Residents' Perceptions of Geotourism in Qeshm Island UNESCO Global

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Residents' Perceptions of Geotourism in Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Edith Cowan University Research Online Theses: Doctorates and Masters Theses 2018 Residents’ perceptions of geotourism in Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Iran Shahrzad Khodayar Edith Cowan University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Tourism and Travel Commons Recommended Citation Khodayar, S. (2018). Residents’ perceptions of geotourism in Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark, Iran. This Thesis is posted at Research Online. Edith Cowan University Copyright Warning You may print or download ONE copy of this document for the purpose of your own research or study. The University does not authorize you to copy, communicate or otherwise make available electronically to any other person any copyright material contained on this site. You are reminded of the following: Copyright owners are entitled to take legal action against persons who infringe their copyright. 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RESIDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF GEOTOURISM IN QESHM ISLAND UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARK, IRAN This thesis is presented in partial fulfilment of the degree of Master of Business by Research Shahrzad Khodayar Edith Cowan University School of Business and Law 2018 i USE OF THESIS The Use of Thesis statement is not included in this version of the thesis. Abstract While much scholarly attention has explored the impacts of tourism behaviour on a destination, little is known about the effects of geotourism activities on host communities. Geotourism is a type of tourism based on geological features. It has been variously defined as a tourism with a ‘geological’ or ‘geographical’ orientation. This study addresses this gap in the literature by exploring residents’ perceptions of the impacts of geotourism development in the Qeshm UNESCO Global Geopark in the Persian Gulf in Iran. Qeshm Geopark has a sensitive environment as well as a strict traditional culture and it receives about 3 million visitors annually. The objectives of this study are threefold. Firstly, to enrich the geotourism literature with an analysis of residents’ attitudes. Secondly, to determine the extent of the relationship between geotourism development in Qeshm Geopark and the impacts on local residents. Thirdly, to consider whether locals’ attitudes towards geotourism development in Qeshm Island change over time. A quantitative method is used to achieve this goal with a sample of 266 residents of Qeshm Island. The data is analysed using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling techniques. This study identified four geotourism impact domains and examined the effect of each domains on overall residents’ attitudes toward geotourism development in Qeshm Island. Results indicated that the overall residents’ attitudes are closely associated with their perceptions of positive cultural impacts in Qeshm Island. There is also a positive significant relationship between adverse urban issues and the overall residents’ attitudes in Qeshm Island. However, the residents’ positive perceptions and attitudes are much greater than the negative ones. The results of this study will enhance the knowledge of residents’ attitudes towards future geotourism development in Qeshm Island. This will help to identify the current problems in planning and management and identify possible solutions for future geotourism development. It should also assist planners in the establishment of tourism development policies and strategies which are informed by residents’ concerns and issues. In addition, it should help them minimise any adverse impacts whilst enhancing the overall benefits iii associated with geotourism development. This study also hopes to build on scholarly knowledge about geotourism, an important and emerging field. iv Declaration I certify that this thesis does not, to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. Incorporate without acknowledgement any material previously submitted for a degree or diploma in any institution of high education. 2. Contain any material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text of this thesis. 3. Contain any defamatory material. I also grant permission for the Library at Edith Cowan University to make duplicate copies of my thesis as required. Signature: Date: 11/12/2018 v Acknowledgments I remember what Alfred D Souza said, that “For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin – real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last, it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.” I would like to acknowledge and thank my supervisors Professor Ross Dowling and Dr Greg Willson for all their encouragement, great support and the patient guidance provided throughout my Master’s Research studies. I have been extremely lucky, and it was an honour for me to share their exceptional scientific knowledge. Their positive outlook and confidence in my research inspired me and gave me confidence. I appreciate Josephine Smith – WordSmith WA provided copyediting services in accordance with the Guidelines for editing research theses produced by the Institute of Professional Editors Ltd. The editorial intervention has been restricted to copyediting and proofreading, as covered in Standards D and E of the Australian standards for editing practice. Thanks also go to the staff of the School of Business and Law and the Graduate Research School at Edith Cowan University for their support during my study. I am also grateful to all my colleagues and friends at Edith Cowan University, who expressed an interest in the project and provided informal (and sometimes formal) feedback on my study. Appreciation is also extended to Hamidreza Mohsenpour and all the staff in Qeshm Geopark office for their continued support and help during data collection at Qeshm Island. Additionally, I would like to thank Alireza Amrikazemi, director of Qeshm Island UNESCO Global Geopark, for his encouragement, advice and understanding during various stages of this project. Moreover, I wish to thank the local community of Qeshm Island for their kindness and hospitality while collecting data in Iran. Thank you to my colleagues at Perth Airport, for all the moments of leisure shared together to overcome some more difficult times. Particularly, Kathryn Weeks for allowing time towards my study, confidence and prompt help, whenever I needed. Also, to my closer friends, Mojgan Maryam, Sharareh and Marjan. I express my gratitude for your unconditional friendship, support and patience throughout these years. vi Last and foremost, I would like to convey my greatest thanks and deepest gratitude to my family. I owe special thanks to my parents, Soheila and Aliasghar, for their dedication and the many years of unconditional support during my graduate studies. I would not have come this far without your love, faith and sacrifice. And finally, to my sister, Sharareh, who have spent countless hours alone during these years, but always supported and gave me the strength to keep on going. vii Table of contents Use of thesis ............................................................................................................................................ ii Abstract .................................................................................................................................................. iii Declaration .............................................................................................................................................. v Acknowledgments .................................................................................................................................. vi List of figures .......................................................................................................................................... xi List of tables .......................................................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Background ................................................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Research problem statement ..................................................................................................... 7 1.4 Significance of the study ............................................................................................................. 7 1.5 Purpose of
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