inisic wee For Everyone in the Business of Music 23 SEPTEMBER 1995 £3.10 Go! Dises plans EP Lyttleton axed by PRS follow-uptoHelp I this week as a follow-up to t ibumumber Help. one char in overwhelming vote Andy Macdonald, managi the job of modernisation tl wingrush therecord suc- Maverick PRS director Trevor theto the PRS élection board whichtwo years put agoLyttleton when heon corne,"The Lyttletonshe says. vote oversl :h debuted at ety'sLyttleton board. bas been thrown off the soci- attracted a record number of votes. The writer/publisher's sacking was long debate in which Lyttleton depicted rack lifted from the fo Rightdecided Society in a agmvote lastat theThursday, Performing after himselfup the society. as a lone "Do voice we want trying the to PRS clean to ÎP, which is scheduled for rel accusations that Lyttleton had engaged be a society in which directors are performance, membership ai mdm October tracks were 9. Détails still being of the fina ai unmask supposed deficiencies in the gagged?"But PRS he asked.board member Andrew ïs went to press. organisation. PRS estimâtes Potter said, "It seems to me that PRS chairman WayneBick liscussedOther possible include follow-ups more EPs, l; Lyttleton'sety £100,000. campaign has cost the Soci- with[Lyttleton] the society." wants to fmd things wrong the agm that 1994 was anotl by some of the featured artists resolutionThe meeting to remove voted 62%Lyttleton, in favour which of a andMomentum Music Publishers'Music managing Association director memberhad been Pete tabled Waterman by former and councilwhich chairmancouncil's unanimity Andy Heath and says, my own "Given impres- the raised around £50,000 for the char had the overwhelming support of 6 ofity each by donating copy of Help £2.35 to from War theChild. sah Lyttleton'sWaterman 23 says,fellow "We've directors. finally laid situation, ! am'relieve^ it'^over." ^ ■ trading directoi to rest the notion that there are skele- Hockman and Andrew Potter (publi m says, 'This coule havetons ina directorthe PRS who cupboard, was acting We couldn'twithout table that this matter couldn't er members) and Nicky Graham, Ed the interests of the society in mind. He removalsolved internallyallows the boardbut if to getLyttletc on w Gregson,and Andy Chris Neve Gunning,(writer members). Mitch Murray

EMI to release Freddie's final songs right to the end. Really it technol- fromThe him, majority I think," of thehe say! alb ve thought im, lhat's partly pleted ouldfilms be naff,"may heg says. T1 y is scheduled fo December.Excerpts played to th mference in Mercurywhile staying laid atdown his homehis vocals in Montrer in 19: ie "extraordinary treatments". ;estwo-day by 18 eventacts. featured year"The ofsongs Freddie's were liferecorded - his voice in the stay la ;he rejected idea of usingat an traditionalearly stage, proi s ► ► ► ► ► PORTISHEAD TAKEPRIZE BUT SALES FAILTO SPARK - p3 ► ► ► ► ► » m


