i ? \ • . I- /Mr -/■- --- ^ 1 . .; r> r ,' . .1 .1 - \ i , . ,,, wL : p .- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER H i 19B9 ,1 Avtraga Dftily Net Pfeaa Ron rqy tke Week Ended The Weetlrar ' Nov. 5, ItSS Fm m m F ad O. • . Wonthor E^naa Mrs. Mather H. NelU. 50 Ply­ Olnoenhy Adr tonigkt. Low 1J,898 pgAtn neiur 4f. Soanday, .dloBdhig mouth lAne, is one'of the com­ .z Member e< the Andit mittee members pUmning the com­ Till Christrrfas Barcnn of C|r«HaHon ap and eenttaaetf rather mlM. High ing meeting of the Mount Holyoke Effective Monday, Nov. in lower sae. ^ .TIm faU M r of «»« WMhliigton a u b of Hartford to be held Nov. Manche$ter~-^ City of ViUago Chariot PTA will bo- hold tomorrow from 17 at 8 p.m. at Heubleln Hall, 37 . <■ . Jefferson St., Hartford. Guest 3 to 7 p.m. at the West Side Rec- VOL. LXXV, NO. 37 (FOURTEEN PAGES) reaUcm Cantor and will be open to speaker will be John A. Dando, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1955 (OlaaeUied Advarttolag on Pago IS) PRICE n v i;, CENTS the public, admission free. Games j professor of Bpgllsh at .TYinIty are plai\ned for the children and 'college, who will talk on "Poets in OTOBts to Interest all skcs. Booths iBScile." ■ . will feature home made cakes, The meeting of the Zipser Club Bonn Staicts plea, candy preserves, also hand­ scheduled, for this Sunday has Allies to Penalize P \ Gloomy made aprons and others items for been postponed to Sunday, Nov, I glRa, toys, a grabbai: ' for the boys and g^rls, books and toys. V ■ .-■■I bn ‘Spirit’ The polish American Club will: Mideast Aggressor Sir K nli^t FVank McGeown has hold its regular monthly meeting «— e meeting of the convention Sunday afternoon at 1 .o’clock at O f s o a o o o 1 conWilttee for the Grand Black the’ clubhouse on Clinton St. All \ At Geneva Chapter of the United SUtes for members are urged to attend. GenevA, Nov. 12 (/P)— B rit-fP«*» «n<l radio toward French this o ^ n in r at .7:30 id Orange hin and the United States are problems in North' Africa. The Bonn, Germany, Nov. 12 shipmenta were halted in August United Nations, N. Y., Nov. Han. All members of this com­ The Connecticut Society of (JPy—A new West Genhihi reported cooflidering keeping mittee are urged to attend.'-' when the French blamed Cairo for 12 </P>—Disheartened^^ the Certified Public Accountants will A rm y w m founded todi#r.^h« P«*ce between Jews arid fanning Nationaliat unrest in Al­ Big Four deadlock at Geneva, hold its technical meeting at the geria and Morocco. The K a n i^ te r Pipe Band will Hotel Barnum in Bridgeport on Standing under a 10-foot repr Ar^bs by penalizing any ag U.N. delegates held little hdpe held its annual entertainment and Nov, 17.. Henry L. Stem. C.P.A., lica of an Iron Cross — the greflsor and even using an in- The. full_________________ Uat of- arms shipmenta ^ a y for any settlement of dance at the Hotel Bond Banfoom. win addreaw " the^members and ancient symbol of German tem atio n al force to police t h e ! disclosed.. However. ^ East-West issues before the Hartford.-tonight at 8 o'clock. The their guebts on the subject "Ac­ military might — Defense _P.I«tin,^.^border, If current General Assemblv. Farmington Valley Orchestra will counting for Retail Stores.” Din­ CONVOY sary. play for dancing. ner will be at 6:30 p.m. and the Minister Theodor Blank f ilte r s were included. He added As the foreign ministers' Ulks meeting should commence at 7:45 handed callup papers to the New measures to support the tta t Britain and America had ap-1 turniahed evidence of a toughened .1950 U.S.-Britlsh4i;rench declara­ proved the original arms deal is Soviet foreign policy, .diplomata Concuatory The Z l^er Club will hold a set­ pm- . first 101 volunteers for the back tournament tomorrow night tion against any major breach of months ago and that no further here voiced doubt the ciu-i(V!ht ses­ at 7 o'clock at the cluUioi^se. All JACKETS 500,000 man force. the Palestine armistica^ere being oonauitaUona were necessary.. sion would rnako hMdwoy on dis­ . Gibbons Assembly. CathoUc La- They were the flrst of the men studied in the light Of ClHnmunlst .The fmoign office- spokesman armament. memberahit) of any Moves E nd . are welcome. ^ dies of Columbus, will initiate a sale 4>f arms to Arab at^es, in­ other controversial qbesttons. group of new members Tuesday, who will be enrolled in the next said delivery of arms to Israel la Forail weather. Nature Boy poplin, three yean Into 12 Army divisiona, formants said. continuing. Again the type of arms References lo tbO "Spirit of Ge- i Nov. IS, at 8:13 at the Community ' involved was hot disclosed. Y, Following the ceremony; op­ water repellent. Insulated quiltied a 1,300-plonc tactical Air Force Binbnrgo Included nevq" which highlighted UJ'I. A n ^ j^ R o w erators of the Vincent and Ray­ lining of acetate, rayon and cbtton. and a coaatal Navy. They said the plana by the W eat^.