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12634 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 29, 2001 This legislation is necessary because the mercial center for the area. The first Post Of- When freedom came to the formerly captive Department of Transportation (DOT) decided fice, named Spanish Peaks, opened in the peoples of the Soviet Empire, Yakov joked to eliminate this critical service last Friday. In- Plaza in 1871. By 1875 the Indian threat was that ‘‘the end of the KGB eliminated 100 per- stead of permitting American Airlines, which almost completely gone. In 1876 the narrow cent of the torture in Russia, 50 percent of the purchased TWA, to have the TWA slots to gauge railroad came through La Veta several spying—and 30 percent of my punch lines.’’ continue to fly this route, the Department blocks north of the Fort on its way westward But in fact Yakov enjoys continued success in awarded them to Alaska Airlines, which will through the newly surveyed La Veta Pass. In his comedic routines. In 1992, he moved to use them to start nonstop service between 1877 the permanent rail depot was built be- Branson, Missouri, where he owns his own Washington and Seattle. side the rails and the business community comedy theater and performs to perennially The Department’s decision disappointed slowly moved north toward it. For many years, sold-out shows. tens of thousands of Californians and other this stretch of the line between La Veta and Yakov says he will continue to relish having passengers who have come to rely on this Wagon Creek was the highest in the world. a job that allows him to encourage Americans route and its connections to Bakersfield, Fres- The old depot building at the summit is listed to cherish the freedom we have to laugh at no, Monterey, Oakland, Palm Springs, San on the National Register of Historic Places. ourselves—and yes, at our government. ‘‘I’ve Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, San Luis The mountains of the Sangre de Cristo learned that the secret to being happy is dis- Obispo, Santa Barbara, and elsewhere in the Range were long known by the Indians of the covering your gift and having the opportunity state. Southwest. Relics of the Basket Weaver Cul- to share it with the world,’’ he once said. ‘‘As Without this route, Los Angeles will be the ture have also been found within the county. I found out for myself, it can be quite a ride largest U.S. city without non-stop air service to The Spanish Peaks are a historic landmark to before your gift defines itself and allows you to Washington’s Reagan-National. In fact, Cali- travelers—from the early Indians to the vaca- realize what it is.’’ fornia, the most populous state in the Union, tioner. Besides being the railhead, La Veta Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to join will have no direct connection to DCA. has also been the center of local agriculture with me in paying tribute to Yakov Smirnoff on Earlier this year, 57 Members of Con- and coal mining. the 15th anniversary of his citizenship. He gress—including House Majority Leader DICK Mr. Speaker, the citizens of Colorado are truly embodies what it means to be an Amer- ARMEY and Democratic Leader RICHARD GEP- proud of La Veta’s 125-year heritage. It is an ican. As we prepare to celebrate the 4th of HARDT and most Members of the California area rich in culture, history and heritage. For July, the United States Congress can all join congressional delegation—wrote the DOT in that Mr. Speaker, I would like to wish La Veta with Yakov and say, ‘‘What a country!’’ support of American Airline’s efforts to pre- happy birthday and wish its citizens good luck f serve this critical service. and prosperity for the next 125 years. ENERGY AND WATER DEVELOP- The legislation introduced today allows f MENT APPROPRIATIONS ACT, American Airlines to use two existing slot ex- HONORING YAKOV SMIRNOFF ON 2002 emptions for service between Washington’s THE 15TH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS Reagan-National and Los Angeles. As such, it CITIZENSHIP SPEECH OF does not increase the total number of flights at Washington’s Reagan National and permits HON. DALE E. KILDEE Alaska Airlines to fly direct to Seattle. HON. CHRISTOPHER COX OF MICHIGAN OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, Californians rely upon nonstop IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES air service between Los Angeles International Wednesday, June 27, 2001 Airport and Washington’s Reagan-National Air- Thursday, June 28, 2001 The House in Committee of the Whole port. Without congressional action, this con- Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay House on the State of the Union had under venient nonstop air service will end in Sep- tribute to Yakov Smirnoff, who will celebrate consideration the bill (H.R. 2311) making ap- tember. his 15th anniversary as a United States citizen propriations for energy and water develop- I urge all my colleagues to support this leg- on July 4, 2001. ment for the fiscal year ending September 30, islation. When Yakov left the Soviet Union in 1977, 2002, and for other purposes: f he arrived in the U.S. with less than $100 in Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Chairman, I rise today in his pocket. But like so many new immigrants, strong support of the Bonior-Stupak-Kaptur HONORING THE 125 YEAR HISTORY Yakov quickly found a way to put his talents amendment to prohibit expansion of drilling in OF LA VETA, COLORADO to use in his new country—and in only a few or along the Great Lakes. years he became one of America’s most rec- The Great Lakes rank among the most pre- HON. SCOTT McINNIS ognized comedians. cious environmental treasures in the world. OF COLORADO Yakov’s brand of comedy appealed to so The five lakes hold almost 20 percent of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many Americans because it carried real in- fresh water in the world, and they hold almost sight. He poked fun at the daily consequences Thursday, June 28, 2001 90 percent of the United States’ fresh water of Soviet tyranny, while displaying a remark- supply. The United State’s share of Great Mr. McINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to ably American irreverence for our own foibles Lakes shoreline is longer than the coastlines take this opportunity to pay special tribute to (‘‘In the Soviet Union, I’d line up for three of either the East Coast or West Coast of our La Veta, Colorado on its 125th Birthday. For hours just to get a tasteless piece of meat and nation. Furthermore, the lakes’ ecological di- over a century, the people of La Veta have some stale bread; but in America, you can versity impacts ecosystems in eight states as contributed a rich heritage and cultural diver- walk into any fast-food restaurant and get the well as much of Canada. sity to the state of Colorado. I would like Con- same thing right away’’). But he also reminded All five of the Great Lakes rank among the gress to wish the citizens of La Veta a very us of how fortunate we are to live in a free top eighteen largest lakes in the world. In fact, happy 125th birthday. and democratic nation (‘‘What a country!’’ be- Lake Superior has the largest surface water of In 1862, Col. John M. Francisco, a former came his signature line). In fact, Yakov has any fresh water lake in the world, and it holds settler with the US Army at Fort Garland, and said that his comedy has helped him ‘‘share more volume than all of the other Great Lakes Judge Henry Daigle built Fort Francisco on his attempts at becoming a real American with combined. We should not put these treasures land purchased from the Vigil-St. Vrain Land the audience.’’ at risk for a small amount of fossil fuel. Grant, significantly south west of most of the Yakov’s dream of becoming an American Some colleagues want to compare drilling in San Luis Valley bound traffic. When Col. John citizen was finally fulfilled on July 4, 1986, in the Great Lakes to drilling in ocean waters, Francisco looked down on the future site of La a ceremony held at the Statue of Liberty. De- but this line of thought compares apples to or- Veta in the mid 1850’s he said, ‘‘This is para- scribing his joy at the occasion, Yakov says: anges. dise enough for me.’’ The town of La Veta ‘‘I suddenly had a new revelation. You can go First, the water exchange rate in the lakes was incorporated on October 9, 1876. to Italy but never become Italian. You can go is very slow, because they are essentially self- As more settlers moved into this beautiful to France but never become French. But you contained. A spill under these circumstances and fertile valley, the Fort increased in impor- can come to America and become an Amer- would devastate the ecology for many years, tance as shelter from Indians and as the com- ican.’’ and it simply should not be risked. VerDate Aug 31 2005 15:15 Feb 22, 2007 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E29JN1.001 E29JN1 rmajette on PROD1PC67 with BOUND RECORD.