
The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial (AAAI-20)


Ulle Endriss Institute for , Language and Computation University of Amsterdam The Netherlands

Abstract So what is this general pattern? We always start out with a of agents, such as the students taking part in a MOOC. In Many challenging problems of scientific, technological, and , these agents need not be people. Rather, we may think societal significance require us to aggregate information sup- plied by multiple agents into a single piece of information of them simply as distinct sources of information. These of the same type—the collective information representing the agents are autonomous entities, so we have an stance of the group as a whole. Examples include expressive to treat them fairly. Every agent provides us with a piece forms of voting and democratic decision making (where cit- of information—expressed in some formal language—and izens supply information regarding their preferences), peer we need to aggregate these individual pieces of information evaluation (where participants supply information in the form into a single piece of collective information, expressed in the of assessments of their peers), and crowdsourcing (where vol- same language. The formal language in question is deter- unteers supply information by annotating data). In this posi- mined by the domain of application. It could be a language tion paper, I outline the challenge of modelling, handling, and to encode expert judgments, restaurant appraisals, student analysing all of these diverse instances of collective informa- evaluations, budget allocations, or . tion using a common . Addressing this challenge will facilitate a transfer of between different appli- This abstract perspective raises a number of questions: cation domains, thereby enabling in all of them. What are the best methods to implement such a process of aggregation? What general should guide our choice of method? But also: How should the particular fea- Introduction tures of the type of information at hand (i.e., of the formal When attempting to summarise the views of a committee of language used) affect our choice of method? Is it possible to experts, when trying to recommend a restaurant based on on- formulate general principles that are parametric in the type line reviews, or when hoping to compute a meaningful grade of information at hand? Answering the latter question, in for a student in a massively open online course (MOOC) particular, would allow us to generalise beyond specific so- that uses peer assessment, we always face the same daunt- lutions for specific applications and transfer insights about ing task: to aggregate multiple pieces of information of a designing good aggregation methods across applications. specific type, each contributed by a different agent, into a A specific domain where principles of aggregation have single piece of information of the same type that accurately been investigated in depth is that of preference aggregation, reflects the position taken by the group as a whole. Indeed, a which is the main object of study in social choice theory (Ar- wide range of challenging practical problems, originating in row, Sen, and Suzumura 2002). The methodology of clas- the most diverse corners of science, technology, and society, sical social choice theory encompasses conceptual analysis all fit this general pattern. Other examples include partic- informed by , Political Science, and ipatory budgeting (Cabannes 2004), collective argumenta- (to determine what makes for a good method of aggrega- tion (Bodanza, Tohme,´ and Auday 2017), and even tion), a variety of mathematical tools (to formalise desider- merging (Flouris et al. 2008). While all of these application ata and explore their logical consequences), and empirical scenarios have been (and continue to be) addressed by dedi- studies (to better understand how different methods fare in cated research communities, to date there has been only rel- practice). Modern computational social choice, which has atively little effort directed towards understanding the gen- advanced the of thinking of methods of aggregation as eral pattern they all have in common. In this position paper, algorithms, extends this toolbox with a variety of techniques I argue that closing this gap has the potential to facilitate a from Computer Science and AI (Brandt et al. 2016). This much-needed transfer of knowledge between research areas, makes computational social choice a natural starting point thereby enabling progress on all of these applications. for investigating the phenomenon of collective information. Copyright c 2020, Association for the Advancement of Artificial The remainder of this position paper is organised as fol- Intelligence (www.aaai.org). All reserved. lows. I first discuss the phenomenon of collective informa-

13520 tion and how it may be formalised in a little more detail and for the output of F we may want to impose certain out- (what?). I then review a number of application domains that put constraints (Endriss 2018). would directly benefit from a deeper understanding of this For example, in the context of voting in our hiring com- phenomenon (why?) as well as a number of disciplines that mittee, we may think of L as the set of all weak orders on are likely to be relevant in developing such an understand- {Alice, Bob, Carol }, thereby allowing for ties in a ranking. ing (how?). Finally, I outline what I consider to be the main We could then impose antisymmetry as an input constraint challenge in this area: to understand how specific features of (forcing each agent to provide a strict ranking) and dichoto- the type of information to be aggregated should impact on mousness as an output constraint (forcing at most two levels, our choice of aggregation mechanism (whither?). thereby distinguishing only candidates accepted and candi- dates rejected for the job). As a second example, consider