THE MCKINLEY TIMES November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V Will Football Season Some kids from 5th Grade were able to respond to a quick questionnaire of what Shut Down? they felt about the subject. In these ex- periences though, it could be outside of by Jonah C. school or inside of school. We can work to understand each others’ backgrounds The NFL is one of the most popular by asking friends to translate topics of sports organizations. NFL stands for interest into the language that they are the National Football League. There most comfortable speaking. One 5th are about 1,700 players in the NFL to- photo from grader said that yes, he felt that he was day. Those 1,700 players are divided into treated differently because of his looks. thirty-two national teams in the US. The 2020 Election Results I feel as though these things happening National Football League’s Super Bowl every day can sometimes go unnoticed. is one of the most viewed games of all by Jonah C. When feeling this way, it is important to time, having about 100 million viewers. talk to any teacher or staff member at But this season might not end. The NFL The 2020 Presidential race was an excit- McKinley and ask for help. is having problems with Covid-19 cases. ing race to watch. On November 3rd, They have had more cases than the NBA former Vice President Joe Biden and During Covid, Olivia Z., 5th, said that, “I and MLB had and the season is just two- Senator Kamala Harris faced off against feel like I’ve changed, and so has every- thirds through. There have been a few President Donald Trump and Vice Pres- one else. I think we’ve all been affected team outbreaks of Coronavirus that have ident Mike Pence. It took a few more by this pandemic but haven’t necessarily caused postponed and canceled games. days to finish counting the votes, but in treated each other differently.” People More than 25 games have been resched- the end Joe Biden won and is the 46th can feel judged by race, like me, being an uled already and more are to come.The president of the United States and he Asian girl. I feel that sometimes people NCAAF is the college football league, will enjoy four years in the White House. will blame me for this pandemic, even there are way more teams than in the though I’m just from Asia, that does not NFL but that means more cases and mean that I’m responsible for all this. canceled games. Even though masks are Nobody is. uncomfortable, they are the best way to Bias and Anti-Bullying make sure that no one gets sick. It is Chloe H., 5th, said that didn’t see important to make sure that everyone is by An N. anything change during this pandemic so safe so the season can continue. Because she didn’t really have any change in reac- if the Covid list grows too big, the NFL Here at McKinley, we highly encourage tion. Olivia W., 5th, said that she did see and NCAAF might have to end their kids to have anti-bullying standards, and people getting treated differently during seasons for fan and player safety. while we think all students are uphold- this pandemic. Someone anonymous, ing these standards, in reality, sometimes said that they were “very sad.” Know- even the smallest things can affect how ing that people were treated differently people feel. during this pandemic. I feel that some- times it is disappointing knowing that Sometimes, kids will feel that they are others are treated differently. treated differently from others, some- times based on their gender, race, eth- Knowing all these facts can sometimes nicity or other. Sometimes, people feel make you feel a bit sad, but knowing that these biases in everyday things., such as people are trying their hardest to im- practicing basketball or playing with oth- prove this makes you feel so much bet- ers. You need empathy to see what they ter! Always try your hardest to make the feel. You should always put some extra world you live in, a better place. effort to understanding what others are feeling. November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V CURRENT EVENTS

