
How the closure of paleo-Tethys and Tethys oceans controlled the early breakup of

D. Fraser Keppie Department of Energy, Government of Nova Scotia, Joseph Howe Building, 12th Floor, 1690 Hollis Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3J9, Canada

ABSTRACT fined to segments south of Newfoundland dur- Two end-member models have been invoked to accommodate the dispersal ing the and early and did of the supercontinent Pangaea. In one end-member, the opening of the is not extend further to the north until the late Cre- inferred to have been balanced by the closure of the Panthalassan Ocean related to subduc- taceous (Buiter and Torsvik, 2014). tion off the western margins of the Americas. In the other end-member model, the opening In this study, I investigate the processes of the Atlantic Ocean is accommodated by the closure of the paleo-Tethys and Tethys oceans responsible for the failure and dispersal of Pan- linked to off the southern margins of Eurasia. Here, I re-evaluate global plate gaea by re-evaluating the global plate circuit circulation data compiled for the middle Mesozoic Era. The present evaluation confirms data compiled for the Mesozoic era (Seton et that closure of the paleo-Tethys and Tethys oceans compensated for the early opening of the al., 2012) and identifying the compensation central Atlantic and proto- oceans. This result implies that the tectonic evolution system(s) that accommodated the early stages of the North American Cordillera was independent from the processes governing Pangaea of central Atlantic and proto-Caribbean rifting breakup in the Jurassic and Periods. As well, the opening Atlantic and (Fig. 1). By identifying explicitly the oceanic closing Tethys realm must have been tectonically connected through the Mediterranean domains that closed to accommodate the open- region in terms of a transform fault or point yet to be factored into geological interpre- ing of the Atlantic domain, it is possible to con- tations. Tight geometric and kinematic correlations evident between the opening Atlantic sider the fundamental links that existed between and closing Tethyan domains can be demonstrated, which are most readily explained if rifting and sea-floor spreading within the Pan- the forces causing Pangaea breakup were transmitted from the Tethyan domain into the gaean interior and the subduction and seafloor Atlantic domain, and not vice versa. Thus, slab sinking–based forces produced during the consumption at its peripheral margins. evolution of the Tethyan subduction zones are hypothesized to have controlled the early Two competing models of compensation Atlantic breakup of Pangaea. for the Mesozoic opening of the central Atlan- tic exist. In the Atlantic-Panthalassan model, INTRODUCTION forces imparted at subduction zones peripheral the opening of the central Atlantic and proto- Why Pangaea broke up where and when it to Pangaea provided the motivation for super- Caribbean oceans is inferred to have been bal- did remains an open question in modern tec- continent failure (Hamilton, 2007). A number of anced by subduction under the Cordilleran tonics (Nance et al., 2014). Yet, resolution of geometric and kinematic properties of Pangaea margin of North America and partial closure of these questions are central to understanding the breakup continue to be enigmatic. It is unclear the Panthalassan oceanic domain (e.g., Pindell driving mechanisms of supercontinent breakup why re-activation of the late Paleozoic sutures and Dewey, 1982; Johnston and Borel, 2007; and plate tectonic processes (Morra et al., preserved in Pangaea following the collision of Miall and Blakey, 2008; Sigloch and Mihaly- 2013; Buiter and Torsvik, 2014). Recent studies and were preferred over nuk, 2013). In the alternative Atlantic-Tethyan appear to favor models in which a superplume the re-activation of other structural lineaments model, the opening of the central Atlantic and in the sublithospheric mantle beneath the cen- preserved within Pangaea (Buiter and Torsvik, proto-Caribbean oceans is inferred to have been tral Atlantic provides the key drive (Nance et al., 2014). And, it is also unclear why reactivations balanced by the closure of the paleo-Tethys and 2014). An alternative possibility is that tectonic of the late Paleozoic sutures were mostly con- Tethys oceans located south of Eurasia (e.g.,

