A Stronger Scotland the Government's Programme For
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A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 TheScottishGovernment @ScotGov www.gov.scot A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 The Scottish Government, Edinburgh 2015 A STRONGER SCOTLAND ii THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 © Crown copyright 2015 You may re-use this information (excluding logos and images) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/ or e-mail: [email protected]. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This document is available from our website at www.gov.scot ISBN: 978-1-78544-598-9 ISBN: 978-1-78544-599-6 (E-pub) ISBN: 978-1-78544-600-9 (Mobi) The Scottish Government St Andrew’s House Edinburgh EH1 3DG Published by the Scottish Government, September 2015 Produced for the Scottish Government by APS Group Scotland, 21 Tennant Street, Edinburgh EH6 5NA PPDAS54803 (09/15) A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 1 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 CONTENTS FOREWORD BY THE FIRST MINISTER 2-3 1 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 4-15 2 A STRONGER AND FAIRER SCOTLAND 16-23 3 A STRONG, SUSTAINABLE ECONOMY 24-41 4 PROTECTING AND REFORMING OUR PUBLIC SERVICES 42-65 5 STRENGTHENING OUR COMMUNITIES 66-81 6 THE SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT’S LEGISLATIVE PROGRAMME 82-83 A STRONGER SCOTLAND 2 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 FOREWORD BY THE FIRST MINISTER Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP First Minister of Scotland A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 3 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 The Programme for Government that we are publishing today builds on a strong record of achievement – it sets out actions for the coming year and a clear vision for the coming decade. At its centre is a commitment to introduce And the Programme sets out how we intend an Improvement Framework for schools, to to use the additional powers which are help us drive up attainment in all schools, due to come to the Scottish Parliament. and to close the attainment gap. We aim to We will take the first steps to delivery of a ensure that children in all parts of Scotland new social security system and abolish the – whether in our least or our most affluent bedroom tax as soon as we have the power areas – have a fair chance to flourish. to do so. We will reduce Air Passenger Duty – boosting connectivity and supporting That ambition encapsulates the themes businesses. And we will abolish fees for which run through this document. We want employment tribunals – ensuring that to create a fairer and more prosperous employees have a fair opportunity to have nation, in which opportunities are open their case heard. to everyone and where because of that, everyone is able to contribute their talent, Finally, the Programme for Government skill and commitment. sets out our approach to government. I am committed to leading the most accessible We will make Scotland the best place in the Government this country has ever had and UK to do business – not through a race to I want to ensure that we build on the sense the bottom, but by focusing on innovation, of engagement and enthusiasm that we saw skills and productivity. – from both sides of the debate – during last We will create a fairer country. We will year’s referendum. So we will help people promote a proper living wage, fair work to have a bigger say in the decisions that and use new powers to improve the welfare affect them most. During the next year we system, mitigating some of the worst will consult on legislation to give greater impacts of the UK Government’s cuts. power to our island communities, and invest in our Empowering Communities Fund. And as part of our work to achieve those aims, we will begin the next phase of public Overall, this Programme for Government service reform – for example by making demonstrates how enduring values – a belief our unified police service more responsive in enterprise, a faith in the importance to the needs of local communities, and of education, a commitment to fairness, transforming primary health care. equality and solidarity, and a passion for democratic engagement – are being The Programme also sets out the legislation applied to make Scotland a fairer and more we will introduce over the coming year. prosperous country. It shows how this We will introduce a bill to tackle Abusive Government intends to achieve our vision Behaviour and Sexual Harm. The Burial and for Scotland’s future. Cremation Bill will meet public concerns, and implement the recommendations of Lord Bonomy’s Report on Infant Cremation. The Private Tenancies Bill provides tenants with protection against excessive rent rises, while also giving clear rights and safeguards to Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP landlords. First Minister of Scotland A STRONGER SCOTLAND 4 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 01 A STRONGER SCOTLAND THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME 5 FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 This Programme for Government sets out the policies, actions and legislation that we will take forward in 2015-16 to deliver our core purpose of creating a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and to equip Scotland for the challenges of the next decade and beyond. Our record in Government is one of We will continue to use all the powers at improvement across our public services our disposal at any time to deliver the best against the backdrop of reduced public outcomes we can for the people of Scotland. finances. We have undertaken necessary and important, albeit challenging, reforms to Concrete plans are being put in place our public services, from the integration of to use the new powers that will come health and social care, to the introduction of to Scotland in the current Scotland Bill. Curriculum for Excellence in our schools, the We are working to ensure that we bring reshaping of our college sector to make it forward programmes to use these new fit for the needs of a 21st-century economy, powers in ways that respond to the needs and the establishment of the single fire and and expectations of all the people of police services. Scotland’s economy has Scotland. However, while we welcome these emerged strongly from the global recession additional powers they fall short of what the and we now have lower unemployment and country needs and the people of Scotland higher employment than any other demand. We will therefore continue to press UK nation. for a more effective set of powers for the Scottish Parliament and Government. This Programme for Government, although focused on the next Parliamentary year, lays In taking forward all of the activities of the foundations for the next decade and Government we will be guided by three beyond. It begins to set out the next phase underpinning principles: the need to of reform in our public services – the actions deliver greater prosperity for our country; we will take to ensure that our education ensuring that there is fairness in how our system is world class and that we have the nation’s wealth, resources and opportunities evidence to prove it, that we have an NHS are distributed; and making sure that we that is organised to meet the demands of encourage and facilitate participation by changing demographics and ever advancing everyone in the debates and decisions that technology, and a police service that is matter to them most, regardless of their efficient, effective and enjoys the trust circumstances or backgrounds. and consent of local communities the length We have set out our plans in the following and breadth of Scotland. chapters: We also set out the actions we will take • A Stronger and Fairer Scotland to make Scotland the best place in the UK to do business, not by a race to the • A Strong, Sustainable Economy bottom on costs, but with a focus on strong productivity, innovation, fair work and • Protecting and Reforming Our Public internationalisation. And we set out our Services continued focus on inclusive growth, an • Strengthening Our Communities approach that will reduce the inequality that still scars our country. In short, this Programme for Government will build on strong foundations, to build a country fit and ready for the challenges of the future. A STRONGER SCOTLAND 6 THE GOVERNMENT’S PROGRAMME FOR SCOTLAND 2015-16 A STRONGER AND FAIRER New Powers for the Scottish Parliament SCOTLAND The new powers that have been proposed by the UK Government fall short of what We are fortunate to live in a country where was promised to the people of Scotland. We the values of democracy are respected, will continue to demand that those promises where the Scottish Parliament and Scottish are delivered. But at the same time we Government command respect and where are acting with pace and creativity to be the rights of the individual citizen are ready to use the limited powers that are of paramount importance. Successive proposed, and we will do so in consultation generations have built and protected with others. In particular, we will use those those values and now we must ensure that powers to: we enhance that legacy for subsequent generations. We all share that obligation. In • Bring forward a Social Security Bill Government we never forget that we are within the first year of the new accountable to the citizens of Scotland for Parliament to pave the way – as soon all that we do in their name.