MANCHESTER PRIDE One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Dear Applicant,

RE: Application to become a Trustee of Manchester Pride

We are delighted you are interested in joining the Board of Trustees here at Manchester Pride.

To help you with your application, please find attached some further information about our charity, a detailed specification, key skills form and a declaration.

The Trustee recruitment process includes two stages – the completion and submission of the enclosed application form and then a face-to-face interview with a panel of our existing Trustees. The recruitment of Trustees is overseen by our Chief Executive, Mark Fletcher.

To kick things off, you will need to submit your application either via email or post. The deadline for applications th is Saturday 30 ​ November 2019. Details of where to send your completed application form can be found in the ​ notes.

If you have any questions about the process, or wish to have an informal chat regarding becoming a Trustee, please do not hesitate to contact Mark on [email protected]. ​ ​

Best of luck with your application,

Paul Wheeler Chair of Trustees

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

About Manchester Pride

Underpinned by an exciting new three-year transformation strategy, Manchester Pride is a multi-million pound turnover not-for-profit organisation committed to creating a city – and a world - where people are able to live and love free from .

We campaign for equality; challenge discrimination; create opportunities for engagement and participation; celebrate , , bisexual and life; and fundraise to enrich and empower LGBT organisations, charities and communities in .

We are most famous for our annual programme of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT+) events in Greater Manchester which each year bring more than 45,000 people together to celebrate life.

Our programme includes the Manchester Pride Spring Benefit, events recognising International Day Against , and (IDAHOT), our year-round calendar of culture, Superbia and our flagship event, The Manchester Pride Festival, over August Bank Holiday. Our events are at the heart of our three-year transformation strategy, which seeks to reimagine our programme to deliver an internationally acclaimed and significantly enhanced experience for users befitting a city at the heart of the Northern Powerhouse.

Manchester Pride also acts as a grant making foundation, raising money through its events and then distributing them to LGBT good causes across the Manchester city-region. Our grants range from helping the Village Football Club buy new kit to multi-year partnerships with organisations like the LGBT Foundation and Albert Kennedy Trust which help achieve our vision.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the charity: things like setting the direction of our strategy, ensuring our Chief Executive Officer and team have the resources they need to achieve our aims and, crucially, ensuring we remain compliant with charity law and best practice. The day-to-day operation of the charity, including the delivery of the Manchester Pride Festival, is delegated by the Board to our Chief Executive and their team.

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848


A world where LGBT+ people are free to live and love without .


To work with LGBT+ people helping them to live free from discrimination and to feel safe in their own environment. To educate people on how to recognise, understand and prevent discrimination against LGBT+ people.


1. Campaign for the advancement of LGBT equality at home and abroad

2. Stage an annual world class pride celebration of LGBT+ life in Greater Manchester

3. Increase the levels of social engagement and wellbeing by celebrating cultural activities for, by and with LGBT+ people in Greater Manchester

4. Make grants available for LGBT+ community groups, events and causes in Greater Manchester

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Trustee Role Profile

Remuneration: The role of Trustee is not accompanied by any financial remuneration, although expenses for travel may be claimed.

Time commitment: Around half a day per month

Reporting to: Chair of Trustees

Term: One term of three years with the option for nomination for an additional term

The role of a Board Member / Trustee is to ensure that Manchester Pride (which constitutes Manchester Pride ​ ​ Limited & Manchester Pride Events Ltd) fulfils its duty to its beneficiaries and delivers on its vision, mission statement and values as they appear on record with the Charity Commission.

