i ? \ • . I- /Mr -/■- --- ^ 1 . .; r> r ,' . .1

.1 - \ i , . ,,, wL : p .- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER H i 19B9 ,1 Avtraga Dftily Net Pfeaa Ron rqy tke Week Ended The Weetlrar ' Nov. 5, ItSS Fm m m F ad O. • . Wonthor E^naa

Mrs. Mather H. NelU. 50 Ply­ Olnoenhy Adr tonigkt. Low 1J,898 pgAtn neiur 4f. Soanday, .dloBdhig mouth lAne, is one'of the com­ .z Member e< the Andit mittee members pUmning the com­ Till Christrrfas Barcnn of C|r«HaHon ap and eenttaaetf rather mlM. High ing meeting of the Mount Holyoke Effective Monday, Nov. in lower sae. ^ .TIm faU M r of «»« WMhliigton a u b of Hartford to be held Nov. Manche$ter~-^ City of ViUago Chariot PTA will bo- hold tomorrow from 17 at 8 p.m. at Heubleln Hall, 37 . <■ . Jefferson St., Hartford. Guest 3 to 7 p.m. at the West Side Rec- VOL. LXXV, NO. 37 (FOURTEEN PAGES) reaUcm Cantor and will be open to speaker will be John A. Dando, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1955 (OlaaeUied Advarttolag on Pago IS) PRICE n v i;, CENTS the public, admission free. Games j professor of Bpgllsh at .TYinIty are plai\ned for the children and 'college, who will talk on "Poets in OTOBts to Interest all skcs. Booths iBScile." ■ . will feature home made cakes, The meeting of the Zipser Club Bonn Staicts plea, candy preserves, also hand­ scheduled, for this Sunday has Allies to Penalize P \ Gloomy made aprons and others items for been postponed to Sunday, Nov, I glRa, toys, a grabbai: ' for the boys and g^rls, books and toys. V ■ .-■■I bn ‘Spirit’ The polish American Club will: Mideast Aggressor Sir K nli^t FVank McGeown has hold its regular monthly meeting «— e meeting of the convention Sunday afternoon at 1 .o’clock at O f s o a o o o 1 conWilttee for the Grand Black the’ clubhouse on Clinton St. All \ At Geneva Chapter of the United SUtes for members are urged to attend. GenevA, Nov. 12 (/P)— B rit-fP«*» «n—Disheartened^^ the Certified Public Accountants will A rm y w m founded todi#r.^h« P«*ce between Jews arid fanning Nationaliat unrest in Al­ Big Four deadlock at Geneva, hold its technical meeting at the geria and Morocco. The K a n i^ te r Pipe Band will Hotel Barnum in Bridgeport on Standing under a 10-foot repr Ar^bs by penalizing any ag U.N. delegates held little hdpe held its annual entertainment and Nov, 17.. Henry L. Stem. C.P.A., lica of an Iron Cross — the greflsor and even using an in- The . full______Uat of- arms shipmenta ^ a y for any settlement of dance at the Hotel Bond Banfoom. win addreaw " the^members and ancient symbol of German tem atio n al force to police t h e ! disclosed.. However. ^ East-West issues before the Hartford.-tonight at 8 o'clock. The their guebts on the subject "Ac­ military might — Defense _P.I«tin,^.^border, If current General Assemblv. Farmington Valley Orchestra will counting for Retail Stores.” Din­ CONVOY sary. play for dancing. ner will be at 6:30 p.m. and the Minister Theodor Blank f ilte r s were included. He added As the foreign ministers' Ulks meeting should commence at 7:45 handed callup papers to the New measures to support the tta t Britain and America had ap-1 turniahed evidence of a toughened .1950 U.S.-Britlsh4i;rench declara­ proved the original arms deal is Soviet foreign policy, .diplomata Concuatory The Z l^er Club will hold a set­ pm- . first 101 volunteers for the back tournament tomorrow night tion against any major breach of months ago and that no further here voiced doubt the ciu-i(V!ht ses­ at 7 o'clock at the cluUioi^se. All JACKETS 500,000 man force. the Palestine armistica^ere being oonauitaUona were necessary.. sion would rnako hMdwoy on dis­ . Gibbons Assembly. CathoUc La- They were the flrst of the men studied in the light Of ClHnmunlst .The fmoign office- spokesman armament. memberahit) of any Moves E nd . are welcome. ^ dies of Columbus, will initiate a sale 4>f arms to Arab at^es, in­ other controversial qbesttons. group of new members Tuesday, who will be enrolled in the next said delivery of arms to Israel la Forail weather. Nature Boy poplin, three yean Into 12 Army divisiona, formants said. continuing. Again the type of arms References lo tbO "Spirit of Ge- i Nov. IS, at 8:13 at the Community ' involved was hot disclosed. Y, Following the ceremony; op­ water repellent. Insulated quiltied a 1,300-plonc tactical Air Force Binbnrgo Included nevq" which highlighted UJ'I. A n ^ j^ R o w erators of the Vincent and Ray­ lining of acetate, rayon and cbtton. and a coaatal Navy. They said the plana by the W eat^.^® - . “I John speeches earlicf- this year have . 6,006 Vohmteera to prsvent or stamp out early anyoas I’aMtCrer Dulles and' British Foreign been noticpably absent the past mond Beauty Studio, 517 Main St., Hand washable!. Sizes: Small, me­ SebMtary Harold MacMillan ar- Tew days. will demonstrate the latest in hair »•, The Germans donned their new full-scale Arab-Jewtsh conflict in­ By JoilN M. HIGH'TOWER i,. . dium, large. Colors: Red, navy, tur­ uniforms Just over hve years from clude;. ,• r a n i^ a n unusual conferenqe with I Only tl)e SovleL bloc members, CMERBENCY styles, and will use the following 1. A total embargo on war aup- a rankhig F<'C"ch diplomat here - who appear singularly unaffacted Geneva, N qv. 12 (/P)—Sec­ models: Mrsi' Glenn J. Mlrtl, Mrs. quoise. ' the time western Allies decided to apparently in an effort to coordi­ Oil i Urner rearm Weat Germany to bolster piles from western and other by developments' In Geneva, still retary of. State John Foster Henry Skelly, Mrs. Ernest Matuss. friendly countries to. Israel and the nate big U ^ e policies In the Mid Invoke the .• “spirit" when they OuUes and Soviet Foreign. SERVICE Mrs. John Njelseh. Mrs. Hsrdlng the Atlantic Alliance against the Arabs. ^ ' threat of Russian aggrsssion. a«a-s.vt w |#vaawvaii^aJ4fU()s, BUUng MihiSter V. M. MiRotov^ Stephens, Mrs. Arthur Smachettl. 2. .Institution of an 'economic Mrs. Nwrard Stelmark And Mrs. .98 ■ The men taking part in today's in for French Fordign ,Mlniatqr a**- OpUnrism Fade* ^pped ,, their bitter debate CALL Joseph Rourke, Mrs. Mathew Mori- ceremony were the Initial install­ blockade on .the trouble area. tolne PInay, who. is lA Paris. w tr arms reduction and con- ment of 6,000 volunteers authoV- 3. Complete or partial break In ..The, current, assembly-.opened ^ vmiiAMs arty and Mrs. Joseph Rourke are diplomatic relations.- Italy to Ban iWa ’ amid optimism that an overall .irols today and began trying chairmen of the committee. ixed by parliament under tem­ In Rome, the Italian1 goveiemment OIL ^RVICE porary ie^slatlon. 4. Finally, as a last resort, to announced it would ban export of agreement might finally be t patch up some kind of consider using U.S., British, and reached on the thorny disarma­ agreement on a final Big Army Sgt. Rudolph E. Cspello, Sportswear—Second Floor When detailed legislation has French troops aa an international 30 Ralian-made Jet fighter planes ment question. son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Capei- to Egypt. Informed sources / MI-9-4548 ■■. i been passed, 150,000 volunteers sentry force to restore peace and Four disarmament declara­ lo, 183 Hilliard St., recently took 1 will ' be enlisted as s permanent yesterday the Mac'chi company, a With this In mind, the U.N.’s tion. V part In a reglirientat combat test senre aa a buffer between the two private firm In Italy, had con.in. I political conunittee sidetraced cadre. They will be the leaders, sides. to 1 “* ^ te on the arms question until The. newly conciliatory tone ia held by the 1st Cavalry Division | \ instructor's and technicians to han­ traded to sell...Vampire Jets today's Big Four aeasion was in in Japan. The sergeant a squad V In Paris, the -Frencfi Foreign Cairo. the-Big Four had a chance to dle' the 350,000 conscripts due to Office announced today France has The Italian foreign office denied t'hraah tt■t outoul and presumably pa atarit contrut to the acid argu­ leader in Company'K of the divi­ be dratted in 1956. ment of two previous aeaalona, in • CORRECTION • sion’s 8th Re^ment, entered the resumed shipment of arms to m y knowledge of the Jet deal but the way' ^for r actioQ In the U.ff. . / . . '''Blank said the nevr Wehrpiacht Egypt because- of an "improve­ Hopda oi'-success were dashed the course of which Dulles and Army In November 1952. and com- / ^4^^^ Be* . - - » .- ’ e p e g i j ' __ preted basic training at-yt.-Riley.- -- had mtly psaeeful alaw-Hlho catab- ment:'., in Uie-tons-ofr4he-ldffPMtp Mhen -Soylet-iPprelgir Mlntater--V; [>^totpV accuMd,each other, MUiat :__ n t t e j rT . . lishmeht of security in a peaceful WSSpy Or by IUnplIcatlOn, 67 Kan. He attended HoweirxrHSftey M. Molotov rejected the Blsen- pracUmg bad faith' in nb^tta- Technical School. 4 an^ untt%d^ Bhtrope. He said the hower plan for a U.S.-Soviet ^x- tions and of trying to deceive the L‘ new German'Midlers would be'ex­ -w-k -m m change of mlliury. Miieprints SHOULDERS ' 1-1 worM about their diearmament ------— .tC pected Id *i=eaM, Iff Thelf "coKdHCl ..... a w 4 ii^ ^ — a ' the frM and deiilocraUc Spirit of V kPIMWien' the West German-R«F4)bUc.' a J.JIC-/C slve that the freeze-over*'•<> In (Jeneva ■ Today, Dufleis suggeated work fm Hai tSo Aa Appeared GENERAL started on 'to common Btatement" The ceremony was conducted in might have a chilling effect\,qn. reflecting the debate, which he in Lnat Nlgkrs Herald K; ' ■ a Defense Mmistry garage. The negotiations herq fdr Admission 6f Pi-eaideot Eisenhower stands hattosa In the 'afternoon sun at he liatena to Welcoming remarks . TV SERVICE by Vice President Richard Nixon, center, following the Chief Execiittve'e. arrival at National Air­ eald had been "useful and informa­ walla were draped with gray mus­ new fnetnbers. ■ tive.” He remarked that he would MANCHESTER ^ Daya M AC A CaU lin. In the center was the big On Arab-Israel Line Tke ‘UnttM. States has made port near Washington (Nov. 11). Former President Herbert Hoover, right, was also on hand to greet not be so optimistic aa to aay Uwt black and white Iron Cross. It was known It is considering all pending the Piesident, who returrrted to the capital for.- first time since hla heart attack in Denver,Colo. (AP PURUC MARKET Mghla AIs«9 Plus Parts Wirephoto). . either side had affectad the think­ gM —6 MAIN STREET TEL. 5U S-diM flanked by 30-foot high drapes in .Waahington', Nov. 12 (iPJ-^AdlaWto comment on Stevenson's pro- membership plans 'including The ing of the other but he thought IRRESISTIBLE! the nation's black and gold colora. E. StevenMn.’i proposal for United posal, made In a network broad- Canadian proposal to admit all 18 there was a better underetaniUng The flfst volunteers included Nations policing'of inflamed Arab- | cast (ABC) speech before a capac- applicant nations during the cur­ of differing points of view. two lieutenant generals, 18, lieu­ Israeli borders got a cautious re- ity audience of 3,300 at the Unt- rent assembly. Dulles said he felt confident tenant colonels, 30 majors, 40 cap- ception today from Waahington of- ; veraity of Virginia. ' This appears tp be a shift from that "even though wo do not reach RITE-FIT'S lovely Sheath in 'talns. 5 lieutenants and 6 ser­ ficials. I Says Ptan Has .Merit' the American position which ^isenAottiersiFaure W aits Verdict geants. a large measure of formaUaed Speaking In Chai-lotteavllle; Va., | Sen. Morse (D-Ore), a jnember hitherto has been that all mem­ agreement, bertalnly Um exchanjp Only a dozen of the men were I last night, StevenMn said the way i. o ' the Senate Foreign Relations bers should be admitted on their Plan Monday ^ of viewpoints which has occurrad In uniform. Army and Air Fofee I to avoid armed clashes-in the tense ' Committee, said he thinks Steven- individual merits. , , ■ PERMANENTLY officers wore gray bhie uniforms here -will be instructive and wUl’ of a rhodem design. The only naval Middle East was to “ kisp Uta {son's proposal has merit "and • The Ruaatans have been trying Trip to Fartn^e. Liection Lnange help repreeentativea lit the United officer in uniform wore the tradi­ I troops of those antagortlsts apart--" I should .be weighed and analyzed for years to put across a package Nationa eubcommittee" (no tional dark blue and gold. "I wonder," he amid, "if the carefully” by the administration deal which -vould admit five disarmament.') TUCKED ALLTUCK At the front s to ^ Lt. Gen. I United Nations could hot' under-1 and the Foreign Affairs Com mi t- Soviet satellites along with 11 non- Molotov began iUa comments on Adolf Heusinger and Lt. Gen. I take patrol duties In the areas of! tees of Congrew Communist States. H Paris. Wpv. I2 y iv -T b * National Aaaombly met today to the achievements of the badly aplit < tension and coUlolon. i Sen. A|ki o e ^ -jRa first full d a ^ l the voit« OR the fat® of Premier Efigar Faure and his plan for disarmament debate with what ap-' Acetate and nylon, guaranteed washable. There’s that > Hans Speidel. Their imiforms wore I “Certainly both sides -wxiulA re- j act 'Fc'fHT ommittee- ...... > "Wen "■ d lin g i distinguished by the red tabs of speef United Nations patrols where' man. said. in against western overtures . that exeeattve manaionmaniion since return-return­ elections next month. It suspended its jiession almost at onc® pearod to bo A naedUng lelbaanae OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 8:30 certain look to Rite-Fit’s tucked sheath , . , the new nar­ ^nerais on their lapela and their a separate kilervlew they admit Japan or Spain. ing from seven weeks In a Denver to hia offorta to get woatem agrao- row look, with deep straight pockets, a front panel to they do not trust each other.” h< believes U.N, action in the pres­ Observers said the Soviets in tribdte to the French president’s wife, who died early this ment to aome kutd of geoaraUsOd \ At present the U.N. ha* a truce ent situation-"could prevent all-out hospital. morning...... -f accentuate the slimness—-a lustrous pearl pin, too. Lots \(Conttnned on Page Nine) No appointments were Hated for d^viiiMvraMembers heard uivthe Mi/vMgbcispeaker, * iRjr renunciation of atomic antta. In Ida W« Art continuing dale on Our Meat Manager says.: aupervlMra' team, with headquar­ war or it could precipitate one.” He (C'ontiBiled on Page Nine) the convalescing President excejpt words he had hoped to get ah agiea- "This is the weekend to buy of action in back, with generous shirring at the waist. It’s ters in Jerusalem, which sends added: PWrre Schneltor deliver an eulogy j M r S . iA O tV , 6 9 , D l C S ^ galloRB of SeaTteat Ice apother'date with his doctors for to Mrs. Rene Coty. It then receeeed i . ' J “ ’ ment here "to end the arma ikee.’* pork. Weather is cool . . . simply all you waat in a dress. A snap to wash . . . dries representatives to trouble apota ' "If the United Nations under­ a checkup. Cream through Saturday, price is right.” alMig the Israeli-Arab borders to takes to police the situation there to allow a committee time to make * ^ A a#-....!,. ' otherwiaa Molotov aald ha ovemight . . . wrinkles blow away and the tucks nr# Plana are for the President and arrangemenu for her funeral. A l t e r H e a r t A t t a C K thought the four could state that Ndv 12. FAO Aide Hits check reports of violation .of the —and I'm not saying it should be Mta. Elsenhower to go to their • RIB PORK ROAST there to stay! All YOU ^o is wear it and look pretty. Sizes Arab-Israeli Armistice.' done—I believe,the troops should Gunman to Get There were no plapa to delay the | / they recognise the need to ccai- 14Va to 22'/!i, 12 to 20. • In addition, there are U.N.-appn be recruited from the small na­ Gettysburg farm Monday. EHaen- echeduled vote, the eecond In nine; Paris. Nov, 12 (Ah—Mrs. tlnue to.seek agreement on a co(n- 7-RIB CUT hower la expMted to stay' there daye on the same Issue. prehensive program for disarma­ UffS. Proposal Boi-ed mixed armlatice commissions tion. If It were handled thabway, until‘around the first of the year, Clermaine Coty, 69, wife of Sava 2le 27c Lb. which hear formal charges of truc^ the chances of the situation's de­ Chair for Death Whatever the outcome, the gov-1 Prench President Rene Ooty ment which could promote tntaraa- mesinwhile working gradually'to­ ernment aeemed certain lo ’ t e \ Uonal peace and aecwrtty. I violations. ' There include repre­ veloping into an all-out war'would ward a full achedtiie of activlRes. jdled unexpectedly early today. on each half gaUon of this .98 To Cut Budget sentatives of Israel on one hand be much less:” weakened by- the vote. And the ’ -'Z An Elyaee Palace announce- ^ e Big DiffeteMea Boalteat Ice Cream at the WHOLE STRIPS Of Policeman Oeta Rousing Welcome chances for holding the elPetions in Dulles said the differeneea be­ low M>eelal price of and Its . Arab nelghIMrs on the WaiitK 'Mixed Troops’ /ni^nt said death was due to OF PORK Rome, ,Nov.. 12 Philip V. other—rEgypts Syria, Lebanon and Morah said he believes "mixed j Eisen'hower appeared to be feel­ Decemter—six months eArly—ap­ / a htoirt attack. tween the appitMhea of Ruiala Jordan. Canadian MaJ. Gen. Rdaon troops” and not Those of a single ing fine late yesterday as he -re­ peared, ta be getting dimmer as (About 10 Lbs.) Cai'don, the American director of CSiicago, ,Nov. 12 (d>) — The / Mr#. ..Coty died aC-Chateau (Continued on Fags Nina) 98c Half Gallon (Cut into chops and roast If . the U.N. Food and Agriculture Or­ L. M. Bums, U.N. truce super­ nation should be used for any bizarre five-day trial of cop-killer turned to Waahington and a rous­ ekeh day pasaei. | / de RamlxmiUet. th r presiden- -you wish). ganization (FAO), offered to re­ visors' chief of his deputies, sit patrol duty. Richard Carpenter was ended last ing civic welcome. Coupled with the government'a (lal residence 33 miles south COLORAMIC PEN-PENCIL SET sign today after the U.S. delega­ with these commissions and vote ■- Stevenson, who It expected to •night by a quick verdict condemn­ “I am happy,” the smiling presi- i demand that the present Assembly of Paris whbent a full Bulletins farm-fresh Robart Turkeys TWO BAU POINT PINA 'eouNMMa' Department of Agriculture official deliberation, a Jury of eight men duties, although they say I m u st! by the present « ectoral law. day yesterday participating In While Stock Lasts. for Thanksgiving. KNITWEAR for more than 30 years, said he and four W'pmen.found the 26-year- Armistice Day observance in from the AP Wires . was not consulted on. the U.S. ease my way Into them and n o t *1, Peris. She became HI suddenly — PLUS old gunman guilty of murdering bulldoZe my way Into them.” ' ,**',*,'’*’*?* That is cut for comfort and Wove and termed It "amazing and Detective William J. Murphy as That "parole If hot a pardon” ! “ y/«P“rt>oehl(county) to win>11 last night in Paris but was AiMAZINO disheartening.'' the officer tried to arrest him for able to accomp^y her hus­ IKE IN BUSINESSr SunahineHydrox Cookies cello 49e • Ml THKI—riw Ptptffc sewn for sturdiness. A good expressionipresslon In ElsenhpwerVEisenhowers brief NaUon^''AiMmbT ./ r NIW Bara 'Horse Trading’ robbery Aug. 15. ' • band to Ramboufilet. Waehlngtoa, Nav. 18 (ff) ^ Ntket FinHctar Far selection of .styles and colors He said he was not prepared to Born April i , ' 1886, at Le Presideet B B lbnwer wUl mpm Kaebler’a Cinamon Griap C rackep...... box 39c in slip ons and cardigans.. After kUling Murphy, 34, the (Continued on Pnge Two) Faure gave thia eyslem hla bjeas* law TkM Yell'd ixpart do. any "horse-trading" on his $7 After Br^il Army Coup trigger-happy Carpenter shot and ing after pie Aesembly haq re­ ' Havre, qfie married Coty in a buslaeee offloe early next. ^ la Ny far Oaal mum Sizes 7 to 14. z' million annual budgets, carefully wounded another policeman' and jected a proposal for electing pne 1907. Survivors in Addition to week la downtown Oettyabarg, y; prepared over many months and held a te rro rtzed ^ ^ ily captive deputy from each of the electoral her 'hugbantj' Include two chil- Pa* alMnt four mUee from li|ZL_ aNaw "Mimaii-Mlar'' "fully In the interests of FAO RiO De Janeiro, Brazil, No. 12 ' drenr Mrs, Genevieve vBglc^ ' ^ Caiiifit — V mw^i for 23 hours during one of Cniica- districts that would have been act e e u B ^ hoaie. -, ■ a ---*-:a.a- Cardon’a statement that he.^n- H r-- .opporition to go’s biggest manhunts. up, as In Britain and the United and Mrs. Anne-Marie Ge,yoi t former. permaMnt secretary of the lOM, while attempting to defend ■' Nation's inWIlgence chief drops i elded lo cuf off debate . and stake' portional representation, t h y So­ A British Ministry of Agriculture, mandare, ordered the vessel back word of posaHile'iiew Communist fhe life of his government on the Tbe buOdiag, tocated a t 41-W fuu «oa t*l *8 Ihr**—indvdion Two Into Rio de Janeiro harbor today his woman companion from, a gun­ cialists do not oppose proponi'onel aoS Mol S*M (mm write* bhte, dw suggested immediate adjournment attempt to arm nations in Amerl- confidence vote —the fourth such representation but” were expected Mata SL. Is ewaed by WtlHaaa to give delegates-opportunity to i and-said It was his flnal official [ man who forced his way into Dix’s Kualaaaky, leirol realtor- FIIERCUiS lUllHERD DOOIS ' oHtef rMl) fhn tlw oowiiiie now loM automobile. _ cas. . .Greek Premier soys Unit- vote in less than a month. aa a matter of principle tq refuse - C°nfid^.J36rdpn's__'’gfaye^ state-(aeV- -ed-Btatea agrees to give up extra-r Mrs. Bene Coly, wife of the .to vote confidence in the govern­ i merits.” Delegates voted thii down The Air Minister, MaJ. Gen. HM- •’ Carpenter, wha marked his trial mls- BRITISH SET ON VJf, SWAP flaw bod at iWt vab*tl*vabte tew 'gri< 34-6, by staging a hunger atrike, territorial rights which U.S president of France died early to­ ment. The test that Faure could STIEl lElirFOICED‘~~ ptete with aaw ctearvtew Slaftic PadiM Pratester' NEW FALL SHADES tiardo Gomez, Who rushed to Sao Sion personnel have had in Greece day but authorities at the Assem­ hope from The Soclallata if he was Leadoa. N6V. 18 (P )-^tala Ralph Roberto, deputy chief of ^creaming, rolling on the courU Gen.' Nathan Twining, U.S. Air .la ready, to barter with MaMa Paulo, Brazil’s’-ranking industrial loom-floor and flghting hia guards, bly said it was unlikely that the to squeeze through was for them In first quality Arkwright brand. 60 the U.S. miasioiv^ere, then got up city, yesterday to "orgartlze a laat- Force Chief of Staff. Saya Nation­ ses.sion l^-ould te postponed. to abstain. ' oa admitting new dtapoted to say the U.S. piWosal for a bud­ heiu-d the verdict quietly apd wlth,- members to the Unltod Nattesi^ gauge, 15 denier sheer. get ceiling of $6,40(1^000 was not in­ stam) resistance to the adminis­ alist Chinese Air Force capable of On today's vote, -it appeared OppoelUon RestleiM tration of the new temporary pres­ oiit emotion. ', rendering ‘very effective* support Faufe would lose the support of iBfonaed soureea saM tedhy. tended to suggeM Ipck of confi- But'-.he returned to his old-typer Opposing elements in hla coali­ Prime" Mlalster Edea hM seat ident. Nereu Ramos, ordered the to groiind forces if Communists at­ , some old. friends and win the *id tion cabinet were getting increas- ■-it dence in Cardon'a work- behavior while he was being led tack offshore islands'^ a proposal letter to ^ Prlma NYLON HOSIERY ' . Cardon bad said he fSIt "the peot Air Force to halt its oppositlori.. from the courtroom. Despite leg- .Pulitzer iof some unwanted allies. Prize winning author and play- . To win he would have to have (Continued on Page Nine) ' Mlalstere of Ceytoa, Sir geha pie of my own country i^ck confi- Congress named 66-year-old Ra- irons and handcuffs, he kicked and Wright' Robert E. Sherwood taken ' Hotelawala, glvlag. Ms vtewa With reinforcetl heel and toes for extra dence In me"■■ aa a reatiit of theimos temporary President after a scuffled with' bailiffs until they .4o New York hospltol with report- i Detalla of tbe letter were aot CAMPUS wean All with dark seafna. Colors: U.S. proposal made yesterday by: pre-dawn coup yesterday led by overpowered him and took him ed cardiac cw^dltlon. ------Earl ^ ®*"**««T ! O n. Henrtque felxelra l^ tt had away to hla cell. Gaiety, medium, taupe, blush amber, of Agriculture. Bishop Fulton J,'Sheen vows at j toppled Luz., Rairioa thiis became The gunman refused to talk with Holy Cross Cathedral that he will i TOBIN REMAINS CRITICAL light beige. " ^ . Roberta said the U.S. delegation Brazil's third (fiilef Executive In newsmen after the trial. thought highly of Cardon'a "work someday 'celebrate Mass In .Mos-' GOP Asserts Acheson, IndtanapoUs, Nov. - 18 IffV— j RAYON UNDERWEAR four day*. i ' ' Murphy's widow qaid she felt cow’s K rm lin ; . Comedian Bob ' Daniel J. ToMa, 88, preeMeat <{ (Continued on Pnga Nine) Thus Brazil relumed to nor-1 Hope' wants Lo go tJo .Moscow to emeritus ef the AFL toamstero Original campus panties in Hollywciod elastic leg briefs. mality after a bloodless. 24-ho\iri NEREir RAMOH (Continued on Page Nine) fltai television show. ’ ubIob, remained in critical eea- Also band leg styles. I'it every form with kid" glove per­ 9 7 ^ pair coup won by the Army against the ; l^lscopal minister. Rev, Alvin Hiss ^Together Again dltloa today ia St. Vlaeeat’s fection. White and colors. Small, medium, large size. open but passive pppositton of the P'. L. Rerfhaw, of Oxford. Ohio, wins Hospital, wtero be haa been na- *- Heart Attack Kills Navy and the Air Force. Mcdina Hits Abuse 883,000 In quiz ahow. . .Gunmen dee treatment for heart trooble. There was no fighting. The only intercept loan company messenger B.v THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ^-opened the campaign Of 1956 with The hospital reported. Ms eaadl- shots fired in. anger came from the ; in Pasadena, Calif., escaping with The Senate Republican Policy two magazine articles—published tion tiBchaaged. Slain Bovs’ Father fortress at the mouth of Rio de [ Of Word ‘’Liberal’ qnartor million dollars In checks Committee staff « y s it Views almost simultaneously—by . Aiger they can't cash. magazine articlea by Dean AchC- Hiss and Dean Acheaon the ap­ Janeiro harbor. It fired five or alx ■son and Alger Hlas as signaling a WESTERLY PUBUSHER DIES 3 9 ^ Chicago. Npv. 12 —A despair­ rounds Friday morning' to warn | . CJovernment' plans to coordi­ pearance of the articles suggests Weateriy, R. I.. Nov. I* (f>— GENUINE LEATHEI^ Hartford. Nov, 12 (4h~Federal nate aattoawide research drive drive to "capture" the 1956 Deipo-' that the two friends are together ing, heart-broken ■ father, whose Navy ships'in the harbor not to Judge Harold R- Medina saya that George B. Utter, 74 editor aai two young sons and a cbmpanion make a break for the open sea. aimed at licking cerebral palsy... cratlc presidential nomination for ,galn. Their efforts are a clear puMtoher of the Westorbr Sub he "reaenta" the "sinister end evil” Bo^ 14, slaves lives of two babies- am "laaff"left Ufln»£r.”winger" ! signal aithat_* _a determined-effort__ wHl Pkg.* of 6 p*i thinking aboUt Envelope Co., the White Corbin attend the showing' of this film, to him by the informant a month head the county drive. Dr. Lock- whether to g$fk a. second tarm, it can yau gat this M khtu diarceal bratM the first floor to a depth of nine ward emphasised the importance All akating enthusiasU in Division, employs about .250 per­ admission Is free, but an offering and a half ago, but that he.now feet . Bolton and surrounding tovima are doean’t aeen^lkely ha'will bo In 8i-lb. eirioin gaak $198 sona, according to recent reports. ' will be received. beiievee the entire version to ^ a LtittiiititliuUtitiiiltlisiiilniiUlui::: ii '!> i, ii of early discovery of the unde­ a position to announce hia inten-' White Corbin waa in the newt Compan>- workers pitched in im­ tected diabetics. ’’Our goal Is to Invited to become members, In­ '^flervlces at S t John’s Episcopal farce. Lyman waa not Involved in mediately, moving equipment to cluding high school students. lions until hia physicians dodde trench fried petcteee • . lettuce and tewatoes recently when its employes chose ChniMh, 8 a.m.. Holy Communion; the Sheppard trial. '•1 And the diabetic as soon as pos-, whetlMlr the "parole" has advanced ,to be represented by an in­ Radlu second floor, removing records Bible so that he may receive prop­ Family memberships >vlll be avail­ trathly bakad ralk and buNar 9:30 a.m.. family aervice; 11 a.m., , Apd through it all, Dr.t- Samuel and salvaging what they could. able to Uke cars of\the‘younger to a full "pardon." dependent organization, rather morning prayer and sermon by the Ann Margaret Studio Photo er medical' attention and thus cm- MIsa Rutlielal»e Jimea Sheppard, husband of the murder ^ \ AIX MAKES ^ They worked until State Police or­ children^ Membership No Fatigue than a national CIO bargaining rector, the- Rev. Maurice G. woman, spent another day of hia cape the serious cOropHcatiohs sin The three doctors who accom­ agent. Foulkes. S le M S t o s . dered them out of the danger area.' Boclated with neglect of this all Intr'esled persons m . Mlaa -Kuthelaine JonAt,. mezzo life Sentence in Ohio penitentiary. SHOE CLUB As a result of their efforts, how-' interest is regular, speed panied Eisenhower on the flight 'The local plant manufactures The morning service of worship The 8t-year-oId osteopath was SiHOES chronic disease,’* he Saifl, jfrom Denver reported he suffered IIOUlARDjOHn|IOIlf( commercial envelopei and does a ■oprano,' of New York City, will be tAimrDnicStorts j ever, Saul . Silyerstein. company In Manchester, residents who skating. wilt be held at 10;45 Rt the First convicted laM December of the 825 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER president, said the damage was ’the rink was operate^laat y no fatigue whatsoever from the considerable amount of govern­ Congregational Church'of Vernon, one of the featured soloists at the i b A A ^ A ir,(9* A A A ( J wish to be tested for diabetes may fifth annual musical festival of the July 4. 1954, murder of his wife only between one-third and one- Dr. Pascal Poe by the Skating Club ofiBolton five-hour trip,-and they had no ill " l aadaiarh far Haa«ry Awarieaat** / . ment contract work. in Vernon Center, with sermon by Marilyn in their Bay Village hom^ fourth What it otherwise would obtain free testing kiU\rted that a pane] truck traveling for Saturday, Jan. 14, 1956. lights botlr-downstalrs and up and U teael M PtttthaU. Mass. (II) WESTERN'm a r s h a l and recreation will foil opr the cut District whose growth in the CTaaael W New Brltato. Ceaa. (M> MAYOR o r THE TOWN of the American Legion, and Com- Lyman said he _had>sJiothlng .P*” *’* counsel have. bew A^ ~A;. TRiU^^aftd mayor o f neacr: man at Hlllyer in the medical sec west Wt, ths. left rasr^and a f :A.4esF Tiist'fiyiF'^yew* has been rapid on the. porubra. last, evening, the service,'-':;... ' retafiil. ePursf" siitid ^ n i 'l o fel^ n ■ -^ ‘MajrarFiajra Ce|M!* "" ' mander JoseVi F# ko of the Vet- fuHher to do '^th the cas^untll t'urmkf'kaide. 111# Ikteat ir pend­ by Putiikm. which was devastated traveling' east as . the. car waa ra- ThO first local troop was or­ Maurice Chapel tomorrow at 8:30 way Mrs. Eisenhower llkea it. asasiffifeisr** diM ( ■> STVDIO SI Catholic services;. Matkas at St. Railroad Viaduct to her own coimtry and continue entering its line of traffic after VhaBBcI It BanaafleUI, Mass. ' erans of Foreign Wars will place queatieiied yesterday abobt Mhe ing in the Supreme Court of-Ohio. ^ the flood. ganised here two years ago. A and 10 a.m. The CYO will meet <^"First time tt^igh ta have been . —’ ’Death Dreaat" wreaths St ths monument in Cen­ Joseph’s Church, TjSO, 8:46, 10 story. At Berkeley, Calif., Dr. Paul A. OlMrs-es Analversary her very worthwhile and .sorely paaaihg another vehicle. has Juat begun its Tuesday at Sacred Heart Church on like that aineb, the President (It) ORAL ROBERTS and 11 a.m. with vAapers, 3 p.m.; third troop •:M (11) advkntybr treater (tt) DISNEYLAND tral Park during short ceremonies Damaged by Fire The attorney said the informant lOrk, University of California Besides constituting a thank-you needed occupation there. . Cooke laid the left aide of the in Vernon at 7:30 p.m. Those who and Mrs. Eisenhower'went to Den- Masses at St. BerMrd’s Church, 7. 'ssent a tssahman I «) WESTEiN FILM —"Cralae Shin" to be held tomorrow, marking Vet- told him the letter .aaid the al­ crttBlnologlat. aaid the report of .wish.. Iranaportation .wiU..maet.. At veff J»iaik;.jjA;A«gMeti:" ' 'efans’Day.' ■■■—•-•—~ “ '8',- 9,’ iO '-takhA t "(KRRr' ’S-R'er’e tlf- leged'ffi«rff«f*r'W U’-a'-cim'^^^^ dinner will also be an observance the local Rectory at 7:10 p.m. Heart-Churah,-Vernon, -Matsea i>eyby,yNWJ U W ^ e ii the last two years. at the White House gate\ "It does (M) ‘ THeHigb'Bchdormhd.wmTead the Lake Bhie ‘arcs " who' came' Sheppard's'-home—the night—htr of Silversteln’s 28th year With- as M . Singer dewing Machine Co.*-re Girl Scout ’Troop 108 Will take Nursery Class look cheerful.!’ Prosmi) . . 