
General Co-Chairs Albert Guillen´ i Fabregas,` Alfonso Martinez, Sergio Verdu´

TPC Co-Chairs Venkat Anantharam, Ioannis Kontoyiannis, Yossef Steinberg, Pascal Vontobel

Finance Publications & EDAS Publicity & Webmaster Stefan Moser Tobias Koch Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar

Tutorials Recent Results & Volunteers Student Travel Grants Gabor Lugosi, Andreas Winter Josep Font-Segura Jonathan Scarlett

Local Arrangements Joana Clotet

Technical Program Committee Emmanuel Abbe, Fady Alajaji, Alexei Ashikhmin, Salman Avestimehr, Francois Baccelli, Alexander Barg, Andrew Barron, Matthieu Bloch, Helmut Bolcskei,¨ Martin Bossert, David Burshtein, Ning Cai, Giuseppe Caire, Yuval Cassuto, Jun Chen, Todd Coleman, Max Costa, Daniel Costello, Ronald Cramer, Natasha Devroye, Suhas Diggavi, Alexandros Dimakis, Lara Dolecek, Tolga Duman, , Uri Erez, Elza Erkip, Tuvi Etzion, Meir Feder, Christina Fragouli, Massimo Franceschetti, Michael Gastpar, Amin Gohari, Pulkit Grover, Saikat Guha, Dongning Guo, Andras´ Gyorgy,¨ Bruce Hajek, Stephen Hanly, Alexander Holevo, Prakash Ish- war, Syed Jafar, Sidharth Jaggi, Oliver Johnson, Navin Kashyap, Ashish Khisti, Young-Han Kim, Negar Kiyavash, Joerg Kliewer, Kingo Kobayashi, Victoria Kostina, Gerhard Kramer, P Vijay Kumar, Michael Langberg, Amos Lapidoth, Luis Lastras-Montano,˜ Michael Lentmaier, Yingbin Liang, Tamas Linder, Hans-Andrea Loeliger, Angel Lozano, Nicolas Macris, Mokshay Madiman, Muriel Medard,´ Neri Merhav, Olgica Milenkovic, Soheil Mohajer, Stefan Moser, Pierre Moulin, Chandra Nair, Prakash Narayan, Krishna Narayanan, Bobak Nazer, David Neuhoff, Urs Niesen, Frederique Oggier, Yasutada Oohama, Farzad Parvaresh, Haim Permuter, Yury Polyanskiy, H. Vincent Poor, Sandeep Pradhan, Maxim Raginsky, Aditya Ramamoorthy, Ron Roth, Nicholas Ruozzi, Anant Sahai, Venkatesh Saligrama, Lalitha Sankar, Narayana Prasad Santhanam, Igal Sason, Moshe Schwartz, Gadiel Seroussi, (Shitz), Paul Siegel, Osvaldo Simeone, Roxana Smarandache, Emina Soljanin, Anelia Somekh-Baruch, Changho Suh, Ra- jesh Sundaresan, Wojciech Szpankowski, Vincent Tan, Leandros Tassiulas, Sekhar Tatikonda, Aslan Tchamkerten, Antonia Tulino, Ertem Tuncel, Daniela Tuninetti, Sennur Ulukus, Ruediger Urbanke, Alexander Vardy, Venugopal Veeravalli, Sriram Vishwanath, Pramod Viswanath, Krishnamurthy Viswanathan, Aaron Wagner, Marcelo Weinberger, Richard Wesel, Michele` Wigger, Andreas Winter, Stefan Wolf, Gregory Wornell, Yihong Wu, Aylin Yener, Raymond W. Yeung, Ram Zamir, Gilles Zemor´

Sponsors ISIT 2016 Conference Program

Sunday, July 10

19:00–21:00 Welcome Reception, Sala Marques´ de Comillas, Museu Mar´ıtim (Drassanes Reials) Monday, July 11

9:00–10:00 Plenary Talk by Elza Erkip: From 3T to 5G—Theory and Practice of Cooperation in Wireless Networks 10:20–11:40 Session Mo-AM-1 11:40–12:00 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 12:00–13:20 Session Mo-AM-2 13:40–15:10 WITHITS: The Samoan Circle Event, Room 40.S03 15:10–16:50 Session Mo-PM-1 16:50–17:10 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 17:10–18:50 Session Mo-PM-2 19:00–20:00 Outreach Committee Event: Roundtable mentoring, or all the mentoring you need in 60 minutes, Room 40.S02 Tuesday, July 12

9:00–10:00 Plenary Talk by Daniel A. Spielman: The Laplacian Matrices of Graphs 10:20–11:40 Session Tu-AM-1 11:40–12:00 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 12:00–13:20 Session Tu-AM-2 13:30–15:00 Awards Luncheon, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 15:10–16:50 Session Tu-PM-1 16:50–17:10 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 17:10–18:50 Session Tu-PM-2 Wednesday, July 13

9:00–10:00 Shannon Lecture by Alexander S. Holevo: The of a 10:20–13:40 Recent Results Poster Session, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 10:20–11:40 Session We-AM-1 11:40–12:00 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 12:00–13:40 Session We-AM-2 Thursday, July 14

9:00–10:00 Plenary Talk by Giorgio Parisi: The SAT-UNSAT Transition for Random Satisfiability Problems in the Case of Continuous Variables 10:20–11:40 Session Th-AM-1 11:40–12:00 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 12:00–13:40 Session Th-AM-2 14:00–15:00 Meet the Shannon Awardee, Roger de Lluria´ Auditorium 15:10–16:50 Session Th-PM-1 16:50–17:10 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 20:00–23:00 Conference Banquet, Sala Oval, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya Friday, July 15

9:00–10:00 Plenary Talk by Alexander Barg: Codes, Metrics, and Applications 10:20–11:40 Session Fr-AM-1 11:40–12:00 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 12:00–13:40 Session Fr-AM-2 15:10–16:30 Session Fr-PM-1 16:30–16:50 Coffee Break, Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard 16:50–18:10 Session Fr-PM-2 ISIT 2016 Technical Program

Monday, July 11

Plenary Talk by Elza Erkip: From 3T to 5G—Theory and Practice of Cooperation in Wireless Networks

Mo-AM-1-1: Mo-AM-1-2: Mo-AM-1-3: Mo-AM-1-4: Mo-AM-1-5: Mo-AM-1-6: Mo-AM-1-7: Mo-AM-1-8: Mo-AM-1-9: Lossless Source Change-Point Polar Codes 1 Distributed Matrix Sequences 1 Index Coding 1 Multi-Terminal Broadcast Coding Detection Storage 1 Completion Source Coding 1 Channels

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Mo-AM-2-1: Mo-AM-2-2: Mo-AM-2-3: Mo-AM-2-4: Mo-AM-2-5: Mo-AM-2-6: Mo-AM-2-7: Mo-AM-2-8: Mo-AM-2-9: Approximate Constrained Polar Codes 2 Distributed Information Wireless Com- Feedback 1 Multiple Multiple Access Message Coding 1 Storage 2 Theory in munications 1 Antennas 1 Channels 1 Passing Biology 1

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Mo-PM-1-1: Mo-PM-1-2: Mo-PM-1-3: Mo-PM-1-4: Mo-PM-1-5: Mo-PM-1-6: Mo-PM-1-7: Mo-PM-1-8: Mo-PM-1-9: Point Process Constrained Coded Caching Distributed Energy Sequences 2 Secrecy Lossy JKW Award Channels Coding 2 Storage 3 Harvesting 1 Compression 1 Finalists 1 / Interference

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.S02

Mo-PM-2-1: Mo-PM-2-2: Mo-PM-2-3: Mo-PM-2-4: Mo-PM-2-5: Mo-PM-2-6: Mo-PM-2-7: Mo-PM-2-8: Mo-PM-2-9: Information Communications Coding for Distributed Compressed Entropy Interference in Lossy JKW Award Measures 1 Insertion and Storage 4 Sensing 1 Wireless Compression 2 Finalists 2 Deletion Networks 1 Channels Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.S02

Tuesday, July 12

Plenary Talk by Daniel A. Spielman: The Laplacian Matrices of Graphs

Tu-AM-1-1: Tu-AM-1-2: Tu-AM-1-3: Tu-AM-1-4: Tu-AM-1-5: Tu-AM-1-6: Tu-AM-1-7: Tu-AM-1-8: Tu-AM-1-9: Belief Cryptography Polar Codes 3 Distributed Clustering Wireless Com- Channel Channel Reed-Solomon Propagation and Security 1 Storage 5 munications 2 Uncertainty and Capacity 1 Codes CSI

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Tu-AM-2-1: Tu-AM-2-2: Tu-AM-2-3: Tu-AM-2-4: Tu-AM-2-5: Tu-AM-2-6: Tu-AM-2-7: Tu-AM-2-8: Tu-AM-2-9: Constrained Statistical Polar Codes 4 Distributed Information Inequalities 1 Multiple Multi-Terminal BCH Codes / Coding 3 Inference 1 Storage 6 Theory in Antennas 2 Source Coding 2 Quasi-Cyclic Biology 2 Codes

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Tu-PM-1-1: Tu-PM-1-2: Tu-PM-1-3: Tu-PM-1-4: Tu-PM-1-5: Tu-PM-1-6: Tu-PM-1-7: Tu-PM-1-8: Tu-PM-1-9: Information Learning 1 Superposition Distributed Data Heterogeneous Feedback 2 DoF in Wireless Combinatorial Measures 2 Codes / Group Storage 7 Compression Networks Networks Coding Theory Testing 1

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Tu-PM-2-1: Tu-PM-2-2: Tu-PM-2-3: Tu-PM-2-4: Tu-PM-2-5: Tu-PM-2-6: Tu-PM-2-7: Tu-PM-2-8: Tu-PM-2-9: Network Cryptography Group Testing 2 Distributed Compressed Scheduling Interference in Multiple Access Lattice Codes Structures and Security 2 Storage 8 Sensing 2 Wireless Channels 2 Networks 2

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150 Wednesday, July 13

Shannon Lecture by Alexander S. Holevo: The Classical Capacity of a Quantum Channel

We-AM-1-1: We-AM-1-2: We-AM-1-3: We-AM-1-4: We-AM-1-5: We-AM-1-6: We-AM-1-7: We-AM-1-8: We-AM-1-9: Error Statistical LDPC Codes 1 Distributed Wireless Com- Game Theory Information Relay Channels Quantum Exponents 1 Inference 2 Storage 9 / munications 3 Measures 3 Capacity and Deletion Quantum Channel Channels Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

We-AM-2-1: We-AM-2-2: We-AM-2-3: We-AM-2-4: We-AM-2-5: We-AM-2-6: We-AM-2-7: We-AM-2-8: We-AM-2-9: Error Statistical LDPC Codes 2 / Network Information Caching and Source-Channel Relay and Two Channel Exponents 2 Inference 3 RM Codes Coding 1 Theory in Computation Coding over BC Way Channels Capacity 2 Biology 3

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Recent Results Poster Session

Thursday, July 14

Plenary Talk by Giorgio Parisi: The SAT-UNSAT Transition for Random Satisfiability Problems in the Case of Continuous Variables

Th-AM-1-1: Th-AM-1-2: Th-AM-1-3: Th-AM-1-4: Th-AM-1-5: Th-AM-1-6: Th-AM-1-7: Th-AM-1-8: Th-AM-1-9: Community Code LDPC Codes 3 Network Energy Estimation Source-Channel Caching in Classical- Detection Construction Coding 2 Harvesting 2 Coding over Wireless Quantum and Analysis MAC Networks Channels

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Th-AM-2-1: Th-AM-2-2: Th-AM-2-3: Th-AM-2-4: Th-AM-2-5: Th-AM-2-6: Th-AM-2-7: Th-AM-2-8: Th-AM-2-9: Lossy Learning 2 LDPC Codes 4 Network Applications of Wireless Com- Interference Covert Commu- Quantum Compression Coding 3 Random Matrix munications 4 Channels nications Information and Theory Theory Rate-Distortion Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Th-PM-1-1: Th-PM-1-2: Th-PM-1-3: Th-PM-1-4: Th-PM-1-5: Th-PM-1-6: Th-PM-1-7: Th-PM-1-8: Th-PM-1-9: Quantum Inequalities 2 Data Exchange Network Compressed Information Finite Physical Layer Wireless Sensor Codes 1 Problems Coding 4 Sensing 3 Theory in Blocklength Security Networks Control Topics

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Friday, July 15

Plenary Talk by Alexander Barg: Codes, Metrics, and Applications

Fr-AM-1-1: Fr-AM-1-2: Fr-AM-1-3: Fr-AM-1-4: Fr-AM-1-5: Fr-AM-1-6: Fr-AM-1-7: Fr-AM-1-8: Fr-AM-1-9: Quantum Secret Keys and LDPC Codes 5 Gabidulin Codes Age of Wireless Com- Special Topics Interference in DNA-based Codes 2 Secret Sharing Information munications 5 in Shannon Wireless Storage Theory 1 Networks 3

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Fr-AM-2-1: Fr-AM-2-2: Fr-AM-2-3: Fr-AM-2-4: Fr-AM-2-5: Fr-AM-2-6: Fr-AM-2-7: Fr-AM-2-8: Fr-AM-2-9: Random Coding Distributions LDPC Codes 6 Network Energy Wireless Com- Special Topics Wiretap Permutations in Bounds and Hypothesis Coding 5 Harvesting 3 munications 6 in Shannon Channels 1 Coding Theory / Testing Theory 2 Index Coding 2

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Fr-PM-1-1: Fr-PM-1-2: Fr-PM-1-3: Fr-PM-1-4: Fr-PM-1-5: Fr-PM-1-6: Fr-PM-1-7: Fr-PM-1-8: Fr-PM-1-9: Quantum Group Testing 3 LDPC Codes 7 Delays in Complexity and Wireless Com- Lossy Wiretap MIMO and Information and Networks Cryptography 1 munications 7 Compression 3 Channels 2 Space-Time Communication Coding

Room 40.002 Room 40.144 Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.006 Room 40.008 Room 40.010 Room 40.150

Fr-PM-2-3: Fr-PM-2-4: Fr-PM-2-5: Fr-PM-2-7: Fr-PM-2-8: LDPC Codes 8 Graphical Complexity and Source and Wiretap Methods / Cryptography 2 Channel Coding Channels 3 Weight Distribution Room 40.146 Room 40.148 Room 40.004 Room 40.008 Room 40.010

Claude E. Shannon Award Lecture

Wednesday, July 13 9:00–10:00

The Classical Capacity of a Quantum Channel Alexander S. Holevo, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Chair:

Quantum information theory studies the laws of transmission, transformation and storage of information in the systems obeying the rules of quantum physics. One of its major achievements is the creation and thorough investigation of the concept of quantum communication channels. This has resulted in an elaborated structural theory and was accompanied by the discovery of a whole spectrum of entropic quantities characterizing the information-processing performance of the channels. The topic of this lecture—the capacity of a quantum channel for transmitting classical information—is intended to make a bridge between the classical and the quantum theories and is especially convenient for a smooth transition from the former to the latter. Moreover, being the earliest and perhaps the most mature part of quantum Shannon theory, this topic continues to develop actively. Several recent achievements mentioned in the lecture, as well as intriguing open questions, are pertinent to this line of research. Basing on simple matrix analysis, we begin with the demonstration of a close parallelism between classical and quantum statistical descriptions of information transmission processes; on the other hand, we stress the fundamental peculiarities of the quantum description, namely “complementarity” and “entanglement” which are absent in the classical picture. Then we introduce a basic notion of a classical-quantum channel as a channel with classical input and quantum output, and give a brief survey of a variety of the relevant results: from the analog of Shannon’s channel coding theorem to the most recent achievements concerning error exponents, higher order asymptotics and strong converses. Next, we discuss the general concept of a (quantum) channel, its algebraic structure and the classical capacities, and touch upon the remarkable quantum phenomenon of superadditivity of information in memoryless channels due to entanglement in the decoding and encoding procedures. We then describe quantum Gaussian channels and report on the progress concerning the noncommutative analogs of Shannon’s famous capacity formula based on the recent solution of the long-standing “Gaussian optimizer conjecture”. Finally, we comment on the “zoo” of different capacities of a quantum channel. Remarkably, in the quantum case the notion of channel capacity splits, giving a whole spectrum of information-processing characteristics depending on the kind of the data transmitted (classical or quantum) as well as on the available additional resources such as entanglement assistance or the feedback.

