
(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization I International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date WO 2013/167743 Al 14 November 2013 (14.11.2013) P O P C T

(51) International Patent Classification: AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, A61K 31/18 (2006.01) A61K 31/708 (2006.01) BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, A61K 31/522 (2006.01) A61K 45/06 (2006.01) DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, A61K 31/675 (2006.01) A61P 29/00 (2006.01) HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, A61K 31/7068 (2006.01) KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, (21) International Application Number: NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, PCT/EP2013/059752 RW, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, (22) International Filing Date: TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, 10 May 2013 (10.05.2013) ZM, ZW. (25) Filing Language: English (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, (26) Publication Language: English GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, (30) Priority Data: UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ, 12167771 .0 11 May 2012 ( 11.05.2012) EP TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, (71) Applicant: AKRON MOLECULES GMBH [AT/AT]; MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM, Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 2, A-1030 Vienna (AT). TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). (72) Inventors: NILSSON, Henrik; ReisnerstraBe 11/6, A- 1030 Vienna (AT). MCMANUS, Shane; Klimschgasse Declarations under Rule 4.17 : 5/15, A-1030 Vienna (AT). MUHAMED, Arif; Brunnl- — of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) badgasse 13/12, A-1090 Vienna (AT). Published: (74) Agent: SONN & PARTNER PATENTANWALTE; Riemergasse 14, A-1010 Vienna (AT). — with international search report (Art. 21(3)) (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,

(54) Title: USE OF COMPOUNDS FOR THE TREATMENT OF PAIN (57) Abstract: The present invention relates to new therapies to treat pain and related diseases, as well as pharmaceutical com pounds for use in said therapies. Use of compounds for the treatment of pain

The present invention relates to the field of method of treatment of pain and the provision of pharmaceutical compounds suitable for such treatments. Acute and chronic pain affects millions of people after in jury or surgery and those suffering from diseases like arthri tis, cancer, and diabetes. Nociception (the detection of noxious or damaging stimuli) serves a crucial biological purpose: it alerts living organisms to environmental dangers, inducing the sensation of pain, reflex withdrawal and complex behavioural and emotional responses, which protect the organism from further damage. Noxious stimuli are detected by specialized high thresh old primary sensory neurons (nociceptors) , which transfer sig nals to the spinal cord and then transmit them to the brain for higher level processing that results in the conscious awareness of the sensation called pain. The functional importance of pain perception is exemplified by individuals with defects in noci ception; patients with congenital insensitivity to pain do not survive past their twenties. Two basic types of pain can be distinguished - acute and chronic. Acute or nociceptive pain is generally self -limiting and serves a protective biological function by warning of on going tissue damage caused by noxious chemical, thermal and me chanical stimuli. Examples of nociceptive pain include: post operative pain, pain associated with trauma, and the pain asso ciated with arthritis. Chronic pain, on the other hand, serves no protective biological function, and reflects either poor res olution of the painful stimuli, or is itself a disease process. Chronic pain is unrelenting and not self -limiting and can per sist for years and even decades after the initial injury. Chron ic pain is predominantly neuropathic in nature and may involve damage either to the peripheral or central nervous systems. Chronic pain may, however, also be nociceptive, such as inflam matory in nature. Furthermore, chronic pain may also be mixed nociceptive and neuropathic. Finally, chronic pain may also be of a central origin, deriving from processes/conditions in the central or peripheral nervous system, such as e.g. post stroke pain or post-amputation pain/phantom limb pain, which may, how ever, also be considered neuropathic in nature. Currently available therapies for pain have a number of dis advantages, which warrant the development of new therapies for the treatment, prevention and/or reduction of pain. The disad vantages are different for the different classes of available drugs. Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in creases the risk of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and impaired renal function or renal failure as well as cardiovascular (CV) disease, µ - receptor agonists ( and opiates) carry the risk of addiction, as well as respiratory depression and constipation. Anti-depressants (e.g. tricyclic anti-depressants (TCAs) , such as and , as well as the selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs) , including e.g. venlaf axaine) may have a negative impact on car diac function or, as in the case of the SSNRI , may induce nausea. Anti-convulsants , such as pregabalin and gapa- bentin, can induce somnolence. The disadvantage for any of the existing available drugs may also be related to limited efficacy in treating and/or preventing pain. It is a goal of the present invention to provide methods of preventing, treating, ameliorating or suppressing pain, in par ticular by the use of novel compounds for this purpose. The present invention therefore provides the use of new classes of compounds for the treatment, prevention or reduction of pain. The present invention also provides a method of treat ing pain in a subject comprising the administration of a thera peutic compound selected from the inventive compounds. In a re lated aspect the present invention provides the use of a com pound of the invention for the manufacture of an analgesic or a medicament for the treatment of pain in a subject. The invention is further defined by the subject matter of the claims. The com pounds of the invention are e.g. given in the claims and in the tables herein. The compounds according to the invention are contemplated to have advantages in that they have less side effects as deter mined by one or several of the side effects listed above for one or more of the available therapies. Less side effects can be as sessed e.g. either in terms of reduced severity and/or reduced frequency of side effects. Such reduced side effects can e.g. be less somnolence c.f. anti-convulsants, fewer or less frequent cardiovascular side effects c.f. anti-depressants, less addic- tion potential c.f. µ -opioid receptor agonists, less G I bleeding c.f. NSAIDs etc. Alternatively, the compounds according to the invention are contemplated to have improved efficacy c.f. the available thera pies. Improved efficacy can e.g. be determined as a greater num ber of responders or greater magnitude of efficacy c.f. one or several of the existing therapies. In a further embodiment, the compounds according to the in vention are contemplated to have both reduced side effects and improved efficacy c.f. available therapies. In particular, selected pain subtypes can be specifically treated by the inventive compounds. Example inventive compounds are selected from the groups of a ) nucleotide analogues, b ) analogues, c ) compounds that interact with DNA polymerase, or d ) compounds that interact with DNA. In the following tables 1 , 2 and 3 the inventive com pounds or salts thereof are identified by their unique CAS num ber (Chemical Abstracts Service, www.cas.org). The invention in cludes any salt form of the given compounds, but preferably re lates to the exact salt form as given in the tables. Table 3 re fers to both table 3a and 3b. Further inventive compounds are defined as derivatives of a given formula as described below the tables .

Table 1 : and Tenofovir derivatives (CAS number)

1000271-66-8 1026368-64-8 118552-93-5 3768-14-7 1000271-70-4 1034684-26-8 182798-75-0 142341-05-7 1000272-10-5 1034684-27-9 184350-33-2 142341-04-6 1000272-12-7 1034684-29-1 184350-32-1 124076-74-0 1001254-18-7 1034684-30-4 182799-00-4 186345-42-6 1001254-20-1 1072095-06-7 113852-35-0 7292-42-4 1001254-60-9 1082741-23-8 147127-15-9 180587-75-1 1002339-71-0 1135389-73-9 441785-21-3 206646-04-0 1004956-31-3 1135389-75-1 182799-03-7 116384-53-3 1004956-37-9 1135389-79-5 135295-28-2 441785-25-7 1004956-38-0 1135389-83-1 182798-87-4 206184-49-8 1004956-39-1 1174936-58-3 147127-16-0 113852-37-2 1010415-54-9 1174936-59-4 402575-05-7 114088-58-3 1016647-2 6- 9 118553-04-1 147 127-17-1 444 805-2 8-1 1016647-27-0 11858 0-13-5 1827 98- 94-3 14 93 94- 66-1 1016647-2 8-1 12 0447 8- 99-8 1664 03- 66-3 123 961 8-1 9- 9 1016968-33-4 1245542-30- 6 1827 98-8 9- 6 123 961 8-2 0-2 102 98 65-7 0-0 1245542-31-7 1824 15-4 0-3 123 961 8-22-4 102 98 65-73-3 1245542-32-8 1827 98-8 8-5 123 961 8-24- 6 1030 137- 98-4 1245542-34-0 1827 98-7 6-1 123 961 8-25-7 10317 05-73-3 1245542-37-3 1827 98- 98-7 123 961 8-2 8-0 10317 05-74-4 1252577-04-0 1827 99-0 8-2 123 961 8-2 9-1 104474 8-23-3 12542 03-5 6- 9 160 61 6-17-1 123 961 8-30-4 104474 8-24-4 1258 05 6-8 6-8 18434 9- 94-8 210990-0 0-4 107 02 1-2 0-5 1258 05 6- 91-5 14 1110- 66- 9 210990-0 1-5 1092383-8 6-2 1258 05 6- 93-7 184350-30- 9 211037- 62- 6 1092383-87-3 1258 05 6- 95- 9 1827 99-14-0 211038-0 8-3 1092383-8 8-4 1258 05 6- 97-1 160 61 6-15- 9 211038-0 9-4 1164 197-0 8-3 12 62544- 94-4 1827 98- 95-4 108274 1-24- 9 1164 197-13-0 12 62544- 98-8 1827 98-83-0 20134 1-0 1-7 1164 197-4 1-4 12 961 94-74-5 14234 1-0 8-0 20134 1-03- 9 1164 197-43- 6 12 961 94-75- 6 184350-34-3 4417 85-45-1 1164 197-77- 6 12 961 94-7 6-7 155 62 9- 69- 9 108274 1-33-0 1164 197-85- 6 12 961 94-77-8 34324 8-31-7 4417 85-47-3 1164 197-87-8 12 961 94-7 8- 9 160 61 6-1 9-3 4417 85-43- 9 1164 197- 92-5 12 96850-87-7 1827 99-15-1 85 92 10-03-0 117 9503- 61-7 12 96851-05-2 9112 08-73- 6 4417 85-84-8 117 9503- 63- 9 12 96851-0 8-5 184350-24-1 4417 86-2 0-5 118553-0 6-3 12 96851-1 1-0 184350-2 6-3 95 647 0-8 6-3 118553-07-4 12 96851-12-1 84 93 64-05-2 4417 86-2 1- 6 12 0447 9-0 0-4 12 96851-13-2 160 61 6-0 9-1 85 92 09-85-1 1247 809-34-2 12 96851-15-4 1827 98- 90- 9 4417 86-0 1-2 1305351- 60-3 12 96851-1 6-5 4417 85-2 9-1 1004 95 6-32-4 1305351- 61-4 12 96851-17- 6 160 61 6-2 0- 6 1004 95 6-33-5 1305351- 62-5 12 96851-1 8-7 84 93 64-04-1 4417 85- 94-0 1305351- 63- 6 12 96851-1 9-8 160 61 6-25-1 4417 86-03-4 1305351- 64-7 12 96851-2 0-1 402575-2 1-7 1004 95 6-34- 6 1305351- 65-8 130 94 64-4 6-7 1827 98- 97- 6 4417 86-53-4 1305351- 66- 9 130 94 64-47-8 402575-22-8 1004 95 6-35-7 1305351- 67-0 130 94 64-4 8- 9 15 6623-83-5 4417 86-22-7 1305351- 68-1 130 94 64-50-3 402575-24-0 1004 95 6-3 6-8 1305351- 69-2 130 94 64-53- 6 1824 11-02-5 4417 86-2 8-3 1305351-7 0-5 130 94 64-54-7 160 61 6-2 1-7 4417 86-02-3 1305351-7 1- 6 130 94 64-55-8 14234 1-24-0 4417 85-8 8-2 1305351-72-7 130 94 64-5 6- 9 14234 1-2 8-4 4417 86-52-3 1305351-73-8 13138 15-2 6-7 160 61 6-22-8 4417 85- 93- 9 1305351-74- 9 13138 15-31-4 1138 92-17-4 4417 85- 92-8 1305351-7 9-4 13138 15-3 6- 9 160 61 6-23- 9 92 8651- 97-2 160 61 6-1 8-2 13138 15-4 0-5 21098 9- 65-4 92 8651- 98-3 1827 98- 92-1 13138 15-45-0 21098 9- 68-7 4417 86-05- 6 1827 98- 93-2 13138 15-50-7 1824 11-03- 6 4417 85- 99-5 1827 99-02- 6 13138 15-55-2 20134 1-05-1 13 9972-5 9-1 1827 99-07-1 13138 15-5 9- 6 202 138-50- 9 1831 97-2 9-7 1827 99-12-8 13138 15- 63-2 100184 8-8 0-1 22 9024-1 8-4 18434 9- 96-0 13138 15- 69-8 731772-45-5 402575-02-4 184350-0 8-1 13138 15-73-4 731772-50-2 64302 8-52-8 186345-31-3 13138 15-7 8- 9 160 61 6-24-0 402575-0 0-2 186345-32-4 13138 15-83- 6 220351-03-1 169514- 95-8 186345-33-5 132251 0-8 8-2 123 961 8-23-5 169515-0 8- 6 186345-34- 6 1338 605-2 6-7 220350-77- 6 1827 99-1 0- 6 186345-35-7 1338 605-30-3 8574 98-25-0 64302 9-02-1 186345-37- 9 1338 605-34-7 123 961 8-2 1-3 64302 9-04-3 186345-38-0 1338 60 6-04-4 211038-1 6-3 64302 9-05-4 186345-3 9-1 1338 60 6-05-5 168537-52-8 402574- 96-3 34 9660-23-7 1338 60 6-0 6- 6 20134 1-13-1 402574- 97-4 34 9660-24-8 1338 60 6-07-7 1077 883- 92-1 1831 97-34-4 34 9660-25- 9 1338 60 6-0 8-8 1932 07-5 6- 6 402575-15- 9 34 9660-2 6-0 1338 60 6-0 9- 9 6250 95- 61- 6 64302 9-0 6-5 34 9660-27-1 1338 60 6-12-4 95 914 1- 98-1 1831 97-31-1 34 9660-2 8-2 134 62 65-1 8- 6 4417 85-22-4 402575-43-3 34 9660-2 9-3 134 62 65-2 0-0 1932 07-55-5 1831 97-35-5 34 9660-4 1- 9 134 62 65-22-2 207 125-8 9-1 402575-14-8 34 9660-42-0 1352 652-5 6-2 107 02 1-2 1- 6 8731 95- 95-0 34 9660-43-1 1352 82 0-25-7 12 8347-14-8 1831 97-27-5 34 9660-44-2 1352 82 0-27- 9 118552- 94- 6 1831 97-30-0 34 9660-45-3 1352 82 0-30-4 12 6354-33-4 1831 97-43-5 34 9660-4 6-4 13 62 688-83-2 1072 095-0 8- 9 18434 9- 92- 6 402574- 94-1 13 62 688-84-3 207 125- 90-4 184350-31-0 402574- 95-2 13 62 688-85-4 1827 99-0 9-3 402575-17-1 402574- 98-5 13 62 688-8 6-5 352227-03-3 64302 9-0 1-0 402574- 99- 6 13 62 688-87- 6 1827 99-1 1-7 1831 97-4 1-3 402575-0 1-3 13 62 688-8 8-7 184350-35-4 1831 97-3 9- 9 402575-0 6-8 13 62 688-8 9-8 402575-03-5 184350-27-4 402575-07- 9 13 62 688- 90-1 402575-1 0-4 402575-23- 9 402575-0 8-0 13 62 688- 91-2 228874-55-3 64302 9-03-2 402575-0 9-1 13 62 688- 92-3 18434 9-87- 9 64302 8-5 9-5 402575-1 1-5 13 62 688- 93-4 402575-12- 6 1827 99-0 1-5 402575-13-7 13 62 688- 94-5 184350-13-8 8731 95-83- 6 402575-1 6-0 13 62 688- 95- 6 1827 99-05- 9 169515-1 0-0 402575-1 8-2 165 950-14-1 4417 85-35- 9 1831 97-37-7 402575-1 9-3 165 950-24-3 118553-03-0 402733-8 6-2 402575-2 9-5 165 950-25-4 402575-2 0- 6 1827 99-13- 9 402575-31- 9 165 950-2 6-5 864 068- 62-2 228874-51- 9 402575-32-0 165 950-27- 6 160 61 6-1 6-0 402575-30-8 402575-33-1 165 950-2 8-7 9112 08-75-8 1831 97-32-2 402575-34-2 165 950-2 9-8 130 1109-8 6-3 34324 8-32-8 402575-3 9-7 165 950-30-1 9112 08-87-2 64302 8- 68- 6 402575-4 0-0 165 950-31-2 1827 99-0 6-0 8731 95-84-7 402575-4 1-1 165 950-34-5 4417 85- 67-7 8731 95-8 6- 9 402575-42-2 165 950-3 9-0 88250 8-2 8-3 8731 95- 93-8 402575-44-4 165 950-4 0-3 1827 98- 91-0 8731 95- 94- 9 402575-4 6- 6 17 0874- 69-8 1827 99-1 6-2 402575- 62- 6 402575-47-7 17 0874-7 0-1 4417 85-33-7 184350-0 1-4 402575- 61-5 17 0874-7 1-2 4417 85-73-5 402575-25-1 402575- 63-7 17 8918-37-1 184350-2 9- 6 368430-7 9- 9 402575- 65- 9 17 8918-38-2 95 647 0- 68-1 402575-27-3 5277 15-1 0-2 1831 97-44- 6 85 92 09- 99-7 402575-2 8-4 52 8577-7 6- 6 187472-38-4 4417 86-25-0 402575-45-5 627 094-84-2 189999-4 9-3 184350-25-2 402575-2 6-2 653584-15-7 190453- 99-7 4417 85-31-5 84 8944- 69-4 653584-1 6-8 190454-0 0-3 402575-35-3 402575-3 6-4 653584-17- 9 202 138-51-0 138 87 0-1 9- 6 84 8944-47-8 653584-1 8-0 202 138-52-1 20134 0- 95- 6 8731 95- 90-5 653584-1 9-1 202 138-53-2 4417 85-27- 9 8731 95- 91- 6 653584-2 0-4 202 138-54-3 211037-52-4 8731 95- 92-7 653584-2 1-5 221005- 90- 9 211037-53-5 184350-03- 6 653584-22- 6 221005- 91-0 184350-2 8-5 64302 8- 61- 9 653584-23-7 221005- 92-1 731772-4 6- 6 8731 95-8 9-2 653584-24-8 221005- 93-2 20134 0- 97-8 84 8944-4 8- 9 653584-25- 9 228874-52-0 20134 0- 99-0 8731 95-87-0 653584-2 6-0 228874-53-1 4417 85-4 9-5 184350-05-8 653584-27-1 228874-5 6-4 20134 1-07-3 8731 95-85-8 653584-2 8-2 342 631-4 1-8 85 92 10-23-4 84 8944-23-0 653584-2 9-3 37251 9- 68-1 123 961 8-17-7 84 8944- 66-1 653584-30- 6 37251 9-7 0-5 147 127-1 9-3 1831 97-33-3 653584-31-7 37251 9-73-8 107 02 1-12-5 84 8944-24-1 653584-32-8 37251 9-74- 9 113852-4 1-8 1831 07-0 9-7 653584-33- 9 37251 9-75-0 92 999-2 9- 6 24422 9- 68-3 653584-34-0 37251 9-8 1-8 92 924- 62-4 1831 07-1 9- 9 653584-35-1 675875-50-0 11522 6-05- 6 1831 07-2 0-2 653584-3 6-2 675875-51-1 92 924-55-5 1831 07-1 0-0 653584-37-3 675875- 64- 6 12 955 6-87-2 1831 07-1 1-1 653584-38-4 675875- 65-7 147 057-0 9-8 8731 95-8 8-1 653584-3 9-5 675875- 68-0 147 057-1 0-1 220350-52-7 653584-4 0-8 675875-73-7 402575-37-5 220350- 60-7 653584-4 1- 9 675875-74-8 15 6644- 97-2 220350- 68-5 653584-42-0 675875-8 0- 6 1352 95-27-1 220350-73-2 653584-43-1 675875-84-0 145 98 6-72-7 220351-1 0-0 653584-44-2 675875-85-1 145 98 6-73-8 220351-17-7 653584-45-3 6758 80-3 6-1 100027 1-8 8-4 1831 07-12-2 653584-4 6-4 6758 80-37-2 100027 1- 90-8 38735 6-1 8-5 653584-47-5 693223-05-1 100027 1- 92-0 6250 95- 66-1 653584-4 8- 6 85530 6-2 6-2 1000692-4 6-5 693222- 97-8 653584-4 9-7 85530 6-27-3 1000692-47- 6 693222- 98- 9 653584-50-0 86907 0-7 0-2 1001254-04-1 693222- 99-0 653584-51-1 86907 0-7 1-3 1001254-05-2 20134 1-1 1- 9 84 8944-0 9-2 873425-05- 9 1001254-0 8-5 17457 9-85-2 84 8944-1 0-5 873425-0 6-0 1001254-0 9- 6 20134 1-0 9-5 84 8944-1 1- 6 873425-07-1 1001254-14-3 17457 9-5 9-0 84 8944-12-7 873425-0 8-2 1001254-15-4 44 92 06-07- 9 84 8944-13-8 873425-0 9-3 1001254-1 6-5 374 67 8-43-0 84 8944-14- 9 873425-1 0- 6 1001254-17- 6 38912 1-3 6-2 84 8944-15-0 873425-1 1-7 1016647-4 8-5 91738 1- 96-5 84 8944-1 6-1 873425-12-8 1016647-50- 9 91738 1- 97- 6 84 8944-17-2 873425-14-0 92 8651-8 9-2 9177 89-34-5 84 8944-1 8-3 873425-1 6-2 92 8651- 90-5 94 0933-82-4 84 8944-1 9-4 873425-17-3 92 8651- 91- 6 94 0933-83-5 84 8944-2 0-7 873425-1 9-5 92 8651- 92-7 94 0933-84- 6 84 8944-2 1-8 873425-2 0-8 92 8651- 93-8 94 0933-85-7 84 8944-22- 9 873425-22-0 92 8651- 94- 9 94 0933-8 6-8 84 8944-25-2 873425-23-1 92 8651- 95-0 94 0933-87- 9 84 8944-2 6-3 873425-24-2 92 8651- 96-1 94 0933-8 8-0 84 8944-27-4 8752 82- 62-5 92 8652-0 0-0 94 0933-8 9-1 84 8944-2 8-5 88250 8-27-2 92 8652-0 1-1 94 0933- 90-4 84 8944-2 9- 6 88250 8-2 9-4 92 8652-02-2 94 0933- 91-5 84 8944-30- 9 88250 8-30-7 94 0933-8 0-2 94 0933- 92- 6 84 8944-31-0 892 145-75-4 94 0933-8 1-3 94 0933- 93-7 84 8944-32-1 9112 08- 67-8 9437 19-57-1 94 0933- 94-8 84 8944-33-2 9112 08-77-0 944 047- 67-0 94 0933- 95- 9 84 8944-34-3 9112 08-8 1- 6 944 047- 68-1 94 85 92-15-2 84 8944-35-4 9112 08-84- 9 944 047- 69-2 9577 68- 99- 9 84 8944-3 6-5 91335 6- 64- 6 944 047-7 0-5 9577 69-02-7 84 8944-37- 6 91335 6- 66-8 944 047-7 1- 6 9577 69-05-0 84 8944-38-7 91 6313-27-4 944 047-72-7 9577 69-0 9-4 84 8944-3 9-8 91 6313-2 9- 6 944 047-73-8 9577 69-3 6-7 84 8944-4 0-1 91 6313-30- 9 944 047-74- 9 9577 69-37-8 84 8944-4 1-2 91 6313-31-0 944 047-75-0 95 9433-5 9-1 84 8944-42-3 91 6313-32-1 944 047-7 6-1 95 97 80-1 6- 6 84 8944-43-4 91 6313-33-2 944 047-77-2 95 97 80-17-7 84 8944-44-5 91 6313-34-3 944 047-7 8-3 96031 6-04-5 84 8944-45- 6 91 6313-35-4 944 047-7 9-4 96031 6-05- 6 84 8944-4 6-7 91 6313-4 0-1 944 047-8 0-7 96031 6-0 6-7 84 8944-4 9-0 91 6313-55-8 944 047-8 1-8 96031 6-07-8 84 8944-50-3 91 6313-5 6- 9 944 047-82- 9 96031 6-0 8- 9 84 8944-51-4 92 8651-7 9-0 944 047-83-0 96031 6-0 9-0 84 8944-52-5 92 8651-8 0-3 944 047-84-1 96031 6-1 0-3 84 8944-53- 6 92 8651-8 1-4 94 6134- 64-1 96031 6-1 1-4 84 8944-54-7 92 8651-82-5 94 6134- 66-3 96031 6-12-5 84 8944-55-8 92 8651-83- 6 94 6134- 68-5 96031 6-13- 6 84 8944-5 6- 9 92 8651-84-7 94 6134-7 0- 9 96031 6-14-7 84 8944- 64- 9 92 8651-85-8 94 6134-72-1 96031 6-15-8 84 8944- 65-0 92 8651-8 6- 9 94 6134-74-3 91335 6- 68-0 84 8944- 67-2 9577 69-35- 6 94 8885-37-8 91 6313-4 1-2 84 8944- 68-3 957777-50-3 94 8885-38- 9 91 6313-42-3 8731 95- 96-1 957777-51-4 94 8885-3 9-0 91738 1- 94-3 873425-13- 9 957777-52-5 94 8885-4 0-3 9577 69-33-4 889885- 97- 6 957777-53- 6 94 8885-47-0 957777- 61- 6 889885- 98-7 957777-54-7 94 8885-4 8-1 957777- 62-7 889886-03-7 957777-55-8 95 647 0-8 9- 6 95 98 61-27- 9 90 634 8-04-7 957777-5 6- 9 95 647 1-1 6-2 95 98 61-2 9-1 90 634 8-05-8 957777-57-0 95 647 1-1 8-4 9577 68- 98-8 90 634 8-0 6- 9 957777-58-1 95 647 1-4 0-2 9577 69-30-1 90 634 8-07-0 957777-5 9-2 95 647 1-44- 6 9577 69-31-2 91335 6- 67- 9 957777- 60-5 9577 68- 96- 6 9577 69-32-3 91738 1- 95-4 9577 69-34-5

Table 2 : derivatives (CAS number)

117 087-3 9-5 84 917 6- 94- 9 95 647 1-22-0 144 02 8-83-1 160 61 6-05-7 168537-83-5 17457 9-44-3 13877 6- 64-4 113852-44-1 85 668 6-25-4 17457 9-7 0-5 151223-4 8-2 12 8347-13-7 85 668 6-24-3 1932 07- 65-7 169515-03-1 1338 68- 60-7 168537-7 0-0 1932 07- 66-8 169515-07-5 138 87 0-1 8-5 16307 8-0 1-1 17457 9-57-8 13233 94-1 6- 6 228874-13-3 87527 1-47- 9 17457 9-7 1- 6 155 62 9-77- 9 169515-0 9-7 13233 6-35-7 100802- 98-0 151223-51-7 898225-5 9-7 1932 07- 69-1 17457 9-8 6-3 151223-53- 9 130 02 9-17-3 1932 07-7 0-4 1932 07- 67- 9 187472-50-0 113852-4 0-7 14 8873-52-3 897 931-5 9-8 138307- 68-3 228874-1 1-1 168537-77-7 1932 07- 68-0 180074-55- 9 14227 6-30-0 1932 07-7 1-5 278611-1 9-1 190 903-47-0 12 03 62-35-8 1932 07-72- 6 1932 07- 63-5 163077- 96-1 718638- 95-0 1932 07-75- 9 1932 07- 64- 6 169514- 99-2 1932 07-5 9- 9 87527 1-4 9-1 17457 9-4 0- 9 1982 82-38-1 14227 6-31-1 1932 07-73-7 897 931- 60-1 1982 82-44- 9 71863 9-0 0-0 1932 07-74-8 897 931-74-7 151223-4 9-3 71863 9-0 6- 6 9042 97-2 8-5 17457 9-50-1 138 886-8 0-3 84 917 6- 97-2 9042 97-27-4 1164 197-1 6-3 13877 6- 65-5 898225-55-3 9042 97-25-2 1164 197-2 1-0 168750- 94-5 71863 9-1 1-3 9042 97-2 6-3 1164 197-1 8-5 168750- 95- 6 71863 9-15-7 17457 9-4 8-7 1164 197-22-1 1932 07- 60-2 71863 9-2 0-4 17 8918-3 6-0 897 931- 65- 6 1982 82-37-0 444 805-2 6- 9 130 042- 69-2 361552-84-3 1982 82-43-8 4967 65-7 8-7 138307- 69-4 168537-75-5 1944 19- 93-7 9042 97-22- 9 64302 8-4 8-2 87527 1-4 8-0 12 6354-5 9-4 718638-7 8- 9 151223-03- 9 11923 60-4 8-7 1932 07-43-1 4967 65-7 9-8 12 03 62-31-4 202 933-0 8-2 1932 07-4 1- 9 718638-8 1-4 897 931- 61-2 897 931- 66-7 1932 07-44-2 142247-1 9- 6 151222- 99-0 1164 197-24-3 14 17 00-02- 9 4967 65-8 0-1 151223-55-1 361552-8 0- 9 14 17 00-0 1-8 9042 97-2 1-8 897 931-75-8 897 931- 62-3 1345 665-1 0-2 6938 03-2 8-0 84 917 6- 95-0 202 933-2 6-4 1932 07-45-3 9042 97-23-0 151223-0 1-7 202 933-27-5 190 903-45-8 6938 03-2 9-1 84 917 6- 96-1 864 068-4 6-2 17457 9-7 6-1 898225-5 6-4 8838 67-85-4 897 931- 63-4 864 04-8 9- 9 898225-57-5 14 8873-53-4 202 933-23-1 10077 8- 62- 9 12 03 62-33- 6 151223-52-8 202 933-24-2 10094 0-7 1-4 21098 9- 63-2 84 917 6- 98-3 897 931-72-5 1932 07-42-0 127757-45-3 84 917 6- 99-4 911827-24-2 1932 07-3 9-5 21098 9- 60- 9 84 9177-0 0-0 17457 9-3 9- 6 17457 9-77-2 21098 9- 62-1 228874-12-2 897 931-73- 6 17457 9- 68-1 13233 6-37- 9 898225- 60-0 9042 97-2 9- 6 17457 9- 69-2 9042 97-1 9-4 718638-7 1-2 17457 9-4 9-8 10077 8-83-4 9042 97-2 0-7 897 931-7 0-3 17457 9-38-5 132251 0-4 1-7 84 9177-04-4 911827-25-3 92 924-5 9- 9 132251 0-43- 9 718638- 93-8 718638- 90-5 13877 6- 61-1 132251 0- 93- 9 163077- 95-0 95 647 0-8 8-5 12 6354- 60-7 132251 0- 96-2 21098 9-5 9- 6 151223-23-3 187472-3 6-2 11923 60-50-1 21098 9- 61-0 91 6313-2 6-3 151223-05-1 1932 07-4 6-4 34324 8-30- 6 757 955-83-2 12 03 62-37-0 168537-7 6- 6 13233 6-3 6-8 1774 93-23-1 12774 9-27-3 1932 07-47-5 202 933-07-1 897 931-7 1-4 127 852-83- 9 132251 0-47-3 71863 9-52-2 897 931- 67-8 13233 6-42- 6 132251 1-0 6-7 168537-72-2 91 6313-25-2 1515 97- 69-2 1932 07-4 8- 6 71863 9-54-4 151223-50- 6 1512 84-15-0 202 933-2 8- 6 71863 9-5 6- 6 757 955-82-1 1512 84-1 6-1 1152 65-37-7 168537-74-4 1774 93-24-2 127757-44-2 132251 0-51- 9 168537- 69-7 24422 9-74-1 151223-0 0- 6 132251 0-57-5 34324 8-2 9-3 1774 93-25-3 151223-5 6-2 132251 0-74- 6 34324 8-25- 9 34324 8-24-8 14 17 00-03-0 132251 0-75-7 34324 8-27-1 912 635-37-1 17 8918-4 6-2 132251 0-4 0- 6 278611-17- 9 897 931- 68- 9 12774 9-30-8 132251 0-7 6-8 163077- 99-4 24422 9-73-0 127 852-84-0 132251 0-84-8 16307 8-0 0-0 1164 197-15-2 168537-54-0 132251 0-7 8-0 9042 97-24-1 84 917 6- 90-5 151223-02-8 13233 6-32-4 163077- 98-3 84 917 6- 91- 6 151223-04-0 14 17 82-25-4 71863 9-4 6-4 71863 9-27-1 1944 19- 95- 9 1152 65- 63- 9 71863 9-4 1- 9 71863 9-31-7 187472-52-2 1152 65-5 9-3 168537-73-3 17457 9-87-4 160 61 6-50-2 1152 65-17-3 168537-7 1-1 17457 9-8 1-8 13832 0-03-3 1152 65-0 9-3 85 668 6-2 0- 9 17457 9-82- 9 155 62 9- 63-3 151223-54-0 168537- 68- 6 95 647 0-85-2 143452-52-2 95 647 1-2 0-8 87527 1-4 6-8

Table 3a : active compounds (CAS number)