% mm


THE GREATEST ROCK N' ROLL RAND IN THE WORLD OVER 80 MILLION SOLO WORLDWIDE THE NEXT CHARTER BEGINS... ■SKY SPORTS IV CAMPAIGH SS TUR'S - MASSIVE POSTER CAMPAIGN - FULL PAGE GOLOUR PRESS ADVERTISING - KERRANG!, RAW, METAL HAMMER 0, MOJO, LOADED, RIKE... - STRIKINGLY IMAGINATIVE INSTQRE DISPLAYS ■ ^ NATIONAL TOUR IN SPRING 1996 OISTRIBUTED RY O WARNER MOSIC UK. A TIME WARNER GO. ORDER FROM YOUR O WARNER HUSIC UK SAIES PERSOH OR CALL TELESALES OH QIRI 998 5929 NEWSDESK:0171 921 5990 NEWSFILE Help sales boost Bosnian appeal by £2m EMIMander Records quits A&R manager EMI Records Nick Mander has left the The Wariv Childhelped charity raisc albumnearly Help£2m destinedthe compilations te chart for a se company. A hrief statement from CEO and président ingfor thethe Bosnian first appealSaturday-released after bccom- ond week, selling nearly four tim. rights, early shipments abrt Jean-Francois Cecillon says, "When people have album to reach number one. the new entry The Be8t...Album what we have sold to the trj achieveprivate aspirations them." Mander, we must who give had Ihembeen thewith freedom the to compilationMore than were 70,000 sold copies on the ofday the of the World...Ever! on■ Virgin.The Grc been fantastic.cord. ItistheomIt really is company for nine years and began his career as a sales salesrelease of (Septembcr any other 9), outstrippingalbum and lookedEscape, c Monday, tialmapshots a of the best of 1 Asrep, A&R says manager, he has not his confirmed signings includedhis plans EMFfor the and future. it theirsecond peak," pressing he says. of Help will . entered the recording studio. Hel lude a track listing. The détails 'Hall of famé' names chosen tailedAlthough off significantly the initial over sales the burst fol- dinalbi >rs chart, Andy GolMacdonald Dises mana„ says the_ includedre not onconfirmed in time to be The first four names have been chosen for a new British lowing four day s, the album looked imf ceremonyRoll Of Honourand this Wednesday will be announced(20) at London's atthe Hilton inaugural Hôtel. TheForum, honours, recognise set up achievements by the International in recording, Managers A&R, Portishead take prize management and touring. IMF général sécrétary James withFisher a sayspermanent he plans home to celebrale similar to the America's Roll 01 HonourHall of performFamé. Let live Loose at the are ceremony. among the acts being lined up to but sales failtosparic Woolworths is combining in spoken with the word Hit label venture to make its firstmarket. serious In a move whichinto the marks estimated the largest £22m spoken single word more interesting than anywhereic that's else. launch of talking books by the retailer, Woolworths will the nom es' albums despite being ved popular, Jon adultbe selling titles around at £5.99 100 in mostchildren's of its titles779 stores. and about 200 e of the best awards yet. -, the e s foun' GeoffOn acceptingBarrow surprised the award, many Portishead's by ques- DummyOf the by10 prizeshort-listed winners albums, Portishead only ground-breaking"Portishead won albumbecause that they will hadstand a tioning whether music should be judged Satellite service goes on air and 's Maxinquaye showed sig- theSimon test of Frith, time." chairman of the judging atty albumail and Help urged instead people ofto his buy own. the chari- AEl Music Choice, the pan-European satellite music afternificant last sales Tuesda/s increases event. during the week panel, says: "It wasn't a unanimous "1 thought 's commente Music/Sony/EMI-backedjoint venture between AEl Music Rediffusion Choice, and was the launched Warner Go! Dises head Andy Macdonald was explainswere the resuitDavid ofWilkinson, his shock atthe winning," event's last week with four music channels aimed at retail thesanguine sales ofabout bis act,the affectPortishead. of winning "1 can't on PortisheaiTricky imongthejudges." director. "He withdrew his remarks outlets. Pubs, DIY stores, hôtels, High Street shops and see the award significantly affecting judgesclose second reached and, th( as th last year, the nalistswhen he half and an Beth hour had later, a chat He with was jour- just other retailers or businesses hooked up to the Eutelsat sales,"for what he it says. is. It "We'iljust won't change take anythingthe prize eleventh hour. trying to say that he thought every act channelssatellite will - lifestyle, be able toStartracks, broadeast Début the four and digital Deutsche aboutPat PortisheadGeary, owner or Go!of Glasgow Dises." retailer again,""The décisionsays Frith. went "It to wasn'tthe last quite minute as Music Mania, thought there was little frenziede TVas lastw year but that'scouple only ( on on Saturday, chanceawards. of any great increases after the minutes late." BRIPreston chairman named John Preston convention will act as patronhonoraty patron "It is hard to judge if being shortlist- Frith was at pains to point ont the hourRadio awards One spécialalso transmitted from The aSavoy two- and Sony's director of business affairs Dej Mahoney wereed has albums boosted we the had sales sold because a lot of theyany- quality of the shortlisted albums and and press coverage has been extensive will be honorary chairperson atthe third annual Black way," he says. and"This rock embodiedyear's shortlist by Portishead. was spécial, mostwith broadsheetfull- and half-pagenewspapers. features in Music Convention from October 2 to 7. A gala dinner at But sales of this year's theorganised Park Lane by the Hôtel 1AAAM on the and final Best, night will of includethe event, Camden links with RI AlexanderO'Neal.performances from Omar, Des'ree, Karyn White and for live music festival Cardiff clinches venues crown The London Borough of Camden and Radio One are to stage £ Cardiff University's three venues helped it beat Exeter nine-day music festival from October 27. awardand Sheffield in this year'sto win Pusbthe best Guide student To Which venue University. for music Int.