BANDSHOWAT BiGBBOTHHi3?FUNDRAISIN(IG —Inside^ Also; Campaign for one-le-on-one mentoriri n g 0 killed the Black D ahllalI la ? ' .. : • W h o I ^ program kickeded offWednesday. 1N II | • R i sse e and'shlne at Cactus P • M ini-ni-Cassla concerts begin m SeeHagki8fcVMey,Cl Good Momiiling

f t 66 1 k 54 V . ' windy and cooler w)Witt)#' . WS^ ■ chance of ralniOetattaOKB4 un »Ne n ■ '■ Ahon)le I ilm« t ()ruli for Four agen!ncies Wk thean em4eted-H Arts- ' , sex offendider ■ ^ Councii likees ByJuhuaPahmr canyon rim sisite i e m IV iz 2 ______ByS»d> M .f • •nVIN 1'AI.LS —• A c o n v icte d sex . Tlnw»New» writer______offemlerfromAiliiCou:;ouniy surrendered lu U.S. m arshals a n d I Tails policc ■IWIN lv\l.i.S - llieL* future I W ednesday iifieriiucmon afteri a tw o-hour ho m e o f d ie Miiglc Valle-Iley A ns staiuloirduriiiKwhichlh e held a gu n to ('ouncil couki very well1 hav^‘h a h is liL-ad a iu l aitcnjnipied i] lu his sjiectaculiir view of thee SnakeI ivrisis. ' lUver C:;myoii. Tlie Arts Cenier (iimiim n ittee. Al 2:;H) p in. Wiidni•dnc'sday. th e U.S. H board Marshals Sfnicc a'qiii.'(|uesied help from m a d e u p o f /\ris Council I ihu Uvin Falls I’oliceke Departmeni in m em bers, m em bers o f th e tw o serving art arrcsi warrmarram for M iclinel Rotary clubs in. I\vin Tull'ills, a n d Hay Clem ens, *15. w hoIio w\ as hiding in his others In the commm unity. al from --, moiher's imilcr homne e i the Creekside - : agreed lliai a proposal . o n e o f Moliiti.' I lom e I’arid unon Ai ddison Avenue Tedenition I’tiinte IJx;, ii Wesi. diav proposiils the comrnm iiiue looketl al. woukl Jie duh e b esl The n i l . iW n l-allsills iC ouniy SherilT’s m s cen- D e|)antiu'rn a n d Specl.leciol W'capoiis place fora communiiy tin TacliCs (SWAT) also i th e ter. The board of the; IMiigic . Viilley A ns Ctiuhcil agreetted. ■ arresi. ."ILS. n in r.h als knocilocked on die door T h e coiiim iitee did pieileniy of • research, siiid Siacy Mi:vladsen, xvliL'ii ih e y a iii’in p teid d tott s e r \ e a warr>uil Ro-hour sUndott Wednesday, at Crcdv(cK slde Mobile H o tM P a X ln T iIn le Miigic for Ills arrest," saitlI ‘l\ Iwiii Iiilk I’olltt. MichidRi:1 Riy Clemeni, eeirttr, Is escorted byI TuiTirin FalU police officers a f t t r a two- executive dlrecnir of d ie : t, U3. Marshals Senice and the FBIBl participatedp In th e a rr e s t Valley Ans (louncll. S tair Sr i. D en n is l»ulli»ullin. "(C lem ens) • rili».Th«1h< T d n Falls Police D eparim iirt, M nm FFa alls County S h eriffs B epaftm ent, I o l iiris refused locoineoiii.aii.aiidiiesaidhehad - "We did a survey o t>rgani/:itions aiul the coi.•ommil- a w eapon, SII iluit w-.isas vlein.s. whcreiiboiiismis were unknown uniil his space for communiiy an.'riscliiss- arrested him, snid Kevin Ke' I’lalls, ch ief No sliii'ihuis wea* fia'd during ilie con-Ill- "They haven'i even been be here two capiureWeili’eilnestlay aficrnoon. s es. Once we had diiss surve\'! deputy U.S. marshalll Tofor die Idaho dis- frontuiioilion. weeks." .Smith siiid. "Andd I didn't know . He is in thtin e c ustody o f th e IW n Tails conipleted. we siiined l: m eet diose needs." honiL-s n e a r th e areaea 'w here C lem ens John Henierrelii. a resident of Creeksided e lhal th e U.S. M arshals Ser\:‘r\'ice had iKrii offender. Mailsen said, die comiiimiiiee * looked ill 11) or 1.7 sitess ini th e I’win I'iills a a ’a. "We looked al hislisiorical places downiown andI urbiiiit reiiewiil lols," she said. "WWe also Simpleofs son ppeddles faM iy gocods to paly debts looked into sites thatu w ere .n e w ly built on the n o n hle e n d of iur\-iewed ai Shiiplol's home, IWin Tails. About a year ago.aj: we The Associated PfBM Steinw ay piimo.I. Sim plot, willwhose fathers net help ]iay;iy olf crediiors. KlVh- iiiiur frinnoi niistakeii. I Iliink Ihis iiiirrowetl tlieseleciioii tloJow n to Donald Simpioplot, a 70-year- w orili is eMliiiiilniated at Sa.Jhil- 'IV reponjrieiloniiN W ubsite. -'Ifl'n a n o ' ivas a ro u n d $()0.()l)0 three siies, which inclutletletl the C,\1.13WHIJ. — Thehe money old businc-ssmaiiail who retired lion, siiid inin tcourt niings he The auciionai i-< scheduled plain lien h e houglit il new." vvarehouse hiiilding of ththi e for- ' irouhles lhal felled iluihe eldesi as vice presidenini \ai his failiers liivesied inn companies in today (Ito dispose III his ninch when SIniplol is counting oil som e mer (ilobe Seed iiiul TeiTeed in ■ sonofl.K.Simiiiot.idahiJahos ricli- agriculture congiiiglomeraie in Washington.:i. O reg o n a n d . and.Satururday to dispose o f iiur- Sin ■ep-pocketed auciion panici- historie'hvin Tails, die buiniikting esi inan.areiiowforcinjcinghimio 2000, in lanuaruar>- filed for /Maska. in celuding lu t a Seattle sonal belleloiiglngs at his deep ints lo help dig him OUI ofh is w here I'ribes is now locaitiiied (in auciiun pff many of iheIhe accou- Chapier 11 hmiknikrupit7 protec- gimihiing casinasino. a cniise sliiji ai're homline anil prix'Jiic !)-l1ole pant? ‘1)1. ilie'l'Vsiaiionreponed. Old Townel and dtem-wly^’ly buili lermeius of his higIliigh'flving lion in U.S. iiankiinknipicy Qnirl compiiny andnd i a ch ain o f West goll niiirsirse. debt, In th e filing eiirlier this ye;ir.^ • sile on ihe fiinyon etlge-• wv here lifestyle «> ihe higlteslesi bidder, in Idalio. ( a usl dldiat all lu n ie d ot:i "VMien.•n you drive oul lu w it’s In inploi siiltl h e ow ed SIO mil- W esierrii Keal Tisiiiie is k>ciicaied.” * IncliidinK (> Piper S 8u| uperC tib A C hapier 11I filing fi allows a to be duds, niind-bo^loggliiig 10 see ... whal Simp in to S.™ million, wilh assets ! airi)lanc. a jjolf canI m a d e Iiy business o r indivilivldual time lo Selling Simp!m p lo i’s siiiFf al a(i Mr. Sim|iitploi has done here." liimt that siim e mnge. 'i 'Please see ARTS. Pai’age A3 Ouliilae and n limiledletl etiiiion formulate u rcpaytlayiiieni plan. auction is pan[lari o f his p lan to said aucticiioneer Lirr>' Downs, in lhi

UnhfenltycIf of Congresissprovidining Lanndingab)igfish I Idaho Profeofessor V. Hardy, ofthe newtoo]d1 to track Univers:rsity dedicates aqi!}uacultureiab k'. Aqutunlire R esearchI :h Institute,.sU sl nds s cofTwpondent if you go govemnment spend[ding W ednesday(ayfi Wh>t*t IOodicatlon of the analysis ilAGURMA!MAN — /Mready full the food an /erslty of Idaho's $3.2 mil- tab, ooe ofo fsh By Jtm Abrams give final approvalial to the leg- of fish storle;)rles. Hagerman has 1,1biotechnology aquaculture M w U b s loIn tbe Aisftclated Press writerIter islatiun this week.i‘k. sending li landed aiioilnOlher big one. iratory 10 i’resideni Hushsh forI his sig- Today, lluih e U niversity o f yyjien-n: 10:30 a.m. today J t -. « ., i11^ neiriyconslnstract- , WASl lIN CilO N -- ClCurious nature. The OfOce t of Itlaho is dedlietllcaling a S3.2 mil- re : Aquaculture Research e d H a te mlUD u about how much of your Management andltd iiudget is ' lion biotechi.■clinolosy aillliiiul- . itute, Hajerman HH k ntbCuttstfiw e iiory a n d ofTice com - , m oney is jjoing lo enccncourage to liie datablabase, wiih a turelaboniior 1^9 ExperfnentHll I produc- Jan, 1. 200B, targetgel for o p en- picx th a t will fu rth er en h an c e hydroponic tomaio pr Adedi- tion in Ohio — or lo huild ing it to the public,llic. ih e rcgioii’sI'S’lead lt ersh ip role In lie e;explained that whun, he IH ft Jlffli t r ^ hrid^es to nowhcrhere in -This bill will, makem track- fish produciiuiciion and research. first anirrivetl on the scenij in Tiplcx*co\rn'13,(K)0- -years :iago. a main-concern n y l|iy y » vtHbelieMsMtMs ------...... ^^■'AlifskaT'A~usor-friendl]ndiy Weh ing government"m - s p c n d in g ------iTic com pi' j U j j f l sile is goin}? IO h e lpI yoyou find easier for citizens.Ills, rep o rle rs sqi/.:re feetet andi includes M amonglg local irtiui farms was B o n in c fefofUn i out. and legislniors; alike."a ihe oOices andtl eeighi cubicles for the amimouni of phosphonis in $1 2 mIBmBm aisie. : llie House nn W'ednednesday Senate sponsotsors, Tom lecliniciansIS aand graduate stu- fish was M e t id motoo k "Al lilliat tim e, the intlusir>- was laking up a measieasure lo Coburn. R-Okla.,., a n d Barack denis, labontofynmd I creaic a Google-likece >se arch O bam a, D-III.. saidaid In a sta te - "We a reJ ththe scientists ilial was sayaying diese sta n d ard s are office ce«f■ pluiat engine th a t will h e lp1 inleresl-ini ment. “improvinving irans- help agencieIdes and business going. uto idll us." h e saitl. "Bui edciii/cns,asweIIasH(ls advocQ- parency will force» lawmakers1 come to raiional rai declsitms when w\ve looked at the siiun- liN N aUMaiFUi o u ; cy groups, tnick so mneSI e j iril- to be morc accoicountable lo about aquacilaculture." said Kon lion antnd did som e research, we ' k ' lion in federal gmnis,ms. con* liic American poopjoplc," Hardy, dlrcctnB cnr o f th e universi- fo u n dI «out that phosphorous K a i m a n0 . .j tracts, special pro|ccilecis and . Passage wouldd allowi law- ry’s Aquacuaculiure Hescarcli levels ■• tniiiig out of the fish loans, Institute andin d H ag erm an I-Isii • m Congress is expectectcd lo Please see MONEWET. Page A3 C ulture Ilxperperiment Station. ' PPlease see lA B , Page A3 m I 2 Suldojku...... IIIII Buslnosisnd Serviccvice flirectoty . .ElO CfOt»»ofd ...... E9 Mflgic V.llliMile,...... Cl Otxluanes ...... C2 - a ' ‘ ...... £1 QpinOpinion ...... A66 Weather...... ■ ^ i : ------| |M ------ClwifletH ...... 1 vWest ...... c i II I Comlct...... 'M ....C 6 -7 HcwiKope...... C6 Movies ,...... C4 . S Sow w t s ...... Bl C4.C8 ...... Dl Jum lrfe...'...... BJ N.ltiOft ,...... A4, , A5.A8 Stocks...... £2 Stoc 2 Vitoiid...... Cl d i i o s o ' l 9 ...... ■1 ^ Jl I ...... V TO D ^’S F O ^ YouiIRMORN'JING., T o d a y 1Tonight Frid : € _ 0 - 0 ^ wtth pw irtg M Wlnbjr otxl cobiof A tow »nowo»a ' CoJWr wttri , : B m ' Wlih a lewahowors. . snow ” ™'‘ ■ MAGICVAUUlEY V ID MTO/WEST INation/ world Sports H ig h 6 6 1L ow 5 4 S1 8 8 i /4 5 ------

Tod*y:Windy and cooloror v,wdh a chanco ol rain slKJWors, HiQhs, mid lo upper 60s.Is. . , • T onighl: Mosily cloudy’ andoni slill bteozy lo w in d / A lew . showers possible. LowssnoarSO.-.' nc x j S T om orrow : Mosify cloudy)dy ahd■ colder with a low passin( Fhowcrs. Highs. uppcc>50s.50s: ' ■ ' Complete weathither report: See page — TQBAY-S:HAPPBWNGS ■ ------^^Bigbandaclictcomlng-toII---- Gunman_slays_l,monds ___-----Bruins volleyball te a m - Twin Falls thi!Ihis month ge Iranied by 1919 at Montreal college breezes past Spartans EXHIB E rss at 45-year high l%VINFALLS-.S— ACanH(tian* PMONTUEAL — A young nV lN lALUS — T I'o oo' Albert W eaver Art Show,JW, Jean B. King Gallery. Herrett m iirli offensive - pow er by' b uthern . based big idaciwUlkickof BOISEiSB — WildOrcs across maman in a black trench coat ic e ^ a m BM?-oLc.o|LeRe_of,soutji nntl-.i liiilrcul _ th e lU in l-alls H niins resuull;______l Idaho, no cost,732-6655555. A rts o n T our sesea aso n later this m o re lailand in 2006 than in optopened nreWt-tlnesday at a ed in a iwa-game sweep[) iol m n n ih . any yearlar sin c e a t leiisi 1960, MoMontreal collegc. slaying a niin-conference foe .Minfcifco SEETEE TNT. ENCLOSED h u n tinlg g an area iwice the • vvowoman ami woiniding al 2.1-11 a n d 2.')-17 Thursdaday,_ . ^GOVERNHEHT s l/u o fNN ew Jersey, leaileast 19 o iiicr p eople hehire at K auni Ciym. tmlssloners, 8:30 a.m., courtho IVvIn Falls C ounty commit HinM^ssia'conconcert __ bui ithe ilames have poipolice siiot and killed him. Ihe lirnins dominatete d . 425 Shoshone St. N.,, 7373&4068. . ' y- rac ed across sparse* witwitnesses and authorities iKiih gam es, a itd except fofor" •. H agennan C ham ber ofr Commerce,Co noon. Hagermann SSenior seasofi starfss O0 ct 10. ulaied desert, causing sailsaid. a couple of early lies iiin- _ . Center, 1 4 0 E. Lake. 8J37-9131. 3 7 BURLEV —- ■The seminal fewer Irirefighier deaths SEE PAGE C8 (ia m e 2, IWln Tails n e v t Jackpot Advisory Board.rd. (6 p.m .. Jackpot Library. 2 330^ 0 ; 1950s voail harharmony group. ihan in1 previous( years, trailed. Progressive Drive. (775)5) 1755-2356. lliL* Four Hrcshrishman, and ihe As ofjf Wednesday, blm-s F” "We did die little thingngs :ich Bellevue C|ty Council, 7 p.m..[ City Hail. 115.E. Poplar)lar, 788- A rile , Sliaw OOrchestra r will liad loro rc h e d ii.G!) m illio n A riglil.' satil Hniins coaci highlight the1C Mlnl-Cassia acres. o ( r I3.5n>i s q u a re M Niki Walker, "I w as glati lliiihat 2 1 2 8 . I was able to gel everyonjn e Fairfield City Council. 7 p p.m .. City Hall, 4 0 7 Soldierr Road.Ri Communiiy ConGoncerts'senson, miles, justju above last year's f l w h ic h b ei^ns OciOci. 10. lotal of l13,573 sq u are m iles, . ■ in. And we also goi to worork 764-2333. EE TNT. Er^CLOSEO jiccordiiiiing to Ihc National S on our (|uiik offensnse Murtaugh Highway DIstricitrict, 7 p.m., district office. lOi1 0 8 W. , InieragciBcncy i-lre Centei In D Archer. 4 3 2 -5 4 6 9 . .SEEPAGES. B l i„,852. . Hagemunfishs h I^olse. n7267. . o f Rsh stories,i, i Ilagerm an lias 4.‘)niIIiitlllim acres. L3 IMInldoka C ity Council,,7 7:: :3 0 p.m .. City Hall. 4 0 2 ChenlerrySt., landed anodjurbe r big one. SEE PAGE 04 431-4 1 0 1 . Today, the• LUniversity of Mother's suicide shakes Id ah o is dcdlcatiirating a S3.2 mil- MayorS' seeks annexation upjp missing-boy case lion bloicchnokmiogy aquacul- fO fightit mosquitoes . ^ B ^ B U b , c u __ _ laboratoryory and office U-ESBUIKi. rlii. - Iwo ■ College of Southem idahoaho's Over Sixty and GettingJFttpr^ Fl complex ihalQl will further NAMI'U'A — ‘M ayor T om wveeks ei after telling police grams, a guided walkingng workoutv with stretching andId gentle| cnhancc the rcfregion's leader- Dale is consideringanadvi-ci thaihal her son hail been , resislance.tralnlng, 9 tolo l10 a.m. at Flier Elementary,!y. 9:15- sh ip ro le in fislfish produciion soryvoic)ie to pui beforc a*si- snainaiched from ills crib, Boise's Blue turf 10:15 a.m. at Hagermanlan High School Gym a n d 10:3C:30 andrcscarh (lent-son)n th e N ovem ber hal- Melvielinda I.)uckell found iier- SEE PAGE A l |„ , to ll:3 0 a.m. at Buhl HigTHigh School, no c o st. 732-6475175. ier Canyon County selfielf reeling in an intcn-iew celebrates 20 yeais villi IV's famously prose- Ongoing exercise programram for people with Parklnson'i dis- C o in n iislissioner ‘Itohert will V ast|ue/:/. killed N am pa lead- cut<:utorial Nancy (irace. liniSIi ~ When Ceiii ease, offered by Magic: ValleyVa Regional M edical Centei 11 ers' rctji(juest lo annex.. Ihis UefiJefore It was over. Crare ’ llleym aier gets tlie no tio nI tou , , , a.m. to noon, the Episcopcopal Church'of the Ascension., „ . 3 n city in to10 a m osiitiilo cn n iro l wasvas p o u n d in g h e r de sk a n d make a change, his goalI I Is Eastland Drive N..Twln1 Falls, Fa no cost, call 737-2126. disiricl.I. Iinii■nully d e m an d in g lo know: gelling iiHipIe to iakpinga healthy relationship with ed into tlie district areiiren'i you id lin g iK xvhea* 'I'akingiiinulitionalgrceiic n " : ------taughibyJ^ ...... c o n c e rn ov e r-W e st • -j-nup-ouwcrcthatday?" roiitball itelil. giving it a hlulu c ' Room 105. College of SoiSouthem Idaho. $40 for today’s (pre- Irus. the mostiulio- AA day after llu; lapiiig. d y e jol) a n d cre:iting Ihe ihi requisite) class or $80) forfoi all four classes. 732-62909 0 for Cl,y „disease that nine Dut)uckeii. 21. shot lu-rseif lo niosi dyiiiimic honie-fielteld registration. Mentoring p n ^ an n ex e• dacross Idaho liave dealealh. ileepening ihe mys- advaniage in fooiball - a m id cied ct this year before ler)er>‘ o f w hat h a p p en e d to tharil do Ihe irick. liielie hoy. "I guess lhai I'm ihe lyjvrl>e TO HAVE AN EVENT USTE5TED, p le ase subm it th e namn e eo fth e Nile v in b u r n e ( of person that when I painlim event, a brief description,on. time, place, cost and contai,ta n num. ™ N FALLS SEE PAGE C4 • SEE PAGE A8 r(^m people ! iny house I paiiit it a differl-r- ber to Suze Browne by.e-n.e-mail a t sbrowne@; Brmhcrs bib ,S Twin m e m o rin s progrt ngton has M O ' eni coLir so tlie neigiihorors by fax. 734-5538: or byly mmail, Times-News. PO.Box 54{348. Twin .gic Valle, “ i : ; - " ifr.M noiice you did someihing,•K-" Deadline is noon, four days in med West Nile case j r Falls, ID 8 3 3 0 3 -0 5 4 8 . Dei c o u n tic s . It couLS - T h e Hig said H)eyni:iier, in Iiis 24tl1th advance of the event. early os Janiiar{ Sisiers child DMA. W ash. — T h e ^ year as Hoise S ta le s mhlctiiMic money Is ogram r is coming WashingI Centers for Disease U L director. SEE PAGE B:Bl Wednesday Is in( and lerome rnnfirmi11 and Prevention ^3 could arrive as COntimiltied the first ease of a ffiA C nO N lj ~ proiip kickcd off WEB IMDER RB ^ lo raise uary Sl if enough TACOf:i coniraciing Wesl Trojan boys' soccer Ti)anksgiving. raised. On federalirus C in Wushlnglon iD team tops Buhl morning, ihe ' Conlrolthe Slate Healih On Dog, cat foundnd dead from knife WOIrounds ,off .a campaign cunnrnicim e n t sa id W1:NDI!I.I. — Ik 'h in dI ia Slfin.OOO hy h u m a n pair of goals hv lose Diaziaz. Sheriffs predati , case invoh’cd a man Ho3Iock of off*reservation W endell heal Huhl .'i-l in it A GATEWAY OFFENSE:-Tt: 'The FBI currently classifies.animal ar , efforts draw pra N ile viri SEE PAGE C l sta te , i t 40s from I'ierce uID ' hoyi soccer actiotion abuse/torture as a gatewteway offense and part ol the Tibal casinos fails “ JUROMl: - lei D e p a rtny, w h o h a s sin c e Wednesday, Huhl actnall;Illy Behavioral Sciences Unitsnitslndica- residents suppor red from mild symp- VWASMlNlVrON - led 1-0 on Cade Haugh':Ill's tor of future abhorrent belbehavior. lator trolling weducsd fishing on lin e for n c lu d in g a m s h a n d a Heplepuhlicans tried p e n a lly kick in .the rifiililil on One of the leading author ,aiors across P” th '*® in his s ta te ile a llh WeiiVedne.sday to curb the ininiiie. Hul Dia/ scored inh this subject and a.longtim^ m e sometimes bcyoi• lerome County Couniy,tmeni spokesman oxp•xplosive growth of Indian tlie ur>ih a n d 79ih m lm iiesie s.' • friend lives in Twin Rillsis areaa but an Informal limport i their shcri^ recoversM oyer snid. gan{ambling hy proliihiiing and Miguel Oro/co booietied has asked not to be identjentlfiedfor ■ vcy and reader: for n sexual prcd- tom s, inc ribes from building casinos a in ilieliHih to give thtIhe; ■ SEE PAGE C4 privacy reasons. He hasIS vwritten PACK Cl the stitie and fever. ivvay from th e ir reserva- Trojans control. volumes of material andId thandled hundreds of cases:S involv-li ,7ond. based on Uepann^na Capitol briefly ii«nions, hut the effort failed in . SEE PAGE B;B l Ing the Intentional torture:ure of animals by persons whoho later Bellevue K>9nmcs-Nc\vs uni sur- Donn Mi he House. IJavvmakers rted Wednesday •oted 2-J7-171 for tlte m eas- went on to commit similainilar crimes against people. Therhe thin :rW response. SI-Ei Punter stabs suffer budget ENA. Moni. — The ure.ire, but that was short of gray line between capturirluring someone's pet and torturi BELLEVUI-- Capitol and nearby theheiwo-lhirds needed. teammate In tbe leg and graduating on to doJo thetl same to people is very tf Hontaiu na ilislorical Socieiy Cnio. — in1 ;a jing for taking this seriously andscfr'am Marshals Omceiiunn may evacuah SEE PAGE M indeed. Kudos to Goodins ano see- elimination of Us •nH)orarIIy evacuated s e e iia rio .tiia i so u n d s likiike ing it for th e red flag itI Is.-Is. to budgetarytbfte re . •sday morning ProProgress slow In f i li n g Tonya Harding vs. Nnnc;icy will discuss Ihe— 11 Ilte Uellevue stale Cate of a natural gas ^||||shildhoodobestty Kerrigan, the backup punini- DENA: -Good grief, therere iare some sick people in thishisw orldl p.m . tod a y a t diece is considering Montana e r a l N orthern C olorado haila s • I firmly believe in a n eyeye forf an eye: rather it be peoplople or Council meeiing.f Its K-9 unit d u e w erc le'e ir were no injuries WASillNCnON — One- been accuscd of siabhin}ing-* ■ animals, the punishment:nt should be the same. Shamem e on ' restraints and Wednesc10 Ure. a n d so m e Ilfil:Iflh of children arc likely to ills rival in the leg — hi:h i s ,. th e p e rso n responsiblee forfo this disgusting act of cruelueltylll ■■'■I i |i i i | leIJ m a ile r at G:30 b e c a uyces se were allow to be)o > o b e se hy 2010. yel th e kicking leg. Just remembec God Is wawatching every move you make d ie Uellevue City leak,10 w ork by la ie ' jovernment govi killed a prom- Miicii Co/ad. a sopho ing. T h erelg . :,>in.>ing p ro g ra m liiat por> more from WheatlandS. SEE PAGE C l a n d noiniractor w orking o n ir.iyriy cd exercise a s cool. CONCERNED CmZEN:; 'Too*T( b a d th a t even if this persi>rsonls Eleanor R.Sh: Wyo.. allegedly atlacket;ed • em p lo y[property e apparently OOdier efforts lo turn the Hafacl Mendo/a in a parkrk-’ c aught, h e /s h e will likely,ely ge t off with a token sen tenince, c as Lorene Rose ! u u ra l gas line serving tideide of childhood obesity ing lot this week. MundoziJZJl no one seem s to take abuseabi of our four-legged friend: inds very Henry Schodd , _ _ m o rn instorical g Soclcty, said' areire scaiiershoi and don't was treated and releasedla a t here seem s to be that ownersji ______seriousN . The le sso n here Sheridan, 76 a coma-R upkoch.-a spokea ------htivinve~cnough~moneyr‘thc —- r-n-«rcclcy-hosplial. r hut IIt !ping their p e ts s a fe a n d in theiiS S m ------^Jaweff-ATWeb b e resp o n sib le for keepini ;e Scott. 66 n for Northwestern Instnstilute of Medicine said wasn'i cicar when he woulcnld environm ents. I loath vrtiawhat this person has done, butiut we all S h a u n a R e a , ‘ h lla n a'.t i WetW ednesday. return. (>)/jid w as arrested.!d. r>pets our sa fe . th e misk n e e d to m a k e su re our>pe >dde. 9 5 SEE PAGE C4 SEE PAGE A4 . SEE PAGE Q:Bl’. tebstsr,'79------• w o m a n O n‘PoGce crack d«dbmonconstnictionttthefts’ _ a, 4 8 Energy. WELL...: *1 live In a neww subdivisions< and sometimess nmy hus* ^■uJiU U LI SEEPAGE 02 band and I and a few neljneighbors will walk around a nId d :Me l»'oV*‘«ra , » TilimesNewiVS our nel^ibortwod and there wil what is getting built In oui will bo 11 IB M .S .7 I v * tools, plugged fn to exten:tension c o rd s, o u t In th e dirt*.•right rl| out iMUtMlnViMCMU)*...... I3S.I2or I:Iht Tfwt Nni |U<^ Ul 080) n m u m dWr • In plain sig h t a n d no one•ne Is.thers working, and everyoryone ------IU Sl w .1^ r*»i. b, IM i* * '- me, a wtFi«.*r, ol IN tMetmo. Ppe«t»i» are to these homes. You cann »alkh , »* WMUuUy, S4IX. ' knows where tha keys are SiMtxch...... mUU CM»MMTMnka M«i 11 l»w rA », I nn Nm. Onojt mtr . throuj any construction:on site out there and see any p . >S«;3 0(U ...... '...ns.l2n hnfMsrtd M o o n n n . . r^ I .>M nnn^iEW IS Srwi K'lMI08-* » P""' » 17 » „ » ...... nS.32V (uwrfti ofitils m the process, it Isli Ju st am azing to m e i I can't WKDCMO;0»*w y y « »ll>W(UUf>...... 8JIJWJ M M lura Ceat. n htr«r antnne ...... H M :« , CMM m M Uf el Va H*k en •ncn «|M rctcn ■«•« *• believe these guys actuallual^ hara anything left at alll’ mMepm.U>rMCliIlI*m camM. U pyMnrrt IMAtUK IMM* un« CKMW ofol ------■» tor (n 'li «ununt loovl i*welHwfH uom iown w fc "«tto'it iw p»e*f (, 4 JO *jii, c* Cocr'iM o »oc UiCc Wn hmMwn t IWK)« la nut n« ^ 10 « m. D> •t’M'. 2 3 « Vol. 101 ...... }i3«ni.

4 V ' . TWndn,S«>to«b»fH,.14,2006 T ln4liw .W irifc.M ito .lo.ID. cialm -som iLsucccss____ lilicy. l u coiild-dieck..uh.eari _diaLti:nds.Io.bft , .ti less,visiblee toI ______Mngic Valley Arts Counclmcllnnil already raisedd aboiii nliy. notjusttheale a rts council. - In maklnpng government more mark'irks in a higluv:iy bill lasi year,. the tl public and is llias morc su: the resi of the ans comiim.muni- SIOO,000. soidD r. Al II'rosi, co- "You havu to0 haw h a care- opcn-'Hie,le 1 louse is also expect- such c h a s die S2(K) m illion cepiible c lo w aste a n d abuse. ty would be in a n mnv pla/fl| c h a irm a n o f ih e comommiuee. taker, and. that's[It's th e M a g ic- e d io v o tee co n n n ilts change diLs a pproved p rt for a bridge in n An original Mouse . blbill iVdcrailon I’olnic is lookinglot Tlie commitieece worked Vulley Arts Councuncll. But il Is week to Iiringbri morcopennew to sparsarsely populated area o f allowed a searehcs only of grantn ts, 10 liulld on (lie ciinyon^on.rlm. with historians, uurchltecis iniended for usese well\ beyond 'eannarLs.Ls." or specid projects, /yaskjLskn o r Ihe defense contracts whicli v ofien go 1,0 n_pnprofilfits. _nol far from ilicW eslcrnierra Real tm d e n g in ee rs <0 iden ihcMugicValleyA7 A ns C ouncil. Uui a miiln alr legislaiivc objecUye ' that11 provedp ihe undoing of fo r-'■ bill I: till; Senate versioiuaicndcd e d ' : 'irsiaic locution.. o f how m u c h it woulo u ld c o st 10 It Is u c o m m u nlity ity corner." ' lo b l^ n g reform in iiie mLT e r Rep. llandy "nuke" Jhai Jl to conlnicis aw:irdedI (0( I'edcrmiiin PiPolntc renovate existing sluslies down- Trost. who's beenbei involved wake «)fth th e Jnck AliramolT lob- Cuiiniiiningham. ilie fHilifornla businesses. I; The Senate bill bi •- investors, w h ic h includeid e local to>vji. with the Magic»ic Valley Arts ' byingscahahdal. has languished. Kepulpublican wiis sen ten ced lo passed |: last week only afttfter developer I-'rancis Plonlorencc, "I Uilnk evcrybod;ody on the Couticil for yearfcars. said it's Tlie d di a ta b a s e ' will join ei(^i(iill years in prison earlier this blo^;^■er^. I: from b o th th e rlgliglit wiinl to devvlop nn nreairea thni c o m m itie e w ould1 rntJierr be nice lo seeli futuimure home for numerousLis oihers that pnn'ide yearur for taking b rib es iil a a n d Ihe lefl. Inunchetl a vlgoi?or- would include iwo 75-fooi- 75- downtown, and weIC 1lo o k e d nt th e a rts laking shape.shn ; detailed InformationIn on public . excha:hange'for sieering conirsicis ous c campaign to expose sem:na- ■; tall buildiUK^ lioiising? profes-pr a lot o f spaces.” saidlid Dr. C hris " lliis idea h aIK s beb en aro u n d a n d politicilcal spending. But the to a comci pany. tors ii who had ^ecredy pui •up u sionni'oiliccs, hlgli-endtnd con- . Scholes. co-chalrmaman of the for many years.'^.'.and a the last sponsonsi«said it w ould lie acces- In^In 2(H)}» theW eh site is sched- patliameniary i: barriers to actiolion , das. retuil shops, rcsiou:iQuranis commitiee. "We coulouldn'l find coupic ofycars^ hasIn been the ' slble to didie -average clii/en. as uled,‘d IO add a feature to help' ul |i d ie m easure. and a place for the.he. arts, a place lhal wouldd w ork, a n d first tim e we really’ rci' put-an ' well. as. ;bedu taxpayer watchdog in c lu d in g ii H nc nets iheuheater, wc looked at a lotot o f llicm . effort in to it," I'rost I'rc said, "ll gniups. However, the plan is coii- Tliis was not a deci:ecision that feels great to lookook forward to Users willwi be able lo type in Bele Ready For W inter... lingeni on the projectct I:belnn was lakcn li^uly b>by anyone' having a permntmnnent home “llalliburtiirton" or "i'lanned _ approved l)y ciiy plan)lannL’rs o n th e c o m m iitee.e. 1Wiint we- for the Arts Cotmctmcll," hirenthooilod" to find out wlial TAKE J, YOUR 1VITAMINS!! ______und.iliiiaty.CQundl.AniAnd.iliii__havii_wiiliJ!ranny_iIV and this . ■ ■ ■■ • kind ,o f •onintciscm o r khuiis o w r - 1 — ------m i Arts Center Commumitice proposal -is that it’it's JI new Tltiics-Ni’ws iiiisliicss S2.'>.000 havc h iK’en awarded' f JSStARAV would hnve lo come u{) wilh building, n n d th e• sjspace can Editor Saiuly M Mh iller CIIII he su c h conimpanies nr groups. f ' ■ " $1 m illion to S1.25 m illloillion for be tailoa-d to whatlat w c w a n t readied M 735-321-32G-I iir b y e- H a y can1 alsoti ‘ is llowing SOLARAY ------t l i: Vitamin t ^ jSAVINGS Lab___ _ ContiaaedfmnpiceAl culture industriesies such as sumed in the; wwc orld now heing p ro d u ced d ini liie area. Ln m ’l. were tied lo Ihe amountjnt going ornamental fish1 cultivation < fiirni-ralsed. •11 million)n pounds valued at In. Dy chanKinK d ie fish'!ish'sdlut. and utili^dng prod•oducts- fro m "W e a re the e ^o-to ^;i people for $35 millioi:o n w ere p n id u c ed . we were able to lowerr th e lev- Id ah o barley 10 repli•place marine governmeni^iimland also indusir>' "We cou[iuldn'l have done all I'Is. ’Ilia rs d ie kind o fr stistuff we protein in fish feeds fee world- in places like'e aciiiQ-i w ith -13 pe rc en i of fish con- commercial rainbowrain iroul are orhyciiiliii In Kansaas school, eeven Fomieier Texas GovJAnn * attendinjlg school plilay ardsdiesofcaiincer at 73 J AIJSIIN.I. I Texas (AP) — concealedd hanI d g u n s, auiom ni- l’orin er (iov.ov. ,A nn Uicharils. ic w eaponsms a n d 'cop-killer bul- th e w itiv iitla n d flam boyani lets." Sher iUsoa \ ’ei(H.*(r a bill ihat requiressadrugtest I D einocnii wlwho went from wouUl have h; allowed the h o m e m ak;er e r to nntional destniclioilon ofihe environmeni By R o u n u H ^ e m n schoolers, and 215 1 15ofthc:)l5celebrity, poliiiail died co over theIidwardsA(|uifer. lid W Asioclatfld Prea'» writerf______middle school siudiudents.t have Wednesdaylyniglunherabai- ni ' She gra;rahbed die liaiional signed forms consinscniitig to tie with cnncancer, a family spotlightI wilh her keynote HI. DOIIADO. Kan.:an . — ra n d o m u rin e testsIS forfl nicoiiol. spokesw omm aian said. .She was address aiII Ihei lillUi D em ocnilic Itandom drug lesiing• ooi f stu- to b a cc o a n d d ^ lgs. s.^ No o n e h a s 7:t. .She dietlietl at lionu' sur- National ('jinveniit)nO when she ^ come as been tested yel. and ai school rounded by)y 1 her family, ihc w as ihe Texas Ti slate treasurer. deni aihletes has becon H a n d m a i l ^ ro u tin e a s stu d y liall a n d luI n d i ofTicials don 'i w antml to lip off sjiokeswomaimnsnid. Kichardswiw on cheers from delc- al mnny higii schoolsIs aacross students about whefben the first Itichardss was found lo gates whenen she reminded ihem ihe counlry. Uui thisi fufuciory ra n d o m d n ig test: willwi be con- haw c’sopha^ihageal cancer in ihai (iingeiger Rogers did every- low n o u tsid e W ichitu Is ulaking d u c ted . .March andin d u n d e rw en t th in g T'reded A.slaire did. "only _ ' ' testin g to d ie exirem e. tuiive direc- chemodienipjripy ireaimenis. hackivardsIs a n d in higli heels." B R Iiis instituting randomomdniR lor of the Amerlie ric a n Civil ' T h e silver-1er-haired. silver- Kichardslls sealed h e r p a n isan H J I screening for al! middleidle and Libenies Unloii off KK ansas a n d longued Hiciilichartls said she reputationin with a blast at high scliool students paparilci- W estern Missi>uri.i. questioned (j eniea'il poliiiiiliiics lo help Olh- G eorge 11.11. llush. a felUnv 'lexan Monday • Fridaylay, Sam • 6pni pating in — or even/en just Ihc consiltuiionaliialiiy of the ers — especialcially w om en and w ho vvas Niceni president at die a tte n d in g — a n y exinicuiicurricii- practice. minuritil.^ wliwho wea' ofleii lime: "Poonor George, he can't 731 North C ollese» RoadRi • Twin Falls lar activity. Thai inclIncludes "That policy invad'adesthcpri- igniired byiy Texas' m ale- . help il. Mele w as horn w ith a sil- 208-734«EYES (3937)) • Fax: 208-734.7585 sports, cluhs, field trips,ips, dri- vacy of studentss that i need dominafedesi1 esiahlisbm eni. ver fool inII his 1 inom h." AHtf hour appolnUTMnljTwnU ver's educaiion, even1 s(school deterrence and riskisks ste erin g "I «lid luii)i wwiini m y lom b- plays. th o se stu d e n ts l o n ggreater risk sioiie to a'advad, 'She kepi a i i m m w -I------Those wlio don't signign con- o f su b sta n c e a buse;e thtl a i m a k es ri'ally clean1 bobouse.' 1 Ihink I'd ‘ K E E PRINTER!* sent forms cannoi atattend ihe drug problem;:ms worse.” like them to ra-memher me r l ( EPSON •She openwl gov- ^ 7 , • PldureMil8£isress games, go lo school dances. da Shirk said. Some nutlioriiies a by sitying. 'Sht ■ liSPAoloPriolcr Ing students ernmeni to everv’one.’" loiira cluh or so much1 usas park suid (hal excluding M ' ‘FREEtlKirtbJlei iheir car on school propei>per(y. fro m extm curricuiarliar activities Klclianls saidaid shonly'before K isdpuicBiuetUT Administrators insistsisi Ihe will just lead them1 inioin deeper leaving ofllctfllce ill Januar>' E J jflftftitrt Digitil C*mef*««w $»»I disirfci does noi have* a drug trouble. le w pill- S o m e siu d e n ts.s. in: c lu d in g She w as gingiA’en io r fnr one ®l'l 1 S 1129.99 2 9 - $50^-S80^ ,J Q KE . problem, and say die new SAL Saieonos9.'i6/06. ■ a t ghcsi In 17-yenr-old Aureliaia 1 Hesa. said tenn. losinglg li her n'-elecilon ------iiT — (me of the toughc irJClUDEDWIIHPUBCHASIHASEOrAHYOlGlTALCAMEnA- Mflfl nl keep- th e y nre offended byhy th e poli- Iiid tn Ueptibliiihliian (leorge W. p jf llie n a tio n — Is aim ed al |i EDIGITaipfTRAPACK: K A G E | •fn.Srtiwif.-DWo.mcoiMCoapow • frtf OlfUl PiUlt ing it th a t way. c>'. “Wliat you dot) ouiside t of Hush, I < »fftt toW P»Kf • ffWrwPtaiMoaCD-IWMonl PI "We see Ihis in ibeh e host school isn't anybody'sdy'sbusiness Iler fourr ai adull children interest of our studenis;nis. W'e bui yours," llesa sasaid. " They speni Wetlnesnestlay vvidi her. M l M a,I^E iilatgininitsl\IS 3 d o n ’t se e th is is a ppunllive u r should be able 10 resrespect your said familyy s spokeswoman , measure.” snki privacy." C niliy UoiHieimer. a longtime Superintendent Tam BiggIlggs. B ui IR -year-oldltd softball tamily friend,td. ______Since th e policy w as enactedem player Lauren Kuediedel said: "I " iliey're niisitoiispmip.J si lliy Jll □ [ this school year, al leasteast -IZi don 't hnve a probleijlem w ith it, p eople l>uiI dicya' di liroken- " students out of 600)0 higl) h e c a u se I don'i do pdr drugs," he-.irted. o ff cocourse," Itonner siiid. 11x14 16x20 j* . _ . I ier familyily ^ said as go\XT- I :felXT0ig!tJlSin^^^7OO9999 Chaplain conviivictedofdisobeyin m g nor she «vasismostpmudof n tiAOfltB-SSnunAFZoom f 9 9 IWO aciionsIS thalt probably 20XZ4...... $24.95 m orders by wearii r i n g u n i f o r m a t p)rot6Si n re-election. She T T S S m 20k30...... 528.95 ^ I v e to ed legi^cgislation (hal NOm^OLK. Va. (AP)1>) ■— A ice.” Kllngenschmilt:iilt c o n te n d w ould allowiv peoplepi to cany ______miiilary jury found a NavyI that his appearance!cealuW liite chaplain guilty Wednesdiwday of I louse news confen.' J e r Iiy to p ro te s t a NInvy nv policy disobeying an order I appearing in uniformm al Q requiring nondenomominational . ..^ _ W ljitc J J o u 5 c .p ro ic s ;.______prjiycrs„ouis1de_p_f_ i gi o u s_ ^ P a n a a o n fliita x ______! _ $ i A 6 sa . ____ UiniP DHCT7 iMEtODlgltilCimeii Lh G o rd o n I. services, qualified as DlgltaJCimn I*ff9 Klingcnschmitt couldJld be docked iwo*tliirds of his 2 P A C K fnr n y e ar a n d reprim andi r"^!«DTcipuiWITH A superior officer hnd mttInttsduelng I Nbw S U n d a rd Klingcnschmitt ihat he c QUICKBOO!OKS^ H H M | | W appear In uniform atI mmedia Call Usa at 73737-0087 W y W -'"I appeorances only if com;onduct- Training, Setup & i in g a "b o n a fid e w o rs hlip ip !scrv- I I f j . - H •oio/iwticecjj y C a->»" n i ^299” iSKftfifiiSiHfi a mtoo iDlglttl Cimwrder a ■ i ' Full Service Auiiuto Repair & M aintenatta n c e ■ 1 1 FraotEDd.KMlafftCI ■( CoellH • E bculnl <1 Bn k « . lUne- Twi/in Falls'#1 i Canmera Store M I; mr/mmmrmmiYf |i; 7 0 8 Blulue L^kes Blvd. North H * 11 2 6 1 Loc.ocust Street South ______(208)(2 734-9052 E — ^ — r — For All Yotfour Photo & Digital Netdil V ■ I ■ W e h o n o r m

