______Chapter Meeting Minutes

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Alpha Lambda Omega Chapter

Date: February 8, 2014

The meeting was held on Saturday, February 8, 2014 at East Stonewall Family Life Center. The meeting was called to order by Soror Kelly Dargins, Basileus, at 2:00 PM. Moment of silence for Soror Esther Page Hill, who service is scheduled on Wednesday, February 12, 2014. Soror Diane Strong-Sadler in the loss of her mother.

The meditation was given by Soror Danielle Sanders. Meditate on Love, God’s Love.

Soror Melony McCullough and Soror Kenya Dawson, Sisterly Relations - since February is known as the love month Sorors were asked to share with each other what they love most about Alpha Lambda Omega and what they would love most to change. Birthdays for the month of February were recognized. Soror Rosalia Durante celebrated her 97th birthday last week.

Soror Doris Boseman, Grammateus asked if there were any corrections to January 11, 2014 minutes? There were no corrections. The minutes will be filed for documentation.

Soror Jamela Wintons, Epistoleus read Thank You cards received from 1) Soror Alvine Geter, 2) Communities In Schools for generous giving and 3) Chapter for supporting them during their 5th Anniversary. Save the Dates: March 29, 2015, Tau Beta Chapter Queens University of Charlotte, 5th Anniversary Gala, formal invitation to follow. 7th Annual Go Red Luncheon and Educational Forum, Thursday, May 8, 2014, Charlotte Convention Center. UNC Charlotte Black Alumni Chapter invites ALO to a reception celebrating the legacies of UNC Charlotte African American Alumni on Thursday, February 20, 2014 from 6:30 – 8:30 PM in UNC Charlotte Center City, 320 E. 9th Street, Charlotte, NC. The cost is $10/person and includes heavy hors d’oeuvres, desserts and beverages. Rho Psi

Omega Chapter invites Alpha Lambda Omega to Chili’s Restaurant Give Back Night on February 19, 2014, lunch and dinner. Chilis will donate 10% of your bill to us in support of our efforts towards Ending Hunger. You must present flyer to your waitress. Visit website: www.rhospiomega.org for additional flyers which will have participating Charlotte locations listed. Beta Omicron Sigma Chapter of Sorority, Incorporated invites ALO to participate in their 2014 Youth Symposium. Theme is “Partners for Progress: Working Together to Build Bridges for Youth”. Symposium will be held on March 8, 2014 from 9:0 AM – 3:00 PM at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the Bonnie E. Cone Center. Zeta Mu Omega Chapter, Gastonia, NC invites ALO to join us at our Founders’ Day Program as we celebrate 106 years of Service to All Mankind. The annual celebration honoring our nine founders takes place on Sunday, February 16, 2014 at 3:00 PM at St. Stephens AME Zion Church, 201 W. Franklin Boulevard, Gastonia, NC. The keynote speaker for this grand celebration will be Ms. Carla Archie, Esq., of Rho Psi Omega Chapter, Charlotte, NC, who is the Sorority, Incorporated Mid-Atlantic Region Representative to the International Constitution Resource Liaison. Thinking of You: Happy Valentine’s Day from Soror Alice Rhodes.

Soror Melanie Spears-Thomas, Pecunious Grammateus reported 336 financial sorors. If you are paying dues today, please make check out for $294.00 and that includes late fee.

Soror Roslyn Dixon, Tamiouchos reviewed all ALO Accounts for the month of January 1 – January 31, 2014. There were no questions; therefore, report will be submitted for audit. Boule assessments are due March 1, 2014 and if sorors plan to transfer out, you still must pay your assessment.