~ • - - - - .. re « Carter USM were voted best live band as a resuit of liveRadio from One the will Underworld broadeast club, four Eveningwhile shows Session from programmes their hard work on the student circuit, with and Pete Tong will also be transmitted live from venues in the makingand Orbital the Toptaking 10 includedsecond and The third Grid, places. Pato Banton Other actsand borough.Venues such as the Splash Club and Dingwalls will put on a $010 Echobelly. spécialCamden programme Live coincides of gigs with covering schools' a wide half-term range andof music. National Now! adds six more stores Youthlar with Week a Schools' and the Band event Showcase will target and young the médiapeople expoin particu- - run The Now! retail chain, founded by Brad Aspess, is in association with Syndicale Publications - which will offer bystepping the end up of its the expansion year, taking with the six total new to outlets32. In the planned past adviceThe toevent's young organisées people on chosehow to Camden get into becausethe industry. of the area s six weeks, Now! has opened four stores in Harlow, réputationthe burgeoning for good live and its strong connection with, departmentsEastbourne, Havant within andDebenhams Cheltenham, in Hull as andwell Luton as and co-ordinator"Camden isDan a focus Shaw. for "Weyoung have people," some saysof the Camden best venues Live s Oasis have rescheduled dates on their UK tour which have be another in Beatties in Wolverhampton. showeasing the best bands and we should make use of that. nervouspostponed exhaustion.They because bass player will now Paul start McGuigan on October is suffering 2, the day from the •10-Day Clyde Weekend,FM has been the confirmed follow-up asto the last main year's sponsor Sound for City the band's second album (Whafs the Story) Morning Glory is released. The Jenkins joins Thorn EMI board events organised by Glasgow City Council. The 10-day musi band will use a temporary replacement if McGuigan hasn't recovered. ThornHugh JenkinsEMI has as named a non-executive Prudential Corporation director, bringing director the bitionsevent incorporâtes with Clyde FMgigs, providing films, club financial nights, assistanceseminars and and exm sub- Oasis and guitarisl Noël totalnumber on the board to six, alongside four stantial coverage. Groups confirmed to appear last weekim where for Simon he recorded Mayo'ss two ai executive directors. Jenkins is also group investment DrReam, , Menswear and Sleeper directorDepartment at Allied of Environment's Dunbar and Propertychairman Advisory of the Group. ► \ ►PlUGGERS VOICE C0NCERNS OVER CHILTERN RADIO CHANGES-p4 ► ^ MUSIC WEEK 23 SEPTEMBER1995 NEWS COMMENT EMI Music Publishing has renewi The Lyttleton debacle North America through the singer Ifs not often that someone cornes up to you at Ihe end of company,Emilie (pictured Fipp. Estefan right) inkedthed and hor hu thanagm once and lastThursday apologises. Butlunchtime. that happened They could to me have more Music Publishing Wotldwides chairman a savedmemberssaid their breath. itall. The looks on Ihe faces of PRS dealcoverslheexisMartin Bandier (left) al gGIEMi's offices> f in MilMl findingThey were themselves embarrassed right inand the angry middle after of unwittinglythe worst kind includingSound Machine Estefan's catalogue Spanish am la ofleft English that meeting farce, appalled that an arrogant time-waster £168m- bowever turnover sincere company - like toTrevor ransom. lyttleton I left appalledcould hold that a wastethe PRS, even a vital a minute, element never in the mind UK anmusic hour, industry, on this tediouscould Commissiondrivel when itinquiry, faces not but just a whole a Monopolies sériés of issuesand Mergers which andcould songwrilers affect the wealth for décades and well-being to corne. of UK publishers allowedSadly, I thought, a group PRS'sof unsuccessful obsession songwriterswith democracy with has dotrimentinsignificant of the earnings interests to dominate of the people the society who pay to the the Pluggers voice concern publishers.the few Butfinally successful the resuit of the and vote the was major Aannounced. récognition Somehow that PRS commonis not a debating sense had society. won through. over Chiltem's changes hasLyttleton a chance. is out No The apologies council istorequired. be reduced. PRS still by Catherine Eade to, pluggers will have to re-evaluate theirplugging plugging in a différent techniques way." and approach Oasis deiiver again TheChiltern first significantRadio Network changes since within its hos- the the"We pastyear. did extensive audience reaearch Radio One is seen by the majority of After a couple of hours of Ihe PRS agm it is easy to havetile takeover left pluggers by the GWRworried Group about in July its inthat ail listenersthe areas wantedand what more eraerged recognis- was radiopluggers output. as the "It's saving the only grâce station of current play- forgetOasis what album the business again. ITI is about.avoid the So temptationI listened to to the get new play-safe music policy. able music. and the 'hot' ing new records at the moment," says into the Blur v Oasis debale. But what a record. To groupThe hastakeover lèd toof thefive Chilternof the newly-Radio side of our playlist were not as désirable Fleming"Commercial Molloy directorradio is Nickmore Fleming. difficult anyone labouring underthe misapprehension that the acquired stations being relaunched as theThe Hot resuit FM' hasbrand been and the ail dropping specialist of wantthan it'sto playever safebeen -because although they Virgin just thinksecond again. album Buy could it Hear never it Lovematch it. Definitely Steve Mayhe, Redmond adultLast contemporary Saturday (16), services. five of what were music shows from the stations, a move Radio is getting better since Mark Story formerly Chiltern Radio Network FM W MichMTpeytoruhead'ofregional