AD BQIM ut4 mm TB» nnnln* all Mar alt F you want a thoroughly reliable $250,000 ELECTRIC YOUNG AND OLD. TrvU-Mtrk. B«wtn of laluilw*. I Stove, Steel or Cast Iron Range please look into the merits of Our Savitigs Pass Books PLANT TO UK UUILT IX DEATH OF MKS. PRICE (NEE FLAT HIVEK AT LOWELL MAHV LOOK,) Are popular amonjr all classes. We issue these This Year. Work Will Be^ln at I At Ithaca Tuesday. Ruriul ot I for as low as a dollar and up to any amount. lien Once. i l.owell Pridny. , Garlands money remains six calendar months we allow interest The (•traml K tpiilK K-lisou com I Mr*. C. A. Price died Itluira, thereon at rate of THREE PER CENT per annum; but Jtf, pany, OWIMTI OL tin* LIOWCLL W.AER Tu sday, a" p. in., agid ab nt b. fore you buy. when a deposit is made during the FIRST TEN DAYS «f «!k Mylil plam ami. f tin- riyliLs tif 30 yearn. Kti'icral serviucs will be GARLANDS are made of the any month interest begins on the first of that same sheNNo^t Miclii^ui Eleoiriu com- held there this afterno'in. I b.-s< materhl thai can be had, by month. We credit and compound interest twice a year, paiiy, have .IM-M.-.I I„ Mrs Price W.IN H Lowell girl, a workmen of long experience, possess June and December. If the depositor does not call on f25U,U0U <1 in aii-i »'lei'.lric, plant on living here ab nt eigh'een years j every desirable feature to be found ITS 1'I at iiu-r |ii(i|ioi ly, jii>i norlli ag >, and known HS Mary Look, J interest paving* dates, his interest will be attended to in other goods of their kind, (be- of Uii» Vil!;igu It IH |»riip')KC(l TO She was a niece of our tow hsman, just the same as though he were present. For further sides many features not lo be found riiiHca plaiit util generate lo U 1). G. Liok, who went to Ithaca particulars you are invited to call. in any others), and cost you no m ire than other high-grade Sioves and liofKe povir. Work will he com- this morning to attend the funeral. Ranges. iiieiiccl at oi ce ami it will |ir<)l)alilv The body will be brought to CITY BANK, HILL, watts & co. taki' :il«>ii| i year to uuiiiploto it. Lowell for burial; aid will lie in A good stove U THE HOUSEWIFE'S BEST FRIEND, an I as it I hi- is the |ir>iji;ui eonccivoii and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Look is purcha-ston, where he has re- ing year; D.mie! .y, Tliom in sided the past few years. 1 I ' Hechtel anil (Jeorge Hundy of Mr B titer was a familiar Hgure Grand 11, Da iiel McUo-d, B. on our siree's, and will be missed SCOTT & GAMBELL. We will offer you while they 1'. Ueeker any your clolhet*, theie- WEYR ICK'S fore, huy your mateiialrt of a reliable up- to-date house, wl ere quality and correct judgment couni. J. B. NICHOLSON. Jim

TUK LKDQKK, LOWELL, MICLT.T TLIUKSDAY, JANUAKY ITFOJ. tllB LKDGKB, LOWKLL, MICH. THUK8DAY. JANUARY ao. Itfoa CREATION OF A HEW HEN. elected proviBlonnl president. He at Uacoaacloaa Prow Cronp once issued a new code of laws. In DO YOU GET UP CUJBBINQ LIST. STILL HEARIlfO TESTIMONY. and the committee presented a bill for Wha* the Chlehea Paaeler Haa lo VENEZUELA'S STORY. this purpose. the events following, Castro resigned, Daring a sudden and terrible attack of Do lo OhlalB the RCB* lleBBlta Tke Coal Strike COWMISSIOB Llatena Appropriation bills coming to the succeeded in getting back and final- WITH A LAME BACK? cronp our little girl was unconsoicns from WE furnish TUB LOWELL LEOGEH IB HIB Llae. Btrangnlatlon says A. L. Hpafford, poet- Will HISS. ta BTKcacc QITOB la flavor house from state irislitutidni show ly mysteriously disappeared. in combination with the following maater. Chatter, Mich., and a dooe of One ot the Operartora. Reads Like a NarratlTe of Days of Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. rioos, figures given being for THE that most of them want heavy sums . The successful fancier breeds for In 1861 Peaz returned and was giv- Minute waa administered and repeated British Subject Who Aided Boers for new buildings. The bill for the beauty and utility combined. If he Knight Errantry. tn a limited command of the army by often. It reduced the swelling and inflam- EIEDOKR snd the pausr named: Lawmakers in Both Senate and Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 21.—When An Interesting Budget of Informa- Almost everybody who reads the news- ff>f • --S— •• • ' ... home for the feeble-minded st La- desires to create a new strain, he President Tovar. Pear, resigned in mation, cut the mnctiB and sbortlr the Pilgrim Magazine (monthly) 11.10 the anthracite coal strike commis- During the War Found Ouilty papers is sure to know of the wonderful Grand Rapids Herald (semi-weeklr) House Are Busy Considering tion Concerning Affairs peer provides for an apMopriatlon of mutt be an Imaginative soul, says , consequence of the limitations being child waa resting eaajr and speedily ro- 1.60 sion adjourned yesterday the four cures made by Dr. Free Press (twlce-a-week) 1.70 of High Treason. $201,000, of which $108,000 is to be spent Leslie's Monthly. He must erect in A resolution .n.n.J. oovered. It cures coughs, colds, lagrippe, Measures of Importance. hundredth witness summoned before w in Lansing. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and all throat and lung trnnbies. One Michigan Farmer (weekly! 1.40 for new buildings and imprpvements, his mind's eye an ideal fowl, and pnhlle ABIBBIBS of the session yesterday of the coal Partker Action ait Prrarat—Sam- vide Nothlas Stt»acer Than Beer to color of comb, arch of neck, length '"Vf petty revolutions, plots, counter- der specialist, and is County, on the 17tli day of January \. pocket on ea^h and every proposi- which prohibits the sale or giving wonderfully successful In promptly curing m*rr of Rla Career. I gon at Caracas, marched to the pres- D., 1003. »r NOIM. strike commission was Chairman Urlak. away of cigarettes, and Its prorisions ami style of tall, depth of breast, pi0,B tnd complex polltica supposed to tion; wo accept subscriptions for ident's home, made (iual a prisoner lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- Preaent HON. Haaar D. JEWKLL. Gray's rather strong remarks in com- length snu color of legs, design snrt !.eprclicn( a republican form of govern- these outside papers, do ihe work are almost identical with tho^e pf the and proclaimed Peaz dictator. bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst Judge of Probate. WnKhinjfton, Jan. 20.—In the sen- menting on an inddent where Dis- London, Jan. 24.—Col. Arthur Lynch, (Special CorresDondtncs.J color of plumsge, etc. Having de- mgn( form of kidney trouble. Tennessee law. Any snti-cigsrette bill In the matter uf the estate of WILLIAM for nothing, simply lo accomtnodrlc ate yesterday the house bill provid- member of parliament for Galway, was VSeatlet Lansing, Jan. 26.—The time for the Echezuria was made minister of trict President Fahey, of the Miners' that may be passed will be approved elded upon an Ideal, he mates his , fjo^here else save in a South Ameri- Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root Is not rec- F. RECTOR, deceased, PHEBE JANE our subscribers. ananal Upper Peninsular "legislaitive 1 wor, but in the dissenHons which fol- ing for establishment of a depart- union, would not grant "permission" found guilty yesterday of high treason by Gov. Blisi. birds and starts his strain, picking ctn bjic couid tUCh rapid and com- ommended for everything but if you have kid- RECrOB hating filed in aaid court her junket" has arrived. This is the term lowed, he. was arrested for conspir- ney, liver or bladder troyble It will be found ment of commerce and labor was re- during the strike to a contractor to and sentenced to death. Although Lincoln Avery, of Port Huron, who from each brood the most perfect ' let€ chtn«.B occur In the government petition praying that said court adjadioate ferred to the committee on com- erect a boiler honse at a colliery formally sentenced lo be hanged rour order—m win i applied to the period during which specimens and gradually working to- } insignificant causes. ing against Peaz, nnd the records fail just the remedy you need. It has been tested and determine who were at the time uf bin roa ara snp- has represented this stste in the liti- or gUch In so many ways, in hospital work, in private The Tri-Weekly New York merce. In executive session the Cu- which was necessary to preserve the Lynch's sentence will no doubt be state senators make Iheir inspection ward this ideal through generation • - • • to show what became of him. death the legal heirs of said decaased and gation over the St. Clair Flats, has se- I With the other South American practice, among the helpless too poor to pur- World and THE LOWELL LEDGER of the various stale institutions. A after generation. It Is a sort of In 1863 certain provinces of Venez- entitled to inherit the real estate of which ban reciprocity treaty was confiid- mine from damage. The president commuted. cured permission from the supreme partnership arrangement with Prov- ! states Venezuela arose against the chase relief ana has proved so successful in said deoeasrd died aeixed. both one year for $1.05, 4 papers a ered. Senator Lodge Introduced a of the commission said he hated The lord chief Justice summed up , . ------rflltl rcccss will be taken for this purpose contalnlnf •aluabfcr£* . court in a case now pending to mfke s i Spanish rule on. July 14,1811. Gen. Si- every case that a special arrangement has week, 108 papers. For 10c. more, idence; the fancier attends to the It is ordered that Monday, the ItUh day resolution for an Inquiry as to tyranny, no matter whether it was the evidence very briefly. He said that from Friday, January 30, until Tues- been made by which all readers of this paper showing as to the character of the ! mon Bolivar commanded the armies. of February, A. D., 1903, at ten o'clock we add the Pilgrim, a dollar maga- whether certain countries are dis- practiced by an operator, a miner, or if in war time a British subject Joined day, February 10. It is proposed this mating, and sees that they are who have not already tried It, may have a lands. He believes he will be able to I The fight against Spain was conduct- in the forenoon, at said probate office, be criminating against the United anyone else. I the king's enemies, whatever his pur- lime thot more economy shall be prac- properly cared for, while Providence sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book size. "Well, did you ever?" "No, show that the lands were originally does the rest. ed by Gen. Bolivar for ten years, with a and is hereby appointed for bearing said States. Philadelphia, Jan. 23.—The ques- pose, he was guilty of an unlawful ticed in the matter of "refresh- telling more about Swamp-Root and how to petition. 1 never." a portion of the lake . bottom, and, few intervals, when the countries in find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Washington, Jan. 21.