Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region



The Centre of Expertise Programme and nanotechnology in Helsinki Region. . . 4 Helsinki University of Technology TKK...... 5. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland...... 6. The Centre for Metrology and Accreditation MIKES...... 6. ...... 7. CSC The Finnish IT Center of ...... 8 KCL – Oy Keskuslaboratorio – Centrallaboratorium Ab...... 8. Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI...... 9. Finnish Institute of Occupational Health FIOH...... 9. Beneq – Equipment and Technology for Functional Coatings...... 9 Canatu – NanoBud™ Based Electronic and Optical Thin Film Components. . . 1. 0 Carbodeon – Superhard Nanomaterials...... 1. 0 Enfucell – Thin Flexible SoftBatteries™...... 10 Genano – Air Purification Units...... 10 Kemira – Chemical Group ...... 11 nLIGHT Corporation...... 1. 1 nGlass – Glass Tiles...... 1. 2 Nokia – Connecting People...... 12 Okmetic – Silicon Solutions for Advanced Technologies...... 1. 2 Orion Diagnostica – Biomedical Company...... 1. 3 Panipol – Inherently Conductive Polymers...... 1. 3 Picodeon – Surface Freedom™ – Making the Impossible Possible ...... 13 Picosun – The ALD Powerhouse ...... 14 Planar Systems – Display Solutions...... 1. 4 Teknos – Paints and Coating ...... 14 Tikkurila – Decorate and Protect...... 15 Vaisala – Electronic Measurement Systems...... 15 VTI Technologies – Forerunner in Motion and Pressure Measurement. . . . . 1. 5

Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 3 The Centre of Expertise Programme and nanotechnology in Helsinki Region

The Centre of Expertise Programme is a fixed term (2007 – 2013) government programme promoting utiliza- tion of the highest international standard of knowledge and expertise . The 13 chosen strategic focus areas – nanotechnol- ogy among them – form Competence Clusters with nation- al coordination and a network of local Centres of Expertise . www .oske .net

Nanotechnology Competence Cluster has local Centres of Expertise in Helsinki Region, Oulu, Kokkola, Jyväskylä, Mikkeli, Joensuu and Tampere . Together this nationwide network reaches more than 90% of Finnish nano- and microtech- nology related activities and stakeholders . The mission is to facilitate commercial utilization of new nanotechnology relat- ed know-how . The activities range from match making and focused information transfer to promoting and project build- up . The Cluster’s vision for 2013 reads: Finland has become one of the key EU centres of applied research and business related to nano- and microtechnologies and new materials Program Director, D Sc. . (Tech ). Eeva Viinikka based on them . As the Nanotechnology Cluster Programme Tel +358 40 580 4982 is publicly funded, the services are free of charge if anything eeva viinikka@culminatum. .fi is not noticed . www .nanocluster .fi

In Helsinki Region the Nanotechnology Centre of Expertise is carried out by Culminatum Ltd Oy, a non-profit seeking development company owned by academia, municipalities and business sector . The focus themes of the Centre are 1) Innovation and commercialization, 2) Particles and nanosafety, 3) Nanotechnology in living and building and 4) Nanotechnology in surfaces and coatings . www .culminatum .fi

Helsinki Region plays a special role in Finnish nanotechnol- ogy, as more than half of all domestic nanotechnology relat- ed activities and stakeholders are located in this area . Even though there are numerous stakeholders acting in this field, Project Manager, Lic .Sc . (Tech .) Teija Laitinen the essential core is formed by the research organizations Tel . +358 40 529 5886 and companies developing and utilizing nanotechnology teija .laitinen@culminatum .fi – some of which are introduced in this leaflet .