Biography A. S. Holevo’s scientific interests lie in the foundations of quantum theory, quantum statistics and theory. In 1973 he obtained an upper bound on the amount of classical information that can be extracted from an ensemble of quantum states by quantum measurements (this result is known as Holevo’s theorem). He also developed the mathematical theory of quantum communication channels, the noncommu- tative theory of statistical decisions, proved coding theorems in quantum information theory and revealed the structure of quantum Markov semigroups and measurement processes. Alexander S. Holevo graduated from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology in 1966, defended a PhD Thesis in 1969 and a Doctor Science Thesis in 1975. Since 1986 A. S. Holevo is Professor in the and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Among other honors, Alexander Holevo received the Andrey Markov Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1997), prizes for the best scientific achievements of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1992, 1995, 2008), the Quantum Communication Award (1996), the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award (1999) and the Claude E. Shannon Award (2016). He is a member of the Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, since 1969. Plenary Talks

Monday, July 11 9:00–10:00

From 3T to 5G—Theory and Practice of Cooperation in Wireless Networks Elza Erkip, New York University, USA Chair: Ioannis Kontoyiannis

Information theoretic foundations of cooperation dates back to van der Meulen’s three-terminal network, and Cover and El Gamal’s seminal work on the relay channel. During the past 45 years, information theory literature has provided a wide range of fundamental results establishing benefits of cooperation in various wireless scenarios. Protocols developed to facilitate cooperation among ter- minals result in significant improvements in communication rates and reliability. The impending 5G wireless revolution provides the perfect setting for implementing some of these protocols and reaping the potential gains of cooperation: Large number of antennas and wide bandwidth, as in millimeter wave systems, provide abundant degrees of freedom; cloud computing and cheap storage enable enhanced computing capabilities at the network edge; full-duplex radio designs allow nodes to transcend traditional duplexing limitations; and applications such as Internet of Things provide a natural setting for cooperative communication and compression. This talk provides a brief overview of the theoretical foundations of cooperative communications along with a few examples of how even simple forms of cooperation could make big impact in future 5G wireless networks.

Biography Elza Erkip’s research interests are in multiuser information theory, communication theory, and wireless commu- nications. Elza Erkip received the B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Middle East Technical Univer- sity, Turkey, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. Currently, she is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering with New York University Tandon School of Engineering. Elza Erkip received the NSF CAREER award in 2001, the IEEE Communications Society Stephen O. Rice Paper Prize in 2004, the IEEE ICC Communication Theory Symposium Best Paper Award in 2007, and the IEEE Communications Society Award for Advances in Communication in 2013. She has been a member of the Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society since 2012 where she is currently the Second Vice President. She was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Information Theory Society from 2013 to 2014. She is a Fellow of the IEEE, a member of the Science Academy Society of Turkey and is among the 2014 and 2015 Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers.

Tuesday, July 12 9:00–10:00

The Laplacian Matrices of Graphs Daniel A. Spielman, Yale University, USA Chair: Yossef Steinberg

The Laplacian matrices of graphs are used to solve problems in many fields, including Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Opti- mization, Computational Science, and of course Network Analysis. We will explain what these matrices are and why they arise in so many applications. We then introduce ideas that allow us to solve systems of linear equations in Laplacian matrices in nearly linear time, emphasizing the utility of graph sparsification—the approximation of a graph by a sparser one. As an application, we explain how Laplacian system solvers can be used to quickly solve network optimization problems.

Biography D. A. Spielman’s research interests include the design and analysis of algorithms, network science, machine learning, digital communications and scientific computing. Daniel Alan Spielman received his B.A. in Mathematics and Computer Science from Yale in 1992, and his Ph.D in Applied Mathematics from M.I.T. in 1995. He spent a year as a NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoc in the Computer Science Department at U.C. Berkeley, and then taught in the Applied Mathematics Department at M.I.T. until 2005. Since 2006, he has been a Professor at Yale University. He is presently the Henry Ford II Professor of Computer Science, Mathematics, and Applied Mathematics. Among others, D. A. Spielman received the 1995 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award, the 2002 IEEE Information Theory Paper Award, the 2008 and 2015 Godel Prize, the 2009 Fulkerson Prize, the 2010 Nevanlinna Prize, the 2014 Polya´ Prize, an inaugural Simons Investigator Award, and a MacArthur Fellowship. He is a Fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. Thursday, July 14 9:00–10:00

The SAT-UNSAT Transition for Random Satisfiability Problems in the Case of Continuous Variables Giorgio Parisi, University of Rome I, La Sapienza, Italy Chair: Venkat Anantharam

Random constraint satisfaction problems have been widely studied in the past. In many systems, when the number M of random constraints and the number N of variables go simultaneously to infinity at a fixed ratio ↵ = M/N, at low ↵’s we are in the SAT region, where there is a choice of the variables that satisfies all the constraints, while at high ↵’s we are in the UNSAT region, where there is no choice of the variables that satisfies all the constraints. The transition from the SAT to the UNSAT region is sharp. Analytic computations have been done for the value of the transition point in many cases, e.g., the K-SAT problem. However, in the past, the behavior at the transition has been mostly studied in the case where the variables are Boolean. In this talk, I will describe new features that are present near and at the transition in the case where the variables are continuous. In the continuous case, the N Boolean variables are replaced by real variables belonging to an N-dimensional manifold and the usual M Boolean constraints are replaced by M inequalities. A familiar example of a continuous satisfaction problem is to find a feed-forward neural network such that M input patterns are correctly classified; here the N synaptic strengths play the role of the variables and each input pattern provides a constraint.

Biography Giorgio Parisi is best known for his works concerning statistical mechanics, quantum field theory and various aspects of physics, mathematics and philosophy of science. Giorgio Parisi’s research focused mainly on disor- dered systems, in particular on spin glass theory. He suggested a crucial concept in spin glass theory, known as Parisi functional. He also found many applications of spin glass theory to optimization theory, biology and immunology. Giorgio Parisi graduated from University of Rome La Sapienza in 1970, supervised by Nicola Cabibbo. He became a researcher at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (1971–1981) while visiting Columbia University in New York (1973–1974), the Institut des Hautes Etudes´ Scientifiques (1976–1977), and the Ecole´ Normale Superieure´ (1977–1978). He got a Professor ordinarius position in 1981 at University of Rome Tor Vergata, and in 1992 at University of Rome La Sapienza. Giorgio Parisi has been awarded several honors, including the Boltzmann Medal (1992) and the Dirac Medal (1999). He also received the Enrico Fermi Award (2002), Microsoft Award (2007), Lagrange Prize (2009), Max Planck Medal (2011) and the High Energy and Particle Physics Prize – EPS HEPP Prize (2015). He is a member of the American National Academy of Sciences.

Friday, July 15 9:00–10:00

Codes, Metrics, and Applications Alexander Barg, University of Maryland, USA Chair: Pascal Vontobel

Applications of coding in communication and computer science give rise to various metrics on strings over a finite alphabet. We consider a class of metrics induced by partial orders on the code coordinates, paying special attention to one such metric (the Niederreiter-Rosenbloom-Tsfasman metric) and its applications in wireless, list decoding, approximation theory, and polar coding. We discuss combinatorics of the ordered metric space, and extend some of the results to general partial orders. We continue with several results related to distance distributions of linear codes and their extentions to the ordered case, as well as links with matroids on partial orders. In conclusion, we mention a further extension to infinite orders and an unexpected appearance of wavelet-like functions. This line of work has developed over a number of years and draws on joint papers with many colleagues, including, in particular, (former) students Andrew McGregor, Punarbasu Purkayastna, and Woomyoung Park.

Biography A. Barg’s research interests are in coding and information theory, algebraic combinatorics, and related areas of applied mathematics. Among other topics he has worked on extremal problems of coding and information theory, where he proved new bounds on the reliability function of the binary symmetric and Gaussian channels, codes on graphs, digital fingerprinting, and combinatorics of ordered metric spaces. His recent work concerns algebraic codes for storage applications. A. Barg received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from the Institute for Problems in Information Transmission (IPPI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. He has been a senior reseacher at the IPPI since 1987. He was with the Bell Laboratories of Lucent Technologies between 1997-2002. Since 2003 he has been a Professor in the University of Maryland. A. Barg received the 2015 Information Theory Society paper award for his work with Itzhak Tamo on codes with locality constraints. At this ISIT, together with I. Tamo they are presenting a tutorial on codes with locality. Monday, July 11 10:20–11:40 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 Mo-AM-1-1: Lossless Source Coding Chair: Gadiel Seroussi Room 40.002

Almost Lossless Variable-Length Source Tight Upper Bounds on the Redundancy of On the Stationary Distribution of A Survey of Bratteli Information Source Coding on Countably Infinite Alphabets Optimal Binary AIFV Codes Asymmetric Binary Systems Theory Jorge Silva, Pablo Piantanida Weihua Hu, Hirosuke Yamamoto, Junya Hidetoshi Yokoo John C Kieffer Honda

Mo-AM-1-2: Change-Point Detection Chair: George V. Moustakides Room 40.144

Data Driven Quickest Change Detection: An Sequentially Detecting Transitory Changes Non-Bayesian Multiple Change-Point Decentralized Sequential Change Detection Algorithmic Complexity Approach Detection Controlling False Discovery Rate with Ordered CUSUM George V. Moustakides, Venugopal Husheng Li Veeravalli Jie Chen, Wenyi Zhang, H. Vincent Poor Sourabh Banerjee, Georgios Fellouris

Mo-AM-1-3: Polar Codes 1 Chair: Emre Telatar Room 40.146

Capacity-Achieving Rate-Compatible Polar Capacity-Achieving Rateless Polar Codes Construction of Polar Codes for Arbitrary Channel polarization and Blackwell Codes Discrete Memoryless Channels measures Bin Li, , Kai Chen, Hui Shen SongNam Hong, Dennis Hui, Ivana Maric´ Talha Cihad Gulcu, Min Ye, Alexander Barg Maxim Raginsky

Mo-AM-1-4: Distributed Storage 1 Chair: Alexandros Dimakis Room 40.148

Constructions of High-Rate Minimum An outer bound on the storage-bandwidth On MBR codes with replication Minimum Storage Regenerating Codes For Storage Regenerating Codes over Small tradeoff of exact-repair cooperative All Parameters Nikhil Krishnan Muralee Krishnan, P. Vijay Fields regenerating codes Kumar Arman Fazeli, Sreechakra Goparaju, Netanel Raviv, Natalia Silberstein, Tuvi Hyuk Lee, Jungwoo Lee Alexander Vardy Etzion

Mo-AM-1-5: Matrix Completion Chair: Bruce Hajek Room 40.004

Optimal Sample Complexity for Stable Simple algorithms and guarantees for low Similarity Clustering in the Presence of A Converse to Low-Rank Matrix Completion Matrix Recovery rank matrix completion over F Outliers: Exact Recovery via Convex 2 Daniel L Pimentel-Alarcon, Rob Nowak Program Yanjun Li, Kiryung Lee, Yoram Bresler James Saunderson, Maryam Fazel, Babak Hassibi Ramya Korlakai Vinayak, Babak Hassibi

Mo-AM-1-6: Sequences 1 Chair: Tara Javidi Room 40.006

New Ternary Binomial Bent Functions Correlation properties of sequences from On constructions of bent functions from Perfect Gaussian Integer Sequences from the 2-D array structure of Sidelnikov involutions Cyclic Difference Sets Tor Helleseth, Alexander Kholosha sequences of different lengths and their Sihem Mesnager Xinjiao Chen, Chunlei Li, Chunming Rong union Min Kyu Song, Hong-Yeop Song, Dae San Kim, Jang Yong Lee

Mo-AM-1-7: Index Coding 1 Chair: Aaron Wagner Room 40.008

A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Pliable Optimal Vector Linear Index Codes for A class of index coding problems with rate On Caching with More Users than Files Index Coding Some Symmetric Side Information Problems 1/3 Kai Wan, Daniela Tuninetti, Pablo Linqi Song, Christina Fragouli Mahesh Vaddi, B. Sundar Rajan Prasad Krishnan, Lalitha Vadlamani Piantanida

Mo-AM-1-8: Multi-Terminal Source Coding 1 Chair: Michael Gastpar Room 40.010

Coding for Lossy Function Computation: Structural results for two-user interactive Two-way Lossy Compression via a Relay Integer-Forcing Source Coding: Successive Analyzing Sequential Function Computation communication with Self Source Cancellation and Source-Channel Duality with Distortion Accumulation Jhelum Chakravorty, Aditya Mahajan Ebrahim MolavianJazi, Aylin Yener Wenbo He, Bobak Nazer Yaoqing Yang, Pulkit Grover, Soummya Kar

Mo-AM-1-9: Broadcast Channels Chair: Michele` A. Wigger Room 40.150

Single-User CSIT Can be Quite Useful for Bit-Additive Superposition Coding for the A Proof of the Strong Converse Theorem for A Unified Inner Bound for the Two-Receiver State-Dependent Broadcast Channels Bandwidth Limited Broadcast Channel Gaussian Broadcast Channels via the Memoryless Broadcast Channel with Gaussian Poincare´ Inequality Channel State and Message Side Shih-Chun Lin, I-Hsiang Wang Ahmed Abotabl, Aria Nosratinia Information Silas L. Fong, Vincent Y. F. Tan Behzad Asadi, Lawrence Ong, Sarah J Johnson Monday, July 11 12:00–13:20 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 Mo-AM-2-1: Approximate Message Passing Chair: Tolga M. Duman Room 40.002

On the Performance of Mismatched Data Asymptotic Mutual Information for the Binary Expectation Consistent Approximate Detection in Large MIMO Systems Stochastic Block Model Inference: Generalizations and Convergence Charles Jeon, Arian Maleki, Christoph Yash Deshpande, Emmanuel Abbe, Andrea Studer Montanari Alyson Fletcher, Mojtaba Sahraee-Ardakan, Sundeep Rangan, Philip Schniter

Mo-AM-2-2: Constrained Coding 1 Chair: Inaki˜ Esnaola Room 40.144

Minimum Pearson Distance Detection in the Rates of Constant-Composition Codes that Efficient Encoding/Decoding of Generalized Belief Propagation Based Presence of Unknown Slowly Varying Offset Mitigate Intercell Interference Capacity-Achieving Constant-Composition TDMR Detector and Decoder ICI-Free Codes Vitaly Skachek, Kees A. Schouhamer Yeow Meng Chee, Johan Chrisnata, Han Chaitanya K Matcha, Mohsen Bahrami, Immink Mao Kiah, San Ling, Tuan Thanh Nguyen, Yeow Meng Chee, Johan Chrisnata, Han Shounak Roy, Shayan Garani, Bane Vasic´ Van Khu Vu Mao Kiah, San Ling, Tuan Thanh Nguyen, Van Khu Vu