—The senate tion of who is responsible for the ap- act. Naturalization during wartimes mcnts," at least. Nothing stronger It is further ordered. That public notice therefore, not swamp lln^s. If this, the movement for liberty gave up. In When writing mention reading thisgenarous yesterday passed the legislative, execu- parent shortage in the supply of an- than beer and coffee will be provided, KAISER WILHELM'S MUFF. thereof be given by publication ot acopy of view of the case is taken by ths su- 1812 Venezuela, with the other coun- offer In this paper and tive and judicial appropriation bill and thracite coal was the subject of con- and If any of The "junketers" want this order, for three suoceaslve weeks pre- 0.0. McDANNELL.M.D. MILLERS MAY FIGHT. preme court the lands cannot be taken "Jmu*," tries, returned to the yoke on account send your address tO| discussed the statehood bill. Senator siderable debate yesterday by the at- stimulants of a more ardent nature,. M Ib Called a aad la Coaeld- Tions to aaid day of hearing in the LOWBI.L by holders of state swamp land scrip. ered BsaeatUl hr OeraiBa of an earthquake which destroyed Dr. Kilmer &Ce..Blng-l LSOOKB a newspaper printed and circulat- Physician and Surgeon Quay submitted a number of propo- torneys representing \he parties be- Slate Association Uaclnrea War. Aral nil they will have to provide it themselves. | hamton, N. Y. The A bill was introduced in ths state Spartamea. many lives and was said to be a mani- ed In said county. sitions for the fixing of a day when a fore the strike commission. It ws^ tke Use of Bo-Called "Benlth An Innovation has been made this time regular fifty cent and noiMo(i«amp-itoot Office 48 Bridge Street. Lowell, Mio * senate, making the promulgation of festation of Providence against tieir IIABBV D. JKWEI.L, Judge of Probate. vote could be taken, but to all such Sen- testified to that the miners are not s Poods." in the matter of taking care of the dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. criminally anarohistic doctrine a crime Many people have asked the question efforts for freedom. (\ true copy) AT.VIN E. EWIWO, ator Beveridge objected. Senator obeying President Mitchell's request provender. On previous occasions of punishable by $5,000 fins or ten years' as to the meaning and necessity of the At the battle of Carababo, in 1821, Register of Probate Hanna spoke briefly in opposition to to make extra efforts to produce Lansing, Jan. 26.—The Michigan this kind the people making arrange- imprisonment, or both. 'Tdkil^r these kaiser's muff which appears in the pic- the army of Spain was utterly routed was formerly minister of finance and M. 0. GREENE, M. D. the bill. "" more coal to relieve the situation. Millers' association has declared ments have gone to liquor houses, etc., doctrines or publishfaif them is cov- tures of the emperor in hunting by the allies. Bolivar was appointed president of the Bank of Venezuela, OTATE OP MICHIGAN, The Probate Washington, Jan. 22.—The omnibus Philadelphia, Jan. 24.—The indepen- against the use of "health foods" and and have taken contributions for sup- Physician awl Surgeon ered by the bill, which also provides a scenes. dictator of the republic and after- Prior to the rise of Castro he was obe Court for the Count„y of Kant. At a atatehood bill was further discussed dent operators of the upper coalfields plies. This time, each member going WSMOO of siid court, held in the Probate Office over Boylan's store. Bridge St.,Lowell will use the latter's tactics of adver- penalty of $2,000 fine or two years' Im- A Berlin newspaper Is authority for wards president. of the pillars of the government, and In the senate yesterday. An attempt began calling witnesses yesterday be- tising in fighting their use. At its ses- on the trip will have to give up five dol- Office in ihe Oity of Grand Rapids, in said prisonment, or both, for a Janitor or the statement that the muff is neither Spain did not, however, formally rec- he is regarded as a most progressive to hold an exceutiva session to con- fore the coal strike commission. There sion In this city the issuing of a bul- lars of his mileage for the commissary oouuty, on the 17th day of January, A. D., tenant whq opens a room for anar- an affectation nor intended to conceal ognize the rebellious states a« inde- and "modem" South American. As a 1908, aider the Cuban reciprocity treaty arc about 30 of these companies before letin urging the people not to discard department, and as about 60 are go- E. A. HODGES. D. D. S chist meetings. a crippled hand, but is called the pendent until March 30, 1845. youth he studied law and finance in Present HUN. Haaav D. JXWBLL, was defeated by Senator Quay. the commission. the use of bread was urged by G. F. ing a fairly respectable amount ot Adolph Sloman, of Detroit, pres- "Jagd," and is a very essential part of Singular to relate, without trouble London and Paris, and made a tour Judge of Probate. DENTIST. Washington, Jan. 23.—The state- Philadelphia, Jan. 26—The anthra- Allmendiger, and his suggestion met food and drink may thus be provided. ident of the Michigan Bar association, a German hunter's equipment, says of any sort or revolution, Venezuela' of the world before settling In Cara- In the matter of Ihe estate of IDA L. Successor to Rickert. Lowell, Mich hood bill occupied the entire atten- cite coal strike commission continued with a hearty response. The millers The railroads and the sleeping car says that some legislative action will the New York Journal. withdrew from the confederation cas. His family is one of the most dis- WAITERS, deceased, JACOB W.WALK KR tion of the senate yesterday except to hear witnesses Saturday represent- company, however, are rather back- AMERICAN LEGATION, CARACAS. are aroused over the wide use of the probably be asked to relieve the su- Hunting parties ureak up at about known as the Federal States of Colom- tinguished in Venezuela. having tiled in said court bis petition ptav- for a few routine matters. The legit.- ing the independent coal companies^ prepared breakfast foods, and per- ward about, giving what the membera ing for license to sell Ihe interest of said preme court, as the Judges of that one or two in the morning in the late bia. which embraced the present Co- ncla revoluted agHinst Peaz. and he Venezuela has an area of 503.043 S, P. HIOKS, lattve, executive and judicial appro- wanrt. Only 15 senatora are going, but estate in certain real estate tberein des- sonal experiences in a falling off of autumn and wait at certain points of was forced to take concessions, which square miles nnd n population of 2,323,- priation bill was sent to conference body say they cannot give proper con- lombia and Ecuador, on November 26, cribed, LOANS TREATY IS SIGNED. trade as the result of such use were they will take their wives, and a total the forests until the game, usually hurt him inateriall.v. ."127, of whom .'126.000 arc Indians and sideration to all cases. There are two 1829, and soon afterwards, at a meet- It is ordered that Monday, the 16th day and a favorable report was made given. The makers of flour believe of 78 will be on board. The sleeping Collections, Real Estate, Insurance, Lowel Aa Aaree-meBt RfBched BHweea propositions, one to create an inter- deer, pass on their way to the drinking ing of the Venezuelan notables. Gen. In April, istii, M new constitution 44,129 foreigners. It has a regular of February A. D.. 1903, at ten o'clock in on the bill appropriating $200,000 for that the increased general use of such car company refuse* to contribute the mediary court and the other to provide grounds. Peaz, who fought with Bolivar, was was adopted, ami (Jen. Jose Falcon army of 3,600 men. Its railroad mile- the forenoon, at said probate offl -e be and the erection of headstones to mark Valtetl Statea aad CoIoBibla aai COL. ARTHUR LYNCH. use of more than two cars, and it will products must hurt the trade in flour As the German autumn nights are secured the presidency. He turned It age la given as 529. the graves of confederate soldiers PavMaa Caaail Can Be BodH. a minimum amount for cases which elected president. is hereby appointed for hearing said afforded no excuse whatever for sub- and that the menace to their business mean some very close crowding. bitterly cold, a protection for the The capital of fhe republic is Car- petition and that all persons interested in A. E GAMBELL buried in the north. may be appealed to the supreme court. Gen. Peaz at once set on foot negb- over, for some mysterious reason, to sequent acts. There was abundant has already reached such a stage thai One complaint- with which most of hands must be provided—hence a I acas, a pretty city tucked away 4,000 said estate appear before said court, at Washington, J-n. 24.—The-statehood Washington, Jan. 23.—A treaty The Judges are said to favor the lat- t in Hons for the recognition by Spain Gen. Trinv. A civil war ensued. DENTIST evidence, he sold, of overt acts in aid- it is time lo retaliate in order to pre- the counties in the state of Michigan said time and place, tu show cause why a with Colombia providing for the con- ter plan. muff. This article is usually made i of Venezuela's independence. He was Falcon returned from retirement, feet above the level of the sea, and the bill again occupied the attention of the ll-euse to sell the interest of said estate in Over Bovlan's store. All branches of Deo ing the king's enemies. serve themselves. aeein to be afflicted just now is of bear's fur, or any other very warm 1 raised I.IHIO troops, turned them over railroad approaching it winds in and senate yesterday and during the de- struction of the Panama canal by JASON. succeeded to the presidency by Doctor said real estate should not be granted. tal work done by the latest improved The jury, after having been out too much extravagance on the part of ikin, has a rather flat shape, enabling I out of the mountain of "La Siiln," fol- methods. Satisfaction guaranteed. bate several spirited colloquies, oc- the was signed yester- A MIRACULOUS ESCAPE. Jose Vargas in 1835, it having been de- to Trius and retired. Peaz, who had It is further ordered, That public notice half an hour, returned a verdict of local health boards. The legislature, TAX IS RBDOCED. the hands to be pulled out at once, so lowing the ancient wagon road of the Gas administred. curred. The treaty between the day in Washington. This deter- cided that the president should hold become a ligurchcad, died in 1S73. thereof bu given by publication of a copy guilty. When asked if he had anything which draws all kinds of troubles to as to be free for action when the mo- Falcnii was reelected. On the day days of Drake and Pizzaro, and is United States and the government of i mines the location of the inter- Two Ilea In Hay City Fall a DUtanoa ol StaNe ComBilaaloa CBIB DBWB AB* office for two years and not be eligible of this order, for three successive weeks to say as to why he should not be sen- itself, has been getting evidence of ment comes. to succeed himself. after his clectiun. Gen. Cnrjcval at- carved almost entirely out of the aolld previous to said day of hearing, in Tsi; Colombia was received and referred oceanic canal at that point on the Plfty Peat and Receive Only eeBned VBIBBSIBB OB RBJIWBT tenced to death, Col. Lynch replied: this condition ever since the grind of rock. LOWBLL LEDOEB, a newspaper printed and MILTON M PERRY to the committee on foreign relation!'. isthmus and disposes of the Nicara- Minor Injnrlea. Moat PeleeAa New t'oae. President Vargas became embroiled tempted to set up old Tadeo Mono- "Thank you. I will say nothing." the present session began, and the Property 1B Mlehls«B. circulated In said county. Attorney and Oonnoelor at Law, Train' gua canal, at least until the Panama with the military element, and shortly gas as chief of the province of Harce- Washington, Jan. 2«.—The Panama same kind of howl comes from every Within a month the now cuue HARST n. JBWKLL, Judge of Probate. Hall Block, Lowell, Mich. Special atten Sea^eaee ProaoBBeed. Bay City, Jan. 26.—Two men fell 50 lona, but was suppressed. After this canal treaty was briefly considered in canal has been given a fair chancc. Lansing, Jan. 26.