pro- joinedCooper as programme says the stationsdirector." will still TILLY âgemainstream group, with acts artists targeted such at asthe Queen, 25-35 changesmotion suchfor asFleming these makeMolloy, the plug-says slotsplay whichsome newwill beartists aimed in at the younger evening lis- Bon Jovi,playlists. Simply Red and Elton John on itsger's the job exposure much tougher. new artists "It certainly get when lim- musicteners peoplebut GWR's recognise. focus is to play more AreBack we nowtracking atthe point of not putting release dates on The Bedford, Gloui Radio you'veestablished got many l'Il stationsstill try andplaying pro- theThe Chiltern relaunch, Gold which services does notor Oasisaffect records in this country, unless they are well established KeynesSevern Sound,and HorizonNorthants Radio Radio in Milton in it'smote getting new artists barder for tospécifie break shows, new acts but Radio in St Albans, will initially be sup- world:acts? AU Radio the majorOne A buyersiist Capital; obviously ail the want IR stations; a perfect and Northampton, ceased broadeasting during the daytime, particularly for paign, budgeted at around £250,000. many TV appearances as ifs possible to obtain, smallerGut ïntermedia record labels," head he of says, régional pro- grammeEach stationcontroller. now Group has its programme own pro- beforeore they'il record even companies consider rackingput back it. release This means dates more in muchmotions playlist Steve controlTandy goingadds, to"With smaller so grammecontroller Paulcontroller Chantier of has -based become pro- the hope of generating a buzz second time around. groups of people, which is effectively OctoberGalaxy, which31 under GWR new must ownership dispose rules. of by companiesI hear ail the put whinging it back" aboutor "Are "Oh, they the ever record going to release this record?". The promo guys blâme the Computer showfeatures Nimbus invention to marketing departments who in turn blâme someone up combat CD piracy markettoabove. It is simultaneously becoming increasingly co-ordinate difficult ail the in elements our Nimbus Manufacturing unveiled what neededto générale a hit. latestin music multimédia deterrenceit daims is aat breakthrough last week's ECTS in CD show piracy at If you gave radio programmer Simply Red in January, Manymusîc-based companies software launched products atnew last children,Upstairs, aand music a tutorialCD-Rom CDgame for London'sNimbus Olympia, and Applied writes BillHolographies Poster. theycertainties wouid aren'tprobably hard still to playing IR stations it now- sit onthe the racing fence week's European Computer Trade based on the Zomba-signed band have set up a joint venture to produce nine limes out of 10, and wait for a chart position. Then CatherineShow at London'sEade. Olympia, wriles Sony Interactive Europe's first graphieand market technology two forms that of créâtes3-D i-D, uniquea holo- when they get it, they don't play the record because ifs Pinnaclc Software launched its Stationsoftware games title consolefor its isSony WipEout. Play- offeringVisual effects a deterrent while to at pirates. the saine time week!dance orAt indieleast orRadio ifs going One is to programming drop out of the more chart new next It features Orbital, The Chemical Previous attempts to etch holograms records, and I do understand its concern about these Microsoftdeal with Chinaannounced Records, an track and will iK^avruàblcTrom on to CDs have always resulted in release dates, but unfortunately with record companies mU Septcmber 29, followed by an Toreduced Edge allowsplaying holographie time but 3-D images i-D Edge and not being able to see exactly where they are going Microso : Central, which albumMcanwhile, in Octobcr. Philips Media data to share the same dise space. anymore, and because of the investment on new product majorexplores record labels in depth. It will launched its CD-i Online service SecuntyAn alternative Band, which techniqueetches a hologram called envisagebeing so high, release the datessituation being is goinga thing to of get the worse, pasL Not. and ofI bc available from November. thethat World enablcs Widc home Web users from totheir acccss liv- tnsidem or outside the playing area dur- course, if you're the wonderful Simply Red or Ihose unveiledBMG Interactive its new multimédia Entertainment project, ing rooms, using a CDi player, stan- andg g is ass cheaper , to produco is also asbeing it involves offered battling hands Blur and Oasis, If they sang "Three Blind Theoight Freedom s< Sessions, a collection dard téléphoné line, modem and pressing in the conventional way. released.Mice" nobody But for would any actgive not a damn in the aboutsuper when league, they the were natcd US singer Sarah McLachlan add3-D a coverti-D also image, provides such the as abilitya logo orto buyefs reluctance to rack without extensive radio/TV graphicalwith added information. digital video BMG and alsobio- trademark, which can then be verified means some great records slip through the neL launched Beethoven Lives eitherPlybysight. by an automated svstem or sim Tï/Zy Rutheriord's column is a personal view ► ►►►►► ► DIVERSITYPAYS 0FFF0RWARNERS- MUSIC WEEK 23 SEPTEMBER1995 NEWS NEWSFILE PWL shuffles the pack XFMtomake final bid As part of an ovorhaul of PWL International, managing in-housedirector Peter promotions Price has team, crealed headed the by company's former MCA first TV full promotions executivemanager Suzanne Sam Wells Hague. is moving MDMC to s PWL radio at towin London licence themanager, end of while the month former as Sonynational promoter radio promotionsNathan Denton by Jake Barncs An added aspecl of thig latest XFM changed at the Radio Aulhority since bacomes club promoter. XFM relurns to the airwaves on campaignsecured the is backingthat, in ofprinciple, the CLT itmédia bas XFMRadio lostand outHeart to theFM AORin last of VirginyeaFs