Narcissus, " Kenmore" (See page !7'- Narcissusl "Sha.nrion." (Sec pug:. 3). ', LIONEL _RICHARDSON Jo LIONEL RICHARDSON, Prospect House, WATERFORD, Ireland. Prospeci 11 louse, WAT 'R.F0 D Ireland. All varieties offered in this catalogue are NEW INTRODUCTIONS FOR 19 3 8 grown at Prospect House, Waterford.

The figures immediately following the names denote Bulbs will only be bought in for re-sale approximately the relative times of flowering ; No. I being at the special request of the customer. earliest and No, 6 latest,

• -BANCHORY, 3 (BRODIE OF ThwiDIE). A beautiful Giant Leedsii, bred from NAxos crossed SLEyasn. The perianth is broad and rather pointed_ at the tips. The crown is beautifully flanged and TERMS. rolled back at mouth. The whole flower is pure glisteringg whitee . throughou t . al All Bulbs are offered subject to a satisfactory crop and being unsold on receipt of order. 3b—BOSWELL, 3-4 (tr. L. RICHARDSON). A very fine large Barrii with and rounded, flat ivory white perian'z.h, and a large Orders should be, sent in as early as possible, very broad - .as some stocks are small pale yellow, almost fiat crown, edged with deep red. Tall strong and cannot be replaced. plant. 501- each. All orders will be executed in strict rotation. la—BRAEMAR, 3 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A fine golden yellow Ajax, of All prices are for Nett Cash within three months from date of invoice, beautifully smooth texture, with very flat broad perianth of good unless by special arrangement. per in 011th charged on overdue substance. The trumpet is nicely rolled back at mouth. 60/- each. accounts. 4a—CASHEL, 3 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A lovely Leedsii, of highest OrtTiers ,.an not be cancelled, except by mutual consent. quality, with beautifully flat perianth of waxy substance and a. rather long straight crown., The whole flower is .surest white Foreign and Colonial Orders should be received not later than throughout. 60/- each. Mid-July, and should be accompanied by remittance sufficient to lb—GLENGARRIFF, 4 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A most distinct large cover postage, I strongly recommend small Lots being sent by flower, with broad pure white perianth of very good form and Letter Post as it is much quicker. Bulbs travel at purchaser's substance, rather pointed at the tips, and a beautifully formed risk and expense. Foreign Orders will be insured at purchaser's primrose trumpet, with a cream or white brim to its wide flange. Quite a unique flower. £7 each. expense. Cost, 1O,.- per E100. 4a—HELVICK, 2-3 (J. L. RieHARDsoi\T). A fine large flower, after the Figures before each name denote Divisions in R.H.S. Classification style of REwA, with broad pure white perianth and a large pinkish as follows apricot cup, nicely frilled round the edge. Tall strong plant, with a very good stem and. carriage. 20 1- each. la—Yell ow Trull-vets. b—na all crovk "led Leedsii. 31-) JERICHO, 4-5 (J. L. RieHARDsoN). A magnificent large Barrii, lb—White Trumpets. 5—Triandrus Hybrids. with immensely broad and rounded pure white perianth, of excel). lc—Bicolor Trumpets. 6—CyclamiDous Hybrids. tional substance, and a large, almost flat bright yellow eye, with 2 a—Yel low Perianth inc orn p arab i I is . 7—Jozlquil Hybrids. a sharply defined ribbon. edge of bright red. Very tall strong 2b—White Perianth Inc emparabilis. 8—Tazetta Hybrids. (Poetaz, £5 each. 3a Yellow Perianth etc.) -K EIV1Aant Fl; UM, 4-5 (J. L. RICHARDSON). Exhibited at Birmingham, 3b—White Perianth Barrii. —Poeticus. and illustrated in. the Midland Daffodil Society Report as ADEN, but since renamed. A really splendid Barrii, with broad, perfectly 4a—Giant or largo crowned Leeds'', 10—Doubles. fiat white perianth and a solid, vivid red eye. In. my winning Bourne Cup exhibit of 1937. (See illustration, page 4). LB each. The figures immediately following the names denote approximately the relative times of flowering ; No. 1 being earliest and No. 6 latest. 4a—KILSHEELAN, 4 (J. L. RionAnDsoN). A lovely Leedsii of medium size, with broad overlapping perianth of good substance, and a The R.H.S. classified list of Daffodil names, 1;3 each, post free. neat rather straight crown of medium length, nicely serrated and rolled. back at the mouth. The whole flower is pure white through- THIS LIST CANCELS ALL PREVIOUS LISTS. out. (See illustration, page 6). £5 5 8. each. BULBS. .3 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN NEW INTRODUCTIONS FOR 1938—continued.

lh—LEDBURY, 2-3 (A. N.. WILsoN). A very fine white Ajax. The perianth is very broad and overlapping, and of immense substance. The trumpet is nicely flanged and rolled back at mouth. Very tall strong plant. 63/-

2a—RED RIBAND, 3-4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A most striking and brilliant large flower, bred from SERAGT,To crossed FORTUNE ; in form it resembles the latter. The perianth is very broad and flat, of clear yellow, and the large cup is of the same colour, with a broad, sharply defined band of red round the edge. A very tall strong grower, and rapid increaser. 63/- each.

la- -ROSE OF TRALEE, 4-5 (J. L. RICHARDSON). This is one of the amazing series of pink-cupped seedlings NiThich I have raised from self-fertilised WHITE SENITNEL. A large flower, with pure white perianth, rather pointed at the tips, and a long crown, nicely flanged at the mouth, of solid rosy apricot-pink Tight down to the base. A I eally unique flower. LB each.

Op—SCARLET TIGER, 4 (A. M. WILSON). This is a flower rather on the lines of FoLLy, but the perianth is broader and not so inclined to reflex. The petals are pure white, and of first-class substance. The expanded crown is intense solid bright red. 42/- each.

4a--SHANNON, 3-4 (J. L. RTCHA.RDSON). A really lovely flower, of very highest Show quality. Tt is on the border line between Trumpet and Leedsii. The peria.n.th is beautifully smooth, flat, and cat splendid substance. The trumpet or crown is nicely flanged and serrated at the mouth. Only two bulbs to offer. (See illus- tration, page I). £10 each.

4b--SILVERMINE, 5 ((MY L. WILSON). A very charming small Leedsii, with flat cure white perianth and a perfectly flat white eyo, with a tinge of green hi. the centre. 7/6 each.

lb—SLEVERUE, 3-4 (J. L. RICHARDSO.N). A lovely white Ajax of beautiful quality and waxy substance., with perfectly smooth broad flat perianth, slightly pointed at the tips, and a long, rather narrow trumpet, nicely rolled back at mouth. The whole flower is pure white throughout. Included in my winning twelve flowers for the Engieheart Cup, 1937. EPIO each.