Soror Jackie Green and Soror Laura Wallace, Service – Chapter Courtesies (cards) were extended to:

♦ Soror Helena Cunningham, a longtime member of Alpha Lambda Omega who has been hospitalized. ♦ The family of Esther Page Hill ♦ Soror Samesta Hobson lost her mother, Soror Esther Page Hill on Thursday, January 30, 2014 ♦ Soror Lena Pickens lost her brother-in-law, Mr. Alex Pickens, Sr., on January 19, 2014 ♦ Soror Lisa Elam-Rice lost her brother-in-law on January 19, 2014

♦ Soror Diane Strong-Sadler lost her mother, Ms. Gladys Strong on February 2, 2014. Chapter Courtesies (flowers) were extended to: ♦ The family of Soror Esther Page Hill ♦ Soror Diane Strong Sadler Soror Celebrations: ♦ Soror Edith Strickland Delaine was featured in the January 19, 2014 edition of the Charlotte Observer commemorating her work as a Civil Rights Pioneer. ♦ Sorors Lonnie Keith, Glenda Caldwell and Lucinda Blue are members of the National Council of Negro Women – Charlotte Section, which received $500 for Most Professional Float in the 2014 Martin Luther King Parade. Ivy Beyond the Wall: ♦ Soror Esther Page Hill became and Ivy Beyond the Wall on Thursday, January 30, 2014, Soror Esther was a Golden Soror and an active member of Alpha Lambda Omega prior to her illness. An Ivy Beyond the Wall service was held for her on Wednesday, February 5, 2014 at First Baptist Church-West. ♦ The Service Committee would love to have you join us. Please let us know if you are interested in being a member either in person or by emailing [email protected].

If you are aware of any soror who has suffered a loss, is ill, shut-in, celebrating a birth, retirement or who has been featured in the newspaper, on TV, etc., please let us know in person or by emailing [email protected]. We want to acknowledge these events in our sorors lives but we cannot be successful without your help.

Soror Natosha Riddick, Hodegos introduced 11 visiting sorors. 1) Cassandra Edmunds, 2) Laurita Lee, 3) Branda Wiley, 4) Lillian Herron, 5) Christina Hilton, 6) Dakia McCray, 7) Brionna Spells, 8) Kendra Hairston, 9) Nicole Kelly, 10) Bianca Govan and 11) Wahida Taylor. February is all about the “Heart”.

COMMITTEE REPORTS – STANDING: Soror Krista Manns, Archives –The Archives committee is excited to help ALO make history in 2014! We are working on several initiatives that we would like to share with you: • The Regional History Book “Mid-Atlantic Region…A Continued Story of Timeless Service” is on sale now! This limited edition hardback book covers the history of the Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Region. Information was included in this week’s newsletter on how to order the book. If you need additional

information on the book, please see myself or any Soror who serves on the Archives Committee. The Archives Committee wants to encourage Sorors to start their spring cleaning early! Sorors, the Archives Committee asks you to look through your old photos to find pictures of you or other ALO Sorors pictured with Current or Former Mid Atlantic Regional Directors, Current or Former Directorate Members, or photos of Sorors at chapter functions (i.e- PEARL Awards, Little Miss AKA, etc). Sorors, the committee is asking you to bring those photos to our March meeting. There will be a station outside where the photos can be scanned and picked up at the conclusion of the chapter meeting. Each soror who brings in photos will have her name placed in a raffle for a drawing of $100 cash that will be given away that day!!

Soror C. Renee Jarrett and Soror Rita Riddle, Connection – ALO Voter Education Forum will be held on March 13, 2014, 6:30pm – 8:30pm at Charlotte School of Law. Call to Action--Letter Writing Campaign, need 100 Sorors to write Gov. McCrory (as individual citizens). Sorors can pick up sample letter at Connection table after the meeting. Sorors must sign and mail letters and copies to Connection Chairs at March meeting. All committee members were asked to stand.

Soror Kim Brown, Membership stated the goal for membership is to embrace one, retain one and bring one. Retain 1 to 25 sorors, reclaim 50 or more sorors.

