50% OFF Indoor Trout Pond, Flagship Store 10 A.M.-4 P.M
FRIDAY, MARCH 16 UP TO BOOK SIGNINGS & AUTOGRAPHS Live Catch and Release Demonstration Special Celebrity Guests You’re invited to the 22nd Annual Noon & 3 p.m. Lefty Kreh, Lou Tabory, Chris Santella 50% OFF Indoor Trout Pond, Flagship Store 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Closeouts from L.L.Bean, Sage, Tibor, Lamson, Second Floor, Hunting & Fishing Store Classic Wet Fly Patterns Demonstration Scientific Anglers, Simms, and more.* This is your chance to visit one-on-one with some of L.L.BEAN with Special Guest Tyer, Don Bastian the biggest names in fly-fishing. Share fishing stories, 1-5 p.m. and have them autograph one of their books, DVDs *Offervalidonselectin-stockmerchandise,March16-18,2012,at Second Floor, Hunting & Fishing Store theL.L.BeanHunting&FishingStoreinFreeport,ME,only.Notvalid SPRING FISHING or even something of your own like a hat or fly box. atOutlets,bytelephone,mailorder,oronline. Join renowned tyer, Don Bastian, as he demonstrates his classic wet fly patterns. Fly-Tying Masters WEEKEND 10 a.m.-4 p.m. VISIT WITH OUR Free Friday Night Fly-Tying Clinic Mezzanine, Hunting & Fishing Store with Special Guest Tyer, Don Bastian Sharon E. Wright will be tying classic streamers and wet OUTDOOR PARTNERS at Freeport, Maine 7 p.m. flies, as well as some of her own original patterns. Second Floor, Hunting & Fishing Store Don Bastian will be tying a variety of traditional Federation of Fly Fishers Don will guide tyers on how to tie a Footer Special wet flies and streamers for trout and salmon fishing during this special clinic.
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