What? — Collective Information again the case of crowdsourcing annotations of a linguis- Collective information is what we obtain when we aggregate tic corpus. Maybe we want to allow each individual worker several individual pieces of information. Let L be a (finite) to annotate any number of sentence-pairs (so no input con- formal language for describing pieces of information rele- straint is required), but in the output we might require all vant to a specific application. For example, in the context pairs to be annotated (so the output constraint should ex- of the work of a hiring committee that has to rank three job clude annotations with question marks). candidates—Alice, Bob, and Carol—the language L might be the set of the 3! = 6 possible rankings of the candidates: Why? — Application Scenarios ⎧ ⎫ able to model, handle, and about collective in- ⎨ Alice Alice Bob Bob Carol Carol ⎬ formation is important, because collective information is a L = , , , , , ⎩ Bob Carol Alice Carol Alice Bob ⎭ core component of a wide range of application domains of Carol Bob Carol Alice Bob Alice scientific, technological, and societal relevance. Let us re- For other applications, we may need a very different lan- view some of them here. guage. For example, suppose we want to annotate a large The first three examples concern applications with a clear corpus of linguistic data with semantic information that can societal component. They belong, broadly speaking, to the be used by researchers in natural language processing (NLP) domain of politics and the design of democratic . as a gold standard when testing machine learning techniques They particularly relate to collective decision making at the to recognise such semantic features automatically. We could local level, thereby promoting citizen involvement. try to do this by crowdsourcing many (likely low-) • Expressive voting. Running an election amounts to ag- annotations using a tool such as AMAZON’S MECHANICAL gregating information on the preferences of individual TURK and then aggregate this information into a (hopefully) voters into collective information regarding the prefer- high-quality gold standard annotation (Snow et al. 2008). ences of the electorate as a whole. Specifically, if L is In this context, L might be the set of all conceivable (par- the set of weak orders on a set of candidates, then F is tial) annotations. Imagine, for instance, we want to annotate a so-called social welfare function. By adding suitable the 800 sentence-pairs collected by Dagan, Glickman, and input and output constraints, we can model voting rules Magnini (2006) for the purpose of training NLP systems to for returning single election winners or sets of winners automatically recognise textual entailment. Then a partial of a given size. However, many real-world settings call annotation might be modelled by the list of the 800 iden- for more expressive models that allow, for instance, for tifiers used in this dataset, with each of them being labelled the possibility to not rank all candidates (Terzopoulou and by  (if the first sentence of this pair entails the second), Endriss 2019) or to delegate your vote (Brill 2018).  (if this is not the case), or a question mark (if this pair has not been annotated at all). Thus, L now has 3800 elements: • Community-driven policy design. Several innovative ⎧ ⎫ fit under this heading. One that already is widely ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 001 :  001 :  001 :  001 :  ⎪ used in practice is participatory budgeting (Cabannes ⎨ . . . . ⎬ 2004), which is about allowing citizens to directly par- L = . , . , . , . ,... ⎪ 799 :  799 :  799 :  799 :  ⎪ ticipate in decisions about the allocation of budgets to ⎩⎪ ⎭⎪ 800 :  800 :  800 : ? 800 :  different public projects. A few selected contributions al- ready employ the terminology of social choice theory to L Every agent reports an expression belonging to . The ele- discuss suitable mechanisms (Goel et al. 2016; Benade` L ments of are also the pieces of information an aggregation et al. 2017; de Haan 2018). Another example is the re- L rule mighty return. Thus, an aggregation rule for language cent proposal by Conitzer, Brill, and Freeman (2015) to n n ∈ N F and agents (with ) is a function mapping each pro- aggregate the opinions of individual citizens to determine file of individual pieces of information, one for each agent, socially acceptable numerical tradeoffs between different to a single collective piece of information: kinds of bads (say, burning x litres of petrol vs. clearing y F : Ln →L hectares of forest) to inform governmental policy. In fact, often a small refinement of this very simple model • Collective argumentation. Collective decision making will be useful. For the input to F we may want to restrict at- does not occur in a vacuum. Before taking a decision, tention to elements of L that meet certain input constraints people want to research relevant , exchange points

13521 of view, and debate. This can be facilitated using an on- for research that makes use of supervised machine learn- line debating platform such as KIALO (www.kialo.com). ing (as training data). For example, linguists use crowd- Some of the research on computational models of argu- sourcing tools such as AMAZON’S MECHANICAL TURK ment in the AI community can provide adequate formal to collect annotations of linguistic corpora (Snow et al. underpinnings for such platforms (Bodanza, Tohme,´ and 2008). This information, consisting of individual annota- Auday 2017). Indeed, there already are several proposals tions obtained from multiple workers, then needs to be for tackling specific problems in the domain of collective turned into a collective annotation that accurately reflects argumentation using methods developed in social choice the “wisdom of the crowd” (Endriss and Fernandez´ 2013). theory (see, e.g., Chen and Endriss 2019). • Consensus clustering. Scientists