Soror Crystal Little, Nominating asked committee to please stand. Today the chapter will vote on delegates for 61st MARC. Please vote for 11 delegates. Soror Kelly Dargins, Basileus name will be on the ballot, but do not vote for her, she is our paid delegate. Soror Little read recommendation of sorors that were listed on ballot. Afterwards, ballots were distributed. Teller’s committee was appointed by Soror Boseman.

Soror Shannikka Morgan and Soror Cecelia West, Awards – The Awards Committee has received nominations for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference awards. We will collect any completed award criteria packets at the February sorority meeting. Any soror who would like to be considered for an award should review the criteria and return the completed information to the Awards Committee as soon as possible. All awards information will be submitted to the Exhibit and Award Chairpersons by the due date of February 15, 2014. The Awards Committee is also seeking suggestions for a unique chapter exhibit. Please email the committee at [email protected] with your creative ideas and suggestions.

Soror Lavonda Freeman, and Soror Angela Jackson, Chapter Directory –Thank you to sorors who have provided directory updates or confirmed that you had no changes. Committee members were available prior to today’s meeting and will be available after the meeting to continue to get your updates. If you have to leave early today, don’t worry. Thanks to our gracious Technology Committee, you can make updates within myALO using the directory change form. You can also provide your information to the directory committee members one hour before and thirty minutes after the March meeting. Sorors, this year’s directory will have our pictures. All sorors will have an opportunity to have a picture included in the directory. More details about the upcoming photo sessions will be provided soon. Information for all financial sorors as of March 28th will be listed in the hardcopy directory. Any updates will be made to the online version only. The directory will be available online and printed copies will be provided as requested. Please stay tuned for availability dates.

Soror Lisa Moore, Founder’s Day reminders: Worship Service tomorrow, Sunday, February 9, 2014 at East Stonewall AME Zion Church. Sorors need to be there to be seated at 9:45AM. Luncheon will be held at Charlotte Marriott City Center, 100 West Trade Street. Speaker for the luncheon is Dr. Linda H. Gilliam, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director. If you arrive late, doors will be closed for Rededication, so you will have to wait. So plan to arrive on time and allow for parking.

Soror Shannan Dean-Wilson, Graduate Advisor (GAC) - Are you interested in becoming a Graduate Advisor? The deadline for submitting the form for Graduate Advisor’s Certification is February 15, 2014. This deadline is for both, the Regional Conference and Boule. The form can be found on our national website. The Graduate Advisors will have an upcoming conference call with the Regional Director on February 4, 2014. Undergraduate program calendars will be forwarded to the to the GAC members once each undergraduate chapter calendar is received. Both the Gamma Delta and Sigma Psi Chapter have been approved for MIP this semester. Gamma Delta will hold its chapter orientation ON 2/2/2014 AT 2:00 in TC 103. Sigma Psi and Gamma Delta will have a combined chapter orientation on 2/8/13 at 1:00pm for GAC members.

Soror Shannan Dean-Wilson, Gamma Delta had 11 sorors who earned a 3.0 or better and 2 sorors who earned a 4.0. The chapter had 2 December graduates. On

January 15, 2014 the chapter held its Founder’s Day Celebration in the Student Union. During the MLK weekend the chapter participated with ALO in the MLK

Parade and the MLK Day of Service at My Sister’s House, where they assisted in cleaning a shelter for women who have aged out of Foster Care. Gamma Delta have several activities scheduled. The Chapter has been approved for MIP for the Spring Semester. On February 2, 2014 the chapter held its chapter orientation for MIP. February 8, 2014 the chapter held a combined chapter orientation with the Sigma Psi Chapter, for members of the GAC. The chapter continues to stay busy with implementing programs and planning for its upcoming Rush and MIP. The Rush will be 2/16/14 at 3:00pm in Grimes Lounge on the campus of JCSU.

