The Guide from MultiLingual Computing & Technology OCALIZATION #57 Supplement L July/August 2003 4 The Evolution of Localization Bert Esselink 8 An Overview of LocalizationLocalization ToolsTools David Shadbolt 12 Localization Management: Practical Automation Solutions Damian Scattergood contents contents 18 Establishing Key PerformancePerformance IndicatorsIndicators forfor LocalizationLocalization Donald A. DePalma 21 Localization Project CaseCase StudiesStudies Dan Johnson GETTING GUIDE GUIDE STARTED GETTING GUIDE STARTED LOCALIZATION MultiLingual Computing & Technology Publisher, Editor-in-Chief Donna Parrish Managing Editor Laurel Wagers LLOCOCALIZAALIZATIONTION WORLDWORLD Translation Department Editor Jim Healey Copy Editor Cecilia Spence ConConffererencencee Research Jerry Luther, David Shadbolt News Kendra Gray, Becky Bennett Illustrator Doug Jones Production Sandy Compton October 14-16, 2003 Editorial Board Jeff Allen, Henri Broekmate, Bill Hall, Seattle, Washington, USA Andres Heuberger, Chris Langewis, Ken Lunde, John O’Conner, Mandy Pet, increase your expertise Chris Pratley, Reinhard Schäler network with professionals Advertising Director Jennifer Del Carlo test the latest tools Advertising Kevin Watson, Bonnie Merrell Webmaster Aric Spence Interns Kyle Elsasser, Jennifer Lund Advertising:
[email protected] Localization World brings together industry EVENT experts, novices, customers and vendors to 208-263-8178 learn and share knowledge. It is comprised of preconference Subscriptions,