260 Book Reviews
Book Reviews relation to the development of neurology as a arguments of Kant or Goethe, or indeed medical specialty and to knowledge of the Alexander Bain, were not? brain. (This in part perhaps reflects the lack of This “life” will give great pleasure and archival material on Head’s scientific work.) interest to many readers, perhaps most of all In particular, Head’s career as a theorist draws to those who, like Head himself, find both on the work of John Hughlings Jackson, work the sciences and the arts personally which, so Head claimed, had been almost indispensable. totally ignored. Had it? What reception did Head’s theory of sensation have? The Roger Smith, biography does not enable us to judge Head’s Moscow originality. (For Jackson, one should turn, perhaps the message is, to Jacyna’s earlier fine study, Lost words: narratives of language and Roy Church and E M Tansey, Burroughs the brain, 2000.) Head’s functionalist way of Wellcome & Co.: knowledge, trust, profit thinking encouraged him to mix physiological and the transformation of the British and psychological languages and therapies. pharmaceutical industry, 1880–1940, How special was this? Secondly, the book Lancaster, Crucible Books, 2007, pp. xxvii, does look “outwards” from the archive, as 564, illus. £19.99, $39.99 (paperback 97801- opposed to using the archive to illuminate the 905472-07-9). man, in two regards. The first of these, naturally, is to use the individual career to This work, based on detailed research of the illustrate contemporary medical practice. In firm’s archives, aims to tell the history of addition, however, Jacyna proposes a large Burroughs Wellcome, founded by Silas thesis, which gives the book its title, that Burroughs and Henry Wellcome in 1880, Head’s manner of life and work makes him an which eventually became the largest British exemplary “modernist”.
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