r - ^ A R O U N DiTHENAnON-:^ T -LrO-S-A-N-G-E-t&S-C The work contends'ihih a t g s s s lo ^w i n ® N iS n d e h lia is were"CisTiVgiVg-n S e ie ni t i s t s r P ro g re cilve in Gibraltar at Ierleast Houston seeks to end 2,(100 yejirs la ter lhan^,jlnIheir • tiiaipage to Bcbby BrawnI presence luul, been Ilrirrm ly documented anywhch e re .liis .ANtiLl.i:.S ' — Thelie before, a 'se arch u rs said! lildhooi)d obe{ lumiiliuous marriage of ."Maybe ihesc are the IJISIIj in g c h j by' ones," said Clive rin la y sbm n o f f ^ t i % . =VMiIlney I lo u sio n a n d Bobby BrownUr — which withstood)d llie Gibraltar Museum, wlwh o /'*' students iire overwcighi. drdrug addiciion. Brown'si's reporled the findinlings campainn, a prng BrLaimHNrpani 1,‘ti wilh new school nunumerous arrcsis. thelie Wednesday wilh colleagug u es. iiiuied JIS spurringt>j?;fl)'|)eiceni a Youth obeslesHy rising c t.m b in e ti /U«ocUrt«d p rw writer Iiul physical, iiclivity dcdecline of Houston's once-e- un ilieWeb sile ofthe jourrirnal Incrfasfiri fxcrdso:sf am ong ih e , Obeslty has incrojicfoasod greatly in . s, the initiative 'spspar.kling image and domes-•s- .Niilure. ' • )ne-fifih prcieens ii readifdled. Il e nded • Amorican youth o WASIUNinON - O w rep o rte d a leveling off lielie a b u s e a lle g a iio n s — Is I'he paper says charcccoal y 10 he Ihis year wilh'HiisIlish ailniinis- ihroodocndos. wi o f c h ilflrc n a rc likely li lie's ch ild t>hesliy nue. r or o m in g to lui end. samples from fires 1^1Uial govern- tralHiii hudgei dits.Its. ralos among childi obese by 2010. yei ihc no\ iM. w h ic h ativiscs ijie A publicist for'Hoiis'lonjn , Noanderlhals sel in the cacave ing-pro- Vl-HB cnem iM gcti-cd ‘I- 10 i:<- • . m cm killed a-jirnmlsiiiK- ig U.S. Children go v ern mlenl ei on licalih niiii- coconfirmed lo 'llie Asst)daiedL‘d ’ are aboui 2fl,000 years 6old exercise year-oUlMO iiikcpainariinphysl- ObatltyamonBO gram ihni portrayytl exe nw, 1971-2004 „ ,rs. in 20C Press that ilie Cramniy-win-n- a n d m aybe jusi 24,000 yea;ears n il aftiviiii's, like l.ikt'tiillnBorhik :0(M Ciilled for ii joint Pr a s coo). I chiklhood obesity by nining, superstar singer had;id oltl. th o Iide skalehoiirding. Slicklick iuls. ai a O th e r efTorts lo u irn ihc 0 1580-94 T999 0.1 p a re n ts. sduiols. si communi- fiifiled for dlvtirce from her of childhootl obesiiy areire scat- cost ot sr.;i millionlon last yeiir. ' ’' ______iies,.tlie.fQUood in d u stry a n d i;ov- liiisbiind[u; Bobby Brown, afier ------tcrshoranrftlonVhnvTcni•enough— portniywl-e.'d'rdsi*-4i*-;t‘.-co o l-a l— 2flwicenui_------“ _W-A.SJLLN_GXO,IN _____ v riim e n l.. Wednesdays \ repon • 1414 ye ars o lm a m n g e . money, the Iiisiiiuicuie of an agi;\vheii iiiiuloiiloori)layiyp- ■ w as th e firsIrsi checkup. Ht>usion iind Brown, who10 Medicine siiidWedni-sduy,day. Ically wiiuls ilown:i illld:ii adoles- i; I "W e stil^(ill lire n o i d o in g hiihad a home In Flame sues Aimltage The insiimif did findid somes cenrsluihfiilness sesei isin . _ ■I enough tnto prevcni childhood- tiiGil., have one child logeiher, encouraging signs ihaihal th e Tiii? p rogram ’s demisedci -calls ,o . I II over CIA leak ____ II ______ohesliy. and ai the problem Is aa i:4-year-old daughler. ______thro->t in rhll.IfPn's Ili-llllcaUll ,1? jtiuxinesliimiliccoic om iiilim cni______iu>rsi‘." Kiijila ii cun------Br 3 n e . being inken serio;rioiisly. lo obesity preveniiIllion wiihin TT ll cliiileti. "T."TJif fiirrent level of ' lime coven CIA officficer Prognuns ihai largei yoiyoung- governmeni.'’ ilic.• panelp ton- * II II I I • p u b lic Jiniind priviite sector Viilerle I’lame on Wednesdsday sicrs' growing wiiisilinesnes are duded. N e w YORK su e il llie form er No. 2 ofTiciridal .■rCDCiliri'.'. „ ,,j ■ iiivesiiiieni•nts tioes noi niiitdi sp ro u iin g naiionw itle. Koplan. a fimiKTl at die Stale Departmentt ffor ; which tor. was more hliini, ------th e extentIt (of ihe problem." y B u t n o u n c kn o w s wl '''■I'™ .';'';: SOUUCE AP Neandettiialssuiviveil violating iier privac)’ riglitsIts. . m oney to ConHol ana ptov«nl.on than individual pro- Nt programs really liclp kidsids slim waste of liwpayer:T The suit does not accu in thai works griinis, full-ill-sciile sodjd diange |oilonger tlian thouglit d o w n , th e in siiiu tu saidI In call- develop a program i Ilichard Armilage. who w itlfv ihe and then disniantlcileli. I live had enougliiigli nioney this is neededII forI heiilihfiil eiiiing Ing for research in Identlf\ Ncaiiderihiils survivetl foror deputy secretary of statee'^iii T h e - C e n ie rs foifor D isease y e ar to fu n d jiisCiis|2 it sta le s suirl- a n d phy*lysical iicliviiy to best meihods. er the Bush adminlsiriition,1, o f .•ntion is "iry- ing childhoodd iiniiirilion and hecinnethithe norm, iidded piiii- drihoiisantls of years longer Moa* iroiihling. ihe coucounir>- ClonirpI anti Prevent th piirticipaiing in an adminiinis- Ing we can to exercise programrjims. elisi Tonini Yiincey of the lluihiin sdenlisis ihoughl, with lacks tlie nailonni leadertiership ing lo do evcrjihing )low iiiso la u d ed s o m e ' U niversityIV of ('iillforniii. Los snsniiill lingering bands findingllg iration conspiracy lo bic needed lo speed chadiange, package ihe researcarch and les- The repori also reirefuge in ji m assive ciive neJirar her cover. la m e n te d a n experl paneliiel (con- so n s le arn ed fromn VliRB\ st) il creiilive sia ie andan t lociil efforts. Angdes. S om e 17 r p e re e iit n f U.S. dndie southern tip of Spain, v e n e d b y ih e sclcniific group.gro can inform campaipaigns local induding; orniii prtigriiin. youngstersirs iiireiidy a re obese. nenew research suggests. -TiHiAiMdittdPnPress' “Is Ihis. as Imponanila n i a s g ro u p s m iglit takeion oi ihrougli- _• A Californ liims more are over- i ^ ^ . siockplUng oniibioiics or Ibuy- out ihe couniry."," iresp o n d e d sta rie d in Miiriiliirlii County, lo iind mlllio Obesiiy can lead tti in g v o c c ln e s ? lih In k il is," said C D C sp o k e smman a Jeff build new sidew.lewiilks and hike welghi. Ol cuing more chll- • diabeics. highh bb'id pressure 1 ^ ^ o>in i i Us for A Dr. Jeffrey Koplan- of KnKmory McKcnna. paihs lhat's geiiii )r bike to scliool. anti duilerders. * IK |m ilebration of punei. "Tliis is a majorr liejilthlu pies of promising' fcfedenil pro- • A ct)nimiinii>n ity garden proj- lenis a n d o •sdiiys repori shows l.jjl problem. It's of a dUfeiiffereni grams that have yeyel Ul rcjich eci in New York)rk iCity's Harlem Wednesd A rts and d t») in c re ase ’Avlial the(■ cmiiiiry ' is doing is 1^1 nature than acute Infectfectlous their poieniial. KidKids gobbled neighhorhooti uiigsiers access like piminiing il B and-Aid on a |f c ‘| th re a ts , b u i Ii n e e d si tcio be fruits and vegetal)iai)les in an inner-diy youii[: Z om m uni^ nnor.” siiid Margo ■ ■ ' ■ la k e n ju si a s seriously.” Agriculiure D»Departmeni lo healthfuj foifood and safe briiln tun ieplember & October W ooiiinoftif the consumer advo- To reinforce thai pipoint, school snack progrigrant, hut it recreation. Iter for Sdeiice in the ■ ■ W ednesday’s report spoill»oilight- only reaches M Slates. si And • An cfftirtrt by Arkansas ciicy (x’lite D ow ntow nI PublicPi A rt t o u r s ed the government’s5 VVKRB CDC'smainanii-oiuoijesliyinilia- schools lo notifytify parcnis wiien Public Iniei Idaho Shakesi(espeare Festhral Art Exhibitsits andi Festivals Literature ReadingsRci GOPfailsSto blockoff-reservati0 tion tribal ccasinos ® y Events Ethnic Festh/Jth/als . By Erica Wmmt ■ V S"'— reser\'iitIonon liintl of their own. »jH l ir o i Public Markcrkets \ ) AM Odited Prw« writer ' B u i'ih e y vwoulti illso have lo i |» Film Festhralsm\s jreem eiils w ith locjil reach agre H V i iV j Opera Idahoh o ' — c o m m u nlilies iii to ensure lhal a WASHINGTON \ m Ballet Idaho casino revenues go to Republicans tried Wednednesday sh a re o f ca l^ n c e r ts to c u rb d ie explosive growro w th o f local ifrastruciiire. public safely andd io th e r COSIS. H H \ Indian gambling by prohirohibit- lili w o u ld let tribes ' ing tribes from buildingng casi- Invite oth'ther'tribes to build ' I nos away from iheir reserva-rest casinos oion tlieir reser%-aiion ^ J | tions, but the effort falle in I i 1^ ' land a n d slsh a re p r o d s . H I th e H ouse. niletierlasi week, the Lawmakers voted 247247-171 Indian Gaming hm for the measure, bui thath a l w as N atio n al , Associaiioiion, ihe National s h o r t o f d ie tw o*thirds m a ""■I” '- P it™ » illh .S .il> l."nlinoe) . twilan Blnio « Cttlne pliy tIotit miehlneimi June B C ongress• ofo American Indians ty n e ed e d . WM idlin Rmivation, C«IH. Rtpublicint tiledtilei Wednesday to a n d the e National Itidian S q ^Rep. Richard Pomboibo, R. on th« S overcome IW becomc a S22 billion-a-i-a -y e a r Hep. liiy Inslee. DAV-Wjish.. com- growing mimhenher are^tryihg. only begin urse policies of the I fl industry, richer ihon NeNevada plained hefore th ihi e voic. "I Tribes are a iien.■nipliiig ir to locjite ih e a d v en ' utivvarranied a n d far- casinos. think thill’s happeipening again in ihe ('aiskillsills in N ew York, p a s i.’l’he u i ; changes to Indian 'H ow this bill could be con- today." and tribes fromiin opposite( ends reaching t icluded hi tihe bill) , K sldered controversial — OUI- D espite th e failuiilurc. Poinbii ufCiillforiiia areire iiyl in g to build policy incl sid6 Indian gaming circicrclcs. of could try to b'itigIK Ihei l»ill up in ihe Mojave'e Desert i: on tlie must be rejected.”r die letter coursc — is beyondd me,"i again under regiegiilar rules rouie conneciinjling U)s Angeles said, .‘bale comes as tribes' P o m b o sa id after th e vote.OIC. retjuiring a simplee mn alority for a n d L is Vegas,i, ’I he dehi d w ealtii is iransforni- The legislation was opp>pposed approval, Jind it w wi ould likely P o m b o ’s leglsl‘glsljulon would . newfound 1 I into inlluenlial polii- by the country's leadingig tribali pass. Aides conceiceded there block many susut c h p ro jec is in in g ih e m ii organizations, and sqrne s may noi be timeV toi ill) Ihat th e future, althcIthough projects iciil pliiyeii^ers. I'rlbes d o n a te d 1 in $5 m illion to federal D e m o c ra ts said ii am ountiunted lo with Ijiwmakers eagi•iiger to recess jilrcjidy. proposed)sed co u ld go ftir- m ore llu u i: es. for d ie 200(5 d e c - ^ u an unwarranied intrusionlion into by the end of heihe month so w:ird. c an d ld a les 'isit w w w V tnild ameiul ihe lion, accorording it) the Center tribes’ sovereign rlglu'io-|o self- ihc7 can spend :)cioberOci cam- ‘ Ilie bill woiili rcaH,800-635-5240to P leciioii. Indian (iaiiiinglg 1ut die cliangcIge, "drtually the secretaryr of the interior limiiing debate. ’Thec sames any land in the cou:ountry could and the host sumsuite’s gtivernor. rules required two-llo-lhlrds be uirgeted forgamiiming." The measureure Slill would ’V A approval for passage,, sost m e - n u )u g li few of f th li e naiion's, h av e lei tribes5 seeksei casino per- ; V/Ve ' c a n htielp you!1! thing the minority partyuiy-was nearly 225 casinono-operating mits if they haviliave been newly • ...... cosily a b le to block. tribes have succjcccL'ded ' in rccognl/cd byy theih federal gov- * 'W e’ve seen tribes abused ab building in butlericr lucaiions ernment or if dieyt hiivc no Xbu C have ques‘siions, We heiave answers5 =

Tom Ashcnbrc)rcncr ^ ^ ||||n B ||| 5 ibitfy’sR Gourmet Food/Vc)/W inc Toda]ly'sJ FIRiE D y iq

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^ : ■ A I .NEWS ANAMYSIS ' Party CO]snvictionsitakeabackkseatinno)-holdsrbaiirredfightf(foiLCongresss___ ; . Now. diey'li find ou t w heiledier .ByDnidEtpo establishment lo I m ere e a t s t o c a p t u r e " "1 ly. ihelr caiculailon was rorrecect — A»wc>«t»d Prew writerter - Hudson Valley.‘Sr7cw'"vo'!'k'; o D em ocrjcrats m ust gain six sei ( )f iliL* war, slie said rtxciiily. refirr- ... The voters i W'e new l lo gel «nit, Wc d o nl'l i th a t ll m ight hav e b e e n prei m trol of tlie Senate anind 15 seats i™ L-r a b le to m u te opposition, to[O the ; ','••• WASHINCTON —- AllA] p o ll-' im p re ssed , givinv,„T'£a,r. : cont lave lu lell insurgents over w ' war in districts like the.* aiiru' Mouse* an d Senate. For monlhs., panyp oniclnls lender,in thehc 1New Hampshire ile lost, l< hi a riiiii. m sioi Wliich explains why'hy a con- had touted Ilmn Craigi a s th e Ic-gislntyfc, heh e h a d th e su p p o rt Cliirol Shea-l’orter. Sh wiio niiscil ivill•vilh pride. siioiulciit servutive Republicanran Parly - •'re|ciccd Wednesday at thet pri­ ■ ■' m nry victory o f Rliodede 1Island's' •incorrlgitily Indcpcndeiid em GOP Sen. Uncoln Chafeu>fee. a n d stniKglvd wilh the defeaifcai of die •' m ore m odcracc o f cwovo len1 d in g >^40?/o-OF-F---- ■ _SALE_29.9_9_L______B, Dress shirts and neckwear from Arl7.onn. •MIlMt .Claibolaiborne. Donald J. Irunip. Ceolfrey Beene. Or why Dcmocracs,us. w h o se •Peittet Clul) Room* and mote Reg S35-S45i lenders call dailyy fo r a .WomM's 14-24-24 timetable for a troop30p w ith - A.jMCel!«tlon»on and Alfred Ounner* .w ere-le ss______CMtdinaitt.Rw!W m i l ______thnn chritled co flndvig44.99. Ar.'RegI S16-SS2. ;;:5 h c folc strongly obotut u t It,I hav- collKtlom. • ; Ing a pproved a barragig e e < o fic le - fieg.529 SW, !'.vision commercialsa ls th a t »I»21.75-74J5.•25- "// ;' depicted Laffcy as wtw e a k o n A!wlnPeiliM& - -im m igration a n d proneineiorais- Womtrt 14-24 - ingcaxes. it comparable' Not th a t R h o d e Islandand is safe ; for Chafce or the Rcpulspubllcons ; in d ie fall: •* The state’s formerr atiorncyat I1 j general. Sheldon Whitehliehousc. , drew morc voccs In an e ssen - ; • dally unconccsted Dlemocratic em ‘Iprimary than Chafcia fc c a n d \ V C M •t-Laffey combined Jn dieidieir hcai- I'ed race, and the mostost rec en i pre-prim ary polls p o inInl t loi w a rd , ; a closc raccin Novembenber. • C h a fee p re s e n te d h: 40% OFF i'S A L E 9 9'9.99 , SAlALE 49.99 50% OF)FF . 40 George Foreman brushed siainless 1; de n tlals as h e re tu rn ee d d t to c a m - F.Enil.e»i«k«etMerllngiilvtr, marcailir. genuine G.3. FashionFai jewelry clearance. H, Only at Macy’s. Hii}liCijiiCounin^enor • J.Geor mbogiilHGRJlSB — Reg SIM. ' - palgning. Iry. Reg. $20-S200. sale S10-$100. Orig.3iig.5IOS200,ihenS5S100.nowS3-$60,60. king si;e 8 piece bl*!) ensensemble Reg SJM • lunibo ; “Rhode Islanders arca r c g o in g ; CO know I'm in d c p en d e r • and.overagain,’’hcsaidutld. ! uiic W liitehouse h aad d alreadyi •! served notice he wouldluld try to j undercut the claim. SpSpeaking ■ to supponers l\jesdayJay nlghl. ! ’h e n o te d th a t tlic first;t vcvote cast '• I i when the new Congres[ ^ s s con- “ venes will determinen c w h ic h • " p a n y controls th e Scnat ! “I can tell you this:his; I will : never cast tliat vote COo eei m p o w - Ik ^ ; e r chc B ush agenda,"’ hhe e sa id , a • «lap a t Chafee. i Republican Partyf ofndals o ,< I J applied the same logic lo in ^ I Arizona, w h ere RundyGly G ra f ran I on a cough-on-lmmij:m ig ra tio n • placform for che GOP[> nonc m ln u - I lio n in a discrict d iaQt t rur n s lo ‘ th e M exican border. I Strategists In Washa s h ln g to n • deemed him too consenservative ! to h o ld die seac. a n d ran lelevl- CLE/arM ce ; slo n com m ercials pralsla is ln g o n c ; ofhls rivals. Steven IlufIluffm an. ------— Ciraf— woiT— an y w a y • ImmediaCely ra n inCo0 ddifBcul- I ties. Rep. Jim Kolb*olbe, th e — BXTRAr 4 0 % ^ 0 f F - ; R epublican w h o h a ss hhc e ld th e ______appareigrel & accessories for the whole familmiiy already marked down 50^o for a total savings of 70?o > seac for morc chan 20 years, I Issued a statement diat dia said: I ‘There are such profouiround a n d I fundamental dlffeifferences > bccwccn his views anda n d m in e - on several key Issuesies that I I would not be true to0 mn: y ow n \ principles werc I to3 eci n d o rse ★me□cys • him now for the genenle n d elec- ' tio n in N ovem ber.” lOMj 'to ikk if! - : D em o crats m u si g gi a in 15 ; seats to win control•ol o f ih c • House, and like Rcpubpublicans, lUcy view s lEW0AT5BCrWQ««mRlHltSAlt ENI. BUI NOt NtCttSAWlt DURWCTHt PAST(ST »W DATS, SOMC WiCIN Al PHCES MAT NOTT .» lo o ^ *’“ 'c^rtdi°^*h ______i__JttGZ0flKLmC£4j(£liai.tCTOFftWNCPIIiettwniitC^UMNC^^^ HAVfBtlNINIFFEaOUIIIh I afoul o f voters w ho prefim t e m d a m f»tfwoPU<».AHt»dOonn*«l iM9«nB«itf,MauOHO>riiA4nr*licr lnlrrllvp^<1 pr>om mir ruvr mUi«fd o< mMncrd-d rairaMcMindendMjm4iy«(noltviiUWtbr>r ff oltft n il tim» ot putihJif iO'* o'f itfffl muH b< ■Hd AaMum(dmn(htf«]n(ii>uttMuJ«lht • nominee widt a shatpei p e r posl- miJwtihwixdn.-titWriWm EvflyiJiy V*»«n B«r9tl Jnd Jl Sffs o« ol tuy I lino in4 MS oHnmoHnr ••HrnrifntlKtrifjcjtiTiTuniiljfiuiri*l«Jgou • lio n o n d ie w ar. mnmi'tta MKyVP0 #coW4iijr,r,09sil rrOffKf mj,not U'illt«Jilbii'di Cittiuvinf' : Judilh A ydelott w ass ddl ie early pfcfj lill »nd ilf (101 iti'ljUf br nu.I w i^icivvo>i1n d Wi-«runJblrlU)nilirprKr*d^mrrttiowitKW ptfvwuj ikntrxt puKhji«. S»Von ruflf drfl« on iru

I , E p r r o R i A L VoteaisticRcto esta a p t i w Illr r r i he lesson froifroni'lVcsday's icility law su I r«)»nd‘«fprinprimaries in School fac FGRSET Hm / N , ^ I J L .n in e s id le•s s iindiu the ’ ,■. It : Q M o Disiricl nfCaluniliiinbiaivrtssim- ' : ^60UT US,,.. I I' r : t h n o a n s w e J p ie a n d re a ssu rinng. g . iCn.'dcndaLs ended witl : count. LxpericnceccecdunLs.And sodoesdicwilllngiingnessto , ' ' nly a true connbisscisseur of'comedy could apprcprccj* engage some serioiirioiis issues. ate the uncercrnonio nions end to Idaho’s 16-ycatcar-old I-or die most pan.)nn .d iecaiid i- . / f . U f j school facility lawsuvsuit. dates nom inatedifor foi Congress O n ie frorn die like tlic final scenR fromo m “M onty Python a nd th eellAly I ; • .and governor come • Grail,- ih e lawsuit thai roll*•oiled Idalio o\’Cr t\vo dccadefJyj; iiiainslream esiaiilisihlishmenus o f ’' '’v / W a i g ^ spite the wide- ^ //flfflM B doesn'i a p p ear lo b e h avc v e a: logical en ding — m uchh lile ss I^espiti spread voieF.disroni'onient with ' a n en d in g at all. the |)oIiiical status.IS quo,ti few do n 't even roll ih e cretliis. End a H cul to black, do , mavericks, rebelss or tm e out- .lU n u f f lO ------So-itirw ilhldaho's-schothool facility cnisade.'LjJSt \wA'tWK siders won placess oion the while hearing debate on1 a relatedi November balloi. legal m atter. Idalio Supremnme&iirt Qurvlew:IK Inilietlnysliendllndllne ex’cnt. lusiice Unda p)ppleTrouiJUltold Tl. IJ 1. Sen. Uncoln a inifeeofRliode fe e lawyers for plaintiff schoolDOl districts Tne Idaho10 ■ Island, the m osi libeliberal . ------mid for ihr a l alc.-th a t th e-lt , ------RetwWi«Jvin4l»,Stft>SoBatOi . . (er IVO.S decided a n d (hat n< ' iu rn «l ijiick die chalchallenge of ■ f e a - Stephen decisions w ould b e mnde. 6 d S CRinstiin Mayor Stej ' DifTc*>-. a c»nserv!iiivifitive populist. Neariy all tlie parties invcnvolvcdin tO IDOIlO fB ih e margin wasLS mnot'great — this lawsuit, including legisfgislators U n S.OOO votes in u tumiimout i of ■ expect that. ClanfiCatlOI and-the govemor. didn't exi someKI.tKW.CIiofeeifeeprobably ------r 1 Novembe[ibcr. HopHop. Ben Qirtlln. a 10-tenii vx'i-. ' h it Decem ber. Trout ama n d d ie ju s. ontheSChiDhOOl owes.liisdctor>’asiTIS m uch to die ^ In anotiiodier New Vork race, a enir.•ran o f the I louse and on e o f dees ruled that Idaho w asisbotmdto b fapiiihi- ■ ilnanclal and orgiiniianlzatlonal seem inglg outsider,I m usldan iisnis m ost skilled bui unHamboy- do m ore for public schoolol cconstruc* laClIliy . support suppliedI by d ie D avids, a m ip p>p p icom poser lohn i lall, atititit legislators!I w ou in a large lion th an rely solely on locaoca) proper- lawSUlt'. . Republicans’ nation;ional ciun- le Deniocniiic notnina- fiddleld to pick n siiccc'ssor to retlr- ty taxes. T h at fuiiding systei paign conimitie-ess aas s 10 ills uwn B R O D E R ZX oppose Itepuhllcan Itep ingiig nI em ocn iticS c'ii.l’iuil short of the state Constituii W hatdoI ' cllilldeiii cain|)aignirfiling. I1ie .Sue Kellytly I lall, who playetl with Sail:^iibanes, I laving Senate ■lie rock:k 1:band Odeans and co- KweCweisl Mfiime, the former hend1 • '■ ______j wrote "Sti diorou^ and uniform sysu ' Iwulenideciiledtooi0 overlook 'Still die One," had IO ofili)f the N/\ACH in ihe primnr)'. j m p Uiaft'e's fnxitieni disaga-e*dis mx’rcomm te ihe early favorite. (^irdin jiri now faces anoilier educaiion. But Trout's decis:clsion ] We welcom m en is ividi the presiin.>sident, in effon failed,as as did must other )udy Aydcyddoii. w lio s%viidied aitniiiiraciiveAfrican-Ameiicnn. ended by Slating, "At this jui ; S T c ^ewpolntst s h op es o f Jceeping a SiSenate seal tries Inside D>emocniilcprimur- ei froni'thetieC:'OI’ In dlsiigreenient Hepitepublican Ll, (iov. M idiad w e will n ot rem an a 'h e cast that Dem ocrais havelave to win to ics to repeat NedNi Lamont's with Presiresident Rush's policies Steeiteele. M arjiand usually d e c is . ■j district co u n , but will rctairtain jurisdic- ifOni OUf have any chance oofcapturinga f c Cotineaicut upsetUf of Sen, nndattractmcied su ppon from 13en3emncnits. hui Steele could lion to consider fufure legis )n ■ Senaleniiijority. losejih IJehernrm!in.Wiih feminisigsl groups and i loll^’wood diailiniige die dynnm lcs of die efforts to com ply w ith tlie c riie Chafee namn e isi honoa-d IJehermnn novuw out front in the types. !1 lulllul had stronger ties lo Riceace. llieS iiib aiies li*gacy con- tional m a n d a te ... so thatiiwemay w tillS and in Idiode lsl:md. dialliiaiik siothe race, nm ningi .asa an iiulepend- die districtrict’s Dem ocniis. iuid tlniiiInues. as the senator's son. 5 exercise our constitutionallid rolei in o thS flS S U1 m e: e ■ legacv- of die incumimbent’s b ent, the Idea diatdi Lim ont rej)- the bnckii:king of orgiuilzetl lahor. uttoiittomey John Snihanes. won interpredng die ConsiituiiolU onand fadier. the late loluiCUl CJ'iafee, a-scnted die newni model for the su he wasras reiilly the Insideni’ thehe Dem1 ocm dc nom ination to I assuring that its provisionsn s arei met.'' w ho ser\ed as goverrvemor and party Jonk« sus;uspect, choice.. Uut Di out in Ari/ona, the succucceed (^irdin in die I louse, CJiafee still O ne a c c p tictlonwasiiiNew powcrofjof another issu e— I lislis dad( appeared in the novice r Legislators w ent back to10 Lth e draw ing board in laniumarv senatorfnryears.CJii Hrp faces a serious challenllenge from 1 lam pshiie. Wlivherc an anti-war imniigmtiration — was displayeti camandifi.ii.'s i-onimereials. an d passed a bill th al spentL'nl S25 m illion to fixor rcplac 1 , the I3cmncradc nomom lnee. for- ncdvlst, (iirol1 Shca-I*oner.S w ho when Ranlandy Graf, an ouispo- • Anoiher Ai notable likdy facllides. a n d also ordered:d schoolss to save and sp enluon d i mer state Attorneyy GeneralO m oblli/jxl studjdent and lil>eml ken advocvocnte uf closing tlie Deir)eniocr;uic w inner is siate building maintenance, andn d provided m ore state m om3nuy . SheldonWliKdiouseuse. In die support, beatt thetl party- border, wwi on a close \iciory ow r Kep,lep, K eillil'llisonuf to match portion of paymeinenis on voter-approved borlonds. heavily Democniticslie state. Hut endorsed legis)islntUx* leader. Ilni party-endiidorsi-d nuHlenite state Minilinncapolis, the nom iiiix' for Attorneys for school disiriistricts still suing the state —— ian d the Republicans' chachances are (^ g. for a Hoi[ouse m miiiiation; itep Stevx-L'vx* I iuffnian. for die thelie seals of retiring Ri-p, Martin there are on|y a few left —- saids those changes weren'tn't fnr beticr with Chafeilafee than liut she is n lon:ing shot against itepuhlicnican noniinatlon losiic- Olav)lavS:iboiii alieadly enough. They had announcm e e d dicir intentions to go0 w idi anyone else, Hepuhlican Rejtep. Jeb Bnidle>’. ceed rcdridrlng Hepuhlican Rep. Deui}emocnitii'- S H ie Koll)e-backetiKoi 1 lufi^man ek-clk-cled lo Congress, i changed all t h a t "I tltink: ihith e opinion clearly said diatla, sor lennifer U w iesstss challenged Kodham Clinlolion in NewYork miglit havlave won. except dial Aliogeliier. All the days results Hep. Jlm Lingc'x-inlill in the pa‘dicial>lywa-tras swam ped, as niiotherT moderatetr candidate shnvliowxid aim m en dable dis. while we keep retaining autauthority to review w hat the priniar}’.ar}’. Jirgulng was the estimallable Long Islniid look 12! percenip i o f the voie — ceni;emnient on ilu'pan of die Legislature does, as a policyliey matter, die decision aboii ■ that his support ofif hihills to U em ocnitlcoir)llidal. Tliom as twice Graiirafs margin. Ihe dis- voieioiers, ll aiigun< well lor addressing these issues iss u]up to fhe Legislature." Trout • . finance die war in1 ImImq and his ' Siio/yJ. w ho chidiiillenged trict noww beconic-s ! e \e n ninic NoviJoveniher. told The Spokesman-Reviev/iew Friday "VVe d io u ^ t it waswj opposition to nlionioinlon rights Aitom ey Generleral lillot Spit/er o fa picku|kup larget for die — clear, b ut ap p arcn d y It's nnot." ot put him outside dielie main-r for gow m or. SpityxTSp now Democrat:rats. In Maryland. (|uiet . DDc di'id UriMlcrs t'-niiiil (u ld n w T h ai’s u n derstating it. WhlA ^ en the schools’ lawyer, BoiBob stream o f die party.y. BBut tills liecom es a heai.*avy favorite in competentence prei'iiled when u!(lni’idhnKh'r(“'iimlii)tKi.coni: dn Mundcy, him self a form err SiSuprem e C o u n judge, theE ggov- e rn o r and th e full Lcgjslaturture, all expected the jusUces ■ i wreigh in o n ce again, it's appip p arcn t d iat d ie court has slipped in its m essage. ;rman cain relishI biotech1 facility "We VkTote (the bill) in au n id t cip ad o n that Uic Idaho ^ " Hagei Suprem e C o u n w ould rctairtain jurisdiction and considei r r ' o d a y Gov, limlim Risch nnd I — ] world. Fori'or example, die new eralral com( m on lish diseases, die collective legislative worvork and whedier wc met the f*- I UnlveniityofUi)fld;ilio ¥ .• ^ contains stale-of-the- induicluding whiding disease. con sd tu d o n al standard,” saidsai Sen. B an Davis, R-Idalic‘»o X I'a-sidennim'lm Wlilte will r ' ^ \ 1 r k a d k r irntories and equip- . whic'hich are becom in g widely Falls. H undey, vtrho has keptept this case o n life supportt f(for . dedicate d ie new UniversityUni of vliich allows sd en tists adoptlopied l)v fisheries agencies years, argiicd that closingI theih case widi decisiiIsion Idaho Coljahorativeve R a ^ u S j(COMMKNT n y advanced bloiechiiol- nndnd indusii^,i USDA nnd on the remedy violates thele dued process clauses of bodo t h AtjuacuUiire nnd E'isl' I Ron og)’ to res(•escarch in fish, m ainly I Ijigermanlagc rt'seaidiers also are state and federal consdtudoidons. He m ay b e right', ilc-search Center inn lI lliigermnn. 1 H a r r y s rainbowV A major aqua- develeveloplng ways ui remove But even w orse is how thath at e nd doesn't e nd d ie mlattpr ati 1^'c 1 lagerman stado I culture productpn in the Miigic protirotein and fiber before at all. If the court doesn't actact, it coidd ju st encourage2 m odel o f collnborativative I ^ ** I Valley, mTiore o than 70 percent of eihniihaiiol production, iliereliy H undey to sttetch d ie case>e outc on anodier legal route,\q rc-seorch, as sclentistJtists nnd Ing budget com>mes from nilnbowV trouttr farmed in the addiiJding value to die system r ■ technidans employeiDyed by the rcsenrch grantsIts. contracts with U.S, are gr After 16 years Idahoans deseleserve some final answers fo ! grown here. Rainbow nndid creatingc higher value for ' USDA-Agriculture.‘ Rc*senrchRe in du stiyand oilierui non-Idaho trout alsoso hnve1 becom e a sur- Ididiiliiho barley producers. this endless legal battle. Iff th e Legislature's fixes were d ond d ie C.oluriiblaI Ri'River Inter- funding source::es. ‘Ilirougli ere- . rugate x'searehresi subject for And An the university's biotech- ^ weren't enougli, wc deserve■vc to know it. .tribal i'lsh C9 innilssiiIssion work ation of die Aqtqunciilturc niiuiyodiidier imponani species nolu}□logy nt the station Is used ly ------^ side-by-sldewithUIUI Research Institiitute and estab- of famic*dc-d fish. In 200.'>. more suid)udy genes associated widi researchers in the! station'sstn lish m en to fthle e rcscarch sta- than -13 percentpe of all flsii cnn- muselu sd e growth, I'ish. unlike T i m es s - N e w s nhonitories. tion in i die . suined inin thei woikl in 2005 iuinuiniians, can produce new Tlie Hagerman FishFisl Culture tJnlven>Ity o fIdaho Id has esiah- were farm*rnied fish, niaking museitisde cdls tliroiiglioiil dieir Brad Hurd. . . . Publisher Chrts S lelr)bach. . . . EditEditor iixperimenf Stationin w as estab- lislied Itsdf ass dietl national acpincultuiIture Ihe fastest gnnv- life.’e. BasicU researeh on the The iDMnben of the edKorialio l bI oard a n d w rite rs o f edKorialtla ls lished 10 years ago0 w hen die leader in aquaeuculture researdi. lug animnlnnl-pioduction system gene;m es dial code for m uscle cell •ra Bnd Kurd, Chris Stelnbilnbsch, Steva Crump, Trsel Bliss,u , university leased aQ snsm all Recently. Black):kwell Science in die worli'odd. prodi . Bin B ttzenburcr ( a n d David Cooper. research Inbomioryry fifrom the Publications, fmfn m Oxford In At the; newni Hagerman haveive applicntion in human — ^ U.S.FLsh and Wildlifelllfe Scrvicc England, notlficfled us diat the ’rese.irchII scientists use diseasenses dial cause rnusde o n the grounds o f:the tlu 'University ofIdaho Id; was the bloiechiiolnology tp characieri/e wasUasUng.’Hie University of ______Hagerman Nationalml Illntchery. top-ranked U.S..S. university and populadoiJon stniciure o f Idaho's Idnhiaho's new fiidliiy will allow ------LET'TIERS------In 199B. iheproperty:rty w as founh in the w\vc odd In 2(K)I> iiy native fishish populntlons as pan contii)ntinueegan estab- University o f IdahoIdi was the by over•10 -IU percent in only peoplKiple hoth within Idaho nnd . ! I^r those that have an And also on No.‘t. itstaulates - lishing collaborativeIvc prograiiisI top U.S. unlver:i:rsity and sev- three geneinemtlons. Rainbow throurouglioiiitheU.S, interest In ethanol os a solu**• _ diatdicreistobcnospanduidex widi tlie USPA-Agrici?riculture cndi in die worlorld for publica* trout reseasearch is just one way — lion to the energy aisis in Jhele ' doiliing. But my Ic in g sp ; Research Service, InitInitially tions in all fishh diseasec jour- the Unlverversiiy of Idaiio HotiHot llimlylsdinxiorofihc ' ' nation. I would suggest Ecad*1- •>- wherenotspandexorscuV .' [ Workingtocpupiores1 rcsedrch o n .. nols In die worli>rld. With such im pactsi the th lives through its Unlniiiivrsliyoftdnlio!; Ing the unbiased summation[! •.> ■ dirough. I was toldV) goIto. to •• • Idah’a ^ m a l i ^ n s9 — mairdy intcniadonol accolades,ac it’s nquucultuiIture studies. - Aqmi] m a illu rp Rcscarch Insiiiuic of that piodua In die October'cr' dicoflicccvenbcfdnrsdioihool barley.— wjth rcsearcearch on only fitdng to bolsterbi the uni- UI sciemieniisis at I lagerman findid Hf agcrnuin Fish Citlliire 06 Issue of Consumer licportsis siancddiatdoyVVhllcwalkralk-. grain-b!iseddiets forfor: fish. versity’s rcsourcirces to continu e have develveloped nnd patented lixfKt S jiitl^ ajidj pro- dllcd-The Eihanol Myth:" ...... ■ ing to die ofQce, I passed1 . ' - •• Adecadelatenmoimorc dian 90 — providing Icndltiing rcscarch’ - — new advan,7incc livesli around d ie based diagiagnosiic tesis for sev-' sclcncicnccs. . ' Kimberiy skins on. And 1 was one oof f two girls diat werc sent too ttl h e - UncoraUancyiilh ' ofllcc diat day. I feel tliat ti)c dress codede ~ ! ' ' — LETTER, - •dnoldnncoilt should apply to everyone,.e , . I am a ninth-grade studentit From what I have sj!cn son:ome CoohrmaiMcanhnh^ new lots are beiieing developed. steady 2 percentpe i^owth rate. In andid I11 ,'lWin/in Falls Issued l.'iG new - in ourour future. 'l\vln Fidls oITere : 1M i F a l s i » l a t a ( i i School TTieTWin Fails School11 dress code all togedier. “W 400perecminfr1 four years, but hom e pemcrmlts. Again this year. somm e e ofth e best housing value ; District dress code was estab*>• •. Sincc this Inddcnt die! ' Has die bubble bunburst or is it Eiolse area raw/ landlc is still up to they shouli I also believe diat die drciress arounddiccomer7"T?■ The real die $200,000s. estate comiim m unity is that diere covcrver Idalio and the Magic because 1 wasn't following^ee.- code should apply to thesstnff-. st • quostionis.''DidweJiJrejustovcr- ■ Ybucan'thavcveaSOpercent arcmorcRi: Realtors and builders Valley,iley, dress cod(% On 9 of the. alsa I do not find diti fair,\r, Atii\d ■ build?” U t^ look att dwd l num- Inocasc in buildUding permits in dianGvcyc! years ago and more It liis Is a good dm c to ben 1 OTxaiyJuntorHighSchool ' iwouldliketo3ccsometh&h lh g ’ bers: Loca] buildinggpcrmltsaic p( oncycarandal1175 pcrccnt competidoidon for diose buyers. hommebuildcrlnTWlnFalk e I — ogenda.-No.-4 of the dres9-==-=-^-^-^to be done about diis.-*—------up from lhisiyi»r.-VV]il>VilU Ihc.-wUI— ln cn » sc sin cc 2(X)lr&nd2( con------In m y opiniilnionrwc just over------BR/>B RAD W ilts------^ it states that aUrts ' ' Ihank you for taking diehc ■ do morc volume thislisycar.Thc y tlnue that pacc.'[!. "Build It and buIJl.maInldnly Indie upper price IWiIWlnROIs _ ' should not be above dte dp of>t dm e U) read diis. largest builder in townjwnwill dicy will come" doesn'i< work in range, and]idpordydueiODur (Editor's(Edi note: Brad Wills Is ' the middle finget I was wear* SAMANTHA BUR1£Y dose more new homeim csdiis a small town rtiJ!iij)TWin Falls. For succcssfulul IhiradeI o f Hom es. the? ehlcfcxcailiveeh ofpccr of Ingaskin that 1 personally I M n M b ' year than last Thousaiusandsof 30years,IWln FallsgrcwataFa ThecuncnitsitlnvcntorywUlsdl. W'lls ilbl Inc.) .i \ Tlawdg,Stp

