OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CHURCH RECTORY - CASA PARROQUIAL 111-50 115th Street, South Ozone Park, NY 11420 Wheelchair Accessible

Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Tel: (718) 843-1212 / 1213 Fax: (718) 843-3554

Parish Email: [email protected]

OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP CATHOLIC ACADEMY 111-10 115th Street, South Ozone Park, NY 11420 Sunday , June 27, 2021 Principal: Mrs. Frances Deluca

Our Mission — Nuestra Misión Tel: (718) 843-4184 Fax: (718) 843-6838 Web: olphcatholicacademy.org Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, has been serving the com- munity of South Ozone Park and beyond since 1923. We are a PASTORAL STAFF diverse multi-ethnic Catholic community in a neighborhood of people of many faiths. We are called in Baptism to proclaim the Rev. Thomas W. Ahern, Pastor presence of Christ in Word and are nourished with the Body Rev. Donald M. Berran, Pastor Emeritus, in Residence and Blood of Christ in Communion. We follow Christ Rev. John J. Garkowski, In Residence proclaiming him to parish and neighborhood; and we use our Rev. Lewis Maynard, In Residence gifts and talents to serve others. Mr. Jorge Alvarado, Deacon

La parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro ha estado Mr. Ivan Guevara, Music Director & Organist sirviendo a la gente de South Ozone Park y los alrededores Ms. Martha Lascano, Parish Secretary desde 1923. Somos una comunidad Católica diversa y muti- étnica en un barrio con gente de diferentes religiones. Estamos llamados por medio del Bautismo a proclamar la presencia de Cristo por medio de su Palabra y nos nutrimos con el Cuerpo y BAPTISMS - BAUTIZOS la Sangre de Cristo en la Comunión. Seguimos a Cristo Jesús proclamandolo en la parroquia y vecindad; usandos nuestros Call the Rectory to make an appointment with the pastor. dones y talentos para servir a otros. The child’s birth certificate must be provided. Attendance at the baptismal class is required for parents and godparents.

Si desea el bautizo en Inglés, por favor llamar a la casa pa-

rroquial para hacer una cita con el párroco. Para los bautizos MASS SCHEDULE – HORARIO DE MISAS en Español, por favor hablar con el Diácono Jorge Alvarado los días domingo al final de la Misa de las 12:00 p.m. Se Monday - Friday / Lunes - Viernes: 8:30 a.m. requiere el acta de nacimiento de su niño/a y la asistencia de Saturday / Sábado: 8:30 a.m. & 5:00 p.m. los padres y padrinos para las charlas pre-bautismales. Sunday / Domingo: 8:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. (Choir Mass), & 12:00 p.m. (Español) MINISTRY OF THE SICK CONFESSIONS - CONFESIONES MINISTERIO DE LOS ENFERMOS We will respond to emergency calls at any time. Any Saturday / Sábado: 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. parishioner unable to attend Mass due to illness or old age,

MARRIAGES - MATRIMONIOS should contact the Rectory and arrange for a priest or extraordinary minister to bring them Holy Communion. Arrangements for marriage should be made with a priest at least six months prior to the wedding date and Responderemos a llamadas de emergencia a cualquier reception. Call the Rectory to reserve the date. hora. Personas que no pueden asistir a la Misa por enferme- Arreglos para matrimonios se deben hacer con el sacerdo- dad u otro impedimento, pueden llamar a la casa parroquial te por lo menos seis meses antes de la fecha fijada. Llame para que el sacerdote o un ministro de la Sagrada Eucaristía a la casa parroquial para reservar el día. le lleve la comunión.

We Are A Tithing Parish - Practicamos el Diezmo

First Friday, July 2, 2021 8:30 AM Icah & Cathy Morrison Gilberto Toro (D) 3 meses Re: Damicela Toro (Daughter) Holy Hour after 8:30 am Mass in Church Saturday, June 26, 2021 5:00 PM Sunday, June 20, 2021 Saturday, July 3, 2021 Loretta Canzoneri (D) 1st Ann. Re: Donaruma Family 8:30 AM Alexis Espinal (D) Re: Austria Martinez Sunday, June 27, 2021 8:30 AM For the people of the parish 5:00 PM Rosa Maria Valentin (D) 7th Ann. Re: Valentin Family 1030 AM Jose & Olivia Alves (D)