8:30 and10 a.m. viaduct leading to the New Haven States for sevu’al years and was calved damages estimated at $200^ YOUR YARN SHOP a short parade from the o)d high ashore the night 'of the murder wife was murdered checka wKh Rogers. He is to be presented with its final test In the Red Cross A nuriery class for "infants Eisenhower went to Denver (M> 8ATORDAY NATIMEB sch(x>l to Recreation Field.,.smart­ Serv)cis will be held at the Railroad trestle over the Nauga­ from a cabin cruiser on the lake.' graduated from Hartford High Damages to the car, driven by through wigglers" will be held at (In ■rserrH) A ll A rt Needlework SnppHea what he leantcji during hia Investi­ a photographic portrait by the em­ First Aid course next week. In­ Aug. 14 for an extended w o rk ^ d - • FREE INSTRUCTIONS Mrs. Everett Keith, program play vacation, and It ia there tl concert given by theL..C 43rdaoru Infantryin*«nvry 9 S.m. sively by Are here yesterday after, left the cabin cruiser early in the After being rekd^ the story of The dinner will also serve as s' Masa, were estimated at $160. Mrs. Vonle Irvine reviewed treat­ age during the hour of morning he suffered his heart attack. ( a> I.OONifV TCME8 Division Band, National Guard, *:•'? Ptdor, the Rev. Nathan morning and returned about day­ chairman, hbpes for a large turn • Neither driver was injured and worship on Sundays, the Rev. (Ml r i’N SHOW • FREE PARKING noon, blocking the railroad’s main the letter referring t'euthe prowler. replacement for the company’s an­ ment for bums, frostbite and nose­ ( «) AMOS AMD AMDT . and an address by Congressman B. Burton preaching on the sub­ break spattered with blood. Dr. Kirk told the A sso rte d Press ‘You Can Taste The QuKlity” out as this promises to be a most Cooke made no arrest Theodore W. Chandler Jr. has an- Open Tnea. to Sat 8:45-8:00 ject, "Inheriting the Promises." tracks on its Maybrook freight nual outiM. It had been scheduled bleed at this week’s meeting and Only 17.96 per cent of Arizona (1«) T.B.A. Thnraday Evealng TUI 8 Horace Seely-Brown of P o m f^ . division. __ The next day, Lyman.was Lold, last night, "I know that kimieone for Aug< but was canceled be- entertaining evening. Sixth grade gave the girls a true and false nounce.d. Mrs. ChandlerjwUl super­ COWBOY CORRAL The Youth Fellowship will meet mothers will be in charge of re land ia priVately owned, the rest KOO FARADE Past Department Commanders The viaduct had Just Seen placed the man informed hia companions (other than Dr. Sheppard) wax in cariae m the flood. test. They also administered first vise the class this week and will being federel state and Indian res­ ITALIAN FILM TREATER Ml 9.23S8 Henry T, Pincera of the .VFW and Tuesday at 7 p.m. he had been in a fight in a house that house" the night of the frsahmenta,, be glad to hear from other parents ■iliTHDAY PARTY Banquet Tomorrow into service again after repairs to The affair, which will be held at Society to Hear' ald'to the ’Ivictim’’ of a bicycle ac­ ervation lands. 60 COTTAGE STREET Howard I. Jacobs of the^American damage caused by the October and had given a man and a woman murder. ^ Alexander’s take Pavllllon in cident, a part played by Mra. Mul' who will take charge on a rotating ARTOONS . MANCHESTER, CONN. I^egion will alsdxepeisK briefly. The A pot-luck banquet will be held a severe beating. The alleged schedule. tomorrow evening at the First flood. The original viaduct was Dayville, will include a showing of laney'a nephew. SHOW firing squad from ^o. E. CNG, will washed out by the August' flood. murderer was said to have bushy flood fllnos taken by company Medina Hits Abuse K of C Official Hutchinsoa Nahsed ' The Rev. Chandler has chosen “ VALLET DAYS fire a volley during the exercises. Congregational Church of Vernon hair. "What Is the Church?" aa his ser­ BIDBB 0:11 (11) SACRED HEART FRO- Gasoline In a large boom on the workers, besides a traditional Herbert Hutchinson waa named ORAM Also taking^part in the program for the Senior and Junior Pilgrim ' This tale matched roughly the mon topic at 11 a.m. worship to­ trestle and creosote covering on the ‘nianksgiving dinner of turkey. Oueat night, Monday, at 8 chairman of the Executive Board m m (U) c is S o lm — * • :M ( MS) von ABE THERE will be th p ^ rls’ drill team from Fellowships, and ’ their parents. testimony given at the Sheppard Of Word ‘Liberal’ morrow, Church school aeaaion will S:U (lil WEEKENi^WEl FREB The Rev. Carl W. Saunders, pastor ties, hampered firemen in thefv o’clock in the hall of the CThnrch of the Congregational Cfliurch at 7:M ( SI ANNIE OAKLEY — "The Haaz at tka Cardiff the Bro^durook American Legion. light against the flames. ’They trial, even to the extent of the Its meeting this week. ’The Board be held at 9:30 a.m. G laat" ■ In (»ise pf rain, the entire pro­ of the Methodist Church will be hair, since Sheppard, In maintain­ of the Aasumption, will feature Religious Meetings (IS* THE BIO PIK“ (It) CHRISTOPNERS were forced to run their hoses (Continued-from Page One) of Deacons named Burton J. 'Tut­ (III THIS IS YOt MI'MC. (Itl DOCUMENTARY TREATER gram will be held in the Sykes the guest speaker. At the conclu­ ing his innocence, had insisted the Atty. Frank A. Francis, present Mrs. Gertrude Roberts of the several hundred feet to draw district deputy of the Knlghta of tle ak chairman and (Carles C. "H nIM nvIn . —"The laaUriac Taak" Additorium. Both the American sion- of the program, thAre will be murdered had bushy hair. With ./ Stewardship Committee of the SAMOUS-KteOADIN (til BREAK THR I (M) ROY ROGERS water from the river. a parlor pink . . . perhapi inclined Columbus, who will address a Chutpb. as vice chairm$p at a (Ml FOLLOW Tl Legion and the VFW will hold open a public installation of the officers this In mind, Lyman aaid, he for­ Women’s FeMowahip of the Con­ ?:N ( t) YOU ASKED FOR IT of these two fellowship groups, to be subversive if the opportunity meeting of the Holy Name Society meelmg ’Diuraday night.- —"H nren" (IMt) THIS IS THR LIFE house following the exercises. warded the information as re­ MANCil E STE R necticut Conference will speak to J e t j a c k s o i g this aervice to be held at the presented Itaelf. . , and gtiests on the subject, "The ’The Deacons also decided that (21) STAB PARADE Turkey Shook quested. the Ladles Benevolent Society at (M) IT’S A OREAT LIFE Church. Reginald T. Roberta Jr.. Dfuve-9n.lke«tif ; “ Frankly, I resent thia," he de­ Power of Prayer — Its Necessity since Christmas falls on' Sunday The first annual turkey shoot of Gas Poison Claims Now,! however, he says he clared. its meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. in (S3) GENE AUTRY 'Will be installed as president of thinks the man obtained the re­ B plto n Not^ Today." this year, only one service will be 1:M (2^MI FRONTIER the American Legion Skeet Club He told hia audience “ I do not held. It will be a candlelight aerv- the parish room. The WSCS of •HM.RMTHt the senior group and Jean Cornell, quested favor from the Shep­ / C oc'T t Atty. Francis Is a member of United Methodist Church will be MANCHESTER ( MSI PRIVATE SECRETARY will be held tomorrow St the skeet Pair Aboard Yacht intend .to be frightened away be­ ice at 6 p.m. It was also voted to international p o l i c e aa preaident of the Junior fellow­ pards, and then sold the story. the law firm of FrSncIa, Devine guests for the talk on>misalohs and field on Regan Rd., starting at 11 cause the Communists have tried and Galuska of Hartford. A grad­ observe a watch night on New (Itl THE VISITOR ship. In (^eveland. Corrigan said In­ TOTOOiaT and SBim AY stewardship. LUMBER, Inc. —"Readeivan," a.m. There will be targets for both I Fourth District Meeting I tort o r •'4” aim to appropriate the word liberal, uate of Hartford High School, Vll- Year’s-Eve. .(Ml FILM FESTIVAL experienced and non-experiehced New Rochelle, N. Y., Nov. 12 (AS vestigation was continuing In the Juat as they have the names of On Thursday evening the Board . , , . . . J , 1 November meeting of - the —Authorities say a man and wom­ case. He said he did not know Balsb Meeker lanova College and the Hartford Screen Tour Progriun BUILDING MATERIALS l:M Cd) THE ED B|;l LIVANx8 hOW our great presidents, and twist it ’The Junior Audubon Screen of Religious Education and the AND ^ Gae.la: Shlrle, Jl^th la '• 1 Fourth DUtrict. American Legion an, whose bodies were found what the favor was. Lyman said College of Law, he waa admitted Church School staff will meet at “ Desert to suit their own purposes.’’ to the bar In 1937 and Is a member Tour program at the Children's aeeae from "TheTIeak Sel". invited toAake part. and Auxiliary will be held lo- Thursday aboard a small . cabin it was not money. Tennessiee’p 8 o'clock in the parish room. MASON SUPPLIES aklltk Piaf. J u ^ a Oreafetl. JqMor ^wU ng morrow afternoon- at 3 o’clock at Sands” Medina said' that while he was of the Hartford County and State Museum in Hartford Will feature AK MIbMcr. .'Art Waraler. cruiser in Long Island Sound, died' The Columbus 'attorney quoted Partner* presiding over the trial of the 11 Bar associations. He ip. a past Murl Deusing, with hia film, "Out­ We Finance Yonr Jobp ^ Untyeraity Olea Clab **"*i°" ! the American Legion Home in WII- of carbon monoxide poiaoning. ^ the informant aa saying he de­ »!|S Communiat leaders, he w.as "puz­ laws in Nature.” Performances Manchester Evening Herald iSoI- (IS) SEUt •/FILE the Junior Bowimg ,L «g u e j iimantic. Representatives of both The boat and bodies were found stroyed the note because "he S:lMi** grand knight of the K. of C, and ton correspondent, Kirs; Joseph (It) INNEI1— -— .SANCTUM — "The zled by their constant talk about past commander of the Greater will be given at 3 and 4 p.m. 288 Center St— MI 8-5144 Laadillde" memlwrslsbelngheld today ’There the local Post and Unit are plah- after the 24-foot craft was swamp­ feared for his life," but did not D'ltolia, telephone Mitchell 3-5545. (tt-M ) v a r i e V y h o u r were 36 who registered at the first I ningnimr to»« attend. democracy and freedom-r-always Hartford Veterans of World War Camera Club Session rolling o t the season last Saturday. ed In a heavy rainstorm. The dead of the Russian variety." The Camera Club Will continue —Deaa .Mintlii aad Jerry Joseph W, Tracey man was identified as Andrew II. Amoiig his numerous dther Although Australia is 200. times 7:M (tt-Ml THE BIG JH aPBISR Lrwia \ The boys will Ijowl again next Sat- Me said he suddenly realized memberships, he takes pride In ita discusstona of the fundamentals t i f r / m f r s ( SI HITCHCOCK PBESENTS (SS) AMOS ’N ANI The funeral of Joseph W. Tra­ Slaker, 65, a baker said to hqve aa large aa Formosa, each has a —"InU Thin Air" urday and then averages will bp cey. of 149 Orchard' St., who died -dt' that "this was a clever piece of being an honorary member of the of the camera at Ita regular meet­ (ia:Ul OZAKK JUBILEE (It) THE HUNTER ‘ totaled. ' lived aboard the boat moored here. '/ propaganda to make Marxism- ing at the school Monday at 8 population of about 8>i million, PHIITtRRUIl'SUNNIiRIlfSS (It) INDUSTRY ON . Thursday at the Rockville City The woman has not been identi- Conecticut Boxers Guild. lewis . ' (It-UI BEAT THE CLOCK Teams will then be picked, ac­ Leninism more palatable to the p.m. The club dtscuased the cam- says the National Geographic So­ JCARI ADAMS - .IVAN ?;U (It) nrORTSMEN’S DEN (SS) O L ^ IXIMRARDO Hospital, was held this morning fled. . . i \ ciety. L E U ff-lU M ACX l JK I l:M (M-X:i PEBKY COMO SHOW (1(1 v a r i e t y THEATER, cording to .the •averages of each from the Burke Flineral Home, American public." .era lens 'atjta last meeting. All In­ •a Olery” "OTrr Ihe A preliminary autopsy report Al) CieemaSce le aeS Celer! G n.«t«: KlrMen nnJ boy. TTie regular bowling will start T- "That Is how the Communists terested pebsona are welcome to ~Rnberl ■ Sl.rrlll and Gin. with a solemn requiem Mass at St. yesterday led police to believe Gees Eellir Cerael Wilde ' Prnl. on Nov. 26, under the supervision Bernard’s Church. The Rev. Law- That Interpret The Cr4 Chariese Aeae Fraerle became liberals.” he aatd, "but Hear Mrs, Taylor attend any or all of the meetings. fumes from the engine overcame don’t forget that the word liberal Methodist Services BBS (t) STAGE SHOW — nor*,r i rente Lecl.lt was cileblMt an^e the couple in the cruiser’s closed Wishes Of The Pamily "It’e Alway* THE SOAHLET Rralkrr., Jan. Tajrl.r Danc­ of the T M all^ i. , Mass and also conducted the ,com- . Fair Wsalhcr’* COAT’ means fundamentally free. And to At I*TA Meeting . "God Is Always Near” has been er. Money cabin, ‘nie ignition key still was . t:iS4:lS-lS 4:tM:IS me freedom la a state of mind; It chosen by Uie Rev. J.^ Richard (Itl WKKSTLINO turned on when the boat waa .JOHN B. BURKE is a way of life.", Yeager aa hia sermon topic at 11 (1*1 GHAND o l d OPBY The aiinua/cL rity ca?;i party I ^ ^ i o f . r ^ M ^ found by a patrolman walking HIrk Deulee “ t'lreeee” Trek. ROTARY REVUE (Ml LOSE WOLF Mrs. Allan S. Taylor, 56 Henrv a.m. Worship at United Method­ l;M (I-U) THE HOMETMOONEBS along a retaining wall. niNESAlHOME EASY litEE rABKinO And he went bn to warn that ■‘.’in IN YOUR POCKET ITheTd'^t K'K'r^TeW ed^^^^^^^ Mae , Pfunder. The bearers No Mailer/How You' Work Al ll — our zeal to defend ourselves St., past pre.sident of the PTA ist Church tomorrow. Church —Jarkie Gleauia, Andrejr TEL. MI-S-88a8 ^ _ Mradaw,. Art Carnev I day evening starting at 8 o clofk. F^ank‘ “ *^iz?“ T h ” n against, the Communist, we must Council, and for a number of years school sessiorf Will be held at 9:30 l;M ( t-KI LAWBENCE .WELK .The population of the .world in­ There will be door prizes and re­ WiHey, Francis Byrnes, and Paul creases about 100,(X)0 a day, says 87 EAST CENTEB 8T. not adopt their methods. B^ doing active in'PTA work, will be guest; a.m. At 6{30 p.m. the Intermedi­ o f 1 9 5 5 SHOW freshments. The committee on so, we leave ourselves open to the speaker at the meeting of the ate MYF win meet. (Ml PEOPLE ARE rCNNY J. R(klen. the United Nations f(XJd and' Agri­ a m b u l a n c e SEBVICB ll Senior MYF will meet on Mon­ (M-lt) TWO FOB THE MONEY tickets includes-Mrs. Rose Wilson, cultural Organization. Up To This:—r danger of losing our own freedom Waahlngton PTA ’Tuesday, Nov. FRIDAY. NOV. 18»h, SATURDAY, NOV. 19th (it) JUSTICE trs. Gladys McCray and Mra, / / in the process." 15, at 8 p.m, in the "white’’ build­ day at 7 p.m. and the WSCS will lUCKLEY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM ^ , (Ml HOUR FILM SAVE AT I^Ilie Hunt of thia city, .Mrs. Helen 'All Talcottvllle RRd VemoB news STATE O ing. be guests of the Ladies Benevolent' l:M'(»—A Miami, Masses. Tomorrow Naaalff Arms. Aldo PaganI, WatkinB, Keller’a Men’s Shop, ovei fealuses have been i ‘ Rock- Taylor will talk about and display CtM l GEORGE GOBKL SHOW 445 Hartford R(L Tel. MI 8-4597 i^any y ' , ■ ■ • Okla, physician has a. flrat class many articles of Interest from the Masses will be celebrated at St. Bedard’s Floor Covering, Harrison’s, Bantly Oil, Brown and Lynch —I.e. I)ar«rlirr planned for the harvest dance .be­ exhibit for his game rpom—and he (III.LA TE SHOW museum. —"B.I.w Ihe Dradll.e'* ing sJ>on8<}hed by the Methodist captured It right in hi,s own back- A social time will fnllow ani ve- (Ml TO.MORROW-S CABEKBS • ;M ( tl CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Church this ewning at the North­ yard. ^ TT (22-M) TV HOUR " A Girt Caa freshmenta will be served by the (l*.U) GUNSMOKE east School. ' T2jere will be bolh CLEANSE MUFFLERS aeC The Most Welcome Dr.'J. P. Van Horn found a huge ld:M (M-11) YOUR HIT PARADE Tell” hostess committee. - ( tl ETHEL a ALBERT (IMS) TV THEATER square and rounlida'ncing from 8 pelican in hit yard. The bird ap­ SMILING SERVICe Ht' Mrs. Howard Hansen, president, • (It) ARTHUR GODFREY —"Farewell ta Remedy'* to 12 p.m. with ^ b AmEnde of \ SCARFS NOW! parently had been knocked to the (SSI MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE Alan Ladd Vernon calling for\the squares. grpumj by a bolt-of-lightning^— will meet with the exej^uUye,board (SSI SATURDAY NIGHT FEA- (SS) HALF HOUR FILM / at T:30'p.m...... ,• ^ YOU ARE TUBB (:M ( SI TED MACK ASlATEtB Music will -be furnished by Bud AVOID COLDS LATER HOUR' Hewitt’s orchestra. TTiV hall will BU R TO N ’S . BAHAMAS ROAD R.$CE (It) CURTAIN CALL Visitor Into Homes Cinemascope and Color! (SSI HALF HOUR FILM be decorated with corn s^lks and CORDIALLY pumpkins. During the .gen ing *' Nassau (AV One hundred invi­ EAST (IS) ALFRED HITCHCOCK ••IT'S ALWAYS INSURANCE p r e s e n t s — "Rreakd.wn** there will also be a nickel auction, Is tations have been Issued by the Jateph Callea and a husking bee, together Vith Bahamas Automobile Club for FAIR WEATHER" INVITED 1I:M ( t) LIFE BEGINS AT F.IGHTY door prizes. the second Bahamas Speed Week GENE KELLY (U) APPOINT.MENT WITH AD- .cit D.AN DAILEY REAL ESTATE •. VENTURE Pig Konst to be held on the Windsor road 1 (1(1 LATE WORLD NEWS An . old fashioned German pig Area — Is The courae Dec. 6-11.' CVD CHARISSE Chorlts W . LdMirep^ (221 IT’S A GREAT LIFE [isWes ear CLtaNsias iwc TO ATTEND (Sd) LORETTA VOUI»G SHOW roast will be held at Maple Grove "FIXED lAYONETS" Agmcy, Inc. ^ "The BraceleU’ .Merle tomorrow. Dinner will be served- 0 P E N 325 BRQAD/ STREET, MANCHESTER -\ t'ISrk <*>blr - Janr Ru>>,ll Okeraa alar, la aad la / from 1 to 3:30 p.m. by the ladies, RICHARD BASEHART CHARLES W. LA *n^P ,a e ,l haaleaa / .1----- ______•‘TKK TSLI, .MEN” 100 East Oeatar Straai (SS) HALF HOUR FILM / to be followed by a - program. FIs, Uessl, Is (SSI WATERFRONT on FiSI‘^RS now STA'ft’TS SUNDAY Mawebestar, Oann. Reservations may be made by Every I "LAM VKGAS KHASEOim'S” 1I:M ( t) WHAT’S .MY LINE phoning the steward at the club, (Itl DATELINE El'ROPE CASH Ond CARRY "ULYSSES’’ (221 PIONEER VALLEY THEA- Vo'lunteers Needed .with Kirk Douglaa 11:M ( t) HENRT FONDA PRESENTS John Gessay Jr., chairman of C0"ht>f ^ 1 1 ) .MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE (Sd) JUSTICE Plus "Destination Gobi" MANCHESTER —"Caftaava Brawa" the renovating at the Rockville DISCOUNT PLAN. (SSI EARLY LATE SHOW (til DOLLAR A RECOMD (SSI SHERLOCK HOLMES Fish and Game Club urges all sets'(Uttl, tpsK—Hart l■■■er detliai I sx8Mt*Mnuis C H I L D P E R . F P t r (Ml A D VEN TU H M o f ELLERY 11:M ( tl 81 .NDAV NEWS SPECIAL MOitOAY QUEEN members to report to the club­ ill *iiltr-'-cleteie| plei S.I4 per |aratt( ENDS SI'XDAY Ni'w InijlanJ* i.mjt'st iiunj WIDE WIDE WORLD Notice ENTERTAINMENT .1 10 '( (IF Pracraaa) HENRY STREFT IN ,17 ,10 OUT BY 5 - AT BEGULAK PtICES AND WHAT BETTER PLA(l!E THAN THE, . (U) ITAUAir FILM THEATER ' THURSDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS NOV. 19-1 P.M.».M. to 9 m . Mtfflbffn of tha ltdiiaii Amarkon Club cww oskad to Spociaus Porkina 1 * OAK (sRILL-3 0 OAK ST. IN OUR HAWAIIAN ROOM hvaot ot tha ciublioii$a tonlglit of 2:30 oMl 90 in o • ^ WITH THE ■ FREE PARKING — HOME COOKED FOODS . THE STREETS OF THE WEEK ARE: ' a FEATURING a. ' MORIARTY BROTHERS ' >■' HOMEMADE RAVIOLI-^EAL 6CALLOP1NI THIS AD PERMITS 1 or 2 PERSO?(8 COMPLETE HEATING SERVICE body to Qitisli F u n o M Homo to poy ^ro^pocts to I" BREADKO W AL CUTLETS ' LEE MERS TRIO r ' TO PL’RCHASE 75e TICKETS FOR 80c EACH AvoeialtRAi Mather SL, Wett.CcIHsrSL HawaUan, Popular, Rhfenilia aad'Waatera M i ^ • RANGE AND FUEL OIL Joaoph Porroto. v:'v-.r V ALL EXHIilTS FOR SALE> H Mancheeter, you an eaUUed , > . VC % Z5% OAb R dtoeciuit ca cll diy cJeanlar (oatsinimi SLOO) 315 CENTER ST. —PHONE MI-3-51 35 IbMlveek! Jast eall Ml t-7IU. Wk wUl pick up aad Belivar.

•4 :

~~:*r i ^ 1 “ ^ i - , ■ ‘ -V. ^ \ ^ i'' t’'*' V * .•%/•* 1 . .■ f : ■; ■ ■ ' '■ ; \ ^ 7h~ - u

HANCBESTGB EVENING HERALD. MANCHEStBE. OONMl-SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12. 1965 3IANCHESTEA EVBNINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER, COHNw SATURDAY; NOVEMBER 12; 1956 \ '• ' ' ’ ■ V P A G E F t V B P A O « f t ) U R — ^-^.1...... ■ ...... i ...... —A. ssms^na^ssmsssm ^ UiBM traatlBa soA, comins WKNB-MS ffa n rliP flite r ^ up a ilinllar, aiuKrar—aome* Uiiar iriiUiw cdoaB to a aarS. WDBO—IM S ‘ Daily Radio w n o - i N B S oeninS IfpraU k' Connecticut •TJiera irthabagUmlns of a aua- A l6iig the Road M U X ^ U M > OfiySglAi W M A t- B iy plclon in WaShtorton.” wrltee Yankee Naal Stanford in tha, Chiiatian Tha loUowing program Mvcnim Ooefi MuMa « B y A H . O . ; Bmnade .•cicnce Monitor, "UiaV Uie varioua •ra auppUed by the n d lc » ■ With Joe Oweha . R FBROt aacuiily pacta that* tbOx United inent and a n aubjaet to d^nga Very well.” may say some doubt­ Jt'^ukw i. uM VOU xxn i. No. 9 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 t-tatea Kaa either joined foe- ful Republican leader, agreeing to without DoUca. > Compiled by Studenta o f M uichwter High School Mias Hcleii Estes, Faculty Adviser lered round "the world wntaln accept the theory that t|ie best V" ...... ‘ T S g ^ m "35 Gomliutera to Hartford from^ The life of this pioneer travel / ‘tm a y —fiawa •r. Coaa» M more paper than p ow er...... way to deal with Governor Rlbl- thta t^aa are xpirly well cenyinced medium w'Sa short. An ice storm WCCC—Music Rooas . ‘On paper theic American al­ coR Is to play soft and polite, and WKNB—rrench Music that 'Washington had ,sn Osslcr In March of 1818 a«it It to a wa­ WTiU—litea liances and aaaodatltma look stateamanil\(e, “ but how in the time crosslii^hevpelswsre River tery grave. Naturally the ferry WDRU-^Nsws Students Hear Soccer Squad world do j^ou, by such straUgy, than they ‘d(f Ck>nnectlcut was taken out of the mothballs un­ WOTM—Cobs. Ballreom jf^Plaite^Pi Harriers Cop State Chapipionshijp; “s s r e a s s ” foi-mldabie^ 45 naUona joined In 'J _ YME' ^••••••••••••••••••••*« ever develop a candidate who can'' River. til "The Ark’» another wooden al- Mofitfea ..«•••••••••••••••••••• 10 overlappinc defense treaties. go out and lick him?” WHAY—Here's ip VeU EveiilBg M MeMfeE ••••••••••••••••««** ; To the tuns of. hopMng horns fair was unveiled. WeeU'—Music Hobm Talk on India Bows Out of ___ItOEt^ •••••••••••««■••••••••* ‘But there are frowlng signs - One formula, which we are lift­ and Irritating bumper^bumper '.Ih ls span of natlva pine lasted W0IB—Prench Music W-Mitty -*.••••••••••••••*••••****** *S ing from the past, is to concede WTIC—Ohio But* r». Iowa -FaWied World Trayeler Vinton Sets Sixth Strfught Reibord that American officials are be­ traffic countless Mancheaihealer and until 1895 when fire demolished It. tiU - Ytaglc Copy ,«>«a»*»»**»»*«**«***** the worth and prestige of such a wunp—L«t'a uacoraie Slate Tourney coming more and more concerned Tolland County reridentsmta n ^ e It had the distinction of being; the WOITI—rootball WHAY-PlaUs1 Democratic governor, hold a con­ their way into the Capitolipitol City' first toll bridgj between Hartford Tells of Indian Life XH* iuSoS*Si»*PIUa* over the 'Maginot line’ concept of Manchester High's New England vention Which is almost entirely each morning for another deaf's and its easterly neighbors and ‘Broom Va«d for Sweoptag SMrs’ **WHAY—Parade of America W n c —<^mn. Opel Manchester's tournament-jinxed without hope of victory, reSep, in This la-another of Or. Schwine’a Wc'UO—MUSIC Room With Help o f Films security that these treaties Imply work and after the toll of the shop mltoy of the Yankees, refused to WKNB—Concert on Potomse WDRC-Juks B ra __ soccer equad bowed out fighting on C?roaB CJountry team continued to AU BAWA tfMMtCtaBB CTBdlt^ (0 tt, BC desperation, for a candidate who or office la In back of them, they patrofiixe It and made uee of the inventions and ha didn't want to WTIC—Ohio Buts vs. Iowa ^ WGTH—Casa Nordmoi m -over the belief they foster that Informative and beautiful color- run like the champs they are as S «5S>iSw0WUta4 will Uke nomination only on con­ fight the "battle of the bridge" let me draw -it because ha thinkC WDRC—Ksthle Godfrey Middletown'S wlnd-awept Munici­ •ad B&n tkB toeal a««a puMUItcd hm. paper treaties somehow provide ferry. WOTH—rootball WHAY—PUtUr Panel ’ they won the State Cross CJountry All ricid* rapu^UcBtloB of BPAdal dition that he wilt conduct a purge again In the late afternoon or early Another wooden bridge followed Big Companies hava baai\ atoaling moviea made during her traveUiyln pal Field in the seml-ftnala of the iwrlB ar* Blao rBMrrad. solid sacurity per se. You can of the more notorious, bosses of .ll48— India were ehown to the aasembllM Championships for the third con­ evening. and fell Victim to an Ice storm less his Ideaa when they appear In this WHAY—UConn vs R.L Monitor CIAC 'State tournament to an make' out a good case that b the the Republican party,' and then WeeU—Music Room secutive tlme| at the University of fWI BWTiri 'cUBBt at N. B. A. 9t For variety one ran ahift acenea than five months after opening. column, ao I had to buy It out­ SP5S~T°P Monday by Mias Edith Bane. \ equally fighting Wetheraflel'd High And that, alongside the. unassail­ WKNB—Research ^ WGTHt-As Ws See It United States la negotiating It' and tecome enroarled in the mass During a period when everyone right. I gave him 812 cash and my WTIC—Ohio Bute vs. Iowa Leaving from San Francisco,' team. -- Connecticut last Friday, N qv.. 4, Pubil«b«n RAprcBBSt^Tm: able Democratic Governor, there of vehiclea on the BulkelBy Bridge was' wondering if the problem b^tte of Davy Crockett After IdUiu « • Special A n i ^ — Kbw self into trouble with' these WDR(>-Kathle Godfrey WHAY—Join the Navy \ Mias Bane landed in China. The beating the second toim by 24 have, all along, oeen some political In the a.m. and during the journey would ever be solved a temporary Shave Cologne (it's made from WGTH-Pootball Musis Two second period goals by points. aWK t5 8 5 ^ o r security pacts. They might be a associates who were doing things homewprd mix with the clientele t:M - majority of the people aboard her Ruahford and - Greene halted the steel bridge was built and guaran­ distilled Raccoon f f t ) for all claims WHAY—UConn vs R.I. SetUng his sixth record in a CERCTlAtlONl. source of weakness rather than he didn't even know about. of the (Thartcr Oak Bridge. It teed for only five years'. It lasted ahip were natives from the Orient. Indians' title bid. The first quarter on the patient. But I insisted that WUCC—Music Room . A very colorful film showed the row. Bob Vinton, '56, put a fast ~ Th*'B«mid rrtntlng Cerngw, strength . . This rather complicated for­ makes little difference, jangled 11 years until the Bulkeley'Bridge he also throw in the blueprints for WKNB—Request MsUnes ^ wS?g=?5?£h'Sit5?“ *'^ ' \ was acoreleas, with Wethersfield Ume of 13:27 minutes on the ^.7 mmuhmb bb rBspoairiSSlty fw mula, not eaay to duplicate by nervea are assured in both In­ WTIC—Ohio State vs. Iowa Chinese streets and citiea. ' teeming to have the better share UPBdiBpMnil anon BppBBrlat la "These treaties 'contain the was opened in 1908. hia Infra-Red Incubator and hla WHAY--Froudly We Hall miles course through a cold wind merely wishing for It, was what stances. WDRC—City Hospital In India, the cows, sacred to the of It, mainly through their greater yat&MMBtB Bad other readlns U.S.8 .R. in a geographic sense; The opening of the flret lasting new salt Shaker with only half WGTH—Football W CW —Gpod KvetUna Good MusM Hindus, were shown lying in the and rain. Bob now holds records -, to n a Maacaeater grealm Herald. transformed a completely hope­ The morning delay it reported ■tructure was marked by a^-day the normal number of holes (this tiU - over-all size. Then the two Weth-- for the courses In Manchester but they do not contain the Soviet less situation against another Btreeta, as the people walked efafleld men made their all Impor­ Bdvcrtuuii c M M In to be more fruitrating. The fac­ celebration and everyone con­ prevents S0% of the clogging). WHAY—UConn vs R.l. 13:08;^Bristol, 13:34; Middletown, DBMIap adee high level llemocratir (lover- - tory worker Is worried about WCCC—Music Room around them. / tant contributions. Union in a military sense, or dip­ cerned wae quite happy abo\it the However he refused to aell me his WKNB—Request MaUnes 13:27; and tWo (flffe'rant courses at nor, in IBS5, Into a surprise and "clocking-ln" late and' being • lis - ' India is a poor country and most Manchester battled the defend­ siEssi^ lomatic sense, or ideological sense. f l .500.000 bridge and Its 60-foot- only really practical invention—a WTIC—Ohio Bute vs. Iowa of the people llVe In l)ute, though the University, the'gross Course, unfaellevable Republican victory, docked, while th.e inaurance girls WDRC—aiy HospiUI WHAY—Proudly We Hall ing state Champa all over the field, wida roadway. Contour Electric Chair. He says Mums 14:41; and the road coiirm, 1S,:27. On a National Geographic map It happened to follow a legis­ fret over the added wrinklet ac­ WGTH—Football there are. aome. people who reside but could not score the equaliaera. But by the mid 30a it was anti­ all the movements afoot to better d | WIOIB—Kveninx Serenade - in beautiful homes. BUI MacArdle,''58, pbtoing fifth, they look terrific—and that is the lative session, that of 1^1,. In cumulating in their frocks from WTIC—Monitor , Even the laat minutes were hotly quated and plans to link east and conditions in Prisons should make WHAY—UConn vs R.t. W D ^ —Saturday Country Blyls / ''-.Methods of farming In India are was the second Red and White TIpaIhUoatlaa e x o ^ M t A a r — only place most Americana see which the Republican pariy, af­ peat squirming. Bits drivers ac­ west by. another bridge were made. Wtjpc—Music Room ^ jjOTH—Dancing Parly ,/ very primitive in compariaon with contested but', as ao often has been - runners to cross the finish line thia one a gold mine. • the case In the tournament, Man­ f t : th m . What most of them need is ter long years of violent ob- cepted their fate Ibng ago and aave On Sept 6, 1943 the 84 million WKNB—Request Mallnes our inodern methods. Rice, their with a time of 13:50: atrurUonlsra, had Anally yielded for an occaalonal loud horn blast, WTIC—Cihto State n. tews WHAY—LaBalette Novena. chester could not pull It out. not only teeth, but a backstop Charter ak Bridge was opened WDRC—Football Roundup WTiO-Monltoi chief ^yrop, is harvested with a The next 3-polnt scoring indians Baturday, November I t to the Gross Image and managed sefuae to become more ruffled than despite the .loss of several lives WGTH—Football WDRCr-Baturday Country Style ' sickle. A; .large number of womeij On Saturday, Nov. 5, Manches­ to finish were Milt Doremus, ‘57, They need some unified welt some constructive cooperatipn usual. , WGTH—Baturday Dance Party ter traveled to Pomfret Prep to during Its cohatructlon, , .'^ A Y -U C on n vs R.l. ■i4^ Work oiv thafarms.i 13th, 14:14;. Tom LaForge, '56, The First Small Concession tho^ghl-out program of economic with It. ' . , To each the problem seema to be Rope la m ^ e by tWiating hay to­ engage ,that achooTa'' powerful It was bullt about one mile south Manchester WCCC—Musle Room WHAY—Lafateui Noveaa H. a World Photo 3Srd; and Scott Cjlendoniel, '58. aid, technical help, a cultural lend- ./ In the course bf this legislative one which can be solved by any one WKNB—Request MaUpte WTIC—Monitor gether by hand. This makes a very ' Miaa Joaephine Pagani waan'this side of the river and lougut tleneck. WGTH—Football w n c —Monitor A remarkable acrobat fasci­ books and magazines for the Pagani, Nancy Young; Charlie 1 Soccer team la our Legionnaire of town, 209; Norwich Free Academy, correspondent. what these Washington PTA fall fair, tafetta gown was crowned add Nebo. Bobby Daigle and Jim IJnd- •66. / ' ■ ttia United SUtes was willing to some unexpected political miracles to crofx it regularly have been i^r- Ilia - ' X WDRC—Philadelphia Orchestra nated all who watched him In the school library. Tag Day has Dougan, Avard Hueatie; Dave 224; Weaver. 231; Hartford PubUc, treaties need ipbet is, o t course, When Albert G, Hill was State West Side Rec, 2 to 7 p m. WHAY—UConn vs R.T. \ ^ WQTH,>:8aturday Danes Party presented with a foyal fan by laat aay each scored twice and Vlnnle Our brbwn-eyed, 5' 2" Legion­ the week, Bob Sweet. Ae No. 1 to prove It so, \ plexed since '.he daya of the Rev. Highway commissioner he made film. Another unusual performer, become . a part of\ National Flavell,, Eugenia Marques; Dick 241; Roger Ludlowe, 252; Bulkeley, oxtand President nsenhower'i Tuesday, Nov. 15 WCSXJ—Record R*vu* was a man who did tricks on the year's qCieen Miss RenV Kohen and Bill Stevena once. Ko­ naire ..-has proven her interest In goal-tender, Bob has played a not to be b ^ e d up, in their own Or there is another formula, a Thomas Hooker and tha .Purltana. public, plana for a third bridge Fashion show, sponsored by WKin-rRequest MaUnet WHAY—Record Review Book Week, being held Nov. 14 McComb, Ann D'Avanzo; Paul 291; North MUford, 314; Putnam, aerial inspection proposal to WTIC—Lone Ranger top of a pole v ^ high from the Gagliardone. hen was the game*' outstanding dramatics by being very active In great part’ In the teom'a winning patchworir pattern around the little less complicated. By this Prior to 1A81 anyone ' this ter­ from East Hartford's ^ tk ln St. to Manchester Registered Nurses’ w n c —Monitor through Nov. 18. Thle annual Dougan, Jackie Durandi; Gall An­ 335; Stamford, 831; Wethersfield, cover United SUtes bases ouUida formula, you take sorne clean WDRC-VIce Pres. Nlxoa WDRO—Dance Orchestra groufN^There are many Indian The attendants above were Jtidy performer. both Paint and Powder, as an efforts this season. world, to yrither. ritory who w an t^ to gain en- Hartford'! State St./The East Aaan., Bowers School, WGTO-Fbotball . ____ WgraTSaturday Danes P n ^ drive is held by the Student derson, Ronald I.aramle; Don Bob, the ton ot Mr. and M rs. 377; Fairfield Prep, 891; Woodrow handsome ■ young leglelator,--, de- trance-lnto Hartford-wax-forced to ..magicianbs^ . , . .. ,___ :...... Andecaon,. Uefinoe. .Rottner, Anne^ Gates, Cynthia Sktller;-' Judy Ed­ AUe and.Iemolo acot‘ed.ior..BrU- . anii ..Wld. IfBil'W IfftiyiuiaaB'as-tlRiaa^ no^hig foe a n y M y , in the shape Hartford Town C^hcll with Sa­ ----- WedReaai'jr, Kov.'W'---/'— Coiihcn in conjunction -with ■ Wharton and Ann Stilaon. tol. Buskin. She is secretary of-Sock Howard F. Sweet of 342 Poriiar W UsoB. 429; Haa High, 48T; velttp him eonepleuousl.y In the role paddle a canoe or i w his -way ^JTOAY—UConn vs R.l. / kY—Bacord Ravlaw Carving and the making of pot- the LH^rary Pages. Btreryone wards, Bob Eachmann; Barbara Housatonic VoUey, 507; and Wlnd- aide It. tanic oratory dni^nced the Idea Annual banquet of combined . WOS? •Rncnrd R*vu«-^------Chineaq lanterns and acenea o f Manchester's hopes for retain­ and Buskin thiti year, and olao Rtu has toUowed the .Cbltega-nnqt*^ o l' pMcl, Security, or well-being of budding young itatesnihn Who acroas the Hvar,...... ' "Officially W n t on record aa Ranger tanr is' beautiful, done by the who donates to the drive will Rice, Dick McKenney; Unda IUMfi,''86S, — ' and Catholic Mothers Circles, British^ WKNB-:-Request Uatinft ilH^Dance Orchtstrn people of India. the Orient were designed for the ing the (X I L championship flew held the same office In Pqlnt and oratory ooureg throughout high This la not much o f a piece of that ^ could not be better attained puts principle above party, ao Eventually a ferry service was wanting au^ a bridge to be WTIC—Monitor / ^WOTH—Saturday Danes Party be given a -bookmark and ,a tag Geoige, Gerry Janssen; Andy Defeat Bristol American Club, 8:30 p.m. WDRC—Vic* Prss; Nizon The Taj Mahal, said- to be one theme of the evening, the "En­ out the window as the InjUhs were Powder as a freahman. Sue la a school and U presently' taking bargaining. It has been obvious _ vw- v m *.