Carlton brings back Old Goid accessible sound will woo the Radio The NME, Red Bull and Boddingtons "We're more hopeful this year," he Carltonlabel acquired Records by is Pickwick reactivating (now the Carlton séminal Home Old Gold AuthorityLondon licence into awarding next spring. it a permanent arethe additionalso giving of establishedtheir support, média but com-it is says,Gibbings "because says thehe will new allow radio newhead opera- Peter Entertainment) in 198B with 30 new releases on restrictedThe station licence begins (RSL) its onlatest the 28-day spare hopespanies will to XFM's give it boardan extra that advantage the station in Lordtors intoChalfont the market, believed His that predecessor radio was pricedSeptember at £2.99, 25. The include first doubleclassics A-sided such as CD T singles,Rex's revised104.9FM fonnat frequency, that willbroadcasting more closely a its Parrycontinuing says, "Ourbatlle original to secure consortium a licence. bestThis kept RSL in theis likely hands to of be a few." XFM's final TelegramCnmmRmîal Sam director and Grandmaster Trevor Eyles Flash's says they The willMessage, be resembleThis is itsXFM's permanent third attempt plans. at gain- isessary still into place bring but in we some considered proven itradio nec- bidwe don'tfor a Londonget this licence, licence, says then Parry. London "If followed each month by up to 20 ne w titles. inghas agone full onlicence air for and a one-raonththe fifth time spell it tingplayers. up radio These stations." people know about set- tionwill neverand we have may an target alternative other cities." rock sta- Chrysalis to relaunch MCS sinceChris it formed Parry, in XFM's 1992. director, says; seriously,As part XFM of its will bid run to benews taken bulletins more campaign,As part XFMof its is increased launching marketing a 17-track MCS. the audio Systems and faackground music "We have smoothed out the format from Reuters, traffic reporU from Métro compilation album, entitled 104.9, on subsidiaryChrysalis Retail of Chrysalis, Entertainment. is being It relaunched will offer a asone-slop Nowbecause there we is have less to of try a'contrast a new approach. between andLong use and experienced Gary Crowley DJs . such as Janice itsOctober own 2,label. features The newalbum, tracks released from The on consultancy, failoring and supplying entertainment Systemseverything for from its retail video clients. jukeboxes The group,to listening which posls otfers (or Classicalawardwinners tradingclients includingunderthe Ournew Price name and on OctoberBurtons, 5. will begin tofeature on samplerCD RockFragile label to Fragile release Records Pretty is to release Things its first box album Thisbacked yeaFs with aGramophone 13-track compilation classical CD awards of the winners,will be since director Brian Lane bought out his business writesThe Pelerclassical Brown. industry is keen to boost the profile of partner, Tring founder Mark Levinson, in July. A boxed The Gramophone Awards, which take place on October setBloody by The But Pretty Unbowed, Things, is releasedentitled Unrepenfant on October 16 1964-1995 with a 4,pler in basthe helpedsame way that that event. the Mercury Music Prize sam- 50-page booklel. Lane says, "1 aim to release product GramophonePrevious awards magazine, CDs but have the been BPI's cover-mountcd classical commit- on frombeing cuit bargain artists basement. that gives And value 1 want for money a chance without to break teeaudience. believes It alsoseUing avoids through licensing shops objections will reach from a labels.wider newactsagain." The EMI-distributed CD, on sale from the day of the 0 Zone rescheduled in new slot Maximawards, Vengerov. features SirThe Simon dealer Rattle, price is Dawn £2.50 Upshawand counter and BBC2 music magazine The 0 Zone is moving to a new dlspensers"Having theand CD other in thePoS shops material may will well be boost available. sales by Monday evening slot, kicking off tonight (18) with a giving people an idea of what certain pièces are like," feature1.15pm, onfeatures Blur. The new show, graphies, repeated new onprésentera Sundays andat saysThe David sold-out Alker, awards, of London's being held Farringdons at the Savoy Records. Hôtel, look A documentary/concert film leaturing The Pretendersto be screened Shamen-penned tîtle music. beset presented to be the biggest by BBC yef. Radio's Now Natalic in their Wheen. 19th year, thcy will on Channel Four on October 17 is one of three new programmes Luna Parkonthe move Recordings released between June 1994 and May 1995 currentlyFilm & TV. being Also plannedproduced is by a newmusic sériés TV production of the acclaimed company While Initial Room are eligible and, for the ftrst time, the artist responsible for early next year, and Music And The Mind, a sériés of three one- House,Luna Park 1-8 ManagementWhitfield Place, has London moved W1P5SF.ta 4th Floor, Tel Suffolk 0171 thefor theevent. record The of winners the year will will also give be a announced live performance on radio at hour shows exploring the relationshîp between music and the brain, 813 5555 Fax 0171 813 4567. newsOther programmes changes this from year 6.30am include on the an day. award for Early toof thebe screened 1996 Brit Awardsnext year. for Initial Carlton/ITV has also in beenFebruaty confirmed and BBC2 as producer will Final Vinyl HenryOpéra, Kellyand a will week be of seeking previews listeners' on Classic votes FM, for in the which sta- screen the company's production of The African Prom, which takes The Nightcrawlers and 4Mandu were signed by Final tion's own award from a shortlist of eight nominees. place at The Royal Albert Hall, on Soptember 23, Vinyland not directors Arista A&R Denis heads Ingoldsby Nigel andGrainge Oliver and Smallman Chris Hill, 1 t> ► ► ► MUSIC ON THE NET GETS QUICKER AND CLEARER - p12 ► ► ► ► ► | as stated in last week's BMG conférence coverage.