2a-- -SUNRAY, 2-3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., R.H.S., 1932 as a show flower. A medium sized flower of good quality, with broad clear yellow perianth of good substance, and a large cup of brightest ..red at the edge, shading down to gold at the base. 30)"- each. Special Mixture of Large Red-Cupped Seedlings. Narcissus, " Khartum " (See page 3)i 10 6 per dozen; per 100. 4 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 5 GOLD MEDAL DAFFODILS. The figures immediately following the names denote approximately the relative times of flowering ; No. I, being earliest and No, 6 latest. la—ALCHEMIST, 3-4 (A. M. WILSON). A flavor of tine quality and substance, with broad. flat perianth and a rather long trumpet, serrated at mouth. 3/9 each. a—ALIGHT, 3-4 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A very bright flower of medium. size, the perianth is deep yellow, with a distinct flush of orange-red through the petals, which are flat and rather pointed at the tips; the cup is goblet-shaped, of deepest orange-red. A uniqu15e/-floNve.r each. 2a—ALROI, 3 (J, L. RI CTIA_I1DS oN). .A.M,, R.II.S., 1926. A large flower of the very highest quality, clear soft yellow throughout; the perianth is beautifully even, very broad, and perfectly flat the cup is large, evenly serrated at . mouth. 8i6 each. 3a—ARANJUEZ, 3 (WARNAAR). A.M., Haarlem, 1932. A flower of the very highest quality, with beautifully smooth, clear yellow round perianth, of thick waxy substance, and a shallow expanded crown of deep yellow, widely margined with deep orange-red. A really magnificent novelty. £12 each. lb ASKELON, 4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A magnificent flower, com, biasing immense size with perfect form, superb quality and ex- ceptional substance. The perianth is pure white, of enormous breadth and absolute smoothness. The trumpet is bell-mouthed and perfectly balanced, white, just very faintly toned with lemon, Tall plant and very strong. 251- each. la—ATHFORD, 5 (G. L. WiLsoN). A fine large golden-yellow Ajax, with broad perianth of great substance and a large trumpet, beau- tifully flanged at mouth. Strong grower and one of the latest of the yellow trumpets. 10/- each. 2a—AVIEMORE, 4-5 (BRomE oF BRoDIE). ,.H.S., 1931, and Birmingham, 1932, as a show flower. The perianth is soft yellow, very broad and of great substance; the large crown is b owl- shaped, bright orange-red, shading to gold at the base. A very tall, strong grower and rapid increaser. 8/6 each. lc—BALLYFER IS, 4-5 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A.M., Birmingham, 1931. A large flower of the very highest quality; the perianth is pure white, beautifully smooth and fiat, of wonderful substance, the outer segments are so broad that they overlap each other; the trumpet is clear soft lemon-yellow, very well proportioned nicely flanged at mouth. l/- e 2a—BALMORAL, 3-4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). An outstanding Giant Incornparabilis, with an immensely broad overlapping perianth of great substance and a large cup, nicely frilled at mouth. The Narcissus, "Kilsheelan" (See page ). wpihanolte. flower is a uniform clear deep yellow. A tall vigorous 60/- each. 6 BUY NOME GROWN BULBS BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 7 2b—BEAUTY OF RADNOR, 3-4 (LowER). A.M., R.H.S., 1923; 2a—CAERLEON, 3-4 (MISS EVELYN). A.M., R.TI.S, 1935, as a show A.M., Birmingham, 1925. A... very beautiful flower of unusual flower. A most striking flower, with broach deep yellow perianth, colouring, with smooth pure white perianth; the ground colour very fiat, and of fine substance. The large saucer-shaped crown of the large cup is white with a broad. band of pinkish apricot. is fully 1 inches across, of a most intense solid red. A vigorous The flower should be cut young to preserve the unique colouring. grower, with tall strong stems. 63/-- each. 4/6 each. lb BEERSHEBA, 2 (ENGLEFLEA.RT). F.C.C., Birmingham, 1925, and 31)—CALCUTTA, 4 (MRs. R. O. BAcimousE). A very brilliant flower, R.H.S., 1.926. A magnificent flower, with large, pointed, perfectly with broad fiat pure white perianth and an expanded crown of flat perianth, standing at right angles to the trumpet, which is solid brilliant red. 27/6 per doz. ; 2/6 each. beautifully formed, slightly funnel shaped, and nicely flanged at the mouth. The flowers attain a diameter of 5 inches, and the lb , 4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). I consider this to be the sterns over 2.1 inches high. The whole flower is pure white, of finest White Trumpet raised by The Brodie of Brodie. An immense first-class substance, and holds its head well up. It is a very free flower, measuring fully 5 inches across, with very broad over- bloomer, a vigorous grower, and an excellent seed and pollen lapping perianth, of grand texture anti thickest substance, The parent. 42/- per doz. ; 4/- each. trumpet is well proportioned, rather bell-mouthed, with a nicely serrated edge. The whole flower is uniform pure white. £10 each. INKBON NY, 5-6 (BRODIE O BRODIE) . A remarkably bright Rower, with pure white overlapping flat perianth and a large flat 9—CANTABILE, 5-6 (GuY L. WILSON). One of the very best Poets, of almost blood-red—a striking contrast in colours. 27/6 each. eye with a beautifully flat snow-white perianth, and a large flat deep 2a—BLOE1V1LUST, 3 (VAN LEEUWEN). F.C.C., Haarlem, 1931. A green eye, rimmed with dark red. It should be cut young to remarkably one yellow Incomparabilis of large size ; the perianth preserve its beautiful colouring. 7 / 6 each. is very broad and overlapping, of bright golden-yellow; the crown is large, beautifully flanged at the mouth, of the same 2a—CARB1NEER, 4 (A. M. WiLsoN). A.M., R.H.S., 1931, as a show shade as the perianth. Tall, strong plant. 10/ 6 each. flower; A.M., Midland Daffodil Society, 1932 ; F.C.C., Birmingham, 1934. A magnificently brilliant flower of splendid carriage and stiff 2b BODILLY, 3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). F.C.C., R.H.S., 1936, as a show flower. A very outstanding Bicolor Incomparabilis; the perianth substance, with broad fiat, bright rich yellow perianth, standing at is purest white, very broad and perfectly flat, of thick waxy sub right angles to the large, deep, bright orange-red cup. Tall grower stance ; the cup is large, bright Ion on-yellow, beautiful) r expanded and very free of increase. 55i- each. and frilled at mouth. 601- per doz. ; 5/6 each. 2b—CARDIGAN, 3-4 (A. M. WirrsoN). A medium-sized Giant Iucom. le—BONYTHON, 2 (P. D. WILLI.A.ms). A.M., R.H.S., 1933, as a show parabilis of very good quality and form; very smooth broad white flower. A remarkably fine Bicolor Ajax, with broad, smooth, perianth, pointed at the tips, standing at right angles to the rather pure white peria-nth, and a deep primrose trumpet, rolled back straight cup of deep clear lemon-yellow. An excellent show at mouth. 37/6 per doz, ; 3/6 each. flower. First in Open Single Bloom Class, R.H.S., 1935. 30i- each. 2a—BREDON, 2 (A. M. WILSON). A fine early flower, with broad, smooth, rounded soft yellow perianth of thick substance and 3b CARVETH, 4-5 (P. D. WILLIAMS), A fine narrii, with very broad rather long spreading crown of deep Orange. Tall strong p]ant; purest white perianth an.d a rather small bright yellow crown, with the colour stands well in the sun. 0/6 each. narrow bright red margin. 12/6 per doz. ; 1/3 each. 3b BRIGHTER LONDON, 4-5 (MRs. 3..O. BAmarousE). A very striking flower, with broad, flat pure white perianth of exceptional la—CHARLES I., 3 (P. D. WILLIAms). A very fine self yellow Ajax substance, and a large expanded crown of solid intense flaming of unusually deep golden colouring ; very well formed flat perianth, of great substance; trumpet nicely serrated at mouth. orange. 42/- per doz.; 4/- each. 27/6 per doz.; 2 '6 each. la—BRIMSTONE, 4 (1-?,NGLETIEART). F.C.C., R.H.S. 1936, as a show flower. A fine large flower, of good form, immense substance, and 4a—CICELY, 2 (A.M. WILSON). A.M. Wisloy Trials, 1936. One of almost unique colouring, being clear sulphur-yellow throughout. the very best of the Giant Leedsii, of perfect show form and A frequent winner in Single, Bloom Classes. 20/- each. quality. Pure white, smooth, fiat perianth, and. a palest lemon cup, passing to white ; early and very lasting. A splendid cut 4a—BRUNSWICK, 1-2 (I. D. WITFAA:us). A.M., R.E.S., 1935, as a: very show flower. A very beautiful first early flower; very tall, of flower and free increaser. 1 2/6 per doz.; 1/3 each. perfect form and in substance, with broad, flat white perianth 2b CLAVA, 4 and a finely-formed well-balanced crown that is a most attractive (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A most distinct flower, of largest shade of very cool clear pale greeny lemon, shading to white at the size, with broad pure white perianth of wonderful substance, and base. A very lasting flower either on the plant or when. cut. a large bowl-shaped shallow crown of bright yellow. Very tall, vigorous plant. 55/'- each. 36/- per. doz. ; 3/6 each. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS.

