The USS Houston
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Not, ember 1927 HOUSTONPORT AND CITY 43 TheU. S. S. Houston,~ort Houston’sLatest Asset By WII,LIAM A. BERNRIEDER Secretary Committee for a U. S. S. Houston. N Wednesday, September 7th, 1927, the Honorable Curtis D. they are the eyes of my fleet." He could see his wish fulfilled O Wilbur, Secretary of Navy, visited Houston and announced today by every ranking naval power the world over. that one of the new cruisers about to be constructed by the A type of vessel considered so indispensable that the two lead- United States would be named in honor of Houston. ing maritime powers clashed at the conference table over their This statement came as the result of nine months of unin- number, size, design and utility! What effort was required to induce the Secretary of the Navy terrupted campaigning by a committee headed by Coionel Thomas H. Ball, and was a very gratifying announcement to the reception to name the Cruiser Houston is an account of earnest persistence committee which greeted the Secretary. and intelligent application of force. The sincere manifestation of the popular demand--best expressed by the thousands of our school Many are curious to know something of the new Houston, children, represents the brighest and most beautiful recollection and her value to the splendid Navy of which she will soon become of the entire campaign. a unit. The Cruiser Houston will cost $17,000,000., with 130,000 It was the writer’s privilege to learn that when the last school horsepower--more than four times the horsepower of the whole term closed, over 5,000 such personal letters of appeal had been United States Navy in 1898. received by the New Chief. Is that not a splendid testimonial of With a length of approximately 600 feet, and beam of 65 feet, youthful pride and interest in our first line of defense? No won- this cruising sea fighter will represent a tonnage of about 13,000 der the Secretary of the Navy could no longer remain unbending tons, and will be the ultimate in the cruiser class of war vessel. to the appeal of thousands of boys and girls who wanted this As is commonly known, the modern sea cruiser is designed for cruiser named in honor of their hero, Sam Houston. high speed, superb communication radius, and accurate reporting It will be of further interest to learn that over 188 separate of enemy movements. The late war attests the high value naval organizations, representing the civic, labor, commercial, govern- strategists place upon the cruiser. That supremely important mis- mental, fraternal and professional life of our City, passed strong sion known by the simple term of "movement" represents the suc- resolutions of endorsement, and sent certified copies thereof to cess or failure of the art and science of naval warfare. the Navy Department. The cruiser is the class of ship that comes between the high- The Western Union, by actual check, filed over 500 tele- speed, wasplike destroyer and the capital ship, better known as the grams urging favorable action on the part of Secretary Wilbur. battle ship. It is not primarily offensive. Its ordnance consists Numerous personal calls by Col. Ike Ashburn, Mayor Holcombe, of ten 8-inch guns, the maximumcalibre allowed under the arms Major Allin, A. D. Simpson and our own inimitable representative treaty, supplemented by four 5-inch anti-aircraft guns. She is to at Washington, Judge Edwin B. Parker, and others hastened the mount six torpedo tubes, and be equipped with two seaplanes, which success of the local campaign. The Houston wlll feel the first tap of the trip-hammer when can be easily and quickly catapulted in any weather, at any speed her keel is laid in the shipyards of the Newport News Ship-Build- of the ship. ing and Dry Dock Company, at Newport News, Virginia, the Moreover, the new Houston will have a complement of 35 State which claims the birthplace of the illustrious General Hous- officers and 600 men, taken from the cream of the naval service. ton, after whom the cruiser is so fittingly named .... a de- Oil burning boilers and hissing steam turbines will drive this lightful co-incidence, indeed. According to present plans, the greyhound of the sea thru angry waters at a speed of over forty Houston is to be the first of six new vessels, one of which is to miles per hour. Driven by four screws, and with fuel tanks filled be built at Fore River, Mass., one at Camden, New Jersey, two at to capacity, the Houston will have a tremendous cruising radius, Newport News, Virginia, one at Mare Island Navy Yard, Califor- and under full steam can easily develop over 130,000 horsepower. nia, and another at Puget Sound, Washington. All plans are A factor so vital in armed conflict at sea is the ability of the cruis- complete, contracts let, and actual construction is scheduled to be- er to report enemy movements, and transmit valuable information gin within the near future. Two years will be required in build- to the commander-in-chief of fleet operations in the rear. An