Mo-AM-2-3: Polar Codes 2 Chair: Cong Ling Room 40.146

Near-Optimal Finite-Length Scaling for Polar A Partial Order For the Synthesized Polar Coding for Processes with Memory Algebraic Properties of Polar Codes From a Codes over Large Alphabets Channels of a Polar Code New Polynomial Formalism Eren S¸as¸oglu˘ , Ido Tal Henry D Pfister, Ruediger L Urbanke Christian Schuerch Magali Bardet, Vlad Dragoi, Ayoub Otmani, Jean-Pierre Tillich

Mo-AM-2-4: Distributed Storage 2 Chair: Natalia Silberstein Room 40.148

Bandwidth Adaptive & Error Resilient On Storage Allocation for Maximum Service Double Regenerating Codes for Hierarchical Placement and Read Algorithms for High Regenerating Codes with Minimum Repair Rate in Distributed Storage Systems Data Centers Throughput in Coded Network Switches Bandwidth Moslem Noori, Emina Soljanin, Masoud Yuchong Hu, Patrick Pak-Ching Lee, Rami Cohen, Yuval Cassuto Kaveh Mahdaviani, Ashish Khisti, Soheil Ardakani Xiaoyang Zhang Mohajer

Mo-AM-2-5: Information Theory in Biology 1 Chair: Negar Kiyavash Room 40.004

The Boltzmann Sequence-Structure On the Duplication Distance of Binary Sequence assembly from corrupted shotgun The Capacity of Some Polya´ String Models Channel Strings reads Ohad Elishco, Farzad Farnoud Abram Magner, Daisuke Kihara, Wojciech Noga Alon, Jehoshua Bruck, Farzad Shirshendu Ganguly, Elchanan Mossel, (Hassanzadeh), Moshe Schwartz, Szpankowski Farnoud (Hassanzadeh), Siddharth Jain Miklos Racz Jehoshua Bruck

Mo-AM-2-6: Wireless Communications 1 Chair: Mehul Motani Room 40.006

Broadcast Channel under Unequal Optimizing The Spatial Content Caching Edge Caching for Coverage and To Feedback or Not to Feedback Coherence Intervals Distribution for Device-to-Device Capacity-aided Heterogeneous Networks Changho Suh, David Tse, Jaewoong Cho Communications Mohamed Fadel, Aria Nosratinia Ejder Bas¸tug˘ , Mehdi Bennis, Marios Derya Malak, Mazin Al-Shalash, Jeffrey Kountouris, Merouane´ Debbah Andrews

Mo-AM-2-7: Feedback 1 Chair: Shraga Bross Room 40.008

On the capacity of the chemical channel Sequential Necessary and Sufficient Analysis on LT codes for Unequal Recovery A Single-Letter Upper Bound on the with feedback Conditions for Optimal Channel Input Time with Complete and Partial Feedback Feedback Capacity of Unifilar Finite-State Distributions of Channels with Memory and Channels Jui Wu, Achilleas Anastasopoulos Rana Abbas, Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam, Feedback Yonghui Li, Branka Vucetic Oron Sabag, Haim H Permuter, Henry D Photios A. Stavrou, Charalambos D Pfister Charalambous, Christos K Kourtellaris

Mo-AM-2-8: Multiple Antennas 1 Chair: Daniela Tuninetti Room 40.010

Joint Optimization of Cloud and Edge Sum Capacity of Massive MIMO Systems The Capacity of Gaussian MISO Channels SNR Gap Between MIMO Linear Receivers: Processing for Fog Radio Access Networks with Quantized Hybrid Beamforming Under Total and Per-Antenna Power Characterization and Applications Constraints Seok-Hwan Park, Osvaldo Simeone, An Liu, Vincent Lau Giuseppa Alfano, Carla-Fabiana Shlomo Shamai (Shitz) Sergey Loyka Chiasserini, Alessandro Nordio

Mo-AM-2-9: Multiple Access Channels 1 Chair: Yingbin Liang Room 40.150

Sharper Upper Bounds for Unbalanced The Unbounded Benefit of Encoder On the Design of Universal Schemes for Uncoordinated Multiple Access Schemes for Uniquely Decodable Code Pairs Cooperation for the k-User MAC Massive Uncoordinated Multiple Access Visible Light Communications and Positioning Per Austrin, Petteri Kaski, Mikko Koivisto, Parham Noorzad, Michelle Effros, Michael Austin Taghavi, Avinash Vem, Jean-Francois Jesper Nederlof Langberg Chamberland, Krishna Narayanan Siu-Wai Ho, Chi Wan Sung Monday, July 11 15:10–16:50 15:10 15:30 15:50 16:10 16:30 Mo-PM-1-1: Point Process Channels Chair: Anthony Ephremides Room 40.002

On the Continuous-Time Poisson The Stochastic-Calculus Approach An Achievable Rate Region for Timing Capacity of Queues with On the Sum-Rate Capacity of Channel with Varying Dark Current to Multi-Receiver Poisson Superposed Timing Channels Random Arrival and Modified Non-Symmetric Poisson Multiple Known to the Transmitter Channels Service Times Access Channel Guido C. Ferrante, Tony Q. S. Ligong Wang Nirmal V Shende, Aaron Wagner Quek, Moe Win Guido C. Ferrante, Tony Q. S. Ain Ul Aisha, Yingbin Liang, Lifeng Quek, Moe Win Lai, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)

Mo-PM-1-2: Constrained Coding 2 Chair: Wojciech Szpankowski Room 40.144

Encoding and Decoding of Simple Systematic Pearson Coding Balanced Permutation Codes Encoding Semiconstrained Bounds on Asymptotic Rate of Balanced q-ary Sequences Using Systems Capacitive Crosstalk Avoidance Jos H. Weber, Theo G. Swart, Ryan Gabrys, Olgica Milenkovic a Gray Code Prefix Codes for On-chip Buses Kees A. Schouhamer Immink Ohad Elishco, Tom Meyerovitch, Elie Mambou, Theo G. Swart Moshe Schwartz Tadashi Wadayama, Taizuke Izumi

Mo-PM-1-3: Coded Caching Chair: Chung Chan Room 40.146

Centralized Coded Caching for Simplifying Wireless Social A Layered Caching Architecture for Coded Caching for Networks with Fundamental Limits of Secretive Heterogeneous Lossy Requests Caching the Interference Channel the Resolvability Property Coded Caching Qianqian Yang, Deniz Gund¨ uz¨ Mohammed Karmoose, Martina Jad Hachem, Urs Niesen, Suhas Li Tang, Aditya Ramamoorthy Vaishakh Ravindrakumar, Cardone, Christina Fragouli Diggavi Parthasarathi Panda, Nikhil Karamchandani, Vinod M Prabhakaran

Mo-PM-1-4: Distributed Storage 3 Chair: P Vijay Kumar Room 40.148

Optimal Systematic Distributed Codes with Unequal Locality Some Results on Optimal Locally Two Classes of (r,t)-Locally Coding for Locality in Storage Codes with Fast Encoding Repairable Codes Repairable Codes Reconstructing Permutations Swanand Kadhe, Alex Sprintson Preetum Nakkiran, K. v. Rashmi, Jie Hao, Shutao Xia, Bin Chen Anyu Wang, Zhifang Zhang Netanel Raviv, Eitan Yaakobi, Kannan Ramchandran Muriel Medard´

Mo-PM-1-5: Energy Harvesting 1 Chair: Ayfer Ozg¨ ur¨ Room 40.004 A Non-Asymptotic Achievable Rate Performance Bounds for Remote Finite Blocklength Achievable Optimizing Energy Efficiency over Optimal Energy Management for for the AWGN Energy-Harvesting Estimation with an Energy Rates for Energy Harvesting Energy-Harvesting LTE Cellular Energy Harvesting Transmitters Channel using Save-and-Transmit Harvesting Sensor AWGN Channels with Infinite Networks under Battery Usage Constraint Buffer Silas L. Fong, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Ayca Ozcelikkale, Tomas Hajar Mahdavi-Doost, Narayan Xianwen Wu, Jing Yang, Jingxian Jing Yang McKelvey, Mats Viberg Konchady Gautam Shenoy, Vinod Prasad, Sampath Rangarajan Wu Sharma

Mo-PM-1-6: Sequences 2 Chair: Alexander Kholosha Room 40.006

On the (non-)existence of APN New results about Tu-Deng’s On Vectorial Bent Functions with On the Optimal Boolean Function An Improved Upper Bound for the (n,n)-functions of algebraic degree conjecture Dillon-type Exponents for Prediction Under Quadratic Most Informative Boolean Function n Loss Conjecture Soukayna Qarboua, Julien Schrek, Lucien Lapierre, Petr Lisonek Lilya Budaghyan, Claude Carlet, Caroline Fontaine Nir Weinberger, Ofer Shayevitz Or Ordentlich, Ofer Shayevitz, Tor Helleseth, Nian Li Omri Weinstein

Mo-PM-1-7: Secrecy Chair: Ashish Khisti Room 40.008

Strong Secrecy Capacity of the Secret Key Generation over Noisy A Lattice Coding Scheme for Maximal Leakage Minimization for Wiretap Channel II with DMC Main Channels with Common Secret Key Generation from The Shannon Cipher System Channel Randomness Gaussian Markov Tree Sources Ibrahim Issa, Sudeep Kamath, Dan He, Yuan Luo, Ning Cai German´ Bassi, Pablo Piantanida, Shashank Vatedka, Navin Kashyap Aaron Wagner Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)

Mo-PM-1-8: Lossy Compression 1 Chair: Ertem Tuncel Room 40.010

Information Theoretic Caching: Lossy Compression with An LP Lower Bound for Rate Multiterminal The Multi-User Case Near-uniform Encoder Outputs Distortion with Variable Side Compress-and-Estimate Source Information Coding Sung Hoon Lim, Chien-Yi Wang, Badri N Vellambi, Joerg Kliewer, Michael Gastpar Matthieu Bloch Sinem Unal, Aaron Wagner Alon Kipnis, Stefano Rini, Andrea Goldsmith

Mo-PM-1-9: JKW Award Finalists 1 / Interference Chair: Amos Lapidoth Room 40.S02

Guiding Blind Transmitters for Topological Interference Topological Interference Blind Interference Alignment for Distributed Simulation of K-user MISO Interference Relay Management with Decoded Management with Reconfigurable Private Information Retrieval Continuous Random Variables Channels with Imperfect Channel Message Passing Antennas [JKW Award Finalist] [JKW Award Finalist] Knowledge Xinping Yi, Giuseppe Caire Heecheol Yang, Navid Hua Sun, Syed Ali Jafar Cheuk Ting Li, Abbas El Gamal Wonjae Shin, Namyoon Lee, NaderiAlizadeh, Salman Jungwoo Lee, H. Vincent Poor Avestimehr, Jungwoo Lee Monday, July 11 17:10–18:50 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 18:30 Mo-PM-2-1: Information Measures 1 Chair: Mokshay Madiman Room 40.002

Evaluating hypercontractivity Information Decomposition on Chained Kullback-Leibler Operational Interpretation of Renyi´ parameters using information Structured Space Divergences Conditional Mutual Information via measures Composite Hypothesis Testing Mahito Sugiyama, Hiroyuki Dmitri Pavlichin, Tsachy Weissman Against Markov Distributions Chandra Nair, Yan Nan Wang Nakahara, Koji Tsuda Marco Tomamichel, Masahito Hayashi

Mo-PM-2-2: Communications Chair: Angel Lozano Room 40.144

Lower Bounds on Joint Adaptive Protocols for Interactive Caching-Aided Multicast for Partial Achievable Rates of Soliton On the Soliton Spectral Efficiency Modulation-Estimation Communication Information Communication Systems in Non-linear Optical fibers Performance for the Gaussian Shweta Agrawal, Ran Gelles, Amit Tetsunao Matsuta, Tomohiko Qun Zhang, Terence H. Chan Pavlos Kazakopoulos, Aris L. MAC Sahai Uyematsu Moustakas Ays¸e Unsal¨ , Raymond Knopp, Neri Merhav

Mo-PM-2-3: Coding for Insertion and Deletion Channels Chair: Lara Dolecek Room 40.146

Exact Sequence Reconstruction Efficiently decodable On Ordered Syndromes for Multi Codes Correcting a Burst of Coding of for Insertion-Correcting Codes insertion/deletion codes for Insertion/Deletion Error-Correcting Deletions or Insertions Insertion-Deletion-Substitution high-noise and high-rate regimes Codes Channels without Markers Frederic Sala, Ryan Gabrys, Clayton Schoeny, Antonia Clayton Schoeny, Kayvon Mazooji, Venkatesan Guruswami, Ray Li Manabu Hagiwara Wachter-Zeh, Ryan Gabrys, Eitan Ryohei Goto, Kenta Kasai, Lara Dolecek Yaakobi Haruhiko Kaneko

Mo-PM-2-4: Distributed Storage 4 Chair: Soheil Mohajer Room 40.148

Bounds and Constructions of Recursive Bounds for Locally A Connection Between Locally Binary Codes with Locality for Consecutive Switch Codes Codes with Multiple Localities Repairable Codes with Multiple Repairable Codes and Exact Multiple Erasures Having Short Sarit Buzaglo, Eitan Yaakobi, Yuval Repair Groups Regenerating Codes Block Length Alexander Zeh, Eitan Yaakobi Cassuto, Paul H. Siegel Jie Hao, Shutao Xia, Bin Chen Toni Ernvall, Thomas Westerback¨ , Balaji Srinivasan Babu, KP Ragnar Freij-Hollanti, Camilla Prasanth, P. Vijay Kumar Hollanti

Mo-PM-2-5: Compressed Sensing 1 Chair: Urbashi Mitra Room 40.004

The Replica-Symmetric Prediction On the Design of Linear Phase transition and noise Performance Trade-Offs in for Compressed Sensing with Projections for Compressive sensitivity of `p-minimization for Multi-Processor Approximate Gaussian Matrices is Exact Sensing with Side Information 0 p 1 Message Passing   Galen Reeves, Henry D Pfister Meng-Yang Chen, Francesco Haolei Weng, Le Zheng, Arian Junan Zhu, Ahmad Beirami, Dror Renna, Miguel Rodrigues Maleki, Xiaodong Wang Baron

Mo-PM-2-6: Entropy Chair: Imre Csiszar´ Room 40.006

Estimation of entropy rate and Novel Lower Bounds on the On the Entropy and Mutual Highly Sensitive Universal Thinning, photonic beamsplitting, Renyi´ entropy rate for Markov Entropy Rate of Binary Hidden Information of Point Processes Statistical Test and a general discrete entropy chains Markov Processes power inequality Francois Baccelli, Jae Oh Woo Hirosuke Yamamoto, Qiqiang Liu Sudeep Kamath, Sergio Verdu´ Or Ordentlich Saikat Guha, Jeffrey H Shapiro, Raul Garcia-Patron

Mo-PM-2-7: Interference in Wireless Networks 1 Chair: Pablo Piantanida Room 40.008

