The Lowell Ledger. Indepenoent-Not Neutral

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The Lowell Ledger. Indepenoent-Not Neutral THE LOWELL LEDGER. INDEPENOENT-NOT NEUTRAL. TOL X, NO. 33. LOWELL. MICHIGAN, THURSDAY JANUARY 29, 1903 FIVE CENTS. AD BQIM ut4 mm TB» nnnln* all Mar alt F you want a thoroughly reliable $250,000 ELECTRIC YOUNG AND OLD. TrvU-Mtrk. B«wtn of laluilw*. I Stove, Steel or Cast Iron Range please look into the merits of Our Savitigs Pass Books PLANT TO UK UUILT IX DEATH OF MKS. PRICE (NEE FLAT HIVEK AT LOWELL MAHV LOOK,) Are popular amonjr all classes. We issue these This Year. Work Will Be^ln at I At Ithaca Tuesday. Ruriul ot I for as low as a dollar and up to any amount. lien Once. i l.owell Pridny. , Garlands money remains six calendar months we allow interest The (•traml K tpiilK K-lisou com I Mr*. C. A. Price died Itluira, thereon at rate of THREE PER CENT per annum; but Jtf, pany, OWIMTI OL tin* LIOWCLL W.AER Tu sday, a" p. in., agid ab nt b. fore you buy. when a deposit is made during the FIRST TEN DAYS «f «!k Mylil plam ami. f tin- riyliLs tif 30 yearn. Kti'icral serviucs will be GARLANDS are made of the any month interest begins on the first of that same sheNNo^t Miclii^ui Eleoiriu com- held there this afterno'in. I b.-s< materhl thai can be had, by month. We credit and compound interest twice a year, paiiy, have .IM-M.-.I I„ Mrs Price W.IN H Lowell girl, a workmen of long experience, possess June and December. If the depositor does not call on f25U,U0U <1 in aii-i »'lei'.lric, plant on living here ab nt eigh'een years j every desirable feature to be found ITS 1'I at iiu-r |ii(i|ioi ly, jii>i norlli ag >, and known HS Mary Look, J interest paving* dates, his interest will be attended to in other goods of their kind, (be- of Uii» Vil!;igu It IH |»riip')KC(l TO She was a niece of our tow hsman, just the same as though he were present. For further sides many features not lo be found riiiHca plaiit util generate lo U 1). G. Liok, who went to Ithaca particulars you are invited to call. in any others), and cost you no m ire than other high-grade Sioves and liofKe povir. Work will he com- this morning to attend the funeral. Ranges. iiieiiccl at oi ce ami it will |ir<)l)alilv The body will be brought to CITY BANK, HILL, watts & co. taki' :il«>ii| i year to uuiiiploto it. Lowell for burial; aid will lie in A good stove U THE HOUSEWIFE'S BEST FRIEND, an I as it I hi- is the |ir>iji;ui eonccivoii and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Look is purcha-<ed but seldom during a lifetime, cire should b,! liken to seoure ntartcd by ( huroh it McD.uiiiell in torn'rrow (Friday) fror. 1 to 4, p. a good one. the early nim-tiei*, work on which in. Friends wishing to call may do wa«« Bl'tppeil on of the panic so. of 1803 THE BEST IS ALWAYS CHEAPEST The E-lison compmy proposes to LOUIS BOLTEIL AT REST. generate eleclriciiy for it.niHiniM.sion IN THE END. t to Grand Ripich, whifh will gruat- Old Lowell Resident Aged 8.) Years. SUGAR MAKERS' ly increasf it- lacdities for takiii" Died", yesterday morning, Jan. 'JH, A full line of GARLANDS, as well as all dependable goods in circ oi the urn ng deni mh for Louis iJolter, aged 81 years, a for- the Hardware line, can be found at our store, and we always give hon- electric ligh: anil pnvt-r in th.itciiy. mer resident of Lowell Services est value for your money. J At the anmial meeting t»f the were held this afternoon at the home ibove n.unetl ompany the fo'lowing of his nephew, Clarence Firnham, SUPPLIES. lirco'.ors were e'l^cted for the coin- in South B >ston, where he has re- ing year; D.mie! .y, Tliom in sided the past few years. 1 I ' Hechtel anil (Jeorge Hundy of Mr B titer was a familiar Hgure Grand 11, Da iiel McUo-d, B. on our siree's, and will be missed SCOTT & GAMBELL. We will offer you while they 1'. Ueeker an<l Win. Wright of at the Congrega1 ional church, where Newaygo, (jordon Uigelow of Mil- In was a regular attendant for many last a No. 1, 12 quart Tin waukee, 11 N, ll'ginhothaii and II. years. I). Iliginhothan of Chicago, K. K. McLaren oi JeiHey City, N J , and Sap Bucket at $12.25 per 100. CAT OFF IN HIS BOYHOOD. E K. Collin of Suhenectaily, N. Y. PIANOS. ORGANS. At the director's meeting held Syrup Cans correspondingly Isaac Leece of South Lowell Saturday the following ollicnra were Dies of his