stop the spread of coronavirus. Because ture. Ashlyn B. said, “ A lot of my dad’s of how coronavirus spreads, it means family were in the war.” If some of your that you might not know if you have it ancestors were veterans, you can find out if you are symptomatic for the first few what war they served in, and what the days. Meaning you do not have corona- cause of the war was. virus symptoms. This can make it easier to spread. Coronavirus is usually spread Family history is exciting because it helps by breathing on other people., which is connect you with your ancestors, and it why you should wear masks. So please makes you more attune to the cultures stay safe this holiday season in 2020 Go you are a part of. One student said, “ It’s Lions! important to know your family history because you get to learn about the people Exploring Your Family from your family, the line of ancestors, it Safe Ways to Celebrate will always be a treasure to me how close History to my heart my history can be.” Jonah C. by Delilah P. said, “I think that knowing your family by Juliet S. history is important because you know This holiday season will be different than more about yourself and your culture.” We are going into the winter months, others, and in fall there is one big holi- and with the combination of cold day where families usually gather togeth- Family history is not just a list of facts weather and COVID_19, people will be er - Thanksgiving. But, this year will be and names, it is also stories. One of my inside a lot more. It is fun to have a proj- different because of coronavirus. Meet- favorite stories is about my grandmother. ect during time inside, because it keeps ing up with family has risks and the best When she was little she used to go to you busy and gives you something to do. decision might not be to meet up with stay with her grandmother who lived in In this article you will learn about a fun family without precautions: avoid meet- a very small town. Even when she was project to do during this time. ing up inside, without any masks, and only 5 years old, she was allowed to walk without a coronavirus test. But there are to the grocery store by herself and buy We learn about history in school every still ways to stay safe and still spend time a bag of potato chips. Family history is day, and you may be wondering, “How with others. Because of California’s cli- memories and stories as well as dates and can I learn about history that relates mate people can also meet outside. But numbers. And to do this project, almost to me?” Well, to do that you can learn this is also especially important to stay all you need is memories of the people about something called Family History. safe if there is someone at high risk or in your family. You may have heard of tests you can someone who could get more sick like if take where they analyze your DNA to for example a family member was preg- find out who you are related to, and you nant, or had health problems. can do that, but for this project you don’t have to. You should also consider the health of the broader community not just the To start, you can use it as an opportu- family members that you may see over nity to talk to people. Maybe call your Thanksgiving. Coronavirus symptoms grandparents on the phone and ask them sometimes don’t show up for a few days. about where they grew up and who their So if you meet up over the holidays with- parents and grandparents were. Olivia out any masks and everyone gets it, you Z. told me that her dad’s Nonna came might not know for a few days and those from a region in Italy called Calabria. If people could spread it to other people, your ancestors also came from Italy or and other people, and other people. This another country, you could research that is what makes coronavirus hard to con- country and find out more about its cul- trol. Wearing masks can also really help 2 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V COOKING

Ingredients and turn the heat to medium heat, put the butter in the saucepan, if it starts • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter bubbling don’t worry, it will stop later. 1 • 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate or /2 Put in the chocolates and stir until the cup chocolate chips ingredients are melted then whisk in the • 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate sugar. Don’t be concerned when your 3 • /4 cup sugar smooth mixture turns grainy. One by one • 2 eggs add in the eggs then add the vanilla and • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract give the ingredients a big stir and then 1 • /2 a teaspoon salt (for taste, almost ev- add the salt and flour, stir until incorpo- ery recipe has salt and it tastes different rated and then mix in the nut of your without it) choice. Scrape the batter into the baking 1 • /3 cup all purpose flour pan put the baking pan with the batter • 1 cup of nuts (almonds which I used, in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until walnuts, cashews, or your favorite kind you can stick a toothpick in and pull it of nut) out and it is clean, then transfer the pan out of the oven and put it somewhere Center a rack in the oven and preheat the that it can cool down, do not put it in oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Line an the refrigerator, just let it sit for about Jonah C.’s Chocolate 8inch square baking pan with foil, butter another 30 minutes to an hour and then Walnut Brownies the foil and place the pan on a baking when your brownies are completely cool sheet. Get a small or medium saucepan you can cut them in to squares and enjoy!

• 1 cup of butter, (2 sticks) at room tem- perature • 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla • 2 large eggs • If you want an even more festive loaf, add ½ teaspoons cinnamon

First, preheat your oven to 350 Degrees. Then use an electric or hand mixer to cream the butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla together in a bowl. After that, take an- other bowl and put in the flour, baking soda, baking powder, and cinnamon, if wanted. Next, take your two bananas and mash them in a bowl. Put the bananas in with your wet ingredients. Take your dry Simple Recipes You’ll Enjoy Making ingredients and pour them into the mix- er with your wet ingredients and the ba- by Samantha A. Molly L.’s Fall Banana Bread nanas. Blend until all the lumps are gone • 2 very ripe bananas and it is smooth. Pour the batter into two Want some fun, simple recipes to try out? • 1 ½ cup sugar buttered and floured loaf pans and put Try out all the recipes you want, (with a • 2 cups flour in the oven (preheated to 350 degrees) parent’s permission), from this article, • 1 teaspoon baking soda for about 35 minutes. recommended by your fellow students. • 2 teaspoons baking powder • 1 cup milk, (whole or 2%) continued on next page 3 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V COOKING

Brownies, recommended by Juliet S. • Cut the guava into small pieces • Cut off the strawberry leaves 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, • Put all the fruit in the blender and dis- chopped into pieces card the seeds, leaves, and guava shell. ½ cup unsalted butter, and more for pan 1 1 /3 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon salt 2 /3 cup all-purpose flour