2a.—COPPER BOWL, 3 (BRODIE OF BitODIE). A.M., R.H.S. and Ie. -DINTON GIANT, 3 (ENGLETIEART). An immense flower, with Birmingham, 1928. Bred from BEAco-_-s- by FORTUNE, this is a overlapping rounded cream white perianth of great substance flower of the most beautiful fornvand quality ; the smooth perianth and exceptional breadth; noble flanged bell-mouthed yellow is clear yellow, and the expanded shallow bowl-shaped crown is trumpet. 15/- each. glowing coppery orange-red. Strong vigorous plant. 15/- each. 2b—DIPLOIVIAT, 2 (A. M. WiLsox). R.H.S., 1937, as a show 11 CORINTH, 2-3 (BRoDrE or BRomE). An immense flower, of flower. A medium sized. flower of beautiful quality, with broad cardboard-like substance ; broad, flat, pure white perianth, stand- overlapping perianth, rather pointed_ at the tips; the crown is pale ing at right angles to the bold ivory trumpet. Should be a very yellow, which, as the flower ages, deepens to a coppery tone. valuable parent. 10/6 each. 157-- each. 3b CORONACH, 5-6 (ALB. R. O. BAcKHousE). A.M., Birmingham, 2a—, 2-3 (Miss E-vim-y-N-). A.M., 11.1-1. S., 1932, as a show 1,931. This flower stands out unquestionably the finest red and flower. A very large early flower over 5 inches across, with great white Barrii yet seen ; its perianth, which is of great substance, widespread perfectly flat overlapping soft clear yellow perianth is of the purest Poetieus white, wonderfully round and flat; the of wonderful quality and_ substance, recalling that of ST. EG-wiig; eye deep crimson red. A marvellous contrast in colours. the crown is medium sized, clear yellow, edged with a clean b and 30/- each. of bright orange red. Flower well-posed on a tall strong stem; very vigorous grower. 85,./- each. 2b --COVERACK PERFECTION, 3-4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE) . A.M., R.H.S., 1934. An outstanding flower, very tall, good substance; 4b—DIST1NGU E., 3-4 (H. BA C KETO UTSF,) . An exquisitely beautiful broad overlapping rather pointed white perianth; large saucer- flower, of most lovely quality, with large, wide-spread purc_ white shaped crown, banded and suffused buff-apricot. 55/- each. perianth, composed of broad, long pointed segments, slightly and gracefully incurved at their edges, and of velvet smooth texture; la or 2a—CROCUS, 3 (I. D. WILLIAMS ). AIM., Birmingham, 1934; shallow ivory cup, just slightly tinged pale lemon ; very tall, This flower previous to 1936 has been R.H.S., 1936. vigorous and free flowering. 3/- each. acknowledged as a Trumpet, though undoubtedly a border line flower. The R.H.S. have now re-classifled it as an Ineoniparabilis. 2a. -D OM IN IC K, 3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). R.H.S., 1925. A very I understand that the flower may be shown in either Trumpet or fine, clear soft yellow Giant Incomparabilis, -with very broad flat Incomparabilis classes, provided that the blooms in question perianth, slightly pointed at the tips, and a very large cup, widely conform to the measurements of the particular class. This flower expanded and rolled_ back at mouth. 21 per doz. ; 2/- each. is ono of the most striking flowers raised by the late Mr. Williams. la---DRAKE, 2-3 Broa.d perianth and well flanged, trumpet of great substance and (P. D. WILLIAMS). A noble flower of great size and most intense uniform. MAximus gold throughout. The flower is stature, with broad, massive, much overlapping perianth, and a well-proportioned widely flanged tru_mpet; rich yellow. very durable, and as it ages it seems to deepen in. colour, and 2/- each. takes on a wonderful dark, almost orange gold tint. 45/- each. 4a—DIUNLOE, 3 (J. L. Ric-FT.A.-RDsox). _Another of tile wonderful batch la—CROIVIARTY, 4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A very perfect deep golden of seedlings which I have raised_ from self-fertilized.W HrrE SENTINEL, Ajax, of medium size and outstanding quality. The perianth is a sister seedling to KEN ME. The perianth segments are broad beautifully smooth mid flat, and the trumpet evenly flanged and and rather pointed at the tips; the short trumpet shaped crown, serrated at mouth. A splendid Show flower. 50 - each. which is very pale pink throughout, is widely flanged_ and rolled / at the mouth. Two bulbs only to offer. (See illustration, page 1.2) 4a—DAISY SCHAFFER, 3 (DE GRAAFF). An immense Giant Leedsii, £7 10s. each, with broad overlapping creamy white perianth, and a very large lc—EFFECTIVE, 3 (Guy L. WILSON). A brilliantly contrasted Bicolor cup of soft yellow, faintly tinged with green at the mouth. Strong Trumpet. A well sot up flower of good substance, with clear white. -vigorous plant. 7/6 each, perianth and a brilliant intense golden trumpet. A slight halo of 2a—DAMSON, 3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., R.H.S., 1925. Broad, yellow shows in the perianth, just where it joins the trumpet. A overlapping creamy white perianth, of fine substance and excellent very telling show flower. 18/ - each. form; the base of the segments is suffused with yellow ; the cup is long and solid, deep red throughout. A very brilliant flower. 3b. -EL.SPETH, 3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). R.H.S. Trials at Wisiey, 37/6 per doz.; 3/6 each. 1933. A show flower of the highest quall-by, with very round, pure white flat poriaTith of great substance, and an expanded.. la—DECENCY, 2 (VAN DE ETES EN). Wisley Trials, 1936. A very pale yellow crown, with broad margin of bright pinkish red. fine yellow Ajax, with remarkably fiat, rather pointed perianth, 15/-- per do z. ; 1 /6 each. standing at right angles to the long trumpet, which is nicely rolled back at mouth. The whole flower is soft golden yellow throughout. 2b--EVA, 3 (DE GRAA_FF). A.M., R.H.S. and Birmingham, 1936, as a 181- per doz.; 1/9 each. show flower. A very fine flower, w itli broad, fiat, pure white perianth and a clear yellow expanded crown, with a sharply defined. 4 (eIRS, R. O. BA_cKmousE). A very remarkable large 2b DELHI, edge of clear orange. A frequent prizewinner in Single Bloom flower, with broad, fiat, pure white perianth arid a large expanded Classes. 30/- cup of bright orange rod. Strong grower. 27/6 per do z. ; 2/6 each, each. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 11 10 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS.

lb—EVEREST, 3 (Guy L. WiLsoN). R.H.S., and Birmingham. A grand large flower of purest white throughout, with broad overlapping perianth, standing at right angles to the trumpet, which is beautifully expanded and rolled back at brim. 1/9 each. 4a—FANNY CURREY, 4 (,.T. L. RrouA,R-Dso-tc). A.M., R.H.S., 1929. The perianth is pure white, very broad and overlapping, slightly pointed at the tips, perfectly flat, and of grand quality; the cup is large, widely expanded, and beautifully frilled at mouth; this frill_ is a beautiful shade of shell-pink, gradually shading4/_ to e paleacil. lemon at base of cup.