— ______much ao that he geti high level ■tartad and though none too satla- named. "HJIr* Horror." Nov. 16, 17. 18 and I f to wear. In addition, a plaque Suhie, Barbara Soblelp; Robert Defeatng Briatol, the team was by a concentration on the develop- WGTH-Football WHAT—Halite Post Polka Bop of the most beautiful buildings of chanted Orient." The A rt Service downed by Hall 2-0 Oct. 27 In member o f SftB'a cast of " S a ­ “ Trig” and Solid Geomk.ery, Ba faetocyt remained aj-thaABly-Athac —‘‘HiH'a-'Morror;"- or-whateveri -it - A-ntlqueo Show, sponaorarf by -tt4l------w n o —Monitor------~ ..vvlll lik_giY«n i q t}>e homeroom Donohue, Sylvia Fiaherj Ruaaell oBoe ogolfi by iUHSfiptMib-Vift-^~ ; WHAY—ueoim -vx *. * ------the world, w » i pHiHiKd-framr [uad and Iha.Prom.- Committee..: jOewrtaa, ., AVest brina Fair." 8hgja,jiJso-a-m«mb«r luh iv,.-8%yanr~fiiirTnfxinni’ 'u. W uneasy suHilclon meana of making the trip until may.' ba/tsMad ■ is- still aomettme South' Methodist'■‘W 8GS . 'State -WDRtJ^^eoBfflry Btylo WnWfiirTli«'to 1g«it/per-cent- unW We"'‘Tnfecff«r'^ eff'TffiSBYilgh-■^OBlJe- UrTKMSr’T B r"iarT % y^i^ ton, Who broba tha tdd; cuunie roc-' ^woaM---- ” 'meah - ...... one nothing world 1£ nIiS alliance ^ which Is not a^ - from " the professionals ^ ^ of his own 1810 when the Hartford Bridge Co. W rec—Record R*vii* ' WGTH-Terrace Room ous views. London, ' Helen Leduc; Beverly more scored tha g< away/from being a reality. How- Armory, 1 to 10 p.m. WKNB-rRcqu*st Matlnesr ll;U — of money. Charles Kelson and Mrs. George Sock and Buskin. In her junior as hia favorites. brd o f 18:41, aet in I960 by CW* Include our overseaa bMss—and tphsrs of influence, power politics party. You have him spank the erected a low open wood b ri^ e at WTIC/Monilor Ihdia is a slow and old-fashioned Gage, Arnold Bockus; (jlenn M er spelled doom for'Manchester. Dick roll Bilodeau, with a tima of 18:34. everiActual work haa started and Friday, N o v., 18 WHAY—Haller Foot Polka Bop Last year 23F p.n^and 27M Budd, decorated the hall. Dubanoskt, Bill Handler and Jim year. Sue received a merit award, In previous ysara, Bob has par­ baaaa Russia might hold In othsr professionals of his own party the site of the present day Bulke- WDRC—Vice Pr*s. Nison t^IC —Monitor country but, with help and time. rer, Jackie Wruble; Dennis San­ Running aecond for the Rad and dtvice, the one alliance that or- Uir site la encouragement for the Holiday Fair, (JOncbrdla Lu­ WGTH—Say It With Music a m. were the lucky winner's. Lou Joy and hla band serenaded L I n d ■ a y played outstanding for -her work bn the stage commit­ ticipated in the Student Council, publicly, again and again, until it Icy Bridge. weariest of weary commuters. TOR"^RC—Country Style It may eventually rank among the toro, Betty Perron; Marie Gelber, White was Bill MacArdla, '56, who countriaa too. Othsrwiae, it would ganitss itself sgainet war instead theran Church, 5 p.m. 4;Sa- WGTH—Terrace Room top countries of the world. Who will be the recipients this the ..crowd with waltzes, foxtrots games. tee o.f laat year’s production. ihe V anity “M " club, the boeket- seema that he must ba their mortal Christmas Sale./ and Social, WHAY—Polks Psrsds M:W- Sal Squatritof Ivar Jozus, Sue placed third; MUt Dorwnua, '67, moan Uttla, and thara never could o f for wfar. Jackie Durandi. '57 year? and rhumbai. Buckley; Brian Rivard, Patty Manchester finished Its season ' Sue also 'belongs to Science Club ball team and has won letten In enemy and they bis. And finally, Ladies Aid Society, Zion Lutheran WCCC - ll*ciir>l Rsvua WHAY—Record Review EUeanor Panejera, '56 The patrons and patronesses end Current Affairs Cliib. She wsa baaeball and soccer. TlUe year he fourth; Tom LaForge, '66, seventh be any axpccta|^on that Russia It so happens that these' gl- you have the prdfaaatonals hand WKNB—Matinee w n c —Monitor Mooney; Carlyle Teabo, Lorraine with a record of 5-5. The Indiana ffa l Boyle (Jhurch. 6 p.m. a, WTIC—Monitor WDRC—Moods for Romanes were Mr. and Mrs.-Edson Bailey, a member of Girls Leaders Club In was again chosen to represent hie and Was Sargent, '86, was last would aeoapt ao ont-sidsd a pro- the nomination to the individual Cormier; Jerry Nicoletta, Kathy chances were hurt time and again scoring Indian placing eighth. Uancss have already begun to Nov. 18 and If y WDRC—Csl Kolbv '• * WGTH—Juke Box ^ r . and Mrs. Cheater Robinson, by injuries to such key men' aa the past. home room in the Student-Council who haa never thrown mud at any­ Rotary Club Mlnatral show, ^ jjOTH-Say It With Music ll:4a- Hills; Marsha DeSemone^ Jim Led by Dick Bharman,lS6, and poaal. wither, ^ance now has most of WHAY—Record Review Singers Selected Mr. and Mrs. George Emmerling, Bifidl, Carlaon, ' Dormer . and The University of Connecticut end had the honor of being elected body In the whole political world Buckley School. Donovan; Dana Austin. Sandy Dick Whitehouae, who placed first Nsvartheleas, although It had its NATO troops facing Africans, WHAY-Polka Ptrsd* WTIC—Here's to Vets Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maetoza, Moeller; Ann Wharton, Al Martin; Sweet. ll Sue’s goal and,' for this, ahe treasurer of the Council. He is also except mud at these professionals How It Feels to Give Saturday, Nov. I f ...... Revus WDRC—Moods for Homnnes and Mr. and Mrs. George Budd. baa followed the college course at an active member of the Vanity and second r«v*cU vely, the MHS long baen obvious that ws would not Ruaaiana. The Balkan pact Is \ WKNB—Matinee Saturday Night Party For Kouiid Table Dennis Guay,-Pat Fogarty: Bob Dave Toomey. '56. of his own party themselves, and Salvation Army BAnd Festival, .The ushers wrere the Student MHS. Her senior subjecta Include "M ” Club and Science Club. ' Junior Varaity Cross ’ Country bava to expand our own proposal WTIC—Monitor Miller, Diane Audette; Barbara cracking over the (^rprus Issue, you alt back and wait to count Verplanck School, 8 p.m. WDRC—Cal Kolbv WHAY—Modnilght Matlnea Council officers and Prom Commit­ U.S. History, English iV. Art U. Outside of school. Bob has bdtn team swept the East Hartford the votes. WGTH—Say It With Music WTIC—News Smith, Frank Grimaaon; Rose Ver- Junior Varsity team to a perfect If ws aver expected anybody to Our security pact with Japan does Saturday, Nov, 28 The Round Table SIngera for tee and their .dates; tura, Sal Vendrillo; James Noonan, French II, and College Chemistry. a member of the American Legion This formula may contain some Away Big Money”- Harvest dance, Elks Home, 8 «:sa- WDRC—News: Almanac defeat 16*40. It woa the MoaohM* 'take it seriously, ws steadfastly not sssm s&ls to move peasants WHAY—Polka Farads WGTH—Word of Life this year were recently chosen by Itoggere, Jackets and Beer Anne Stilson. Gary Bogli; Kathy Rosemary LaChappel; Noel Fagan, Jayvee Gridflcrs At college. Sue would like to ma­ baseball team and haa played in rough ..parallels to . the manner In P*m. WCCC—R*cord Rsvut iiita - jor in history or government. Mancheater’e Twilight BeeeboU ter'a Junior Varsity's third perfect . Refused to expand i t On# rsaaon. o ff the land we- want for runways. which the present Republican WKNB—Mallnes WHAY—News; Moonlight Matineo G. Albert Pearson, choir director. Two weeks ago on Halloween Martin, Jim Ham; . Esther Pas- Julie Harris; Richard Saimond, •core meet while the varsity’ haa Thuraday. Dec.’ 1 Beverly Phillips; Don Duda, Bar­ Sue spent three and a half League. . (rf course, could have been that tha problem in the Governor's chair 'New 'Ybrk (!P\ — Giving away WTIC—Monitor WTIC—SporU Final evening, a group of townspeople- qualini, Tom Riddell; Nancy ScotL Seek First Win won three meats by perfect eebm . 8EATO, not even, a very strong juat 15 seconds. Ooooh, there's Annual fair and supper o f St. WDRC—Cal Kolbv WDRC—Dance Orchestra They consist of 40 students who bara (?wikla; Cataldo Ventura, months in Europe in the summer Aa his pet peeve, Bob names got there. money can be almost as exciting sponsored a party for the students Bob Sweet; Betty MacGregor, Bob Tall Jim Soavllle, '67, Bill Ballon, aevoraignty o f other countries was piece of paper, was more or leas the gong. Sorry, your time is Mary's Guild, St. Mary's (Jhurch. WOTM—Say It With Music WGTH-Word ot Lifs Hour were picked from both the morn­ PriacUla Swanson; Patti Mack, of 1954 with the Girl Scouts. Hav­ "conceited people.” ' It can be added, as a footnote as winning It. «:0 - ll:ta - of Manchester High School. The Warren; Pam Shorts. John Dor­ '68, and Bob Kwash, ’66. ware the . tovolved, and that their psrmls- turiied back .to pulp again when up.” Dec 2 and 8 ing and afternoon period choirs. Dick Noren; Alan Weltllch, - Pam The Manchester High Jayvee foot- ing this opportunity to go abroad Bob considen both being trew* for this formula, that the man Jack Barry aays he gels all , Sock and Buskin presents "Sa­ WHAY—Polka Psrad* WHAY—Moonlight MaUnsa gathering provided good clean Hal­ mer; Fran Sweet; Dick Pepin; next three tooring junior 'varaity aion and approval would hava to stirred up Inside when he dishes And, of course, the "Emcee al­ WCCC-Record' Rtvlsw WTIC—Opera Ball Mr." Pearson had each individual Barnes. bell equad haa one more game to la her greatest honor.'Scout work surer of the Student po^ncll and our Asian triends and enemies sat KibIroC defeated for Governor brina Fair,' Waddell School 8:15 WKNB—Matinee WDRC—Cal Kolby loween fun for those attending, Maryanne Fitch, Bill Handler; Indian runners placing third, out the big dough, even though it ways had one final ace up ,hle siijg a specific melody with only takes up aome of Sue’s time as playing with the 19SS chantplon be g r a n ^ down together at Bandung. was aomethlng of a high-level in­ p.m. WTIC-Monitor WaTH-Dlxls but because of the objecttonable Deniae Johnson, Dick Carter; Judy Anderson, Guy Wilson; he played Nov. 1 1 against Mans­ fourth and fifth In that ords? -to cbmea out of a aponaor’a pocket •leeve—the Impossible question, WDRC—Cel Kothv 11;4S- the- first note given on the piano does teaching Sunday School. She American Legion baaeball team as cumbent himself, entitled to re- Tuesday,.Dec. IS escapades of a few tee' agera at Mary Moriarty, Bill Stephens; Joan Dave Hutson, Connie Bentley; Ann complata the scoring. But tha. main reason for our. A ll that may be the dlsllluiion- and not hia own. one that would stump even a Greek WGTH-Say It With Music WHAY-Moonllaht MaUnto for accompaniment. Hutson. Wal Sharpe-;. Dale Brown, field. So far this season the' also has a Job at Uie Mary Cheney hia greatest honora. election In his own right, and. WTIC—Sports Final this party and iq varioua sections Carlson, Ben Itollo; Sylvia Fisher, Tha powerful ICiincheater Har­ holding back seema to have bean ment, but It is not the main Barry Master of ceremonies, on oracle. Christmas Fair of Memorial l:a t- .This year the Round Table Sing­ Jeyvee’a have suffered three de­ Library. After graduation. Bob hopes to WHAY—Polka Parade WDRC------C-Cal Kilby of town, the reputation of the en­ Bob Donahue; Evelyn Yavinsky, D aren'^ylaon; Jim SosvUle, Diane feats against no wins. rier* defeated one of the otn>ageat If we can level a post mortem, the new NBC 1100,000 (T ) give­ Barry aayi the attitude on the Temple, Pythian Sister, Odd Fel­ ers are scheduled for two appoint­ Edwards; Barbara Solo Jim Mur­ ' Sue is the daughter of Atty. attend a medical school to further that which now appears at Oensva. tragedy involved. ‘Ib s t Is that we Wi;CC—Record Review tire youth of Manchester was Bruce Warren; Nancy Saunders, teanui, In Mie State when' they entirely certain to have been re­ away show, "TTie Big Surprise,’.' new huge giveaway program li lows Hail, 2 p.m. WKNB—Matinee Kansas has 9,439 miles of rail­ ments, one being for the Manches­ ray; Bill Cbnlln, Doris Michelitach; Their tint game against tha and Mrs. Charlei N. Crockett of hie education in the field of medi­ W e reserved It eo we could use It have accepted these patchwork elected In any contest with any­ w n c —Monitor tainted considerably within a per­ Dick Erickson; Naitcy Gagliar- Mancheater varsity second string 14 Gerard St. . cine. East Hartford High a 81- on occasion has found that a ques­ just the opposite. WDRC—Cel Kolbv road. ter Kiwanis Club. iod of 24 hours. - Brent Anderson Roberta Gambell; ifeat on Monday, Oct. 81. as a ceedy junidr, Doremua, was rived with, realize it . js really ..somebody else WHAY-IIall 01 Records Upplncott; Ken Bennett. Betty Alan Johnson, Pat C?arls(>n: Ray ' yards for a touchdown, < comas, /vsntuslly, to the moment who wanders into the studio with A rlcochetting .22 callher riifia Wl?CC—Record Review ders, '57. threats to society. Unfortunately, very weak on blocking and tack­ fifth; loFotoe, '56, wna sixth, and who wpn. fit* money and not you.” WKNB—Matinee Fish; James Ham. Cathv Martin; (Element, Andrea Gooley; Bill Twice as Indians Win With the score 7-6 in favor of Perhaps, now everybody at an out-of-town accent,’ ,' he said, slug entered the youth’s right First Altos: Eleanor Panciera, -the headlines were true, they can­ Aronson, Marcia Albrp; Buddy ling. Through the running of Dick Bherinon, seventh, completed the In which a returning sun has sud- The Cuba of Pack No. 151 will Howeiflir, 'Barry can console WTIO-Monllor Carol Daniels, 'Charles Bettlnger; Windham, the Indians' defense top five Scoring Indians. Geneva has looked at deadlock himself with ihe thought that "an effort Is made to find, people cheek and lodged behind his right WDRC—Cal Kolb.v *56; Evelyn Yavinsky, '57; Nancy not be. denied. 'There :have been Dumas, Kitty Kuhlmaii; Charles Pinto, they advanced the moat. Two Straight Games; dsniy lost the capacity really to have a. paper collection next Sat­ who i.rg both deserving and in­ ear. Paakeziciua, supported by WOTH—Bob and Ray Scott. '56; June Cervinl. '58. recently rumors of "gang wars,” Lairy Herzog, Leanore Howarth; Passing', for- Manchester proved held a(|d gained- poeeeaalon of the Jayvees Win long enough, there can be some after all he doenCt have t6 bor­ WE'RE OPEN Saimondi Gail WIersma; Doug bell on its own 43-yard line. Brault wsrth man or beast. This la the urday morning. Each den will teresting. And the questions they three young companions, drove five •laa- Second Altos: Brenda Cole. '58; four knives were foun on Man­ Maryann Markam, Bob Edwards; weak alao, with the exception of Battle Norwich Today Following the example o f' their - ' other concessions. Perhaps some­ make its collections and then leave row money to mekl his grocery . WHAV-Newa Warren. Markhani; Sue. Steele; Stevens, Joan Frey;. Don Wilson, handed the ball to Jack Farrell, ■peedler varsity men, the junior tlipe for the final rsluctant ac- bill. TV emcees aren\^pald off In are asked nre questions they can miles to the hospital where 'the WCCC—Good Kvenlng Good Muiie Susan Shearer. '58; Linda Nelson, chester youths. However, the con­ Shirley Casey; Walt BycholskI, a few passes to end Malavaky. On body else has some prearranged the papers at' designated points WKNB—Evening Serenade MONDAYS notations of these headlines, the R o ^ rt Bennett, Clarol Ames; Rod­ who smashed through the center of versity team won by a score o f captance of the topcoat, for the peanuts. answer with, luck, brains and slug was removed. '58: Ruth Hanford, '56. Jean Kerrigan; Dave Golas, Sandy deflente, Sam Foster and Pete The MHS football squad subdued for pickup. . memory." WTIO-Newa rN"nL CHRISTMAS false impressions that they bring, erick WrlgK^, (?harlotle Dizorza; Clark stood out. Foster, who the line, and eluding all of hla pur- 18-87. .Whitehouae, '57. first: Soa- • last minute gift In his baggage 'And right now, Barryriding Police Chief Frsnk L. Mlnucci WDRC—News First Tenors; Robert Anderson.- Dashner; Betty Lou Robinson, a stubborn team of West Haven Buera, raced 63 yards for a TD. laat day of pasture for the cows, At the committee meeting held He didn't explain why anybody WGTH—News must be stopped in order that the Richard Bohadeik, Joan Cotton; played safet.V throughout the vllle, *57 aecond: and Bill Clulowi P e rh ^ s the West, too, can agree high financially aa the neV,klng said the shooting was stii) under '68; Niel London. '56: Sherman Donald Sullivan; Ron La Pointe, Farrell also paaacd to end Larry for recognition that. In all outdoor Wednesday evening at the home who had luck, brains and memory investigation. StIS—. Fivozinsky. '56; John Taggart, '58; good reputation that Manchester Gary Hudson, June Cloutier; A1-, game and also a little aa quarter­ Blue Devils last Saturday at Mount '68. Ihlrtbwere the top three J-V to take a raal took at sonie of the of Mr. and Mrs,. Herbert Huffield. of the giveaway, a positioi WHSY-Sporu Spotligbt MARLOW'S Barbara O’Neill;, Andy Cyr, Pete Herzog for .the extra point. A t the runners./ ' .♦ activiaaa, only blood and clothing, needed to appear on a giveaway WC(X'—Good Kventng Good Music James Klar, '58. has built up through the years la ton Holt, Elsi Rowza; Jim Mi­ back. proved to be one of Man- Nebo. The Red and White grid-, seems likely to hold until a e v e r y t h i n g a . Close; Donna Sartor, Paul Ford; end of the first quarter the Indians * l>adli|g the ‘‘pack” with a new disarmament planks the West al- Mrs. PYank Bedell, a nevy den program to make a fortune. WKNB—Evening Serensde Second Tenors: Richard , Gess. not suddenly ruined by Jhe foolish- chaud. Eveleen GermoUler; Larry cheater better performers. ders scored with .s minute-and fif­ henceforth, prqvide warmth. No mother, was presented to the dreams up a program on w WTIC—Strictly Sports ne*B o f a few. Jerry Bottlcello, Vivien Zolo; Dave led by a score of 13-6. record time of 12:27 waa Vinton aa waya favored and proposed, until For4ba '56: Richard Williams, '58; Kenneth 'Uarmon. Eileen Tierney; Art Heyard, Evelyn Crle; Ed Good- The -Jayvee’a la s t. game was teen seconds to play to upset the more lolling oh atreet corners, or group. the sponsor will reward the win­ WDRC—Aimsnae; Music against ' the Mancheater Varsity In the lecpnd pe.riod, 4he speedy. the harriers defeated Middletown Russia, opened at least a pretense WIFE cirrs IN WGTH—Bandstand, in the Psrk Provost, '.56; Bruce Smith, '56; The boys on Whom these weapons Pj-ka, Judy Wlttman; Jack Mc­ child. Dale Decard; Harry Koy, downslsters 12-6. ’ along woodland paths, or on The Initial park meeting will be ning contestant with the key to A Thought £pr Tudiiy second team. Again the team block­ Pepin again streaked 75 yarda to Friday, Oct. 28, by a score o f 36- Richard Pierce, '58. were found were wearing leather Cartney, Beverly Tuttle;\ilonald Jean Bissell; Thomas Russell, Bet­ West Haven’s lone tally cameHn o f bdog ready to a(;cej)t them. held Tuesday night,at t o'clock in Fort Knox. WHAY^LDlnner Date jackets. The Idea now seems to be ing and tackling proved weak as pay dirt, circling hla own right 29. ■ ■ ' porches, none of which Is now In addition to acting as' Utile Ribhmond, Va. i/P) ^ M e r v in Family First Bas.ses; William' Bread- Masnicki. Loretta Carlson'; Pat ty'Modcan; Karolyn Kaye. Mark the second quarter when It marched Perhaps the conferees could even the auditorium of the Verplanck thatNtny boy wearing a leather they were downed '33-13. The end.^The High linemen did a tre-' The old official record of 12:47, sun. No. more complete ease and Seam.vCar. a butcher, by trade, -Obedience in n ih ln g Means heft. ’57; Benedict Zollo, '57; John Fitzgerald, Hoiwever,. In MHS, as In ane Kassler; ack E^laney, (Telina vious game-. On a few plays the in 1961 and the unofficial record of ---- many,-with both'aides taking a for three other programs—“ Life the assignm^t of carving the tur­ Recognize God’s Supreme Own­ On P a * f T w o Sherwood Trueman. '88. ilooncy; Harold Larson, Emma Banta who sneaked the final foot mlnsUon and drive which led the 12:31, eet by Manchester's FrOn- air. On' with, the armor, and up •kiU will b« presented By the dens. other schoolk, niahy Ixiys wear KeUeher; Dick Eri'ekson, Nancy Jayvees attempted ' the single fresh look at the argument that Begins at 80," "Juvenile Jury", key at a f^»d dealers' banquet. ership; Second Ba.s.ses; Geoffrey Gfbbs. Stephens;. .^Bill McC?uri-y, Mary and halfback John Wezenski, who Indians to victory. It was lUso Leary back In 1987, were both with the corpuscles. Both have Determine- to Put First Things leather'jackets because they like Saunders. wing, which did work for (hem. Gennany is going to be Germany, and "Wlnky-Dlnk and - You.” But he had to yt^ld the task to hia '56. Wayne Keith. '57: Dale Hodge, leatbkr jackets, and not because Rega; Richard Pepin, Fran Sweet; Bill Kelley and Dick Pinio scored ran very well against the Indians. tjrfir strength which beld off the broken by the time of 12:27 by jqb to do. I wife. Before he-qjad disjointed a First; ■ '57: Paul Dougsn, -’57; Gafy Dou- Sandi^ Stevenspn., Clinton Kee­ Mary Ann Davis, Jphn Miller: W il­ Manchester's first TD esme, Windham line while Jim ’ Gian- .Moncheater'a star yunner. ----- Jrtmrelora thsy jnikht.as well sub­ tVhethfr. yqu're just learning to Hoiiv ChrUtlan Scieocc Heali they're hiding a leU w weapon un- for the Jay\’ees, and a pass play These first days In which the Deaths Last Night drumstick SeamstetNfh't his finger. - Accept God’s Divine Phut of gan. '57. ney; Mark'^olompn, Deanne Rott- liam Carlson. Bally Belank: Stew­ when-miidwfli-y In the UUrd quarter, sanii .drop kicked the findl two T h e sturdy T o m ' la E o rgl; mit to tha-Inevitable how. v I talk or are living on borrowed time, Church'Financing; derneath them. As Mr. Eailey jias ner; Bruce Williams, Skndy Rd- to Molavaky .dded the extra point. sun no longer is strongly felt are Carol Fischer, '58. art Baraw, Myra Boglish; Dick end Norrii HohcnlVial' crashed points after touchdown. placed third;.Scott Clenduiel, on _ _ Llack has a question to ask you Desire a Broader. Deeper Spirlt- WESTOWM pointed out to us, these ^>'8 daz; L>-nn Sundquist, Bob Sepanik Kelley'a run to paydirt netted '0 Perhaps, perhaps. A t any rate, Gea.*. Lynn Woltcrsdorf; , Roy through the'Visitors' line and In­ The l;i<^ton's final marker came up-and-coming sophomore' placed Uso the days of primeval' tenfipta- By THE AN8M I.AYhl) PRESS j on a program tailored to yoiir Average power consumption on ’‘FREEDOM FROM ■ ■PHARM ACY ll have either' to conduct themaelvea Irene Maire. Ronald Schulz; Phil •yards, Pinio also ran o'-er for a Pans Mrs. Germaine Coty, 69. i, . uel Life; . < ' ' Shennlng, Marfette Gagnon; Bob tercepted a pitchoiit which was with four minutes to play In the fourth; Weq 'Sargent, '56. was gOora the first real propaganda Rursl Electrification Administra­ 459 Hartford Rd. — iWl f-ff48 in a manner expected ot today'w Uhoma. Gail Eagleson; Bill Dun­ score. Defense again found .Sam tion. To pitch camp south for the Trust God’s Promise to Reward youth, or to accept the reputation Thompson, Donna Betko; Phil thrown hy Bants. Tim big jiinlbr' first ha^f. Brault ptoaed to Hohen­ eighth: and Bill Button, another gain, ,4he first real aembtsnee of wife of Rene Coty, president of „ i . i i / .i, . , i..„. tion lines, in Kentucky inebea-sed C H RO NIC ILLNESS" can, Gemma Amade; Bill Handler, Foster and Pete Clark aa stand­ winter, or to find some comfort­ France Died Saturday ' '* typical of the new type Those Whd Are Faithful to Him. Display Fealurcs that' the wearing of such apparel Plneo, Judy Tani; Eric Gothberg. raced 19 yards Into the'end zone. thal, wljo had sneaked Into the end aophomm’e, was eleventh, to com­ any cootribuUon to the confer­ from 90 kwh in December. 194T to Sue^'Fllch; Danny Fue'rbouo. Ellen outs along with Sam Haugh aqd able burrow and pull a blanket'of Myrtle Beach. S^ C; Kinwit television Emcee, who la brlghl- Sponsored by the Manchester ; w H A Y 910 k.c., Sunday, 8:15 a.m. will gtve them. We hope that, they Joan Thieren; Joan Slsc, Ken A spectacular g^al-llne stand zone uiinotlced. plete the champs' scoring. 205 kwh in December, 1954. \ Shaprd; Ken Sheptoff; Donna San- Dave Custer. Foster played more ence, the first labored attempt to Flelsc*.iiann. 78, former vice ly eager to shower you with cash Council of Church. ' will be wise enough to choose the Reynolds; Debbie Reynolds, Jean Next week, (toach Walker Both Mitt Doremus, '59, and Bill leaves In after one, to go dormant lO PEN Folders oil Egypt dels; Donna Snow, Warner; at quarterback position than, be­ was made "in the fourth quarter do something .with the spirtl of president of the Fleisrhmann if you c*n show-your head , holds former, to try to convince their Blanchard; Herb Tyler, Marilyn fore and .Coach ■ Charles Beattie which eventually set up the In­ Briggs squad will seek their third MacArdle. '56, the Red And White and immovable apd take a long Yeast O . Died Thursday. | even the smallest nugget of knowl- less Wise classmates of the foolish­ EKvood Lechauase, Pat Eddy; Taylor; Tommy Juros, Lorraine straight victory traveling to Nor­ Harriers No. .3 and 2, runners were, Geneva except (bury-it, for Ameri­ Doug Wetherell. Jean Ellison; says - that lloster railed a good dians' winning touchdowp. The test—these sometimes seem like Niew York Jerry Rosa, 29. who edge I f you happen to be in J5F some­ ness of their actions. , „ . . . „ . Pitcher. series of plays. center of the Red and While line, wich to ' battle Norwich Free absent from the meet. can dipIomsr^vHt is a crumb of a z z z a l l d a y ■t* *K ______i , ■»» u . ! Bruce. Little. Barbara Lappen; nothing extraprdinary at all, but with Richard Adler wrote the The old style Emcee often had : time in the near fiiture, why not Dick Sherman, Sue McConib; Alan Weiss,'58 comprising po-Captain Dave Go- Academy. , , . Dick Whitehouae, captain of/Uie (foncession, but the first crumb. 'Bruce Prior. Roberta Webb; Carol merely the simplest brand of com­ scores for the successful musical a different aim—to see that only a take a look around? One of the Domenic Squatrllo; Justine Zolloi Jas. Rod Dolin. Dom Squatritp and ^ Charlie Dougan, '56 Jayvee team, set the pace f ^ his comedies 'P a jams Colme" and rei'tsin amount of the sponsor's first things you sre apt to .*ee is a w ' nv ’ Hampton, Sid Wirsma. Anthony team mates in a 19-38 vtctgilfy over, mon sense. Did you ever imagine ^ .Squillacoter So,.lll«cote.- .loanJoan Trevbal;Treybal; MarikMarla Danny Renn. Linda Nelson; Roxy Joe Dyer held the losers four con- .ttDamn - V«nkees:::~aml- who- -*l.*tr im»ne3f-*v»i«s-;'given—awS^. ^«w e-' eekH-ful display of- maps-»*ut:tEav« the. Middletown-Jayvee- iSU N D A Y ^ ■ffuSr Bi'ck Fig^^^ -H «ril^ «,- Robert-White:- Bill Ma- VecuHve tlifi«sr*tsning at 'the-»ht-: lying down in a nice burrow,;yoiir had written some 2.%0 .songs. Born times they had 'It neatly figured gl fofders in front of the room. that is ta'lfen in our accompIish^ tausky, Bronda Baker; Wayne a time of 13:57. Manulre ster. . , r Messi • ah C h o rus bury, Judy Middletarook! Marilyn inch line! 'fhe line then threw Paint ancTPow jer llis re is o.ie occasional comfort otvn warmth beginning to build up Jerold Rosenberg in New York. out Jiisi how often they wanted the - *11118 display was an . extra aa- ments, the. wholesome fun that is Newman, Barbara Duncan; Paul Jim Juros, '86 Died Friday. Fishe, A rt Shorts; Bob Jamaitis. the quarterback for a. five yard la this businesa. Take one posi­ and steal about you, the whir of Jackpot’ won. And if a particu­ algnment for two of the World had.' and the good that is present McKSy, Agnes Ferguson; David loss and the Indians finally took White Sulphur Spring*, W. Va. FOURTH ANNUAL PRESENTATION in our school life, far outweighs Peg Binette; Bob Rusconi. Jean . Elects Pfesiclciit tion, and hold to it, and no mat- the world merely a dwindling echo larly bright conteatant threatened Understandings classes in the Col­ Hammill; Gary Dougan, Jacque- Demers, Pat Richards; Ned Bro- over first and 10 on their oWn BERETS m o d e l e d " - J: W..Bahen, 50, of Cleveland, to upset their financial schedule lege Course of Miss Mary D. Mc- the shadows of daggers, jackets deur. Peggy Foley; Nancy Breen, ,tAr how extrema it may seem In your otvn head, shifting and SM ILIN G SERVICE l\m Baliard; Richard Trudell, Aua- three. ^Cb-Captain -Jack Farrell assistant to the president of the ' thev*"had a number .of sure-flra Adaifia. It is an lllu.strated sum­ and beer. Ned Mathieson-: Nancy Custer, Berets are what the well dressed wiginally, the whole world will fading imperceptibly into a long Judith Motzer, '56. tra Ozols; Dick Mjesch. !lonn Mc­ and-fullback Dick Wnght proceed­ ’william Brown*. Is the newly wa-i s to see he didn't hit the jack- mary of the knowledge they have Veigh; Janet Whitney, Myles Mc­ Bud Tomkunas; Peg Anderson. Frenchmen wear and so they are started with the road as s messen- iI ed to eat up the yardage bn the elected president of - Paint and seen being worn by severe) stu­ avcBtuslIy revolve around into si winter's anoie, no furnace to feed gained this past quarter. Donough: Lee Bogli, Cindy Nylin; Fred Deane; David Tooptey, ger In 1918. DtesIson: Rill Call roll, Beverly Ploiiff; Ethel Dreo. Whippets marched 63 yards in Donna Metcalf, '59 Ann Beckwith,, Joanne Goodwin, houn, Simone Amirault; Lee Pope. Melvin Christiansen; -Ronnie Sim­ thi;ee plays to (,-halk up their initial Robinson: Cynthia, Treggor, Paula the one alliance and treaty which row, with a minimum of effort in­ unusual titles were "Egypt, Gift Elaine Kruger, Linda Toth. Joan Pete Grady: Bill Adams. Jo-ann mons, Jtidy Middlebrook; Jack scorq. 'The Whippets scored again Adams,' Pamela Barnet, Robert of the Nile” :' "'Visit Enchanted Perry. Carol Anderson, Patricia GIVE OR.AL' REPORTS might reaUy-mean something. We stead of the maximum? Into the A S I N C E R E Egypt": "Safari to Egypt"-! and Rohn. Linda Dolin, Elwopd La Fisher; Joan Blesso, Larry Kris- Farrell. Pudgie Handley; . Steven with five minutes to plq>’ ’ before Grenier,-Janet J a ^ s , Donna San­ have inferred that they were hills, men! "Land of the Pharaohs." C?hansse. Richard Fogg, ‘Jqknne toff; Barbara Hewitt. Bob Newell; TYiomas. Barbara Caleen. the half endqd. Th'e Indians' de­ MIsa lone Fellows English "THANK YOU" . Fisher, Bruce .Warren and Connie dals. Rosemary l a Chappelle, Don­ worthleac, that the sense, of " . * . - 1 South Methodist Church The maps covered such things iPat Smith, Don Bogner; Bill Kel­ Ernest Begin, Maryanne Mucio; fense did not allow Windham to classes are currently reading. MONDAY Gelber. ley, Judy Hansen: Richard Bolin, na Metcalf and Julie Haugh. The. •ecurity they engendered might MOOSE GOES TO TOWN , , , To the Teenagers who cUmazed their High Scbeol . aa> the' Java Ape Man, the Nean­ Jackie Godfrey, Ronald Stevens; tally during the second half. The “ Gianu In the Earth," by O. E. Pr' Roivaag. 'TTi'e books tells of the be false, that it was highly de- SUNDAY EVENIN8, DECEMBER 4 AT 7:30 derthal Man, dindaaura, inventions Sault Ste. Maria, Micji. i/p) - well-mannered and conatdemte. It was a real pleasure Linda.Treadwell; Leslie Stevenson. Peggy Barratle, Dick Chriatan- dians scoreless during the seednd ane Edwards, Sue Sldwards, Rob­ struggle of Norwegian Im­ 'o f the different ages, cave art, and WUUam Knight ert Anderaon. Jim Klar. Carol ^tstoU whether they di4 not do A hiooac haa been, added to Seult i to serve such a fine group of young people. 1 Until Q—What is the largest age group Eleanor Buccino; Paul iSheridan, sen; Don Vale, Joan Bozeo; Ed­ hcif. , migrants who came to live on a -tmany other Interesting and un­ in the U. . population? Jean Jacobs;' Bob Liepis. Laura Ames, Jtidy Brace, Polly Swanson, Bwae harm, in reality, than the Ste. Marie’s long lUt ot yiailora. : TI m Public Is C erd ioly Invitudj to A tton d 8 ward. Haberern. Geraldine Fletch­ Dick Wright opened the Man­ farm In the Dakota territory. To usual subjects.. A —The 65-and-iDver group. In T'rudel; Jo Pagani, Bill Maraconi; William Knight, '57. win be seen Judy Kearns and Suo Reneker. good they intended. 'i Deer and bear frequently .^troll; er; Myles Blardi, Anglo Grasto; Al chester offensive play ' smashing old the students In undersUading ^ TUa ad spoBsored •• b community aerviee bjr Tyntklaa Brothera, lae. I Maps contributed by Pascal 1900, 'U numbered about 75.000,000. Hooks Joh'nston, Marcia Adams; Bezin. Judy Barber; Sue O'Dwyer, as Linus in Sock and Buskin’s into town from qumundlng woods: ‘ . C AV E Y 'S through center for a first down. Mias Anne 'Beechler, club'odvia- the story, each pupil ia assigned , Lately, this hasn't been such, a ■ V iPot. Barbara Caleen, Pam Glen- In 1955 It ia ^>proxlmately 165 J)an Roberts, Tom Smith; Steve Bernie Johnson Charlie Bog^ni, fjorthcoming production of "Sa­ or. announced Iryouta wotiu be A mooee was apolted only three 6 5 East Center St . Jack Farrell then crashed through four oral topics; the presenUUod Isaaly argumsnt. In fact, a lot of Dcy, ^ t t y Gallaa and Valerie John* milliona and it ip estimated that by McAneeny. Irene Valenti., Jo-ann Kerrigan; Bob Warren. brina Fair" on Dec. 2 and 3 at the line for eight more yarda. The held fo r the playa to ba praaantad blockc from downtown. it wga of the tonics Is pnMd*d « * « r bgr« MB are among those on display. 1975 the oldsters will bs mors than Nick Khijidit, Kathy Murray; Bill Betty MacGregor. Waddell School. Tickets may be drivie wo* climaxed by Ji^ck. Pepin, at tha next maeting. , p a ip K aRddenly. have bsen adding the flm .oB t seen on d ty atreets. iM -_2 ’ ' ■' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ S ’ p*aula Adam i,'89. 8M million strong. MacArdls, Joan Wintefs; Gail ” Deanne Kottner, 'p6 obtained from any club members. who took • pltcdiout from quarter- Jjuaa Carvlid. '88. ’ :/ ■ -■ ‘ -■ ■- ... , -i ' . " / .. . A ^5:, ■ 1 . 7 i , --I 7 ■ ; ■ •; • ' j - /*.