Heat oven to 350°F. Butter or spray an 8x8 baking pan, then cover it with parchment paper. In a medium heat- proof bowl over simmering water, melt chocolate and butter together until only a couple unmelted bits remain. Off the heat, stir until smooth and fully melted. You can also do this in the microwave in continued from previous page 30-second bursts, stirring between each. Whisk in sugar, then eggs, one at a time, When it is out of the oven, test if it is then vanilla and salt. Stir in flour with a done by sticking a toothpick in it. If the spoon or flexible spatula and scrape bat- toothpick comes out with wet batter on ter into the prepared pan, spread until it, then the bread needs to be baked a even. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or un- little more. If the toothpick is somewhat til a toothpick inserted into the center dry, then you’re good to go. Cut the ba- comes out batter-free. Let cool and cut McKinley Times Cover Art: nana bread into slices and enjoy! into desired size, and enjoy! Calling All Artists!

Whipped Cream, recommended by Do you like to draw? Then, The Olivia Z. McKinley Times Cover Challenge is

How To Make Papaya perfect for you! • 1 cup heavy cream • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Guava Juice Show off your artistic skills by creat- • 1 tablespoon powdered sugar by Aria E. ing a McKinley themed cover for the

newspaper! Here are the rules: In a large bowl, (preferably an electric mixer), beat the heavy cream and pow- Ingredients Tools 1. The cover must have “The McKin- dered sugar until thick. Add in the vanilla ley Times” written on it visibly. and beat until fluffy. Don’t overmix. • Papaya • Blender • Guava • Knife 2. You must be a McKinley student to Variations include… • Strawberries • Cutting Board participate! • Adding cinnamon/other spices Instructions 3. Have fun! • Adding a different kind of extract oth- er than vanilla • Take the seeds out of the papaya You can send your submissions to Ms. • Adding fruit juice in place of SOME • Slice the papaya into small pieces Ross at either [email protected] or of the heavy cream • Peel off the shell of the guava [email protected].

4 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V MCKINLEY NEWS 5th Grade Perspective: you are on the student council, congrat- “I hope that graduation will be great. I ulations! Thank you for all the hard work hope that we can all stay safe, though I 1st Edition you do for the school. would like it to be in person.” Most ev- eryone wants to be safe, as Ashlyn B. by Juliet S. Last year, Pali camp was canceled for also agreed, saying, “I hope we will get the 5th graders. I think that many of us to celebrate it one way or another.” In times before Coronavirus, 5th grade went into this year hoping there might was a very big deal. You took ballroom be a small sliver of chance that we would Graduation is one thing, middle school dance, ran for student council, went to go, unfortunately it will not happen this is quite another. Everybody is looking Pali Camp, and had graduation. Now, it’s year either. However, I’m sure in mid- forward to it though. When asked if she harder to imagine any of these things dle school and later this year we will do was excited for middle school An N. also happening. many other fun activities. said, “I am because probably by then Coronavirus will be over and that I’ll be In 5th grade we used to take ballroom That being said, I think the most import- able to be close to school. I only live a dance. However, doing lessons over ant part of 5th grade for many of us was few streets away and I just love meeting Zoom would be almost impossible, be- graduation. This was the bridge between new people and having so many classes cause you need a partner to dance with. McKinley and middle school. I asked and clubs!” I am inferring that everyone Even if we go back to school, it would some 5th graders what they thought is excited for the new environment as an- be very unlikely that we would do ball- about graduation and middle school. An other student said, “I am very excited for room dance because even with masks N.’s view on graduation was, “I hope that middle school because it is a brand new and a vaccine, ballroom dancing requires Coronavirus will be ended by then and place to explore.” a proximity that would be dangerous that we will be able to have the culmi- during Covid 19. nation and the usual party rather than a 5th grade is certainly not what we drive through graduation.” I hope so too. thought it would be this year. However Student council is still happening, Fortunately, with the vaccine, there is a the same opportunities are still here, and though. Though they are meeting over distinct possibility that might happen. middle school is still right around the Zoom, they are still doing just as much corner. work as they would in normal times. If Another student agrees with An, saying,

Making Friends During a Pandemic

by An N.

Moving schools is already so hard, imag- ine having to move from one house to another during a world-wide pandemic!

