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GILBERT'S '•S, On thie Campus—Notre Dame 1=. .- .V--i%-;--^ Mmy 16,1958 The Netr« Dame Be a Magician >»IIWTURB0W VP^TOilllTIMSr Scholastic Write OPHCAL REPAIRS Frames Repaired, Replaced Dr. Meyer Bloch Broken Lenses Duplicated Vol. 99 May 16, 1958 No. 23 *-, President "Bring in the Pieees" Diwe Qnati Sempei ^^ctnms EYES EXAMINED Vive Qnan Cm Moritamt EASTERN MAGICAL SOCIETY A> 240 Rivington Street 207 W. Washington Founded 1867 New York 2, N. Y. Oliver Hotel Phone CE 4-5777 Entered as second dass matter at Notre Dame, " bufiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of ^ postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. AuthoriKd June 23, 1918. JIM STEINTRAGER Editor DAVID L. KUBAL Storage for Associate Editor ** JOHN GLAVIN Winter Garments Associate Editor GEORGE CLEMENTS News Editor " HARRY McKEE Copy Editor ^ —PLUS BOB EARLY Features Editor ^ CLEANING CHARGES MIKE FITZPATRICK Sports Editor only $2.95 BOB WILLIAMS Photography LORAN SHEFFER Business Manager ^ . MIKE KURAS Assistant Business JOE DEZELAN Circulation Manager ^ WALT RUDGE Assistant News RON BLUBAUGH Assistant Copy «J FOR ALL YOU CAN STORE BILL CONWAY Assistant Copy i TOM EDWARDS Assistant Features TOM LAMONT Assistant Features BOB SEDLACK Assistant Features a ED ROHRBACH Assistant Sports It Isn't" necessary to ship your winter garments home and TED THOMPSON Assistant Sporte , then back to school again in the fall. You con store them at News Staff: Ken Baiungartner, Alan Bosch, Ken Brown, Jack Devney, Bill Kelly, Bni Lehr, Bob *^ RUBIN CLEANERS in their SAFE, INSURED STORAGE VAULT. Maruyama, Bcrnie McElroy, Gil P^rocki, Lyn Relph, Oias Rieck, Tom Romans, Roy Rubeli, Milt Your clothes will be cleaned and HUNG in our storage vault. They Streifel, Tom Swanstrom, Dick Zang. will be ready when you wont them. And you don't pay until you Sporte Staff: Bob Briggs, Jim Brogan, Jack Dolan, John Kodi, Bob Miller, Mike Muiphy, Tim pick them up. The $2.95 pays for storage and insurance up to O'Reilly, Tom Rose, Bob Schaefer. Sporte Features: Joe Bride, John McMahon, Greg $150.00 in valuations. Excess values are 2% of additional Rogers. r ^. 'i amount. Badness Staff: Bemie Dobranski, Pete Hasbrook. h Bob Horn, Conrad Suski. j| CALL CE 4-3188 Mi^ifar of Calliolic Sdwol Bms Assodatiaa aad Aaodated Collegiate Rcss. Rqaresented for ••- OR tioBal advertising by National Advertising Service, be, 420 Madbm Avenue, New York Ctjr. STOP IN FOR MORE INFORAAATION THE SCHOLASTIC is puUislied weekly «hirii« tfce '^"^ AND FURTHER DETAILS AT •Aoel year, except during vacation and rmniiiaa tiea petiodi, at Ae Univenity <rf Notre Daae. SdMcriptioB rate, 94.00 a year. Address all numu- •et^ls to the Editor, Box 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. 4 > Kbficatio* Sdwdnfe for die 1957-58 sdiool year, „ VelMW 99: Vo. 1. Sept. 27; No. 2, Oct. 4; No. S. Rubin Gleaners Oct. II: No. 4. Oct. 18: No. 5. Oct. 25; No. 6, v Vm. 8: No. 7. Nor. 15: No. 8, Nov. 22: No. 9, 217 E. JEFFERSON CORNBt UNCOLN WAY EAST DiK. C; No. 10, Dee. IS (FootfadH Review): No. II. Jm. 17; No. 12, Fob. 7; No. 13, Feb. 14; No. 14. ON THE BUS UNE Feb. 21; Nou Vi, Feb. 21; No. 16^ UuA 7; No. 17. UatA 14; No. 18. UatA 21; No. 19. ManA 28; No. 20^ ^ril 2S; No. 21. Ifky 2; No. 22. May 9; Hm. », Umr IS: No. 24. Mey 23. The Scholastic Sieofm by MARTIN T. FRANCIS the end The entire thing started innocently Taking everjrthing into consideration, enough. Even to this moment I really the date wasn't bad at all. For the first can't figure out how it all happened. hour or so I kept thinking about the There I was, a typical college bum and boys; I just couldn't get them out of I liked it. It was a little over a year ago my mind. It was really bad. I didn't this month when the whole thing started. hear her talking to me three times in a I was twenty-one at the time, and was row. I guess this aggravated her a little using my real ID for only