On Layered Erasure Interference Approximately achieving the On the Two-User MISO GDoF region characterization of Channels without CSI at feedback interference channel Interference Channel with Single the weak MIMO IC with No CSIT Transmitters capacity with point-to-point codes User Decoding and Partial CSIT Sanjay Karmakar Yan Zhu, Cong Shen Joyson Sebastian, Can Karakus, Yair Noam, Naama Kimelfeld, Suhas Diggavi Benjamin Zaidel

Mo-PM-2-8: Lossy Compression 2 Chair: Stefano Rini Room 40.010

Quasi Linear Codes: Application to A General Rate-Distortion Information Rates of Sampled On the Smooth Renyi´ Entropy and Point-to-Point and Multi-Terminal Converse Bound for Wiener Processes Variable-Length Source Coding Source Coding Entropy-Constrained Scalar Allowing Errors Alon Kipnis, Yonina C. Eldar, Quantization Farhad Shirani Chaharsooghi, Andrea Goldsmith Shigeaki Kuzuoka Mohsen Heidari Khoozani, Tobias Koch, Gonzalo Sandeep Pradhan Vazquez-Vilar

Mo-PM-2-9: JKW Award Finalists 2 Chair: Elza Erkip Room 40.S02

Minimax Estimation of the L1 Finite-Sample Analysis of Strengthened Monotonicity of A Large Deviations Approach to Distance Approximate Message Passing Relative Entropy via Pinched Petz Secure Lossy Compression [JKW Award Finalist] [JKW Award Finalist] Recovery Map [JKW Award Finalist] [JKW Award Finalist] Jiantao Jiao, Yanjun Han, Tsachy Cynthia Rush, Ramji Nir Weinberger, Neri Merhav Weissman Venkataramanan David Sutter, Marco Tomamichel, Aram W Harrow Tuesday, July 12 10:20–11:40 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 Tu-AM-1-1: Belief Propagation Chair: Ruediger L Urbanke Room 40.002

Effects of the approximations from BP to EXIT Analysis for Belief Propagation in Clustering from Sparse Pairwise Low-Complexity Stochastic Generalized AMP for small-sized problems Degree-Correlated Stochastic Block Models Measurements Belief Propagation Arise Kuriya, Toshiyuki Tanaka Hussein Saad, Ahmed Abotabl, Aria Alaa Saade, Florent Krzakala, Marc Farzin Haddadpour, Mahdi Jafari Nosratinia Lelarge, Lenka Zdeborova Siavoshani, Morteza Noshad

Tu-AM-1-2: Cryptography and Security 1 Chair: Paul Cuff Room 40.144

New Perspectives on Weak Oblivious Soft McEliece: MDPC code-based McEliece An Encryption Scheme based on Random Inter-Class vs. Mutual Information as Transfer cryptosystems with very compact keys Split of St-Gen Codes Side-Channel Distinguishers through real-valued intentional errors Ueli Maurer, Joao˜ Ribeiro Simona Samardjiska, Danilo Gligoroski Olivier Rioul, Annelie Heuser, Sylvain Marco Baldi, Paolo Santini, Franco Guilley, Jean-Luc Danger Chiaraluce

Tu-AM-1-3: Polar Codes 3 Chair: Ivana Maric´ Room 40.146

Energy Complexity of Polar Codes Simplified Successive-Cancellation List Erasure Schemes Using Generalized Polar Decoding of Polar Codes Codes: Zero-Undetected-Error Capacity Christopher Blake, Frank R. Kschischang and Performance Trade-offs Seyyed Ali Hashemi, Carlo Condo, Warren Gross Rajai Nasser

Tu-AM-1-4: Distributed Storage 5 Chair: Urs Niesen Room 40.148

Symmetry, Demand Types and Outer Caching and Delivery via Interference Content Delivery in Erasure Broadcast Bounds in Caching Systems Elimination Channels with Cache and Feedback Chao Tian Chao Tian, Jun Chen Asma Ghorbel, Mari Kobayashi, Sheng Yang

Tu-AM-1-5: Clustering Chair: Yihong Wu Room 40.004

Crossing the KS threshold in the stochastic Cluster-Seeking Shrinkage Estimators On deterministic conditions for subspace An Unconventional Clustering Problem: block model with information theory clustering under missing data User Service Profile Optimization Pavan Srinath, Ramji Venkataramanan Emmanuel Abbe, Colin Sandon Wenqi Wang, Shuchin Aeron, Vaneet Fabio D’Andreagiovanni, Giuseppe Caire Aggarwal

Tu-AM-1-6: Wireless Communications 2 Chair: Changho Suh Room 40.006

Two-Stage Compressed Sensing for Ginibre Sampling and Signal Reconstruction Statistical Group Sparse Beamforming for Efficient Optimal Joint Channel Estimation Millimeter Wave Channel Estimation Green Cloud-RAN via Large System and Data Detection for Massive MIMO Flavio Zabini, Andrea Conti Analysis Systems Yonghee Han, Jungwoo Lee Yuanming Shi, Jun Zhang, Khaled B. Haider Alshamary, Weiyu Xu Letaief

Tu-AM-1-7: Channel Uncertainty and CSI Chair: Haim H Permuter Room 40.008

A bit of delay is sufficient and stochastic On the Capacity of the Dirty Paper Channel When is Noisy State Information at the Empirical Coordination, State Masking and encoding is necessary to overcome online with Fast Fading and Discrete Channel Encoder as Useless as No Information or as State Amplification: Core of the Decoder’s adversarial erasures States Good as Noise-Free State? Knowledge Bikash K Dey, Sidharth Jaggi, Michael Stefano Rini, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz) Rui Xu, Jun Chen, Tsachy Weissman, Mael Le Treust, Matthieu Bloch Langberg, Anand D. Sarwate Jian-Kang Zhang

Tu-AM-1-8: Channel Capacity 1 Chair: Anatoly Khina Room 40.010

Capacity and Degree-of-Freedom of OFDM Algorithmic Aspects of Optimal Channel Algebraic Lattice Codes Achieve the The Capacity of Online (Causal) q-ary Channels with Amplitude Constraint Coding Capacity of the Compound Block-Fading Error-Erasure Channels Channel Saeid Haghighatshoar, Peter Jung, Siddharth Barman, Omar Fawzi Zitan Chen, Sidharth Jaggi, Michael Giuseppe Caire Antonio Campello, Cong Ling, Jean-Claude Langberg Belfiore

Tu-AM-1-9: Reed-Solomon Codes Chair: Ron M. Roth Room 40.150

On (Partial) Unit Memory Codes based on On Deep Holes of Projective Reed-Solomon Using Reed-Solomon codes in the Balanced Reed-Solomon Codes Reed-Solomon Codes for Streaming Codes (U U + V ) construction and an | Wael Halbawi, Zihan Liu, Babak Hassibi application to cryptography Margreta Kuijper, Martin Bossert Jun Zhang, Daqing Wan Irene Marquez-Corbella´ , Jean-Pierre Tillich Tuesday, July 12 12:00–13:20 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 Tu-AM-2-1: Constrained Coding 3 Chair: Osvaldo Simeone Room 40.002 d-imbalance WOM Codes for Reduced On the Capacity of Non-Binary Write-Once Write Sneak-Path Constraints Avoiding Performance of Flash Memories with Inter-Cell Interference in Multi-Level NVMs Memory Disturbs in Memristor Crossbar Arrays Different Binary Labelings: A Multi-User Perspective Evyatar Hemo, Yuval Cassuto Michal Horovitz, Eitan Yaakobi Yuval Cassuto, Shahar Kvatinsky, Eitan Yaakobi Pengfei Huang, Paul H. Siegel, Eitan Yaakobi

Tu-AM-2-2: Statistical Inference 1 Chair: Ofer Shayevitz Room 40.144

Minimax Structured Normal Means Minimax Lower Bounds for Linear Chernoff Information of Bottleneck Gaussian The rates of convergence of neural network Inference Independence Testing Trees estimates of hierarchical interaction regression models Akshay Krishnamurthy David Isenberg, Aaditya Ramdas, Aarti Binglin Li, Shuangqing Wei, Yue Wang, Jian Singh, Larry Wasserman Yuan Michael Kohler, Adam Krzyzak˙

Tu-AM-2-3: Polar Codes 4 Chair: Ido Tal Room 40.146

Polar Codes and Polar Lattices for Polar Coding for the Multiple Access Polar Coded Non-Orthogonal Multiple Polar Codes for Broadcast Channels with Independent Fading Channels Wiretap Channel via Rate-Splitting and Access Receiver Message Side Information and Cooperative Jamming Noncausal State Available at the Encoder Ling Liu, Cong Ling Jincheng Dai, Kai Niu, Zhongwei Si, Jiaru Remi A Chou, Aylin Yener Lin Jin Sima, Wei Chen

Tu-AM-2-4: Distributed Storage 6 Chair: Kenneth W. Shum Room 40.148

Design of Membership Matrices for Centralized Repair of Multiple Node Failures Combinatorial and LP bounds for LRC Reliability-Bandwidth Tradeoffs for (r, t)-Availability in Distributed Storage codes Distributed Storage Allocations Ankit Singh Rawat, Onur Ozan Koyluoglu, Yi-Sheng Su Sriram Vishwanath Sihuang Hu, Itzhak Tamo, Alexander Barg Siddhartha Brahma, Hugues Mercier

Tu-AM-2-5: Information Theory in Biology 2 Chair: Manoj Gopalkrishnan Room 40.004

Overlap-Based Genome Assembly from On the Capacity of Diffusion-Based Duplication-Correcting Codes for Data Distribution of First Arrival Position in Variable-Length Reads Molecular Timing Channels Storage in the DNA of Living Organisms Molecular Communication Joseph Hui, Ilan Shomorony, Kannan Nariman Farsad, Yonathan Murin, Andrew Siddharth Jain, Farzad Farnoud Yen-Chi Lee, Chiun-Chuan Chen, Ramchandran, Thomas Courtade Eckford, Andrea Goldsmith (Hassanzadeh), Moshe Schwartz, Ping-Cheng Yeh, Chia-Han Lee Jehoshua Bruck

Tu-AM-2-6: Inequalities 1 Chair: Sudeep Kamath Room 40.006

Equivalent characterization of reverse Smoothing Brascamp-Lieb Inequalities and Brascamp-Lieb Inequality and Its Reverse: On additive-combinatorial affine inequalities Brascamp-Lieb-type inequalities using Strong Converses for Common An Information Theoretic View for Shannon entropy and differential entropy information measures Randomness Generation Jingbo Liu, Thomas Courtade, Paul Cuff , Ashok Makkuva, Yihong Wu Salman Beigi, Chandra Nair Jingbo Liu, Thomas Courtade, Paul Cuff , Sergio Verdu´ Sergio Verdu´

Tu-AM-2-7: Multiple Antennas 2 Chair: Dongning Guo Room 40.008

The Capacity of Discrete-Time Gaussian Universal Outage Behavior of Randomly Dispersion of the Coherent MIMO On the Symmetries and the Capacity MIMO Channels with Periodic Precoded Integer Forcing Over MIMO Block-Fading Channel Achieving Input Covariance Matrices of Characteristics Channels Multiantenna Channels Austin Collins, Yury Polyanskiy Nir Shlezinger, Ron Dabora Elad Domanovitz, Uri Erez Mario Diaz

Tu-AM-2-8: Multi-Terminal Source Coding 2 Chair: Bobak Nazer Room 40.010

Privacy-Constrained Remote Source Coding Distributed Information-Theoretic Practical Interactive Scheme for Extremum Universal decoding for source-channel Biclustering Computation in Distributed Networks coding with side information Kittipong Kittichokechai, Giuseppe Caire Georg Pichler, Pablo Piantanida, Gerald Solmaz Torabi, Jie Ren, John M. Walsh Neri Merhav Matz

Tu-AM-2-9: BCH Codes / Quasi-Cyclic Codes Chair: Margreta Kuijper Room 40.150

Generalized Integrated Interleaving BCH Long Cyclic Codes over GF(4) and GF(8) On Spectral Design Methods for Spectral Analysis of Quasi-Cyclic Product Codes Better Than BCH Codes in the High-Rate Quasi-Cyclic Codes Codes Region Yingquan Wu Ron M. Roth, Alexander Zeh Alexander Zeh, San Ling Ron M. Roth, Alexander Zeh Tuesday, July 12 15:10–16:50 15:10 15:30 15:50 16:10 16:30 Tu-PM-1-1: Information Measures 2 Chair: Babak Hassibi Room 40.002

Estimation of KL Divergence On Projections of the Renyi´ Information concentration for Improving Convergence of Approximating probability Between Large-Alphabet Divergence on Generalized convex measures Divergence Functional Ensemble distributions with short vectors, via Distributions Convex Sets Estimators information theoretic distance Jiange Li, Matthieu Fradelizi, measures Yuheng Bu, Shaofeng Zou, Yingbin M. Ashok Kumar, Igal Sason Mokshay Madiman Kevin Moon, Kumar Sricharan, Liang, Venugopal Veeravalli Kristjan Greenewald, Alfred Hero Ferdinando Cicalese, Luisa III Gargano, Ugo Vaccaro

Tu-PM-1-2: Learning 1 Chair: Room 40.144

Speeding Up Distributed Machine Minimax Lower Bounds for Feeling the Bern: Adaptive Interventional Dependency Deep Convolutional Neural Learning Using Codes Kronecker-Structured Dictionary Estimators for Bernoulli Graphs: an Approach for Networks on Cartoon Functions Learning Probabilities of Pairwise Discovering Influence Structure Kangwook Lee, Maximilian Lam, Philipp Grohs, Thomas Wiatowski, Comparisons Ramtin Pedarsani, Dimitris Zahra Shakeri, Waheed U. Bajwa, Jalal Etesami, Negar Kiyavash Helmut Bolcskei¨ Papailiopoulos, Kannan Anand D. Sarwate Nihar B Shah, Sivaraman Ramchandran Balakrishnan, Martin Wainwright

Tu-PM-1-3: Superposition Codes / Group Testing 1 Chair: Andrew R Barron Room 40.146

An Improved Upper Bound on Proof of Threshold Saturation for On Multistage Learning a Hidden On a Hypergraph Approach to Polar Coding for Group Testing Block Error Probability of Least Spatially Coupled Sparse Hypergraph Multistage Group Testing Problems Sreechakra Goparaju, Yonatan Squares Superposition Codes with Superposition Codes Arkadii Dyachkov, Ilya Vorobyev, Arkadii Dyachkov, Ilya Vorobyev, Kaspi, Alexander Vardy, Lele Unbiased Bernoulli Dictionary Jean Barbier, Mohamad Dia, Nikita Polyanskii, Vladislav Nikita Polyanskii, Vladislav Wang Yoshinari Takeishi, Junichi Nicolas Macris Shchukin Shchukin Takeuchi

Tu-PM-1-4: Distributed Storage 7 Chair: Salim El Rouayheb Room 40.148

Bounds for Batch Codes with Constructions of Batch Codes with Explicit constructions of MDS array Spider Codes: Practical Erasure New Exact-Repair Codes for Restricted Query Size Near-Optimal Redundancy codes and RS codes with optimal Codes for Distributed Storage Distributed Storage Systems Using repair bandwidth Systems Matrix Determinant Hui Zhang, Vitaly Skachek Alexander Vardy, Eitan Yaakobi Min Ye, Alexander Barg Lluis Pamies-Juarez, Cyril Guyot, Mehran Elyasi, Soheil Mohajer Robert Mateescu

