3rd International Conference on Ocean Energy, 6 October, Bilbao Paimpol-Bréhat tidal turbine demonstration farm (Brittany): optimisation of the layout, wake effects and energy yield evaluation using Telemac 1 2 C.-T. Pham and K. Pinte 1 EDF R&D - LNHE, 6 quai Watier, 78401 Chatou Cedex, France E-mail:
[email protected] 2 EDF Hydro Engineering Center, Savoie Technolac, 73373 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex, France E-mail:
[email protected] Abstract with these stakeholders, to build the first tidal turbine demonstration farm in France generating electricity In 2008, EDF announced its decision to build the from the energy of tidal currents. Between 2011 and first tidal turbine demonstration farm in France 2012, a few turbines generating several MW will be generating electricity from the energy of tidal installed off Paimpol-Bréhat (Brittany) and connected currents. By 2012, several turbines will be installed to the grid. off Paimpol-Bréhat and connected to the grid. Section 2 of this paper briefly describes the main EDF R&D has been developing the Telemac-2D features of the Telemac-2D software that EDF R&D software that facilitates modelling and simulation of has been developing for more than twenty years. This river and coastal hydrodynamic phenomena. At the software allows river and coastal hydrodynamic Paimpol-Bréhat site, Telemac-2D is used to phenomena to be modelled and simulated. Here, calculate tidal current characteristics and to assess Telemac-2D is used to calculate the tidal characteristics the tidal energy yield potential produced by (water depth and velocity) and to assess the tidal turbines exploiting such currents.