Re: Alves Family Kenneth Bacchus (D) Sunday , July 4, 2021 Re: Gladys Bacchus (wife) 8:30 AM For the people of the parish Basilio Siazón Jr. (D) Re: Marinelle Luna Vernalyn Retiro (L) Birthday 10:30 AM Micah Morrison (L) Birthday In Thanksgiving to Our Lady of Re: Cervantes Family Perpetual Help Re: the Leveille Family Mario Napolitano (D) Birthday Re: Lena Vista 12:00 pm Eugenio Chang (D) Ann. Re: Azucena Chang (Wife) Isabel Rosales (D) 13th Ann. Adolfo Contreras (D) 1st. Ann. Re: Rosales Family Re: Maria Diaz Tina Alves (D) Arturo Noles (D) 6 months Re: Carmen Gómez (Daughter) Re: Alves Family

Monday, June 28, 2021 8:30 AM Peter Kowalewski (L) Blessings & Healing 12:00 PM Gilberto Toro (D) 3 meses Re: His Parents Re: Damicela Toro (Daughter) Dr. Fernando Valerio (D) 2 meses Tuesday, June 29, 2021 8:30 AM Peter Kowalewski (L) Blessings & Healing Re: Wife and Kids Re: His Parents Brunilda Lanfranco (D) 1 mes

Wednesday, June 30, 2021 8:30 AM Re: Juana Batista Peter Kowalewski (L) Blessings & Healing En acción de gracias al Sagrado Re: His Parents Corazón de Jesús Y por el bienestar de nuestro Thursday, July 1, 2021 Obispo Nicholas Di Marzio Peter Kowalewski (L) Blessings & Healing Re: Cofradia del Corazón de Jesús Re: His parents

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Commentary on the Readings for Sunday, June 20, Woman to perfect health and giving the then dead girl back to Icah & Cathy Morrison 2021. Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time her father, alive and well. The point of all this is that God does not measure us by our financial or social status. He is In The First Reading, from the Book of Wisdom (1:13-15, only interested in loving us and fulfilling our needs as we 2:23-24), we have one of the most profound statements in bring them to Him in faith and trust. Even wealthy people the entire Bible. It is a restatement and an affirmation of the have problems or situations that cannot be resolved by their creation story from the Book of Genesis, and it tell us a wealth; and those less fortunate sometimes have nowhere else great deal about God’s original plan and His relationship to go but to God, and yet many fail to do. How sad!! with mankind. “God made Man in His own image and like- Something to think about during your prayer time this week. ness, to be imperishable. He made all things “good” and He did not make death.” So, if God made all things good,” MESSAGE FROM GRAND KNIGHT-OLPH/MSGR. FLYNN where did disease and death come from? The last verse of COUNCIL # 17153 Greetings to all; With the availability of this passage gives of this passage gives us the answer: SIN. vaccines for everyone 12 years and older, New York State Mankind was made to live and walk with, to talk to and COVID 19 positivity rate being about 1% presently, and the even to eat with God without barriers; just like and new CDC guidance on wearing of masks and social gather- Eve did before they sinned. Once sin came into the world, ing, it seems like we will soon be adjusting to our new normal. these privileges were taken away, that is, until Jesus came. Our Council is collaborating with our Pastor Rev. Thomas Jesus showed mankind how we might renewed in spirit so Ahern for when it is possible to have in-persons meetings in that we can again approach the Father. The theme then, of the lower Church. In the meantime, our council-OLPH/Msgr. this and the following readings, is to thank God and praise Flynn will be conducting the following activities within the Him for giving us the means to avoid sin and spiritual parish: death, and, further, to ask god’s help in all of our activities. BLOOD DRIVE Knights of Columbus OLPH/Msgr. Flynn The Responsorial Psalm (30:2, 4-6, 11-13). This is a pray- Council along with New York Blood Center will be conduct- er of someone who experienced the saving help of God; and ing a Blood Drive in the Lower Church on July 11, 2021 from now he praises and thanks God for “drawing me clear” of 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Due to Covid 19 appointments are danger and possible death.” “Going down into the pit” was strongly encouraged. Walk-ins will be allowed only if social an ancient Jewish way of expressing death and damnation. distancing can be maintained. Please contact Tony Harilall at 347-879-3714 to schedule an appointment. The Second Reading is from St. Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians. (8:7-15). In this passage, Paul is refer- KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS-RECRUITMENT DRIVE ; We, the ring to a collection that was to be taken up among the Co- members of OLPH/Msgr. Flynn Council # 17153 would like rinthians for the benefit of the Church, which to offer you the opportunity to join us in our work for God and was being persecuted by the Jews. The people there were in neighbor. Our council has undertaken many activities that desperate need of funds to purchase food. He is using the benefit our parish, such as: Blood Drive, Food for families, analogy of Jesus Christ who gave up all earthly possessions Palm Sunday Fish & Chips Event, etc. As a member of our and life for the benefit of all mankind. Thus, he is reminding council, you’ll strengthen your faith and become a better the Corinthians that when they have been so blessed as they Catholic, son, husband, and father. Through your support of were, they must show their appreciation to God by blessing our parish and community, you will form friendships with fel- others in need. We must do the same especially when we low Knights that can last a lifetime. As much good as our have received greatly from God or from anyone; we must council has done over the past year, we could do even more give Glory to God, for His love is without end. with your help. We invite you to join our council today and help us be the difference in our parish and community. Please The Gospel Reading is from the Gospel of Mark(5:21-43) feel free to approach any member of our council for more in- This is a double story of God’s mercy and compassion be- formation, or contact Tony Harilall at 347-879-3714. Lastly, ing poured out on two individuals, one a poor woman who thanks to all parishioners who have supported the recent had nothing to lose and everything to gain by approaching charity drive-Archdiocese for Military Services, USA. It was a Jesus. The other was a well-to-do synagogue official. They great success. Remember to keep your tickets safe, drawing is came to Jesus in faith and trust; and He answered their on June 28, 2021. God bless you and your Family!!! prayers beyond their greatest expectations, restoring the