I thought that many kids liked acting or singing, if many kids were to like either of these topics, maybe they’d be able to make new friends! Sometimes, to make new friends, all you need is one common interest to spark a conversation.

continued on next page

5 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V MCKINLEY NEWS continued from previous page harder now because you have to use what you’ve got.” You can truly tell that “I like math,” Walter told me. I interviewed Molly L., a student in 5th Molly absolutely loves musical theatre, grade, because she just loves musical “if you feel lonely and feel like you need “I like recess,” two kindergarteners, Jas- theatre, a mixture of the two. Maybe if a friend, don’t be afraid to reach out to per and Matthew, agree. you’re able to find common ground with others, and musical theatre is the best.” others, you can make some new friends! “I like doing our specials,” Abby said. I believe that if you don’t have the guts Specials include P.E., science, music, and You should make friends, “because they to talk to others, I know that maybe in theater. can comfort you when you’re down. the next week or so, maybe someone They’re just someone you can relate to in else will talk to you, so you don’t have Like all students, Kindergarteners have your life or can enjoy being with.” This is to start the conversation. Maybe you’ll experienced the challenges of distance why it’s important to have friends. Mak- be able to make some new friends, who learning. ing friends can sometimes be hard, be- knows? Maybe it could be a long lasting cause, “maybe you’re new in town and friendship for many more years to come. “I think that the district has done a very other kids may not want to be friends good job putting together distance learn- with them. When I was 5, I moved to ing under the circumstances. However, I Santa Monica. I’m going to be hon- obviously prefer in person school, which est, for me it wasn’t that hard to make Distance Learning in is less stressful,” one fifth grader said. friends. The first few days of school I Kindergarten was a bit lonely, but I guess it was eas- “It has its ups and downs. You get to see ier being in Kindergarten. Recently by Samantha A. your family more, but you’re on screens my brother moved preschools, and I a lot!” an anonymous student said. wouldn’t say it was that hard for him to Distance learning is new and different make friends. I did notice a change in for all of us. There are new ways of Overall, everyone is trying their hard- the people he chose to be friends with, learning, new websites, and new rou- est in these new times, because distance they may have not been the same con- tines. But then, how do kindergarteners learning is new and different for all of nection.” You could make friends by just feel about it? I asked a group of kinder- us. There are new ways of learning, new talking to people during break, or talking garten students in Mr. Curry’s class this websites, and new routines... during class. Maybe when you’re work- question. ing with someone 1-on-1 you’ll be able to connect! “It’s fun to meet on the computer,” Ol- iver said. “I love musical theatre because I love playing in front of an audience, you “I like being at home with my family,” get to showcase your talent. It also can Isabel added. boost your self-confidence. I really can’t decide which I like better,” and “they’re Along with comments like that, there both similar because you’re able to ex- were other answers that really illustrated press your emotions in a way. Singing the hard work teachers are putting in to of course is more vocal, while acting is keep students engaged. This is especially more of actions and tone. I really don’t hard for teachers of younger grades. have a favorite.” Maybe, “you could try musical theatre any day and anytime, “There are a lot of fun activities to do,” maybe you’re reading a book, try to act Millie said. or sing it out! How I got introduced to musical theatre was I was at a summer “I like doing tangrams,” Natalie said, camp about 5 years ago. I think it’s much “and coloring.”