Tu-PM-1-5: Data Compression Chair: David L Neuhoff Room 40.004

Lossless Compression of Binary Context Set Weighting Method A New Type Size Code for Cutset Width and Spacing for Generalisation of Kraft inequality Trees with Correlated Vertex Universal One-to-One Reduced Cutset Coding of Markov for source coding into permutations Zsolt Talata, Hee Sun Kim Names Compression of Parametric Random Fields Kristo Visk, Ago-Erik Riet Sources Abram Magner, Krzysztof Matthew G. Reyes, David L Turowski, Wojciech Szpankowski Nematollah Iri, Oliver Kosut Neuhoff

Tu-PM-1-6: Heterogeneous Networks Chair: Andrew Thangaraj Room 40.006

Throughput Maximization in Caching in Mobile HetNets: A Cognitive Hierarchy Theory for Bandlimited Field Estimation from Simultaneous Connectivity in Uncooperative Spectrum Sharing Throughput-Delay Trade-off Heterogeneous Uplink Multiple Samples Recorded by a Heterogeneous Cognitive Radio Networks Perspective Access in the Internet of Things Location-Unaware Mobile Sensor Networks Thomas Stahlbuhk, Brooke Trung-Anh Do, Sang-Woon Jeon, Nof Abuzainab, Walid Saad, H. Animesh Kumar Michal Yemini, Anelia Shrader, Eytan Modiano Won-Yong Shin Vincent Poor Somekh-Baruch, Reuven Cohen, Amir Leshem

Tu-PM-1-7: Feedback 2 Chair: Aylin Yener Room 40.008

Feedback Does Not Increase the The Zero-Error Capacity of the Conveying Data and State with On Optimal Transmission Information Structures of Capacity Capacity of Compound Channels Gelfand-Pinsker Channel with a Feedback Strategies for Channels with Achieving Distribution for Channels with Additive Noise Feedback Link Noiseless Feedback with Memory and Feedback Shraga Bross, Amos Lapidoth Sergey Loyka, Charalambos D Annina Bracher, Amos Lapidoth Marat V Burnashev, Hirosuke Christos K Kourtellaris, Charalambous Yamamoto Charalambos D Charalambous

Tu-PM-1-8: DoF in Wireless Networks Chair: Natasha Devroye Room 40.010

Canonical Conditions for K/2 GDoF of the MISO BC: Bridging Degrees of Freedom of MIMO Y Generalized DoF of the Symmetric Degrees of Freedom of the Bursty Degrees of Freedom the Gap between Finite Precision Channel with Multiple Relays K-User Interference Channel under MIMO X Channel without CSIT and Perfect CSIT Finite Precision CSIT Feedback David Stotz, Syed Ali Jafar, Helmut Tian Ding, Xiaojun Yuan, Soung Bolcskei¨ , Shlomo Shamai (Shitz) Arash Gholami Davoodi, Syed Ali Chang Liew Arash Gholami Davoodi, Syed Ali Shih-Yi Yeh, I-Hsiang Wang Jafar Jafar

Tu-PM-1-9: Combinatorial Coding Theory Chair: Tuvi Etzion Room 40.150

PD-sets for Z4-linear codes: Revisiting the Two Classes of Zero Difference Rate-distance tradeoff for codes Metrics based on Finite Directed Hadamard and Kerdock codes Sanders-Bogolyubov-Ruzsa Balanced Functions and Their above graph capacity Graphs Theorem in F n and its Optimal Constant Composition Roland Barrolleta, Merce p Daniel F Cullina, Marco Dalai, Yury Marcelo Firer, Tuvi Etzion Codes Villanueva Application to Non-malleable Polyanskiy Codes Yang Yang, Zhengchun Zhou, Divesh Aggarwal, Jop Briet Xiaohu Tang Tuesday, July 12 17:10–18:50 17:10 17:30 17:50 18:10 18:30 Tu-PM-2-1: Network Structures Chair: Chandra Nair Room 40.002

Quickest Detection of Markov Information-Theoretic Lower Inference of latent network features Networks Bounds for Recovery of Diffusion via co-intersection representations Network Structures of graphs Javad Heydari, Ali Tajer, H. Vincent Poor Keehwan Park, Jean Honorio Hoang Dau, Olgica Milenkovic

Tu-PM-2-2: Cryptography and Security 2 Chair: Gilles Zemor´ Room 40.144

A p-ary MDPC scheme Lower Bounds and Optimal Worst case QC-MDPC decoder for Message Partitioning and Limited Protocols for Three-Party Secure McEliece cryptosystem Auxiliary Randomness: Qian Guo, Thomas Johansson Computation Alternatives to Honey Encryption Julia Chaulet, Nicolas Sendrier Sundara Rajan S, Shijin AmirEmad Ghassami, Daniel F Rajakrishnan, Andrew Thangaraj, Cullina, Negar Kiyavash Vinod M Prabhakaran

Tu-PM-2-3: Group Testing 2 Chair: Arya Mazumdar Room 40.146

Estimating the Number of Improved group testing rates with Data Extraction via Histogram and Secure Group Testing Defectives with Group Testing constant column weight designs Arithmetic Mean Queries: Alejandro Cohen, Asaf Cohen, Fundamental Limits and Moein Falahatgar, Ashkan Matthew Aldridge, Oliver Johnson, Omer Gurewitz Algorithms Jafarpour, Alon Orlitsky, Jonathan Scarlett Venkatadheeraj Pichapati, Ananda I-Hsiang Wang, Shao-Lun Huang, Theertha Suresh Kuan-Yun Lee, Kwang-Cheng Chen Tu-PM-2-4: Distributed Storage 8 Chair: Sriram Vishwanath Room 40.148

Staircase Codes for Secret Sharing Secure RAID Schemes for The Rate Region of Secure Private Information Retrieval from with Optimal Communication and Distributed Storage Exact-Repair Regenerating Codes MDS Coded Data in Distributed Read Overheads for 5 Nodes Storage Systems Wentao Huang, Jehoshua Bruck Rawad Bitar, Salim El Rouayheb Fangwei Ye, Kenneth W. Shum, Razane Tajeddine, Salim El Raymond W. Yeung Rouayheb

Tu-PM-2-5: Compressed Sensing 2 Chair: Galen Reeves Room 40.004

Super-resolution MIMO radar Variational Bayesian Dynamic Support Recovery from Noisy Adaptivity provably helps: Compressive Sensing Random Measurements via information-theoretic limits on l-0 Reinhard Heckel Weighted L1 Minimization cost of non-adaptive sensing Hongwei Wang, Hang Yu, Micheal Hoy, Justin Dauwels, Heping Jun Zhang, Urbashi Mitra, Sanghamitra Dutta, Pulkit Grover Wang Kuan-Wen Huang, Nicolo` Michelusi

Tu-PM-2-6: Scheduling Chair: Eytan Modiano Room 40.006

Routing with Blinkers: Online Constructing Sub-exponentially A General Optimality Condition of Delay-optimal Computation Task Throughput Maximization without Large Optical Priority Queues with Link Scheduling for Emptying a Scheduling for Mobile-Edge Queue Length Information Switches and Fiber Delay Lines Wireless Network Computing Systems Georgios S. Paschos, Mathieu Bin Tang, Xiaoliang Wang, Cam-Tu Qing He, Di Yuan, Anthony Juan Liu, Yuyi Mao, Jun Zhang, Leconte, Apostolos Destounis Nguyen, Sanglu Lu Ephremides Khaled B. Letaief

Tu-PM-2-7: Interference in Wireless Networks 2 Chair: Benjamin Zaidel Room 40.008

Collaboration Alignment in Cell Associations that Maximize Network MIMO: Transmitters with Advanced Factorization Strategies Real Interference Alignment for Distributed Interference the Average Uplink-Downlink no CSI Can Still be Very Useful for Lattice-Reduction-Aided Vector Channels Management in Uplink Cellular Degrees of Freedom Preequalization Paul de Kerret, David Gesbert Pritam Mukherjee, Sennur Ulukus Systems Aly El Gamal Sebastian Stern, Robert F.H. Borna Kananian, Mohammad A. Fischer Maddah-Ali, Seyed Pooya Shariatpanahi, Babak H. Khalaj Tu-PM-2-8: Multiple Access Channels 2 Chair: Gregory Wornell Room 40.010

The Dirty MIMO Multiple-Access On the Capacity of Strong Multiple Access Channel with Helper-Assisted State Cancelation Channel Asynchronous Multiple Access Unreliable Cribbing for Multiple Access Channels Channels with a Large Number of Anatoly Khina, Yuval Kochman, Uri Wasim Huleihel, Yossef Steinberg Yunhao Sun, Ruchen Duan, Users Erez Yingbin Liang, Ashish Khisti, Sara Shahi, Daniela Tuninetti, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz) Natasha Devroye

Tu-PM-2-9: Lattice Codes Chair: Hans-Andrea Loeliger Room 40.150

On LCD Codes and Lattices Voronoi Constellations for On The Construction of Uniformity Properties of High-Dimensional Lattice Codes Capacity-Achieving Lattice Construction C Xiaolu Hou, Frederique Oggier Gaussian Codes Nuwan S. Ferdinand, Matthew Maiara Bollauf , Ram Zamir Nokleby, Behnaam Aazhang Wael Alghamdi, Walid Abediseid, Mohamed-Slim Alouini Wednesday, July 13 10:20–11:40 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 We-AM-1-1: Error Exponents 1 Chair: Tsachy Weissman Room 40.002

Exact Random Coding Secrecy Distributed Detection over Computing the Optimal Exponent Remaining Uncertainties and Exponents for the Wiretap Channel Connected Networks via One-Bit of Correct Decoding for Discrete Exponents under Renyi´ Quantizer Memoryless Sources Information Measures Mani Bastani Parizi, Emre Telatar, Neri Merhav Shengyu Zhu, Biao Chen Yutaka Jitsumatsu, Yasutada Masahito Hayashi, Vincent Y. F. Oohama Tan

We-AM-1-2: Statistical Inference 2 Chair: Zsolt Talata Room 40.144

Asymptotically Achievable Error Optimal Sequential Test with Finite Deterministic Performance A statistical perspective of Probabilities for Multiple Horizon and Constrained Sensor Analysis of Subspace Methods for sampling scores for linear Hypothesis Testing Selection Cisoid Parameter Estimation regression Pierre Moulin Shang Li, Xiaoou Li, Xiaodong Celine´ Aubel, Helmut Bolcskei¨ Siheng Chen, Rohan Varma, Aarti Wang, Jingchen Liu Singh, Jelena Kovacevic

We-AM-1-3: LDPC Codes 1 Chair: Henry D Pfister Room 40.146

Guaranteed Error Correction of Performance Evaluation of Faulty Performance Analysis of Fault LDPC Decoders with Missing Faulty Bit-Flipping Decoders under Iterative Decoders using Absorbing Erasure Belief Propagation Connections Data-Dependent Gate Failures Markov Chains Decoder based on Density Linjia Chang, Avhishek Chatterjee, Evolution Srdan Brkic, Predrag N. Ivanis, Predrag N. Ivanis, Bane Vasic´ , Lav R. Varshney Bane Vasic´ David Declercq Hiroki Mori, Tadashi Wadayama

We-AM-1-4: Distributed Storage 9 / Deletion Channel Chair: Alexander Vardy Room 40.148

Improved Erasure List Decoding Bounds on the Maximal Minimum New Constructions of SD and MR Sequence Reconstruction over the Locally Repairable Codes Using Distance of Linear Locally Codes over Small Finite Fields Deletion Channel Alphabet-Dependent List Recovery Repairable Codes Guangda Hu, Sergey Yekhanin Ryan Gabrys, Eitan Yaakobi Alexander Zeh, Antonia Antti Poll¨ anen¨ , Thomas Wachter-Zeh Westerback¨ , Ragnar Freij-Hollanti, Camilla Hollanti

We-AM-1-5: Wireless Communications 3 Chair: Salman Avestimehr Room 40.004

A Lower Bound on the Optimum An Uplink-Downlink Duality for Gaussian Approximation for the Downlink Outage Performance of Feedback Rate for Downlink Cloud Radio Access Network Downlink Interference in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Multi-Antenna Cellular Networks Heterogeneous Cellular Networks Liang Liu, Pratik Patil, Wei Yu Serkan Ak, Hazer Inaltekin, H. Jeonghun Park, Namyoon Lee, Serkan Ak, Hazer Inaltekin, H. Vincent Poor Jeffrey Andrews, Robert Heath Vincent Poor

We-AM-1-6: Game Theory Chair: Gireeja Ranade Room 40.006

High Probability Guarantees in On the Role of Side Information In Dynamic Signaling Games under Secondary Spectrum Market: To Repeated Games: Theory and Strategic Communication Nash and Stackelberg Equilibria acquire or not to acquire side Applications in Information Theory information? Emrah Akyol, Cedric´ Langbort, Serkan Sarıtas¸, Serdar Yuksel¨ , Payam Delgosha, Amin Gohari, Tamer Bas¸ar Sinan Gezici Arnob Ghosh, Saswati Sarkar, Mohammad Akbarpour Randall A Berry

We-AM-1-7: Information Measures 3 Chair: Victoria Kostina Room 40.008

Relations Between Conditional On the Minimum Mean p-th Error Consistency of the Plug-In A characterization of statistical Shannon Entropy and Expectation in Gaussian Noise Channels and Estimator of the Entropy Rate for manifolds on which the relative of `↵-Norm its Applications Ergodic Processes entropy is a Bregman divergence Yuta Sakai, Ken-ichi Iwata Alex Dytso, Ronit Bustin, Daniela Lukasz Jerzy Debowski Hiroshi Nagaoka Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai (Shitz) We-AM-1-8: Relay Channels Chair: Lalitha Sankar Room 40.010

Achievable Rate Regions for Capacity of Two-Relay Diamond An Achievable Rate Region for the Improving on The Cut-Set Bound Cooperative Relay Broadcast Networks with Rate-Limited Links Two-Way Multiple Relay Channel for General Primitive Relay Channels with Rate-limited to the Relays and a Binary Adder Channels Jonathan Ponniah, Liang-Liang Xie Feedback Multiple Access Channel Xiugang Wu, Ayfer Ozg¨ ur¨ Youlong Wu Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti, Gerhard Kramer

We-AM-1-9: Quantum Capacity and Quantum Channels Chair: Alexander Holevo Room 40.150

Entanglement Assisted Classical Quantum Capacities for A semidefinite programming upper Operator Algebra Approach to Capacity of Compound Quantum Entanglement Networks bound of quantum capacity Quantum Capacities Channels Shawn Cui, Zhengfeng Ji, Xin Wang, Runyao Duan Marius Junge, Li Gao, Nicolas Stephan Kaltenstadler, Gisbert Nengkun Yu, Bei Zeng Laracuente Janßen, Holger Boche Wednesday, July 13 12:00–13:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 We-AM-2-1: Error Exponents 2 Chair: Pierre Moulin Room 40.002

Unequal Error Protection Coding Collaborative Distributed Reliability of Sequential Hypothesis Bounds on the reliability of a Approaches to the Noisy 20 Hypothesis Testing with General Testing Can Be Achieved by an typewriter channel Questions Problem Hypotheses Almost-Fixed-Length Test Marco Dalai, Yury Polyanskiy Hye Won Chung, Lizhong Zheng, Gil Katz, Pablo Piantanida, Anusha Lalitha, Tara Javidi Brian Sadler, Alfred Hero III Merouane´ Debbah