50-4 1- 9 824 10-32-0 9001- 63-2 993 90-7 6-8 50-55-5 103024- 93-7 9005-25-8 99751- 63-0 50- 63-5 104227-87-4 9031- 94-1 10024 1-4 6-1 50- 91- 9 118353-05-2 9032-43-3 1002 86- 90- 6 51-2 1-8 1195 67-7 9-2 903 6-1 9-5 100643-7 1-8 51-24-1 124 832-2 6-4 9042-14-2 100827-2 8- 9 51-45- 6 12775 9-8 9-1 9050- 67-3 10098 6-85-4 53-1 9-0 13 647 0-7 8-5 9054-8 9-1D 101347-05-1 53-43-0 1422 17- 69-4 10083-24- 6 102 052- 95- 9 53- 60-1 145514-04-1 102 12-25- 6 102 674- 90-8 54-42-2 1758 65- 60-8 10347-8 1- 6 102 805-8 6-7 55-03-8 17 61 61-24-3 104 18-03-8 102 830- 69-3 55-8 6-7 193 681-12-8 10605-2 1-7 103737-5 6-0 56-47-3 202 138-50- 9 11006-77-2 103745-3 9-7 56-53-1 12 1104- 96- 9 11072- 93-8 103 913-1 6-2 56- 92-8 12443 6-5 9-5 11089- 65- 9 104 624- 98-8 58-1 8-4 13 6816-75- 6 133 92-2 8-4 104 880- 60- 6 58-22-0 13 6817-5 9- 9 13422-51-0 105 637-50-1 58- 61-7D 137332-54-8 13422-55-4 1063 62-32-7 60-5 6-0 13 9110-8 0-8 1387 0- 90-1 1065 66-58- 9 61-12-1 143224-34-4 14 092-8 9-8 10742 1-1 6- 9 61-1 9-8D 1473 62-57-0 1437 8-2 1-3 1074 89-37-2 61-73-4 14 94 88-17-5 14534- 61-3 107753-7 8- 6 -82-5 14 9845-0 6-7 14 882-1 8- 9 107 868-30-4 -25-2 15037 8-17- 9 1517 6-2 9-1 1090 91-47- 6 - 49- 6 154 612-3 9-2 1554 1- 60-3 1090 93-57-4 - 81- 9 1552 13- 67-5 160 90-0 9-8 110042- 95-0 - 92-5 15 991 0-8 6-8 17 035- 90-4 11007 8-4 0-5 - 19- 9 15 998 9- 65-8 173 97-8 9- 6 11007 8-4 6-1 - 88-2 161814-4 9- 9 19542- 67-7 110143-1 0-7 - 00-8 1744 84-4 1-4 19545-2 6-7 110942-02-4 - 70-5 17 804 0- 94-3 19750-45- 9 1113 93- 93-2 - 89- 6 17 897 9-85- 6 20153- 98-4 112 190-24- 6 -17-3 192725-17-0 20350-15- 6 112 885-42-4 -58-4 198 904-31-3 20554-84-1 113852-4 1-8 - 09-7 2063 61- 99-1 2055 9-55-1 11424 6-7 6-3 -84-4 223537-30-2 21245-02-3 114 627-30-4 - 00-7 22 67 00-7 9-4 21535-47-7 1147 19-57-2 -77-8 233254-24-5 2167 9-14-1 115344-47-3 3-1 6-2 2447 67- 67-7 21967-4 1- 9 115743-2 8-7 3-52-0 269055-15-4 22 02 9-7 6-1 11624 9- 65-1 8-42-3 300832-84-2 22 13 9-77-1 11664 9-85-5 9-04-OD 330 600-85- 6 22199-0 8-2 11668 0-0 1-4 3-31- 9 61-73-4 222 60-51-1 1177 04- 65-1 3-77-3 174 022-42-5 22862-7 6- 6 1183 90-30-0 6-07-8 19661 8-13-0 232 05-42-7D 1184 09-57-7 7-07-1 37 634 8- 65-1 232 10-58-4 1184 09-58-8 8-13-2 394730- 60-0 232 88-4 9-5 1184 09- 60-2 8- 62-1 402 957-2 8-2 242 80- 93-1 1194 13-54- 6 9-4 6-4 5002 87-72- 9 24815-24-5 119644-22-3 2-17-2 1113 93-84-1 24 93 6-38-7 12 0011-7 0-3 2- 69-4 113852-37-2 24937-7 9- 9 12 02 10-4 8-2 6-4 0-3 1242 65-8 9-0 2552 6- 93- 6 12 058 6-4 9-4 7-2 6-8 12 961 8-4 0-2 25535-1 6-4 12 1154-51- 6 7-53-1 1374 87- 62-8 25775- 90-0 122 111-03- 9 6-5 6-5 138 660- 96-5 27314- 97-2 12232 0-73-4 7- 94-4 138 660- 97- 6 27 68 6-84- 6 12252 0-85-8 8-82-3 144245-52-3 277 62-7 8-3 122 97 0-35-8 0-7 6-5 14 8998- 94-1 28507-02-0 122 97 0-4 0-5 1-2 1-3 14 9950- 60-7 2932 1-75-3 123027-5 6-5 2-43-2 15135 6-0 8-0 3022 0-45-2 123027- 69-0 152- 62-5 1531 01-2 6- 9 30303- 65-2 1233 91-12-8 303-45-7 1545 98-52-4 3051 6-87-1D 123774-72-1 314-13- 6 15 951 9- 65-0 3051 6-87-1D, 124351-85-5 32 1- 64-2 163451-8 0-7 31430-15- 6 124 930-5 9-2 339-72-0 1743 91- 92-5 32 672- 69-8 124 937-52- 6 362-07-2 175385- 62-3 32 82 8-8 1-2 125372-33-0 402-7 1-1 195157-34-7 32 981-8 6-5 12 6103- 94-4 404-8 6-4 2515 62-0 0-2 330 69- 62-4 12 632 0-77-2 440-17-5 3062 96-47- 9 330 89- 61-1 12 6347- 69-1 458-37-7 313 682-0 8-5 34031-32-8 12 65 95-07-1 468- 61-1 370893-0 6-4 34157-83-0 12 8075-7 9- 6 481-4 9-2 461443-5 9-4 34 62 0-7 8-5D 12 87 94- 94-5 517-8 9-5 857 094-2 1-4 354 04-50-3D 12 92 97-22- 9 518-2 8-5 13 61 94-77- 9 35943-35-2 12 9453- 61-8 52 1-7 8-8 13 627 9-32-8 36244-8 1-2 12 94 67-45-4 524-12- 9 13 644 9-85- 9 367 03-8 8-5 12 958 0- 63-8 538-03-4D 13 6458- 97-4 37019- 68-4 130 108-72-4 548-04- 9 137 893-4 8-2 3730 0-2 1-3 130 112-42-4 562-0 9-4 138 069-52-0 3733 9- 90-5 1307 17-51-0 569- 65-3 1384 83- 63-3 3817 6-02-2 13072 9- 68- 9 61 6- 91-1 13 9272- 69-8 3864 0- 92-5 1312 62-82-3 63 6-47-5 13 9694- 65-8 38937- 66-5 1317 07-23-8 637-58-1 13 98 93-43- 9 38966-2 1-1 133432-7 1-0 74 9-02-0 13 998 1-2 6-3 39323- 99-4 133550-30-8 74 9-13-3 14 0942-13-8 39475- 64-4 133550-34-2 751- 94-0 14 14 97-12-3 41135-0 6-2 133550-35-3 768- 94-5 14 1752- 91-2 432 10- 67- 9 1338 98-83- 6 881- 68-5 14 17 90-23-0 47231-30-1 13437 9-77-4 90 9-13-7 14 1994-72-1 4962 0-13-5 1344 99-0 6-2 969-33-5 14307 0-0 1-3 5132 1-7 9-0 134523-0 0-5 122 9-2 9-4 1432 05-42- 9 51333-22-3 134 633-2 9-7 1244-7 6-4 143338-12- 9 51630-58-1 134 67 8-17-4 13 93-4 8-2 1433 90-74-3 53023-17- 9 134 67 8-17-4D 14 05-8 6-3 1434 91-57-0 530 66-2 6-5 134 87 8-17-4 14 05- 97- 6 144 113-82- 6 53123-8 8- 9 1350 62-02-1 1424-0 0- 6 144 14 1- 97- 9 537 16-50-0 1352 95-27-1 162 1-55-2 144 189- 66-2 537 83-83-8 135525-7 1-2 1910- 68-5 14477 9- 91- 9 54 965-2 1-8 135525-77-8 2068-7 8-2 144 875-4 8- 9 54 965-24-1 135525-7 8- 9 214 0-72- 9 145258- 61-3 55134-13- 9 1358 12-04-3 2169-75-7 1454 17-33-0 55303- 98-5 1358 12-34- 9 2210- 63-1 145512-85-2 55954- 61-5 13 61 94-77- 9 2391-5 6-2 14 642 6-4 0- 6 55 981-0 9-4 13 627 9-32-8 2413-38- 9 14 673 9-8 6-8 585 69-55-4 13 644 9-85- 9 2438-72-4 14 67 94- 68-5 5858 1-8 9-8 13 6458- 97-4 2753-45- 9 14731 8-8 1-8 5897 0-7 6- 6 137 893-4 8-2 303 9-7 1-2 1473 62-54-7 5972 9-32-7 138 069-52-0 305 6-17-5 147 658-54- 6 597 89-2 9- 6 1384 83- 63-3 3093-35-4 14 8314- 61-8 598 65-13-3 13 9272- 69-8 3254-8 9-5 14 84 65-45- 6 60050- 95-5 13 9694- 65-8 3416-05-5 14 8473-1 6- 9 60525-15-7 13 98 93-43- 9 3424- 98-4 14 8550- 96-3 60 62 8- 96-8 13 998 1-2 6-3 3572-43-8 14 8692-4 6-0 60857-0 8-1 14 0942-13-8 3572- 60- 9 14 8982-38-1 614 13-54-5 14 14 97-12-3 3599-32-4 14 924 9-32-1 617 18-82- 9 14 1752- 91-2 3731-5 9-7 50-4 1-1 0 62304- 98-7 14 17 90-23-0 4097-22-7 50-55- 6 62304- 98-7D 14 1994-72-1 42 91- 63-8 50- 63- 6 63585-0 9-1 14307 0-0 1-3 4991- 65-5 50- 91-1 0 63 65 9-1 9-8 1432 05-42- 9 5154-02- 9 51-2 1- 9 63 968- 64- 9 143338-12- 9 5398-51- 6 51-24-2 64224-2 1-1 1433 90-74-3 54 66-77-3 51-45-7 6558 9-5 9-5 1434 91-57-0 5535-2 0- 6 53-1 9-1 65 64 6- 68- 6 144 113-82- 6 553 6-17-4 53-43-1 6661 1-37-8 144 14 1- 97- 9 5987-82- 6 53- 60-2 6752 6- 95-8 144 189- 66-2 61 90-3 9-2 54-42-3 677 00-30-5 14477 9- 91- 9 64 85-3 9-8 55-03- 9 67 915-31-5 144 875-4 8- 9 64 93-05- 6 55-8 6-8 68238-3 6-8 145258- 61-3 6873-13-8 56-47-4 68345-7 0-0 1454 17-33-0 705 9-23- 6 56-53-2 69123- 90- 6 145512-85-2 7081-38-1 56- 92- 9 69123- 98-4 14 642 6-4 0- 6 7083-7 1-8 58-1 8-5 69304-47-8 14 673 9-8 6-8 7235-4 0-7 58-22-1 69655-05- 6 14 67 94- 68-5 7481-8 9-2 60-5 6-1 69655-05- 6 D 14731 8-8 1-8 7481-8 9-2D 61-12-2 6983 9-83-4 1473 62-54-7 768 9-03-4 61-73-5 702 80-03-4 147 658-54- 6 8067-24-1 61-82- 6 70831-5 6-0 14 8314- 61-8 8077-15-4 63-25-3 71160-24-2 14 84 65-45- 6 13437 9-77-4 65-4 9-7 714 86-22-1 14 8473-1 6- 9 1344 99-0 6-2 66-8 1-1 0 7193 9-50- 9 14 8550- 96-3 134523-0 0-5 67- 92- 6 71963-77-4 14 8692-4 6-0 134 633-2 9-7 68-1 9-1 0 72324-1 8- 6 14 8982-38-1 134 67 8-17-4 68-8 8-3 7255 9-0 6- 9 14 924 9-32-1 134 67 8-17-4D 70-0 0- 9 725 99-27-0 50-4 1-1 0 134 87 8-17-4 83-7 0- 6 73573-8 8-3 50-55- 6 1350 62-02-1 83-8 9-7 74817- 61-1 50- 63- 6 1352 95-27-1 84-17-4 75330-75-5 50- 91-1 0 135525-7 1-2 88-58-5 757 06-12- 6 51-2 1- 9 135525-77-8 94-0 9-8 77181- 69-2 51-24-2 135525-7 8- 9 96-84-5 77372-73-7 51-45-7 1358 12-04-3 97-0 0-8 77 907- 69-8 53-1 9-1 1358 12-34- 9 97-77- 9 784 16-8 1- 6 53-43-1 8067-24-2 103-1 6-3 78613-38-4 53- 60-2 8077-15-5 113-52-1 78842-13-4 54-42-3 9001- 63-3 118-42-4 7955 9- 97-0 55-03- 9 9005-25- 9 123-31-1 0 79617- 96-2 55-8 6-8 9031- 94-2 123-77-4 797 94-75-5 56-47-4 9032-43-4 12 6-07- 9 79902- 63- 9 56-53-2 903 6-1 9- 6 127-07-2 8062 1-8 1-4 56- 92- 9 9042-14-3 12 8-13-3 8184 0-15-5 58-1 8-5 9050- 67-4 12 8- 62-2 82 147-31-7 58-22-1 10083-24-7 12 9-4 6-5 82 64 0-04-8 60-5 6-1 102 12-25-7 132-17-3 82 822-14-8 61-12-2 10347-8 1-7 132- 69-5 834 61-5 6-7 61-73-5 104 18-03- 9 13 6-4 0-4 8354 6-42-3 61-82- 6 10605-2 1-8 137-2 6- 9 83 91 9-23-7 63-25-3 11006-77-3 137-53-2 83 923-14-2 65-4 9-7 11072- 93- 9 14 6-5 6- 6 842 90-27-7 66-8 1-1 0 11089- 65-1 0 147- 94-5 84303-0 6-0 67- 92- 6 133 92-2 8-5 14 8-82-4 8437 1- 65-3 68-1 9-1 0 13422-51-1 150-7 6- 6 84472-85-5 68-8 8-3 13422-55-5 151-2 1-4 85233-1 9-8 70-0 0- 9 1387 0- 90-2 152-43-3 8532 6-0 6-3 83-7 0- 6 14 092-8 9- 9 152- 62- 6 8532 6-0 6-3D 83-8 9-7 1437 8-2 1-4 303-45-8 854 65-82-3 84-17-4 14534- 61-4 314-13-7 86903-77-7 88-58-5 8077-15-5 32 1- 64-3 87 190-7 9-2 94-0 9-8 9001- 63-3 339-72-1 87 857-4 1-8 96-84-5 9005-25- 9 362-07-3 884 95- 63-0 97-0 0-8 9031- 94-2 402-7 1-2 88899-55-2 97-77- 9 9032-43-4 404-8 6-5 8977 8-2 6-7 103-1 6-3 903 6-1 9- 6 440-17- 6 89813-2 1-8 113-52-1 9042-14-3 458-37-8 90832-7 0-5 118-42-4 9050- 67-4 468- 61-2 9142 1-42-0 123-31-1 0 10083-24-7 481-4 9-3 92 047-17-1 123-77-4 102 12-25-7 517-8 9- 6 925 62-8 8-4 12 6-07- 9 10347-8 1-7 518-2 8- 6 93253-8 6-2 127-07-2 104 18-03- 9 52 1-7 8- 9 932 65-8 1-7 12 8-13-3 10605-2 1-8 524-12-1 0 93 957-54-1 12 8- 62-2 11006-77-3 548-04-1 0 93 957-55-2 12 9-4 6-5 11072- 93- 9 562-0 9-5 9454 0-23-5 132-17-3 11089- 65-1 0 569- 65-4 95 933-74-7 132- 69-5 133 92-2 8-5 61 6- 91-2 961 87-53-0 13 6-4 0-4 13422-51-1 63 6-47- 6 97 123-8 0-3 137-2 6- 9 13422-55-5 637-58-2 9805 9- 61-1 137-53-2 1387 0- 90-2 74 9-02-1 98530-12-2 14 6-5 6- 6 14 092-8 9- 9 74 9-13-4 990 11-02- 6 147- 94-5 1437 8-2 1-4 751- 94-1 993 90-7 6-8 14 8-82-4 14534- 61-4 768- 94- 6 99751- 63-0 150-7 6- 6 12 02 10-4 8-2 881- 68- 6 10024 1-4 6-1 151-2 1-4 12 058 6-4 9-4 90 9-13-8 1002 86- 90- 6 152-43-3 12 1154-51- 6 969-33- 6 100643-7 1-8 152- 62- 6 122 111-03- 9 122 9-2 9-5 100827-2 8- 9 303-45-8 12232 0-73-4 1244-7 6-5 10098 6-85-4 314-13-7 12252 0-85-8 13 93-4 8-3 101347-05-1 32 1- 64-3 122 97 0-35-8 14 05-8 6-4 102 052- 95- 9 339-72-1 122 97 0-4 0-5 14 05- 97-7 102 674- 90-8 362-07-3 123027-5 6-5 1424-0 0-7 102 805-8 6-7 402-7 1-2 123027- 69-0 162 1-55-3 102 830- 69-3 404-8 6-5 1233 91-12-8 1910- 68- 6 103737-5 6-0 440-17- 6 123774-72-1 2068-7 8-3 103745-3 9-7 458-37-8 124351-85-5 214 0-72-1 0 103 913-1 6-2 468- 61-2 124 930-5 9-2 2169-75-8 104 624- 98-8 481-4 9-3 124 937-52- 6 2210- 63-2 104 880- 60- 6 517-8 9- 6 125372-33-0 2391-5 6-3 105 637-50-1 518-2 8- 6 12 6103- 94-4 2413-38-1 0 1063 62-32-7 52 1-7 8- 9 12 632 0-77-2 2438-72-5 1065 66-58- 9 524-12-1 0 12 6347- 69-1 2753-45-1 0 10742 1-1 6- 9 548-04-1 0 12 65 95-07-1 303 9-7 1-3 1074 89-37-2 562-0 9-5 12 8075-7 9- 6 305 6-17- 6 107753-7 8- 6 569- 65-4 12 87 94- 94-5 3093-35-5 107 868-30-4 61 6- 91-2 12 92 97-22- 9 3254-8 9- 6 1090 91-47- 6 63 6-47- 6 12 9453- 61-8 3416-05- 6 1090 93-57-4 637-58-2 12 94 67-45-4 3424- 98-5 110042- 95-0 74 9-02-1 12 958 0- 63-8 3572-43- 9 11007 8-4 0-5 74 9-13-4 130 108-72-4 3572- 60-1 0 11007 8-4 6-1 751- 94-1 130 112-42-4 3599-32-5 110143-1 0-7 768- 94- 6 1307 17-51-0 3731-5 9-8 110942-02-4 881- 68- 6 13072 9- 68- 9 4097-22-8 1113 93- 93-2 90 9-13-8 1312 62-82-3 42 91- 63- 9 112 190-24- 6 969-33- 6 1317 07-23-8 4991- 65- 6 112 885-42-4 122 9-2 9-5 133432-7 1-0 5154-02-1 0 113852-4 1-8 1244-7 6-5 133550-30-8 5398-51-7 11424 6-7 6-3 13 93-4 8-3 133550-34-2 54 66-77-4 114 627-30-4 14 05-8 6-4 133550-35-3 5535-2 0-7 1147 19-57-2 14 05- 97-7 1338 98-83- 6 553 6-17-5 115344-47-3 1424-0 0-7 3093-35-5 5987-82-7 115743-2 8-7 162 1-55-3 3254-8 9- 6 61 90-3 9-3 11624 9- 65-1 1910- 68- 6 3416-05- 6 64 85-3 9- 9 11664 9-85-5 2068-7 8-3 3424- 98-5 64 93-05-7 11668 0-0 1-4 214 0-72-1 0 3572-43- 9 6873-13- 9 1177 04- 65-1 2169-75-8 3572- 60-1 0 705 9-23-7 1183 90-30-0 2210- 63-2 3599-32-5 7081-38-2 1184 09-57-7 2391-5 6-3 3731-5 9-8 7083-7 1- 9 1184 09-58-8 2413-38-1 0 4097-22-8 7235-4 0-8 1184 09- 60-2 2438-72-5 42 91- 63- 9 7481-8 9-3 1194 13-54- 6 2753-45-1 0 4991- 65- 6 768 9-03-5 119644-22-3 303 9-7 1-3 5154-02-1 0 8067-24-2 12 0011-7 0-3 305 6-17- 6 5398-51-7 7081-38-2 61 90-3 9-3 5987-82-7 54 66-77-4 7083-7 1- 9 64 85-3 9- 9 768 9-03-5 5535-20-7 7235-40-8 6493-05-7 7059-23-7 5536-17-5 7481-89-3 6873-13-9

Table 3b: active compounds (INN) compound IUPAC Name and synonyms Formulation CMX 157 hexadecyloxypropyl 9- (2- Tenof ovir (phosphonomethoxy) propyl ) ; or ()

2- (Adenin-9-yl) - 1 (R) - methylethoxymethylphosphonic acid 3- (hexadecyloxy) propyl ; or

HDP- (R) -PMPA; or HDP-PMPA 2-Amino-9- [(IS, 3R, 4S) -4-hydroxy-3- Entecavir (hydroxymethyl )-2- methylidenecyclopentyl ]-6, 9-dihydro- 3H-purin- 6-one 4-amino-l- [(2R, 5S) -2- (hydroxymethyl )- Lamivudine l,3-oxathiolan-5-yl]-l,2- dihydropyrimidin-2-one 1- (2-deoxy^-L-erythro- Telbivudine pentof uranosyl )-5-methylpyrimidine- 2 , 4 (1H, 3H) -dione 1- [(2S, 3R, 4S, 5S) -3-f luoro-4-hydroxy- Clevudine 5- (hydroxymethyl) oxolan-2-yl] -5- methylpyrimidine-2 ,4-dione

Cidof ovir ({ [(S) -1- (4-amino-2-oxo-l, 2- Cidof ovir dihydropyrimidin-l-yl) -3- hydroxypropan-2- yl] oxyjmethyl) phosphonic acid 1- [(2R, 3R, 4S, 5R) -3, 4-dihydroxy-5- Ribavirin (hydroxymethyl )oxolan-2-yl] -lH-1, 2 , 4- triazole-3-carboxamide

Taribavirin 1- [(2R, 3R, 4S, 5S) - 3 , 4-dihydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl )oxolan-2-yl] - 1,2,4- hydrochlo triazole-3-carboximidamide ride N - (Diaminomethylidene) morpholine-4- Moroxydine carboximidamide Hydrochlo ride NOV-205 9- [(2R, 3R, 4S, 5R) -3, 4-dihydroxy-5- organic (hydroxymethyl )oxolan-2-yl] -6, 9- salt of dihydro-3H-purin- 6-one + bis- (2S) -2-amino-4-{ [(1R) -1- glycine-L- [(carboxymethyl) carbamoyl] -2- cysteinyl- sulf anylethyl ]carbamoyl jbutanoic ac bis- (g -L- id; or Molixan (Brand name) ; or gluta- bis-glycine-L-cysteinyl-bis- (g -L- mate) ·9-b - glutamate) / 9-b -D- D- ribof uranozilhypoxan thine (organic ribo- salt) ; or furanozilhy BAM-2 05 poxanthine

NOV- 002 (2S, 2 'S ) -5, 5 '- (((2R, 2 'R) - (bis- disulf anediylbis (1- (gamma-L- ((carboxymethyl) amino) -1-oxopropane- glutamyl )- 3 , 2-diyl) )bis (azanediyl) )bis (2-amino- L- 5-oxopentanoic acid) ; or Glutathione cisteinyl- disulphide; or Oxiglutatione sodium; bis-glycin or Bis (gamma-glutamyl-cysteinyl- disodium glycine) S,S '-disulf ide disodium salt) salt; or BAM-002

Aciclovir / 2-Amino-l, 9-dihydro-9- ((2- Acyclovir acyclovir hydroxyethoxy) methyl )-6H-Purin- 6-one

Valaciclo- (S) -2- [(2-amino-6-oxo-6, 9-dihydro-3H- valacyclo- vir / purin-9-yl) methoxy] ethyl -2 -amino- 3- vir hydro valacyclo- methylbutanoate chloride vir 2-amino-9-{ [(1,3-dihydroxypropan-2- Ganciclovir yl) oxy] methyl }-6, 9-dihydro-3H-purin- sodium 6-one Val- 2- [(2-amino-6-oxo-6, 9-dihydro-3H- val- ganciclovir purin- 9-yl )methoxy] -3-hydroxypropyl ganciclovir (2S) -2-amino-3-methylbutanoate hydrochlo ride 2-amino-9- [4-hydroxy-3- Penciclovir (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]-6, 9-dihydro-3H- purin- 6-one 2- [(acetyloxy) methyl ]-4- (2-amino-9H- Famciclovir purin- 9-yl )butyl acetate (2R, 3S, 4S, 5R) -2- (6-amino- 9H-purin- 9- Vidarabine / adenine yl) -5- (hydroxymethyl )oxolane-3, 4-diol arabinoside hydrate 1- [(2R, 4S, 5R) -4-hydroxy-5- Idoxuridine (hydroxymethyl )oxolan-2-yl] -5-iodo- 1,2,3, 4-tetrahydropyrimidine-2 ,4- dione Tri- 1- [4-hydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl) oxolan- Tri- fluridine / 2-yl]-5- (trif luoromethyl) pyrimi- fluridine trif luoro- dine-2, 4-dione (TFT) / 5-ethyl-l- [4-hydroxy-5- Edoxudine Edoxudin (hydroxymethyl )oxolan-2- yl ]pyrimidine-2 ,4-dione

Brivudine 5- [(E) -2-bromoethenyl] -1- [(2R, 4S, 5R) - 4-hydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl) oxolan-2- yl] -1, 2 , 3 , 4-tetrahydropyrimidine-2 ,4- dione 4-amino-l- [(2R, 3S, 4R, 5R) -3, 4- Cytarabine / dihydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl) oxolan-2- arabinoside yl] pyrimidin-2-one (Ara - C ) phosphonof ormic acid Foscarnet Sodium Docosanol Docosan-l-ol Docosanol fomivirsen sodium Troman- N-l-adamantyl-N- [2- troman- tadine (dimethylamino) ethoxy] acetamide tadine hy drochloride

Imiquimod/ 3- (2-methylpropyl) -3, 5 , 8- R-837 triazatricyclo[,6]trideca- 1(9), 2(6), 4 , 7 , 10, 12-hexaen-7-amine 1- [4-amino-2- Resiquimod (ethoxymethyl )imidazo [4, 5-c] quinolin- 1-yl] -2-methylpropan-2-ol Podophyllo- (10R, 11R, 15R, 16R) -16-hydroxy- 10- (PPT) (3, , 5-trimethoxyphenyl )-4, 6 , 13- / podofilox trioxatetracy-

clo [7 .7 .0 .03'7 .O^'^Jhexadeca-l, 3 (7) ,8- trien-12-one Rif ampicin (7S, 9E, US, 12R, 13S ,14R, 15R, 16R, 17S,18 rif ampicin S,19E,21Z)-2,15,17,27,2 9- sodium pentahydroxy-1 l-methoxy- 3,7,12,14,16, 18, 22-heptamethyl-2 6-

{ (E) - [(4-methylpiperazin-l- yl) imino] methyl }-6,23-dioxo-8,30- dioxa-24- azatetracy- clo[2 ' .0 5'2 8 ]triaconta-

1(28), 2 , 4 , 9 , 19, 21, 25(29) ,2 6-octaen- 13-yl acetate Methisazone [(l-Methyl-2-oxoindol-3- Methisazone / Metisa- ylidene) amino] thiourea zone Enf uvirtide Acetyl -YTSLIHSLIEESQNQ Enf uvirtide QEKNEQELLELDKWASLWNWF- amide

Maraviroc 4 , 4-difluoro-N-{ (lS)-3-[3-(3- isopropyl- 5-methyl-4H-l ,2 , 4-triazol-

4-yl) -8-azabicyclo [3 .2 .1 ] oct-8-yl] -1- phenylpropyl }cyclohexanecarboxamide 6-dimethylpyrimidin-5-yl )- [4- [(3S) -4- Vicriviroc [(1R) -2-methoxy-l- [4- maleate (trif luoromethyl) phenyl] ethyl] -3- methylpiperazin-l-yl ]-4- methylpiperidin-l-yl ]methanone Cenicrivi- (5E) -8- [4- (2-butoxyethoxy) phenyl] -1- cenicrivi- roc (2-methylpropyl) -N- [4- [(S) - (3- roc mesyl propylimidazol-4- ate yl) methyl su Ifinyl ]phenyl] -3,4- dihydro-2H-l-benzazocine-5- carboxamide PRO 14 0 Humanized monoclonal IgG4 kappa anti body targeting human C-C chemokine receptor type 5 (CCR5) ; or HuPRO-140; or PA- 14 / { (IS, 4R) -4- [2-amino-6- Abacavir ABC (cyclopropylamino) -9H-purin-9- yl ]cyclopent-2-en-l-yl } Emtricita- 4-amino-5-f luoro-1- [(2S, 5R) -2- Emtricita- bine / FTC (hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-5-yl ]- bine 1 , 2-dihydropyrimidin-2-one 9- ((2R, 5S) -5- Didanosine (hydroxymethyl )tetrahydrofuran-2-yl) - 3H-purin-6 (9H) -one 1- [(2R, S ,5S) -4-azido-5- Zidovudine (ZDV) / az- (hydroxymethyl )oxolan-2-yl] -5- idothymi- methylpyrimidine-2 ,4-dione dine (AZT)

Apricita- 4-amino-l- [(2R, 4R) -2- (hydroxymethyl) - Apricita- bine 1,3- oxathiolan-4-yl] pyrimidin-2 (1H) - bine one methyl N - ((4-bromophenoxy) { [(2S, 5R) - Apricita- 5- (5-methyl-2, 4-dioxo-3, 4- bine dihydropyrimidin-1 (2H) -yl) -2, 5- dihydrof uran- 2- yl] methoxy jphosphoryl) -D-alaninate Elvucita- 4-Amino-5-f luoro-1- [(2S, 5R) -5- Elvucita- bine (hydroxymethyl )-2, 5-dihydrof uran-2- bine yl ]pyrimidin-2 -one 4-Amino-5-f luoro-1- [(2S, 5R) -2- Racivir (hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-5- yl ]pyrimidin-2 (1H) -one

Amdoxovir [(2R, 4R) -4- (2, 6-Diaminopurin-9-yl) - 1 , 3-dioxolan-2-yl] methanol 1- ((2R, 5S) -5- (hydroxymethyl) -2,5- Apricita- dihydrofuran-2-yl) -5- bine methylpyrimidine-2 ,4 (1H, 3H) -dione 4-amino-l- ((2R, 5S) -5- Zalcitabine (hydroxymethyl )tetrahydrof uran -2- yl )pyrimidin-2 (1H) -one Festinavir Festinavir GS 7340 (9- [(R) -2- [[[[(S) -1- Tenofovir (isopropoxycarbonyl )ethyl] amino] (Prodrug) phenoxy-phosphinyl ]-methoxy] propyl] adenine) ; or

fumarate; or N - [[S (P) ]- [2- (Adenin-9- yl) - 1 (R) -methylethoxymethyl ] (phe- noxy) phosphoryl ]-L-alanine isopropyl ester hemif umarate ; or TAF; or GS- 7340-03 (4S) -6-chloro-4- (2- Efavirenz (EFV) cyclopropylethynyl )-4- (EFV) (trif luoromethyl) -2, 4-dihydro-lH-3, 1- benzoxazin-2-one 1l-cyclopropyl-4-methyl-5 ,11-dihydro - Nevirapine 6H- dipyrido [3, 2-b:2 ',3 '- e ] [1,4]diazepin- 6-one / 2- [(2-Acetyl-5-methylphenyl) amino] -2- Loviride Loveride (2, 6-dichlorophenyl )acetamide

Delavirdine N - [2 - ({4- [3 - (propan-2- (DLV) ylamino) pyridin-2-yl ]piper azin- 1- mesylate yljcarbonyl) -lH-indol-5- yl ]methanesulf onamide 4- [6-Amino-5-bromo-2- [(4- cyanophenyl )amino ] pyrimidin-4- yl]oxy- 3,5-dimethylbenzonitrile 4-{[4-({4-[(E) -2-cyanovinyl] -2, 6- Rilpivirine dimethylphenyl }amino) pyrimidin-2- yl] amino jbenzonitrile Lersivirine 5-{ [3, 5-diethyl-l- (2-hydroxyethyl) - Lersivirine lH-pyrazol-4-yl ]oxy jbenzene- 1 , 3- dicarbonitrile N - (2- (4- (4-f luorobenzylcarbamoyl) -5- ralte hydroxy-l-methyl-6-oxo-l, - gravir, dihydropyrimidin-2-yl )propan-2-yl ) raltegravir potassium (pediatric) Elvitegravi 6- [(3-Chloro-2-f luorophenyl) methyl] - Elvitegravi r 1- [(2S) -l-hydroxy-3-methylbutan-2- r yl] -7-methoxy-4-oxoquinoline-3- carboxylic acid

Dolute- (4R, 12aS) -N- (2, 4-dif luorobenzyl) -7- Dolute- gravir hydroxy-4-methyl-6, 8-dioxo- gravir 3,4,6,8,12, 12a-hexahydro-2H- pyrido [1 ',2 ':4,5]pyrazino[2,l- b ] [1,3]oxazine- 9-carboxamide

Globoidnan (2R) - (3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl) -2- { [4-

A (3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl) -6, 7-dihydroxy- 2-naphthoyl ]oxy jpropanoic acid MK-2048 (6S) -2- (3-chloro-4-f luorobenzyl) -8- ethyl-10-hydroxy-N, 6-dimethyl-l ,9-

dioxo-1, 2 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9- hexahydropyra- zino [1 ',2 ':l,5]pyrrolo[2,3- d ]pyridazine-4-carboxamide

B I 224436 (2S) - [4- (3, 4-Dihydro-2H-chromen-6- yl) -3-quinolinyl ] [(2-methyl-2- propanyl )oxy ] 3β- (3-carboxy-3-methyl -butanoyloxy) bevirimat lup-20(29)- en-28-oic acid dimeglumine Vivecon Fosampre- { [(2R, 3S) -1- [N- (2-methylpropyl) (4- fosampre- navir aminobenzene) sulf onamido] -3- ({ [(3S) - navir cal oxolan-3-yloxy] carbonyl} amino) -4- cium phenylbutan-2-yl ]oxy jphosphonic acid

Lopinavir (2S) -N- [(2S, S ,5S) -5- [2 - (2, 6- dimethylphenoxy) acetamido] -4-hydroxy- 1 , 6-diphenylhexan-2-yl ]-3-methyl-2- (2-oxo-l, 3-diazinan-l-yl) butanamide Nelf inavir (3S, 4aS, 8aS) -N-tert-butyl-2- [(2R, 3R) - Nelf inavir 2-hydroxy-3- [(3-hydroxy-2- mesylate methylphenyl )formamido] -4- (phenylsulf anyl )butyl ]- decahydroisoquinoline-3-carboxamide 1 , 3-thiazol-5-ylmethyl N - [(2S, 3S, 5S) - Ritonavir 3-hydroxy-5- [(2S) -3-methyl-2- { [methyl ({ [2- (propan-2-yl) -1, 3- thiazol-4- yl ]methyl })carbamoyl ]amino jbutanamido ]-1, 6-diphenylhexan-2-yl ]

Saquinavir (2S) -N- [(2S,3R)-4-[(3S)-3 - (tert- , butylcarbamoyl )-decahydroisoquinolin- Saquinavir 2-yl] -3-hydroxy-l-phenylbutan-2-yl ]- mesylate 2- (quinolin-2- ylf ormamido) butanediamide (3S) -oxolan-3-yl N - [(2S, 3R) -3- Amprenavir hydroxy-4- [N- (2-methylpropyl) (4- aminobenzene) sulfonamido] -1- phenylbutan-2-yl ]carbamate (2S) -1- [(2S, 4R) -4-benzyl-2-hydroxy-4- Indinavir (IDV) { [(IS, 2R) -2-hydroxy-2, 3-dihydro-lH- inden-l-yl ]carbamoyl }butyl ]-N-tert- butyl-4- (pyridin-3- ylmethyl )piperazine-2-carboxamide methyl N - [(IS) -l-{ [(2S, 3S) -3-hydroxy- Atazanavir 4- [(2S) -2- [(methoxycarbonyl )amino] - 3 , 3-dimethyl-N' - { [4- (pyridin-2- yl) phenyl] methyl jbutanehydrazido] -1- phenylbutan-2-yl ]carbamoyl }-2,2- dimethylpropyl ]carbamate [(1R, 5S, 6R) -2, 8- Darunavir dioxabicyclo [3 .3 .0]oct- 6-yl ] N - [(2S, 3R) -4- [(4-aminophenyl) sulfonyl- (2-methylpropyl) amino] -3-hydroxy-l- phenyl- butan-2-yl] carbamate N-{3- [(1R) -1- [(2R) -6-hydroxy-4-oxo-2- tipranavir (2-phenylethyl) -2-propyl-3, 4-dihydro- disodium 2H-pyran- 5-yl ]propyl ]phenyl }-5- (trif luoromethyl) pyridine-2- sulf onamide Trichosan- Trichosan- thin (TCS) thin Calanolide (+)-[10R,llS,12S]-10, 11-trans-