6 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V MCKINLEY NEWS Student Council Without these experiences I wouldn’t be things like; shorter sentences, sentences able to meet some of my best friends, so that aren’t as descriptive, and how a story President Interview I think that everybody should be able to is written. For example, look at the book get the chance to do it.” Little Women 1868 and Esperanza Ris- by An N. ing 2000 with two different fragments. Having these opportunities are just In Little Women page 59 quote, “Beth On Thursday, the 15 of October, 4th amazing, because many schools aren’t cherished them all the more tenderly for and 5th graders at McKinley voted for as privileged as we are and don’t have that reason. No pins were ever stuck in Student Council President and Vice so many activities. “Yeah! McKinley’s their cotton vitals; no harsh words or President. awesome, we have a newspaper, a stu- blows were ever given to them…” The dent council, a STEM club and so many sentence goes on for longer after this. I was able to contact the Student Council more! Hopefully the addition of a de- Compare that to a fragment of Esper- President, Sage M. bate club soon too!” anza rising page 125, “The next morn- ing, Hortensia put a piece of fabric over She said, “I can see a year that we have “Just hang in there and this will all be the window and sent Alfonso next door a lot to look forward to, and I think that over soon. I just want to thank every- with Miguel, Juan, and the babies.” This although it’s not normal, all we have to body who voted me out of the kindness sentence fragment is much shorter. Kim do is to embrace that and make it spe- of their heart.” Sage also added a small Askew, a published author, said that cial.” Socially, “I can see some Zooms, note to all of those younger audience just getting together with the other peo- who weren’t able to participate in the “Another thing is a lot of works used to ple in our grade. If they’re not in our election, either in voting or in running. be serialized and paid for by the word… class it makes it a bit limited to where “Hi everyone! The student council elec- which meant writers were paid more to and which times we can see them. I think tion is something that you will all expe- write longer books, and if serialized, they it’ll allow us to meet up with people we rience in the future, and it’s for everyone (like Dickens) had to string the book out don’t normally see in our Zoom class, who just wants to be a leader. It’s really for serialization.” I’ll also be able to get your ideas. I think for anyone. All of the experiences are that I can do things that will make me just so fun.” You get a whole experience Lisa Gonzales Director, Digital Opera- happy, but I don’t know what you want saying a speech in front of an audience tions, Random House Group at Penguin and that will make you happy, and I want which is great. Random House said “It feels like soci- everybody to have a wonderful year!” It’s ety as a whole was probably free to do truly wonderful knowing that somebody All of this is wonderful and we abso- more meandering 100 or more years ago, you look up to has everybody in mind lutely can’t wait to see this year unfold but now things are moving at such a fast and will think about everybody’s ideas in front of us. It sure had a bumpy start, pace that maybe we are unconsciously equally. but we’ll be able to race through in the also choosing and writing stories that end. move at a quicker pace.” Some future plans she has are to add, “a debate club. I know that a few people The audience is also much different, have been wanting that, I just think it’ll The Development of people are more diverse and accepted be fun. Or to have another after-school than in the early 1900’s and 1800’s. To tie club, just to have that experience or that Writing into that Lisa said. “Older Western clas- opportunity to meet people who aren’t in sics often featured just one type of pro- your class right now is just really special.” by Delilah P. tagonist and newer classics are starting Extra-curricular clubs are able to expand to show the wonderful variety of people your knowledge. Sometimes, just that Over the last few centuries English writ- we have in our world.” chance could allow you to find that you ing has really changed. From books like have a whole hobby within you. “Meet- Little Women, to Harry Potter there are This shows how the rich world of writ- ing and being social with people you major differences between these types ing has developed over the years. don’t normally get to meet is always fun. of books. These changes happen with 7 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V MCKINLEY NEWS 10 Questions With a What is your favorite movie? What is your favorite food? McKinley Lion: “My favorite movie is Miss Congeniality “Pasta, all day and all night!” Ms. Melissa! starring Sandra Bullock, because I was quite the tomboy growing up and could What is your favorite candy? by Matthew S. relate. It’s also very very funny and I love “Hands down M&M’s are the greatest comedies.” candy ever.” When you walk into the school office there is always someone who greets you What is your favorite board or card game? What is your favorite animal? with a smile and helps you in any way “I enjoy many games!! If I have to “Gotta love puppies!” she can - Ms. Melissa! I interviewed choose it’d be Clue. Once again - love a McKinley’s Office Administrative Assis- good mystery and figuring out who did Can you tell us some interesting facts about you? tant with 10 questions. Find out her fa- it!” “Hmm, this is a tough one. Ok here’s a vorite sport, favorite food and if you are few: I am left handed, but when I play ever in need of a good detective or have What is your favorite sport to play or watch? sports I do anything with a bat, club or a mystery that needs to be solved, know- “My favorite sport to both play and racket with my left but throw/shoot a ing Ms. Melissa might come in handy! watch is basketball, hands down. I grew ball with my right! up in Chicago, home of the Bulls and What was your favorite book when you were Michael Jordan so I wanted to be like When I was 3 I started figure skating, a kid? him when I grew up! I still enjoy watch- but then in the 5th grade dropped it to “My favorite books were the Nancy ing, even when they were in the bubble play basketball full time. I love working Drew books. I enjoyed them because I this summer! One of my favorite times at Mckinley and wouldn’t swamp jobs for love a good mystery!” of year is March Madness, when all the the world.” college teams play.” What was your favorite school subject? Thank you, Melissa, for letting me inter- “My favorite school subject were Art What are three things you like to do outside of view you and thanks for everything you and Literature/Reading class (and P.E.!) school? do at McKinley! I love drawing and reading and being ac- “I love to go to the beach, watch TV/ tive! movies and go hiking.”

