Musical Musings
MUSICAL GILUOKE Musical Musings BY ELIZABETH McCABE GILMORE Price $3.00 Los Angeles, Calif. Qissel & Qissel Co., Printers 1922 5^ Copyright, 1922 By Elizabeth McCabe Gilmore All rights reserved JUL -3 1322 ©CI.A674867 /IA I ——— OPINIONS "Lyrics of exceptional charm." —Matinee Musical Club, Los Angeles, Cal. "Lyrics of distinction by an author of ver- resourceful temperament, known to satile and " her friends as 'the wonderful little woman.' Des Moines Register, Des Moines, la. "Perfectly wonderful stuff." —Sim Crabill, Times-Mirror Pub. Co., Los Angeles, Cal. recites "Lyrics of a highly gifted writer who her own compositions in a most charming manner."—"Orange Co. Plain Dealer," Ana- heim, Cal. "Nuggets of gold."—Prof. F. R. Schiller, Gren- of Universities of Munich, Bavaria, and oble, France. "Delicately modulated whispers of inspira- Angeles, Cal. tion." —Dr. Guy Bogart, Los "Irresistible charm—fine sense of rhythm choice of words full of color." —Chas. E. Pem- berton, Composer-Violinist, Los Angeles. "Beautiful!" —Vincent Rose, Composer- Pianist, Los Angeles, Cal. "Charming thoughts expressed in beauty along un- they are lyrics that live—and bound that is in me."—Sol til they bring out the best Cohen, Composer-Violinist, Los Angeles, Cal. — "The Author has the conception of the poet, the talent for poetical expression, and posses- ses the feeling for rhythmic musical value that sets a high standard for her lyrics, in making them appealingly suitable for musical settings." —Pacific Coast Musician, Los Angeles, Cal. "Pleasing in readings of her charming works."—Los Angeles Examiner, Los Angeles, Cal. "Like pearls clasped in precious gold." Georgina S.
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