As you may be aware from the notices they have posted, Tilhill will be transporting timber through Aberllefenni and Corris for the next few weeks, due to the landslip on the road to at Llwydiarth. The Council have been aware of Tilhill’s plans for a few weeks and is strongly opposed to such traffic through the villages. We have been in negotiation with Tilhill and others to seek a solution, alternatives have been suggested and rejected, and a proposal by County Council to put a temporary Bailey bridge over the landslip have proved to be technically not feasible. Although Tilhill have conceded that they will cease harvesting operations until the road to Aberangell is serviceable, there is a quantity of felled timber that they contend has to be moved as soon as possible, and the road through Aberllefenni and Corris is their only option. As there is no legal constraint on the use of this route, there is nothing that Corris Council can do to stop them. The Council will continue to work with others to ensure that once the Aberangell route is again serviceable, there is a legal agreement in place that obliges Tilhill, and other timber operators to use this route to extract timber from around the Corris area. Meanwhile, if you witness any incidents involving timber lorries on the route, or infringements of the conditions publicised by Tilhill, please let the Council know by email – [email protected] Rod Edwards Vice Chair Corris Council