(licki french ^ is there anybody out there? ■^ÊÊ/ÊÊ/St^Ê^ released 02 > 10 > 95 " ^ 4 12" [LUVTH1ST6] 5 CD (LUVTHISCD61 ,^V jgtfMÉppPHl Cassette [luvthisc6] * Distributed by Pinnacle. Telesales No. 01689 873144 | niet™: J MUSIC WEEK 23 SEPTEMBER1995 m

LU o

EMI'S CONFERENCE LINE-UP: (FROM LEFTJ STE FROM CECIL, NEIL AND TIM FINN, BRIAN MAY WITH iPETER FRAMPTON (TOPI, GEMINI MEET RUPERT PERRY (BOTTOM) AND JOHN WALSH, EMI S SINGlj MA! LU Cecillon ushersin newl Mark Pinder, the man charged with said, adding that Manchf re office! :onvestigating build incrémental new distribution sales. channelsNational lastputting weekend's 18 acts EMIon stage conférence, in two daysfaced at a headed by Cathy Cremer would Greer ~ " revealed out the right message to EMI's sigr Cecillon not attempt to play dow talksand Victoria are under Wine way chains. with the Thresher But the EMI t ur co-ordinator's s in Cecillonnew talent proraised and alsoheavy stresseï invest the theacknowledged significance of thf Cottrell said he aimed to triple EMI's artists from Sir Cliff Richard to Blur did importance of building careers, dei i very se quarter,share of as the well TV as market continuing in the to grownext muchempassioned to bolster mission Jean-Francois statement Cecillon's to the ingthe Blur,Beatles, Radiohead Queens and PinkSupergrass Floyds asof its mid-price business. He also asked his 400 delegates in Dublin. the future. "We must do everything to budgetcompany's clearances marketing seriously managers to help to treat the dentCecillon, for just the company'sfour months, ceo andtook prési- the takeIn themthe second to the nextquarter, level," EMI's he said. 11.5% resurgence of budget label MFP. opportunity to set out his strategy for re made it the third lentat thatWEA, Clive is

MOR and dore

market wide an audience as possible. We a^e used the conférence to annâ^Tœ a new ;^g—a



6 o

o familyoftheweek.otherthings, astintas The Big


s.: co Diversity pays off for Wa

xength in non-traditional Warner nngthe fortunes ofthe o esee step it oftake moving the hitherto- into dance a stable for US g Madonna, Waméf MUSid13 REMbas eryôyêd and Ui off-shoot12 monlhs, Perfecto, particularly and Eternal, \vith East the West cc singles label headed by Steve Allen, In fact,)nd WarnePs quartcr ofsingles 1995 wassuccess mainly of toEtermre Brothers - Don't Stop (Wiggleselling single Wiggle), of the the period, fourth andhighest- Boom SIGNAMES AND BIGHOPESIIN THE WARNER STABLE: (FROM LEFT) KP LANG, BILLIE RAY MARTIN |TOP|, ELEXTRAFIXION (BOTTONI), JIMMY NM SE to grab a 3.8% sh THE WIDE WORLD OF WARNERS Anxious Records pror "Wefor a company people sthought in the c could Singles:Numberones-Brothers: Don't Stop (Wiggle two(The Wiggle): Outhere Boom sellPerfecto dance have music, emerged the labels as a Eternalpotent ra Bellas TopBoom 40s-12. Boom); Top 10s - seven; Top 20s - six; e in the market,"hits from says Tin Dickins.Tin Out, ting:ToiiyMcGuinnesslalartistdevelopmf lur; Top 20s - five; Top 40s Head of rock: Dante BonuttoDiane Young ADAM featuring Amy, the of Perfecto and •ectorEast West Mark A&R Dean

the signing of Mar^Morrisimtn

in the Top PeXo

o 00 ' ^

cc i o rners g555S E=5-| o 2 S31 m 30 m TH^FUHID: Right Here Right o dfindawi m i os ^r iz; m believesrecently-signed is "justone Paul record Young away - who from Hole a ^BuUhe big^est quarter is yet to ^ TV ads and blilboards. € J WARNER MUSIC

yet ^ fr j- m Nailand

Y0U' ( the^Ister^abelTth'eLttSt UsJ (Oct 16). The album contains ail Lavelle.


an Oasis, but it is not^ur sole reason i !3SzHt"K,

1. i «te Bill The Midlander with a no-nonsense approach to re^j|JI!^rË?'n^ IMdlBîWiHJ S!!!™.*1'11*

iena lot to over stop," the he past admits. three "I

IM^Becomes brand marketing manager O ÎSSSS ofVirginOurPrice. o o Cû trial, thea thafs akatli do " That ol pZZ£m*g —c