—Announcement it formed recently in the crater of (A true copy) ALVIN E. EWIHO tion given to Collections, Conveyancing The sentence of death was passed on county. Evidence of the trouble came insurrection after insurrection oc- THE FLOWER OF THE ORIENT. executive session of the senate Satur- The treaty pmvldes for the payment feet with a lot of staging from n wall made by the state tax commissios Mount Pelee, Martinique, has in- and Sale of Real Eatate. each of the four counts of we indict- nt first in the shape of locai hills pro- Register of Probate. by the United States to Colombia of of the new Washington theater Into sreascd about 330 feet in height. curred. In 1870 Buzman Blancho be- day and tiie secretary of state was viding various plans to hold down the that the first assessment of Michigan Coarteay and AMeaaiveaeaa af tfca Has also qualified and been admitted to $10,000,000 in gold and a rental of $250,- ment. The prisoner then bowed to the the basement among a lot of rafters came master of Caracas after thres practice in the Interior department and all authorized to make it public. Senator expenses of local guardian* of the pub- railroads under the new law, which Coald Afford it. Japaacae Aaaeas ThcBaae.lrea 000 annually thereafter, after the ex- court and was removed in custody. and timbers, and escaped with no days' lighting, and proclaimed him- the bureaus thereto and is ready to prose Spooner brought up the Indianola lic health, supplemented by petitions provides for an ad valorem tax on "Hey, there!" yelled the indignant ia Ckarmlas* PERE MARQUETTE piration of nine years. The lease of a Lynch throughout bore himself with broken bones or serious injuries. They self provisional general. He finally cute claims for those that may be entitled (Miss.) post office affair and defended from supervisors and other public this property, instead of the old spe- citizen, dodging quickly backward. rone six miles wide for 100 years is unfaltering composure. He walked were Fred Doinrow, of Twenty-ninth established a provisional govern- Oct. 11, 1902 to pension bounty. the action of the president. The dip- cific tax on gross earnings, which wai "You dropped a brick Just, now that It ia still true that westward ihe out steadily between the jailers and bodies praying for relief from the Trains leave Lowell as follows; lomatic and consular appropriation granted. The United Stales has the and Monroe streets, and Harncy announced recently as reaching an came within an ace of hitting me on ment. which lasted to 1873. when he past the bench where his wife and recklessness of tht township health sourae of empire takes its way, but bill ($36,000) was reported. right to send troops to protect its Portzel, of Third street. The 'accident the head!" I was duly elected president. There For Detroit and East boards. As the law now stands such aggregate valuation of $208,212,500, sny one who disdains the teachings DR. E. D. McQUEEN property in case Colombia cannot other relatives were seated. Mrs. Lynch was caused by a cross beam «.f the were more reolutions under the vorK 7 06 am 10 33 am 4 10 pm Honar. has been reduced $9,522,000 by the i^^Cape it!" shouted the workman of the east must be a superficial stu- For Toledo and South has been given permission to see her boards are permitted to take any pre- ous presidents. Washington, Jan. 20.—The consular do so. 'staging breaking under too much commission. The Michigan Centrali| LttWRfe twelfth floor of the unfinished T 00 am 10 33 am 4 10 pio Veterinary Surgeon husband. cautions they may please, order the dent of human life and mnnnerr, says and diplomatic appropriation bill, Colon, Colombia, Jan. 24.—The new* weight. The descent of the men was skyscraper. "We've plenty more av Trouble arose with (ireat Britain For Grand Rapids. North and West Hold a Coaference. payment of any kind of bills, and the was reduced from $47,000,000 to $43^^ Youth's Companion. Dentistry and Surgery a Specialty the third of the regular budget, was received here that the canal treaty broken by other staging which they 'em!"—Chicago Tribune. in 1881 over the boundary line with 10 33 am 4 10 pmS 20 pm After the prisoner had been re- bills must be paid by the counties, no 000.000; Pere Marquette from $27,000,- A company of Japanese, a baron For Saginaw and Rsv City Livery, Feed snd Sale Barn passed In the house yesteroay. Mr. between the United States and Colom- carried away as they fell. British Cuiana. This was finally set- other body having the right to audit 000 to $26,000,000; Grand Rapids &. In- and baroness with their suite, have 7 48 am 0 81 pa bia had been signed caused much jubil- moved Lynch and his counsel had a The Color Llae. in connection. Crumpacker (Ind.) introduced a res- diana reduced $1,000,000; Chicago, Mil- tled by a court of arbil ration, consist- For Freeport 7 00 am 4 10 pm conference regarding the course to be Will Be Tried by n Jury. such accounts. The representatives Pailface Pugg—An' wot size is de been visiting the United States for olution requesting the postmaster ation throughout the isthmus and ing of two Vciu'/uolans and two Eng- B L. Bairroif, H. F. MOSLLBB, Both Phones No. S5. adopted in the future and later it was Port Huron, Jan. 26.—In the suit of the various counties here have been waukee & St. Paul, reduced $600,000. the study of certain commercial con- LOWELL, MICH. general to transmit to the house, hopes are expressed that the United black bloke dat wants t' tike me on? lishmen. the king of Sweden to act as Agt. Qenl. Pass. Agent brought by the supreme lent, K. O. T. comparing notes and it ba« been fotntd The valuation of the Lake Shore A tions. As they sailed away on a great if not inconsistent with the public States will soon begin the completion announced that no action would be Manager—Six foot two, with s final arbitrator. taken at present. Counsel oan proceed M., against the Port Huron savings that local boards have apparently been Michigan Southern was increaacd ocean-liner they showed to marked FOR interest, a copy of all correspond- of the canal. swful reach. Fights at 175. In 1001 Venezuela got into trouble bank, iu which plaintiff seeks to re- trying lo outdo each other in allowing $1,000,000, and that of the Duluth, advantage among the throng ot ence in his possesslbn pertaining to with applying for a writ of error, but "Wot's 'is record?" with the rnited Stales over some as- QRANO TRUNK RAILWAT SYSTiM. cover $30,000 alleged to have been con- physicians to charge fancy fees for Sonth Shore £ Atlantic $1,250,000. American and English tourists. the recent resignation of the post- THROWN INTO A DITCH. it is thought that this may be rendered "Sixteen mills; ditto decisions." phalt claims owned by American capi- Fire unnecessary by the commutation of verted by its treasurer, Charles D. alleged work suppressing contagious They were short, swarthy, plain of Arrival and departure of trains from Lowell. mistress at Indianola, Miss. The ju- May ClaeoBtlnne Poet OSIoea. "I draws de color line—see?"—Bal- talists in that country, and soon af- WXSTBODKT). INSURANCE T*BIB OB the Chtlcaao Or rot Weatera the sentence to a short term of impris- Thompson, who was also assistant diseases. All of these local bills and timore American. feature, as we count plainness, save diciary committee authorized a fa- Lonsing, Jan. 26.—Congressman Ssm terward.- war was declared by Colom- No 17 Ezpress to Gd Haven *8 33 am Call on Road Wrecked la llllBola and onment, in which case it is probable cashier of the bank, to cover up hi> petitions' have l»een referred to the | for one extremely pretty young vorable report on the bill to create W. Smith has written Postmaster bia on Venezuela. (Jen. Ciprano Cas- No 19 Mail and Ex to GdHaven tl2 23 pu. Three Peraona Are Killed. shortages, theantorneypfot the plaint- committee on towns and counties of I woman. But they had the mannera a bureau in the department of jus- that the prisoner will accept the situa- Foster asking if he knows of any objec- THE PANTHEON AT CARACAS. tro was elected president and now No 13 Mail to Grand Haven 20pni F: D. EDDY & CO. iff moved lo have the case decided by the house, and that commlt Nerves. to hide it from yourself. They're loafln' with you 'long the wmys YOU WANT and the American coinage system in Tuesday morning at a point known One of the newest features of the bill ties of the atates of Venezuela, head- Will of B SBleidB. Others see it, you won't. An' slngln' In a rhyme. finding it at The Grand Rapids Business University. the Islands was adopted. as Happy Hollow, just above Chiwau- Swede* Knee StarrBtfoB. provides for a municipal civil service ed a party of soldiers, forcibly en- Whits Hall. Jan. 2$.-Jhe oonmer'. No use to search the work* around kum. A bridge gang train smashed GellivaoT, North Sweden, Jan. 26.— commission of four, with terms of Don't wafit until you can't tered the hall of deputies and killed An' think they're far and fleet; Washington, Jan. 24.—The house Gaye Up Preaching inquest in the case of WilliimXarson, LyoMStrcet A. S. PARISH, President. yesterday passed 235 private pension into an engine standing on a rotary The extreme destitution prevailing in four years, one to retire at the end several of them. P«sz then took up The brightest of 'em still are found who shot himself, retorwed s verdict deceive yourself any longer. In violets at your feet. snow plow. A car containing 50 men the famine dist rict of northern Sweden For Two Years. of the flrst year, one at the end of the arms against Monogas, but was de- bills. They included pensions to the of death at hl« own hands. Larson's Begin with the first thought —Atlanta Constitution. widow of Gen. Franz Sigel at $100 a belonging to the bridge crew was can hardly be realized without a visit second, etc., no more than t-Wo of the feated and captured in 1849. He was trunk contained $32 in eurrescy. He thrown from the track. The dead of personal inspection. Here in this Dr. Miles' Nervine Put same political parly to be members to take Scott's Emulsion. If kept prisoner in Caracas for nearly a SO POLJTE. month, the widow of Gen. Francis Neg- left the following will, written with ley at. $50, and the widow of Hear Ad- and injured were all members of the desolate, frozen region thousands of and the salaries to be fixed by the year, released and sent to New- JCOIVOM {Planing 7//ill... Me On Active List. s lead pencil on the back of an adver- it isn't really consumption so UEN'. MANUEL MATOS. miral Henry Picking at $40. The Alaska work gang. Neither engineer, flr«> human beings are face to face with council. York. man or brakeman were among the actual starvation. Seventy thousand At last all the ceremonies attending tising poster: "I bequeath sll my much the better; vou will soon delegate bill was also passed. It pro- Are yon well? Do you sleep well? Do property to my wife. God help my wife The Munugas family, consisting of Venezuela, and has been often himself vides for the representation of the ter- Injured. persons are living on less than famine you get ap rested, fresh and vigorous? Is the election of Gen. R. A. Alger as forget it and be oetter for the father and two sons, managed to al- anjjsnirant^orjli^^ ECKER & FOSTER, yoor mind clear and active? If not read the United States senator have been per- and little daughter and slsosse." ritory of Alaska in the house of repre- Stopped a Flfht. rations. If relief supplies should treatment. If it is consump- ternate in the presldent'a office until Manafsoturers of... Dealers in... slacken temporarily thousands would following. See what another has lofiered formed, Gov. Bliss having signed the Lumber, Lath, sentatives by a delegate, the first one Peoria, 111., Jan. 24.—Gov. Yates in- and how he recovered. Antl-SalooB CeBereseii 1858. when a revolution of more than f4-HHH-H-+++++-5-+++++++++++;; die of hunger. commission, and the document, with tio^you can't expect to be Sash, Doors, Blind*, Shingles, Cedai to be elected next autumn, and to hold terfered with the Ryan-Moran fight "Some ytut ago I was afflicted with tan Lanaing, Jan. 26.-—llie advisory ordinary proportions arose, and they Frames for Doors, Windows and a seat in the Fifty-eighth congress. stroke which left me with a shattered nerr- the big , has been OHLat once, but if you will K'ence Posts, by wiring Sheriff Potter instructions CBBI ladlHmeBta mi Toledo. committee of the Anti-Saloon League^ were put out of office and left the m Washington, Jan. 28.