Figure 1. Reconstructed 125 Ma Rift Margins (MR = Mid−Ocean Ridge) paleo­geography of Earth I F PTC (AMR) Atlantic (TMR) Tethys at 125 Ma (after Seton et TC (CMR) Caribbean (SMR) Somali al., 2012) with South Af- N TMR Trench Margins (C = Cordillera) rica held fixed. The com- AMR NAC (NAC) North American (PTC) Palaeo−Tethys pensation between ocean SMR (MAC) Middle American (TC) Tethys opening and closing prior CMR (SAC) South American to ca. 125 Ma is indicated Stage Poles with light and dark shaded MAC 185 175 165 155 145 135 125 End Age (Ma) polygons, respectively, in SAC Eurasia Figures 2–4. Ocean com- Neolaurentia pensation must be con- (period = 20 Ma; fixed = Neogondwana) nected via one of three Ocean Breakup Tree Time (Ma) end-member transform Compensation systems involving sinistral g Continents −225 −200 −175 −150 −125 −100 −75 −50 −25 0 Neolaurentia Eurasia transform (TS), polar trans- Closin form (T ), or dextral trans- Eurasia Paper Scope P TD form (TD) deformation. La- TP Neolaurasia Neolaurentia T Sinoria beled continental polygons S discussed in text include g Pangaea Neogondwana Africa Newfoundland (N), Iran (I),

Openin Neogondwana and Farah (F). Simplified + South America Pangea breakup tree indi- cates scope of paper.

GEOLOGY, April 2015; v. 43; no. 4; p. 335–338 | doi:10.1130/G36268.1 | Published online 27 February 2015 GEOLOGY© 2015 Geological | Volume Society 43 | ofNumber America. 4 Gold| www.gsapubs.org Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. 335

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/43/4/335/3548497/335.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 Collins, 2003; Kovalenko et al., 2010). The bility of west-dipping subduction off the west METHODOLOGY goal of the present study is to evaluate which of coast of North America—under Cordilleran Stage poles for the net motion of North these compensation systems governed the early terranes with a hypothetically allochthonous America (Neolaurentia) away from South Africa breakup of Pangaea. origin—has also been proposed (Moores, 1970; (Neogondwana) were calculated using 20 m.y. Complexities in the Atlantic breakup of Pan- Johnston and Borel, 2007; Sigloch and Mih- stage intervals for 10 m.y. time steps between gaea include the opening of the South Atlantic alynuk, 2013). Detrital zircon data indicate that 185 Ma and 125 Ma (squares in Fig. 1). Simi- rift at ca. 125 Ma (Seton et al., 2012), a major many of the outboard Cordilleran terranes have larly, stage poles for the net motion of Eurasia change in global tectonics at ca. 105–100 Ma a peri-Laurentian provenance by time toward South Africa were calculated (triangles (Matthews et al., 2012), and the opening of the (Colpron and Nelson, 2009), but debate persists in Fig. 1). These poles constrain how north- North Atlantic rift at ca. 90 Ma (Seton et al., on the timing, orientation, and polarity of Cor- ern Pangaea (Neolaurentia + Eurasia) moved 2012). For reasons of simplicity and space, I con- dilleran subduction zones throughout the Juras- with respect to southern Pangaea (Neogond- fine the present evaluation of the early breakup of sic and Cretaceous (Johnston and Borel, 2007; wana) before 125 Ma. The implications of Pangaea to the period of time prior to ca. 125 Ma. Miall and Blakey, 2008; Sigloch and Mihal- these motions for opening and closing oceanic However, I also do not consider the late Jurassic ynu, 2013). A few studies have suggested that domains are then illustrated by constructing breakup of southern Pangaea (or Neogondwana) Tethyan—not Panthalassan—closure compen- unshaded (ocean opening) and shaded (ocean because it can be shown that the opening of the sated for early Atlantic opening instead (e.g., closing) parallelograms for the net relative Somali rift (between Africa–South America and Collins, 2003; Kovalenko et al., 2010). motion of the major plates away from or toward Madagascar-India-Australia-etc.) took place with North-dipping subduction is conventionally one another, respectively, for given stage inter- kinematics broadly perpendicular to the Atlantic inferred along or adjacent to the southern mar- vals (Figs. 1–4). Kinematic consistency between breakup investigated here (e.g., Reeves et al., gins of Eurasia and, subsequently, Cimmeria an opening ocean domain and a closing ocean 2004; Seton et al., 2012). The scope of the pres- to accommodate the respective closures of the domain requires one of three possible transform ent paper in space and time is given in Figure 1 paleo-Tethys and then Tethys Oceans (Moores, connections: (1) a dextral-transform connection

