ 113° 49' 48" E 46 46 113° 49' 48" E 52 HOUTMAN ABROLHOS C 46 WALLABI GROUP 41 36 SCALE 1 : 50 000 000 44 72 44 46 68 DEPTHS 41 N= 23 44 Depths are shown in metres and decimetres, reduced to Sounding Datum, which is 15’ 35 approximately lowest water level. 15’ 21 B HEIGHTS Heights are shown in metres. Underlined figures are drying heights above Sounding 11 30 13 Datum. Overhead clearance heights are above Highest Astronomical Tide. All other 000 16 8 8 2 29 heights are above Mean Higher High Water. 72 128 C 68 62 POSITIONS 24 6 41 N= 6 Positions on this chart are referenced to the Map Grid of Australia, Zone 50, 18 43 Wallabi Group WA 999 Side A based on the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94). For GPS use, this 28 4 approximates WGS84. 12 38 113° 33' 06" E 28° 34' 48" S 16’ 32 PROJECTION 16’ 4 ZOC CATEGORIES 5 4 Universal Transverse Mercator. 20 3 The Big Breaker 22 (For details see Australian Seafarers Handbook AHP 20) 2 Position Depth (d) Seafloor 40 4 32 ZOC SOURCES 36 Accuracy Accuracy Coverage 49 93 From the latest information available to Department of Transport, 2016. 143 6 All significant 7 = 0 50m 3 10 A1 5m seafloor features 5 + 1%d NAVIGATION MARKS 78 detected. The 25 42 IALA Maritime Buoyage System - Region A (Red to Port). 28 6 6 All significant = 1 00m 8 A2 20m seafloor features 40 4 Flat + 2%d CHART AMENDMENTS 4 detected. 4 2 12 34 The information provided on this chart is correct at time of publication. As this 33 Uncharted features information is subject to change, ensure the latest version of the chart is used at = 1 00m hazardous to surface 28° B 50m 41 28° all times and is kept up-to-date with reference to the following: 17’ 17 + 2%d navigation are not 30' 30' 46 17’ 26 xxx 7 expected but may exist. S S Notices to Mariners 15 = 2 00m Depth anomalies 37 Pas C 500m Changes of a safety or navigational nature will be reflected in Notices to a Bay sage + 5%d may be expected. Sud 35 Mariners. Current Notices are available from DoT chart sales offices, approved Large depth anomalies 10 D Worse than ZOC C chart agents and at http://www.transport.wa.gov.au/imarine/coastaldata/. may be expected. 26 62 Easter Group WA 998 Side A Navigable Waters Regulations 111 Unassessed - The quality of the bathymetric Changes to Navigable Waters Regulations are published in the Western 26 U 42 68 data has yet to be assessed. Australian Government Gazette. Regulations for Navigable Waters can also be 23 found at http://www.slp.wa.gov.au/gazette/gazette.nsf. 27 Marine Protected Areas 112 17 35 Refer to Department of Fisheries and Department of Parks and Wildlife 62 113° 33' 06" E publications for the latest information. Fl(3) 30s 18m 15M North 28° 34' 48" S 18’ 32 Latitude Hill 37 18’ 113° 40' E TIDAL INFORMATION AND SOUNDING DATUM 32 Island 13 28 64 Lattitude Longitude Heights in metres above datum 22 Place 61 °S °E HAT MHHW MLHW MSL MHLW MLLW LAT Record Hill 44 39 28 24 39 39 Rat Island 28°43' 113°47' 1.31 0.93 0.73 