The Mckinley Times, Student Newspaper Vol V

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The Mckinley Times, Student Newspaper Vol V THE MCKINLEY TIMES November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V Will Football Season Some kids from 5th Grade were able to respond to a quick questionnaire of what Shut Down? they felt about the subject. In these ex- periences though, it could be outside of by Jonah C. school or inside of school. We can work to understand each others’ backgrounds The NFL is one of the most popular by asking friends to translate topics of sports organizations. NFL stands for interest into the language that they are the National Football League. There most comfortable speaking. One 5th are about 1,700 players in the NFL to- photo from grader said that yes, he felt that he was day. Those 1,700 players are divided into treated differently because of his looks. thirty-two national teams in the US. The 2020 Election Results I feel as though these things happening National Football League’s Super Bowl every day can sometimes go unnoticed. is one of the most viewed games of all by Jonah C. When feeling this way, it is important to time, having about 100 million viewers. talk to any teacher or staff member at But this season might not end. The NFL The 2020 Presidential race was an excit- McKinley and ask for help. is having problems with Covid-19 cases. ing race to watch. On November 3rd, They have had more cases than the NBA former Vice President Joe Biden and During Covid, Olivia Z., 5th, said that, “I and MLB had and the season is just two- Senator Kamala Harris faced off against feel like I’ve changed, and so has every- thirds through. There have been a few President Donald Trump and Vice Pres- one else. I think we’ve all been affected team outbreaks of Coronavirus that have ident Mike Pence. It took a few more by this pandemic but haven’t necessarily caused postponed and canceled games. days to finish counting the votes, but in treated each other differently.” People More than 25 games have been resched- the end Joe Biden won and is the 46th can feel judged by race, like me, being an uled already and more are to come.The president of the United States and he Asian girl. I feel that sometimes people NCAAF is the college football league, will enjoy four years in the White House. will blame me for this pandemic, even there are way more teams than in the though I’m just from Asia, that does not NFL but that means more cases and mean that I’m responsible for all this. canceled games. Even though masks are Nobody is. uncomfortable, they are the best way to Bias and Anti-Bullying make sure that no one gets sick. It is Chloe H., 5th, said that she didn’t see important to make sure that everyone is by An N. anything change during this pandemic so safe so the season can continue. Because she didn’t really have any change in reac- if the Covid list grows too big, the NFL Here at McKinley, we highly encourage tion. Olivia W., 5th, said that she did see and NCAAF might have to end their kids to have anti-bullying standards, and people getting treated differently during seasons for fan and player safety. while we think all students are uphold- this pandemic. Someone anonymous, ing these standards, in reality, sometimes said that they were “very sad.” Know- even the smallest things can affect how ing that people were treated differently people feel. during this pandemic. I feel that some- times it is disappointing knowing that Sometimes, kids will feel that they are others are treated differently. treated differently from others, some- times based on their gender, race, eth- Knowing all these facts can sometimes nicity or other. Sometimes, people feel make you feel a bit sad, but knowing that these biases in everyday things., such as people are trying their hardest to im- practicing basketball or playing with oth- prove this makes you feel so much bet- ers. You need empathy to see what they ter! Always try your hardest to make the feel. You should always put some extra world you live in, a better place. effort to understanding what others are feeling. November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V CURRENT EVENTS stop the spread of coronavirus. Because ture. Ashlyn B. said, “ A lot of my dad’s of how coronavirus spreads, it means family were in the war.” If some of your that you might not know if you have it ancestors were veterans, you can find out if you are symptomatic for the first few what war they served in, and what the days. Meaning you do not have corona- cause of the war was. virus symptoms. This can make it easier to spread. Coronavirus is usually spread Family history is exciting because it helps by breathing on other people., which is connect you with your ancestors, and it why you should wear masks. So please makes you more attune to the cultures stay safe this holiday season in 2020 Go you are a part of. One student said, “ It’s Lions! important to know your family history because you get to learn about the people Exploring Your Family from your family, the line of ancestors, it Safe Ways to Celebrate will always be a treasure to me how close History to my heart my history can be.” Jonah C. by Delilah P. said, “I think that knowing your family by Juliet S. history is important because you know This holiday season will be different than more about yourself and your culture.” We are going into the winter months, others, and in fall there is one big holi- and with the combination of cold day where families usually gather togeth- Family history is not just a list of facts weather and COVID_19, people will be er - Thanksgiving. But, this year will be and names, it is also stories. One of my inside a lot more. It is fun to have a proj- different because of coronavirus. Meet- favorite stories is about my grandmother. ect during time inside, because it keeps ing up with family has risks and the best When she was little she used to go to you busy and gives you something to do. decision might not be to meet up with stay with her grandmother who lived in In this article you will learn about a fun family without precautions: avoid meet- a very small town. Even when she was project to do during this time. ing up inside, without any masks, and only 5 years old, she was allowed to walk without a coronavirus test. But there are to the grocery store by herself and buy We learn about history in school every still ways to stay safe and still spend time a bag of potato chips. Family history is day, and you may be wondering, “How with others. Because of California’s cli- memories and stories as well as dates and can I learn about history that relates mate people can also meet outside. But numbers. And to do this project, almost to me?” Well, to do that you can learn this is also especially important to stay all you need is memories of the people about something called Family History. safe if there is someone at high risk or in your family. You may have heard of tests you can someone who could get more sick like if take where they analyze your DNA to for example a family member was preg- find out who you are related to, and you nant, or had health problems. can do that, but for this project you don’t have to. You should also consider the health of the broader community not just the To start, you can use it as an opportu- family members that you may see over nity to talk to people. Maybe call your Thanksgiving. Coronavirus symptoms grandparents on the phone and ask them sometimes don’t show up for a few days. about where they grew up and who their So if you meet up over the holidays with- parents and grandparents were. Olivia out any masks and everyone gets it, you Z. told me that her dad’s Nonna came might not know for a few days and those from a region in Italy called Calabria. If people could spread it to other people, your ancestors also came from Italy or and other people, and other people. This another country, you could research that is what makes coronavirus hard to con- country and find out more about its cul- trol. Wearing masks can also really help 2 November 2020 Serving the McKinley Community Since 2020 Volume V COOKING Ingredients and turn the heat to medium heat, put the butter in the saucepan, if it starts • 5 tablespoons unsalted butter bubbling don’t worry, it will stop later. 1 • 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate or /2 Put in the chocolates and stir until the cup chocolate chips ingredients are melted then whisk in the • 2 ounces unsweetened chocolate sugar. Don’t be concerned when your 3 • /4 cup sugar smooth mixture turns grainy. One by one • 2 eggs add in the eggs then add the vanilla and • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract give the ingredients a big stir and then 1 • /2 a teaspoon salt (for taste, almost ev- add the salt and flour, stir until incorpo- ery recipe has salt and it tastes different rated and then mix in the nut of your without it) choice.
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