Ni l-i-'t PAGE SIX IIANClai&STEB EVENINO HXBAIG. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1965 KAKGHESTER EVEmNO HERALI^ MANOHESTIS, c o n n , SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12. 1955 SEVEN ask. olhefs,' and cast them dowh .at‘ American Indian" .Atcmhera art peraona wh(> hkvo been *mak(ng Columbia Jefua' feet and he-.healed thsm" reihinded to bring Chrlstmaa gtfta community survey will meet fo re­ (Matthew 16:30). ' for the mental hospitals'at Mans- port their'finding*. Correlative passages from the Held and Norwich. 7 p.m.; Boy Yhe Week Skywatch Schedule :\ > HomeGroup Plan Christian Science textbook, '‘f i ­ Scouts; 7:30 p.m., BpirttuU Lift Tuesday, No. J6, Teenagers who A. ance and health with Key to the Claaa, ladies parlor; 7:i5 pzn.. have requeated ntemberahlp in the X.- Scriptures” by Mary Baker Eddy, Children's Division PTA meeting, church wdil meet for their firit Sunday, Nov, IS. 7 ■ \ ' 7 Monday Meeting church membership claaa at 7 p.m. Midnight—2 a.m. Volunteers Needed.^ ■■■■••••91^****^^****"*^*"^^" Include the following -(p. 14:25): tae chape). >. 8i. Jom n' R. C. CRunsli "Entirely separate from the belief Thursday. 8:15 p.m., 431rl Seput In the church, 2 a.m.—-4 a.m ...... VoluBteefa Needed. ; Ooitimbio, Nov,. IS ,(Special)— OHilir'beact«(»UoMl O iai^ 4 a.m.-6 a.m...... , . . . 1 . Volunteer* Needed, ' . , . CUftoi^ O. Simpaoa. Minlatrr Rrv. John F. .HMnan, Paotor and'dream of material living. Is Troop (Mrs. Richmond, leaner); Wednesday, Midweek service at the Life divine, revealing spiritual 7:30 p.m. with Bible study on 6 a.m.-8 a.m...... Emmett Roberts, Paul lacomucc), Tlia local hoino demonstration' K. lUiwell Pm i7> K f\. OroTfr f . Hughra 3:15 p.m., .Girl Scout TVoop 14; group of tho Farm Bureau will AMoeUte SUalater Rev. E4gor>. ForreU understanding and the conscious­ 6:30 p.m.. Girl Scout Troop 40. "Opening the Temple of, God." 8 a.m.—10 a.n»...... , , . Richard Goodchlld, . John ifp- IfMklMa Woodruff. D.D.; \ ness of man's dominion over the Friday, 7:30 p.m.. Chancel Choir. Choir practice at A:4S p.m. Cauley Jr. ' . \ - moot at th* homo of Mrs. Konnsth whole' ^ rth ." Saturday. 10 a.m.. Wesley Oiolr, Thuraday, Church Board meet­ 10 a.m.—^2 noon ...... iiOrin Mathews. ■?. Fox Monday ovenlng. Tho theme MWstrr Emoritut . >^inday Maaoea: ing, 7:Ld p.m. Noon—2 p.m...... William Breadhaft. \ Aadrow R. Wotaoa, Fpr adults. 6, 7', «, 9. 10 and 11 11 a.m., Carol Choir. for this iBonUi te “A Craft for / - * - Friday, Juniors meet at church 2 p.ni.-4 p.m...... Thomaa Ritchie, William Bread- ChrieUniA’’ Mhiloter of Mmie o’clofci^ for two Masses at 9. one Emanue) Lutheran Church at 7 p.m.' hfcft. iii the hisin auditorium for adultf M n . John Cragin and Mrs. Jfov, 13, Every Member Canvas*. -C. Henry Anderson, Pnstor. Talcliig — IroYlr Arieliiiig Nov, 13. Loyalty Sunday— Miss Charlotte Bortner, 2 a.m.-4 a.in. .. BleoduMbUe Visit ...... Scott St. Bridgrt’a R. C. Church Prelude, .'.'Pr(ieludium‘V Minister of Education ...... i Volunteers Needed. . Tha next visit of the Williman- 9 and 10,30, Divine Worship and 4 a.m.-6 a.m. ., eeqe Eyobrow Coloring Formonont Waving Senior Choir Rev. John J. Delaney, Paator iflhelnberger **;* ** .,/. Volunteers Needed. tic bloodmobile will i>a Tuesday at Beripture Reading U Samuel Church School. x Hymn, "We've a Story to Yell to 8 a.m.-8 a.m. .. . >. Emmett Roberts, Paul lacobucci. Eltetrie Monleuring 1 Rev. Robert Oarroll and Prelude, "Sonata No. 2 In C Minor' Sunday, Nov. 13-/ 8 a.m.-lO a.m. . . . Thomaa Maxwell. the Fimt Baptist Church and will 3«:l«.a3. . , Rev. Theodore Oubala, Aaalatante Mebdelstohn the Nations^' 9:00 a.m. Chdreh school teach­ be sjMnaored by the Junior'Worn- Hymn "Christ. Whose Glory Fill* Respqnslve Reading,, "Fret Not ers' worship service, 10 a.m.-l2 Noon . • ,, Mr. and Mrs. W. Small. en^eOub. the Skies.” ...... Gounod Trio (flrat S e rv ^ ), "Lift Thine Noon-2 p.m. ..,. .... Evely McCauley; Gloria McCauley. Masses on Sunday at 7, 8, 0, 10 Eyea" ...... Mendelssohn Thyself". 10:00 a.m. Church school classes 2 p.m.-4 p.m...... John McConville. Locar^reaklents willing to con- Hymn-Anthem (9:15) "O God of Reading of the Le.ssons, Malachl for all ages. trlbiite anKasked to caU the WUU- Every People."...... Harbiaon and 11 a.m., and Masses down­ Mrs. Lorraln* Johnson. Mrs 4 p.m.-6 p.m. .,.. . . . Bill Barrett stairs at 8 and 10116 a.m. - Hazel Anderson, Mrs. Eleanor 3:7-12. Prelude,/"Idyll*” ...... Overholt 6 p.m.-8 p.m. . . , .... Beverly Case, Valorie Johnson. maatic Red cross Office. Appoiiit- .-Senior Choir Anthem, "All Hall the Power of Processional Hymn, "Praise My .menti; are available between 12:iy Offertory ‘•Berceure." . . . . Hollins Johnson. . / 8 p.m.-lO p.ni. , . .. . i Kendall Richardson. Anthem’ (second Service)/"Hymn - -Jesus Name” Soul’’ 10 p.m.-Midnight ....V irginia Mancheater, and 6:30 p.m. Sermon "Our Response To God." C ^ m h of the Asoumptlon Offertory Anlhem, ■ ' The Silent V Prayer, The Lord's Friaeipals .faL Meet Vlf "In. Sacrifice." of Brotherhood" ...'...... Dutch ' Elizabeth Hannah. .• N 99 EAST C l^ E R ST— TeL MI-3-5009 Adnm St. and Thompson Rd. melody. Emanuel Choir. "Offerpolre" ...... Dubois Prayer. ChiKSl Amen Skywatch Poat located on top of Miuichester Police Station.'-Vol­ On Dec. 1 principals o f; The Hymn •’Rise Up, O Men of God," The Old Teatkment Lesson ...... Williams Rev. Joseph E. Farrell. Pastor Offertory. "Andante," Sonata 3 j Hymn, "C hrist for the World We unteers may register at Civil Defense Headquarters, Municipal schools under th* jurukUcUon of Rev. Francis T. ilutler In A Major Mendelssohn Sing” Anthem, "Let No/X^our Heart Be Building, Mancheater, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 1-5 p.m. Georg* Gref wUl hold aNneetlng PosUude "Grand Choetir in F.V. Troubled" ...... Dickey ...... Salome Sermon, "How Much is God's Sermon. "What Shall We Give?” In thexbaaement of th* 'TaUend Masses at 7, 8:30 and 11 a.m. Share?" Hymn, "Jesus Shall Reign. The Ne\y Testament'^ssoh Federated (Thurch. The topi^of Now's thn 'timo to 9:^6 and 11 Church School, Commissioning of Canvaaaera. Stewardship Speaker, Robert L. Choir; 10:30, GIrla" Choir; 7:00 parish o$flc* will be moved to the ditciusion Will be "Sex Educetli DUBAI.DO nursery through' junior high. Where'er the Sun” p.m., Junior-High group will meet Old Rectory. The organizations on moho your porsonol- Poatiude, "Fuga.” Sonata No, 2... Announcements Arendt Sr. \ in Our 8ch(k)ls." 3:00 Oommisslonlng Service for St. Francis Assisi Church Offertory. "Q Lbve That Wilt Not at the church. these days will meet aa follows; MUSIC CKNTIR imd Coromie Christ- every member canvass ambassa­ Mendelssohn. Sunday, Nov. 13. Local clergymen, PTA repre- South Windsor, ^Route 30 12:30, Latvian Service. Let Me Go," ...... Larsoii' Important! Sunday afternoon, Tuesday—In Old Rectory, 6:30, ^ ta tiv e s an^hip in vestry. arable and, when snow- arrives, | Hfi? J®*** ing is'more disconcerting than to SOS East Center St, at the Oreca 9:30, confirmation Class. 6:'30^.m. Senior Youth Fellow­ Senior Ch'oljr ' . Is golkl pfbit nothing la more entrancingXUian are just qir fresh aa that customer satiafaction ia the ing, Woodruff Hall. Anthepi, "We Thank Thfce”—Schulz Youth Fellowship a daisy. The cost key. to successful seltlng. They aUo find on S und^ we need aomithing NORMAN R.W1IL John R. Neubert, Minister 10:30, Carol Singers. - Sunday,. Nov. 13 ship in vestry. S t Mary’s EptscopeU Church rolling around in it. The coi^is service CARTER TRIEE Wednaedny— ...... Mia. IdJaM U Hoinird. , ..,805 ,pjxt.^tb]e ..Clag6 .meets st Junior Choir .18 .yfirxiinAdejntft .Uia.afi.con.-. know that quality foods are esa.cn- at the store. Fortunately, MerflU’s -----" SiSO PUgitiii~'Ctetr"Te(heaTB«l. 7, Young Adults!, bowling party. ' 9:30 Sunday■'bcJiooI...for oil . .. Cbncch. And.l4cnst JSbeeta ., Offerteny.' "Medltatton"'—Schreiner ■very moderate-and'yog will -en; tT tn » TKfflaniE up a trastneM." ana- laopen on Sunday* from 8'»jn. uH- ...... _.,Oj»aBl*l-Dlre«t(»r . _ the. parsonage. — To" CiOinduct^^^ ii«eout-Jun- .venlent. : to Jowetry SflKTOin'Icoar camp -stair din­ ages; 'Alton" J: -M-nnstie; 'YPSM; The Week Ylie Rev; Alfred L. AVUUams, Hymn, "All Things Are Thine; No Edwin D’Ai tliib, proprietor bif that 18 Why so m iii/ jjsdple "hYve til 1 p.m., *0 if yon do forget EXPERT c a ner. RoUdne Room. Mr*; Lester H. Wolcott, i0:45 Service of Worship with Rector Gift Have We" —Gardiner. lor's jacket getting .soaked the made Utia ators their headquarters something or unexpected guests TsL m fl-fiSIS; Church School Supt. Concordia Evangelical dm reh Monday—r next time it rains. Another advan­ thA^ancheatir Dry Cleaners, says PRONE M1-3-76R6 7-8:80 Ambassadors folloer up Winter and Garden Streets Band and Male Quartet music 7:30 p.m. Methodiat Men hear The Rev. Donald N. Hungerford, Sermon, "The Whole Armor of Wapping Nov. 12-.- (Special) —" Pfiin^ and Wallpaper Store that the Same Day Service is gain­ for meats and groceries. Such well drop In, just drive over to Merrill's meetlng: Hymns, "Holy, Holy, Holy, Ix>rd God.” tage to waterproofing la the fact known brands as Premier, Sweet Market, 84 Oakland St. Sunday, Nov. 18— Rev; .Erlrh Brandi, Fnitor Rev. Emerson Smith. Ckirate Tomorrow at 8 p.m., the Fllgritn. 645 Main Street that It makes any garment dirt ing neW ^enda all the time. Next 7:30 Senior Choir rehearsal. ' Ivan Beckwith. God Almlght.” "Tell Out the Industrial Relatlona Chaplain of Hymn. "Soldiers of Christ, Arise”— y time ybu want dry cleaning in a Life and Suncrest are carried here, If you havi not as yet become 7:30 Cub Pack 4. 0:45 a.m., (Church School for all Sydney W. MacAlpIne, Elvey. Youth Fellowship will meet a /th e resistant to a great extent.. Try it airo a full line of Birds Eye Frozen ages. Children's sessions. Including Organist and Cholnhaster Wonderful Story.” "I Must Have our New England Area' Methodist Organist and Choir Director Tel. MI 9-0300 and aee how. much longer thinga hurry, take.your garmenta in be­ acquainted with the fine aervloe, Thuraday— the Saviour with Me." Message: Church. All men of the church are Postiude, "A Mighty Fortress Is Community House fojr a treasure fore 10 o'clobk In the morning and Foods. quality foods and meats that are CUNLIFFE 1:16 Bible Study Group, Mrs. Nursery through Morning Wor Mra. WUUanf Kloppenburg Our God”—Luther. Arranged by keep clean as well aa dry. MERRILL’S ship. Sunday, November 13, 23rd Sun­ "Our Doaire in Life". Major welcome. Chlldren’a Organist / hunt and at 7 p.m., the gydup will With the holl^ys ahead, r»^ pick them u p \ after 5 o'clock, You will be dellghteci with the sold at Merrill's Market, do shop Simpson. John Pickup. Schreiner. aee two film stripe'on mUision pro­ cleaned and presSed to perfection. excellent Meat Department at here. You will enjoy the courteous 7 Girl Scout Troop 7. lp:15 a.m.. Morning Worship day .after Trinity. 'Tueaday— 8 p.m., Pilgrim Youth Fellowship , member that you can trust ydur MOTOR SALES Loyalty Sunday. 8:46 a.m.', Sunday School. 2 p.m. Hospital visitation, 1:30 p.m. Prayer Group. Nov. 18, th* 23rd Sunday after jects. Miss Mary Ann Welles and very finest and most fragile aowms The convenience ami quality .work Merrill's Market, and you may be service and, In the busy days MARKET 7 Girl Scout Troop 66. in the Community House. is more than wortk ^ e alight ex­ sure that once they find out which ahead, appreciate th* time saving BXPEmr AUTO n o m r M i 7:30 Publicity committee.. Prelude. ''Antiphon” ------Batiste 10:15 a.m., Worship Service; -ICra. Elliabeth Wilson and Mra: 7:30 p.m. First session of the Trinity. Russell Andendn are/tn charge of Shop A t to the . Manchester Dry (Cleaners. Hymn; "Safely Through Another Major Mildred Pickup Christian Faith Discussion meet­ Monday evening the Church j the program and the closing wor- tra charge for this spebdy service. cuts of meat you prefer, you will delivery servic* Merrill's offers, As 94 Oddond Stroot PBNDsn nspAnw 8 Bible Study Group, Mr. Simp- Hymn, “O Worship the King." 8:00 a.m., Holy Communion. School Staff and the Religious Edu­ They will clean them nbd press Try it And aee. \ Anlhem. "Blessed la He That Con Week" 4:30 A special band practice ings to discuss the topic "Dose It 9:25 a.m.. Junior Church. Junior \ ship service'■ ' will ' ^ conducted , - - - -by them so beautifully Ouft your most get exactly what you want, whet',- well as the roaronable prices. e n a m e l nad LAOQUni eon. cation Committee will hold a meet­ Edmund Watson. TnLMI-3-73M •Viday— sidereth the Poor" ...... Hymn: "O God of Jacob,, by Whose In preparation for the fifth annual Matter What you Believe?” Cholr^ Morning Prayer with in ing in the Community House at 8 GALLASSO’S xfool nEFINISmNOS ; ...... Camllleri Hand” band concert Nov. 19. 8:00 p.m. Brewster Circle meet­ structlon by the Rector. »y KEYS WemKED 3:15 Brownie Troop S3. p.m. Mr.s. Rayfnond HoUlater of i members of the fellowship will , HASOWABE «S wmfWmwj RBASONABUB PMOnS 8 Young dulte at the parson- Scripture. Mark 14:3-9. Sermon: "What the Book of Num­ -,6 p.m.* Coffee hour for the ing. 10:05 a.m.. Lower School Wor­ Waynesboro, V*. (.,<8)—R o g * r bers Has to Say" East Hartford will be the apeakef. take part In -a "Work Daj) for rasB EnniATBs age. Hymn. "Jeau* CqHs Us.” band members. Wednesday— ship. Kindergarten thrpugh Grade \ SUPflT CO. Schieldge Has Persotudised Christinas Ca Miller reported his car atolen. Po­ OPEN SUNDAYS KOUTB 80—WAFPtNQ (DONN. 9-1 co-Wed dance. Sermon, “She Did What She Canvassers Commissioned 7:30 Service of worship with 7:00 p.m. Choir rehearsal. 3 and Parents. Nursery worship in Christ" project to eam< money for ‘ Comer Mala Street and lice found no clue until a telephone Saturday— Could." Hymn: "God the All-Merciful’* Band and Songster myslc. Hymns, Thursday— the Old Rectory, Parents’ Class in St. John's Polish National .the mission pledge. Baby sitters SDddle Tpk. Boot call came that night: Seema the iA.M.to1F.M. AT THE niCHFIBLD nOM 9:30 Cherub Choir reheereel. Dedication of CanvastT'CaUers, Our every-member canvass will "When We Walk with the Lord," 7:30 p.m. Workers' Conference same, building 9:25. Catholic Church or geneml household help may be (Opp. Oorman’a Bolek Sta.) caller had aaked a friend to lake TBU MI-M484 Hymn. ‘-*5 Jesus 1 have Promised" be conducted on Sunday afternoon.' meet with Miss Burtner at Hart­ The Rev. Stephen Stryjewskl had during th* week by contacting "Jesus'Keep Me Near tha Cross,” 11:00 Jt.m., Mornlnjc Prsysr and Mias Wellaai Fqr a complete Ua* of hard- his car home. The friend got In a Po8Uude.*"Veraet" ...... Batiste Canvaaaera reporting back at the "Beneath the Cross of Jesus.” ford Seminary. Holy Baptism. Sermon by the Rec­ Walter Grzyb. Organist tvare and electricnl anppUea. xPETFS BRORERY car described and the keys worked. Eton Evangelical Lutheran Church 4:45 p.m.. Sunday; Ann Judson Church when their cSlla are made. / Garden Club Session Message: "Living without Christ," ------\ ' tor. Senior Choir. Musical outline T%e South Windsor Garden Club Dtetributor for AJnmInnm Com- Cor. Pitkin and East Center He took it to hia friend’s home. (Mlsaouri Synod) Guild meeting at^the church for The Week Major John Pickup. of this service; .8:30 a.m. Mass. blantloB Wladowa and. Doom. The cars were Identical in make gth and 7tb grade girls. Monday: 8' p.m.. Leadership Second Congregational Church 10:30 a.m., High Mass. will meet Monday at 2 p.m.. at TeL MI 9-6922 Cooper and B i ^ StroeU The Week 385 N. Main St. Processional, "Our Father, • Thy Wood ' Memorial Library! Mrs. and color. Mor* honoea SEA FOOD e. Paul O. Prokopy, Paator 5 p.m.,. Senior Fellowship Guild training class. Dear Name Doth Show" ar* paUitod meeting at the church. For eighth Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.. Choir re­ Monday, 8 p.m. Frieridshlp Arnold W. Tozer, Mlnlater Richard 'Ayillsrd will conduct a PiiM 5al«ction lea A. End^ Organist Circle. Mrs. Barbara R. Becker, Baptismal Hymn, "Jesus, the Very class in, 'fiower arrangements. TEACHERS FLUNK with S. W. P. •» ALWAYS nUGSB — grade and high achool girls. hearsal. Thought of The*’’ / than any eOwr 6;4'5 p.m.. Junior High Youth Thursday: 8 p.m., Adult mem­ Tuesday, 2 p.m., Women’s Itome Choir Director Members wlIK bring their own BIL(.'S TIRE O f ifcltoH and Grocarlos C3)arleston, W. V*. (JB — Flv* paint • LORSTIRS Nov. 18. Em Sunday aftjer Trinity League; 6 p.m.. Junior band; '7 p. Mrs. Mildred O. Catchers, Sequence Hymn, "Give Pegee, O / flowers, containers and necessary ' AND sheepish • ochool teaphOra were 9:00 "n,mx Sunday School. Fellowship meeting. A Youth bership class. God, the Nations Oy" r STA'nONEliY Fellowship VPlsylel" presented by Friday: 4 p.m., Second-year m., Senior Songsters; 8 p.m.. Sen­ Organist . equipment. The h'oeteesea include among more .than 40 motoriata ar­ • OYSTERS (Note: Frooi buatranaportation for Offertory. "Laudamus" Prolhero* ^ LEADING BRANDS Mrs. Martin McGrath> Miss Eliza­ le* CoM Roar rested in a single day here in a i 1 children whose ^ ^ re n t* cannot •Robert Deane. catechetical class. ior Band practice.. REPAIR SHOP • SCALLOPS 7:30 p.m.. Senior Youth Fellow- Thursday, 6:30, Corps cadet Sunday, Nov. 13, Morning wor­ Recessional, "God the Omnipo- AIRMAIL . NOTES beth Noble, Mrs. PhilUp Hotch- police crackdown on speeding' in bring them, or Uve'at a distance. Friday: 5 p.m. pnd .after: An­ ship 10 a.m. . tent” ► lets*. Mrs. Harry Parker, Mr.*; Ed­ school zones. ahlp meeting. For high school and nual holiday fair. 7:30 and later: class; 7:30, Open Air Gospel serv­ Williata H. Green, Prop. S h k h w ih - •CLAMS For information, kindly dial MI older'youth. "2000 Years Ago-The ice on Main St.: 8:00, Praise serv­ Organ Prelude. "Prelude and 7:00 p.m.. Evening Prayer with ward Harrison, Mrs. Harvey God­ OFEN5UNDAY5 Police Judge Jaihea McWhorter auisns i ^ Canvassera flnal report at work Fugue in C. Major"—Bach. discussion following in the parish M;1hur Drug Stores dard and Mra. Lloyd Burnhanix let the teachers off with threa • FILLETS Hqme." room. ice In the Y. P. hall. Columbia Bicycles WiLUMUM •:3o' a.m. Adult Bible The W'eek . Friday, 6:30. Junior Songsters Processional Hymn. "Spirit of house. Library EzhIMt \ months probation but warnsd? 981 Main fit, TeL Ml 8HWS6 10:00 a.m .' Nursery in thi Saturday: 9:30 am., First-year God, Descend Upon My Heart." Secular events: Sadd Memorial Library will Goodyear Tires them: "The next Um*. the lesson OHway Willoa, laa. Monday— Catechetical class. practice. 7:30. Cniaadert with Open A Cbarg* Aeeodat tsh house during church wori...,p. 6:30 p.m.. Hartford Association Anthem, "O Lord W* Pray"— Monday, November Woman’s Aux­ have an exhibit of new adult and Repairs, Service FOR EXTRA MONEY will la* different." Wn OeUver IIYM npiMd •L.TM . MI-«-4SU Francis McCarthy. Drozdov. children's books Monday evening 10:00 a.ni- Divine worship, inv .meneh's * memeeting, Tocrlngton. Saturday at 8 p.m.. Fifth annual iliary meeting at 7:30 p.m., G. F. S, ^ceesRoriea, eluding ceremony for double wed­ T^wsday- Vernon hlethodlat Church Church School Recessional Juniors will meet Monday at 3:30 from 6:30 to 9 o'clock and Thurs­ ding anntverssry of Mr. snd Mrs. Musical, Festival by the Manches­ Hymn, "Good of the Earth, the day afternoon from 2:30 to 5 p.m., Spruce Street SNn.m., Woman's 'Society meet- Vernon, Conn. ter Salvation Army Band. Guest P-tn. WE RAY Henry C. Freihelt and^ Mr. and Ing. At tlthe church. Speaker: Mrs Sherwood A. Treadwell. Minister Sky, the Sea,” Tuesday until Saturday the in observance of Book Week. m i -90659 Mrs. Julius Dey. TeYtr^"‘The d. J^ McConnell, vice president, Marjorie Stephens, Organist soloist Chief Musician Hsrold . Paatoral Prayer,. Lord's Prayer. pariah house wU] be cold due to Card Party Tonight HI6HEOT PRIDES Are you planning to have ,f>er-< DUTtH APPtR HESTER MANCHESTER Church in Thy House’ and Be­ woman's Nplsslonsry society of EMna Johnston, Choir IMrec'tor Brssch of the United States Navy Offertory. “Adagio from First the change-over In the boiler. The Evergreen-Wood will hold a sonalized Christmas cards ' this help with any priilting problems, yond.” Connecticut.' \ ■ — — Band and Miss Ruthelaine Jones, Sonata”—Mendelssohn. •'V card party tonight at Masonic For Raffi,^aper, Metala year ? If so. better choose ' them and free estimates are cheerfully AUTO PARTS 11:00 ajn. Gottesdienat with soprano, New York City. Verplanck Sermon, "What Will You Temple. Prizes will be awarded and Scrap Iron real soon, for right now j'ou have furnlihed. Many club proErama Wednesday— 'T School Auditorium at 8 p.m. Have?" and refreshments served. Mrs. KlMsitr Ice Cream DRYCL1 Communion. ' 7 p.m., Board* qf Deacon* and Church School 10:45. CALL OR DELIVER TO a full line from which to choose are printed here and Mr. Schieldge I ^ __ . 10 BROAD 1:80 p.m. ’The Xaithermn Hour Hymn, ."Before Jehovah's Awe-ful Commissioning service for can- Mary Pelton la in charge of the and have Schleldge's Prinf' Shop, knows exactly how each one 1* to n wELis s tm Trustees' meet. vaao^ra. FOR PROMPT affair. Upliolftery hroddeast over WGTH. For "This 8:30 p.m., Finance Committee Thro'ne" Assemblies of God Chapel refrigeration 135 Spruce St.; print them for be set up. This is a wonderful Help Flavor of the Moatli! At Yoor Sarulos For Scripture Reading, Matthew 4:1- Recessional Hymn, "Once to you. For those wlyj, have a to any program chairman. Tolophog* MI-3-nS4 Is the Life" TV, kindly consult meeting. \ ‘ 214 Spruce SI. Ever>’ Man and Nation." ’ SERVICE Mancheater Evening MemM Speclnllzlag OSTRINSKY In Cones, Pints, •/] Onls. • MAOHINB fWOP BBRVlOB your newspaper. Thursday— . 11. Oealars In W aste MbRarial* quantity of cards t(t send, print­ Schleldge Is set up to handle * B4)D1PMENT 6145 p.m.. Junior I High Youth Hymn, "O Gracious Father of Kenneth L> Gustafson, Pastor Postiude, “March"—Gounod. Wapping Correapondent, Mrs. , . In ing them is the answer, especially any kind of printing, and large or 3:00 p.m., Sunday School The Week CALL WILLIAMS Annie .Cetlins, telephone, Mitchell 781 PARKER ST:\, # PARTS (MW and roboDt) teachsra conference, S t Matthew's Fellowship visitation. Mankind" * Furnitur* Ra Open.Satardny atU 5 pjw Narcotics- Agehf, .'State Depart­ 10:45 *.m„ morning worship. * CU5T< talk with Mr. Schleibge and 1ft but you may depend upon the ad­ Manchester—.MI S-«868 committee of Walther League at 7:00 p.m.. Evangelistic service. tell of hi* experiences'' as com­ Speaks to Group * Truck Gushiens /^' Gail Bronke'a home: ment of Health.-/n. . • him show you samples? vice of Mr. Schleldge. If you wish, 7 p.m.. Adult Choir rehearsal. South Methodist Church ' . The Week mander. title of talk, “60,000 Monday 699 CENTER ST. (Ronr) lINGS When a business has been he will run a proof for you so that ’Thursday, 7:46 p.m. Church Main Si. and Hartford Rd. 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday. Bible Headaches." Saturday — N.: . ► At Buuce Center TEL. MI 3-8831 operating for such a long time as you will know exactly how the MANCHE5TER Your frown food eon- Coilhcil. 10:30 a.m., Junior Choir re­ Rev. Fred R. Edgar, Mialster study and prayer. A cordial wel­ Tuesday. Nov. 15. 9:30 a.m.. The Schieldge’s there must be a reason finished job will look.' Friday, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Rev. Percy, Smith, come awaits you sit the chapel. Lucy Spencer food sale at Hale'a. •IIREPPIR for It* popularity. As a matter of Schleldge I* also headquarters MIUWORK CO. fof wM M your frnowr Christmas sale and aodsl. hearsal. ■ . ( ' • ; V Mrs. Louis Tuttle la chairman. TURKEYS At a meeting Thuraday night of .Associate .Minister the/ MancljMter Association for fact, William Schleldge is the for a full line of. business supplies. wHh top guoRty boofi Saturday, 10:QO .a.m, ^ Conhr- Phillip Treggor, Minister of Musk Food donations accepted and called FINE lioUNO NATIVE third generation in Ibis busineas All kinds of paper is carried here- 254 Brund St.—Tel. m -e-U tft matlon classes. Buckingham Congregational ^ Covenant Congregationjil ChiireW for; 7:30 p.m.. The Mary'Williams th'e’ Hielp of Retarted Children, Inc., MANCHESTER porh. tqpiib a id vodl- t f BROADBREASTED held at the Bunce Center, Mrs. and ho certainly is carrying on legal. onion skin, etc.,, mimeo Church . ay. Nov. 13. V 48 Spruce 81. group is meeting at the home'of Size 12 to 35 Lbs. the tradition of fine printing that mmm i i n i l f l Venturing The Kev. K. KJnar Raak, Pastor Mra. Norman Southerglll, 84 N. Stephahia' Heyerdahl addressed the graph paper, loose leaf binders, tho lowoit p w f slblo The Rev. Philip M, Rose, .Minister ce* of Worship *l 8 'and No Charge for Cleaning local group on "Curriculum Ad­ his father and grandfather gave office stationery - In fact, they nUWfItba heat la prte^.- ; ■ Ghnrch Of The Nazarene - . Ill ■ » • >m. . Ernest Johnson Jr., Organist School St. i H i i r U-UJPIT the public. You w.lll find Mr. J 466 Slain Street S Wednesday, Nov. 16, 6:45 p.m.. All Order* Delivered / justment of the Intermediate Re­ have about everything you might Sunday, Nov. 13 — Prelude, "iii^etodie" .. Flor Peeler* tarded Child." Mra. Heyerdahl is Schieldge extremely pleasant and need In your' office. 'Nationally * General Mlllwork CaU Lnrabee find Tore* ; C. E. Winslow, Minister " ft:30 aim. The Pastor’a will Sunday, Nov. 13; Youth CThoir; 7:00, Boy Scouts; cooperative, always willing to a Complete 'Window Unite • Florence Wood' Hymn, "WeXThank Thee, Lord" Sunday School at 9:30 a.m. 7:30, Chancel Choir. N^ RI5LEY DIMOCK I I » f t i A i i i i n a teacher of mentally retarded known names Carter, Arrow AT *t. : ■ ■ • \ \ .'Field children. She teaches special claaa- Markwell and BosUtch. carbons, '* All Size' Doors Dependable QaaHty g iw ieel' Oertrpde Wllsoa, 1IK30 k m. Church achooi nurs­ Morning Worship at 10:45 a.rn. ' Thursday. Nov. 17, 7:30 p.m.. 5prin9, Rreek Form * Mitred and Glued Trins Orgnolsts Anthem, "Hear My Prayer, O God" Sermon topic: “Lord of All." Nominating Committee''meetlng at es held at the .Louise Duffy CHOICE VARIETY typewriter ribbons, colored Ink. THEL.T.WOOD ery ank Church Worship. 110:45 a.m.i ‘ Arcadelt School in West Hartford. handy mejno sheets, blnde;rs-all * Expert Cabinet Work 6;l'5 pMp. Young People’! Fel­ Et'ening SejWice at 7;30. Ser­ the home of Mra. Albert Post. 132 STORRS Floor Level QUALITY VENETUN IUND5 can be purchased .here. Save time * Completo Hnidwnre Dept LOCinlR PLANT Church School, 9:30 a.m.; Nel­ Offertory solo, "O Lord Most Holy" mon topic: “What Malut Troop 3; AUSTIN, TKCAS who left his house, and gave authority to his Choir'rehearsal. ' Wednesday, 7-7:55" p.m. 7:45 p.m., Fellowahip Group meet­ . refreshments .will be served. Ar- Member of the Thq Bo#rfi of Loctureohlp of The Methor Ckfirch, servants, and to every man his work, and com­ MANCHESTER vyhich will be sold are cur- . The public Is cordially Invited to ing at the home of Mrs., Nelson Mother M il I RE5TAURANT TELEPHONE W i g P A lS r ! attend our services and use the The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Bostoa, Massachusetts. manded the porter to watch. ' • .(y being displayed in Watkins Bring Them Here J I , "TEU Ml-8-8286 Gospel Hall, Buck. Mrs. Buck and her son, Ar­ pHAMRER OF window. For New 418 Ceater St. ' . reading room. thur will show slides of their re­ Watch y6 therefore: for ye know not when the ’ .) ROUTE 6 and 44 MLTON "Mortals And Immortala" win Sub|«cr: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: IN N«w U qhtu cent- trips to .Europe and Alaska; master of the house cometh, at even, or a t mid­ PAPER PROSPECT 50LE5 be the subject of the Lesson-Ser­ 7:45 p.m.. Gleaners Group meet-' I .Hm T«r CommandnwnH" COMMERCE FINEST FOODS 1 '10:30 a.m., Breaking of Bread. mon for Sunday, Nov. 13. night, or at the cock-crowing, or in the morning : ^ and HEEL5 11:13 a-m.. Sunday B c ^ L ijr^; ladies parlor; 8 a m., Epworth Escanaba, Mich. VP) — Editor Expertly Prepared By - ■ - - The Golden Text is from Romans -Search the Scrii^ureB With Up boUdaya. JOHNSON PAINT CO; • son.. Opea air Maetlag, Main with theof' thoao fWat wpra lame, HARTFORD. CONNECTICUT- Worth .Meed hia repolrt on a eur- MS CENXra w t. - tle*. •99 MAIN ST, UANCnSStSB eaONS IO-9.4IOt WffffdMr p o nalttiiig. proup are invited gueata. Dr. Fred ■a* 1 -W K a i i ^ ■f' I- 88 S t J e ta f t . TeL ia-8-18Bl blind, dumb, malmiM, and many R. Edgar will sp u k on ' ^ e mmammrnmmmmmm .'I J

i ^ \ I ,0' % ~:i.y . . ■. ■■ ... X - .: . X ' ’ . ■■ 'X ' . ■■.- ' . ■ V V' ■ ' / ■ . • • ■ : ■ . ■ ' \K ■ ■ . ■ ^ ■ ■■ _- MANCHESt^B EVENING HERALD. UANCHESTERj CONN. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, MANCHI^ER EVENING HERALD. UANCHBSTEBs OOMN. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 12, 19G6 BUGS BUNNY drive so fast, Donald.' have to, wait for a shave? Husband—Why not? Barber (glancing at hini)—Oh. 34th U.S. President 7 CIMCM}^ Vt« Wife—:That policeman on'a about two years. m I 1 ’^oeoiKC DulleSf Molotov Seek 3 onn St£U*ts UN Gloomy Sense and Nonsense tofcycle behind us can’t get ACK088 SI He defeats ‘ s E m Faure Waits Verdict JtO M B ti When a man la elevated, he •^——Stevenson I Touth-^Barbah, how long will 1 either grows or swells. - 1 Presidential for the A minister—nmklng a call—and what the Bible says. Why? nickname 1 New Army 434th U.S. presidency i Arms Cut Statement On his h'ostcM Were sitting; in the par­ Willis—Well, I just looked under 89 Peer Gynt’s lor when her small son came run- my bed and there's somebody Preeldcnt, ressor On Election Change CARNIVAL BY, DIOR TURNER * Dwight >—> mother ! i (OanlUiBed from Page Oae) tng them..It is .my view that bur nlnf in carrying a dead rat. there, eltheV coming or going. 60 Scatter, as hay discussions have been valuable and,, “Don’t worry, Mother, it's dead. Eismihower Of 500,000 (Conttaued from Page Oae) At Geneva Hhi'mother’s 61 English city and the western powere boiled ! should prove of great use for a^ egatton to tha Democratic nomi­ We bashed him and beat him Robert Q. Lewis; “There’s a pxy 9 down to: i detailed study of. this subject by until”—and noticing the minister for every girl in the world. You Brst name , 62 Pigpen' (Oeatlaiicd from Page One) said it -would /sfuse hxport (OoaMaoed (ram Page oiae) nating convention in Chicago naxt 13L0W haunt m . 1. The three weatem powers the subcommittee ol! the tfhlted August. « ingty restless. The Radieal «3oA- for the first time, he added,in a can’t improve on that.” DOWN 21 Craft 40 Scottish cap have put “very great emphasis on Nations.” Lenses for the^planea if asked. servativeh Socialists, with eight lowered voice,” —until God called Jaye P. Morgan: ”I don’t want 13 P d ^ cape 41 Malian rivtr caps wdie heavily crusted with mght relent on Japan since their Sen. Kefauver of Tennessee, a 1 Indolent 23 Pronoun the development of methods of MoIotOv msde one reference to gold oak. leaves. In Cairo, Ahe acting aeeretsry- bbjection hinges on the fact thsy potential rival of Stevenson’s for ministers, ■ a n oommittad to dis­ him home.” to Improve on it. I just Want to 14 Crimson > 2 Sharp 24 Eternity 43 Entraat ' Inapectioit-snd uiontrol.” These President Bisenhower’s aerisi In­ get in on it.”—Mrs. Esra Manning, 15 H e ----- the ' Both held the rank of lieutenant general of/{he Arab League, Raiyt have not completed s ]>esce treaty the Democratic presidential nomi­ trict voting. The Popular Rapubll- 3 Within (comb. 2S Train track 44 Rapid are essential starting points for spection plan, but what he said general in Hitler's Wehrmscht. with the Japanese. But in view of nation, visited with former Presi­ She—Do not be so cast down. It Campton, Ky. Normandy form) 26 Volcano 43 Toward the did not come out clearly in the Bellamay said Arab states bould cans, with five ministtra, in ^ tad grieves me greatly to give you so invasion June any disarmament plan’acceptable Today's ceremony was relaxed the current hardening of the East. dent Truman yesterday in Kansas 4 Put bn 27 IVitticUms sheltered aid* to the West. In this connection. briefing given by the Soviet and aimpit and contrasted with the not ednsider a Palestine. peace City, Nelthsr man would say what on proportional reprsaanUUOn and much pain. . It’s sad for a girl to reach the f 6, 1944 West lines, littls chance was seen thraatenad to resign If tha diatrict age where men consider her 8 Binges 28 Slam 46 Bamboolikt Dulles said, the Soviets seem to spokesman Leonid Ilyichev. In the clashing of cymbals and stamping •setlleinent until Israel accepts of the Russians agreeing'to admit they discussed. y He looked up and laughed. 19 Feminine 29 Disencumber grsM ^ French translation, Moiotov was U.S;^ resolutions on" Palestlns. 1^1- * Robert May system Is approved. « He—Don’t worry. My proposal charmless. But it’s far worse for appellation •Valley fear some “ulterior purposes” bn of jack boots that marked the Franco Spain unless they can be Kefanver to Bara Plans IP THAT a man to attain the age where 7 AHments 30 Demigod 47 Signal systam the'jpart of the western ^w ers. He quoted ea saying that “under cer­ Nazi era. There was-no music to­ lafha added the Arabs insist that Robert May, 49 Wadsworth St. convinced it w’ill help their trade Ksfauver said hs would an- On the other hand, the Indspea- QIMMg w;as just a freak election,bet. 17 Individual J1 Geraint's wife 48 Shield biarinf tain circumatancea," Russia could dsnt Rspublicsns snd their close girls consider him harmless. 16 Son of Seth 6 Algerian apparently had in mind the fact day and the uniformed volunteers the Palestlns Arab refugees be died this morning. Bom in Scot­ relations with the Spanish speak­ nouncs In ihid-Decsmbar. whsther governor 32 Sheepfolds SO Meadows “accept" the Elsenhower proposal. wore blaek shoes. permittsd.to rtdurr. to their homes land, hs had lived most of his life he will try to win the top spot on political alUaa, with six mjnlstara, Faith is not trying to 1-elleve that 'Molotov' had almost directly In the Bilgliah translation he was ing nations. , nave threatened to raalsn If Prosecutor—Now tell the jury ^ 1®***'^ / 9 Press 34 Cooking 81 Hops’ Mtn accused the western powers of fs- ..and', be compensatet. for their In Manchester. the ’86 Democratic national Utdiet A u .< rr, something regardless of the evi­ M Roman brontc,n 82 Playing card quoted as saying that under cer­ ”I think prostMcto took good if 1 straight proportional raftraaanUt- dence. Faith is daring to do some­ the truth, madam. Why did you utensil ..voring serial inspection so they tosses, and also that Jerusklem be He leaves one brother, John' May ^rruMiA!. KrSJ’SSl, 37 Ignited 84 Chum tain circumstances Russia intends internationalized. In keeping with of Manchester, and several niecea dscida to seek tha norainsUon,” he Uon is voted. thing regardless of the conse­ shoot your husband with a bow and could obtain precise information to “give favorable consideration" The Communists could be ok- arrow? 38 Goddess 53 Sibling of bud with which to make a surprise U.N; declarations. and nephews, said. quences.—Sherwood Ekldy. "O"*” The American spokesman quot­ FAO Aide HitH In 'Mfsahington, meanwhile, dip- Gunman to Get In Pasadena, Calif., former Gov. >ected to pick up 20 to 40 Auam- Defendant I didn't want to wake been brilliant atomic attack on the Soviet Union. ed Molotov as saying; '■ / .. The funeral will be held Mon­ )ly sssts under a return to strict the children. i lomstlc . officials indicated today day afternoon at 2 o’clock at the Dan Thornton of Colorado said hs A man’s home seems most like 24 Comparetivs 1 r 5 r 9 r 2. The Soviet government “All of us recognize the techni-. Israel hiA tittle chance of getting was "very grateful” to s group of proportional rapraaanUUon. The his castle when }ie pays the taxes | suffix “ssenu more disposed to proceed cal difficulties to be overcome in U. S. Proposal T, P. Holloran FunSral Home, 175 Chair for Death ]>resent electoral law, adoptad tai ThAhuman race must be gettin'g U.S. erms vyRhout first «cc4ptlng O nter St. The Rev. Fred R. Nebraskans who urged him to seek, on it—Archer T. Spring in 8ateve-| SSSend in IT 19 |>I with agreements on reduction of controls—control posts to prevent the Republican presidential jtoml- :i95l, with its provision for post. I stronger. Back in the early thir­ armaments and the prohibition of United NatlbM proinxMls to end Edgar of the South Methodist ties It took t’aro men to carry ten payment the concentration of. troopa. atock- Middle EXst b P ^ r strife. nadon, if Biseiihowar should alllancss, was dsslgnsd to l 28 He had six r “ 17 certain types of. weapons, irrespec­ piUng of weapoha for aufprisa at- To Ciit Budget 'These officiaia, said support of Church will offtciste. . Burial will Of Policeman declds not to' run again. But out as many Reds as possible, Willie—Mora. Is it true what the | bucks worth of groceries. Now any tive of whether or not adequate ,t«ck and so forth. I wish to ex­ be in Buckland Cemetery. since no one would enter an al­ preache" says—that we come I little boy can carry that much. 1 19 the proposals, offered by the U.S. Thornton aaid hs felt It would bs 33 Preposition cohtrols and safeguards can be es- press my appreciation that this (Conttaued froth Paga One) truce chief E, L.'M-. Bums, is Friends, may call at thk funeral (OonttaoeS (ram Page Oaa) poor ethics or poor manners” for liance with them. "y s x s s r r from dust and will return to durt? I tablishedT aapect of,the Soviet proposal has home tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Even If Faure squaaka tbraufh Mother—Yes, dear. That’s just Wife' (in back seat)—Don’t 34 Ache . tt w basic to the “sympiktheUc con­ anyons to make such a move whila. 35 Compass poin i * Possible lines of qction for the om ate beien received positively by both for the U.8. goYemment and sideration” promised um ei’s plea 7 to 9 p.m. "justified” over the .verdlcL* tha Prsaldsnt'a plans sfs still un­ again on tha question of a a ,rly 1 _____L 36 Interest (ab.) TT sr ii Big Four, Molotov said, would be the western ministers. The -Soviet for FAO, Cardon was director of for U.S. weapons. \ One o f ' the slain detsetive's. known snd his racuperation from elseUons, the whole ((uasUen vt 5 f to, favor adoption by the United delegation under certain condi­ Cecil M. Fialey how the voting would be b a ld OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE w ith MAJOR HOOPLE 37 Disembark 1 the Agriculture Departrhent’a re­ .The Burns plan calls Israel partosrs. John Bosqustts, said. S' heart attack still In progress. 38 Great Lake J? Ndtiohs of '“moral decisions’’ to tions positivply -eacts to the Unit­ and Egrat to withdraw toelr, ' Cecil M. Finley. 69. 14 Drive E. Describing himself as a ”100 per would have to coma up again naxt prevent atbmic war and also s|^- ed States proposal for sir' recon­ search program before hs took the died at the Manchester Memorial Til b^ glad whan hs Mts tha/sest cent Etsenhoiyer ,man.” Thornton weak. The upper house, oalled the / 39 Enduring § 1 FAO 4-year post in 1958. \ troops m m the disputed ;EI Ouja r r » MOT 7H* 1,V6S,M(?