Dunkeld Rifle Range Environs Native Plant List 2018

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Dunkeld Rifle Range Environs Native Plant List 2018 Vascular Native Flora for the Dunkeld Rifle Range and Environs Dave Munro Area bounds are Vic. Valley Rd, Grampians Golf Club, Waterworks Tk; lower N slopes The Piccaninny Species excluding orchids Amyema pendulum Drooping Mistletoe 01/10/11 Acacia retinodes Wirrilda 01/10/11 Acacia mearnsii Black Wattle 20/06/06 Acacia melanoxylon Blackwood 01/10/11 Acacia paradoxa Hedge Wattle 01/10/11 Acacia.myrtifolia Myrtle Wattle 01/10/11 Acacia verticillata Prickly Moses 01/10/11 31/08/13 Allocasuarina paludosa Scrub Sheoak 22/01/11 Argentipallium blandowskianum Woolly Everlasting 22/01/11 Arthropodium strictum Chocolate Lily 27/10/16 Astroloma constephiodes Flame Heath 30/08/09 31/08/13 Astroloma humifusum Cranberry Heath 22/01/11 Banksia marginata Silver Banksia 22/01/11 Banksia ornata Desert Banksia 24/04/06 Boronia nana Dwarf Boronia 01/10/11 Brachyloma daphnoides Daphne Heath 27/10/16 Brachyloma depressens Spreading Heath 28/11/09 Burchardia umbellata Milkmaids 27/10/16 Callitris rhomboidea Oyster-Bay Cypress pine 01/10/11 Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe-myrtle 27/10/16 Cassytha melantha Dodder-laurel 01/10/11 Chamaescilla corymbosa Blue Squills 01/10/11 31/08/13 27/10/16 Comesperma calymega Blue-spike Milkwort 27/10/16 Comesperma volubile Love Creeper 30/08/09 Conospermum mitchelli Smoke Bush 30/08/09 27/10/16 Convolvulus erebescens Pink Bindweed 27/10/16 Corea reflexa Common CoreaCorea 22/01/11 31/08/13 27/10/16 Crasspedia variabilis Billy Buttons 04/10/11 27/10/16 Daviesia arenaria Mallee Bitter-pea 31/08/13 Daviesia brevifolia Leafless Bitter-pea 30/08/09 31/08/13 Dianella revoluta Black-anther Flax-lily 04/10/11 Dichondra repens Creeping Kidney-weed 04/10/11 Dillwynia hispida Red Parrot-pea 01/10/11 27/10/16 Dillwynia sericea Showy Parrot-pea 27/10/16 Dodonea cuneata Wedge-leaf Hop-bush 01/10/11 Drosera whiteckeri Scented Sundew 31/08/13 Drosera peltata Pale Sundew 30/08/09 27/10/16 Epacris impressa Common Heath 30/08/09 31/08/13 Eucalyptus baxteri Brown Stringybark 30/08/09 Eucalyptus obliqua Messmate 20/10/09 Eucalyptus viminalis ssp cygnetensis Rough-barked Manna Gum 30/08/09 Exocarpus cupressiformis Cherry Ballart 10/10/10 Gompholobium ecostatum Dwarf Wedge-pea 22/01/11 Goodenia geniculata Bent Goodenia 22/01/11 27/10/16 Grevillea aquifolium Variable Prickly-leaf Grevivillea 01/10/11 31/08/13 27/10/16 Grevillea dimorpha Flame Grevillea 01/10/11 Hakea decurrens Silky Hakea 01/10/11 Hakea teretifolia Dagger Hakea 31/08/13 Hibbertia prostrata Bundled Guinea-flower 19/09/09 31/08/13 27/10/16 Hibbertia riparia Erect Guinea-flower 22/01/11 31/08/13 27/10/16 Hibbertia virgata Twiggy Guinea-flower 30/08/09 31/08/13 27/10/16 Hypericium gramineum Small St John's Wort 22/01/11 Page 1 Hypolaema fastigiata Tassel Rope-sedge 04/10/11 Hypoxis vaginata Yellow Star 04/10/11 Isopogon ceratophyllus Horny Conebush 31/08/13 27/10/16 Ixodia achillaeoides Ixodia 22/01/11 Leptospermum continentale Prickly Tea-tree 10/10/10 Leptospermum scoparium Manuka 22/01/11 Leptospermum myrsinoides Heath Tea-tree 01/10/11 27/10/16 Leucopogon ericoides Pink Beard-heath 30/08/09 Leucopogon glacialis Twisted Beard-heath 30/08/09 Leucopogon virgatus Common Beard-heath 31/08/13 27/10/16 Microseris sp Yam Daisy 01/10/11 27/10/16 Monotoca sp Monotoca 22/01/11 Neurachne alopecuroides Fox-tail Mulga-grass 01/10/11 Pelargonium rodneyanum Magenta Stork'sbill 22/01/11 Persoonia juniperinum Prickly Geebung 22/01/11 31/08/13 Phyllanthos hirtellus Thyme Spurge 31/08/11 Phylota pleurodroides Heathy Phylotta 22/01/11 Pimelia humilis Rice flower 01/10/11 27/10/16 Platylobium obtusangulum Common Bush-pea 