We-AM-2-2: Statistical Inference 3 Chair: Maxim Raginsky Room 40.144

Asymptotically tight bounds on the Structure Learning and Universal Latent Tree Ensemble of Pairwise Sparse Approximations of Directed depth of estimated context trees Coding when Missing Values Exist Copulas for Spatial Extremes Information Graphs Analysis Alvaro´ Mart´ın, Gadiel Seroussi Joe Suzuki Christopher J Quinn, Ali Pinar, Hang Yu, Junwei Huang, Justin Jing Gao, Lu Su Dauwels

We-AM-2-3: LDPC Codes 2 / RM Codes Chair: Ilya Dumer Room 40.146

Stopping Sets for MDS-based Probabilistic bounds on the Reed-Muller Codes Achieve Comparing the Bit-MAP and Enhanced Recursive Reed-Muller Product Codes trapping redundancy of linear Capacity on the Quantum Erasure Block-MAP Decoding Thresholds Erasure Decoding codes Channel of Reed-Muller Codes on BMS Fanny Jardel, Joseph Jean Alexandre Soro, Jerome Lacan, Channels Boutros, Mireille Sarkiss Yuichiro Fujiwara, Yu Tsunoda Santhosh Kumar, Robert Vincent Roca, Valentin Savin, Calderbank, Henry D Pfister Shrinivas Kudekar, Santhosh Mathieu Cunche Kumar, Marco Mondelli, Henry D Pfister, Ruediger L Urbanke We-AM-2-4: Network Coding 1 Chair: Mayank Bakshi Room 40.148

A Characterization of the Capacity On Tightness of an Entropic A Reduction Approach to the On the Relationship Between Edge Can Negligible Cooperation Region for Network Coding with Region Outer Bound for Network Multiple-Unicast Conjecture in Removal and Strong Converses Increase Network Reliability? Dependent Sources Coding and the Edge Removal Network Coding Oliver Kosut, Joerg Kliewer Parham Noorzad, Michelle Effros, Property Woong Kim, Michael Langberg, Xunrui Yin, Zongpeng Li, Xin Michael Langberg Michelle Effros Ming Fai Wong, Michelle Effros, Wang Michael Langberg

We-AM-2-5: Information Theory in Biology 3 Chair: I-Hsiang Wang Room 40.004

Design of Geometric Molecular Fundamental limits on Partial DNA Assembly: A Shannon Capacity of Signal Bonds source-localization accuracy of Rate-Distortion Perspective Transduction for Multiple EEG-based neural sensing Independent Receptors David Doty, Andrew Winslow Ilan Shomorony, Govinda M Pulkit Grover Kamath, Fei Xia, Thomas Peter J Thomas, Andrew Eckford Courtade, David Tse

We-AM-2-6: Caching and Computation Chair: Jeffrey Andrews Room 40.006

New Proofs of Retrievability using Fundamental Tradeoff between Erasure Broadcast Networks with How to Compute Modulo Locally Decodable Codes Computation and Communication Receiver Caching Prime-Power Sums in Distributed Computing Julien Lavauzelle, Francoise Shirin Saeedi Bidokhti, Roy Timo, Mohsen Heidari Khoozani, Levy-dit-Vehel Songze Li, Mohammad Ali Michele` A. Wigger Sandeep Pradhan Maddah-Ali, Salman Avestimehr

We-AM-2-7: Source-Channel Coding over BC Chair: Shlomo Shamai (Shitz) Room 40.008

Energy-Distortion Tradeoff for the Distortion Bounds for Source On the Energy-Distortion Tradeoff Joint Source-Channel Coding for Gaussian Broadcast Channel with Broadcast over Degraded Channel for the Gaussian Broadcast Broadcasting Correlated Sources Feedback Problem Lei Yu, Houqiang Li, Weiping Li Erman Koken¨ , Ertem Tuncel Yonathan Murin, Yonatan Kaspi, Erman Koken¨ , Ertem Tuncel Ron Dabora, Deniz Gund¨ uz¨

We-AM-2-8: Relay and Two Way Channels Chair: Patrick Mitran Room 40.010

The Capacity Gap Calculation for Adaptation is Useless for Two Capacity and Power Scaling Laws On Full Duplex Gaussian Relay Multi-Pair Bidirectional Gaussian Discrete Additive-Noise Two-Way for Finite Antenna Channels with Self-Interference Relay Networks Based on Channels Amplify-and-Forward Relay Arash Behboodi, Anas Chaaban, Successive Compute-and-Forward Networks Lin Song, Fady Alajaji, Tamas Rudolf Mathar, Mohamed-Slim Strategy Linder David Simmons, Justin P Coon, Alouini Leila Ghabeli, Milan S. Derpich Naqueeb Warsi

We-AM-2-9: Channel Capacity 2 Chair: Anand D. Sarwate Room 40.150

On the Capacity of Multilevel Achievable Rates for Additive On the Capacity of Fading Capacity of Block Rayleigh Fading NAND Flash Memory Channels Isotropic ↵-Stable Noise Channels Channels with Amplitude-Limited Channels Without CSI Inputs Yonglong Li, Aleksandar Kavcic, Malcolm Egan, Mauro de Freitas, Mainak Chowdhury, Andrea Guangyue Han Laurent Clavier, Alban Goupil, Ahmad A ElMoslimany, Tolga M. Goldsmith Gareth Peters, Nourddine Azzaoui Duman Wednesday, July 13 10:20–13:40

Recent Results Poster Session Roger de Lluria´ Central Courtyard

Note: These posters have not gone through a formal review process and will not appear in the published proceedings of ISIT 2016.

A Permutation-based Model for Crowd Labeling: Optimal Estimation and Robustness Active Ranking from Pairwise Comparisons and the Futility of Parametric Assumptions Nihar B. Shah, Sivaraman Balakrishnan, Martin J. Wainwright Reinhard Heckel, Nihar B. Shah, Kannan Ramchandran, Martin J. Wainwright

An Efficient Method to Recursively Encode Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes Asymptotic Error Probability Expressions for the MAP Detector and Multidimensional Constellations Hongwei Si, Sijie Wang, Junyang Ma Alex Alvarado, Erik Agrell, Fredrik Brannstr¨ om¨

Branching MERA Codes: Achieving Capacity Catalytic Decoupling Andrew J. Ferris, Christoph Hirche, David Poulin Christian Majenz, Mario Berta, Fred´ eric´ Dupuis, Renato Renner, Matthias Christandl

Cooperative Data Exchange with Adversarial Clients Degrees of Freedom of Full-Duplex Multicell Networks Anoosheh Heidarzadeh, Alex Sprintson Sung Ho Chae, Sang-Woon Jeon, Sung Hoon Lim

Feedback Capacity of ARMA(1,2) Gaussian Channels Forward Secret-Key Distillation from Compound Memoryless Classical-Quantum-Quantum Sources Tao Liu, Guangyue Han Holger Boche, Gisbert Janßen

Fundamental Limits of Cache-Aided Wireless BC: Interplay of Coded-Caching and CSIT Improving the Secrecy of Distributed Storage Systems using Interference Alignment Feedback Natasa Paunkoska, Ninoslav Marina Jingjing Zhang, Petros Elia

Info-Clustering: A Mathematical Theory of Data Clustering Network Coding for Extended Multiple Descriptions Chung Chan Tao Guo, Raymond W. Yeung

On Information Spreading in Multiplex Networks with Gossip Mechanism Optimal Beamforming with Partial CSIT for Massive MISO Interfering Broadcast Channels and Large System Analysis Yufan Huang, Huaiyu Dai Wassim Tabikh, Dirk Slock, Yi Yuan-Wu

Optimal Design of Interdependent Networks Optimally Bridging the Gap from Delayed to Perfect CSIT in the K-user MISO BC Srinjoy Chattopadhyay, Huaiyu Dai Paul de Kerret, David Gesbert, Jingjing Zhang, Petros Elia

Performance Analysis of Regenerating Codes Polar Coded Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Katina Kralevska, Danilo Gligoroski, Harald Øverby Jincheng Dai, Kai Niu, Zhongwei Si, Jiaru Lin

Rate-Cost Tradeoffs in Control Rayleigh Quotient Based Analysis of MIMO Linear Receivers Victoria Kostina, Babak Hassibi Giusi Alfano, Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Alessandro Nordio

Two-Dimensional Golay Complementary Array Pairs Unifying Generalized Weights for Security on Wire-Tap Networks Cheng-Ting Chang, Ying Li Umberto Mart´ınez-Penas,˜ Ryutaroh Matsumoto

Universal Random Access Error Exponent for Codebooks with Different Word-Lengths Universal Remote Generation of Continuous Random Variables Lor´ ant´ Farkas, Tamas´ Koi´ Cheuk Ting Li, Abbas El Gamal Thursday, July 14 10:20–11:40 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 Th-AM-1-1: Community Detection Chair: Emmanuel Abbe Room 40.002

Active Learning for Community Information Limits for Recovering a Community Detection with Colored Partial Recovery Bounds for the Detection in Stochastic Block Hidden Community Edges Sparse Stochastic Block Model Models Bruce Hajek, Yihong Wu, Jiaming Narae Ryu, Sae-Young Chung Jonathan Scarlett, Volkan Cevher Akshay Gadde, Eyal En Gad, Xu Salman Avestimehr, Antonio Ortega

Th-AM-1-2: Code Construction and Analysis Chair: Amir Banihashemi Room 40.144

Short Block Length Code Design Approaching the Capacity of Two-Way Spinal Codes Further Results on Independent for Interference Channels AWGN Channels using Multi-Layer Metropolis-Hastings-Klein Weiqiang Yang, Ying Li, Xiaopu Raptor Codes and Superposition Sampling Shahrouz Sharifi, Mehdi Dabirnia, Yu , Yue Sun Modulation A. Korhan Tanc, Tolga M. Duman Zheng Wang, Cong Ling Mahyar Shirvanimoghaddam, Sarah J Johnson

Th-AM-1-3: LDPC Codes 3 Chair: Tadashi Wadayama Room 40.146

Systematic Block Markov Computing Linear Transforms with Constructing Valid Convex Hull Linear Programming Decoding of Superposition Transmission of Unreliable Components Inequalities for Single Parity-Check Binary Linear Codes for Repetition Codes Codes Over Prime Fields Symbol-Pair Read Channels Yaoqing Yang, Pulkit Grover, Kechao Huang, Xiao Ma, Baoming Soummya Kar Eirik Rosnes, Michael Helmling Shunsuke Horii, Toshiyasu Bai Matsushima, Shigeichi Hirasawa

Th-AM-1-4: Network Coding 2 Chair: Michael Langberg Room 40.148

Vector Network Coding Based on On the Construction of Jointly Generalized rank weights of A Class of Non-Linearly Solvable Subspace Codes Outperforms Superregular Lower Triangular reducible codes, optimal cases and Networks Scalar Linear Network Coding Toeplitz Matrices related properties Joseph Connelly, Ken Zeger Tuvi Etzion, Antonia Wachter-Zeh Jonas Hansen, Jan Østergaard, Umberto Mart´ınez-Penas˜ Johnny Kudahl, John Madsen

Th-AM-1-5: Energy Harvesting 2 Chair: Vincent Y. F. Tan Room 40.004

Subblock Energy-Constrained Feedback Enhances Simultaneous Capacity of Remotely Powered Online Scheduling for Energy Codes for Simultaneous Energy Energy and Information Communication Harvesting Broadcast Channels and Information Transfer Transmission in Multiple Access with Finite Battery Dor Shaviv, Ayfer Ozg¨ ur¨ , Haim H Channels Anshoo Tandon, Mehul Motani, Permuter Abdulrahman Baknina, Sennur Lav R. Varshney Selma Belhadj Amor, Samir M. Ulukus Perlaza, Ioannis Krikidis, H. Vincent Poor Th-AM-1-6: Estimation Chair: Prakash Narayan Room 40.006

Privacy-Aware MMSE Estimation A tiger by the tail: when Continuity and Robustness to Uncertain Wiretap Channels and multiplicative noise stymies control Incorrect Priors in Estimation and Secure Estimation Shahab Asoodeh, Fady Alajaji, Control Tamas Linder Jian Ding, Yuval Peres, Gireeja Moritz Wiese, Karl H. Johansson, Ranade Graeme Baker, Serdar Yuksel¨ Tobias J. Oechtering, Panagiotis Papadimitratos, Henrik Sandberg, Mikael Skoglund

Th-AM-1-7: Source-Channel Coding over MAC Chair: Gerhard Kramer Room 40.008

On Lossy Transmission of Communicating Correlated New Sufficient Conditions for A Necessary Condition for the Correlated Sources over a Multiple Sources Over a MAC in the Multiple-Access Channel with Transmissibility of Correlated Access Channel absence of a Gacs-K´ orner¨ Correlated Sources Sources over a MAC Common Part Basak Guler, Deniz Gund¨ uz¨ , Aylin Mohsen Heidari Khoozani, Farhad Amos Lapidoth, Michele` A. Wigger Yener Arun Padakandla Shirani Chaharsooghi, Sandeep Pradhan

Th-AM-1-8: Caching in Wireless Networks Chair: Ron Dabora Room 40.010

Cloud-Aided Wireless Networks Cooperative Tx/Rx Caching in Topological Coded Caching Fundamental Limits of with Edge Caching: Fundamental Interference Channels: A Cache-Aided Interference Xinping Yi, Giuseppe Caire Latency Trade-Offs in Fog Radio Storage-Latency Tradeoff study Management Access Networks Fan Xu, Kangqi Liu, Meixia Tao Navid NaderiAlizadeh, Mohammad Ravi Tandon, Osvaldo Simeone Ali Maddah-Ali, Salman Avestimehr

Th-AM-1-9: Classical-Quantum Channels Chair: Andreas Winter Room 40.150

Classical-quantum channels with Coding for classical-quantum Classical-Quantum Arbitrarily Covert Communication over causal and non-causal channel channels with rate limited side Varying Wiretap Channel: Classical-Quantum Channels state information at the sender information at the encoder: An Common Randomness Assisted Azadeh Sheikholeslami, Boulat information-spectrum approach Code and Continuity Holger Boche, Ning Cai, Janis Bash, Don Towsley, Dennis Noetzel Naqueeb Warsi, Justin P Coon Minglai Cai, Holger Boche, Goeckel, Saikat Guha Christian Deppe, Janis Notzel¨ Thursday, July 14 12:00–13:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 Th-AM-2-1: Lossy Compression and Rate-Distortion Chair: Ram Zamir Room 40.002

Optimal Differential Privacy Analog Coding of a Source with Rate-distortion dimension of Windowed Encoding of Spatially Mechanisms under Hamming Erasures stochastic processes Coupled LDGM Codes for Lossy Distortion for Structured Source Source Compression Marina Haikin, Ram Zamir Farideh Ebrahim Rezagah, Shirin Classes Jalali, Elza Erkip, H. Vincent Poor Ahmad Golmohammadi, David G. Kousha Kalantari, Lalitha Sankar, M. Mitchell, Joerg Kliewer, Daniel Anand D. Sarwate J. Costello