& MOOPLe-— 41 Goads JT prtiVBl of Soviet proposals that the naissance and tha exchange of border zdhe, to -submit to UJ4. «(• Hospital this morning. (Of the electric (ffislf). It. should said he la "not running for any Oounikl of the Republic, will taka military blueprinta." Roberta said Congress imposed Bom in Manchester, he was em- office and certainly not for Pres­ another look at it Tuesday and la AMO IT5 OME OP HV 42 Near blA powers "themselves declare a limit of 82 million on the U-S^ sjiecUon and tp try to work' out W make another fellow think before FAVORITE D iew es— i i they wo'uld not be the first to use Certain COndlriona'’' -ployed St Pratt andx^hltoey Air* he tries to take a pollceman’a life.” ident of the United States.” expected to recommend again the 43 Hawaiian foot f r F It waa the “certain conditions” contribution to FAO and the U.S.' fixed boundary Hhe.' , Assepibly-opposed distriot vottag CORN f r i t t e r s AMD i atomic weapons. c i^ t until his illness forced him to Detective James Plttscora, an­ 44 Ho his a . - \L stated by Molotov Thursday , that delegation here could not exceed Israel PledgeWRupport reiim. ,' system, , < 0ACOM.'— g y t A ■i— near ■' l5 , Dulles told Molotov he thought this authority. , So far, Israeli officials have an­ other partner of Murphy; said he i 'it jpvas very Impbrtant that “when led the 'West to regard his rs-' He. leaves hls' wife, Mrs. Edna would “like to shake' every one o f’ TWE MRS. ‘ Cettysbulg r P » 19 sr sr 5T marks ' as Soviet rejection of the . U.S. Resolved * i Top Level nounced full support provided | Foye Finley; one son, Robert M. Fire in Machine HOOPLE, DOES JA K E 47 Mountain pas * wa talk Of rhobilizlng the mpra) "The position of the U.S. gov­ Egypt goes along and Jsraej d®*» ' the jurors’ hands. r. H. s,(. u. a s« ea ' § i o ^ lo n of the world against a Eisenhower, plan. The qondltions Finley o( this town; two sisters,. Csfpenter’s two court-appointed /WAKE A HOgSy JSSC.l!!!JzJ51Jsis2 49 Deer track 5T is % were, for the most part, unaccept­ ernment has been resolved at the not have to give up any of Us Mrs. Rohi^t Neil and Mrs. Gladys OF SEWIMS ? 93 Malt drink ceriain type of war we should not highest level,” he said, adding it rights or positions in the em­ defense attorneys immediately en­ J?ut Out by Co. 4 YoutkBooked *“th t mangg«r of tho alloyi paid mo a nieo eom piih^! do'so in terms which suggest other able to-the West. Morrison, bqth of Manchester, and tered s motion for s ' new trial. 54 Minute skin W — The 'American spokesman said fitted into an over-ail campaign to battled area. Egypt has sa|d noth­ tWo/brotherk Irving Finley o? Ha aaid I waa tha only oho ho avor saw who eoUld roally openings types of war are ali right.” reach a balanced U.S. budget. ing in reaction.' Hearing on the motion waa set for Co. 4 of tha 8MFD yestsrday ITseful and Pertinent the'differing Eiaat 'end West view­ DaniMabr Nov. 22. , ’ By Police bn iiaa a oiddy for bowling!" 98 Auricle Ezr ** M points at today’s session “found a In the debate that followed. The State Department called a RockyBi afternoon axtingulahed a flra in (t Nevertheless, Dulles said he week a^o on both countries to The defense never denied thfit 97 Observe cavtaln amount of.commob.ground South Africa and Switzerland sup­ The funeraL wilh.^ held Tuesday Carpenter killed Murphy. Instead, the angina of a giant earth mov­ thought much of what Molotov ported the move to cut the budget, state their intentions.' Department afternoon at 2 o 'c l^ at the John A'Clothes Case BY AL VERMEEB had told the conference wsis "very but no agreement was reached on press officer Lincoln White said it sought to have the husky, dsrk- ing machlna working near tha Assault Count PRISCILLA’S POP the fins) wording of tKe\communi- backed earlier by the United King­ B. Burke Fune'raj ^offie, 87 E. halred defendant act free or com­ useful and pertinent to our dis­ dom, Canada, Ireland, Norway yesteiday a formal reply from Center St., with th o ^ v . Alfred Glastonbury - Manchester town 1 HAVE TO IT'S Y O U ’L L B E A M A Z E D ] KT DIDN’T REACH THE cussion and should help us as we que on dissimament.^’ them has not arrived but is "cer­ mitted to. a mental Institution on lids S t the Nike launching site. DRESS SHOP IN TIM E., Asked if the Big Four had ds- and Sweden. L. Williams, rector « ^ 8 t. Mary’s the ground that he was s psycho­ Richard Dascy, 20, of 146 Bil­ QO TO COURT.' TNA7 AT HOW MANY formulate a communique on this India, The Netherlands and tainly expected." Episcopal Church, oiOHeUtlng. Flra Chief W. aifford Mason OM AVOW . RESPECTABLE SO 1 HAVEN’T A subject.” cided to join in a. mutual state- path and not responsible for his said the firs could 'have been a liard 8t„ waa arrastod sariy this YtXI'LL SEE IM THING-TQ W E A R meat that they woAld not resort io- Israel spoke, put against a.ny re-: White described .toe Burns nrq- ^ Burial will be.in. Esst^Qemer actions at Uia time of UM."niay- C A N I FACB ...... Molotov said that, of conme, “we ducUdn. Tile Netherfands delega­ pdsais Bs the- short range U.K j Prienak^ a good note and said ”I feel that confidence,/' Budgets have to be Society will meet in a body tonight tal service at the grave in/St. the attempted rape charge was killed tlie boys and now they’ve BridgeUs Cemetery. / pinch. Carpenter shot him snd 'niers is noXcomfort in assurrt-. broadly speaking wh^ arc agreed considered in a spirit of give and St 8 o’clock at the W. P. Quish caped. Kerr rocovered and tosi set at 93,000, and 8 M bn {be killed Tony. I had everything to lake.” / * Funeral Home "to pay respects to Bearers were Anthonj/ Kup- tng that quMiUtively if not Ixreaking and entering counL on our .objectives, butSmt wholly live lor and now I’ve got nothU;g.” chontJS, Alex Marowskl/ WilUam Had at the trial. lurnsrically w e\ (UB.) otoi as- agreed on the best mennsbf reach- Bs.ttista Perelto, whose wife is s After dashing from the Utfatsr, The youth wae repreeented be­ The Schuessler’s only chUdrm, member. . , Brennah, ' Louts G lo<^ Alphonse continued ^^perlority, The fore Judge John D. LaBeBe by John, 13, and Anton Jr., 11, and Mietech and Bdward/Slankevich. Carpenter barged into the nearby Rdq ms have a nmg tradition of Atty. PhlUp Bayer, who reeigaed apartment of. Leonard PowcIL * their neighborhood chum, Robert ^ Get Warnings Miss Gail McCann of 71 Pitkin] axe< int work 1)1 the baaie recently aa equrt proeecutor,' w#Te found brutally Mrs. EHspwth Spry 3t-year-old truck driver. 'The gun­ acisi St., soprano, is a member of th man held Powell, bis wife and Personal Notices Oct. 18 at the Robin- In Radar Check University of Connecticut’s w^e- The fu n e rrt^ f Mrs. Elizabeth Rep. delvtn Price tD-Ilt) RIYAU IN W o OTOmt forest preserve, ly known singing ensemWei/'the Spry was hcM In St. Paul’s Epis- their two children hoatage for 28 h^d disappeared froiy Carollers. copal ChUriffi^^WHUmanUc, yester houra/ Then't the PoweUa tricked I think History wilt obaMyr sayaa; When Ike Hildebrand pf Cleve­ Resolution of Sympathy their'northwest side home on Stm- Manchester police operating a day afterooon.The Rev. B, B, Sty­ Carpenter into letting them gO that in tlwM 1(iO year (of U.N., land and Jack Blonda of .Pitts­ day, 0«w 16 after leaving hom^to outside to visit with neighbors existence) Wnklrid stood burgh meat each othar la. AmeH- attend a Loop movie. / radar patrol at . Center and (Onstantino'UrbsnettI l/st night ling o^clsted. Burial was in the BOOTS AND HER BUPOIEf Where’s Ellle?’ BY EDGAR MARTIN IN M EIM O RY of Thum aa K ane, -who Griswold jSU., between 7 and celebrated his 85th bii^dsy with First/Hopklnton Cemetery. Asha- who, they said, would be iua- closer to the/britik of ihilS' can Hockey League gamea, it to k d|p(l Sunday. N ovem ber* 6. 1955. Schucssler^cnt without slsep in 10:30 last night issued 92 warnings WB^ R. .1. \ picloua othenviss. tion—and also moved : bar In resumption of their rivalry ia U- O nce an tn deAth haii Invaded our the search foiMhe boys. AfLer the a party at his home. 141 Pearl St. Once his family was safely out' «N«9S.% m Jlftvt A na called lo the heavenly hom e and made six arrests. He has three sons spa two daugh- /Bearers were FranctoSpry. Paul the direction of peace — in croste. They are rated aa two of ”] »MI^\ V*L.' VHBXH GNNNLKt BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANK m drarly beloved hnvlher. Th^ C oldcn burial of his s ^ the succeeding side. Powell w'ent to s telephone any decade in ctvJ^zatlon’a itory. I G atew ay ha?l opened w ide to w elcom e days were filled WjUi heartbreak It was the second time’ in two {ers. Garter, John Carter aM Sidney the meet outstanding, lacroses W&CM HfilW days police have used radar. Carter. and called police. —Adlal Stevenson; playsra in Ctonada, and met to the we% ... WWATCSNlSiYTOWMr PARUNS, WHY DON’ T 1 CFA.L THE PUNT*, SORRY, CHUfA,V/E'RS h i m Ao the N ew JeruN alem . • H e w all A and. anguish. \ /' Within minutes, about 'TOO po­ Chh.\3MVE.u:%\ wtfST au 't no» OR THE LLOYDS, AND ASR.THEM OVER PRETTY LOW ON CASH. true friend and alw ays ready to OM iiat He Closed his norUi\8lde tailor Thursday night / a unit on 'W. The Army and Navy Club Mrs. Spry was a relsdeht of Mann Cup finals In Beptember fer in the w elfare-of his com raties. Middle Tpke., isaiied 77 warnings Green L/idge for two years. She licemen closed In on the apartment What the world needs todsj^is the Canadian Chsmtoensliip. HU- FOR BRIDGE TOHISHT? I ’VE GOT TO START A nd W hereas the all w ise and rnercl- sho'p and said he woyid oqyote^all lllsry will hol^a card party Mon­ arid-seised Carpenter as he throw a general agreement for dtsanm fuj M aster of the U niverse has called his time in helping/poHceN?earch snd nrtede two arrests in a 2'i- day night at/4 o’clock at tl)d club­ died Wednesday morning. debrshd' plays for Psterwrough, our beloved and respected brother horns' houj,-period., \ dowp^ his gun, dropped to his ment down to the point of U Ontario, the Eaatern ropreesnta- and he havinx been a true and faithful for the sadistic sixers. house. , knees snd begged; abeolute minimum requirdt) foi com rado-ln our club. .. Ihus far police have found X° Last night. PatroInMm Thomas ttve and Btonda Is a member of the W e resolve to send M ncere condol­ R. Graham, who W'orked.wilh Bgt. t ^ / “Don’t shoot” the preaervation of law and Order. \Vlctorte, Brttiah Ootombtai team ence to his'fam ily and that a copy of tangible clues X connection wi Grarge Dent and five auxiliary*' Is Public M ^fare?” will Clement Attlee, BritlM Liibor the Weet. these rraoluttoni be sent to the be- the slayings. 'Police have ques­ pic of a panel discussion Party leader. '.reaved fam ily, one to the local pA per tioned some TOO,000 persons and patrolman, arrested four motor- and one drafted on the m inutes of our IstsNfw violations of rules of the Hartford YWCA, Ann St.. Court Cases c l u b . have pursue^ every lead, however road, OM for defective equipment 17, from 10:30 s.m. to 3 p m- GOB Claims Hiss, The CohstUution (of the United insignificant: Rewards for the cap­ mei^ing presented by the BRITISH AM Em CAN CMTB. and pne\tor failure to carry jjls States) exists for the todivtduql A lbert E . £^ereaon, Jr.. P resident, ture of thy slayers total-133,350. license snd^registration for Women’s Or- Howard J. Ptouff, 22, of Brook< Acjieson Together as wall as the nation, Fred D : B aker. Rec. Secretary. . Schuesrie.’. with Malcolm Peter­ Charged ' i^ h the rules of thi irtford, is Open to lyn, N. Y.. forfeited a 835 bond in -Chitf Justice Earl Warren says / son, 40/ father of Robert, can- ■ I I e I I U.S. citlsena’ ancient ItbertiM M-/-? road' violations i^ r e Ms ients of any Con- Town. ' Court today posted on , WEEK GOES BY. BUZ STS, STARING OUT THb . \ . 'In Memoriam vassed/neighborhpCid taverns and Murphy, 27, East Hartf, Panel members will (Coattoued from Page One) must be safeguarded. • ' a ‘ WINDOW, KEEPING H5 THOUGHTS TO HIMSSLF. bowliM a lle y 's and tramped Donald J .. Steiner, 17. 201 Bush M. Loughlln,. com- charges of speeding, passing , at an /*• ■■WSIW' % In ]o\inx m em ory of our husband and issue of Harper's magazine snd a father.. Stanley W and>*cb. w ho piassed thrWgh the undei-brush in the for­ Hill Rd.; Enso Pavan, 2F 520 nsnee and control; intersecUdh and failure to carry One of the greatest .iriumpbs JEFF COBB 3Y PETER B()FFMAN aw ay N ovem ber 12. 19$3. e s t/ preserve where the boys' Keeney St.; and George Jafcobsoh. state commission-, his motor vehicle registration. Also piece by Hiss in the current edi­ in the Soviet "war of ssrines” may bri.iised and naked bodiCs were 34. Berth Page. Long lal^d , N. Y., e be that it has reassured Americans er of welfare; Willlara L. Pierson, charged with speeding, James E tion of Pocketbook magazine. ^ $HW0N, 1 GOT T h TI K£AMme, ABOAHO AN WCCM^ •J M rs, Caroline W andyeb. w'ife found for possible clues. “that all is well.” / W: PASSESSE6 miv... MICKEY HNN Wishful Thinking! BY LANK LEONARD M rs. 'PouB las* T aft, daughter. Robert Archambaultf 22, chief. Bureau of. Business Admin­ Smith, SO, of Windham, was fined Both deal with foreign policy. A*" TW6 J0».'...€TART6 THING / Scbtiessler refused to glye- up Hartford, was chargw/with driv­ istration. State Welfare Depart­ 318. -^Adlel Stevenson.. MONOKf MORNING 1 A TIME, thD' search despite orders by his Acheson wrote that the Dem­ I have a jpsaV. admiration for In Mmoriam / ing with defective Mpfipmen't; and ment; ano.Mlsa Margaret Hay ton. Those charged with violations of ocrats are better able to manage ■’ WE O N GET DARLING/ WOREAUymsfANPMy ^ysician to take a complete rest. Arthur Zotti. 24. /t West Hart­ (Obio’ai . Governor (Frank) MARRIEO AG commissioner of public welfare, the. rules of the road were George foreign affairs than .are the Re­ THINK ywlMCHESARE. Olia Fraaejs Beebe* / ^ ’ Ooroner Walter B. McCarron said ford. was charged/with failure to town of Greenwich. S. Hansen, 95 Cedar St.’, fined 312 Lauaebs. I' think hs Is a middls- AS... W’ho passed aw av In the South P aci­ his deputies had told him a, carry his license and registration. publicans. He also claimed the of-thsrroad Deinocrat and the .SO? / USUAUyRIGHT? fic, NovemiV’r 13. 19^.. ^ Howard A. Jurowitz. Hartford Democrats are mors forward look­ others are pretty far over, to the week ago that the grief-stricken Of the warnings is^ed, 47 were Members of the Crlato^ero Co­ fined 39, and granted a nolle on ing in this field. lUKTHEHASNy L oving m em ories never dl'*. Srhue-ssler was “just fadinip away." for speeding/ 36 - for defective Mt, * A s years roll on and years |»ass by, lombo Society are urged to meet charge of disobeying a policeman’s In his arUcle^ Hiss disputed con­ —Sen. Richard B. RuaacU (D- SliPTAWMKlOMGnT Ih our hearts A m em ory in kepi- .» He ■ entered, the private. res,t marker lights. 7 fpr defective tail signal; and Frederick-W, Hanson home ,6fi Tliursda.V. His wife 'said St the W. P. Quish Funeral Home tentions By srims GOP leaders thflt Oa) iniriks Lniiache wouM -ANGISIMMRyiNGWS , or ihe’one’wo lovea and will never lights' and 2 for defective hesd- tomorrow night at 8 o’clock to pay 20. 80 Aa'h St., fined 39. concessions given to the Russtatts' f o t g e t . his nerves were '’shot.'^ lights, ' Charged'with intoxication, Har make / “a strong dark hone HEAP OFF RICnT non!] “He’s going to stay in the home respects to Battista Pdretto, who at the 1945 Yalta Confsroncs of candidate” for the Democratic Th-: Becbfl lamlly. was a member. ry V. Aronspn,'^44,129 Cooper Hill President Franklin D. ftoosevclL presidential nemlriatlon. at 'least a week, fiiaybe two; and St.; and Gunnar San'dberg, . 28, British Prims Minister . Churchill In Meiporihin et a complete rest,” Mrs. least Hartford, were each fined chuessler told newsmen yester­ Robert A. Rose, 18, son of Mr. 'and Soviet Premier btalin “result­ I was fired and that's that, and Mrs. Martin P. Rose, 18 En­ 310. Aronson yvas also fined 30 for ed in Soviet leadership in Eastern In tovinc: memory of Joseph E. Carl­ day after it was learned her hus­ 'Atheneuiii Notes willful injury to public property don’t go to for this publicity, son who passed away NovemlM*r 12, band had entered the home. sign St., enlisted in the U.S. Ma­ Europe’] and the. Communist vio racket. There’s a story behind 1M9. • . Dr. Julius Stelhfeld, superin­ rine Corps Thursdsy.'the 180th an­ (a blanket at police headquarters.) tpi-y in 'China. sll this but It isn't going to coine Louis Cavanna Jr., East Hart Butler told his college - audience Always a lonjdy hcartacha tendent of the rest home, described "Twentieth Century Painting niversary of the corps, for s period ford, forfeited a 30 bon'd i^tcd from me. I’m just an sxfoutiva Often a silent tear. of, three yesro, A graduate of the Republican party'used ’'smear’’ and producer of ahows. Always a beautiful iipmory ? the treatment given Schuessler.as front the Museums of Three on a charge of passing a stdp sign tactics against Demdcrstic candi­ Of the one we loved so dear. f‘-’a , very normal and routine pro­ Cities," Avery Cljourt and Print Manchester High BchooL he was •Larry Puck] flred by ^ Arthur cedure.” He said the first reactions Nolles W6re entered, la the cases dates in 1952 and 1934. He said Godfrey. ' CAPTAIN EASt The Threat BY J,ESLIE TURNER Otir lovin* memories never die Rooms . (through | Dec. 4). Main a former emjJioye-of the J. W, of Allan D. Guilford, 18, East "the combination of a strong Dem- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS It’s Handy BY MERRILL C. BLOSSBR were normal but later , the piilse fail exhibition of paintings.from Hale Corp. Retardleis of wliero Ak 'days pass on a n d 'years roll by, ^ Hartford; and Al'do Pavan, 20, of ocratlQ trend snd a badly split Re­ iOornmenl Ham Turnovers Deep in our hearts these memories are became weaker. He said four doc- five New York museums, from the 433 Kemcy:St.. each charged with your service man or r HE'5 HOOEN NiAR HER61 SSfOfCa YOU HAVE MO CHOICE. IT PB^UP^ JU&r A UOTE TO ANN RIVERE, kept t^r^.'YorkedneapIxthrM.hQiJrsin. Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Hublard publican pafty can conceivably L YOU 5K WM. MTU MAPTA WRlT» S16TER'. V0UT.U WRITE ON WHAT nt your roomhate, awo w a r I GODTHF RAW WLT OPP, «?fCK— „ POP ^bu BOYS SHOOLOMfr ■ Ofaih> 'one we' loved and win never Jfale -University-Art Gallery- and vrioiations of . the road drive x now desperate RepubHCan rhgredlehiir' ciip enriched wom&n is siAtiiHMfL Do w n o n t m e g a s -— w e ah unsuccessful attempt to' revive f-om the WadsOrorth Atheneum. will celebrate their 50th wedding WHY AM ' t A LSrrfg THAT WE PiCTATBl WHAT I 5AV, Or VOU ANP TO WRITE, ANO FRIENP SACK. H0ME-JUP6IN6 SPEND SO MUCH ON fprEet. " him. Judgment was suspended by party to the same kind of lo.W oornmeal,' 1 cup lifted ,flour, 3 the Manehffster Eve- YOUR 8R0THER WONT PROM TH’ POATCARPfr 1 WAILED )TTA g e t t h is t tT T L E HOT/ US.LARWC/ SjKctal Events anniversary With “open house” at Judge John D, LaBelle in ' two level campaigning” In 1956. > Wife and (amliy. ’ Sunday, Nov. 13, 3:30: Sunday their home, 312 E. Middle Tpkp., teaupoons baking powder, <4 ti ninc Herald can be for^ EVtR 8E HEARP 0PA8AIN’., FOR YOU M PRESiPlOl TEOINO .i !■' ' ■ cases. They wiere those of Rdaald Termed Undiluted Falsehood spoon snlt, 14 cup shortertlhg, 2/S warded to be at **Mail HER YOURE OCTTN6 MARRIEP! Card of TI Art Film Program, FUkimo Arts tomorrow from 4 to 7 p.m} The EZ Cyr; 18, East Hartford, charged The _ Democratic dhSirmsn and Crafts. Native Arts of Old cup milk. Ham Filling. Coveiitry Driver actual date was Nov. 15, 1' with violation of the rules of the termed' .’’undiluted tslsebood” a Method: Sift together the corn- Cair refuiarly with all We w'lsh to thai^k all of our nclch- Mexico, and Habitant Arts and road; and Kenneth W. Reynolds. recent GOP charge that congrea- meal. flour, -baking powder and the hometown newt s>rs. fil^ds and relatives for the Crafts, Morgan Lecture Room. 17,. of 250 Autumn St., charged sionaj Democrats styinied I^esl- Toanv arn of kindnvas and sympathy Escapes Injury TYiesday, Nov. 15, 12: Connecti­ enlt. Cut in ahortentog thoiroughly. people away front show n us in oUr recent bereayem eol, CAP (Cadets Take with passipg a red light. dent Eisenhower's legislative pro­ Add milk all at on'i*, stirring only home are so anzions to the death of Clifford Carls6n. W e cut Arts and O sfts exhibition, Among cases continue were gram. .until dry ingredients arc ' damp­ especially thank the M anchester LodRc A, minor accident occurred early cjpening, Special Exhibition Gai- those of Joseph Manglshco,'-' '40,- get. of M asniia, 8candla l-sodse and em - liry. Butler contended Republicans in ened. (Add a little mors milk if I ployes of P ratt A W’hitney A ircraft, this morning on River Rd. in.Cov­ Orientation Flights Hartford, charged with fraudulent Congress were, opposing Btssn- necessary td make a soft dough.) and tnose w ho sent the heautifuf floral entry according to State police at Tuesday, Nov, 15, 12:30: Re­ issue (A a check, under 3.500 bond. tributes and loaned the use of cars. hower's progi'sm. The Demoersts, 'Turn out on\,lghtIy floured board m r the Stafford Springs barracks. corded Music, Stravinsky — until Dec. 3;, and William B. . he said, "improved upon it.” or paatry cldUi; knead gently sev­ 1 M rs, Clifford C arlson and fam ily, According to police Ernest F. L’Histoire dii Soldat. Some 55 Civil Air Patrol cadets Lynch. 24. 142 (barter Oak St,, Telephone BII-&-S121 from Enfield and Manchester will Adfai E. Stevenson, who is ex­ eral times, Boll out 14-inch thick;, ' Mrs. Emma Carlson, • Thieman, 28, Lakewood Heights. Wednesday, Nov, 16, 12; Lunch­ charged with evading responsibili­ pected to announce next Tuesday cut lO-four-ineh circles. Put 1 to 2 IrviiiE Carlson.'v Coventry was traveling south on eon and Lecture for - . Members, take orientation flights tomorrow ty.' recklcM driving and driving Circulation Rudolph Carlson. at Windham Airport. Wiiiiraantic. his candidacy for the Democratic tobie'spoons. hsip ftlltog_.on half of T. M. V 1. 8,1 River Rd.. dozed at The wheel and At 1:15, Miss Louisa Dresser, without a license,' under 3300 bond i- nomination, also each circle. Fold other' half of his car left the road and struck s curator. Worcester Art-Museum, For some the flight wlll. be an until Nov. 19. presiuenuai Di^rtment In Memoriam initial flight. Others are qualifying spoke to a college audience last dough over filling and press edges TIC FLINT I,ook Out Below! BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OF MARTHA Wj^YNB Back Home BY WILSON SCRUGGS pole. The car was considerably will -'speak in the Avery Audi­ night. His speech at the Univer­ together. Bake on ungreased In lovlnE m f'm ory of WH^ Z P0Nf7 KMOW. MES I ldUOW,MeS.WAMNE.I VOU M A S H E S SOMETHKIG UKE}. Meanw ke,. X -' DOES HE in action N o v fm b rr 13. 1M 2. w hile «er>’- vestigating the crash. 'lYiieman Thursday, Nov. 17, 12:30; Re­ CAP planes. In the event of poor Science Teacher ■V MJNZOi P e MX) TRY TO' 1 aoSSG. AWAIP VOU'I in s lA the U . S- N avy. flying Ctmditlons, the orientation aion of the Middle.East crisis. until browned. SU6PEcrT>eiKX£(3r POOTECriNff "* THAT,.«HESAl®-r THMCHB CAN was not injured, according to corded Music, Sullivan—-Pineapple , MM/MSMTID 1D BORROW WTTHHOLP THSr AA)GUNP6R57ANP. ■ This dav do wp rem em ber, flights will be postpone a week. StevenSon tossed an apparent Ham Filling; Mix together well BUT WHV WOULD par X.. AAARTVe APPEALS flash JOWEU-7 and OEFAirrELVA GETNDU(?FF A loving thought we give. r l^lice’. Poll. Speaks to PTA barb at the Eisenhower admin- 1 cup diced cooked ham, 2 table-^ PLEAD GUavTSteSAOV^ TO HER F or one no. longer w ith u p . •Saturday, Nov. lb, 3:30; Stf- AWED-UP ONE/,C >-.THeH00k7 A-SHIP ES’HMATE ASKED -- ./ Istration by sajrlng this country apoona chill aaucc, 2 tableapoons HERSELF SHE WAPT’T^ But in our peartp atMi llvep. ; MRS. SILVER H03IE ciety of 'Connecticut Craftsmen, has shown ’’little IniUativ#* to mayon|talae, 1 teaspoon prepared tea for members of the Society, Dr. Robert Wickwsre of Willi- iiatirljratrr ORVhlS.THAT- .4 i Patrick Madden. New York, 13 (iP».—The mantle State Teachers College will guarding against dangerous bot^ m uata^, 14 teaspoon horseradish, , Siatera and brothera. Philadelphia, Nov. It . (iP)— museum members and guests, K»v. der inci-derits abroad. But main 14 tesspocin salt. Mrs. Gertrude Silver was to the rhalrman of the Federal Mari- talk' on "Helping Parents snd Teachers Have Fun with -Science” ly he.steered clear of politics. In Memoriam seclusion of her suburban'home b l a s t s s t a t e d e p t . / tim4 Board has dioclosed that |WONEY BUSINESS Sttmins today after abruptly being dis- . ihe govenunent baa aoked msn- at the . meeting of the PTA of the The former Illinois governor got In levins memory M our dear daugh­ Dtactarers to supply cost Aguree Bowers School k(o)'‘toy night at 8 a boost yesterday from Gov. Lu­ ter and twin tiater, Lorraine Rutlt ebarged from the Philadelphia Co m Espids, Iowa, Nov. 12 o’clock in the school auhitortum. ther Hodges of North Carolina. Ann Arbor, Mich. (Ab—Lester House, who paased Sway, Nov. 13, ISM. Psychiatric HospitaL DIsL Atty. (P)—B4Mwrll O a r s t .h ^ of an on an atomic engine to power- a Hodges told newsmen in Augusta, Ftobfr of -Ann Arbor flred at what Samuel Desk aaid be jrxpeeta to taaker. Clareace G. Moike said , Df. Wickware has spoken widely .itrraUt We hare not lost the one w« loved. Iowa aeed cencern who rerontly in this area and those who 'have Ga.; !/• ' he took to be a squirrel swinging ■' ■ We did not aay good/by: have her brought \be(oro viaifed Rnasia. says that the U.S. the board hopies to have the heard him can not only recommend “I think Stevenson is way out. through the trees. Hs brought BV>r wo wlU meet ner once again ! magistrate as soon as ppasllila StaleC96J Drpnrtroeat ia acUag atomic merchant vesael complet­ him highly, but also' are eager to' in: front for the nomination. He ia down a rhesua monkey. The UtUc ■eyond some lunaet sky. oa chgrgas of conspiracy akd iChlidiah’’ to holding up vtana for ed by Jane. 1959, provided Cen- hear him again. He knows science the kind of person with the intel­ animal, waa believed to be an ea- ■adlfi missed by . betog.aa aceesaoif to the khor. Soviet hybrid corn apectoUato groes approves the project aad and with the eimplest equipment ligence-and hqpssty to do the job.” capad pat or a atiny from a laber^ Mother, Pad and aister.- to * dmith of . her 4ki(igj|^t r.T visit, this conhtry. I ; provtdeo sufficient funds. can make science live. . I Hod||eaqwUl head his state's del- toiy. .ooooeoooi.e!fF ■ ■■ ■ eisaM«eNS»5BSliei*m Skl^caiRryi ..V ■r\ V ' I South American IJConn's Top Cromid Gainers «nd Trinity Halfback Making Strong Bids for All-America Honors SBTaWilflN'S Local ^Sport Rivals Meet at Storrs, Two-Game Win Streak ------:------^------Ex-Meblor of Locals ,i“ 1' On Line, for Indians Captures Interna|i^fd Chatter nn to. To Oppo^^ Old ^ a te s X' MKRCAMTU.K LEAftl'K Laurel, Md., Nov. 12 (A*i—ThcwBlEl Chama' having won aix of FOUR talAN'diest ball Tourha- B o u tin f a two-fame winninf^deftnitely not hamper Hlfh'a of dskstos rsist (tt proviQia raraces this year and mant 'waa acheduled to get under? Boston, Nov. 12 (J*) — Nsw’ Bhgland may eehd x repreaentatlve'to BnmhiirOIrr 99 199 so Tall Frank Torio. Manchester M e ^ a n ta ’ coach in 1953 and *54,' rt* Washington, D. C., International ■tiaak the Manchester High foot fense as the hard-running Farrell dass'oclng...... ling undefeated in six. way .this ’morning at 6:15 at the a bowl ghme after all if Rhode Island clears its flnfil football hurdle at Srhsck ins M 96 turns to Mt. Nebo tomorrow afternoon shut iri a aomewjiat different is one In fact aa well as name to­ him team travels to Norwich this has been impressive the few times Twerdy . 94 111 110 ^•iLeurel didn’t even inylt Manchester Country Club. T h e Connecticut today. role; After guiding the locals to 18 vlctoriea and flve defeats in hia afternoon for a 2 o’clock encoun- he ran from full this fall, and liwnrrk 117 93 99 day after South America threw p. ''ChaiR*. to the race and aa Jnte aa last quartet was due to tee off at MldaeaMn murmurs concerning thC bowl potential o f Holy Cross Vacant! .... . 9« 99 two seasons as head man, the glue-fingered end, probably the finest peas tar ai^nst Norwich' Free Acpde; with August and Tepln In the 1-2 punch o f El'Chama and Froh- Monday John D. Schapi>Vl Lanrel 12:80. _ shd Boston College orcre silenced by sound defeats within the post few my, a newcomer to this year's' same backfield, the Indians Ml\ Totals ...... 614 510 491 1506 receiver ever to perform at Nebo. comes back to taunt 1 ^ former daae into the Trictory Mat. ^ ' presidehf. said he d id i^ th in k he '9'eeks. schedule. Neither aquad has been be provided with more speed espe- Wsolwortk’s IK / • teammates ss a performer with the strong Fort Dix Raiders. Toro But Harold Kopp’e amasing Rama from Kingston ars Uksly candt- ...... 99 99 91 989 El Chama nosed out hja-dountry- waa coming. Dr. CapToe Vogeler JIM TR AC Y'S 140 aingle gamc too Impressive this fall, at least cially to the outside. Senior quar- ...... 91\ 91 - 17J and.quarterback Pat Stark of Syracuse University-faine have played mate yesterday to nyeiige a eet- Rlncones, owner o f El Chama, scora Tvas the beat -mark posted dateafor the-Refnnrator Bowl or poaalbly the Sun Bowl in iS Paso, not as far as the won and lost rec- terback Ronnie Brault will com- ...... 9«* 96 l i t 293 the major rule in the soldiers' record of flve wins as against a aingle V back O ct 30 in thpir hopietand of gamblisd by p a y in g his own way last 'night In ths Mercantile Tex. if they get by the Huskies. orda are concerned. The host Acads plete the backfield quartet.' The ...... 9,3 T7 90 250 loss. Kickoff is scheduled at 2 o’clock and the season's largest crowd ...... 9,1 107 100 302 VMie'suela, and provide the fourth while Laurel picked up the billa Bowling League. None of the previous 44 Rhode Iiland-ConnecUcut mseUngs 'Over have slavaged two triumphs while, durable Brault was the hero In . - 102 lOJ Js anticipated. The rivals staged two thrillers last fall, with Dlx pre- different ^oM 'm nner in as many for all others he was rewarded had the importance of this one for the Rams. A Rhody victory spells dropping five. The Indians, who last week’s game throwing the ^vailing each time, 26-12 and 26-19;'' '' runnings j o t this $65,000 turf with the IM.^OO first prize. BOFTBALLER Leo Day will the first undefeated aeaaoit .in the more than half a century of collegiate dumped Windham and West H a-, winning TD pass against West Another odd twist td Sunday’s course , Staying Power' aenra aa player-coach with the VSB the past two Saturdays, have Haven. competition. contest finds the elusive Gay Sal- Engitand, France and United Some t ^ r is t s had figured that Walnut Grill entry in the Rec In addition, it would pilivide Joat three games w:Mle also play­ High's lineup Will remain .the vucei opposing' his formpr 'team ­ Stnfei furnished the first three the S o u » American horaea would Senior Baaketball League this leyan that snapped their record ing to a stalemate. Rhode Island 79lth ita first im- ■trihg at 15 victories in 198fi end same aa previous weeks which, mates from New Jersey. Now in .'Miwners. For the third time; Laurel b c n e fiy ^ dropping from the thin winter. dlsputed Yankee Conferen^ Only comparative score by means that Norm ’ Hohenthal hia first year as player-coach vrith fane numbering a record 32,450, air i i Y ^ i r homeland to nearly tea also deprived them o f unbeaten Which to judger today’s rivals is championship since the league seesona in 1941 and 19i7> I (scored both touchdowns against thq Silk Townera, the peraonahlta installed one of their own the fa­ They did show tremendous TOMMY MASON and Pat was formed in 1947. The Rams thirfr respective ^perfornoance- ^ “ “ “ ^ v l l t h e Blue DevlUl and Bob Lauari Saivucci served in the same cSpac- vorite, hut the best Social Outcast ng power. Prendaee led until Bolduc will officiate all games Yale-Prlnoeton, Rhode . leland- against Windham, had to share top honors with Con­ ' will be at ends; Dorn Squatrito and tty with the Arm y eleven In could do as their 2-'t choice' was into . the' stretch while El this season in the Rec Senior necticut and Maine in 1952 and Odqnectlciit, Wesleyen-Trlnlty —■ ago Ute Whippets surprised Nor- and personally spearheaded both third in the field of 13 from eevei Chama waa naver worst than fifth Baektatball League Tvhtcli gets un- ell luunee to conjure with when wtch and one week later big Dick Farrell at tackles; Co- with New Hampshire in 1663. triumphs over his present mates. natiems. and third at the end of a mile. derwiy Tuesday night at 7:15 at "Tre^onel’* footbeU rlvelrles Coach Walker Briggs’ eleven post- Captain Dave Oolaa and Red Do- Rhode Island holds a ellm ad­ But tomorrow,, the formpr Little Reisarded Handsomely On the other hand. Jockey Erie the Buckley S cho^ Games are ere discussed—tvUI be served up ad a jmnvihcing 27-13 victory over lin (came up with his best game vantage in the competition which All America will h ave^ align his ► Because there are only 12 ^bet­ Guerin on Social Outcast said A l­ scheduled every Tuesday and this eftetnoon for es many thou­ the WlUimantic club. ,Manchester, last Saturday, both offensively arid began in 1897, 'The Rama havip defenaively) ’ at guards; and BHice defense to atop theairong passing ting numbers, El Chama and Can­ fred O. Vouderbilt’a seventh lead­ Wednesday night. Jim Cooper will sand gridnjon fens ex tha riMpeG- rates the favorites role today but won 21, lost 18 with five ties. live flelde chfi h(^ple and Jim Gallons, Leafling ground gainers for tha Uniyanrtty o;f Connecticut football equql a modern school record of IS Here are four backtielil stars who have gained'regional board recommendations for tOS,*i All-America Other Fort Dlx standouts In­ for South Aiflerican racing. was ,far off the tradk record of Lenny lUiig strong East Hartford quintet hadnr Bob Orr. Dick Wright, guards; and Fred Calande, center. football recognition. Left to right are Joe Childress of Auburn; Dick James of Oregon; Frank T am ^rello Both El Chama and Prendaee 2:30 4-5 act by Wilwyn of Eng­ team this season hav* been Lenny King and Garry Dooltng, both sopho­ Here’s a capsule review of . the tredltlonel gemea on tap: ehib'a No. 1 fu^back and Paul clude Don Burke (N ew ' London) open its echedule Tueadey night Quarterback Don Lemire, full- of Maryland and Jlminy Brown of Syracuse. (A P WIrephoto.) had exc^ent records, but most land In the 1952 International, the mores. The UQonns hope tO' upset Rhode Island this eftsrnoon et Gemd/ MeeUng Bertas Started Leader, Maigla Dougaa, ascond atring fullback ana Don Begin (Cornell), - backs; et the new Bast Hartford High ba(^ PhU Maurice and halfbacka Tom O'Brien (Notre Dame), end; North America handicappera Laurel grass course was excep­ Storrs In a vital Yankee Conference game. George Kelleher, Trinity School gym entertaining the New Yale at.Princeton ... .78th 1878 Yale (40*19-8) and Paul Dougan, aecond atring Joe Falcone and Dave Quinlan ap­ weren't sure o^the class of their halfback, despite sn injured. ahouldsr, F ill see plenty of action for Amherst.at Wiltiema ...... 67th 1884 WiUiama (fi7-9M ) fullback and dsfensive halfback, X 230-pound Hollle Alsop (San tionally aoft. All the jockeys ex­ Beagle Ranked York Broadway Colored CloTvns. pear to be Norwich'i leading Pranoisco 49era) and Johnny competIUon. ^ a result, they pressed opinions it took si lot out Trinity against Wesleyan this afternoon at Hartford. Kelleher Is lyesleyan at Trinity .65UI 1885 Wealeyan (Sf-IT'O) along with Orr may be forced to backs. Lemire Is a pretty fair Girlh' Football (^ach ColUgt Football Romdup^ ^ Kripaa (UConn-Merchants, tack­ were v ir t u a l overlooked despite of tha horses. Trin's best puntsr. « ' . Brown at Harvard . .. ,54th 1893 Harvard (4-29-2) ait. outoui theuiB remainderranainw r ofm theme sea-eea- (Cornell at Dartmouth S9th 1900 aonn becauae of Ineligibility. If that tosaer having thrown several scor­ les; and Negro Little Ail America High This FaU CorneU (21-lfi-l) G«t6 Same Treatment Tommy Thoiripson, guard. . Bo's. Col.- at Boston U...... 25th 1898 ,Boa,GoL (904-1) I Um caac, Brigga will be forced ing passes this fall and Maurice to ahiftBhtft 06Oo-CapUfln • Captiin Jack Farrell haa fairly good power on running • The locals well realise that they consscuUva victorias against Wes-;^; I.SMI AngHrs, Nov. 12 t/f}— Eighth Big Sev^n Title New 'York, Nov. J2 OP) — The First RaM Eatrits Arriwa Bowl la New Haven and fin an- from hia right halfback apot Into plays through the middle,, ^ t h Will have tO' improve over last CW/ o f Neighboring Gym leyan. Falcone and Quinlan are strong Hanging football roaches In Thursday night’s performance In Associated Press All-America Ihe remainder of tha weekend counter vdth Harvard next Tsoak. full, arith aenior Irv Auguat taking effigy Is becoming epidrmir on ovar for Farrell. Auguat haa been outside acatbacks provided their Weymouth. Mass., if they hope to football team will not be an­ schedule: usual whan “ Troditicaar the University of Southern Cal- garoas era oonearnad, tha *>-oalIad abaring the left halfback poaitlon mates lip front accord the neces- ups’et the talented srildiers. While | nounced unU PP^, 2 when reports H o ly O o sa at Marquette, Brait- •ISsiSlS-^WBpIlSsi ”• ahoma 11 figh foi%Baskethall Games Adios Kujala in Field dels,* a t' Buffalo, Ooeat Ouard at axptrto are dtvidad on pfadiiag Uw with < ^ lo r DUSK FepiK, 'll definite l(*ry' Wockr. with Quintan being t a ^ g heW 'to a" tie by the -Town- •'■r from all regiiiar seaabn games wlli" atarter today. T h e change wilt Bouley’a flneat breakaway threat. Coach Jraa Hill waa hanged ies, the Merchants managed but . Drexel Tech, Ilofatra at Iprtiig- Tvtnnara. In effigy after Ntanford defeat­ New York,Tlov. — The mighty Oklahoma Sooners, boasting six flrst downs, their lowest total By PAT BOLDUC <^qult in disgust) would sec the be In hand, but based on perform­ field, Tufts at Upaala and New Off its upset over Army lost ed the Trojans last week. Yes- the longest ciinent wipfung streak In , forgot .about the of the season, only l53 yards on Apparently certain parties plan' total costs soar far over $100 be- ances up to now'\AP Regional Despite Advaiiced Age Britain Teachers at Worceater weak, Yale ivould seam at first Orange Bowl-leday-ttireeneentrate-ow-winning'their elgbUi-ooiiseoutiv#-. Oie jfround while, failing to com-_ ' nlng tp promote various athletic Boards .feel that the following Tech. Maaca to ba a heavy faTforito over SoBthern California fullback, Big Sev6n title. plite a. piuu)’’{h''2ve jitt’e ’•'sviwita' In' ' iCast - Hartford ' -have'; players are- -afleast g o o d Ije ti' t i By RALPH OCOUELMI Tha Rhode Island Story is un- ntneaton, ■Itaeif on upset victim Pt(ay6m ~Stayed~ look over the coaching of ptghl vlHting team’a. guaranty, etici ...... ■'“■j'.TTir"*''------The No. L-hationally ranked Sooners, who became assured of go­ -Saivucci believes Thursday's raised a JPflss over the rental fees bs on the flrst or aecond team:' First entries for the 19th an-«wMi isrear the of thethf Nerth o4 -toa hands of- Harvard^ Never- - Eatimate Mails girls from the North Side of ing to the ptange Bowl last week by whipping Missouri for tlfclr 26th struggle provided hia boys a good cstabltsked by the Board of-Xduca- , N avy’s great' end, Medford Club Notre Dame waa a touchdown When 29 candldntcs reported thelaaa Princton has bean nomad Using the rental fees as set by nual Five Mile Road Race on tha likely winner by borne who Sorority Rotv as they . played straight .jrfetory, played Iowa State a f Norman In one of the top games scrimmage before engaging Dix.