d li{^il. dellcaie. I iim in icker Carb;oii^ a n n s. iis ■1 In an information-I- : I L'leatls m e aro u n d the J O E L S T E IN . j and forMO ; tliince.• IIfloor. I le is holding niy • ___ j ' glutted world,' ■’ . ______hiiiids rt s And leaching m e to ,, .where it’s im possibli) !e ■ '.; .istutilnKlothL'pobi-' .-step."N orim lly I woukl (iiirtjirlson siiys,"i«loii'i.expet'i id Irouhle it)uchlng an l..’V helie iil greiii diiiit-er. bin thai • Lcl)aiioiv\v:ir ddw te \ ' i i - - to hide your md l.smL'l Ii.’avL's IIK’ vvani ' s MtnesseohininiM."hes;iys, c shoshow fils m y pfrsoiiiiliiy" 10 sa y jiisio n ctliiiiR lo Isn i ■■ \ “Hut dllihis show h;is hrtiken Ciir[ liirlson. il s m iis , siiys no lo ■ embarrassments, (Iciai^pon. 'v dow nal1 all m y iinniiiil defeiis- vu'r>’ ir little; hug eiiting. dancing . t ' likabllity is more l!>nictl*;l>i'ha\inK like■ ililil losi N . es." — even signing i t)ninicis widi I •Ison is practicing his • MSMSNIU;. ih e U'l)aiu)i) w ar a n d iimv* § > ■ ■ valuable than dignitji r y :- . n m is to ic;ir its d f njiari.I.lim lii b ' ^ movx*si■s ill die 3rd Sta-et Dance /V>A ifhislimilLtliliiiiciiig • l)y Iiml). w ilh invcsiiKiitidii'ions V , sludio;) Ffor'lU cstlay nlglii's sea- skills, skil which iiiiike him ii 2 1 • I .a n d ncw deciionK . Ckvirlyirlydie - ' ebut of AlK”s"niincing iiiulert|ogt>n uiu nmsi iiettiiig lap tlanre suddenly itps S f , Wlilidiidie St.irs." Ihe consur\-ii- WviWi'b sites, weren'l ham licap illld iiirns super giiV. ll niiitle IsRit'Ii Army's lo^{istic'^ hrokiroke m rw iiiu lo lly illld live foreviever. ■ :im l dearly it w ass ill-ill-prc- V ■ live MS1SNUC h o st is dlreciing i.'iioiigli. em Ciirlsoii's fDimvorl Is p a a ‘-singer up (111 .MySpiice. or bcciiiise■e ng: "Wliy are you ihrtw- (a (an iu U in i’ Mi])porier) Siira du'v m ade il couple oftlisas- [-;hud O lnu'ri did a h c tiercrjdb, j< ”1 W O N !' ■ ' ' nothkij! titidur the d a ’iimstanccs.,‘s. I.Ilian ing youi>ur c a a ‘cr tIown th e toi- liviins. livii u r'se n d ii messiige to iroiisi'iir''.;'choIcis. 1! .'\niliTstiti CnoiHT was llie h jm l ------• It'l?" ______^______illil...... m ore im portant, ih e siinaiinaiion ------^—] what rd call "laiuland for NAIl).- "1110le o iie dling I’m m u w or- siniii sni' has no placc on lelevi- h o sm f'T lie Mule." Cov. . sioii."l)efaydedliietl tcisiaie'• • -Arnold -Sthw ar/etu-gger iisetlexi li:is(lu.‘ |)|i Mc(Hiiii lias pledgitl hiv likiibiliiyisiiiorevaluiiblediidiiiii sii])pori.V\1iidi is key. Iii'i'iiusce tligiiiiy, .And being iioiiced is ihiii^ a n d noihing. I here■e w'vas ______I th e fiict that it hiisali.N.h:i; (jirlstIson heiieves dia t iis k>ng sii]i thiinliidi-jusi lovi'Nioiise ihi-niost im piiniiiii o f iiil. a hsoliiidy no a-asoii forr ihithe umba-ll:i niakes:es iil iitcefiiahle as h e isn'tisi a Ithony. a n d con- itiii le.xl■mc^sag^ng, lliiil'sivhyp(i)pleiirenoioiionly 1 le/hollat) attack on Inly IJ ' thefigliting. bill hadad you spent to the Arab wiirld," irkl saitl th e iliiuesti< to b d ie v e ihe diings he le.xi willing lod iiiu r wilh il hoi across ihc U.N.-a‘cop)i/cdm l that monej-on schocloolsand . U.N. inidersecrctLTctary Sfiitshl says 111on his slitiw, ihen being In li addition lo thcgei-oui- IS lliissiiiii wiiriiiiii jusi lo'gei on01 ^ Israd-U-banon hordcr, in jobs, rather Ihan aisiupjdwar. sn . Hiaroor.ihedynityniimle Indian In a tljiiiiuice contest won't diitii- ihe-voieaciiviiii-s.Ciirlson ilie has w liid i d g lil Isnieli soklien.ers we’d ali be b elter on*.in'. diplomat whoilsaHtialisilo Is i iigelhe;le gnivilJis he's earn etl bee>)ecn working hiird on his cos-• ' iieivvork television, bin to I tIaiKTWilll IUl'klT(jlflsOll * wea* killctl and tw o ahdiiclIiicted. llie fact thai C ondindl ilicejind succi>ed K«ifi \niiiinAnn as si'cre- • from yearsyc t>f vveiiring a luniing. tun "I'm w earing ii piiir o< (iisI In liiiv eiico lu m n . J In thai sense, the w:ir wasas die i'a’nch foa'ignI mminisier. tar>'-genenil anil n d who ' dc-serves Innvile;e a n d sc a'iiiniiig :ii w ho- bmlimwn gnipe-smuggling trousers a n d iiii oriinge silk .J ahoiil nothin^;. w orking wilh d ie U.^J.N .. wea- U|S. endorsemneni. eii * ever dis;lisag a ^s wilh h im . ' tfoi '.lii^t." hcex]ilaiiis. liis piirtner.r. liH'ISit’iii i.\ II ajiiiiiiiiht furfm . J Jim p a 'clsd y hecaiiseI il vw as able lo secure a n intenieniational The l-luropeiinsliins hiive to . So liehe ju tn p e d at "D iiiidng shit i about nothing, it W5IS alsoso peacekeeping force;e iiin south understaiul "thaihal something With diidie Stars." own diougli pro[irofc-ssloiiai diincur I-luna till' I JIS Ann>‘l‘‘-'^ Ihiws. lever seen die show iim l ClriiLirinenko. in so m e son ol biki­ aluKii cvcr>’ihln}{- If I d)oll.ih U-baiioii is a poteniiiniiiilly key .a-ry hig is ai stiikiliike ill lliis he'd nev « could jiisl attack Isniel —- adiicvemcnt on iwoivo fronts. If force." said ihee IsraeliKi political ’ hasneviL’ver danced except for ni ihing.ll vvill scduciively m i nnprm’okcd — dainiinj;i d ie force works — stillsti a hig if iheorist Yaronili/nihl. li/i They somelij:liglit'spinnijigat diiti:liincearound a sitiing • Atth/Hf^l Pjin •To«noiii|Pjin aniong Its goals liic liheniii'ration — I lezholliili will not he able lo have lo provediiiidemilitiiri/;i- thii (iniiefulful Dead shin%N. I le's ii (IliirlsDii jir illld u n d o his bowtle. • Ingimvn Toi-Mlli • To«njil Piobiemi |i o flen isalc in . a n d using inis-tnii dlan;ily atiack tsraid d >without lion iti soulh LehamiiiLdi: can,give suckerrforiitlveniiia’.'wheiher f lliis ilii v\ill cause ('.iirlson lo gel » CoiMfCjlluw « Olher fool Ptobie.biemi lip illld siishiiy 10 die Olher {; ' -siles providwl hy an Iranianiian getting embroiled in aconllict Isniel securiiy iiiidU'biinoniin< ii'sgoiii|kig to U-haiion during upi Timothy G. Tomlihson, DP,'m i — I regim e dia l says Israel shoihould widiir>,()(H)i'rench.|ill. Iiiilian. holh sovereigtjiy;i)iy and ati efTec- ihe war ar or asking die nation to • sidi^ide o f th e room . The per- llillVti)liLilu»l>NKlli'i;«'Hl-w:'JIM i be wiped off Ihe map, thenlenii Indian and possiblyly'IUrkish 1 live Iniernaiioiiidiiiid |iarttier lo vote foror his cha-clias over • rorm fort aiice com es iicross ;is a i w as a w ar ahout e\X'rytliin|:ling. - peacekeepers.'nialII i‘is a big new niaiiiiaiii onler..T, Ierr>- S\i\ipringer's. [ ” id a-s- strategic problem for Ifdiat hiijipensleiis. Ill' iitltled. "it . In fiiciict. we could hiive goi- A nd Israel had to respond r ^ H j| II — ■ ■ ' okitdy. ------— Ile/h o llah . Iriin and}id Syriii. I hey couki a-vive dielieduincesforaii c lenCiirliirlsoii It) tki fiir m ore ' So. gauging Ihc riglu can'i hit Isn id n o wtfvvnthout w eveiiiual I’alesiitilititiiaii-lsnieli eniharr.rrassing stulf. I le hiiil. d to go t)n "I'eiir l-'iictor." a*s|)unsc was inirinstcallylly hard,1 h arm ing d id r ties withwii die l-:il. duiilontheW L-silL-st Hiink iuid iigax-d t ■ in die end. Olniert hombarb arded M ore im portant,1. whiitw have (ja/Ji." bill liislis bosses, w ho OK'tl in • Ultra Fast • Same Day ServiCf 7 IlezbollJili'sinfrasiructua-.;a-, a n d . w e learned in receni'niyeiirs? ‘ V es.ii'saIongsig sh o i.b u t ■'DanditiiigW ith dll’ Sliirs," did- UltiUltrasonic Process: Ulira Clean • 'ice , { iragically biii kieviiahly. thetlu One. Isnid'soccupaiiliitions of the mayhe soniediiti|liitig good Cilll n'l thinknk'leiirl'acior" would ^ I hom es of I le/bolhili’s Shiiteliite foi* West Hank. Cia/>i andilld U-biinon actually come•ouiofthisgtHid- ou heapprpropriiile. lliis is, die 5S v % 0 0 p e r m in i bbUi lin d up to 6 ' w id e lowers, •unong w hom areunsuslaiiiabIc.Ai. And two. for-notliing Ubaicbaiionvvar. siiniekikiiidofhureiiiicriiiic U Dmp-ollspe he puut t iit in a n d throw ing th e keykeys o \e r die an imeniewon U’banon’sln's N’lV. fence. As a result, diethe peiice smr ^ "Ifl had know n on kiiy II11 tliiitt; . process has not been the openiiiuii would leadd icto p e ac e." bu t "liuid for INAfANflFT-OIITWORU), Cdr n m m such a war. w ould I d o it?t? 1:1 Siiy W lien Isniel pullsIs oulo of no. absolutely noi." (liiAi. Lebiiiionandlltl iheW esi Uvcn h e doesn'i tliink hhu e Hank a n d w ants <|uleulet. it needs won. il leliiible sim ciiire.•of of authority G lw Nasrdllah ca-dit for on d ie other side, whwhich, riglit honesiy. VVlial Arab leadler er hiisI ' now, neither U-banoinon nor the f e\x‘f been so self-criticali’1? I'alestiniiins ak in e ciucjui provitle. NasraJlali was a*acUng loI) ihoseil; llie U.N./l-uropeailean force THE , M EDIA WvhereCONSIMERS J Ix b an ese voiccs that .s:iid:id: evolving in Lebiinoni:in m ay olTer Thanks for passing om S»U.OCK) U . a new m o d d . li's notlot "land for ies In peiice.“ or "land forirwiir." w hui 10 families w ho losi ho m es 52% g o t o ! HECK OUT ADSi '/ I ^ L o o k fo rt C o r na l W ea I Q; Which,h ADVERTISING mediurium, if any, ^ W e s t e r n ANDa WORK W/ El A R I ' - doyouus(ise the m ost to check outou ads? ” Corral ^VcsI is the .S.iiioiisIlls Ilargni ARIAT Rctiiili'r WithillirljrsM iln I Sdcoionc^BcalViccTiccson Ariiii Ap|urt‘l, Itootsc-SliiShoes ■ ^ r z s I I 1ARIAT A pparel;^ I F o r L a d i e s V 10% ^ ■ Ariiii/' Apiurel fcatiirw \ I lochnicarrabrirsaiidiiiiinx'.iiht'li 2% 3% I dcsiuid for ciilunred briMilubilii1 I I and ^ccdom o f nimeniciit! Radio Magaziness In lc rn c l I LilliesI CoiioiiwxxtUckci: NE ■ .\Viiui;nulwiifni--:-t.iw■\ .',<1.1-ill'll[. I -i‘.'l>t:ll I'NiLiii.’.! t'l.WiK >i’. wArt-ii.jhop..

I UJinAriJiSihi’rL T-diin: HUGE I . *selection 8% F - ‘iKi'i I.Y*''''! in s to r ^ i|UM -()()MI()\\ K m m i \ l ) a d i :,SIINATION bagyaM es^^^ I :: ,■ ■ S alB ! NEWSPAPER TV C o m i n g S5 l o o n Sigruiure handbags andd5m sn .ni; , J Icaihorgoodswith feature for loday's on-ilic-go m m CALL7{'{.0ini I'On s. Source. Hon Amcncti Shops i J v ii t MAKHVOIKAI ts. i Kt! I H a i j y I i i f S r o l I . I -Siirrup FricmllySoIe Des: } •ProCTCpe Owtsolo wiih • Duratrcad Heel l^ctfcctForRidirjg ^ 4 E i m e s - N cl e w s - — ^ S e i ! magitvaSleley.tom !■ |- 2()8.7'5^..5;V {8 ( P ) 2 0 8

) S J v m r M M TI«w llww,Wifjfc.llcliiuklut.i niH-kiMi mail lllill Duckiickeit's dealh wjis room, and ai: new conferferenee ib-riindii lO-lnchcui iis. Ilers (-1U were posted on gas ■ found hiTjelf rci'lini'linj{ in an 'a ii exircnu-ly■ly sad develop- empty crib - iidow sca-en iib ow i(. sialion[in d o o rsaro u n d low n, I d th e U eHbtin ti , ■! inlcr\'iL‘\v w iili IV's/'s fiitnoilsly. ineni." tmi iliaihat die pronram in die windo le. sh e was living w ih iiiR or for infominiion from tiny- I I pirtBitflt, • I prosi-ciiccirial Naiu-\inoy (ir:ue- would coniiiiui.lue covering die Al die linie. ^ mi PoBcePepii wading through a onc whowl miglil havc seen ihe R efoa‘ it xviis over,r. c;CInice was case, her son , w. n a brown-halrcd youngster k. iind loudlw "We feel a reresponsibiliiv lo mc<«y divonvorce w ilh the hoy's hoy, a Lee»boi»,Fl,Fli. ' poiiiuiing luT (li’Nk ill ing denim shorts and a low; ■ "Wliere hrinn alienlioiiin III ihis case in fiither andd trtrying lo get her life wearin dcrnaiuliiij? lu kimw: er. wea-yoiiVWhymnriyI'lyouiellinn (he hopes of heljiinn find back on iracIjack alter getting liild diaper. us whea'yon wen-thiithat dayV" ’ , ...... A day .afiiT tin-the (apiiin. D ucki'ti.. 21.; slhiiI hherself to ' death, decpeilinn the mvMery . i ' ? ’fl® ofwliiilhiip|)eiie*ili>ilto die hoy. . I’olii-e hiive refuseiused 10 Siiy # 1 I s s ^ M r w hether ^.he lefi it Miitsuicide noie. | ■ . 1 1 ' ^ a n d saiit luithinK; tl:they hiive [-.jj' f%- (T.v i A sg s’ JI i ,'ir investinii------f ...... fotiiut'so far in iheir i lionofherilcaihhiiNsas shed liuhl OH llie whereahcniisIisilsam r> hiivoive Slopped ------•' short ol calliiiK h e i ;i Ij » i h av e fo iu se i!I increasing; in 1 aileniitin on her nionioventeiiis jusi hefore ihe hoyi)y viinislicd ' and Ihe iitiies, eotnpuipiiter. ciitn- H | | ^ ^ j m y € i - eni and olher ilems seiseized from j B B n # )FF h er house. Puckett's familyy iim em bers ^ ^ AlLLINSTALILED CARRPET" disputed a n y sitKKesiI’esiion lhal E®* ^ sh e hurl h er son. I heyIiey said lhai ^ die siriiiii of her siin's siin disiip- pearaiice pusheil her he 10 die ftv WMENTS, tliii sent her II c* NO PA hriitk. and th e inwliii o w r Ihe ed^e. AONThn a NO INNTEREST "Naiia'Crriiceaiidtl;d the oihers...... , . . . . . • ihey juM l)iishei' her he no die Y ou canan do IC. We can helpI 12^ =»p- end."niii'ketrsgrimdfndfiiiher Hill Knbanksiiiil'l\iesdiiy.":iy. "She Wiis- ' n'l one anyone ever: wouldwc hiive U)uu(;l>i of 10 d o sonteimeihiii}' like f e i s t s Investigala t o r : H P“■ ’ " J s s w 'I-.- P h o t o s sj e e n t r : ' ^ I t o m o t h ee i r : -7?r .

w eren’t ol •.-ir.: “ f i ? v £ V •’S # ”' r ' m i s s i n g s o n D tS MOINfiS. Inwii T h e |)h o io s -und -u and BiigKwl I' •cresenl '‘n io . ■ a n Iowa V miosclose son dis- ^ Y appeared i » yeiirs•\ ago a were j imi'stigiiied in the.• laiela l ‘)7t)s i and are not her niissiiissin^M.n, a a ‘lia-d I'lorida sherin"!riff's iiivesti- OFF gaiors said Wetlnesdiiy(lilV. . 2 i 0 % OFF 2! 0 % C ■ill?.'IMMMC f jV'.yij(■[/•IN AN('J 'jTQi-lt llif. N elson /^ilva, wim wl 11,IW All QUPIJPONT REAL TOUCH ELITE EU LAMir'JATE FLOORIRING SKCIAL 0\-V w orks for ih e llillsl[illshorouRli ______- Couniy. I la.. Siiile A Office, silid h e invesiip iltc sa m e p hoios while wo fnr ihc county's sheriff in nr I97‘).-' "I rom eniher iltis c he . sjiid. "I ideniified the I por- irayed In th e photos, (i ' iniiely investigatetl.liy eral years prior loI illllie pcarsineeoDiihiinyCTC 'Hie pho io s were in lope lufi ill d ie West DeD es Moines home of lohnny'sf’s mother, N oreen (ioseh. on O ne photo, in hhblack nnd " ■ C - .. ■ ^ 8 9 9 PLUS w hile, shovw ii hoy boundho and gaRnetl on ii hed. AncAnoiher is a . n oo hMAIL-IN REBATE" color phoio of the saimaineboyina ■ similar pose with iwIWO oihers L \ .AA VIA G N !:P iU M i: boys. HIGHH 1'n - i ICIi:M '' Y V/A.'ji ll.R Noreen Closch turned tiir ihe I pho io s over to polite.ue. who\ have “FREE been inveulgatin^; ihiIhe auihen- licity of the phoios.os and iiny 3 1 F T C A R D ) ■ connc'ction her son. johnny WIS 12 wvhen he he dis- IID I appeared from liLsLs rnelKlibor- \J |P T O ' 2 0 0 *r hood before dayha'akva k o n S e p t. Riicrivi a g irc a rd ' 6 9 9 5. ia82. His pho to bcbecjime i one .\AyiA(,. NQPIUNB of the llrsi of a mlssinising child 10 1O 0 H O M C D EPO T iiY be put on a milk cantiin on. i’olice MAIl if 1 Rl I^All; O N ■ 'll ■ ifK-M■11 ! I Hi'lliNCY DRYLR havc said ihey helievlieve he WLs SflH(.1 I AI'PllAN(.t PimCHAM-l:SL-S - ___ abducied bui ihey:;y 1have few ' ' ^ C'l - $ ? 9 ; OK M O Rf. clues.

Take it from SPOT...SI I

r ^ F F SSELECT I LANDSC:a p e p rRODUCT!( s l SAVE ON)N ALL MULCHi AND RETAIN!slING WALL BL(LOCK Valid 9/14- 9/)/17/06. Discount taken o lI register. n I «im < nNAlia (M K B « i b odM to y BABBELS CLEAEANERS ta w NofB T n^fto c {01(O ffjriM f* M |^ Tb Hm* DiHI IUR*nw* (NUKl OUJtCB f ti doxtone good ai ranoiOTovinRipotJ. *a*i rm: 17.9VH I t t t e HNANa OtUURfit cMiiiiywcWt iCinLwS^sui^ SIJ«.$«ariogll 09MTM fa Olf« B fcr iM d i. U bMUL«ut. *‘0R«<(U9/7/i:/7/04 • 9/1 ;/06 n jowpani h tew M aXK. m 0OAi nU en «m pj b td) klnUb U I d b i ^ ***(fclivddbmdsaui(ntMM(l f/77/0i.20Srf!« am< t< B ptt (wJe» » ccn*mrf »!il/3l/Di-IO/4/10/4/Di. McUiiriraUi. Ib Hem M n » rd; JUibirdlMrMi U Kid en m Med rmrdDtfai« nicg Ik. M t o W rddid Noi 0 bp) tM7> CMW kk on teoon b d«b “Sm BM b kn*4 n»taM atM (ffkdk. S*i d. bvr SI <97 n SI99i, gii t Sl SO Bft•"M < . . . wluiSlWord h ^ . M 0 SKO 9fi ori R» ( » Cod Modad B tatd en iTi cuthu (N* of tla IrMxl M n iw ti pntats (»< Rk>h« d«wv, idKlalK 9 W U • 1^^r/06w P T c nitHijwMU.:M U.S. UM. JUgsia. HmoI. PuM) be. U.S.VJ. Off« ntrot n EXPO Dnign («M. Na cndt I cM«s t« a r a & i s s drid i 9/M/U -1/7/07. PwhM 0 He|ieg N«iin C i L l O ORtKMlSIOOt00 (o)i Sod br twxfoiiM mat kl nto*. Sn ntoii r ♦♦♦ahmdd9/U/U/Di 9/17/W art, aHi Ita* IIS.Ui. «e«. ah k vdd od wbntii b I OS du i BABBEl A * pagn H> «di i db irfMd b n MdI ■dv's>it( poiM* • oy Ib Hen M Oiik oetait.sit.(adi«da I 1/70tid IkMi.ikdaitaDdMbd*• d«(L u n W b KxmwondfiilifirMnWU^ iw -ut‘kfKWMU:iaamtdmfTKtf**^f = r ^ ------CLEANElERS------a s a >?niib»nc.h.Ufl^iisrai C 22aSlH>it»n«SI.flSI.E. d* My MsnUi An B ocarmate a< oD mK (MOn l en Vt ^ Morr »«Uli 9 9M. era f. 1MnRHl9.tlot»8:0 83301 v i u u4.H15.l6.U.23.Kja.3IU


c r t • “We did the little thirlings right. I was glad th a t 1 was able to gett feveryone in." Puni[iteraccusec TTwinm Faib coaeh NIM Walkcker on her team 's sweep of I ifMlnko o f st* itabbingrivaal

d c k i n g l e g B r u i n s b n« e z e ps a s t S ]p a r t a in s “ Belated Press______' (IKHjil.H'iLHY. Colo. — in a scenario tlth a t I By Diane PfaDbin ...... so u n d s like lik Tonya Harding vs. Nara n cy ' Tlma8^' dif- Harding and ' n. Harding was fere tinttion*> a n d ilie . from the spori after her former husband hirc(red a I game experi- for life 10 smack Kerrigan wilh a batoi:on. ! ence should . .'SS ihe only identified motivee (in j pay off in the -■ ■ ' ■ ick on M endo/n) at th is p o lnn i in I ■ -fniii'uiure. ihe lie conipeiition for that positioio n ," I W ilh the o lire 1.1. (iar)‘ Kc-ssler said, m aji coach Scott i)owningsaid heww as- I luiinR hy Walker, no assists to a varieiy of players, lunlunior Amber . - • «2, liffereni than siarting quarierbi■back I'etersen totaled two.’o Iblocks and ' f e ' 'H i ' or ning right tackle,'’ be sa id . se n io r Kelsey lardine■had ha th ree kills ne was held accountable lo) ith e for the Thuins I't-J. O < -l lli-gioti vel." rour-rive-Six). I if Ihere was any jealousy betwcween “We had a had niaiclau-b last night th e pllplayers, he said. "I have no ididea. but th e Rirls q;ame ou t to(i play." said ihal wouklIllld all b e conjeciuh.*." I M inico c o ac h Kri> c:Cbrisienscii. rt. W Co^adI Wlwas suspended from the univliver- ■We played ’l\vin lallh■alls OK. They b . siiy a n dI ihIhe leam and was evicted fnfro m have !i Kood seller andind have good ■ his dormm i room, universiiy officials s:said, s m a n hitters. T h e re is alivaysa room r lie hadI il iio lisied phone numberir In for improvenieni. I w Oreeley,, and an a phone message lefl alai his I wid) onr hjockinK hiii w c did seem W yom ingiig address was nnt immediailately to hav e a iiard lim e reacreading and we j|^ V " reiu rn e dd. . just d id n ’t finish." I'he slabbing stal took place Mondayay in lunior Ashley Hessi ihe . , lA'aii?., a SIsmall town adjacent lo Greereeley ' Minico defense wiilih It)1 digs. On a n d a blout o u r>t) miles north o f Den':nver. offense. Kathleen Chil recorded said M endoza w as a ttac k ed frfrom ^ Ihree kills and three: bitblocks for llu' behind after aft parking his car outsidele hi.. , Spunans (0-7, O-l- (; Basin aparimeiitflit at ahoul 9:30 p.m. y' Wesl). AboutIt 10 minuies after the atiac)ick. a been ^ Silting tm the sidelin store clerk told policc ihal a car I louglt for reuiniiiiK sersenior outside' m a tch inng g Iihedescripiion of theassailallant's ' hluer leiica Smith, wh getaw ayy car slopped ouiside the skstore, her ; ^ o u t since tearint; li(;am two men stripped tape offf th e I shoulder on Augusl Sm ith license plaleplai and drove away, j hopes lo he ahle lo pla\lilayinanothiT, V clerllerk gave police the license nunum - < IWO weeks. W her and, IhlIhe cnr was traced lo Cozad., w ho "We a ie off lo a slow)w start• hul we vB g|H ^ wasarresie.‘Sled Tuesday Kessler said, hope (0 he Iieard fromnni soon." said w 3 || nowniii}!ling said Mendo/a. a junior fnfrom Sm ith. thellenveiiver suburb of Thornton, is ea;Bager Smith is one of the:ie S5 p a rtan co- til retu rnn but In will miss Saturday's ganun e al captains and tries lo10 keep\ Ihings Texas Siaieale. eat beside her positive from her seat ______I -BafaelisL'l is a coinpeiiior and wants too g ; e t . lo r h er leam ------'''™ c o ach a s sh e ch ec rs foi soon as lie can..VMien that occicu rs, mates and ofTerslhenim high1 fives. twnwiinTkii*-! 1 back as soo .now." h fs a id . .iiiciliiiii: fill, „„i„ Brains' win o»er Minico Wednesday e> "At p ractice if som e lior Jessica Bond, lett. coneratulates1 lealeam m tte Kelli Roemer during the Br ,/a averaged yards per pip u n t i|i n* 11 Ihc wrong i try lo help lumlnTirlnFilli. - .. - on n in e pupunts in the two games this. sisea- y o u nger kids are eager;er tot learn and they all love th e gamie."sai(l e." Smith. "W emisslericahui.1 ibeoihersareth and a good1(1 ouiside hiiter." said Madisiidison on I'hursday for a coiili'i.lei- i)iiSaliU (la\. ioin .Note: M inii''.'s |\ heaieai iwin lalls ' Assnciiilt'iiilfd I'rfsf U 'n'fiT D on M itchch ell stepping in to theirr rolesrc on ihe (Ihrisieiisen.;i. ' ' e n cece till, rite nruiiis will joi inal 2r.-lf., r.-L'l. ! itiiilriliiiii'iiili'd lo this rrimrt. leain, She is nn asseiel to t the team Twin i'allslls is on Ihe road at Minieinieo al the lerome Invitation;

Boisee S t a t ei’s ’i blue turf1 hiits 2 0 th^annivv e r s a r yy The Aasoclated Press>______^______E S M B B •^rSI'If" \ifj "I guess thanat I’m the type of penerson that when I painint BOISr. — W lien Ciene Ciei lileyinaier gels th e n o tio n in m ake a change, his my lioiise! I paint it a differentt colorc( so tlie neighbor;>rs goal is getting peojilele loK lake notice. Taking a iiadiiionalal fgreen fooiball notice you did som)metliing." field, giving it a b h ie dd y y ie jo b a n d Boise State athletiletic director Gene BIcymaltt i e r ating Ihe most dynami liome-fielil advantage in football—11 — lhat'IU IotIa’ He .'em Siraighi lo ihen- Hleym'ymaier is noihing more thana n - a trick. piesidi'iii lohn KoKeiser and preseiiieil good;h1 promotional | idea." "I guess Ihat I'm theile (ype of ■ Q d his plan, highligiligbiing that a blue ’oore I’oo was correct, il has beb e en that when I paint ntyy hih o u se I field would giveve llie school some’ goo j | | u iP n aP I advaniage. schoollool b eg an h o s iin g a bow l gamn ec in Hleyinalcr. in his 2-lthIlh year as Boise Q H H I ■ B S m I I Keiser weni alorilo n g w iili U leym aier's l!l!t7.)7. Moie atienti(m arrived whvh e n State's aihleiic direcior.tor, m e ^ T n m H iB J u idea and tlic pairlir kept1 the plini quiet the• llnincos' 11 joined the WcsteI te m Kleyniaier was thele driving force Ib 7 ||1 I ! f l R H I until Ihe day l| wa'kvas an n iiu n c e d to th e Alhletiiletic (!iinferencc in 2001, climbnb c d j behind Boise Siiile’s.-’s Ihlue fooiball IS ^ J b I IS nol a proposal the into0 thetl Top 25 and staried playilying field that has grown>n iinto a tourist ^ jr» B m U i n l i his w as I UTIIinifl vvanlud avalliiiillahle lor debate. regula;ularlv nn national television, j aiiraction rivaling potalotaioes for pop- hfflfllHB "1 knew ihai 1I <■(c o u ld n 'i talk a b o u t il tecruits Keci are often lured by’ tht e i ulariiy in Idaho andI is tb e -m o si rec- llii gel blown oui ot cliancnice to play on the blue lu rf. ognl/iible playing surfj' in collegc . iuid noi gei ihe sup- Someme opponents believe its ago (he ; fo o tb all. TNvcniy .•r saiil. "Heally. il was unfairfair advaniage, saying the blb lu e Wednesday, Boise Stai played Its :('h be tw ee n h im a n d tuf rfu and i the Broncos' blue unlfon3rms first g a m e on th e fielil w ilh 74-0 mt> . tually a n n o u n c e d it. arecamouflage. cai rouiofilumholdtSiaie Ih e n , of lo iirse'.th . tl e r e w as all so rts o f he The field is also the anchor off ihi e .it's still th e only I\vo d e ca d es Inter, llV schoollooTs "Beyond the Blue" morkrk ei- non-green field, andI is ith e subject of boJu s ^ j nn I nnidnt back Un Johnsw M itbnteiIS wHfiwl fiM a t Bronco SUdiun after ei ''SM m .d, w„s/as positive, iniiially. ing; campaign, ct highlighting Bala is e rumors nnd myths, opr owns in a footbiD la m i a p lo st OrtgeciIDR S tate on S e p i 7 in Boise. Tlii Bro” "*** M any began referferring lo ih'e field as Stale'sle's academic.s. pininis. nnd pride for bItM turf turnsm 20 thli year, "l.ake Hleyinaier."r." O n th e nighl o f die Tie TTie current field Is the third bbl lu e players. firsi gam e — wvbere lu an orange and surfnoface. IWenty ye ars afte r Us d esh b u t. "Tllis Is our house.'ISC." Boise Slate I whai we liliie football was,is iu se d fo r th e kickofi' n o o on n e cun en v isio n n g ree n fleld fii lin e b ac k er Korey I lallill SIs n id .'It is kind 2 sin c e 2001not). "I was just thinking about v poinled I — Idaho .Siaiesmsman columnist jim returnlim ing. i ofsiaicmeniihatlskinkind of cool and Blcymaieilier brainstormed the idea could C( do.and how disapp«i ist pul in I’oo re wrote, "Tlielie e ic a tu re from th e "I1 cnn'i ci tell you how many iirrim es i ihere's nothing else likellk e il." flying ho mme e from the NCAA convcn- was w going to be if we just I seen for hlue lagoon didII notii pop out of tbe weget get knocks o n th e door, w ith peo- ' Having a pretty goodlod football team tio n in ‘JniiLm u a ry 11)86 n n d d e cid e d If another a i green field we hail s -t5veiirs.-Blcymnier-s.iid,—— —— — AiiroTuitiiud-gob,obbltLup.hoili.teams. __ p tt^jayinRJDn.&omJiuLoHown..l a ^ L .lin ______— ------^ h c lp s ; too.'Sincc Ih c■nrsnncarnntlnir=thirw:hnoUi firs 3Uvargoing:to:pay:S750i0Q0r=:iJ le>'inaier's tlie rlieerleluler'srs iia iu rn u sleT H rtin co . here'fc■e'for ih e w o ck e n d ri'v c g o t to ww; a l l f ------of'Tlieniuc” — nsthelilie locals call it— fo r a neww playing surface, it was With the idea in hand, Ble> miversity proving once aniltnd for all ibal Like onthe tbe blue turf,'" Bleymaier said.d. iheBroncos nrel 10-30-30 a i h o m e, Id- go in g to be blue. next n< trick was getting un ___ „SEQ fQ S__ Twins’i’Uriano) likely dclone for ss e ^ o n Trojans 1toplndiarns Tlmg»New»______Cuilliroals came outlit Hat . '• MINNI'/M’Ol.IS (Al(AP) — bev-re chasing iii d ie NL il.-A-nlKhi-ear1li'r.-Alheri------Uonkii* I-rnncisco Lliria n o 's _ O n in il.- W l'NDHIi-— BHiind a pairpai up -wilh a ;i-3 tic higlily uiUii-ipiUL-d a'tiintuniioilic V ujois hhit a iwo-riin double of goals by Jose.Diiiz, Weiulelulell Wednesday, MlimL-soin cutaiiou cun a w ilh IWIivo outs ill dietiinih off heat B u hl,3-l '{ii bojN socceiccer Mitiko led .’-O al theh e half siukicii lialt.hcciiiiscc ol o f elbow Bnid lid]id ge for a li-f) victor}’, aciion Wednesday, Buhl actuictu- -with goals from' Daily I pnilik'ins W(.tlm*sti;r>ih lowed up in ih e secondiid h itlf inninRs. k-iiiliiiK thei: CJO akland ' 'm inute. But Diiizscoreil iniih ih e with a. goal from .MiM andy A ililciii« over tlu- iVvins PhilliesBS 7, Braves 2 (iT>th and 7‘)di m inutes, and am Alexander, bin Vicki Vegi.-ga put I’iichliiR for llic nrsi itim e in \N iA — C-irios Bui/.and Miguel Onizc<» booled a goalgo;i . u p a Ihird goal for3r the more than a monlh.h. LirianoI •' Rollins hii iwo-run in die (iilth to give the I'rojan>)ans Spartans. Cirayson PaPalmer shrmpi'd o(T Ihc m oiind In the N and Ion Ueber won his closetilhegajtagaln.antln d j x u iniddk- of the thirdd I n n in g .. ' fourth ststraiglit deciskin to give conirol. "U look us a little whilele ioii Camphell scored wilhh only rrainu-rs atul m anageQger Hon . L’hiladelielphiaasweep«ifiis,ir>. help thee IPadres luial Ihe Beds. Community ( School 4, ’ Valiev defeated AhertL^Ttleen in the majors since 19(H).)(H). ■ their lOih loss in l.'i gam es, Cjiih) hita a two-mn homer The lo'loss dropped Cincinnati , 2r>-l‘l, r . l!) and D eclo 2: Detroit leads Minniiinesola hy I'-.- and Kotlrigue,;ue/ wenl :t-f|)r-l ;i‘:gamelies behind San Diego in Minico> 1 2.5-1(5, Hue Jays 10, Marineiners 0 Chicago moved with two iUils. lUil! as Nexv York the Nl.I. wild-card race. The ,^RUPl;BT • — The Tin 17-2.'i. 17-15. D ec loI -- iiIto- three hack. , irinitnedtheme m agic iiunihir for' Beds areire 5-12 since moving ’ Conimunitv i Schoolool (leleai'ed Aberdeen 2.1-1515.25- Ilico i;i. Tor Declo. Celes (ieary (i SILVITIJi — CireggZaiJZaun hit a .Matthews led1 offii Ihe game, clinching its4 nln(hnli consecutive wiihin onone perceniagi- point of Cuiihroats I hauled thcMiiiici half recorded seven service ptpoinis grand slam during nI nilnine-nin with a single, doilouhled in Ihe Al. luist litle toto seven. ^ Si. Louisis in the NI. Central on Spartansi lo a 1 - 1 (ie at die hal u n e and seven kills, limily Bariim sey fourih inning and alsoIso had a second iiiniiigandmlhitatriplein Aug. 2-1,’1. They are now five hack before I blowing ihe gami on a-i-or«Ied 13 serv ice poiniIII and solo home run. leaditid in g A.I. th e fo u rih . Ile got g< his cycle NatiOdal '.iirdinals In die division. o t p e n for a -1-1 w in «n malLeape ] eight kills and Cahe Stoker Si lUirneit and the Hlue‘ |a\lavs over when he leil off tht Wednesday. ado ik'iied. I I service poinisIS iind the Mariners. •Ilft-fooi honiur'w tr t J S i ; Brewers 2,!, PiratesP 1 podgen Minico junior U iisihtriad i !rs6,CubsO and 22 assists. Tor Valley, Kiltie h john liatiig. w ho last,ist nioi n lh llie v\ll-Star ceniotnor fielder also I'l ri^JHUitClitCH — Uen Sheets scorcnl the Spartans’ firsi aiu Ilts. becam e the first playeiiiyer from walked in i.‘ie eigliiglilh. took a perfect-feci-game hid into CH1('J\•j\i:o - Brad Penny tonly gojil and was answere<.•re) and I'ureal had Cutthroats head coacllach wins nn-r both HichfieldId iiiid I his 'OakleyonWednesdayat:It a tri- ‘ help Kansas City gainin itsi first. Miguel Tejada hadad three hits for • hurgli won(>-:i three hitsils and three runs for die 1BichunJ Wlilielaw named hi> road series sw eep in inoim ore ihan the Orioles, w ho) improvedin to 2 - Shc'ets (5-(i)•fi) gave\ up two hits Deidgers,rs, w ho maintainLHl a I I keeper Regan . O'Reilly as ar angular hosted hy■ the iiise Horneis. three years. 12 against liosionon this season, and struck. out oi 10 in eighi gam eslead Ie over San Dk“go in "man of die match" becaiisi )akley Shane CTosia had lha'e ihn hits liedardvN-isihewiiiivintiingpitcher innings, Hediddid not walk a hal- ihe NI.V. West. The Padres beal -20. hut had ail tildeI iwo-game winning sireaireak gave the Keil Sox. on ,May,M: 17 against gled,'Sheets^ picked pii him off at gap. more irouhle with the Tigers.Til them a road sweep forir thll e first W akefield. . first base. D’backsks 4, Nationals 2 ' M inico (1-B, 1-2] travelsIs 10K Mackay felled RjchfieldId 2-1. lime since laking three it IWin Tails today, w hikhile bin game scores werere not J u ly ll.K i, 2()0;ia t Texjis Yankees 8, Dej«vil Rays 4 Astros 5, Canlinalst^' 1 liNl.X - t.ivan Q < H n m un iiyS ch ool ((i-l. 4-11) l-n: available. Richrield Ilater HR consecutive series wwit ithout a llernandiide/ blanked his former 1hosts the also undeleaietiietl pickeil up a win over Oa:):ikley. sw eep vvas the ihird-li■d-longest Nl-W YOKK - ItohlnMin .ST. I . o uIS i s ' — • Hoy O swalt Washingiigton leammates for IBliss Bears on I'riday. 2.'-.-l3.2.'i-!t. streak in history. , Ciino drove in five fivi nm s. Alex pitched shuioiitoui hall into the seven innlinings and four Arizona Tor Oakley, Imly Cd llodrigiie/.hitakinionghonierand ninth inningling and Lmce players hiili solo home runs to Giris soccer picked up three kills agiigainst Rangers 11, Tigers:rc 3 Y«»kees heaileal the over- Iterknianhiihisihis-llllhhnmerun, hdp ihee niaiiiondbarksI linallv , Miickiiv, and Conriney•y Bell •m a tch e d Devil Ha.s\l. for dieir lielpingtheAsiiAstros bounce hack • heat ihe e Nationals. * ■■ IMinico 3, had on e kill and two blocks bh DI'THOir — (iar\-MM aatthew s lifih stniight victory from a dispiriiiliriling loss in heal llcrnaiandiv. (12-12) relired 21 ICommunity School 3 versus Mackiiy iind threeL-e kills Jr. hit for the L7cle — aan( n d did ii D erek leter exieiiieiided his hit- Si. l.ouis. ()r2 2 haliiliters Iriiniihe lirsl toth e iigainsi Hichllekl. in order, t o o - a n d thleKangers e n ling sireak lo 22 games, ihe The AstrosDS eiidc'il i a ihree- eighth hehefore giving upa pairol KirrCHUM — A llay afier:e ra Ihe llorneis (2-H. 2-3):t) visil routed the Tigers. longL-si ru n l>y a. YankeesYa: player gam e |t)sing: sireak sir and averieil runs on1 IRoherl I'icks pinch-hit 1long trip to Buhl and hackack. Muriiiugh, w hile Hiclil:hfield Texas roughe