4 Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region Helsinki University of Technology TKK

Helsinki University of Technology, TKK, is the leading and most diversified university of technology and architecture in Finland . The key factors to success of TKK are its talent students, high-quality teaching and the attractive campus designed by Alvar Aalto . The university has 250 professors and 15 000 under- and postgraduate students . Circa 1 000 Master’s degrees and 160 doctorates are awarded each year . TKK offers 19 Master’s programs in Finnish and 11 Master’s programs in English in addition to three Erasmus Mundus programs and hundreds of courses are taught in English . TKK also offers doctoral programs and about 1 200 international students study annually at TKK . In Helsinki University of Technology there are around 20 research groups related to nanotechnology in the depart- ments of Advanced Energy Systems/New and Renewable Energy Systems, Automation and Systems Technology, Bio- technology and Chemical Technology, Communications and Networking, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Engineering Physics, Forest Products Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, and Micro and Nanosciences . Research topics include for instance nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, thin layers, integrated bionanosystems, nanoparticles and nanotubes and self-assembled polymeric nanostructures, and theoretical research and modeling . Micronova in Otaniemi, is a unique center around 2600 m2 clean-room and production facilities focusing on the design, development and fabrication of micro- and nanosystems . It is run jointly by the VTT Technical Research Centre of Fin- land and Helsinki University of Technology, TKK . Nano build- ing is a newly renovated building on the Otaniemi campus housing several research groups that study nanoscience and nanotechnology, including synthesis of functional materials based on self-assembly as well as synthesis of carbon nano­ tubes and nanoparticles . The facilities include the new National Microscopy Centre of Finland . www .tkk fi.


Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 5 VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is the biggest con- tract research organisation in Northern Europe, offering R&D services that help its customers to create new products, pro- duction methods and services and generate new business through technology and innovation . VTT is a non-profit- making research organisation . VTT is able to combine large spectrum of interdisciplinary know-how and resources when developing new nanotech­ no­logies . It has modern facilities for processing micro and nanoelectronics, processing of nanocoatings and compounds, nanoparticle production, printed products, bionanotechnology and nanoparticle safety related research . VTT has a strong emphasis on the applied nano research aiming for industri- ally applicable results . Common property for the developed nanomaterials and structures is functionality, which brings new properties to the materials making them more suitable for their applications or enables them to replace more com- www .vtt .fi plicated structures .

The Centre for Metrology and Accreditation MIKES

The Centre for Metrology and Accreditation makes interna- tionally accepted measurement units and services . MIKES metrology realizes the SI system measurement units in Fin- land, performs high-level metrological research and develops measuring applications . The modern way of realizing the SI-units is based on nanoscale phenomena . Thus, reliable nanoscale measurements are connected with quantum metrology and constants of nature . Metrology is also ena- bling technique for developing technologies . IC-, litography and nanofabrication need accurate tools for nanoscale pro- duction and quality control . Traceability for nanoscale dimen- sional metrology is provided by MIKES advanced laser inter- ferometers, diffractometers and quantitative atomic force microscopes . MIKES is also developing traceable measure- ment applications at nanoscale range, with such techniques www .mikes .fi as Metrological Coulomb Blockade Thermometer .

6 Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region University of Helsinki

The University of Helsinki concentrates on high-level scien- tific research and researcher education . The number of fac- ulties is eleven . There are around 39 000 degree students and 8 000 staff . The number of degrees taken each year is almost 4 300, of which 380 are doctorates .

Kumpula campus

The campus is the largest centre of natural in the Nordic countries . It houses the Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Statistics, Computer Science, Geology and Geography of the Faculty of Science of the Uni- versity of Helsinki . The Faculty strives to maintain top-level research and teaching standards in all its disciplines: space research, basic research in the environmental science, mate- rials- and nanoscience, computational science, data analy- sis, geoinformatics, teacher education, methodological disci- plines . The Kumpula Campus is one of the most significant nanotechnology research centres in Finland . There is top- level research for instance in aerosols and ALD applications .

Viikki Campus

The multidisciplinary Viikki Campus is a remarkable centre of biosciences at the European level . Viikki presents excel- lent opportunities for high-quality research and its practical applications . In addition to biosciences, the campus houses also a wide range of researchers in other areas of science: represented areas are for example environmental and veter- inary sciences, food technology and economics . The Facul- ties of Bioscience and Pharmacy, Institute of Biotechnology, Department of Biochemistry and Drug Discovery and Devel- opment Technology Center carry out nanotechnology related research .

Meilahti Campus

The Faculty of Medicine in Meilahti Campus carries out high- quality multidisciplinary research, trains skilled doctors and dentists, supervises postgraduate education, and aids researchers and students in establishing international con-

Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 7 tacts . Some 2,500 students are currently pursuing an under- graduate degree or postgraduate education in the faculty . Nanotechnology research in Meilahti Campus is carried out for instance in the groups studying biomembranes and bio- www .helsinki .fi/university physics .