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Icah & Cathy Morrison

El circulo de oración “Getsemani” de nuestra parroquia volverá a reunirse en persona en la Iglesia principal, desde el dia Lunes, Junio 7, 2021. comenzando con el santo Rosario, seguido de alabanzas, meditacion de la palabra, adoración, testimonios, oración de interseción, y mucho más. Si desea paticipar por zoom el numero de identificación es # 495 548 4465 y la clave es 11150. Te esperamos para juntos alabar al Señor.

Do not be afraid, just have faith (mark 5)

Please come join us for Tuesday’s Adoration In the Main Church- starting June 8 from 9:00 AM -12PM !!!Jesus is waiting for us!!!

La Adoración al Santisimo Sacramento semanal se reanudará cada Martes, comenzan- do Junio 8, de 9am a 12 pm. En la Iglesia principal. !!!Jesus nos espera!!!! “No Tengas Miedo, Solo Ten FE” (Marcos 5)

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Icah & Cathy Morrison

St. the , defend us in baƩle. Be our de- fense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May god rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen

The Annual Catholic Appeal, seeks to raise a mini- San Miguel Arcángel, defiéndenos en la lucha; sé nuestro mum of $8 million to provide programs and ministries amparo contra la perversidad y las acechanzas del de- throughout the Diocese and support local efforts of par- ishes like ours. The goal of Our Lady of Perpetual Help monio. Que Dios manifieste sobre él su poder es nuestra is $52,632.00 Once we exceed our goal, we will then humilde súplica. Y tú, oh Príncipe de la Milicia CelesƟal, receive 100% of all funds raised above this figure di- con la fuerza que Dios te ha conferido, arroja al infierno rectly back to our parish. For questions regarding ACA, or to schedule an appointment to make a gift to the par- a Satanás, y a los demás espíritus malignos que vagan ish, Please contact the parish office 718-843-1212 por el mundo para la perdición de las almas. Amen. WE ARE THE CHURCH TOGETHER Come join us for daily mass at olphchurch.net 8:30 am and also on weekends 10:30am & 12pm in Spanish , & repeated all day . Dear parishioners, We are in the home stretch of what has been a remarkable year. The challenges we faced and the challenges we have to overcome reflect the faith, spirit and hard work of our teachers and staff. This has always been the hallmark at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Academy. We feel much La Campaña Católica Annual, busca recaudar un mí- gratude for the support we have received from the Church par- nimo de $8 millones para proveer los programas y min- ents, and community. Mrs. Frances De Luca, Principal isterios a lo largo de la Diocesis y apoyar los esfuerzos locales de las parroquias como la nuestra. La meta de Queridos feligreses, estamos a punto de terminar este año tan Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro es de $52,632.00 dificil, los desafios que hemos superado muestran la fe, el es- despues de sobrepasar nuestra meta, recibiremos el píritu y el fuerte trabajo del profesorado y personal escolar. Es- 100% de los fondos recaudados por encima de esta cifra directamente para nuestra parroquia. Para to siempre nos destaca en la Academia Católica de Nuestra Se- preguntas acerca de la CCA o para hacer una donación ñora del Perpetuo Socorro. Agradecemos mucho el apoyo de a la parroquia, por favor de contactar a la oficina par- nuestra Iglesia, Padres de los estudiantes y la comunidad. roquial (718-843-1212 ). Gracias JUNTOS, SOMOS LA IGLESIA

412 OLPH Page 2

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412 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, South Ozone Park, NY (b) John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166