relative to a simplified Pangaea breakup tree. 1970; Collins, 2003; Gaina et al., 2013). Sea- (TD, Fig. 1), (2) a polar transform connection (TP, floor spreading in the Tethys Ocean would have Fig. 1), or (3) a sinistral-transform connection

PREVIOUS WORK accommodated the transfer of Cimmeria from (TS, Fig. 1). Reconstructions of Pangaea and its Meso- East Africa to southern Europe (Golonka, 2007). In Figures 2–4, the net opening of the Atlan- zoic-to-present dispersal have been iteratively For convenience, the term Greater Tethyan tic domain and corresponding closure of Greater refined for the past 50 yr with the compilation of domain is used here to name the total oceanic Tethys was calculated for early Jurassic (203– Seton et al. (2012) used herein. Plate boundar- domain that encompassed both the paleo-Tethys 170 Ma), late Jurassic (170–145 Ma), and early ies interpreted to have accommodated Pangaea and Tethys Oceans in the Mesozoic. The tectonic Cretaceous (145–125 Ma) stages, respectively. breakup are based on the compilation of Seton connection between the Atlantic and Greater The reconstructions in Figures 2–4 are centered et al. (2012, and references therein) (Fig. 1). Tethys remains uncertain (Gaina et al., 2013), on the relative stage poles for Neolaurentia/ These are as follows. but this connection has been discussed in terms Neogondwana relative motion for the corre- Continuous east-dipping subduction is con- of rifting in the Atlantic domain propagating into sponding stages of time using azimuthal equi- ventionally inferred along the western margins the Greater Tethys or vice versa (e.g., Golonka, distant projections. This projection technique of North, Middle, and South America from the 2007; Sibuet et al., 2012). An alternative perspec- enhances the ability to identify the compensa- late Triassic to present time (Dietz and Holden, tive is that a broadly sinistral shear system con- tion system(s) governing the opening of the 1970; Pindell and Dewey, 1982; Miall and nected the Atlantic and Greater Tethys domains Atlantic domain because the net motion of Neo- Blakey, 2008; Fig. 1). The alternative possi- instead (Gaina et al., 2013; Fig. 1). laurentia away from Neogondwana is parallel to

Early Jurassic (203−170 Ma) Late Jurassic (170−145 Ma) Early Cretaceous (145−125 Ma) 0° 0° 0°

30° 30° 30°

60° 60° 60°

Figure 2. Reconstructed paleogeography of Figure 3. Reconstructed paleogeography of Figure 4. Reconstructed paleogeography of Earth at 170 Ma in a relative reference frame Earth at 145 Ma in a relative reference frame Earth at 125 Ma in a relative reference frame for North America–South Africa net motion for North America–South Africa net motion for North America–South Africa net motion between 203 Ma and 170 Ma indicating the between 170 Ma and 145 Ma indicating the between 145 Ma and 125 Ma indicating the hypothesis of a sinistrally linked Atlantic- hypothesis of a sinistrally linked Atlantic- hypothesis of a sinistrally linked Atlantic- Tethys compensation system. Legend and Tethys compensation system. Legend and Tethys compensation system. Legend and geographic references from Figure 1. geographic references from Figure 1. geographic references from Figure 1.