I'AHMINiriON. I’a. (AP) (- — once liaiiksgiving dinner VIBlIRCJINIA WAI'LR. Hngland (A(AP) — Tiger th e top. I'vvoivvoiikl expect for Tiger to be In the Stuck in the ofl-lgnon there wilh Hardlardy ai'd daughter Wood')ds w asn’i alioui to fall for th(the St million final, wouldii'Idn'l youT' portion o f the l»GA Tour. the M aggie rdy Magerko, the i|uestistion this lime. W oods iss the111 No.2seeil in the l(i-niaiiln field l.umherC;iassic tried to i iipany's lop execu- The:ie last time the Ryder Cupp \was held in aiWentwiirihirdi iiiid will face lornier PGA chL-h:ini- name for itself by spe live. liurop>pe. W oods |)layed the weekjek before the plon Shaunun M ich eel in the first roiou n d . And spen din g. And sperpending. . SCI to play in his matchdies and gave labloids plentyn y o f headline D efen ding■ chiimpion cl Michael CampheDell is 'Now Ihat inoney-los: fourth iniber Classic, said matererial when asked which evenk’eni he would the No I se st ed iuul phiys Simon Khatlan o f about to end as thele luI m b e r m many of iheI! PCi'CiA Tour players raiherer win. He chose Ihc Amerkerican lixprcss Bngltuul. AlsiiMso in the field is lirnie Tis, a company pulls out nf prop I a>t that the lourna- Chamm p ion sh ip al M ount Juliet amand ils SI m il- lim e w innerier o f the World Match Playf 'w ho after laying out ten s of)f millionsir f l m en i noI) longerlo be hi;kl. lion piprize. missed lasi'it yeary wiiile recovering fromI kneek of dollars to land aiul a No w ondider. ei as' Hardy’s “WlVliy? I can think o f a mijlioIlion rcasons.” surgery. tournameni that’s moviio v in g to u spending hihabits (juickly Wood:)ds said thal day. 'Hie onlyy Olheroi lime Woods has played;d Ihis prime lour date next Jut legendetulary among the Wot’oods’ ihree-wcck lour of I-ilingland and tournamentlit Wiisi in Ul‘)li. w hen good frleiul fri T he H J Lum ber Classlassie th a t F gave exp en sive lrclanyears, the PGA "Iww ou ld say he's fovored to win/In every event him liccauseISC I’ve got u good record here.V. I’ve w lietu .' enters, ihli.bclng-no. differfeiem." Colin— played some. l^ood flftlf nr^imd tint rom “Not having th e touiimomeni m week with a spons□nsor’s cxcmp- 2007 dales lo:o 11Hartford w idiout Moni^iigomcric said Wednesday./. ""Dut m atch said l-ls. whovho has finished runner-up seseven here anymore is sad.'ad.” said tion. rcgularllarly vislt.s givin g any warning wi before- play’ I.‘Is a strange gam e. It's a dlfftlifferent game, limes to Woo I i 0»MnU 3! 0 ! ! ! L O C A L '. pielimin.vy «ound, U.S. «s. s 'U W ___ ei<«tcl912 OHwolC 4 J O g 9- 0______Hlfih' »OV»0j----- f ? ? uunei* il u a t . 1 0 0 0 Boy* Mccor l-4n>ilSirincMW■ .■ e a --— W a . .012 400 OU5 0 l_o Mcnico (ll T«n FolU. 4:30;30 (O.m. COUEOE FOOTBALL.L i31i AHMtOii I f M '-000 000 000ao -0 Wood River at Buriey. 4:30 Sa-’S K .'!!!!W li! . DtUM 17 M iM 'hn.n-i"’ '5:30p,m. ■ ■5!! HmmU ' U H .SH I W n L Coodi'ng at Twin Falls Chns.hnsiian. _ Maryiana M West >• » « .“!!! !iSS"». ! gs& ■'■ S S 5S 4:30 p.m, • • , Virgin,i. MwCU> ,- M W £ “' ,|3SH "® . CfOMCOuntllr eX ' 1 0 0 .0!i i Sil! S i! *M w itf-nihouse Chtisiinn, GooOCoodine. . . . e.'MMfWtt 133 0 0 0 0 IMuxct 1 0 0 OKnnU, 0oq' b CB«IM«(Mf'100 OMMP 00 JW * ’ ’7 1* ‘ 5 .T«inFailsalMin,co.4;30i;30 p.m. 'Cnan'Dionshio. fi'si rouno ,!!!! 4:30 o.m, m.MCIics. al Surrey. Enjlnn R S ir u C ... 0 0 0 Budcy at Wood Rivef. 4:30 U3 1 i 0» 0 ° • ' S S t 0 0 V £ » « ” '’ j I 0 0 0 Min«yb*n a p.'m. •• DtrtmiT>Mt*» WP^i>ert< Be«UMa 1 } 1 1 0 'S i , ' oSSsuJO . s f « £ s r ‘ 1 0 0- Filer, Snos»r ESPN - PGA Tour. Tlit- 84*•* wSw.’sSwoll'woIiri^i?!f^Ttkml TKM' tUOUUTaaii ■J UO • 'sssrissai'ir ; Unvm-Honc. UM VMM. rkU.»tnSuZu. H.iKcinw nl Itfththousese LunmtrCl.iSMC.firslroim(und. ill bvtn ►-aoM,! ^ 01^ . M m m •!Wt^lSpn ■ M i r r ” ■ FteonnUrc bnM. f*J CmnM. TT* t-}SOA-Mu2------a CMcmuS3ft-4Mni2fL»cnK 0>u» wm Sa 1 U «I4>B 0 ■ fl ■ - . OuM at GoodiPfi. 7 0 n,"j TGC — N.itiOrtRiOc Touf Oo MU ATIAMA i3. v»n>« colleu Football Stin■ndlngs . tmnuUl.S,-fir5trooml,.«OoiSe AlCatnit A Ik H CareyatDieUich. 7c.m.. “ oo “ • J 3 0 0 1 • 2 l^^rt^O0 0 0 ni6b». Durit) at Prcsion. 7 K sliilsi!:"! D , J Wl«M ' iZwoTejaSSid?' ■n 7 0 m 4 13 1 ' SSiT*” I 0 0 fl fl g j § DliSS .11 Richk-id. 7 o,r», •, MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBA m S c i'i 0 oC m u 0 a5,.iS! !ir,f!! S S i . S'"" S!!! I . 0 0 0 Txin Falls ol Mooison. 77'p„,. p. , 12:10 p,m. !!i! & 1 i! !! » U . UmwuuilMMMKICInTUwa*'« a « u - 0 1 0 1 0 CkicMiS ■ • • S ! ! ! ; o; 0 Ran River at Magic ValievIley WGN — l.A. Doiir.ers ,it K ! i i !!TJ !! ISMMM »7| <1N T Wkm 4 00 0 l»^«U3 313 9 : ; 1 l i 00 0____ ChrisiMn. * D.m. CriicnRo Cuijs ______-fr.m:------6:30 p.m,------g i i i i g ! ; ! TlwimSIi S . - 1 J g4 osmmb S ^U - S 0 4!S-!-K“ -r--4-S-Hi-H —KS?—!!-!-!- • - 00 0 Wendell al Gienns Fcrr,.<1. 7 P.m. ESPN2 _ Pn.i.weiD'iT. m 0 0 2 S»»0»teSl 0 0 0 0 1 1 niVelMIt *'*■•* * 0 OOeMU 0 &'!;ssaa, J! Hini(J9 ) 3 JfcurtW 000 0 American F.1IIS .11 Oecio.0.7 7 p.m. J ^ J J 0 Isis. 0 0 :5c.™»Ll""® ® P*eflW£Canfir»ne* S§kr,”“’2,t: TBS ~ Pliil.-iUelphi,i III A!(,i 0 00 0 JWplWUPjt »nir> MlflSfm *■ ’ •:;:!? ! . ,.1* Lff P* Vt rsrs L ! ...... T.V.SCHEDUlD U L E • PftEP FOOTBALL l l S S Onpn I 0 a 10 0 . kUw«NfTiM4m.909»ffl 6:30 p.rn. ^ «WM$« 0 0 0 0 1 M Dmt 90S » m. S BASKETBALL ______$WB» ^ * 0 OOP, wo FSN-Sitte>enofiEi.inKeiRet, L.V ' a s ? sffl s -T B 6B aw ta«B "' isli' ■ ------^=^«?SS5Sr------^------,11 SouirMK- C...'>oii:I l-.H:I.-IS D<>^.M«lp^.l t ilU>U 1. lOS-J?— — “ UBiwous------etasB— SMn»4iXMi>cn»0Ati> .jw»l»j-^ FSN - FIDA, worlfl n.Mr^i^.U>’FJ( !S-hntn ULl^tlI>ut.U9»in. ______i.lUj»M'J«iMi3a»‘'o Ot.(«Mu 1113 1 3 0 WP-M«N ^ ^ ^ i F i i i f iIs i rUTIOF^L^QUEouB . J J ;0 J0 1 WM*» 0 0 0 (HHie;c 3 13 »■» sr. ss SE.?;!J g J § Sur'cs ' 0 1 10 « 2 414 13 4 2 1 J C««nuo«r. 5«o« J «n«<«» INi . X ? SiSS.';, !i! ' ' » ’■ !■■■!! i! j l\ I WMUmAIMMtcConfimn o n J ] 0 nnUlb OOObxTM^lOl1 0 1 0 M U k:(l44<4744;. , • |-J 0 0 sis' 0 0 K!> !! is« is 0 1 1 MwiJP 00 orantwl 301 fT J’’i! !! ’ ® ^ ° NL Boxes ° 0 J “ 9 5 15 ,^ p QJ2J § S wfwM 1*“! M 174 ^ 0 0 0 0 3 S S S — uttwn.pwrm'I SSt-llill 9 9 9 S. 4 . ^i^'p 0 0 0»|f>m»' I 0 ^ i i i i ^ ifcem 1 1 0 0 i i S.Jsssls! 5 4U , «1¥IAU»U ^ ^ ^ HTTSWBW ^ ll g,r; ' ^ » m S< 0 0 0 0 I 1 « ■d a Bf,f»tfi.S*«a'«.K*nrt m (DO 020 OOi • !"!” £ 1 Lrss! t-tXMrtl <2i ic«ualt< <«> OP-enia 00 0 33 1 fl fl° I> tetw M«U ( tIim ' JIOi!!S £?■•“ !! SSSS! ------»*Unonl IOWmW"* W«.»1C» l- S jS i !§f» IJu J • HP-Oo*. 101 040 rCM a - s ■ WS* 0 0 0 0 0 3 , sillS3 u* auaPBUBmsr* W .0 'H'tA 0 1 19 » 0 iiii 2 < . gmjxpi “ |» M7M ' a tn u - «mcn •:------f H RP)M S J I i i S g ill I o !^ * .|« « 3 “ 4t'?iio“ c Xi-tm7 CNAn«>WA2iSiV-C»AFa'iSf>y- luoui !!! ^ S!!!,!! i i ------HliAMow. p h RBM ■5 H “!!5 STi ! i! i sillis i BM so «f,[LXSDlSOiX'.S-CU<"*dWU: l i t RsiiH Jl; tin a U 4 0 0 Kr»:l 000 0 Ik4wwi*» j S 0 013 j 5 ' ■ g 0 ynUMNCTON ARSnW ■ ■ FW ‘ ?r.\7c!looo aSSrt 0 ! n < aiWiWI 0JS } liuMB*! 0 1 0«Ti'|«l 0 11 0 WfMtciM.HwiWW Irt.Orln,?ln,ftri “ J ’ ^ flep>{» 4 0 1 00MgCt«3P 1 S S i l i ! SS?. i ' ii B i n s0 s 0 I Uta'^t> SK.!!i ?K i » ; j Slwitas'^bttSrclof^ S S S ^ p S l a ™ 00 0 . i~ CBH■ so 13 Ottmni) 0}J a ! !! !!0 5 . tSIVi'.CIOSViWt'S-VCfMJMJ N«B ' 00 0 MMUorr oivom) 'WMtaftM 9. inn'll ■ - !'! S : ! t o m ' •*! 31100 10 0 0 0?[Sl” iI 0 r|T*' i 0 0 0 c0 J Swrck'UKSlO.CM'Mat \ p,ltN« 19 3 WHn> J« Sli MMwdnnOanM'" Tum' ' OU 211 030 & SS K S 3 0 i 1 0 hRiw» ft. H>HkW«). IU (m OtM 000 300 000O - SH s'Hiiiiiit J I nwtris 0 0 0 OCirfiulsr 1 0 HMUanS.SlU>>lil E-KrM«(lULCCua««]IlDP-Ttu JOT 1 • ,0„0^ !!8! MMWNi t. UMi 1 IM (im« PMMWNtfUinUS.MlKM i 0 1 0 EtliMoci SnsxS U|-v Cii’w' cr.« »»f, K!!!!' i«B B S 7 2T0UH , J4 4 n ^ s f e s s SF m iMi1 0 1 0 M » » - B a s k e t b a l .ISMS cm Olts-lpc«otrm , iflSSHSSTi^ S£3*“ S 200 » UnKsd S tates 79, Nlg»JlitBtla46 ‘MCl'S'rO'ltMittxorltKI >• « & ".!!» iSiS ...... nl lofr- McniAfUi . SfW ISCUSO P*IR«Tt-**»p«'■«MBun vSlrttKl^lO 7 > 3 3 2 0 -ft ' mWBLWliimAt t»,li.Oyt.w S w ri‘l0J56.OUrr.wO313MI31 LC3U CWm rs IM (>KM« KtM CMtW (I H f oSmSm? ' Iu r a od • ;"ssr.is5i‘i,’s s .•men SU 13 ►msauSOx STUlUlVilM»4lOftOmt' M . QO I (•tVtnniliCS^enuSUni»<'S-''K>4lS|PP D[)j-(n.w UI0j,l(H9»m. W w r 'l l oTm „ “ o W..VUW. ili'j j !3 0 Stftinwtijl, S».^;«wt.S. tC«mw ” S sslH E f S C>i") l>'rt 0 0 ■ lo oo S ^ M ^ o 1 3 3 l«mSSTATIS(79) C«lorMoiCMli»Ui>lt},Sll!.I>>»W<<4^ ,i- — rw»fcw------1—j-«-o-J ] r N R [RH»«. s r ;';? w>“ S?1 0 f j 'r '’ J I S S0 i1 3 «UavimtS93-iUTn'ni!33 un.;im-)Wff«. twri U)«t. tm to I 0 > JO O0 O 0 1 »OOI.S>«. J 3 0 i&?J# i 1 NwOMn 9 q’ 10 flJtcftnr 10! 0 ^^sit 1 1 0 0 0 »"> t<«i-}H7j(4i,oro. t'fnl.S^ 4 U 21 U - ! ! tXlii I 9 Mewwk. Sm«M Ui^ Hnt tM«hMCMn t V&dJUla S 13 U g 21 • : ! S U s H TJ— ^ Sr?uio ! J 1 4 1. J »>t«p 0 0 0R8iC«('O0 n Cvctm S s . . ■ iu M u i NTntnm1 AMmmX 33 3 3 3 fl 22 0 U]4l A.l9Ciin»033, S 5 j R " ! iS ~ .. 00 0 uwTom rmwA ALBoxM ” SlHlsliN«uRUW.S«M.tSHt4341Si i 0 ’•|miJ3.VM<4Sutn31,>-‘n'4'i2Si0uK«>>in 1 0 0 0 All T in w MDTDT 99 9 c~;«e«iiiitPati«Mii2SiDi^ £ ! * . Ki;,f J! !!;,s r« sEr.! !» “ !S h :‘ i i s l " “ Wt»p» 0 I IPm-Ws 0 00' 00 0 u ~ - w I r-w ff ° bSiSiriJi CWi-rli 0 0 B*MI» 1 WwMO , , Hiinvie 0 0 0 Cxoc 1 O' ss;„!! !Rrr !S 0 0l»i1Wlll 1117 1 1 1 J i S^C>tf>p^ 0 0 oc^xp ,3:9 01 0 I S n l t ^ 1 OlOOO 19 h;.tl'9UlO Ot|i>nO 00 0 llfw^ri 0 sS fi § 5 RWfjp 00 OB«iiis 001 ^ p s i i l 1 ! S ” ° ^ :^,i»p 10 OBMct 101 TMtk I 1 Ui^-n(.UlS 1 S 1 1 3 ■::s: 000 000 OC “-I W^OJ «3...3!! i S H S H I 1 7hwj«ii 3 2 0 0 I 3 0 s i o o .[^0(12i CiMil»"**<« I I0ft-«1 I IllKWWIl) :»-INyFMi9i P«|WIW'J?,. J] I 0 fl 1 ;!u! a ili!!0 0 J 7J] siMia 3i 41 MttKI i n 1 ‘ iMwTat m oa 001*0* o 7 ' ^ H T S 1 o*0M i» m so S J rw i 0 0 fl 0 I -4 MinT" 1 1 O' 0 0 0 000 303 r a « , . . f . .Ill toil- PKCM u 1 wrc »th. 3f« uniun-Hem. tM ri>O.T>mTKr«« ■ S r !•!!!!• * ;J ii i ^ ^ , T.J9;»^*5J-439ISi “ : r S H : S i Si i , s l i i i s " “ M9.w«>'r'<'n<}9' Sft-HiRtmiftl'l a,>’ b.i!-!!! I ______if-Hcinn t ' K M««Sil3 4 33 3 9 3 3 0? 5 rwA mu5« 0 0 ■ n«Two 'i i j 2 1 110 1 M I h H M rl !! !W Si £ ™ . . L l L r 1 i 9 3 } OlituU S3:JI 0 l3r,’« 6 6 4‘ 313 3 t Kj-mC.t, o' 1 0 000 10 UiKp>ni^oUi(i«tl:nnl.TMn»Tem HilWn l>m MKt. twd FiU ,01 04.UM o^^ra iii 0 p ^ s S«M RiMi ■Un'i *>moOUOVMI. ScrnNMi 5i!"' £ . ”!•!!•• KfiiiSKS;!! I-3Jfl»-5J3-»iS*Hli ii 1' H IZ I !! s.! ,— : K , r ‘ ;s"s i i i 00 0 ^ nsM J i o o e w n sa ti-iMtmiD oWCm».Kui>wu ! ! S'inS“l!l ! ' 3 i ? §‘SS "i? s rj,’asr.'SK OWUO^ ^ ^ LOSMOaO^^ ! [ ’ Nibjxn 0 1 fl r a 31 ? , . i . i,.. I S' rii!! 00 0 ft»MU< 1 ) 1 1 1 !! ii ... . OmxV 3 i 0 CWtmU 3 00 \l I r w- r KMjIf 3 0 1 OSMfnoAF^lIS!! 00 SSV !! iHRsrSS:SS!!- ij piinftiiIII' ■ SSiJ# J J J 10CU.IM 300I 00 0 oonuea 4 O O omninrl < 0 1 0 . HV<4|[>o'y woit’tvv face seriotis cliarues ., ilotli linenuin have pliived™i „ ,ls r„ r ^ 1 L'pieil ill ihe parks iind recreirea iio n iit iltu acciilumal clfailL’ailt of iissisiiint itiiek ciiiiii) Clemsond-l), WrtS 'ports Slu i:«i Mii,\well ,\ve. or tnilinin e at Jiirrctt rosier. Dll. call I-r>- plc;iili;d guilty;y 10ii reckless op e ra tio n of a . .vilid.itrg. l or nmre inltirmatitin NFLL . N a i l e y b r i e l s jcl ski tliiit struck i'osiiosier In ihe head earlier ihis lational aiid Magic Valle\ sutiiiJiLT. rr>- VVilS flned fitJl S2S7..'iU by ilte slate Authorities seek misdemem eanor DUI DepiirtmcmofNiituraurai liesmirces, his iiitornuy •rs in eM'hiiiige liir Veritiind:l .Moreni,\ v on JerOme CC:C hostingI Chapman toummey HeiKtiL'Ashnidru SiildId VWednesday, for Chargers linebackerer Foley , wediK"lestlay. ; - Ibe lerome Couniry C ' lub rr>- Ilil Foster liftere r tltet coitclt fell off ii jet ski SAN DIl'CO — Autiiorllieses iireii si'ekiiig drunk I la-I.’ i triide is p e ru liw h nili pliiviliivi’fs piis>iiig liiltO M li - Ileauiincatioiiion ( iinimiliee will bold ii two.o-|)er- d riv en by ttn'ensivf linlim e m a n N ath an Ik-iinL'it on driving chiirges iigaiii’.t SiSteve Ittli’v. llu- ))livsiciiciiK wilh Ihelr new leiiin. itiiin im irniim eni I'ridiiy. Septpi. US. Liike Kunvvce ott jiilyly H cnnett pleiided Kuiliy, Ciiargers linebacker who was.’iis •n Ijoi illld stTioiis- iheL' I ie.Niins have b e e n looking.!»..llir relntorce- son Chapniiii miink'k Diivis., beginning willw lih il p,»i, shotgiin stiiri. CtCost is' • 10 itugliKeiii operiiiionion ofawiiiercraft in manis- ty vvounilfd Ity iin off-tliity |ujl|ujlice officer earliiT ineiiisis at ninning back sime Domii laver and prtieeeds will go to-low artl tn ite ctJiirl iiiid vviisIS finedf Ilte same iintotini. this m o n th . Ihe Irananehl^e's leiuliiig rich e r, w as.plafeilonihe pl; S20 |ier playe Igo. Ilm iM on pending projeiojecls. ih e re will iilso be a sileni111 auc- A slim ore siiid. Invesligiiiors have rcaimtni'imeiuled thiii prose- injuredl-d reserve iw n w eeks iigi. lore Inlorniiiiion. or to sign-uptp. call T h e d eal w as rijiicijiit-hed after neKoiiatlons ciitorscltiirge ■ l-ttlfv willi niistlristlemeiinorDUI.ihe claimeiled niH!) lle lsn iiin Trophy Winner U Kon tion. I or mon ------l)ulvvuui>(hu43NlUuuLtuLUajnetLComuv-proMaiu:__ :Sati-DieguXi3uiiiV-Uisirici Alto\lto m e v i. o tO u ia iii:___U iivnii.e_t)lf waivers niter be w as_t>■ ri’leiiM'il by :tL*l-.'2Hl,____ tor Chrissy Adatits,, 1-rl-ry's lawyer saitl. lie also firtned W etlnesdiiy. C h iirlessitiive lt:i lint been Illed. Denverer Inst week. said l-osiLT's riitiiiiy hadhai si((ned offun the decl- I'Oli;y's blotui iik'ohol levelel Wiisvv not disclosed. CoacIK'b Cliirv Kubliik said lie ntiule tlu-tradetl lor NWTriple-Be-B lo o k in g f o r te a m s 1 il big. pow er bioti. bu t th e San D iego C ounty Site,Slierlfl's Department (latio liecaiheh he warned to add ;i m ing b a c k s — HVIN lv\I.I>LLS - I he iNorth Wesi Triple-U!5base- I DNR Ll. Kob McCu;Cu IIour1j said alcohol was said it exceeiied th e legiii limmil. it, runner to liis duo ofsmailish ninnii lor. biill leiigueisliis loiiklng ior leiim s lor lis upc:om o i ing n o t a factor a n d ih e DNH'sDN invesiiRiitlon showed I'tiley was shot ihree times:ltes — twice in the rookiesI'sW iilil.iintly a n d Chris Taylor, Clive rosier, is S ep lem b er 22-222 \ lournanteni anti players.•rs age th a t "neither o p e ra too r wv as u n d e r ih e influence." back I t>r the left leg and micece tillt the outsitle of layloilor, w ho hiis b e e n on ih e iictlv Ui am i overr lor Id the ctiining spring season)ii. Tor I-osier’i) duaili wasas ruled nccidental hy. lltc the i left th ig h -b y an off-dutyuty Ctironiitii) pnllee curreiiilnilv. ir> Teiinis for girls In grades A- ejisoii. w hich Tee lim es ru111 n betwI een il a.m .-2 a n d vne n tries director Terry Don PhiPhillips said W’ednesday he , in gradiules 7-a Ciin pliiv in th e seas irough mid- iire limited lolot the first 72 teams. :------dldnoi-expect-tlHWiiiuailualion-iojcsulUiumyjierL— '-lo-Packers ------s O il. I-l illld n in s ih ro —Texans trado-Morency-to ii^idrmirtiiitiTciiii-nTfrannTr— ous NCAA violations, iJecemTHier. l Lengiies for girls in gnulriules 7-11 a n d l or iiuire iiil d in )aiurar>'. phillips snid the,d(department's compliance HOUSTON — The limistonton Texitns iictiiilred boys inn ignules :<•[> will now lie held ir iinteert'oai hes iire iilso neededled. A SIO hue Compflcd from staff and wirs nreports office sent ihe reponjjorl to the Atlantic Coast ru i n n in g back S an tk o n C'.ado> frcfrom the C reen Hiiy , Volun 1 4 » 1TM«S«flMtel4.20M

i : . . . - . - : - • —w__D«.Dttcomioo omuy_____SiisDUy-wainwui e ______* . ' onn a (ow ihowon _ a f ^ r s ’ ciou^ parity cloudy To . Tomorrow: Mosify dcodyJy oiand cddor wiih a fow possmg Barometric'' ' % • Sunrise and • ghoworb HiQtlS, uoocf SOsj05 ______■ . ^Tem perature-^^ precipitation Humiciildity, -Pressure ^1 rVrttrf ■ Sunset . # g s •llwn » . • -TMiw v.3Ciie« . a ' A ’ W VaMdaHrdar.' 'COT Y»»i^ftlfci*i FiWay . SunrlM: 7:1tAM SvnaM:H: 7:<7:4« PU S*eMnjtH. KocNa ^ v«»r«yilo» • M MonWirninisOal* 000- Yow.da/aMrmiraiun t4% raMnMy29e0n FiM MMtir.' T Wb M TttraraaM tw HomatMtfAMr ' n / t t - l t t■MUenatMMi — UO* TM«4liMnn s u n v aLLEY, l u SURROUNDING MTS. •rioDai* u-nr TodaytMraiunT :S' -" " 'SBun«*y SunrtM: 7:20 AH StinMI:II: 7:<7:44 PM Sniu(t.CUdmp<>r«uffl, HBB m a (treng «lormorm lYllem onll pull M cokMt sK win a go< l u r AK«M(|Mfnnvn*liMOetl»8«llO Msoair itnttNL:.Mfe«Mrtt. rtUffy t*n and meuniatfi wiow iniouon■r « ssis.s:^ ' eMiK«olvM»l tr,i„ TsnwuliX* * voM cnrenflfi 5 pm ■ U.V.INDEX. pofioftoisaiutiaturday AccuinuUlir'g mountain (now* ar Moon Phaseste s , M o o n rise . A 90003 Mlboi' and Moonset Lew Uodwale-MWi »»Ww '■ n ostMs-J- "noM' * * x n ' -. DayWeather, Inc. B O I S E ' colour condilioftt m" ■OmIH: I2:0>AM . HOOAMt: 4:44 M ipread ac'oit iria ttgion today and•'"J 8*ptl ■ u p h .8«>30 aw B ''i m .M i , • MBwwafc-laswi J t . «w«ai|'WM'eg" tomonow. P»r>9d» ol inowiti wii]11 b«bi ■ Maw* poiKbi* iniouflh lomenow mil; • . moo IcWlr m IM mounUifli ' TMiy Tomorrow y Tomone> Todlj T< TofflOdpw Today TomorrowI HILflW Cily ' HILoW HILeWw W IM U H «• to M / 41 t t nB ciir HI Lo w m Lo w s:rj c .rs'. Hi L» W Cily HI le W, rH r ; =». x x ' s r t 3 tn t7 «s Ml m m i r «i «e « M w O M I at 74 tlri to a 74 n ' ■ - at ?• Mi MlMTrtB tMcM - c r« M - et«MiMl W NORTHERN UTAtrA H ' Bom ta m « w 43 « t 74 83 in PMKMvnj TJ «| > rTf « tn AMn .'6 Tl IC T7 ; 7 tji 49 M lj. S « i»Ml n CT #1’ no>« ' r 7« «e a o l ^ ' as4a|it> BUpo ■ S j, Today xill havo windy ITC ai 41 »n r>c««.j^C_t7 M »"/. ’ Tt S« Vl CW'»c* M TO B> IU ) j® * ______eonflilions.o'id.scain’m -»TrTO-tt*-TWfcM>------r-TT-w *r«w -w 'w wi,~i|aw~—:— itiunderaiormi Wmdy : -----'S'SSan 70 «i > u H • r eoldor lo' lomonow wit D It n e e tma ■ a s e n a S t < t £ 7 t » f . S o il? valloy ram and meuntai &»• sssss? m TV 47 tr Sarwi** ai 4Sje ' M r.s (r, IV W u. IU M WE' ahowora. S S t t n DMA' tMMMtMl 4 S 8fl ^ Wl OwXt) U Mtnin T7 Mix Si Ps4 7f 4} ig e TJ W e. ' Tl 4t pc tl 4? K a «i ST M «i Omar • r Wpe'PO e MM'WIMCV' H fltiTI n t t n Hif«nn4 ntDMi BTtMi e i «t/M> '- a a i p a (iTtpeM a TO «T|i: M Mpc « l i \ S ™ . !!! S p 5 ^.nFuiJu • n TT ^ * .4 m; M 33 tu CifW H7 «3 r m ta um Kj^c»y i04 aa pc IU lui no (K VJetyJm TO 47 PC Til 4? CC » > « : « « -tMOai - n * M I tiBtil p e WMa« J - a tt t* T lS r. w 'd . M M S r OT'wV'Ifi 00 37 « RM M - K « il« ll .as-*". I lls/I w filoc M«iOjOf» «rwv< WJeon m Ajra,______« a? > sssiste. sssMl ta 71 Ml MHI9 W - X4 T S J MCMS" SSsHii: M •» 4T Morauao” im iSSSi* T»ltHpa 7t V M I tn 40 }i I JiKUcMi g> 17 9 0 1 0 0 1 ^ 1 0 ^ p5i££“^ refloi.«4i£3 Ml ei 40 Ml n m a O r n si s » s s s m ss* ” SJJSSSSra n e « Sn UMtaS « m £ Reioyg C9 <«i m M> 3S tn »;cu ncrMMtWA «s si m ea mssass «> . SS& • £ M4^ r i g y N - M n h m £sr ssssss £3 issi-a “'.';ssss;;-s,1-in n ^ n •W Mn' .Snw ^iMRl*r^8UMEmn

CREDIT fM£SS M OecludadId I BBi. iiL' Ifo '« « '« » . » W aw » D « t >aa e «'M . . “GOOD a s m ”'■ B ^c mmn?-NOCftEDn?- ir, ‘3 5 S 5 oc U «e K VMWrday'a Uliontl Eiti* f 0 «if< '• « « « > W eaoh»lpyvtiim m•SS-OSSS -l or 404-1701 4 U K , M « l CARS* TRUCKS • mVANS • SUVS wmtffttwwwo ^ is After aiiworiona anlikepeerformaiince^ I Bush pi)roimsesshig^gliJitswiUccome I

NEVV OHLEANS (AP)VP) - Wlien . memburs off thu Archdioccsc of New Ork started rcrerriti}; lo him as Ua Salm Reginald. Hcggicc iJushU suspecCcd he was mean to Kini(an u i City Chteh Qurterback Trent ( E j j ^ S »le 0 I play here — and play w dl. iKkM titi by ClnclnniU Bentals defenstr So for. 80 good, a n d so0 mrr u c h '<( a Jilrd quarter Sunday in Kansas City,ent M Greeo l i n n o tio n lH t after M o t morc IO come. Bush says. nslre end Robert Ceathers durint the “I ju si fell I w as clos« 10 ty.Ho. breaking" a long run. U said Wednesday, recalling his Bengals’ Ge )t workmunlike performanciince in 9 the New Orleans Saints' :sea- 1 leathersnol son-opening victoryy at 1 C lew tan d . ‘ I w as only on ce s : ic p fined for hil away." SyEEabetiiMetrill lit on Green In his NFL debui, last yt WcClatchy Newspapers r l l r r a n U Uilri I leism an TVophy w in n e r rai rcpciiledly expa-ssetl concerion- ' lim es fur 61 yards, caugliiliiciglil c KANSAS CITY, Mo, — for tire c n s vveli-belitg. Tor 1 passes for sa yards, ;a n d Dcsplic a few [irotcsis from tniiuiles. (;reeii liiy nioliorand ' returned ihree punis forfo r 22 i\rruvviiciul .Siadiittii. iind - a le!« on the grass until he wr yards. m assiw licitdiiclic from I'rcntn sinipped lo a strcidiL'r an His longest run was IB3 yayards, ' ^ ^ 9 Green, ilic Nl‘1. ruleda carried o lf th e fldd. die ' yel his dependable, moi Wednesday tliai UobcriIt II effcclively tiu lw i Greenlory gains liclped sustain enounough Gcathcrs' hit was not a fould H l-gam e starting sirciik. Iilso th scoring drives to help secuecu rc a and won't be penali/cd. I longetii' in franchise lilsioi. die rond victo'ry for a leamm i By!llic IciigiK^sald (IcaUicrsII for il q u a rte rb iick . It alsMO went 3-13 last season, hlrthired a didn'i have complete control p ro n ip ie d a hail ofb o o s as di new coach and replaced nm orc ofhls body when his shoulders rain c am c dow n on a 23-1lent ' th a n h a ir Iis roster ny th e ilitn e • K hil G reen ditriiiK .i slide, citits-)l loss. iile- tniining c a m p ended. D r Ing Green’s head ii> violciuly•r Nl-I. se n io r vicc presldeisied • "He played wiihin himlim seir. Arr siiiip against the ground. Afleri- Riiy A n d erso n . in a stiiU lie dldn'i try to dd onytlly th in g m a extensive review o f th e play, ily meni, said Cieadiers twisie crazy." quanerback D rew CUi was determined liialT his lorso 10 avoid helmet-tcnu- Urees said. “He played soIi(iolid."- ^ Wc G cathcrs hit G a-cii as a resultil lielm ei co n iac i w ith CJrccn.uch Noi Ihe spinning, zig:zigzag- L . Gci ofa hlock in ihetiack. II "T he in|ur>-,.. wiis iinfoniII a ging, jaw-dropping toi ^ anc Replays show ('h iefs ret’eiv-li naie and has drawn muc dow n ru n s ih a t b e ca m e2 BUi ush’s I cr Uddie Kciinison making conimenlary, but il is noilhis trademark in collegc, b u t did coniaci with Gciiihers. ’- foul." A nderson Siild. th ere’s ple n ty o f tim e foir r th o fl In the days since (ireen'sg "In o lh c r iiislaiiccs, llvIhe “I'm going 10 makei; pplays hil concussion, and siilisequent contiici m iglit h c Illegal, sinelec- regardless. T hey m ay n o t a b e InghospluJi/iiiion. Chiefs presl-'s a d efen siv e pliiycr- hiis 1 illhe big plays, flashy plays. hack I to u c h Ihe boll. I'm goinngtobc g t tirp«tr«tBniSaad«yltily la CtmUad. G ci ing Sunday’s game with thei- 1 lowevcr. In this case, th e liii excillng. That's just me.}. T hai's o f; of thu nciglibor- olready sp Bengals, lie waiched fllnir- slide an d th e hlock in the bacan my personality. Thai's jusijust die most is the rcccpiicpiion hc has loured some of t I It hil by K atrina th e ir prcp n with ihc league on Mondaye were miiigaiing factors." lion w ay I play.“ received from the Ional some people who hoda d lo st C a th o lic sch o o l fcfor spccial Me organized lu>< farther comment on iheII • w iiichctl Issue in th e w eekscen t everything during Hurrltirrlcane needs childrenren. The of several Ilumn^mmcrs lo a sub- several Bro\ dci 0 come. All week, natloniof ______‘scnted-hirh— urban—poll<»-« —tlepartmoni,— hls-flrst-gan«n Unck ea a firtt qwr- Pci ered several tons “They tc Even b efo re VVediiesday.e - media oiiilcis have bee•a-ss. at Saints headquarters and cel- with a plaque deplciplcting Saint recently dcllvcrw pic cdy families and focusing o Qiicfs coach Mcrm iidwards re ru n n in g __th e rep lnv lyatt ebraied like they had hit die Reginald of Orleans,ns, who lived, of food to needy ing 16.000 10 h e lp fix a n d th e y sa had said hc didn'i thinky. G rccn’s h e a d hitting the grasccl- loiiery. Tickoi sales, alnalready in Franco about I e cig h i c cn - has p u l u p SB6.0 sp e n d in g m u c h o f Bci ;c at one of die sure il was j Gealhers' blow was mali­Is G reen w on’t pliiy Sunday' aii picking up sleam wiih1 D rees' tu rie s a g o — prommptlngsomc p siorm damage a pnrailon ilfnc for the - wit itool football sia- the rest ofr cious. But so m e players In diek Denver, b u t Edwiuxls cxpccme­ Arrival, sailed Inio unchacharted to suggest he lakekc die nick- main high schoo n coming up with ant rily. H aving s locker room saw li difl'ercndyi- ed Green to show up d iic lerritory. name Salni Itcglnaln ald o f New d iu m s In d ie cily. :ontain the dynamic ,wo on Sunday. IC Arrowhead Stadium somt T h e S a in ts ha v e bro kcen en sea- Orleans, If his compimpcdllvc' side being sup any disappoint- , without co 'They make ihc policies,ly lime this week to vish vidi Ui son*ticket sales rccordsrds and Meanwhile, schoihoolchildrcn causcd him any card about lhai from hll. icing passed over gam. Bush and I work for die league.” leam . said V need to sell fewer thanin 2,0002 w en t w ild, as did1 aiadministra- mcnt aboui bdn rowrns dc!:’nders after far 1 draft pick by can handle Edwards said. "1 don'i com­s, "You hn v c lo iry lo w in wit.Ut- m ore to s d l o u t all 6a,3M54 ssc a ts to rs a n d parents,, wwhen Bush as the No, 1 d a m e ------^------isst spring, his per- Neither d mcnt on whai the league.” ih c players you have,” sailack In the refuiblshed Louis)Ulslana got u p o n stage, Houston last spi told me they were I lianged. "Reggie's docs. 1 work,' like everybody1- Edwards, who will tum tore li a Superdome for the entiretire sea- The scene nearl;a rly m oved sp ccd v c has cHar on bracketing me Qi ‘ I f e d like G;o od d h a s a p la n fo r vcrsadlc. V else, under that shield.IC dc-used veteran quancrbacdial io n . B ush to tears, said ihcy were pretty hai id U was in his diings wid: They've got lo decide to doly D am o n M uard. "Wc havelavc N ew O rleans' fin t h oimc m e isn't ‘I wasn't cxpcctlrning it to be everybody and i ts going lo b e like th a t Gc m e here." B ush “H e is a vcr certain diings didr way, andi. bunch of offensive guys du u n til Sept. 25, a M o ndayayni^l r that big, that mimagniiudc," plan to have mt if m y life,” B ush said. d o m h e re I'm goin g feels like he vrticn they make a decision,0 arc veteran guys who ha\;a m • matchup with the Atlanta Ati Bush recalled. ‘Therhey had die said. "While I'm 1 ; shovm a'knack for loc n o s to f il." ...T h e guy's diey make a decision. d done well olfcnslvely." day, Falcons. Already, SaintsI jetjerseys whole school in theih e re , pa re n ts to m a k e d ie m o s jprcmcly confldcnl on oUttllud h e can d o everything. vrti i . y's go t all th e ta len t in die

lic 'lTs goin^to tum ( real achievement for un • . bcl I INSIDE: - Gunman ^ays_^ 1, wounds 19 B ilWi L c at Canadian H ||||||| 1 H U R S 0HY A

college, C8 S eptember. I. 2 0 0 6 \aRTIMES-NEWS • e-v/ CCITY EDITOR MAHHEW BRAiRADY: 735-3234 Mh _____ JN*[NSIDE: O bituaries, C2 I VIW est news, C4 ridaho10 news, 05 I Worid nme w s , C 3 & C 8 Sheriiffprai!ised for onlineI ‘predaiiorcraiickdovinn

By Cassidy i^riedinaa least IWO houtx na week on liis ' ITiey saidd dthat while u m ure good sol4oluiion for Idiiho" [x‘e I Siiid she prohibits her Tl(i»»W ew» w rtter • computer posingiiig a s on,adolcs- concerted effon effi is lacking in Jettnele Miller. (>0. wiis most childa’ii chi from chatting online,ne. B e s t o f t h e M o ( cen t girt in Idiilicalio chiit rooms. Idalio and ddie ie rest (K die c oun- up lieai11 abor u t his work, imt bui does-nol want lo see other The r k 4 o ^ o ( comments su Jl'UOMl: - Icrnirn;lie County Ile has ancsitxl;d : 25 m e n since try. ihcy are•e willlng.iow fund die “I real.■ally don't cm* hnw m u ch childa-n chi v ic tlm im l. mttted on .trie Time»riews'S'WW) \ rusidfiiis suppon tiieirlieir sheriff .|anuary2(X)2roreirenilcinga child costs of hisi effort.efTi it costs,"s,-Miller Siiid.''Uhitik it's 'J■Jlie point is. s h e siiid. "11 very site also supported W b»«?er% ' -iim ./nie kills n- 'I to b e well wd c-ould h e m y cliild." ' fisliiiiK online for sexualnual preda- over die In iem ci.Cl. -If ilVi goinging to save a child I n . irrelcn-iir efTon alth o u ^ some readod e rs • lors across thu suilu andaiu some- Residents saidid VM'iiwr's\ efTon n o rth e rn idiiho Iclii instead of proiecte;ted.'' expressed concern that It:wes w Q isslily . J-rifdiiuin cnrvr:. limes bcyomi, based;ed on an may be reducingng the risk lo ihe Jerome - so;o Iteh II." Nancy lx*e. HdiihiliDiinCiUi Siiid itieslieim ( taking time away from his; otother: iriiiic aiul aiiins for the nitifs- iiifo fn a l Tinics-Ni'wxw s survey, county’s diildredren a n d ihcy ->6. sold. 'I wwisl ish diea* wils ii way is convct-ci in pursuing the ciiuse. trii dimes. Read some submls-is- News. lU 'cun l>L- n 'a c lin liii 12013) a n d ri'