2b FLAMENCO, 3-4 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A large flower with very round, flat, overlapping creamy white perianth, and a large, widely-expanded deep Seville orange crown—this retains its bright colour remarkably well. 1 regard this flower as being the most sunproof red and white flower in existence. Very strong, tall robust plant. (See illustration, page 14). £5 5s. each,

2b--FOLLY, 5 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., R.H.S., 1926, and Birmingham, 1932 ; Wisley Trials, 1.936. A very distinct flower, with pure white perianth, very broad and overlapping at the base, and slightly pointed at the tips; the segments are slightly recurved, which gives the flower a very graceful appearance. The large expanded cup .s solid bright red; the colour lasts well in the sun. 27/6 per doz.; 2/6 each. la—FORERUNNER (ENGLE:HEART). A very remarkable flower on account of its extreme earliness; it opens a full three weeks earlier than any other variety which I grow. A large golden--yellow flower, long trumpet, widely flanged and frilled at mouth. Very tall and free of increase. Excellent forcer and lasts very well. 421— per doz.; 4/— each. 3b—FORFAR, 4-5 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A.M., R. ..S., 1932. A very striking large Barrii, with broad, flat, white perianth, of fine substance, and. a large, widely-expanded. brilliant solid red crown. Strong grower and splendid show flower. 35/— each.