A dihydro-12-hydroxy-6, 6 , 10, l i ¬ t e tramethyl- -propyl -2H, 6H-benzo [1,2-

b :3 , 4-b ' :5 , 6-b ' ']tripyran-2-one

Ceragenin / cat ionic steroid a n ¬ tibiotics (CSAs) Cyanovirin- cyanovirin- N (CV-N) N (pegylat- ed) Epigallo- (2R, 3R) -5, 7-dihydroxy-2- (3,4,5- trihydroxyphenyl ) -3, 4-dihydro-2H-l- gallate benzopyran-3-yl 3,4,5- (EGCG) trihydroxybenzoate Griff ithsin

Hydroxycar- hydroxyurea hydroxyurea bamide / hydroxyurea Miltef osine 2 - (hexadecoxy-oxido- Miltef osine phosphoryl )oxyethyl-trimethyl-azanium

Seliciclib 2 - (R) - (l-Ethyl-2-hydroxyethylamino) - 6-benzylamino- 9-isopropylpurine

Resveratrol (E) -5- (4 -hydroxys tyryl) -1, 3 - Resveratrol diol

Chloroquine (RS ) -N '- (7-chloroquinolin-4-yl) -N, INT- chloro ¬ diet hyl -pent ane-1 , 4-diamine quine, chloroquine phosphate Lef lunomide 5-methyl-N- [4- (trif luoromethyl) p h e Lef lunomide nyl] -isoxazole-4-carboxamide Mycophenol- (4E) -6- (4-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-7-methyl- mycopheno- i c acid 3 - oxo-l, 3-dihydro-2-benzofuran-5-yl) - late mo- 4 -methylhex-4-enoic acid fetil, my- cophenolate sodium Thiazol-5-ylmethyl N - [l-benzyl-4- [[2- Cobicistat [[(2-isopropylthiazol-4-yl) methyl- methyl-carbamoyl ]amino] -4-morpholino- butanoyl] amino] -5-phenyl- pentyl] carbamate Dexelvu- 4-Amino-5-f luoro-1- [(2R, 5S) -5- Dexelvu- citabine (hydroxymethyl )-2, 5-dihydrof uran-2- citabine yl ]pyrimidin-2-one

Capravirine [5- (3, 5-Dichlorophenyl )sulfanyl-4- propan-2-yl-l- (pyridin-4- ylmethyl) imidazol-2-yl ]methyl carba mate 1- (ethoxymethyl )-6- (phenylmethyl )-5- Emivirine propan-2-ylpyrimidine-2 ,4-dione [(2S, 4S, 5R) -5- (6-Aminopurin-9-yl) -4- Lodenosine fluorooxolan-2-yl] methanol [4- [3- (ethylamino) pyridin-2- Atevirdine yl ]piperazin-l-yl ]- (5-methoxy-lH- mesylate indol-2-yl) methanone

Brecanavir [(3R, 3aS, 6aR) -2, 3 , 3a, 4 , 5 , 6a- Hexahydrof uro [5, 4-b] furan-3-yl] N - [(2S, 3R) -4- (1, 3-benzodioxol-5- ylsulfonyl- (2-methylpropyl )amino) -3- hydroxy-1- [4- [(2-methyl- 1 , 3-thiazol- 4-yl) methoxy] phenyl] but an- 2- yl ]carbamate

Aplaviroc 4- (4-{ [(3R) -l-butyl-3- [(R) - cyclohexylhydroxymethyl ]-2, 5-dioxo-

1 , 4 , 9-triazaspiro [5.5] undecan- 9- yl ]methyl jphenoxy) benzoic acid

Boceprevir (1R, 2S, 5S) -N- [(2 Ξ)- -amino- 1- cyclobutyl-3 ,4-dioxobutan-2-yl) ]- 3- { (2S) -2- [(tert-butylcarbamoyl) amino] -

3 , 3-dimethylbutanoyl }- 6 , 6-dimethyl- 3-azabicyclo[3.1.0] hexane-2- carboxamide (IS, 3aR, 6aS) -2- [(2S) -2 - [[(2S) -2- Telaprevir Cyclohexyl-2- (pyrazine-2- carbonylamino) acetyl] amino] -3, 3- dimethylbutanoyl ]-N- [(3S) -1- (cyclopropylamino) -1, 2-dioxohexan-3- yl] -3, 3a, 4,5,6, 6a-hexahydro-lH-

cyclopenta [c] pyrrole-l-carboxamide 3-{3, 5-dimethyl-4- [3- (3- Pleconaril methyl isoxazol- 5-yl )propoxy ]phenyl }- 5- (trif luoromethyl) -1,2, 4-oxadiazole

Arbidol l-methyl-2- ((phenylthio) methyl) -3- Arbidol carbethoxy-4- ((dimethylamino) methyl) - 5-hydroxy- 6-bromindole adamantan-1 -amine Amantadine (RS) -1- (1-adamantyl) ethanamine Rimantadine ethyl (3R, 4R, 5S) -5-amino-4-acetamido- Oseltamivir 3- (pentan-3-yloxy) -cyclohex-l-ene-1- carboxylate (2R, 3R, 4S) -4-guanidino-3- (prop-l-en- Zanamivir 2-ylamino) -2- ((1R, 2R) - 1 ,2,3- trihydroxypropyl )-3, 4-dihydro-2H- pyran- 6-carboxylic acid

Peramivir (lS,2S,3S,4R)-3-[(lS) -1-acetamido-2 - ethyl-butyl] -4- (diaminomethylidene- amino) -2-hydroxy-cyclopentane- 1- carboxylic acid

Laninamivir (4S, 5R, 6R) -5-acetamido-4- carbamimidamido- 6- [(1R, 2R) -3-hydroxy- 2-methoxypropyl ]-5, 6-dihydro-4H- pyran-2-carboxylic acid PSI7977 Isopropyl (2S) -2- [[[(2R, 3R, 4R, 5R) -5- PSI7977

(2, 4-dioxopyrimidin-l-yl) -4-f luoro-3- hydroxy-4-methyl-tetrahydrof uran-2- yl ]methoxy-phenoxy- phosphoryl ]amino ]propanoate ; or

Sofosbuvir; or P (S) ]-N- (2 '-Deoxy-2 '- fluoro-2 '-methyluridin-5 '-0- yl) (phenoxy) phosphoryl ]-L-alanine isopropyl ester; or GS-7977

INX189 6-0-Methyl-2 '-C-methyl-5 '-0- [0- (2,2- INX189 dimethylpropyl )-L- alanino] (naphthalen-1- yloxy) phosphor yl ]guano sine

N - [(2 '-C, 6-0-Dimethylguanosin-5 '-0- yl) (naphthalen-l-yloxy) phosphoryl ]-L- alanine 2,2-dimethylpropyl ester; or INX-08189; or BMS-986094 Alamif ovir disoproxil fumarate Alamif ovir disoproxil hemi- fumarate Table 3c: active compounds (INN), List of Integrity Polymerase Inhibitors : Rifapentine, Fidaxomicin, 2 '-Deoxy-2 '-methylidencytidine ; 4-

Amino-1- (2 '-deoxy-2 '-methyliden-1 '-beta-D-ribof uranosyl )-2 (1H) - pyrimidinone, Aphidicolin glycinate, Clofarabine, Tezacitabine, 1- (2-Cyano-2-deoxy-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl) cytosine, Sapacita- bine, Alkasar-18, Ethynylcytidine, Troxacitabine, Actinomycin D / Dactinomycin, Bakuchiol; Drupanol, Torcitabine, Hexadecyloxy- propyl-cidof ovir , 7-Deaza-2 '-C-methyladenosine, Bis (2,2- dimethylpropionic acid) 1- (2-amino-9H-purin-9- ylmethyl) cyclopropoxymethylphosphorylbis (oxymethylene) diester,

2- [4- [ '-Chloro-4- (2-oxopyrrolidin-l-yl) -2-ylmethoxy] -2- fluorophenyl ]-l-cyclohexyl-lH-benzimidazole-5-carboxylic acid hydrochloride, 4 '-C-Azidocytidine, 4-Amino-l- [(2R, 3R, 4R, 5R) -3, 4- dihydroxy-5- (hydroxymethyl )-3-methyltetrahydrof uran-2- yl ]pyrimidin-2 (1H) -one ; 2 '-C-Methylcytidine, 2- [5-Cyano-8- methyl-1 (R) -propyl-1, 3 , 4 , 9-tetrahydropyrano [3, 4-b] indol-1- yl] acetic acid, 2- (4-Fluorophenyl) -5-isopropoxy-N-methyl- 6- (methylsulf onamido) -1-benzof uran-3-carboxamide, 2 '-C-

Methylguanosine, Balapiravir hydrochloride, 1- (2 '-Deoxy-2 '- fluoro-2 '-C-methyl -be ta-D-ribof uranosyl )cytosine, 8-[3(R)-[l-[N-

[1- [21 (S) -Acetoxy-5, 6 , 9 , 17 (S) ,19 (R) -pentahydroxy-23 (S) -methoxy- 2(S),4,12,16(S),18(R),20(R),22(R) -heptamethyl-1 ,11-dioxo-l, 2- dihydro-2 ,7- (epoxy [1,11, 13] pentadecatrienimino) naphtho [2,1- b ]furan-8-ylmethylideneamino] piperidin-4-yl] -N- methylamino] cyclopropyl]pyrrolidin-l-yl]-l-cyclopropyl-7-fluoro- 9-methyl-4-oxo-4H-quinolizine-3-carboxylic acid; 8- [4- [N- [1- [1- (3-Carboxy-l-cyclopropyl-7-f luoro-9-methyl-4-oxo-4H-quinolizin-

8-yl) pyrrolidin-3 (R) -yl] cyclopropyl] -N-methylamino ]piperidin-1- yliminomethyl ]rif amycin SV, 1- (4-tert-Butyl-3-methoxybenzoyl) - 4 (S) - (methoxymethyl) -2 (R) - (lH-pyrazol-l-ylmethyl) -5 (R) - (2- thiazolyl) pyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid,

Table 3d: active compounds (INN), List of Integrity RTIs: N - (2-Nitrobenzoyl )-N '- [4- (5-bromo-2-pyrimidinyloxy) -3- chlorophenyl ], Dioxolane T ; Dioxolane nucleoside, Berberine iodide, 3 '-Azido-3 '-deoxythymidylyl- (5 ',5 ')-2 ',3 '- dideoxy-5 '-inosinic acid, Lipoic acid, 3- (4, 7- Dichlorobenzoxazol-2-ylmethylamino) -5-ethyl- 6-methylpyridin- 2(lH)-one; (L-697661), 3- (4, 7-Dimethylbenzoxazol-2- ylmethylamino) -5-ethyl- 6-methylpyridin-2 (1H) -one; (L-697639) , 3- [2- (Benzoxazol-2-yl) ethyl] -5-ethyl- 6-methylpyridine-2 (1H) -one

(L-696229) , 1- (2, 6-Dif luorophenyl )-1H, 3H-thiazolo [3, 4- a ]benzimidazole (NSC-625487) , 5-Ethyl-3- (5-ethyl-2-methoxy-6- methylpyridin-3-ylmethylamino) -6-methylpyridin-2 (1H) -one (L-

702007), ; (±) -cis-1- [2- (Hydroxymethyl )-1, 3- oxathiolan-4-yl ]cytosine; (±) -2 '-Deoxy-3 '-oxa-4 '-thiocytidine

(dOTC) , (-) - (S) -6-Chloro-2- [1- (furo [2, 3-c] pyridin-5- yl) ethylsulf anyl] pyrimidine-4-amine (PNU-142721) , (-) -6-Chloro- 4 (S) - (2-cyclopropylethynyl) -4- (trif luoromethyl) -3, 4-dihydro-lH- quinazolin-2-one, 4 (S) - (2-Cyclopropylethynyl) -5, 6-dif luoro-4- (trif luoromethyl) -3, 4-dihydro-lH-quinazolin-2-one, N - (5- Cyanopyridin-2-yl )-N'-[(lS,2S)-2-( 6-f luo ro-2 -hydroxy- 3- propionylphenyl )cyclopropyl ]urea, Phosphonovir , (E) -6-Chloro- 4 (S) - (2-cyclopropylvinyl) -4- (trif luoromethyl) -3, 4-dihydro-lH- quinazolin-2-one, (E) -4 (S) - (2-Cyclopropylvinyl) -5, 6-dif luoro-4-

(trif luoromethyl) -3, 4-dihydro-lH-quinazolin-2-one, (-) - (2R, 4R) - 4- [2-Amino-6- (cyclopropylamino) -9H-purin- 9-yl ]-1, 3-dioxolane-2- methano, Lagociclovir valactate, (+) -2 (R) - (3, 4-Dihydroxyphenyl) -

3 (R) ,5 , 7-trihydroxy-2 ,3-dihydro-4H-l-benzopyran-4-one; (Dihy- droquercetin) ; taxifolin, 32-Cascade :N- [(S) - diphenylmethyl ace tamide ] [2-2,2] :[(S)-2-oxo-3-azapropylidene:2- oxo-3-azaheptylidene ]4 :[(S) -3-oxo-4-aza-l-oxabutyl :3-oxo-4-aza- 1-oxaoctylede] naphthalene-2, 7-disulf onic acid disodium salt, 11- Ethyl-5-methyl-8- [2- (l-oxidoquinolin-4-yloxy) ethyl] -6, 11- dihydro-5H-dipyrido [3,2-b:2',3'-e] [l,4]diazepin-6-one, Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, N - [4- [2- [4-Chloro-2- (3-chloro-5- cyanobenzoyl )phenoxy] acetamido] -3- methylphenylsulf onyl ]propionamide sodium salt, 2- [4-Chloro-2- (3- chloro-5-cyanobenzoyl )phenoxy ]-N- (2-methyl-4- sulf amoylphenyl )acetamide; 4- [2- [4-Chloro-2- (3-chloro-5- cyanobenzoyl )phenoxy] acetamido] -3-methylbenzenesulf onamide, Ler-

sivirine, 5 (S) - (Cyclopropylmethoxy) -7-f luoro-5- (trif luoromethyl) -5, 10-dihydrobenzo [b] -1, 8-naphthyridine 1- oxide, Festinavir, Niglizin, [S (P) ]- [5 (R) - (9H-Adenin- 9-yl )-4-

fluoro-2, 5-dihydrof uran-2 (R) -yloxymethyl ]-N- [1 (S) - (ethoxycarbonyl )ethyl ]phosphonamidic acid phenyl ester, 2- [4- Bromo-3- (3-chloro-5-cyanophenoxy) -2-f luorophenyl ]-N- [2-chloro-4- (propionamidosulf onyl )phenyl ]acetamide sodium salt, 4- [2- [5- Bromo-4- (4-cyclopropylnaphthalen-l-yl) -4H-1, 2 , 4-triazol-3- ylsulf anyl ]acetamido ]-3-chlorobenzoic acid potassium salt, , 2- [5-Bromo-4- (4-cyclopropylnaphthalen-l-yl) -4H- l,2,4-triazol-3-ylsulfanyl]-N-(2-chloro-4- sulf amoylphenyl )acetamide, 3- [5- (6-Amino-lH-pyrazolo [3, - b ]pyridin-3-ylmethoxy) -2-chlorophenoxy] -5-chlorobenzonitrile, 3- [4- [1- [3-Cyclopentyl-l-methyl-2- (2-pyridyl) -lH-indol-6- ylcarboxamido ]cyclobutylcarboxamido ]phenyl] -2-propenoic acid trif luoroacetate, , 5 '-0- [(Benzylamino) [2- (3- hydroxy-2, 2-dimethylpropionylsulf anyl) ethoxy] phosphoryl] -2 '-C- methylguanosine, 6- [2- (5-Chloro-2, 4-dimethoxyphenyl) ethyl] -6- cyclopentyl-3- (5,7-dimethyl [1, 2 , 4 ] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-2- ylsulf anyl) -4-hydroxy-5, 6-dihydropyran-2-one, Tegobuvir, 2- (4- Methyl-1, 4-diazepan-l-yl) -N- (5-methylpyrazin-2-ylmethyl) -5-oxo-

5H-benzothiazolo [3, 2-a] [1,8]naphthyridine- 6-carboxamide, N-[6- [3-tert-Butyl-5- (2, 4-dioxo-3, 4-dihydropyrimidin-l (2H) -yl) -2- methoxyphenyl ]naphthalen-2-yl ]methane , 2-Hydroxy-

N , ,N-trimethylethanaminium (2S) -2-tert-butyl-l- (3, 3- dimethylbutyl )-4- [l-ethoxy-7- [(methylsulf onyl )amino] -1-oxido- 1 , 4-dihydro-2, 4 , l-benzodiazaphosphorin-3-yl ]-5-oxo-2, 5-dihydro-

lH-pyrrol-3-olate, N - (4- [(E) -2- [3-tert-Butyl-5- (2, 4-dioxo-3, 4- dihydropyrimidin-1 (2H) -yl) -2- methoxyphenyl ]ethenyl] phenyl) methanesulf onamide, Lomibuvir,

Lurbinectedin, , cis-4 '-Azido-5 '-0- [ (S) - (3- chlorophenyl )-2-oxo-l, 3 , 2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl ]-2 ',3 '-0- bis (propionyl) , 1- (2-Amino-6-ethoxy-9H-purin-9-yl) -2- fluoro-2-C-methyl-l, 2-dideoxy-beta-D-ribof uranose 3 , 5-cyclic

[P (R) ]-isopropylphosphate, (laR, 12bS) -8-Cyclohexyl-N- (dimethylsulf amoyl )-11-methoxy-la- [(3-methyl-3, 8- diazabicyclo[3.2.1]oct-8-yl)carbonyl]-l,la,2,12b- tetrahydrocyclopropa [d] indolo [2,1-a] [2]benzazepine-5- carboxamide, 6-0-Methyl-2 '-C-methyl-5 '-0- [0- (2, 2- dimethylpropyl )-L-alanino] (naphthalen-1- yloxy) phosphoryl ]guanosine, Setrobuvir, , 13- Cyclohexyl-3-methoxy-17 ,23-dimethyl-7H-10, - (methanoiminothioiminoethanooxyethanoiminomethano) indolo [2, 1- a ] [2 ]benzazepine-14 ,24-dione 16 , 16-dioxide, (2R)-4-(5- Cyclopropyl [1, 3 ] thiazolo [4, 5-d] pyrimidin-2-yl )-N- [3-fluoro-4- (trif luoromethoxy) benzyl ]-1- [[4- (trif luoromethyl) phenyl] sulf onyl] piperazine-2-carboxamide, (2R, 3S, 4S, 5R) -5- (4-Amino-2 -oxopyrimidin- 1 (2H) -yl) -2-azido-4- methyl-2- [[(2-methylpropanoyl) oxy] methyl] tetrahydrof uran-3-yl 2- methylpropanoate, 5- (3, 3-Dimethylbut-l-yn-l-yl) -3- [[cis-4- hydroxy-4- [[(3S) -tetrahydrof uran-3- yloxy] methyl ]cyclohexyl ] [[(1R) -4-methylcyclohex-3-en-l- yl] carbonyl] amino] thiophene-2-carboxylic acid, N - [(S) - [5 (R) - (4- Aminopyrrolo [2,1-f] [l,2,4]triazin-7-yl) -5-cyano-4 (R) -hydroxy-

3 (R) - (isobutyryloxy) -4-methyltetrahydrof uran-2 (R) - ylmethoxy] (phenoxy) phosphoryl ]-L-alanine isopropyl ester, [4- [[[5-Cyclopropyl-2- (4-f luorophenyl) -3- (methylcarbamoyl )-1- benzof uran- 6-yl ] (methyl sulf onyl )amino] methyl] -2- fluorophenyl ]boronic acid

Table 3 consists of table 3a, 3b, 3c and 3d.

Preferred inventive compounds are Tomeglovir derivatives, Alamifovir or Alamifovir derivatives, or Emtricit- abine derivatives, Entecavir or Entecavir derivatives, Adefovir or Adefovir derivatives, Cidofovir or Cidofovir derivatives, Tenofovir or Tenofovir derivatives. In special inventive groups of active compounds Adefovir (PMEA) is included or excluded. In special inventive groups of active compounds Adefovir Dipivoxil (Bis-POM PMEA) is included or excluded. In special inventive groups of active compounds Tenofovir (PMPA) is included or ex- eluded. In special inventive groups of active compounds Pradefo- vir (Remofovir, CAS 625095-60-5) is included or excluded. In a preferment, the inventive compound is Tomeglovir (S y n o nym: BAY-38-4766; Chemical name: N - [4- [5- (Dimethylamino) -1- naphthylsulf onamido ]phenyl ]-3-hydroxy- 2 ,2-dimethylpropionamide ; CAS number: 233254-24-5), or any derivatives, salts, or metabolites of Tomeglovir. Tomeglovir is an antiviral compound that was originally developed against Cytomegalovirus , and its antiviral properties are effected b y the inhibition of viral terminase . In a preferment , the Tomeglovir deriva tive is selected from the derivatives as described in E P 1049666 B l (incorporated herein b y reference) , especially selected from t the formula (I) :

in which R and R are identical or different and represent hydrogen, formyl, phenyl or benzyl optionally substituted b y one to three halogen atoms, or straight-chain or branched alkyl or acyl each having up to 6 carbon atoms, where alkyl or acyl can optionally be substituted b y one to three substituents selected from halo gen and hydroxyl, A , D , E and G are identical or different and represent hydro gen, halogen, nitro, cyano, hydroxyl, carboxyl, trif luoromethyl , trif luoromethoxy or straight-chain or branched alkyl, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl each having up to 5 carbon atoms, R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 6 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms, which optionally carries an amino group which can optionally be substituted b y alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms or b y an amino protective group, or the alkyl is optionally identically or differently substituted one to 3 times b y hydroxyl, cyano, halogen, azido, nitro, trif luoromethyl , car boxyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identically or dif ferently substituted up to 2 times b y nitro, halogen, hydroxyl or b y straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy having up to 4 carbon atoms, or R3 represents radicals of the formulae: in which L represents a straight-chain or branched alkanediyl group having up to 6 carbon atoms, Q represents alkyl having up to 6 carbon atoms, which is op tionally substituted by carboxyl, or represents radicals of the formulae :

in which a denotes the number 1 or 2 , R5 denotes hydrogen, R6 denotes cycloalkyl having 3 to 8 carbon atoms or aryl having 6 to 1 0 carbon atoms or hydrogen, or denotes straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms, where the alkyl is optionally substituted by cyano, methylthio, hydroxyl, mercapto, guanidyl or by a group of the formula -NR R 0 or -R -OC-, in which R9 and R 0 independently of one another denote hydrogen, straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms or phenyl, and R denotes hydroxyl, benzyloxy, alkoxy having up to 6 carbon atoms or the abovementioned group -NR R 0 , or the alkyl is optionally substituted by cycloalkyl having 3 to 8 carbon atoms or by aryl having 6 to 1 0 carbon atoms, which, for its part, is substituted by hydroxyl, halogen, nitro, alkoxy having up to 8 carbon atoms or by the group -NR R 0 , in which R9 and R 0 have the meaning indicated above, or the alkyl is optionally substituted by a 5- to 6-membered ni trogen-containing heterocycle or by indolyl, in which the corre sponding -NH functions are optionally substituted by alkyl hav ing up to 6 carbon atoms or protected by an amino protective group, R7 and R8 are identical or different and denote hydrogen or an amino protective group, R4 denotes hydrogen or a radical of the formula

— CO^NR R8 '

in which R5 ' , R 6 ' , R 7 ' and R 8 ' have the meaning of R5, R 6, R7 and R8 indicated above and are identical to or different from this, X has the meaning of R4 indicated above and can be identical to or different from this meaning, and their stereoisomers, stereoisomeric mixtures and salts. N - [4- [[[5- (dimethylamino) -1-naphthalenyl ]sulphonyl] - amino ]phenyl ]acetamide may be included or excepted from these compounds . Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I), in which R and R2 are identical or different and represent hydrogen, phenyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl or acyl each having up to 6 carbon atoms, A , D , E and G are identical or different and represent hydro gen, halogen, nitro, cyano, hydroxyl, carboxyl, trif luoromethyl , trif luoromethoxy or straight-chain or branched alkyl, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl each having up to 5 carbon atoms, R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 6 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms, which optionally carries an amino group which can be substituted by alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms or by an amino protective group, or the alkyl is optional ly identically or differently substituted one to 3 times by hy droxyl, cyano, halogen, azido, nitro, trif luoromethyl , carboxyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identically or differently substituted up to 2 times by nitro, halogen, hydroxyl or by straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy having up to 4 carbon atoms, or R3 represents radicals of the formulae in which L represents a straight-chain or branched alkanediyl group having up to 6 carbon atoms, Q represents alkyl having up to 6 carbon atoms, which is op tionally substituted by carboxyl, or represents radicals of the formulae

in which a denotes the number 1 or 2 , R5 denotes hydrogen, R6 denotes cycloalkyl having 3 to 8 carbon atoms or aryl having 6 to 1 0 carbon atoms or hydrogen, or denotes straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms , where the alkyl is optionally substituted by cyano, methylthio, hydroxyl, mercapto, guanidyl or by a group of the formula - NR R 0 or -R^-OC-, in which R9 and R 0 independently of one another denote hydrogen, straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms or phenyl, and R denotes hydroxyl, benzyloxy, alkoxy having up to 6 carbon atoms or the abovementioned group -NR R 0 , or the alkyl is optionally substituted by cycloalkyl having 3 to 8 carbon atoms or by aryl having 6 to 1 0 carbon atoms which, for its part, is substituted by hydroxyl, halogen, nitro, alkoxy having up to 8 carbon atoms or by the group -NR R 0 , in which R9 and R 0 have the meaning indicated above, or the alkyl is optionally substituted by a 5- to 6-membered ni trogen-containing heterocycle or by indolyl, in which the corre sponding -NH functions are optionally substituted by alkyl hav ing up to 6 carbon atoms or protected by an amino protective group, R7 and R8 are identical or different and denote hydrogen or an amino protective group, R4 represents hydrogen or a radical of the formula

in which R5 ' , R 6 ' , R 7 ' and R 8 ' have the meaning of R5, R 6, R7 and R8 indi cated above and are identical to or different from these, and X represents hydrogen, and their stereoisomers, stereoisomer mixtures and salts. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I), in which R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 6 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 8 carbon atoms, in which the alkyl carries an amino group which can be substituted by alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms or by an amino protective group, or the alkyl is identi cally or differently substituted one to 3 times by hydroxyl, cy- ano, halogen, azido, nitro, trif luoromethyl , carboxyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identically or differently substi tuted up to 2 times by nitro, halogen or hydroxyl or by straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy having up to 4 carbon atoms, or R3 represent radicals of the formulae

in which L and Q are as defined above. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I) above, in which R and R2 are identical or different and represent hydrogen, phenyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl or acyl each having up to 5 carbon atoms, A , D , E and G are identical or different and represent hydro gen, fluorine, chlorine, , nitro, cyano, hydroxyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl, alkoxy or alkoxycarbonyl each having up to 3 carbon atoms, R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 5 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 7 car bon atoms which optionally carries an amino group which can be substituted by alkyl having up to 3 carbon atoms, tert- bu- tyloxycarbonyl or benzyloxycarbonyl , or the alkyl is optionally identically or differently substituted one to 3 times by hydrox yl, cyano, fluorine, chlorine, azido, nitro, trif luoromethyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identically or differently substituted up to 2 times by nitro, fluorine, chlorine or hy droxyl or by straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy having up to 3 carbon atoms, or R3 represent radicals of the formulae:

in which L represents a straight-chain or branched alkanediyl group having up to 4 carbon atoms, Q represents alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms, which is op tionally substituted by carboxyl, or represents radicals of the formulae :

in which a denotes the number 1 or 2 , R5 denotes hydrogen, R 6 denotes cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, phenyl or hydrogen, or de notes straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 6 carbon a t oms , where the alkyl can optionally be substituted by cyano, methyl- thio, hydroxyl, mercapto, guanidyl, amino, carboxyl or ¾N-CO-, or the alkyl is substituted by cyclohexyl, naphthyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be substituted by fluorine, hydroxyl, nitro or alkoxy having up to 4 carbon atoms, or the alkyl is substituted by indolyl, imidazolyl, pyridyl, triazolyl or pyrazolyl, where the corresponding -NH functions are optionally substituted by alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms or protected by tert-butyloxycarbonyl or benzyloxycarbonyl , R7 and R8 are identical or different and denote hydrogen, tert- butyloxycarbonyl or benzyloxycarbonyl, R4 represents hydrogen or a radical of the formula:

in which R5 ' , R 6 ' , R 7 ' and R 8 ' have the meaning of R5, R 6, R7 and R8 indicated above and are identical to or different from these, and their stereoisomers, stereoisomer mixtures and salts. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I) above, in which R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 5 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 7 car bon atoms, in which the alkyl carries an amino group which can be substituted by alkyl having up to 3 carbon atoms, tert- butyloxycarbonyl or benzyloxycarbonyl, or the alkyl is identi cally or differently substituted one to 3 times by hydroxyl, cy ano, fluorine, chlorine, azido, nitro, trif luoromethyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identically or differently substi tuted up to 2 times by nitro, fluorine, chlorine or hydroxyl or by straight-chain or branched alkyl or alkoxy having up to 3 carbon atoms, or R3 represents radicals of the formulae in which L and Q are as defined above. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I), above in which R and R2 are identical or different and represent hydrogen, phenyl or straight-chain or branched alkyl or acyl each having up to 4 carbon atoms, A , D , E and G are identical or different and represent hydro gen, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, hydroxyl, methyl or methoxy, R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 4 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 5 car bon atoms, which optionally carries an amino group which can be substituted by tert-butyloxycarbonyl or benzyloxycarbonyl , or which is optionally identically or differently substituted one to 3 times by hydroxyl, cyano, fluorine, chlorine, nitro, azido, trif luoromethyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identical ly or differently substituted up to 2 times by nitro, fluorine, chlorine, hydroxyl, methyl, ethyl, methoxy or ethoxy, or R3 represents radicals of the formulae

in which L represents a straight-chain or branched alkanediyl group having up to 4 carbon atoms, Q represents alkyl having up to 3 carbon atoms, which is op tionally substituted by carboxyl, or re resents a radical of the formula

in which R5 denotes hydrogen, R 6 denotes cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl or hydrogen, or denotes straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms, where the alkyl can optionally be substituted by cyano, methyl- thio, hydroxyl, mercapto, guanidyl, amino, carboxyl or ¾N-CO-, or the alkyl is substituted by cyclohexyl, naphthyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be substituted by fluorine, chlorine or alkoxy having up to 4 carbon atoms, or the alkyl is substituted by indolyl, imidazolyl, triazolyl, pyridyl or pyrazolyl, where the corresponding -NH functions are optionally substituted by methyl or protected by benzyloxymeth- ylene or tert-butyloxy-carbonyl (BOC) , R 7 and R 8 are identical or different and denote hydrogen or tert-butyloxycarbonyl , R4 represents hydrogen or a radical of the formula

in which R 5 ' , R 6 ' , R 7 ' and R 8 ' have the meaning of R5, R 6, R 7 and R 8 indicated above and are identical to or different from these, and their stereoisomers, stereoisomer mixtures and salts. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I) above, in which R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkenyl having up to 4 carbon atoms, or represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 5 car bon atoms, in which the alkyl carries an amino group which can be substituted by tert-butyloxycarbonyl or benzyloxycarbonyl , or the alkyl is identically or differently substituted one to 3 times by hydroxyl, cyano, fluorine, chlorine, nitro, azido, tri- fluoromethyl or phenyl which, for its part, can be identically or differently substituted up to 2 times by nitro, fluorine, chlorine, hydroxyl, methyl; ethyl, methoxy or ethoxy, or R3 represents radicals of the formulae in which L or Q are as defined above, and their stereoisomers, stereoisomeric mixtures and salts. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I) above, in which R and R2 represent straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 4 carbon atoms, A , D , E and G represent hydrogen, R3 represents straight-chain or branched alkyl having up to 5 carbon atoms, which is substituted by hydroxyl, or R3 represents a radical of the formula -L-O-CO-Q in which L represents a straight-chain or branched alkanediyl group having up to 4 carbon atoms, Q represents a radical of the formula

in which R5 and R6 denote hydrogen, and R7 and R8 denote hydrogen, and R4 represents hydrogen and their stereoisomers, stereoisomeric mixtures and salts. Preferably said compounds or intermediates or derivatives thereof are of the general formula (I) above, which are selected from the group of the following compounds :

and The compound may be provided in a composition in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable substantially nontoxic carri er or excipient. In a preferment, the inventive compound is Alamifovir (Syno nym: LY-582563, MCC-478; Chemical name: Bis (2,2,2- trif luoroethyl ) ((2- (2-amino-6- ((4-methoxyphenyl) sulfanyl) -9H- purin-9-yl) ethoxy) methyl) phosphonate ;Bis (2,2, 2-trif luoroethyl) ((2- {2-amino-6- ((4-methoxyphenyl) sulfanyl) -9H-purin-9- yl }ethoxy) methyl )phosphonate ; CAS number: 193681-12-8), or any derivatives, salts, prodrugs, metabolites of Alamifovir, includ ing but not restricted to the prodrugs Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate and Alamifovir disoproxil hemifumarate, or related compounds' of Alamifovir. Alamifovir is a purine nucleotide ana logue antiviral compound that was originally developed against infection, and its antiviral properties are effected by the inhibition of viral DNA polymerase enzyme. Ala mifovir disoproxil hemifumarate is a prodrug of Alamifovir, that has been in the preclinical phase of development in rodents, as an anti-Hepatitis B antiviral. In a preferment, the derivative or salt or prodrug or metab olite of Alamifovir is selected from the compounds as described in EP 0785208 B l and EP 2511281 A l (all incorporated herein by reference) , especially selected from the compounds, or their salts or hydrates or solvates or intermediates thereof, of the formula I) : wherein R represents hydrogen atom, a C 1 -C6 alkoxy group, a Ci- C alkoxy group substituted with one or more halogen atoms, a hal ogen atom, amino group, or nitro group; R2 and R3 independently represent hydrogen atom, a C 1 -C22 alkyl group, an acyloxymethyl group, an acylthioethyl group, or an ethyl group substituted with one or more halogen atoms; R represents hydrogen atom, a Ci-

C alkyl group, a C 1 -C4 hydroxyalkyl group, or a C 1 -C4 alkyl group substituted with one or more halogen atoms; and X represents a carbon atom or a atom.

Preferably, R represents hydrogen atom or a C 1 -C6 alkoxy group.

Preferably, R represents hydrogen atom or a C 1 -C4 alkoxy group; and R2 and R3 independently represent hydrogen atom, a Ci- C22 alkyl group, or an ethyl group substituted with one or more halogen atoms.