A RO U Nto I ” I

THE V A ILi M - — B p M O thlI w e l i ^ ^ o i nl i n g ^ Ponvoy to raise moneym forSpKialOlynipinpics Consoli)lidated I'WlN i-ALl.S — ’IVucvuckdriv. _ ers .are inviicil n> Kt-'tet behind I OUC-On th e w h e d in raise m o mn e y for a ^ 00(1 c au se. i'o r liic Ih.ird year, hi m entorDring ' ' ^ pariidpaiinK in llic Lirgest Truck Convc im comes raise inOney -for ■'£3 Ji progra m Olympics and lo h d p i aiu'liides loward peop] to Twinn Falls j iiildleciiial disaliitilics.ies.' On Saturday. Inw' eci n fo rce - By Cassidy Friedrledman ' ' j meni officers will escoi«le Icoal a v a ila b le o n Ih e Speciiil S ent adults, Sh(Shouse said, refer­ palAnIgn. call Melanie Shouse at Olympics Idaho Wd)‘b sile‘ al rin g to a 20i:enda survey con- Is an afierfier-school program |208D8) <123-5915 or mal5 d e n ieleniary-age n i siudents ' b,oilhcrs,|, Big Sisters ol . \ *'a local • We look; IIIhis iis a Ciill lo T here lire a re about -30 kids soutt Masons to host uthwcst IcJaho. 22585 g* ' n ptosram. ^ a ciio n ." s h e.•said. sii enrolled1 in Lunch Buddies. ihway 30. Kimberly. ID I car show and cruise* Now, 13S J 0 o f 3.11)0 a i-rlsk ru n i>y 'I\vin 'IN\ Tiills C o u n ty 833*1341. ■ TWIN l-AI-LS — Asis part i: of kids in both)th counties are juvenileI I'robitiion. i’ Under (_ _ _ - ; Ol is who have.similar intere re sis iis lOOili a n n iv ersa ryy in ir Twin bdng serveded hy mentoring I.uncliBudcbuddies, a m entor vis- one-to-one there, which is leeds. 1-alls. ih e l\vin l-alls Masonic Mi programs, accordingaci lo the ils n child'did’s school once a eredI the’i gold Miiiieliirtl ol Ihe ih ideal reliillonship.''p." and iiitsed on ii ciiild's nei Lodge No. -ir) is sp o n so rin g a Twin I'alls SiSchool District, month forb r luI n c h . m emiioriiig o progriim s.'' S Sli h o u se said. las V.tmUly I'rii’diiiiiii is an ;siiiff car show and cruise SiiiurdavSal The bulk off thll o se iire served "All thosilo se p ro g ra m s hiive <)ih o n Likes on I'riday rrom i Misss Idaho appplaudsBuiirley drug !preventioi)n progrann p.m . L-nting The hours for die showshi iire ByReneeWeDsb loL'iil profe:ofessionals thal she recovevery, bill when you see in in Mlni-Citssia. toriisi'llori^in iniplemen 9 a.m. tofip.m . Saturdiiirdiiy a n d For th e Tlmet-Nt-Nflws______c h o s e Ihe lojiic wiihoul kids w lih il box ol Clieerios "We can help you wiihilh ihe prognim locitlly. IdIdaiio 9 n.m. io2p.m . Sunday.lay. know ing; ihiii ih she would gel andknkn o w iliitl is ill! diey h av e lhis." ih suid Ciissia CountyIty S lale I'ulle e liivesiigiitorrG C n ry •rt. Kauhiian lokl the groupup h c Tor more inform.rm a iio n . BUKLl-Y — - Miss Idaho first-hiiiidid experience wilh lor llu;he piist three diiys. it is Inve-siigator In I.oyal lighert. w ho c o n d u c ts n'lany o l ilie-lu- Wils iivve'd by d ie n u m bh e e r of please cull Budd al 73:^733-2H32 Katherine Cn>uch Cr was in drugs ihrouro ugh il fiimlly m em - h eari-li-hreaking." wl Iv- p e o p le in v o lv e d in M ini- o r 7:M-:nr>n. Hurley o n I'lie!'uesday to present her who isis iiiin itddici. Cnii(inch said its p.iri of her invesiigaiions iir in cifses involv­ ihecomniunitnity witli a special "1 ivaiitIt t to help oihers to platl'oiI'orni s h e is g iiib erin g ing ini drug-endiingered diil-111- Ciissiii. he ' I would like lo move CSI b celebrate Constitstitution ilCliieveinentlit iiwiird for its face this iss;issue imd help ihem ilems,s IOi make ciire piickiiges- dren. dr illld is a inemlu-r ol the e you - efforls to proteciI drug- findxviiyslos 10 say 'n o ' to drugs." for druIrug-endangered ch ild ren local lot drug-endiingered taskisk iill in llie o ih e r.sid e o f thle e Vid- Day with presentation” en'daiigered1 children.lli Crouch said>aid. staievv;vvide. She w as I'licim r- lorce. loi ley." Kiiutniiiii saiel. “Wliei;e n w c ed me-ei in Twin l alls. w e hu'luve a ■|-\VINrAI.LS — TliL-Cle C ollege C ro u c h , wlio v selected "It is imimptirinnt to help agedI whenu she learned iliai it The Drug Lndiingered re- hiiil-do/en or so in alt:ilten- of Souihern Idaho willrill h1 o ld a ’'D ru g l:n dangea'd a n | Society" those vvhoIio ido drugs, lo help lociili groupg bits put together liliildren i;i lask I-orce Wiis p re ­ on elani'e." presentaiion l-riday to lo m a rk . ns h e r pla tfo>rm. rn lo |d a b o u t 30 ' get p a re!iits n ts on Ihe road to morelI.- Ih an 2(10 su c h p;ickiiges sented sei with a speciiil citiilion Constiiuiion Day. All federally fu n d edd schsc o o ls a tid colleges nre m anid d ai a ie d i>y ______c:ont;ress lo hold publicblic edu- x T 1 calion events cacti year uemaydrop►p^^ninfreo] around Constliiitlonf U ^ “ V a n dlalsnnpluga i cabkservicc;e+Bellevu >P— commemoraie die signig n ih g o f Bdictdlenie Marshiil lltn Ca-en sold ihe U.S. ConstitutionI oon n S epi. ByKeOyJacksoa00 DavDavis said the applicable chargergeis ByMyJaekson Jd th e vs ofllce'sice's cura-ni drug dog. a Gcrr 17. I7H7. For tho Tlme»N»N bwb______m o:>si si 1likely m nliclous injury to pn:>rop- For t>wTltiw»Wew» !rm an ■ ; shephiipherci niiniL-d D uchess, joined CSI's observance willvill begin erty.:y. wwhich is eiiher u misdemeiiniinor xl th e llie Bellevue M arshal's fonrece witli her owner. Deputy ai2p.m . I'riday whennapnnd a KLTCMUM-vl — Vandals severed ih e o r fclcfelony de p cn d liig o n tiie esiinnmat- Bi;UJA'Ul-;-lli' y I'al .-ring diniiniiiion o f ils Iliiic'stiic*son. a little less d ia n u year ago • o f CSI siu d e n is n n dI in;instruc- line Sundiiyy nighl liint supplies ed finaiididfin loss.-Sareuiaid ii is4 tto o o n ic e is coiisieleriii Igo. iidgeiary a-stniints iuid llie!lie i'iiir Liihor and Standards tors will be a.ssemhliihled in cable servicece to Ihe Wood Hiver earlydy ito assign a monetary valueje to ' K-Uuiiildiielolmdj Is A a .Ilia’S dial D u d ie ss lie iraii.sporte Hcicmi lOH o f die A spenen bI u ild - Vu11l7 . knockinking ou t In tern e i sc r\ic e tb e• ououiiige. will discuss llie! nniiiiier at fi:30 p.m. a-eiuin le d to ^ idlevue Cily Coundl andI fmfre m w-ork in tlie olTlcial K-9 w in g Tor D m o c k de b atee. . ondcablctclevlevisionforiiboui 12.000 Sheihc said the line was cult io n today ill d ie Kelli I vchi- cie., Uiifonuiiaiely.Ul Ihueson Lvcs The pond will handlindlc sev- • residents formr m o re th a n 12 hours. Broadoadwiiy Hun, ii road op p o sitee St. meeiing. s just idgei for the niarshiiTs wx-si^ii ofo KinilK'tly n n d c o m m u te s o eral prcseni-duy issueslues that Tlic crime Jis is sdll under investlgu- lotke’ske's Wood River Medical Ceninter. In die21H)7 biidg every s sliiieel to fund opera- diiy hthi-cause of housing affordab hnvc a consllluiionalI don and no arrestsar had been made Thec t OCI resulted in ser\-ice leiloss ollice. S;t72.2-t.'; is sl ability tions and siiifniigfo■ for llu- etiiia* yeiir iuid Issues,ies. nils cosis the mnishal's ol E vcnis h a v e b e e nI ccco o rd l- a s of'A ic sd ayy mn orning, according to b e tw(ween c Gimlcl and BdleMie. oUlcc ll for die K-i) division, iippmximxiniiiicly $500 t\ m o n th in goj nnicd by Lee Ant) Uagaiigan. CSI Blaine Countylity Sheriff's onice Sgt. Cox:ox Communications workc■kers S9(X) is budgeied fi ?as,ln ver money from a additiiilitiim to Diidies.< medical bills : political science insin:siructor. Jay Davis. begangan restoring die Bn>adway HunHi wliich is leftover 1*5 a n d ! rani the oince a*ceived fcHicIcl supply,si wiiich Green says ihcy c ______She can iie reachedI at 732- . Kelly Snre,, a n public relations spe- connennecijon at 5:30 u.m. Mondiiday. SeiignivesK-‘)(;nin y e an - re-3nitirC a‘WS-worke.‘d-dow n-lli-die— ^ — tw oyw irwigo,------______iioLuffi.ufforcLwlilLtlic.cuixcnLbudgotT' said ihc compinpany has nc idea who Wood>od River Valley rep airin g differcircnt Hie general furfund budget for th e Buy!luylng un addidonal (rained d ru g might be resptspon.sible or how many hubsbs iand had cable restored alIt illi. entia* citv is SI,531,535.3-15. iiccording to dog• wouldwc ceisi the officc nboui-$6,(6,000 ;il,OflO, h e said. -Com piled from itiflaff reportsI p e o p le m a y iiaveiio' bc'cn involved. locatira iio n s l>y no o n M onday. D ee iiiincin. Bdlevii.‘viie city d e rk . to Sli,IX

• « V » ■ ■ 1 t ______Q bitu a riUES— i □eaianore R. Sheridanin LoLorenie Rose Scotttt'Scotly’ Shaul u n a R e a o f Bii'.lcy; her stepinoili- HANSEN — Shuuna Rfii,Ifii, tw o so n s. Jusliri (K a tie ) IWIN l-AIXS — tlcjlUeonore R. M cM ullen o)f f IXvin Fnlls. HEYBURNRN — I.nrene Rose Scon oi Iher Martin o f Heyburn: '48. 48 of Hansen, died lateate Slangcr'of Hansen und1 i:Derek Shoriiluji. 76. oflW liin {'alls,Ti dic'd Margaret I lomaiila n o f lWin IM s Scptt "Scotty,itty," GB. o f Heyburn. er. Ellh Ihllngs. I’m (I^iy) H u n le r -T‘I^icsdny l) e ven in g. Sept. 12, (Kasey) Sinnger of'Kiml:nherly; ------rarty“ J\ics(I.TyTTiominning,- Sept;— and Barbora-fPeiPeier)-Polnovy.ot-:^passcd,'HJVay. vay Sunday. Sept. 10. iier sihl ilcybiirn, Irene. (Bill) - 2006, 20 al - thf.* Woodstone>ne her niuiher. Bert (Tedl^lM usdii ' 12. at Hridgeview,lew lisiates Jerome: nndi two sisters, 2006. at Ihe the U)S Hospital Th“ of-'H e jm n iah n f M lssoiiri, .Assisted .'.A of Murtaugh; one brorother, ! • iii’IW n I’alls.. ;______La v cr lie Salt hike City,Cit; M cCon r (lessic) Bingham of -Li'Living Center Dcnie (Usa) Mason of.f IW in t - lilcaiiorc I ^ Eackerof1\vin Utah, of lungIun rt. . lidward {Maxiiie) i in n ^ i n Falls. V Falls; us well as her randfu-grai ivas Iwrn fcb. EFalls a n d . -cancer. n o f Rupen. Alvin Martin Shauna I w as ■';.iher. Albert D ene’y ney o f 21. 1929. in H r : F l o r c n c e Lorene wn Hall. Russel (Georgia) horn ho Feb. iX M R R M Jerome: nnd grandriioio th e n Aljcrdeeii. ■ ,.S Carskadon o f born Jan. f in n f Redding, Calif.. l9f)R. 19 in I\vin ■ L f s M Tillie Sh n n t'of IWin Falls.Is. Idaiio. (he Oregon. Also 1940. - i )eih(Micliuel)McMeekIn Falls, Fa Idaho. ■ Slieisalsosurvivedliyily ilirec ssurviving are ModestoI o'! Ell/^liei daugliter of H L Issoiiri. H eury-M anin o f She Sh grew up grandcliildren. Dylan.. KelsyI I’l-icr and ^ R | 12 grandchii* Calif.. t rsto, Calif.. Alice (David) and an attended and Swiiy Sianger; iUid severalse n M B dren and Ernest a an< n d . Modesti try of Heyburn. Stelln sc sci h o o ls in nieces, nepliews. auntsts and C o ) e in a n numerous lewell Munirinin.' ' Chantr; up. . , (Scott)I) AguliarJ o f R upen, and Hnnseti Hr and !cousin s, • Cocrtaeii.Asa ' great-grand- Growing uf ^lartin o f California: 10 Murtaugh.. Mi graduating fromum A celebration of Shailau na’s' child, sh e m oved w ilhth herI fam- children. Eleanortioro is precednl • she spcni m mi ost o f her life in Ohi Ma ichlidreii' and thrce and Murtaugh Mi Higii Sciioot in life will be lield as an1 < o p en ' • ily lo T\viir l-alls, w hereh slie In ileath by herier parents: her CaliforniaI anda; Washingion. gnindci •fourdis grcalrgrandchil- 1975. 19 house from 5 lo « ]xm. l-'riday.l-'r iiiiended school. Hlilean ore iiusband, Marvinvin; one daugli- spending ththe e last 12 years in ihrce-fo Lorene was preceded In ■ Shauna.lived ‘ in Hansen,en. «epi. 15 al Gertie’s Brick!k Oven iniirrifd Mur\*in Sherileridan o ii ter, Nancy Smithlith: her brother. Buriey. Idaho,iho. ■ dren. U I hy her grandparents, where wl sh” raised tier twowo' Cookery in the downsnsiairs ' I ch. H, 11)48. Togethether they Bob Coertzen:n; her grand- Lbreneatteiit'tended high sch ool death I 1 and Dwade Manin and sons. soi Jusiin and Derek, haii(|uei room. 602 Seiie co n d ' raised five girls,i. Myrna. daughter. Kristenten Gibson; iind and Interr aliended night Rtoyda ' and Bill Dean; her par- Shauna ! enjoyed reiidinging Ave. S. in i\vin l-alis. noroihy. Margaa-i. Nancy Na: ahd a great-grandscdson. Garrison school, earn:arning a degree in Neiile a Ernesi and . Jewell nnd nn being in ihe (iiiidoors.>rs. Services and cremalioiion are iiarhani. l-lleaiuin.' enjo;njoyc'ticrb- Heraingcr. lottery iinnnd psychology, ents. tosh Marlin: her hus- Her lit love wiis spending limeme utitler the directionn on ------:— chcitng.-Kiirdcningi-untu n d w a ta n ------A-celebration-m -of-E lcanore's Jirene workt>rked for 34 years in M ulnio: Hilly Joe Scoit; o n e sister, w wi ilh friends and fnmily. Reynolds I'uneral Chapiipel in I'xccllem bilker. She! mademi and life will be at[ (> p.m. I-riday, ;entnirSierilerilirSiipply in iios- band. Hi ly Babcock: and one Shauna ! is surviveti iiy her 'twin I'nlls, siild w edding cukes; ou(ou of her Scp(. IS at He)Tey-nolds I-uneral piials inI California' and Beverly cr. Milburn Martin, lim ne for m any years.-1rs.-Her (rue Chapel, 2466AddE dison Ave. E. in W ashingion.m. and for the past broiiier. lemorial se r\icc will b e at h wiLs her family,y. andi sh e T\vin Fall.s. \viihh PPastor Q iarles 12 yearsat at Qissia Regional Amer iffid a H n p ._ A t Metilciil Cent.enter. She is a m em - 10 . I IQatthe H urn l-Ui> ward nuiiuing. I '' lim e with her children,ren. grand- EleanorcV reque:[ucsi, there will ber of ihele Church( of Jesus ilcyburi miilJc lu'u'ing. o f LUi iiter-day Saints. .530 VjJlfjllii Drive ii) Heyhurn. children and greai-gni•gnindchil- not be a pub n iE E HEARIN G EVAiVALUATIONI . V n dien, Services and cncremaiioii are l/ireiic enjoyijoyed oil painting. Idaiio. iewiiig and visitation will lileanore is surviveda'd by lier under (he direciion d: of drawing, rockock hunting, watch* A viev , . Call TodoyJ }in 3 to 5 p.m . Friday, children. Myrna. HmEndres of Reynolds Funeraleral Chapel in ing Star Treklik mr ovies und cook- b e fron Washingion. CD oro(hy TWin FalLs. ing-shows. Sept. 15 ut the H ansen i^rcne isis survivedsi by three Mortuailary Rupert Chapel. 710 sons. Williarliam Joe Scott of SixthSl. Si Burial will follovv the 9.!U.S. . Heyburn. DaDavid W. Scott (?f service:e Monday in the 1 leyburn, D eien n is O. (Margrei) Riversidiide Cemetery. 7 3 M M 0 6 7 8 ^ 6 0 0 HHeniy e Schodde 2G0FaIl(^.*'IN«ln Falls. 1301 E.IClhSt.* Burleysy MtfOH (mm (Inside /iiftrtff» hiaranif DMnMK) III-YUllUN - 'Henry Adminisiration1 Board. Ue Sciiodde died Scpi. 13,:13.2006. of served as a' meinember of the James A. Web!lister *- naiiinil causes. Minidoka Memonorial Hospital IIcnrywasbomJuly2ily 2 4 .1 9 Il. Doard.Hcscrvx'dfiKlfor20yearson TWIN FAL•ALLS — Jam es A. cen ierr each i morning for col­ ut Heyburn. the eight-countunty Regional Webster, ion son o f Ricliard and fee. ics is survived by liis wife, Idaho. Henry ^ H■ P n H Health District DcBoard. A ^. he Manha Slercr;rcr Webster, p assed James I of'Uvin Falls; daut^iier, was llie son of H Kk .- was a longtime; mmember of tlic away'fticsdayday, Sept. 12,2006. Helen o Tom and NeiUi Minidnka CourQunty Zoning James w wa; a s 1-1 j (Keith) Strolberg of; Schoddc and Doord. H ew asarrQ mem ber o f the born Jan. 23 erly: sons. Bob (Shari) of • (he grandson Ilupert Uniiedcd M ethodist 1927, on hi: il, David o f Salt Liike City, . Alien o f Belgrade, Mom,. o f Henry Uiurch.Hewasa(iadianermem- grandparentsmis' Utah,Ai Schoddc, an - ber o f the Rupert^nBPOEHcwas I hom estreate a d )c oi l\v in Falls: 11 grand- early pioneer ^ a m em ber of the Idaho nortii of Filci rcn; II great-grandchil- ^ k . in Minidoka Cittiemcn’s Assocsodatlon. Henry He was delivcliv- dren;a asisier. Betty Grcssi^lt of •lens. Ore,: brothen:. Bill County. Henry and his sister. Hel(lelen . were hon- ered by- hi w hy don't yiyou have yourr graduated from Uuriejriey High ored by the Idaho I Cattle gnmdmothci:hcr, o f Pairi*Tis, 6 ilif., Wayne o f Filer 9 ^luol and tlien wem/ent on to ' Associalion in 199I990forhavinga Bertha. S Shi h e ' and Daltale (I-erma) o f ’I\vin Falls; . IR A /40 IK irinvested in it? graduate from (he Uniwnivctsity of centennial ranch,ch. He was olw liked to tell tel and aI sister-in-law,: Anita of Idnho in 1935. Henryry majoredi given the honomor of Grand that he wasIS anai hour and a half Castle•Hock.W H .ish. in animal liusbandry,Iry, with a Marshal of tlie Hu|Rupen l=ounhof old before• the th' doctor arrived. Hcwuwas preceded in death by m inor in agriculture education.ctli Iuly I>arade in 1990.19i Henry has James wasIS raised,i went to his panarents: two sicpdads: a y ^ B c h a n c e s a r e; youy, didn't know you cou At (lie U ofl. liewiLsaii a m em ber always lx.“en a chachampion of (he school and1 livedliv oil o f his life in Jack: two sisicrs-in- of (he liveslock judginIging te.'un. livestock industus(ry. H e arid the Magic: Valley.Va As a farmer taw. Loii) iuid Barbara; and The team competeded against Martha were indiiducted into '.'ic and Irrigator,Itor. h e kn ew whut three brothers-in-law, b Glen. colleges throuBhoulout the Southern Idalio0 LivestockI I lall hard work: was.wa He was alw ays Jack anc,nd c;edrge. Nortliwes( and Caljfornornia.Also. o fF am ein 1997.7. ' proud o f his straight corru- Tliefif funcrol will he at 2 p.m. I Icnry was a stanin g mme em b ero i Henry Is survivi/ived by one son. gales. I It? walkedwal m iles carry- Friday,y. Scpi. 15 ot Parke’s the uni^-ersity's basebaeball team. Lynn (Ilosonne)IC) Sciiodde of ing a shovelct bnb his shoulder. Magic: Valley' Funeral Home. liaiting founh in tliee lineupill as Meridian. Idaiio:o; (one daughter. On listericr Sunday in 1959. 2551 Kimberly Ki Rond in Iwin ihecicanupliiiier. - Slieita (Kay) Catmuil o f he. along w wii ith his daughter, l-alls, /Utergraduatingfromom college. Heybum; sevenn ggrandcliildren. w as bapti/C'lized ut thli First In lleileu of flowers, contribii- rtS l ------he met Martha Uoenlemer and Mlcheal and JoJon Schodde,' B ap iisi Churhurch o f Filer. H e lion s can c be made lo the p they were marriedI AAug. 10. Jerrod (Alicia). JaiiJaime, Rachelic, sang in ihichurch cc h choir sever- Lightholiouse Christian .1935. Ihey had two clijidren,clij a . Nicole and Bretet iCaunuil; two al years andnd aiten ded church I'ellowslvsliip Scliool. 259 Main daugiiier. Shvila, andmd a son , grcat-grandchildrtIdren. Jenin and as long asi hishi: health perm it- Ave. E..'.;..'l\vin I-alls, ID H 330I,or I.yim. lliey, began tlieir tlie mar- Alia; one sister, HHe d en Melton o f ted. loth eAAlzlieimer's l Foundation, riage at King Mill. Idahcoho. where Panunont. CallT.if. H e w as prc- H e ondI hish wife. licien l l l K. Orchani Si., Sulle 200. I Henry tauglit agriQUltuiiture edu- ceded in death1 b)by ills wife, his Russell, raiseiised a daughter and Boise. 1DH3705-I922.II caiion. and later taughtght in I-iler. parents and one bbrother. four sons.i. He I retired from 'fhc! family I would like lo tiie staff o f Ihe t m vill be at II a.m . farm ingn in1994. and they thank Idaiio. However, in In 1942, ITie funeral will » b v o n r Faw iertil H o m r. 16 at the Rupen m oved lo theirthe home in Buhl. Alzheinimer’s division at the Henry’s Jo\v for thee randiingn Saturday. Sept. 16 t thr ounerm arr rivht Inale way of life becamce a reality United MeihodLstlist Qiurcli. wi(h I Ie enjoyedd his h: yard work and Sunbrididge Oirc Cenier for the when he moved to liis present Pastor lorry Steelleele ofncia(ing. flowers andin d w.ilki:ig w ilh care uniind liei|i tliey ga\-e Dnd II can be hard to tell whowti owns a funcml home In rancii and tiom e in 1 leybumley: . Durial will b e in the R upen friends to tlic tin senior citizens and thele family. today's worid of bigK We'd like you lo Henry wos always•s a strong Cemetery. A viewicwirg for family know that unlike someme other local firms, wc are supponerof Ills commuimunity. I Ic and friends willil bbe from 6 to 8 family owned and openKratpd. So next (line you sec wiLs j)n the AS(^ Commnmittcefor p.m. Friday atIt the Hansen our facility and It looki>oks lik e It’s a fam ily ow ned a good rcn.ion for Is. nine years and served.’cd pan of Mortuaiy Rupene n Chapel. 710 ------:------— S E R V IC E S buslncu, there In a g Ihai icm i as chairman.n .H 1 cw a sa Slxiit SC and onenc hour prior to s ------memher of the MMinidoka the service Satuaiurday at the I‘;>rkc'sr,-i County l-armers1 H om e churcli. Lantie Ollvi)llvcr Cox, funcrol at (Oneen•nof Heaven Mortuary in 2 p.m. lodaylay at Parke's M agic Howlniiiuui Heights. C.iilif.). M,ii!ii Valley Valley Funerincral Home. , 2551 O.Ross Sanders of ^ . Fiiiii’mI lioniHome & (:ri'in.i(«f>' , ' Kimberly RoaR oad in T \vin lM s. ClearHe:Held, Utah, and formerly ■>mI Kiiiilii*ilv Kil R<1 1 Goldie VcrlcncVer Champion of die Mini-CassiaN' area, funer- TXvin Kails.Kail 10.83301 g -— EAffl NOTICES- m ' Kerbs of Declo.Dci funeral at 2 al at I I p.m. Saturdiiy at ihe ! I ay at 'R asm ussen Cteurflefield LDS Stake Cenier. r t 5 - 0 0 1 1 |A9 be n o service2 aat this time. p.m. today ^ 7 3 5 - - I f f Edna C. Rea Arrangements and an cremation Funeral Homiome. 1350E. leihSt. 935 S.i. Siaie! St. In Clearfield, ^ IIAGEHMAN — HdiEdna May are under thele direciion o f in Burley: view vii ing for family Utah: friends fr and family may Cli^ord lieli Kea.1. 98. of Reynolds Funenleral Chapel in and friendsJs oi n e hour before call frorom 6 10 II p.m. inday ai the servicccc at the funeral Lindquiluist’s Layton Monuiiry. f I lagerman, died T\iesdj.•sday. Sept. IWin Falls, 12. 2006. at the Magirial Hospital in p.m., with famfar ily present from Wendellell, memorial service al . In Ihclr Ih limc. Hut Neds Help? &ilmon S(., w fih the2 H Ki w Mike Gooding, 6 to B p.m..I.. todayt< at Reynolds 2:30 p.m. p.r Sunday at Niagara Holiom on omomciating. A memorial servicesse: wiil be I'unernl Chaphapd, 2466 Addison Springsgs near Wendell; a Interment will rollowlow in the announced aiI ai later date. Ave. E. in ’IWiitwin Falls. potluckck will follow. Statfst/csj/jow t/iatp«people respond to treatmentit Hagerman Cemetery.ry. A, com - Crcm adon arranrangcm enis arc • Edith Rou;taugust of Jerome, . re rapidly than In a facility. :tion of Demaray funeral a(II 11 a.m. Friday at Si. * ■ ■ -'I - /nthefr homes moret ; plete obituary will app ______, Car i l .DJ ofc o aett of-Glendora. ir0ver-29Jfeah------______Sealng.ldahoIor.0 Sept. 11, 2006, at Saint ArrangementsIts are pend in g Calif., an d3 formerly fi of iWIn S S H I Alphonsus Regional3i 1Medical and will be ann on oun ced b y FaUs, m cmnorial or service at 10 i838' Centcr In Boise. Reynolds Funenleral Chapel In a.m . Saturdijrday at th e First I At Irene’s request,.(h th e r e will ’IWinFoUs, Christian ChurchChi In Glendora ♦ *

i. ______TW»d^S«e>»a6wl4,■14,2006 * IM

------^ M A G i e VW:bEY/WQRfcE A D 7 — ^ - - ' ■ ■ — AROUND THE WCORLD — — — ^

' • vast maiority arce nrun tiy Sh llic, m ent in practiccllcal ways." Iran's The AuAustralian Communi- andid said crim inal charges; 'Wednesday callcd tlic dcadiih o f • i r a 4 " - millilas and ■ state news agongcncysald. ' cations andai Media Audiorlty coulduid b e filed. . 20-yciir-old D aniel Sm idi "susus* ------r-^-begnn-iminvcstigating-lhc-man:------"Tl"Thc-dcvastalion-and-griefr—picious'^and-n—\ formni inqulluliy ------— fiodierof 651orti]redwim eir— fSjj'g-to^TSJfensr say8 U.S. " g Y j^MANYU “dcntlty was not Immc- / overer Daniel's sudden deathI ihali ruuld lead to crlmlnilnal found around Bagbdac Ticascd, after receiving coupluplcd widi the sedation hasi chargesi w as scheduled for ncnext help people file for Bankruptcy M onday and ih e oihe;ther in a Iranian govcrnmiim eiits m ust graves o f Itis ; nniparents and-sisicr— about-$liHG4.000-pcr-day-for------— RiiHefuriderthYBAlbankhuptcy'cooe------roadside hombinR south soi of stop outside influiflucnccs that while his olderder brother— his first-timeIC corporate offenders www.dtbt.'1 of ilislii-MtKludiludiiiK: lea pot. sail and |>epiH'r. ______— mi.xiiil.xinji.lK»vls. cri-ainw .nitl suK.ur howllio (Mime cliipvoii (Infold sell C jnilvj] Klii^Vlioivh - like M-l ofif Kold hii'KinK plaies, cupv and iHici't' - Hiia- Willow- iln lin - M'ltiii^itiiiri hen dishes • .moHitl cieanieis B est of thele blog: Readersrs react to sheriffifftroU ingforsex!X offenders Ml OHlklO iJt • old cow C(Xll.ll- |.ii|.il '■'• < iciiipied la|'lteiltv - V.1SCS - Ci,iiilH-rivCl,I cK'JiiK'r si'i * canily ilisli.lislies - china iiips - )*M t USA vase Oxford iiillk |iilclivc • Aliiiif;on holder . Web sile also supfu p p o n e d teenagers. I am veryery grateful put more.productductive time into unnoticedid ini broad daylight liijvIlly ligutlnc - Ch.iduick LipMiik; holderlio l.idy tiKiirme - variilus otheiher Weaver's effort, althougliugli som e thal Sheriff Weaverer h has chosen investigation and crackdown due lo sonomeone online colitoliidil)lcslii^w,-iro readers also expressedsed con- 10 protect ourMagtcglc Vallrty ol the drug traflicaflicking in the chatline...' COLLECTIBLESES & ANTIQUES cern ihnt it w as takln(;d n g litne teenagers in his spaispare time. area, fkieth isI ranrampant. I don't — MeanWhilB ] watch - I'f.M cop|wr d me sheriff and his ;v silver loKee |H)1, creamer, suRar but one of die comment:cn ts were Weaver!!! pedophiles InI^Jwim Jer e'cJuniy 'I applaud I .-Iti-r (H-'x 11 ‘ slii-i'l I * U'SI KoKi'ts Ml I for Iheir efforts in howiowl and iiav M'I • k-.iilii'i cik.iicIU-Ile ?Smoke'I’ak • ciKarette llghleit anonymous. The coiniDinments - Vrie# courthouse, Theyrhey are filled depu les fc our.region safe. Crime .iiullul cjK-\ - nici- 111- civ.ini MHla louiiiiitmiaiii i.ihle • old ice crcarn frcnver with drug pusheri;h e rs a n d u se -» ... >'cepingou have been edited for□r IcnethI )unty is down and - *!'»'lou of old toys tiicliiiliiif;: Tonkaa Ituiks.l> lln dump truck, l(>ycar^ and spelting. 'I'o commtim e n i nn ' a1 prpredator off | uelleve his timelime and om . . 10 safe haven for • olil K.iiiie\ - tS s.ll Kill WiilKcli>i.kOlk - 2 Kal C.rown churn crock wiihIh Ihls story or any oiherIher. visil the streets two yearsjars ago. He tax money could i ■ll • S Ral tjock |UK • I K-il iioik jiiK - I'M ' nitisii lio.\ powder pullI- • les thanks largely to the ‘„ went to a park to memeet what he spent.* III |H)Wllcl |IUll\ .111(1 ll-a-lVlT I.IISIS ••« eli'lied kI.isv iiiittor • old carnivaval thought was a 14-yei-year-old giri, _.OhhPI«..lMAO 0 I, if the Jerome Couniy li.ilk W.1I0 licnn - iiiitiiiia- Miioki-e slandM. ■ smoke ]ii]h- tiunildor andd Department, . ■In response lo ih e articleicle oni He was 28. What dodo you think |||)CS • olil iiliUili'i - lovvlloy 1)0.11<1 hiHikIn ends • old hymn hooks. okIlld SheiiH Jim Weaver. I'd like to was going to happen« n ? i'm thank- 'in the meantime,ime. while the shcr- Let'? iry joJO remember any i,ioi luiltles and itv- anivrs • olil dial |)Iiciiii-: okl .itlvcitveitiviiiK ilieinKiitieters and plaipies li-wi'lcy Ixiv • old cjli-iid,ii% • imilliulll lolored nn glasses • iookie GOCA-\-COLA SCHOL)LARS iilic-n • old iiii'iniK • COM Ill’ll vkillikillels .Illd iiirn hri-ad pans • harries i.iiiii-\ fiKii u'ta|)'i-r M.intl • hay kiilv,iilves • ,M (^>k':olenian l.miern • Karden ciillivalor L*ycKkiiidlllch««ia«l Robert Honll. hart . piU'lu'r |iiim|i • old canvas umici.•I ImuIm - 2 new " l‘»i()'s old" M“ ied.'d . irlpiH’d iiuncli' c:ir ilti-s • .iriiiy lii'liilu'Imei liner • niiKk-l A-iim • Rraii- betfliward*d$l,OC,000 KhoJafjhIp* from the :c ivarc cotliv |>oi and cups vi'l - InnInillons • .t or A wnoden lleiculei I Coca-Cola SchoUrsirs Foufldition. They are xplosivv |Miwdcr hoxi's • olliiT oldlid iitiUtiiei Items aoMRf 350 hro-yeiteircolIttettudenU ANTIQUE FUF U R N I T U R E niUoRwide-indthithe only hro fron Idah^io OUk ik cl.w .ind hall ((Miml m|ii.iii' lamlamp lahle • nice original IMllie hvood caliiiiel with hand irank. retehfi the airardt.t. Applicantsi are ludted [’"olloiloRMpll. ' lloor llioik-l III liaidtviK ;k-(iI control lm -( and sonic ^ildI I’atheI'oi rwords. .md ii Mill tvorks en icadtmic tucceiMsindcoanunitytenr* J.,,,,aiilkiuc coffer lalik- with si.iliii-dd RiavvKi io |i. old wocMlen nuker ici. Laycech ii {o(m4ni Into tbe CSI Karsins .v.kiv.Klous old lahli's .iiid stands - wilk.villiiw end lahle ■ lialiy cnh wiili , Profrim after r*«»hrehrlRt auodata's dtfreet >it.iiilaiircss - old kiiclicii cii|ilHurd -• wiiiinK desk wiiti 2 diawcis coriicr w.ill sliclvi-s • piiio desk ivitliivitli kI.isv loji • 2 anlii|iie sewiiiR In liberal arts andI naturallu science last jiear. oxvs • (|ulli rack - nkc old li.irdivooivood dItiiiiK lahle on small caster Hewtn It a KcondijiearradioloDteehnoto0 f „ iliccls i „ * Iwv'clcd niitrot • old ivchkIi-ikIi-ii hiRh chair • -i Quivn Anne rtudeoilefltorifft!{M ire CSI Foundation chaiilialrs • Qiiccn Aniii- end l.iiiii- • iinininiKiue IkNir lamp • pair ol while oil ll.ill cli-cnic i.ilik- laiiiiis • tk-oII .nand Manila clilna hase lahle Aswclate Eiecutive,.l)lr«»lto, iinps - Di'jcons ln-nih - l ‘i|<>cliildsiilds wimhIuii rocker • iiid CSI President Jeny!y Beclc, bycoeli, Howell L■C()M(l0ll^ m d CSI Schohrthiplip Coordinator Mary J« . . pFURNITURE, APPLIANtkNCES & HOUSEHOLD Church. NiccIcc round ivoodi'ii dInliiK i.iMi- ivith«vitl jjlass t(ip cosei • «> iihhI- n ouk |im s iil li.iikdiiiini:ilMiisis idoesid nol 111.Itch diniiiK tahle) • tjiitjiic tciliniT rotkct - L uy llov jwIIri-chner iiKker - loveveal rocker • 2 ti-clii■cliiii-rs - coni|iiitiT caliini'l - lonifiiiei shell • kiti hen cahinet wd)i jitliiK cotmtcr to[) ■ /vniili ctnisolc,oleiok.iill i v.:vaciiiiiii • liiiokcasev • olhcc chair lls Fargo lo provide * '■ "I'WlN I'ALLS — MOMS W rVVIN I'ALLSS — T h e . PAUL — Mor.pen house SL Sn tn.iple desk • tikk- .i lied ciiiicli • lil.iik.caiidlelii.x holder aiul piclure (Moms Offering Moms ^ Disabled Veteransins Auxillar>' H azdton will be liips to area siudents aim- sel • wall shell • uouden caliiiiiihiilet loliold saU-- .t s.lIeho\es Merrill I’iislay nf nnd Wells Support) Club- ofif l\vlh - will hold a pu blicic cdance at II open liousc for I d in siJirted their nwn . loLosvrev„ Teenie (k-iile elecirii ohmiiiMii .md heiich • hiass hall tree be honurcd at an scliolarshi| i 'alls/Jeromewill huve an open p.m. l-riday at thee i:DAV 1 lall al day from 2 tn -t ]i • il(UilotJKe »eail c.iliiliel • vaimy shell■11 andai MiHd-moik-ijiiKik dresser 'or his iiOth birth- interested i house and barbecue alai 11:30 Harrison Street aiand Shoup tiie I'irst Baptist color code, w hich • lotslots of |iiciuie fr.iiiies ■ end l.iMesi-v. ■. 2*louhk-liitl vels, I paikk-d, I ■! p.m . Sunday at business, i-s • iviiuUhiilies. iiiwels ■ itall Sepi. 29ili at Cascudi:adePark Avenue. i'ourlh li. in I’aul iK.iv people inieraci I manuple lie;idlnurds • ivall [iiiluies • i list Cliurdi. 25 N. The c« ilnis • .ifKliaiis • liljiikets • mm slii'll'lu-lls- siileos - iiivks • niKs • vi.'wiiiR'C on Ihe corner of Stadium Sia 'Iliere is u $2 doiiiiDilation. Birihday ga-eil LTs. is provided by Will I«h" »aul. reveals iii< ipplies • crall Ilems - lorii [il.iles. vviiliwii Iniiii'i liriishes - liakiiiR pans lUiitlevard and Cindy Drive.Dd< ■ Another d a n ce e vwill be nn wishes can be s 11 I lurtmaii Associates "'I’P' x’cilngs iind well- with olher^ mis and pans • dishes ■ roasleis -• exeliisel'aie\ hells - luppeisvaie Dl case of bad weaiheIlher. the Sept. 29. 1127 S. 2H00 1-, t Like Ciiy. Utiih. for M** le sent to him iii Kczel with I tiKS.iRe • lool I(Hk.-rs dirt) will m eei at the iipisEpiscopal For m ore informrmmion. c.ill JO iai. free o f charge from -1 * I I-. Ila/dion. ID -from Salt 1 CAR • LAWN, QARDEIDEN & SHOP ITEMS Clnirch on Easilandd Drive.I 734-5208. I'aslay w as bi ,ni. and Ihe adult pro- stud en ts fr >7K D(hIki- Aspen -I door, aiiioiiiioinaiu, one owner, HHi.H'id Anyone Inieresieil is welcomewd l ‘)2(>. in Topekii. „,c,„.|p,ni.lorS 2r.. lies. rixhI condition, runs pe.ii., alvii.ilv iviih e.Mia snow tu e s. laiRe li burn Scpi. 13. to 5:30 p.m lo :t)ring Iheir children, m m Coodlnj Duplicateits BridgO ried Ilelen Lewis n the CSI Inylnr ,u|,liM)h, cooler clicM • patio talile • old>ld iiu-ialii palio chairv - l.iwn ch.iiis cn. :kii. ivan. He mtir- gram from llie other m om s und kids u - sh e died, h e niii ,I{oonis2()()-:>67. .liltJilrd houses - cinder l>k>i ks ■ newV l.iwnl.iv can - wheelharroiv . slmvels,Is. announces results iwis in 19-i5. iVier today in en}oy a free hoi dog or ™ M fssinger In 1 ds go to YES. fotkJtk and hoes - scalloldliit! - cenii'iil-III 1i.iiniH-r • aulo ramps - [lup ^eni married Virginia Building, K ham liliukis . 10 speitl hike • 2I l.iwnl.iw swiiiKs - vard wiiidniill • burger. (500D IN G —- Gooding lived in Ihe Magi ore iiiformaiion. call • d u i [| 196H. H e h as i’rnceeds ilcken ss^iteiers - c;iiiip Move on MaudMai - ikiich oven • sliTpiiif? Kirs For more information,ion. con- Duplicate DridgcJ rdeasedr< ils I!).')?, w lien he hti le Barron at-ISS-ia?*), lagic Valley sin ce For mon Miiip cot - 12" (;r.illsiii.m t.ihle iiioimodel eleitiii dull press • Cralis- laci' the ' president.t. ly ie r results for Sept. 8 , the Kasnia an yessiiccessHiome- . I- hom esicnded in M aryanne I an innlhlnaiion licit anil dis< s.mikim ler; ( laMvman |xiiver HhiIs Newton at 40J-652B or by e- Section A: First:rsl: A delaide resides there. I le ' . wollvork l.ilile wlih vise .iiid Iimi|i • >:.iiiRaidi-n MiK'l - diop lonlv (Mime area and still nr visil ; m ail at and Gene Gerardird: second, insurance agent isonidll lie.ns-y dulyl • Ijiilernv - livli iielIiels ■ iTielal s-iw hoisev • l.iwn hos- I le worked as iin MOMSaubTI-e^jisii.coir:om. Kalhy Rooney anddMaryStcele: M and was in the Fi • );av cans - imlv • ciirty condomhv • wird spiaveis - aluiiilnimi ;eni for 25 years • ^■1.,.., .-II ,,^,..1,,V ll..|ll\ ,/w^ ------thirdr lodl Faulknercr randShiriey— slnce-1 ------iC I-armer's Union Spanish classes Tschannen; nndnd fourth. His children imeroiii lo mention Barbara Burk anand H enry (lohn) Tarp o f L en include Sue start up th b month Robinson. Calif.: Dan (Com lOUSE LISTED FOR SALIALE (NOT AT AUCTION)) if Uguna Bcacii. | i incible ho ■TWIN FALLS - SpiSpanish Duplicate bridge;c Isli played ilt Heyburn: and s ^ ; line wlili .1 hedrrom. 2 liaih. sniKieiRleRar.iKi-. <111 Illy loi w ith'ioit :onnlc) l>asliiy uf I N y iVeslellta Keal IMate ollice. classcs will bo offered•cd from 1 p.m, Fridays at tintlic G ooding the Inle lan ice Bli ' i ;)nWRe r l>y M7lt. di-cp. (.oiil.m U'esi d step-cliildrcn, I 6:3d to 8:30 p.rii. Thurslursdays, Senior Centcr. 3088 SeniorS Ave. o f Yukon. Okla THE ^ .....i, L-Blakcy (Ronnie) ^ ------= ,ltF.; Millie lias lIs-iil hen- lor n I: yeaisye, and some ol ill'ese items starting Sept. 21. For partnership infoiiformaiioii or (Lujuana) Me Ikla.. nnd Steve ' m r Irom her mother Mie hns tiiowiiived lo an asMsied llviti); center. A fivC'Week session3n costs directions, call Kai}:iiih y Rooney Oklahom a City. W E N A N T I « L-iiis.ill olleic-d at auction. Messinger of i IS ul nice linciesiliiR. (iiilque Ilems $f)0. T h e'instructor is JJackie at 934-9732. nine grandchlldi ity. Okla. He hns v W Plasiino, who has morcore Ihan grcot-grandchildi OWNER; MILLIE EMBER1:RTON UVINQ ESTATE lildren and nine | E W I W E R ' _? 30 years experiencecc wilh Filer Sen ior Citizen Bankableible Clie(k Day ol Sole Spanish speaking, major 5 ^ ft, Event to benefitlildren. THEMAN ' Terms: Cosh or ■ K ,'; tJenterservesupB S p an ish In collegc, live Filer S e n io , Sale managed by Mosteiters Auction Service Spain and has taught lan;language FILER — The Fil entrepreneursefityoung p , _____ J 'The Business thatlaf Service Built" for m ore ihan 15 years,s, ninine of Citizens Ccnter will-HI hold1 a fish TWIN FALLS-IS program , W Q pCENTER i th ose years at IVvin Fallsalls High fry fro m S to 8 p.m[1. .S Solurday at event will raise n AUCTIONEERS CLERK 5 — A color co d e U | the Filer S enior HiHaven. 222 —Young E Matters Gary Osborne JJcm Bennett Lomar LovelandId School. ic m oney for YES I ------Speakers ofall levelsi onor&wcli— M aiitSl______:— Entrepreneurs — gTFP S llP ' - - t , corned. '< Cost is S5 for aduidults and S3 youngstudcnisbi _____ I (206)06)543-5227 (208)934-5350 (20(208)837*6523 (208)837*4300) togramliujiclp __ ! ___9 | Interested people can:an con- for children 12 andid under.i For prcncurs. MUTINUTH Jim1 ClChristiansen - Ruport. Idaho -531-4122- 53 or 431-4123 ts becom e enirc- | tBCt her at 732*6186 or 420- more coll 326- Kimberly Higli n v s FR I. THRU I MoMobile Phonos 73M 616 • 539-S:9-5350 • 539-0111 • 431-7355 w ,6426. 4608. dent Miiryanne fUES. W L Y U I r«onat ^ Phone 20S431-73S5 ♦ FAX S43-S2271i2?7(y 934-8977 .^ .m ast^i^tioaean J Iigll School Slu- I 8H 0M me Barroit has | TU -WEST Mayor seeksS ^ SEE, THH E FISH?" Montanila Capito — annexation t( ?L fight mosquiilitbes briefly es^cuate ;d NANiPA.(AiV— Mayt . . Dole Is considering aim ry vote to pin beforepresidents ns o n the Novem ber balloallot after ■ ;asleak C nnyon' County Coi duetogi sioner Robert Vasqiiez Nampa leaders’ requ outside the Hisioricol SocictySo annex this cicy im o aa m osqui- BylB y M a ttG o o m '. and was stopped withlibin an . to control district. hour. City officials want be . llELtNA. Mont.— Tlie statente Tortunately. the leak ...annexed in to tlie dlstrictrict Capitol und nearliy Montanaina ' occurrcd outside, rather:r than conccm over West Nile>]ilc Ca Ilistoriciil Society were tem­m - in o n e o f th e buildings,, sosi the . the mosquitu'-bome d Hi! porarily cvuciuited Wednesdaylay vapor at least is dissipiipatfng that nine people acrossoss Idaho poi morningmc becausc of a natuniliRil Into the fresh air." Olsonis s a id . have contractcd this gas leak. Wind had carried theh e gas before dying. llicrc were no injuries andmd into the Oipitol. so it aiscIso was ______. ‘ I'll look Inio It nnd sc —no-ftrcrand-somc-cmployecs- no Lfs— eviicuaied.-Capiiol-cmpk a possiBlIIt^" NompupaTMuyor wewere ,illow to return to work l>yl)y were allow ed 10 return b'before Tom Dale said IXiesday,lay, the lateiat< m orning. noon, and illsiorical SoSociety advisory vote. A c(>ntractor working on employees were let bncinck in On Monday. Vasquczuez statesta property apparently hitit da ' shortly aftenvard, Olson1 ssaid. against Nampa's rcqii to Ihc The body of forrnerir Gov.______HiMorical Society, said Claudiadia Tom ludge, 71, who) died w hich covers only a pportion or of RniRnpkoch. n spokeswoman for J'ricfay, ivns to He {n sf/ifesin it the ■ • ithe county. He said he Northw estern Hticrgy. Capitol beginning al 1n o o n ’ ‘ :want to put Nampa chi/ ^ H p H H p p No Slieryl Olson, deputy direc­L’c- Wednesday and oUlciulsIs said a new taxing districtt w ilhout tor o f the state Departm ent of o f that would go on os plananncd. ■ their voting on it. In or » com fittd ‘lU IZ F in Meridian, IdahOrho,shewnWedi>esda)ffiatiiresafisbj 1 A|ufflptottorafl)f.T?ie y\j, ;ak Ilc served two termsi Ifrom approve th e retjuest, ull Administnition. said the leak s estimate tbat visHers irill need abouwirtanbourtotrlal-and- occ m . 1973.10.1981. ■Canyon County Comme missio n m ta tbe pubUc ea Friday. O ip n ln r* es^ occurrcd at about 10:45 the corm t pathways art members htid to signy i o < f f o n HwHwlriMKtlifou^Miththe 100 decision points and o nrer r twoti miles'ef twists and tuns. If th< the plan. dioMn, ortatilnr* ta]say, H Is possible to c o a p k te tbe mnaie a n In less than 3 0 minuted VIWashington has firstconfimied Acreageebum edlbywildfireiesat45-yeear high ^case of West Nile h e >ChrittopberSiDWi ------Iiclienpt'pier crush Aug. IK in 'ITACOMA, Wash. (A l* )- 'n ic tliat killed three fire- federal fed Centers for DiseaseISC Devil Wears Pfada(iii7(B. •jU to d ite d P rw i writer on th e rise In recent]•‘ y e a r s ?L___ Wildfires or s and th e pilot.------ControlCoj and Prevention con­in. PulSe(1J|flJ-»M TaHadega Nighls rill nt-« cs a c ro ss Wildfires have scorc»rchQd more land mis year than inn thoth' same period H„sf! Davis1: o f the NII-C said ' firmed fin the first case ftf a . : BOISE — Wildfires , IIj. I^lnvinobteijfi^w^^ in years. There ara currently 46 wildiwildfires burning the 200(5 Iniman contniciing West Nile • ;the country have scorch scc ed »or iho pasl seven y Ofi acrctigc was skewed hui : m ore land itl 2006 thanla n in a n y ' across a million acresac. In m s U.S. c iirro n l w liaumllandflros , ■|iyimusiiisiially large early seasiin vini’irus In Washington siatv, ihe stale I lealth Depanmeni said .• :year sin cc at least 19G0.IGO. burn- Acres burned ...— Wnsri range fires f in Texas an d stai HttiiDSHHMHi I 0.7 piros ttolBcB U llleM is^ u nsh in e im»» ' ' ing on ana twice theic siz: e o f jan.-Sopi. 13, • . 8.1 D i - a IiCTB&- i O khilion:>nia — b la /c s that Wednesday. ’WC' L Lhioni. luirnccli Hie case involved 11 man in StepUp\i3j7M.»« N ew Jersey. In millions 7.7 I B C 3 5 ^ 1 mainly sparsely popu- 1 ■ - | 241.495 |:,,a li,rreas c and did not lead' lo hisIlls -tOs from I’icrce County,ly, . Beerfest But (he flumes haveVC mt ainly ,<»«. 5-’ 1 «. 5 S H i CD6 lioah nmnlicrs of-#» ThnrtWech \ ; raced across sparsely pc S?.« AauiitS2-W»Sif(x4 2 ^ 8 S ilamage to homes.------mildmil symptoms, including a *cU desert, causing Tewiewcrflrc- •vg“Mr7B7 T S l o c r L o r a , , 'Mission Impossible ') Hortno roniTu-' ■ As ofWednesday. bliiziliucs had WHB ^',5- Hawaii have spepent about $l.2r< billion Donn Doi Moyer said. bJmod ' lorchcd 8.69 million1 or Thoowww 00 01 0 R the fircs sin cc the lis- riic 1 ('DC was also testing lust above oii.tos T7.o lI 8!65.0 I « .S I 8, ,9 I L-al2(IO()'K) year began last Oct. 1. llic ilic man's wife, who expcri- 13,584 square miles, {ust ).o 47.5 4a.a ,^‘i You.Me&OupreeiuiTM.30-94S ^ riic Vwildfire season may unccd enc similar symptoms and 4S-g» last ycor’s total of not nctea may M conlain«0 World Trade Centenuio « square mUes, accordingS„R “ he ______alm ost bb' e over. (Cooler w eather haslias been listed as a probableJle T h eD e sce n tiR ,f« -e i National Interagencyticy l-ire <;OtJRCE NAtonannie>n- local flrcrigbtciliters have died this ON TlirUENEF:. diS'disease. Is tran sm itted 10 ACCCptCd(U)735. 93S35 average over the pastit 101( years . w ea ih e r thai left foresi and yciir battlingigwildlaiidnrc-s.ihe w ' WiUlU.llanil Fire Sl/ilisiic.'i: humansliui through mosciuito Eat Fried Worms ir«) 7»D.OOO . lie Invlncible