2a--FORTUNE, I (W. T. WARE). F.C.C., R.H.S., 1924. This is in some respects the most wonderful :Daffodil yet raised, and it is a spectacular advance in the development of the flower. It is a f Giant Incomparabins of magnificent stature, two feet tall at least; the flower is very large and of perfect form ; the perianth, which stands boldly at right angles to the crown, is broad, flat and well overlapping, in colour clear brilliant yellow; the great long crown is deep and intensely glowing blood-orange throughout. The flower has great sub stance, and is very lasting; it is a very vigorous grower and free bloomer, but its most remarkable attribute is its extreme earliness, opening as it does a few days after GOLDEN PUR, 17/6 each, 3b--GALATA, 4 (BRODIE OF BRoDIE). A.M., Birmingham, 1929. A very striking Barrii, with very even, broad, flat ivory -white perianth, and a large expanded saucer-shaped crown; clear yellow, Narcissus, " Dun lo e." (Scc lia,qe I1). with a sharply defined broad ribbon, edge of bright red. 21i— per doz, ; 2/— each. 12 :BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 13 2b—, 4 (Ins. R. O. BAcimorsE). A very large flower, with broad white perianth of good_ substance, and a large cup of most intense red throughout. The best of this type raised. by the late Mits. akeicricusE. Very strong grower. 5/- each. 3a—GARLINDA, 4 (P. D. WILLT.A,ms), A very well-formed flower, with round overlapping creamy yellow perianth; the cup is bright orange-red. Good plant. 21/- per doz.; 2/- each. 3b--GLYNVER, 6 (Masi R. O. BAcraiousE). A.M., R.H.S., 1936, as a show flower. A flower of great substance and quality, with pure white broad overlapping perianth and a flat dark red eye. A splendid show flower. 10/6 each. l'a--GODOLPH1N, 2 (ti. D. WILLTA.ms). A M., R.H.S., 1927, as a show flower. A yellow trumpet of grand quality. The perianth segments are very broad and overlapping, perfectly smooth; the trumpet is large and widely e-_.(panded, at mouth; the whole flower is uniform clear yellow. Splendid garden plant. 27/6 per doz.; 2/6 each. la--GODREVY, 3 (P. D. WILT,IA-ms). A.M„ R.H.S., 1925, as a show flower. A large self yellow Aj ax, with very broad smooth perianth and a widely expanded trumpet, much flanged at mouth. 27/6 per doz.; 2/6 each. la--GOLDEN CHARIOT, 1 (J. L. RicHA_RDSON). A very early deep golden-yellow Ajax, with rather pointed. petals and a large widely expanded trumpet, nicely frilled at mouth. A tall, vigorous plant. Excellent for pot work—forces easily and well. 6/ 6 per doz. 7—GOLDEN GOBLET, 3-4 (VAN TuBERGELLN). A.M., R.H.S., 1928. The finest Jonquil Hybrid yet seen. Fine broad overlapping perianth of extraordinary gubstance, and a very large, widely expanded. trumpet, beautifully flanged at mouth. The • whole flower is deepest golden-yellow. A flower of wonderful lasting mouth; the flower i.s uniform clear white throughout. 12/6 per do z. ; 1/3 each. La—GOLDEN MILLER (DONARD NURSERY). A very early golden yellow Ajax of immense size; with the exception of FORERUNNER by far the earliest variety that I grow. The petals are flat, broad, and rather pointed; the large expanded trumpet is nicely flanged • at the mouth. Strong plant, and very free flowering. Only a few bulbs to offer. 17/6 each. 9—GRAND OPERA, 6 (OHAmIAN). A ve7- remarkable flower; though classified as a Poeticus, it is doubtful if it is a pure bred Poet. A very large flower, with pure white perianth and a large, fiat, citron eye, very heavily marg,ined deep blood-red. Very tall, strong plant. 5/- each.. 4a—GRAYLING, 3 (P. D. WILLTAms). A.M., Wisley 936. A most distinct Giant . Leedsii, of largest size; the perianth is very broad and much overlapping, of great substance, standing at right angles to the rather narrow and fluted pale primrose cup. 4/- each. e- -GREGALACH, 4 (J. L. RIcHA.RDsoic). A..M., Midland Daffodil Society, 1932. Awarded Medal as best flower in London Show, Narcissus, " Flamenco." (See pare 13. 1930. A regal flower of giant size, measuring fully 5 inches across; noble, smooth pure white perianth, of immense, size and breadth, and a beautifully proportioned pale primrose trumpet. 50/-- each, BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 15 A medium-sized flower, of good 3a—GULL1VER, 4 (P. D. WILLIAms). 2b—JUNGLE FIRE, 4 (Mus. R. O. BACKHOUSE). A very large and quality, with flat yellow perianth and expanded crown, heavily beautiful flower, with broad creamy white perianth, of good form margined deep red. A really excellent seed. parent. 5/- each. and. substance ; the cup is large, solid. red throughout, and. nicely 4a----GWENTER, 2 (P. D. WILLIAMs). A beautifully refined flower, on frilled at mouth. A first-class flower; tall strong plant. 6/6 each. the border line between Leeclsiiand Ajax. The perianth is very la—KANDAHAR, 2-3 smooth and quite flat; the crown is long, neatly rolled back at (BRomE or BRODIE). A.M., Midland Daffodil Society, 1931. A gorgeous, most striking giant trumpet of immense mouth; the flower is uniform clear white throughout. 33/- per doz. ; each. size, great substance, and pure deep solid gold colour; immense vase-shaped trumpet and wide spread perianth. Tall and strong. 2b—HADES, 4 (INIRs. R. 0. BACKHOUSE). R.H.S., 192S, and 7/6 each. Birmingham, 1930, as a show flower. A remarkable lncompara- bilis, with creamy white perianth of splendid form and substance; lb—KENBANE, 5 (G x' L. WILSON). A.M., Birmingham, 1931. A the segments are slightly incurved at the edges; the large expanded fine flower, of great size and massive substance ; very large and crown is deep cherry-red throughout; undoubtedly the darkest broad white perianth, and a splendid boll-mouthed ivory trumpet. colour yet seen in a Daffodil. Tall, strong grower. A very strong and vigorous plant; almost the last of the Trumpets 84/- per d.oz.; 7/6 each. to flower, and for this reason alone is a great addition to this section. 4/- each. Le—HALFA, 2 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A most beautiful flower, of high quality, with broad, perfectly flat, even, overlapping white perianth 'la—KEN/COTT, 3 (J. L. RicHARDsoN). A high-class Giant Leedsii, of great substance, and smooth, symmetrical, soft yellow trumpet, with very round pure white flat perianth of great substance, and evenly rolled back at mouth. Tall, strong grower. Early. a goblet-shaped crown of clear pale primrose, nicely frilled at 151-- per doz.; 1/6 each. mouth. A tall vigorous plant. Only two bulbs to offer. 75/- each. 5—HARVEST MOON, 3-4 (El NGLEHEART). The finest TRIANDR7S- 4a—KENMARE, 4 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A.M., Birmingham, 1936. AJAX Hybrid yet offered. A large flower of remarkable substance This is the " Pink Daffodil " which created quite a sensation and excellent form. A beautiful clear, soft lemon-yellow through- at the London Daffodil Show, 1936. It is a large Leedsii of fine out; exceptionally vigorous plant. 4j6 each. quality, with large, smooth pure white perianth, and long bold crown that is distinctly flushed with a quite clear pink throughout 2a HAVELOCK, 2-3 (P. D. WILLIA.MS). A.M., R.H.S., 1927; F.C.C., Wisley Trials, 1936. A Giant Incomparabilis of grand quality, the greater part of its length; seen in artificial light the crown deep yellow throughout. The perianth is broad and flat, of good appears pale rose colour, with a cool clear green tinge at the base. A really beautiful flower. (See illustration, page 28). substance; the cup is large, beautifully flanged at mouth. 72/- per doz. ; 6/6 each. SOLD OUT Fort 1938. la—HEBRON, 2-3 (BRomE or BiorTE). A.M., Birmingham, 1930. 3b—KENNEG1E, 5 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A very striking Barrii, with A fine. yellow Ajax, with beautifully even perianth and a widely broad, flat, white perianth, slightly pointed at the tips, and a flanged trumpet, rolled back at mouth ; deep gold throughout. large, perfectly flat crown, heavily margined deep red. 5/- each. 27:6 per doz. ; 2/6 each. 2a--K1LLIGREW, 3 (P. D. WILLIAms). A.M., R.H.S., 1925, and 7—HESLA, 4 (P. D. WILLIAms). A.M., Wisley, 1936. A splendid F.C.C., 1930, as a show flower; Wisley Trials, 1936. A Jonquil Hybrid of distinct character—flowers self butter-yellow. flower of wonderful quality and perfect show form; quite the The rounded perianth is of good substance, and the shallow fluted finest of its class yet seen. Bright yellow perianth and a large crown is shaded green at centre. Tall plant. bright orange-red cup. 55/- per doz.; 5/- each. 25/- per cloz. ; 2/3 each. 3b—KILTER, 4 (P. D. Wijmums). Broad, flat, overlapping creamy BRODIE). This is a really good 9—HEXAMETER, 5-6 (BRoDIE or white perianth of grand quality, and a large, perfectly flat crown Poeticus ; the perianth is snow-white, very round, and perfectly of solid deep brick-red. 18/- per doz.; 1/9 each. flat, of great substance; the eye is large, citron-yellow, with a broad. band of dark red. Very tall. 10/6 per doz. ; /- each. 3b KING OF CLUBS, 4-5 (Mils. R. O. BAoicuop-sE). A medium- sized flower of beautiful quality, with snowy white smooth perianth (GuY L. WiLsoN), A.M., Birmingham, 1923. la—HONEY BOY, 3 and a frilled cup of deep cherry -red. A very striking contrast A beautiful flower of pale soft yellow shade throughout ; broad in colours. flat perianth of waxy substance and a ]ong trumpet, nicely rolled 14/--- each. back at mouth. 25/- per doz.; 2/6 each. 2a—KN1G H TON, 4 (A. M. WILSON). A most strikingly brilliant flower, with large, smooth, deep clear yellow perianth of good substance, or BRODIE). A.M., R.H.S., 1933, 2a-1NVERGORDON, 3 (BRODIE the segments of which are slightly incurved at the edges; the crown as a show flower. A most striking flower of great size, with very is medium-sized, nicely serrated at the mouth, large, broad, smooth soft yellow perianth and a wide open shallow of intense deep solid red; the flower might be described as a yellow-12Deori-anetaheehd. bowl-shaped crowii of solid vivid deep orange-red. 10/6 each. HADES. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 16 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 17 3b—LADY KESTEVEN, 4 (Mils. R.. O. akeKnousE). This flower is 2a—MARKSMAN, 3 (Miss EvELYN). A.M., 13,11.S.,- 1933, as a show a wonderful combination of colour—the pointed Petals are purest, flower and for cutting. A stilt, neat symmetrical florists' flower of snow-white and of fine texture, and the cup is a pure cherry- astonishingly brilliant colour ; broad, perfectly fiat, clear golden- red. 70i- each. yellow perianth, standing squarely at right angles to the rather 7—LANARTH, 2 (P. D. WILLIAms). long crown, which is fierce orange-red throughout. The flower R.H.S., 1927; F.C.C., 55/- each. Wisley Trials, 1936. A very beautiful and unique Jonquil Hybrid has great substance and. durability ; stiff sturdy plant. of unusual colouring ; a flower of medium size, with bright golden 10—MARY COPELAND, 4 (COPELAND). F.C.C., R.H.S., 1925; yellow flat perianth; the cup is rich old-gold-orange; tall plant. A.M., Wisley Trials, 1936. A very remarkable double, and 84/- per doz. ; 7/6 each. probably the finest yet introduced.. The flower is beautifully formed, the outer petals being white and. the centre bright orange- 2a—LANDITHY, 2-3 (P. D. WILLIAms). This is another of the, late red. 27/6 per doz. ; 2/6 each. Mr. Williams' remarkable dark yellow Inc omparabilis. The broad petals are flat and pointed at the tips, of wonderful sub la—MASTER ROBERT, 4 J. L. RicHARDsoN). A.M., Birmingham, stance and good quality, The large cup is nicely flanged and 1924, as a show flo-wer. A magnificent deep rich golden flower of serrated at the mouth. 40/- each. largest size, with broad overlapping perianth of splendid form and quality, and a large widely-expanded trumpet, beautifullyutite,:a ullych, 3b—LATON IA, 4-5. A very high-class large flower of good quality, flanged and rolled back at mouth. with very round perfectly flat pure white perianth and a large flat, crown of deepest red, shading to dark yellow at the, centre. la—MAY NIOLONY, 3 (GITY L. WILSON). A.M., R.H.S., and A tall vigorous plant. 35 each. Birmingham, 1929. A smallish Giant Leedsii of perfect show quality and lovely form; clear pure white perianth of smoothest lb—LE PHARE, 4 (J. L. RICHARD ON). A flower of the purest white texture, and a clear pale lemon cup. 33/- per doz. ; 3/- each. throughout, of thick waxy substance ; broad smooth overlapping 4a—MITYLENE, 3-4 (ENGLEHEART). R.H.S., 1927, and perianth, with a rather straight long trumpet. Fine show flower ; Birmingham, 1925; A.M., Wisley Trials, 1936. This is a grand good vigorous plant. 15/- each. large flower, having a, very broad, rounded, much. overlapping VOLEUR, 4 (J. L. RiciiHARrosoN). A medium-sized Bicolor pure white perianth, of great substance and beautiful quality, Ajax of very fine quality. The perianth is pure white, perfectly and a wide, shallow, saucer-shaped crown of cardboard-like sub- flat and much overlapping; the trumpet is soft lemon-yellow, stance; palest primrose, fading almost to cream. Tall, vigorous nicely frilled at mouth. 31- each. plantr, of free increase. 21/- per doz. ; 2/ - each. 21.E NI 0 N A00,3 (ti. L. RicHAR-osoN). A show flower of the highest class, 31).--LIDCOT, 4 (Mils. R. O. akeKnousE). A.M., R.H.S., 1933, as a. with beautifully smooth rather pointed pure white perianth, and a show flower. A flower of great quality, with large pure white large expanded crown of deep glowing apricot. Tall vigorous plant. perianth and a pale citron crown, ribbon ()aged_ with a bright band Two bulbs only to oiler. (See illustration, page 20). E5 5s. each. of rosy red. Tall, strong plant. 7/6 each., la—IVIOONGOLD, 3 (0-. L. WILs ON) . A lovely flower of fine quality la- --LORD ANTRIM, 3-4 (Guy L. WILSON). A.M., Birmingham, and good substance—having a well-balanced trumpet, with a 1928. A noble golden Ajax of great size, stature, substance and beautifully rolled brim and a. broad smooth pointed perianth. quality; broad, gracefully waved perianth, boldly flanged and The colour is a very distinct deep soft lemon-yellow throughout.15h.ieae serrated trumpet ; texture very thick and. smooth. Very strong plant. 31- each. 3b—MR. JINKS, 5 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A.M., Midland Daffodil la—LOYALIST 3 (J. L. Foca4uR,DsoN). A.M., R.H.S., 1926, as a show Society, 1932; A.M., R.H.S., 1936. Awarded Medal- for best flower. A very fine flower of grand smooth quality ; very oven, flower in Show, Midland Daffodil Society, 1932. A perfect show fiat overlapping perianth and a. beautifully proportioned trumpet; flower of moderate size and faultless form, having rounded pure whole flower uniform clear yellow. Very strong grower, 2 feet white perianth of splendid quality, so widely overlapping as to form high. 10/6 per doz. ; 1 /- each. an almost perfect circle; well proportioned crinkled cup, brilliant rosy orange, shading paler in centre. each. 1e—, 4 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A very perfect Bicolor Trumpet, 3b—MULBERRY, 6 (P. D. WILLTAms). A very large and striking/ which has won First Prize as Single Bloom at R.H.S. and Birrning- Barrii. with flat pure white, perianth and a large flat eye of deepest ham, when shown under number. It is a sister seedling to T.A_PIN, solid red.. Very late. 10/- each. which it closely resembles, except that the trumpet is a shade deeper in colour. 3'6 each. 41) —PAYS T I C , 5-6 (Guy L. 1,VmsoN). A.M., Birmingham, 1925. A dainty flower, with a large overlapping perianth of clear white ; 4b--MARCO, 4 (BROEPIE OF BRODIE). A very charming flower, with the crown is nearly white, shading to c ool apple-green in the pure white overlapping smooth perianth and a perfectly flat white centre, with a sharply defined_ rim of soft pinkish orange. Tall, eye, edged with pinkish apricot; very rapid_ increaser. 2/6 each, vigorous grower. Very late. 8/ 6 per doz. 18 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 19