^ 'tion iiF'neighboring Elaat Hartford. a first team All-America last year, The third enitry froifrom Bob behind Michigan State in the for praoUcs this fall it marked the When Fordham Quit Grid touch football. Sam Taagalakis, the Board of Education, an eatt Thanksgiving momlngtr in Man­ apparently figura Yale to suffer a on the iriallonal program. Since the Sooners practically own the Big The Silk Towners had been i<^ Aftpr quoting the parties one fig­ who is having as good a season as Eberle of New' .Londibi^ a younj^- second quarter at East Lsinalng largest turnout in sevsral years at former Trajan plaOe kicker, for nearly three weeks and ure at an earlier meeting, the mate was made recently o f what in 1654. chester have been received by Earl ater, who placed 33rd''1n the 5’ in 1952, but hod moved the ball Kingston. But many ware Ihex- Ist-down . after Ito tramaadous ef­ Seven—they've won 61 straight In the conference—Iowa State's hopes the approximate coat would be to 8 o M *i *r two RTtlclee M ' 'Siast and. If I made any athletic coached the South side. Taaga- la.voff Was quite evident in w eir board, at a later session and with Hopalohg Caassdy, the big Yost, who Is handling the job for man field laat November. satiafaetorily. peritnesd and tha Rania faced a fort a weak ago. Ropwto that are forlorn at best. D SIminnns bring in one'of the NBA teams for Royce Flippin m a y return to ac­ Ferihan, ■ college ounpttk reputation, this la where I wanted lakia* girls won, 12-0. below par performance against .'hone of the interested persons ground gainer in Ohio State’s Despite a delay in sendillhg out Jt was fourth down and one to "Building year," What alee could An Oklahoma victory, coupled Auburn, which would settle for Simpson ... Midget .Eleven an exhibition In die new gym. The the sponsoring Nutmeg Forest No. tion as Prlncaton’s quartoihaek, withOBt foethoU. to make It. I didn’t find any east­ -Result: Decker was hangcij Pnlow ...... the unbeaten Townies. present, more 'than doubled the high powered offense, who siso official entry blanka to indi^id i^ u a ls go on the Michigan State three. happen to a team which loot the a Cotton or Sugar Bowl berth, rhrlslonsnn staggering sum came to $1,800 116. Tall Cedars of Lebanon. New York — (NBA) — Mike ern. schools that could i,1vs me U In fifllgy for all to see on n tel­ with a Nebraska defeat by Colo­ rental fee for the new high school made the first team last year. the Tall Cedara are hoping3ptng\, to In thp Jiuddle, I called for great Pat Abbrussi, No. 1 aeorar and that Dick WintoriMuor, Tala’s played Georgia-In one of pixie's J. SImmnns Suffered Letdo' and the Interested parties, (were Included among the first entries No. 3 quarterback, is la tho in­ Rntnan la a anubnoaed teen ager- education I feet I can get here." ephone wire at a fetreet ^'ter- rado, will give the Sooners the con­ ...... in Road Game gym and football field. Bill Walker, Maryland end, a break last year’s record-breaking ^ o l^ y Lattner to go atralght in in his rookie oldest rivalries. Auburn and Mis­ Noted for their trem^doua de­ quite conservative in their plan­ was one from Amos Kujala, the field. ■ 'ahdSd o ff tackle on the play he year, by graduation? firmary vritb a virus iafaction six foot two, 214 pounds v- who Satlafaetary HubsUtnte sectlon. ference title, Nebraska now Is tied Repercusstbns from one or two second team choice in 1054, and sissippi are battling for the South­ Totals ^ I — fensive play during the flrst flve ning. That’s a big rut to crack for 65-year-old veteran from Harvard, General Chairman Wilbert Had always did so well. The Rams had to come from be­ ■trvngthanad thiao prsdietkma want to Fordham from Plalnvllle, le aoccer a satisfactory lubsti- with Oklahoma for the league lead o f the would-be promoters In Bkist ke., man on the undefeated Mary­ eastern Conference . crown. The Willow Brook Park in New games, the Merchan^ suffered a any amall-tirne promoter who is Mass. Old Anios, a perennial fa­ den haa lined up several fine work­ We broke and came to the line hind tu tie Northeastern 18-18 in Trlolty U adM ^ Conn., to play football; tuteJ Hartford prompted a member of land team. Whan ^rdh am dropped foot­ "I'm not much interested. I miss at 4-p. but even If they beat O lo - winner probably will go to the / C R A V A T LKACil K Britain will be the scene of a letdown in the Bay^ State giving staging the attraction more for vorite In the Silk Town turkey ing committeca and no stone will of scrimmage. As I started to call their unimpressive opened. After It seams atraaga to namo aa oa rado today and the Sooners next Sugar Bowl, the loser to the Cot­ / TFRm No. 1 (3) Connecticut Midget Football up 237 yards .on tRe ground and lA the Board of Education to release his love of the spprt than for his Top Ranked Guard trot, will be competing in his underdog a team that is lindafaat- ball last year, he waa offered ap­ a lot of practices. Jonkini^ ...... — M 99 \99 . guard on Okla­ be left unturned In an effort to the play, I saw that the Michigan edging n tough Maine team 7-0, week, the Cornhuskers can’t go to ton. Ole Miss plays a non-league Burkf/...... 94 W League game tomorrow after­ first downs. Vp until that tiTfie a story to the press quoting the personal gain. / ninth race here. Amos has missed ad and untied In 14 straight gunao, pointments to the United States " I sit on the bench and I haven’t 82 271 homa’s top ranked, undefeated make the race bigger and better State line had completely blocked Rhode Island tangled in another Carmela Costa Miami. Big Seven rules prohibit game with Houston tonight. Supronant ...... J09 282 noon at 2 o'clock. The contestants the locals had allowed only a total estimated coets of renting out the just one of .the annual races since the hole. - but that'a tha p ^ U o n T tin l^ finds SCQItai^. Naval and Air Force done this since I started pitying ; Tratry Needless to remark on the high teams, this year. Once again, aa in the 13-14 tie with defending Yankss the same school playing -in the After Ivy Honors .92 108 297 will be the local Police Cruisers of 208 rushing yards. F^haps gjin and football field. it was revived In 1945. He will past, all- proceeda will be turned itoslf in agaiast twice baatoa Was- Academies. He waa .sought by games as an and In my aophomore oriraton 101 94 311 price demanded for the football , tackle on the bjg It was tod late to do any chang­ Q>nferencf Champion New Hamp­ Holy Cross and Tulane. year in high school. Orange Bowl two years Ifi a row Yale was out to elinCh the Ivy Kr^r/ft m 9% and the Meriden EJpdees. The con­ the return tO home soil after a - “ School plant facilities shall be field. One has only to look to­ compete for the Boston Athletic over to the Muscular Dystrophy ing, so I barked slgnala, Lattnsr shire. ■ ' V layan. Defeats Lopes and Nebraska was there last New League title against Princeton, Dtimtny test' will serve as an Introduction used for such purposes as con­ West Virginia forward wall. Assn. Fund of the Tall Cedars. Throe tlmaa during Daa'Jaaaoa’s Ha ehoae to remain at Ford­ ” I 'uisB football the knocking month’s ateence wilt provide a ward the East Hartfo)^ Pros for Esrl Morrall, quarterback headed for the line and he prob­ But sines then ths Rams have Year’s Day. while Army ana Navy Hoped to re­ of midget football to New Britain Another veteran who fory^'ard- The race atarta at 10:30 on Main 28-year reign m head coadi at ham, along with 23 other football heads, just •cing with the fallows Total* ...... 592 811 572-J776 needed tonic for the Merchants tribute to the welfare of the com­ an example. The’ semUproa tried credited with lifting Michigan ably waa as surprised as anybody been untouchable, *niey soundly playcra vroo will complate their and sharing -the experience of con- New York, Nov. 12 Opi—U Car Maryland. \'n, C’lrmson bound from lossss of a week. ago. Tram No. 3.(lr fans who pla'n to have their, own who hops to remain among the un- munity,” the board member stat- one home game, went far In the ed his entry is George Carey of St., in front of the Mary (Jheney when he saw ,me trying to make thraabad Vermont 16-0, ran over Trinity. * wasleyan has spoiled Ut4*iici*r‘ .. 99 9‘ 79 State out. of the doldrums. aducatiofia on athletic acholar- tact. ' melo. Costa wants to box Cham Marylandj-'lne No. 2 team be­ The Cadets had Penn as their op­ program ,nex-t season. beaten/after tomorrow’s tilt. But ^ ed. "Permission shall not be red and have not returned home East Providence, R. I. Carey ran Library. Thia will also be the fin­ tike a mole on the quarterback Massachusatta 89-16, outplayed otherwise uhdefaatad ooaadna for J. Murphy 102 II 11.1 .Scott Suber, guard for In two previous events here. He ahlpa. ..Tiiey’re the nucleus of tha "But In 10 years I’ll probably plon Sandy B ad d I e r for the hind Oklahoma in the Associated ponent while the Middles were, at Lofrbvro .. 89 97 91 Idle the past two weeks due to judgim from last year's two-game granted for functions which Involve since. IVhat many of the Educa­ ishing point. sneak. Brown by a big margin 19-7 and him: and many think that tho Press JOotball poll, had a date with Vorona .... 101 Mississippi State. Jon Ariiett, talent gathered on Roee Hill say to myself, 'It was thk beet featherweight title. Sandy will be Columbia. \ m 116 the inclement weather, the serice, the visitors could very east- personal or private profit." tors probably fall to recognize Is I just said to myself, as ws Itnsd dafetatad Springflald 20-7. fourth time tvijl occur today. THa- Clem'aon, and a victory would as- 117 9C 81 U.8.C. halfback. . Ity has auffarad more haavlijr froin m the pott-war period. decision I could have made, stay­ glad to accommodate him. Notre Dame, getting bigger B. Brhiihrrl (Truisers hope t* -continue the ly4urn out to pe much too strong Rental Fee. Veriea /► the mounting costs necessary to up, that Johnny wouldn’t maks it Kopp has worked with four sen­ sdre the terps of at least a tie for . 97 88 84 Joe Childress, ace back on Au­ injurlas than Wsslayan, but got a Roman now la a aoccer player. ing at Fordham.'" Charlie Johnston, the champ’s with each passing week, paid a call same brand of hall they displayed M d experienced for the host The board recently^/fbtedV to organize, promote and maintain a burn’s amazing team. and I had better go it myself. iors and. aix juniors os start- the Atlantic Coast Conference ^ o ia i* ...... r ...... ft05 *597 R64 1766 lift...... yastorday with 'wordt ^ Co- Twelve players forsook Ford­ Does he like It at Fordham? manager, saw Cosla win a unan‘ on North Carolina. Georgia Tech, In the last winning/riffort against /eleven. charge 8100 rental fee-for both the decent football team which will at­ , U.C.L.A. Maryland Not No. 1 Team 1 m i^ t aa Tvell have run into era and has had to count on three Championship. The A AC, like the Captain DIm ham fot other, institutions. Quar- "Nah, It’s dead. I'raous decision over Joey Lopes stunned for the second time this Mlddlefield. Also. Qbach Bill Shaw^ gym and football field providing tract the fans. The aame holds a stadium concsssion stand. *rhe sophomores to share the vital NUmI hiu roeeiTTod Big Seven, has a contract with the Tp*m N b. S guard. the doctor’s OK to play. Nlaoi, out tarbac^s Dlcx -Broderick ahd *'No spirit ever since wt dropped of .Sacramento,- Calif., last night season last week, figured to fatten IsArdcr ...... W 110 92 is looking ahead to the lea/ the paid admissions did not exceed true In basketball. Needless to play didn’t gaip an inch. Ws lost prange Bowl. Jim Swlnk, the top ground gain­ quarterback job in his epUt-T at­ o f action since baforo the aiaaoa JImtny Reese hiked to Minnesota. 'football. at Madison Square Garden. Then up at the expense of Alabatna. DlMr. 8r...... 91 99 finale against ' the rival 1,000. -.But should the cash cus­ say that the majority of . towns er in the Southwest. the ball — and a chance for a tack. However, the league representa­ W. Schub/Tl ..*,..9 7 102 94 According to LSV Coach opened, is a halfback, end T r li^ y Bresdwway halfbacks Jimmy "There’s nothing to keep us'to­ he offered to let Saddler box qot In last night's top action. Miami fighters on Thanksgiving ^ er- Black Hawks Win tomers number over 1,000, the re­ and cities close to E^st Hartford Jim Mense, center for Notre touchdown which I believe would one but three leading challengern, tive is /determined b.v a vote, so B<’nnp|t ...... M 91 97 Chariia Gibbons, a 218 pound neada. halfbacka more thaa oity- Daan and Jim Courvllle were gether:" swept to sn easy 46-0 aerial vic­ Adamv ...... 94 94 116 noon. But the PoHce eleveiymiust spective promoters would be charge much less for their football Dame and a stubborn linebacker, have changed the game com­ B-S. tackle from New|H>rt, is ths one a month,. 4fnUI the division Is the winner doesn't necessarily have MaiotURoh ...... thlng alsa. J^nad at Boston University by tory over Bucknell and Detroit 99 first get pa^^t the Endees/tomor­ As Wilson Shines rharged 8150 for either facility. In­ field. Up until now East Hartford who has averaged 51 mlnutea in New York— (N EAl—Paul Diet-^p “ Tatum’s only problem next fell pletely. key man in the iiife where ha cleaned up. ‘ to make the trip to Miami. But Dtmirnj:...... 91 79 — 17rt row -and Pemhek's Sundyj', Nov. haa proven a pretty fair sports Could ba that thaoa achools wUI I^son Bennett, a d-5, 240-pound climbed over the .500 mark for terested teams may apply for four every game. zel waa not impressed with Mary­ will be center, from where the six- What waa probably the worst turned in whet observera eailad Wtll Fight All Three there's no df)ubt the Terps will get Total* 20 to keep alive ita Championship town but the Interest is rapidly play their first tie after 5$ gaatae. tacldc. Holy Croas, Michigan Boston Celts Win the flrst time this season with a 546 544 675 TsS dates at one time and should other land . , . not aa the nation’s No. three,. 225-pound call 1 ever mads has a direct, bear tha bast performoncs by a tackle State. Syracuse. Massachusetts "W-e*ll take all three and then the bid If they don't run into unex­ 6-0 decision over VlUanova. TF*m No 4 (3) hopes. Both Silk City squads have New York, Nov. 12 (/^—Chica­ fading aa attractive athletic events' 1 college teahi. of which Wesleyan has won M and Wllwin ...... 115 101 ln9 dates be required, the sponsoring graduatee. Gene Alderton, the ing on M lchl^n State’s record Of seen at Brown Stadium In the rie- and Forman landed the reeL T s k H s s n m i i l i t l T i g » on Bud Smith, the llght- pected disaster. - Miami abandoned Ita usual one loss. go's hustling Black Hawks have are finding their way to nearby "1 resdize that they were on the sophomore behind him, la not 1 ^ Trinity 17. “ The other bowl promoters kept JURouti: ..... 91 89 101 party Would again have to contact having beaten Notre Dame four tbry over the Bruina He's a little G n at Freshman Baclt’ * * ' **-*^**‘ ‘ ****. • .4'wslght champion," said Johnston. ground game and aophomore 2!wlrk ...... 101 9(1 I'pset Firefighters lio intention of letting the New communities. flat aide for uz," laya Louisiana enough for the league he playii in, of the last flve years. In Drexel, Coast Oiiord tokos aa anxious eyes on the results of ma­ 10.3 o79* the Board of Education. _ AU America candidate. As a freshman fullback. Mike The “ Three" he meqnt were Costa Gene Reeves, operating from the KlFlmtchniidt S.6 A l the moment, Pembek'a only York Rangers pull away in their Regardless of the attraction and State’s young head coach./I know not at an even aix feet and 190 Put me in the same poaitlon ito fourth unQafaatod. untied op- 21-y.ear-old B r o o k 1 y n boxer, jor games. J. Trary .... 9.3* 140 102 Cost of renting the gym was set Ths other seniors are cantor nwit this Saason. Coast Guard Roman once carried five oppo- New York. l^ov. 12 (.m—ikm ’t quarterback apot, pitched them to BuncR ...... 104 107 119 shoW' one defeat dropping - an battle for second .place in the Na­ considering that a promoter seem how difficult It was fm/Jim Ta­ pounds."' again and you’d see how well . The Rose Bowl, for example, as follows: Chuck Hunt, halfback Eddie Dial- at two o f the other three, W or­ nenta on his back from his 5 to write the Boston Celttcs-bff yet aa Spain’s Niose Gallona and Manila's their triumph.' earlier 12-6 decision,/to the tional Hockey League. ingly has a packed house, the re­ tum to get them up J o t a team "Tatum ' has a team or two of Johnny Lattner could crack K could be half filled if Michigan' Total* 807, 609 61 j 1832 1. Care of fioor, maintenance, mone and - fullback Kaaar Ap- the 16 yard lint, shook them loose an also ran In the Xastern Divi­ Flash EloTOe, who heat Saddler in Detroit scored the only touch­ Ouisera. But the muon-improved In the only game played In the wards are nevertheless much too that had won just qfie game and players that would be flrst JinO^ atralght ahead off.tarklc. cester Toch and Afflharst, but vraa State got past Minnesota and Indi­ karlan. Junior Billy Montonaro is and continued '65 imrds for f sion o f the Natlohal Basketball a non-title^o last summer. ' down of its game -with Villanova Meriden club bounced _ bark to league last riighi, the HawRs shut­ and administration, estimated at little for all of the time, money tied another. els^ h ere who can't brtak In at defeated by Trinity. 'Dm al has Lopes, the\loser on 6-3-1 cards ana upset Michigan. This would ..MIXED IMMHI.K8 hand the Firefigh^rs their only out the Toronto .Maple Leafs 2-0 $25. and energy put into the project. ths right halfback while Bob Sam- won ail six gamaa it has idayad tonchdown. Assn. early in the third quarter on a 22- 131 "Maryland h ^ an excellent Marylimd," aaya Hagerty, one-time by all three oHicials, (the A P had automatically send the Spartans setback. / and.moved within a point of the 2. Heat, Ughts, water and pow­ Few promoters In any sport and in martino, Jim Adams and Walt this yeiu-. Chances are, pt ycara old and The OlUcs were supposed to be yard pass play from Jim Lobkovich H. I.«vfJoy • • •.. . sa 90 75 241 squad thst is dMp. but I must New York Giant who long coached Burns are tha quarterbacks. tat tals athletic swime. he'll never slipping because of the lack of it the same way too) wasn't im­ westward With a 5-1 league record. to Billy Russell. * II. ,Lov#*joy...... 7T 99 m 279 New Britain'^ficlals anticipate Rangers with undisputed posses­ er; $20. any community in Connecticut are A/and M. ahead of Geoi'getown. One n Time Fighter New BriUin Teeehera which The beat the Wolverines could do rank Texas They’ll be seeing the loM of play organised' football again. substitutes to spare such dreterans pressed by the slick Costa who Idaho State Beaten . ^ a large crowd/ioj- Sunday's battle sion of third place. 3. Salaries for flve custodians getting rich from their enterpriaes. them. And can’t rate Maryland “As extraordinary as PtUegrlni last week became the first toam then would be 5-2, even If they bent Total* ...... 'T ii 'I 22 some fine football flesh at Hart­ that Bridgeport has been able to Why did he decide to Stay at aa Elasy Ekl Macauley, Bob Cousy had outpointed hirlv March 18. Omaha knocked Idaho State from* • a; they hav^ accorded the league Johnny Wilson, picked up . In a necessary at each game; $35 on But town officials should at least aa bemg better'^than on a par is 'a t center, the best lineman is Giarflello Paroled Fordham 7 Same Old Ohio State next week. However if, . .7« 52 241 game much''publlcity In the news­ trade wl^h Detroit last sunimcr. week days and $52.50 on Sundays. compromise With the few sports- ford today In the 'rrlnity home- beat since the 1963 season, looked and Bill Sharman. But they came ►the ranks of the undefeated with i ^ nJni'*? ...... 121 103 101 125 with. G e<^la ‘Tech and Mississippi, Sandusky, the junior tackle." coming as fullback Charlie fitlcksi, Wasn’t he bitter? / through last night with a 116-75 "Saddler will miirdir him." said Michigan Would up with a victory —— ——— papers ana on radio and television. again shoWed his worth ss he tsl- 4. Price of concession privi­ mind(Nl men who are desperately Little wonder Jim Thtum tells far too weak to prevail against an 18-7' win. State had won rig h t! ‘ I speak^ /you see, pnly of teams we quarterback' ' B ol'sbtw Alexander " and “ We made a business deal, victmy over the Minneapolis Lopes. "He (Costa) doesn't be)ong over Indiana, then went on to lick Total* 1.97 m 153 ‘ Shawyrisks that his team report lied in the firsi period for his leges set at $15. trying to keep semi-pro sports you that It would take an extra­ Philadelphia, Nov. 12 (/P—Joey W PI. k in a row, while Omaha ha.9 lost — playef halfback (Jo-Captainipta Dick Nissi Fordham and L “ hs. aays. ’’1 was Lakers to tie the New York In the same ring with tl\^champ. the Buckeyes, the Wolverlites . 'J. in fuU"^ uniform tomorrow morn­ eighth goal of the reason. A l Dews­ '5. . Total costs: week days $95 both ali.ve and stimulating. Big ordinary offer to take him away Oiardeito, 24-yCar-old one-time I f Bridgeport could boat WUkaa only one game in nine outings. though the other membera complete outstanding college to play football. They were to give Knicka for the division lead. Each Ha'a no better than the laS( time. would b(: in. ing pt 11:30 at the. East Side Rec. bury’s shot from the blue line early — Sundays $112.50. step in that direction would be to from College Park. , middleweight boxing contender, is today, not at all on ImposolbUlty, UCLA, the favorite to clinch the Bill Engelhardt of Omaha, the na­ R. Pairfirld . 9d 95 • 55 279 ed it. Dietzel \^rns the South- careers. it -would apiount to a gratifying m i an education. Thalwaya insist that each pro­ look. It ’S John' D avid/ Crow * ot High fobtbaU v a Norwich. 9- “ I didn't a'anl to go to school Dick Schnittker was the chief Hard right hand .punches iri the New York, (NEA)—Jim Trim AmericA recommendations. They would be necessary to handle a HaT/en Teachers College football Judge Edward P. Little granted ~ r Westeni OIvtstoa in another section of the . country fourth. Costa slipping down from cau.se they ^ a t Oregon State. Other major games today In­ K. SaUria moter put up a bond which would Spring Hill. La., who was one of Norwlch. Mmneapolis offensive threat and T. Salafla .. ble expresses the opinion that fool are gigantic linemen who eat peo­ crowd of 1,000 to 1,500. Omitting team Clung To tu unbeaten biit the parole.. St. Louis ...... 1 0 1.000 Cross Country-New England one, but couldn't follow up. Ref­ The Colton Bowl could wind up clude: • . serve as protection against any the more-sought high school play­ taoeauN I ’m going to live In the | he scored only 12 pointa, ball, the professional side of it al ple for breakfast. Every time thi.s three of the custodians for week ers in the land. This Is a scatback Ued sutus with i 28-7 victory Remains on Probation Rochester ...... 1 2 483 Maat-Btorra • \ eree Al Berl. incidentally, niled a Wn.h the victor of the Texos-Texas Ea»t~Dartm'outh-Cornell. Har-|ToiAl* damage that may be incurred to least, has gotten away from the in­ fullback smacks' straight ahead night events would provide a sav­ who . stands six-feet-two and over American International Ciol- Giardello remains on probation Minneapolis 1 4 ,.200 slip and no knockdown when C^osta Christian game- in Austin. With vard-Brown, Boston College- either of the school plants Instead leffe. Sat«iday,'Nov. 19 Boston University, Rutgers-Penn / dividual. into the line they bleed in the' press ings of $21 to the promoters. weighs 200 pounds.” until. the expiration o f his Fort , Wayne ...... 0 2 .000 High football va East Hartfwd, hit'the deck momentarily. Referee Texas A. and M., the Southwest M. Fowirp of asking for such a steep* rental He hit Dave Wright with one State...... :62 75 80 220 While it m ay not be good bual- box. This guy runs through the Few promoters )vi|l ask for the fee. At least It accords food ’ for Highly Pleased maximum sentence. In the mean­ ' Saturday'a Hckedole 2-Eaat Hartford. • Berl, Judges Frank Forbes and Conference leader on probation and K, F owIpf . * Z ...... 90 84 103 277 ness. the coach of the Philadelphia end zone and knocks boards out of concession right9, thus knocking that covered 42 yards for the time he must report to a probation Leo Birnbault) all came up with not permitted to pl(iy in post-sea­ South'-Florida-Tennessee, Louir thought; , Louisiana State is highly pleased Boston at New York Hwraday, Mev. 94 ...... 1.52 162 18.7 497 Eagles believe there will be fewer baseball dugouts. This one makes 'off another $15. Therefore, for a Owls’ second first period touch oIBcer once monthly. Dlst. Atty. son games. the second place club siaaa State.Mississippi State Total* ...V. It is hoped that the East Hart­ with Dietzel. the one-time Miami Rochester vs. Fort Wayne at bt. Annual Five-MIila Turkey Day the same total in rounds..-The A P <41 nOme players in the future. the quarterback's worst cglls look crowd of less than a 1,000, the cost down and then in the third period, Samuel Dash ,dld not oppose '(Night)', Tutane-Vanderbilt, Ken- A.*Fr»y ... J0 6 102 ford story will not repeat Itself in of .Ohio center who served hia Louis card also was 6-3-1. in the league w ill act as the home ...... Ill "Sure, pro, clubs will continue to ; good, of the rental could be lowered to hit A l Badger for another score Giardello’s release, saying he felt Road Raps, 10:30. » . , . ___ ' team in the (iollon Bowl should tdfky-Memphia State, Sqiith Caro- II. r r .y ...... 105 96 109 Manchester once pur new school coaching apprenticeship under Sid Syracuse at St, Louis be beaten by individuals.” he s^yys. j This is a mild-mannered young- $64 and that sounds like a reason­ The pass and run covered seven Giardello was entitled to the re-, the Aggiea’ wln the title. liita-Duke, Virginia-Wake Forest. is ready in the fall o f '56. Let’s hot Gillman at Cincinnati. Bryant at yards. . Minneapolis vi. Philadelphia at LUCK BEFORE EVENT Total* ...... 2T9 300- 2 U 630 "The C.irdinals will shake Ollle eter whose favorite subject i.v able price regardless of the num­ lease. Cleveland Barons That mlide the battle between Rlchmond-George Washington. destroy competitive seml-mo Kentucky and Army’s Red Blaik. Herehey, Pa. San Juan, P. R. UP)—Happy Fel­ Matson. ■ the • Olympic quarter- philosophy. When not in class or ber of paid admissions. After all, sports—tnateaj let’s give them Ale's only score came in the Michael Von Moechzisker, coun­ TCU and Texas a pivotal one be­ .Midwest Illinois • Wisronsln, This despite- the fact that the sel for/Giardello, said-the fighter ton o f New York <3Uy, Brooklyn R. W-rn-r/ 54 ..SS .147. miler, loose around end and no one practicing football, he most likely I the promoters aren’t: expecting to new life. Bayou Bengals tailecf off more first period when Gordon Bird cause, second place was; at staRe. Purdue-Northwestern, Missouri- has -promised to make financial TIMES HAVE CHANGim Dodger post?game televialon an­ Shawiii^ New Life K. fVe'VTVV.'r-^ .W m ■■ iR -,307 vritl catch ■ him-.''There'!! be after­ cap be fqiind in the museum. But ' ' get the facilities gratis. Besides, than somewhat'after belting Ken^ rwept left end for 48 yards. T ci;, re.sted after an 'open-date . Three times A IC marched deep restitution to Howar:^ Short, 29, (Jhapei HilL N.:C: (Sh—The Uni­ nouncer; entered the second Inter­ Total* ...... 166 313 176 *654 noons w hen / they’ll be unabl’e to he has the desire, and this ac-. a promoter, In addition to the TANK.S BLANK CHAMPS tu'eky in their opener. last week, ruled a seven-point A. A M... WichiU-Drake, Mar­ into New Haven territory but each the gas station attendant who a(5- versity of North (JaroUna-grldders national Gtme Fiah Tournament quette - Holy CTroas, Chneinnati- ■ ' <2) surround Budd.v Young of the counts for his evdn disposition be­ aforementioned $64, must alalo Tokyo,' Nov. 11 (/Pi — The New The Tigers have specialized' in N4w Vorft. Nov.- 12 (M The choice. ■ , R. Donohup ..a..;-.... 54 57 79 • 349 Colts on the receiving end o f a pass hire two policemen, depending time the Owls halted the drive af­ ciised Giardello of hitting hlpi last year gained llfi yu-ds via of Puerto Rico hut didn’t get a , Two oth^r bouT-conscious teams HardinrSimmons, ' Dayton - Miiriii 111 95 314 coming ugly Slid turning him into •' York Yankees blanked the making it close. Only Texas A. and ; Cleveland Baron.s. W-ho finished rr, Donahuf ...a . *....10^- with a butterfly het.. - (ipon the expected crowd, ticket Roberto C. Areeola landed this ter it had penetrated the New with a cnitch during a fight at forward passes in bearing North strike in four days of angling. But i second in the American Hockey \Ve.9t Virginia .and Auburn— (Ohio). a raging terror with the kickoff. Yomiuri Giants, Japan’s profes­ M. and Marjlland beat them by Carolina State 20-6. 'This season Total* ..4*...... 200 173 56.7 sellers, ticket takers as well as 67-pound.blue maflin on a 24-pound Haven 20, the gas atation. two days beforo' the tournament League last year on the basis of faced rugged teats. "Recruits like Alan Ara’eche of There are places (or only 11 in sional champions, 11-0 before more than a rouchdown. They tied .Sniithweat-Far West—Southern taking out the necessary insur­ line. He was a ipember of the the Tarheels did not gain a single he and Reggie Foster o f Chevy scoring more goals than Spring- West Virginia, openly hoping, for Methodist-Arkan.sas. Texas Tech- Baltimore will continue to .'ome the nation and competition be- ' 25,000 dtsap^inted fane today. Rice, lost to Georgia Tech by sev­ The game also had an unusual yard through the air ogalnat the ’ <•) 27<* up. but there will be fewer one- tw'een the college praise agents is ance. Adding the cost of printing Fans hid looked to Yomiufl as the Mexican team which Competed in en points, Florida by four and Ole aspect, all five points after touch­ Chase, Md, both met with succesa. field and Buffalo, apparently are a Sugar Bowl bid, had a date with Tulsri, Texas Western - Arizona A. Olb*rt ...... 87 86 107 International Game Fishing. Wolfpack but attll managed to win Felton landed a blue marlin and z. oibpn -,. — 96 96 man shows, .^(ter all, football'is keen. • the tickets, posters and employing team that might stop the Yank*, Miss by three. down were kicked. Yale,' Tigers Meet read.v to move in on the leatlers. Pitt, a rugged customer. The Pan­ State ITempe), Arizona-Montana. 25-18. - Foster boated a oall fish.. After going four games without a team game and becomes more so No one does the 100 slower than a publicist to feed information to who now have 13 victories and one LSU lacks backfield speed. The Nevr Haven 14 0 14 0-28 thers upset. West Virglhla last New' Mexico-Wyomlng: Utah-Colo- Total* ...... l.i'sT . 85 193. 365 the many newspapers in the area i a victory, the Barons spappent Kstvrday’s Schedule pointed Ron Barton, 173, - Great l.*aHbcrU ...... ^ 76 99' 251 picking an All-American team, is no superior ball-handler and figure as manager ^of 'champion­ "It'a a great college team and Carnegie Tech 7. St. Vincent pin will "deftnitely gee action Thia year the>pond tvill be operated the league’s only oth^t'R^me into Natlohal Leag^ . _ Britain, 10. . Tatn- ...... 67 73 208 : he'd; be assured that there are passer. He runs aq well to his left. ship Polish American Club base­ Is going to be better next year," (Pa) 7 (Tie). against the Ells," Tiger C ^ch '7D temoOn reservations. aa a private bating rink for dub overtime by scoring S3'(^)nds be­ Detroit at Montreal. l^fndta ...... — 112 plenty of standouts' for all 12 pro as to hia right, punted a wet ball ball and basketball teams, raises testifies Trimble^ the old Indiana South (Jharlle (jaldwell said. Flippin has membera only. ' fore the ■ end of the IRgulation Boston at Toronto. WRITER BRUARH PAR Totals 330 359 377 1065 clubs and then some. out of bounds on. the three. White Hollands. It was with these man Who drills the Philadelphia Miami (F la ) 48, Bucknell 0. missed seven games this season TURNPIKE time. The Reds had taken a 2-1 '.American League Pro chibs see epough in 360' ath­ What are coaches always seek­ birds that he won first prize in hit Eagles. "B ig . strapping ^hd faiit- Florida SUte 19. Furman 8^ .because of a sprained left kpee In I lead; at 17:28 of. the final sei|si6n Buffalo at Cleveland. y .Huntington. W. Vsi. (A*)— Leon­ NA-nON-AL HOCKEY LEAOl’E letes each year to' draft Ihemr ing? Big and mobile tackles?. t t f BewMsg Ttaaaa Fast and PspinJataia MaAlsss clasz thel pazt three seasonz at th% moviiiif tackles are the nub o f a Salem fW Va) 6, Bridgewater 0. a prs-seasbn scrimmage iviUi AD Skaters Javitad Standings Well, this tremendous fellow's side' I - on Camille Henry's second goal. Providence at nttsburgh. ' ard Crawley; sports writer from About 106 stick aiid a good sh^are Boston 'Show. His turkeys run football team and Tatum has eight MMwest Syracuse. ' r * ....■;------:---^--- '.. Herahey at Springfield. England,, toiired tfir^u yan Coun­ W of th|am wers:nbt recommended for of the line yielded a total net o f ) from 10 to 25 pounds, dressed. . and not a aenior among them, Detroit 6, Villanove 0. Regular, Speed, Figure AUTO SERVICE i . STILL IN HARNESS " try Club golf /course , wtUi ■ his Montreal ...... 7 the College All-America. So it can four' Inches. f | i MMCHESTEI BOWLINfi 8REEN The former local man has raised Mike Sandusky, Ed Heuring, Al Omaha J8. Idaho State 7.' FAST ON RECOVERY ACTION AT TBOPlCAt, friend. W alker Cup C^ptaln^-Bill New Y'ork 1 ..... i safely be said that there ti no Im­ There w ai pever a finer boy than turkeys for the past IS years. He Wharton, Staif Polyahski and Joa { SoqtUiwest' Bloomingt'on, Ind. (N B A ) — In If* W, MIDDLE TURNPlKE-rMANCHESTER, CONN. IMyton: Q.- ( NEAf) -r-Hugh De­ Camp'oell of Huntington. CrAwley Chicago mediate danger o f the|aoureq of all! these All-America candidates. ' 054 CENTER ST. — MI 3-4M2 Is well-known for hia coon dogs. ’ Lazzarino are'-juniori. Don Healy,. Arkaneaa .Tech 51,•Hendrix 12. their first flve games this seosem, EVERYONE idONpAY, NpY. 14. I fJil. TEL. MI 3-7043— 24 Hpl^R SERVICE vore of Payton ta~the only former ''^Uoral Gables, Fla. (N E A ) — played 36 holes on the unfamiliar Boston supply being shut off, \ i l They are the kind of lads the . .Tsrhich he has trained and handles Tom Stefl and Dick Bittner ere Far West Indiana recovered 19 of 28 fum­ w e l c o m e : CoflMHwdty Hiil, Mt** Cm MT Notre Dame head coach still ac- Trojtical Park /opepa its 43-day course and turned in a ItS'^-one 'Toronto ...... 1^0 coaxes would ba chaerec coaches would Ukt tp have tot so succesafuUy in coon dog trials. sophomores. Idaho 49, Brigham T etu g fi. • bles made by both teams. ** ^ v . aa auch elaewhera. . running horse maeting, Nov. 28. 'under par. ' Deti*oit; the rdporta that coma with eons. They'd )m fine iaien. too. ! /'■ V ■I ,'f. i / y . \ 1 ‘ f • . - \ . ' ' ----