mmnau fin \ VISIT omWR 1 JSf* ' i m Where You G aUALITYy i - ^ r LIGHTINBTO f o r m ,0111 What You Nee s H o mw o l o u . . . SOUR I . D

“ j m s A w m m ^nadm m W A T t m i

dtWHcMteBaownXKtf . _____ m m p o w e r ' - * ^ ^ LF nm Til B STATION c o m s e n fo M S P KITCHEN FA OUIETTEST"^FAN reel w o r k u b h t 479 Pvaeotifiyituaimms^ Z Z , KITCHBHi L-SiOt. Hti>ydalynntlructKiii. Twclti.300 ftl/XtM. C0Mtll4tin/VC/lllucn*d ipoui «-«M 09. Pittaien o m m ClietMlytwvtO. rcwitfW win SIptrtWy tmr«M MOi. UtftIff* lusnMrelntcnMe-t/li-t/^’cinivhi. metitonomuBniu S, jiOts riw«nipw»WtfBnlW«pUCf Itet liimi Mtf iiousuv fw cookr openira- HIM. connvf/rwrnttm■PUU-OUT m Vmmt Iwni nie 135 Int. H FAUCET ■ S fitiSbBB; ^ m s T 0Q_ I 271is>on ctiimc urrrtfp* Mf* . ffO” ffWtdnineitmtlitt ■ . j M i EEQ3aaB2335 f Q e e ' ' m i m TO'TO

I I W PmEW AIEttHaffFIl^IC IE H C r. . . • 'V' ■ 1 lessm TjE^jm mK E W A T E R m m umii-t . ‘DRAKE(E' R o a m n m 'Mtrof wMtreMb'itM M. cMKmte M kitchei IMIL Sm obdts omr ? or JonvrtfflC «M LANCASTER VANITY T O Il£ET i CHIIUUU ■ AMDSm-Dtl I37- S ^ ' BfUwntMiipmttm csn4isnil-pitct. glrD>3J'WI. — tytinn-«M 0/ int bnt IW m toikt-.a wncCnMMtf/rpMOMiO¥ttHow. ■ turptsuttnottimin wittipuiiMiny iViniryieptM on int mtini loatr flwotf front um 4’uniituuctn.itti. m u. mury Prtmvrnxt- H O O M T Wfuii. fttt yut Mrraflfv. ntfiitettmottswxUrt.iitdjMa rttUyanOtiWHSIMK “ " S^ a Z - S S X J ! X A ’i ‘ OvktuitnotM^) 3 S 9 i 1 ^ • S A V E M m y ■ 2S99B » 29in .• riV, 4 (jw i TO” nrfOTWfW. u) • =i.-ii-j!in=)Kmm!)=n= ■ B E u m m s E E c m u m I333iSU333Xm 1 0 9 0 SIEMENS — I-l I ^ ia a [BBEEaZSBEZBE B p M U 125A M F « ■ E L E C T R IC SMIAND A PLUMBINGS SU PPLY SPA T w n ru u 130 Eastland DriveD South Twin Fai^alls, Idaho PANEL \PC^L « T • . HMantr/MAUt tk*(o»nn«cl Wtpu ______a m a mm s ______/ r s l W orth th e DriVBl>/ AM nu . pooii MtfmwE I< u # _ ------jWiWirin«irrifnfi-rnivmuMtune I 7 ^ 7 m m « ^Unliyl:im-B:00 - Sitndty9:0(h4:30 Si ' S S % S r £irssr 3 f Mottil9rFfiit^8:0lhS:Ci n o n Som'turns im»d 10 null mlies. . Ceittln Items nny i>ol be m(J^av3faallableitallloatlons. 7 9 ” B i B I SpteUonSuinlnlna#dtQ\I; gtidly glvtn. Prkts iXcalvt IhmighhSe(Hfmber20.2006. St

^ ' ' T O i ^ i 4 . a w tiifci c-5 IDAFHO AttomileyrldahcohasdoiKle its b e d totreatnmentallyilllchildreen

:nis ond the public ' fcrent areas dial I feciei good ^BrfMwcMBooN " I d a h o3 ’s - s m a d e ' ‘Almost every state I’vtVe worked w ith has ^A w c t it e d Pre— wrtterrtter sboflmprovingcom- about," h e said. • Erik Bnins, a professorjratihe . . t r e m eenddus n munlty-l jsed2SCI services for chil* ' 6)experienced the twoI stepssi forward, one BOISE— rddJiohascla sd o n eth e ._ , dren’withh severes emotional Ujiivcrsliy of Wushiilin gum best it con (0 hclp mentallymo III im piOVeil3m entilts disturbancesces. St0 litlle . . ' era] judge (tils week. :JI — not the state — ij nioney and too many hubarriers c o u r t edit todo.". “ r i undo the thiiigs thatIt have1 been done.” “Idaho’s m ade trcn asked lamed for any steps •lo parents trying tti get hehelp for • improvement." GirlsoiIson sold in ~ State Dcpi ie . —- ^nil Itemplhomc cre.:rcatcd the Idaho Washington,'on.' D.C.-base^ con- bnck: appr(iach."-l)avisi saiil; •'1 see progress in a lol of difdif- m entally ill kids, . '-.years ogo ih e courttsettleffori sc Council on ChilIhUdren’s M ental ■'250 aciion Jfcms, o r tasks,fa that H ealth in 2 0 0 1 .'The council is 'I'the stale musi comjim p le ie In an in dependentent agency with ' .ordertoi)cincompliutiliuncewiih members fromm Slate M j Idaho offilSeers kill fourim ore m r elk that esescaped gameefarm

‘ ByGbrWoplttrSiniUi everywhere,” h e lold ' iJ U »ocl«ted P rw t wittertter Associated PrePress. “And if they’re shooting elk wiihout ^ BOISE — Idnho auiauthorities cor tags, then1 Ihey're I killing • killed four moniorc elk wild elk becouslusc all my ' Wednesday as port oftof on effort h ave been taggec ID destroy an unknov^rlown num- Rammell had an ongoing ' '. ber of ihe animolmols thai legal b.itilewiih-iih-elk farm regu- ^ ' cscap ed lasi m onth frofrom a pri* lators for the e stale : depart- ■vatc hunting reserverve near ments of Agricciculture and of Y dluw stone NaiionaJalPark. P l*Ish and Gamem e before FORT H A I Stale ofHcers. actinging bn Gov. m onth's escapeic esiialatcdt ten - . ^ ^ A S I N ^ Jim Ilisch's Aug. 7 decdeclaration sions. o fa d isease and gcnie-poolcrI* e-f Slate onicialsa sis facing w ild herds,j, hihove shot cited for failingng maintain . 14 elk sincc the umiL-mergency fencing and orfor failing lo use ; harvest operalionin began brightly colored!d eart: lags to dis- ^Saturday. At least fouifour of the linguish his elk fromfi wild ani- ^:elk did n o i have earr ta|tags iden* m als. Ramm ell sayssi he's using fryin g Ihem as domemesticoted U.S. Departartm en t animals owned byy TRexburg Agriculture-appi atu- B veterin arian Hex BoRam m ell. m inu m car iag Slate stop sh ootin g his elk and Niels Nokkenlvcived sold stale i allow him to try to> rerecopiuro shooters Wednenesday killed a PFort .Hall Casini H B D D ; Ihem by baiting cuic:aich pens young “spike” bull, bi a mature ^ • with groin and molas}tasses. He' bull wilh broncinched antlers, Otay tS & Play Packi i has disputed cloimsns his elk and two cow elk.ilk. llirec of the ^ M i l i i i . I may spread diseaset or pollute four elk hod ear tags: o n e o f aat t the Best W ester ! the genetics of the oreorea's w ild th e cow s did not..01. • herds, coien d in g IiisJs Vrrf SIGN UiP recovered Nokkentved. ; Rammell hus rc( 'ttfitkt GUua w/ Ftrt Hall Quint U • about 40 liead — incluicluding 10 State shootersers killed eiglit la k S tn it t u anJfrom thr ForfHaU TO WIN ; prized bulls — bubut said elk — five withIth ear tags — »SiuBle I ! Wednesday he can'tI roround up Monday and two tv more on •FortHtHaUCmhitCcupcnBooka J more becausc of the stale's 'l\jcsday. alihoihough details . StarUim r* in ten se hu n iin g effort.>rt. about the two) animals a taken 1 "They've scatteredred them Tuesday were not available. ffl Septsnriier 1is t D raw liV M M : j More than1 hhalf of animalss s e i z e d u s 1 0 9 m n $ . nn $8,00011 CAM mMZB j at Idaho shelielterareeuthaii n i z e d . • One ccupon book per pnckage B | ^ O D D Iim kulM glM tf 7:001n m • BLANCHAllD (AP)’) -— Morc ness, disease and-nd-suffering, the : than half of the 430)0 ! animals l-iumane SocietyIty o< f the Untied ; rescued from squalidilid condl- Stales said in a n cew s release. ; tlons ai an animal refirefuge had "Tliis Is a primim c example ; to be euthanized, tliele HH um ane th e n eed for felorlony level cruel- •CARS SHOWN MAY DIFFER:R ; • Society said •niesdoy./. ty penalties,'’ saidaid Ingo Gibson, H IN COLOR, MODEL. AND OPTIC•IONS I . Ttie last o f the aiUmoImols from re^onal head ofof the I'luinane H SOU£ WSTfllCDOHSU^APSVf j -Ihc Comelot anim ol1 saisanctuary Society in Seatde.tie. ■ UWitOCWNT (WSfMS 1M£ B*WT '0 CAIfMiCEu { had been moved to< arcoan shcl- Gibson feared>d theI owners of »IICT WWeWTHIWtOMOJ OW*T*«TriITTlUE- -MwcfncuKMia »c«0£T«.io«a«sn!SnOM j^rters for veierinoryy ccare in th e bu sin ess wi! m ove I preporation for adoptio7tion. sta n hoarding animani als again. . ! . Ollicials lost w eek< saidsa tliey "Felony penald'ild e s w ould give I found 430 animals,Is, m oslly law enforcem entn t dI ie tools they •

F V M ¥ ja lh y .< om i f ■ i i f e isB l O k Bm ' ' ' l i | S

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; G ay le Be en n g o e ch e a Frank Stewart B e c k y K ukacal! C ih risris B a rb e r Estate Canyomtnsidc Realty ______C e n tturv2I m - Sib\HverSa«eRtalt^rlnc.------Westerra-Peal B Jarii H u tc h is o n Alpine Realty I Click th«tie Magic Vailliey HomeSeleller button1 on our honrm e p a g e m a g i n. FormorahfomMtkmoboutixrt onloM s^ rtisin a opportunities onjn mogkvtjlley.comm (oil ioson Woodsiikide at the Timet-News, 208-735-321]3207oremoiliwootl$kle®mogkva! ‘ £ __ C 4 J k m H m , Mi f* . m>t-Uw* COMICS By Rich KIrkman & Jerry Scott ly Johfjny Hart Baby Blues ______- V - B) B.C. By Jo ''lAiim-miwifKWttWoiiP Si50Pg£«W»J0fWlA ^ n g I llAC>TC> tfgABT-SHlfW^TW PlW^ 5 1 ^ ^ ' 'NH£NIWAS^«P. A SAy^HnXlHSrOHTtiEM . . >^NeAP-(XO MgTHffcCTVlPg^l ------v — ' s

^ " ' f,

. ; ' ' ' ■. [ | l 4 fif ' - ,. b 2 k By Guy & Rodd IS Castellanos Brevity Baldo . By Hectof D. Cantu and Catlos Ci • / ux!K.'fw... > ^ i ■ yiiO U K S r m tO H ' I liHHOT'. T ^ n . JUST THINK ABOUTT IT...'I . J ^ P’'__ . [ VOl>6DT0 tmo.nofKwuo \cfStJv AUSTRALIA. IS HOMEIE TO f / ^ l P C ?> * -I TMOKOf y -i. JC OVER 8 0 0 ,0 0 0 UNIQUE• SlSPECIES, ’ Ip ' 8UT YOU’RE STILL, BY FAR, , • , • : • t . , ' j ^ t h e .a Bsolute’ lameWEST. ^ '/Ul ^ 1^1 — ^

By Garry Trudeau I Scott Adams Doonesbury Dllbert • ' _ BySc( i • • — ______LY ^ BLAME YOUR CUSTOr \ a % u u o & ^ \ ' OUR SALES GUY VASTUY I )CUHAVCAlOTC ST UNDEP.&1D A TOD. NOUJjj FOR UNOERSPECIFYI:?W= c iailS on the'HC BASE I fAMiiiAK m r-x IT 'S MV PROieCT TO> THE FEATURES THE DOEU USES A CHARGE HER THROUi INSTALL THE SYSTEM s ! ToVTn" p o t a t o ■ P i ^ k ’ l v I IN A WAY THAT'S THE NOSE FOR CHAN''NOE j ELECTRICAL. 0iATTERY. 4 7 PROFITABLE. .ORDERS I PLUS? , IL §? f e l md Joe Troise For B etter or Fbr Worse By Lynn Johnston The Bderiierrlea By Phil Frank a n d . ® » l“«vgKe IfgSffiU pusty... Tni going tp LIftneedhknM ) Imt neeasom e inform ation)) (tow B /lstefe.; ^ in 'hi in order to build srairs) ^ I n c h e s ! / firyM togttonm rc' rschasgone 34JJ

P b ^ r n ^ TTTrarts W^s/ntre^Bir''®'''®!*' (S m I » nl I » ^ V iertse?

I ...... i By Greg Evans Frank tind Ernest ■ ByB.!y Bob Thaves L u a n n ~ i| MEANWHILE.2 j ------1 IUC0M6 V I M4V »«T K m€8£. i rMEANWHILE ^ I in Bjiocro I MV MOOSE rat OUT pf —- ' • — — . .^Ln.OijT r I I CHecK ofF /I a a u u 9tiv I’ ' 7 . 5 0 i m Thiwcn- cp'\ S ; 5L££PVCa££< £5CB0W. £' IU UAve TO MOVE ..■■;•' M Mi caxc ay ■» I ’ , ; I :S.. CAN I 8ACi I___YOyR BU>5 I ^ ^ MAlQNC j ^ r \ WMiMPecrtE r \ e w m i '^¥1^/ / OFAtEX / ISSI / I ROORl(?UEZ / ' , = f l q i w | - / I ,^«suEPfl^ y \ r J l e w t v v e E . S?c^ii3?«5 IJLCS n i I (^ X v w v e AMUPcwc« C 6 P A f t « ^ < WHw t m - w e iN egJtTD n y — ^ J l SSj'Ei3iS^SSSL se By Pal Brady Pickles . • ______^3y Brian Crane Rose Is R0S( :W r -r ------I— r - — &8AMP^ I ri'1 Ct) 'A50 n I VOA&^S gAttfife l.l m u A(X> M£ I HE ^AKTEP ®rwnr^tr~t 17 \h V'veftM -rnAr?/ ^p /CAi?/.i \ JuV o p w e iR ^ I I V > y CAME^ UI P A » ^ d A > P ( LAU&UIN&.^ r e v e w c a w w >— ____ x '^1PftAOVJ'toCR J ^ J j

' . ^ I* _ e » S f ) < ■ a I w z mto?o2eoff/jl Zlts . . , By Jim Borgman and e, Gemini ^ I rSSIfm ilX rewK i m i l I f ' P T W Y Pastt can dictaate future, I C m B O m V WHAT7 ^TD HW ;nW W KW \CW1CWOjar llMEWir’MEV ,0EW('l$fW*&/ mWh*5TD IF SEPT. 14 4 1IS YOUR BIRTH- j ^ ■iiniily ur basiiiL'ss rcsponsii)ili* iry 4(«JU7«EC?r«Fi M MK jg-., ^ sPPPEIfcP > DAY: Your foa)cus could shift to JnlVlOROSCOPE liS’ics that need your attention1 ihould not Ik overlooked. compassionateate co n ccm s in tlic ieraMlne . | . Saunders year to as you bccomc SCORPIO (Oct. 23-N(K 21): ' awareoftlicprproblem s o f oUiers ------will!Mint you don't know can ImnI and pur dcc|ccpcst sym pathies GEMINIINI (May 2i-Iunc 20): you.fOU. And your intuitions arc notI jJfft are aroused.I. In January and The pastist Ciin dictuie die future, to0 be I tr stcd under today'si . C \ \ \ -• February, makioku no major ded* It is bctie■tier to take carc o f exist- .starliars. Il is easy to get loially dls- ^ I^L ^y/1 J7> I ] ) l sions and doI yiyour best to avoid ingoblig;ligations dimi to bccom c truciracicd Ijy a wild goose chiLsc orr - < m ' criticism. Youu mayi be forced to cntangletilcd in new ones, Be dili- it1 necdnglie obsession. i l i a tbout meeting deadlines SAGITIARIUSSJ {Nov. 22-Dec. take on extrara raponsibillties, gent abo but don’t aso« your crcdit card and fulflllIflUing promises. 21):!l): Heach for research. Non Sequltur ~ : * By Wiley Strania n g e B i w ..^.vByJoi l» JoHn Deering you ab;ibsolutcly must, as CANQJCER (lune 2i-|uly 22): UndJndcrstand the deep motiva* ions of otliers and perform 14-Ma.fIZl debts incurrctl•ed d ien might b e The bIgger im tliey arc. the harder lion 1 • cpay. Because you they faU.:i^ R cfusin g to reveal true appiippropriatc invesiigadons. It is3 'i ______o a.A -C ^J^■ x w ^rr-_ V '— willbcmorcscsehsltlve to outside Intcndonions con causc a lack of oiw:ilways better to have too muchl I •fc UCAR nfotm ad on dian noi e n o u ^ . V ' KI k influcnccs beginning b next coheslveiIvcness betw een team info * rroR y... >et& Don't dabble in dubl> CAPRICORN C (Dec. 22-Jan. ■ P I E SI ' I 9 ^ 1 ^ iil be w i^ to loom memben I to boos:ost your physical ousinvesvestments. 19): 19): A “look before you leap" lu ly & ^ defenses byt eatini g right. As LEO) duly 23-Aug. 22): atdtitdtudc is your saving grace. ' % i m ioldss,,: you be morc Desiress couldc lead you astray Smilsmile w hen things go your way’ i J romantic, menore lighthearted, You mayoay get a glim pse o f the orar ant opportunity knocks att • nd a si^ a l some* provcrbiirbial carrot. Steer clear o f youii^urdoor, but wail unlil tomor­ x v 7 f l onclfyouaic:Bsingle.- any newicw deal or reiationsitip row to put ihings into motion. I ARIES (Marlarch 21-April 19): thatmlghil^teatawayatyourdme AQUARIUS Ai (;an.20-Peb. 18): %k v s £^,!»» /B k c tB Be the leaderroriheband.ltwill 0 andlcadad you in endless circles. Acci\ccuracy really counts. Goodi W C A U Hy f y S ^ j ® b e easier to obtainob coopem d on VIRGGGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): cart:arpenters recommend thatt from others laterlal In d ie day, b m O therss mayi elude commit- . yrou you measure twice, cut once. ^ w \ w ^ you can set a good1 example all ments.1. A A sigrdflcant other could CanCareful .preparation wiil keep) J day long. Posostpone purchases seem too much of a burden or you from jum ping into a costlyt :. ^ b Bb 2 & . ■ ' anddedsionsiis until tomorrow. those youyo contact might take situsituadon w idiout all the facts. -IWRUSCAfAptll20-M«y20]:lf commonuuid widi B no-nonscnsc PISCES PI (Feb. 19-March 20):: ■ og to pcndl some- businessess-like manner. Delay Doi[>o not ict fears alter your judg- ^ 1 \ S J J n & i ___1?“ J—t------fo s u ic y o u h a v c w Ifni^rtArlA nrncgotiadoac------mmtmtrThls-isntthc a tlm eio lostj- I n S v J S ^ X eraser. Mlstokiakcs or false starts UBRARA (SepL 23-Oct. 22): Get sighsight of die facts or to miss a1 *' could be modiide, and you m i^t your hanumds dirty. You will tw left deaideadline. New technology may need to duck:k for covcr with a bdilndd ata d ie gate if you don't help you conquer a minor lin­ i.ti.fKytKnf^ business or caicarecrconccm. listen for fc ■ the starting ' bell., gerigering problem. z T „ . ^ 1 ^ [leeYorrogrwg IBlill l<,2006 Th*»M m .W ifA .M d» &W. GOMIGS

BeetleBalley B 'IPN'T th in k ! 11 UB ^ ' U m d s k -v s ] ^ W o i»manmalikes play ffor her sooooooobood Bcbtu 1^^^^ ^^SBT4 ■o&etHBR J n n r T ' ^ r j8 6 A y T f« l j r L\jIpn^rd |l j 0^ S - e x \whenivififeleavestthe room1 rHCT DEARAEABBY: A few m onths i classes .Ihat lie d ocs. Her to!:ol- . lushand and [ hatl 10 FS^ lc*ge life will be entirely difTeifer- ag6.myhu D E A R I; RO back lo□ cour hom e siatcTor a eni because each person get■ets oul of die.experience whai lieli <}.m ‘■“niily funinernl. We have been R . A B B Y ;; i : m t i ' 1 ' mnrrii'd morc in than 2S years. orslie|iuisinioii. I were Ihere. his ex- ^ leanne. Also. 1 do not uiidersianiintl B londle ife i By Dean Young slie . e to his fuiher's iiom e PhiiniB 1;Iier pareiiis' siatem etit that sii . •'■LISTEN, I'M FED UP WITffifH®ul lOH VEAH?/ I THINK: V y o u HAVE I ITHS comclums a (we were> Slaying f ihere). and look elsewhere iiecaiise slishe' /ISTS A PEt>PEff PHOaiA51A VOU SeCMEffl lias "followed her brothericr" POO-PIMISNTO ACnVlSI >¥flC«CHA»N6L'y^ , ‘lthe visiiaiiini ami L ______:______i -----1 h , WANTING T O SHOVE THEIR. THE S, TOMA.rO-HUShe and I seemed lo •;ll; througll school. If lliey livedlin ii WHACKO . r. . S^,-- -.-v-v-v-v-iL • fimcral. Sh SEASONINGS RIGHT OOWOWN i h ANTI - GARLIC WH veil. D li/)l-AR BKOKENHEARTEI): tbe ll same house, liicii ihcIiey , , 'MV THROAIOat^ 'RgM lST.'/i- T O iU h ew ay.hom e, my hubi;y Yiuirir IIiusband appears 10 inck would've v allended die samm e -r .. ^ WOfTTH Z - I loltlmcsiKdie wailed uniil I left sensiilisiiivity. guod juilgnient and •scliolils - s in tlii-ir disirici. • . — PAUUINWiINONAHMl. I fOO‘«-I. ihen.kissed ' him on empmpailiy’ ftir ilic feelings ol I Ihc cheek( inii front of the whole otherslers. 1 Ic alsn appears 10 lack N.IN.I., family antiid lold him she still commnmiin sense, if iiccxpccicd I'AUU: I loliold ' loves bimm. . That's not ail. I you I uwould IIOI lake his com- "Wondering" liiat her pareniIlls d asked himHI if. for one minuie. nietitsnts personally. aappeared 10 be intelligent peneo- — h o iv a r s oorry-hc-hatfmarrlcd r ------Id•donrthlnk-ralsinBihC!!m)~r o ~plor«;ciisiiicino"th(‘~ncort'rrr o t------me. lie sailaid. and I tjuiiie, "No. ject I wwould gel you the resuii lioili I; ol Iheir ollsjiring. amd n The Bom Loser ByArtSat Sansom. & Chip |,u i if 1 hhad i kiunvn she sliii you I a are looking for. Kut my tiliat liaviiig a college experieri- I I loved me.:. I woultl havc never advict• icc is IIOI 10 obsess aboui ence c eniirely uii her ow n louliuid •^WtR£6OIN6T0 ^& I 'a ^ ,v o u u .i.c w £ ^ 1. ^OrOAJ9^,lT^K* A remarried."J.” l w as crushed, liiis.s. It's water under ih c h I e a griiwiii oppttruiniiy for ffcKiaii.iwniin.-—— iu I ii------L.------Duld n o i leave m e for poinisinls o f the law. My rcasoning.was a's lolliiwiws; HJSTOaCTARPlTSyw j S W i A i TWEWiTORlCTAR'AR VH?7OT he wou The parents know her and herhe . , , ^ [ j if I ' should die iiefore BesiIcsides. women have a I ON J r ^ j u$^ I him . lie wovould he knocking on longci,gcr life ex|)c«laiicy iliari . • iiroibiT I: tvi'll. thr'ir personaliali- : O u R r ^ - ^ > ^ • L her door,’11'Uiat also hurt. men,II, :so tiie odds are in your lies, i. iheir sirengtlis and theileir . iRip.'l M n g : ^ ^ J Ahby.sheh e hadn't seen him or favor weaknesses, li is possiiile diahat : ^ f c g i [ — 1 — T P B E f f an yon e elseIse in the family for 2fi llthe son has always iiecii a "bihig : l / y r ^ f * \ years! \V1i>h y w ou ld si'ie even DE/)EAK /\OBY; 1 am writing 1:man on campus,'' ammd Jill d ie leii> r you primed "U'lindering" has coasieiled : r/l ^ L 1 ------\_ ___JC—-__ t “ I’ at die funeral if noi aiiout xi\ / I ' for wantingng 10 se e if she could fromIII ""\Voiiduriiig,"'whose par-' aalong in ills rclleried glor)*. gel iiackwiiAilh him ? 1 can'i seem eiuss d don'i want iier 10 attend Or. if die reverse is irue - am i die girl lias always o.iit Garfield By Jim Oavis io k «-'' uver,'r ihc feeling dial niy the sa:same collcgc as her broih- a I >~v^^ — I husband nnever w as really in er. shone liiT broilier — then IIIdie ' ^WHV POeSVVOR SiCiN4 s-SAV,’) I ( BCCAilSe CATS ARE\RE MEAN ) [I TAKE IT POWN ) m e — lh ai m ayhe lie 1 ihihink her parents should yyoung man slioiild noi havcL‘ tiIII V - e e w A R e OF CATS"? o c a u B E A T 5 ( a E e A )u’ her lo g o lo tiic sam e col- I:ile overshadowed oiu'e'agaiilain —^ “ L r WlTHITj^> L )USI inarricicd hie so-he would allow I not be iilnlon e. U'liat should 1 lege.L-. ^She wiii have comiilctely I;iiyhis sibling i'l tlie same col-ol- ' • O . do7-Shoiildlid I even bring ihis dilfcrecreni experieiiccv ihan her lilegi.'. ____ 0° siibjeci upp 1to him again? It has broihi)iher — ioinirig differeni l iiat said, not one readeri-r 1 monihs and I am. playing different sports, liheard Irom — and I lieanard ^^eewARE (5 i i ] BeWARE ’ l)een five ni ^ 5 ■ ^ 1 — BIMIIOKENHEARTEDIN If herier major is different, she fiIrom ipiiie a few — agrecieed ■ n't even have the same vwilh my answer. Oucii! C A T S ^ r s y ; ^ j Fl^RlIJA won't Roo()d dove intooonebigwjmter hazardi Hagar the Horrible By Chris Browne- V &0OP! !H ^ ^ K r3U 6T TMe SAC?2 Th is day]lylnhlstoryOii.Sepi. llumiins gel a pieasani iiu/II// K S e N T i A U d from ih ecalleiiie-reiaied siil:111)- WM ^A T P iP I - 5 M. isK i, ririoyd Siilterlee H«>od P 5 M i 'R A l P O t i Y O U .P eifJ& J i « I golf hall al ihc edge stance, hut many anim als canaii'i S C O r L A H P t j o f th e h ic:il1c if n c c a ii and drove [; nietaholi/e il as wei,•<■11. . (— a ball duele casi. A mere UHr> lleiieraily, ilic tiarker Ibe ib Erin Barrett [ w M ( 7 S 3 ^ ' - I ' - ^ A y A days.ll-J.7:.737 strokes, and H I chocoiaie. liie more ihrclI'CI- ( .,) , 3.r>lllositi1 hails later, he'd cov- & lack Mingo. 1iiromine it conlains. t-rcd :<.3n7.:7.7 mites before driv- Pollsters tell us tfinl alioiiiIII :i F ® ing nnc inln io d ie waier iiazjird ' piTceni II) r> piTceiii ul Unileiled : we ic Aiiantic Ocean. chua'------J ISuites lidiiseliolds don't own " w 5 (I(he most .recorded ins|iiriia'ii and found divine ^lelev'isiiin si-i. f e a m usicianI 1In hlsiory? No, not . Ihepiraiion. 1 Who'are ::ie m's in MfV.Mf.M's : i-lvls. ‘IW’ IIhe “N lgliiingalc o f IromIhe minister read a passage n im ly ’' Mars and Murrii■rie. HI and Lols ByI, ChanceCl „ , j , , , . , ina , . Mangesbkar. who tiiy IIIg: I'salm '1.'> that reads "All (However, llie Mars was 111not . , years recorded m ure iind' algarments smell of myrrh II'rank Mars, founder ol the ih ^T~~1llli'l|ili>*^ WMAT-S we weRe iserriMe f now c KH) son gs in 20 lan= ivoryS,1 aloes and cassia, out o f llic IMars (!andy Co., but bis hi ~ J IM y w ith -fwe TOO srot?isy I uike?e Sc pS w i “h m ' S m e Wi]«a7I»HTCm. iiavery p alaces w herciiy they festranged son I'orresi. lliMis r NgW^ANNSe A tirofcttSfi^^^ ^ \ LlNlFCNiFORsNS? M' Ruanes, ' Unill 194942, op iu m was o n ce lhai's.'e m ad e m e glad." Ami tparm er. Itriice Miirrie. wa 7 |‘-1 J ® r a bij5 biisiisiness here and ihe name,I's liow Ivt)r>- Soap got its |anoiher lilack-sheep son, anIlid t / i United Siailaies Department, of Whi his lather was presideiii ol i Agricullurere gave sn lisldies 10 an accVhlle |ohunne.s Kepler was IHersliey's, Usual pay for u cowboy ii P"PI’y rniers. I Iowever. ihai lu- aisaccomplishetl asironomer, I ibeOldWesi was liioil.a hed:liii ii iiinnfflTf^ n ‘’P''”tes *-’' were ouilaw ed for anaimalso played a key role in rposes. and so was reaii/ciiiiniy. lie vvas ib c firsi 10 llliir iiunkluiiise. anil 11 dollarir a llPP mffwkrn P“*'P I I ' IL '' governmen.•maid. llie ii/elhaic\ theconsiruciiiinof iltlay, I Harley P rocicr o f th e wIiiiieye i inverls tiic image of d I’rocier amnd Ganibie Co. w as If-,III it sees. l-riii lUirri'ii iiiitl lin k- MsiH'"K" Classic Peanuts By Char:harles M. Scnulz nouiidcriuKng around for a new hronilI’-, the chemical ibco- am llf mifhal ul fiidhiuiiDll- ■. [ .soap namlie e when he wem 10 iioienim in e lhal m akes ciioi'olaii* 1'^i‘is("niiiinnhiinfllxiiiii. ^ / are yoLy o u T i'MREAPY.MARCIE.BI:,0OT0£FOR e| ( UJHAT IF IT BECOMES0EC ) eiiiially iaial to pets. /,> l^ E A P0 V '^ '' ? J YOU KICK TME BALL,;.L SQUEEZE \FOKP OF ME ----- J IT A FEUITIME?., tge boxes j lg violatorr 1“**' inparkmi '• N iiv v i’oOHVUICIIl'Y. i l-la. — ~ His wile D oniia hales tinthe /PA Nicole Dela.'lameicr has learned iieard. iiui llieir ilirce daugiigli- '' to be mororc judicious when ' Odds & Ends , >'lets, will! alieiiil high schoollin ii seleciin g aaparkliigspot. | IIl-asi Wcnaiciiee. don'i miniind ids r^fc.43rCl'k Wlien Cil['ircuit judge Stanley p i ^ H • and i: "moslly ibeir boyfriend , ______M ills arrlvei.■ed for work Mtmday, athink it's ciiol." Wedtlle saitl. B T's IDiH^oldsm obile tl Ile said lie would keep ibithe k t I h,.™ u..r< Delameler's By Brant Pajker.e.ajolinn,Ha. ' T he W izard o f Id i :ed in his reserved beard, uiiirinimed. as long a: I sp acc ai ihche courthouse. ^ he bill Liden reniaiiis ai large - /THE &06PNEWSis^sTOuVg A ]| ^ ^ tO RAVE A r"\l//.l parked hihis 2<)0r> Cadillac "even ill gel iniried.wiih il." ( RfiACHeO EIGHTY r[^ARsoLPy t / /ANPTHe ) (jreu^NEEsJ behind herLT ear and forced her in sit in hisis (courirtiom utuil he This really isn't about V j j g w s ? y i , ■ w as ready’ it10 ' . getting a promotion? D elam elc•ler, 26. swears she thou ghtthe th "reserved" sign MAniUI). S|,iiiii - SpiinivIisb ! m eantvas rescrvetlit wa: for ih osc police officers seiiling in forT aj i goinourt. g 10 Shecoi: had to sil in video preseniaiion on how ii ihi! judge'ss courirooni c for moa* gel promoled to sergeant wert ih an d)a>ee hours — and she insiead siiowii Iciolage o f hardrd-. I Bq.(4______------1 had come• 0only 10 give her sis- corepornograpliy. lera ride 10ioai)oyfriend'scourt Himiiiig langhier rippletled' Ihroughb the audiioriuni wiieriere itearing. (aicher By Hank Ketcham bI2II Madrid ciiy police officer!ers. . Dennis the Menace ■“I'm ver>':r>’. ver^’ .sorr\." sh e 5<)rt. 6, f ;i. l‘eicr!iburg Times. Wenatct had"( galliereti 10 see llie \-ideileo ; r g t hHE e FAMILY CIBOIS B d o it again in a mil- on o|ier TNS) \ job.-the jududge said, "i have m y Al tl K' IS lurned on. a iniiiisiry orTicia•iai "jImJ \ ow nb ath roiroom, and 1 havc my year hi Ing spot, and you’re cxplan »*•> said. y ' . y ow n |)arkln| iU (Wish.1 Middle School (]' I^ n o i going 10 gel 10 use eith er." which "It w as jiisi iiaillu ek th ai lluhe fool her ai Cary Weddle l««e«i In this virus ii activated righl then.'II." \ Man won’t .6,2006photoUkeiiinEttt Silid i: the official, w ho asked noiIOI atchee, With. lo I’ be nam ed because h e isn'iin'i J blnladenc1 captured aiiiiiorl/eil lo speak for lluhe I'A. W ash. — After the just e ilo caughi w iihin a m onili or rtdepartmeni. 4 r i v x l / l L f y / El'illlATA, / Sepi. llierr.•rrorisi atiacks. Gar)’ suretrimmed 01 iiis facial hair in n 'I'he person operatin g ththe.. eoinp uier stopped the vidc't:letk ^ /& Weddle folkillowed tlie new s so guy."su cceedin g live years as he • \ y ^ closely he foforgot to sh aw . After WeniiitII Irom substitute leacher bland turned il back on severalral tim es, but each lim e the porncno . c 2 ; ttiUKf a week h e di:decided not loshave publisiscience instructor al II ------i x w ------untll-Osom;mtrhln-l3J[tFmvas— tiawir■rala Middle Sciiooi. ai I the start of each school eventually c( jiisl sbul Ihe com: this cookie caught or killed.Idl ally wh EATIN’t Zw MANV "(“Can I have the rest of thi •MyMOMSAVSlVE^ •• N or hnss Weddle. <1(>, who tinders: he gives siudenls a lirief puter li olT, the official s:iid, o»to«^urrTw Yevi•evPN KNOW WHAT I a te half o f? ” expectetl ihIhe al-Qaidii leader lhai lanalionbe of iiis iieard, si -T1wA»0Cilt«dPrMlHS ONCTA^SUKE" L'h sireiches more iban a and has siarted lurniiig vi

still gel enioiional over liie m ilies who lost loved ones. I ai don't feel iliere's any d o - . di ' on Ihis until they get ihat- " W eddle lold The r< uitchce World for an article ai lislied M onday. ‘ I don't tii rttrkno\%-nnynnc-pcrson=— m who lost family in 9/ 11 lo e\ ersiand the devusiation pi lie's rcsponsihie for."