CSC The Finnish IT Center of Science

CSC, the Finnish IT Center for Science is a non-profit com- pany providing IT support and resources for academia, research institutes and companies: modeling, comput- ing and information services . CSC provides Finland’s widest selection of scientific software and databases and Finland’s most powerful supercomputing environment . CSC provides nanotechnology modeling services to various universities www .csc .fi and research institutions .

KCL – Oy Keskuslaboratorio – Centrallaboratorium Ab

KCL is a private research service company . KCL serves the global paper and related industries as well as the end-users of paper and board products . Renewal of the forest cluster is our mission . The research carried out on development of on-site technologies, appli- cations of nano and biotechnologies in paper and board making and thin functional surface treatments are all good examples on this . Over the past three years, we have devel- oped several new industrial process solutions to save energy costs and replace chemicals with more natural and environ- mentally friendly alternatives . We are also moving our inno- vations to small enterprises that exploit paper and board in new products and services, such as hybrid media and com- posite materials . We want to provide our clients with solu- tions that will ensure their competitiveness . A sustainable forest cluster is built on knowledge . We define all research targets so that they improve sustainability, and systematically evaluate the results to provide excellence www .kcl .fi in performance .

8 Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI

The Finnish Meteorological Institute FMI produces obser- vational data and research findings on the atmosphere . Expertise on research lays the foundation for FMI’s own weather and climate service production and tailored services for various actors in society . Various technologies for nano- clusters production as well as atmospheric new particles for- mation events are based on nucleation phenomena . FMI is conducting basic research on formation of nanoclusters via nucleation processes . www .fmi fi.

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health FIOH

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health FIOH is a research and specialist organization in the sector of occupational health and safety . The research aims at results to put in quickly into practice in Finnish working life, but also long- range results seeking, disease mechanisms and determin- ing the theoretical basis for phenomena for instance . FIOH’s nanotechnology research concentrates on studying exposal to synthetic nanoparticles, characterization of nanoparticles and their health effects . www .ttl .fi

Beneq – Equipment and Technology for Functional Coatings

Beneq is a nanotechnology driven company with a strong IPR portfolio . Beneq offers equipment for industrial and research use for functional coatings based on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) and nHALO® atmospheric deposition technology . Beneq ALD Thin Film Systems are for depositing oxides, nitrides, metals, plastics and biocompatible materials . Applications cover optical, tribological, passivation and primer layer high precision coatings for complex 3D-products . nHALO® appli- cations are for coatings on glass and ceramics and nanopar- ticle synthesis . www .beneq .com


Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 9 Canatu – NanoBud™ Based Electronic and Optical Thin Film Components

Canatu manufactures a new class of versatile carbon based components based on its novel NanoBud™ nanomaterial . These components improve the performance and reduce the cost of optical and electrical devices while simultaneously reducing their environmental footprint . Canatu offers high purity Single-Wall Nanotubes and NanoBuds™ on client sub- strates and Development Packages in cooperation with clients to develop specific commercial applications . Canatu is cur- www .canatu .com rently scaling the production process for industrial use .

Carbodeon – Superhard Nanomaterials

Carbodeon supplies superhard materials for applications where toughness is at a premium . The eight different grades of Ultra-Dispersed Diamonds also known as nano diamonds – each possess the desired properties fine-tuned for a grow- ing number of dedicated applications . These grades are sold under the name uDiamond™ . Carbodeon Nicanite™ graphitic carbon nitride materials can be converted to carbon nitride film coatings with unique properties . It is particularly benefi- cial to produce Nicanite™ thin films and coatings by applying www .carbodeon .fi Picodeon Coldab™ laser deposition technology .

Enfucell – Thin Flexible SoftBatteries™

Enfucell is the only Finnish company ever awarded with the prestigious Technology Pioneer recognition by The World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2007 . The inventor of SoftBattery™ www .enfucell .com Dr . Zhang was nominated the Otaniemi Person of the Year 2007 .