—The agricul- to prevent it at all costs. The sheriff otu system and eiceedingly poor health. I mailed to Senator Alger. has decided to call an anti-saloon coit- Screens. Exhibition and Shipping Brick Toledo, O., Jan. 22.—After an Inves- suffered terribly with nam in my head, the * SSfpn in time and will be city. A provisional government was tural appropriation bill was passed in sent a deputy to the Riverside club Representative Ferry hasiintroduced gress to meet in Lsnsing Febmsry 9, I; Dr. Porter's I Coops for Poultry, Dried Applb Boxes tigation lasting a week, the common lop of my head would feel hot I could not rigidly regular in your treat- formed. Gen. Julian Castro was ap- the house on Saturday. A session was hall Just before the fight fetarted, the study, aad after striving for two yean to his bill to limit the amount of child 10, 11,1903. It was decided tor secure Wooden Eave Troughs, Etc. pleas grand Jury Wednesday In- pointed provisional president. An held yesterday for memorial services deputy Informed Manager Kenny of wear the trouble off, 1 was com pel lea to give insurance to $15. The age limit is ten some of the shiest speakers Jn ths mint you will win. dicted officers of the Toledo coal ex- ap ray pastoral labor and retire to my farm amnesty was declared against the ex- for deceased members. the governor's instructions and the years, and any person who insures or nation, and to put on a programme change on the charge sf maintaining where I ip'—t nearly two years trying to re- Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, iles. Peaz returned, but as his ap- Matching, Re-Sawing, Job Work. fight was then declared off. cuperate. It was all of no avail. Phyticians' causes to be insured a child under thst will command the attention and Cough Syrup: an alleged illegal combine to keep up pearance was the cause of disturb- New Senators. that age for an amount greater than rest all you can, eat all you treatment and patent medicines failed to re- respect of the moat intelligent peo- ances, he voluntarily departed In Chicago, Jan. 21.—Dispatches show IC«Hh«Mke Moeka. prices for coal. lieve me. I was exceedingly nervoas and $15 is to be liable to a fine not less than ple of Michigan. can, that's the treatment and 1859. • • Is the BEST, that United Stotes senators were Savannah, Ga. ,Jan. 24.—Two distinct Hot Liable to Tai. irritable and sometimes woula shake terribly. $50 nor more than $100, or to impriaon- I could not bear any noise. At the least ex- that's the best treatment. At this time two political parties Has the BODV to It. ;; elected yesterday as follows: Hop- and almost immediate successive ment for six months. The purpose of Sale of State Lands. New York, Jan. 23.—Surrogate Fitz- citement the blood would ruih to my face existed, Ihe federalists and the union- kins (HI), Fairbanks (Ind.), Alger shecks of earthquake were felt here and head. Two years ago 1 was induced to the measure is to discourage child Lansing, Jan. 86.—State Land Com- FARj TMPl.BffP.IITS gerald, on an application made by \ \ Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, Whooping ' | (Mich.). Piatt (Conn.), Clarke (Ark.), Friday ni^ht at 8:15 o'clock. Reports try Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine. After missioner Wildey snnqpneed s ssle of Wo will send you ists. The latter desired to secure a Gen. Frederick D. Grant, has ruled murder which, it is suspected, is some- , > Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis. Sora Throat. . • Stone (Mo.), Hansbrough (N. D.), Pen- from Tybee island are that houses osing one bottle 1 could see impruvement in stste lands at his office February 26. a liale of the Emul- strong central government; the that the estate of Mrs. Julia Dent my condition so I continued taking it for times resorted to in order to get large • • Irritation of Throat, Dry Hacking Cough, • | rose (Pa.), Piatt (N. Y.), Smoot, were very perceptibly shaken. A At this sale 120,400 acrcs of primary former wanted a large measure of Grant, the widow of President Grant,, nearly a year. I am happy to say I no amounts of insurance on children. sion fice. Catarrhal Troubles. Lung Diseases. (Utah), Gallinger (N. H.), Kittredge shock was also felt at ColtfmMa, S. 0. schodl lands, tax, homestead and state freedom for the states comprising of all kinds. was not liable to pay inheritance tax. longer have those pains in my head or nerv- Representative Duncan, of Detroit, He »tir« i^tl Ihh picture ia . • Will prevent cunsuroplion if taken In lime. • • He—Won't you sit in this chsir, Miaa (8.D.). oas spells. My appetite is good and I am swamp lands will be offered f6r sale. the republic. Between these parties Term Ended la Jail. as chairman of the house labor com- the I .rm o' a Lbcl u mi Ihe " Once tried. It becomes a Mcessiiy in the '' Spooner? The goods Baak Ribbed. able to preach three times on Sunday with- These lands are in Alcona, Crawford, tp et ot every bode of and a complex number of other par- | family. Pleasant lo lake—adults and rliil- * \ Dar Will Aceepl. Columbia, S. C., Jan. 22.—The term of ont fatigue. I consider Dr. Miles' Nervine mittee, reported favorably on the re- Lmn )tiu l>uy. Miss Spooner—After you.—Punch. Roscommon, Clair and other bounties. tics, revolutions or fights were fre- i • dren tike It. Fine for whoopinc cough. • • are all Also Buggies, Wagons Washington. Jan. 26.—Judge William Lieut. Gov. James H. Tillman expired Bellaire, O., Jan. 24.—At Somerton, the most wonderful medicine ever discov- port of the state court of arbitration ered."—Rev. D. Alex. Holman, Pastor U. B. SCOTT & BOWNE. > quent. guaranteed R. Day has signified to the president Wednesday, while he was lying in jail, tast of here, robbers forced an en- and mediation, recommending that the Vnrnney Pilled. Ask for Dr. Psrlsr's Tke Sa4«eat Warts. Church, Marion. Ind. Chemists, | The day following the fall of the 1 and the prices Robes, Blankets. Etc. that he will accept an appointment to charged with the murder of N. G. Gon- trance into the City bank, blew the law be amended so that executive offi- , Ionia, Jan. 26.—The board qf control snd accept M cheap subililule. i To the fflrl who seea the swift years co safe and got away with |A,000. The All druggists se'I and guarantee first bot- Pearl St., N. Y. Monogas dynasty the old constitu- The saddest words of tonsue or pen are right the supreme bench to succeed Asso- cales. Col. Tillman remains silent ie- tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book cers of cities shall send notice of any of Ionia prison has chosen Dr. Harley robbers broke open Jame*Gray's barn, m tion, which had been changed, was H I 4 4 i' • Are these: "He asked me; 1 said No— ciate Justice Shiras, who is soon to re- garding the shooting, at least so far as on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address impending strike to this board, so that A. Haymee as resident physician to c and #i: al! druggists. The poor fool never came again." reutorcd. Gen. Julian Castro waa tire. . - . the public is concerned. stole a rig and escaped. Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind. they may tender their good offices, succced Dr. John T. Bird, resigned. For sale by D. G.Look. -Chicago Record-HcralA X

m lANUARY^. m* TUB LEDGER, L/JWELL, MICH., THUKHDAY. JANUARY 29, 1903. LOWELL LEDGER who by middle life is insured issue, the farmers of Huron RUBLI«K> IRM THITBSDAT AT against the wolf at the door, county are not pleased with HONORED BVTIIE BAR LOWELL, K1HT OOUNTT. MICH. with a reasonable amount of their experience in the business. —BT— leisure for recreation and the In any eventcrcm, thmce mani who in- FRANK M. JOHNSON. enioyment of the home reading —veatigate s first, will be the KENT COUNTY A880CI ATIjON Two Mai's Dress toils Sale anil SimmI Offerings In Silks, table, living in the love of his better satisfied in the end. ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS Kotered at Lowell pott ofllce ee second deaucair ones anaudu in tnthe deserveaeserveda - * • J • — clue Better. respect of his fellow citizens, I AT THE risk of inciting somIIeI Respect of the Late John M SUMORTPTION OKI DOLLAR TRARLT has the best end of life. Such | person of limited education to i Ways of Commencing Jan. 31st, closing Feb. 7th, 1903. Mathewsoa. a man may truly say: •Poor 'rush into print," THE ' ADVERTISING RATES. . —t —i_... • • • The Rent Coanty Bar amiociation and content is rich. and rich LEDGER will express its pleas- IR Enrtor JAM. 1, 1808. at a seiBion held in Graud Rapidit, y W S WOrth thinkin>r Sha,1 CUt the riCCS Space advertlaemonte, 10 ceoU en Inch per enough. ure at the election of General gown is hTlet " ^ ^ " Bi. stock to select from, including the celebrated Jamestown. Your IMUO. Seme on sroerl/contracts B cents per Jan. 19, adopted the following Alger as Senator from Michi- Curing Pain Inch. Steady adverttsere get choice of po- reioltuioDB. sitions. IF THE people of South Car- gan. We believe that the elec- Bosinesa notices among reading matter, 5 DRESS GOODS REMNANTS—Just the thing1 for a waist, skirt, or child's dress. cents per line. olina shall fail to punish Till- tion of a man who would assist First, druK it away. Second, coax it away by the ap. Cards of thanks, SO cents. t mon,slayer of Editor Gonzales, in a revision of the tariff in the plication of heat. Heat relicveB almoBt any pain, and they will prove their's a good direction of freer trade, . would when it will answer it is the better remedy. Every THB INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL state to stay away from. have been better; but the peo- home should contain a Always Somethi tig New. ple of Michigan by a big ma- Never were we so firmly con- - - ^ v/i .uxicuigcui oy a Dig ma- CHEERINO news for the peo joritmrtfiyr have decide—di agai•n and HOT WATER BOTTLE. vinced that Michigan is the pie of Lowell is that assuring again that they will be repre- best State in the Union as when, McCorda. Pratt Lake us of the building this year of sented in Congress by high Heat can then bo applied anywhere, at any time and in on the afternoon of January 20, the most effective manner." If the bottle be wrapped in F. Clark made a busineBB trip to Qraud Rev. Wigle of Grand Ripidi mipplied OUR BUSINESS MEN. SPADES ARE TRUMPS. a big dam and electric plant on tariff men. Now, as between we left the Industrial School u woolen cloth it will remain hot for hours. There arc Kadide recently. the M, E. pulpit S indijr as R-v. Manning Flat river, just north of the General Alger and some other for Boys at Lansing, where, few things a home oan contain that will be more awful George Broadbent, who has been ill with waa unable to do (>o. village. "There's a good time high-protectionist, we prefer Kate Millimnn of Alto viaited her sister, with the Eastern Michigan than this modern convenience. Those we have are made typhoid fever, is belter. Fourth of a Series of Illustrated Articles. coming." thegenia1 gentleman from De- Mn«, Sarah Story, recently. R. Press club, we. had enjoyed a of the highest quality of Para rubber, will last for years Saturday evening, Wm. Pdttison enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. E. Dean, Mr and Mrs. Little I rena Ce lief an-l Id.t Taylor are B. Boylan—From Poverty to Competence. most pleasurable and instruc- „ " ' " . troit, in whose home we have nnd cost but little. PROBABLY, Northern people hnBpiubI; entertained, John Pattieon, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Pe>ter- oo the aiiik list, tive entertainment. A State, who know nothing, expenmen- ^ ^ Just Arrived—A new stock of Combined Fountain it witll o{ ron, Arthur, Ortt and Ira Dean, all of Mrs, O'Riern has been entertaining rela- Syringes and Hot Water Bottles. that gathers from streets, lanes tally, of the race problem are Wm Aldtn Slllitll Aluka, aUo Mra. Standard of Oraml