A New Film on Etiquette Sponsored by the USGA
A New Film On Etiquette Sponsored by the USGA Roberl T. Jones, Jr., introduc;es the first "Golf House" Film Library presentation, The Rules 01 GolI- Etiquette, by pointing out: "The goller must know the Rules 01 Goll and call penalties on himsell. He ;s his own referee, iust as in life. Goll is an unusual sport in this respect. Personal honor and consideration of the other gollers are basic." HE FIRST "Golf House" Film Library It will be shown for the first time at T presentation, "The Rules of Golf- the annual meeting of the Professional Etiquette," is now available for private Golfers' Association of America, in St. Paul, and public showings. Minn., November 29. This motion picture is an official visual- "The Rules of Golf-Etiquette" was ization of the primary points of etiquette photographed mainly at the Somerset Hills on the golf course, as set forth in Section Country Club, Bernardsville, N.J., last 1 of the Rules of Golf, and was designed summer but some of the special effects for for showings by golf clubs, schools and the background titles were photographed colleges and other interested groups as well at the Ridgewood Country Club, Ridge- as on television. It carries the endorsemen t wood, N. J. of the USGA. It features Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fre- Robert T. Jones, Jr., makes the intro- linghuysen, Jr., and their teen-age son and ductory statement on the importance of daughter, Joseph, III, and Mardi, who dem- etiquette. Ben Hogan appears in several onstrate various violations of the code of scenes.
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