0.68 0.60 0.46 0.10 30 36 32 36 Proposed Pelsaert Group WA 997 Side A 18 25 Geraldton 28°47' 114°35' 1.36 1.00 0.78 0.75 0.66 0.51 0.15 33 38 17 350 0 010 020 340 31 030 39 38 113 er 28 330 7 Bark Passa 5 ge 31 040 19’ 38 LOGARITHMIC NOMOGRAM SPEED - DISTANCE - TIME 44 19’ 35 320 4 38 29 5 050 16 030 To find Speed, Distance or Time Interval, draw a line through any two factors, then interpolate for 20 310 34 330 the unknown factor. eg. A distance of 10 nautical miles in 120 minutes means a speed of 5 knots. 4 38 1°12'W 2016 (0'E) 000 23 36 060 30 SPEED 1.0 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 000 64 Reef Observation Area 300 18 (Knots) 68 060 37 64 126 070 29 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2 4 6 8 10 15 20 30 40 50 68 37 DISTANCE 68 N= 4 32 18 28 290 300 38 (Nautical Miles) 29 36 N= 24 080 TIME INTERVAL 6 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 90 120 180 11 (Minutes) 23 280 Example 29 175 090 090 37 20’ 33 7 20’ 270 27 270 36 36 260 26 14 4 32 35 100 The location of points on this chart are referenced to the Geocentric Datum of 26 3 25 35 31 Australia 1994 (GDA94) and will differ by approx 200m to the same points 45 24 32 3 250 33 shown on charts referenced to the Australian Geodetic Datum 1984 (AGD84). 29 5 7 240 26 2 120 110 34 11 All depths and heights remain the same. 5 25 9 17 36 For further information, contact Department of Land Administration on (08) 9273 7133. 5 240 22 28 29 22 Assail 2 102 120 25 36 34 3 23 17 19 185 106 16 22 4 99 230 210 25 25 28 150 191 9 130 METRES 000 1 23 18 23 21’ WARNING 14 9 2 32 180 32 12 Bank 21’ 30 7 194 220 31 2 34 During moderate to heavy seas, 76 14 27 18 140 31 South Passage may close off and 26 16 12 4 42 become unsafe for navigation. 11 ssage 27 29 210 26 4 Pa 13 24 150 20 2 25 200 h 85 4 19 160 28 10 000 METRES 000 10 t 23 35 25 Sou 20 190 180 170 27 125 6 135 11 169 29 2 24 4 14 14 29 36 24 3 2 31 176 24 40 42 6 2 186 0 17 123 13 25 4 3 31 9 000 9 8 16 10 26 32 31 23 3 26 25 29 4 108 175 20 5 172 25 31 34 108 165 22’ 22’ 7 5 7 135 19 20 175 31 26 000 1 26 Beagle 27 36 7 26 19 33 6 22 20 5 11 126 36 8 000 8 8 14 4 121 3 32 Knoll 2 108 12 28 29 41 28 5 22 29 34 4 20 30 5 14 183 31 22 16 174 27 2 20 34 62 22 15 24 187 202 26 99 22 46 8 000 2 3 24 Acute 182 29 45 INDIAN 27 29 40 15 32 7 000 7 10 14 18 1 8 20 4 Bank 4 16 29 178 92 31 27 178 23’ 142 23’ 23 23 25 32 41 24 21 30 178 68 19 11 25 104 29 20 22 182 36 29 000 3 27 13 13 000 4 1 20 25 50 114 33 43 6 000 6 32 56 12 8 11 29 2 7 28 68 2 25 12 24 24 162 25 20 25 N= 23 34 28 29 000 42 16 162 14 66 32 92 168 4 25 56 134 24 24 23 32 000 4 68 15 39 16 25 15 1 34 29 95 13 27 72 9 6 19 99 12 27 N= 8 5 000 5 21 63 63 17 39 13 21 23 45 24’ 99 7 8 15 31 29 24’ 23 12 8 20 13 4 32 5 25 19 25 13 4 9 18 162 102 12 20 43 85 56 6 27 55 20 148 58 19 27 3 23 143 6 115 1 21 34 3 14 2 53 198 4 6 1 7 37 23 000 5 47 12 185 5 7 4 16 6 9 11 8 8 102 7 8 9 4 9 6 4 000 4 5 14 6 5 17 28 33 24 13 9 5 3 18 5 