Preferably, R represents hydrogen atom or a C 1 -C4 alkoxy group; 2 3 R and R independently represent hydrogen atom, a C 1 -C22 alkyl group, or 2,2,2-trif luoroethyl group; and R4 represents hydrogen atom or methyl group.

Preferably, R represents hydrogen atom or a C 1 -C4 alkoxy group; R2 and R3 independently represent hydrogen atom or 2,2,2- trif luoroethyl group; and R represents hydrogen atom or methyl group . Preferably, the compound is selected from the group consisting of:

2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-phenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-m-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-o-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-ethoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2,2, 2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] propyl ]-6-phenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2,2, 2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] propyl ]-6-p- methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [(2,2, 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] -6- phenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [(2,2, 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] -6- p-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino-9- [2- [phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] -6-phenylthiopurine; 2-amino-9- [2- [phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] -6-p- methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-butoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-propoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-isopropoxyphenylthiopurine ; and 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-isobutoxyphenylthiopurine . 2 Preferably, R is hydrogen atom or a C1-C4 alkoxy group; R and R3 represent 2,2,2-trif luoroethyl group; and R4 represents hydro gen atom or methyl group. Preferably, the compound is selected from the group consisting of: 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-phenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-m-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-o-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-ethoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2,2, 2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] propyl ]-6-phenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2,2, 2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] propyl ]-6-p- methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-butoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-propoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-isopropoxyphenylthiopurine ; and 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-isobutoxyphenylthiopurine . 2 Preferably, R is hydrogen atom or a C 1 -C4 alkoxy group; R and R3 represent 2,2,2-trif luoroethyl group; and R4 represents hydro gen atom. Preferably, the compound is selected from the group consisting of:

2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-phenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-m-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-o-methoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-ethoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-butoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-propoxyphenylthiopurine ; 2-amino-9- [2- [bis (2,2,2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl ]-6-p- isopropoxyphenylthiopurine ; and 2-amino- 9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] - 6-p-isobutoxyphenylthiopurine .

Preferably, R represents hydrogen atom or a C 1 -C2 alkoxy group; R2 and R3 represent 2,2,2-trif luoroethyl group; and R4 represents hydrogen atom.

Preferably, the compound is 2-amino-9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] -6-phenylthiopurine, 2- amino-9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2-trif luoroethyl) phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl] -6- p-methoxyphenylthiopurine, 2-amino-9- [2- [bis (2,2,2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl ]-6-m- methoxyphenylthiopurine, 2-amino-9- [2- [bis (2,2,2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl ]-6-o- methoxyphenylthiopurine, or 2-amino-9- [2- [bis (2, 2 , 2- trif luoroethyl )phosphonylmethoxy] ethyl ]-6-p- ethoxyphenylthiopurine . Preferably the said the derivative or salt or prodrug or me tabolite of Alamifovir is selected from the compounds, or their salts or hydrates or solvates or intermediates thereof (esp. te derivatives), of the formula I :

wherein, R i is selected from H or methyl; each R 2 is independently selected from -R 3 or -OR 3 ; each R 3 is independently selected from Ci-Cs alkyl, or C3- Cscycloalkyl ; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, isomer, hydrate or solv ate thereof.

Preferably the two R 2 are same; or wherein the two R 2 are differ ent . Preferably the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate derivative or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, isomer, hydrate or solvate thereof having any one or more of the following: i ) R2 is -R3; ii) R2 is -OR3; iii) one R 2 is -R 3, and the other R 2 is -OR 3 .

Preferably each R 3 for each occurrence is independently selected from C 1-C6 alkyl or C 3-C cycloalkyl ; preferably, each R3 for each occurrence is independently selected from C2- C alkyl or C4- C cycloalkyl.

Preferably each R 3 for each occurrence is independently selected from methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, tert- butyl, t-butyl, n-pentyl, isopentyl, neopentyl, cyclopropyl, cy- clobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, or -CH (CH2CH3)2, etc.; prefer ably, each R 3 for each occurrence is independently selected from ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, isopentyl, neopentyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, or -CH (CH2CH3)2, etc. Preferably the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate derivative is se lected from the group consisting of: 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (acetoxy meth- oxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propionyloxy meth- oxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (butanoyloxy meth- oxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isobutanoyloxymethox phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (pivaloyloxy meth- oxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclopentyl formyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexyl formyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (ethyloxy carbon- yloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propyloxy carbon- yloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isopropyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclopentyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl } purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (acetoxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propionyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (butanoyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isobutanoyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (pivaloyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }-purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclopentylf ormyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexylf ormyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isopropyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isobutyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (neopentyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }- purine ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (pentyl-3- oxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclopentyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine; and 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine ; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, isomer, hydrate or solv ate thereof. Preferably the acyclic nucleoside phosphonate derivative is se lected from the group consisting of: 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propionyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }-purine ( I ) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2-

[bis (isobutanoyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }-purine (I 2); 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2-

[bis (pivaloyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }-purine (I3) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexylf ormyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine

( ); (R) -2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2-

[bis (pivaloyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-propyl }-purine (I5) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (ethyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine

( 6); 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (propyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }-purine

( ) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isopropyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }- purine (I ); 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isobutyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }- purine (I9) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (neopentyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }- purine ( I 0 ) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (pentyl-3- oxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy ]-ethyl }-purine (In) ; 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -ethyl }- purine (I i2 ); (R) -2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (isopropyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine (I13) ; and 2-amino-6- (4-methoxyphenylthio) -9-{2- [bis (cyclohexyloxycarbonyloxymethoxy) phosphonomethoxy] -propyl }- purine (I14) ; or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, isomer, hydrate or solv ate thereof. In a preferment, the related compound' of Alamifovir is se lected from compounds which bear one or more structural features in common with Alamifovir, which may point to potential analge sic activity similar to Alamifovir in these compounds. These common structural features which would define a related com pound' of Alamifovir would include the compound being a : a ) or derivative, b ) Nucleotide analogue, c ) Acyclic nucleotide. The compound may be provided in a composition in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable substantially nontoxic carri er or excipient. In a preferment, the inventive compound is Emtricitabine

(Synonym: (-)-FTC, BW-524W91; Chemical name: (-) - (2R-cis) -4- Amino-5-f luoro-1- [2- (hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-5-yl ]-2 (1H) - pyrimidinone / (-)- (2R, 5S) -5-Fluoro-l- [2- (hydroxymethyl) -1, 3- oxathiolan-5-yl ]cytosine / (-) -2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '- thiacytidine ; CAS number: 1434 91-57-0), or any derivatives, salts, prodrugs or metabolites of Emtricitabine, including but not restricted to the salts (-) -Emtricitabine Triphosphate Tetrasodium (CAS number: 1188407-46-6), Emtricitabine 5'- monophosphate, Emtricitabine 5 '-monophosphate diammonium, (-)- β -

L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '-diphosphate, (-) -β - L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '-diphosphate triammo- nium, (-) -B-L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '- triphosphate, (-) -B-L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '- triphosphate tetraammonium, or related compounds' of Emtricita bine. Emtricitabine is a pyrimidine antivi ral compound that was originally developed against Human Immuno deficiency Virus (HIV) and Hepatitis B virus , and its antiviral properties are effected by the inhibition of the viral enzyme (in HIV) and viral DNA polymerase enzyme (in Hepatitis B ) . In a preferment, the derivative or salt or prodrug or metab olite of Emtricitabine is selected from the compounds as de scribed in EP 0513200 B2 or EP 1439177 B l (all incorporated herein by reference) , especially selected from the compounds, or intermediates thereof , of the formula:

or wherein R is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkyl, silyl, and acyl; and wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, methyl, chloro, fluoro, iodo, bromo, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, hydroxyalkyl , carboxyalkyl , thioalkyl, selenoalkyl, phenyl, cy- cloalkyl, cycloalkenyl , thioaryl, and selenoaryl. Preferably the compound is 2-hydroxymethyl-5-oxol-l ,3- oxathiolane, 2-acyloxymethyl-5-acyloxy-l ,3-oxathiolane, 2- acetoxymethyl-5-acetoxy-l ,3-oxathiolane . Preferred is a nucleoside having the formula:

wherein R is selected from the group consisting of hydro gen, alkyl, silyl, and acyl; and wherein Y is selected from the group consisting of chloro, bromo, fluoro, and iodo; or wherein R is selected from the group consisting of hydro gen, alkyl, silyl, and acyl, and wherein Y is fluorine; or wherein R is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, silyl, and acyl, and wherein Y is selected from the group con sisting of chloro, bromo, fluoro, and iodo; or wherein R is H and wherein Y is fluoro or H . Preferably the said derivative or salt or prodrug or metabo lite of Emtricitabine is selected from the compounds, or their salts or hydrates or solvates or intermediates thereof, corre sponding to the (-)-enantiomer of cis-4-ammo-5-f luoro-1- (2- hydroxymethyl-1 ,3-oxathiolane-5-yl )- (1H) -pyrimidin-2-one, or its pharmaceutically acceptable salt or the 5'-0-alkyl derivative, a 5 '-O-alkylC (0) derivative, a monophosphate, a diphosphate, or a triphosphate of the (-)-enantiomer of cis-4-ammo-5-f luoro-1- (2-hydroxymethyl-l ,3-oxathiolane-5-yl )- (1H) -pyrimidin-2-one . In a preferment, the related compound' of Emtricitabine is selected from compounds which bear one or more structural fea tures in common with Emtricitabine, which may point to potential analgesic activity similar to Emtricitabine in these compounds. These common structural features which would define a related compound' of Emtricitabine would include the compound being a : a ) or derivative or b ) Nucleoside analogue. The compound may be provided in a composition in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable substantially nontoxic carri er or excipient. In a preferment, the inventive compound is Entecavir (Syno nym: BMS-200475, ETV, SQ-34676; Chemical name: 2-Amino-9- [(IS, 3R, 4S) -4-hydroxy-3- (hydroxymethyl )-2- methylidenecyclopentyl ]-6, 9-dihydro-3H-purin- 6-one / (IS, 3R, 4S) -9- [4-Hydroxy-3- (hydroxymethyl) -2- methylenecyclopentyl ] ; CAS number: 142217-69-4), or any derivatives, salts, prodrugs or metabolites of Entecavir, in cluding but not restricted to the salts Entecavir monohydrate (CAS: 209216-23-9), Entecavir hydrochloride, Entecavir bromate, Entecavir sulphate, Entecavir phosphate, Entecavir sulfonate, Entecavir benzenesulf onate, Entecavir 4-methylbenzene sulfonate (Entecavir tosylate) Entecavir sulfonic acid, Entecavir toluene sulfonic acid hydrate, Entecavir (IS) -champhor-10- sulfonate, Entecavir (IS) -champhor-10-sulf onate hydrate, Entecavir p-toluenesulf onate, Entecavir p-toluenesulf onate hy drate and the Entecavir intermediates (ls-trans) -2- [(phenylmethoxy) methyl ]-3-cyclopenten-l-ol (CAS number: 11056- 21-0) , (IS, 2R, 3S, 5R) -2- (Benzyloxymethyl )-6- oxabicyclo [3 .1 .0]hexan-3-ol (CAS number.: 117641-39-1), (lS,2R,3S,5R)-3- (Phenymethyloxy )-2- (phenylmethoxy) methyl -6- oxabicyclo [3 .1 .0]hexane (CAS number: 110567-22-1),

(lS,2S,3S,5S)-5- (2 -Amino- 6- (benzyloxy) -9H-purin- 9-yl )-3- (benzyloxy) -2- (benzyloxymethyl) cyclopentanol (CAS number: 142217-77-4), (2R, 3S, 5S) -3- (Benzyloxy) -5- [2- [[(4- methoxyphenyl )diphenylmethyl ]amino] -6- (phenylmethoxy) -9H-purin- 9-yl] -2- (benzyloxymethyl) cyclopentanol (CAS number: 142217-78-

5 ) , 6- (Benzyloxy) -9- ((IS, 3R, 3S) -4- (benzyloxy) -3- (benzyloxymethyl )-2-methylenecyclopentyl) -N- ((4- methoxyphenyl) diphenylmethyl) -9H-purin-2-amine (CAS number: 142217-80-9) , 2-Amino-l, 9-dihydro-9- [(IS, 3R, 4S) -4- (benzyloxy) -3- (benzyloxymethyl )-2-methylenecyclopentyl] -6H-purin- 6-one (CAS number: 142217-81-0), or related compounds' of Entecavir. Entecavir is a purine nucleoside analogue antiviral compound with a pentose ring moiety, that was originally developed against (HSV) and Hepatitis B virus infec tions, and its antiviral properties are effected by the inhibi tion of the respective viral DNA polymerase . In a preferment, the derivative or salt or prodrug or metab olite of Entecavir is selected from the compounds as described in EP 0481754 B l or U S 20100210669 A l (all incorporated herein by reference) , especially selected from the compounds, or inter mediates thereof, of the formula:

or such a compound in pharmaceutically acceptable salt form wherein

R i R 2 is fluoro, chloro, bromo, iodo, hydrogen, methyl, trifluorome- thyl, ethyl, n-propyl, 2-f luoroethyl, 2-chloroethyl, ethynyl or

- C (trans)

R 3 is chloro, bromo, iodo, hydrogen, methyl or trif luoromethyl ;

R is alkyl;

R 5 is hydrogen, alkyl, substituted alkyl, or aryl; and

R and R 7 are independently hydrogen, -PO 3H 2 , or

5 Preferably, the said derivative or salt or prodrug or metab olite of Entecavir refers to the crystalline form of entecavir having the following general formula (I) : (I)

In a preferment, the related compound' of Entecavir is se lected from compounds which bear one or more structural features in common with Entecavir, which may point to potential analgesic activity similar to Entecavir in these compounds. These common structural features which would define a related compound' of Entecavir would include the compound being a : a ) Purine analogue or derivative, b ) Pentose ring containing molecule, c ) Nucleo side analogue. The compound may be provided in a composition in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable substantially nontoxic carri er or excipient. In a preferment, the inventive compound is Famciclovir (Syn onym: AK-120, BRL-42810, M-5210; Chemical name: 9- [4-Acetoxy-3- (acetoxymethyl) butyl] -2-aminopurine; CAS number: 104227-87-4), or any analogues, derivatives, salts, prodrugs, bioprecursors or metabolites of Famciclovir including but not restricted to the salts Famciclovir monohydrate or any phosphate ester and/or acyl derivatives of Famciclovir, or its metabolic active princi- pie compound Penciclovir (Synonym: BRL-39123; Chemical name: 9- [4-Hydroxy-3- (hydroxymethyl) butyl] guanine; CAS number: 39809-25- l),or any analogues, derivatives, salts, prodrugs, bioprecursors or metabolites of Penciclovir, including but not restricted to the salts Penciclovir sodium (CAS number: 97845-62-0), Penciclo vir monohydrate, Penciclovir sodium hydrate, (R) -Penciclovir Triphosphate, or related compounds' of Famciclovir or Penciclo vir. Famciclovir and Penciclovir are purine nucleoside analogue antiviral compounds, that were originally developed against Her pes Simplex Virus (HSV) and (VZV) infec tions, and their antiviral properties are effected by the inhi bition of the respective viral DNA polymerase enzymes. In a preferment, the analogue or derivative or salt or prodrug or bioprecursor or metabolite of Famciclovir is selected from the compounds as described in U S 5246937 A and EP 0302644 B l (incorporated herein by reference) , especially selected from the compounds, or intermediates thereof , of the formula:

, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, where R and R 2 are each independently hydrogen, or a carboxylic acyl provided that R i and R 2 are not both hydrogen; or Riand R 2 are joined to gether to form a cyclic acetal group or a cyclic carbonate group . Preferably R and/or R 2 is a carboxylic acyl group such that the group RiO- and/or R2O- is a pharmaceutically acceptable ester group . Preferably the carboxylic acyl group R and/or R 2 is a group o II C— wherein R 3 is Ci-6 alkyl, Ci-6 alkoxy or aryl optionally substitut ed with one or two groups selected from Ci-6 alkyl, Ci-6 alkoxy and halo. Preferably R and R 2 are joined together to form a group \ c«o.


Preferably R and R 2 are joined together as a (¾ )2 group. Preferably the compound is selected from 2-amino- 9- (4-acetoxy-3-acetoxymethylbut-l-yl )purine ; 2-amino- 9- (4-acetoxy-3-hydroxymethylbut-l-yl )purine ; 2-amino- 9- (3-hydroxymethyl-4-methoxycarbonyloxybut-l-yl )purine ;

2-amino- 9- [2- (2, 2-dimethyl- 1,3-dioxan-5-yl )ethyl] purine; 2-amino- 9- (4-propionyloxy-3-propionyloxymethylbut-l-yl )purine ; 2-amino- 9- (4-butyryloxyl-3-hydroxymethylbut-l-yl )purine ; 2-amino- 9- (4-benzoyloxyl-3-hydroxymethylbut-l-yl )purine ; and pharmaceutically acceptable salts thereof. Further preferred Famciclovir derivatives and related com pounds are buciclovir, desciclovir, detiviciclovir , lagociclo- vir, lagociclovir valactate, rociclovir as well as their pharma ceutically acceptable salts, and prodrugs. In a preferment, the analogue or derivative or salt or pro drug or bioprecursor or metabolite of Penciclovir is selected from the compounds as described in EP 0141927 Bl, EP 0152316 B l or EP 0388049 B l (all incorporated herein by reference), espe cially selected from the compounds, or intermediates thereof , of the formula (I) : or a salt, phosphate ester or acyl derivative thereof (as here inafter defined) , in which X represents chlorine, straight or branched chain C - alkoxy, phenoxy, phenyl C - alkoxy, -N¾, -OH or -SH, an acyl derivative is wherein one or both of the hydro gens in the acyclic -OH groups, and/or one of the hydrogen atoms in the -N¾ group, are replaced by -e- o groups, wherein R is hydrogen, C - alkyl, phenyl, phenyl C - alkyl or imidazolyl; with the provisos that, i ) when X is -OH, the compound of formula (I) is in a purity state of greater than 50% by weight of pure compound with respect to the mono- and di- benzyl ethers thereof; and ii) the compound of formula (I) is other than a compound selected from the group consisting of: 9- [ '-hydroxy- 3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]guanine cyclic phosphate ; 9- [ '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]guanine cyclic pyrophos phate ; 9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]-2 ,6-diaminopurine ; 9- [4 '-hydroxy 3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]-2 ,6-diaminopurine cyclic phosphosphate ; 9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]-2 ,6-diaminopurine cyclic pyrophosphate ;

9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl) butyl] -2-amino-6-chloropurine;

9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl) butyl] -2-amino-6-chloropurine cyclic phosphate;

9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl) butyl] -2-amino-6-chloropurine cyclic pyrophosphate; 9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]guanine monophosphate mon- osodium salt; 9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]-2 ,6-diaminopurine mono phosphate monosodium salt; and

9- [4 '-hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl) butyl] -2-amino-6-chloropurine monophosphate monosodium salt.

Preferably R is C ~ alkyl, phenyl or benzyl. Preferably the compound is of formula (II) or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof, in which X is as defined in formula (I), and each of R , R2 and R3 represents hy drogen or n acyl group of formula


in which R4 is Ci-is alkyl or imidazolyl, or R or R2 represents a phosphate ester group of formula

or R and R2 together represent a bridging

Preferably X is -OH, or a tautomer thereof Preferably the compound is of formula (A)

HO— C H— CH~ — OH

in a purity state of greater than 60% by weight of pure com pound, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt thereof. A further compound is of formula (VII) :

in which X is as defined in claim 1 and R ° is hydrogen or acyl A further compound is of formula:

R O -CH, CH- (CH- ) - Z

R 0-CH 2 wherein Z ' is hydroxy, chloro, bromo or iodo; Ra and R are

R-C- II O groups, as defined in claim 1 ; or Ra and R ' together are

C C 3 2 .

5- (2-Hydroxyethyl) -2, 2-dimethyl-l ,3-dioxan, 5- (2-bromoethyl) -2, 2-dimethyl-l, 3-dioxan, 2-acetoxymethyl-4-hydroxybut-l-yl acetate, or 2-acetoxymethyl-4-bromobut-l-yl acetate . Preferably the said analogue or derivative or salt or pro drug or bioprecursor or metabolite of Penciclovir is selected from the compounds, or intermediates thereof, of the formula: wherein R is hydroxy, amino or halogen; and R and R are inde pendently selected from hydrogen and a phosphate group having the formula: O

— P— OR4

ORs or R2 and R3 taken together form a phosphate group having the formula :

— P— O R4 oII or a pyrophosphate group having the formula OR4

_ OR5 wherein R4 and R5 are independently selected from hydrogen, a pharmaceutically acceptable cation, alkyl having 1 to 6 carbon atoms, phenyl, phenylalkyl wherein the alkyl moiety has 1 to 6 carbon atoms, with the proviso that R 2 and R 3 are not both hydro gen . Preferably R2 and R3 taken together form a phosphate group having the formula: 1 — O R4

wherein R4 is defined as above. Preferably R4 and R5 are the same. Preferred compounds are 9- [ '-Hydroxy-3 '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]guanine cyclic phosphate and 9- [ '-Hydroxy s '- (hydroxymethyl )butyl ]-2 ,6-diaminopurine cyclic phosphate. Preferably the said analogue or derivative or salt or pro drug or bioprecursor or metabolite of Penciclovir is selected from the compounds, or intermediates thereof, of the formula (A) :

( A ) or a pro-drug, or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, phosphate ester and/or acyl derivative of either of the foregoing. Preferably the compound is the sodium salt hydrate of the com pound of formula (A) . Preferably the compound is a pro-drug of the compound of

formula (A) , is of formula (B) :


( B ) or a salt or derivative thereof, as defined in respect of formu

la (A) above; wherein X is Ci_6 alkoxy, NH2 or hydrogen. Preferably the pro-drug compound of formula (B) is famciclovir, wherein X is hydrogen and wherein the two OH groups are in the form of the acetyl derivative. In a preferment, the related compound' of Famciclovir or its active principle Penciclovir is selected from compounds which bear one or more structural features in common with Famciclovir or Penciclovir, which may point to potential analgesic activity similar to Famciclovir in these compounds. These common struc tural features which would define a related compound' of Entecavir would include the compound being a : a ) Purine analogue or derivative, b ) Nucleoside analogue or a c ) Acyclic nucleoside analogue . The compound may be provided in a composition in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable substantially nontoxic carri er or excipient. In a further preferment the compound comprises Alamifovir or a derivative thereof, ester, hydrates or pharmaceutically ac ceptable salt form thereof, such as in Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate or Alamifovir disoproxil hemif umarate . In a further preferment the compound comprises Entecavir or a derivative thereof, ester, hydrates or pharmaceutically ac ceptable salt form thereof, such as in Entecavir monohydrate (CAS: 209216-23-9), Entecavir hydrochloride, Entecavir bromate, Entecavir sulphate, Entecavir phosphate, Entecavir sulfonate, Entecavir benzenesulf onate, Entecavir toluene sulfonic acid Entecavir toluene sulfonic acid hydrate, Entecavir (1S)- champhor-10-sulf onate, Entecavir (IS) -champhor-10-sulf onate hy drate, Entecavir p-toluenesulf onate, Entecavir p - toluenesulf onate hydrate, (ls-trans) -2- [(phenylmethoxy) methyl] - 3-cyclopenten-l-ol (CAS No.: 11056-21-0), (IS, 2R, 3S, 5R) -2- (Benzyloxymethyl )-6-oxabicyclo [3 .1 .0]hexan-3-ol (CAS No.: 117641-39-1), (IS, 2R, 3S, 5R) -3- (Phenymethyloxy )-2- (phenylmethoxy) methyl- 6-oxabicyclo [3 .1 .0]hexane (CAS No.:

110567-22-1), (lS,2S,3S,5S)-5- (2 -Amino- 6- (benzyloxy) -9H-purin-9- yl) -3- (benzyloxy) -2- (benzyloxymethyl) cyclopentanol (CAS No.: 142217-77-4), (2R, 3S, 5S) -3- (Benzyloxy) -5- [2- [[(4- methoxyphenyl )diphenylmethyl ]amino] -6- (phenylmethoxy) -9H-purin- 9-yl] -2- (benzyloxymethyl) cyclopentanol (CAS No.: 142217-78-5) 6- (Benzyloxy) -9- ((IS, 3R, 3S) -4- (benzyloxy) -3- (benzyloxymethyl) -2- methylenecyclopentyl )-N- ((4-methoxyphenyl) diphenylmethyl) -9H- purin-2-amine (CAS No.: 142217-80-9), 2-Amino-l, 9-dihydro-9- [(IS, 3R, 4S) -4- (benzyloxy) -3- (benzyloxymethyl) -2- methylenecyclopentyl ]-6H-purin- 6-one (CAS No.: 142217-81-0). In a further preferment the compound comprises Emtricitabine or a derivative thereof, ester, hydrates or pharmaceutically ac ceptable salt form thereof, such as in (-) -Emtricitabine Tri phosphate Tetrasodium (CAS#: 1188407-46-6), Emtricitabine 5'- monophosphate, Emtricitabine 5 '-monophosphate diammonium,

(-) -B-L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '-diphosphate,

(-) -B-L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '-diphosphate triammonium, (-) -B-L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '- triphosphate, (-) -B-L-2 ',3 '-Dideoxy-5-f luoro-3 '-thiacytidine-5 '- triphosphate tetraammonium. In a preferment the Adefovir derivative is selected from the derivatives as described in U S 5,663,159 (incorporated herein by reference) , especially selected from the compounds, or interme diates thereof, of the formula I or V

Formula I II —P—CH —O— —B


B Formula V

"Stereochemistry R ,S or RS wherein

B represents adenyl (A), guanyl (G) , or 2,6-diaminopurinyl (DAP) ; R and R2 are independently each OR4 R3 represents R3 represents

X represents hydrogen, methyl or hydroxymethyl ; R4 represents a physiologically hydrolyzable group selected from the group con 5 5 5 sisting of CH2OC(0)R and CH (R )OC (0) R (R, S , or R S stereochemis 5 try) ; and R represents C - C20 alkyl, aryl or aryl-alkyl which may be substituted or unsubstituted by hydroxy or halogen. Preferably said compounds or intermediates thereof are of Formula III Formula HI

wherein B represents adenyl (A) , guanyl (G) , or diaminopurinyl (DAP) ; R 7 is OH; X represents hydrogen, methyl or hydroxymethyl; R is OR4 ; R4 represents a physiologically hydrolyzable group selected from 5 5 the group consisting of CH2OC(0)R 5 and CH (R )OC (0) R (R, S , or R S stereochemistry) ; and 5 R represents C - C20 alkyl, aryl or aryl-alkyl which may be sub stituted or unsubstituted by hydroxy or halogen. 5 Preferably X is H and R is C1- C20 alkyl. Preferably X is H or hydroxymethyl. Preferably X is H . Preferably X is hydroxymethyl or methyl. Preferably B is adenyl. 4 5 Preferably X is H and R is CH2OC(0)R . Preferably the compound is 9- (2-phosphonylmethoxy) ethylade- nine di (pivaloyloxymethyl )ester , 9- (2-phosphonylmethoxy) ethyl- adenine di (propionyloxymethyl )ester , 9- (2-phosphonylmethoxy) ethyladenine di (isobutyryloxymethyl )ester , 9- (2- phosphonylmethoxy) ethyladenine di (benzoyloxymethyl )ester , or 9- (2-phosphonylmethoxy) ethyladenine mono (pivaloyloxymethyl) ester . Adefovir comprising substance may refer to ester or salt forms and variants thereof such as in Adefovir Dipivoxil, Adefo vir monophosphate, Adefovir diphosphate, Adefovir-d4 Diphosphate Triethylamine (CAS No.: 12 9532-77-0). The compound may be provided in a composition in association with a pharmaceutically acceptable substantially nontoxic carri er or excipient. In a preferment the Tenofovir derivative is selected from the derivatives as described in U S 5,922,695, U S 5,935,946 or U S 5,977,089 (all incorporated herein by reference), especially se lected from a compound having formula (la) O (la)

A OCH 2P(Z) 2 wherein 2 Z is independently -OC (R )2OC (0) (R) a, an ester, an amidate or - 2 H , but at least one Z is -OC (R )2OC (0) X (R) a ; A is the residue of an antiviral phosphonomethoxy nucleotide an alog; X is N or 0 ; 2 R independently is -H, C 1-C 12 alkyl, C5-C 12 aryl, C2-C 2 alkenyl,

C2-C 2 alkynyl, C7-C 12 alkenylaryl, C7-C 12 alkynylaryl, or C6-C 2 alkaryl, any one of which is unsubstituted or is substituted with 1 or 2 halo, cyano, azido, nitro or -OR3 in which R3 is Ci-

C 12 alkyl, C2-C 2 alkenyl, C2-C 2 alkynyl or C5-C 12 aryl;

R is independently -H, C 1-C 12 alkyl, C5-C 12 aryl, C2-C 2 alkenyl,

C2-C 2 alkynyl, C7-C 12 alkyenylaryl , C7-C 12 alkynylaryl, or C6-C 2 alkaryl, any one of which is unsubstituted or is substituted with 1 or 2 halo, cyano, azido, nitro, -N(R ) 2 or -OR3, where R4 independently is -H or Ci-Cs alkyl, provided that at least one R is not H ; and a is 1 when X is 0 , or 1 or 2 when X is N ; with the proviso that when a is 2 and X is N , (a) two N-linked R groups can be taken together to form a carbocycle or oxygen- containing heterocycle, (b) one N-linked R additionally can be -

OR3 or (c) both N-linked R groups can be -H; and the salts, hydrates, tautomers and solvates thereof.

Preferably said compound has formula (1)

wherein B is guanin-9-yl, adenin-9-yl, 2,6-diaminopurin- 9-yl , 2- aminopurin- 9-yl or their 1-deaza, 3-deaza, or 8-aza analogs, or B is cytosin-l-yl;

R is independently -H, C 1-C 12 alkyl, C5-C 12 aryl, C2-C 2 alkenyl,

C2-C 2 alkynyl, C7-C 12 alkenylaryl, C7-C 12 alkynylaryl, or C -C 12 alkaryl, any one of which is unsubstituted or is substituted with 1 or 2 halo, cyano, azido, nitro or -OR3 in which R3 is C i -

C 12 alkyl, C2-C 2 alkenyl, C2-C 2 alkynyl or C5-C 12 aryl;

R is hydrogen, -CH3, -CH2OH, -CH2F , -CH=CH 2, or -CH2N3, or R and R8 are joined to form -C¾-; 2 R independently is hydrogen or C 1-C6 alkyl; and R8 is hydrogen or -CHR2 -O-C (0) -OR, or R8 is joined with R to form -C¾-; and the salts, hydrates, tautomers and solvates thereof. 2 2 Preferably R is -H. Preferably R is -CH 3 . Preferably one R 2 3 is -CH 3 and the other R is H . Preferably R is C 1-C6 alkyl or 3 phenyl. Preferably R is -CH 3 or -C2H 5 . Preferably X is 0 . Prefer ably X is N and one R3 is H . Preferably the compound is enriched or resolved at the car bon atom chiral center linked to R .

Preferably at least about 90% of the compound is in the (R) configuration at the R site. Preferably B is adenin-9-yl. Preferably each R is ethyl. Preferably each R is isopropyl. Preferably each R is 3-pentyl or neopentyl . Preferably each R is t-butyl or isobutyl. Preferably B is 2,6-diaminopurin- 9-yl . Preferably R is H . Preferably B is adenin-9-yl.

Preferably R is C 1-C 12 alkyl.

Preferably R is -CH2 OH. Preferably B is cytosin-l-yl.

Preferably at least about 90% of the compound is in the (S) configuration at the R site. Preferably the compound is for oral administration. The Tenofovir derivative may also be a compound of formula (1)

o wherein B is adenin-9-yl and R independently is -H or -CH 2 -0-

C (0) -O-CH (CH3)2 , but at least one R is -CH 2 -0-C (0) -0-CH (CH3)2 .