KHJI- tives, The subject of this sketch, an excellent portrait of whom is given and alleys, its unfortunate lads, M D, Snoathen has 3(| tons of baled herewith, WIIH born near Waynesburg, Pa., March 10, IS41); and was not competent to judge of the Burr0W8. .ucceasor will be a ida. and from all sorts of homes the hiy read' for sale, brought by IIH parents to NVashtenaw, Michigan, in October of the prejudices of Southerners, hi^h-tariff man in spite of all John Huiaingaand wife opent Suuday Wayward boys, to the- num- E. W, Kujlifih made a biesineH!! trip to same year. I'hree years later they moved to Livingston county, where Making due allowances, how- the "Readers of THE LBDQKR" with relativee at Orand Rapida. Moeeley las. vvvek. at the age ol fourteen, llulmrt was left orphaned and honieleas. lie ber of 700, into a home, where ever, it seems to us that Till- thil| 0ide o{ the m(xm That Wm. Fattison baa been ill with the grip. DRUG AND BOOK STORE. Mr, and Mr*. \>ldi«oa Hatch celelirale-I worked on a farm one Siimin«-i; and when Nixteen enlisted in Company they are clothed and fed, and man and his fellows are too free ^ the ^ ^ ^ d ^ R. E. McGormick vMted frienda and John Morris Malhewson was born A, 22d Michigan Volunteer Infantry. educated, mentally, morally and,-- ;—- —"7— relttivee in Orand Rapida their fiftieth weddiug annivernar/ recently denunciations of the power ^ affect ally way we in Little Falls, Herkimer county, at the h •me of F, W, M >rt'»n. religiously, taught useful' Chieneff Executive,. He is presi- r . ( „ TLT- iu any way, w- e Jay EMia ia improving. nt a a New York, Deoember, 18, 1823 and A, M Andrews is drawing lo^s prepare- After (he war, he resumed farm trades and trained into strong, dent of ALL the people, not prefer Mr. Smith to any Repub- Verne Knickerbocker of Alto viaited at died at Lowell, Michigan on the lory to feiiog hie barn. work and uonliniiifd at the same un- physical manhood, is one of lican we know of, for reasons Wm. PaUiaon'a Sunday. • simply of the whites. 36th of November 1902 age 78 •••••••• The s irpriie vi !ciin< »f lirt were til 180H, when ho began the tinnerV stated in a recent issue. "If this Howard Bet.-e, wife and children of which we may well be proud. yeara* 11 months and 12 days. Mr aul Mn, Gaor^e Tiio'cer, Mr. and Mrs trade, at which he worked until his TELEPHONES are ,i«pd in ^ treason, make the moat of Cleveland, Ohio, are viaitieei; lita parenN, purchase of the John C, Soolt hard- This is what the State, in the At the age of 11 years he went to Seymore Cjlee, Mr an I VIrn. O'Bicrnanl it M F. S. Ratea and wife. business places for BUSINESS i.-A d Ouj r anonymou„ .' s ••critic," work with his mother in a paper ware store in Lowell in 1802, where institution formerly known as Emma Win* a of Alpine apent Friday Ralph Gilbert, purposes; and NOT forBUSINES the purS- Reader,Keader, " is reminded that factory and soon became her main lie lias lived and done a thriving the Reform school, is doing. evening with her friend, Jav EIIM. Will Thomve an I Jennie \iidrewi of pose of accommodating people LEDGER IS an INDEPEND- support. Later he worked upon busines since. Aside fr-on about 18 The old high walls and iron Januaiy Clean-Op Sale! Nettie Wood vlaited her ulster, Mra. R. Freeport spent Sundiy with h1fc at 6^o per R. W., supported by Trustae mitted to the Bar before Judge Ine wagons which are finely made, painted New subscribers every day at the nor the great chorus of ^Mich- nothe burdensome. Further Winegar. Buffalo, N. Y. See that portrait BAPTISTCHI'RCH CROWDED [Corrected Jan, 23, 1903] ends Jan. 31st. We have on hand one dozen LEDGER oftioe. Knowing how to are always Lovell at Ionia the 8rd day of July in ebony and finiabed with silver trimming GIUIS. igan. My Michigan, with m0re, it is believed more resi- • Amendment lost by the following vote: Lamps, all we had left out of 25 barrels from aud siguature of A. VV. Chase, M, TO D00KS SUNDAY get up a good paper "does the bus- pieaeod with Yeas, Look and Winegar, nays Lee, Nich- I860, and he continued in the act- and lettering, which they nearly raised the dencescanbe lighted and the D. are on every package. EVENING. iness." This explains why our ad- the popular Wheat—75o per bushel. olson and Watts, aheent White. ive practice of his profession for last fall. We want these all to go and will put Bev. Jamea Thorns, our new pastor, hae Oate—36o per buahel. r0 vertisers are continually getting pcoiuTiuial vr r* « t-i t . revenue increased, which will Original motion carried by the follow ings over 40 years; until his death closed on a price that will move them. Remember, been qaite sick from poiaoninz from eating Corn—50c pet bushel. May Gou bless those boys certainly be of service in paying vote: Teas Lee, Look, Nicboleon, Watte Prograra of Work at Coagregatloa.. new patrons. Live businesH men Rye—45o per bnshel. a career at the Bar alike useful to what we say we will do we do. eanned goods tasting of the solder. CHURCHES & SOCIETIES. and raise^ them, every one, to the municipal debt. and Winegar; abeent White. al Church This Keek. prefer this sort of au advertising F«n. his clients and the community and Yours for business, There will be an all day social at the good ana useful citizenship, , , , Moved by Trustee Winegar that the Baptist. medium. Dead ones don't care. 'BRAND Corn and Oata—$22 00 per ton. minimum rete for any numbeL r of lighle be honorable to himself. X I hone of Mrs. E. R. Denisb, one mile The Baptist church was crowded £>•4 at KM- — ' 4 IU WB UU nBa COLLARS Bran—$29 00 per ton, fixed at 60c p^r' month! Carried:' Yeas I Mr. Mathewso"" ° L n had »a *egalegail mind.. Services next Sunday morning as to the el > 'rs Sunday evening, even WHEN a man engageencaires to 3 • • - north of Alto Thuraday, KK1THEB DRE8SEO POULTRY. ANOTHER TRUST VICTIM. Lee, Look, Nicholson, Watte, and Winegar, It was a kind, though s:o.'-iu »ly at: usual. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. ohairs tilling the aisles being occu- Thoy ore labor for another by the day, COLLAR'S BAZAAK.I On Saturday, Jan. 31, at 2.30, p m., the Turkeya—14c per pound abeen.t White. I adverse providence that [drove him The theme of the morning sermon pied, Tins as the result of the Stylish, Comfortable. "What shall it profit a man?" week or month, he sells his Moved by Trustee Lee that a dlsoount to 1 annual meeting of the Alto church ie lo Docks-13c per pound ounnt of mercantile V.--2busines- s• into his will be "The Div'm Grafting." evangelical labors of Reverends: Chickens-10c per poand. might well be the reflection time during work hours for a meter castomen be allowed as follows: eleet officers for the church year, receive PAY WHEN CURED GUARAINTCCO LINEN. Amounte from $8.00 to flO.OO, 10 per cent. The B. Y. P. U., will join with Fowl—9o per ponnd professional career. Naturally a members and for other businese of import- N'easo, Morris and Sprague, pastors Tho only collar made Mlth a of Charles M. Schwab, presi- valuable consideration. That Amounla from |I0 00 to$15.00,16 per cent ———ssw—WMglT" the C, E. and E. L. in a union ser- of the Methodist, Congregational I heavy. S ply snefim. PRODUCK, clear thinker, and a logical reasoner, anoe. dent of the steel trust. Rising time is to be devoted to the in- Amonots imm|16.00 to $9000, SO percent. vice next Sunday evening at 0:30 in Floar—$2.20 per owl. Amounts over $20.00, iS per eent . . ho apprehended and mastered legal Last Sunday morning a splendid congre. and Baptist churches, respectively. RETAIL TWO FOR A QUARTER from poverty to the head of the terests of his employer and he the Congregational church, AND EQUAL ANY TWENTY- Batter—18c pet pound. Carried: Yeas, Lee, Look, Nicboieba, principles, and their application to gation, well filling the'chnrcb, listened for A chorus choir lead the singing, Eggs — 22c per dozen W FIVE CENT COLLAR MADE greatest corporation in the has no more right to waste or S? ^ W^r^tWhltV. ^ given facts with an ease which de- almost an hour to our new ininieier'a mid- aud pamphlets containing words lard—11 to Itc per pound . 0n "o*100 by Triulee Watts Ounndl ad- Bold by livo. up-tu-date mer- Potatoee—40c per bushel. world, he is now in a state of use it for his own purposes |journeIfMlPneudt notes the born lawyer. winter sermon on Job 37-10, God's Mtssen- Methodist, and music distributed throughout chantft ovorywhoro, or two bodily and mental collapse, in than he has to help himself to Mr. Mathewsoa was a good fight- llie audience, enabled all to join. aample collart> bnnt by mall, Applea—90c to 1,00 per bbl Tnoa. Muapax. Clerk. FRESH GROCERIES! ger, Ihe Frost. Wo are rejoicing greatly in the poataSe paid, (or 23 conta. Alsike Clover seed—$7.00 to $7 80 er, persistent and resourceful. He Rev. S, T. Morris preached an consequence of the tremendous the firm's money. Inthiscase: „ Many farmers are eihipping hay by the interest taken in the union Evange- Van Zandt, Jacobs & Co. Clover aeed—(6 5J @ $6 50 per bushel. knew how to take as well as lo give effective sermon on "The Border- Middlings—1^2 00 per ton. responsibilities resting upon "TIME IS MONEY." The man coSSl of^Viu^of'wu^d"^ carload from Alto and McCorda. listic services. And wo are espec- Troy, N, Y. sturdy blows in manly fashion. WE KEEP A COMPLETE STOCK ially grateful to the business men land." Beans—|l 75 am* $2 10 per huahbl. him. What is wealth without who can not or win not learn the Council rooms oo Monday evening, There was no surer way to his re- Its pretty hard to define real beauty This week the meetings are con- A Populnr Collar Corn meal—$20 00 per ton. health?. Men must learn the this simple truth, is the last ^ p id t for the very eordial manner in which lledU) order b ree en gard than by winning a well fought AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Hare and beautiful women everywhere owe tinutul at the Congregational church. MBAT8, their lovelinees to Rocky Mountain Tea. they accedcd to our request to olosc limit of endurance; refusing, man to get a job in good times vanDyka. Preeent Traeteee Le^, Look, legal battle over him. Monday evening, Mr Morris preach- Beef, live weight,—$2 50 (§> $3 60 per oevt 35c. D, G. Lwk, their places at 7 p, in,, standard Beef, dressed—$5 00 |6 00 per cwl. they will pay the forfeit in a and the first to lose it in hard Nlcholsosi and White, abeent Watu and ^avuuivui Mr. Mathewson was an honest time, that they and their clerks ing on "The Dying Grain of Veal dressed—$6 60 © 7 fiO per owt. wreck of body and mind. All times. Business men have no Winegar1 . Highest Market Price for Butter and Egga. man, whose word could be relied Logan might have the privilege of attend- Wheat," The Detroit Medical and Bnxgioal Sheep, live weight—$2 50 ® 8 00 per cwt the exhibitions of greed for un- use for time fillers. 