62 8 26 3 16 8 32 3 84 18 5 10 155 38 3 6 11 66 7 1 34 2 10 9 2 45 30 4 6 7 4 8 2 82 25 23 58 4 36 15 36 3 4 10 5 9 12 2 33 6 8 8 23 2 10 5 13 44 3 11 49 18 40 28 9 10 10 6 3 9 1 84 3 149 24 24 10 3 8 15 8 3 8 8 7 6 2 12 28 2 8 62 3 21 12 85 13 4 4 20 28 75 16 3 6 11 2 14 30 000 6 3 3 2 5 27 2 62 84 5 13 3 5 7 2 23 59 9 39 7 4 5 3 36 39 5 11 3 000 3 25’ 10 7 85 142 25' 2 123 6 2 3 49 7 6 13 116 45 19 2 15 124 3 9 3 47 88 17 6 12 11 4 2 6 62 5 37 8 12 15 2 38 11 3 2 9 8 3 4 2 191 9 102 23 7 4 9 7 3 40 6 4 5 8 3 4 134 27 18 87 36 11 9 28 8 6 2 3 2 2 8 25 North 10 9 9 13 4 72 4 9 6 8 12 6 9 28 9 7 2 3 6 3 8 26 9 11 8 4 2 2 85 6 3 3 19 23 8 2 6 2 43 5 East 22 2 8 5 4 37 23 99 000 7 12 88 1 4 4 9 3 7 139 42 46 72 37 8 2 2 8 6 3 5 54 1 31 9 9 8 2 69 2 57 35 8 40 Reef 16 2 000 2 9 3 43 6 7 9 6 3 6 1 43 2 4 17 24 53 12 2 8 2 3 7 5 25 8 19 7 7 48 6 24 25 4 2 4 68 5 99 9 2 3 78 3 7 2 2 16 6 41 3 13 8 6 8 9 2 Fl R 3s 6m 5M 21 3 2 5 2 28 5 FISH POINT 183 49 5 1 6 4 8 7 194 17 8 6 4 3 3 6 2 6 6 2 34 8 15 12 74 3 6 2 168 16 23 8 10 23 3 4 8 62 27 6 7 5 62 38 6 3 7 23 4 3 8 21 31 24 199 41 8 99 18 20 000 8 8 4 28 6 8 5 6 26' 7 8 6 91 26 25 20 26' 6 49 57 3 5 1 18 181 3 176 18 44 3 8 8 63 8 4 1 000 1 10 43 8 2 6 41 56 6 68 7 25 20 2 Airstrip 11 18 50 22 55 6 17 17 21 2 31 30 18 18 6 4 6 8 146 6 8 1 162 5 8 26 38 204 16 22 8 78 3 5 22 2 East Wallabi 4 8 28 46 7 5 7 66 1 17 98 9 19 6 5 3 89 9 2 Island 18 13 133 27 2 96 4 3 197 7 89 8 8 35 16 23 4 4 22 6 18 2 8 31 10 8 8 71 144 198 6 15 202 22 133 56 2 87 8 94 10 12 23 3 9 18 44 000 9 35 5 7 151 88 38 3 14 12 Q 5M 74 0 16 2 24 22 14 11 5 7 57 2 105 33 3 1 33 3 3 62 159 119 14 6 17 27 4 162 27 22 10 38 26 23 11 92 1 5 13 9 3 33 96 23 37 15 10 116 12 9 35 9 7 28 1 5 4 8 28 7 9 184 23 29 38 126 46 7 146 6 139 11 9 76 85 22 15 1 84 43 34 23 31 19 3 5 3 16 METRES 000 10 86 1 2 1 20 8 29 52 64 4 4 14 2 3 41 13 7 5 87 36 19 202 9 1 2 25 28 7 6 13 6 39 46 27' 3 86 3 1 8 1 24 27' 3 65 144 2 7 25 Reef Observation Area 22 23 40 22 48 8 2 22 1 16 21 4 37 194 6 21 18 24 OCEAN 13 3 6 31 139 23 6 8 182 9 40 112 9 25 77 78 3 29 85 19 12 5 32 24 33 Pigeon 22 108 27 88 28 162 29 1 000 METRES 000 1 39 12 4 9 18 19 179 25 5 8 1 47 Island 9 1 7 74 4 76 Q 6M 11 19 26 7 20 1 4 4 8 2 7 32 8 39 44 26 8 3 4 e e 52 27 85 67 6 115 43 8 24 6 105 11 4 4 R f 8 4 6 52 3 176 6 4 13 7 13 6 3 12 2 2 2 3 13 73 1 22 11 12 35 1 5 2 9 7 7 17 28 9 5 e 3 6 7 29 23 7 2 16 000 85 3 8 40 175 2 17 g 4 3 9 32 193 58 5 13 2 West Wallabi 2 r 18 4 6 48 6 2 48 8 7 a 6 4 9 78 178 6 38 4 e 2 s 14 68 30 122 3 5 Island 73 83 7 14 64 45 13 12 2 s 5 5 t 3 4 l 22 4 4 8 a 38 Fl 5s 7m 10M 7 6 5 39 N= 4 55 12 e 17 58 25 2 9 5 17 P Eastern Island 8 54 4 172 28' BOATING SAFETY 82 h 36 28' 2 39 37 42 24 9 41 3 3 23 43 The Houtman Abrolhos is situated about 40 nautical miles west of 18 3 5 S 74 7 84 12 22 153 8 9 7 Geraldton and comprises 122 islands clustered into three main 48 4 40 3 18 Long 73 7 4 24 groups.
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