two months. because all of a sudden, right after the It sure was great. Eveiy Saturday night third time, she just leaned over and a crew of the boys and I would head planted a big kiss square on my lips. down for the local pub. Then we'd sit Then she casually asked me if that made around for a few hours and bend the it worth giving her a little more atten merry elbow while toasting one dream tion. I could see those molehills starting after another. Each of us had our own to gather, but I lost my head anc^ threw private dream. Bob's was a brunette, caution to the winds. I also liked the ^ short, and a loyal Sox fan. Then there wonder how the recession ever got start taste of her lip stick and the feeling I was Jim's, she was a hole-in-one. (We ed with the way she drives. Anyway, I had all over me like never before. After called all our dreams female.) That's all was mistaken because it was a picture that the boys down at the local pub sort he ever thought about. No kidding, he'd of a real live toast, I mean, dream. That of left my mind. never even look at a girl; he'd just im is, it was a picture of a girl who was She was really a powerful dream. The agine that dream-drive over and over beautiful. Due to the prevailing cir next Saturday m'ght she was my new- again. We all thought he should show a cumstances I will say no more, but you toast. And like I said before, we never little more variety in his toasts, but he can take my description as grossly in questioned each other's dunces. The hoys was a buddy so we respected his dreams. adequate, to say the least. I immediately were glad to have me back, and I was That's the kind of group we were; we set down my quart of tomato juice and glad to be back. But things were differ never discriminated amongst ourselves. took a better look at this creature. Then ent because this was the first time any When Joey started thinking that Fran Eddy told me that she was a distant of us had a dream that we'd even spdcen cois Sagon was better looking than Erin relative of his. He wanted me to date to, and there I was with one that kissed O'Brien, we just quit toasting Erin and her on the following week end. Now this me. started toasting Francois, without even was going just a little too fai*. I'm an easy I didn't date her again until the sum a single question. There was a whole going guy. I like girls and think they're mer vacation, but then I saw her more mess of different dreams to be toasted to here to stay, but going out with them is or less regularly. There wasn't much else every Saturday night. Sometimes some another story. Dreams and pictures to do. The boys were spread over the of us changed our dreams, and some can't cause any trouble, but get near the nation, and I didn't care much for the times we sort of went steady with them real thing and sure enough there's trou rah-rah frat boys around home. Septem for months. At the time I was toasting ble, real trouble like marriage. And I ber came around and the toasting ses a rich old aunt. It wasn't sentimentality wasn't about to give up my toasting days sions were renewed, but I wag worried. or anything, it was just that her last for a wife. That's the sort of guy I am; It was still as if something had ehanged., gift to me had made these sessions pos I make mountains out of molehills, but I knew she didn't mean anything to me sible, so I figured she deserved the posi I figure that with a molehill here, a and the boys kept telling me that-I was tion. molehill there, and all of a sudden that just building my mountains again. They This was the situation when the thing mountain hits you square in the face. said the same thing when I had her down irot its start. It was early one Sunday Besides, I didn't want to desert the boys for a football week end, and again when morning, probably around eleven, when just because some character's relative I gave her a miniature over the Christ Bddy came sauntering into the room wanted ax date.