3b—NAIRN, 4 (BRODIE OF BnornE). A very striking flower of high quality, with very broad, much overlapping, pure white flat perianth, of great substance. The expanded crown. is deep red. at the margin, shading to gold at the base. 7/6 each. 4a--NAXOS, 2 (ENGLEHEART). Though classed as a Giant Leedsii this flower approaches Ajax proportions. Magnificent perianth of great size, composed of beautifully formed, broad, overlapping segments ; somewhat trumpet shaped crown, with reflexed brim; white throughout ; stems of immense length. 30/- each. 4b- -NELLY, 4 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A very large small-crowned Leodsii, of grand quality ; very smooth, broad white perianth; shallow lemon tinted crown, sometimes having a slight suggestion of salmony orange in the rim. A very beautiful flower ; tall vigorous grower. 55/- per doz.; 5/- each. 4b- -NEW MOON, 5-6 (Gut L. WiLsox). A unique novelty, perianth pure white, slightly reflexed and pointed. at the tips ; the large eye is widely expanded; pure white, with narrow margin of

.:: : . •: • • • apricot; late flowering. 27/6 per doz. ; 2/6 each. , • ,• • • • •:. : 4a—NIPHETOS, 3 P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M. R.H.S., 1932, as a Show 4..;;; ::: :• 4:: f: •::;•:. • • flower; A.M., Birmingham, 1934. A Giant Leedsii of the very

