Lunar and Planetary Science XLVIII (2017) 1367.pdf SAMPLE ACQUSITION DRILL FOR VENUS IN SITU EXPLORER (VISE). F. Rehnmark1, K. Zacny1, J. Hall2, E. Cloninger1, C. Hyman1, K. Kriechbaum2, J. Melko2, J. Rabinovitch2, B. Wilcox2, J. Lambert2, N. Traeden1, J. Bailey1, 1Honeybee Robotics, Pasadena, CA,
[email protected], 2NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Introduction: Venus is Earth’s sister planet and These missions demonstrated that it is possible for unlike Mars which lost most of its atmosphere, the Ve- an electric motor to function properly at the Venus nus atmosphere is extremely dense and hot (95% CO2, surface. The Venera/Vega motor was a 90 Watt BLDC, >90 bar pressure, T~462 °C). For a spacecraft on Ve- and it was powered from a 27 V spacecraft bus. The nus, the high pressure environment can be dealt with by operating rpm was 50. No other information related to placing critical components within the pressure vessel. the design, manufacturing process, or assembly can be Components that need to be outside of the pressure found [1, 2]. This means that for any Venus missions, vessel can be designed with pressure compensation similar technology needs to be designed with no prior features. Temperature sensitive components (e.g. elec- knowledge of materials or methods used in the past. tronics) need to be placed inside the spacecraft and TRL 5 VISE Drill: The VISE drill is based on the surrounded by the Phase Change Materials (PCM) to Icebreaker and LITA rotary-percussive planetary drills soak up the heat. [3]. The drill consist of two actuated Z-stages (one to Unfortunately not all components can be placed place the drill on the ground - Deployment Stage, and within the thermally controlled interior of the space- the other to penetrate below the surface - Feed Stage), craft.