Volume XXXVIII Number VII September 2014 Jerry Neuburger, Editor Stockton, California In this Issue John Sherman to present, “Fly Fishing the California Delta,” at Page 2—A message from the September Meeting Steve VonBerg, filling in for John is the Simms Fishing Products door Photographer who has had his the office of club president and Hatch Outdoors Sales Representa- work published in Field and Stream, Page 2—September is Time tive for California, Arizona, and Ne- Fly Fisherman, Fly Rod and Reel, Fly for Renewing Your DFF Mem- vada and HI. John was born and Fishing in Saltwaters, The Drake, Cal bership raised in Visalia, CA where he learned Fly Fisher, North West and South West how to fly fish through Buz’s, the local Fly Fishing to name a few. He has Page 2—Fall is the Season for been documenting his expeditions with Brook Trout fly shop, at the age of 8. Since then fly -fishing has been a passion that has a camera since the age of 10. Page 3—The Water Bond, the evolved into a career. John graduated John teamed up with Captain Mike EPA review of the BDCP and from California Costello to produce California’s water policies State University the first and only Fly Page 5—Adventure in the Chico, in Northern Fishing book dedi- Land of the Midnight Sun California with a cated to the Califor- degree in Business nia Delta, “Fly Fish- Page 6—Adventure in the Administration, Land of the Midnight Sun ing the CA Delta,” Marketing in 1999. has been one of the Page 7—A float in the Florida That fall he spent top selling Fly Fish- sun (but watch out for the two months fishing ing books in 2010. mosquitoes!) British Columbia’s John lives in Discov- Page 8—Eastern Sierra Focus famed Steelhead ery Bay, Ca on the Rivers. While attending Chico State San Joaquin Sacramento River Delta John worked at Powell Fly Shop and with his wife Natih, daughter Kalum, guided on the Feather and Sacramento son Kasix and dog Portis. His favorite Calendar Rivers for Steelhead and Salmon. species to take on a fly are steelhead, stripers and any salt water flats fish. September 10—DFF General John has fished the West Coast from Alaska to the Baja Peninsula for steel- He will be presenting his slide show Membersip Meeting head, salmon, stripers, black bass, trout “Fly Fishing the Ca Delta” which will September 16-21 Bridgeport and numerous blue water species. He visually take you through this amazing fishery from Smallmouth and Large- Outing has also hosted numerous trips all over the globe including Australia, Russia, mouth Bass to Carp and of course September 24 DFF Board Iceland, Mexico, Canada, the Bahamas, Stripers. Meeting Belize, Russia, Argentina and Indone- John R. Williams School, 9/10/14, October 8—DFF member- sia to name a few. John is also an Out- 7:30pm. Public welcome. ship meeting October 15—DFF Board Meeting October 17-19 Lower Sac Outing A message from Steve VonBerg, filling in for the office of club president As we ready to turn the calendar to On September 10 the club will be part of the Mokelumne Day Use September, some important infor- hosting John Sherman as our guest Area, located 15 miles east of Lodi mation needs to be passed on. Un- speaker. John is an expert guide, off Hwy 12. It is requested that you fortunately, the outing for September photographer, and published au- bring drinking water, sun screen and 6 has been cancelled, The board thor. His slide show will focus on a good sun blocking hat. If you plan felt it was too close to the Bridgeport fishing the delta for LMB, Carp, and on attending, please contact Bill Fer- outing. With that being said, the Stripers. The meeting will begin at rero at [email protected]. Bill, Bridgeport outing is a go. Leader 7:00pm at John R. Williams a local guide on the Moke, is head- Don Gillett will be leaving on Sept School. Al Smatsky says this ing this year's cleanup and needs a 14 and will set camp at Robinson should be an excellent chance to head count. learn more about our local fishery. Creek Camp Ground. The outing Finally, don't forget it is time to re- will last until the 21st---so come any- As a club dedicated to preserving new your club membership for time! Don reports that local our fisheries, we have an opportu- 2015. Contact Bob Fujimura by streams are low but the lakes are nity on September 20 to participate Aug. 31 and you will be eligible for a fishing well. For more detailed in- in the annual Mokelumne River drawing to win a Ross rod with your formation about the outing feel free Cleanup. Volunteers are needed for renewal. The winner will be an- to contact Don at