Itijnry. cheap. elected: I'rehident, Daniel McCoy; Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, . vice president, Daniel MoGool; Isaac Leeoe, son of Mrs. John secretary and treasurer, Thomas F. Leece of South Lowell, who acci- Accordions, Harmonicas, ISeehtel. A. K. Walker was elected dently injured his knee about a nenend superintendent. week ago, died Monday at the age We have a few Heaters left of seventeen years. Funeral ser- at cost. Now is the time to vices were held yesterday afternoon Sheet Music and Books, A VERGENNES CASE at Bowne Center church. buy. All at prices that will save MRS. FRANK HOOVER A SI KFKKIN({ WOMAN L)E you money. Yours Respectfully, SEKVES HER AID. Of Kecoe, At Rest from Her Loofl; Sufferiag- Mrs. Peter Estcrly's Sod Pllnht- Mrs. Frank Hoover died yester- Stocking's Music Store, X Cose For Charity. day after a lingering illness of con- R. B. Boylan. sumption, aged about 30 years, at The attention of TUB LKIICER Lowell, Mich. has been called to the cjise of Mrs. her home in Keeno. Peter Ksterly, who has been lying "We understand the funeral will in the home of Valentine Giebes, be held at St Mary's church, Low- of this village since December 15, ell. Saturday, Jan. 31, at 9, a. m.. with a broken hip, from a fall on Rev. Fr. Reid, of Grand Rapids, the icy street. officiating. : Heing in that vicinity when the • .iccideiit accured, the unfortunate Sate of Thoroughbred Horses. woman was carried to the Giebes Twenty-two thoroughbred horses, 9 USIC home whcic she has beep kindly and other property of the late John :cared for. M. Malhewson. are to be sold at Is the fourth great material want of Unr information H t'nut Mr. and auction, Thursday, Feb. 5, begin BUTTS oun nature—first food, then raiment, x .Mrs. Esterly, old residents of Ver ing at 10, a. ra., on the premises one I then shelter, then music/*—Bovee. gennnes, are poor people, who have half mile sonth of Lowell, by II. » • always been proud to be self sua- Nash, executor. X. F. Go-Id, Lyon & Healey's Celebrated Wash bum J 4 taining. On the day of the accident, auctioneer. the old lady was coming to town to A good opportunity is here offer- jiay her taxes, with money secured ed to horse breeders to obtain for Guitars and Mandolins • hy selling apples at 8c. per bushel, themselves at a nominal flgure as ' SEMI-ANNUAL and she was happy in the prospect compared to the actual value of the and others of lower grade and cheaper of paying this public debt. i borough-bred horse for breeding prices, also l urther, that Mr. Giebes is a purposes. A good strain of such laboring man, depeading upon breeding is indespensible in a good Violiti Strings and Trimmings, Harmonicas, • day's work for the support of his driving or trotting horse or for Auto Harps, Victor Talking Ma- £ family. In kindness of heart, they market. Do not fail to avail your- chines and Records, J look in the butTering woman and self of this opportunity. II. N. have cared for her, and Mrs. Kstorly Shoe Sale School Notes. Columbian Zithers, Harmonicas, and keenly feoljsher dependent condition. Metallochords, all sold at FACTORY It i- fell that it is not right for School was dismissed Monday 1 the burden to fall entirely upon and examinations arc being held. PRICES, saving the transportation these worthy people and that charges to customers. Miss Alice Morris has returned. Kslerlys being old and poor, have IS NOW ON. The Seniors were royally wel i right to expect something from coined and entertained at the home A. D. OLIVER, the township in which they have of Will Lind last Thursday eye- paid taxes so many years. ing. It wis a good introduction to WATOMIt, CLOCK® ANC JEWELRY. Doubtless the failure f) Io< k the year's gatherings. after the case is Jne to an overeight; Miss Iva Masten entertained her but there can be no further plea of sister, Miss Florence, of Grand that sort after this publicity. Rapids, last week. Let the proper officers look after the uase, or give reasons why not. Hearth bread, you bet. Every day at noon. Smith's. Friends of this paper are earneht- Don't Fail to Attend] Gjt your job printing at THE ' Men may come and men ly requested to trade with LEDGER LEOGSK office. Work, stock and advertisers. You can not do better. may go, prices right. But I go on forever." 1 judged by Clothes.
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