McKinley’s Virtual ties to do, like cooking demonstrations, a look at past haunted houses, past harvest Harvest Festival festival memories, and much more fun activities. by An. N Some 5th graders were able to help out During 2020 there have been many firsts in the widely known tradition, known and many virtual events that have tak- as the McKinley Haunted House. Ev- en place instead of our usual in person ery year there was usually a new theme, events. and this year some may say that it was surrounded in more of a mystery type Here at McKinley, one of our many vir- of genre and McKinley’s history, with tual events has been the Harvest Festival. an ending of Scooby Doo. Jason, a fifth Every year it would be on the last Friday grade participant said that, “I decided to of October, and this year was no ex- sign-up for the haunted house ception. Though it was different, it was equally as fun. With so many new activi- continued on next page 8 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V MCKINLEY NEWS continued from previous page vest Festival were so much fun for me, from multiple years, and also some of the and I hope that others felt the same older haunted houses in the basement! If because it is my last year here and I want- way.” Watching the video, you’re really we weren’t able to have this experience ed to do something for the school before able to tell the amount of work that was during this time, we would’ve never been I go.” For others this could be the case put into the show. able to see the positive effects. too, Molly joined because she thought it, “sounded fun and it involves acting,” In the exclusive past memories or haunt- If you weren’t able to experience the which she loves! ed houses, something you couldn’t do at Virtual Harvest Festival, maybe you the in person harvest festival. We were can ask some friends to see what they The haunted house had a sprinkle of a able see many past videos and photos loved about it. Make sure not to miss history lesson of the McKinley school’s from memories that younger kids have the future events because of how much history throughout the years. Molly said, never seen or the older kids can remi- thought and effort is put into each and “the Virtual Haunted House and Har- nisce with. We were able to see photos every event!

in stock at stores, Fall activities are be- 7. Hanukkah ing planned in our neighborhood. And 8. Birthday hopefully, you find an event that makes 9. Motherś Day you feel joyful and you can celebrate! 10. Fatherś Day Don’t let the craziness of 2020 take away 11. Passover your Holiday happiness! 12. Eid Al-Adha