Th-AM-2-2: Learning 2 Chair: Venugopal Veeravalli Room 40.144

Are Imperfect Reviews Helpful in Pattern Maximum Likelihood Rate-Distortion Bounds on Bayes An Explicit Rate Bound for the Social Learning? Estimation of Finite-State Risk in Supervised Learning Over-Relaxed ADMM Discrete-Time Markov Chains Tho Ngoc Le, Vijay Subramanian, Matthew Nokleby, Ahmad Beirami, Guilherme Franca, Jose Bento Randall A Berry Shashank Vatedka, Pascal Robert Calderbank Vontobel

Th-AM-2-3: LDPC Codes 4 Chair: Daniel J. Costello Room 40.146

Finite-Length Scaling Based on Deterministic and Ensemble-Based The Velocity of the Decoding Wave Decoding Analysis Accounting for A Progressive Edge Growth Belief Propagation for Spatially Spatially-Coupled Product Codes for Spatially Coupled Codes on Mis-Corrections for Algorithm for Bit Mapping Design Coupled LDPC Codes BMS Channels Spatially-Coupled Split-Component of LDPC Coded BICM Schemes Christian Hager¨ , Henry D Pfister, Codes Markus Stinner, Luca Barletta, Alexandre Graell i Amat, Fredrik Rafah El-Khatib, Nicolas Macris Junyi Du, Jinhong Yuan, Liang Pablo M. Olmos Brannstr¨ om¨ Dmitri Truhachev, Alireza Karami, Zhou, Xuan He Lei Zhang, Frank R. Kschischang

Th-AM-2-4: Network Coding 3 Chair: Aditya Ramamoorthy Room 40.148

Coding Across Unicast Sessions Arbitrarily varying networks: Linear Network Coding Capacity Superposition coding in the Approximate Capacity of Index can Increase the Secure Message capacity-achieving computationally Region of The Smart Repeater combination network Coding for Some Classes of Capacity efficient codes with Broadcast Erasure Channels Graphs Henry Romero, Mahesh Kumar Gaurav Kumar Agarwal, Martina Peida Tian, Sidharth Jaggi, Jaemin Han, Chih-Chun Wang Varanasi Fatemeh Arbabjolfaei, Young-Han Cardone, Christina Fragouli Mayank Bakshi, Oliver Kosut Kim

Th-AM-2-5: Applications of Random Matrix Theory Chair: Serdar Yuksel¨ Room 40.004

Time and frequency selective Optical Fiber MIMO Channel Limiting eigenvalue distributions of Exact Closed-Form Expression for Ricean MIMO capacity: an ergodic Model and its Analysis block random matrices with the Inverse Moments of One-sided operator approach one-dimensional coupling structure Correlated Gram Matrices Apostolos Karadimitrakis, Aris L. Walid Hachem, Aris L. Moustakas, Moustakas, Hartmut Hafermann, Toshiyuki Tanaka Khalil Elkhalil, Abla Kammoun, Leonid Pastur Axel Muller¨ Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Th-AM-2-6: Wireless Communications 4 Chair: Yanina Shkel Room 40.006

Outage-Optimized Distributed The Impact of Independence On Utility Optimization in Robustness Of Cooperative Quantizers for Multicast Assumptions on Wireless Distributed Multiple Access over a Communication Schemes To Beamforming Communication Analysis Multi-packet Reception Channel Channel Models Erdem Koyuncu, Christian Ezio Biglieri, I-Wei Lai Yanru Tang, Faeze Heydaryan, Jie Vasuki Narasimha Swamy, Gireeja Remling, Xiaoyi Liu, Hamid Luo Ranade, Anant Sahai Jafarkhani

Th-AM-2-7: Interference Channels Chair: Igal Sason Room 40.008

Some Results on the Scalar The Maximum Han-Kobayashi Converse bounds for interference Trade-off between Communication Gaussian Interference Channel Sum-Rate for Gaussian channels via coupling and proof of and Cooperation in the Interference Channels Costa’s conjecture Interference Channel Salman Beigi, Sida Liu, Chandra Nair, Mehdi Yazdanpanah Ali Haghi, Amir K. Khandani Yury Polyanskiy, Yihong Wu Farhad Shirani Chaharsooghi, Sandeep Pradhan

Th-AM-2-8: Covert Communications Chair: Ziv Goldfeld Room 40.010

Plausible Deniability over Second-Order Asymptotics of Keyless Covert Communication Computationally Efficient Deniable Broadcast Channels Covert Communications over Noisy over Multiple-Access Channels Communication Channels Mayank Bakshi, Vinod M Keerthi Suria Kumar Arumugam, Qiaosheng Zhang, Mayank Prabhakaran Mehrdad Tahmasbi, Matthieu Matthieu Bloch Bakshi, Sidharth Jaggi Bloch

Th-AM-2-9: Quantum Information Theory Chair: Ning Cai Room 40.150

A Bayesian view of Single-Qubit On the quantum no-signalling Comparison of quantum channels Stronger Attacks on Parallel distinguishability of Clocks, and an Energy versus assisted zero-error classical and statistical experiments Causality-Based Key Agreement quantum operations Accuracy tradeoff simulation cost of Anna Jencova Benno Salwey, Stefan Wolf Runyao Duan, Cheng Guo, non-commutative bipartite graphs Manoj Gopalkrishnan, Varshith Chi-Kwong Li, Yinan Li Kandula, Praveen Sriram, Xin Wang, Runyao Duan Abhishek Deshpande, Bhaskaran Muralidharan Thursday, July 14 15:10–16:50 15:10 15:30 15:50 16:10 16:30 Th-PM-1-1: Quantum Codes 1 Chair: Alexei Ashikhmin Room 40.002

Codeword Stabilized Quantum Concatenated Codes for Amplitude Correction of Data and Syndrome Generalized Fault-Tolerant Codes for Asymmetric Channels Damping Errors by Stabilizer Codes Quantum Computation over Nice Rings Tyler Jackson, Markus Grassl, Bei Tyler Jackson, Markus Grassl, Bei Alexei Ashikhmin, Ching-Yi Lai, Zeng Zeng Todd A. Brun Sangjun Lee, Andreas Klappenecker

Th-PM-1-2: Inequalities 2 Chair: Deniz Gund¨ uz¨ Room 40.144

Reverse entropy power inequalities On Renyi´ Entropy Power Strengthening the Entropy Power Cyclically Symmetric Entropy Generalized Fisher Information and for s-concave densities Inequalities Inequality Inequalities Upper Bounds on the Differential Entropy of Independent Sums Peng Xu, James Melbourne, Eshed Ram, Igal Sason Thomas Courtade Jun Chen, Hao Ye, Chao Tian, Tie Mokshay Madiman Liu, Zhiqing Xiao Jihad Fahs, Ibrahim Abou-Faycal

Th-PM-1-3: Data Exchange Problems Chair: Joerg Kliewer Room 40.146

Coding Advantage in Fairness in Communication for Further results on lower bounds for Cooperative Data Exchange with Universal Multiparty Data Communications among Peers Omniscience coded caching Priority Classes Exchange Kai Cai, Guangyue Han Ni Ding, Chung Chan, Qiaoqiao Hooshang Ghasemi, Aditya Anoosheh Heidarzadeh, Muxi Yan, Himanshu Tyagi, Shun Watanabe Zhou, Rodney Andrew Kennedy, Ramamoorthy Alex Sprintson Parastoo Sadeghi

Th-PM-1-4: Network Coding 4 Chair: Chih-Chun Wang Room 40.148

On the Energy Benefit of Universally Secure Network A Linearithmic Time Algorithm for a Adaptive Recoding for BATS On Computation Rates for Compute-and-forward for Multiple Coding with Feedback Shortest Vector Problem in Codes Arithmetic Sum Unicasts Compute-and-Forward Design Gabriele Spini, Gilles Zemor´ Hoover H.F. Yin, Shenghao Yang, Ardhendu Tripathy, Aditya Zhijie Ren, Jasper Goseling, Jos Jinming Wen, Xiao-Wen Chang Qiaoqiao Zhou, Lily M.L. Yung Ramamoorthy H. Weber, Michael Gastpar

Th-PM-1-5: Compressed Sensing 3 Chair: Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar Room 40.004

Coded Compressive Sensing: A A Sharp Condition for Exact Universal Compressed Sensing Two-stage Orthogonal Subspace A Geometric Analysis of Phase Compute-and-Recover Approach Support Recovery of Sparse Matching Pursuit for Joint Sparse Retrieval Shirin Jalali, H. Vincent Poor Signals With Orthogonal Matching Recovery Namyoon Lee, SongNam Hong Ju Sun, Qing Qu, John Wright Pursuit Kyung Su Kim, Sae-Young Chung Jinming Wen, Zhengchun Zhou, Jian Wang, Xiaohu Tang, Qun Mo

Th-PM-1-6: Information Theory in Control Chair: Anant Sahai Room 40.006

Zero-rate achievability of posterior State Estimation, Wireless Tropes, Stationarity and Ergodicity of Rate of Prefix-free Codes in LQG (Almost) Practical Tree Codes matching schemes for channels Demons and Uncertainty Stochastic Non-Linear Systems Control Systems Anatoly Khina, Wael Halbawi, with memory Controlled over Communication Christopher Rose Takashi Tanaka, Karl Henrik Babak Hassibi Channels Jui Wu, Achilleas Anastasopoulos Johansson, Tobias J. Oechtering, Serdar Yuksel¨ Henrik Sandberg, Mikael Skoglund

Th-PM-1-7: Finite Blocklength Topics Chair: Yury Polyanskiy Room 40.008

Second-Order Coding Region for Second-Order Coding Region for On Second-Order Asymptotics of Fixed-Length Compression for On channel dispersion per unit cost the Discrete Lossy Gray-Wyner the Discrete Successive AWGN Channels with Feedback Letter-Based Fidelity Measures in Yucel¨ Altug˘ , H. Vincent Poor, Source Coding Problem Refinement Source Coding under the Expected Power the Finite Blocklength Regime Sergio Verdu´ Problem Constraint Lin Zhou, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Mehul Lars Palzer, Roy Timo Motani Lin Zhou, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Mehul Lan V. Truong, Silas L. Fong, Motani Vincent Y. F. Tan

Th-PM-1-8: Physical Layer Security Chair: Matthieu Bloch Room 40.010

Security in The Gaussian Multiuser Authentication with Secrecy in Broadcast Channel with On Secrecy Rates and Outage in Secure Lossy Helper and Interference Channel: Weak and Anonymity Constraints over Noisy Combating Helpers and Multi-User Multi-Eavesdroppers Gray-Wyner Problems Moderately Weak Interference Channels Interference Channel with Selfish MISO Systems Meryem Benammar, Abdellatif Regimes Users Remi A Chou, Aylin Yener Joseph Kampeas, Asaf Cohen, Zaidi Parisa Babaheidarian, Somayeh Karim A. Banawan, Sennur Ulukus Omer Gurewitz Salimi, Panagiotis Papadimitratos

Th-PM-1-9: Wireless Sensor Networks Chair: Pulkit Grover Room 40.150

Connectivity in inhomogeneous Minimum node degree in Improved Active Sensing Optimal Byzantine Attack for MMSE Estimation in a Sensor random key graphs inhomogeneous random key Performance in Wireless Sensor Distributed Inference with M-ary Network in the Presence of an graphs with unreliable links Networks via Channel State Quantized Data Adversary Osman Yagan˘ Information Rashad Eletreby, Osman Yagan˘ Po-Ning Chen, Yunghsiang Sam Craig Wilson, Venugopal Veeravalli Alessandro Biason, Urbashi Mitra, Han, Hsuan-Yin Lin, Pramod Michele Zorzi Varshney Friday, July 15 10:20–11:40 10:20 10:40 11:00 11:20 Fr-AM-1-1: Quantum Codes 2 Chair: Alexander Barg Room 40.002

Unconstrained distillation Asymptotic Analysis of a Three Universal recoverability in quantum Coherent state constellations for capacities of a pure-loss bosonic State Quantum Cryptographic information Bosonic Gaussian channels broadcast channel Protocol Marius Junge, Renato Renner, Felipe Lacerda, Joseph M. Renes, Masahiro Takeoka, Kaushik Walter Krawec David Sutter, Mark M Wilde, Volkher Scholz Seshadreesan, Mark M Wilde Andreas Winter

Fr-AM-1-2: Secret Keys and Secret Sharing Chair: Sandeep Pradhan Room 40.144

Bounds on the communication rate Nearly Optimal Robust Secret Incremental and Decremental Quantum Resistant Random needed to achieve SK capacity in Sharing Secret Key Agreement Linear Code Based Public Key the hypergraphical source model Encryption Scheme RLCE Mahdi Cheraghchi Chung Chan, Ali Al-Bashabsheh, Manuj Mukherjee, Chung Chan, Qiaoqiao Zhou Yongge Wang Navin Kashyap, Qiaoqiao Zhou

Fr-AM-1-3: LDPC Codes 5 Chair: Bane Vasic´ Room 40.146

Minimal Characterization and Distance verification for LDPC Near-Capacity Protograph Performance Bounds for Quantized Provably Efficient Exhaustive codes Doubly-Generalized LDPC Codes LDPC Decoders Based on Search Algorithm for Elementary with Block Thresholds Absorbing Sets Ilya Dumer, Alexey Kovalev, Trapping Sets of Variable-Regular Leonid P Pryadko Asit Kumar Pradhan, Andrew Homayoon Hatami, David G. M. LDPC Codes Thangaraj Mitchell, Daniel J. Costello, Yoones Hashemi Toroghi, Amir Thomas E Fuja Banihashemi Fr-AM-1-4: Gabidulin Codes Chair: Frank R. Kschischang Room 40.148

Considerations for Rank-based An Alternative Decoding Method Sub-Quadratic Decoding of A quadratic Welch-Berlekamp Cryptosystems for Gabidulin Codes in Gabidulin Codes algorithm to decode generalized Characteristic Zero Gabidulin codes, and some Anna-Lena Horlemann-Trautmann, Sven Puchinger, Antonia variants Kyle Marshall, Joachim Rosenthal Sven Muelich¨ , Sven Puchinger, Wachter-Zeh David Modinger¨ , Martin Bossert Gwezheneg Robert

Fr-AM-1-5: Age of Information Chair: Christopher Rose Room 40.004

Age of Information with a Packet Optimizing Data Freshness, Age of Information: The Gamma Age-of-Information in the Presence Deadline Throughput, and Delay in Awakening of Error Multi-Server Information-Update Clement Kam, Sastry Kompella, Elie Najm, Rajai Nasser Kun Chen, Longbo Huang Systems Gam Nguyen, Jeffrey Wieselthier, Anthony Ephremides Ahmed M Bedewy, Yin Sun, Ness B. Shroff

Fr-AM-1-6: Wireless Communications 5 Chair: Yasutada Oohama Room 40.006

Wireless Networks of Bounded On Network Simplification for Wireless Network Simplification: Throughput of Two-Hop Wireless Capacity Gaussian Half-Duplex Diamond Beyond Diamond Networks Channels with Queueing Networks Constraints and Finite Blocklength Grace Villacres´ Estrada, Tobias Yahya H. Ezzeldin, Ayan Sengupta, Codes Koch Martina Cardone, Christina Christina Fragouli Fragouli, Daniela Tuninetti Yi Li, M. Cenk Gursoy, Senem Velipasalar

Fr-AM-1-7: Special Topics in Shannon Theory 1 Chair: Helmut Bolcskei¨ Room 40.008