Soror Nicole Green, Kappa Kappa had two sorors to graduate in December Soror Courtney Parks and Soror Erica Eller. We are very proud of Soror Jasmine Terry who attended the winter Leadership Fellows; she reported to the chapter that every soror should get a chance to attend and that it was an experience she will never forget. Kappa Kappa has the highest GPA of all the NPHC chapters on campus and the 2nd highest out of all 37 Greek organizations on campus. There are 22 active Sorors this semester, 18 sorors earned a 3.0 or higher and 2 earned a 4.0. Kappa Kappa is very busy volunteering their time with several organization. They will be participating in The 8th Annual Apocalypse Greek Step Show on the campus of Davidson College tonight at 8:00pm and they are asking for your support. Tickets are $8. On February 13th with they will be co-sponsoring a program called Cupid Shuffle; it’s a program to raise awareness about Heart Disease and all monies raised will be donated to the American Heart Association. On February 21 they have another co-sponsored program with -- Diamonds and Pearls. This is a formal dance where the students are asked to bring slightly used prom gowns, shoes, accessories and suits to be donated to students that cannot afford to buy prom clothes.

Soror Allyson Shropshire, Sigma Psi currently has 9 financially active sorors (7 sorors on campus and 2 sorors are studying abroad). The Chapter currently has a 3.0 GPA. Last November, Sigma Psi celebrated their 5th Anniversary on the campus of Davidson College with a weekend of events. On behalf of Sigma Psi, Soror Barbara Alexander and myself, we would like to thank Alpha Lambda Omega for their support with ticket sales, donations and for the full page ad in the Souvenir Book. Thanks to their fundraising efforts, Sigma Psi will be presenting a check to KIPP Charlotte: Girls Leadership Program in the amount of $2,400 in order to help continue the Girls Leadership Program beyond 2014, when the EYL initiative has ended. Sigma Psi has been approved for MIP this Spring by Soror Linda Gilliam, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director. Only members of the Graduate Advisors Council are allowed to participate in the Undergraduate MIP Process. However, financially active sorors are able to attend the Final Ceremony. We will provide details regarding the Final Ceremony as the date approaches.

Soror Michele Aikens, Anti-Basileus, Programs – Alpha Lambda Omega participated in the MLK weekend as mandated by our International Office. Saturday, ALO sorors and our EYL participants participated in the MLK parade. Some of us were on our custom float and some walked. It was a wonderful way to start our MLK activities. The Sorors of the Alpha Lambda Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated performed their MLK Sunday Supper at the SafeAlliance House, a facility for battered women and their children. In addition to preparing, cooking and serving a complete meal for the residents, the Audacious, Limitless, Outstanding Sorors of ALO also emptied trash, washed and put up dishes, wiped down counters and sinks and mopped. Our purpose as Alpha Kappa Alpha women is to provide service to ALL mankind. The 'thank you' we received from the residents, who have every reason to be bitter, was proof that ALO is fulfilling our purpose of service to our community! Our chapter’s MLK Day of Service was performed at My Sister’s House, a home for women who have aged out of foster care. ALO sorors and eight Gamma Delta sorors collected feminine products needed for the shelter in addition to cleaning and remodeling the bathrooms. It was a fulfilling way to end our MLK weekend! Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated has a National Educational Campaign in partnership with the Rainbow Push Organization. Every parent has the power to ensure that their child is maximizing their academic and spiritual potential. Confirm your commitment today by signing the "PARENTS PLEDGE" which affirms that you will: 1. Take your child to school 2. Meet your child’s teacher 3. Exchange phone numbers with your child’s teacher 4. Turn off the TV 3 hours per night so your child can study 5. Pick up your child’s report card each grading period 6. Take your child to church, temple or synagogue 7. Fight for equal adequate funding for public education