0fpn9ioa$ Lambs live weight—$8 50 Q 3 75 per cwt i^^!T 'od upon, who despised mean and petty Tuesday evening, Rev, Sprague Xnatitnte is the only institute of its approved. Wilder McDiarmid, of Grand Ledge, and ing the services. The interest in Pork alive—$5 50 @ 6 00 per cwt. told wealth, result from the tricks, and who waa ever trne to bis spoke of "The Day of Salvation." kind in the State that has a staff of Very Respectfully. John Livingston, ofWei't Bowne, were here the meetings continues to incretasc. physicians and surgeons that make a Pork dressed—$6 5'J@ $7 00 per cwt. fallacious idea that great SEVERAL weeks ago THE client's cause. He had a hearty Wednesday evening. Rev. Nease 1., bii^^ST Yeas 'Z't* Satuaday. The theme of the sermon next specialty of all Chronic, Nervous and wealth gives happiness. Never LEDGER refused an invitation hatred of opiireesion. a keen sense Sunday morning will be: "The spoke of "The Uplifted Christ." Surgical Diseases, and guarantee a mZT *** White' gbmat WbIU "^Daniel Erb and frtmily of Campbell and of juttioe,' a love of liberty and a Gospel of the Kingdom." Sunday Thursday evening, Rev. Morris Cure or So Fay, MonSo 2Je inohos was ther--e- a- greate.v«.wvxr follyiimy., ito neihelpp inducinducee ththe farmerfarmerss off BTBBBT FUND George Sinclair and wife of Lowell spent Dr, Porter's Cough Syrup H regard for the principles of democ- GEO. W. McKEE, has for his topic, "Deliverance." \A/ir rilDC C,ktarl'i' Aathiua, Special inducements to Dealers. Bald-headed, knock-kneeock-kneed John thiffciso vicinity to contract to raise j f Todd Sunday at John Brighton's. school at the usual Hour. BEST for C-oup and Whooping Koif racy which made him one of the Friday evening. Rev. Sprague WL V-rURL Bronchitia, Bheu- Rockefeller would give a thous- sugar beets. In the first place: •[ | I 6 00 Members of M, E, church and otner In the evening the - services will leaden of the Bar, a man of in • 7 bars Soap, 25c, Lowell, Mich. will speak of''The Open Fountain," matiam. Fits, Paralyaie, Ecsema, and dollars a hair for a cover- our farmers know much more J £ 8 00 friends gave George Nagler a surprise be in the Congregational chnrch, 8 00 fluenoein the community in which and Sunday evening Rev. Nease Filea, Fiatnlaa, Tumors, Canoere, Friday evening and presented bim with a and the theme of the sermon will ing for his dishonest old pate; about their own business than N Hand 8 00 he lived, and a counselor and leader will preach of "Wisdom's Call to Uloera, Scrofula, Bupturea, Vaiico- r 11 WWu fine eecrelary. A very enjoyable evening be "Wisdom's call to Men." The but hair doesn't grow on bil- we can tell them. In the 18 00 of the party to which he rendered oale, Hydrocele; Spermatorrhoea, 84 17 1 lervices will be in the Methodist Men." "THE LITTLE GIANT OF } Hard balls—notwithstanding second place: no industry so allegiance for nearly half a century, was spent. Next week, the meetings will be Failing Memory, Weak Mind. Zn- Henry filoogh and wife, of Lowell, have church next week. the hair renewer advertisements built on the hog-it-allplan, $62 17 i He bore tome of the marks of toe oontinued at the Methodist church. aanity. Heart, Long, Skin, Blood, ! been vielting friends hare. OBMIRAL FUND. hard and rough sohool of privation | - v v • y •' v • 'rv The business places are being Kidney, Bladder and —and John will soon be where that it would tax 70,000,000 N Hand Harry Clemens, of Weet Campbell visit Sooletles. THE WEST," and toil in which he was trained; closed at 7:.'50 p, m., so as to permit FBJVATB DISBA8S8 hair doesn't count. As for of people (or the benefit of Twpofi $ 4 00 Bobsrt Ford Sunday. of Man and Woman. Lowell (Rent) 10 00 with a manner rough and forbidding, The Thursday club will meet everyone to attend. It would be a Mr. Schwab, who is said to be 70,000 and would utterly re- John Ungar, of Canada, who has been T fighting his own tatttles, earnest in Dr. M. Clayton Greene with Mra. W. S. W inegar Feb. 5. good thing if the early closing No matter WHAT your disease or a very good sort of a fellow, he fuse to consider the claims of L. * r. FU*D. epending'a few weeks here, returned home $1700 word and deed, self reliant and in- -Graduate ol The Spartan society of the Bapt- move could bo maintained, so that weakness or who has failed to cure Illinois Life Insarance Company, is simnlv atinflw..' r i«-- . - iTJoaes you, consult us. dependent; vet nndernesth all there Tufsdny, ist church will be entertained at business men and their clerks could University of Michigan and Post -Graduate course* at Mr. Tool of Ohio will commence a sing- OOHBULTATZOH FHXSB JAMES W. STEVENS, President, Chicago. —. nuvoc ity, as tne oeet sugar men have Keeoe Twp Tsxee $2 00 waa a warm heart and companionable Polyclinic Medical School and Hospital, N. Y. oi Mrs. Allen Bancroft's, WeJnosday, have a little time at home. It is trail is marked by dead men's done, can use this paper as a Wattew Broe 7 01 man. ing school Wednesday evening at the 0. Feb. 4. If you have been deceived by Prauda, i 00 done in other towns, why not in Humbugs, Quacks, Free Belts, or so- Insurance in Force, bones. The man, who, by cats'-paw. There may be in Resolved: therefore, that we re- Office—LOWELL MICH. M. church. I. 9t Regular meeting of the Clover Lowell? called "Specialists," call for testimo- Thirty Million Dollars. cord our high regard of the Hon. Leaf club will be deferred one week nials.—Our beat reference sobriety and industry, has been money in sugar beet raising; Q, Q^O,, ^ Tmetee Lee the lemaiod- PallaMburg. John M. Mathewson, who achieved and will meet with Mrs, M, M. PAY WHEN CURED. II. Insurance Written tor 1902, able to house, clothe and edu- but according to the dispatch er of NU-ftddt blii ftf $iftoo .of whieh Wilbur Moon of Keene bad Ihe misfor- NOTICE. We will wait for 0'ir pay until Cure cate his family in comfoit; and from Bad Axe. in our W t tbTlio^ aaccess and became one of the A Marve'ouB Invention. Perry Feb 10. Twenty Million Dollars. Take Notice and Save tune to loee one of his driving horses laal All accounts due the firm of Mc- ia made, if you will deposit, money leaders of the Bar by native ability, Wonders never cease. A machine The ladies of Lowell Rebekah week. Mahon Bros,, must be closed with- ID bank or with 00™ reliable friend. Ill, Total Admitted Assets, Yealtiee, Look, Nicholson and White, force of will, hard work and per- has boen invented that will cut, puete Trouble. Lodge will give a pedro party at I. •beent ur-iWatt> s and* Wie^ar. f severance, and who merited the Mr. and Mra, Frank Sherrard spent Sun in 20 days as those remaining un- DR P. WOOLSEY, B, 8,. D, D. 8,, Four Million, One Hundred Thousand Dollars. end hang wall paper. The field of Broadway St. Sewer Tax O. O. F. hall, on Tuesday evening. Has four Diplomas, be Is our oonmlt- On motion by Trustee Look Conneil ad - day with Max Denny and wife. settled at that lime will be placed honor which he won for himself, inventions and discoveries seems to be Feb. 10, after which refreshmenrt mg physician and is the eminent IV Ask to see the following Policy Features: 3 | Jonrned. must be paid at once. Tax- Worthy Willard and wife of Lowell vis in the hands of a collector foi im- and that in his death the Bar of the unlimited. Nuluble among great 1. State Endorsement of Illinois. SWISS BUNS. Tnoa. A, Moam, Clerk. payers, please give it your at- will be served. epeciallst, who can name and locate 1 County and of the State loses a discoveries id Dr. King's New Dieoov- lied here Sunday and Monday. mediate settlement. diseases wi. houtnttklng nnestiomwill I 2. Guaranteed Values from First Premium. tention at once and save furth- Mra. Grove Seara and son Frank of A little money goes a long ways A, E. McMahon. be at the following hotels Call and I They are not very largo bnt—oh, they are good. The crowned beads of ovary nation, unique character, a sturdy fighter, a ery for Consumption. It has done a 3. Annual or Tontine Dividends. Tha rich man n/y> ggj —«• . - strong, able and upright lawyer and er trouble. CLYDE COLLAR, Grattan were guesle of her parents. Henry at Collar'b Bazaar Jan. 17 to 31, F, J, McMahon. see him or write us for information, ! Flavored with that old fashioned seasoning—nut- The rich men, Doorr men and misers world of good for weak lungs and enclosing stamp for reply. Address > 4. Automatic Payment of Premiums. All Job la paying; tribute to a good citizen whom we are glad te saved man> a life Thousands huve Village Treas. Soolt fad wife Sonday. the president, DU H, M. HABPEK. meg. Try a dozen, only 10c. Onr^home-made 5. Hi^h Cash Surrender Values. A mince pies arc a winner. DeWiu's Little Early Risers. have known and to honor. used it add conquered grip, bronchitis, ^ » I Ml. - Will Bovee has been engage-l to work Cuttblf outl ThUceit 15 on •v Detroit Medical and Surgioa. | H. Wlliianis, Baa Antonio, Tex., writes: every bottle. A prlolotl uuur- DONT BE: FOOLEDI Xnatitnte. SOI Woodward Avenue, < 6. If you desire to see sample policy or secure i Myron H. Walker ^ I pneumonia and consumption. Their The Daily Grand .Rapids Herald for ten ili^ithM for Wilbur Moon of Keene, Say! Get a loaf of Hearth Bread, too. , little Early Bieer Pills are the be»t I ever PtNE anteu with every bottle U Take tli; genuine, original Detroit. Mich. further information, write need in my family. I unhodlatingiy re- L. E, Knap pen [Committee general verdict is: "It is the best and aud.TiiK LOWELL LKUOEB buth one •roof of lis nierlU and has ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Trade with LEQGER advertisprs. -..e Pine Root Couch Syrup oommend them to everybody. They cure Peter Doran ) most reliable medicine for throat and yoar for $3.25. famous. It ource Baby's or Made only by Maditon MedN LOWELL-Hotel Waverly, lua. SMITH'S BAKERY. |{«constipation , biUionsoees, kisk headache, lung troubles. Every 50c and $1 ROOT (iraodpa'sCoiiRli. Bronchial cinc Co., Madison, Wis, it Gat your job printing at THE TTOublo.Obstlemto,rousuni|it- keeps yme well. Our trade m, to 7 p. in,, Wednesday, Fob. 4 . T, J, HENDERSON, torpid liver, jaundiee, malaria and ill other Have you tried Swiss buns? bottle is guaranteed by D. G. Look, Ivo,Croup, Astluuatlc. Wlioop- ennrk ce:t on racb package, Mver troubles. L. H. Taft k Co. LEDOEB offipo. Work, stock and SARANAC - Hotel Commercial, mmmmumuimmmmmumuumm t Smith's Bakery. druggist. Trial bottles free. Dr, Porter's Coufh Syrup Ing, La (irippo, Cntnrrbal i'rlec, .>5 Never sold prifces right. Coughs, Etc, Thouiaods te» In be:lk. Accept no aubstl* Thursday, Feb, 5, L=_. Grand Rapids. Cures all CHRONIC COUQIiS. tlfy to Its hralliiKpownr. Hot- IMCOHPOD*itu i.ot tute. Ask your druggist. 4 - . ties aac anil 60c. Sold every- where T.P.HOLOEN.ailr,, Unlay City. nidL

j THE IiEDggR, LOWKLL, MICH., TtlUUHDAV. JANUARY ay. \m. THK'LKDGKR, LOWELL, MICH. THUH8DAY. JANUARY '2i>. 19Q:i Hire In Hep llwt. LANSING FACTORIES. Sts(e of Ohio, Clty of Toledo, Hestor was cool as icc. He thought were in no hurry. She runs very Tried to Conceal It. A Now York slm-t cur incident a BONAPARTES DYING OUT. Lucas County. a moment, calmly consulted a memo- smooth at 18 knots. Don't you think EXCURSIONS It's the old story of "murder will few ilnys ngo should furnish h dreml- Eugene IMporta Show That They Pay Higher FRANK J. CHENFY, makes oalh that so?" VIA THB ul wnrninp to women who wear lus( randum book, and stated that he had Only Three of 4be lllslarlc Name Now out" only in this case there's no crime be is senior partnsr of the firm of F. J. "Smooth as a watch," snld Mr. Waffos Thaw a Toar Ago-Bnil- vein's hiils. A tolerably young and only an unimportant engagement Llvlna >n Kui ope—The Ameri- A woman feels run down, has back- CHENEY iCO., doing business in the city THE KIDNAPPED Kent. "You have a fine crew, Mr. PERE MARQUETTE R bms Ra ported Good. which readily could be postponed. can llranch. Field's of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and ••liumiiiig womnn boarded n subur- ache, or dyspepsia and thinks ii's "We will meet at this office, then," Hestor. They seem to be under ex- MARDl GRAB FESTIVALS. that said firm will^pay the snm of One enr on the other side of the river MILLIONAIRES Lansing, Jan. 26.