■ C om ics

B.C. By Johnny Hart Baby- BluesE - By Rick KIrkman & Jerryy £S colt. Kfi3*iwiicuftiTOUFisorewf uip '■bopeiwiMfwoftHA WHEN I WAS A OQ P P , ^ /^ovJfooeT^ mADiniVE/tET'-SHjra-s'ra/ ^YAnrjniKfM mM . -OU) fitotUCR CPTUPE C wgyvaegsccoftaaFKctl i w«e>w?D - y i M *

p l y K

liRodd Id Caffos Castellanos - 1 Brevityty ______' ■ ~ By Guy & F Baldo By Hector D. Cantu and C "” 1 KVCOfTHMTOSJ [7~: . A80UT fT... . !■ •/ LOXWI.A ■ ■ -■ JUST THINK Al woo;>oPi(Cif!AC - • AUSTRAUA IS HOME TO / VOUiffiHD ) ^ • ^^S tD C fe iS & VIW! f, ^ :w«OT5CtfEr5 I I,?' l « 5 ^ v x i o e t c f I • OVER 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 UNIUNIQUE SPECIES, ' W ) , Birr. You're sthSTILL. 0Y FAR, i'

______5 j > ^ . i s L - ! 4

By Scott Adams DoonesBsbury By Garry Trududcau Dllbert W AliX.!t!tauS»^^ I e tm a jn A'AVSTONUUTI- \x ‘AXjawiviw.T ^ • m imiMJf f l NOLJ FOR UNOERSPE* . cucTorctTI^I 'j THE BASE I I g £ «CAU -ieea^y U W E R B lS A^JOCTb !^^ TO t h e f e a t u r e tMX»AfieAp...j : ju e w e ea T s i w c j c a I T S MY PROTECTYSTEM CHARGE HER T m a i o N» MODEL USES . RES THEN y I DOLLARS A POTATO INSTALL THE SYS'lA T S t h e n o s e FOR I THROUGH ! FOR AN mi IN A LdAY THAT.L ORDER! ^ - t # # 5 ____PROFITABLE. 3R CHANGE { ELECTRICAL ERS. j pLuo,^

i y i l

Frank and Joe Troise For B eJtter t or For Worse By Lynn Johnsinston The Bderberries By Phil Fran m u. I N60D A Hl)6 ?' rrrr^T ^1, f»)OT>*tvninAi6RMT • to ^71 AfneedhknM Y oW wtiHtjreV)^} fAlKlUft to xxjccs ' , pusly'.. Tm IHtt PHOJ6 C i c ^ . going Jton)to lt\oM^ I sheis.) KLumber iin'f sold \ I |Wo»V' neea some tnforinah'o in o r d e r to buiid stair ■ir)'har)ds:DuslvO iur*^ T/75ouT I4ftand^^ ! ne.-J Inches! / fbryoaiogtrony^rtJpJv |ljr//iew /f/igr{^ ■( Horse WS gone 3 ^ '

”\ H P x W w M r n a ^ ^ s m e n I I ^ I jj|^ £A»?PLefi6a? — L E e e A S E ?

By Bob Thaves Luann By Grefi Ev 0 / .t^ i 2 BiC<-ri, to 1 MV uouse ^ 4 . OUT C? M Bin' I' CCOK ESCBOW. IU uai.€ to MO\t)!,{ T„ tta wf c c u ^ 5uN' SJK3 A i' ... 50 I'M tuiwi'C' C? \ I R S . ^ . I . l i t e r s 5T SLfEPvcc AN X C m a OfF A 0 0 s t i T oviS rr>Tvoo/ mifJBUNtR0C€5NT-r uttLC iwv?5TMfst Gcc:3CC9 J MOVW CUT W MV OWN 1 p s ~ n PRCffim' • SCMftHlKSi tE«W [7 TEw/\^^ 60^ ] -jjimii ,. II i|-|^ / 7 \ r o g e U J _ • to g£VT OUT Z lA !>c

' By Sruce Tinsley Pearls GBefore Swine By Stephan Pas>astls Mallard Rllmore I HCYTHTHERE. \ NO. I fOfUTUASTi;i ^ S T \ HOU 11 NSlTHER OF YOUy&UGOT II WHY DO YOU AlUAYJw T ____ - 1D P A IA S X 60AT...LI.USTEN,,, 10H7? . THHT>Ou ANDANI SO ? ______ANY HITSITS, LOOK SO U?517 »s ---- you A w___> I YOUR 8U « « E S ' J ^ r \ «MltJP6Dr1D rt£' ' y - ' y f - t H e W / W M 6 « c « ( 4 \ 'N ? / . / s OFAlEX ? O F f l W ^ i p e p A l . i / J ROORlffUEZ r \ T ^ / I / ’'y / ■ I 8 l ^ a x i e i m tN^^oc(m7Af

By Brian Crane Rose Iss Rose I By Pat Bra3rady P ic k le s iTMEnA -r-r ------3 r7 \ou»^ttovoo n rn BfiffiSKtSI n ) u /P a m / 1 I t ' 6CAMPA I j P TAKtieO /C A W I \ I \<9 KlMP iv I WAS gAttWfi Ml/ llA liPTfJ I I I .‘^ r~7 -aP lI ^ e R A(iP V4£ HE STAR CAMEOPA>^$AI(? ( LAU&MII • a x r ^ R V C A R R O T ------A»iP ftA OW 400R. I w , PLA-flE." \ M i B ATLCWTWHeN ' I ~ ~ ^ ^ £ 1 a ? $ 6 f I m f e s i a r i eoK »0«N^ Jm iiovizeoff'i x^ S rlQ J l fo - ii § nan and Jerry Scott Pas Z tts WAT7 • [ PlCNT'rCyTCU.T^ J, By Jlm Bergman St can didItate fiiturre, Geminid I ICJNTKUflEV WHATM h k 5 p him; ith inkw e- V[‘m.&irt>e.\ I 7 ~ & rr ^m y «!EWI$I»W&y mihk ^ IF SEPTPT. 14 IS VOUR BIRTH- I \ i-iimily o r iiusiness rcspoiwiijiibill- \CWKW Umswt’w Jy MI5* .[-A DAY: Youru r focu.s could siilft to HOROSCOPE J ties Ihnt need your alleniliUion /ifdERPREEP ^ com passicsionnic conccfns in tlic Jeraldine Saunders Khuuld nu t l)c m vrlooked. . year to cccome, as you bccome |____ ] SCORPIO {Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 2 ' Q awaic ofr tlth e problem s o f oilicrs Wliat you tloti't know ciui hurtlu *vjr^l a n d yourir deepest sympatliies CEGEMINI (May 2M unc 20):: you. And ynur iniuiilons ore-•not n y C u . a re a ro uused. s In January and ITicj;le past can 'd ictale th e future, U) be misled under loda;lay's . C \\| February,y, Imake no major ded- It isis b e ticr to lake o f exist-• stare, il Is easy to get loially dis-di r I )) sions a nd Ido your best to avoid ingf; obligullonsol ih a n lo becom e• iracied Ijya wild chaseseor LJU I cijticism.I. ^You m ay b e forced to entaiiitangl^ in nL*vv ones. Ue dili­ nDeeting obsession. ta k e o n cextra responsibilities, gentnt about meeting deadlinesi SA C m A R lU S (Nov. 22-D'ToRV... ll will b e w ise to le am mcmlembers. Don't dabble In dubi- CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-JttJon. • t booiit your physical ousiris Investm ents. 19): A “look beforc y o u lea]cap" , J s by e a tin g right. As LEO LEI duly 23-Aug. 22):; iaidiude is your saving grac■ace. ' ; i folds, you will b e m oro , Etesinsircs could Icad you astray. !Sm ile wlien things go yo u r waywi J c, morc lif^thcarted, Youu mayr get a glimpse of the ior an opportunily knockss a t • Id Ond a spedal some- proveuvcrbiol carrot. Steer dear of dlduck for cover with a bdilnUnd at the gate If you doni hdp\ you conquer a minor Utlln- '' ______I Im business 01or career conccm. listenien for tlic starting bell, gering f problem.

ttfttiiiiiiililiil GOMIQ

Beetle Bailey _ By Mort Walker ( H m i i m s r XIPIPN s 'TTH IHK I l | UB . \,oW M «T«£j'rJeO t 'WOom anm aakes playrforher : )ooooooooooQ. Be

V TO&BTHBR' I n n -rr'^f _ w n s i . _ V . j5s r when^wilifeleavesiitheroom

D EAR)^ ADOY: A few m o n ih s r ~ • classes that b e d(»es. I Ier cHhe.le.way liopie. m y hubby Yourjiir husband aj)pears lo lackk would've alientled the sana n i e - r *1'^ WORTH < - I lolu me; ssiie wiilicd until I leh sens.•nsliiviiy. goo d indgnient a n d schools in ilu'ir districi. I Ihe roomm. dicn kissed him on empnipatliy.fnr tiie feelings ofif — PAUIAINW I-NONAM ilr „ ,c chockc k in front o f d ie w hole oibcIbers. i le also a p p ea rs lo lackk . • NN.J.. family and ar told him shc stiii comDnuiion sense, if lie expectedd DE/VH l»AULf\:V I tolold • loves hitlim. That's noi all. I yon[HI would noi take bis com-I- "Wondering" dial ber pareie n ts n __ asked hiiilm If. for o n e m ln u ic . mle en n ts personally. appeared loheinielligent pcpeo- sorry he had married ■niuirniiiiiKTtii5infrihcsub~ HI — p lc r^ r n ‘:lilvi'‘ io 'ih e ‘ n e e dl\iw w >\, V S->^^ I TUEWSTORICT*CTAr\,^>w?w m c h e wwould ( not Icav6 mc for polno in is o f tb e law. t if 1 sh o u ld d ie before BeBesides, women have a riie parents know her andI h e r • ON '] } ~ , y ^ U ’” ** ' W r ^ s i / —4* him , lie\ «w ould h e knoi-kiiiK on longingur life expeclancy thann b ro lh cr well, iluiir personaiiali- .! O U R r t Z ^ i ^ - . r a I — M M L her door.>r. T hai also liurt. mlen. en so tlu; odds are in ytnirir .lies, llu-ir sicengibs a n d tli;ul>s. playing different sp o rts— BEWAREi? J BEWAB^ > 1 ^ B 6 W F c from (|iiiie a few — agrcireed • OP ( _ L ___ ^ — - "BDROKENHEAirrED : IN If Iicriu major is difrerent. sbc CATS5 It s ' FLORIDA wonon'i even have the samee w itb my ansWer. Ouch! Rocoddoveint(to one big wrt^ater hazardd . Hagar th e Horriblee By Chris Browne • ilumaiis gei a pleasant buIUl/7. • ‘ 0B 6 K " 6 o o p / ^ ^ ■ N B ^ 3 U 6 t *TVie IbAhibVa i y H K I Tills duday in hislory:<)n Sepi. HOfAB PflOfA JESS» w«4r H ^1,uC ^ B bF x e^seHTiAU!A u e M. i 9g::\.i . noyd Saiierlce Hood f f from tbe calleine-relaieil susub- MYBAJPON ^ Y o u e e i ^ E i 1 , T W l£ T )M e f . iced upI a golf ball at ibe cd^c sinnce. but m any an im als cacan't ico'TiAH Pjj ; o f Ihe Pai'acific Ocean and drove I; I m e ta b o li/e it a s w tell. . a liail due dl cast. A mere HII5 IL tienerally. die tiarker th t e choiolaie. die more iliclieo- v S ^ d ays.ll-J.1-1,737 stro k e s, a n d H •( l . i < :<.r>lltosi)si balls jater. he'd cov- ■ brom ine il conlains. ered XM)'W7.7 miles before driv- ■ Pollsters tell us that alioiiIII) '.i ------piTceni to f) [lerceiit ol Unitiiiietl : F ^ ______.«—— 'AKK • inlo Ihe waicr bii/ard . ihcAilaniic Ocean. cbiiihurch atui found divinele Slates bouseiiolds dtin'i owi w c ih I'll I ■s the -most recorded -iiispispiraiion. television si't, I s^c ;e W ho a re llie m 's In -\W?«»M's : — musicianan in lilsiory? No. noi 11I he niinisa'r rcad a passage ^ ihe "Niglilingale of fronom iNalni ■l.'i that reads 'All.11 eaiidyV Mars and Mnrrirrie, • Ki and Lots J ______ByB|ClianceBio»ne Lila Mangesbkar. who ' thyIV garmeiiis smell of myrrhh Ilowever. die Mars ivas rn o i . ly years recor' Soap got its:s ■ p a rin c r. Hriice M urrie. w i TT a T a blR Imlusincss here and the namam e. a n o d ief lilaik-slieep son, and ai U niied SiStales DepiUimcni of WlWhile Johannes Kepler wasIS his lailier was presideniII ot P^TT^^Vg.AT.LAW 1? I accom|>lislie

X ‘ N iiw iHl»Olu m (:iII;Y. l-ia. — Mis wife D oiiiia b a les tlth e J N icolc DtDelameler has learned Odds & Ends beard.-lnii llieir three daiiglIgh- ters. w ho intend bigh schoolol in K a p arking spot. I-asi Wenatchee, don't miliind 3 i I Circuit ludge Stanley W/M T a n d '■mostly th e ir boyfrieiu•nds rived for work Monday. L l ^ ihink it's rool." W eddle said.1. !ler’s 19‘J0 Oldsmobiie |j|f l 1 lie said b e w ould keep llihe The Wizard of Id By Brani Paike S 'n S 'rirked i in iiis reserved, I heard, uiiiriiiinicd.'as longg . as . t d ie c o u rth o u sc. .So lie 9 H I bin liiden remains at largo - the &00PN6WSI;SisYDU've \ II ^ I spacc al ll I/ /" so JtAve ^ his 2005 Cadillac I "even ifl gel burieil willi ii," YYtARSOLpy //^ N P T H I \ r"\ I /a"I parked 1 f REACHeP eiG^lTYl p ) (^roUR K N E E S J I V ' '"', |,i,l,ii,d luber Gir and forced her WM ------^ ( S A P -X ■ Ki>^ lo sil in hihis courtroom iiniil he B fl I Tliis really isn’t about O T V^ N g W S ? ‘ S w as readydy 10 leave. I getting a promotion? / A ___ _ Delamnuier. c 2(>. swears she M\ ilioiijjhiI I die "reserved" sign I MADRID. Spain • - Spaiii'nish I police officers seidiiig in foror a m ean l ilI \>w as reserved for ihose (1 \ 1^/ Ulllii ,v to l>^ — RoinntociI court. S he b a d lo sii in I video preseiiuiiion on how i UMfO>9W ihc judge;;e's co u rtro o m for m ore I get priinuiied to si'igcani we iUilL -r- 6 0 dian ihreree hours — and she S insiead sliiiwn footage of banard-. aJ^ S WI »pM J H 4 ______i^ w c e s ,. ? •-••-' - ...... I had comn e e only to give b c r sis- • . . • coreporniigra|ibv. h n U (W ith.) Middle School ter a ridec i10 a boyfriend’s c o n n Howling liiugliier rippU)le«l" bearing. ttichii c h r C iiy Weddle It t t f n In this ilirougb tlieamllioriunf wIklere‘. Dennis the Menace:e - . By Hank Kelcham “I'm vevery, ver)’ sorr>-." sb c S*pi.'pt. 6 ,2 0 0 6 photo Ukeii In Eett 121) Madrul ciiy police otficec e rs. . ! St. I’eiersbiirg rimes. tVemtinitchee. With. had gaihered to see the vidi,deo B v B i . K „ „ . TH E FAAHLY CIRCUS er do il again in a mil- on operaiioiis. ihe Madri:lrid lion, milliiUion ye.irs." to bbe e catigbi w ithin a m o n th opp regional jiisiire and intcri(rior — ^ s r ------R n is ssiiid' ii H wiisl h e sec-oild set,rmnTmna'tiis-fnciat-hntnrT— U t' '“ iiilnK tiy said^tiesdoy. ■ lim e in asns many weeks dial lie tbeesuccc'ediiig si (ive years a s he Co'inpuier lechiiii'iatians -.V . \ found sononu'one parked in iiis weni.‘111 from substiiiitc teacherr blanii’d die gliii b on a Troj!!tjan N ^ \ spacc. to science instructor att Morse I’onipuier virus ilvIbat activaieil when die coiiipuiiUler ' ' 1 \ “TliereVe's IWO p e rk s to tb e I-phriihrala Middle School. t • judge said.-"I have m y Al Al the start of each schoolI containing the video wiw as S \ job."lhcji 0 f tiirned on, a m inisiry olTlciicial t!” p)>‘I \ ownl)iiihi:hronm, and I have my yearar he gives students a brief ^ ' , 7 ow n park]rkiiig spot, and you're expliiplanation of his l>eard.. said. ^ noi Roinglg to get to u se ciilier." wbii'llii'h strcicbes more than a1 "It was jusi bad luck th a t lldie ( • ’ ’ foot01 and has stuned turning; virus aclivaied rigbi thenen." M a n w omt n ' shave until Btay;iy. ■ !snid die iilficial. w h o asked nr killed. a llyy vwho lost family in 91]] toI

1 C4 h,Uiko T>w

)« l,W Ounds l 8 m StndtfrttrtrnfreaabaOdbifn f t i t i t t o " n w sia) rtsofa Gunn H H DawmCollefeffttrnpertt M -CnM Ja.thtM !r«uiilll«db]rpirpoBei. . 3 iivx-s of lx-piiie‘s•■svictinis. v lim e h e wasVOS shooting ill pi‘o- wttM imandiutlioritlesuiiuid. . MON-nibM.-Awi, \t)ung m an W iinesses . to W ednesday’s pie." studenteni Michel lioycr lold in a bliick la-ncli i-oat roii a n d a ' attack ^niid a mim m wearing ii CIV. “I imnmmediately hit the mohnwk haircm.opujpened lire black irencb coalco; entered tltc floor. It w asLS probablypi o n e of die. . Wednesday at a Moiiiloiiiri-al col- sch o o lcafeteriaaia and opened fia' m ost frighierbiening momcni.s of'. lege. slayiiiK . « roinan. and. vviihoni ulieringjtiga'wonl. . mylife.'". , wouniliiiBiitlcasJ lyolyoUierpeo- pIuUcfiia*p» and killL'd ...... hlin. wimfvsts and1 iniiboriliesini wiid. J’olice dism issed ^uggl.MionsMi{i tliai ti'm»risni playwwl l; a role in M Uiu iiiiich'hinir attattack ai . , i Dasvson College, vvlier:|iea> scoa-s ] ------of'paniclccd-snulcnts-lits-fled-inl»— llie MRfis after tiiele shooiiiig'• ------i bcKi)"' S om e hadid clolhes siainal wtihhIi>od: otherscriwlpth< ;uid duiiK 10 each oilother, iw o . I. . 'tiieni atul a___ '’i' daycare tenter alsowcru'ca* ev'icii- . iited. "I w as ierrit'ie»l. i lhe t e guyi V iN R stKxiiinK ill |>c5 ■Tliea* wea- cops v s ^ : : j>S n ^ i p # ' ® > 3 1 'socni/\-.- m jSrw : cvfeai^ HglttlCaBim > Wiini’sst's saiil the:ie iattacker s a i i ^ , staneil firinsotiisitlL'thi‘thecollege •rMO*CCff befoa> w alUni' in (lie■fronidoor. fru •-r " v I •uOfbcti/txDitaaih Muchofilieshoniincwij;w a sin ib e ' j ^ •W ttl.i'UO Stm a secotid-fliHir cafeteria,!ria. where J n f t ' ' f ■ siudents dropped lo«> ,tlthe lloor a n d lay in terror, Att I'iii'intc*s the i'-„ . ^ J (gunman hid behindid \vending ' ■ ' ' ^ r X Ks T t y : tetwgiatedHoijw■ M T h e a t e r S f t t s m machines hefore emer[iierging m ,i. mif/tmiamtam lokc aim — at one po: C thtt m tim gr^eest Charges' lecnaner who iried n> phoi BmI|HHU'A^O«mAe»cw gm pli him wiih his cell i ■ I’olice nishi’d lo theIbe scene. /,>•' lUMDowniP I a y m e n t ^ lii^ng beliind a wallall as tliey . . cxcluuiged Tire ivith1 ll:die gun- m an. w hose hack w asIS iijjigainsi a BnuHlW Agt.Sir SU!nSDRnvProlactloii wilding machine.'said:lid student ^ w h!y Payment /Xndrca Uarone, whoI wawas in Ihe ; \ W ldeScramHinV cafcieria. lie said theh e ofTicers procecdetl cautiously I Sffl'EBsSr HH>A!M ai«M AtAr many simlenis werere i ^^Qvflie«w;cwiww«i; around tbe assiiilanilam. who fmE'SSSiSSSS yelled 'G et hack! llei::ei hack!" cvcr>- tim e an olficerer itrieil to » LCD Flat Panel w n v move closer. M m . " • l y i S ^ W livuniually. Ikironee s: tbe Runman went tlownI in hail \ ' . Kunnre. l*olice.S}{t. Irancoiss DiDure said that Ibe attacker xvas. a 2.')-vcar<2 . bid man from ihe M ontreal ! __ area, but he did not pr OVDHndyeiB S OD I N V 32**THRltron I pmyldc a M fiiifgO' U N Y i name or any furtherler details 201 Optical Zqmi WEaADlgKtriTV about the nian. Dorcre f wild liLs ; •' 1BbM P3Pla|W za ;. • ricownim •WiekCCOImttttm r ■ ••3ZI»»fltt4tnuC8Tn c ar WILS still ai ib e schischool and Cnilt •e$a^MH$wmDn •MHtWgKainnr police werc‘ searchinggliL bi sapan ; » O m m . S£5!Sf^ ti Ftmatt •um etm hpntr m eni. rmtkmnrtfmatomm M (M ' twnatiuiimm ‘ Police spokesman:ian Eati malm (m onm cm M it ^ M MttoMf Lafreniea* sjiid ib ereV v\v.\s just o n e gunniiui aitd th eL‘ se;seiirch for : ■ vi’' - \CnHt any oibers was over. Alibougl) police initialitially sug- pifti"-'- ' gesieth e safely BS m w MWPI a n d recovery o f ull ilicIliose wbo EKKk ::: were Injured durinirin g this 5 iece r Piece Living I' ^ r oagody.” lack Glider 6 Piece Pie The shooiing recoi■called Ihe S i M f t Room Groups | :______1999 aimck.aLColumbim binvJ ligb— M H _____f l L Ottoman i_JMntiigJ5ett BedreotimSet M - fc m m H , ------— T - - 5 S d io o l In Colorado,, whwhere two B B I.------H i l i n B StartingAt—I students wearing iiencrench coau Set . belwlnllablg, Idllcd 13 people beforeirecommii- c H H |E tingsuldde. 4G halitftBm clih ■*«*•*- 1 Gmada's worst mas;nass shoot- |H K ; . I in g also tiappencd innMonueal. N' iH K - B A bKctidaiSefa,Lam bi aal. 1 G unm an Marc Lcplnen e k1 ille d U ■ 31zm n tiZ lM m 1 w om en at iheEcolcPol]Polytechnic ■ V ? I : ’M t , f i *w on D ec 6.1989, bcforcs)re ^ o o U n g him sd f. The 2S*year-old L cplnc roam ed the halls o f dieih< school firing a rlllc. spcdacoll]i:ally latgei- ing women wliom hhc e d a l i ^ in a su id d c note had1 ruruined his Ufe. Nine other vromenic n a n d fo u r - m en .were w oun ded

fiv n ew gun taws' andm d greater awareness of sodetalla] violence< : ->partlculartydomestiiestic abuse, ' Canadali tighw gunin I low was j insid U.S. B t‘'V .U U \0 , .arnbeibassador IA AB d I remm e em b e rs - 9 / 111 1 victims, THURSOAlAY g M lJNI]DAI D 2 1,200 6 : . j -y f TIM ES-NEW S » SECCTION T EDITOR PAT MARCANTANTONIO: 7 3 ^ 3 2 8 8 D SEPTEMBER 1 4 ,:

INSIDE: Los LobDbos sing of hopes, heaitbiitbreaks,D2 I T r a i n i n g toti new Americans, D2M I Boy can stay in U.S., I ! . , 0 2 W drfefi^p o o ^ pm R e p) o r t s l M s p ;a n i c ) diversity ilin the statee ' UOlSr. — I’articipanis In an shone- Ocl. .'»-G iraveling workshopan Commission. ' ShoshiTWbes offercd by IJniversiiy o f Idaholop Hannock and Nez Pcrce 'dohb's.T Extension will explore Idaho'siho and sou th w csiern . Idsan and n e e (! d s , c c9 n t r i b) u t i o in s diverse i culiural crossroadslo's lias(|iie, African-AmcricanThcy.’U • wiwilh vlsiis 10 Three blandids Muslim communities. ITscrvlce CrCrossing Slale Park. Oregonind m eei wilh local refugee seiten in .’i’ralh Hisibr)’ and iiduciiiion;on providers and an cxpei)lution Cenier. Glenn's I'er'ry I lisiorical m eals. ■ ■ -ILeam more lon interfaiih conflict resolu Did you know? M useum and Uoise's liasqueical iind enjoy intercuiiural tr ByMMjrcaatook) tothe Idaho.CommlssIon ' l.i, j' . . .TlnwWewg writer ______HItpanIc ehlldmdren make up 11.9 * W M e 7Upercentofall 2 4 i block. They'll also ipur ihe s SISO Hispanic Affairs Web site lue and dances. perccnt of the.6 t(total public . housing unitsmits are owneroccu- , Anne I'rank Human KighlsIhe Hie regisiratlon fee isp i.: 29) ttpy/ ^], (: . TWIN I'AIXS - U 11k e oils. scb.ool enrollme.ment. while tho . pied. 51.9) pepercent of HIspantes Memorial, Idnho Hlack Historyhis by Sept. 22 (S165 by Scpi1 trans- -f: — =— nunibcrecnnpainipici ulation makes up------own the housKHislng unit In which------!/______1_M.M uscum.-and_ilu:_lslaniicory and includes meals, bus atlons.u ------Ited liy Ihe 7.9 perceni ofof total t Idaho popu- they live, 'Center o f lioise. or S40 llic picturc piiinted nore Information and ^ Ilic__ pociatlon -and-pr^ntati stuiisiics dealing w w{ilh - th e lation. In Dlstrlctrict 4 (the eight • 26 .2 peteenteentofKispanics 'Ihe workshop is ibe laiesi Hegistranis can apply foroffset ies of the Hispanic Profile ty in Idalin counties of heIhe Ma^cI Valley), age 18 endId oolder didn't have segm eiii in Idnho's loiinu-y for 111 and j Mlspnnic cornmunliy i a for Idoho and Hispanic ])j lest scholarships to help o 1, but also Hlspanics make9ke up about 6 health carere InInsurance, c o m -, Diversiiy and Human Kigbis.for iheir costs. Ul class crcdll^elop- was one of growih, I Ir^^Po^^^i^a^ho^report. tfifrperoent of.non or Mil Miiiinrhi-rl hy 111 l-xtm sliinIlls, in leacher professional dcvt Icnges ahead. tion. Hlspanics. Ibc spring 200.'5 lo helpJ u ___ nmni rralli nn; nlsn nvail ; w ho Margie Gonzalez,. execuiivecj • During ttie 2(X2002-2003 school • T3.8 peteen^ofHlspank; fcIafio;iiis£ learn .iboiK the coJ;elp for addiiional fees. dlrcc(or <>r ilicle Idaho year, there wereere 26,966 females 18B andai older had not carc o of f ihcniselves. slu- said, iiiral. liii eihitic and religious his- Interested fdahonnsBy can Commission on i il Iispanic Hispanic studenlents and ol those had a mamnvmmogram or clinical I lispanimics wl-rc also uiid'7 icritical." • 48 percent of ithe Hispanic Hlspanics andanc norvHlspanlcs "I’eo]:o])le were iiisi asioii- i zens../v ili- Journey is S-t5.and prc-npt. 29. G onzalez lol^t ib c; IIH is|)anic population Is 19 years old or (or about 161 6 percent). 1 ishcd,","(lonz;ile/.said. ( j I’articiiiaiils in the Ocl. iration is rcHjuIrcd by Sept.1, click Business and proleio fessionals younger, comparpared to 31 per- • Of all the3 HIspanteHI: deaths. ‘n i e c: com m ission will rclease 1 w(worksiiop will learn from andr>-(i For morc information,d ui /fcs Network on Miuidayay iin ‘IWiri cetit for non-Hisilispanics.' 50.7 percentent of the people • . n new' profile [v in l-cbniar\-2(M)7. [ inieraci ini wlili represemaiivesmd on www.agls.uIdaho.cdtB)346- ' f-alls. • Of Uw 89,4585 8 Hlspanics over were 54 orir younger,yo compared In I»n[inuar>‘200(i, ihe com m is- ! of the Idaho Human Klglilsves ur call NickJe Dell a i (208) Ihe non-partisiiii1 ciconunis* age 5 .7 0 perceircenl speak ' v^lh 13.9 percentpen of non- sion alsiilso released its I lispiinic 1 h is Gir>3in'HoIse. sion Is charged with serser\'iiig Ihc Spanish at homiome, while 29.1 Hispanic dealdeaths that were aged . Uuyinglg Power Hepori, w hich j •' I Iispanic com m un ityly andn acis ' percent speakk English£ only at ' 54 or Hl^erI- death rates showed,‘d lhal Liiiino spending ' Women ) make up hi from 2.!) pea-eiii in 1991) j as a liaison betweenI tivthat.coni* home. Some 90 percent of from violentnt crimeci and motor grew frc About 95 million womon aioundhalf of migrants 9 muniiy and the stateV aiand legis* Idaho residentsIts only speak vehicle accldecldents have been o f ibe loihlm buying power in ihe j irty. counirios to live and work in jnda lo Ihe world havo left ihelr home laiurc. ll doesn't loblobby, hu i English. 01 thosilose Vfho speak. lound in youniounger populations. siaic lo:o-l.‘)pL’rceniin2IK).'». < ' [ . hall ol tho world's immigrantsa loreign land, accounting (or neart) worlui closcly , w witl ith llu: another languagejage, 7 0 percent * HItptnlee« makenv up atwut "We :ii also I'oniribiiie a lol of ; • Percontngo ol females om ongs i «ion Legislature on issuess ofo f Inipor- speak Spanish,ih. .. . 15.4 percent'ent ofldaho's Incar- moneyy in the siaie of Idaho," j * lim ce lo Hispruiics. Ironrroni im m i- • One In (dur non-Hispanicnor , cerated adulUjults. sh e saidlid. ' j I^■Woiid ^■Aitn - —>ng ■International migranta, by retf< ■ H Attica Europe 'I I Ila gniiion 10 henltli care.e. households con;;onsist of only one Ther luiinbers ' sliotved 1 ■ 1 uiiin Amonea and Cant)6o«n . Aiu)thcr com m issioniion goal K person, compareured to one in 10 Source:i HispanicHis PmfJIe Daio I-iiin osis speni more on loiul f — I NortnAmartca "TTi OceaflU 10 bccom e a cicaringliiiglunise o f Hispanic househseholds. for Waho ihair iion-Hispanics. ik but less : Inrormaiion about Ihe ihi slates on lobai)acco and liquor. ■“ I iispanic comm uniiy.y. (!(ionu ilcz A iroi-oiibling numlier: "Wlien ? said. were undercounlimicd. I'orexam- ibencedorxiilrx-alueolkeepingihe ii conum es IO e d u ia lio ii iinil C ensus figures for foi 2000 pic. her own paparents wercn'i numbers. GonLionzale/said. hcallh1 care,i w e spem l less,", i M M showed Idiilio's i lispanilanicpopu- coniacicd.'niuyay are legal, elder- Wlien ilicpreprofilcWLScomplei- Goiizaleslez sjiid. IJM 1370 19B0IM11 lation al mon) (ban lOI.iOl.OOO.biit ' Iy and reside illI’a a rrur.U area nuar cd il c o wred a tl not only popula- Uui ilihe sialislics also reveal Romlllanco | incom e, in billionsBO 1990 ' ?000 ?00S much latinos add lo ilie recent estimates pu pui i il al Wilder, in addttIdilion. no one ilon.buigiuvila* a facc to I ILsiuinlcs bow nu ans ot dollors. 2005 ' l.'il.OOO. ■ Seems lo have ilii 1iiandle on the residing In lliellie siaie. from hoas- siaic. whichw offseis ihiise w]io "IlispanicswercauKim ajorityof num ber o l inigr.ii,'ces '•CIIUWIC''Treocl Atr«M Aw Atfit AP growth in the l.;itino10 |popula- • "ll Nvas ovcrwlrwbelming.” she berofhealtii-clii-carc workers were helji "m'move our people in our Ilock Till. ? jor, iirvij'On Tfi# Wa«U« orvvaid," Gonzjilez said, reocljinWigiAW' ' . ' ,llon. with ihc greatestCSI jump- saidofdieiask. Hispanic. whi weeks.,,.Margarita— thing 1 had;" said G uiiermCO. (iiilierrez lakes ilie nioneyila who lives in San Franciscoations ived from Iier S7-an-hour jobley A receni United Natshows UtIaGircia.oft)ie H washing cars and send s ii iob to I’opiilaiion Fund rcpon alone,sh igrants Aztec danct croup ■ ill-her two children in IO 1:1 that (lUiicrrez is not al Salvador, even ihough her > m en. Teicatllpou, ttrtan l-:i Although female immigr husband freis over ihe cost ierof genenilly earn less thana rla r g -' the irena at the living in ilieir adopied hom e.o f they tend to send h om e :nlngs,a 1 l ( t i nady to pe^ ' "As a nu)iher. I ihoughi llrsi.e. cr portion o f iheir eom3geD3 i fonn Tuetda; at the. O rsl. Please see IMMXiMNIS,J>aei Indian 1fiHace at H I theKewHedeo Q i EPA offers Uf 10 State Faib B Tezeatflpoca It from H ipto $ 150,00( Medco City. H forenviromi mental work Sli/VITlii. Wash. — Ih e U.S. linvironmeiiial I’roieciion Ar^'iii-)- (l-i’A) is seeking grantiim Leam more .ipplicaiions lor projecis lo ms. assist low-iiiconie and minority tat: communities in assessing and. about these grant propams dealing w iih their speciPic and[“> visit the followlns web ^ sonieilnies. iiicrcasetl environ- menial iind public healih risks. a n « /re 80urces/pubU»- IJ]) 10 $150,000 is ax-iilable to tions/eJ/grants/rftKPHTBr non-priifii organizalions ance/resources/publlca- mt* Ihrougli l-:i'A's Office o l 202- l-nvironmenial Justice, tiraiils tlons/ei/granU/rfr«Mr8« Sa Or contact Ayako Sato Bt 20 will be awarded ihrtuigh iwo M te huseparate programs: The 5 6 4 ^ 9 6 Of livl-nvironmeiilal Justice or She Colliibiiniiive I’roblem-Sohing Lewis at 2 0 ^ 5 6 4 0 1 5 2 Couperalive At!tia.-me ill_aiul_ lewis.8heila®ep8 4 ov. An eveer^chang^ g p a t hiltoJegal- Ihe i;iiviroiimeiilal Jusiiccnd ______Small (iraiiis I'rograms. Theicc isures. deatiliiie for grjuit applicaiions ucaitJS The Wathlngton Post ifv for green cardsirds, if ih ey paid Crysdil Williaiiliams. depuiy direc- Uniied S he periods of beach closu about ------a S l'o o o fine.. Tlte T law w as lor for proiprograms nt ihe date. Ti Is Oct. 23.- ins Iheir second project educ Ihe intent of ih ese programs WASHINGTON — - . Sincc phased out in 19911 is; bui tlien American Immigrailon status is im m ignuii com m unides at is to encourage low-income lusticc Congress has tabledI Immigra-Im reinstated by’ Congress ( In Uw>’ers Assocsociniion. "i-amllles froni ce ms loxic risk-s In tiouscbolds. and minority communities to d and lion reform, millionss orol im m i- Dc'cember 2UOO.'0. The deadline go through[1 the ll process and cannoi Tie • Ihe Environmental lui develop locally-tiased snhi- an for gm nis living and workliirking here wns April 30,2001101. • Ib eyd lscovertXT that tlic kids will ongoing to Aciion Group in I’onlond liniislil to llieir som elim es dis- c In illegally now find ibcyicy havc a While employe:>yers and rela- b e grown before bei the nanny menial lu- the ('.om muniiy Coalition proporilonnieAr share of envi- lg on tougher paih lowardd Iclcgalb.a- lives can still sponsor spi Immi- geisagrcencaicard." condiiio lis- 1-nvlronmenial lu sik c ronmenlal.1|' and public henllh cm is- lion. grants for greenn cards,c limlied Exceptionsms are made for not lead vi- Seattle is both working issues. erbaie In th e p asi. Illegali;al im mi* qu otas liave resulted i in some Immlgnilgranis who comc dency. llh reducing hormfu] dlcscl c: I’iicillc N onhw esi organbui- ilncra- grants have been heljhelped by extremely long)g w alls, 'I'he from crlsls-riis-ridden countries Oncw. sion s w hich can cxa'ccrt lionsdl h:ivc received these I chil- spcclflc amnesty program pro s, Uniiese ble popuiaUons such os t • Ih'c Indochinese Cultural sd dd e nearly 3 million immigrnigranisio sored for green:en-card-based Salvador, Nicaragua, marry n dren und the cldetty. and Scrvice Cenier in Tacoma dng to gain legal siatus. In 1994, visas every year.r. Ilonduras,Somalia and Williams ml • Tlie Farm worker Pcsdi lanmplmaiLimal- riasc hns isIU working to cxliicaie inimi-no l»rojeciinYakimaisworkinorfccTs ______grantsIh about poicntini rlsk-s a s t e a allowed people sponsonsorcd by worker, sudi asJ a nunny. often Ify for temponporary protected do il on ni- educate m lg a n t farm wori ______froml:r eniing shellfish during les. employers or relativeses tito qual- encounter a "crueruci myth;" said sta tu s if the;Ihey w ere In th e felony." ik-S atiout health risk.5 ossdBi ng w ilh exposure to pcstlddes