from various disciplines The next three examples concern different kinds of techno- need to cluster data collected in experiments, to better un- logical uses of collective information. derstand its inherent structure. Numerous algorithms for • computing such a clustering have been proposed. When Crowd recommendation. Online recommendation ser- trying to combine the results returned by alternative al- , such as TRIPADVISOR (tripadvisor.com), aggre- gorithms, we speak of consensus clustering (Goder and gate individual information provided in the form of re- Filkov 2008). This is yet another form of collective infor- views, e.g., of hotels or restaurants, into collective eval- L L mation, with representing the range of possible cluster- uations. Here, might be the set of all possible (incom- ings, e.g., in the form of equivalence relations. plete) star-ratings of the restaurants in a given city. Re- search on this topic often focuses on probabilistic mod- • Ontology merging. Ontologies are formal descriptions els and the use of maximum-likelihood methods to esti- of a narrowly defined domain of knowledge (e.g., med- mate an underlying ground , as well as on interpret- ical knowledge) in a logical language. Such ontologies ing the textual feedback given by users (Ghose, Ipeirotis, are useful for the development of expert systems and and Li 2012). Issues typically studied in social choice the- intelligent question answering systems. When trying to ory, such as fairness or strategic behaviour, have received combine information from several ontologies, we once less attention to date (Pennock, Horvitz, and Giles 2000). again perform aggregation. Ontology merging is a very • demanding task and current research usually focuses on Rank aggregation for information retrieval. Reputation integrating information from just two (rather than n) on- systems used to determine the relative importance of dif- tologies (Noy 2004), but in the , where we can imag- ferent websites can be modelled as aggregation problems ine larger numbers of (possibly small) ontologies being for information inherent in the link structure between such discovered dynamically on the Semantic Web, the agent- sites (Tennenholtz and Zohar 2016). The most famous ex- centric perspective advocated here is clearly attractive and ample is the PAGERANK algorithm used by the GOOGLE needs to be developed further (Porello et al. 2018). search engine. Integrating the search results returned by several different Internet search engines is yet another ex- How? ample for an aggregation problem (Dwork et al. 2001). — Contributing Disciplines Research on all of these challenges will have to integrate • Peer evaluation. The advent of MOOCs raises the signif- domain-specific and domain-independent approaches. Re- icant challenge of how to grade the work of vast numbers garding the former, for instance, making progress on the of students. Various peer grading models have been pro- challenge of ontology merging requires deep insights into posed, under which we have to grade a student based on description and other Semantic Web technologies. the grading information each student provides on (a small Similarly, advancing the state of the art in expressive voting subset of) the work of her peers (Caragiannis 2017). Se- requires insights from Political Science to better understand lecting project proposals by scientists for funding or pa- what kind of technological innovations would in fact benefit pers for publication in the proceedings of a conference, users in practice. But at the same there also is much based on the reviews produced by members of the same that these diverse applications have in common, and a full population of scientists, is a closely related challenge. understanding of the of aggregation will require us to Certainly when selecting papers for large conferences, we isolate this common pattern from domain-specific aspects. increasingly rely on the rankings suggested by the soft- ware tools used to manage the reviews received. Thus, As mentioned in the introduction already, computational this is an important domain where a more principled use social choice (Brandt et al. 2016) appears to be a promising of technology may result in significant improvements. starting point for developing a methodology for analysing the domain-independent aspects of collective information. The remaining examples are about helping scientists who Computational social choice is itself an interdisciplinary un- use tools that involve various forms of collective informa- dertaking, bringing together ideas and techniques from Phi- tion. This includes Cognitive Science and the Social Sci- losophy, Political Science, Economics, Mathematics, Logic, ences more generally, as well as AI and Computer Science. Computer Science, and AI. To obtain a better understand- • ing of collective information and to develop theoretical and Crowdsourced annotation of data. Scientists from a practical tools for working with this , I expect that at broad range of disciplines require large corpora of anno- least the following approaches will a prominent role: tated data for their work. Such corpora can serve as bench- marks when testing new theories. They also are required • Axiomatic method. When employing the axiomatic