^® - . “I John speeches earlicf- this year have . 6,006 Vohmteera to prsvent or stamp out early anyoas I’aMtCrer Dulles and' British Foreign been noticpably absent the past mond Beauty Studio, 517 Main St., Hand washable!. Sizes: Small, me­ SebMtary Harold MacMillan ar- Tew days. will demonstrate the latest in hair »•, The Germans donned their new full-scale Arab-Jewtsh conflict in­ By JoilN M. HIGH'TOWER i,. dium, large. Colors: Red, navy, tur­ uniforms Just over hve years from clude;. ,• r a n i^ a n unusual conferenqe with I Only tl)e SovleL bloc members, CMERBENCY styles, and will use the following 1. A total embargo on war aup- a rankhig F<'C"ch diplomat here - who appear singularly unaffacted Geneva, N qv. 12 (/P)—Sec­ models: Mrsi' Glenn J. Mlrtl, Mrs. quoise. ' the time western Allies decided to apparently in an effort to coordi­ Oil i Urner rearm Weat Germany to bolster piles from western and other by developments' In Geneva, still retary of. State John Foster Henry Skelly, Mrs. Ernest Matuss. friendly countries to. Israel and the nate big U ^ e policies In the Mid Invoke the .• “spirit" when they OuUes and Soviet Foreign. SERVICE Mrs. John Njelseh. Mrs. Hsrdlng the Atlantic Alliance against the Arabs. ^ ' threat of Russian aggrsssion. a«a-s.vt w |#vaawvaii^aJ4fU()s, BUUng MihiSter V. M. MiRotov^ Stephens, Mrs. Arthur Smachettl. 2. .Institution of an 'economic Mrs. Nwrard Stelmark And Mrs. .98 ■ The men taking part in today's in for French Fordign ,Mlniatqr a**- OpUnrism Fade* ^pped ,, their bitter debate CALL Joseph Rourke, Mrs. Mathew Mori- ceremony were the Initial install­ blockade on .the trouble area. tolne PInay, who. is lA Paris. w tr arms reduction and con- ment of 6,000 volunteers authoV- 3. Complete or partial break In ..The, current, assembly-.opened ^ vmiiAMs arty and Mrs. Joseph Rourke are diplomatic relations.- Italy to Ban iWa ’ amid optimism that an overall .irols today and began trying chairmen of the committee. ixed by parliament under tem­ In Rome, the Italian1 goveiemment OIL ^RVICE porary ie^slatlon. 4. Finally, as a last resort, to announced it would ban export of agreement might finally be t patch up some kind of consider using U.S., British, and reached on the thorny disarma­ agreement on a final Big Army Sgt. Rudolph E. Cspello, Sportswear—Second Floor When detailed legislation has French troops aa an international 30 Ralian-made Jet fighter planes ment question. son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Capei- to Egypt. Informed sources / MI-9-4548 ■■. i been passed, 150,000 volunteers sentry force to restore peace and Four disarmament declara­ lo, 183 Hilliard St., recently took 1 will ' be enlisted as s permanent yesterday the Mac'chi company, a With this In mind, the U.N.’s tion. V part In a reglirientat combat test senre aa a buffer between the two private firm In Italy, had con.in. I political conunittee sidetraced cadre. They will be the leaders, sides. to 1 “* ^ te on the arms question until The. newly conciliatory tone ia held by the 1st Cavalry Division | \ instructor's and technicians to han­ traded to sell...Vampire Jets today's Big Four aeasion was in in Japan. The sergeant a squad V In Paris, the -Frencfi Foreign Cairo. the-Big Four had a chance to dle' the 350,000 conscripts due to Office announced today France has The Italian foreign office denied t'hraah tt■t outoul and presumably pa atarit contrut to the acid argu­ leader in Company'K of the divi­ be dratted in 1956. ment of two previous aeaalona, in • CORRECTION • sion’s 8th Re^ment, entered the resumed shipment of arms to m y knowledge of the Jet deal but the way' ^for r actioQ In the U.ff. / . '''Blank said the nevr Wehrpiacht Egypt because- of an "improve­ Hopda oi'-success were dashed the course of which Dulles and Army In November 1952. and com- / ^4^^^ Be* . - - » .- ’ e p e g i j ' __ preted basic training at-yt.-Riley.- -- had mtly psaeeful alaw-Hlho catab- ment:'., in Uie-tons-ofr4he-ldffPMtp Mhen -Soylet-iPprelgir Mlntater--V; [>^totpV accuMd,each other, MUiat :__ n t t e j rT . lishmeht of security in a peaceful WSSpy Or by IUnplIcatlOn, 67 Kan.
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