Genano – Air Purification Units

Genano is a Finnish manufacturer of air purification units . Using patented Genano® technology, Genano creates clean air solutions for commercial and industrial applications . Genano’s air purification systems are applicable from offices and isolation wards to industrial environments . Genano

10 Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region works to create healthy and safe work environments for people all over the world . Notably, Genano products are designed to require little maintenance and no fiber filter changes . Therefore Genano technology is environmentally friendly (no waste) and needs less energy (no pressure drop) . www .genano .fi

Kemira – Chemical Group

Kemira is a chemicals group made up of four business areas: Kemira Pulp&Paper, Kemira Water, Kemira Specialty and Kemira Coatings . We are global group of leading chemical businesses with a unique competitive position and a high degree of mutual synergy . Kemira plant at Pori (SBU Pigments) belongs to Kemira Specialty business area and is specialized in production of titanium dioxide (rutile and anatase crystal forms) . Due to the sulphate process applied, various titanium dioxide prod- ucts can be manufactured . One common feature for all the products is that their crystallite size and particle size distribu- tions are controlled very carefully, because the properties of the material depend on size and crystal phase . We are serv- ing our customers in a wide field of applications, such as the coatings, printing inks, plastics, paper, pharmaceuticals, fibers, rubber, ceramics, cosmetics, feed and food industries . Titani- um specialty chemicals produced are used e .g ., as coloured inorganic pigments, catalysts for reduction of NOx from power plant off-gases, photocatalysts and in electronics . www .kemira .com

nLIGHT Corporation nLIGHT is driving new application utilization of high-power semiconductor lasers and optical fiber, fiber components and sub-subassembles through industry-leading innovation and best-practice manufacturing . Optimizing components and sub-systems for OEM integration produces differentiated advantages for our customers in industrial, medical, defense and consumer applications . Global support is offered through state-of-the-art manufacturing and application centers in Vancouver, WA; Hillsboro, OR; Munich, Germany; Lohja, Finland and Shanghai, China . nLIGHT is growing rapidly and was named the fastest-growing technology company in the Northwest USA by Deloitte and Touche in 2007 . www .nLIGHT .net

Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 11 nGlass – Glass Tiles

nGlass’s tiles are made from 100% glass . A new revolutionary colouring technique makes it possible to achieve a unique penetration of colour . The surface of the glass tile is heated with a 2000˚C flame which gives a beautiful special reflec- tion into the glass tile when light beams hit the surface . The tiles can be used for example in halls, bathrooms, kitchens, pools, facades and many other places . nGlass manufacture curved, tinted and patterned glass tiles according to customer’s www .nglass .fi requirements .

Nokia – Connecting People

Nokia is the world leader in mobility, driving the transforma- tion and growth of the converging Internet and communi- cations industries . We make a wide range of mobile devices with services and software that enable people to experience music, navigation, video, television, imaging, games, busi- ness mobility and more . Developing and growing our offer- ing of consumer Internet services, as well as our enterprise solutions and software, is a key area of focus . We also pro- vide equipment, solutions and services for communications networks through Nokia Siemens Networks . Nano Sciences System Research Center develops nano­ technologies for mobile communication and ambient intelli- gence . Studying physical, chemical and biological phenomena and manipulation of matter at the nanoscale enables gener- www .research .nokia .com ation of knowledge for enhancing human capabilities .

Okmetic – Silicon Solutions for Advanced Technologies

Okmetic is a technology company which supplies tailor-made silicon wafers for sensor and semiconductor industries and sells its technological expertise . Okmetic provides a wide range of MEMS sensor-optimized silicon for various leading- edge technologies . Their process and design tailored solu- tions are the platform for the development of new genera- tion applications and effective volume production . Okmetic’s customers are global forerunning companies that manufac- ture cutting-edge solutions for security, safety, health, well- www .okmetic .com ness, the environment, and entertainment .

12 Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region Orion Diagnostica – Biomedical Company

Orion Diagnostica Oy is part of Orion Group, the leading health-care company in Finland . Orion Diagnostica special- ises in rapid and easy-to-use clinical diagnostic and hygiene monitoring products . Most of the company’s products are designed to assist health care professionals in doctors’ offic- es, health-care centres and hospitals in diagnosing patients’ conditions, making appropriate treatment decisions and fol- lowing up treatments . Nanotechnology has an essential and important role in Orion Diagnostica’s present product portfolio . www .oriondiagnostica fi.