13522 method (Thomson 2001), as understood in economic the- natural starting points for a systematic investigation of col- ory at large and social choice theory in particular, we for- lective information. There are many interesting and likely mulate normative desiderata of mechanisms in mathemat- fruitful avenues of research to pursue here, focusing either ically rigorous terms to then explore the logical conse- on specific approaches or specific application scenarios. But quences of these definitions. The desiderata themselves the research directions I believe to have the most potential may be informed by a range of disciplines, including not for impact are those aimed at building new bridges between only Economics, but also Political Science, Philosophy, different application scenarios by exploring the general pat- and particularly . They often formalise certain intu- tern of collective information they have in common. itive conceptions of the notion of fairness. The ultimate grand challenge here, it appears, is to try and • theory. Game theory is the study of mathematical understand how the specific features of the type of informa- models to analyse strategic interactions between rational tion at play in a given application scenario do and should agents (Leyton-Brown and Shoham 2008). Whenever we influence the design of good aggregation mechanisms. For think of a source of information as an agent that has a cer- example, what changes when we move from the structurally tain degree of , we should account for the pos- simple kind of information used to represent preferences in sibility that this agent may act in a strategic manner to an election or corpus annotations in a crowdsourcing exper- influence the outcome of an aggregation process. Game iment to the structurally rich kind of information required theory is the framework of choice to analyse such effects to model an ontology? Of course, very many things change, and, where possible and desirable, to contain them. but what is it that specifically changes about the desiderata we have for our aggregation mechanism? Similarly, what • Probability theory and statistics. The predominant changes when we move from a scenario in which every methodology in several of the application areas discussed agent provides complete information (e.g., where everyone earlier is grounded in probability theory and statistics. The ranks the same candidates in an election or answers the same basic idea is that the pieces of information supplied by in- questions in a questionnaire) to a scenario with very in- dividual agents can be understood as representing noisy complete information, such as the crowd recommendation copies of some underlying ground truth. Given an ap- or peer evaluation scenarios, where every agent provides in- propriate probabilistic model, tailored to the application formation on only a tiny fraction of all of the issues at stake? at hand, we can then try to recover this ground truth by I believe that developing this kind of understanding will en- means of maximum-likelihood estimation (Raykar et al. able us to transfer insights—and ultimately also techniques 2010; Elkind and Slinko 2016; Xia 2019). and solutions—from one application to the next, thereby ad- • Logic and automated reasoning. Logic has the potential vancing the state of the art in all of them. Doing so is chal- to play a significant role in the study of collective infor- lenging, but not impossible. For example, for graph aggre- mation in more than one way. For one, logic is a natural gation there already are results of this kind, illustrating how framework in which to encode richly structured informa- the logical richness of the space of inputs individual agents tion. Indeed, arguably the most general form of aggrega- can provide affects the possibility of designing appealing ag- tion that has been studied systematically in recent years gregation mechanisms (Endriss and Grandi 2017). is logic-based judgment aggregation (Grossi and Pigozzi On the path towards tackling this grand challenge, there 2014). Logic also sits at the core of an emerging research are a multitude of important and interesting research ques- trend within computational social choice that is concerned tions concerning somewhat more concrete instances of with the use of automated reasoning tools—notably SAT knowledge transfer between pairs of application scenarios. solvers—to derive formal results regarding social choice The basic idea is to take one technique that has been suc- mechanisms automatically (Geist and Peters 2017). cessfully applied in one scenario and explore what happens when we try to port it to another scenario. There are several • Algorithms and complexity theory. Every mechanism examples in the literature where this approach did bear fruit. for turning individual pieces into collective information To conclude, let me just mention a handful of them: Altman ultimately is an algorithm. Thus, any such mechanism is and Tennenholtz (2005) have used the axiomatic method, as subject to the kind of analysis of algorithms routinely car- classically used for the analysis of voting rules, to obtain an ried out in Computer Science. This includes, in particular axiomatic characterisation of PAGERANK. Kleinberg (2002) the use of complexity theory, to understand the consump- has applied the same methodology to cluster analysis. Mao, tion of resources required by a mechanism (Betzler et al. Procaccia, and Chen (2013) have experimented with vot- 2012), but also the analysis of its communication require- ing rules originally designed for political elections to de- ments (Boutilier and Rosenschein 2016). sign better crowdsourcing mechanisms. Caragiannis, Krim- pas, and Voudouris (2015) have used methods originally Whither? — Research Challenges developed to understand the informational requirements of I have sketched a definition for a notion of collective infor- voting rules to design better peer grading mechanisms. Fi- mation and argued that several important practical problems nally, de Haan (2018) has used insights gained through a currently studied in very different fields may be classified as complexity-theoretic analysis of judgment aggregation to instances of this notion. I also have pointed out that many shed new light on participatory budgeting. of the techniques currently employed to study preference I hope that these examples will inspire others to contribute aggregation in the field of computational social choice are to our understanding of collective information as well.

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