Fiscal Year 2070/071 List of NGOs and their activities (Supported by different donor agencies) and approved by Social Welfare Council as per the Social Welfare Act. 1992 'Article 16' Approved Approved Name of the NGOs/ S.N. Name of the Project Project Site Donor Agency Amount of Amount of Total Amount Project Duration Project Sector Contact Person Address External Internal 1. Anti-trafficking (Women safe 3 Angels Nepal, Kaski, Kailali, Banke, Jan. 2014 to July Dr. Rajendra 1 haven). 2. Children's homes 3. Asian Aid Organization, Australia. 12937433 3697179 16634612 Women/Child Pokhara 15, Kaski. Kanchanpur & Chitwan. 2014 Gautam, 061 430310 Education - school. A Child's Right Nepal Drinking water and hygiene Kathmandu, Lalitpur & 15 Aug. 2013 to Prakash Sharma, 2 (ACR-Nepal), Imadole Splash, USA, email:
[email protected]. 19487785.8 1410000 20897785.8 Drinking water project at 47 school. Bhaktapur. 14 Aug. 2014 5250505 9, Lalitpur. a.Robert Joseph, Ireland b. Leo Jose A Genuine Effort Group Wyss, Switzerlan c. Atco Frontec Europ, 2070/7/1 to Child/Helath/Ed Bimala Shreshta 3 Nepal, (Age Group). Social education program. Kathmandu & Lalitpur. Switzerland d. Tjherese Roeser, 1250309.18 1250309.18 2071/7/30 ucation 2110260 Kupondol, Lalitkpur. Switzerland e. Robert Joseph, Switzerland f. Elisabeth dahler, Switzerland. Education support and A little Step, Sanepa 2, 1. Child Welfare Scheme HK Limited, 1 May 2014 to 30 Subir Ghosh, 4 reintegration for children post- Kathmandu & Lalitpur. 8784224 8784224 Child/Education Lalitpur. Hong Kong. 2. Freedom Matters UK. Apr. 2015 9804209548 rescued. Dr. Sudeep A N A - Nepal, Dharan The Association of Nepalis in Americas, Jan.