Marquette University e-Publications@Marquette College of Communication Faculty Research and Communication, College of Publications 1-1-1998 Messages of Individualism in French, Spanish, and American Television Advertising Ronald E. Taylor University of Tennessee, Knoxville Joyce M. Wolburg Marquette University,
[email protected] Published version. World Communication, Vol. 27, No. 3 (1998): 3-30. Publisher link. © 1998 World Communication Association. Used with permission. Volume 27, Number 3 • 1998 World Communication 3 Messages of Individualism in French, Spanish, and American Television Advertising Ronald E. Taylor Joyce M. Walburg Individualism is a cenh-al value in french, Spanish, and American cultures. However, wlmt it means to be an individual and how this is expressed varies among cultures. This study explores the ways that television adverlising nflecls individualism in French, Spanish, and American cultures and uses a qualitative approach that allows coding categcrries to eme·rge ..... from the three countries' samples rather than imposing prroiously defined categories from a single culture. Tire study identifies six main advertising message strategies across the three cultures: the Efficient Individual, the Sensual Individual, the Attractive/Healthy Individual, the Esteemed Individual, the Pe!frmnant(e) Individual, and the lnte/lectuallndividual. The sL\: strategies vary in frequency UJith some claims used more than others. Differences within cultures are also identified and implications fw the issues of stmulardizntiDn and specializatiDn are diS cussed. Rmmld E. Taylor (Ph.D. University of lllinais) is profer:,"SOI' and head of the Dqmrhnent of Advertising at the U11iversity of Tennessee, Knoxville.J-lis research has appeard in the jaumal of Advertising, Journalism Quarterly, and Ilealth 111nrketing Quarterly.