22/01/11 27/10/16 Pseudugnaphalium luteoalbum Jersey Cudweed 04/10/11 Pteridium esculentum Austral Bracken 01/10/11 Pultenea daphnoides Large-leafed Bush-pea 01/10/11 Rutidosis multiflora Small Wrinklewort 01/10/11 27/10/16 Senecio sp Fireweed Stackhousia viminea Slender Candles 01/10/11 27/10/16 Stylidium inudatum Hundreds &Thousands 04/10/11 27/10/16 Styphelia adscendens Golden Heath 16/08/06 31/08/13 Tetratheca ciliata Pink Bells 30/08/09 31/08/13 Thysanotus pattersonii Twining Fringe-lily 04/10/11 27/10/16 Utricularia tenella Pink Fans 04/10/11 Wahlenbergia gracilis Bluebell 27/10/16 Wahlenbergia sp Bluebell 22/01/11 Wurmbea dioica Early Nancy 04/10/11 Viola hederacea Ivy-leaf Violet 04/10/11 Orchid species Acianthus caudatus Mayfly Orchid 16/08/06 Aug-Sep Acianthus pusillus Small Mosquito Orchid 10/09/88 May-Aug Caladenia venusta x “ greencomb” White Spider-orchid hybrid 03/10/09 Sept-Oct Caladenia tessellata Heart-lip Spider-orchid 07/10/09 27/09/13 Sept-Oct Caladenia carnea Pink Fingers 17/10/07 27/09/13 27/10/16 Sept-Nov Caladenia clavigera Plain-lip Spider 19/09/09 Sept-Nov Caladenia (Pheladinia) deformis Bluebeard Caladenia 16/08/06 31/08/13 Aug-Sep Caladenia dilatata Late Greencomb Spider-Orchid Nov-Jan Caladenia moschata Musky Caladenia 17/10/07 27/09/13 27/10/16 Sept-Nov Caladenia Iridescens Bronze Caladenia 20/10/09 27/10/16 Sept-Oct Caladenia parva Small Greencomb Spider-Orchid 07/10/09 27/10/16 Sept-Oct Caladenia pusilla Tiny Caladenia 30/09/06 Sept-Oct Caladenia tentaculata Mantis Orchid 07/10/09 27/10/16 Sept-Nov Caladenia venusta White Spider-orchid 02/09/07 27/10/16 Sept-Nov Caleana major Large Flying Duck-orchid 28/11/09 27/10/16 Oct-Nov Calochilus campestris Copper Beard-orchid Sept-Oct Calochilus paludosis Reddish Beard-orchid Sept-Oct Calochilus robertsonii Purplish Beard-orchid 03/10/09 Sept-Oct Chiloglotis reflexa Autumn Wasp-orchid April- May Corybas diemenicus Veined Helmet-orchid July-Sept Corybas unguiculatus Small Helmet-orchid 26/06/11 May -July Corybas incurvus Slaty Helmet-orchid 09/07/10 31/08/13 July-Aug Page 2 Cyrtostylis reniformis Small Gnat Orchid 31/08/13 Aug-Sept Dipodium roseum Hyacinth Orchid 22/01/11 Dec-Feb Diuris chryseopsis Golden Moths 03/09/09 Aug-Oct Diuris orientis Wallflower Orchid 17/10/07 27/10/16 Sept-Oct Diuris pardina Leopard Orchid 30/08/06 27/10/16 Sept-Nov Corunastylis despectans Sharp Midge-orchid Feb-April Corunastylis morrissii Bearded Midge-orchid 24/04/06 Feb-April Glossodia major Waxlip 20/05/06 31/08/13 Aug-Oct Leporella fimbriata Fringed Hare-orchid 24/04/06 April-July Microtis parviflora Slender Onion-orchid Oct-Dec Microtis unfolia Common Onion-orchid Oct-Dec Paracaleana minor Small Flying Duck-orchid 28/11/09 Nov-Jan Pterostylis concinna Trim Greenhood 27/09/06 June-Sept Pterostylis diminuta Crowded Greenhood 16/08/06 31/08/13 Aug-Sept Pterostylis falcata Large Sickle Greenhood Nov-Dec Pterostylis melogramma Tall Greenhood 30/08/06 July-Sept Pterostylis nana Dwarf G'hood 30/08/06 31/08/13 July-Sept Pterostylis nutans Nodding G'hood 27/09/06 31/08/13 27/10/16 Aug-Oct Pterostylis parviflora Tiny Greenhood 24/04/06 May-June Pterostylis pedunculata Maroonhoods 13/09/09 Aug-Oct Pterostylis sanguinea Banded Greenhood 15/07/07 May-Aug Pterostylis smaragdyna Emerald-lip Greenhood 19/09/09 Aug-Oct Pterostylis tasmanica Southern Bearded Greenhood 16/08/06 June-July Thelymitra anteniferra Rabbit's Ears 30/09/06 27/10/16 July-Oct Thelymitra benthamiana Blotched Sun-orchid 20/05/06 Oct Dec Thelymitra ixiodes Spotted Sun-orchid 20/10/09 Oct-Nov Thelymitra pauciflora Slender Sun-orchid 20/10/09 Sept-Oct Thelymitra rubra Salmon Sun-orchid 17/10/07 27/10/16 Sept-Oct Thynninorchis huntianus Elbow Orchid Dec-Feb Page 3.
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