Preferably both R are -CH 2 -0-C (0) -0-CH (CH3)2 · Preferably the compound is a crystalline solid. Preferably the compound is enriched or resolved at the car bon atom chiral center (*) . Preferably the compound has an X-ray powder diffraction spectrum peak using Cu- Κ radiation, expressed in degrees 2Θ at about 25.0. Preferably the compound is in a composition with an accepta ble excipient. Preferably the compound is in a composition comprising a lithium alkoxide and a 9- (2-hydroxypropyl) adenine solution. Preferably the compound is in a composition comprising an (R,S)-PMPA solution at a pH of about 2.7-3.5 wherein the solu tion has less than about 0.1 g/mL (R,S)-PMPA and wherein about

90-94% of the PMPA is in the (R) configuration. Preferably the compound is for oral administration to a pa tient. Preferably the compound is in a tablet containing 9- [2-

(R) - [[bis [[(isopropoxycarbonyl) oxy] methoxy] phosphinoyl ]methoxy] propyl ]-adenine .fumaric acid (1:1), pregelatinized starch, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate and magnesium stea- rate . Preferably the 9- [2- (R) - [ [bis [ [ (isopropoxycarbonyl) oxy] methoxy ]phosphinoyl ]methoxy ]propyl ]-adenine .fumaric acid (1:1) is crystalline. Preferably the tablet contains 75 mg 9-[2-(R)- [[bis [[(isopropoxycarbonyl) oxy] methoxy] phosphinoyl ]methoxy] propy 1 ]-adenine .fumaric acid (1:1), 1 1 mg pregelatinized starch, 8.8 mg croscarmellose sodium, 123.6 mg lactose monohydrate and 2.2 mg magnesium stearate. Tenofovir comprising substance may refer to ester or salt forms and variants thereof such as in , Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate, Tenofovir alafenamide, Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, Tenofovir hydrate (CASNO.: 206184-49-8), Tenofovir Diphosphate Triethylamine (CAS Number: 166403-66-3)

The Tenofovir derivative may also be (R) -bis (POC) PMPA, espe cially preferred in a composition together with a pharmaceuti cally acceptable carrier. Preferably the compound is for oral administration to a patient. In a preferment the Cidofovir derivative is selected from the derivatives as described in U S 5,142,051 (incorporated here in by reference) , especially selected from a compound of the formula

B~CH — — O — H — P(0)(OH)

- "O H wherein B is selected from the group consisting of uracil-l-yl, cytosin-l-yl, 5-methylcytosin-l-yl, thymin-l-yl, 5-f luoruracil- 1-yl, guanin-9-yl, guanin-7-yl, adenin-3-yl, hypoxanthin- 9-yl , 2-methyladenin-9-yl, 2-methylthioadenin-9-yl, 2-aminoadenin-9- yl, 2-aminopurin-9-yl, N -dimethyladenin- 9-yl , 8-bromoadenin-9- yl, 8-hydroxyadenin-9-yl, 6-hydroxylaminopurin- 9-yl , 6- hydrazinopurin- 9-yl , 6-thiopurin- 9-yl , purin-9-yl, and xanthin- 9-yl. Preferably B in the above selected compound is selected from the group consisting of uracil-l-yl, cytosin-l-yl, 5- methylcytosin-l-yl, thymin-l-yl, and 5-f luorouracil-l-yl, espe cially preferred wherein B is cytosin-l-yl. The present invention also relates to any pharmaceutically active salt of any one of the inventive compounds as given in the tables or further described above. The salt may be selected from the group consisting of a hydrochloride, embonate, teo- clate, mesilate, acistrate, estolate, ethylsuccinate, gluco- heptonate, lactobionate, propionate, stearate, stinoprate, lac tate, mesylate, acetate, diacetate hydrate, dihydrochloride, chlorhexidine, digluconate, gluconate, benzoate, phosphate, hy- clate, hydrate, sulfate, bishydrogensulf ate, tartrate, L- tartrate, fumarate, malonate, maleate, acef yllinate, citrate, disulfide, -O-dinicotinate, hydrobromide, nitrate, gluconate; hydrogen-sulf ate 4-water, succinate, nitrite, polygalacturonate, sulfate 2-water, dihydrogencitrate, calcium, hemi-calcium, hemi- fumarate, sodium, or potassium salt and mixtures thereof. Pre ferred salts are Adefovir Dipivoxil, Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) , Pradefovir mesylate. The present invention also relates to any pharmaceutically active ester of any one of the inventive compounds as given in the tables or further described above. The ester may preferably be the hexadecyloxypropyl ester of the compounds according to the invention. The subject to be treated according to the present invention can be any non-human animal or a human. Preferably the subject is a mammal, in particular preferred embodiments a human. A non human-animal is preferably a non-human mammal or bird, especial ly preferred the the animal is a dog, cat, horse, cow, pig. According to the present invention pain and conditions asso ciated with pain, e.g. itching or depression, can be treated or prevented, in particular in the meaning of a prophylactic admin istration. "Preventing" or "prevention" herein does not require absolute success in the sense of an absolute prevention of pain but indicates a reduced risk of developing a disease or painful condition, or developing pain with reduced severity. Likewise, "treatment" shall not be construed as an absolute cure, but may also relate to amelioration or suppression of pain or pain asso ciated conditions. Pain and pain associated conditions and diseases to be treated according to the present invention can include acute pain, chronic pain, somatogenic pain, neuropathic pain, psycho genic pain, heat induced pain, physical pain and nociception in general, hyperalgesia, or any other forms of pain or pain asso ciated conditions which may not be listed in the aforementioned groups. In particular embodiments the pain is selected from neu ropathic pain, inflammatory pain, nociceptive pain, rheumatic pain, headache, low back pain, pelvic pain, myofascial pain, vascular pain, migraine, wound associated pain, inflammatory pain, arthritic pain, diabetic pain, post-herpetic pain, pain from cancer, mixed neuropathic and nociceptive pain, mixed pain or somatic visceral pain, all in both acute and chronic forms. The pain can also be related to phantom pain, pain from a part of the body that has been lost or from which the brain no longer receives physical signals. Pain can also be related to untoward events or injury in the central nervous system e.g. post-stroke pain . Pain can be generally classified in two broad categories, acute and chronic. The treatment of any acute or chronic pain is subject matter of the present invention. Acute pain is usually associated with a specific cause such as a specific injury and is often sharp and severe. Acute pain begins suddenly and is not persistent. Chronic pain is long-term pain, with a typical dura tion of more than three months leading to significant psycholog ical and emotional problems. Chronic pain is generally associat ed with clinical conditions characterised by chronic and/or de generative lesions. Common examples of chronic pain are neuro pathic pain (e.g. painful diabetic neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia) , rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, back pain, lower back pain with or without radiculopathy, head ache, carpal tunnel syndrome, cancer pain, and chronic post surgical pain. Pain can also be divided into a number of differ ent subtypes according to differing pathophysiology, including nociceptive, inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Also some types of pain can be classified in multiple categories, for example pain associated with cancer can have a nociceptive and neuro pathic component. Nociceptive pain consists of somatic pain (musculo-skeletal pain) and visceral pain (pain associated with the viscera, which encompass the organs of the abdominal cavi ty) . Common causes of somatic pain include cancer metastasis such as to the bone and postsurgical pain from a surgical inci sion in addition to musculo-skeletal disorders such as dystro- phinopathy, myalgia and polymyositis. Nociceptive pain also in cludes tissue injury-induced pain and inflammatory pain such as that associated with arthritis. Another type of inflammatory pain is visceral pain which includes pain associated with gas trointestinal disorders (GI) such as functional bowel disorder (FBD) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) . Further examples of visceral pain include the pain associated with dysmenorrhea, cystitis and pancreatis and pelvic pain. Additional pain types include dysfunctional pain such as fibromyalgia, Temporomandibu lar Joint Disorder (TMJ) , Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and musculo-skeletal pain. Neuropathic pain is caused by damage to the peripheral or central nervous system. Examples of central neuropathic pain include pain from spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, strokes and fibromyalgia. Diabetes and related meta- bolic disorders are a common cause of peripheral neuropathic pain (diabetic neuropathy) . Some of the human conditions and pa thologies characterised by the presence of neuropathic pain in clude, but are not limited to, cancer (cancer neuropathy) , HIV neuropathy, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, immunodeficiency, post-herpetic syndromes, trauma, ischaemia, sciatica, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathy, trigeminal neuralgia, back pain, phantom limb pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, central post- stroke pain and pain associated with chronic alcoholism, hypo thyroidism, uraemia, spinal cord injury, and vitamin deficiency. Preferably the pain is neuropathic pain, such as trigeminal neu ralgia, such as post-herpetic neuralgia, such as painful diabet ic neuropathy, such as painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy, such as diabetic polyneuropathy, such as sciatic pain, such as radiculopathy, such as radicular pain or such as non inflammatory neuropathic pain. In another preferred embodiment, the pain is lower back pain. In yet another preferred embodi ment, the pain is lower back pain with radiculopathy. In yet an other preferred embodiment, the pain is lower back pain without radiculopathy. In yet another preferred embodiment, the pain is associated with osteoarthritis. In yet another preferred embodi ment, the pain is associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Pain may be selected from fibromyalgia, postoperative pain, trigeminal neuralgia, post-herpetic neuralgia, painful diabetic neuropathy, painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy, diabetic polyneuropathy, sciatic pain, radiculopathy, radicular pain, lumbar pain. Pref erably the pain is caused by the conditions as mentioned above related to the given pain type. In particular the pain type can be the only pain type in a subject. E.g. preferably a neuro pathic pain is caused by affected nerves but not caused by in flammation, i.e. neuropathic pain is the only pain in the sub ject and is non-inflammatory. In another preferred embodiment, the neuropathic pain is associated with transitory or persistent inflammation, such as with transitory inflammation, such as with persistent inflammation. Chronic pain may in certain embodiments of the invention be nociceptive, such as inflammatory in nature. Furthermore, chronic pain may also be mixed nociceptive and neu ropathic. Finally, chronic pain may also be of a central origin, deriving from processes/conditions in the central or peripheral nervous system, such as e.g. post stroke pain or post-amputation pain/phantom limb pain, which may, in certain circumstances, al so be considered neuropathic in nature. In certain embodiments pain may exclude excludes post herpetic neuralgia associated pain. Preferably this exclusion is for compounds Famciclovir, Cidofovir, Ribavirin, / acyclovir, / valacyclovir , Ganciclovir, Penciclovir, Famciclovir, Vidarabine / adenine arabinoside, Idoxuridine, Tri- fluridine / trif luorothymidine (TFT) , Edoxudine / Edoxudin, Brivudine, Cytarabine / cytosine arabinoside (Ara - C ) , Foscar- net, Docosanol, , Resiquimod. But of course it is also possible in further embodiments to treat post-herpetic neu ralgia associated pain with these compounds. "About" is used to refer to certain dosages that can vary from a given value, nevertheless with the same effects as the indicated dose. In some embodiments "about" may refer to +/- 20% or 10% of a given value. Preferably the compound is administered in a dosage suffi cient to treat or prevent pain or associated conditions and dis eases. Administration can e.g. be a single dose administration or a successive or repeated administration, e.g. three times a day, twice a day, daily or in an interval of at least 1 day, at least 2 days, at least 3 days, at least 1 week, preferably at least 2 weeks, at least 4 weeks, at least 8 weeks or even more preferred at least 12 weeks. In a preferred embodiment, admin istration is done once daily. Preventive administrations are usually a short time before expected pain, if controllable or foreseeable - such as in scheduled surgery - e.g. up to lhour

(h) , 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h, 6h, 8h, lOh, 12h or up to 24h or even up to 48h beforehand, as well as any interval in between. According to a further preferred embodiment of the present invention, the compound is provided in a pharmaceutical composi tion or a medicament, in particular as an analgesic. The compo sition or medicament may comprise a pharmaceutical carrier. Pharmaceutical carrier substances serve for a better tolerance of the medicament and allow for a better solubility as well as a better of the active substances contained in the medicament. Examples of this are emulsifiers, thickening agents, redox components, starch, solutions, polyethylene glycol or lipids. The choice of a suitable pharmaceutical carrier is highly dependent on the manner of administration. For oral ad- ministrations, liquid or solid carriers may be used, for injec tions, liquid final compositions are required. For cellular tar geting, such as for inhibitory nucleic acids, suitable vehicles can be included such as liposomes or microsomes. Preferably, the medicament or the compound to be used ac cording to the invention comprises buffer substances or tonic substances. By means of a buffer, the pH of the medicament can be adjusted to physiological conditions, and moreover, pH fluc tuations can be attenuated, or buffered, respectively. An exam ple thereof is a phosphate buffer. Tonic substances serve for adjusting the osmolarity and may comprise ionic substances, such as, e.g., inorganic salts, such as NaCl, or also non-ionic sub stances, such as, e.g. glycerol or carbohydrates. The inventive compound or medicament can be administered topical, enteral or parenteral, in particular preferred oral or rectal, intravenous, intraarterial, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intradermal or intraperitoneal, transdermal, transmucosal or in- halational. Preferred routes of administration of the inventive agent according to the present invention are parenteral routes, preferably intraperitoneal or intravenous administration, intra venous administration being specifically preferred. Intravenous administration can be performed e.g. via bolus injection or by continuous intravenous delivery over a longer time period (e.g. 3 0 min to 6 h , especially 1 to 3 h ) , in or not in combination with other agents which may be administered parenterally e.g. normal saline. Further routes include oral or transdermal or subcutaneous routes. Particularly preferred is oral administra tion. For digestible agents, such as active , peptides or siRNA, parenteral routes are preferred. The medicament or the compound to be used according to the invention can be prepared to be suitable for oral or intranasal administration. These administration forms of the medicament of the present invention allow for a rapid and uncomplicated uptake of the active substances via the mucous membranes. For a nasal intake, nose drops or nose sprays are suitable. For an oral ad ministration, solid or liquid medicaments may, e.g., be taken directly or in a dissolved or diluted state, respectively. The medicament or compound to be used according to the in vention can be prepared for an intravenous, intra-arterial , in tramuscular, intravascular, systemic, intraperitoneal or subcu- taneous administration. For this purpose, e.g., injections or transfusions are suitable. Administrations directly into the bloodstream have the advantage that the active substances of the medicament will be distributed in the entire body and will quickly reach the target tissue or cells, in particular the pe ripheral nerves, spinal cord cells or brain cells. The compound may be administered in an effective therapeutic dose. Effective doses are in the range of dosages known for the compounds for other, non-pain related administrations. In par ticular, for a specific use a dosage can be determined by a sim ple test using drosophila or rodent, such as preferably mouse, such as preferably rat test systems. Further possible therapeu tic doses of the compounds for the inventive treatment can be the same dosage disclosed or approved for other therapeutic uses for each of these compounds. Even further possible therapeutic doses can be a fraction or multiple of the dosage disclosed or approved for other therapeutic uses for each of the compounds according to the invention, such as at the most 0.1 times the dosage, such as at the most 0.2 times the dosage, such as at the most 0 .3 times the dosage, such as at the most 0 .4 times the dosage, such as at the most 0.5 times the dosage, such as at the most 0 .6 times the dosage, such as at the most 0 .7 times the dosage, such as at the most 0 .8 times the dosage, such as at the most 0 .9 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .1 times the dosage, such as at the most 1.2 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .3 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .4 times the dosage, such as at the most 1.5 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .6 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .7 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .8 times the dosage, such as at the most 1 .9 times the dosage, such as at the most 2 .0 times the dosage, such as at the most 2.2 times the dosage, such as at the most 2 .4 times the dosage, such as at the most 2 .6 times the dosage, such as at the most 2 .8 times the dosage, such as at the most 3 .0 times the dosage, such as at the most 3 .5 times the dosage, such as at the most 4 .0 times the dosage, such as at the most 5 .0 times the dosage . Example dosages are at least 0 .01 mg/kg, at least 0.1 mg/kg, at least 1 mg/kg, at least 1 0 mg/kg and/or up to 1 mg/kg, up to 1 0 mg/kg, up to 100 mg/kg, up to 1 g/kg, and any dosages in between. Preferred dosage ranges are between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.1 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg. The doses for tomeglovir are e.g. at least 0.01 mg/kg, pref erably at least 0.1 mg/kg, at least 1 mg/kg, and/or up to 100 mg/kg, up to 1 g/kg, and any dosages in between. Preferred dos age ranges are between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.1 mg/kg and 100 mg/kg, even more preferably between 1 and 1 0 mg/kg . The doses for emtricitabine e.g. at least 0.01 mg/kg, pref erably at least 0.1 mg/kg, at least 1 mg/kg, and/or up to 100 mg/kg, up to 1 g/kg, and any dosages in between. Preferred dos age ranges are between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.1 mg/kg and lOOmg/kg, even more preferably between 1 and 1 0 mg/kg . The doses for entecavir are e.g. at least 0.01 yg/kg, pref erably at least 0.1 yg/kg, at least 1 yg/kg, and/or up to 100 yg/kg, up to 1 mg/kg, up to 1 0 mg/kg and any dosages in between. Preferred dosage ranges are between 0.01 yg/kg and 1 0 mg/kg, preferably 0.1 yg/kg and 1 mg/kg, even more preferably between 1 yg/kg and 0.1 mg/kg. The doses for famciclovir are e.g. at least 0.1 mg/kg, at least 1 mg/kg, and/or up to 100 mg/kg, up to 1 g/kg, and any dosages in between. Preferred dosage ranges are between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.1 mg/kg and lOOmg/kg, even more preferably between 1 and 1 0 mg/kg. The doses for alamifovir are e.g. at least 1 yg/kg, at least 0.01 mg/kg, at least 0.1 mg/kg, and/or up to 1 0 mg/kg, up to 0.1 g/kg, up to 1 g/kg and any dosages in between. Preferred dosage ranges are between 1 yg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.01 mg/kg and 0.1 g/kg, even more preferably between 0.1 and 1 mg/kg . The doses for racivir are at least 0.01 mg/kg, at least 0.1 mg/kg, and/or up to 1 0 mg/kg, up to 0.1 g/kg, and any dosages in between. Preferred dosage ranges are between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.1 mg/kg and lOOmg/kg, even more pref erably between 1 and 1 0 mg/kg. The doses for opaviraline are at least 0.01 mg/kg, at least 0.1 mg/kg, and/or up to 1 0 mg/kg, up to 0.1 g/kg, and any dosag es in between. Preferred dosage ranges are between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg, preferably between 0.1 mg/kg and lOOmg/kg, even more preferably between 1 and 1 0 mg/kg. The examples show that the inventive pain tests revealed pharmaceutical compounds that are well known to be therapeuti cally applicable for the treatment of human conditions and dis eases. The compounds may now also be used for the treatment of pain and pain associated secondary diseases. Of course the full list of compounds according to the invention provides new thera peutic concepts. The inventive compound can be used in combination with other active analgesic/anti-pain compounds, preferably only with those described herein or above or in the claims or in the tables 1 ,2 or 3 or the derivatives with the defined formulas herein, or used as single active analgesic/anti-pain compound. In further embodiments the inventive compounds may be combined with any one or more compound selected from Tenofovir (PMPA) , dasatinib, AMG- 706 (motesanib) , BIRB 796 (Doramapimod) , EKB-569 (Pelitinib) , sorafenib , Vandetanib, CI-1033 (Canertinib) , NSC161613, N6- Benzyladenosine-5 '-phosphate, p-Aminobenzoly PAB-J acid, NSC47091, , (Nicotinamide), IBMX, , Filaminast, , V11294, CC-10004 (Apre- milast) , LAS31025 () , CP80633 () , Catrami- last/Atopik (Catramilast) , BRL-61063 (Cimpyf ylline) , Dax- alipram/mesopram (Daxalipram) , , , Eflox- ate, , , Etofylline, Hydrobromide (Broncholytine) , GRC3886 (oglemilast) , oxtriphyllin () , Pumaf entrine, Revamilast, Tof imilast, Tolafen- trine, Seoanin () , G 842470 (A D 12-281), CDP-840, YM- 976, CI-1018, D-4418, Lirimilast, SCH-351591, RPL-554, IPL- 455903 (HT-0712), GSK256066, , , OPC-6535 (Tetomilast) , IC485, L-826,141, ONO-6126, CI-1044, MK-0873, T- 2585, R1533 (MEM-1414), Ronomilast (ELB-353) , UK-500,001,

AN2728, DE-103, , (R) -Tof isopam (Dextof isopam) , (S)- Tofisopam (Levotof isopam (USAN) ), EKB-568, SU-14813, LY-333531 (Ruboxistaurin) , CGP-52421, SKI-606 (Bosutinib) , Roscovitine, Tenofovir (PMPA), Methimazole, Adefovir dipivoxil (Bis-POM PMEA) (Adefovir) , Acetazolamide, midostaurin (PKC-412), tozasertib (MK-0457, VX 680) or lestaurtinib (CEP-701). Further compounds that can be used in combination with the inventive compounds can be selected from one or more of the group of (IS, 2S) -2- (2- (N- ((3-benzimidazol-2-yl) propyl) -N-methylamino) ethyl) -6-fluoro- 1,2,3, 4-tetrahydro-l-isopropyl-2-naphtyl cyclopropanecarboxylate dihydrochloride, (5- (2-methoxy-5-chloro-5-phenyl) furan-2- ylcarbonyl) guanidine, (6S )-5 ,6 , 7,8-tetrahydrof olic acid, (T,G)- A-L, 1 alpha-hydroxyergocalcif erol , 1- (1-cyclohexylethylamino) - 4-phenylphthalazine, 1- (2-methyl-4-methoxyphenyl) -4- ((2- hydroxyethyl )amino) -6-trif luoromethoxy-2 ,3-dihydropyrrolo (3, 2- c )quinoline, 1- (2, 3-dichlorobenzoyl )-5-methoxy-2-methyl- (2-

(mopholin-4-yl) ethyl) -lH-indole, 1- (2, 3-dihydro-l, 4-benzodioxin- 5-yl) -4- ((5- (4-f luorophenyl) -3-pyridinyl) methyl) piperazine, 1- (6- ((3-methoxyestra-l ,3 , 5 (10) -trien-17-yl) amino) hexyl )-1H- pyrrole-2 ,5-dione, 1-adamantyl propargyl ether, 1- aminobenzotriazole, l-aminooxy-3-aminopropane, l-hydrazino-4- (3, 5-dimethyl) -l-pyrazolyl-5H-pyridazino (4, 5-b) indole, 1- hydroxymethylmidazolam, 1-hydroxypyrene, l-Methyl-4- phenylpyridinium, l-Nitropyren-8-ol, 1-phosphatidyl-lD-myo- inositol 3-phosphates , l-stearoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3- phospho choline, 1 , 1-bis (3 '-indolyl) -1- (4-t-butylphenyl) methane,

1 , 1-dimethylbutyl-l-deoxy-Delta (9) -THC, 1 , 1 , l-trichloro-2- (4- hydroxyphenyl )-2- (4-methoxyphenyl) ethane, 1 , 2- bis (diphenylphosphino) ethane, 1 , 2-di- (4-sulf amidophenyl) -4- butylpyrazolidine-3 ,5-dione, 1 , 2-diacyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholines , 1 , 2-ethanedithiol, 1,2- oleoylphosphatidylcholine, 1 , 2 , 4-triazines, 1 , 25-dihydroxy-21- (3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyl )-23-yne-26, 27- hexaf luorocholecalcif erol , 1 , 25-dihydroxyergocalcif erol, 1 , 25D3, 1 , 3-Dcg, 1 , 3-dihydroxy-4 ,4 , 5 , 5-tetramethyl-2- (4- carboxyphenyl )tetrahydroimidazole, 1 , 3-dipropyl-8- (3- noradamantyl) , 1 , 3 , 5-trimethylbenzene, 1,7-dioxa-2 , - diaza-4, 4-dioxide -4, 7a-dithia-3H, 5H-benzo (cd) pentalene, 10- deoxymethynolide, 10-propargyl-lO-deazaaminopterin, 10- undecynoic acid, 10, 10-bis (4-pyridinylmethyl) - 9 (10H) - anthracenone, 11-cis-retinal, 11-hydroxycannabinol, 12-Hht, 13- Lox, 13-oxo-9, 11-octadecadienoic acid, 15 hete, 15-Hydroxy-ll alpha, 9 alpha- (epoxymethano) prosta-5, 13-dienoic Acid, 17- (allylamino) -17-demethoxygeldanamycin, 17alpha-ethynylestradiol, 1843U89, lD-myo-inositol 1 , 3 , 4 , 5-tetrakisphosphate, lH-indole, lH-pyrazole, lH-pyrazolo (3, 4-b) pyridine, 2 APB, 2-(l-(3- dimethylaminopropyl )-5-methoxyindol-3-yl )-3- (lH-indol-3- yl) maleimide, 2- (l-methyl-4-piperidinyl) -6- (2- phenylpyrazolo (1, 5-a)pyridin-3-yl) -3 (2H) -pyridazinone, 2- (2- hydroxyethylsulf anyl )-3-methyl-l, 4-naphthoquinone, 2- (3, 4- dimethoxyphenyl )-5-amino-2-isopropylvaleronitrile, 2- (4-amino-3- methylphenyl )-5-f luorobenzothiazole, 2- (4-morpholinoanilino) -6- cyclohexylaminopurine, 2- (4-morpholinyl) -8-phenyl-4H-l- benzopyran-4-one, 2- (4-toluidino) -6-naphthalenesulf onic acid, 2- (cyclohexylmethylidenehydrazino) adenosine, 2-AAF, 2- acetylthiomethyl-3- (4-methylbenzoyl) propionic acid, 2-AG, 2- amino-1 -methyl -6-phenylimidazo (4, 5-b) pyridine, 2-amino- 3 , 4- dimethylimidazo (4, 5-f )quinoline, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate, 2-AP, 2-CADO, 2-chloro-5-nitrobenzanilide, 2-cyano-3-hydroxy-N- (4- (trif luoromethyl) phenyl) -2-hepten-6-ynamide, 2- cyanomethylthiopyridine-4-carbonitrile, 2-cyclopentyl-5- (5-

isoquinolylsulf onyl) -6-nitro-lH-benzo (D) , 2-DG, 2- hydroxy-4- (2, 2 , 3 , 3 , 3-pentaf luoropropoxy) benzoic acid, 2- hydroxyamino-l-methyl-6-phenylimidazo (4, 5-b) pyridine, 2- hydroxyamino-3-methylimidazolo (4, 5-f )quinoline, 2-ME, 2- methoxyacetic acid [2- [2- [3- (lH-benzoimidazol-2-yl) propyl- methyl-amino ]ethyl] -6-f luoro-l-isopropyl-tetralin-2-yl ] ester, 2-methyl-l- ((4-methyl-5-isoquinolinyl) sulf onyl) homopiperazine, 2-N - (4- (1-azitrif luoroethyl) benzoyl) -1, 3-bis- (mannos-4-yloxy) -2- propylamine, 2-Naftol, 2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid, 2- phenyl-4-oxohydroquinoline, 2,2, 2-trichloroethane-l ,1-diol, 2,2'- (hydroxynitrosohydrazono) bis-ethanamine, 2,2'-azobis(2,4- dimethylvaleronitrile) , 2,2 '-bipyridine, 2,2 ',4,4 '- tetrachlorobiphenyl , 2 , 3-bis (3 '-hydroxybenzyl )- 1 , 4-diol,

2 , 3-dihydroxyterephthalamide, 2 , 3 , 4-tri-O-acetylarabinopyranosyl isothiocyanate, 2,4-diaminoquinazoline, 2,4-thiazolidinedione, 21-hydroxy-9beta, 1Oalpha-pregna-5 ,7-diene-3-ol-20-one, 25- desacetylrif abutin, 25-Hydroxycholesterol, 25(OH)D3, 3- ((4- (4- chlorophenyl )piperazin-l-yl) methyl) -lH-pyrrolo (2, 3-b) pyridine, 3- (2-hydroxy-4- (1, 1-dimethylheptyl) phenyl) -4- (3- hydroxypropyl )cyclohexanol , 3- (2h) -pyridazinone, 3- (cyclopentyloxy) -N- (3, 5-dichloro-4-pyridyl) -4-methoxybenzamide, 3-aminopyrazole, 3-beta- (2- (diethylamino) ethoxy) androst-5-en-17- one, 3-BHA, 3-hydroxybutanal , 3-hydroxyf lunitrazepam, 3- Hydroxyquinine, 3-isobutyl-l-methyl-Xanthine, 3-keto- desogestrel, 3-methoxy-4-aminoazobenzene, 3-Methoxymorphinan, 3- Methoxyoestradiol , 3-, 3-MI, 3 , 3', 4,5'- tetrahydroxystilbene, 3,4-DCI, 3 , 4 , 5-trihydroxybenzamidoxime, 4- (3-3, 4-p-menthadien- (1,8) -yl) olivetol, 4- (3-Butoxy-4- methoxybenzyl )-2-imidazolidinone, 4- (4- (4-chlorophenyl) -4- hydroxy-l-piperidinyl) -1- (4-f luorophenyl) -1-butanol, 4- (4- (N- benzoylamino) anilino) -6-methoxy-7- (3- (1- morpholino) propoxy)quinazoline, 4- (4-f luorophenyl) -2- (4- hydroxyphenyl )-5- (4-pyridyl) imidazole, 4- (5-benzo (1,3) dioxol-5- yl-4-pyridin-2-yl-lH-imidazol-2-yl) ben zamide, 4- (benzodioxan-5- yl) -1- (indan-2-yl) piperazine, 4- (N-methyl-N-nitrosamino) -1- (3- pyridyl) -1-butanone, 4-AP, 4-azidosalicylic acid, 4- dimethylamino-3 ',4 '-dimethoxychalcone, 4-hydroxy-N- desmethyltamoxif en, 4-hydroxyacetophenone, 4-hydroxycoumarin, 4- hydroxyestradiol-17 beta, 4-hydroxynon-2-enal, 4- hydroxytriazolam, 4-methyl-N- (3- (4-methylimidazol-l-yl) -5- (trif luoromethyl) phenyl) -3- ((4-pyridin-3-ylpyrimidin-2- yl) amino) benzamide, 4-phenylbutyric acid, 4-S-cysteaminylphenol, 4-sulf ophenylmethallyl ether, 4 , 4 '-DDE, 4,4 '-dipyridyl disul

fide, 4,8-dimethoxy-7-hydroxyf uro (2 ,3-b) quinoline, 4'- epidoxorubicin, 4 '-N-benzoylstaurosporine, 4(2'- aminoethyl) amino-1, 8-dimethylimidazo (1, 2-a) quinoxaline, 4alpha- phorbol 12 ,13-didecanone, 4alphaPDD, 5- ((1,2-dihydro-2-oxo-3H- indol-3-ylidene) methyl) -2, 4-dimethyl -lH-pyrrole- 3-propanoic ac

id, 5- (4 '- (N-piperidinyl )phenylazo) indazole, 5-7-oxo-zeaenol, 5- AC, 5-acetylneuraminyl- (2-3) -galactosyl- (1-4) - (fucopyranosyl- (1-

3 ) )-N-acetylglucosamine, 5-azido-lH-indole-3-acetic acid, 5-HT, 5-methoxy-N, N-diisopropyltryptamine, 5-Mop, 5,10- methylenetetrahydrof olate, 5 , 6-dimethylxanthenoneacetic acid, 5 '-0- (((2-decanoylamino-3- phenylpropyloxycarbonyl )amino) sulf onyl) uridine, 6 beta- hydroxycortisol , 6-Aminochrysene-l, 2-dihydrodiol, 6-chloro-2- pyridylmethyl nitrate, 6-deoxy- 6-bromoascorbic acid, 6- hydroxydexamethasone, 6-Mercaptopurine, 6 , 6 '-oxybis (2 ,2- dimethylhexanoic acid), 64Gd, 7- (1, 1-dimethylethyl) -6- (2-ethyl-

2H-1, 2 , 4-triazol-3-ylmethoxy) -3- (2 -fluorophenyl) -1,2,4- triazolo (4, 3-b)pyridazine, 7-benzylamino-6-chloro-2-piperazino- 4-pyrrolidinopteridine, 7-benzyloxyquinoline, 7-CDL, 7- hydroxystaurosporine, 7-ketocholesterol, 7,8-BF, 7,8- dihydroneopterin, 7 '-Isothiocyanato-ll-hydroxy-1 ',1 '- dimethylheptylhexahydrocannabinol , 7C3MT, 7H-Pyrrolo (2 ,3- d )pyrimidine, 8- ((4-bromo-2, 3-dioxobutyl )thio) -adenosine 3',5'- cyclic monophosphate, 8- (2, 6-dichlorophenyl )-10-methyl-3- ((4- morpholin-4-ylphenyl) amino) -2, 4 , 10-triazabicyclo (4.4.0)deca-

1 , 3 , 5 , 7-tetraen-9-one, 8- (3-chlorostyryl )caf feine, 8- anilinonaphthalene-l-sulf onic acid, 8-Hydroxy-2- (di-n- propylamino) tetralin, 8-Isoprostane, 8 , 1 0-bis ((2, 2-dimethyl- 1- oxopropyl) oxy) -ll-methyl-1234-tetrahydro-6H- benzo (beta) quinolizin-6-one, 9- ( '-aminophenyl )-9H-pyrido (3,4- b ) indole, 9-anthroic acid, 9-CRA, 9-hydroxy-risperidone, 9,10- anthraquinone, 9H-xanthene, A 71915, A-300-I, a-ADP, A73025, Ab bott, abciximab, Absele, ABT-737, acetamide 45, Aceton, acetoni- trile, acetyl-ll-ketoboswellic acid, acetylcholine, acetyl- valerenolic acid, Aclarubicin, Acolen, ACON, ACT D , actinium, Actosin, adalimumab, Adalin, Adanon, Adfeed, , Adofeed, Adrenor, Adrin, AEBSF, Aeromax, , AGMATINE, AIDSVAX, ajoene, ajulemic acid, alachlor, Aladerm, alaninate, Alat, Alcolo, Alcuronium, Aldara, ALDO, Aldrich, alemtuzumab, Alfarol, Alfentanil, ALIMTA, aliskiren, Alii, ALLN, alloxazine, allyl isothiocyanate, almokalant, aloesin, Alprenolol, Alvesco, AM 1387, AM 251, Am 80, AMD 070, , Aminacrine, Amine BB, amino-polyethyleneoxide-sulf onate, aminof lavone, , Amlodipine, Amphotericin B , amprenavir, , amsonic acid, Amygdalin, AN 207, Anaboleen, anacardic acid, Anandamide, Anco, Andrographis , Androtine, Aneol, Ang II, Anisomycin, Anon, Antho- cyanins, anthra (1, 9-cd) pyrazol-6 (2H) -one, anthracene, anthralin, Anthricin, anthrone, G 418, antibiotic H107, Antimy- cin A , Anyvim, APAP, APDC, Aphidicolin, Aphloiol, apicidin, , apocynin, Apotransf errin, aprepitant, APRL, AQ4N, arabinogalactan, Arac, Aralen, Arasine, Areca, Arecoline, Areether, argatroban, aripiprazole, Aron, Artein, Artra, arvan- il, asiatic acid, asiaticoside, Asmax, Asmol, ASTA, astatine, Astemizole, Astragaloside A , atazanavir, ATL 146e, Atorel, atorvastatin, Atovaquone, ATRA, Atropine, Auranofin, AuTM, aux in, avasimibe, AVE 0118, avicularin, Avid, Axert, Axsain, Aza- dC, Aza-deoxycytidine, azacyclonol, Azadc, azamulin, azaspirane, azelaic acid, azelastine, azelnidipine, azido ruthenium, Azine, Azithromycin, Azobisisobutyramidinium dichloride, Azole, Azoles, Azolidine, Azophen, Azor, BA (VAN) , Ba 0108E, , Baclo fen, bacterial lysate, bafilomycin Al, Bagren, , Barb i turate, Barnidipine, BAY 11-7085, BB-K8, BCNU, Beflavin, Belt, benazepril, bendamustine, Benidipine, benzamidine, benzimidaz- olide, , Benzodioxoles , Benzphetamine, benzyda- mine N-oxide, benzylamine, benzyloxycarbonylleucyl-leucyl- leucine aldehyde, benzyloxycarbonylvalyl-alanyl-aspartyl fluoro- methyl ketone, beractant, berberine, bergamottin, bergaptol, be- ta-glycerophosphoric acid, beta-lapachone, beta-Naphthof lavone, beta-propiolactone, Bethanechol, betulinic acid, bexarotene, Bezafibrate, BG 9928, BGC945, biapigenin, BIBX 1382BS, biphenyl- 4-ol, BIRB 796, bisindolylmaleimide I , bisindolylmaleimide III, Bisoprolol, bisperoxovanadium, Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacry- late, bizelesin, BL1521, Bla-S, Blow, BM 41.440, BML 241, BMS 310705, BMS204352, BMS453, Bo-Xan, Boltin, Bonopen, boron, Bor- relia-burgdorf eri , bortezomib, bosentan, bosutinib, botrocetin, BPDE, BR-II, Brake, bredinin, Brefeldin A , , bromo- cis-stilbene, brucine, bryostatin 1 , , bufalin, bufuralol, Bumetanide, BuOH, Bupivacaine, Buprenorphine, BU PROPION, Buspirone, Busulfan, Buthionine Sulfoximine, Butyrate, butyrolactone I , C 1027, C 76, CACP, Calcijex, Calcimycin, cal- phostin C , Calyculin, Camptothecin, Canef, cangrelor, Canna- binoids, Cannabis, Cantharidin, CAPE, Capsaicin, capsaicinoids , capsazepine, Carbachol, , , , carbobenzoxy-leucyl-leucyl-norvalinal , Carbo lines , Carboxyethyl- phene thy 1amino -ethy Icarboxamidoadeno sine, Cardiolipins , carebas- tine, CARNOSOL, carrageenans , carvacrol, carvedilol, Casodex, caspofungin, , , CB 3717, Cbdca, CCPA, CD 437, CDP 840, Cefoxitin, celecoxib, cephalomannine, cephalosporins, cepharanthine, cerebrolysin, cerivastatin, Cetomacrogol , ce- trorelix, cetuximab, CGP 12177, CGS 15943A, CGS 21680, CH-THF, CH2CHO, Chalcone, CHAPS, Chinine, Chitosan, , chlorophenyl-ethane, chlorophyllin, chlorophyllypt , chlorproma- zine, Chlorpropham, Chlorzoxazone, Cholestanol, CHOLINE, Chon- surid, chromophore, , chymostatin, CI1033, cicaprost, cifostodine, ciglitazone, Cilazapril, Cilomilast, , Cimetidine, cinacalcet, cinitapride, cinnamic aldehyde, cionin, Cipol N , , Ciprol, cis-9, trans-ll-conjugated lino- leic acid, Cisapride, , Citox, CITRULLINE, clebopride, clevidipine, , Clodronic Acid, clofarabine, Clofibric Acid, , , Clonidine, clopidogrel, clotiaz- epam, Clozapine, clozapine N-oxide, CNI 1493, Co 2-1970, Coagu- lin, Colchicine, compactin, CONT, Cotinine, Cotrim, coumarin, CRA 024781, CRA 026440, Crestor, Crodacid, Crypt-2,2,2, cryptdin 3 , cryptotanshinone, cryptoxanthin, CUBE, CVT 3146, cyanidin 3- rutinoside, cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanoginosin-LA, Cyclandelate, cyclohexyl carbamic acid 3 '-carbamoylbiphenyl-3-yl ester, cyclo- hexyl-methyl , cyclopamine, Cyclopentenone, cyclopiazonic acid, Cyproheptadine, , cystathionine, cysteamine, cysteinyl-leukotriene, Cytarabine, cytochalasin B , Cytochalasin D , cytochalasin E , D 22888, D 23129, DA 8159, Dacarbazine, DAD- SO, daidzein, danaproid, Dapsone, Daral, Darifenacin, darunavir, dasatinib, Daunorubicin, Dayfen, DBPC, DDB, DDE, Debrisoquin, decursin, Deethylamiodarone, deferiprone, Deferoxamine, deguel- in, dehydroaripiprazole, Sulfate, dehy- droxymethylepoxyquinomicin, Delavirdine, delta8-THC, Denagard, denbinobin, denileukin diftitox, denopamine, Depas, de- ramciclane, desethylchloroquine, , desisobutyrylci- clesonide, desmethylazelastine, Desmethyldeprenyl , Devazepide, Dexf enf luramine, dexloxiglumide, , dFdC, DFMO,