After the excitement of Halloween, hol- We all have our own ideas of what makes idays seem to come quickly. We already holidays special to us. It’s fun to think see Christmas decorations sold in stores about how people have different opin- like Michaels, CVS, and Rite Aid. This ions about their favorite times to cel- is a phenomenon called ¨The Christ- ebrate during the year. It is safe to say mas Creep¨ where stores sell Christmas that we don’t mind opening presents on themed products in the last three months Christmas, Hanukkah, and our birthdays. of each year. With all these preparations Getting candy on Halloween, Valentineś in stores, it seems like holidays are rush- Day and Easter isn´t so bad either. Giv- ing in. Honestly though, I am perfectly ing your Mom or Dad something special The Holidays are fine with that because my favorite holi- on Motherś Day or Fatherś Day feels day happens to be Christmas! good when you see the smile on their Coming! faces. Celebrating with family, friends Now that you know my favorite holiday, and loved ones is what really makes these by Zoe G. let’s hear from other McKinley students holidays special. about holidays they look forward to! I re- Can you believe it’s November already? cently took a poll with some of our very So, when you’re done Zooming with Not only is it November, but we’re own McKinley Lions and the results are your classes and you’ve completed your getting close to the end of the month! in! I have the holidays listed by populari- music and P.E. after school, you may This is the time where we should have ty with 1 being the most popular. want to think about: Ẅhat is my favor- our pumpkin pie ready. We should also ite holiday? How does it make me feel have a few friends and family over for 1. Christmas and why? Think about it. Draw a picture! Thanksgiving. Don´t go over the lim- 2. Halloween Write a story of your special moments! it of 10 people though! Pies are being 3. New Yearś Eve Share it with your family and friends! made. Houses are decorated with fall 4. Thanksgiving This will definitely get you in a happy leaves, food is being prepared, warm 5. Easter holiday mood! jackets, sweaters, mittens and scarves are 6. Valentineś Day 9 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT : way. She also loves ham an awful lot. But the boy who takes her in as a fish is A Review named Sosuke. He is the one who intro- duced Ponyo to ham. And from then on, by Juliet S. Ponyo has had an amazing relationship with Sosuke and ham. Do you like to listen to music and watch TV? Julie and the Phantoms is a new TV In the end, everyone has fun together. series that combines upbeat and catchy Ponyo turns back into a fish but then, music to a TV show. If you liked De- with the love of Sosuke, she turns back scendants or High School Musical, you into a human. I would give the movie will also love this fun, but emotional TV four and a half stars at the most. But you show directed by the director of the two can give it your own rating if you pre- former movies mentioned. fer. And if you want to watch it after you read the paper, then go to HBO Max, if Julie and the Phantoms follows Julie Mo- not signed up then sign up, and then go lina, (Madison Reyes) a musically gifted to Ghibli movies close to the bottom, high school girl who has recently lost her and watch! Have fun! mom. She has given up playing music as her mom was a composer, and doesn’t want to face painful memories. However, Mulan Review the music is brought back when a ghost Ponyo Review band from the 1990s is sucked into the by Daisy M. future. by Daisy M. Mulan was a great movie. And so was The series follows a series of problems Do you like movies that have oceans the live action one. The only difference faced by the characters, from Julie strug- and vast friendships? Or maybe just the was, no singing in the new one. Just the gling with lying to her best friend Flynn slightest sad moment. Well I would say melody of the songs that the characters (Jadah Marie) to the ghosts’ (played by Ponyo is for you. Personally, I thought it sang in the original movie. I just want to , Owen Patrick Joyner, was a really cool movie. It was directed point out that Mulan 2020 is PG-13. But and ) troubles with an evil by Hayao Miyazaki, a very skilled ani- there are no curse words, just the slight- magician who is trying to own their souls. mation director. Although she was very est bit of violence. I would definitely young, Noah Cyrus was the (English recommend this movie for people who For me, the series was also inspiring. cast) voice of ponyo. It might be hard to watched the first movie. I promise I will Madison Reyes, who plays Julie, had her tell, but it is. NOT give away any super important in- first film job in the show. The show also formation about the movie, because I has LGBTQ representation, as one of Ponyo is a super family friendly mov- know not too many people have watched the main characters is gay. 4 high school ie and I’m pretty sure Hayao Miyazaki it yet. students form a band, and write songs, wanted mostly kids to watch the movie. which inspires kids to do the same. The He has made many other movies. He is So to talk about character and actor/ac- show also represents people with many pretty kid-friendly with his movies, but tress selections, I think they did a really different backgrounds. some of them are brutal. good job. One thing I and a few other students bring up is how in the fighting This show is now streaming on Going back to Ponyo, Ponyo is a fish. scenes and scenes in general, the wind is with its first season, and I would recom- And because the movie is animated, she always blowing in Mulan’s face. Now you mend it because it is musical, funny, in- obviously does not look like a normal are probably thinking, “When that’s hap- spiring, and a feel-good show. one. She has a human head, but a body pening, she is probably going to break that looks like a onesie with a white oval into song.” in the middle. She is really loud in a good continued on next page 10 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT continued from previous page Books You NEED to Read

Well, no. It is a little serious, like it had that element of magic and shapeshifting in it, but no singing is one thing I can say. Christina Aguilera sings two songs from the new movie.

