CPD Extended Backgrounder for the On- Campus Stadium Proposal August 6, 2012 Draft (minor changes made from July 23 and July 27 drafts) Completed by Martin Carcasson, Ph.D. Director, CSU Center for Public Deliberation Associate Professor, Communication Studies Colorado State University www.cpd.colostate.edu Responses to this backgrounder can be provided at http://col.st/MyZnpL or emailed to
[email protected] This report is available online at www.cpd.colostate.edu/cpdbackgrounder.pdf. It will be updated periodically. CPD Extended Backgrounder for the On-Campus Stadium Proposal Explanation of this document: This document was created by the CPD working as an independent resource. It was released publicly at the same time as it was released to the SAC Committee and CSU administration. It represents a summary of arguments being made concerning the stadium proposal in the public discourse, as well as an initial literature review and analysis of some of the key issues. It was developed from analysis of various forms of public input and comment over the last several months, including comments from over 2,000 responses to the CPD input form that was posted online; articles, letters, and message board comments at the Coloradoan; emails and letters sent to the CPD, Fort Collins City Council, President Frank, the CSU student body president, and the athletic department, on-line discussion sites such as the CSU alumni Linked-In site, Facebook, and pro and con petition sites, and information and documents from the athletic department, the Stadium Advisory Committee (SAC), the Save our Stadium, Hughes group (SOSH), and the Be Bold CSU group.