BtANCHESTEB EVENING H E lU lJ ); MANCmSTER. CONN^ SATURDAY. NOVEMBER\12, 1958 FACET THIBTEEll MANCHESTER EVBNINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER « , 1958 Wanted -Tp Rent $8 Hoosaa Far Salt 72 - Sobarbaa For RbIo ' 75 Wanted—Rftftl EaUtft 77 Wanted—Real Estate 77 Coventry is Bnainwa Ldcat^im. ADULT WORXINa coi^Ie dMtrn ciN A pw ia R, six room Cap# Ood, TOLLAND, Oystal Lake Rd. Se* Antompbiloo for Sal* 4 THERMUGHTA b e a LAW! By FAGALY and SHORTEN ArtieiMt For Sak 45 ioBa41i»M Gaoda 51 BUTERS WATTINO WSi NEED HOUSES (ft aU tjrpaa ■ For Rent 4 or t room unfurnished apart­ fiU*o yaata old, with full shad and this houao. Naw custom built six Manchester and Vicinity - ' USED refrlgoratore for ment. No chlldrtn or pets. Very front donn«R A.«tT MI. 94094, Ml. 8-1415.______exterior. Shade trees, ameaite half acre lot. $14,500. Bent and ' , ■ ■!' I --i On Ar$b-Israel Line 0CNsM.f cctua POe VMTIR on tut TOCNAU.,' G,E. IROn ER with chair„ . MI. 9-3347. membera of the new Multiple Ust* Mvertiiement oenfer. May be »een at Royal OP tWlN« ANO^ UP AND OUT eisoae Tin lected baMam and spruce ; Z - - - drivaway. Also six room split Bent, .AD, 3-5556, evenings try, Nov; 12 ,(Bp*(^al)— sell on sight. Wreaths, 6-«988. 1ng System. For complete reUahhi Ice Cream Co., Warren 81, See rrHER^ARf OFPr LARGE OFFIC3C. Fop profeoalanal lev6i, eight'mom colonial with ga­ 8-1400. ■ , Legal Notice (OeattBued fra n Faga Oaa) CLASSIFIED ADVT. etc. Renoamed quality, or any type of busmeea. Hartford " ’ - - aervice,call // of diarediardlng a no paas- Mr.- Orfitelll. XtMiNlffM MAHOOANT colorod, wicUess, dU Binineae Property ForSnle 70 rage, and three bedroom ranch DEPT. HOURS Owpoo.' prlca. Re .altera, triple Road location. CaU ML '9-0969. with garogt. Priced from $16,800 TWO NEW. houses overlooking Bol­ The Rsal Estate Center, sign lodged against Shirley i r a i L ^ NAVINOASfkimrcMA burning living room heater. Two (Manchester Branchy AT A COURT o r PROBATE held At announce next Tuesday ha taW menu. Write for price b u s in e s s a n d home 'In qn* build­ to $25,000.' Tlielma Jeffries Ea- ton Lake. One Cape Ood and one ^rnon. «Uhln a'nd .for the District of Baeluge, 8i; RFD 8, and failure 8:15 A. ML to 4:50 P. M. ENC I MV w c t m r r e a HIM years old, like new. MI. 8-6492 PROFESSIONAL Office ouite, 881 68 East Center St. y a . 8-8161 eeek the 1958 DemocraUe prMtden- 1949 NASH, 8100. Coll MI...; 3-6835. Hughes Farms. Bemi ing. Comer location. Lot ISO’xlTO*. cott. Agent. ML 9-76U. ranch style. Moderately priced. rlUlnftbn. Coonly of Tellond. Mate to grant the right of way lodged OOCtOQ.' 1WANTT09TAV / Maas. any time. O n ter St. All facilities. Front and Directions; Tum left oft 44-A' to 'Connecticut;______on- ...... ihe Sth day. oi.. Noreijf- tia) nomination, did not spell out ANOTHia WIf K.V rear parking, MI. 9-1660, ML Store 1.300 aq. ft. with atx room nr RjEftOY to , axcluuiga ber. 1161. against SUnley C. Melon. 26,-o f COPY CLOSING TIME r o u u e apartment above. Oft street )>ark- Tolland Rd. then left again at Present.V HON. THOMAS P. h'bw lie believes the propoeed UJf. CHEVROLET — 1953 two-door WALLPAPER SALE, y PAt- FOR FURNITURE OF QUAUTT 9-8549. . / ' raai estate i w . arranged. FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ing for about 80 cars. Located in Plymouth Lane. Tel. Clifford 8. Judge. ' , Beverly Trail, were nolled Im ^trol should be set up. eedon. Radio, heater, powergllde. tema to choose from. . J. M om - PRINCETON STREET Oonault: nnrard H a a tl^ , Bstats ,o( Bm i I« a . Reeves, For the enUre home Stephens, Builder. MI. 9-2365. Trial Justice Court laat night by However, he Indicated a wUUng- MON. THRU FRL 33,000 milei. MI. 9-7143. a^F sint Store, 168 I iter St. Ml. visit our showroom. STORE FOR RENT, 1,! m ; ft- the center of Manchester. This Agm cy. 80. t-! DMtrlct . property has many poaalbUittes. Five .rooms plus ons unfinished Upon the apOltcaUnn of Ihe/Coaserva- Judge Leroy M. Robert*. nSss to back a United Stated con­ 10:30 A. M. Open doijy from 10 to 9, floor space comer loci ioo. off Iris of Ihe eeUtr of Be4tie/A. Reeves SATURDAY 9 A. M. Evenutgs 7:10 to 9. street parking. Ixx^ati on one of Owner has other Interests. MI. Full bateipent, Nbt water oil, heat, ROCKVILLE WE HAVE M[4eral cosh cUonta tor an order of sate of cerfotn Teal es­ ^ r i . Szelugs and Xtclon were tribution to such a patrol tore* 1955 STUDEBAKER V-8, only 1.600 17” ItiiENITHta^ model T.V., the bueieat streets ‘ Mancheo- 9-99U.' waiting to ray, Uat your property tate situated tn the Toyn of Vernon, arrested Nov. 8 bv Trooper. Frank which he said might prevent de­ CHAMBERS’ FURNITURE SALES flreplaca, plastered walla, insulat­ psrtlculsrly dcsorlbed lit ssid applies- mllee. MI. 9-8919 alter 6. * radio, 1, lawn meW' ter. MI. 9-9953. or bualnm tha Maacheater LaForg* of the Stafford Spring* terioration of the Middle East sit­ TO m COOPggATlOW WtLL -er. At The\GrMn MONTVILLE, Connecticut — For e d Amesite drive, city ' utlUtle*.' Outstanding two-famUy 6 and 6. Aasoctatoa, Raaltora, Earl Rohan. tlon. It It / . ' uation Into “all out war." BB AFPMECIATED 1953 CHEVROLET iyvo door. 1954 ■ale 09 rent. Immediately avisil. ORDERED; That said applicntlon be barracks, after they were In­ TWO STORES for rant, 30’xl9’ , Vary clean throughout. Excellent condition, expandable Ml. 0 4 3 8 , Phfllip Hallln. Xn. heard and determined si the Probate volved In on acetden on Rt. 81 by The Eisenhower adminiatgatlon Chevrolet eedon. Fully equipped, IRON BED, Wring and mattress. 30'x 40’. Heated, fumlehed. Rent able, 85,000 aq. ft. Ample floor ■tUc, cement basement, two G.B. 9-922]/ Charloa Lathrop. Xb. Office In VernoiKon the ISth day of haa given no sign It would con­ brand new ttree. Douglaa Motor*, In good cottiUtMa. Antique dreeaer, Machinery an^ Took 52 load, high ceilings, heating, Pric^ to sell. ' ' Novefnber. l i u . j i t 10:90 o’clock In Ihe the entrance of Beverly Trail. reasonable. Modem brick build­ furnaces, very large lot. On bus 9 4 3 8 4 ,,/ forenoon, snd inat pabilo nolle* be sider Involving American foroea In Dial MI-3-5121 333 Main. . violin, OoldUpot refiigarator, flag­ ing. For fumer information can sprinklers and wiring new. Five line. Two-car garage. Immediate According to testimony given, 1942 FTTCHBURO Hydraulic Spline given to all nersons Interested In sStd the aituaUon. It haa concantrst- pole and dag. L. C Smith type­ Jack’s Coffee Shop, . Andrewe car rail aiding. Priced -to aell. For' further Information call occupancy one apartment. A fine LISTINGS WANTED ~ Stngla, eatste tn appear. It they aee ' Cause, Melon and hla cousin Ronald Mil­ writer. (mil at 87 LUac St. on grinder, excellent shape, Pratt A Phone Windsor'Locks, Omn., NA. two-family,- thtae4amlly. ’ Bust- and be hesro Ibereon by publtibtng a ler, 22, had pushed Melon's plck- cd SO far on trying to perouMa Building,/59 East Onter St, home in an ideal residential loca­ copy of tht4 order In s newapsper hav­ both aides to keep peace. It has . "bRUNNER’S PACKARD woekeng or after 8 p.n Whitney turret lathe and Pratt A 3-3316. Newtown^ Cinn., GA. MI. 9-7620 Uon. $16,000. neaa p fo ^ rty . Bava many ctah ui' truck down Beverly Trail from ing a rlrriilstlon In laid Prdbate Dlt- offered to help in sconotnle de­ Look These Used Cars Over Whitney thread miller, ^th boiiScs.For Rent iii 6-9316 (David G. Ctlll Agency). buyara. Mortgagas arranged. m et o y or before November 12. 1*55 hla home to get It started. Once Loot and Found /WILTON RUG, Simmons motorixed. Three Atlas latnqe ■ ...... ^ *1 ' ■ Please call George L. Oraidadlo, and raiurn moke to this Court of the the truck waa running under Its velopment of the area, la riM8t-',„ We’ll Save You Money coimh, playpen and Md si­ long beds on standa. two Five large rooms, aoUe* given. , tlement of Arab refugees and la $13,900. VERY control, 5H largo Realtor, XO. 9497S. 108 ^ a a r y order of Ihe Court. own power. Melon Jiimped Into the Ii)ST->Meu- W. Center 8t. Brown new' child's Cotco chair^MI. choke automatic screw ntachinee^ ,/cond floor. Ontral.:al. Hot water Fanna and Land Ftar Sale 71 room*, 1 floor. Roomy cabinet GEORGE J. COLEMAN, Street ELSIE K. NEPP. Clerk. driver’s seat and drove Into the stabillaing whatever boundaries , clter Spaniel,. named Brownie, ’55 Chevrolet Coll Mr Goodman, Glastonbury, .mmlshed. Adults preferred. Write kitchen, oil steam heat. Excellent BROKER right lane o f Rt. 31. finally qre agreed upon. ace 8 red collar, llcenee 71088 and ME. 8-9413. /'R ent’. Box 157.167, Rockville.Rockville, Cohn. EASTERN Connecticut — Ehccep- condition. (Toll Carlton W. Hutch­ Rockville, TR. 5-4045. TR. 6-4710. The car driven by Mra. Szetuga, Of Immediate concetti la th* tional buy dairy, poultry farms, l l ) . toe attached. Reward. MI. DelRay. Sport Coupe. V8, P.G. R. ins. Realtor. MI. 94133, MI. traveling east, awerved to tha effect the sale of Communist arms fOSSBERG .33 rifle with scope. NE8V h o m e , elx rooms, attached with or without stock, 3 to 300 M70S. H. WW. Urea. Only 8495 down. 9-4694. left and struck the left front to Egypt win have on the deUeata- MI. 9-4430. Mnideal Inatmments 53 giorage, full cellar, baseboard acres. WcUea Agency, (Joventry. FERNWOOD DRIVE, Bolton—Only Ramos Ac g President 'I RM ««• heating, excellent location. Man­ PI. 24872. » a few of these large ranch homes 'fender of Melon’s truck. The point ly-balance aituation. lanUI ha* PERKINS STREET—Modem five are still available. The pric* of of Impact, however, according w asked for weapons to oountar iba ABBOimceincnta '51 Olds Super 88 ------MMUSlDJbistruniMQtal, u s r o ^ rental/Com< chester Green, not a development. rooms with 10’ x 90’ enclosad HwnuM J. IVoUr iW— pleta Une Call New Britain, BA, 9-4000 after $15,000 includes S>,* rooms, plaster 'Trooper LaForge, waa on the right added EgyptUui mitUazy strmgth. Four Door, R. H.. Hydramatic Disnonda— Wttehi pleta Una of Inimonanta. Rontol porch. Colored til* bath, circulat­ aide o f the road. Jet black. Low mileage. Juat like 4 g appUed tb wrehoaa price. Repre- 9 p.m.______' Houses For Ssle 72 walla, full basement with garage Rockville;’ Nov. (Special) — The United States had proalaed ARCHIE THE TAILOR Jewelry ing hot water oil heht. Desirable and' ameaite and storm windows After Br. 12 new. Only 8395. down. oenting Olda, M m o r. Pod* locaUon, fenced lot, fruit trees, Melon teatlfled that he thought Thomaa J. Wolff, 3 Highland Ave., to give this bid "sympathetic" eon- SoburbAii For Rent 66 BOLTON—Four room ranch, mod­ and screens. Lots are 150x200. Mrs. Sz^luga waa going to stop slderatlon, but has stressed Its de­ 339 CENTER ST. LEONARD W. TOST, Jeweler, ro- ler and Bun>hr. Matter’a Muolc ern cabinet kitchen. fuU heated etc. Many extras. Reasonable. haa been named a company region- Auto Driving School 7-A Roofing— Siding 16 Help Wanted— Female 35 palra, adjusts watches axpeitly^ Btudio, 177 Mififoa. 8-75(10. Some have brick and these are (OMtiaiied tn m y rm g » Cae) her ca r when ah* approached him. termination not to spur on any AVAILABLE until May 15th, An- basement, large lot 1(X) ^ 300, Im­ Owner, XQ. S-SllO, 8 a.m. to 8 slighUy higher in price. T. J. noire/6f the Aetna Life Inainrance '46 Chevrolet Roaaonahlo pricaa. Open doily, ;^.m., .8 to 10 p.m. Coventry > In her testimony M «. Szeluga In­ C a, for tha year 1860-88, accord­ arms race. baa returned from. Europe, See him MORTLUCK’S DRIVldO School. FOR BEST tn Bondod built WOMAN F o r light housecleaning tburaday ,avanlnga: 139 Sprues X dover Lake. Fumlehed four room mediate occupancy, $11,500. War­ Crockett, Realtor. XU, 3-5416 or tlon laat Tueeday when Preaident Four Door Sedan. R. H. Over' house. Hot water oil heat, 'refrig­ ren E. Hdwland, Realtor, MI. dicated that ohe thought Melon, ing to an announcament today.. ' Must Oeuataiaet Rada hauled. New Urea.' 845 down or oa Lost confidence qmckly restored rooSf one day a week. MAUcheetsr Street. Ml. 9-4IST. Wesring AppaTie^Fors 57 GLASTONBURY -On# acre, 188’ residence XU. 9-7761. Joao Cafe Filho took an indeSnlte who said he had atopped hla truck, Stevenaon agreed “ W* do .nhk (or your tailorinc needa. conductoriKand roof ropoln call Green area. MI. 9-9669. erator with 60 pound freexer, elec­ $-1108.^.9-6003. The corps of ragionnatres la com­ low oa 86 week. by a akllled, courteous instructor. frontage, 292’ deep. Beautiful loca­ Judges Ann6unce waa going to drive on up Rt. 31. waht to ee* an arms rae* l||/thia Coughlin. MLS-TTOT. If noAnowor tric stove, newly painted ' and BOLTON—Custom destoed three leqve of absence to recover from posed o f Aetna Life repreaentativea Llcanae uicluded. insured, dual LEATHER mdtorcycle jacket, site Uon. x a . ^f«S03. Gn the atrength of a nono con­ area."' But he ■ald("W* must controlled standard and hydroma- fiali Ml. 646n > ,44. Very good cohdiUon. Reason­ decorated. Stone fireplace Inside SDIATE OCCUPANCY bedroom ranch. xoungatown a heart attack. throughout the Uhlted States and c a Te r in o S E R V ^ ’ Fuel and Feed 49-A tendere plea from Melon’* attor­ help. If need he, to coOnteraet any tlo cars. Ml. 9-7896.. able. 890, cost 830. Can MI. and out. 15 minutes from Mim- MANCHESTER—-iFlve room Cape, kitchen,. outstanding bathroom, . Lott’a move waa made In an ef­ Contest Winners Canada who achieve outstanding '47 Olds X RAY’S ROOFINO Oo^ Shingle and Help Wanted— Male 36 Chester. Call between 8 knd 7:30, Six rbdm Cape Cod includ­ colored fixtures, car port, ameaite ney, Ronald Jacoba qf Mahoheeter, Soviet attempt to . upset..(on Two Door Sedan. R. H. 83S down SEASOMBD Hardwood. Firewood 9-3547. 1 garage, basement, hjt water oU fort to thwart any, possible at­ records during thp preceding year. MANCHESTER Driving Academy. built up roofs, gu|m and con­ MI. 9-OSlS. w a ll w all drive largo shaded lot. r a c e re­ and reeommendationa from Prose­ equitable) halanoe^dad wa mudt. Home mode pie* for the holidaye. or oa low oa^S week. TWO C700D carpenters. Top delivered In stove ^ furnace and ing all appliances, to heat, storms, porch. Many extras. tempts by military groups to keep Coventry, Nov. 12 (Special)— Wolff met this ysar’a quallflca- Cakoi. home made Iwead. All Monchester'a. oldest, most recom­ ductor work, roof, chimney re- duced. Watren E Howland. Real­ Juscelina Kubltachek, ' elected cutor A. H any Glaon, Judge Rob­ make It emphatically clear that the wage*, Steady work. Emeat A. fireplace lengths, 816 cord, 89.60 rugs and furnished recreation Real Estate Center. XH. 14161, erta nolled the chargea againat tlona In alx months* time.- He la typea of poetry. mended, your safety our buol- peltlOlrs. Ray Hogehow, Ml 9-2216. BROWN OVERCOAT. sUe 44. Worn CXIVENTRY-Three room' beauti­ evenings. JA. 6-6524. tor, XU. 3-1108, XU. 9-6003. President last month, from taking Prliaa totaling $25 for Flra Pra- status quo shall not h* chaidtoH Ritchie, Builder. MI. 8-8173. 'fo r H cord. PI. 3-6488, eVenings fully furniehed house. Responeible roqm both partiea. ■aaoclatad with Shepard land Co., '50 Plymouth • neea. Llcenae guaranteed. Stand­ Ray Jackaon, m 3-8325. after 5:30. -once. Call MI. 94384. office In January. Lott resigned venUon Wrak bisay and poster general agents of the compahy In by force.” ard or automaUc. Mr. Mlclette ■ - ■ ■ - - —- ■ - - - WANTED—Full time attendant for party. Phone PI. 2-7334. FIVE R(X)M ranch,'built by Am KEENEY d r i v e . Bolton—Just off CavoBB* Ftacd Stevenaon aOid “a inajor effort * MI. 94661 Two Door Sedan, Good, clean Thursday night aa war minister contest winners were awarded at Hartford. your personal tnatructor. Dial PL RUOFtNG, Sldmg 'Snd carpentry.' modem service etaUon with a SEASONED hardwood for stove, MEN’S JACSCETTS,'* several colors. CHapel 7-1939 saldl. Full basem ent,' plastered the lake, real cute four room when Liiz fgUed to back him up In In another case last night Louis of atateamanshlp Is required If wa after 8 p.m, aolid. 896 down or U low aa 85 ranch with garag*. Excellent con- the Robertson School thia week. A qatlva of New York, he la 3-7349 any Ume Alterations iand addlUona O U - p^reosive new car agency. Good furnace or fireplace, delivered Fall and winter weight, gabar­ walla, hot water oil heat, Ule bath, an effort to dieclpllne an Arnly Cavanna, 20, of Lakewood Helghta, a n to avert a political dleaatar in m mm,.. I A f ' Week. MANCHESTEIR—Two-famtly 6 and diUon. Many extraw. Selling for married and baa two children. Be­ Inga. Woriunanohip guaranteed. chance for advancement. Apply in anywhere. Also well rotted .man' dine, leather, others. Black leather fireplace. Immediate occupancy. colonel for an antl-Kubitachek Judges were Albert A. Rosal, waa fined $20 for pollution of this troubled area.” A. A. ENon, Inc., 399 Autumn motorcycle Jacket, . white trim, 6. Nice condition, large lot, tale $10,250. Should qualify for a VA South Coventry Fire Prevention fore. Joining Aetna, he waa aoeo- AutoBaobllaa for Sala 4 persbn to Francis Manning, Mc­ ure. Call MI. 3-7083. Leonard Notice price $15,300. Manchester, seven Charles Lesperance. XO. 9-7820. speech. waterwaya by refuae. Then, Irt what appsazad to h* n Street. Ml. 3-4860. Clure Pontiac, 373 Main St., Mon- new and slightly used. Size 88-44. loar,. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, XU. Cofhmittee chairman, Fire' Chief. .clated with Farm Family Life In­ Motorcycles—Bicycles 11 Giglio, Bolton. ,, A publlc^ari:bearing will be.Held by room home plus garage and chick. After his ouster Lua hurried Cavamta waa arreated Nov. 4 by thniat at admtntatraUdn handWag cheeter. . All reasonable. Owner In South. $6,500 TWO BEDROOM ranch, just 3-0416, Xn. 9-7751. Pelmsr W. Potter and Chief How­ Trooper John Firach of the Staf­ surance Co. He and his family 1968. 1961, 1949 DODGES. Extra Automobile Salesman ALTEX FOR HURRICANE-proof the Town ^anannint; (Ton^tssion, ' en coop, acres land. Full price ■board the cruiaer Tamandare, of foreign affairs, h* added: nice. Priced to eell on .eoeieat fi­ BICnrCXE REPAIRING aU typea. SEASONED HARDWOOD cut to Phone MI. 8-8806. . redecorattd, 'Iilastarcd. oil heat, ard G. Reynolda of the Eaglevllle ford Springe liarraclu on the com- have lived In RockviUe for the past Wa have shown UtU* Inltiattva Experience not neceeaary. We English a specialty. Now open 9 lifetime roofing. Siding, gutters. Wednesday ev^lng,ling, NovembiNovember 16, $12,200. Over 50 more listings,, full cellar, centrally located. C^ri- GLASTONBURY, Cedar Ridge which Ilka most units of the fleet nance plan anywhere. Doufloe order, 118 a cord, Vi cord, $950. Waa. Iq the. Rio de. Janeiro Jiarbor. Tire. Department. In addition to Kniost TnjnMULJftho.owng. eight years. Wolff attended the ydlhtov or the wlU train you. Salary and commle- •a.m.' to 9M, Linden St. tion, high and dry, near "Bowers permitted to receive telephone Driscoll wee arrested Nog. T .pfBBatlahl, tolephon* Pllgrtra FOtU> panel truck, 35,000 MI 9-’3280. EXPERIENCED lathe and Bullard depth. ite drive. $21,'900. Warren E. How­ Grade 2, eeeey, Patsy Ann Tor- and peace a n tha mqjor oonoeim" '^OlkO FOl 12’ bed. Call PI. 2-7996. opppaite Center Park. Parking. School? See my five room brick Cottages. 3 to 8 rooms, sonle calls from ■'broad and talk freely, after he and Joaeph BerneakI, 1$t8888. mUes. May be aeet after machinists, capable of working to MAIN ST. (W. side) To change land, Realtor. MI. 3-1108, XO. bell, first; Linda Doggart, accond: Touching on the ^eatlon of dto*. \origlnaI ASHES AND rubbiab removetf, also AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local EXCELLENT purple top turnips, MI. 9,3190. trim, fully .Jnsulated full cellar, winterized, $500 and up. (In New York, Brazilian Conaul Hartford, wers Involved in a 3-cer t80 p.m. 366 Hebron Ave., Glaa- I960 FORD V4, Radio, heater, close tolerance, capable of setting pull your own, 50c 16 quart to Residence Zone C, all or part of 9-6003 Annwyn Seitz, third. “ armament, Stevenaon said tha a'ttice, cellars and yards cleaned. and long dietance moving, pack­ ■ ■ ------^ ''i- ceramic tile bath, formica coun­ General Hugo Goutier said he had accident on Rt. 44A. igury. Call ME, 3-9801.______back up light. Reasonable.' Must ing, storage. Call MI. 3-5187, Hart­ up. Excellent working conditions, basket. Thomas Bently, Bolton NKJELX'ftimished room, all con­ an area, now in Residence Zone A talked with Sao Psiilo by telephone Poeter, Fred Myere. first, Allele prohlema an Imroenoo-iwtbapa Prompt, reliable courteous serv­ plenty of overtime.- Apply J. T. $12,600—Brick front expandable ters, baseboard hot water heat, H e b r ^ ■ell. ML 9-5016. ford CH. 7-1423. Center Rd. venience*. Private retidence. For and Residence Zone B, extending G.I., F.H.A., and conventional last night and was told the Army Brennan, second; Pauline D. Little, InaotuM*—but ha added: country oedan atatlon ice, reasonable rates.' Ml. 9-3145. Slocomb Co., 122 Naubuc Ave., Cape. Ceramic tile bath, shed dor- rsmeh. a gentlemanxCsU at 316 Spruce from Sterling Place to (Thapel mortgages available. garrison at Santos had not per­ third. 7 “It aeeitu to me that the urigin door eight passenger, MANY OLDER cars, good trans­ Glastonbury. MUMS—8.000 plants. Dig your own mer, steel beam conatn(cUoD hot Directions: West on East XUddle Andover CXIMPLBTE REPAIRS by Stuari St. Street and being 125’ in depth. mitted the Tamandare to enter the Grade 4, essay, Thomas Brain- Children Thrilled cy is such that w* can settle tor ieoge leae than 13,000. portation. Cara that can't be seen R. .Wolcott on wringer"and auto­ Painting— Papering 21 at farm, 3 for $1. Sedgwick, Miller Amend ARTICLE. II, last para­ water heat, recreation roSjn. Very, Turnpike to Earl, north on Earl, nothing leas than a auatalaad and from the itreet. Look behind our PIN BOY. Wanted. Must be 18. clean. Near bus. Bowers School. harbor with Luz. Goutier zsid he ■rd, first; Dorojtny Duboid. second; good condition. Price matic washing machines, electric Rd.. South Windsor, Barber Hill SMALL ROOM, kitchen privileges. graph of Section VI, Action VII, east on Hillside to 56 Buckingham. Lee Beth K am inski, third. dogged search fo r effectiva dtd- ■ 84111. Office. Douglas Motors, 333 Main. PAINTING AND paper hangliqt. have Social Security number and Carlton W. Hutchins. MI. 9-5132, Owner priced $17,950, CIsll owner- WELLES AGENCY waa told the situation In Sao Paulo, Principal to Help ranges, vacuum cleaners, motora, Section. Gentleman preferred. Near bus and Section VIII of the Zoning MAIN ST. COVENTRY ■tate capital, was “very, very Poster, SuMn Clevsrdon, first; By Pup^j^Show armament with the beat brsina w* Repair or new w'orlwork. First class working papers. Manchester Bowl. line. 31 Edmund St. Ml. 9-4694. builder. Ralph Ckjwell. 1960 CHElfROLET convertible. small appliances, welding. 180 Ing Green. MI. 3-4862. Regulations of the Town of Man­ PI. 2-8872 calm.” ) Gloria Duralrd, second; Malcolm can muatef, and that we hav* no Auto Driving School 7-A Mam street. Ml. 9-6678. work at reasonable rates. Ray­ chester. Connecticut, by adding MI. b-6018 Now top. (3cM condition through­ mond Flake. Tel. Ml. 0-9237. Houseliold Goods 51 a t t r a c t i v e r o o m nesX bus. MANCHESTER —S-faraily house. The iltustlon In Rio de Janeiro Hart andJDavld DelMastro, third. Book Fair Head Hebron, Nov. 12 (Bpet^lr-A gnater foreign policy objective." out. Raaaonamp. MI. 9-1406. the following thereto: The display Six, five and fosir rooms. Elxcel- VERNON—Everything you can ask was reported as quiet but alert. At Grade H, essay, Carol Hill, first; Steveneon’e talk w m apbasomd MANCHESTER . T, V Service, Private home. For refined girl. of fruits, floWers, and vegetables, for. New 5>4 room ranch with puppet show wa* ons of the fea­ LARSON’S DRlVtNO School, e x t e r i o r and Interior painting First Class KELVINA’TOR electric range With Neap Post Office. Ml. 34745. lent locaUon. Older home, but the time of U)e coup, Army units Barbdra/Doggart, second; Sandra by the Woodrow Wilson Foundfi- PLTMOUTHi four door. Manchester’s only tramed ,and radio and T.V. epecialixta since however, shall be permitted in $10,900 RANCH 36 x 35. Nearly basement and garage. Quality Andover, Nov. 12 . (Special) ■ tures of the open house program 1934. (Charter membera of Telia. and paperhanging. Floors cleaned deepwell, automatic timer, three Tpsny poasibilities for investment new. fireplace, tile bath, oil hot commanded by generals took over Johnson, third. Poster. Bryan Mc­ this week at the' ElemenUry Uon and the university's WUm b RAdio, neater, apoBlght, 846. MI certified .tnatructor. For your safe, ^laintenance Mechanics front of any roadside stand,•> throughout. Plastered walls, (IrO' Neil, first; Carol Ann Murdock, Mrs. Doris E. (Jhamberlain, prin­ Ml. 9-6660 or Ml. 3-4607. and waxed. Free estimates. Su­ burners. .Also Westinghous'e 7 ft. or home with Income. Full price, water heat, Rusco storm windows, key points such os the Central Schoel. Department o f For*l|m -ftffatn. 9-6889. ty We' are trained to teach proper­ perior Painting and Wallpapering refrigerator with freezer unit. PI. CJOMFORTABLE ROOM with *Vich display does not Interfere $9500. Call The Ellsworth Mitten place in living .room, and another second; John Ohlund, third.- cipal of the Elementary School, cellar. Over two'acres good land, Police Headquarters, the mayor's has been asked by Mrs. J. 'Hie puppet show waa presentea President Wilson's widowBOW WM la ly. Ml. 9-8075. FOR REFRIGERATION sales and Co. Ml. 9-7547 Tool Makers 2-6783. breakfast. On bus line. M I /9-2156. witl) the free movement o f motor Agqncy, Realtor. MI. 3-6930. In dry basement, three bedrooms, office, other government buildings, G/ade 8, essay, (fiieryl Little, the" audience. 8961 PLYMOUTH club d( mancthester g r e e n Bent and Bent, AD, .3-5556, eve­ Potter,ftmw ^TeisIlOkJudith Ferda), first; Book F>lr which will be help at Price 8865. 399 E. Middle Tpke. cars, atandard or automatic. dle Tprnpike. MI. 9-1237. MI. Owner Moving ..Out of Town MANCHESTER-Near Parkway — All store* were ordered closed. other vieltors. Camille 'Henry of the Provldeaot 9-(Hj55. BU. 9-3196. and prom pt. service. Free esti Die Makers Evenings. 31 Dougherty St. ed. MI. 3-667$, Martin E.^ Alvord, (Thairman nings MI. 3-1400. Busan Lman, second, Robert Salt­ the schobL next week. MI. 94019. ' Capable experienced tnetructors. Large home with 1>,4 acres chick­ Later police shut down the 'news­ No Extra Charge Reds 111' the American Ho^uiy mates. FullV' insured. Call Bert ...... ^ - William A: Allen, Secretary en coop, two-car garage. ’Timken paper Tribuna da Impreiua, chief ers. third. 4 acres good vent Kubitschek's insuguratioiv setter puppies wrae given Patsy elnmit thla season oy oeoiitig a Call Ml. 3-7644 any time. FOR\ INTElUOR painting and SPENCER RUBBER Good condition, reosonabl/priccd. room to v tjhe occasion under the erans Day, are,aaaured that there closure.B. IM. 9-T1-7614, WUMBUf MUST careful drivers. decorating chll Wm. Dickson and MI. 3-8634. LAUREL Boarding Home, for the atalra, open porch, fireplace, A-1 MI, 9-1842, >H. 9-1148. land. Steam oil heat. Fine v iew of The House of Deputies elee^t^ Ann Tarbell and Judith Fardal. goal against each of Ua five op- Mothers Club to Meet supervision p f Mrs. Richard Heile- will be no charge on this account. Never too old to learn. Female In- TEA SETS, silverware, lamps, an­ So.n. MI. 9'‘0920 any time. Com- PRODUTS CO. aged, Rockville. 'Home atipos- condition, hot water oil heat, elec- countryside. Price 611.800. Made Ramos temporary president. 165 Dates wheh such book* are due posing teams NORGE AUTOMA’n c washer. In R(X3CLEDGB—Choice neW ranch, Tbs Young Mothers: Club will man. Bulletin'boards hi the eor ‘ etructqr. Standard automatic. tiques—any metal item refinlahed plete In'syrance coverage.______phere, television, .Reasonable . trie automatic hot water, large cel­ line Smith, Realtor. MI. 9-1642, to 72. The Senate conflripea this. will be adjusted for return on the ^excellent condition. Reasonable. rates. TR. 5-3730., , loaded with extras. Two bath*, In order to come within constitu­ meet Tuesday at 8 p.m.. In the ridors will be decorated by the Dual insured car. M and M Driv. and repaired. Plating and polish­ Chapel Street lar. heated garage ameaite drive- xn . 9-1146. next open day at the Library. Popular Long Torso Look ing School. 6Q. 9-6541. 33 Devon Dr., Manchester. SEPTIC TANiCS day. lot 117’xl8y deep. Many garage, large rooms. Ready for tional requirements. Congress held, Nathan Hale Community Center. Library Display Committee. ing with silver, gold, brass, cop­ —— ------— ^ occupancy. Look this one over if — Stocks AN D- \ shrubs. Bus line, stores, schools. TOLLAND—One-half mile off Wil. that Liiz was “ unable to serve” Mrs. George J. Williams will talk Tea will be served by Girl Scouts Regional Board Meettags per and nickel. Satisfaction guar­ A|)^rtment»— Plata* you wont to see quoll^ conslnic- Marjory Mltyhell, Xlary Waloh, "Of the five appllcanta for' the amnuu. anteed. Rockville Silversmith 25 / Mortgages 31 Salesmen Wanted 36-A NOT ONE PENNY DOWN! Occupancy In 24 hours. This is a bur Cross Highway, new two bed­ thereby necessitating the selec* on "Hair Care/’ Hostesses wlH be real buy. May be seen by appoint­ fton. T. J. (Trockett, Xlf. 3-5416, or room ranch. Large living room tion of his successor'by the leg- Mr*. CHarence A. Bradford, Mm . Barbara Horne and Karen Leon. position of rcifioi^ school super­ Center St. TR. 8-2394. A WHOLE HOUSE Tenements •3 PLUMED SEWERS MI. 9-7751. Soft To The Touch! FIRST/V IKB l/ ANiy> ',)3econd mortgage* $30 DAILY. Sell luminous door ment. Sacrifice. Price $i4,'800. with fireplace, plastered walls, lalstive branch. Ethtl Ckirgo and Mrs. Arnold Carl­ Mra. Robert Gladding and Mrs. intendent, one has withdrawn. The TV SERVICE plates. Write Reeves, Attleboro OFFURNI'TURE ALL TYPES OF TV SERVICE boughtit for dur Jim account. Fast, THREE ROOM furnished apart­ hot water oil heat, cement base­ Lott, who resumed the war min­ son. ^Clarence dood rich will serve aa Regional Board will consider the Moss. Free sample and details. ON THE EASIEST TERMS ment, second floor. Working cou­ GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO, Realtor BOWERS STREET— Reduced to hdstesses on Tue'sifay, the opening mqtter concerning the firat eppll- confidefdenUal aervtce. Manchester MACHINE CLEANED $16,500. five room colonial livable ment with garage,' amesite drive, istry, claimed the support of the School Helpers ' PRETTY BEDROOM SUITE MANCHESTER NEARLY NEW, ovaraize (Tape Cod. ist support. Tiiey objected *yen *.m. services Jn the First Congre- books during the fair; and at the some way names of the twin girls Four large finished rooms, expan- STANLEY BRAY. Realtor poiea erected. Free estimate. MI. HANDSOME LIVING ROOM SEPTIC TANKS Suburban For Sale 75 BRAE-BURN REALTY more to, the election, of hi* run­ gstlonlrt (Thurch. conclusion on Wednesday evening recently bom to them were a little For l^ase t- Sion second floor. Open staircase, , The Board of Christian Educa­ 9-5668. SUITE Dry Welle—Sewer Lines ning mate, Joao Goulart, to the the hooks will be sold from the twisted when telephoned here. l-iivestock— Vehicles 42 loware School SocHon fireplace, hot water heat, base- Xn-3-6273 tion will meet Monday at 8 p.m. Available today in Wethersfield HEAT PROOF DINETTE SET Installed _ VERNON- Buy ^-ourself a value vice presidency. display. » The letter gives the babies’ GEN’S RUG SHOE bqard radiation, Uled bath,' rear at the Kingsbury House with Mrs. F'(rn Police Named ANTIQUEIS Refinymed. Repairing and Manchester, new modern WE BUY (XIWS. calves and baef BEAUTIf'UL ’.’DE LUXE" RANGE I SEWER and SUVK LINES I packed holiday gift. New ranch, WANTED—^Three bidroom home Kubitschek is regarded as the names as Leslie Mary and Laueie done on any furniture. Tiemon, INSTEAD OF WESTINOHOUSE porch. Lovely lot. tree*. Conven­ four large rooms, plastered walls, under $15,600. Also two bedroom political heir of the late President John S. Bissell, chairman, presld- Ernest K. Seyd, president of the Marie. Tq get these names exac^ 55 Tftlcott Ave., Rockyillo buildings and equipment. Training cattle. Also horaea. Piela Broa. ROTORV CLEANED ient location. Owner leaving town, 189 South Main St. Phone MI; E l e c t r i c refrigerator . oak floors, full' basement. Near home between $9,400 and-$13,200. Getulio Vargas, who killed himself in*. Andover Volunteer Fire Depsrt- right means a good deal to ’ the program available. For informa­ TeL MI. 8-7405. AME8ITE DRIVES must sell, $13,700. Present mort­ 3-5643. IF YOU PREFER Wilbur (Tross Parkway between Have several clients with $6,000 last year when member* of xl* The Pilgrim Fellowship will have ment, has snnouced the appoint' Gray family. I t la the., first Ume Phone TR 3-3706 tion call Manchester MI. 9-6826, WEATHER SEALED' gage may b« asaunled. Immedi- hours 6 p.'m. to 9 p.m., or write the RUGS, LAMPS, TABLES. LINO­ CELLARS Manchester and Rockville. ‘ j acre to $7,000 cash. (Tarlton W. Hutch­ government were under fire dn inatallstlon of officers tomorrow ments of the fire police from this in three or four generations Uiat D(X)RS OPENED, keys fitted, . « e occupancy. Ctoodchlld Realty lot. Bent and Bent. AD. 3-5556, a t '7 p.m. in the Kingsbury House. ere*. They, are - Clarence CusteV Poultry and Supplira 42 LEUM, DISHES. POTS AND WATERPROOFED ins, Realtor. MI. 9-5132 MI. charges of corruption. The Pres­ twins have put in an apj^arance copied, vacuum cleaner*. Irons, PANS. BLANKETS, YES Co. xn. 3-7925 any time. evenings MI. 3-1400. •-4694 ident-elect, Luz. and/Ramos *11 A film yrill be shown. and-Walter F. Xfontte Sr,' both o f gur.*,. etc., repaired. Shears, ATLANTIC REFINING CO. BROAD BREASTED broliz* tur- In the'fiznitly connectiohs. P. O. BOX 147. EAST HARTFORD EVERYTHING TEL Ml 9^143 belong to the Social Democratic Moss fichedule whom are town conslablea aa well knives, mowers, etc., put into con­ key*' for 'Thanksgiving. Fresh Oliib Doaatea 950 : EVERYTHING party, founded by Varga*. How­ Sunday Masse* in St. Mary's as members of-the F'ire Depart­ In connection with the feet that Ihrew HM(b dition for coming needs. Bralth- frozen 10 to 25 pounds. Schsub’s SERVICE STATION-for lease, 3 I TOWN A ebUNTRYi ever. Luz belongs to a dissident Church"wlll be at 7:80 a m,, 9:30 ment. and Chief G eorge' Nelson, the HAron Women’s Club has dor DON'T Away waiu, 82 Pearl street. Turkey Farm, 188 Hiilstown Rd. ONLY $478.17 faction which opposed Kubitschek a.m., and 10:30. a.m. The Holy Roscoe Taibot and Seyd. bay Texaco, Main and Strant Sts., Free storage ungl wanted, Free nated toward purchase of a Still pleoty of wear M l la Mancheaterc JA. 8-0253. DRAINAGE CO. at the polls. Name Society will receive Holy- Klein .Apartment Open GONDER’S T.V. Sendee, available TOULOSE and Emden geese, alive delivery. Free set Up by ou' ■ own back dro'p stage curtain at the Ele­ tboe* when broaght hers fee any time. Antenna conversions. Communion In a body at the 7:30 Mra. Arthur LOckwood and Mrs. mentary School auditorium, it 1* or dressed. Please ..order early, reliable men. a.m. Moss. Ralph Bockus will serve os host­ expert repairing. Phllco factory aupervlBed aervlra. Help Wanted— Female 35 leslie Standish, Andover PI. estimated that It will cost at leas] Phone Me Immediately SACRIFICE SALE Moss in St. Iloeeph’s (Thurch in esses at an open house which will WORE DONE WBltB Tel. 5U. 9-1486. 2-7502. $6251 to get the backdrop and In ______8t- CH. 7-0358 179 GREEN ROAD No Flood Threat be held at the apartment for the YOU WATT SHIRT PRESS operator. Must ap­ 3 CUSTOM SOILT, CUSTOM DESieNED, SHIT LEVEL HOMES. ERICK BUgleville"will be at 8:30 a.m. addition t o Install amplifying I jCDI ES a n d g e n t s custom ply In person. New Model Laun­ ' Rev. Bradley Topic Klein family the residence of After 7 P.M. — CH. 6-4690 equipment, which is also much tailoring at Archie The Tailor,(329 dry, 73 Summit St. Large four bedroom home CONSTRUCTION, 2-CAR GARAGES. GAME ROOMS. MAGNIFICENT The Rev. G. Arthur Bradley will M iss Helen Jewett on Rt. 6. Articles For Sale 45 See It Day Or Night Sqmeihing At Coventry Lake needed. Center St. ■______' only three years old. King KITCHENS, TILEU SATHS. . u»e "Three Strike* «nd Out." a* The 5-room apartment fqr the SAM YULYES APPAREL manufacturer has If you have no means of transpor­ The PTA voted at its lost busi­ SHOE REPAIRINO FOR SALE—Thayer baby carriage tation I’ll send my auto for you. size living room, dining room hi* secraon topic during the ' II Kleins, who were scheduled to sail 1454 Household Services opening for young lady with good and Teeter-babe. Inquire 125 High Coventry, Nov. 12 (SpecialI *.m. service tomorrow in the Sec­ from Germany on Nov, 11, hoa ness meeting to donate $200 to­ OF 'THE BETTER KIND 10-1* style sense and r size 12 or 14 No obligation. ; and kitchen. Full basement CONCORD ROAD The water level of roin-swolien ward the projects, and the y Offered 13-A St. Rockville. ond (Congregational Church. been furnished by donations of 18 Maple St.—AeroM IT a a 5618 measurements. State age and A— L—B— E— R—'T—'S that serves as recreation Lake Wangumbsug is higher than CYO Dance furniture and household sp‘ Executive Board has also approved First NsttoBal Parktag t M measurements. Box G, Herald. ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ . 43-45 ALLYN ST.. KARTFORD normal, but not -especially high, donation of $28 available from the WEAVING of burna,. moth holes room. !■* baths, fireplace, St. Miry's CYO will sponsor a pllances. . Teen-Type special for the holl- So soft to the touch that both able Slid standard typewritera. Free Parking cor. Allyn am WERE NOW Tri-County /fire coordinator How­ hot lunch, fund.' big 'n little ladies will love wearing and torn clothing, hoalery runa, round and square - dance Friday The family la., expected to ar­ Oaya— exciting date dress that fea- WOMAN TO clean offices. Apply in All-, .makes of adding machines Trumbull v sun porch, attached garage, ard Reynolds said today. The seventh .and eighth grades tu m the popular long torso look. these ea*y-lo-crochet bedjackets. handbags repaired zipper re person before- 4 p.m. Carlson Co., from 8 p.m. until midnight in the rive next weekend and to’ be set­ placement, umbrellas repaired, ■old or* rented. Repair* on slU amesite drive, atqrm win­ Reynold* said there is a certain church hall. Dick Mills and his tled for their . new home for In addition have donated $25 which Nice In crUp taffeta. (Any mothef-to-be wpuld appre­ 44 Stock PI. I makes, Marlow’a. GLENWOOD combination oil and $ 2 6 , 0 0 0 - • ^ $ 2 4 * 5 0 0 amount o f undermining at the has. accumulated from the dancing Pattern Na 1454 la In sizes 10, ciate receiving this cobweb-lace men’s shirt collars reversed and gaa range, white. Three piece dows and screens. Prairie Boya will furnish music Thanksgiving. replaced. Marlow's tattle Mend­ BE A SUeXTESS! Earn a good in­ sluiceway land retaining ' wall ,at and prompting for the dungaree The Rev. Mr. Stephen Chamber- clasaeal This brings the present to- 18, 14. 16. Size 11, eiA yards of set!) - BOLTON—BuUding atone veneer, Waterfall bedroom set. Reason-' ihe east ebd of the lake. Workers tid up to more than half what la 86-lneh. ing Shop. come clooc to home. Friendly, fireplace, wan stone flagstone. able MI. 3-8335. hop. . lain suggests to those who want, Pattern No. 5618 contains cro­ Open For Inspection $ 3 6 , 0 0 0 - $29*500 o f the Soiith (Coventry Volunteer to bring canned goods to stock needed. And there will be more For this pattern, eend 35c in pleasant, profitable' jvqrk 'quickly Also slate flogging. Bolton Notch F-red DeLorge, group vice presi­ chet directions for both, baby and FLAT FINISH Holland window Fir* Depalrtment sandbagged the dent. will be assisted by the Rev. the Klein's pantry, that It would ways to keep the money rolling tn. EMERGENCY ooina,, yeur name, address, size puts/dollars in your pocket. Write ()uarry. Ml. 9-0617. Prompt de­ THREE ROOMS of furniture'. Sell­ mother bedjacketk; material re­ ahatlea, made to measure. All Box LR, Herald. Sunday 2 to 5 P. M. ares yesteiday and replaced gravel be helpful to select those brands New Arrival desired, and the pattern number livery. ing very reasonable. Whole or John C. C^rUn. director, with re-' QlLIURNBt quirements: flitch Illustrations. metal. Venetian blinds at a new separate pieces. Moving out of COCKTAILS $ 4 5 ,0 0 0 - • ^ $ 3 4 * 9 0 0 which had qeen swept sway by re­ freshraents. The dance committee which have pictures .of the con­ A son WM bom iM t week to ta SUE BUBNETT, THE MAN- Send 25c in coins, your name, low price. Keys made while . yoU OUR EXCITING new gift line of 1 55 GALLON ink drum* for sale, state. MI. 9;999l. ' SERVED IN CAVEY’S MANCHESTER. MI S-54f« gent heavy rolns.'t includes DeLorge, Lynn Cassidy, tents on the label since Mrs. Klein Mr. and XIrs. James Shea, at the SERVICE OHEarncB e v e n i n g ' h e b a U d, sddreaa and the pattern number to wait, Martov's. cosmetics *nd toiletries con give $2.50 each. Inquire Herald Office, Shewn ly Appointment Anytime 'By late yesterday firemen and Raoul Diette. Kenneth ad SHirley does not read English. The Ladles' Windham Community Memorial u s e AVE. a m e k i Oa s . N r o ANNE CABOT. THE MANCHES­ you on unuausk earning opportun­ IS BisaelL St. FURNITURE at bargain^ prices. RESIDENCE M l 9-7751 workers of a local conitruction Hospital. ' The baby* name la TOBX as. N ^ y . COCKTAIL LOUNGE Shirthoc and Barbara Contoe. Benevolent Society will provide TER El’ENlNc HERALD, 1150 Building— Contracting 14 ity during-the coming Xmas sea­ Living room, dining room, den company hall bolstered the wall .perishable ilem aforlh e r|efrigera- Davtd. Mrs. Shea la the former CALL with you*’ pattern order include A\E. AMERICAS, -NEH^ YORK son. Avon Cosmetics. MI. 9-26141. WE RENT floor sanders, edgers, and Utchen. including Phllco Re­ Ceme In Tedny and Relax with earth. ' Manebester Evening Herald tor.- 1 Sandra Pqmprowica . WlLUAItt OB addiUalnal 85 cents for your 86, N. Y. STONE. BRICK work and concrete ' hand ssmdera,. waxen, wallpo^r frigerator, gas rongC: electric It’s Nice to Dine Out The sluiceway la tha only' outlet INTELLIGENT capable woman to WARREN E.i HOWLAND Coventry CorreepoBdrnt, Mr*. C. ' BundW Week ' a n y of our faaclnatlng new fall A Now available—the 1955 Nee­ work CaU ML 6-5451 daya; MI. ■teamen, wallpapering equipment range and house oofs. Phone MI.' rrs SMART TO DINE AT for the lake. It transfers the water lU LItge, telephone PIIgrinr2-fi231. On| Monday school children will Maacheater. Evening Herald. He- ___OIL SiRVtCB : wuter *68 '68 pattern nook. This dlework Album-printed In attrab- 8-5542. Valentino BeUuccl. take care of two chUdren and at­ and ladden. C. J. Morrison Paint 94709. or MI. 9*7700;, Reolter>lnsurer Ml 3.1108--MI Y4003 tractive country house. All mod- to ‘a hroqk^ which .emptiea.iatftJh*. b e ^ " t o early huhdieii to'^ichObC 'hriiili edrreepoifiMKr, THlto Suaair latoat adition of Basic V^ahlon tive colors. It contains 56 pages Ck>., 385 Center St. MI. 9-9713. PALMER AND GARNSY, maaOb -eru appliancea. Own room and BXJECTROLUX vacuum cleaner Wiliimontie River below Bouth Lake Tllicacn In South America 'The Stats Commissioner, o f Educa­ PeadletoiL telepheii*i AOademy t M I - 9 ^ 5 4 S OOfitafiii a wealth of aew^kimple,s^aimt of lively design*—pliu 8 gift pat- ’ Coventry. Is half oa 'Ug a* Lake Ohtariq. - tion has rsquepted tht local achool 8-8456. npHto-the-mlaute styles; aperial cooiractor*. Free estimates. No- bath. Saturdmyi afternoons and W(ioDEH STORM vrindows. 24x48, complete attachments. Bhc- CAVEY'S tarna direcUona printed in book. Job too big,or too amSU. ML Sundays off. Excellent salary. Ca "26X43, 30X50,. 30x55, 28x45. Call MI. ceUeqt condition, almost new, $35. • fthtuna. color ami style. Only' 36c a copy. . ; 48 EAST CENTER ST. 84798 or RockvUJa 8-6T*6i, Sunday after 13 noon. PI. 3-7579. 