Contents Baptist NewsBapist News A quarterly news letter of the COUNCIL OF BAPTIST CHURCHES IN NORTH EAST INDIA From the Editor 02 The Council comprises of Assam New Staff & Volunteers 04 Baptist Convention, Nagaland Baptist Church Council, Manipur Baptist Greetings from the 05 Convention, Garo Baptist Convention, Mission Secretary Arunachal Baptist Church Council and Karbi Anglong Baptist Convention. The Rule of Law -II 06 EDITORIAL BOARD Editor: Rev. Dr. A. K. Lama Well Watered Garden 09 Assistant Editor: Ms. Boinu Singson Come! Holy Spirit,10 Sub-Editors: Revive us again Siamliana Khiangte Atungo Shitri MoU between the Arup Saikia 15 Circulation: CBCNEI & Meera Areng 4B Healthcare Rabindra Basumatary Jatin Gogoi Domestic Violence 17 Subscription A BACKLOG One Year Rs. 100 (US$15) Two Years Rs. 180 (US$25) CBCNEI Library & 19 Three Years Rs. 250 (US$35) Archive Five Years Rs. 350 (US$50) th Contact information: Report from the 13 21 CBCNEI, Mission Compound Christian Conference of Panbazar, Guwahati, Asia, Kuala Lumpur Assam-781001 News Capsule 23 Phone: +91-361-2515 829 Fax: +91-361-2544 447 Annual Reports 31 email:
[email protected] Website: Baptist News from the editor....... Dear friend, Bomb blast! Kidnap! Killing! Corruption! Extortion! Economic blockade! Use of military force! We live in a region of confrontation, conflicts, and violence. The situation is much more complex than we can comprehend. In general, the principle of yielding to others with humility and trust with an intention of sacrifice and service for common good has become an obsolete and scary thought. We are gripped by the fear of being exploited or taken advantage of our humility.