ad- ing the vessel. ditional function of the cruiser is to go far ahead of the scouting After launching and commissioning of our new cruiser, she and battle fleets, and ward off enemy attacks until such time as will proceed direct to Port Houston to receive the handsome sil- the slower-moving capital ships can be brought into a strategic ver service to be presented with appropriate ceremonies. She will position and occupy the enemy in major engagements. then begin her long journey, better known in naval vernacular as Lord Nelson, in a desperate moment, vividly appraised the value a %hakedown"cruise, on which she will visit many of the major of the modern cruiser’s antecedents, when he cried: "More irigates, ports of the world. The~,4merican Association of Port Authorities HE seventeenth annual convention of the American Associa- have been created in the last few years at H~uston have resulted in tion of Port Authorities will be held in Houston in October the desire of these port experts for a closehand inspection of them. T The last convention was held October 4th to 7th, inclusive, at or November, 1928. St. Louis, at which time there were present approximately one hun- This meeting will bring together representatives from practi- dred representatives from various ports, including one from New cally every well known American and Canadian port, as well as a Zealand, one from Hawaii, and three from Russia. number from foreign countries. The purpose of this association is Any people interested in port matters can obtain data and pub- the developing of knowledge regarding port construction, operation lications from the Association by communicating with its secre- and management, and the large number of modern facilities which tary, Mr. T. S. McChesney, care the Dock Board, New Orleans, La. 44 HOUSTON PORT AND CITY November 1927 Cable Address: "Schutteeo-Houston" Telephone Preston 5588 ScllLIll£ Sl~ippin~ Co. GENERAL STEAMSHIP AGENTS 311 Cotton Exchange Building HOUSTON, TEXAS, U. S. A. Regular Service Houston and Galveston to Japan STEEL BUNKERDELIVERIES AT DURABLE--FIRE PROOF SHIPSIDE WITHOUT DETENTIONOR LOSS o~ AND ECONOMICAL OFTIME Our Pipe lines are installed on pub- For forty years we have been furnishing this lic wharves and we bunker while the ship is discharg- product to the construction industry in this ing or taking on cargo territory. Send your inquiries for structural steel-- We shall appreciate your inquiries for spot or contract business reinforcing steel tanks plate work bridges, etc. PHONE PRESTON 3977 Two modern plants for your convenience, i osher Steel &Machinery Co. ~H HoustonOil TerminalCompany DALLAS Houston Structural Steel Co i i HOUSTON, TEXAS November 1927 HOUSTONPORT AND CITY 45 Houston Chambero/ Com lZlgF(g Many persons and firms located far from Houston desire ser- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC TRADE vice and information with reference to their various interests for T. L. Evans, Manager which the Houston Chamber of Commerce is always glad to be Local conditions of trade with special reference to wholesalers called upon: and jobbers--Classified list of Houston concerns---Present and fu- ture possibilities of specific trade propositions--Foreign trade prob- The following is the Executive Committee: lems-Information on Houston’s trade possibilities with special President J. W. Evans ................................. reference to Mexico and the West Indies--Interpretation and writ- J. W. Neal ................... Vice-President ten translations of foreign languages--Headquarters of Houston C. Milby Dow..................................... Secretary Trade League, which sponsors annual Buy-In-Houston Week. L. S. Adams ........................ Treasurer F. M.Law ............................................... Member at Large AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT R. M. Farrar ........................ Ex Officio G. C. Ellisor, Manager Agricultural conditions in Harris County and adjoining coun- The service rendered by the Chamber of Commerce is divid- ties-Specific information to individuals on farming problems-- ed into several departments of which the following is an outline Boy’s and Girls rural club work--Information from specialists em- and they at all times welcome inquiries from those desiring their ployed in the department of livestock and dairying, home demon- assistance. stration and field crop subjects--County Agent work--Informa- EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT tion available through direct contact with the Extension Service of Col. Ike Ashburn ........... Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. the State Agricultural and Mechanical College. R. J. Seaman ...... Assistant Gem Mgr. PUBLICITY G. C. Roussel................... Assistant to the V. P. & G. M. Burr Rule, Manager W.Lawrence Moore ........................ Membership Activities National and local distribution of civic advertising including TRANSPORTATION news publicity on Houston development--Pictures and cuts of C.