redrider- this event. Bruce Rollans reports nounced at the September 10 meet- [email protected]. Don will be at the that volunteers are asked to gather ing. Bod can be reached evenings September 10 meeting. at the first parking lot off McIntire at 209-339-0683 or at deltaflyfish- Road at 8:30am. The parking lot is [email protected] September is Time for Renewing Your DFF Membership If you haven’t already it is time to regular, $25 seniors (individuals marked before September 1 will renew your 2015 Delta Fly Fishers 62 yr old or older), or $35 family. qualify for the drawing. I will an- membership. If you received this If your contact information is still nounce the winner before or at the newsletter then you know the the same then no need to submit a October general meeting. You do benefits that club membership can renewal form. not need to be present at this meet- bring you. Fishing outings, social If you were among the many ing to win this prize. activities, environmental support, members who sent in your 2015 I would also like recognize our informal instruction, and public renewal check before the end of newest club member, Bill Hogan. outreach are just start of the di- August, thank you very much for Bill lives in Manteca; let’s wel- verse ways your membership dues your prompt payment and appreci- come Bill are used for. So please take the ate your continued support. You Sincerely, time to make out your check to: are also legible for the drawing for Delta Fly Fishers and mail it to my a new fly rod. Any letter contain- Bob Fujimura, Membership Chair, attention at: PO Box 1562, Lodi, ing your full annual dues post- 209-339-0683 or deltaflyfish- CA 95241. Annual dues are $30 Fall is the Season for Brook Trout .Brook trout are actually a typically spawn in streams and char and native to the East springs in late summer or early Coast. Populations in its na- fall. In some locations they are an tive waters are declining but invasive species that can out- they are doing well in western compete native cutthroat or other high elevation streams and salmonids. Because of these con- lakes. Its breeding coloration cerns, CA has generous or "bonus" is quite striking...orange bel- bag limits for the take of the spe- lies and red ventral paired fins with white leading markings. They cies in some locations. 2 The Water Bond, the EPA review of the BDCP and California’s water policies Calling Fly Fishing a hobby is like for construction of new dams. We ately. Water from the proposed dams calling Brain Surgery a job. have over 1400 dams in California would require months if not years with the prime sites for dams already of study before building could begin. - - Paul Schullery taken. The sites left are marginal at Sites will have to be found, the land The Water Bond best, will be prohibitively expensive acquired, long detailed geological to build, and provide marginal studies preformed. Dams will require California's legislature has twice de- amounts of water. The dam construc- decades of time to yield even mar- layed putting a water bond on the bal- tion cost/acre feet ratios are poor. We ginal amounts of water. We need wa- lot for fear of failure. The initial bond will spend much more to get less wa- ter immediately, not in the distance would have cost us almost 12 billion ter under the bond. California Sport- future. Building minimally productive dollars and was loaded with self- dams at high cost serving pork for is not the answer the legislature. It for a drought. was a regressive measure that State water con- would not solved tractors, West- California's ongo- lands Water Dis- ing water issues. trict, the Kern Unfortunately, two County Water Dis- years later, we trict, and others have been pre- who will bene- sented another fit from twin tun- bond that is again nels are insisting regressive and will on millions of dol- in not solve our lars of public state's water cri- money to buy wa- ses. The bond ter to add to the (Prop.1 ) will con- water they take tinue to use the from the Delta. failed policies of Why should tax- the last 100 years payers continue to and not add one subsidize their drop of new water profits? This bond will continue their subsidies. The for the state. Prop 1 will exacerbate fishing Protective Alliance (CSPA) drought has shown that the south val- the state's current water crises. Gov. points out that recycling water for ley is not sustainable for permanent Brown realizes that a $12 billion pork "new" water not only will cost less agriculture.
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