There are a few sad and unexpected missing characters from the new movie. For example, Li Shang, Mulan’s one to be did not make an appearance. Neither did the popular lucky cricket, or, MUSHU! A few other students and myself think that Mushu should not have been replaced by the Phoenix. Moving on to new appear- ances, Xian Ang is a new character. She is a ‘witch’ and shapeshifter. And as you know, the bad guy in the OG Mulan was Shan Yu. But in the new movie, his name is Bori Khan. But not to go to much into detail, the movie still has Mulan’s mom and dad, but the grandma was replaced by Molly L. discovers a secret section in the library. by a new (younger) sister. Brystal soon learns she’s a fairy! Little Find yourself stuck at home, tired of does she know her life will change forev- In the end, I would give a lot of credit to screens, and wanting a way to relax? er because of one book, says Olivia Z., the creators and people who worked on Reading covers all three of those things, 5th grade. Mulan a big thumbs up. I hope you have and here are some of McKinley Students fun watching it. favorite books. 5th Grader Sage M. recommends Jacky Ha-Ha. Jacky, the class clown, loves noth- Find yourself stuck at home, tired of Click’d by Tamara Ireland Stone - If you ing more than jokes, pranks and Nonna! screens, and wanting a way to relax? like coding, this is a GREAT book to After some jokes and pranks that the Reading covers all three of those things, read! It does a great job of portraying teachers don’t love, she gets a lot of de- and here are some of McKinley Students a teenagers life. The book is about a girl tentions and there’s only one way to get favorite books. whocreates an app that goes viral! out of them all, theater! At first she hates this idea, but as the time between her Click’d by Tamara Ireland Stone-If you 5th Grade Student Delilah P. recom- and her mom, who’s serving the country like coding, this is a GREAT book to mends the book Greenglass House. It’s in Saudi Arabia, grows. And the mystery read! It does a great job of portraying very good and about a boy named Milo with her dad gets even bigger. She starts a teenagers life. The book is about a girl who is trying to solve the mystery of to absolutely love theater and the family whocreates an app that goes viral! Greenglass house with his friend he just that she’s made, aside from her 6 sisters. met, Maddy. Although her trouble isn’t just at school, 5th Grade Student Delilah P. recom- but at home too. And her dad gives her mends the book Greenglass House. It’s “A Tale of Magic: Brystal Evergreen the most bad, worst, absolutely terrible very good and about a boy named Milo thinks her life is terrible, because of the punishment of all, forcing Jacky to stand who is trying to solve the mystery of laws stating that women should not read up to him once and for all! Greenglass house with his friend he just or learn laws. Brystal knows a bit about met, Maddy. magic, but not much. That is, until she continued on next page 11 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT continued from previous page Quarantine Book out of their little town. The Miscalculations of Lightning Recommendations Calendar Mysteries: Calendar mysteries Girl-Lucy was struck by lightning when is about the cousins and younger siblings she was seven, and since then she’s a by Shayla A. of Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose. They are genius at math. It also means, though, in 1st grade and solve mysteries just like that she has OCD, and can’t touch any- Have you ever wanted to grab a blanket their 4th grade family. thing without wiping it down first. Even and read a book near the fireplace? Well, though she’s smart enough to go to col- I have! The book I usually read at those Fantasy lege, her grandma makes her go to mid- times is Harry Potter. I’m sure most of dle school so she can make friends her you know Harry Potter and that’s why A Tale of magic and a Tale of Witch- own age. I am going to focus on other books. I craft. A Tale of Witchcraft is a sequel of like reading because I can escape to dif- a tale of magic. They are both about a Pride and Prejudice-It is a very layered ferent worlds. It distracts me from wor- 14 year old girl,named Brystal evergreen book and it takes you inside the lives of rying and it’s like tv or video games to making magic legal. She meets new people who lived centuries ago, and their me. Especially in quarantine, I can find friends all the way. stories. it helpful to be off screens and it’s time consuming. The Descendants: Junior Novels are the Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson. This stories from the movies. They are about book is about a girl named Astrid who Fiction Jay son of Jafar, Mal daughter of Malef- signs up for a roller derby camp (without icent, Carlos son of Cruella De Vil and having any experience). She starts off Magic Misfits: If you like realistic- fic evil daughter of evil queen. These four doing a really bad job, and missing her tion you might like to read Magic Misfits teens live on the Isle of the Lost where best friend. Of course she gets better at and there are 4 books. It’s about a boy there is no WiFi, no magic and no way skating, and now Astrid is getting advice named Carter who is traveling the world out. The teens eat rotten food. But they from her favorite player, Rainbow Bite! with his thief uncle and they don’t know are invited to a place where there is none When the time comes to actually play where his parents are. He does not like of this stuff. They are tasked to steal roller derby in front of a crowd, will As- being a thief so he escapes his uncle’s fairy godmothers wand and let their evil trid be able to play her favorite position? clutches and jumps on a train where he relatives free. But will they choose good? Will she get to meet her idol? Find out arrives at a magic filled town where he by reading! meets lots of new friends. He learns I hope you try one of these books and how to do magic to confuse bad guys enjoy them. Thanks for reading. I hope you use these recommendations and to catch them in the act. sometime and love them just as much as these McKinley Students do. Whatever After is about 10 year old Abby and 7 year old Jonah move to smithville where they change the fairytales forever. McKinley Spirit Week is Coming! December 14 - 18 Mystery

Monday, 12/14 - Spiritwear Day Nancy Drew: Nancy Drew is a young Tuesday, 12/15 - Friendship Day adult that goes around the world travel- Wednesday, 12/16 - Crazy Hat/Hair Day ing with her best friend Bess and George. Thursday, 12/17 - Sports Day Together these young adults solve hard Friday, 12/18 - Pajama Day and easy mysteries.

Check the mini messenger for more details!!! A-Z Mysteries: A to Z Mysteries is about Dink, Josh and Ruth Rose. These 4th graders solve mysteries inside and 12 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V

by Zalie R.

by Sienna N.