Soror Marian Yates, Emerging Young Leaders (EYL) – The Emerging Young Leaders last met January 9, 2014 at Westerly Hills Academy. This workshop was facilitated by Soror Monique Jackson and by the end of the presentation, our EYL participants were equipped with the knowledge and tools to make healthy eating choices – not for the purposes of weight loss but to in order establish a healthy lifestyle. Following Soror Monique’s workshop, the girls got up and got moving under the direction of Keecha Gaddy, a CMS Pre-K teacher assistant and Zumba instructor and enjoyed delicious, nutritious snacks to get them started with their healthy decisions. On January 18th, several of our participants waved to the crowds in Uptown as they rode the float with ALO sorors in the City of Charlotte MLK

Holiday Parade. On January 18th, several of our participants waved to the crowds in Uptown as they rode the float with ALO sorors in the City of Charlotte MLK Holiday Parade. Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 13, 2013. This workshop will be facilitated by the Kappa Kappa chapter and as a part of Black History Month, the undergraduates will give our participants a brief history lesson on Black Greek Organizations: their beginnings, their historical impact and their relevance today.

Soror Maru David, Health - Friday, Feb. 7th | “Pink Goes Red” Day - In support of Heart Health Month, ALOL sorors wore red on Friday, Feb. 7th and submitted photos holding a heart gesture. More than 40 sorors participated in this national sorority initative. Due to the overwhelming response of photos, sorors’ “Pink Goes Red” day photos will be featured on the MyALO webpage. Saturday, Feb. 8th | Heart Health Donation & Raffle - Together with our sorority’s national campaign, we are asking for your special financial support of the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society. Today each soror is asked to contribute a minimum of $2.00 ($1 going to the American Heart Association and $1 going to the American Cancer Society. This $2.00 donation will enter each contributing soror’s name into the “Heart Health” raffle drawing for a heart rate monitor OR a pedometer. The total chapter donation will then be sent via chapter check to the Corporate Office.

Soror Cherith Foster, Global Poverty - February is National Canned Food Month. The Global Poverty Committee is collecting canned goods today to donate to Second Harvest Food Bank. The Global Poverty Committee met this week and planned their calendar for the year. Our next opportunity to serve the community will be in March for Operation Sandwich. Please see us to sign up or sign up via the [email protected]. Make sure you sign up, so we can account for you and we can be even more productive. The Alpha Kappa Alpha International Initiative is requesting that each Soror contribute at least $10 to their chapter for Heifer International. On the Heifer International website, they have several gifts to be donated. Upon suggestion of our Program Chair, Soror Michelle, the committee has agreed to set a goal for our chapter of a gift. Our chapter goal is the Gift Ark, which costs $5,000.00 and includes two water buffalos, two cows, two sheep and two goats, along with bees, chicks, rabbits and more. If every Soror, contributes at least $10.00 to this effort, we would be at $3,290.00 towards our goal.

I’m sure our chapter membership will continue to grow, so that amount will increase as well as I know Sorors will give more than the least $10.00. Also, the AKAs Do Cook Cookbooks are on sale at $10.00/each and all proceeds will go to this effort as well. Also in June, we have our Restaurant Partnership and September, we will have a fundraiser and all those proceeds will go to this effort. A chapter of this size should have no problem raising $5,000.00. These funds we donate to Heifer International are used to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the earth. Thank you for your continued support!

Soror Jennifer Chisolm and Soror Crystal Gadson, Economic Security – Pink Pages Collections – CONFIRMED to continue from 2013. Collection of sorors and family owned businesses – “Supporting our Own”. Decision was made to reach out to Rho Psi for additional features to enhance the collection book. STATUS: We’ve reached out to their Program Committee Chairman / Anti- Basileus. She has passed on our request and information to the ESC Chair of Rho Psi. Collection Plan – We will collect sorors information several ways with distribution by June meeting. Tax Preparation Seminar - Looking to partner with Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (Charlotte, NC), AARP, and VITA; since the three parties already currently have a partnership in the works. STATUS: We have heard from the church contact and they’re willing to partner. Financial Planning Seminar - 2 / 3 seminars for 2014, potential partnerships to cover topics such as Credit Cards, Debt, Savings, etc. Monthly Economic Tip - During each meeting, we will provide the chapter members a tip related to Successful Financial Planning. Monday, 2/24 @ 6:30 PM, Friendship Missionary Baptist Church (old church), partnered with AARP, Tax Seminar. Financial Monthly Tip, Soror Tabatha Johnson - taxes are due April 15th.