DHEA, DHLA, di- (1-isoquinolinyl )-di- (pyridyl-2 ' ) butane , Diaben, Diacomit, diadenosine tetraphosphate, Dial, Diamide, DIAN, di- arsenic trioxide, Dibenzanthracene, Dicid, Diclofenac, Dicyclo- hexylcarbodiimide, diethyl maleate, Diethyl-benzoquinone-imine, Digicor, Digitin, Digoxin, Dihydroqinghaosu, Dihydroxycholecal- ciferols, diisopropyl fluorophosphate, dillapiol, Diltiazem, Di- methadione, dimethyl fumarate, Dimethyl Sulfoxide, dimethyl- hydrazide, dimethylamino-purine, dimuonium, dinitrophenol , Dino- prostone, dioxirane, Dipalmitoyl, diphenylalanine, Diphenyla- mine, diphenyleneiodonium, , Dipyrone, discoder- molide, Diterpenes, Dithionite, diuretic, Diuron, divinyl ben zene, dl-Ipr, DMGG, DMPX, DMSO, Dobutamine, Doca, Doconexent, dodecyl-phosphocholine, dodecyloctaethyleneglycol monoether, Domperidone, DOTA, Doxazosin, Doxorubicin, Doxycycline, DPC 681, DPCPX, Droxia, DTMC, dulcin, Durapatite, DX 9065a, Dxms, Dyna- tra, E 10, E 3330, E-MIX 80, E.O., EACA, ebastine, ebrotidine, Echinomycin, Econ, econazole, ecteinascidin 743, Edetic Acid, Edex, efavirenz, EGCg, EGTA, eletriptan, Elicide, Empecid, Enal- april, Endocannabinoids , endomorphin 1 , Enediynes, , enone, , entacapone, Entex, enzastaurin, EOS, EPC-K(l), EPEG, EPIB, epibatidine, Epicar, Epoprostenol , epoxybergamottin, epsilon-vinif erin, erastin, ergosterol-5, 8-peroxide, Eril, erlo- tinib, erucin, Eryc, erythritol anhydride, esterbut-3, Estriol, ET18-Ome, Etfc cpd, Ethacrynic Acid, Ethan, Ethinyl-oestradiol , Ethylmorphine, Ethynodiol Diacetate, Eticol, Etidronic Acid, Etodolac, , etoricoxib, etravirine, Eufor, Eugenol, eu- patilin, everolimus, Evex, Evodin, exenatide, Exosurf, Expecto- rants, Extina, Ezerin, ezetimib, Facet, Facid, facile, Factor Ila, FAMP, Fanchinine, Farnesyl-PP, farnesylthiosalicylic acid, febuxostat, , Felodipine, Fenfluramine, fenitrothion, fenofibric acid, , Fentanyl, ferulic acid, Filipin, , , , Flanin F , Flavon, flavonols, fla- vopiridol, Flavyl, FLCZ, Flecainide, Floxacillin, flufenamic ac id, , fluorexon, , , FOLATE- ANALOG, fondaparinux, Fonofos, Format, Formyl-Tetrahydrof olate, Forskolin, , Foscarnet, FR 120480, FR 235222, frax- in, FTY 720P, fucoidan, fulvestrant, fumagillin, Fura-2, , Furamon, Furylf uramide, Gabexate, gadolinium, Gado linium DTPA, galactocerebroside, galactomannan, , gala- turonate, gallic acid, Gallogen, gambierol, Gambogic acid, gam ma-butyric-acid, Ganciclovir, gastrin 17, gatif loxacin, ge- fitinib, Geldanamycin, Gemfibrozil, gemtuzumab, , gepirone, geraniol, geranylcoumarin, Gestodene, GF 120918, GGTI 298, G I 129471, gingerol, ginsenoside Rd, ginsenoside Rf, gin- senoside Rgl, ginsenoside Rh2, Ginsenosides , GLCa, Gliclazide, Glumin, Glyoxal, Gnidimacrin, GnRH, Go 6976, gossypol, GR 79236X, gramicidin S , Granisetron, Gravistat, Grofo, Guggul- sterone, G 4064, G 501516, H 89, Halan, halof uginone, harmine, Harzol, hassium, HDMTX, Hecogenin, Hectorol, Heet, helenalin, Hemicholinium 3 , herbimycin, hesperadin, HESPERETIN, Hexadime- thrine, hexarelin, Hgln, himbacine, Hk, Hocus, HOE 33342, , Horner, HS 1200, HU 211, HyateC, Hydoxin, hydride, Hy- dromorphone, Hydroxychloroquine, hydroxycotinine, hydroxylamine, Hydroxytryptophol , Hyhorin, Hypaque, hyperforin, hypericin, Hy pericum-perforatum, hypochlorous acid, iberin, IBMX, ibopamine, , IC 831423, , icaritin, icilin, ICRF 193, IDS 23, Ifosfamide, Ikarugamycin, ilimaquinone, Iloprost, Imadyl, imatinib, imidaf enacin, imidazo-pyridine, imidazolidin-2-one, imidazolidin-one, imidazolidine, Imidazoline, imidazolyl- disulfide, , Imizin, Immulina, Immunoferon, Impulsin, Imrecoxib, Imutex, Indinavir, , indirubin, indole-3- acetic acid, indole-3-methanol , indolin-2-one, indolin-one, in fliximab, inhibin B , INOmax, inositol-1, 3 , 4 , 5-tetrakisphosphate, inulin, Iodoacetamide, iodomethane, iodoresinif eratoxin, Ionomy- cin, ionophore, Iopanoic Acid, Iophendylate, IPADE, IPOMEANOL, Iressa, , irisolidone, , isaxonine, isoamylol, isobutyl-methyl-Xanthine, Isodonol, isoflavone, , Isol, Isoliquiritigenin, isometronidazole, isoprenoids, Isopro- pyl Thiogalactoside, Isoprostanes, Isorhamnetin, isosilybin A , Isosorbide Dinitrate, isothiocyanates , Isotretinoin, Isradipine, istradef ylline, Itraconazole, ivabradine, , ixabepilo- ne, jadomycin B , Jexin, JH 015, JTE 013, K 252, K-PAM, K-SR, , kaempf erol-3-O- (2, 3 , 4-tri-O-acetyl-alpha-l- rhamnopyranoside) , KAFA, Kaken, Kamalin, Kaolin, Kathon 886, KB 141, Kemi, kenpaullone, , Keto-desogestrel , Keto- pgflalpha, ketoglutarate, Kipca, KMD 3213, KMTB, Kojic acid, KR- 31543, KRM 1648, L 365260, L 740,093, L-454,560, L-696,474, L- T3, LAAM, lacidipine, lactacystin, lactisole, lamotrigine, Lanol, lansoprazole, lapatinib, laquinimod, latrunculin A , latrunculin B , lavendustin A , LBH589, leflunomide, lenalidomide, Lendorm, Lentinan, leptomycin B , Leucovorin, Leukotriene C4, Leukotriene D4, leukotrienes , Leupeptin, Levamisole, Levitra, levobupivacaine, Levonorgestrel , levugen, liarozole, Lidocaine, lilopristone, Lipoate, Lipof ectamine, lipoteichoic acid, Lipox- ins, lissamine rhodamine B , lithocholic acid, LM H , LNAC, lo- nafarnib, Loperamide, lopinavir, Loratadine, , Lorex, lorglumide, Losartan, Lovan, loxiglumide, LUF 5831, lupeol, lu- teolin, LY 117018, LY 293111, LY231514, LYCOPENE, lysophospha- tidic acid, , Lysophosphatidylglycerol , lysyl-arginyl-alanyl-lysyl-alanyl-lysyl-threonyl-threonyl-lysyl- lysyl-arginine, M&B22948, Malix, manidipine, manumycin, mara- viroc, Matrine, MCYST-LR, Me-nle-asp-phe-NH2 , mead ethanolamide, MeAsO(OH)2, Mebumal, Mechlorethamine, Medroxyprogesterone 17- Acetate, , Megalomicin, Melarsoprol, Melatol, me- letin, melitten, meloxicam, Melphalan, Memantine, menadiol, Men haden oil, menthofuran, Meperidine, Mephenytoin, mesalamine, Me- saton, Meth, methanandamide, methanethiosulf onate ethylammonium, Methimazole, methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, , Methox- salen, Methoxy-psoralen, methoxyamine, methoxychlor , methoxy- morphinan, methyl chlorof ormate, Methyl glycine, Methyl paraben, methyl salicylate, methyl , methyl-dopa, methyl- phosphorothioate, methyl-Pyridinium, methylamine, Methyla- mylnitrosamine, Methylene-tetrahydrof olate, methylenetetrahydro- folates, , methylnaltrexone, methyloxidanyl , methylparaben, methylphosphate, Methylprednisolone, methylxan- thines, Metoclopramide, Metopiron, Metribolone, mevalonic acid, micafungin, miconazole, Mictonorm, , , Mill, , Mimosine, mirtazapine, Mit-C, mithramycin, Mi- toTracker-Red, Mitoxantrone, mizolastine, MLN8054, mofarotene, Monensin, mono-N-demethyladinazolam, mono (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, monoethylglycinexylidide, monomethylarsonic acid, monoterpenes , monuron, , morpholine, morusin, motexafin gadolinium, Motuporin, moxif loxacin, MPEG, Muraglitazar , mutali- pocin II, mycophenolic acid, Mycose, Myocol, myricetin, myxothi- azol, N - (2-cyclohexyloxy-4-nitrophenyl) methanesulf onamide, N - (2- hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide, N - (3- (4-chlorophenyl) -2- (3- cyanophenyl) -1-methylpropyl) -2-methyl-2- ((5- (trif luoromethyl) pyridin-2-yl) oxy) propanamide, N - (3- methoxyphenyl )-4-chlorocinnamanilide, N - (3- oxododecanoyl )homoserine , N - (4- (6- (4- (1- (4- fluorophenyl )ethyl) piperazin-l-yl) pyrimidin-4- yloxy)benzo (d) thiazol-2-yl) ace tamide, N - (4- (6- (4- trif luoromethylphenyl )pyrimidin-4-yloxy) benzothiazol-2- yl) acetamide, N - (4-cyano-benzo (b) thiophene-2-carbonyl) guanidine, N-(5-(((5-(l, 1-dimethylethyl) -2 -oxazolyl) methyl) thio) -2- thiazolyl) -4-piperidinecarboxamide, N-acetylcysteine lysinate, n-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine, N-acetylneuraminic ac id, N-desmethylclobazam, N-ethylmaleimide, N-methyl-N- (trimethylsilyl) trif luoroacetamide, N-methylsulf onyl- 6- (2- propargyloxyphenyl) hexanamide, N-oleoyldopamine, N-phenyl-1- naphthylamine, N , , ', '-tetramethylethylenediamine, N(6)- cyclohexyl-2-O-methyladenosine, (6 ) -cyclopentyladenosine, N3- IQ, Nadroparin, naftifine, nal-NH2, NALS, nanchangmycin, Naprox en, naratriptan, narbonolide, NARIGENIN, Narkotil, Nasol, na- talizumab, nateglinide, Naxy, nebivolol, , nefirace- tam, , , Neopterin, Neostigmine, Neut, Nevi- rapine, NFBA, Nialk, , , nimesulide, ni obium, nitecapone, nitroanilide, nitroaspirin, Nitrofurans, NI- TROPYRENE, nitrosamines , Nitrosoanabasine, Nitrosocysteine, ni- trosulindac, Nizatidine, NK 104, NK314, NMD A , NN 703, Noan, No- biletin, NOC 18, Nocodazole, nodularin, Nodularin v , nolatrexed, Nonoxynol, noralf entanil , norbuprenorphine, Norclozapine, Nordi- hydroguaiaretic Acid, Norethindrone, noreximide, norf luoxetine, Norgestrel, norharman, norketobemidone, norlaudanosoline, normeperidine, Nortilidine, norverapamil , novobiocin, NS-187, NSC 23766, NSC 366140, NSC 663284, NSC-134754, NU2058, number- one, nutlin 3 , NVP-AEW54 1, Nylon, 0- (chloroacetylcarbamoyl) fumagillol, O-desethylreboxetine, O-Due, o-quinone, , OCDD, octanediol, Octoxynol, Octreotide, Okadaic Acid, olanzapine, olefins, , olmelin, olmesartan, olomoucine, olomoucine II, Oltipraz, , omega-agatoxin, omega-Conotoxin GVIA, omega-N-Methylarginine, Omeprazole, omeprazole sulfone, onapristone, ONCB, Ondansetron, ON04819, Optef, OR 1246, oroxylin A , , Osten, oste- um, OSU 03012, Ouabain, OVEX, Ovex, oxaliplatin, Oxarol, oxaspi- rodion, oxatomide, , oxcarbazepine, Oxotremorine, oxo- tremorine M , Oxymorphone, Oxyntomodulin, Oxytrol, p-ABA, p-XSC, p-Xylol, Paclitaxel, paeonol, palladium, palmitoleate, PALMITO- YL, Palmitoylcarnitine, pamidronate, panaxadiol, panepoxydone, pantoprazole, , Papite, PAPP, parecoxib, , Parsal, Parthenolide, PC 314, PCA 4230, PCSO, PD 134308, PD 144795, PD 180988, PD 98059, pectin, Pemetrexed, , Penite, Pentagastrin, , Peplomycin, peppermint oil, Pepstatin A , Perazine, Pergolide, Perillol, Perilymph, pe- riodate, perospirone, perovskite, PFPA, Phebestin, phen, pheno- late, , phenoxodiol, Phenprocoumon, Phentermine, phenyl- propionamide, phenyl-Pyridinium, , pheophorbide a , phloretin, PHOB, phorate, phorbol, phorbol 12-phenylacetate 13- acetate 20-homovanillate, phosphatidylethanolamines , Phosphati- dylinositol 4,5-Diphosphate, phosphatidylinositol phosphate, Ptdlns (4,5)P2 , phytanic acid, Picibanil, picric acid, pifithrin, Pilot, pimecrolimus , pioglitazone, pipecoloxylidide, piperidine, piperine, Pira, pirinixic acid, Piroxicam, PKC412, plumbagin, Pluronic p 85, PMDT, PMPA, PMSF, PNPP, , polido- canol, poly-gamma-glutamate, ponicidin, poractant alfa, posacon- azole, potassium tellurate (IV) , PQQ Cofactor, , Pravastatin, Prazosin, PRDL, Precursor mrna, Prednisone, preg nane, Pregnanes, , pregnenolone 16alpha- carbonitrile, Pregnyl, preussin, , Proadifen, Proantho- cyanidins, Probenecid, Probucol, Procasil, Procetofen, procya- nidin B2, Prodix, prolactin, polymeric, Propafenone, Propanesul- fonate, , propyl pyrazole triol, propyne, prostratin, protopanaxadiol , protopanaxatriol , PS 15, Pseudohypericin, Pseu- domonas-exotoxin, Psoralens, psychosine-3 '-sulfate ester, PTBP, pteridine, Pterostilbene, PURAC, Puromycin, putrescine, Pyocya- nine, Pyra, pyranones, pyrazole, Pyrethrins, pyridazine, Py rimethamine, pyrimidin-2-one beta-ribof uranoside, Pyro, pyrogal- lol sulf onphthalein, pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid, pyrrolidine di- thiocarbamic acid, pyrroloazepinone, Qingkailing, quercitrin, , Quicifal, quinazoline, Quinolinium, Quinpirole, qui- nuclidin-3 '-yl-l-phenyl-1 ,2 , 3 , 4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-2- carboxylate monosuccinate, quinupristin-dalf opristin, R-138727, R-99224, Raloxifene, raltitrexed, Ramipril, ramiprilat, RAMP, Ranitidine, RAPA, rasagiline, rebamipide, , remifen- tanil, renzapride, repaglinide, Resinif erotoxin, resiquimod, Re- tardex, Riacon, Ribavirin, Riboflavin, Rifabutin, , Rifocin, rimonabant, risedronic acid, risperidone, Ristocetin, Ritonavir, rituximab, Ro 13-8996, Ro 23-7553, Ro 23-7637, Ro 24- 7429, Ro 31-6233, Ro 31-7549, Ro 31-8220, R04383596, Robitet, rofecoxib, rof lumilast, rokitamycin, , romidepsin, roop- erol, ropivacaine, roscovitine, rosiglitazone, rosmarinic acid, rosuvastatin, Roxithromycin, Rozevin, RPR 121056, RU 58668, rub- oxistaurin, rugosin E , rutecarpine, Rutin, S- (beta-p- methoxypropiophenone) thiamine, S-Nitroso-N-Acetylpenicillamine, S-Nitrosothiols , S-phenyl-N-acetylcysteine, sabarubicin, sab- comeline, , Safrole, SAGA, SAHA, saikosaponin, Salicin, salvin, samarium, SAMe, sanguinarine, sapogenins, Saquinavir, Sarasar, Sarna, sauchinone, saxatilin, SB 218078, SB 225002, SB 415286, SB-705498, scandium, SCH 66712, schizandrer A , scopa- rone, Scopoletin, Score, SDX 308, Selegiline, seocalcitol, Sep- Pak, Serad, sertindole, , SEW2871, shikonin, sidero- phore, , silvestrol, silybin, Sincalide, Sizofiran, SK-7041, SK&F 106528, SM 7368, Sodium pentosan poly sulfate, So dium Salicylate, sorafenib, sorbinil, Sorbo, Sorbose, spiroglu- mide, Spironolactone, squamocin, SR 144528, SR 27897, SR 48692, SR 80327A, SR 90107A-ORG 31540, ST 638, stallimycin, Stanozolol, staurosporine, Stearin, Stereoisomerism, Steviol, Stevioside, STIL, stilbene-disulphonate, Stilbenes, Stim, Streptomycin, Sty- rene, styrene-methylmethacrylate copolymer, SU 5416, SU 6668, SU 9516, suberate, suberosin, succinic semialdehyde, Sufentanil, Suldox, sulf adoxine-pyrimethamine, Sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxa zole hydroxylamine, Sulf aphenazole, Sulfasalazine, sulfate cel- lufine, sulfate-sulfate, sulf idonitrogen (.), Sulfinpyrazone, sulf o-N-succinimidyl oleate, sulf o-succinimidyl-oleate, sulfoga- lactosylglycerolipid, sulfones, sulfonic acid, sulf onyl-phenyl- ethyl, Sulforafan, Sulindac, sulindac sulfone, sultopride, sunitinib, Synthos, T 0070907, T 0901317, Tacrine, Tacrolimus, , Tamogel, Tamoxifen, tandospirone, , tanshinone, taurocholic acid, Taurodeoxycholic Acid, taurour- sodeoxycholic acid, tautomycetin, TAXOTERE, TBD , TBHQ, TCAT, technetium, , Teleocidin, telithromycin, , te- mozolomide, temsirolimus , terbinafine, terephthalic acid, Ter- fenadine, terif lunomide, terrein, territrem A , territrem B , ter- ritrem C , tertiapin, tetra-mu3-sulf ido-tetrairon, tetrachloroe- thene, tetradecanoyl-phorbol-acetate, Tetrahydrocannabinol, tet- ramethylrhodamine, tetramethylsilane, tetraphene, Tetraprenol, tetrasulf anide, Thalidomide, Thapsigargin, thiamine disulfide, thiazole, Thiazolidinediones , thioacetamide, Thioacetazone, thi- obenzamide, thiocoraline, Thiole, Thiopental, thioredoxin dithi- ol, thioridazine, Thiostrepton, thrombin receptor peptide SFLLRNP, thrombin Tokushima, Thromboxane A2, thromboxane B2, Thyminose, , thymoquinone, Thyrotropin, Ticlopidine, Ti- lidine, tipranavir, tirilazad, titanium alloy (TiA16V4), TMC- 95A, Tmndga, TMSI, Tobrex, tocotrienols , tofisopam, tolrestat, Tolterodine, toluene, TOLUENE -DI THIOL, , Topotecan, Toremifene, Tosylarginine Methyl Ester, Tosyllysine Chloromethyl Ketone, Tosylphenylalanyl Chloromethyl Ketone, TPN+, Tracer, , trans-resveratrol , trastuzumab, , Tremode, Tremorine, Tretinoin, Triad, , , tria- zoles, tributylstannane, trichostatins , Triclosan, triethyla- mine, Trifluoperazine, trimethylaminocarboxyldihydroboran, trioctyl phosphine oxide, Triolein, tripterine, triptolide, triterpenoids , troglitazone, Troleandomycin, TTNPB, tubocap- sanolide A , Tunicamycin, tyrphostin AG 1478, tyrphostin AG-490, tyrphostin AG17, U 0126, Ubizol, Ufur, UK 157147, Uprima, uranyl acetate, urethane, Urex, urinastatin, Urso, USAN, valerenic ac id, valspodar, , Verapamil, verlukast, , Viagra, Vigil, vincristine, vinflunine, vinorelbine, vinpoce tine, violacein, Vira-A, voriconazole, vorozole, VX680, Warfa rin, WAY-169916, Win 55212-2, withaferin A , WLN: QR BG, WLN: RVR, WLN: ZSWR, xanthohumol, Xaxa, Xylit, Y 27632, yristate, Z 338, , Zalcitabine, zardaverine, ZD 9331, Zeara- lenone, Zeldox, zerumbone, Zidovudine, , Zocor, zopi- clone, Zymosan, Trospium chloride, Valproic Acid. These com pounds are described in patent application no. PCT/EP2011/069986 (incorporated herein by reference) . The invention also relates to the administration of one or more of the inventive compounds to a , especially in order to reduce pain signalling e.g. by modulation of biochemical sig nalling pathways involved in pain sensation or transmission. The cell can be a nerve cell, including pain or thermosensitive nerve cells, and/or preferably selected from spinal cord cells, brain cells or peripheral nerve cells. The cell can be of the "pain matrix" such as the thalamus, the S I and S2 somatosensory cortex, the cingulum, amygdala, hypothalamus, or the motor cor tex. The inventive administration may be for treatment, allevia tion or prevention of pain or hyperalgesia, or any other forms of pain or pain associated states or conditions in a subject. In a further aspect the present invention relates to a meth od of screening active compounds suitable for the treatment of pain comprising testing for modulation, including suppression or activation, preferably suppression, of pain. The test may com prise administration of a compound according to the invention to a cell or model animal of pain as described in the examples and detecting a deviation in pain sensation or responses e.g. by as sessment of behavioural read-outs when compared to normal levels observed when no compound or only vehicle or a compound known to have effect against pain has been administered. Especially pre ferred tests include the use of animal models models such as drospohila, or preferably rodents, such as preferably mice, such as preferably rats and testing the compounds for behavioural changes when exposed to pain, such rodent tests are disclosed in the examples. Additional information on optimal dosages can be obtained with these tests. In an aspect of the invention, the following is claimed: a therapeutic compound selected from the compounds of any one of tables 1 to 3 for use in treating or preventing pain in a sub- ject . In yet another aspect, the following is claimed: any salt of a therapeutic compound selected from the compounds of any one of tables 1 to 3 or derivatives thereof for use in treating or pre venting pain in a subject. In yet another aspect, the following is claimed: any ester of a therapeutic compound selected from the compounds of any one of tables 1 to 3 or derivatives thereof for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject. In yet another aspect, the following is claimed: any salt of any ester of a therapeutic compound selected from the compounds of any one of tables 1 to 3 or derivatives thereof for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

The present invention is further illustrated by the follow ing figures and examples.

Figures :

Figure 1 . Efficacy testing of anti-pain compounds in the chronic constriction injury model of neuropathic pain A : Von Frey' s assay for pregabalin (positive control) and adefo- vir in the CCI model as described in Example 1.3. Data are pre sented as mean values + SEM, n=8-10. Significantly different by Mann-Whitney U test compared to post surgery withdrawal thresh olds * p<0.05, * * p<0.01, *** p<0.001. B : Von Frey' s assay for pregabalin and tenofovir in the CCI mod el as described in Example 1.3. Data are presented as mean val ues + SEM, n=8-10. Significantly different by Mann-Whitney U test compared to post surgery withdrawal thresholds * p<0.05, * * p<0.01, *** p<0.001.

Figure 2 : Efficacy testing of anti-pain compounds in the com¬ plete freund' s adjuvant model of inflammatory pain A : Von Frey' s assay for Indomethacin (positive control) and Tenofovir in the CFA model as described in Example 3.3. Data are presented as mean values + SEM, n=6-10. Significantly different by Mann-Whitney U test compared to T=0 paw withdrawal thresholds

(* p<0.05, * * p<0.01, *** p<0.001). B : Von Frey' s assay for Indomethacin and Adefovir in the CFA model as described in Example 3.3. Data are presented as mean values + SEM, n=8-10. Significantly different by Mann-Whitney U test compared to T=0 paw withdrawal thresholds (* p<0.05, * * p<0 .01, *** p<0 .001) .

Figure 3 : Testing of anti-pain compounds, acute inflammatory pain model. Weight bearing difference (%) between the ipsilat- eral and contralateral limb for vehicle control and tomeglovir as described in Example 3.3.1. Data are presented as mean val ues, n=7-8 animals per test group. Figure 4 : Testing of anti-pain compounds, acute inflammatory pain model. Weight bearing difference (%) between the ipsilat- eral and contralateral limb for vehicle control and emtricita- bine as described in Example 3.3.2. Data are presented as mean values, n=7-8 animals per test group.

Figure 5 : Testing of anti-pain compounds, acute inflammatory pain model. Weight bearing difference (%) between the ipsilat- eral and contralateral limb for vehicle control and entecavir as described in Example 3.3.3. Data are presented as mean values, n=7-8 animals per test group.

Figure 6 : Testing of anti-pain compounds, acute inflammatory pain model. Weight bearing difference (%) between the ipsilat- eral and contralateral limb for vehicle control and famciclovir as described in Example 3.3.4. Data are presented as mean val ues, n=7-8 animals per test group.

Examples : The basic principle of animal models of human pain involve the induction of a pain-like state in the organism resulting in characteristic behavioral and physical responses, such as hyper sensitivity to touch (mechanical allodynia) and temperature (cold allodynia) . The assessment of the efficacy of potential analgesics is determined based on said compound' s ability to at tenuate/ameliorate these symptoms.

Example 1 : Assessing chronic pain in animal models - Chronic Constriction Injury The Bennett and Xie chronic constriction injury (CCI) model is a model of mononeuropathic pain (Bennett and Xie, 1988) . Rodents are subjected to a surgical procedure where gut ligatures are tied loosely around the sciatic nerve at the mid-thigh level. Symptoms of neuropathy develop in the operated paw over the fol lowing days including tactile allodynia and cold allodynia, which are measured using Von Frey' s hairs and paw withdrawal from a cold plate, respectively. Operated animals also exhibit other symptoms of spontaneous pain including thermal hyperalge sia, ectopic and spontaneous firing of sensory afferents, autot- omy, licking and guarding of paw and sleep architecture abnor malities (Blackburn-Munro and Erichsen, 2005) . Furthermore, electrophysiological studies have demonstrated the presence of both sensory nerve hyperexcitability and central sensitisation (wind up) in the dorsal horn and elsewhere (Blackburn-Munro and Erichsen, 2005) . The Bennett and Xie model is thought to have predictive validity c L S L 88 concordance has been observed be tween activity in the model (any endpoint) and clinical efficacy in neuropathic pain (Kontinen and Meert 2003) . Multiple drug classes including NSAIDs are ineffective in the clinical treat ment of neuropathic pain and fail to ameliorate symptoms in the Bennett model despite the presence of an inflammation in the in itial phase after surgery (eg Schafers et al ., 2004; Takahashi et al ., 2004, LaBuda and Little, 2005) . Pregabalin, a drug ap proved for the treatment of various types of (chronic) pain, in cluding neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy in humans, is effective at ameliorating symptoms of pain in the CCI model.

Example 1 .1 Test System The CCI surgical procedure is performed as follows: Male Spra- gue-Dawley rats are habituated to the mechanical test apparatus during 5-10 min periods spread over two days and once to the cold plate set at 10°C for 3 minutes, both according to Example 1.2. Following habituation animals undergo the CCI surgical pro cedure requiring anaesthetization under isoflurane, shaving of the left (ipsilateral ) hind limb and swabbing with antiseptic followed by administration of sodium pentobarbitone. An incision is made to reveal the left sciatic nerve which is tied off with four loose ligatures of chromic cat gut. The exposed muscle is sutured with non-absorbable silk and the wound closed with sur gical clips.

The animals are monitored in the hours post surgery and on a daily basis thereafter. Animals showing signs of ill health or autotomy are removed from the study. Approximately 12 and 1 8 days after surgery the animals are reassessed for sensitivity to Von Frey' s hairs and to the cold plate. Animal subjects meeting pre-defined criteria for hypersensitivity to mechanical (ipsi lateral hind-paw moved at a pressure of ≤ 4 g ) and thermal stimu- li (≤ 78s withdrawal latency) in the operated (ipsilateral ) hind- paw are allocated according to baseline mechanical and cold sen sitivity scores to produce balanced treatment groups of 8 to 12 animals in each group.

Example 1.2: Test apparatus Mechanical allodynia is assessed by Von Frey' s hairs. These con sist of a series of wires of progressive thickness each of which bend when a critical pressure (1.4, 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10, 15 g ) is ap plied. Animals are placed in floorless Perspex testing boxes resting on a wire mesh tray. Von Frey' s hairs are then applied through the mesh floor to the sole of the left and right hind paws until either the animal senses discomfort and moves the paw or the pressure applied to the Von Frey' s hair exceeds the crit ical level and it is observed to bend. Von Frey' s hairs are ap plied in ascending order until either a pain response (the paw is moved) is registered or the cut-off of 15 g is reached, using the Von Frey hair with the highest rating. Hairs are applied to each heel 8-10 times at a frequency of approximately 1 H z . If a limb is moved in response to a probe, further testing is halted and the sensitivity to a mechanical stimulus is deemed to have been reached.

Sensitivity to cold (cold allodynia) is assessed by placing ani mal subjects on a cold plate held at 10°C. The latency (time) to lift the respective hind paw clear off the cold plate is meas ured. A cut-off of 180 s is applied.

Weight bearing is an objective measure of pain. Rats are placed in a plexiglass chamber so that each hind paw rests on a sepa rate force plate (pressure sensor) . The rats are allowed to ac climate to the chamber for at least 5 minutes. A total of three one second readings are taken to reflect the amount of pressure exerted on both the left and right hind paw while the rat is po sitioned in the chamber. The force exerted by each hind paw is measured in grams and calculated as the left hind paw weight distribution-right hind paw weight distribution. Thus, the final paw weight distribution for each animal is an average of the three one second readings . Example 1.3: Single dose/acute dosing This example demonstrates the effectiveness of acute/single dos ing of compound (s) according to the invention in ameliorating mechanical and cold allodynia and weight bearing sensitivities, as described in Example 1.2, in rats with peripheral mononeurop- athy induced by loose ligation of the sciatic nerve as described in Bennett and Xie, 1988 and in Example 1.1.

Each group of animals according to Example 1.1 is administered a single dose of either a positive control drug (pregabalin formu lated in a vehicle of 0.5% methyl cellulose to a con- centration of 12 mg/mL and administered per oral in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give a dose of 60 mg/kg) or a compound according to the in vention. Animal subjects are reassessed for mechanical, cold al lodynia and weight bearing 3 0 min, 90 min, 180 min, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours after administration of the respective compound, using Von Frey' s hairs and a cold plate set at 10°C as described in Example 1.2.

Example 1.4: Chronic studies This example demonstrates the effectiveness of sub-chronic dos

ing of compound (s) according to the invention in ameliorating mechanical and cold allodynia and weight bearing sensitivities, as described in Example 1.2, in rats with peripheral mononeurop- athy induced by loose ligation of the sciatic nerve as described in Bennett and Xie, 1988 and in Example 1.1.

Each group of animals according to Example 1.1 is administered either a positive control drug (pregabalin formulated in a vehi cle of 0.5% methyl cellulose to a concentration of 12 mg/mL and administered per oral in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give an ef fective dose (e.g. 60 mg/kg)) or a compound according to the in vention. Dosing is carried out one or several times daily for two days to eight weeks. Animal subjects are reassessed for me chanical and cold allodynia either daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or at the end of the study at one or several time points: 3 0 min, 90 min, 180 min, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 4 8 hours, 72 hours and 1 week after administra tion of the respective compound, using Von Frey' s hairs and a cold plate set at 10°C as described in Example 1.2. Example 2 : Assessing chronic pain in animal models - Spinal nerve ligation Spinal nerve ligation (SNL) model is model of peripheral mo- noneuropathy . The spinal nerves L5 and L6, together with L 4 form the sciatic nerve. In the previously described CCI model only the L 4 spinal nerve is ligated. In the SNL model rodents are subjected to a surgical procedure where the spinal nerves L5 and L6, or L5 alone, are tightly ligated distal to the dorsal root ganglion (Kim and Chung, 1992) and proximal to the lumbar p lex us. This model has the benefit of allowing a more standardized procedure for partial nerve lesion. Induction of nerve injury is associated with the development of spontaneous pain-like behav iour as well as long lasting allodynia and hyperalgaesia (Bridg es et al ., 2001) . Following induction of nerve injury, there is an initial inflammatory component albeit lower than that ob served in the CCI model. A similar onset of sensory threshold changes in mechanical and cold allodynia can be observed in both models but with a greater magnitude of change in sensory thresh olds can be observed in the SNL model (Kim et al ., 1997) . Me chanical allodynia is greatest in the SNL model with an -80% re sponse frequency. There is also a more significant involvement of the sympathetic nervous system component in the sensory re sponse to SNL (Kim et al ., 1997). Treatment with NSAIDs is not effective in the initial inflammatory phase of the SNL model. Current approved treatments for neuropathic pain such as pregab- alin and gabapentin are efficacious in this model at doses equivalent to the efficacious human dose.