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Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geology/article-pdf/43/4/335/3548497/335.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 lines of projected latitude and perpendicular to extending from 80° to 0° of tectonic latitude, but tentative (Figs. 2–4) and requires testing in the lines of projected longitude (Keppie, 2014a). the net opening of the Atlantic zone may have Mediterranean rock record. However, existing only extended across a conjugate zone extend- interpretations of Mediterranean geology—in ANALYSIS ing from 80° to 20° of tectonic latitude (Fig. 2). which the Atlantic and intra-Tethyan rifts are Stage poles that governed the opening of For the late Jurassic, the inferred closure of the inferred to be direct or offset extensions of the the Atlantic and the closure of Greater Tethys Greater Tethys domain as a whole was limited other (e.g., Golonka, 2007)—are inconsistent between 203 Ma and 125 Ma mostly lay within to the west by the 50° line of tectonic latitude with the findings of the Atlantic–Greater Tethys reconstructed Europe (Fig. 1). This means that (Fig. 3). Notably, the region to the east of this compensation system investigated here. This North America and Eurasia pivoted together in line corresponds to the eastern segment of the study makes clear that rift zones within the the a clockwise fashion about the northern edge of paleo-Tethys ocean that was still open at ca. 170 Atlantic and Greater Tethys domains lay along Africa prior to ca. 125 Ma (e.g., Collins, 2003; Ma (Fig. 3). For the early Cretaceous, renewed the same zones of tectonic latitude during the Kovalenko et al., 2010). It was this pivoting closure of Greater Tethys domain offshore Iran Jurassic and early Cretaceous and thus were not action that governed the concurrent opening and and Farah is implied from the continued opera- connected to one another. closing, respectively, of the Atlantic and Greater tion of the Atlantic–Greater Tethys compensa- Finally, the late Paleozoic suture zones that Tethys domains. The western Cordilleran mar- tion system (Fig. 4). were re-activated in the central Atlantic during gin of North America lay mostly parallel to the Pangaea breakup (Wilson, 1966) were paral- motions involved in Atlantic–Greater Tethys DISCUSSION lel to the Tethyan subduction zones in the cor- during this period. If the Cordilleran margin was The present analysis indicates that an Atlan- responding relative tectonic reference frames a subduction zone during these times, as conven- tic–Greater Tethys compensation system gov- (Figs. 2–4). Thus, these suture zones were tionally inferred (e.g., Miall and Blakey, 2008), erned the breakup of Pangaea across the central optimally oriented to fail in preference to dif- rifting within must have taken place Atlantic during the Jurassic and early Creta- ferently oriented structural lineaments within at rates exactly equal to convergence rates across ceous (Collins, 2003; Kovalenko et al., 2010). Pangaea, if subduction-derived stresses from the Cordilleran subduction zone(s). The Cordil- This interpretation contrasts with the more com- Greater Tethys controlled the breakup process. leran margin may have accommodated a com- mon view that an Atlantic-Panthalassan com- Further, the location where Tethyan subduction ponent of strike-slip displacement associated pensation system governed the early breakup of is inferred to have terminated at its western end with the Atlantic–Greater Tethys compensation Pangaea (e.g., Miall and Blakey, 2008) and has appears to correspond to the tectonic latitude system as well. several first-order implications. where Atlantic rifting is inferred to have ter- The easternmost limit of the central Atlantic First, the western margin of North America minated at its eastern end. The kinematics of rift (southern Newfoundland; Fig. 1) appears to was parallel to lines of tectonic latitude rela- Atlantic opening appears to have been sensitive correspond to the western limit(s) of the closing tive to the Atlantic–Greater Tethys compensa- to, and shifted in synchroneity with, the dia- paleo-Tethys and Tethys Oceans in the Jurassic tion system. This relationship is depicted here chronous collision of Cimmeria with southern and early Cretaceous, respectively (Figs. 2–4). to ca. 125 Ma (Figs. 2–4), but remained as such Eurasia (Fig. 2–4; Keppie, 2014b). Although it The western limit of the closing paleo-Tethys through to ca. 105–100 Ma when a major change is possible that a superplume or other mantle and Tethys Oceans changed through time along in global tectonics took place (Matthews et al., processes located beneath the central Atlantic the southern Eurasian margin in conjunction 2012). This means that prior to ca. 105–100 Ma, may have instigated the breakup of Pangaea, with the arrival and collision of Cimmeria (Figs. the evolution of the North American Cordillera this hypothesis would imply a remarkable set of 2–4). During the early Jurassic, late Jurassic, must be evaluated independently from the open- coincidences in the evident links documented in and early Cretaceous stages, Greater Tethyan ing of the Atlantic. Jurassic and early Cretaceous the Atlantic–Greater Tethys compensation sys- closure extended to southern Europe (Fig. 2), rifting linked to Cordilleran subduction would tem. In contrast, if the sinking of Tethyan slabs was limited to the region east of Iran and Farah have taken place entirely within the Panthal- imparted extensional stresses to Pangaea at the (Fig. 3), and renewed within western Tethys assan domain. Critically, a continuous history Tethyan subduction zones, then the numerous (Fig. 4), respectively. A sinistral-transform con- of east- or west-dipping subduction beneath the connections between the geometry and kine-