Soror Metter Hodges and Soror Laleza Yorn, Internal Leadership Training for Extended Service (ILTFES) – The committee agreed that committee meetings would be held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm via conference call. It was also agreed that one face to face activity would be held for the committee at some point during the year. It was agreed that face to face contact would enhance our bond as a committee. The Co-Chairmen will schedule the face to face activity. Accomplishments of the 2013 ILTES Committee were reviewed and discussed. A document detailing the 2013 accomplishments was sent to the committee members for review prior to the conference call. The committee agreed that the 2014 ILTES Committee would formulate a fresh agenda of activities, noting that there were some goals from 2013 that might influence 2014 goals. It was agreed that a survey would be developed to ask chapter sorors what topics/activities they would be interested in from the perspective of the ILTES Committee in 2014. Soror LeLaza Yorn will develop the online survey and Soror Sony Anderson volunteered to assist with the survey. The committee discussed the idea of having ILTES Committee presence in each monthly Newsletter. Topics could vary from month to month, but would all relate to Leadership development tips, suggested readings, local activities, examples of leaders, etc. Soror Michele Aiken and Soror Sharon Howell will develop the template for Newsletter information. It was suggested that a Leadership Model for each month that would be highlighted at chapter meetings in March through June and September through December. The Leadership Model would be included in Weekly Announcements during the summer break. It was suggested that the Leadership Model for July would be the new Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buchanan Wilson. The final discussion of the meeting was led by Soror Yorn to identify a main focus for the committee’s activities for 2014. All agreed that “Mentoring” was a focus that could be used for committee offerings that span leadership development and external service topics.

Unfinished Business - None New Business - None

Announcements: • Soror Kelly Dargins stated February 20th, registration will open for Boule. Hostess chapters register under a different process. We should get a discount. Less than 50% of sorors have paid assessment. Soror Watley, Financial Secretary, responsible for 309 sorors. 116 have paid. We are at 34%. Soror Dargins urge all to pay so we can get a discount. As of today, we are now at 170 sorors who have paid per Soror Dixon, Tamiouchos. Boule Assessment is $350.00. Soror Kelly asked Soror Anna Kate if she had omitted anything. Soror Anna Kate stated everything sorors are doing for the Boule is very much appreciated. Hotel reservations were sent out to Hostess chapters. If you missed the deadline, then complete hotel form when registration comes out and send hotel form in, but not registration form. July 12th, a Service Project is scheduled and 1,000 volunteers are needed. This is the Boule project, “Stop Hunger Now project”.

• If anyone is interested in joining the Diamond/Golden/Special Needs Hospitality Suite Committee, please see Soror Eddyce Hobson after the meeting.

Soror of the Month: Soror Stacey Johnson was recognized as Soror of the Month for her design work for the chapter, including the new chapter logo.

Soror Boseman read ballot results, name and votes casted as delegates for 61st Mid- Atlantic Regional Conference (MARC) in Raleigh, NC, April 3 – 6, 2014.

Ballot Results: Michele Aikens 175 Sony Anderson 158 Lucinda Blue 184 Brenda Foster 166 Cherith Foster 175 Jackie Green 178 Sherrie Hall 150 Belinda Holt 162 Sharon Howell 151 Jaime Howey 160 Barbara Stephens 143

Alternates: Patrice Wright 131 Nicole Green 94

Hymn and Pledge

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 PM. The next meeting will be on Saturday, March 8, 2014 at 11:00 AM at East Stonewall Family Life Center.

Grammateus ______Date Approved ______