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MUSIC WEEK 23 SEPTEMBER 1995 : Net sound advances herald the end of waiting for Liam The days of waiting for hours on end to download sound clips from the Internet may be drawingto a close. Developments for fans and direct sellers are comingthickai^^^ DOWNLOADING MUSIC ON THE INTERNET you have to do is click and within a s 32Whatyou seconds get ofcurrentsingl i 90 seconds Swift download butthis was mono, raatter of seconds will YouDoSomethingToMe Triedand the several quality times was andfar fromon other great be Halfscreaming an hour ont later of your though, speakers. the http^/ StarlothersSample from available) 738Kb Didn'twork clips-gave upafter computer said Workeditwould fine,take Soundedfour hours great beforeit's going you to can take finally just over have four a 40-second hours Dreadzone 3819 secondssecondsofConnection of Cave Of Angels 308Kb204Kb 55110 seconds seconds Sounded a bitfeeble, butworked well slug of Slide Away sitting on your hard RollingEtastica Stones http//geffen,ooni/6lasticahttpd/ Four minutes, 39 seconds live 2.2Mb 16mins,25sei sGoodvalue-oneoftheexamples of a full song. fewQuality was thatdisk. isAnd going this, to supposedly,bring down isthe the structure System versionDallas Cotton of Rocks Bowll Off (from prettygood of copyrightGetting sound as we off know the is usually Rolling Stones http^/ As above but in Real Audio Didn'twork serverConstantly was informedtoo busy you that the little fun. The table right shows what quality) and possibly video as well. happeneddownloads. with These a number were done of attempted at a quiet But sound on the net is going to work, instructionthree separate that occasions the server yielded was busy. only an This, too, is popular with radio stations time on the net using a fast modem - in and it is going to be big - even if it's not If you want to get some idea of the forBut broadcasting you still need over the the player. net. A new gets for the home user. songs.about actuallyThe much-favoured distributing option entire of a independentpotential of RealAudio, on-line music take magazine a look at an browser, currently being tested, called The Oasis problem was one of small sample of a long-awaited single from the US called LiSTeN Up gettingHot Java Netheads (, very excited. Amongis bandwidth.the user and Basically, Sony were the just lines too between busy to will always be apprecîated. net/listenup/yes.html).MAGaZINE (httpY/plaza.intemport. This Works in other features, it should not require add download the sample. Trying to get a will eventually be an intégral part of the same way as any music mag, but it's onamounts programmes. of interactivity It allows on for a enormoussite. For was700 kilobytelike trying sample to steer down a juggemaut those lines alreadyselling CDs being on-line. done, Totake see a lookhow atUSthis is albumail done reviews, in sound. you So don't if you just go readto the a example, while moving the cursor over throughWhen Sohoit does on work a Saturday swiftly, night,it's because (,indie specialist retailer Soundwire where piece of text - with a simple click, you musiciana picture ofthey a band, give youas you a quote. touch each 250the soundskilobytes have - which been reducedmeans you to aroundonly browsersan album canand listen then orderto a brief it on-line. clip from spécialWhat is makes that once this the really RealAudio rather Touchinga riff. The anpotential instrument is vast could and give will youonly thingsget 15 toin 30life, seconds. what you As canwith get many with ease needsTo make to be thisa fair really amount happen, of technical there playerail over is the going, net youor, if can your carry computer on looking has besoftware explored is morethoroughly widely when available. the is oflenBut even not reallyif you worthcan get having. the sample on onprogress the net, - andthings as withare moving everything fast. else processingthe memory, document working withon a wordthe sound theOne unlikely final developmentsource of Conde cornes Nast from toproblems your computer, because theresome maycomputers be further developraentThe most exciting cornes from sound RealAudio runninginThe commercial the background. side of RealAudio is andPublishing- GQ. Not happyproducers with of the Vogue, way WebTatler playsimply it. don'tAil the have samples the bits featured necessary here to software(, allows you to load audio It's bit on of issimple. free. WhatThe player you pay is free.for is The a server encoder that itpages better, looked, and producedthey set about a spécial trying bit toof do yourequired could a play separate them. piece If you of were software taking so havingdemand. to In wait other to downloadwords, instead something of betweenyou can put $1,500 the soundsand $10,000 on (price plus (Septemberbrowser software, 18), to being help you launched see their today havethem aon sound to a PC, card you installed, would also need to andthe computer then play itit, is it stored plays on.straight At the from ofannual the companies fee, dépendent using on it arepower). radio Many,on-line version of GQ (go to There is missingThe fact means that thatthese Web items site are designers often qualitymoment, is it somewhat has to be lesssaid, than the sound stations who can now let people hear secondno sound version capability cornes on out this, early but next a can't just put in sound files that play compressionwonderful because required of the to make amount it work. of calledAs well Xing as Technology RealAudio, a Company year,instant which Sound they and say video will over allow the live and immediately,(eg, you go to theas the Blur pictures page and start to Rolling Stones have (httpY/www.- used RealAudio System(http.Y/ called StreamWorks, has created which a uses Internet. If this is true, then the days of )appear, you as hearthis confuses the opening the computersriff from again,for their 20 live attempts clips - to although, listen to oncethem on fora similar sound set-up,(said to with be slightly equal potential better of Oasis could truly be behindSimon us. Waldman AVA

