SEINFELD – “The Super Like”


Written by Jacinta May

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1. INT. JERRY’S APARTMENT. DAY 1 JERRY is making a bowl of cereal in the kitchen and ELAINE is on the couch loudly playing Candy Crush on her phone.

JERRY Can I ask you something?

ELAINE Yeah, what?

JERRY You’ve got earphones, headphones, the mute option, the volume down option. You pay hundreds of dollars for a phone that has all these features, why is it that the whole world must know what you’re playing?

ELAINE It helps me get into it.

Door buzzes and JERRY answers.

GEORGE (THROUGH DOOR BUZZER) I’m sick of it, Jerry!

JERRY clicks the buzzer and opens the door before walking back to his cereal. ELAINE is still playing her game loudly.

JERRY Look at you! Your eyes are boggling like it’s an obsession.

ELAINE Hey, out of the two of us, you’re the one who is sounding obsessed.

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GEORGE enters.

GEORGE Can you believe it?

JERRY What’s with you?

GEORGE Nadine.


GEORGE The waitress from Monks.

JERRY Aren’t they all ‘waiters’ now?

ELAINE Yeah, I thought the term ‘waitress’ was mute.

GEORGE Never mind! So, I gave her a super like.

JERRY AND ELAINE (in disapproval) Oooo.

GEORGE I know. I know. We matched, of course. So, do ya think she messaged me back? Do ya?

JERRY Doubt it.

ELAINE Definitely not.

GEORGE It should be in her court, right? I mean, I didn’t just ‘like’. I ‘super liked’. It’s the mother of all likes. Page 3

JERRY It’s the like that says, ‘we might both be desperate and on Tinder, but I can be more desperate by not only saying I like you like a normal person, I am able lower myself further with the super like’.

GEORGE Elaine, you’d reply to a super like, right?

ELAINE From you? Nope, never.

GEORGE Oh yeah? Why not!

ELAINE (Putting down Candy Crush) Ahh Georgie, Georgie, Georgie. There are two types of men.

GEORGE rolls his eyes with exaggeration.

JERRY Here we go.

ELAINE First, there’s you. Short, balding, quick tempered and still living with his parents.

GEORGE Yeah. So? What’s the other guy got going for him?

ELAINE I don’t know!

GEORGE Nah, come on. You’ve started now enlighten me.

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ELAINE Oh, you want to be enlightened?

GEORGE Please.

ELAINE I don’t know George, he just has more going for him.

JERRY (backing Elaine) A lot more!

ELAINE We like tall.


ELAINE We like funny.

JERRY Funny!

ELAINE Perhaps an apartment and some ambition?

JERRY They like money!

GEORGE is spilling soda everywhere and wiping it with his sleeve.

ELAINE We like clean.

JERRY Clean!

GEORGE starts stuffing his face with bread.

ELAINE We like someone a little more in shape. Page 5

GEORGE Alright! That’s enough!

KRAMER enters


GEORGE So, now all from one super like I can’t even show face. Why even have it if it’s so frowned upon!

KRAMER Super likes? As in Tinder?

JERRY George thinks he’s pulled out the mother of all likes.

KRAMER Big mistake! As soon as I get a super like, I’m not going to message. I’ve already gotten all the reassurance I need to find someone better.

JERRY You get super likes?

KRAMER The k-man has quite the bio.

GEORGE Well that’s it now. I’ve gotta start looking for somewhere else to eat.