The ⇢-Capacity of a Graph Convergence of generalized Orbit-Entropy Cones and Extremal Information stabilization of images entropy minimizers in sequences of Pairwise Orbit-Entropy Inequalities over discrete memoryless channels Sihuang Hu, Ofer Shayevitz convex problems Jun Chen, Amir Salimi, Tie Liu, Eric Graves, Tan Wong Imre Csiszar´ , Frantisekˇ Matu´sˇ Chao Tian

Fr-AM-1-8: Interference in Wireless Networks 3 Chair: Giuseppe Caire Room 40.010

When Does Spatial Correlation On the Optimality of Zero-Forcing On the Impact of Sparsity on the Role of a Relay in Bursty Networks Add Value to Delayed Channel and Treating Interference as Noise Broadcast Capacity of Wireless with Correlated Transmissions State Information? for K-user MIMO Interference Networks Sunghyun Kim, Soheil Mohajer, Channels Alireza Vahid, Robert Calderbank Serj Haddad, Olivier Lev´ equeˆ Changho Suh Chunhua Geng, Syed Ali Jafar

Fr-AM-1-9: DNA-based Storage Chair: Moshe Schwartz Room 40.150

Codes in the Damerau Distance for Weakly Mutually Uncorrelated On the Number of DNA Sequence DNA Storage Codes Profiles for Practical Values of Read Lengths Ryan Gabrys, Eitan Yaakobi, Seyed Mohammadhossein Olgica Milenkovic Tabatabaei Yazdi, Han Mao Kiah, Zuling Chang, Johan Chrisnata, Olgica Milenkovic Martianus Frederic Ezerman, Han Mao Kiah Friday, July 15 12.00–13:40 12:00 12:20 12:40 13:00 13:20 Fr-AM-2-1: Random Coding Bounds Chair: Neri Merhav Room 40.002

The generalized stochastic The Dispersion of A Beta-Beta Achievability Bound Variable-Length Coding with likelihood decoder: random coding Nearest-Neighbor Decoding for with Applications Stop-Feedback for the and expurgated bounds Additive Non-Gaussian Channels Common-Message Broadcast Wei Yang, Austin Collins, Channel Neri Merhav Jonathan Scarlett, Vincent Y. F. Giuseppe Durisi, Yury Polyanskiy, Tan, Giuseppe Durisi H. Vincent Poor Kasper F Trillingsgaard, Wei Yang, Giuseppe Durisi, Petar Popovski

Fr-AM-2-2: Distributions and Hypothesis Testing Chair: Tobias Koch Room 40.144

Distributed Recursive Composite Sharp minimax bounds for testing Learning Markov Distributions: Locally Differentially-Private Asynchronous Decentralized Hypothesis Testing: Imperfect discrete monotone distributions Does Estimation Trump Distribution Estimation Algorithms for the Noisy 20 Communication Compression? Questions Problem Yuting Wei, Martin Wainwright Adriano Pastore, Michael Gastpar Anit Kumar Sahu, Soummya Kar Moein Falahatgar, Alon Orlitsky, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis Venkatadheeraj Pichapati, Ananda Theertha Suresh

Fr-AM-2-3: LDPC Codes 6 Chair: Dmitri Truhachev Room 40.146

Low Complexity Algorithm The Weight Consistency Matrix Construction of Full-Diversity Spatially-Coupled Codes Approach Approaching the ML Decoding of Framework for General Non-Binary 1-Level LDPC Lattices for Symmetric Information Rate of Binary LDPC Codes LDPC Code Optimization: Block-Fading Channels Finite-State Markov Fading Applications in Flash Memories Channels Irina Bocharova, Boris D. Hassan Khodaiemehr, Kudryashov, Vitaly Skachek, Ahmed Hareedy, Chinmayi Lanka, Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi, Daniel Hiroshi Abe, Kenta Kasai Yauhen Yakimenka Clayton Schoeny, Lara Dolecek Panario

Fr-AM-2-4: Network Coding 5 Chair: Sidharth Jaggi Room 40.148

Rate and Delay for Coded Caching Sparse Random Linear Network Energy Efficient Distributed Coding with Carrier Aggregation Coding for Data Compression in for Data Collection in a Noisy WSNs Sparse Network Nikhil Karamchandani, Suhas Diggavi, Giuseppe Caire, Shlomo Wenjie Li, Francesca Bassi, Michel Yaoqing Yang, Soummya Kar, Shamai (Shitz) Kieffer Pulkit Grover

Fr-AM-2-5: Energy Harvesting 3 Chair: Thomas E Fuja Room 40.004

Online Policies for Multiple Access Capacity of the Energy Harvesting Optimization of Time-Switching Optimal Aging-Aware Channel Channel with Common Energy Gaussian MAC Energy Harvesting Receivers over Access Control for Wireless Harvesting Source Multiple Transmission Blocks Networks with Energy Harvesting Huseyin A Inan, Dor Shaviv, Ayfer Abdulrahman Baknina, Sennur Ozg¨ ur¨ Zhengwei Ni, Mehul Motani Roberto Valentini, Marco Levorato Ulukus

Fr-AM-2-6: Wireless Communications 6 Chair: Oron Sabag Room 40.006

On the Capacity of a Class of Multiuser Two-Way Ranging QoS-Driven Energy-Efficient Power Lattice Strategies for the Ergodic Dual-Band Interference Channels Control with Markov Arrivals and Fading Dirty Paper Channel Ryan Keating, Dongning Guo Finite-Alphabet Inputs Subhajit Majhi, Patrick Mitran Ahmed Hindy, Aria Nosratinia Gozde Ozcan, Mustafa Ozmen, M. Cenk Gursoy

Fr-AM-2-7: Special Topics in Shannon Theory 2 Chair: Chao Tian Room 40.008

Cascade Channels with Infinite Quickest Sequence Phase Lossless linear analog Mutual Information, Relative Memory Detection compression Entropy and Estimation Error in Semi-Martingale Channels Martin Mittelbach, Eduard Lele Wang, Sihuang Hu, Ofer Helmut Bolcskei¨ , Erwin Riegler, Jorswieck Shayevitz Gunther¨ Koliander, Giovanni Jiantao Jiao, Kartik Venkat, Alberti, Camillo De Lellis Tsachy Weissman

Fr-AM-2-8: Wiretap Channels 1 Chair: Holger Boche Room 40.010

Semantic-Security Capacity for A New Wiretap Channel Model and Strong Secrecy and Stealth for Achievable Secrecy Rates in the Secure Degrees of Freedom of the Wiretap Channels of Type II its Strong Secrecy Capacity Broadcast Channels with Multiple Access Wiretap Channel Gaussian Diamond-Wiretap Confidential Messages with Deviating Users Channel Ziv Goldfeld, Paul Cuff , Haim H Mohamed Nafea, Aylin Yener Permuter Igor Bjelakovic, Jafar Mohammadi, Karim A. Banawan, Sennur Ulukus Si-Hyeon Lee, Wanyao Zhao, Slawomir Stanczak Ashish Khisti

Fr-AM-2-9: Permutations in Coding Theory / Index Coding 2 Chair: Paul H. Siegel Room 40.150

String Concatenation Construction Limited-Magnitude Secure Index Coding: Existence New Error Correcting Codes for for Chebyshev Permutation Error-Correcting Gray Codes for and Construction Informed Receivers Channel Codes Rank Modulation Lawrence Ong, Badri N Vellambi, Lakshmi Prasad Natarajan, Yi Yeow Meng Chee, Han Mao Kiah, Yonatan Yehezkeally, Moshe Phee Lep Yeoh, Joerg Kliewer, Hong, Emanuele Viterbo San Ling, Tuan Thanh Nguyen, Schwartz Jinhong Yuan Van Khu Vu, Xiande Zhang Friday, July 15 15:10–16:30 15:10 15:30 15:50 16:10 Fr-PM-1-1: Quantum Information and Communication Chair: Saikat Guha Room 40.002

Exploiting Variational Formulas for Quantum Strong converse theorems using Renyi´ Multiple Quantum Hypothesis Testing ”Pretty strong” converse for the private Relative Entropy entropies Expressions and Classical-Quantum capacity of degraded quantum wiretap Channel Converse Bounds channels Mario Berta, Omar Fawzi, Marco Felix Leditzky, Mark M Wilde, Nilanjana Tomamichel Datta Gonzalo Vazquez-Vilar Andreas Winter

Fr-PM-1-2: Group Testing 3 Chair: Olgica Milenkovic Room 40.144

Group testing schemes from low-weight Converse Bounds for Noisy Group Testing SAFFRON: A Fast, Efficient, and Robust Strong Divergence of the Shannon codewords of BCH codes with Arbitrary Measurement Matrices Framework for Group Testing based on Sampling Series for an Infinite Dimensional Sparse-Graph Codes Signal Space Shashanka Ubaru, Arya Mazumdar, Jonathan Scarlett, Volkan Cevher Alexander Barg Kangwook Lee, Ramtin Pedarsani, Kannan Holger Boche, Ullrich J Monich¨ , Ezra Ramchandran Tampubolon

Fr-PM-1-3: LDPC Codes 7 Chair: Alexandre Graell i Amat Room 40.146

Generalized turbo signal recovery for Information Bottleneck Graphs for Receiver Asymptotic MAP upper bounds for LDPC nonlinear measurements and orthogonal Design codes sensing matrices Jan Lewandowsky, Maximilian Stark, David Matas, Meritxell Lamarca Ting Liu, Chao-Kai Wen, Shi Jin, Xiaohu Gerhard Bauch You

Fr-PM-1-4: Delays in Networks Chair: Raymond W. Yeung Room 40.148

Low Delay Network Streaming Under Burst Delay-Constrained Capacity For Broadcast On Coding Capacity of Delay-constrained Losses Erasure Channels: A Linear-Coding-Based Network Information Flow: An Algebraic Study Approach Rafid Mahmood, Ahmed Badr, Ashish Khisti Chih-Chun Wang Minghua Chen, Ye Tian, Chih-Chun Wang

Fr-PM-1-5: Complexity and Cryptography 1 Chair: Himanshu Tyagi Room 40.004

Affine-malleable Extractors, Spectrum Key Generation with Limited Interaction Binarizations in Random Number On the Entropy of Physically Unclonable Doubling, and Application to Privacy Generation Functions Jingbo Liu, Paul Cuff , Sergio Verdu´ Amplification Sung-il Pae Olivier Rioul, Patrick Sole´, Sylvain Guilley, Divesh Aggarwal, Kaave Hosseini, Shachar Jean-Luc Danger Lovett

Fr-PM-1-6: Wireless Communications 7 Chair: Aly El Gamal Room 40.006

An Extended Tanner Graph Approach to A Blind Matching Algorithm for Cognitive Channel Coding for Wireless A Systematic Design Approach for Decoding LDPC Codes over Radio Networks Communication via Electromagnetic Non-coherent Grassmannian Constellations Decode-and-Forward Relay Channels Polarization Doha Hamza Mohamed, Jeff Shamma Kareem M. Attiah, Karim G Seddik, Ramy Bin Qian, Wai Ho Mow Xiaobin Wu, Thomas E Fuja, Thomas Pratt Gohary, Halim Yanikomeroglu

Fr-PM-1-7: Lossy Compression 3 Chair: Or Ordentlich Room 40.008

A single-shot approach to lossy source Variable-Length Lossy Source Coding Soft Covering with High Probability Independent and Memoryless Sampling coding under logarithmic loss Allowing Some Probability of Union of Rate Distortion Paul Cuff Overflow and Excess Distortion Yanina Shkel, Sergio Verdu´ Vinay Praneeth Boda, Prakash Narayan Ryo Nomura, Hideki Yagi

Fr-PM-1-8: Wiretap Channels 2 Chair: Sennur Ulukus Room 40.010

On SDoF of Multi-Receiver Wiretap Channel Towards a Constant-Gap Sum-Capacity The Multiple Access Wiretap Channel II with Low Complexity Precoding for MIMOME With Alternating CSIT Result for the Gaussian Wiretap Channel a Noisy Main Channel Wiretap Channels Based on Cut-off Rate with a Helper Zohaib Awan, Abdellatif Zaidi, Aydin Sezgin Mohamed Nafea, Aylin Yener Sina Rezaei Aghdam, Tolga M. Duman Rick Fritschek, Gerhard Wunder

Fr-PM-1-9: MIMO and Space-Time Coding Chair: Martin Bossert Room 40.150

Towards a complete DMT classification of On the Throughput Rate of Wireless On the decoding delay of rate-1/2 Complex division algebra codes Multipoint Multicasting Orthogonal Designs Laura Luzzi, Roope Vehkalahti, Alexander Michal Kaliszan, Giuseppe Caire, Slawomir Smarajit Das Gorodnik Stanczak Friday, July 15 16:50–18:10 16:50 17:10 17:30 17:50

Fr-PM-2-3: LDPC Codes 8 Chair: David G. M. Mitchell Room 40.146

Set Min-Sum Decoding Algorithm for Integrated Parallel Interleaved Cutsize Distributions of Balanced Multiplicative Repetition Based Non-Binary LDPC Codes Concatenation for Lowering Error Floors of Hypergraph Bipartitions for Random Superposition Transmission of Nonbinary LDPC Codes Hypergraphs Codes Liyuan Song, Qin Huang, Zulin Wang Naoaki Kokubun, Hironori Uchikawa Takayuki Nozaki Xijin Mu, Baoming Bai, Rui Zhang

Fr-PM-2-4: Graphical Methods / Weight Distribution Chair: Pablo M. Olmos Room 40.148

Defect Tolerance: Fundamental Limits and Graph-Based Lossless Markov Lumpings Weight Distribution of the Syndrome of Examples Linear Codes and Connections to Bernhard C. Geiger, Christoph Combinatorial Designs Jennifer Tang, Da Wang, Yury Polyanskiy, Hofer-Temmel Gregory Wornell Christoph Pacher, Philipp Grabenweger, Dimitris Simos

Fr-PM-2-5: Complexity and Cryptography 2 Chair: Stefan M. Moser Room 40.004

Signature codes for the A-channel and Hierarchy of Three-Party Consistency Secure Computation of Randomized On the Impossibility of Information-Theoretic collusion-secure multimedia fingerprinting Specifications Functions Composable Coin Toss Extension codes Daniel Tschudi, Julian Loss, Ueli Maurer Deepesh Data Gregor Seiler, Ueli Maurer Grigory Kabatiansky, Marcel Fernandez´ , Moon Ho Lee, Elena Egorova

Fr-PM-2-7: Source and Channel Coding Chair: Anelia Somekh-Baruch Room 40.008

Joint Source-Channel Coding with One-Bit Distance Preserving Maps and Streaming Data Transmission in the ADC Front End Combinatorial Joint Source-channel Coding Moderate Deviations and Central Limit for Large Alphabets Regimes Morteza Varasteh, Osvaldo Simeone, Deniz Gund¨ uz¨ Arya Mazumdar, Yury Polyanskiy, Ankit Si-Hyeon Lee, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Ashish Singh Rawat, Hajir Roozbehani Khisti

Fr-PM-2-8: Wiretap Channels 3 Chair: Mohamed Nafea Room 40.010

Super-Activation as a Unique Feature of Almost universal codes for fading wiretap Finite-Blocklength Bounds for Wiretap Arbitrarily Varying Wiretap Channels channels Channels Rafael F. Schaefer, Holger Boche, H. Laura Luzzi, Cong Ling, Roope Vehkalahti Wei Yang, Rafael F. Schaefer, H. Vincent Vincent Poor Poor