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is running Single banned in hype probe | CSINGLES UPDATE 1, ( ALBUMS UPDATE ) A s part of an ongoing /\ investigation intohyping.CIN +1 <+23.6^> 1 %> .+11.4% X\ncteddisaualify a singlelate on from Friday the eveningchart. to r SIthird week in a row/fhe level of Monday,The record, was in which the midweek was released Top 40 last but ata further the top surgewas impressive this week, butadding it makes CINrecord's obtained performance conclusive was proof being that unfairly the C SALES AWARDS 3 highanother 011,467 192 plays, plays tofrom establish the stations a new on nipulated and ruled it inéligible. H Platinum; Blun The Grest Escape: : I Should Coco; Rolling Stones: MediaMichael MonitoFs Jackson's panel. You Are Not i the c ice Millwf | JumpGoldtTLC: Back - The Crazysexycool: Best Of The Rolling ; Stones. Said And Done; Vanous; The Best Dance Album ■ r shadow it and [;0f TheYear. îeds its will tally be of looking plays to to 1,445. add the recordfrom Gallup to suffer in Februarya ban was 1994. DoruK The s lai ' Vou■ AreSilver: Not TLC:Alone Waterfalls (single); 0;Ream: (single); World:Simply The Red: Charlatans: Fairground (single);The Charlatans: Michael PJ Jackson: Harvey: wn to their airplay title next PeaceOn aIn : The World, in Jul^l992. [ To Bring You My love. Vangelis: Bladerunner (OST). led have Network occupied Chart the for number the past 11 ut;iY^ pofboth the singles and album charts this week PLAYL1ST ADD S alone theEnding top ofMichael the singles Jackson's chart, by reign a very nt Radio 1 FM: w/c 13.09.95: B List Bobby Brown • My Prérogative: The Boo Radleys ■ From The Bench small margin, is Shaggy's Boombastic WhatAt Belvedete: Do I Do DubstatNow?, C List;- Anywhere: Amy Grant louisa with ■ LightVince 01 Gill M» -life; House M-People 01 Love: -Audiowab Love Rendervous: - Sleeper: Sleeper Oasis •& anyChart record prior can to release get on the- and Network Fairground It's1993*3 his Ohsecond Carolina, number and one, the following fifth RaoulFriands (and ■ Fade the ttingsAway Of lltom Spain). Helpl: The tevellers • Fantasy: The Pogoes • Kow Corne; Taars For Fears ■ is the fîrst record to do it. Capital FM; w/c 14.09.95: A List M-People - love Rendervous. B-List The Beautiful South - Dream substantialOther records airplay have and generated thus fairly high 501Blur's The Great Escape made its VirginA Little 1215:Dream w/o Of Me:15.09.95: Paul WellerB List Lightning- Broken Stones. Seeds C- listLucky Bobby You; Paul Brown Weller - My - Prérogative.Corne Togather. C List Network Chart positions prior to nticipated splash at the top of the Lighthouse Family - Océan Drive. Lang'srelease Noand More one - TearsAndy (Enough Bell and Is KD ' t. Itsold nearlyire thantEerest 190.000 of ■MTVCorne Europe: And GetYour w/c 19.09.95: Love. Foo Fighlers - PII Stick Around; Mariait Carey - Fantasy: Tha Real McCoy Enough) has reached the Top 20 on THIS WEEK'S HITS Singles (Who The Xls Alice?)

chartrebiggest'climbers this week, moving in the from


Fantasy Mariah Carey-Columbia sa-, y

US Radio Works hop: Breaking Records in Amène Learn trom some of the most respected names in US radio and promotion Tuesday October lOth, The Hurlingham Club, London SWl Ca,, Jk ayan ,or your région ^ NOW - Te,: +44 171 921 59oh - 1 r (WV TOP 75 SINGLES cm J

|I|EW p"ilTIlNËwi ■ 11 I Shl!gBYBOOMBASTIC (Livinaslon/Ptaonial BMG (Burrsll/Uvin jston/FlDyd)WrginVSCDTlSS&VSCJ^ré -/VST 1538 39 ESI Haddawav(Halliqan/roralfolEM1 (Halligan/ForeliQ^Pal^Jamesl £.n ■' a YOUMichael ARE Jackson NOT (Kellyl ALONE Zomba (KeHy) O Epic6623102®231M(SM|+ O 2 N-TranceleatRicardoDaForce(OTooieTongvaorth)BMG/AATW/EMI/PolvGram(Various) -/I2GL0BEI31 /J1 „ ,I'LL STICK AROUND r ||| 4 ï® ^Si^rarPv'HalIllsIana/SanyWCICarev/fraS^DuSS 42 im ÊoCK A DOODLEDO IT . 6, Eb"!!'': s r , , l'LLBETHEREFORYOUO EastV/eslA4330CD/A«SOCIW /IO ,t , EVERYBODY ON THE FLOOR (PUMP IT)Epic66lii32/6 iiM(SMi) D Ttie Rembrandts(MacKillop)WC(Crane/Kauffnian/Willis/SolenVWilde) -/-S /l/l 25,n 3 TqkyoLIFE GheHo IS SWEET Pussy (Spacer/Trancerl Snny/BMG (Spacer/TrancerlJunlorB^s0 TCjnTrnïrEMËÎ" ^ MST 6 44/in 2, 3 îbftCtienicalBrcthiers(TheChemicalBrodiers)VW/flMR'MOAWCIRortlands/Stmons/Burgess)OON'T LET THE FEELING G0 Final Vtnyl/Ansta TO2l2MOTW1238824|BMGj «MSTi Si. . ô 7 liffl TiœOuta!â^rôt!iers (The Outhare Brothers! no crédit (Hula/Maybanyl -rtZStn Posl,lua A 0 , , WHO THE F**K IS ALICE? NOWCDWAG245/CAWAG245(TRC/BMG) ^0ZLR yàilrmSTAYTOGETHER Barbara Tucker (Vcaal Chtysalis (Reid/Veqal -/IZTIVXdil. Don'tlctThsfcefcgGo .