Example 2 .1 Test system Rats undergo a surgical procedure to induce peripheral mononeu- ropathy induced by ligation of the spinal nerves L5 and L6, or L5 alone, as described in Bennett et al ., 2003 as follows: While under anesthesia using sodium and after the area of surgery is shaved, the rat is placed in a prone position and the left paraspinal muscles are separated from the spinous pro cess at the L4-S2 levels. The L 6 vertebral transverse process is carefully removed with a small rongeur to visually identify the L4-L6 spinal nerves. The left L5 and spinal nerves are isolated and tightly ligated with 6-0 silk thread. The muscle is then closed with 4-0 silk sutures and the skin is closed b y a clamp. Following surgery, the rats are returned to the cage and will remain under a heating lamp until they awake.

The animals are monitored in the hours post surgery and on a daily basis thereafter. Animals showing signs of ill health or autotomy are removed from the study. Approximately 12 and 1 8 days after surgery the animals are assessed for sensitivity to Von Frey' s hairs and to the cold plate. Only animals expressing mechanical allodynia and cold allodynia, as described in Example 2.2, are included in the study.

Example 2.2: Test apparatus Mechanical allodynia is assessed b y the Von Frey test. Graded Von Frey filaments are applied to the hind paw to assess the 50% withdrawal threshold using the Dixon Up-Down Method (Chaplan et al ., 1994) in L5 spinal nerve ligated animals. Behavioral test ing is performed during the day portion of the circadian cycle only. Animals are placed in a plastic cage (W 200>

Cold allodynia is assessed b y the test. Rats are placed in a transparent plastic cage and habituated to the test chamber for 5 minutes before measurement. Acetone is gently applied on the plantar surface of the hind paw using an Eppendorf (New York, NY) multistepper pipette. The brisk foot withdrawal re sponse after the acetone application is considered as a positive response this response is monitored for 3 0 seconds. The response is graded according to a four-point scale: 0 - no response; 1 - brisk withdrawal or flick of the paw; 2 - repeated flicking of the paw; 3 - repeated flicking of the hind paw and licking of the paws .

Example 2.3: Single dose/acute dosing This example demonstrates the effectiveness of acute/single dos ing of compound (s) according to the invention in ameliorating mechanical and cold allodynia, as described in Example 2.2, in rats with peripheral mononeuropathy induced by ligation of the spinal nerves L5 and L6, or L5 alone, as described in Bennett et al ., 2003 and in Example 2.1.

Each group of animals according to Example 2.1 is administered a single dose of either a positive control drug (pregabalin formu lated in a vehicle of 0.5% methyl cellulose to a concentration of 12 mg/mL and administered per oral in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give a dose of 60 mg/kg) or a compound according to the in vention. Animal subjects are reassessed for mechanical and cold allodynia 3 0 min, 90 min, 180 min, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24 hours after administration of the respective com pound, using Von Frey' s hairs and the acetone test according to Example 2.2.

Example 2.4: Chronic studies This example demonstrates the effectiveness of chronic dosing of compound (s) according to the invention in ameliorating mechani cal and cold allodynia in rats, as described in Example 2.2, with peripheral mononeuropathy induced by ligation of the spinal nerves L5 and L6, or L5 alone, as described in Bennett et al ., 2003 and in Example 2.1.

Each group of animals according to Example 2.1 is administered either a positive control drug (pregabalin formulated in a vehi cle of 0.5% methyl cellulose to a concentration of 12 mg/mL and administered per oral in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give an ef fective dose (e.g. 60 mg/kg)) or a compound according to the in vention. Dosing is carried out one or several times daily for two days up to eight weeks. Animal subjects are reassessed for mechanical and cold allodynia either daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or at the end of the study at one or several time points: 3 0 min, 90 min, 180 min, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 4 8 hours, 72 hours and 1 week after administra tion of the respective compound, using Von Frey' s hairs and the acetone test according to Example 2.2.

Example 3 : Assessing inflammatory pain in animal models - Com plete Freunds Adjuvant (CFA) Complete Freunds Adjuvant (CFA) consists of heat-killed mycobac- terium suspended in mineral oil. When injected systemically into rodents, an immune response is triggered resulting in chronic inflammation of many organs such as skin, liver, spleen, eyes, bone marrow and particularly peripheral joints. The inflammatory response results in bone resorption and periosteal bone prolif eration. Importantly, this inflammatory state results in sponta neous pain and ectopic nerve cell firing. Thus, the resultant adjuvant disease exhibits polyarthritic symptoms. When CFA is injected unilaterally into the limbs it elicits a monoarthritic-like condition and is thus used to model chronic inflammatory conditions. Unilateral injection allows the analy sis of ipsilateral and contralateral effects of localised joint pain (Millan et al ., 1988) . Injection of CFA results in oedema of the affected joint, mechanical allodynia and mechanical and thermal hyperalgesia (Butler et al ., 1992; Hsieh et al ., 2010; Meotti et al ., 2006; Staton et al ., 2007). A s these features re semble the clinical pathology of rheumatoid arthritis, CFA- in duced chronic inflammation has been widely used as a model of this condition. A wide variety of treatments acting via different mechanisms that have generated positive data in rat adjuvant-induced ar thritic models have proven effective in subsequent clinical tri als for rheumatoid arthritis (Hegen et al ., 2008) . Indeed, an analysis by Whiteside (Whiteside et al ., 2008), concluded that activity in the rat CFA test could be used to predict the expo sure needed for clinical efficacy. Both -like opioids, steroids and NSAID analgesics can attenuate inflammation- associated allodynia/hyperalgesia and normalise nociceptive sen sitivity (Jett et al., 1999, da Silva Filho et al ., 2004).

Example 3.1: Test system This example demonstrates the effectiveness of a compound ac cording to the invention in ameliorating weight bearing distri- bution between injured (ipsilateral )and healthy (contralateral) limb, mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity in rats with in flammatory pain induced b y injection of an adjuvant (CFA) into the limbs. The test apparatus according to Example 2 is used for assessing mechanical and thermal sensitivities. Male Sprague-Dawley rats are habituated to the test apparatus and tested for weight bearing and basal sensitivity to mechani cal and thermal stimuli in both the right (ipsilateral) and left (contralateral) paws using incapacitance tester, Von Freys hairs and a radiant heat source, respectively, on the day prior to

Complete Freunds Adjuvant (CFA) administration (Day 0 ) . The fol lowing morning (Day 1), animals are subjected to intraarticular injection into the ipsilateral ankle or a subplantar injection of 50% complete CFA in a 100 L injection volume into the ipsi lateral hind-paw. Two days later (Day 3), baseline weight bear ing, mechanical and thermal sensitivities are reassessed in the CFA-injected (ipsilateral) and non-injected (contralateral) hind-paws. 42 rats meeting pre-defined criteria for hypersensi tivity to mechanical (ipsilateral hind-paw moves at a pressure of <4g) and thermal stimuli (>30% difference in latency time be tween ipsi- and contra-lateral hind- paws) are assigned to treatment groups of at least 7 animals in each group. One hour later, at T=0, drug administration commences.

Example 3.2: Test apparatus Mechanical allodynia is assessed b y the Von Frey test. Graded Von Frey filaments are applied to the hind paw to assess the 50% withdrawal threshold using the Dixon Up-Down Method (Chaplan et al ., 1994) in L5 spinal nerve ligated animals. Behavioral test ing is performed during the day portion of the circadian cycle only. Animals are placed in a plastic cage (W 200>

Thermal hypersensitivity is a measure of the pain threshold that accompanies pain associated with arthritis and inflammation. It is evoked by the radiant heat source and is assessed by the Har- greave's plantar test. Animals are placed in floorless perspex Hargreaves plantar boxes (18cm (length) x 11cm (width) x 8.5cm (height) on a glass Hargreaves tray (Ugo Basile model 7373/7375) . A mobile radiant (infra-red) heat source (Ugo Basile emitter-detector vessel model 7372) and controller (Ugo Basile model 7371) are utilized to assess thermal sensitivity. This is placed under the glass tray and moved to a position where the heat beam is incident on the relevant rat paw. The latency to move the paw from the heat source is recorded. A 3 0 s cut off time is applied throughout the study. The intensity of the heat source is preset to give a baseline withdrawal latency of ap- prox. 12-15 seconds in untreated rats.

Weight bearing is an objective measure of pain which addresses persistent pain by measuring weight distribution between the in jured and non-injured hind limbs, reflecting pain sensation in any of the limb joints. It is often used in the clinical setting to assess pain in patients with arthritis. Thus weight bearing serves as a preferred endpoint in the inflammatory pain models according to Example 3 . Rats are placed in a plexiglass chamber of the incapacitance meter (IITC Life Science, Series 8 ) so that each hind paw rests on a separate force plate (pressure sensor) . The rats are allowed to acclimate to the chamber for several minutes. A total of three one second readings are taken in a 5 sec period to reflect the amount of pressure exerted on both the left and right hind paw while the rat is positioned in the cham ber. The force exerted by each hind paw is measured in grams and calculated as the (left hind paw weight distribution) - (right hind paw weight distribution) . Thus, the final paw weight dis tribution for each animal is an average of the three one second readings .

Paw swelling is a measurement of the level of inflammation of the affected limb. Digital calipers are placed aligned along the centre of the affected paw pad and the dorso-ventral thickness is measured and recorded.

Example 3.3: Acute/single dosing This example demonstrates the effectiveness of acute/single dos ing of compound (s) according to the invention in ameliorating mechanical, thermal sensitivities and hypersensitivity, weight bearing incapacitance and paw swelling in rats with acute in flammation and arthritic-like symptoms induced according to Ex ample 3.1.

One group of animals according to Example 3.1 is administered a single dose of the drug indomethacin (positive control) , an NSAID with demonstrated efficacy in the CFA model and in human inf lammatory/arthritic diseases. Indomethacin is formulated in

50% 0.1 M Na2C03 ; 47.5% phosphate buffered saline (PBS): taken to pH 7 with 2.5% 1M HC1 at a concentration of 2 mg/mL to give a dose of 1 0 mg/kg when administered intraperitoneally in a 5 mL/kg injection volume. The remaining groups of animals are ad ministered a single dose of compound (s) according to the inven tion. 30, 90, 180 min 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours and 24h post-dose, all groups of rats are re-assessed for mechanical allodynia, thermal hyperalgesia in both the treated and untreat ed hind-paws, using Von Frey' s hairs and a Hargreave's plantar test in accordance with Example 3.2. All readings are compared to the basal sensitivity reading (T=0) of the (ipsilateral ) paw in each animal. The described procedure is performed with the compounds according to the invention being adefovir (adm inis tered as adefovir dipivoxil) (Fig 1A and Fig 2B) and tenofovir (administered as tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) (Fig IB and Fig 2A) .

Alternatively, compounds are tested as follows: one group of 8 animals according to Example 3.1 is administered a single dose of morphine hydrochloride as a positive control of model devel opment. Morphine hydrochloride is formulated at a concentration of 1.2 mg/ml in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) to give a dose of 3 mg/kg when administered subcutaneously in a 2.5 mL/kg in jection volume. The remaining groups of 7-8 animals are adminis- tered a single dose of compound (s) or a vehicle only (0.5% methylcellulose) according to the invention. 30, 90, 180 min and

4 , 6 , 8 , 12 and 24 h post-dose, all groups of rats are reas sessed for weight bearing and thermal hypersensitivity in both the treated and untreated hind-paws, using incapacitance meter and Hargreaves plantar test apparatus according to the example 3.2. All readings are compared to the readings of the vehicle control group of animals.

Example 3.3.1 Test with tomeglovir The procedure as described in Example 3.3 was performed with the compound according to the invention being tomeglovir. In total, three groups of animals were included: one group of 8 animals received the positive control drug, morphine, subcutaneously at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of 7-8 animals each received ei ther 100 mg/kg tomeglovir, 3 0 mg/kg tomeglovir, or vehicle only, respectively (Fig. 3 ) . Tomeglovir was formulated in a vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 2 0 and 6 mg/mL and was administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses of 100 and 3 0 mg/kg.

Example 3.3.2 Test with emtricitabine The procedure as described in Example 3.3 was performed with the compound according to the invention being emtricitabine. In to tal, three groups of animals were included: one group of 8 ani mals received the positive control drug, morphine, subcutaneous ly at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of 7-8 animals each re ceived either 100 mg/kg emtricitabine, 2 0 mg/kg emtricitabine, or vehicle only, respectively (Fig. 4 ) . Emtricitabine was formu lated in a vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 2 0 and 4 mg/mL and is administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses of 100 and 2 0 mg/kg.

Example 3.3.3 Test with entecavir The procedure as described in Example 3.3 was performed with the compound according to the invention being entecavir. In total, three groups of animals were included: one group of 8 animals received the positive control drug, morphine, subcutaneously at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of 7-8 animals each received ei ther 0.2 mg/kg entecavir, 0.02 mg/kg entecavir, or vehicle only, respectively (Fig. 5 ) . Entecavir was formulated in a vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 0.04 and 0.004 mg/mL and is administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses of 0.2 and 0.02 mg/kg.

Example 3.3.4 Test with famciclovir The procedure as described in Example 3.3 was performed with the compound according to the invention being famciclovir. In total, three groups of animals were included: one group of 8 animals received the positive control drug, morphine, subcutaneously at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of 7-8 animals each received ei ther 1000 mg/kg famciclovir, 250 mg/kg famciclovir, or vehicle only, respectively (Fig. 6 ) . Famciclovir was formulated in a ve hicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 200 and 5 0 mg/mL and was administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses of 0.2 and 0.02 mg/kg.

Example 3.3.5 Test with alamifovir The procedure as described in Example 3.3 is performed with the compound according to the invention being alamifovir (adm inis tered as alamifovir disoproxil fumarate) . In total, three groups of animals are included: one group of at least 4 animals re ceives the positive control drug, morphine, subcutaneously at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of at least 7 animals each receive either 2 0 mg/kg alamifovir, 2 mg/kg alamifovir, or vehicle only, respectively. Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate is formulated in a vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 4 and 0.4 mg/mL and is administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses of 2 0 and 2 mg/kg.

Example 3.3.6 Test with racivir The procedure as described in Example 3.3 is performed with the compound according to the invention being racivir. In total, three groups of animals are included: one group of at least 4 animals receives the positive control drug, morphine, subcutane ously at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of at least 7 animals each receive either 100 mg/kg racivir, 2 0 mg/kg racivir, or ve hicle only, respectively. Racivir is formulated in a vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 2 0 and 4 mg/mL and is administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses f 20 and 2 mg/

Example 3.3.7 Test with opaviraline The procedure as described in Example 3.3 is performed with the compound according to the invention being opaviraline. In total, three groups of animals are included: one group of at least 4 animals receives the positive control drug, morphine, subcutane- ously at a dose of 3 mg/kg. Three groups of at least 7 animals each receive either 3 0 mg/kg opaviraline, 1 mg/kg opaviraline, or vehicle only, respectively. Opaviraline is formulated in a vehicle (0.5% methylcellulose) to concentrations of 6 and 0.2 mg/mL and is administered orally in a 5 mL/kg dosing volume to give doses of 3 0 and 1 mg/kg.

Example 3.4: Chronic studies This example demonstrates the effectiveness of chronic dosing of compound (s) according to the invention in ameliorating mechani cal and thermal hypersensitivity, weight bearing incapcaitance and paw swelling, according to Example 3.2, in rats with ar thritic-like symptoms induced according to Example 3.1.

Each group of animals according to Example 3.1 is administered either a positive control drug, such as diclofenac or morphine, or a compound according to the invention. Dosing is carried out one or several times daily for two days to eight weeks. Animal subjects are reassessed for weight bearing incapacitance, paw swelling, mechanical and thermal hypersensitivity, either daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly or at the end of the study at one or several time points: 3 0 min, 90 min, 180 min, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 4 8 hours, 72 hours and 1 week after administration of the respective compound, using Von Frey' s hairs and the Hargreave's plantar test according to Example 3.2. Weight bearing and paw swelling is also measured according to Example 3.2.

Example 4 : Clinical study Patients with a long term or chronic pain condition are eligible for the study. After initial screening, a total of 2 0 to 200 pa tients are randomized to one of two treatment groups. Patients in one treatment group receive a compound according to the in- vention at a pharmaceutically active dose and patients in the other (control) treatment group receive either placebo or an ac tive control drug at a pharmaceutically active dose. A preferred active control drug is pregabalin or an NSAID such as Celecoxib. Preferably, the study is carried out in a double-blinded fash ion. Treatment duration is between 1 and 15 weeks, and efficacy evaluation is carried out as the average of the pain scores rec orded for the past 1 to 7 days (preferably 7 days) relative to the day chosen for efficacy evaluation, comparing the group re ceiving the compound according to the invention with the control group . The pain scores are preferably assessed based on patients' daily pain diaries, in which they record their daily pain score on an

11-point (0 = "no pain" to 1 0 = "worst possible pain") numeric rating scale (NRS) [Arezzo et al ., 2008]. The primary endpoint of the study is preferably a comparison of the average pain score for the last 7 available pain diary en tries at the end of the treatment phase.

Example 5 : Painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy (PDPN) A clinical study according to Example 4 is carried out with the following key inclusion criteria: patients are men or women ≥ 1 8 years of age with type 1 or type 2 diabetes with HbAlC ≤ 11% and painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy of at least 3 months' du ration. Patients score at least 4 0 mm on the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) Visual Analog Scale (VAS) [Arezzo et al ., 2008], or any other standard VAS. At randomization, pa tients have completed at least four daily pain diary entries (using an 11-point NRS) and should have an average daily pain score ≥4 over the past 7 days.

Example 6 : Post-herpetic neuralgia A clinical study according to Example 4 is carried out with the following key inclusion criteria: patients are men or women ≥ 1 8 years of age with persistent pain for at least 6 months after the onset of herpes zoster rash. Patients score at least 4 0 mm on the Short-Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ) Visual Ana log Scale (VAS) [Arezzo et al ., 2008], or any other VAS.

Example 7 : Mixed neuropathy A clinical study according to Example 4 is carried out with pa tients selected according to inclusion criteria in Example 5 as well as Example 6 .

Example 8 : Painful osteoarthritis A clinical study according to Example 4 is carried out with the following key inclusion criteria: patients are men or women ≥ 1 8 years of age with recurring or persistent or recurring persis tent pain for at least 1 month, such as at least 3 months, such as at least 6 months, such as at least 12 months related to di agnosed osteoarthritis.

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1 . A therapeutic compound of the group of aromatic sulphonic ac ids and sulphonamides with molecular weight less than 1200 Da, a ) wherein the compound is an aromatic sulfonic acid, the com pound being selected from Tomeglovir, Evans Blue, Tipranavir,

Resobene, 5- [(2, 3-dichlorobenzoyl )amino] -3- [2- [4- [2- [8- [(2, 4- dichlorobenzoyl )amino] -l-hydroxy-3, 6-disulfo-2- naphthalenyl ]diazenyl] -2, 5-dimethoxyphenyl ]diazenyl] -4-hydroxy-

2 , 7-Naphthalenedisulf onicacid, 4 , 4- (carbonylbis (imino (1-methyl- lH-pyrrole-4 ,2-diyl) carbonylimino (l-methyl-lH-pyrrole-4 ,2- diyl) carbonylimino) )bis-1, 7-Naphthalenedisulf onic acid; b ) with the nitrogen adjacent to the aromatic sulfonamide group being substituted, the compound being selected from Tomeglovir, Fosamprenavir , Darunavir, Amprenavir, Brecanavir, A-837093, L- 870810, N - [(3-f luorophenyl) methyl ]glycyl-N- [(IS, 2R) -3- [[(3- aminophenyl )sulf onyl ] ( 2-methylpropyl) amino] -2-hydroxy-l- (phenylmethyl )propyl ]-3-methyl-L-Valinamide (DPC-681),, 4H-

Thieno (3, 4-e) -1, 2 , 4-thiadiazine-4-acetonitrile, 2- ((3- fluorophenyl )methyl )-2 ,3-dihydro-3-oxo- , 1,1-dioxide, Fasudil; c ) with the nitrogen adjacent to the sulfonic acid group being bound to a hydrogen, the compound being selected from Tomeglovir, Flamazine, Silvadene, Silver sulphadiazine, Sulfadi azine silver salt, Thermazene, Dermazin, silver sulf adiazinate,

Zaf irlukast, , 4-cyano-N- [3- [cyclopropyl (5, 6,7,8,9, 10- hexahydro-4-hydroxy-2-oxo-2H-cycloocta [b] pyran-3- yl )methyl ]phenyl ]-Benzene sulfonamide ; d ) wherein the compound is a non-aromatic sulphonic compound se lected from , 5-cyclopropyl-2- (4-f luorophenyl) -6- [(2- hydroxyethyl ) (methylsulf onyl )amino] -N-methyl-3-

Benzof urancarboxamide, 2-amino-6- [(3, 5-dimethylphenyl )sulfonyl] - Benzonitrile, N - [(IS, 2R) -3- [(2S) -4- [(2-chloro-6-methyl-4- pyridinyl) methyl] -2- [[(1, 1-dime thy lethy 1 ) amino] carbonyl] -1- piperazinyl] -2-hydroxy-l- (phenylmethyl )propyl] - (2R, 3R) - tetrahydro-2- (1-methylethyl) -1, l-dioxido-3-thienyl carbamic acid ester (L 738872), 2- (3, 4-dichlorophenyl) -6-methylsulf onyl-3, 4- dihydro-2H-pyrano [2, 3-b] pyridine (MDL 20610); e ) wherein the compound binds the ATP binding site of an ATP re ceptor or is a ATP mimick, being selected from Bay 11-7821,

Leflunomide, Incadronic, , - (2 ',3 '-didehydro-3 '-deoxy-P-phenyl- 5 '-thymidylyl )-L-Alanine methyl ester, [[(S) -2- (4-amino-2-oxo- 1 (2H) -pyrimidinyl )-1- (hydroxymethyl )ethoxy] methyl] -phosphonic acid, mono [3- (hexadecyloxy) propyl ] ester, Fosalvudine,

f ) or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, analogue or derivative of any compound of a ) to e ) , for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

2 . A therapeutic compound of the group of pyrimidine containing nucleotide or nucleoside analogs selected from Tezacitabine, 1- (2-Cyano-2-deoxy-beta-D-arabinof uranosyl) cytosine, Sapacitabine, Alkasar-18, Ethynylcytidine, Troxacitabine, Torcitabine, Hexa- decyloxypropyl-cidof ovir , '-C-Azidocytidine, Balapiravir hydro chloride, 1- (2 '-Deoxy-2 '-fluoro-2 '-C-methyl-beta-D- ribof uranosyl )cytosine, Mericitabine, cis-4 '-Azido-5 '-0- [ (S) - (3-chlorophenyl )-2-oxo-l, 3 , 2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl ]-2 ',3 '-0- bis (propionyl) uridine, Sofosbuvir, Dioxolane T ; Dioxolane thy mine nucleoside, 3 '-Azido-3 '-deoxythymidylyl- (5 ',5 ')-2 ',3 '- dideoxy-5 '-inosinic acid, Apricitabine ; (±) -cis-1- [2-

(Hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-4-yl ]cytosine; (±) -2 '-Deoxy-3 '- oxa-4 '-thiocytidine (dOTC) , (-) - (S) -6-Chloro-2- [1- (furo [2, 3- c ]pyridin-5-yl) ethylsulf anyl] pyrimidine-4-amine (PNU-142721) , Phosphonovir , Festinavir, Emtricitabine, Lamivudine, Clevudine, Edoxudine, Zidovudine, Apricitabine, AVX754, Stampidine, Elvu- citabine, , Racivir, Festinavir, Emivirine, Floxuridine, Fluorouracil , Idoxuridine, Trif luridine, Cytara- bine, 2 '-O-Methylcytidine, Stavudine, 2 ',3 '-Dideoxythymidine, Telbivudine, Zalcitabine, Fiacitabine, Fialuridine, Brivudine, , 2 '-Fluoro-5-ethylarabinosyluracil , Raltegravir, Mericitabine, PSI-6130, , Valtorcitabine, 6- Fluoro-3-hydroxypyrazine-2-carboxamide, 5-Iodo-2-pyrimidinone- 2 '-, Cidofovir, , Navuridine, PSI7977, 3- Deazauridine, 3 '-azido-2 ',3 '-dideoxy-5-methylcytidine, Cyclocyt- idine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

3 . A therapeutic compound of the group of purine containing nu cleotide or nucleoside analogs selected from Clofarabine, 7-

Deaza-2 '-C-methyladenosine, Bis (2 ,2-dimethylpropionic acid) 1- (2-amino-9H-purin-9- ylmethyl) cyclopropoxymethylphosphorylbis (oxymethylene) diester, 2 '-C-Methylguanosine, Filibuvir, 5 '-0- [(Benzylamino) [2- (3- hydroxy-2, 2-dimethylpropionylsulf anyl) ethoxy] phosphoryl] -2 '-C- methylguanosine, 6- [2- (5-Chloro-2, 4-dimethoxyphenyl) ethyl] -6- cyclopentyl-3- (5,7-dimethyl [1, 2 , ] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-2- ylsulfanyl) -4-hydroxy-5, 6-dihydropyran-2-one, 1- (2-Amino-6- ethoxy- 9H-purin- 9-yl )-2-f luoro-2-C-methyl-l, 2-dideoxy-beta-D- ribofuranose 3,5-cyclic [P (R) ]-isopropylphosphate, 6-O-Methyl-

2 '-C-methyl-5 '-0- [0- (2, 2-dimethylpropyl) -L-alanino] (naphthalen- 1-yloxy) phosphoryl ]guano sine, 3 '-Azido-3 '-deoxythymidylyl- (5 ',5 ')-2 ',3 '-dideoxy-5 '-inosinic acid, Lagociclovir valactate,

Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, [S (P ) ]- [5 (R) - (9H-Adenin- 9-yl )-4-

fluoro-2, 5-dihydrof uran-2 (R) -yloxymethyl ]-N- [1 (S) - (ethoxycarbonyl )ethyl ]phosphonamidic acid phenyl ester, Entecavir, organic salt of bis-glycine-L-cysteinyl-bis- (g -L- glutamate) ·9-b -D-ribof uranozilhypoxanthine, CMX 157, HDP- tenofovir, hexadecyloxypropyl tenofovir, Acyclovir, valacyclovir hydrochloride, Vidarabine, Alamifovir, GS 7340, Penciclovir, Ganciclovir, Phosphonic acid, P- [2- [2- [(2-amino-l, 6-dihydro-6- oxo- 9H-purin- 9-yl )methyl ]phenyl ]ethenyl ]-, Tiviciclovir, Famciclovir, Carbovir, Molixan; NOV-205, , Abacavir, Amdoxovir, , INX189, Dideoxyadenosine, Cladribine, Fludarabine, Pentoxifylline, Didanosine, 2 '-Deoxy-2 '- fluoroguanosine, Dideoxyguanosine, 2 ',3 '-DIDEOXY-3 '-FLU0R0- GUANOSINE, 3-Deazaneplanocin, , Valomaciclovir , Omaciclovir, Seliciclib; roscovitine, Lodenosine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

4 . A therapeutic compound of the group of pentose ring- containing nucleotide/nucleoside analogs selected from Clofar- abine, Tezacitabine, 1- (2-Cyano-2-deoxy-beta-D- arabinof uranosyl )cytosine, Sapacitabine, Alkasar-18, Ethynylcyt- idine, Troxacitabine, Torcitabine, 7-Deaza-2 '-C-methyladenosine, 4 '-C-Azidocytidine, 2 '-C-Methylguanosine, Balapiravir hydrochlo ride, 1- (2 '-Deoxy-2 '-fluoro-2 '-C-methyl-beta-D- ribof uranosyl )cytosine, Mericitabine, 5 '-0- [(Benzylamino) [2- (3- hydroxy-2, 2-dimethylpropionylsulf anyl) ethoxy] phosphoryl] -2 '-C- methylguanosine, cis-4 '-Azido-5 '-0- [4 (S) - (3-chlorophenyl )-2-oxo- 1,3, 2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl ]-2 ',3 '-0-bis (propionyl) uridine, 1- (2-Amino-6-ethoxy-9H-purin-9-yl) -2-f luoro-2-C-methyl-l, 2- dideoxy-beta-D-ribof uranose 3,5-cyclic [P(R)]-

isopropylphosphate, 6-0-Methyl-2 '-C-methyl-5 '-0- [0- (2, 2- dimethylpropyl )-L-alanino] (naphthalen-1- yloxy) phosphoryl ]guanosine, Sofosbuvir, Dioxolane T ; Dioxolane thymine nucleoside, 3 '-Azido-3 '-deoxythymidylyl- (5 ',5 ')-2 ',3 '- dideoxy-5 '-inosinic acid, Apricitabine ; (±) -cis-1- [2- (Hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-4-yl ]cytosine; (±) -2 '-Deoxy-3 '- oxa-4 '-thiocytidine (dOTC) , Phosphonovir , Lagociclovir valac- tate, Festinavir, [S (P ) ]- [5 (R) - (9H-Adenin- 9-yl )-4-f luoro-2 ,5- dihydrof uran-2 (R) -yloxymethyl ]-N- [1 (S) - (ethoxycarbonyl )ethyl ]phosphonamidic acid phenyl ester, Clevudine, Edoxudine, Zidovudine, Stampidine, , Dex- elvucitabine, Festinavir, Floxuridine, Idoxuridine, Tri- fluridine, Cytarabine, 2 '-O-Methylcytidine, Stavudine, 2 ',3'- Dideoxythymidine, Telbivudine, Zalcitabine, Fiacitabine, Fi- aluridine, Brivudine, Sorivudine, 2'-Fluoro-5- ethylarabinosyluracil , Mericitabine, PSI-6130, Valopicitabine, Valtorcitabine, 5-Iodo-2-pyrimidinone-2 '-deoxyribose, Alovudine, Navuridine, PSI7977, 3-Deazauridine, 3 '-azido-2 ',3 '-dideoxy-5- methylcytidine, Cyclocytidine, Entecavir, Vidarabine, Carbovir, Molixan; NOV-205, Abacavir, Amdoxovir, Valganciclovir , INX189, Dideoxyadenosine, Cladribine, Fludarabine, Didanosine, 2 '-Deoxy- 2 '-fluoroguanosine, Dideoxyguanosine, 2 ',3 '-DIDEOXY-3 '-FLUORO- GUANOSINE, 3-Deazaneplanocin, Maribavir, Lodenosine, Ribavirin for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

5 . A therapeutic compound of the group of nucleotide analogs se lected from 2 '-C-Methylguanosine, 5 '-0- [(Benzylamino) [2- (3- hydroxy-2, 2-dimethylpropionylsulf anyl) ethoxy] phosphoryl] -2 '-C- methylguanosine, cis-4 '-Azido-5 '-0- [4 (S) - (3-chlorophenyl )-2-oxo- 1,3, 2-dioxaphosphorinan-2-yl ]-2 ',3 '-0-bis (propionyl) uridine, 1- (2-Amino-6-ethoxy-9H-purin-9-yl) -2-f luoro-2-C-methyl-l, 2- dideoxy-beta-D-ribof uranose 3,5-cyclic [P(R)]- isopropylphosphate, 6-0-Methyl-2 '-C-methyl-5 '-0- [0- (2, 2- dimethylpropyl )-L-alanino] (naphthalen-1- yloxy) phosphoryl ]guanosine, Sofosbuvir, 3 '-Azido-3 '- deoxythymidylyl- (5 ' , 5 ' ) -2 ' , 3 '-dideoxy-5 '-inosinic acid, Phos phonovir, [S (P) ]- [5 (R) - (9H-Adenin-9-yl) -4-fluoro-2, 5- dihydrof uran-2 (R) -yloxymethyl] -N- [1 (S) - (ethoxycarbonyl )ethyl ]phosphonamidic acid phenyl ester, CMX 157, HDP-tenof ovir , hexadecyloxypropyl tenofovir, Alamifovir, P-[2- [2- [(2-amino-l, 6-dihydro- 6-oxo- 9H-purin- 9- yl )methyl ]phenyl ]ethenyl ]-Phosphonic acid, INX189, Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate, Alamifovir disoproxil hemifumarate for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

6 . A therapeutic compound of the group of nucleoside analogs se lected from Clofarabine, Tezacitabine, 1- (2-Cyano-2-deoxy-beta- D-arabinof uranosyl )cytosine, Sapacitabine, Alkasar-18, Ethynyl- cytidine, Troxacitabine, Torcitabine, 7-Deaza-2 '-C- methyladenosine, '-C-Azidocytidine, Balapiravir hydrochloride,

1- (2 '-Deoxy-2 '-fluoro-2 '-C-methyl-beta-D-ribof uranosyl )cytosine, Mericitabine, Dioxolane T ; Dioxolane thymine nucleoside , Apri- citabine; (±) -cis-1- [2- (Hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-4- yl ]cytosine ; (±) -2 '-Deoxy-3 '-oxa-4 '-thiocytidine (dOTC) , Festi- navir, Emtricitabine, Lamivudine, Clevudine, Edoxudine, Zidovu dine, Apricitabine, AVX754, Stampidine, Elvucitabine, Dexelvu- citabine, Racivir, Festinavir, Floxuridine, Idoxuridine, Tri- fluridine, Cytarabine, 2 '-O-Methylcytidine, Stavudine, 2 ',3'- Dideoxythymidine, Telbivudine, Zalcitabine, Fiacitabine, Fi- aluridine, Brivudine, Sorivudine, 2'-Fluoro-5- ethylarabinosyluracil , Mericitabine, PSI-6130, Valopicitabine, Valtorcitabine, 5-Iodo-2-pyrimidinone-2 '-deoxyribose, Alovudine, Navuridine, PSI7977, 3-Deazauridine, 3 '-azido-2 ',3 '-dideoxy-5- methylcytidine, Cyclocytidine, Entecavir, organic salt of bis- glycine-L-cysteinyl-bis- (g -L-glutamate) ·9-b -D- ribof uranozilhypoxanthine, Vidarabine, Carbovir, Molixan; NOV- 205, Lobucavir, Abacavir, Amdoxovir, Valganciclovir , Dideoxy- adenosine, Cladribine, Fludarabine, Didanosine, 2 '-Deoxy-2 '- fluoroguanosine, Dideoxyguanosine, 2 ',3 '-DIDEOXY-3 '-FLUORO- GUANOSINE, 3-Deazaneplanocin, Maribavir, Lodenosine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

7 . A therapeutic compound selected from the group of acyclic nu cleoside analog selected from Filibuvir, 6- [2- (5-Chloro-2, - dimethoxyphenyl )ethyl] -6-cyclopentyl-3- (5, 7- dimethyl [1, 2 , 4 ] triazolo [1, 5-a] pyrimidin-2-ylsulf anyl )-4-hydroxy-

5 , 6-dihydropyran-2-one, (-) - (S) -6-Chloro-2- [1- (furo [2, 3- c ]pyridin-5-yl) ethylsulf anyl] pyrimidine-4-amine (PNU-142721) , Lagociclovir valactate, Emivirine, Raltegravir, 6-Fluoro-3- hydroxypyrazine-2-carboxamide, Acyclovir, valacyclovir hydro chloride, GS 7340, Penciclovir, Ganciclovir, Tiviciclovir , Famciclovir, Pentoxifylline, Valomaciclovir , Omaciclovir, Seliciclib; roscovitine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

8 . A therapeutic compound selected from the group of acyclic nu cleotide analogs selected from Hexadecyloxypropyl-cidof ovir ,

Bis (2 ,2-dimethylpropionic acid) 1- (2-amino-9H-purin-9- ylmethyl) cyclopropoxymethylphosphorylbis (oxymethylene) diester, Tenofovir alafenamide fumarate, Cidofovir, CMX 157, HDP- tenofovir, hexadecyloxypropyl tenofovir, Alamifovir, P-[2-[2- [(2-amino-l, 6-dihydro- 6-oxo- 9H-purin- 9- yl )methyl ]phenyl ]ethenyl ]-phosphonic acid, Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate, Alamifovir disoproxil hemifumarate for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

9 . A therapeutic compound selected from the group of 5-ring het- erocycles compounds selected from Amitivir, 2-Oxothiazolidine-4- carboxylic acid, Levcycloserine for use in treating or prevent ing pain in a subject.

10. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of nucleotide analogues being phosphonic acid derivatives selected from ala mifovir, besifovir, cidofovir, Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate, alamifovir disoproxil hemifumarate for use in treating or pre venting pain in a subject.

11. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of bicyclic heterocyclic compounds selected from aciclovir, buciclovir, desciclovir, detiviciclovir , famciclovir, ganciclovir, lago- ciclovir, lagociclovir valactate, omaciclovir, penciclovir, ro- ciclovir, tiviciclovir , valaciclovir , valganciclovir , valomaciclovir for use in treating or preventing pain in a sub- ject .

12. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of carbocy- clic selected from abacavir, entecavir, lobucavir, Carbovir, 3-Deazaneplanocin for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

13. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of phosphate containing nucleotide analogues, further being defined as a . purino (a) cyclophosphate selected from Alamifovir, Alamifovir disoproxil fumarate, alamifovir disoproxil hemif umarate, Stam- pidine, Fozivudine, Fosalvudine, Fosalvudine tidoxil, b . purinophosphonic acids selected from P- [2- [2- [(2-amino-l, - dihydro- 6-oxo- 9H-purin- 9-yl )methyl ]phenyl ]ethenyl ]-Phosphonic acid, P- [(3R) -3- [(2-amino-l, 6-dihydro- 6-oxo- 9H-purin- 9- yl) methoxy] -4-hydroxybutyl ]-Phosphonic acid, MDL, c . Oligonucleotides selected from Fomivirsen, fomivirsen sodium, DNA, d (dmt-T-G-G-G-A-G-G-T-G-G-G-T-C-T-G) (9CI), Trecovirsen, A fovirsen, for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

14. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of phosphate free purino-nucleosides , being further defined as a . a purino pseudonucleoside, being Amdoxovir, b . purino Seconucleosides of the Cl-Type selected from Acyclo vir, Valaciclovir , Ganciclovir, Valganciclovir , Valomaciclovir , c . Purinoalkanols selected from Penciclovir, Tiviciclovir , Famciclovir, Pentoxifylline, 9- (3-fluoro-2- phosphonylmethoxypropyl )adenine, d . Purine Nucleosides selected from bis-glycine-L-cysteinyl- bis- (g -L-glutamate) ·9-b -D-ribof uranozilhypoxanthine, Vidara- bine, Dideoxyadenosine, Cladribine, Fludarabine, Didanosine, Ma- ribavir, 2 '-Deoxy-2 '-fluoroguanosine, 2 ',3 '-DIDEOXY-3 '-FLUORO- GUANOSINE, Lodenosine, Dideoxyguanosine, e . Purine Carbonucleosides selected from Entecavir, Carbovir, Abacavir, Lobucavir, Oxetanocin, 3-Deazaneplanocin, f . a purine base selected from Adenosine, Guanosine, for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

15. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of phosphate free pyrimidino-nucleoside compounds further defined as a . pyrimidino pseudonucleosides selected from Emtricitabine, Apricitabine, AVX754, Racivir, Lamivudine, 2 (1H) -Pyrimidinone, 4- amino-1- [(2R, 4R) -2- (hydroxymethyl )-1, 3-oxathiolan-4-yl ]- , rel-, 4-amino-5-f luoro-1- [(2R, 4R) -2- (hydroxymethyl) -1, 3-dioxolan-4- yl ]pyrimidin-2 (1H) -one, b . pyrimidino Nucleosides selected from Cytarabine, Tri- fluridine, Floxuridine, Idoxuridine, Telbivudine, Clevudine, Edoxudine, Brivudine, Zidovudine, Elvucitabine, Stavudine, Cy- clocytidine, Edoxudine, Zalcitabine, Alovudine, Fiacitabine, Fi- aluridine, Brivudine, Navuridine, FEAU, Sorivudine, IPdR, Raluridine, Dexelvucitabine, Gemcitabine, Valtorcitabine, Valopicitabine, PSI-6130, Tunicamycin, c . Pyrimidines selected from Fluorouracil , Etravirine, Rilpi- virine, 2, (1H, 3H) -Pyrimidinedione, 6- [(3, 5- dimethylphenyl )methyl ]-1- (ethoxymethyl )-5- (1-methylethyl) , for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

16. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of nucleobase mimics further defined as a . Artificial Base Nucleosides selected from Ribavirin, Tari- bavirin hydrochloride, Taribavirin, Triciribine, Isatoribine, ICN, b . Purine mimics selected from Peldesine, Imiquimod, Resiquimod, Bay 11-7821, c . Purine mimics selected from Carbendazim, Oxibendazole, Flubendazole, Carbendazim, Fenbendazole, Albendazole, BMS, N - (lH-benzimidazol-2-ylmethyl) -2,4, 5-trideoxy-4- [[[(2R, 4S) -5, 5- dimethyl-2- [(1R) -2-oxo-l- [(2-phenylacetyl) amino] -2- [(phenylmethyl )amino] ethyl] -4-thiazolidinyl ]carbonyl] amino] -5- phenyl-D-threo-Pentonamide, Oxf endazole, d . Indol type purine mimics selected from Methisazone, Arbidol, 5-Chloro-3-phenylthioindole-2-carboxamide, Mopyridone, e . Pyrimidine mimics selected from Oltipraz, Flutimide, Carbam- ic acid, ,N-diethyl- , [1,4-bis (3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl )-2- piperazinyl ]methyl ester, f . Sulphonamide or sulphonic acid type ATP mimics selected from Tomeglovir, Evans Blue, Quinobene, Resobene, A-837093, g . Phosphate mimics selected from Foscarnet Sodium, 1- ribof uranosylpyrazole-3 ,4-dicarboxamide, Fenbendazole, for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

17. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of nucleotide and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, selected from Emtricitabine, Lamivudine, Clevudine, Zidovudine, Apricitabine, AVX754, Stampidine, Elvucitabine, Dexelvucitabine, Racivir, Fes- tinavir, Emivirine, Stavudine, Telbivudine, Zalcitabine, Entecavir, CMX 157, HDP-tenof ovir , hexadecyloxypropyl tenofovir, GS 7340, Carbovir, Lobucavir, Abacavir, Amdoxovir, Didanosine, Lodenosine, Capravirine, Clevudine for use in treating or pre venting pain in a subject.

18. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of nucleoside and nucleotide DNA or RNA polymerase inhibitors selected from Emtricitabine, Lamivudine, Clevudine, Edoxudine, Zidovudine, Apricitabine, AVX754, Stampidine, Elvucitabine, Dexelvucitabine, Racivir, Festinavir, Emivirine, Idoxuridine, Trif luridine, Cy- tarabine, 2 '-O-Methylcytidine, Stavudine, 2 ',3'- Dideoxythymidine, Telbivudine, Zalcitabine, Fiacitabine, Fi- aluridine, Brivudine, Sorivudine, 2'-Fluoro-5- ethylarabinosyluracil , Cidofovir, PSI7977, Entecavir, CMX 157, HDP-tenof ovir , hexadecyloxypropyl tenofovir, Acyclovir, valacy- clovir hydrochloride, Vidarabine, Alamifovir, GS 7340 , Penciclovir, Ganciclovir, Tiviciclovir , Famciclovir, Carbovir, Lobucavir, Abacavir, Amdoxovir, Valganciclovir , INX189, Didano sine, Valomaciclovir , Omaciclovir, Lodenosine, Capravirine, Clevudine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

19. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of non- nucleotide and nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors se lected from Opaviraline, Atevirdine, Nevirapine, Tivirapine, Efavirenz (EFV) , Loviride, Trovirdine, Fosamprenavir , Dapi- virine, Etravirine, Rilpivirine, Talviraline, Lersivirine ; UK- 453061, , Oltipraz, Delavirdine, Capravirine, Tro virdine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

20. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of non- nucleoside and nucleotide DNA or RNA polymerase inhibitors se lected from Opaviraline, Methisazone, Atevirdine, Nevirapine, Tivirapine, sodium, Efavirenz (EFV) , Loviride, Tro virdine, Fosamprenavir, Dapivirine, Etravirine, Rilpivirine, Talviraline, Foscarnet, Lersivirine; UK-453061, Calanolide A , Oltipraz, Delavirdine, Capravirine, Trovirdine for use in treat ing or preventing pain in a subject.

21. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of viral in- tegrase inhibitors selected from Raltegravir, , Do- lutegravir, Globoidnan A , MK-2048, B I 224436, or from the group of viral terminase inhibitors selected from Tomeglovir, 2-bromo- 5 , 6-dichloro-l-D-ribofuranosyl benzimidazole (BDCRB) , GW-275175X for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

22. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Monophosphate Dehydrogenase (IMPDH) Inhibitors selected from Ribavirin, Taribavirin, Mycophenolate, Amitivir for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

23. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Viral Fu sion inhibitors selected from Docosanol, , Tifuvir- tide, Sifuvirtide for use in treating or preventing pain in a sub ject .

24. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of CMV Imme diate-Early 2 (IE2) mRNA Inhibitors selected from Fom- ivirsen, Afovirsen for use in treating or preventing pain in a sub ject .

25. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Virus rep lication inhibitors selected from Floxuridine, Fluorouracil , Ac etylcysteine, tromantadine hydrochloride, Podophyllotoxin, Tro- mantadine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

26. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of TLR-7 ac tivators selected from Imiquimod, Resiquimod for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

27. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Virus pro tein synthesis inhibitors selected from Methisazone, rifampicin sodium for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

28. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of CCR5 an tagonists selected from Maraviroc, mesylate, Mara- viroc, Vicriviroc, Ancriviroc, Aplaviroc for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

29. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Viral pro tease inhibitors selected from Saquinavir, Telinavir, Palinavir, , Indinavir, Ritonavir, , Nelfinavir, Ampre- navir, Tipranavir, Lopinavir, Atazanavir, Darunavir, Rupin- trivir, Fosamprenavir , Boceprevir, Telaprevir, , , Brecanavir for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

30. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Protein Ion Channel Blockers selected from Amantadine, Rimantadine f or use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

31. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Neuramini dase inhibitors selected from Zanamivir, Peramivir, Oseltamivir, Laninamivir ; Inavir for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject .

32 . A therapeutic compound selected from the group of in hibitors selected from Gefitinib, Tyrphostin, Erbstatin, Fasudil, Tyrphostin, Fascaplysin, Alvocidib for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

33. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of NMDA- Channel blockers selected from tromantadine hydrochloride, Ada- mantylamide, Tromantadine, Rimantadine, Amantadine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

34. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Topoiso- merase inhibitors selected from Topotecan, Irinotecan, Rubi- tecan, Camptothecin, Rescinnamine for use in treating or pre venting pain in a subject.

35. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Antibacte rial selected from rifampicin sodium, Rifabutin, Lexithromycin, Griseof ulvin, Gramicidin, Neomycin, Cyclo- heximide, Thiostrepton, Narasin for use in treating or prevent ing pain in a subject.

36. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of HIV-entry inhibitors selected from Enfuvirtide, Sifuvirtide, Tifuvirtide, cenicriviroc mesylate, Maraviroc, Vicriviroc, Ancriviroc, Aplaviroc for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject. 37. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Viral si- alidase blockers selected from Zanamivir, Oseltamivir, 4- hydroxy-6- [1- (phenylmethyl )propyl ]-3- (1-phenylpropyl) -2H-Pyran- 2-one for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

38. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Steroid hormones selected from Dehydroepiandrosterone, Clomiphene, Des- oxycorticosterone, Diethylstilbestrol , Cosalane, Fulvestrant, Exemestane, Methyltestosterone, , Dienestrol, Torem- ifene, VGX, Raloxifene, , ADS, Tamoxifen, Budesonide, Masoprocol, Pinosylvin, Stanozolol, Piceatannol, U18666A, Hal- cinonide, Quinestrol, Dydrogesterone, 2-Methoxyestradiol, Mes- terolone for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

39. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of Antihista- minic drugs selected from Cyproheptadine, , Chlorphenox- amine, Meclizine, Oxeladin, Desloratadine, , Lorata- dine, Azelastine for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject .

40. An adefovir derivative, excluding adefovir, selected from the compounds of table 1 for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

41. A therapeutic compound selected from the group of the com pounds of any one of tables 1 to 3 or derivatives thereof for use in treating or preventing pain in a subject.

42. Method of treating or reducing pain in a subject comprising administering a compound of any one of claims 1 to 4 1 or any pharmaceutically acceptable salt, prodrug, derivative, ester or analogue thereof to a subject suffering from pain.

43. Method of preventing pain in a subject comprising adminis tering a compound of any one of claims 1 to 4 1 or any pharmaceu tically acceptable salt, prodrug, derivative, ester or analogue thereof to a subject as prophylaxis from pain.

44. Use of a compound of claims 1 to 4 1 or any pharmaceutically acceptable salt, prodrug, derivative, ester or analogue thereof for the manufacture of an analgesic or a medicament for the treatment of pain.

45. The method or use of a compound of any one of claim 1 to 44, characterized in that the compound is administered topically, enterally or parenterally, in particular preferred orally or rectally, intravenously, intraarterially, intramuscularly, sub- cutaneously, intradermally, intraperitoneally, transdermally, transmucosally or by inhalation.

46. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 45, characterized in that the subject to be treated is a mammal, preferably a human, or a non human-animal, preferably a non- human mammal or bird.

47. The method or use of a compound according to claim 4 6 where in the animal is a dog, cat, horse, cow, pig.

48. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 47, characterized in that the compound is provided in a medica ment .

49. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 48, characterized in that the compound is provided together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier or buffer.

50. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 49, characterized in that the compound is administered in a therapeutically effective dosage, preferably a dosage of between 0.01 mg/kg and 1 g/kg.

51. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 50, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a chronic pain . 52 . The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 51, wherein pain is selected from or associated with an acute pain . 53. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 52, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a hyperal gesia pain. 54. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 53, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a somato genic pain. 55. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 54, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a neuro pathic pain. 56. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 55, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a psycho genic pain. 57. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 56, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a heat in duced pain. 58. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 57, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a physical pain . 59. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 57, wherein pain is selected from or associated with nociceptive pain . 60. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 59, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a hyperal gesia. 61. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 60, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a rheumatic pain . 62 . The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 61, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a headache low back pain. 63. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 62, wherein pain is selected from or associated with low back pain . 64 . The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 63, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a pelvic pain . 65. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 64, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a myofas cial pain. 66. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 65, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a vascular pain . 67 . The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 66, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a migraine wound associated pain. 68. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 67, wherein pain is selected from or associated with wound asso- ciated pain. 69. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 68, wherein pain is selected from or associated with inflammato- ry pain. 70. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 69, wherein pain is selected from or associated with an arthrit- ic pain. 71. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 70, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a diabetic pain . 72. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 71, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a pain from or associated with cancer. 73. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 72, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a somatic visceral pain. 74. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 73, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a fibrom- yalgia . 75. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 74, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a postoper- ative pain. 76. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 75, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a phantom pain . 77. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 76, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a trigemi- nal neuralgia. 78. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 77, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a post- herpetic neuralgia. 79. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 78, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a painful diabetic neuropathy. 80. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 79, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a painful diabetic peripheral neuropathy. 81. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 80, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a diabetic polyneuropathy . 82. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 81, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a sciatic pain . 83. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 82, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a radicu lopathy . 84. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 83, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a radicular pain . 85. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 84, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a lumbar pain . 86. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 85, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a pain as sociated with osteoarthritis. 87. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 86, wherein pain is selected from or associated with a pain as sociated with rheumatoid arthritis. 88. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 68 and 7 0 to 87, wherein pain is selected from or associated with non-inflammatory pain. 89. The method or use of a compound of any one of claims 1 to 77 and 7 9 to 88, wherein pain excludes post-herpetic neuralgia as sociated pain. 90. Compound, use or method according to any one of claims 1 to 89 wherein said compound is used in combination with one or more further analgesic or anti-pain compounds, preferably a further compound according to any one of claims 42 or of tables 1 to 3 or a derivative thereof or a compound selected from the group of Tenofovir (PMPA) , dasatinib, AMG-706 (motesanib) , BIRB 796 (Doramapimod) , EKB-569 (Pelitinib) , sorafenib , Vandetanib, CI- 1033 (Canertinib) , NSC161613, N6-Benzyladenosine-5 '-phosphate, p-Aminobenzoly PAB-J acid, NSC47091, cilomilast , Nicotinamide (Nicotinamide) , IBMX, Rof lumilast, Filaminast, Piclamilast, V11294, CC-10004 () , LAS31025 (Arofylline) , CP80633 (Atizoram) , Catramilast/Atopik (Catramilast) , BRL-61063 (Cimpyf ylline) , Daxalipram/mesopram (Daxalipram) , Doxofylline, Drotaverine, Efloxate, Etamiphylline, Etazolate, Etof ylline, Glaucine Hydrobromide (Broncholytine) , GRC3886 (oglemilast) , ox- triphyllin (Choline theophyllinate) , Pumaf entrine, Revamilast, Tofimilast, Tolaf entrine, Seoanin (Trapidil) , G 842470 (A D 12- 281), CDP-840, YM-976, CI-1018, D-4418, Lirimilast, SCH-351591, RPL-554, IPL-455903 (HT-0712), GSK256066, Zardaverine, Varden- afil, OPC-6535 (Tetomilast) , IC485, L-826,141, ONO-6126, CI- 1044, MK-0873, T-2585, R1533 (MEM-1414), Ronomilast (ELB-353) ,

UK-500,001, AN2728 , DE-103, Tofisopam, (R) -Tof isopam (Dex- tof isopam) , (S)-Tof isopam (Levotof isopam (USAN) ), EKB-568, SU- 14813, LY-333531 (Ruboxistaurin) , CGP-52421, SKI-606 (Bosu- tinib) , Roscovitine, Tenofovir (PMPA) , Methimazole, Adefovir dipivoxil (Bis-POM PMEA) (Adefovir) , Acetazolamide, midostaurin (PKC-412), tozasertib (MK-0457, VX 680) or lestaurtinib (CEP- 701) .


Box No. II Observations where certain claims were found unsearchable (Continuation of item 2 of first sheet)

This international search report has not been established in respect of certain claims under Article 17(2)(a) for the following reasons:

□ Claims Nos.: because they relate to subject matter not required to be searched by this Authority, namely:

□ Claims Nos.: because they relate to parts of the international application that do not comply with the prescribed requirements to such an extent that no meaningful international search can be carried out, specifically:

3 . □I I Claims Nos.: because they are dependent claims and are not drafted in accordance with the second and third sentences of Rule 6.4(a).

Box No. Ill Observations where unity of invention is lacking (Continuation of item 3 of first sheet)

This International Searching Authority found multiple inventions in this international application, as follows:

see addi t i onal sheet

□ As all required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers all searchable claims.

□ As all searchable claims could be searched without effort justifying an additional fees, this Authority did not invite payment of additional fees.

I I As only some of the required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant, this international search report covers only those claims for which fees were paid, specifically claims Nos. :

2-8, 10, 12-15 , 17 , 18, 24, 40(compl etely) ; 1, 41-90(parti al ly)

4 . I I No required additional search fees were timely paid by the applicant. Consequently, this international search report is restricted to the invention first mentioned in the claims; it is covered by claims Nos. :

Remark on Protest The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest and, where applicable, the ' ' payment of a protest fee. The additional search fees were accompanied by the applicant's protest but the applicable protest ' ' fee was not paid within the time limit specified in the invitation.

IX INo protest accompanied the payment of additional search fees.

Form PCT/ISA/21 0 (continuation of first sheet (2)) (April 2005) A . CLASSIFICATION O F SUBJECT MATTER INV. A61K31/18 A61K31/522 A61K31/675 A61K31/7068 A61K31/708 A61K45/06 A61P29/00 ADD. According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC

B . FIELDS SEARCHED Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) A61K

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)



Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

WO 2012/062925 A2 (AKRON MOLECULES GMBH 1,40-46, [AT] ; PENNINGER JOSEF [AT] ; NEELY GRAHAM 48-90 GREGORY) 18 May 2012 (2012-05-18) the whol e document, i n parti cul ar page 181 , l i ne 37 ; page 187 , l i nes 35-37 and c l aim 100 -/-

X| Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C . See patent family annex.

* Special categories of cited documents : "T" later document published after the international filing date or priority date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand "A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered the principle or theory underlying the invention to be of particular relevance "E" earlier application or patent but published o n or after the international "X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be filing date considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive "L" documentwhich may throw doubts on priority claim(s) orwhich is step when the document is taken alone cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other "Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be special reason (as specified) considered to involve an inventive step when the document is "O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other combined with one o r more other such documents, such combination means being obvious to a person skilled in the art "P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the priority date claimed "&" document member of the same patent family

Date of the actual completion of the international search Date of mailing of the international search report

13 August 2013 29/08/2013

Name and mailing address of the ISA/ Authorized officer European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlaan 2 NL - 2280 HV Rijswijk Tel. (+31-70) 340-2040, Fax: (+31-70) 340-3016 Al brecht, Si I ke C(Continuation). DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT

Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

DRI ESSEN B ET AL: "Anti noci cepti e effect 1,42-90 of i ntrathecal l y admi ni stered P2-puri noceptor antagoni sts i n rats" BRAIN RESEARCH , ELSEVI ER, AMSTERDAM, NL, vol . 666, no. 2 , 15 December 1994 (1994-12-15) , pages 182-188, XP024282065 , ISSN : 0006-8993 , DOI : 10. 1016/0006-8993 (94)90770-6 [retri eved on 1994-12-15] the whol e document, i n parti cul ar f i gure 3 B

W0 2008/112715 A2 (VM DISCOVERY INC [US] ; 1,42-90 WU JAY J I E-QIANG [US] ; GU0 JIAN-XIN [US] ; NGUYE) 18 September 2008 (2008-09-18) c l aims 65 ,66

CN 101 856 322 A ( INST MED EQUI P ACAD 1,42-90 MI LITARY) 13 October 2010 (2010-10-13) abstract

US 2005/201998 Al (WELCH MARTHA G [US] ET 1,42-90 AL WELCH MARTHA G [US] ) 15 September 2005 (2005-09-15) paragraph [0062] paragraph [0073]

BOYCE-RUSTAY J M ET AL: "Characteri zati on 1,42-90 of Fasudi l i n Precl i ni cal Model s of Pai n " , JOURNAL OF PAIN , SAUNDERS, PHI LADELPHIA, PA, US, vol . 11 , no. 10, October 2010 (2010-10) , pages 941-949 , XP027313509 , ISSN : 1526-5900 [retri eved on 2010-09-24] the whol e document

US 5 866 581 A (BOON RONALD JAMES [GB] ET 2-8, 10, AL) 2 February 1999 (1999-02-02) 12-15 , 17 , 18, 24,40-90 the whol e document

US 2007/196458 Al (ZHANG J I E [US] ET AL) 2-8, 10, 23 August 2007 (2007-08-23) 12-15 , 17 , 18, 24,40-90 c l aims 59 ,74 paragraph [0020] -I C(Continuation). DOCUMENTS CONSIDERED TO BE RELEVANT

Category* Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages Relevant to claim No.

LALEZARI JACOB ET AL: "A randomi zed, 2-8, 10, doubl e-bl i nd, pl acebo-control l ed tri al 12-15 , c i dofovi r gel for the treatment of 17 , 18, acycl ovi r-unresponsi e mucocutaneous 24,40-90 herpes simpl ex v i rus i nfecti on i n pati wi t h AIDS" , JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES, vol . 176, no. 4 , 1997 , pages 892-898, XP002711213 , ISSN : 0022-1899 abstract page 894, col umn 2 , paragraph 2 page 895 ; tabl e 3 page 897 , col umn 1 page 898, col umn 1

PETER HYCKEL ET AL: "The therapy of 2-8, 10, v i rus-associ ated epi thel i al tumors of the 12-15 , face and the l i ps i n organ transpl ant 17 , 18, reci pi ents " , 24,40-90 MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, vol . 192 , no. 3 , August 2003 (2003-08) , pages 171-176, XP055074902 , ISSN : 0300-8584, D0I : 10. 1007/s00430-003-0177-y abstract page 172 , col umn 2 , paragraph 2

CN 102 048 677 A (HANGZHOU SHARPLY PHARM R 2-8, 10, & D INSTIT CO LTD; HAINAN POLY 12-15 , PHARMACEUTICAL) 11 May 2011 (2011-05-11) 17 , 18, 24,40-90 abstract Patent document Publication Patent family Publication cited in search report date member(s) date

WO 2012062925 A2 18-05-2012 AU 2011328009 Al 30-05-2013 CA 2817290 Al 18-05-2012 SG 190224 Al 28-06-2013 O 2012062925 A2 18-05-2012

WO 2008112715 A2 18 -09 -2008 CN 101686952 A 31-03-2010 EP 2073799 A2 01-07-2009 US 2011065703 Al 17-03-2011 WO 2008112715 A2 18-09-2008

CN 101856322 A 13 -10 -2010 NONE

US 2005201998 Al 15 -09 -2005 US 2005201998 Al 15-09-2005 WO 2005086970 A2 22-09-2005

US 5866581 A 02 -02 -1999 A P 616 A 15-09-1997 AT 216885 T 15-05-2002 AU 7788494 A 01-05-1995 CA 2173505 Al 13-04-1995 CN 1135180 A 06-11-1996 CY 2375 Bl 04-06-2004 DE 69430545 Dl 06-06-2002 DE 69430545 T2 07-11-2002 DK 804199 T3 19-08-2002 EP 0804199 Al 05-11-1997 ES 2176258 T3 01-12-2002 HK 1004115 Al 09-05-2003 HU 226472 Bl 29-12-2008 I L 111138 A 15-04-1997 P 3768527 B2 19-04-2006 P H10513434 A 22-12-1998 PT 804199 E 30-09-2002 US 5866581 A 02-02-1999 WO 9509632 Al 13-04-1995

US 2007196458 Al 23-08-2007 NONE

CN 102048677 A 11-05-2011 NONE International Application No. PCT/ EP2013/ 059752


Thi s Internati onal Searchi ng Authori t y found mul t i pl e (groups of) i nventi ons i n thi s i nternati onal appl i cati on , as fol l ows :

1. cl aims : 1, 42-90(al l parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of aromati c sul foni c aci ds and sul fonami des wi t h mol ecul ar wei ght of l ess than 1200 Da for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the ni trogen of the aromati c sul fonami de group i s substi tuted, and wherei n the compound i s sel ected from fosamprenavi r , darunavi r , amprenavi r , brecanavi r , A-837093 , L-870810, N- [(3-f l uorophenyl )methyl ] glycyl -N- [(1S,2R) -3- [ [(3-ami nophen y l ) sul fonyl ] ( ( 2-methyl propyl ) ami no] -2-hydroxy-l- (phenylmethyl )propyl ] -3-me thyl -L-val i nami de (DPC-681) , , 4H-Thi eno(3 ,4-e) - l ,2,4-thi adi azi ne-4-acetoni tri l e, 2- ( (3-f l uorophenyl )methyl ) - 2,3-di hydro-3-oxo- , 1, 1-di oxi de, fasudi l , or a pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t , prodrug, ester, anal ogue or deri vati ve thereof

2. cl aims : 1, 42-90(al l parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of aromati c sul foni c aci ds and sul fonami des wi t h mol ecul ar wei ght of l ess than 1200 Da for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from Tomegl ovi r , Evans Bl ue, Ti pranavi r , Resobene, 5- [(2 ,3-di chl orobenzoyl )ami no] -3- [2- [4- [2- [8- [(2 ,4-di chl orob enzoyl ) ami no] -l-hydroxy-3 , 6-di sul f o-2-naphthal enyl ] di azenyl ] - 2,5-dimethoxyphenyl ] di azenyl ] -4-hydroxy-2 , 7-naphthal ene di sul foni c aci d, 4,4- (carbonyl bi s(imi no(l-methyl -lH-pyrrol e-4,2-diyl ) carbonyl i mi no ( 1-methyl - 1 H-pyrrol e-4, 2-diyl ) carbonyl imi no) )bi s-l ,7-na phthal ene di sul foni c aci d, or a pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t , prodrug, ester, anal ogue or deri vati ve thereof

3. cl aims : 1, 42-90(al l parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of aromati c sul foni c aci ds and sul fonami des wi t h mol ecul ar wei ght of l ess than 1200 Da for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the ni trogen adjacent t o the sul foni c aci d group i s bound t o a hydrogen , and wherei n the compound i s sel ected from f l amazi ne, si l vadene, si l ver sul phadi azi ne, thermazene, dermazi n, si l ver sul fadi azi nate, zafi r l ukast, ramatroban , 4-cyano-N- [3- [cycl opropyl (5 ,6,7 ,8,9 , 10-hexahydro-4-hydroxy-2 -oxo-2H-cycl oocta [b] pyran-3-yl )methyl ] phenyl ] -benzenesul f ona mi de, or a pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t , prodrug, ester, anal ogue or deri vati ve thereof International Application No. PCT/ EP2013/ 059752


4. cl aims : 1, 42-90(al l parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of non-aromati c sul foni c compounds for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from danoprevi r , 5-cycl opropyl -2- (4-f 1uorophenyl ) -6- [(2-hydroxyethyl ) (methyl s ul fonyl ) ami no] -N-methyl -3-benzofurancarboxami de, 2-ami no-6- [(3 , 5-di methyl phenyl ) sul fonyl ] -benzoni tri l e, N- [(1S.2R) -3- [(2S) -4- [(2-chl oro-6-methyl -4-pyri di nyl )methyl ] -2- [ [(1 , 1-dimethyl ethyl )ami no] carbonyl ] -1-pi perazi nyl ] -2-hyd roxy- 1- (phenyl methyl ) propyl ] - (2 , 3 ) -tetrahydro-2- (l-methyl e thyl ) - l , l-di oxi do-3-thi enyl carbami c aci d ester ( L 738872) , 2- (3 ,4-di chl orophenyl ) -6-methyl sul fonyl - 3,4-di hydro-2H-pyran o [2 ,3-b] pyri di ne (MDL 20610) , or a pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t , prodrug, ester, anal ogue or deri vati ve thereof

5. cl aims : 1, 42-90(al l parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of compounds whi ch bi nd the ATP bi ndi ng si t e of an ATP receptor or ATP mimi cks for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from Bay 11-7821 , l efl unomi de, i ncadroni c , ,N- (2 , 3 -di dehydro-3 -deoxy-P-phenyl - 5 -thymi dylyl ) -L-al ani ne methyl ester, [ [(S) -2- (4-ami no-2-oxo-l (2H) -pyrimi di nyl ) -1- (hydroxymethyl ) e thoxy] methyl ] -phosphoni c aci d, mono [3- (hexadecyl oxy) propyl ] ester, fosal vudi ne, or a pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t , prodrug, ester, anal ogue or deri vati ve thereof

6. cl aims : 2-8, 10, 12-15 , 17 , 18, 24, 40(compl etely) ; 41-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of nucl eoti de or nucl eosi de anal ogs for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aims 2-8, 10, 12-15 , 17 , 18, 24, 40, tabl es 1 and 2, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

7. cl aims : 9(compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of 5-ri ng heterocycl i c compounds for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 9, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof International Application No. PCT/ EP2013/ 059752


8. cl aims : l l (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of bi cycl i c heterocycl i c compounds for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 11 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

9. cl aims : 16, 26(compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of nucl eobase mimi cs for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aims 16 and 26, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

l aims : 19 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of non-nucl eoti de ande nucl eosi de reverse transcri ptase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 19 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

11 . cl aims : 20, 27 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of non-nucl eoti de and nucl eosi de DNA or RNA polymerase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aims 20 and 27 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

12 . cl aims : 2 1 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of vi ral i ntegrase i nhi bi tors or from the group of vi ral termi nase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 2 1 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a International Application No. PCT/ EP2013/ 059752


previ ous cl aim

l aims : 22 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of i nosi ne monophosphate dehydrogenase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 22 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s , prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

l aims : 23 (compl etely) ; 36, 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of v i ral fusi on i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 23 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s , prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

l aims : 25 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of v i ral repl i cati on i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 25 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s , prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

16. cl aims : 28(compl etely) ; 36, 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of CCR5 antagoni sts for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 28, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s , prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

17 . cl aims : 29 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of v i ral protease i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 29 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s , prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim International Application No. PCT/ EP2013/ 059752


l aims : 30(compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of protei n i on channel bl ockers for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 30, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

l aims : 3 1 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of neurami ni dase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 3 1 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

l aims : 32 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of ki nase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 32 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

2 1 . cl aims : 33 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of NMDA-channel bl ockers for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 33 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

22 . cl aims : 34(compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of topoi somerase i nhi bi tors for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 34, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

23 . cl aims : 35 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly) International Application No. PCT/ EP2013/ 059752


A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of anti bacteri al anti bi oti cs for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 35 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

l aims : 37 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of vi ral si al i dase bl ockers for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 37 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof, except for those compounds al ready menti oned i n a previ ous cl aim

l aims : 38(compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of steroi d hormones for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 38, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

26. cl aims : 39 (compl etely) ; 42-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the group of anti hi stami ni c drugs for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject, wherei n the compound i s sel ected from any of the speci f i c compounds l i sted i n cl aim 39 , and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof

27 . cl aims : 41-90(parti al ly)

A therapeuti c compound sel ected from the compounds of tabl e 3, and pharmaceuti cal l y acceptabl e sal t s, prodrugs , esters , anal ogues or deri vati ves thereof for use i n treati ng or preventi ng pai n i n a subject