THE CHURCH and OTHER BELLS of ABERDEENSHIRE. 131 a TO* J^ -Canons Ha-Na-Fr-Eu "S-Fiouwer T}("DMM Arg«Uu
130 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY, 1956-57. IX. E CHURCTH OTHED HAN R BELL ABERDEENSHIREF O S . BY THE . EELESC LAT . F E , O.B.E., D.LITT., F.S.A.ScoT.D AN , RANALD W. M. CLOUSTON, B.SC.ENG., F.S.A.ScoT. At the time of his death Dr F. C. Eeles had collected quite a considerable amount of data on Scottish church bells which had not been published. The county survey most near completio thas Aberdeenshiren no wa t t ,bu e fielth d l woral beed kha n perioe donth s n ei d wa 189t i 191o 0t d 3an questionable whether it was sufficiently up to date for publication. The present writer decided that it would be best to check wherever possible that the bells recorded by Dr Eeles still existed, and to fill in certain gaps accounte summee th th n i n i 1956f ;d ro di thi .e sh Wher belle eth s have t beeno n seen recentl accoun e . appea initialfooth e e E . yf th th o tC t . ra t sF of them, together wit e dathth e whe r Eele nthemD w ssa . One featur f Aberdeenshireo e churche e elaboratth s si e belfries which foune numbea ar n di themf o r . Thes r Eele eD s describe sha somd dan e are illustrated. Otherwise the present writer has aimed to follow the pattern s earliehi y rb t paperse belln o sn Renfrewshirei s , Dunbartonshird an e Stirlingshire in these Proceedings and, wherever possible, any repetition of information is avoided.
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