Title: Prisons and Courts Bill: Unifying the structure and leadership of and management of cases between the Crown Impact Assessment (IA) Court and magistrates courts Date: 22/02/2017 Stage: Final IA No: MoJ005/2017 RPC Reference No: N/A Source of intervention: Domestic Lead department or agency: Type of measure: Primary legislation Ministry of Justice Other departments or agencies: Contact for enquiries: Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS)
[email protected] Legal Aid Agency (LAA) Summary: Intervention and Options RPC Opinion: Not Applicable Cost of Preferred (or more likely) Option Total Net Business Net Net cost to business One-In, Business Impact Target Present Value Present per year (EANDCB in 2014 Three-Out Status Value prices) £50m N/A N/A Not in scope N/A 2017. What is the problem under consideration? Why is government intervention necessary? The Crown Court and magistrates’ courts have always operated under markedly different jurisdictions and processes, despite the fact that both courts are responsible for tryingJune defendants accused of breaking the law. Two major reviews of the criminal justice system since 2001 have found that the existing structure of the criminal court system in England and Walesin is inefficient, thereby resulting in a sub-optimal use of judicial and court resources. This inefficiency wastes taxpayers’ money. Government intervention is necessary because the fundamental structure of the criminal court system is governed by legislation, so any reforms must be made by Act of Parliament. What are the policy objectives and the intended effects? The policy objectives are to increase the operationalarchived efficiency of the court system in England and Wales and thus to improve value for taxpayers’ money.