nection through the southern Mediterranean (TS; Cordilleran terranes of western North America matics of Greater Tethyan subduction and the Fig. 1) between the poleward limits of the open- cannot be assumed on the basis of an inferred rift evolution of the central Atlantic would have ing Atlantic and closing Greater Tethys domains Atlantic-Panthalassan compensation relation- direct and simple explanations and provide a is inferred here for the Jurassic and early Creta- ship that was not the case. It is also possible that rival hypothesis for the breakup of Pangaea. ceous stages (Figs. 2–4). This inference is based the conventionally inferred subduction zone or on the sinistral offset apparent between Neolau- transform boundary along the western Carib- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS rentia + Europe and Neogondwana along the bean region during the Jurassic (Fig. 1; Seton Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) and QGIS geo- graphic software applications were used in the prepa- southern margin of Newfoundland (Fig. 1) from et al, 2012) lay further to the west than gener- ration of this paper. Stephen Johnston, Dietmar Muller, the adopted plate polygon model of Seton et al. ally hypothesized in order to respect the balance editor Brendan Murphy, and an anonymous reviewer (2012). However, future studies are needed to implied between Tethyan closure and Atlantic provided helpful advice for manuscript improvement. test whether the hypothesized sinistral deforma- opening (Fig. 2). Nova Scotia Department of Energy provided funds to tion is compatible with the Mediterranean rock Second, the present analysis provides a publish this paper with GSA Gold Open Access status. record or whether components of other end- boundary condition for tectonic models of the REFERENCES CITED member tectonics such as polar transform (T ; Mediterranean region during the Jurassic and P Buiter, S.J.H., and Torsvik, T.H., 2014, A review of Fig. 1) or dextral transform (TD; Fig. 1) defor- Early Cretaceous Periods. Critically, some Wilson Cycle plate margins: A role for mantle mation accommodated the Atlantic–Greater combination of the three end-member trans- plumes in continental break-up along sutures?: Tethys compensation system. form links possible between the poleward lim- Gondwana Research, v. 26, p. 627–653, doi:​ In the early Jurassic, compensation between its of the Atlantic rift and Tethyan subduction 10.1016​/j​.gr​.2014.02.007. Collins, W.J., 2003, Slab pull, mantle convection, the Atlantic and Tethyan domains may have zones is required (i.e., sinistral transform, polar and Pangaean assembly and dispersal: Earth been incomplete (Fig. 2) because the net clo- transform, or dextral transform; Fig. 1). The and Planetary Science Letters, v. 205, p. 225– sure of Greater Tethys extended across a zone sinistral transform hypothesis inferred herein is 237, doi:​10.1016​/S0012-821X(02)01043-9.

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