Summary of main responsibilities:

● To contribute actively to the board of trustees, providing strategic direction to Manchester Pride, setting overall policy, defining goals, setting targets, and evaluating organisational performance against targets; ● To ensure that Manchester Pride complies with its Memorandum and Articles of Association, charity law, company law and any other relevant legislation or regulations; ● To ensure that Manchester Pride pursues its object as defined in the Memorandum and Articles; ● To ensure accountability to funders and stakeholders for the organisation’s performance; ● To ensure the long-term financial stability of Manchester Pride; ● To appoint the Chief Executive Officer and monitor their performance; ● To exemplify the values of the organisation by: • Attending regularly and being actively involved in decision making; • Acting as an advocate for Manchester Pride in an appropriate manner by forging and maintaining links outside the organisation; • Engaging willingly and actively with Manchester Pride’s programme of events, employees and audiences;

In addition with other Trustees to hold the charity “in trust” for current and future beneficiaries by:

● Ensuring that the Charity has a clear vision, mission and strategic direction and is focused on achieving these. ● Being responsible for the performance of the charity and for its “corporate” behaviour; ensuring that the Charity complies with all legal and regulatory requirements. ● Acting as guardians of the Charity’s assets, both tangible and intangible, taking all due care over their security, deployment and proper application. ● Ensuring that the Charity’s governance is of the highest possible standard.

Trustees are required to understand and embrace the seven principles of public life as defined by the Nolan Committee. These are selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. Further information is available here: ​

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Becoming a Trustee

Trustees provide an essential and legal requirement for all charitable organisations. Trustees are recruited to take overall responsibility of the organisation, ensuring that the charity delivers its charitable aims and works within both recommended and legal guidelines.

There are a number of responsibilities involved in becoming a Trustee and as such you are advised to research and read the publications available from the Charity Commission.

The Manchester Pride Board of Trustees is made up of professional persons, proprietors, senior managers and directors. The Board is led by the Chair with the support of a Vice Chair and a Treasurer. In line with charity best practice, the Board has a clear schedule of delegation where it assigns responsibilities and powers to a number of sub committees and to its Chief Executive.

Manchester Pride employs a full time operational team that is managed by the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is responsible to the Board and their day-to-day line manager is the Chair of the Board. The organisation also employs a number of freelance staff to assist with the delivery of events.

The operational team is responsible for the day-to-day management of the charity in line with the objectives and strategies outlined by the Trustees and that includes the delivery of the Manchester Pride Festival.

Person Specification

We are looking for professional individuals who are able to help us deliver our vision and mission.

You should:

1. Feel comfortable operating within a diverse Board of Trustees 2. Be confident scrutinising a multi-million pound budget 3. Feel comfortable initiating and leading conversations based on your ideas and providing feedback on the opinions and views of others. 4. Not be afraid to step-out of your comfort zone to take an informed view of issues which may not naturally be your area of expertise. 5. Have a good understanding of what the role of a trustee entails, its importance to the governance of the organisation and how it differs from that of operational team headed by the Chief Executive 6. Ideally have some form of previous Board experience (this is desirable)

A successful board of trustees should be made up of people who possess a variety of different skills and experience. Manchester Pride therefore, especially welcomes applications from individuals with the following skills/experience:

• Financial Management / Accounting

• Legal Services

• Human Resources

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Time Commitment

Trustees are appointed on a voluntary basis. The time commitment is best summarised as follows:

● Up to 8 two-hour long full board meetings per annum; attended in person or by Skype or telephone ● Other sub-committee meetings as necessary but likely to amount to between four and twelve per annum ● One full day board away day per annum ● Attending Manchester Pride events and other engagements ● Some additional time to study papers and give ad hoc advice as necessary ● Likely total time commitment of around half a day per month and Trustees will be expected to attend at least 75% of meetings across a calendar year (save for in exceptional circumstances).

As Manchester Pride generally operates within standard office hours, Trustees may be required to attend meetings within the working week, therefore should ideally hold a position that supports flexibility.

Trustees are appointed for a three year term and are able to serve a maximum of two terms of office (totaling six years).

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Application Process

You will need to provide the following documentation to be eligible for the position: ​

1. A CV 2. Covering letter answering the following questions: a. Explain your motivation to apply and become a Trustee of Manchester Pride b. What you feel you would bring to the board a Trustee 3. Completed Key Skills Form 4. Provide names and contact details of two referees to support your application 5. Signed Declaration 6. Completed Equal Monitoring Form

Your completed application will be reviewed by a Trustee recruitment panel made up of current Trustees and an independent external third party, who will then invite any suitable candidates to meet and discuss the role further in a formal interview. The successful candidate will then be invited to attend a board meeting as an observer prior to being elected onto the board.