94384. MI. 9-S9SS. r \ 1 . ------(- a ■ 4 , ■ ■r, r fir'-'- ■V X f’ . ) . - j . - ; 'I ■i. ■ r, . r » ' ■ ; V ' ■ , ■ . ) .. r SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1958 PAGE fOTJRTEElt. , A'veragc Dally Net Preffii Ran PW (fee Week MmSuA/' 'The ^Weather iianrljfBtfr Attuning N#v. It. 1958 ^ / Foreoaol eS O. ■• Waothar Buraoa % .Uona commlttM la Mrs. Betty swered. "What, else was I suppos­ Partial el#ortaiff. eoMer teul|bt ed to do?” . ' , Pick Two SepuU Jones. ' • 11,911 About Town Show ConmienUtor Many enthusiaatie Stalor Scouts . Member af Ut/ A n d it Low around 88. Tomorrow mostly Heard Aipng Main Streep Filthy Locra -' are eager to qualify for thla na­ QUINN’S Bureau o f Clreala|iMi fair, coot High 48die. llaacb^ttr Auxiliary Pol lee Delegates.to tional event. i»Ul aaMat tha regular police of- A Manchesteritc waa a witness Manchester^A City of Village Charm to the fact that there are times ■tlccra la the radar checkup of iare And on Some of Manchester*$ Side Streets/^Ttw Senior Roundup ’>V ' PHARMACY during next week etartlng Monday when even the c ^ e r won’t touch Blfht, Thoae aatlfned will report the nasty stuff: (Money, we Sends Invitations ypU LXXV, NO. 88 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1955 (Claiaalfled Adverttalag eu Page 16) PRICE nVE CENTS* I.et 'hiere Be l.ight •«in a closet In his home. His moth- mean.) / ". Two hicky Senior Girl Scouts each eveidnf at 6:30 at Police er said so. OPEN SUNDAYS Headyiartera. A verbal battle raged In the About mimlght one night this from Manchester wrill have the op­ For Anhnal Show office of the Court Clerk at the Perhaps no p ^ n t can aver be week, o u y friend was standing portunity of going to Michigan Th* Fhllowahlp Group of the '“ dice Station ■ before Monday sure he has f u ^ trained his chil­ near the /railroad, station In Hart­ 9A JI.It1 P.M. South Methodist Caiurch will meet m ^lng's court session, we feel It dren' to awld playiilg with ford when he saw a woman get next summer to attend the first. Miaa Ethel Goslee.ichairman of U .S. Flood neceimiary' to report. And since matches buy we feel we should at into a car. In the process she Iprge-Bcale national camp ever invitations and floor relief, has Re,ds Block 4 to 13 at 7;6ft Monday nicht at the home of Mrs. EUa Davidson. 36 Ensign then, the two contestants have least w a iy again of the attrac­ dropped'her handbag and It skat­ sent out pver 1,000 invitations to been gre6t(ng ea.ch other with sub- jMld by the OIrl Scouts of the SPJI.to9P.IL St. Miss Edith. Buck ahd her son, tion theyhavd for the young. ed gaily across the grating o4 a b ,R A . . , • ; friends patrons to ‘attend the Arthur, will show slides - of their letij enmity,. third annual antiques, show to be Fund Asked The cause df the battle la ah ob­ I-psyyear a room in another nearby stomi sewer and disap­ 1956 Senior Roundup, whiCh recent trips. Mrs. Buck visited N orlg End home was gutted and peared Into the depths. held aU the State Armory. The Packaged Deal on ject well in evidence: A thick black it la a^pected will be attended by France. Italy and Swltserland inevitable water damage was Police were called, as were men. show wilt be sponsored again this while her son spent the summer in light cord which pndulates from about ^.000 Senior Scouts and year by the Women’s Society of outside the door of the office, « in fighting the fire. It started from the sanitary department, and adults, be held at the High­ By Ribicoff Alaska. Christian Service of thil South iscroes filing cablneta.x^along the (’hen a boy dropped some lighted a crowd quickly gathered. land StatWRecreation area located - \* matches in an upstairs bedroom. After a great deal of fishing, Methodist Church and will be held tiM Men's Club of the Second wall, and over the door sill of 40 miles nqrthwest of Detroit. beginning Wednesday, Nov. 16, R. E. WANUELL New rs Hartford, Nov. 14 (/P) — In that no one wag hurt but some with poles, lines and other Im­ Oongresational Church will meet inner office,, into which It dli Mich., and laxmiles west of Pon­ and continuing through Saturday, peaix and allegedly connects witnesses said this lyas something pedimenta. the bag waa retrieved, tiac, from F i^ay, June 29 to' Gov, Ribicoff this morning at ^ church Monday night at 8 of a minor nUracle. dripping but Intact. Nov. 19. The Armory’ will open at ^ Building o'clock. Gbl.,Warren Kennedy will a light. Wednesday, July told a U.S. Senate aubcommit- The opponent of the c o ^ re fe rs Sewers being what they are. the 1 p.m. each day and the exhibitors G eneva, N o v . 14 l/P)— P u a -t*t«U y gave, way on that point, tell pf some of his experiences as . Lejl's try to tell the kids about ' The purpose of this large gath-, tee that the federal govern- to it as a "black s n a k ^ and a bag was drenched in fragrance not will be happy to meet their friends’' Contractor commander of s' prisoner of w a r the danger. If it wasn't So unfash- erlng of Senior GirlXScouts from from then until 10 p.m. each day. nient should get up a "catas­ cncloaure. in a talk .entitled "60,- "fire hazard" and qul^rs Indlg- idnable, we might advocate a little described by mn Informant as eaU all parts of the ITnitetKstates and JS package deal on U.N. mem- “How can they expect us tq nantly whenever anyone mentions de cologne. Although the woman • If anyone interested In attend­ n«sidantiai-Commareial trophe fund" as insurance 000 Headaches.'* \ corporal punishment as- an educa­ some from other countriaa is to ing the show hat not yet received ' bership, western officials re- accept as qualified for U.N. men) It. The proponent of cord argues had a good deal of money in the Mrs. Qilve Recaye give senior girls a sense oKbeleng- Bginst flood losses. • X tional-aid. an invitation through the mail Altototians-Rainodaliiig bYstaip a country which doesn't that a scarcity of/llght plugs In bag at the time it went on its un­ ing to a strong and unified ^gan l- V ported today. Such a fund, he- said, “ would X The Rev. Percy F. SnHih. as- which entities him to eriter the e\^h seem to have an ambassador the office m ak^ Its existence A Rase by Any Name authorized Journey, she wouldn’t . The Manchester . Registered zation; to add Interest to the l^es- V. M. Molotov la insisting that mierely' be the protecting of the aodatc minister of the South necessary, and ^ a t the official oc­ show at a reduced rate, he may “ Busirtesfi Built On Outer Mongolia be included in In Moscow?". touch it to see If everything In­ Murses Assn, hail secured the serv. ent program of older Intermediate 2, Britain la willing to accept all funds of the United States in'the Blast Killed Mpther Take your choice! Methodist Church, is attending the cupying the ^ e r office In which less of Mrs. Olive Recave as com­ secure one by Calling the South ‘Customer Satisfaction" Communiat countries to be ad- form of taxes.” Heardalong received comment side was aalvagable. Girl Scouts; to give girb an op­ five of the Soviet candidates. convention of the Methodist Con­ the cord uncoils sleekly to Its end mentator for its fashion Show to CJhurch office or clipping the ad­ Full Insurance Coverage iTilUed to the world organization, from the correspondent who drew ' So a drying--operation was be- portunity to meet igirls from all 3. France considers the whole Noting (hat all governmental ference on Christian Education id needs the light to which It carries be presented on Tuesday, Nov. 1.5, over the nation and from other vertisement which appears else- inakingvit a deal of five Soviet ^ , ...... activity is base(h on ability ot t dndanati, Ohio, Nov. 8 through -our attention to an oddly spelled gup on the spot. The bills and "Where In this paper. The members Tei. MI 9-.3052 satellitM for 13 weatern-aponaored deal should be put on the ahelf as Yu ^ 3 -M electriclt, papers -were spread out in a big at 8 o'clock at the Bowers School. countries; to provide experiences citizens iQ industry to support the ;<■ ■ "■ IS. He is an oflicial delegate of the Btit W t opponent, who spends a sign on E. Middle 'Tpke,,, after we of tlie WSCS are requested to se­ nations 18 In all, it wha re­ long as the Algerian Item is atlll ’irWf Insured for $37,500 Mrs. Recave, well known local in working with girls of different A fter 5:00 P, M. ■ New England Southern Confer­ published a picture of it. box hod probably lost some of on the U;N. General Assembly's government through taxation, the good' jmrt of each day ip the drama and dancing teacher, haa backgrounds and to promote an cure their admission tickets at a 82 Baldwin Road ported. Governor asserted,. " I f will be ence of me Methodist Church. clerk's office, argues back that the In the story with the picture we their heady aroma after a while. Bpeciai''booUi which will be set up This would bring the U.N.’s roll agenda. She walked out of the as­ But we’ll never really know, be­ put much lime into the planning 'understanding of the patrol system sembly when the item "W’as voted tragic If Congress lets the summer ■b!«k snake" la an unctuous eye- called our friend an "epistotarian' and presentation of the show, and at the At,mory. ' Manchester, Conn. ■to 78 niSmbera..' and took Issue ■with his form of cause it was at this point when and good troop government. go by without adequate action.’’ Denver, Nov. '14 (/P)— U.S. A tty. Donald Kelley announced Soroptimlit International of Man­ in otherwise pleasant sur­ will correlate all the fashions Assisting Miss Goslee on her The Boviet position waf reported onto the agenda. calling E. Middle Tpke. "Middle our erstwhile reporter left. Members of five of the, Senior U.S. Drops Opposition CD Might Oprratp, Program chester will meet Monday at 7;4S roundings. \ ' under the heSdlng "Fathdl-’s Pride committee are Mrs. John Speed, to have been made clear In a two- 'today that John Gilbert GrtabSm, 23, who was arrested earlieP Ekist Turnpike," pointing out the troops In Manchester are ,now An announcement by Henry The Governor suggested that a With Mrs. Leona Buck,, Columbia But the proponent argues back The Incident left us with a ques­ and Joy.” Each scene will depict Mrs. Edward Cobb and Mrs. Ray­ hour ' ‘ talk yesterday between by F B I iigcnta, ha« signed * “ written admiseion’’ that ha working hard on the-qualifications Cabot Lodge Jr., chief U.S. dele­ flood insurance program might be Lake. that It Is his responsibility to see different forms In use which are tion: Would avarice overcome deli­ an episode In a girl's life, from mond Smith. Molotov and U.S. Secretary Dulles. commonly accepted. (They are E. for candidates for the Roundup. In gate to the U.N. In New York administered by (he (fivil Defense sabotaged a United A ir Lines plane that exploded and car­ ‘ I ~ y that the official In the inner office cate sensibilities? toddler days to her wedding day. \ West Divided Middid Tpke.. in The Herald style, order to qualify, the girls are first yesterday that the United States organization working with private ried his mbther and 43 other ipersons to death Nov. 1 near H m Oleanera Group of the Muth baa a light. ' \ Throughout these scenes, pre-teen SMILING SERVICE ^yhe western powers were re­ and Middle Turnpike East, In use rating; themselves on' the follow­ had dropped la opposition' to 'Al- insurance'- companies. Said U)e< t-| Methodist WSCS will hold lU Get an electrician to put in a Two Wrongs • . . and teen fashions, clothes foi^ col­ p ort^ divided on these lines: Longmont, Colo. new plug, says the opponent, by municipal- departments.) ing: Use and understanding of the 1. The United States. Dulles told banlB. Huiigary, Romania ,and Governor, "this might put fipsh monthly meeting' Monday/at 7:45 W e get.'all kinds of„suggeitlonii lege, -business and social we4r will patrol system;- ability to care for ALLIED TV SEIIVICE Keilfiy said Grahttni'admitted he had placed '“the device” •tat the ladies parlor. Mrs: Martha You get one. says thS proponent. Our friend wrote again: from our readers about traffic Molotov,^is prepared to abstain Bulgaria came about 12 hours and blood on the CD framewo^.” be included. health and personal belongings BURTON^S after Dulles' completed his talk that caiised an explosion in the plane seven minutes'after It Vannart will lead the <^otioiu. A 8o. the diapute which wS aren’t "Dear Heard Along: safety, most of them useful. Mrs. Recave has directed the from voting against the admit'- Addressing the committee chair­ while traveling and camping; ac­ C l C r t *’*'■ with Molotov. Lodge said the Unit­ left the Denver airport. The DC6B airliner exploded while plastle party will folUiw the biui- afraid to ss^y almost incorporated "Thank you for following up the But here Is one which has left us Little Folks Studio" In town for ^ I V Call. Plus Pilrta tance of four Communist states ~ man, Sen. Herbert Lehman of New itself into the court docket Mon­ lead...with a picture of the sign ceptance of tho Ideals of Girl Romania, Hungiu-y, Bulgaria and ed States would also abstain on York, beside whoih .was seated in flight at about 11,000 feet. - aess session. RefnmhrnenU will a little puzzled. Who did what to the pa.st few years, and haa also Scouting; program skills, and' 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. \ bs Served by Mrs./liUlan Hicklng day morning still continues, sup­ 'Willlamtlc' (sic). This has been whom- and If ao, why not ? directed many plays and mlnstrela , BIT 9-0080 is Albania. At first he strongly ob­ Senator Bush of this state, the A newsmen asked Kelley if this “ was a one-man job or primitive camping skills. (Continued on Page'Eight) and her cammltt( pressed but smoldering, as the there for at least five years." The letter Is addressed to The in toW'n. jected to including Albanlq,flight but Governor said, "it is my optnloii were othei^fi involved.” Kelley replied that he would have to "black snake" colls undisturbed— (Editor's note: and we thought A fter rating themselves, candi­ that .no single domestic issue is Herald: Miss Mary Ann Rice is general dates will fill out application forms oay “ no comment at this time.” and with a sort of Indecent lan­ our reporters were observant.) "Please print aomething like chairinan of the fashion show. more important," than the eatab- The reculap^meeting which will be endorsed and check­ Kelleg Vould givi out no further " ' guor—around the filing cabinets. He continues: Other committee chairmen are; lishment of a catastrophe fund. tera of UbMty, No. 17, LOU. win this: ed by leaders or other adults ac­ detalla at thla time. We can’t help thinking that the "A s for the term ‘Middle East "Don't drive up on a mans Mrs. Mary Dlugoa. decorations; OPEN He said "It is my hope that this he held T n iM ^ night at 6 o'clock. quainted with them and also en­ Bond at 6160,00# . The meeU^ will be followed by a proponent-hopes the "black snake” Turnpike,' we think this sounds rear bumper. He may slam on his Mrs. Priscilla Brown, tickets; Mrs. "\ Important issue won't be lost be­ will shed lU skin in the opponent's better (try , rolling it out a few dorsed by other members of their ior Scwdal Seen H )* restaurant and conatruction Ike, Mamie Get catered ymnner at 6:30, resCrvs- brakes and wake you up." _ Lois Phllopena, programs; Mrs. cause of its complexity.'*' . .presence. times) than . 'Middle Turnpike. troop. These application forma j WE'RE OPEN worker waived a preliminary hear- whlch close Monday ■ , (Signed) J. C. Dorothy Anderson, refreshments; have to. be.completed..and.handed.! . . Rlblcptf, .aMterted... .he...-Ja j . Sjsiiffllhjg Past' ■EJast’ or -‘Ekat'-Middle Tpke ■ P. S. I did il'td W ;p. , Mis. Nancy Lack, publicity; Mrr. ■tag )>efote.U,atGommtaatotier Hock- ; — Bumy-Bumy in at the,Girl Scout office by N o v .; satisfied from . expreaaiona, of the Mlstreas Mrs. Muriel '"W ould . rather be known as a Our question Is. who slammed Mary Gaudet and Miss Janet MONDAYS attitude of Prealdent EMenhower jML_g,..Q«H«a .on. Lh« ..charge, .aakea honetlclst than an epistolarian. 23, The selections committee, Set : fixed Graham'a bond at 8100,000. Auden and her staff will install the Elsewhere In these colums you on the brakes? If It was our let Audette in charge o f the models up to choose Manchester’s two ' UNTIL CHRlRTMAfi .re< Ihat the President' wilt recommend et's leave religion out of this!,!!” He did not make ()ie bond and waa new oAcers at a semi-public meet­ may have seen a little story about £ ter-wrlllng friend, did he almost for Coiet Casuals. Mrs. Martha delegates, will announce, their! a comprehensive flood program talun to the Denver' County Jail., 111 Gettysburg ing at 6 o’clock. a fire in Manchester this week. It cause an accident? Mason for Marl-Mads and Mrs. names by Dec. 15. and after this 1 •waan't- -aerloua-but-it - -waa-tba jmc-...... WMstle Happy,. .. .. I f he was the one "waked up Marlon Norman for Teri'a Bridal MARLOW'S MONDAY "" FBI'said Cfahaniir inarifiBia' the two Manchester girls 'will woirk ! j^TTo^ U tfiat All people win The Manchester Garden Club ond of its klnd-4n about a year, the A Slate Policeman TiJat Hyes la he" a careaeaVdriver? Shop. with six other girls in this area, { •-EVEByTHlNO • Washington, Nov, 14 (/P) — Congressional '^vestigators 'support It- 4M1 -A father, of two chUdren, took GqUysburg, Pa„ Nov. 14 (JP) — and worka near here recalled a Refreshments will be served fol- o)it an air flight inturance policy w ill meet Monday at 8 p.m. in Cen MFD has been called oil to fight. We agree that the practice of forming a patrol, to prepare for j For Th# havfi turned over to the General Accounting offieVreports o f ! basis." President Eisenhower -Arrived ter Church House. M n. Rodney It was caused by a child play­ story the other night that la .al­ driving too close to the man *“ low’lng the program. Proceeds of $37,500 on hit mother, Mrs. the Roundup. Head of 'the aelec- some Commodity Credit Corp. (CCC) practices w & .th ey are not here in beautiful fall weather to­ Flpor of Wethersfleld will speak ing with matches. We don’t know legedly true. It waa brought out. front is . dangerous, but feel the fkshlon show will be used to­ Home and U n t il crying about their hardships, the DalejriBngjat the Denver Airport ward the assbctstlon's scholarship day to complate his iecbvery on on the culture of house plants. An every little fact about how the fire thla policeman said, in a Justice .must frown on the remedy sug Family said “ may have serious and posibly .scandalous proportions. Governor said, but their great minutes befOr«~jffie )>oarded the other interesting feature will be a started but We do know a young­ court not too far from here. It gested In the letter. fund. The statement is contained in ae busl- torni, at 1 p.m. BST. claimed) for mfles around. A car weeks ago, Jnst as the- election cavity (mouth). 24 G O LW A Y ST. Washington. Nov. 14 — had become famiiler with the han­ Schools' let out and it pulled up behind him, the motorist ‘‘favoritism’ ’ in awafding con­ nessman\ asserted that he feels campaign was reaching its climax, Since it was an altogether un­ Racketeer Joe Adonis agreed . dling of dynamite. An authorita­ most of Gettyaburg'e 7,200 people said, so he, thinking It was a con­ PINE PHARMACY tracts and "cOlpable^negligence" in that it fs hpeessary for the govern-- a young Republican got into a vio­ likely area for a person to become (For AU Occasions) today to deport himself by tive source said Graham wrould be were gathered (n the aquara to TIRE stable or a policeman about to ap­ lent argument . wltb a veteran affUcted with this aggravating purchasing suppHes. It said there ment to mbhitaln the high level Jan. 1. In return for that eligible for one-fourth of his moth- greet the first family on their Ar­ prehend him for something, pulled la soipetimes an attitude in han­ of our naUonol economy so that it leader of the party. malady, we wondeVed. Ifjiiaybe an­ - OPEN SUNDAYS - move he will be allowed to Observing Double^ Golden Wedding er'e estimated 8150,000 eaUte in rival to spend cix weeks -or oo at his car over to the side of the road He was complaining that the other craze waa having Ita, birth Upstairs and Dowq dling atored crop surplusea that can further -Itb. aid programs and stopped. ■tfice ."only goverpment - owned avoid serving, a prison term throughout the wO ‘ ' Pastor Paul G. Prokopy of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran phuMh yesterday honored two couplea, the event of her death- ihtir farm on the rim o f the Civil youth of the party never waa given pangs. 8 A.M. to 8 F.M. for perjury. Mr. and Ml’s. Julius Dey, 63 Lyiiess St., (left), and Mr. ami Mro. Henry C. Frelhelt, 14 Westwood St., W ar battlefield. TVo the motorist’s surprise, the a chance to do anything and he However, it may be entirely N ^ iy Docoratod commodities and taxpayers' dol­ "Catastrophe ls \ national In ‘Foreign’ M atM an Cmft lars are involved—why wOrry!’.' Adonis' attorney, William scope," the govemoK said. „ "It who tomorrow will o)>serve their double goMep wedding anoivcrsary.; 'Mr. Frelheit and Mrs.' Dey are Clv(l AeronauUtm Board Inveatl- The crowd overflowed to eur- driver of the stcond car rolled on was blaming the old timer because possible that the person in ques­ rounding roofe and upper atory Kepprt Available ^Mlrectly ' H. Collins, told reporters that' can't be isolatedlnajw -w brother and sister.^..Tliafltwo oouBlea were,mandfid NtiY, Ifi, 1805 a l JJie..Zioo -EvanseUeal IlOthfrifi gators have aaid Um plane explod­ past with the siren still screech­ all the opportunities were going to tion was merely accepting a dare TEL. Ml 3-8158 the Tseketeer, whose r^aliiame windows aa Burgesa WilUaiQ Q. ing. and turned a very' visibly The report was^repared pri­ -that' one May'tp where Church,‘Cftbper afibubV r in j^ "iterfermed by the Rav. H. C. Beckman. ed In a "bomb-like blast” attrihut- the old members. The veteran's re­ . . . or even thought the oily leafed KKKKKKKKKKKKk Is Joseph Doto, Intends to go catastrophe may strike’. Story on Page Nine. (Herald Photo). Weaver extended th# towa’a greet- amused face toward the motoH.lemn, o f- ! lle furplus crops, and the CCC's scene, and Bert Kaallng, Denver py Birthday, Mamie." A band, lU SNOWCAPS, TUBELESS, ing committee.. He waa spe- The Governor said that flood ek Answer b|;cach of the peace. A clown like start anything with me now, be­ ten provides Inter&tlng anecdotes I ' ~ TULIP TREE FARM operating agency, the Commodity district attorney, KLeHey •e*** ^ha inetrumenU brilliantly highllghtad clfllcally charged with lying control measures only partly pro­ thaf. shouldn't be allowed to have' cause now I know you are sn bordering on the humorous. | Our turkeys have been winners at the Boston Show In the Oven Stabilization Service.. prosecutors planned to search the by the )vann inin, atruck up “ Hap-) RElSAPS, Etc. when he ' told the committee tect against dtsEister loss, because a stcen on his car, the motorist enemy. "This,” the old timer con­ Sometime ago we remember at- ’; Dressed Class. We prepare ready for the oven. The report dealt generally with T6\Saar Row 'As Argentine Head Isiw; to determine what other py Birthday” too.' he was a United States citizen. A LL SIZES TO 800-15 felt. \ cluded. " I ’m telling you as tending a court session, -and wit­ activities In which it -said "defi­ heavy rains are bound to do dam­ charges might be Iliad, Tha ppeaident and hia W ifa mo­ irtend." nessing a rather funny incident. PRICES SAME AS LAST YEAR! ciencies warranting the attention Judge Walter M. Bastian of tored here from Waahtngton for But, ^urlhg the trial, the second It seems that a mild-mannered 60c Lb. N. Y. Dressed Under 20 Lbs.— Over 20 Lbs. 50« of the committee" were found and the U.S. court of Appeals (Ccintliiued on Page Eight) Bonn, Germany, Nov. 14 (A5 — Buenos Airea, Argentina, -Nov. (Conttnuad an Pngs U gtit) the recuperation pariod that nuy Uf TIRE. .FULL PRICE driver claimed that he did not No Sequel, We Hope gentleman, who had had a more Yes! We Pull the Tendons— Deliver In Afanrhester If You piled What it called "numerous in­ stipulated that Adonis leave France and 15^t Germany have 14 (A5-MaJ. Gen. Eduardo LonWdl. well determine whether Klaen- have a a lr ^ o n his car. Investi­ serious charged nolled. was con­ this coiintry by -Jan. 1 and not During the late 1930’s, college Cannot Pick Up Yourself. stances ahd examples' of such defi­ agreed to seek aX eiv solution for leader of the September' revolt hower will aeek another term !&' gation p rov^ It. n i e solution sludenUi, Ivy and otherwise, victed of a breach of peace infrac­ ciencies.” It emphasized thatj the return during a 5-year period which overthrew Juan Peron, w w the White Houae. 2nd TIRE the Saar problem. PRICE was that the siren that had stunned launched a fad which consisted of tion involving abusive language FRANK HARABURDA ''- objectionable conditions do not of probation. The Judge also Man KiUs Wife, ousted yesterday, am provlaionpl Death Takes The party left the W jjlU Houae the motorist w4s the Kagleville consuming live gold fishes. We and his spouse . . . not necessarily ASH SWA.MP RD.. OLASTONBl’RY TEI.. MEdford S-J4I5 exist Ift all activities of the de­ stipulated that Adonis, when French Foreign Minil^er Antoine president of Argentina at 10:42 am. on the ^m lla trip. fire siren, a clamoring thing re LIMITED TIMEXONLY were'never able, not being over in that order. partment and praised the “ great he leaVesr-^pot go to Canada Pinay and -West German\Chancel- MaJ. Gen. Pedro Eugenio Aram- Eiaenhower looked ao fit and quiring a harnesaful'of horsepow­ precocious, to discover the moti­ The gentleman, in the act of majority" of dejSartment employes or MexIco or'any_nearby is­ Two Sons, Self lor Konrad Adenauer anm ^ced In bum, another antl-Peron Arm y o f­ Two Top UeS relaxed that if reportera had not SEE 1 01 KIERNAI OR er to put Into voice.. It had been vating (actor behind this unusual paying his fine, delved into hie as "loyal, conscientious and gen­ land. " — a Joint communique' y e ^ rd a y ficer, waa aworn in to succeed known about hia heart .attack, procliaming the existence of a fire wallet and discovered he had in­ TOM GLEESON (Nights 10 P.M.) AT pastime. erally competent." they would tackle the proble^ In him, but LonardI aupporters called they, never would have gueaaed he somewhere In the area that day Of late, we have had occasion sufficient cash to cover the assess­ "From observations . to date,” At Springfield cooperation with the new S ^ r the bloodleaa coup "Treason" and waa taking it eaay. ment. handling and custody of commodl- Literary Men when the smiling second driver to come across what may soon be­ . the investigators said In Ibelr tiee; Interests of the govern­ government that Is to be elect said M would not go unpunished. Mm. Eiaenhower waa weamlg a passed the motorist. come the successor to this inane At this point in -the proc,eedings; syijopsis, "there la no assurance Dec. 18. Armed forces leaders who car­ blue prinoeea coat with matching he meekly asked his wife, the ment were not always protected Spri.ngfleld, Mass.T'Nov., 14 UP)— By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TURNPIKE AUTO !RVICE Asked w h y. he laughed at the^' ritual of the post-depression days. that the’ corrective, actions war in acquisition and sale of commodl- Police said today a business exeeu; They, said the solution would be ’d out the owltch after 24 houra motoriat's bewilderment,1— ------the sec­ individual, about whom we plaintiff in the case, if she could Two of Amtricn'a Itading (Caufoined eu Png# Efgtit) ranted by-aamlnlelratlve shortcom. Vues; millions of dollars in unneces- live killed Ms wife and two young sought, in the light of the referen­ of'(everiah negotiations, said the literary figures have died In New 144 W iS T MIDDLE ond driver ls.,reported to have an- know little or nothing, and who is loan him the balance. She I v w Ings will be Initiated Independently gary expenditures for adfnlniatra- ^step\waa taken to atamp out mediately compiled and the abused sons and then took his own life be­ dum of Oct;-23^ in which Saarland­ York within the shbrt spec* of 12 OPEN ALL DAY. SUNDAY by the department."- - l lion ahd operation were indicated; cause of concern over admitted ers voted two tb'one against "B)i- “totalharlan” influence.') In the hours. Both siiffeced heart At­ and the abusive walked out of the Complaints Llalrd , and tho procurement of bins, sup- Lonardl^ovemmeht and make court, apparently content that Jus­ embezzlements and loss o f his Job. ropeanizatlon" of (heir Ttch, bor­ to tacks. Ot the CCC, the report said: plies . and equipment was not Authorities said they have e.s- derland. sure A rg ^ tin a followed the path Bernard. Do Veto, 58, writer, tice had been served. HIATINC OILS "Various management detlcien- propeiiy handled from either the of “ (ruis democracy ig h t MECHANIC onxDu t y tablished that' Allison R. Ssmger, Tills anti-Europeanization vote critic and scholar, who won the cles of a serioua natrire existed; cost standpoint or effective usage Frbhi~-hiai!\^exlle ' in Panama, Bulletins Independent Voter 47, shot his wife of 21 years, Wini­ is now accepted by the French as FijlitMr prize for history in 1947, TUNE-UP. IRAKES. FRONT b lD Internal audit faileiS in. Important of items procured." fred, and. stabbed to death their Peron aaid UieNfiiaugea In' the A r­ died rast night at Prtabyterlan from the AP Wires Among the persons who became responsibilities; -acreage allotrhent ’ The report did no( slate the showing clearly that the Saar­ gentine governhienr "wees^ ex­ N E W HOURS Manchester voters. Saturday, waa’ two sons. AlUson'Jr., 14.'and Ru.v Hbapital in New York. ALIGNMENT. WHEEL lALANCE and Pther price support aetivUlea period of time cbvered by the in- landers want eventually to return a gentlemen In his early 90s who sell, 9, -before he shot himself to pected and will continue . . . there In another New York Hospital, were frequently questionable; in-; — :— •, death. i to their German fatherland. will be othera ahortly.” "D O IT AT NIGHT" had recently moved here from The Frencli and German gov- playwright Robert E. Sherwood, DULLES WAKN8 BEDS ‘ adequate care waa^xercised In the | ' (Continued on Page Eleven) Medical Ebcaminer William A. R. , Cry for Deimmimcy MANOR SODA SHOP another state and was ready ‘ o ei'nments, in Becking a new aolu- died early today. He suffered a Geneva, Nor. 14 Ufi—Scerotary N exercise, his franchtre locally at the Chapin said the deaths in the San­ Crowds ■ shouted "Nazis • no, "moderate" heart; attack early of . State John Footer DuUea ger residence occurred between 9 democracy yes" as the n ^ presi­ GEN. PEDRO ARAMBURU 332 GREEN RD. MANCHESTER flraj opportunity. (Coiitinued on Page. Fifteen) Saturday and afteC briefly rally­ warned Soviet Forelga MtaiMer The man went through the re. The Farm Problem (I) ; p.m. EU)d midnight (E STi Satur- dent took over Iris office. ing, had 'Weakened- steadily Since Molotov today ngninat quired rigamarole and took the, day night A ram bu ru r^—52,Vear-old MONDAY Thru THURSDAY, T A.M. ta 10 P.M. voter's oath; This means a{ A newsboy who wondered why feasipnal soldier, commanded later it waa c.\pandeer. wiUi''Some members of his ousted celed a contract with Uie National New York, Nov. 18 (g>-W afn GRINDER ORDERS TO G O here so I could vole as I .darn Co..; Inc., a printing concern. He Broadcasting Co„ to write a series Increneee ranging from ft to NOVEMRER 14 ond NOVEMBER 15 In Farmers’ Complaints had been employed by that com­ Aramburu took the oath of office goveirtment, Hli mily public please," .he said with spirit. •taoflier ha^ of one-hour television scripts at a '84JM a week have been negoti­ HAV 60c — SALAMI 50c pany for more than a'quarter of a at Caaa Rosada, the government commerii. was a statenient to re­ MON., NOV. 14 Members of Senate InvesUge- house, late in the afternoon and porters diinying he hadXresigned fee of $25,000 each. Three moiiUts ated for 28,000 employee o f tko with century. His salary waa listed as TEL. Ml 9-2338 f History Repeats ■/' tions subcommlUCi are summoned ago he underwent an operation Long Lines Dept., o f the Ameri- (EDITGB'S N ^ E : OVld A.-i \v)()i t)ie way crop control meas- between 225,000 and $30,000 a immediately named a junta to help It said: Boy; In the old days did"' the .... fewer repair. to Washington for what Chairman him rule the'country. T h e first "T)iis has come about (^elusive- at Doctor's Mos'pital. Its nature ran Telephone A Tetegrapk Co« Martin; .Asaoclat:^ Press farm . ure.e made up of the ministers of ~~ (Continued on Page Eleven) Survivors include his widow and V did.” “ J 4,300-mile cross-country awing .to . with regard to farm products, j company-, said that within the past I a msuried daughter, ...... — jeame .alteiL aound out grass roots sentiment on. Others ' criticized' mlllt control J veek Sanger, sdmHled to hint, he a lii parts of world! ('ongtatlllate — Anon. _ AND la o s f OTHERS i Now with a new- Prime Minister Jitwaharal Nehru Wrote ’Idiot’s Delight* negoUatloa "between the the politically potent farm Issue, programs. Many demanded a I $80,000 from the oh his 96th Mrlhday, Sherwood ' received his first pony and the CIO eornmunlca- LADIES' and MEN'S additive that help^, Martin writes here, in tl)e. first of -halt to reclamation of new farm company over the past five to 10 Unas workers of America.-Tbn years. British throne's heir apparent Pulitzer Prize in 1936 for "Idiot's WILL BE a aeriea of five, articles, of prob- jand. Some voiced concern that Prince Charles oelebraira Ills Morse Favors ^ Wide Open^ Delight,” which told of approach­ pact Is subject to rattatoatton prevent formation lems confronting farmers In kd-, farnnera in other areas were try­ Brooks said an ’’(loneat error" by the union membership., Hospital Notes came up recently in the company's HTTCnth blrthda.v at Windsor ing war. o f sludge. Call or ditton to falling pricea.) ing to take oyer their markets. Castle today!. .Moscow Radio In 1939, he' won the award for Major Complaint WOODWARD RIFT HINTED (Continued on Page Fifteen). broadcast on report of Russian '56 Democra tic Con v^n tion “ Abe Lincoln in Illinois.” a. mov­ PatlenU "Today; 158 i write ue today. By OVID A. MARTIN A standout complaint was that newspaperman’s experiences in ing summons -to Americans to Garden City, N. Y „ Nov. 14— Holden F low ers ADM ITTED YESTERDAY; Ed- j (AP Farm Reporter) New'sday, In a copyrighted story, W e're always at advanced by wheat groiyera' in U.S. ranges from Insults In 'ban . Shorewood business man air bases in )iis country... that Morse might be. advanced as There have beeii indications that speeches- led to his fourth Pulit­ Moseley. 50 Clyde Ild.; Mrs. Aud­ UNTIL% CHRISTMAS benate Agriculture t,ommuiPe ______I hia wir« anH Diree vniine rhlMrrr Adlai E; Stevenson may elect to go Goresbeck, Tex., N ov., 16 (Jfi At Reasonable Prices during the past t!irec weeks em- Sraln.. Mills are'paying premium his wife and three young children Gen! Carlos P. Romiilo says In a-"favorite son" candidate to avoid zer atVard In 1949 for the biogra­ rey Nodden, 24 Orchard St.; Victor Hartford if Cojniniunism wins Just into the primary. The name of Sen. phy, “ Rooeevelt and Hopkins," — Four persons were k llM in a phasized reductions in farm in- • Pfcc-? get it. Yet. because the were found shot to death and a possible Democratic split In his THIS SPECIAL GOOD AT THE STORE ONLY Oostanzo, Andover. i'burned to a crisp" at their home one more liailon in Asia Free state. But-the Oregon Senator said Eatea KefauVer of ^Tennessee also prepared from papers of the late shooting on Ifie conrthenas lawn AD M ITTED TO D AY; Mrs. Stella comes. But sprinkled ..throughout' control law does not take World would lose basis for Ita is. likely to be entered. Kefajiver residential adviser Harry Hop- here today. Sheriff Jack Bos­ were complaints about other' fiuauly needs into, account, grow- toyay in what Police Chief Fmll he would not go along in any such Weston,- Talcottville; Mrs. Doro­ Bartels called an apparent case of {Claim that it works for .all free move. carried the state’s 12 votes Into ins. well said Guy Andrews Jr. A o t • WEDDING BOUQUETS things. ’ **■" "'ho produce the high quality g thy ObnnoUy, 62 Cliyer Rd. . murder and suicide. , people. Running For Mnate Only the 1952 national Convention, but Sherwood quit Harvard to fight himself fatally after shooting. „ Our Sam* Da^ Dry defining Service .1' Sample crlUi ism of the farm in- wheat must retjiice their acreages BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son j Bartels, chief of the Shorewodd ■ Executive Director of Bridgf- " I am running fqr the Senate lost the presidential nomination to In World War I. The U.S..armed hU wife, her father and her Worit Received Before 19 A. M. Ready By 5 P. M. |l • FUNERAL. DESIGNS to Mr. and Mrs. Cfiyde Miller'. Meri­ Tla^lM UcORi come drop wa.a that of an Iowa i Juat ■■ much as do farmers who police, said Elmore Buckethal. 41, giort Hydraulic Co. Frederick BL and nothing else," he said in an Stevenson. « forces rejected him because he was father’s brother. com-hog farmer. H* said it now produce poorer qualities. den; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. A4ANCNUTIII C o n n * apparently set (ire to his nnall Silliman says limited picketing at Interview. Stevenson apparently )iaa strong too tall—6 feet 4. But he went to Joseph Merton, Rockville. LT.WOOD 'tfkes 137 hogs to buy a tractor The Dakota and Montana farm­ plumbing shop in Milwaukee,- then all plants is continuing in Bridge­ Oregon’s May 18 iprimary may organizatlo»--,-4«pport in Oregon Canada and was accepted into the (X>URT .ASKS MORE DATA • CORSAGES D1SC?HARGED YEaTERD AY! that dould be bought in 1948 with' ers want the law changed to allow went home, fired bullets into the port despite request by union aide find )>oth Democratic! and Republi­ this year. Howard Morgan, Demo- (Canadian _Black Watch Re^ment. Washington. Nov. 16 (ff) — Jeffrey Gay, Rockville; George COMPANY 38. A South Dakota farmer pro­ them larger planting allotments heads of his children and wjfe, that-maintenance erapiloyea return can aspirant! listed'Ton the ballot, cratio state chairman, is officially.V Oaued and Wounded' H ie Supreme Court today called MANCHESTER Clarke Jr„ South Windsor; Mrs. tested he he was losing his two ahd to reduce still further alloL poured lubricating', oil over them, to wqrk. . . . Lutheran congrega­ some of them' agalnpt their wills.. neutral: but has made no secret of I* He was 'gassed at Arras .and for more information befora TELL IT WITH FLOWERS fit B ISSEIX ST. Althea Patten. Talcottville; Mrs. 'sons from the farm "because they ments of . producers of other' limited it, then I'illed himself. Th e tion near Milwaukee accepts reslg- A petition signed by 1,000 voters Ills backing for Ctevenson. later woundM in both legs. Before passing on a Virginia law that By TELEFLORA Evangeline. .Sibrinaz, 48 Fairfield PHONE M l S-112t w en ' making .not quite 62- .a day grades.--- ^— weapon was foUnd' beneath his B«ao® ”«>r ittVpiiibi-.vwBar .waagici. * e on the Ma. taas...suggeited .Lbpt "Harri- being dlectiarged,w i he ei^nt time in ■ ‘ The DRY CLEANERS S t ; Mrs. M ary Steed. 63 Whitney eXHOUSEfiSON (rom their share of the farm's In the Pacific Northwest, farm- charred )>ody. •— quitted of heresy charges, while ‘^jlsiei)f;''’1(ta)r aiia''''rBimHawy-' Halb- wi^ey'Cf n w a i s s T . ' (3-D> VISUAL WIRE SERVICE Rd.; Bruce EMwards. 67ij Pearl operations. ' ! j era complain that both the gov- The dead, in addition to Bucke- leaders of- another congregattoin The candidate can't get his name might help finance Kefauver ip Afterward, he became a mage- TEL. Ml 3-7254 As for other types of ' com- j DoHvorlas to Surroundliif Tawns S t; James Govensky, Rockville; vote to keep their pastor, found off no matter how much he o b J »^ , .( Supreme Court dedelan i Mrs. Marghret Baker and son, 98 W £ GIVE D O R E E N STAMPS (plalnU, some (armera found fault ,(CoBttaiuea oa Pago NiaeX (Cbaltaiued on Page Fifteea) guilty-ot similar charges. This might pose somsththg (M a (Obattaiilled oa Page JElevea) (ConttaiiMd oa Piigo Fifteen) lag the Virginia Inw. Bolton S t. J ^ : x . ■ ' !■ ' • ’

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