—The annual fac- nothing and tries to hide it until she said Mr. Morton as he rose to signify cellent discipline. You mus| intro- The bead of Ibr house of Bonaparte, Hundred dollars for each and every ease nnd Imving sented herself dis- For the annual Mardi Graa Festival at MI Embttin aM Dy* tory Inspection report (o he issued finally breaks down. Don't deceive A TALE OF WALL STtEET AND THE TEOMCS that tho interview was at an end. duce us to Capt. Waters. He ap- Prince Napoleon Victor Jerome Fred- New Orleans, Louisiana, Mobile, Alabama. of oatarrh that oannot be cured by the uae covered tlinl her lint wns alive. The pears to bo the Ideal of a marine soon by the labor bureau will show a yourself. Take Electric Bitten at "I have a suggestion to make," eric, entered upon Ins forty-first year Pensaoola, Florido, Feb. 18-22. A rale of', of Hall's Catarrh Core. next instnnt miw the millinery on (he officer." decided Improvemenl among the va- FRANK J. CHENEY. said Hestor. "You never have been a few days ago, and his brother. Prince one fare for the ronnd trip is offend. "Dywoprt*." wrote Euem VMd, once. It has a reputation for curing floor nnd the womnn slanding on (he. "You shall meet him," replied Hes- rious institutions in Lansing and fully Sworn to before me and aubscrlbed in By FREDERICK U. ADAMS. on board my new yacht. All last Napoleon Louis .Weph Jerome, was Tickets on sale lo points mentioned on "often ID oapaeitatee a nan for oadaavor stomach, liver and kidney troubles floor with skirts lifted rnther indo- tor with a queer sort of smile. "II? Feb. 17 to 2V inclusive, good to return up a ten per cent. Increase in the average my presence, this 6(h day of December, A. season she was in commission in In- 38 years old about Ihe Kauie lime, when and tometlmes oxtingnlshts tho Art of and revivify your whole system. The eorously high. Four mice scampered is tho best captain that ever paced lo and inoluding (rains leaving points TRADING HORSES IN WAR TIME wages paid employes. The report D., 1886. A. W. Gleaaon, dian and Asiatic waters. The he received hlh promotion in the Rus- ambition." Though gnat darplto hti worst form of thoso maladies will nroiind the floor of the car in gredt a bridge. Capt. Waters haa been In mentioned not later than Feb. 28. Ask shows there are 95 factories in the Notary Public, Ooprrteht. IW, kyLottMv Publlihlng Company. All righu rtwrrtd. 'Shark' returned to tho United States sian army. complaint Field suffered from IndlgM- quickly yield to the curative power Hall's Calarrh Cure Ir taken internally conH(crna(ion nt having been dispos- the employ of our family for thirty agents fur larticulars. tlon til his life, A wttk, tired stomach One Instnnee Whieh Ilhsalsmtea the city, handling 41 different kinds of ing the shfoOds.* nfl»r ypm'up- likn n about a month ago and has been It is only 10 years since the elder of Electric Bitters. Only 60c aud snd acta directly on the blood and muens sensed of (heir tenement. After the SYNOPSIS. years. He served with my father in cant digest your food. It needs Fact Thai It Wm Hoi A«ree- goods. The average time of operating Comnnche Indinu. Tin* one tlihip thoroughly overhauled nnd Is in fine branch of the Bourbon family died out, guaranteed by D. G. Look, druggist' sorfaoes of the ayatem. Send for tesli- mice were killed the woman explained the Asiatic trade, and the map of nn. You OM Jflf nst it t •ble to Both Sides. is ten and one-half years. Ninety-four CHAPTER I.-Tho scnpattonal news o( which worried him was whelher < \ condition. You and the gentlemen leaving the headship of the house of monlala. free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., that (he hat was nn old one which the disappearance of four of New .York'* the world is as familiar to him as of» prepinUonjltoi KodoJ, not he had told Bonder nn/ti i'.iii you have named—with the posslbl* of the 95 report the outlook good or Toledo, Ohio. she had not worn for a year. wealthiest mllllonatieH appears In the France lo (he usurping house of Or- lira It of work by dtflMtlng — Around Sweet's Comers. New York Record and startles that city. is your office furniture to you. Ho is I am sorry to say that aoldien in fair, the employes are working on an Sold by all drugglsls, 76c leans. This now legil imate family will Beet non restores It to It* normal tone. Hall's Family Pllla are tbe beat. CHAPTER II.—Robert Van Home If about Hestor during the preceding Tie the civil service did not always con- average of nine hours a day, 26 i-;t days School b«g«n last week Wednesday with Mnaleal Ballot Box. own«r of the Record and William Chal- exception of Mr. Pence—are famous save France from any lack of pre- mers is his managing editor. Mr. Hestor. evening. The look of pained surprise duct themselves on strictly honor- a month and 10 2-3 months of the year. Ethel Harrinon of Cedar Spt ings as teacher. A French genius has invented a water dogs. I should be glad to tenders for many years lo come. a young millionaire friend of Van Home, accustomed to obey orders, and to The total capacity of the fl!) factories VergenaM Station. novelty In the form of a musical box. on Bender's face, when his ankle The two Bona partes above mentioned ^uaranl able principles. Many times unnec- The M. E. pnlpit wss filled by a retired has a hobby for Journalisfn and offers welcome you on the 'Shark,' and have them obeyed. He asks no ques- is 4,220 employes. At (he (ime of the This instrument plays popular tunes his services gratis. Hestor has made a felt the impart of Seymour's foot, are middle-aged bachelors. Their frepatedonlybyJC. a DnWm* Co, .Chicago. essary suffering was caused helpless minihter from Grand Rapida Sunday. Our new miller, Mr. GarfieH, of Whit- world-wide reputation as a reporter, and promise you a good dinner, after tions and will answer none, once he vnetL bottle contains a* times theMo. tik inspection 3,162 males and 417 females nt intervals for the amusement of was evidence that he knew nothing cousin. Prince Roland, is 44 years of age Remedy women and children and poor, old neyville, began business Monday. He Is is constantly planning some great coup which we can disctiBS matters at has obtained his orders. Did you werfe employed, or a total of 3.:)79. Migs Wallace of Petoakey is Ihe gueat of electors while the polU are open, who that will Immortalize his name. of Hestor or his complicity In the snd a widower, with one daughter. decrepit men. Cruel, uncalled-for In- boarding al John Hapeman'a. CHAPTER III.—Hestor arranges a leisure. I will dock her at the Bat- notice anything peculiar about the There were 52 children between Ihe Minole Behler for a few days. will thus be persuaded not to neglcct millionaire mystery, crew?" The London Daily Chronicle, consid- sults were even offered them on too meeting with P. J. Morton, llnanoler and tery, and it is but a few steps from . NEALtS Mr. and Mra. Kero were suddenly called Abner Richmond and wife of Ollsco vis" (o vote. When the hundredth paper railroad magnate, and states his plans Seymour vented his joy and con- many occasions; doubly cruel be- ages of 14 and 16 years, (hus requiring here to the pier." "You seem to have them under ering these facts, makes (he statement lied relatives and friends here Friday and for the formation of a newspaper trust. cealed his triumph in song. The CATARRH TT [CIS | When you want a job of cause their victims were helpless to written consen( of parents. Among to Entrioan to attend (he funeral of her has been dropped in the instrument CHAPTER IV.—H. J. Kent, the famous "Rather too early in the season the discipline of the United States that these three "are the only living will play a certain tune. The two- board of trade operator, siampedcs the lomptation to celebrate In drink was defend themselves, and must suffer the employes there are 25superintend- fither, D. 8. Robert, Jan. 19. Saturday and took part in tbe installation for yachting, is it not?" said Mr. navy," said Mr. Pence. "I started to men who bear the historic name of hundredth will start a second and stock market, forcing many small tlrms strong, but his repentance was sin- IndignKies from those who should ents, average wage $4.30 per day; 106 We extend onr aympathy to I he bereaved of the Lady Maooabee officers, to the wall. Morton, but his face lit up at the r> on the bridge while you gentle- Bonaparte, so that it is not Impossible P^JU»JW«!lldL| different melody, and so on. CHAPTER V.—One morning Andrui cere and his determination to reform have considered (hcmselves '-'•.en, foremen, $2.58 per day; 135 office help- family of J. M. Clark. George Davison lost his pocket book thought. He was a famous yachts- men were looking at the crews' quar- that a second line of French pretenders Carmody, Palme^ J. Morton, R. J. Kent was earnest. So he sang. As a vo- wet*. says a writer in the American Trib- ers, $1.91 each. The other 3,313 em- with considerable money between George and Simon Pence, millionaires, cannot man. "It Is fine and warm to-day, ters, and one of tho men placed him- may become extinct ere long." A coasting parly will be held thla Wed- Lost Their Fire Knglne. calist, Mr. Seymour was handicapped une. ployes average $1.65 per day, making be found and the stock exchange is panic- but It may be disagreeable Monday." self squarely in my way and stopped How about (he American Bona- nesday evening on Kline's hill. Ford's and his home. stricken as a result. hy the circumstance that he knew Oeorga Werner, Ann Arbor. The most of us could plead guilty the general average wage $1.71 perday. Sunfield, Jan. 26.—Sunfield's fire ap- CHAPTER VI.—No clew to wherea- "If It is bad weather we can meet me. He was polite, but decisive, he partes? asks the New York Times. Midi uys: "Have Ven troubled A geonine surprise parly waa given Geo. Taylor and wife visited in Beldlng neither the words nor the tune to (o sonic acts that codld not be pro- paratus was burned up last week. bouts of men can be discovered hut next said it was against orders." While there is no living Bonaparte de- with M?vere ratarrb or the throat Satorday and Sunday. day letters are received from them say- at your ofllce. If it is fine we will anj iio«e. Ymir lalilels hive ef- CITIZENS INDIGNANT. Ralph Oilbertof East Lowell Friday e»en- The engine was kept in a barn, and a any song. What he lacked in tech- "Every man on this boat, except scended from the great founder of nounced just right. But I nerer could ing they are all safe. L. Sylvester Vin- go on the yacht," suggested Hestor. fcctc I a prompt and absolute 'dr by about thirty young people. A fine Warren Ford and wife are visiting al lamp kept under it to prevent i( freez- cent, a Chicago promoter, has also dis- nique was recompensed In energy. Capt. Waters," explained Hestor, "Is the family it will be a ^reat many cure." be heartless enough to molest un- "If the weather is favorable I see done, remember that The •A tpadal Orand Jury May Probe A Urged time m repoited. bis brother Jake's at Trnfanl. ing. The lamp exploded and the build- appeared. His first effort, as expressed in an ex-member of tho United States necessarily the unprotected. I would CHAPTER VII.—Miss Helen Carmody. no reason why we should not accept years before the descendants of his If you have catarrh in any Municipal Irregnlarlltei at ing, engine nnd all were destroyed be- daughter of Andrus Carmody. calls on words, was about as follows: or British navy. They would not be much rather reliere their suffering Mrs. Eatella Fero and Florence visited Jud Hapeman and wifis called on b'a your Invitation," said Mr. Morton. father and mother die out. The Balti- form these tablets will cure St. Joseph. fore (he flames were extinguished. Chalmers and arranges for payment of content except under naval discipline. If ft was within my power to do so. John Brighton and wife of Logan Sunday. parents Friday and Saturday. a large reward through the Record for "To ho, my lads, the wind blows free; "We will wait and see. I will let more Bona partes have never figured as you. 60c. for a box contain- rescue of the millionaires and arrest of A pleasant gale is on the se-a-a. They are schooled to it. They re- pretenders to the throne. They have Only once did I ever take anythlog, Tbe Gleaner party was well attended Favor* the WhlpplnK-Foiit. you know by two o'clock Monday ini: two weeks treatment, and LEDGER St. Joseph, Jan. 26.—Requested from There ware a number of strangers at

—J- i I I THE LEDGER, LOWKlX. MlCtt., THURSDAY, JANUARY 29. 1W)3. AHWUAL COTTOH SALE i Begins Saturday^ Jan. 31, and Ends Saturday, Feb. 7.