Your completed application should be submitted to:

FAO: Mark Fletcher Manchester Pride Limited Manchester One 53, Portland Street Manchester M1 3LD

Or via email to [email protected]. Applications should be received no later than close of business on ​ ​ th Saturday 30 ​ November 2019. ​

If you have any questions relating to this form, please contact Sarah McArthur on [email protected].

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848


Skills Highly Skilled Skilled Some No Expertise Proficiency

1 Audit / Risk Management

2 Commercial Acumen

3 External Representation

4 Governance / Chairing

5 Human Resources

6 Income Generation / Fundraising

7 Investment

8 IT / CRM Systems

9 Legal

Marketing / Branding / Social 10 Media

11 Monitoring / Evaluation

12 Operational Management

13 Organisational Development

14 Performance Management

15 Policy

16 Relationship Management

17 Social Entrepreneurship

18 Staff Development

19 Strategic Planning

20 Volunteer Management

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848


Please give the names and contact details of two referees to support your application


(Please delete as appropriate)

I declare that:

Some people are disqualified by law from acting as trustees, including anyone described in section 72(1) of the Charities Act 1993. This includes:

• I do / do not have an unspent conviction for an offence involving deception or dishonesty; ​ ​ • I am / am not an undischarged bankrupt; ​ ​ • I have / have not previously been removed from trusteeship of a charity by the Court or the Commissioners for ​ misconduct or mismanagement;

• I am / am not under a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986. ​ ​ • I am / am not disqualified by the Charities Act 1993 (Section 72) from acting as a charity trustee. ​ ​

I declare that the information within this application is true and accurate. I have read and understood the requirements of becoming a trustee should my application be successful. I understand that if it subsequently discovered that any statement or information is false or misleading, or that I have withheld any relevant information, my application may be disqualified or my appointment revoked.


Print name Date

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

EQUAL MONITORING FORM Manchester Pride is committed to supporting the principle of equal opportunities and operates a robust Equality and Diversity Policy. To help us to monitor the effectiveness of this policy, we request you to fill out this form. This form will be detached and kept separate to your application, and the information held herein will be kept securely and used for analysis purposes only.

Please tick one box in each section.

MONITORING ETHNICITY Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about colour and broad ethnic groups. UK citizens can belong to any of the groups indicated.

How would you describe your ethnic origin?

ASIAN OR ASIAN BRITISH Bangladeshi Indian Pakistani Other Asian (please specify) BLACK Black African Black Caribbean Black British Black European Other Black WHITE White Eastern European White British White Irish White Western European (non-British) Other White CHINESE OR CHINESE BRITISH

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Chinese Chinese British DUAL HERITAGE White and Black Caribbean White and Black African White and Asian Other Dual heritage OTHER Other Ethnic Background PREFER NOT TO SAY Prefer Not to Say

AGE Which age category do you fall into?

Under 21 22 – 35 36 - 45 46 – 55 55 + Prefer Not To Say

DISABILITY A disabled person is defined in law as someone who has an impairment that has a substantial and long-term effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability or long-term health condition?

Yes No Prefer Not To Say


Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself:

Man (inc ) Woman (inc ) Non-binary In another way

Is your the same as you were assigned at birth?:

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848

Yes No Prefer Not To Say


Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself:

Gay or Lesbian Bisexual Heterosexual or straight In another way


Where did you hear about this position? (Please tick where appropriate)

Website Word of mouth (Please specify)

Other (Please specify)

Please address your application PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL and return to: ​ ​ Mark Fletcher Manchester Pride Limited Manchester One Manchester, M1 3LD Or via email to [email protected]

th No later than close of business on Saturday 30 ​ November 2019. ​

MANCHESTER PRIDE Manchester One / 53 Portland Street / Manchester / M1 3LD / United Kingdom T: +44 (0)161 831 7700 / Email: [email protected]

VAT number: 915888380 Company number: 4671318 Registered Charity no: 1117848