:: • • ,Z:• : • •:...::: highest quality, with broad, much overlapping, pure white perianth •4 • : .... • •• • : • : •: • ."?.. " of wonderfully thick waxy substance. The crown is beautifully : • • :: • • : proportioned, nicely frilled and rolled back at the mouth, pale ...... : • :: ..„ . • ivory, passing to white. 10/6 each. 4a—OSLO, 4 (A. M. WiLsoN). A beautiful. Leedsii of purest white throughout, of splendid quality and stout durable texture. A very large flower, with a broad, flat, smooth perianth and a well- proportioned rather bowl-shaped cup ; it is well poised on a strong stem. A good robust plant, with fine blue-green foliage. 70/- each. 2a—PALER MO, 3 (P.D. Wil,LiAms). A flower of very high quality, with beautifully smooth, flat, bright yellow perianth, of grand substance, and a rather long cup of solid bright glowing orange. 5/6 each. 2a—PENQUITE, 3 (P. ID. WILLIA.ms). A.M., R.H.S., 1932, as a show flower. One of the most remarkable flowers that this raiser has produced. Deep clear yellow perianth of immense breadth and substance ; expanded, rather shallow, dark coppery orange-red cup. 50/- each. 3b----PICADOR, 5 (1'. D. WittiAms). This is not a large flower, but it is one of the most perfect show flowers that I have seen ; the perianth segments are perfectly round and dead fiat, pure white, and of great substance; the eye is quite flat, of a quite unique shade of deep Seville orange colour. 4/- each. 4a—PINKEEN, 3 (Guy L. WiLsoN). A perfect symmetrical flower, with very smooth, fiat, overlapping clean-cut white perianth of exceptional substance ; crown strongly flushed warm peachy pink when fully developed. Tall and free-flowering. 20/- each. 2b—POLINDRA, 3 ( La . D. WILLIAMS). A.M., R.H.S., 1937, as a show flower. This is undoubtedly the finest Bicolor Inc omparabilis yet Narcissus, " Monaco." (See page 19). seen ; whenever it has been exhibited in Single Bloom Classes it has invariably won. The perianth is very broad and flat, pure • white, of exceptional substance ; the large clear yellow crown is beautifully proportioned and slightly serrated at mouth. A magnificent plant, growing well over 2 feet high. 60/- each. 20 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 21 7—POLNESK, 2-3 (P. D. 'WILLIAMS). A lovely and distinct Jonquil 4a—R1VA, 3-4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A beautiful large flower, almost Hybrid, with broad smooth perianth and a medium-sized shallow a trumpet in form, snowy white. The inside of the trumpet being crown. The whole flower is clear pale lemon-yellow throughout. flushed with an exquisite shade of delicate peachy orange when Sweetly scented. 113/- per doz.; 1 /9 each. the flower is at its best. A fine plant, of immense vigour. 3/- each. 2a—PORTH ILLY, 4 (P. D. WILLIAMs). F.C.C., R.H.S., 1936, as a show lb—ROB BERKELEY, 3 (MRS. BERKELEY). A.M., Birmingham, 1932. flower; A.M,, Birmingham, 1934. One of the most sensational A medium sized, long-stemmed pure white flower, of exquisite flowers yet offered. Large and tall, of beautiful form and quality, form and balance; the perianth is beautifully smooth, standing having broad, beautifully shaped, smooth clear yellow perianth at right angles to the beautifully proportioned slender trumpet, and open frilled cup of the most amazingly deep and intensely which is nicely flanged and frilled at mouth. 25h doz. ; 2/3 each. vivid solid. orange-crimson--a really marvellous colour. Very 3b , 4-5 (BRoDIE or BRODIE). A really remarkable flower, vigorous plant. 90/- each. with very broad and rounded overlapping white perianth and a large, perfectly fiat, bright yellow crown, 1 inches across, with la—PRI NCI PAL, 3 (Guy L. WITISON). A.M., Birmingham, 1934; a narrow frilled edge of deep red. 10/- each. F.C.C., R.H.S., 1937, as a show flower. A well-formed and 3b—ROSEBUD, 5 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., Birmingham, 1930. A perfectly balanced self yello- w Ajax of great substance, quality, lovely large flower with broad, rounded and much, overlapping and smooth texture, with broad, flat, circular perianth, and a ivory-white perianth of remarkable substance, and a small flat trumpet beautifully finished with an evenly-flanged mouth; tall, eye of deep orange. 4/6 each. vigorous plant. First-class show flower. 40/- each. 2a—ROSSLARE, 4 (BRODIE OF BRoDIE). R.H.S., 193(3; A.M., 4a---PUCELLE, 4 (E1S-GLEITE.LRT). A.M., Birmingham, 1931. A most Birmingham, 1934. A really outstanding flower of great merit, distinct and beautiful flower, with rather narrow flat pure white of large size, with broad overlapping soft yellow perianth of thick perianth of fine substance, and a medium-sized goblet-shaped cup. smooth texture, and a large bowl-shaped crown of sleep7iL5 earecdh.. The whole flower is pure white throughout. Strong grower. A very fine plant, with tall. strong stems. 6/6 each. la----ROYAL IST, 4 (LowER.). The most perfect show yellow Ajax yet seen ; faultless in form and flawless in its exquisite quality and lb QUARTZ, 3 (BRoDIE OF BRODIE). A.M., R.13.S., 1925. A per- wonderfully smooth fine texture. Clear yellow, of a similar tone fectly ideal show flower of exquisite form and lovely smooth to that of CLEOPATRA. 5/- each. texture. Might be described as a white ROYALIST. PASHA, 3 (MISS EVELYN), A large flower, with most 21/- per doz. ; 2/-- each. 2a—RUSTOM in ten se colour; the large flat perianth is deep golden yellow, and lc—QUEEN OF ULSTER, 4-5 (Guy L. WILSON). A.M., Birmingham, the rather long crown deepest solid orange-red. Tall, strongstrong 1927. A magnificent flower of superb quality and great sub- grower. Absolutely sunproof. each. stance. Purest white perianth. of immense breadth, the major 4b SAIVIARIA, 5-6 (BnomE of BRoDIE). A.M., R.H.S., 1926. A segments usually touch each other at the base; beautifully finished superb flower after the type of SILVER SALVER, but of much greater bell-mouthed trumpet of clear lemon-primrose. 4/- each. substance; large, circular, closely overlapping perianth of flawless smoothness of texture ; the eye is quite flat and beautifully fluted. 3b—QUETTA, 4 (BRoDIE or BR0rnE). A.M., R.H.S., 1930. A very The whole flower is milk-white throughout and. of the most superb graceful flower, with smooth overlapping, rather pointed white quality ; it lasts a long time in condition and is a vigoroususaea enhid perianth, the segments reflex slightly after the style of FOLLY; free plant; very late. pinkish red frilled crown, shading to pale green at the base. 2a—SARGASSO, 4 (A. M. WILSON). A brilliant flower of splendid 1 2/6 each. carriage, with a. soft clear yellow perianth and a large bowl-shaped 3a—FAADNOR, 3-4 (A. M. WILSON). A large flower, with very smooth. crown of deep bright orange-red, shading to gold. at the base. rich soft yellow perianth and a large, rather expanded crown of 75/- each. bright orange-red, shading to gold at the base. 30/- each. 8 ST. AGNES, 2-3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., R.H.S. (Show), 1926,