Panipol – Inherently Conductive Polymers

Panipol manufactures polyaniline based inherently conduc- tive polymers (ICP) and polyaniline based formulations for several conductive and semiconductive applications . The basic building block of polyaniline products – polyaniline emeraldine base (EB) – can be now produced in large quan- tities with Panipol’s new patented reactor . Panipol product line consists: Panipol coating systems and inks in water and/ or solvents as well as Panipol’s non-conductive emeraldine base form and conductive polyaniline salt (both dry pow- ders) . Typical applications of these products are within the printed electronics market, electronic packaging and ATEX- equipment (explosive area devices) market . www .panipol .com

Picodeon – Surface Freedom™ – Making the Impossible Possible

The Picodeon Coldab™ process uses picosecond laser to make thin films and coatings . Such films, ranging from a single nanometer up to a few micrometers, are used to enhance and modify the surface properties of materials . This versatility of the technology enables applications that range from the fairly simple (e .g . decorative surfaces) to the very complex (e .g . to deposit a sequence of layers controlled on a nanoscale level to produce state-of-the-art optoelectronic devices) . The process is scalable for industrial use . www .picodeon .fi


Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 13 Picosun – The ALD Powerhouse

Picosun develops and manufactures Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) reactors for micro- and nanotechnology applications . Picosun provides the customers with versatile, reliable and user-friendly ALD process tools, which offer unique scalabil- ity from research to production . SUNALE™ ALD process tools are installed in various universities, research institutes and www .picosun .com companies across Europe, USA and Asia .

Planar Systems – Display Solutions

Planar Systems, Inc . is a global leader of specialty display technology solutions for the world’s most demanding envi- ronments . Planar offers a wide range of products for indus- trial, medical, commercial and home theater segments . Planar utilizes nanotechnology in the Electroluminescent (EL) manufacturing process when making the display glass . Major part of the process is done in Finland . EL displays are designed for extreme conditions, where viewing properties and endurance are of utmost importance . EL applications include medical equipment, transportation, armoured vehicles www .planar .com and industrial equipment .

Teknos – Paints and Coating

Teknos is one of Scandinavia’s leading suppliers of industrial coatings and a major participant in the retail and architectural paint markets . Group companies operate in Scandinavia, Germany, England, Ireland, Poland, and Russia, and through a well-established network of agents and representatives in about twenty other European countries . Teknos’ strengths lie in its strong technical know-how, supported by sustained investment in R&D, and a desire to become the preferred Paint Partner of all of its Customers . Teknos follows actively the nanotechnology development and has already adapted www .teknos .com the new technology in some products .

14 Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region Tikkurila – Decorate and Protect

Tikkurila, which is responsible for Kemira’s paints and coat- ings business, develops, markets and produces paints and coatings for DIY and professional users and for industrial applications . Tikkurila is a strong regional player in the paint business in Europe, with a leading position in Northern and Eastern Europe . The principal objective of Tikkurila’s product development is to meet the changing needs of customers, with environ- mental issues and product safety in mind . At Tikkurila, nano­ technology’s potentials are constantly being evaluated, and nanomaterials have already been used for years in several product applications . www .tikkurila com.

Vaisala – Electronic Measurement Systems

Vaisala develops, manufactures and markets products and services for environmental and industrial measurement . Vais- ala’s markets are global . The mission is to provide basis for better quality of life, environmental protection, safety, and productivity . The major customer groups are meteorologi- cal and hydrological institutes, aviation organizations, defense forces, road and rail organizations, weather related private sector, system integrators and industry worldwide . Vaisala is the global market leader in many of its core businesses . www .vaisala .com

VTI Technologies – Forerunner in Motion and Pressure Measurement

VTI Technologies is a global market leader of low-g acceler- ation sensors for automotive industry applications and Car- diac Rhythm Management (CRM) . Application areas for the company’s motion and pressure sensors include the auto- motive industry, medical, instruments as well as portable devices . Nanotechnology helps VTI Technologies to control critical properties of the MEMS devices that affect their sta- bility and reliability . VTI Technologies participates actively in the Finnish nanotechnology research . www .vti .fi

Nanotechnology in Helsinki Region 15 Culminatum Ltd Oy – Helsinki Region Centre of Expertise Innopoli, Tekniikantie 12, FI-02150 Espoo Finland Tel. +358 20 761 9550 • Fax +358 20 761 9551 www .culminatum .fi