We shall include in this special sale nothing; but cottons. Bleached and Brown, in all grades and widths. We never could do two or three things at a time and do any of then very good. This is the reason we have our Dress Goods Sales, Linen Sales and Cotton Sales separately. We can do them better one at a time, and so this coming week shill mure the biggest effort of our life on Cottons. WE HAVE MORE COTTONS THAN SOME FOLKS HAVE HAY, and shall sell them about as cheap. Shall sell Lonsdale Bleached for 7c. and all other kinds in same proportion. A. W. WEEKES

Don't miss Weekes' Cotton sale, A MIGHTT AUTOCRAT. wash Tmnant wans. jon eaa't afford to. Tfcr Power of (heTaar mt ail the Wm* lira. Hendricks (Ly mi) of (iSiaod •Imm «ll-Prr«-alUa« !• Site Wllfc , Rapids was bene oa business |«an WlSe DMMI*. waS Water. of Ihe week. onr om urasp ibe fondameatal \ "It the bankers of tbe cuaatrj It Is a Proud Child Mrs* M, A. Carr went to Be'ditig fl«1f of thins* Ktmria wilhont ml- only knew the great digerenee a fit- to-diiy lo visit her daughter, Mrs iriiiff thai 4berr Ihe will of Ibeenria tie soap aad water naaknft la a dirty WU1 Cejawdl. as the mail of God. His land and hia . bank note tfcere wowM ha Gee whir! Ulster ovmjoats »t kubju-ls are hie. to di^ose of aa he ; memtj in drcmlsUoa.* ail who has a bank account of his own. Open one for him in our Savings Department Godfrey's, going at $8 50 may. In a Rnnrian battle, not ao lonfr j ury official recently. "If foe bare tir®. the artillety, inip«TafireJy nrrded never seen tke operation, jast spread and he will get into tbe habit of saving. It will be better for him than a college edu- Dr. M. C. Greene was io Detroit in front, was slopped by a deep ditch. a soiled note oat npon a smilili slab cation. Call and get one of our little Home Savings Banks for your child. and Ana Arbor Monday and Tues- Tbe Boldieni flung Ihentwlves in ontil and nsc a amaH briisb that baa bean day. tbe ditch «*« foil and the artillery well soaped, aad go to wotk aunb W. A Walts represented tin galloped over their bodica. says Wng. lightly, of local lodge, F. A A M., at Grand Youth's Companion. strokes la necessaiy to i lodge in Deiroit this week. In the world of business it is qoite note. I five aay peraoenl attention to Mule skin miUens 15c at God- the same, A Bnndan administrator all the paper •sni/ hrsngbt into my OHICAQO frey's was discusHB^ with fir Henry Nor- household, aad I Ml yoe I fed re- man tbe military capabilities of the paid lor the Rttfb work it ennses. The Sayles meat market, rrocntly Trans-Sibrrian railway, and Xorxnan -I can aec every reason why there • started ia the Clark bniMing, has faid: r should be a person employed in the g «e out of business. ~There wouldn't be rolling stock banking houses for this particular : The Bank But We Mrs. J O'Heron was brought enough to convey anasses of troopa in duty," continued the oAdal. accoid- b'-me Saturday from Reed City. a Kbort time.*' ing to the ICew York and Ea- • Sbe is qaile comfortable. ''Every engine and carriage in Rus- preaa. "Certainly the aegleel te do- • Is Yours, sia would be put there if Becefisary," ing so gives ample eanae for oos- Keep The Mrs. Ed. Weatberby and Mrs. was the answer, • plaints from the patrons ooneerah^ Ella Sharp, of Grand Rapids, have ''Bnt that would diaorganiae the the dirty, ofly notes that are too fre- • Free, been vifitirg Mrs. Ort.m UaU this whole commerce of the connlry, and quently handed to them. Hey may • Key. week. bring tens of thonEands to ruifi." be fall of germs, which, of coarsC • THE LKUGKE wants live oorre- •"You don't nnderstand," said the ire daagerons; and this risk eoald pondents at Bowne Center, Smyrna official. "If the crar gave the word be easily eliminated hy the • to take every railway carnage in Ros- use of soan aad water." and Parnell. Bright school girl* si a. and run it across the Siberian rail- • preferred. way and throw H into the China aea al Caller—I've found thai these dovg • Mrs. M, A. Carr spent Monday the end, who shoald prevent hiai?*" that y'r wile is advertbia* AvedoOata • with relauves in Grand Rapids and reward fer. • was entertained at tbe new Power's Gcntleasaa—Toe have, eh? • Ope n Hon** in tbe evening. AMMOHIA FOR BURGLARS. Caller—Yep; aa' if ye don't give me LOWELL. lea dollars IU take it to *e*w-S. T. • Still on band, a fine line of for a nrMUra n Weekly. LOWELL STATE BANK, mCHMAII. ©oats, also robes and bHacketa. *!• BaeraMee • Saaveste a W mairii n*- Rather than cany them over, we atssglr • are selling them at auraedve pri- La Fiancee—I am sorry to hear A dmggist in Brooldjn waa held np papa is speculating ao heavily. ces. Brown, Sehler A McKay. Le Fiance—So am L Beally, it is in lus store and happened to hate a Frank Richmond, Prescott, almost criminal tor a man to apeer- glass of ammonia on the counter Fur overcoaifl cheap al Godfrey's. 1 Canvas gloves ai Godfrey ""a. Wash , V-. H. Churbh, Columbia, whieh he dashed into the viator's face] late with aaoney that oaght to ba S C. and John Yonng Milwaukee, saved for hia soMn-law.—-TSt-BUa. All t.lie rolibbie I'ntei.l Med Hem. M M. Perry and F. T. | Emil Aradt of LMMP^ •ipent and the fellow ran. smashing through iciuw mlvertiMid iu tbib pnpor rn a have onr thanks for subscription re- King were inGrand Rapids Monday. 'Thursda'— —y and» Friday miih Kolan a glass door, doing himself great lire Hold by !>. Q. liook—ibe mittances. chief. He had a companion so M. N. 13iiie is visiting in Grand Mack. "I understand sbe'a aa artist.* Lowell I'rug and Hook Man. be hesitated when a second g-lasc of "An artist!! Why, that doen't begin Rapids this week. Members of the Old Settler*' as- Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bedford, «f sociation are requested to meet at the elixir hit him aquarely in tbe now to describe her. She's a genina. Ten Weekes' cotton sale commences Groeuvjlle, spent Sunday with Ur. ihe office of S, P. Kicks Monday with another dose of the aromatic ought to see the way shecan makeover Saturday, Jan. 81. and Mr*. F. T. King. fluid and paralysed him with pain and a last year's gown or baL' next, at 4, p. m. lm}H»rtaut busi- terror on the spot, so that he was Miss Lida Boyd of Ada is the J ust arriving, a new lot of cutters Post, ness. taken a helpless prisoner. The drug- HOME guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Adams. at Brown, Sehler & McEajX We understand that tbe Spraker gist advertised bottles of liquid fire "Miw Kitty—Osrlmg,* E. S. Adams and family spent Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Ryder en building, now owned hy Samuel prepared for burglars, and the med- NEWS Saturday and Sunday with Mra. A. icine beicame fashionable, saya a te- "I—" lertained Mr. and Mrs, Frank Moon Vinton of Graud Rapids, has been "Sr. interrnpted the yosng C. Auble in Cascade. of Ionia over Sunday. rented to J, H. Cramer for saloon cent rt port. Tbe holdfast robbers were for awhile discouraged. Tbe "yon w ill oblige see hy Ml Buy dishes Jan. 17 to a 1 and save purposes. ao loxtg between my Aral Shoe bargains at Godfrey's. Mrs Ella Soolt' and Mrs. Hiram burglar bomb ought to be prepared money. Co'lar's Bazaar. Robinson were guests of Mr*. Tke Vergennes Dancing clnb will for action by an enterprising firm, the say last"—Chicago Trihsm Mrs. Julia MoUonuell is quite ill, Miss Lila Lawrence visited Miss Edmund Lee last week. give its annul masquerade ball al bottles of assorted sines and used ac- Mrs. A. F. iiincbey is vihiting iu Sadie Kinsey in Grand Rapids this Rem em her tbe em bent specialist. tbe opera boose, Lowell, Thursday cording to directions, which might be She—Doyonhdieveai Grand Rapids. blown into the glass. The banks week. Dr. W-oolsey, will he at Hotel evening, Feb. jS- M usic hy Rob- as dangerona as iheyVe said to be? Mrs. H. S. Schreiuer spent Fri- inson & HaitwdTs orchestra. • should be equipped with the bomb. He—Oh, sore A IcOov can gel em* Rev. J. G. Manfe relumed last WavcrJy, Wednesday, Feb. 4. Cure They are at thort range much more day iu Belding. Thursday fromVfJur months' tour guaranteed so yon ran do risk ad. We want to bar from every gaged ia one ef them as ea^f aa he certain to go to tbe right spot titaa used to la thst OOBliOU sale at A. W. Wockes'. through Illinois Sotl Missouri. Lewssk correspondent erety week Mrs. Marian Lovewell and son, pistol shots. Ml F, R. Eoker spent Tuesday in Perfection has been reached at Eddie, of Woodland Center, ai« with all tbe news, anncb or Utile. Grand Rapids. last in electric-weld fence. See it spending the week with her aunt, Help ns to make this tbe best local Miss Esma Las by spent pari of before you plaee your spring order. Mrs. S. Brower. paper in Western Michigan. tbe week at Alto. R. B. BOWLIK, J. il. Hamilton, proprietor of tbe Geo. L, Beck worth of Saranac tunie tbis office a pleasant call yes- Miss Winnie Jdbnsou has lieen Messrs. W. S. Winegar and R. Lowell Granite and Marble works, See our 35c Mittens. Fur Coat* Cheq borne from Olivet. B. Boylan attended Grand Chapter has $5,000 worth of cemetery work teeieyend paid down su planks on in Detroit last week, representing subsroption. He says tbe world is Save money on graniteware. booked for spring delivery. Hooker Chapter, of Lowell. nnnglam finely, and we'er mighty Collar's Bazaar. Delmer Johns and Wm. Gramer ^ladof it. Miss Nina Brown of Boldmg is Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Adams have are spending several dayi with rela- returned to their home in Lowell Today is tbe sixtieth anniversary ill with scarlet fever. tives and friends at Manchester and after an absence of two months, Chelsa of President McKinley's birth; and Mrs. Tbos. Gardner is very ill much of which time was spent in millions will wear a carnation in with lyipboid pneumonia. B irgaiui) in the shoe line at God- his honor. This was his favorite touring Indiana and Eentudky. frey's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Winegar GODFRETS Jack's health is improved and he is fl ower; and tbe annual remembrance are settled in their new home. again in charge of THE LEHGEK'S Mrs. A.G. Ball retvrued Wednes- is lo be perpetuated. day to her home in Mason after a For bargains iu clothing aud job department, work in which is Snbsoribers al distant points who shoes, go to Godfrey's. • booming. week's visit with her father. Homer have had trouble in receiving their Avery, Mrs. Peterson, of Grand Rapids, LEIMSEES are hereby notified thst visited Mrs. F. R. Ecker Tuesday Annual oottou sale at A. W, tbe publisher and Lowell postmast- Weekes'. er aie looking the matter np. Some 10 DAYS SPECIAL and Wednesday. Mrs. Ed. Taylor, of Grand Rap- Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Morse of cardess railway eteiks are apt to Lowell Center celebrated the birth get ^jacked up." ids, is visiting her (parents, Mr. and •wewa a Mra. S. Wait. day anniversary of both on Sonday The BovBoys Union is withoait by very pleasantly entertaining C. IS, Judson and family, ofCan- home, tbe birflding formerly occu ^Purses, about twenty relatives and friends, uousburg, spout a few days of last pied by il bavani week with his sister, Mrs. Henry B argains in o verooats atGodfrey's, U. B, Williams, who will occupy Lampman. come and get them. it as a jewelry etore. Doubtless other quarters will be secured for Weekett' cotton sale lasts till Sat- hJri'stbags, Mr, aad Mr*. A. L. Wey rick are settled in their new liome, recently the Unkm, as tbe work is too Sood Overcoats urday, Feb. 7. purchased of Fred Barnes, and are to be dropped. Misses Donna Wisner and Carrie well pleased with their bargain. Davidson spent Monday iu Grand Chatelaines WANTCOLUMN. Rapids. Allen Morse has resigned his position with Ecker & Foster, by , I). R. Whitney returned Satur- Adaertiisemenls of "Wants, ' "Far A fine line to select whom he has been employed more $6, $6 and $7 Goats Only day from his trip through the west- Sale," etc., ma under this bead al from at very interesting than a year, and aocepted'a position ern stales. 8c per line per issne. prices. in Mt, Pleasant. Washboards, tubs and brooms, Dry beech and maple wood for Purses 25c to $2.25. Spanish Coooauul home-made Jan. 17 to 81. Collars Bazaar. sale. Enquire at Jones' lively bam. Wristbags 50c, 75c, candy. Smith's Bakeiy. Honse to rent. S, P, Hicks. Mark Brown, of Otisoo, Mrs. T. SI.00, $1.50. Last Wednesday, five Lowell Daniels and son Frank, of Keene, WASTED. B48SW00D, Bl ACE ASH ladies, Me^dames Chas. MoCarty, and ELM TXMBEfi, B inch- ani sp is $3.50 visited Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Schrein- Chatelaines 25c50c, 75c. E. O. Wadsworth, li, S. Schreiner, diameter, Imnr that 16 inefafls lo be split er Sunday. io halves, Mnat be sonnd. 5 faet lung «ni We can guarantee S. Brewer ai d M ss C. M, Boswi-rth enjoy, d a sleighride to the home of not loo maoj knots. Will pay ft per Mrs. R. D. Crane and daughters, extra good value at above cord delivered at the D. k V. depot, Lov- Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels in Keene, Bessie and Mildred of Katrine, Ind., prices. See our East elL See A. Eeefer. visited her uncle, Wm. Miles, the where a fine dinner was served them PEACH TRIES. Tesair. we faeve tbeai Come and see them. It will pay you. window. first of the week. from home-grown A took, budded from bear ingortifaftnk. AVwafioelfineofaffda .1. G. SiultK, a member of the Ey<', Eir, Nose and Thml cherry, pear and plum trees, ornetnental theatrical company which played vines, small fruits, «tc K. P, HUSTP^* Gleaner Shoes for Women Douglas Shoes fer "Was She to Blame," at Tiaiirs KPBCIALTT. ACO^ Lovell, Mich. opera bouse, several weeks ago, Horeas for sale—Olteaji apan work honta O. G TOWSLEY, 1 1300 and 18"0,14 yeara old, $125. fiask 7 committed suicide at Lake Mills, mare, 14 yei-rs old, weight lOWt, $31 Abo WisoouBin, rooeutly. Offlcu: Guauam BiiOUK, IxjwBul, Mien 3 new nulob cwt, f 40, ED. HOAG. I