4 (Garden) 1930. A splendid Poetaz, with very round pure white 3a- -RED SEA, 4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE) . A.M., R.H.S., 1928. A magni- perianth and a bright red crown. Two flowers on a stern. fluent flower with broad smooth overlapping clear yellow perianth 15/- per doz.; 1/6 each. of great substance; the edges of the segments are slightly in- 2a---ST. EGWiN, 3-4 (P. D. WILLIAMS). F.C.C., R.H.S., 1936, and curved towards the tips; the large, widely -expanded crown is A.M., Birmingham, 1931, as a show flower. A large liatompara. solid deep red. Strong grower. 37/6 per doz.; 3/6 each. bilis, over 5 inches across, and standing over 2 feet high. The perianth segments arc very broad and overlapping, slightly spoon- 2b—R H AYADER, 3 (A. M. WILSON). A large flower, with very broad shaped, of the most perfect smooth texture an.d wonderful sub- ivory-white perianth of excellent quality, and a medium sized, stance; the eup is short and beautifully proportioned. •The whole rather straight crown of most intense bright red. I consider this flower is uniform clear soft yellow ; it is quite unique; very g. the best flower of this type. 27/6 each. grower. 22 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. .23 9—SIVIYRNA, 5-6 (BROIIE a BRouTE). A.M., R,H.S., 1933, as a 2a—ST. ISSEY, 2 (P. D. WILLIA.ms). A magnificent yellow Incom. parabilis of great quality, with unusually round overlapping smooth show flower. Bred from JAmiEs HoGi-G by ACE OF DIAMONDS. A perianth, and a. rather straight crown, nicely serrated at the magnificent flower, with solid circular pure white perianth of great substance, and a solid, brilliant deep orange-sc,arlet eye. mouth. 70/- each. Tall strong stern, 8/6 each. lb—SCAPA, 3-4 (B_RoDIE or BRoDiE). A.3(1., Birmingham, 1934. A 4b—S OR E L LO, 4 (BRoDIE OF &wpm). Lovely flower, closely resembling very fine White Ajax, of wonderful quality and large size, with MA_Roo, but larger and the edge to the eye narrower. broad, flat, overlapping perianth of beautiful waxy substance, and 25/- per doz.; 2/6 each. a large trumpet, nicely expanded. and rolled back at mouth; the whole flower is uniform pure white throughout. 40/- each. 3b—STAMB0UL, 4-5 (BRomE BRomE). A.M., Birmingham, 1930. A very large and remarkable flower, with. broad pointed flat pure 4a—SCARVA, 4 (J. L. RICHARDSON). A.M., Birmingham, 1.937, as a white perianth of very thick smooth substance ; the crown is show flower. This fine flower might best be described as a, giant large and flat, bright yellow, heavily margined with brightest MrrytExE. Petals are pure white, broad and overlapping. The red. Very strong grower. 151- each., widely .expanded. saucer-shaped crown is almost white, faintly tinged with pale greenish lemon. A very tall vigorous plant. 4a—SUDA, 3-4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A.M., R.H.S., 1927. A very lovely flower, showing an unusual tint of colour; pure white £5 each. perianth and a smooth bell-mouthed trumpet of a lovely pale 9—SEA GREEN, 5-6 (ENGLEHEART), R.H.S., 1930. Iu my clear pinkish amber. A fine large flower and quite distinct. opinion this is the best rim-eyed. Poeticus yet produced. The 50i- per doz.; 4/6 each. snowy white perianth segments are perfectly circular and absolutely fiat, of immense substance and refined quality. The eye is ex- la—SULPHUR PRINCE, 4 (B_RoDIE OF BRODIE). A fine flower of high ceptionally large, pale green, widely banded with bright red. quality and good form—a tall vigorous plant. Broad. perianth, 3/6 each. with a fine smooth trumpet, finished with a well-rolled flange. The whole is an unconainonlmiform soft sulphur-yellow. 776 each. 3a SERAGLIO, 4 (Thrzomu o' BRODIE). A.M., R.H.S., 1926, as a show flower. A very large Barrii with pale yellow perianth of exceptional 3b—, 6-5 (arts. R. O. BACKHOTISE). A.M., R.H.S., and substance, very broad and rounded. Large bright yellow flat Birmingham, 1927. A very striking flower with pure white, flat crown, widely margined bright orange-red. Tall strong plant, very overlapping perianth of good quality, and a large flat eye of most free flowering, and an exceptionally rapid increaser. 8/6 each. intense solid deep scarlet. Late.- per doz, ; 2/3 each. 2a—SHANGHA I, 2-3 (WARNAAri). An immense Giant in.comparabilis, le—TAPIN, 4 (J. L. RICHARDSON). it is as perfect a show flower as measuring over 5 inches across, with very broad overlapping one could wish to have; pure white perianth, of perfect form perianth of great substance and quality, and a large cup, beauti- and quality, and a pale primrose trumpet, beautifully rolled back fully frilled at the mouth. The whole flower is uniform soft lemon- at brim. 27/6 per doz.; 2/6 each. yellow. 421- each. 4a—TENEDOS, 3 (ENGLEHEART). A.M., R.H.S., and. F.C.C., Birming- LVER SALVER, 5-6 (BRoDIE oz? BRODIE). A.M., Birmingham, ham, 1924; A.M., Birmingham, 1923. An immense Giant Leedsii, 1923, and 1922. One of the most beautiful flowers ever with broad, smooth overlapping pointed perianth, and a very raised. Perfectly flat, broad snowy white perianth, 3.!2- inches large expanded cup, nicely frilled at the mouth. When first open, across; large eye, also flat and pure white, with green centre. the crown is pale primrose, but soon the whole flower2fitiesto A flower of perfect quality and refinement. 5/- each. white. Very tall, vigorous plant. each. lc---'SI N CERITY, 3 (LowER). A.M., Birmingham, 1930. One of the 1 a—T I PPERARY TIM, 4-5 (J. C. WILLIAms). A.M., Birmingham, most perfect show flowers yet seen; faultlessly regular, and ;)31.. A late-flowering deep yellow trumpet of good quality and beautiful in form and finish, having broad flat clean-cut pointed great substance, with broad overlapping perianth and a much- white perianth of flawless smoothness and a clear lemon trumpet, flanged trumpet. 21 per doz.; 2/- each, -with a most beautifully rolled back brim. A Bower of superb 3b—THERAP I A, 4 (BRODIE oF quality. BitoDiE). A.M., R.H.S., 1927; A.M., 15/- each. Birmingham, 1930. A magnificent Giant Barrii, with broad flat lb—SLEMISH, 3 (G-erY L. WiLsoN). A.M., Birmingham, 1932; pure white perianth of great substance, and a large, almost fiat R.H.S., 1933. l consider this one of the most remarkable and bright yellow crown, broadly margined with bright orange-red. beautiful flowers yet raised, The perianth is beautifully formed, Flowers carried on tall strong stems, 20/- each. broad and flat, of grand substance, standing at right angles to the 4a—TREGANTLE, 3 nicely-proportioned trumpet. The unique thing about this flower (P. D. WILLIA:ms). A very tall and. large Leedsii, of great beauty and distinction; beautiful wide-spread pure white is that the trumpet is slightly but distinctly purer white than the perianth, petals long and pointed; the crown is funnel-shaped., perianth, which gives it a suggestion of blueness in some lights. pale primrose, and rather shorter than the average large Leedsii. A fine robust plarft. Best bloom in Competitive Classes, London A very graceful Hower. 60/- per doz. ; 5/6 each. Daffodil Show, 1933. £5 each. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 25 24 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 2a---TRENOON, 3 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., Birmingham, 1932 ; F.C.O., R.H.S., 1936, as a show flower. A really wonderful flower, R.HIS, , DAFFODIL YEAR BOOKS, 1934-35-3647. on the border line between Trumpet and. Inc oinparabilis. I consider it the finest dark yellow. Daffodil yet seen, probably sur- These valuable Year Books, published by the Royal Horti- passing CROCITS, which it somewhat resembles; of the deepest MAXIMUS gold throughout, and great substance, with broad cultural Society, should be in the hands of all who are interested perianth and well-flanged trumpet-shaped crown, the. flowor being in Daffodils. well poised on a tail strong stern; its glorious deep brilliant gold deepens as the flower ages, but must be seen to be appreciated. PRICE -In Paper Cover, 5:- ; in Cloth Cover, 6/--, Post Free. 50)!- each. Also the 1938 issue, when ready. 2a.—TREVISKY, 3-4 (P. D. WILLIAMS). A.M., R.ILS., 1932, as a A copy of the current issue of the Daffodil Year Book will be show flower. Awarded Medal as best flower in London Show, presented with all orders over E5 in value. 1934. One of the finest and most brilliant flowers which Mr. Williams has sent out. Very clean cut, of splendid firm texture ; perianth beautifully smooth. and flat of clear KING ALFRED} yellow ; cup clear deep orange-red. Very vigorous plant, with strong. stem.- each, The "RICHARDSON"Daffodil Stock Book. 7 TREVITHIAN, 2-3 P. D. WILLIAMS). F.C.C., Wisley Trials, 1936. A ITIOSt charming Jonquil Hybrid, having two or three flowers on Invaluable to all Growers and Hybrbidists for keeping a stem, with broad overlapping smooth perianth and medium- sized shallow crown; the whole flower is a lovely shade of pale a careful record of stocks and crosses. Spaces are lemon-yellow ; sweetly scented. 1/- each. numbered from I to 1000, with division for bed No. and 3a—VARNA, 4 (BrtoDIE Or BRODIE). A magnificent plant, bred from five sizes o bulbs. BE FoRaqm...--E; very tall, strong stemmed, and immensely vigorous; large, overlapping, smooth clear yellow perianth, of Price 5,- each. extraordinary substance, and a largo shallow cup of deep red. Seeds easily. 6/6 each. Postage ed. unless ordered with bulbs. lb--WHITE EMPEROR, 3 (ENGLEHEA_Ta.). For many years, this lovely flower has been consid.ered the most perfect White Trumpet in both form and quality ; it is difficult to imagine much improve- ment on it. It seeds freely, its pollen is highly fertile, and. it produces very fine seedlings. 1/9 each. 4a—WHITEHOUSE, 3-4 (BRODIE OF BRODIE). A most imposing Giant Leedsii of large size, with broad pure white perianth of great substance and a rather long crown ; ahnost a trumpet, of palest lemon, nicely serrated at mouth. A very tall plant. 60/- each. 4a---WHITE SENTINEL, 3-4 (ENGLEIrEART). A.-M., R.H.S., 1926. A twin seedling to MITYLENE, being raised from the same cross; very similar in form, except that the crown is a trifle smoother. A flower of most exquisite quality, and most strongly recommended. 10/6 per doz. ; I /- each.

Choice Mixed Seedlings from the finest varieties, containing many good show flovvers, 401- per 100. SPECIAL NOTICE. Special Mixture of ALL ORDERS SHOULD BE RECEIVED NOT LATER THAN Large Red-Cupped Seedlings. SEPTEMBER 1st, AS AFTER THAT DATE ALL UNSOLD BULBS 1\ ILL BE REPLANTED. 10/6 per dozen; 75/- per 100. 26 BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. BUY HOME GROWN BULBS. 27