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UNICEF/2016/EB/8 13 September 2016 Original: English For information United Nations Children’s Fund Executive Board Second regular session 2016 14-16 September 2016 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS TO THE ANNUAL SESSION OF THE UNICEF EXECUTIVE BOARD UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS Page Contents MEMBERSHIP OF THE UNICEF EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR 2016 ................................................ 2 OFFICERS FOR 2016 ............................................................................................................................ 2 MEMBERS ............................................................................................................................................. 3 GOVERNMENT OBSERVERS ........................................................................................................... 10 INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................ 16 NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS .................................................................................. 16 UNICEF NATIONAL COMMITTEES ............................................................................................... 16 1 UNICEF/2016/EB/8 MEMBERSHIP OF THE UNICEF EXECUTIVE BOARD FOR 2016 Terms of office expiring on 31 December 2016 31 December 2017 31 December 2018 Andorra Bangladesh Australia Antigua and Barbuda Belarus Bosnia and Herzegovina China Burkina Faso Botswana Estonia Colombia Cameroon Italy Cuba Denmark Netherlands Eritrea El Salvador Panama Finland Ethiopia Papua New Guinea Japan India Russian Federation Luxembourg Iran (Islamic Republic of) United Kingdom of Great Republic of Korea Libya Britain and Northern Ireland United States of America Nepal Zambia Sierra Leone Sweden Switzerland OFFICERS FOR 2016 President: H.E. Mr. Sven Jürgenson (Estonia) Vice-Presidents: (Libya) H.E. Mr. Durga Prasad Bhattarai (Nepal) H.E. Mr. Walton Alfonso Webson (Antigua and Barbuda) H.E. Mr. Hiroshi Minami (Japan) 2 UNICEF/2016/EB/8 AUSTRALIA (Cont’d) MEMBERS Mr. Adil Cader Intern ANDORRA Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mrs. Elisenda Vives Balmaña Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary BANGLADESH Permanent Representative Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Masud Bin Momen Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ms. Gemma Raduan Corrius Permanent Representative Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Barun Dev Mitra Minister (Economic) Mr. Joan Josep López Lavado Permanent Mission to the United Nations Desk Officer of Multilateral Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Shanchita Haque Counsellor Ms. Nahia Roche Artajo Permanent Mission to the United Nations Desk Officer of Multilateral Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs BELARUS ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA H.E. Mr. Andrei Dapkiunas Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary H.E. Mr. Walton Alfonso Webson Permanent Representative Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Representative Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Irina Velichko Minister Counsellor Mr. Glentis T Thomas Permanent Mission to the United Nations Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Olga Voronovich Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations AUSTRALIA H.E. Ms. Caitlin Wilson BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative H.E. Mr. Miloš Vukašinović Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Ms. Amy Haddad Permanent Mission to the United Nations Counsellor (Development) Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Valentina Marinčić Minister Counsellor Mr. Julian Simpson Deputy Permanent Representative Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Sejla Djurbuzovic Ms. Sinéad Clifford Counsellor Development Adviser Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations 3 UNICEF/2016/EB/8 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA (Cont’d) BURKINA FASO (Cont’d) Mr. Mirza Pašić S.E. Mme. Mariame Fofana Counsellor Ambassadeur Permanent Mission to the United Nations Représentante permanente adjointe Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Mr. Željko Vukobratović Counsellor Mme. Myriam Aman Soulama Permanent Mission to the United Nations Première Conseiller Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Mrs. Snežana Višnjić Counsellor Mme. Zoda Brigitte Coulibaly Ouattara Permanent Mission to the United Nations Attaché Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Mrs. Ljilja Grgić-Stojanović First Secretary Mme. Marie Lydie Ouedraogo Permanent Mission to the United Nations Attaché Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Mrs. Dina Fejzić Ismirlija Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations CAMEROON Ms. Sanja Kuljanin S.E.M. Michel Tommo Monthe Second Secretary Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Permanent Mission to the United Nations Représentant permanente Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies BOTSWANA Mme. Cécile Mballa Eyenga Premier Secrétaire H.E. Mr. Charles Thembani Ntwaagae Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative Mme Joséphine Mvele Nnanga épse Bikun Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ingénieur d’Etudes au Ministère de l’Economie Mr. Nkoloi Nkoloi Melle. Nelly Banaken Minister Plenipotentiary Chef de service en charge des Affaires des Deputy Permanent Representative Nations Unies au Ministère des Relations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Extérieures Ms. Mpho Michelle Mogobe Minister Counsellor CHINA Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Jin Luo Mr. Tlhalefo Batsile Madisa Minister Counsellor First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Yan Wang First Secretary BURKINA FASO Permanent Mission to the United Nations S.E.M. Yemdaogo Eric Tiare Ms. Yifei Wang Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire, Second Secretary Représentant permanente Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mission permanente auprès des Nations Unies 4 UNICEF/2016/EB/8 COLOMBIA DENMARK (Cont’d) S.E. Sra. María Emma Mejía Vélez Mr. Frederik Lasserre Embajadora Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Assistant Attaché Representante Permanente Permanent Mission to the United Nations Misión Permanente antes las Naciones Unidas S.E. Sr. Miguel Camilo Ruiz Blanco EL SALVADOR Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Alterno Ms. Egriselda González López Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations S.E. Sr. Carlos Arturo Morales López Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario Representante Permanente Alterno ERITREA Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Mr. Amanuel Giorgio Sra. Alma Viviana Pérez Gómez Counsellor Ministra Plenipotenciaria Deputy Permanent Representative Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Permanent Mission to the United Nations Sra. Diana Santamaría Ramírez Ms. Zebib Gebrekidan Segundo Secretario Adviser Misión Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Permanent Mission to the United Nations CUBA ESTONIA H.E. Ms. Ana Silvia Rodríguez Abascal H.E. Mr. Sven Jürgenson Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Representative Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Biana Layva Regueira Ms. Kristel Lõuk Third Secretary First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Yilianne Sánchez Rodríguez Diplomatic Attaché ETHIOPIA Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Gebeyehu Ganga Gayito Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative DENMARK Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Ib Petersen Mr. Admasu Nebebe Gedamu Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Director of UN Agencies and Regional Ecomonic Permanent Representative Cooperation Directorate Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ministry of Economic, Finance and Cooperation H.E. Mr. Peter Martin Lehmann Nielsen Mr. Belachew Gujubo Gutulo Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ms. Rikke Skou Melsen Second Secretary Policy Adviser Permanent Mission to the United Nations 5 UNICEF/2016/EB/8 FINLAND IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF) (Cont’d) H.E. Mr. Kai Jürgen Mikael Sauer Mr. Ebrahim Alikhani Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary First Secretary Permanent Representative Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Jouni Laaksonen ITALY Ambassador Deputy Permanent Representative H.E. Mr. Sebastiano Cardi Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative Mr. Pasi Pöysäri Permanent Mission to the United Nations Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Inigo Lambertini Ambassador Ms. Tanja Grén Deputy Permanent Representative Counsellor - Permanent Mission to the United Nations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Valeria Biagiotti Mr. Aki Kauppinen First Counsellor Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations Permanent Mission to the United Nations Mr. Paolo Mari First Secretary INDIA Permanent Mission to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Syed Akbaruddin Dr. Maria Letizia Zamparelli Ambassador Extraordinary