-sta tu s ^111' Sn I Slates before a i-enain de Temporary proiceled isi is given to ininiigranis certain countries who is 11 return because of an ng conllicis. enviroi’- tie il disasi'ers or o ih er lin ion s. Ih e pnigram d o e s pn ad lo permaneiii resi- roi

way to gain legal siaius. 1 ed in- a niovie aptly lio 1 -"Green Card." is lo gn a U.S. citizen. Ihil. ns warned, "ihe mar* an IIIS ROI 10 b c .n;al,.lfj,i!ii.. _ j ^ jn a bogus basis, it s a gn frn tlw<^S«>h«befl4.aO< CdMUNIDA)AD MIGRANTSS AMONG THEE VICTIMS daho Demilocracy

ichooloffei; g - to6new |m eericans,

lURLEY — T h e Idaho Dem

ofimmigrc:ants’ emo3tions N.•lAMI'A - I he 22nd annual iiii'hide i The Iminigrairant ' Los Lobibos singe Illspaipjinic Issues Training Mtivenieni: i Closing ihe Doc; Confenference's th em e is '•Stand America’si New Approach j liohielaiul seenecuriiy — are carefree "Chuco’s "i Cumbla." up I’eoplelI’e Aninio Ku/a!” and Imniigniiion: 1 Communinily U » Angeles Times______Hesources fifor , Los Lobo!bos banned. Ihuy s]speak'of hope, wiihiis.ialii(III (slang) and hot MIX. w illoI olfer l u varieiy o f m plcs, 1 he event, which is spon* Immigranis/Income 1 TiTiix . \M iilc poliiicians iinclid |pro- "The Town andthcCUy^ d tl and heartache.e. :ambition and serves usi transitiont lo a cool The ,ire. Ilui “U iilelliings" soreded by ih e Im age d e Idalio, a ilesponsibiliiies J and TiTiix ■ ; iL’Mcrs were l)iisy inarclirchiiii? (Hollywooiood) ■ diseiicliaiiinienle n t. sacriR ces new ciiliuri lainenis tliithe loss of viiliies and nonpinproflt organi/aiion con* Heneliis: I and Mexican immmii- • and making speechesies on 3 1 /2 siartars andhCfiling. kWliy" theen iptin ess cernened with the civil righis. grant's j contribution lo Ulalicho. ! iiDiiiiKmiion in reccnt nioi:nonihs. llecause imnim m igration is 'Don'i Ask' •ed Illusions., enipitployment and educatioii of Tile Sept. 22 scheduhile ■ I-iisi 1.0S ;\nKules' acclalirlaimed always a joiirne;rney. ihl- album ofshaiierec ho Hispanics. will start at loi'uses I on ^ youlh atand Hispanic rockers wereu iin a have found fame andHid siauiru, if o p en s with "Theh e Valley."’ w hich Near tluhe end. the gospel-’ Idaho ree Dp" urgL-sa philo- 10 ii.m. a.i Sept. 21 and 9 a.m. -• •imiudes: i ' recording - studio (|uieily (|ui IIOI foriune. whilele remaining i evokes the ilawniwn Ilf anew life tinged "l-rei II. 22 at the Nam pa Civic Keynote remarks . prep a rin g Iheir ow n siaitemeiil te n loyal, artistically andnd personal- in a promisctiised land. Hut sop hicaladadjustmenitoasnap- Sepi. . I ’y I lappiness comes to Centeiiler. Concepcion ( Hodrigueuez. - on ihe siihjeci. The resuesull is ly. 10 their barrio roooots. • already, layerss olof sonic disso- py beal. I! ow aii. lor the peace o f Tlielie leniaiive schedule for Zefran ; liinenil Home lhis ouisiandinK new album alh . liut in a d ebaie wherewl: talk is nance create.■ anJl iinsetiling thosewhov i" nien il com es my lim e S e11.21 p t.: includes: . Chicago. ( in siorcs this week. It's aisubilc. sui cheap, the sirengiligth of Ihis undercurrent,1. Dreams of deaili, 'Mv .Ight brunch at Hispanic S e ssio n s in clu d es Tou(ugh siigKesiive und at tiitim es work rt*sis h ea\ilyly on w hai’s arrival im m ediaidiately’nirii into I Yon wonon'l find m e cryin' I Llgl n gone / ' ivvervihlng C ullullural Cenier of Idaho: Talk Straighi from the l-unerleral . •iinihiKiioiiN look a i anII issuei; lefl iinsuld. This isiu ur n album in the droning, cha;chain-gang hltie.s Wlien I'm le." keync.•note speaker. Humberto Ihime; I l.'‘t'>. lalk Aboi)OUl often draw n in irire Oxtre(iremes the classic, prc-dlgli;Bilal sense, in o f "Hold On."In." abou t ti'(' will he line, album closes with ih e l-iientenies. presideni of National Siereoiypes: : and tiel Wlielerc <>r pro and con. hlackck and which ihe very sequenceset of oppressive driidriidgery of low- Yet [heal unsettled yeanling o f l-arnv'inworker Justice I'und: You ' Wani to (io Throujugh w hile. . son gs suggests me:!neuning and skill work: "Killli:illlng myself jusi torn and ui ivn." W here has the keyiit,'iiole speaker, l-tirique Ivducalion. 1 ! I'hls Sfl of 13 evocnocniive connection, to keep aliv e/KI" Killing il m yself to "The Towi led us? l ull circle to Nloroirones. Border Angels: a i'he cost is 57r> for o n e diday ; songs is told from a clearc Los Lobos use lyrliyrlcal im ages survive." journey lei if a beiHT place, always fiestastu of Columbian and or ( S 12.1 for the full conferenc : iinniigrani point of viewlew. as und moody sound;ndscapes to Jhe songs Ihenthe explore the dreams ofa idi; Hispa•panic art and culture: and I'or m ore in foriiiaiion .. e*< you mIghi expeci of)f four convey whai ii feelsels like to be iinexpecieil chanhanges iminigni- out of read j-o Ihere when I dream folkloklorico dance. poelr>- read* niiill i IMACIi d e Idaho' al Nlexican-j’\;iicric u n s (andnd one an immigrant. Bu/xjzz words — lion always briniirings to people "I can go iiye\’c>sand its all 1 see. Iiigs;s nnda music. Session topics 'inro(‘''im i agedeitlaho.or:)rg . .\nglo fellow traveler)r) 'vvho border, illeguls, cheap chi labor, who underiakeke it. T h e lively. /I d o s e n iy Salvadoriranboysc earchingfcfor D igamne! (Tellll me) P a tMMarcantonio, a omunidad means “com- canrtayiiinU.S.forinow Comuniunldad editor. mother ( mnunity" i in Spanish and „ Write: Times-NewsiWS. PO. Box 5 4 8 . Twin • ' that'swhat at this page is all nvn as "lem- deponed, " Fails, Idaho 8330:303 sLOSANGl:UiS(AJ>) -A— / IO - erul progrum.kninvi about. Send your news i year-old Salvudomn boyoy who porary protectiveive stauis" Jonathan’s mom other h ad’ left a t E-mail: [email protected] ' was apprehended whilee trtrying under which hiss i rnoiher is him with an amaunt in 2000 to jteiTjms. tips and notices to: ’• o r c a ll7 3 5 * 3 2 8 83 . . . . to cross Ihe U.S. borderron oi his staying in ihe UnitIniied Slates, illegally Inimigraigrale to ihe U.S. . own to find his moiherlier Can Officials don’i knwv'M'whaltodo Since 20(H. sheOie has hud the . ; Slay in America ui leastLSI until' with Ihe ihoiisaiidiiids of kids temporary slaius : next summer, an Irnmignignition from Cenirul Anninerica who Ulien the aur got sick in_ • judge ruled Monday. cometoihe'coiinirytry illegally lo la ie 20t l. lonathiiilhiin said h e nnd Judge William Manin’sn’s ded- « join iheir parents, a teenage cousli>usln rode buses j sio n m ean s Jonaihan Manlartln ez H ie program pro'irovldes legiil north for sevet,*verul w eok s to B k ll immigraiiis reach ihe U.S.. bebord. und jonnthan W ^ . s an asylum cluii;lalm lo and Nicaragua., allall countries was nabbed in tl the d c se n iry* 5 lulianne that hnve siifTeredd d devusiatlng iiig to cross the Mexico- >4 J l B l i . k eep him here, lawyer Julii -O ci. : Donnelly snid. Thai case ca; is natural disasters s in recent Arizona border, He lived : oxpecicd 10 be heart:ard in years. Ilie idea is thithal they can wilh his moiheither und 3-year- I • Augusl. best ser\'c ihelr honlomelands hy old half sister sin ce then. D onn elly said the Tamil;mlly will working here andind sen d in g The fam ily / si snid the uunt I qoca! daily f : argue thal Jonaihan doesIocs nol m oney hom e, w ho look carelofhimhnssincc o f M ' h ave a n yon e lo take cuicure o f Bui only im mlgnignm ts In the left lil Salvador.-or.-his grandpar* ■ i him in El Salvador, making ma United Sinies whenen a program enis are too oldlid ito lukc him in H B WlA/spapers O Ik : him susceptible to gangsngs and starts — for Salvadoidorans. afler and his fathericr disappeared l ) ' violence. two major carthqualuakL>sln20()1 years ugo. c h 6 6 % o f W t r “He would be forccdI to fend • - arc eligible. TliThai means ’ “I’m happy' bccouscbe 1 gel 10 read streets." children who comom e later ._io siuy." said Jonnihinihaninaphone Llir for himself on the strc U n S o l o P a q u i D onn elly said. join parents don’iI qualify,qi put- interview afier;r MMonday's hear- 111^ispanics # 1 Jonathan’s case iUustraitratcs a lin g them in a so n-lofim o m igra- Ing. "I didn't wawuiii to go back . M e n s u a lL 2 , growing problem vrilh theth e fed* lion lim bo. Many enend up being because I woulduid be by myself." in 3any 7 -d a y s Tel4fono • Internet • Televil e v i s i o n w e e k . * 1 ^ Solamente ^9.95 at mi e s C . .. W n M o n ------:------^ , 1 e U nhM on .. B a llot iISSUE MMlf . ■ o iniiw no 5 ' ■ MTva S , . v h u m . , C Molcaii PrMMeiil-«lacl l a t cc l h U n n M M I ; ' ' C : FaiptCaUwwnmte- m 7 3 U-3236tiRbMiNi I Disponible en JaiJackpot y Flier C trkMhnfrMMM* Para m as informacl6n cocomunicate con Daysy S ■ M WNSSVtanlMidili | Mexko.Mar.lhxlM 'i ( 2 0 8 ) 3 22 6 6 - 4 3 3 1 1 pwiMartelartaiMahc- ■HiuiniMaNit s . ; tent officialsTMtdajrnstto 1 ^ e— “ e ' O n e M o n t hILY l P a c k a g e |c ; tatnrtfwM W ifrpatht mmttm 5 Telephone, DDi S L . V i d e o ______C I S P '1 ‘= 9 * 8 aipligtM saitocltM i munidad |f| $89.95 If I B 5 ; riikMl^cMMaKt O no low price foor rt three sendees. I ' N ^ tecidii

f- • TIiwJaKSiyh r t irl4,tt0» r H Tto»>«iw.Ti*ififc.H*»a M COMUNIDAE Immigraim ts _ _ C a\ n M P A I G N s t r1 A; T e 'g y ^ uOuncilc(condemn! IS ’/ CeoteNdfrempvOl y > playing an imponani to A & ordingtI to the ____ poverty rediiciion.nnd.iliiiicvLi-^----- report,-titlf opincni In iheir countrlntrics of • ^ :ampusai origin and upenilln^rtmany ■ Passage tojH 1 o p e: f Cl activities irodicionnl mores. About- 95 million w wo om en W om enla a n d ■ around tiie world hnvc their home countries tc .U htem atio 0wer immligrants and work in'a foreign I i,"they ' J U IB , they accouni T'*: nearlya,"*-'- Ration," e The group expressesed thu world’s iminfgrnnts. ■ send uip'to p ' ' ' Washington, U.C.. — Ttie until now link* research Naiional-Council aiii of lit'Ra/.a; deep concern oveier - been done on how men';c n s a n d three-Quart' JCLR). w hich calls ilself the women's itninigraiion1 CXexperl- . . . largrge>st’national e Hispanic civil“ . . som e proposed1 e n c c s diiTer. their income1 8 hom e. riggills iii and advocacy’ nrgf f human beings as enteriai report's primary auauth or. G eneral Assem blyly a quettlon during a newt sioi) e exercise leadership in maki their well-being. Menlen will to poverty ceduclu c tio n a n d cenfertnce In Sacniacramente, CalH.j Tuetday, the campinpiign of Coy, Arnold Mlichigan ‘<-'l or any other college ikJns tmpus." said lanel Murgufa.1. sure that their ctm paign coi:om- •• seek more consumerr ItemIt s, d e v e lo p m e n t/' A Ah lcala sa id . Schwinefi»tt«f'» D Fuetday that It downloaded ‘■•‘"'1 r'i Democratic rival acknowledged Tu« •f munications do not demoni>tii/e Wonien tend to be moreore reli- 'As im m igrationI is is changing _ j, CI.R president un d c h ie f to the nedla — a recordins of a prhtl^ate meeting In which the : L’raie able, and send homee largerI: nornis and attitudiJdes, It's a lso > " ^ 7 ” lecuiive officer, "but the larg-;• > communilies. Today I rellen Ibetl a HHpinIc ledtliter at havins aa'reryhol-pertofulily.But It that call, and ask die IlNCIC to ainounis.'' fostering socletli•ties where - concern is ibai this incident lecaute (he file w at anail- ;i„ (| | e put an im m ediate hall lo ththese hi developing couniuntries, there are greaterr cc h an ces o f C*lfo **ld the eimfUBpalpi had done ncthinc wrong b«c id a sim ilar o n e at Penn Slate :t ugly aiid divisive tactics." this steady stream of>f fifunds reducing inequalitylity overall." ible publicjy on) ««the gevemor^ Web tHe. • earliiirlier ibis year merely reflect can be subsianilallyy- largerli , Ihiin ofricial assistance,ice. and I------is the sccond largest1 sou sc rce ^ o f extern al in com e afi'erflcrtr, e ra elgn direct investment.It.' -- 8 § 3 Individual country stusti d ies . ^ cited in the repori: revealri t ^ aspects of women's rol2 petperceni |s« of the more than Sl bibillion g the country receivedved In S v remittances, A studyudy of 11 a ^ Uangladeshi women woiw orking M in the Middle Last shcsh ow ed S s g that in 2000, they sentIt h o m e X 1 1 ^ 72 percent of their earn on average.- l l i I "The contributionsIlls o f ^ women's remittances poverty reductions arere icriti- 3 ® cal. but they've beenI la:largely ^ 11 I " ' - . . - . J g ® V Si ms i r Ignored." said Alcala. ■S' / i . • Every tim e sh e callss liih om e. ° G utierrez. -IS, hears abou:)out th e | c ^ results of her work waswashing g^l jjfl '’'I ' over 20 cars an hour,ur, and | _ j m cleaning houses on theic ss ld c . ' II Reviewing her childlildren's H homework on the phphone, s|| tfl going over their tnultipItlpllcu- .|H tion tables and encourtiluraging ' | a S them during the eightlit ) years w l i CK she's been away fromn tlthem, | g ^ she's helped her snn.n. who -fl 8 ' was 10 when she left, gr ate high school, andnd her I ? i = y S>»» daughter, who was 13.5. H finish I I A m VELDCtDAD law school. Acompdneninos y descubra cc6mo i puede^^m“n l b l a r s u Her money has keptpt tthem f 11 )1 d e alta velocidaolo Idclonico ii'sidiTcn: uuc c.iiiliQuv.:ut). S3199 3i niL's sa id , "In m nre traditiilitional IIJ Slil comumar. Ptocio disponronitjlo P.1M nuL-vos suscnDlotcs fesifloncionci.ilcs dc Owesi iMcuftoo di; ictntino oe flus mbs iL-sHiccioiius societies, money is thele nm en ’s ^ S i Choico’“ OSL Dflluie con .K V«i Del.iil«s. Ofutta ii't.ninala eel U (le ocluoicv JOOfi field." U l Aida Andino realized:ed thai | « | when she decided 10 to go . e | | ► iPreguntenos c<5:6mo puede mantener>r ieste precio para todada la vidal against her husband'si wwi ish es and Join him in the U Ur nited | | S Stales. He had been sen d in g ______hom e about $100 a monilonth t— 8 J 8.______n ot nearly e n ou gh lo supportsup 8 s their four children. A n d in o , 3‘J, decldded cc to ^ g f c o m c any%vay, w ith ouout t bcr III husband’s financial supi T\vo years ago, she left ' T r n e m o s ■ native Honduras, clingirig in g to Ilill l l i th e sid e o f cargo trainsIS a;as sh e traveled ihe length of MeMexico. Finding herself alonlo n e in H California, she clcicleaned J 8 ^ homes during the daylay and ^ supplemented that byy cleancl - ^ 8 | e's CllO Si'H H i r|r• 1 r . V ' I.-.-; • ■■■: ing a restaurant at night,?ht.The 2 eg steady income Ids herfr i se n d | I qw /speedi d u p ' ■ $400 a month to herr cl eldest 8 ^ &1 800-763-6573 | Q wvestr-^^ son, who attends univellvcrslly III Q w e s f ispiritu de Servicio' in the evening so he can:an take £ it .S ^V isite una tierida Qv ------care of the three ycSTTfUungci children during the day.ay. “N ow I don't e v en ren;rem em - T ______

IM Thwillw.1Mirifc,Mit< i T e c h n oLOGY d Cornelillreseanichersdevwloping; napkinI to detecct hazardIs

s-adayofbriefroriglnnl—^^satcatcilite—broadcosters.—'i'jiis-is—evcnttrfrom-msijor-inarkeu elsJn _____ ^____ m iA C A . N.y. T (AFa p ) jwTdonTplaycIoclose'uttcntlon Its on sports, entertain- ;,ne«iew. seivice. tree to SprititIt th e U nited Siiites. Cornell University rcscafsearchcrs to that, you conI gcget a machine ■ fTTg | | averful but wili ■ ■ I n r i l * m d new s. A m ong thL‘ Vlsii^Ision a n d I’ow er Vi.sion stib-i- .rhe scrvice is compatialible arc developing a napkiipkin that • that Is really po\ve r a w : s = o fferin ggs s are NFL Gome scrilc ribers, a p p ea rs to b e th e firitSt .w ith a b o u t 30 h a n d s e tsts In vrill be able to detectI babactcria. only stay up forr aian hour. Tliat , , hosted by sports oticitic m p t l)y a U-S. c ellular nper-V'.r-V'?Sprint's lineup. A m obile'ei\l;i\licr- viruses anil otiier dan]langeroiis dearly wouldn'tI to many Corp. is becoj:coming a media ’ Center, aster lames Brown, and atortor to gener^ite a" regular sup-')-' ' tainment compony, mSpoiloi; is - • su b sta n c e s w ith n m e:rc re :swipe, of the scientific breiikthrouglisbn company.„prociroduclng its owh broadcasi sblle Fix a five-minute plyily of video conicnr witli iisIS providing a m u ltim e d ia op;ippli- Tlte napkins, madeiw wit ith sp e - w e'd b e looking for.”for ‘ .sports a n dd ■ entertainment 'Tho Mob for Jts wireless' cntcrtaihlihment news.' show, owniwn studio, on-oir talnit ondid cation' to use the scrvicea; for • clal nanofabrics, couldluld h av e — JioiF_ P...I IP »rit>r newscasts fot 01 P»«I,AP writer s,rvict ir called ' ’"New York protiroduction crews. Ia\’o-hoswI phone's. Custom»mers c om niercial u se in foodo d |prcpa- vicc in addition to Another 1 Week’ will feature Sprint Sf Po\VcrViewshtnvs willill w ilii iion*Jiiva lio n d s e tsi e e alable to PIP. MT8 w ' quickly acti\-ate the fabtfabric to 8TERE0/8AP 9- e liazard WTTH dbx<. *- d e tec t w hatever is th e hi A trro o f th e week, w heijier it is bird Q SlslSH vi flu. mad cow diseasicase o r M i B I N P U T ^ ^ . . 3 anUirax." TOSHIBA 20" M JNG 30" SHARP'aZ* 16:8 AQUOS*- LCDCD • Frey reported on herier w ork PURE* Tti«* lat» WIOESCREEN SllmFIt^ HOTV W/176*/1T6» VIEWING M o nday ai th e Ameim erican 16- DEEP HDTV WITH ANI2LES, MULTI-PIXEL Chemical Society's natin a tio n a l b b e * 8 0 U N 0 A H i ‘uS u rro u n d XT"* TECHNOLOGY, 2 HDMI- INPUT8 A TABLE STAND meeting in San Francisco[SCO. S h e ' DIOITAL INPUT r H D Ell« r - INPUTS said her research team:am h a s _____ OSHtBASe- iriR ta lF ap p lied for p a te n ts a n dJ isIs Ilook- haalaiWMa* ing for commercial partpartners, — 108D8O0 DLP’* th o u g h th e napkin is slilllill ia few H01OTVwrrH CabablaCARD" years oway from comm«im e rcio l' w B f r 8LOT. L0 HD E B v ' produciinn. wnNDOW"> in OP A hDMI~ d i INPUT ACHiJi^fU|iS^^S&BH (^ p u te n approachic h FREE —I quadrillion level SbNY SS” ■ ■ ie :9 W E O A ~ ^ *° ^ SONY 4 e - 1 8 :» l URB/VNA. 111. — 3LCD REAR PROJlOJECnON eRAVIA"* LCD ^ HITACtfcCHl 55" B READY HDTV ; C a ' l a a i n » V*, 1 ■ DIGITAL TUNERER. HDMl & PC WIOEStESCREEN PLASMA HDTV WITHH Supercomputers that D p>.*r 'Tform DIOiTAL CABLE R ureM attor~ HD III VIDEO .c ii.Arv WITH BUILT-IN HIHO TUNER. , ; W r * M INPUTS. SRS** tTniS urround’- XT, PIcturei trillions of operations i light sensor3R & FREEZE PROCE1CE8S0R. 3 HDMl*" INPUTS 4 IS «ve«y DOLBY* DIGITAL . SRS* ' - H H I sccond are helping scietdentists TruSurrDund"* XT FUNCTION TABLB1ILETOP STAND p ro b e life's deepest comim plcxl-f ______ties. But it’s Slill not enoug On the horizon nowlow a re I computers of greater th a n a • ‘petanop." or 1 quudri•drlllion I IF R E E l PANASONIC M SONY so* 18:9 _ I PAMMMie 42"1S:0 ■ I compu»uiioi\s per second I S«SSSEK" E S 1 ^ 1 N a t i o n a l PLASHUraiV ■ 1 . PROJECTION fESK K wrrH BUILT-IN F • Sclcncc Onth(r e wmp^M I ATsaoAMmTsc n Foundation , . TUNERS. 80 f* H ^ HOMI A PC PiMHM MEMORY CARD I P S INPUTS A 8R8 * is seeking to nOFlZO! SLOT, HDMl r fund such a CONtiECTOR r I I ■ TniSurround"* XT computer. HOW fli ■3. M M A SURROUND eJL j ” i< t ■ ■ SOUND ^ S S '.™ computi'Uters ilnphM I 2! BU8H VIDEO ^ B L B ^ L t e c h CRAFT 1 ^ I SONY I * ’ S I B P B TV STAND I 1000W 5.1 S j E i V F J -pcanop"- of greatj a t e r B CHANNEL 1 ^ ^ PANASONIC K T ' HOME with occa- than c THEATER SYSTEM WfTH sional peaks frDISC PROORESStVE f SCAN DVD/C0ISACD o f ab o u t 10 ‘p e t a fflop.’ l o lSr“HV/?£Sfr^S:,*ta*u7r1.^ ™ *'™ ' r PLA YER, HDMl™ OUTPUTr times thut ^ p i m | I A DtorrAL CINEMA AUTO) M S y . .V iV CALIBRATION a m o u n i. DIOrrAUOTS/PHO LOGICLO II ------' rt»AV.O»JTJ liven one petnfiop wou!^ould be about three times fasiericr th a n 9 the peak of the world's cu tup supercomputer, the 367- K^'iWsm f i s m x ] teraflnp BlucGene/L macn a d e by IBM Corp. for the UepartJlartment SflH T O of Energy’s LawrQ w rence « Livermore nuclear lab.ab. IBM miFIML-JB also has been workingS to su r- BJBB i piiss 1 petaflop, 'W e’re talking about1 a Ih a lf a million to a million proceOC^OR 19-TV.WnH0N.8l I # TOSHIBA 1 4 - ^ f c W ®3 * that will be in the machlachine, d isp l a y , s i^ e pP tiTIMER, TV WRH BUILT-IN ATSiATSONTSCnAM 80NV M* l> ' FLAT SCREEN TV/OVO ON & TUNERS. IfTS STeRSOiRSOmAP W/dbi*. 8CRCBN OilOlOrrAL TV WITH ATaC OIOITAL COM BOW m REMOTE, PLAYER COMBO WfTH said Thom Dunning, ddir irec to r c l o s e d c a p tio n ) M. REMOTE TUNER. DOlI0L8Y* DIOrrAL A SPEED SURF'-- ON-SCREEN MENU% V-CHIP,HIP, DIGITAL PICTURE ZOOM. nter. for WMOTECONTROt,OL 8URROI/K0 80UHD*! of the National Centei t e n TOtMIDA i r PU«t« T A/V DOLBY* 0IGITAUDT8. Supercomputlng Applicallcatlons irc«.o*Tv / D 9 riAT PIOTTAL TIUViajOK,«0H____.*349 KS;^^^D!S1 _____ - * 3 8 9 T JPEG VIEWER A REMOTErE a t th e U niversity o f Illinois. Illi w h ic h h o p e s to >^n NSF SFI Ing for a petaflop system . ’ With petaflops of compm p u tin g power, scientists sayny th e y I could simulate problem:cm s a n d te st so lu tio n s In su c h fielfields as engineering, biology, medne d icin e and economics vtith fargiirg rea ier d e tail a n d sp e ed — In sccondssec ra th e r th a n doys. ______!,lycp_rgbIcmje m s th a t __ w c sim p ly c o u ld n ’t solve before." said Edward1 SiSeidel. director of the Centein te r for Computational Technolo g5g|i@ g|Bg?^^AvvV..'-;/r: Louisiana State Universit;rsity a n d on astrophysicist interestrested In :SSS!tS^tS^1SS^ black holes and gravltatrltadonal f w av e s in o u te r space. Beaching these helghtjgh ts will ,1 • '• SUNDAY 12PM-ir-ffPM • DAfLY l o mW -9P M require overcomingI h u g e ^ obstacles. Half a. million mi vmnvwevesTiNOHOUseJSM l^iuuuc VMXtT a u u j microprocessors produceucealof 26CU.FT.T. 8tDe4Y>8iDE WITH Across From of heal, requiringg vast CRUSHED/iD/CUBED ICE A WATER Magic Valley Mali,11 1 = ^ am ounts of electricity for cool- DI8PEN8EIIER & WATER FlUER » IoleltneR oadEast-7 I a the new ccmptiters. AAn( nd th e 1414 Pe - 735-8603 j m n rh tn M h av e to last.___ ------“W hen you’re computi this scale it becomes an over-< - ^ ?Sj!SS2Rin5l 5*u5l5S*w S w m iy ' ^ Oimmmn c icTavr wuo BfTM JOMnwinraiii'lig wr IwiiaSawm iwiw^S^tSroKTma* tid in g b su e .“ E hum lng{aald.*tf aai g sm oM fau uamteartmuxcrniorrSSS*'^''^

* UHBLEirWvKU UAMb~ n m iquwe. . rm ' a a s e s w . toiwmtemo TMIRSMY I o niF e V T 1______b j ------___ \ Y r" ] S£PTa«R 1 4 .2(J06 MC.^•■•BUSINESS3NE EDITOR SANDNDY MILLER: 735-3264 . See page E9 ' ‘ TIME&NEWS vINSIDE: Clawedieds,E3-16 I CrosswonI.El,E9 I Sud3l(u,E6l Mullutualfunds,E2 I Stockcks,E2 “ Phone cGOcOpigivees^bioosttolrWilsonBuiiildihgaiutdfheatrei•lenovatio]

ByUotfeWricb . cxccudvc dirccu:cior. “Without Manager Chariharllc Creason sold The cmployc'esbfPMThnveen ‘PreP ro je ct NUiluul C entenniald porter rf ’he rcnovadon pi ; . Special to theTlmot-Wei•Newt them, thlsvvouldrildn'thappen." ih c c o -o p:‘fs' :‘fs' cclcbrating its also beci>cn In stru m en tal in d ie Lobxibby' will he inscribed on a ect. applauded PI^IT for : . Tlie ihpajcr' w as origfnally 90ih y e ar In'ri theth area, a birth- renovaticlion of die building and bealeam imd visible as.peoplee donation. RUPl-riT. — Tlie.e. Ihlisioric buill in thc l920s20s on Frcmom (hat coincides- o with many of theiii have donated wallvalk througli the front doors of)f D airy siiid lh c (h ea ter is a n Wilson BulUling nndid T lieatre ' A venue arid T SircctSll and Ruper('s ccntisntennlal cclcbra- hours and at hours of serviced h the e bitljilings^^ ' im p o rta n t p u n o f (he co mitm n u- will soon finish rchov;lovatlon of ac(iulrc- give wvhlch hi Is often a i;etiulrenieniIt said. “I'm In a position now3W (0 ; iinil himililed hy I’M’MTs l sup- ; convention ccnicinter as well a s “As a co-op>-op w c se n d th e th e ir (Indme and money and winvhen jipplying for grants,s, give back w h at th e c o m mu nr ity pon and the comnuiiniunlty at the theater andnd Is alioiit 4S money backk (o.ihe(o people and comc oot u t to th e e v e n ls w e lacVackson siild. hns given to me and will dodo so ' Inrgif," said Cliris>' )iJackson, percent completeete. put h to goodod use in tlie com* host." ChuckC Dairy, who atiendcfl.d. ns]ongnslcan.ThislsacaIl:alUng Renaissance Arts Cen:enier Inc. I’MT President.>nt and General munliy.“ Crcas'c ason said. JncksoSOI) snid the words thehe reception and is a hig sup-)- •' for odiers to do th e sam c.“

' CSI workshops “Pfotectectioiiist policies do nollo t work and the collaiateraldam- I to inspire youn Criminalilcharce?s ------ag&& ;d.the siren ______^ businesspeople songs of protectioniinism and isolationismm." . y Henry Paulson r j-WIN 1'AI.LS — T hhe t Idaho . — Treaiury Secretary sin HP Sm all Hiisliiess Develi: possible velopmeni I M B ' ^ ^ Centcr at the Colh’ollegc of Southern Idaho willI hrhold stu- £ dent and coniiniinitylity work- UM . jfi • shops today thal aa'dd ie sig n ed WM j H ^ 9 sscandal,., AG says to inspire yoinin p pei: e o p le to f j B ' j - a T H ’ jiiUM ii'theirdriM iiiKol:orownini; I jM Si aiiusitu^s. 1 ^ " - P | j | JyiordanRotiertsoo The Yotnit' l-ntreprep ren e iir -I.' . ShakenjpatHP Siiiress'proKrani was createdi ' ,,] Changes in Hewlett-Packard';rd's SAN JOSii. Qtlif. — Criminal hy a TWin l-alls I.SlilX! loadoishlp DfTiid a scandal .'barges could come wiihin a . M aryanne Karriitt, w wl ho „ ■ involving a company probe P | H | ,vcek in th e hourdrouni s|>yitig. • - successfully jjrown h iie: e r — w ...... J ' into modla leaks: ■■ ...... ness locallv and stai icandal al Hewlett-Packard accordini; to a news reli J ::o.. the state Atiorncy Cen*I* REUNQUISHING STEPPING}IN 11 1 THECHAm ASCHAIRMAyiAN __ __ A H()-miniiie sessio .•rnl's OfRce said Wednesday. be^in at ■> p.m. Adtnis Spokesman Tom Dresslar free. Interesiijd sf didUd not say who would, he should conlact iheir s -harged or what the charges Ihisiiicss I’rofessioiii o f vould he. 1 Ie also eni])hasi/ed 3 ! A m erica adviser. bar it may take loiiger for the A free pnhlic recepti' letailed investigation to pro- he held at fi:30 p.m. I^or lu re charges*. "We're not g*iing to confine ipants to meet theL> k “• PatricJtOunn Mark Hurturd speaker. Will K e/de. Ill nirselves to any particular^@§ , Oirociorsmco Director tir*.ilrtc« n u in lty se ssio n , " I'iieI'he C olor VMM liltlimetahle." Dresslar said.■■ 1998 arid 2005; wtn SlopS1< ■We'll go w hen w e're reaily to:o chairwoman since tnsschairmnnon (‘ode." will he frnni (>I) toilin p.m. TreaiuiyS«rtKrttiiy Heniy PiuIwm ipeaks ibeut ththi t btttnutiona] ecoaomy a t the Trei:'eitury Dcpirtment io. and not a minute beforere 200S; stopping ondioiolnBln Cost is 525 per perstin.»V WednttdiylnlIn WathlnttM. D.C. In hli first tpeedich tiactti jeininc th t President Suth’i's Cabinet( in July. .hat." down as tiis oxislln]Uno All sessions will lie 1 PiuliwHldh.Id he (rill ur|e China to movt no rt quick!ulcMy to adopt ecotionilc rtfo m tt, Inclncludlng a nore fleii- ctiairwoman but posllKxissol a O n Tiii-sday. Attorney H oom 27G-277 o f 'I'*-' ill 1 Mxx...... > will remain 03 a CEO ondnd Taylor Huildinj;. All p pr ro n i-ils T- I CIi'l^ieneral Bill liickyer said-he diroelot_„—r — pfbsidontint will benefit liie 'lWin l-;i ilready had enough evidence;e ------]!• - RESIGNING FROM THE BOARIkRD program to create lo charge i IP insiders atul die |irirn ie in v e stig a to rs wlift G«org« Keyworih 11 yoimK MiiRic Valley = en 3 ■ Whilite House pppposespuni Ishing I Ditoclor »neo 1986: idontihod.byby impersonated hoard meinhers neiirs. Ounn In May as trw source lor a I'or more inrorniatituiti«)H,Von- • uul j'ouriialists in order to" nows ortido Ihat sparkod HP's tact S h e r^ ' Uusl at 7:i2-f;i2 w r.r.o r I i l l i r iiccess logs' of their personal.‘d. invosiigalion Inio moUa looks ina for trader!gap,PauIsounsays, |Illum e calls. sru'st6'' '"We currently hnve suffi-]. SOUflCe Trwei:Kroany AP GoK scramble toI ByMartinCitfCnitslnger ed (0 m ove m o re said. "We will n o l h e e d the w hich is on track to set a tliftli consecu- j ie Sec ciiritie s n n d i;.u'liaiige ll a tto rn ey in rallahnsscc. fia . held Sept. 23 with lec-olf tee at siren songsgs ot f proicctlonlsm a n d Isola- tive record this year I Coi!omitilssion. the I'ederal a- s It's unclear who did knim ow noon a' (he JeromeL- Country*C lionism." Democmtic critics haveve ch arg ed th e ! C; o m m 11 n i c n t i o n s j. that personal phone rccoj:ords Cluh. Box lunches andiiuniever- Paulson11 soughts< to low er expectations administration has not dnilone e n o u g h to | Coi'o iiu n issio n a n d the U.S. e were bdng compromisedd by ages will he jirovidedled to all ihathewill:ill achieve nny m ajor break- deal w ith d ie so a rin g delk■(kits, le v d ln g .'\ Iloilo u se HiiergV' a n d Coininerce iheiiivestigntonv. jjolfers. ilirotigliswliw hen he visits Beijing for tw o m u c h o f th e ir criticism a:ii i' C hina, th e Conlom m illee. y O ne o f th e firm s HP hiredc d (o ' Proceeds from the eventevt will days of talksilks w ith C hinese ofTicitds next c o u n try w ilh th e largest irirad e gap w ith On (> Tuesday, the coiupaiiy 11 conduct the probe is Secururit)^ he reinvested into theh e hospi- week. Me Stressed,str instead, lha( he wouldId th e U niied Stales. aimiiinoiinced that Cbairwiiniiin p Outsourcing Solutions InInc.. tal. If you arc interes.•resteil in discuss ecoiiconomic reforms dint the O ne bill b e in g pu sh e dI bby Sen. (Charles Pali’atricla Dunn would step e nccording to The New YcYork atiending the dinner,LT, golfing ; Chinese neeiced (o pursue (ha( w o u ld bene-e* Schum er, D-N.Y.. w tm ldI irimpose 27.r> per- dnv>lown in January and be e limes and The Wall Strttre e t. - in the, tournament, donatingdo lit the Chineinese economy. ce n i larifTs o n nil C hinese.e importsunless repIe p lac ed hy c h ief e.vectiiive lotirnal. citing people famll:ililar auctions Items or becoi.•coming a Paulson'sIl's first1 extended remarks on Chinn doc*s m o re to alloww itsctirreiu-v to 'Mar.lark f lurd. with authorities' probes, sponsor, please calli-all T in a C hina signal;niiled an ap p aren t shift in an rise in value ag ain si th e dollardi as a w ay ol ! D Hunn hns adm itte d iiiitlior- II Uiat bit!iiiiess' a ddress aja n d L-ngland at 32-I-(M:)2. iidtninlstratiration strategy away from apply-y* boosting U.S. ex p o rts to ('llinaC and i/in.ring the .investigation into n p h o n e n u m b e r m a tch thosesc o f ing extensivtsive pressitw o n Uie C h in ese to} reducing C h in ese im ports:tst«)ihis I kilo will was leaking luianlroom I seerecreis lo rejiorters, lull saidd a law firm w ith a n olTicc:c in IniSaSveforwotkerir d o m ore totoil allow their cu rren c y — the country, he was appalled that privatee downtown Boston. Bonnn n e r AOAKfimu ■ yu an — toII ririse in value against th e dollarir “M ie n I spoke to 1 lankik Paulson last | she training to benefit economy« c L a w a y oof t.l dealing with a huge and risinglg niglit. w e disc u sse d ho w.'Imporlant li his | liiviiivesiigators hired hy thee K iernan I'rebach & Crocia;iaia. y O ne staff m e m b e r w ho would o i ■1-VVINi'AI.I.S — Itcspt.>spondliig U.S. m ule: dideficit wiih C hina. Lust year, trip is in thefiglittogeiCIChina to play ; ronompany usetl Social Security lumbers to impersonate HPI’ not identify herself Wedncsd to industry and comitmmunity that red-inknk figure was S202 billion, the fair." S c h u m e r said in a smstatenieiit issue»l nun lirectors and reporters, thenII told llie A ssociated Pn.*ss: s sh e ■retjuests. Idaho's WoriVorkforce biggest Inibiinbalance ever rec o rd e d w ith o a fte r Paulson's sp e ec h . Sdiidiumerhas said dire s hatl never hearti of Secururity Development Counciincll has single count.ititry. h e will p u sh for n vote onnhislegislaiion I iierslersuaded plume coiii])aiiles if O u tso u rcin g S o lu tioo nt s. a u th o rize d a n o th e r initiative inl \^iilefornormer Ircasur^- Secretary lohn by (he ond of this monthiiuilesshesees ti , loI) turni over detailed logs of Another woman refernrre d forworkertralninKioni') m e et th e .Snow, Paulsrilsnn's predecessor, pursued an1 significant movement onn thet part ol Ihe ilieiheir home phone calls. • Ituiuiries 10 partner lollo h n demands of the state'se's rapidlyt . increasinglylily tougli line th a t C liiiia need- Chitiese. TlThe ruse — known as "pre- le.Mi:-.\iing" — is c oim nonly used;1 Kiernan. who was not immime* I growini; economy, acuaci;ording y private investigators hut iss dintely nvailnhle for commctte n t. , , to a news' release fromo m Idaho by I Commerce and ' llic council, which1 overseesov " work forcc “proRratn I Commerce and Uibor.or. unani-i .1 BILLION D► Ee L L CONTACI: t s MaSeiket Watch mously approved thec crecr atio n ______S t or u $300,000 fund to p Dotint M l’iTtch Day4 y event In New Yorfc City, Sopl. 13.2006 Stocks of local interesl training grams to manul Michael Dell n e t «Hh:th 11 of the conpany's cus- Oom cnvw t t Ing businesses unable)Ie toi hire tOBir ttippert asentiIs fromI Its ririous cuitonier Dow | Jo n e s ^ 5 2 3 qualified workers. The I Industrials 11,54332 ‘OeTTlnc. 2 L 6 1 ▼ ™ contact c tir ttn aroundm i the wodd, Includins I would be matche

4 H n w iM»w.1Wir*.MilwI T>IT>w<»iip>ri*iFi4,aw ------MONEY : i tojj (xM •»■« •Ht t u . s , xnjuii LIVESTOCK 1'" U K^' « 'i’" r ’ i i i i i c l o s i h g i FUTURESf ^ t«M o-i'j*•ifi nitiii ‘••'Jii «inin nian" Sixi* l« _ Si , • ^ Mt ^r.ot 'nti'S f'lSSJ O rT 'SS r*’ 13^1 .,,;,;i.jt u , Ji<. 1140 ,-. t)4? Vs oicv«j . lerw .. I TtivS-" •ISt'l !«tii i s k ’.3».'mi>.. ------'i.«rrT ir------s T t M — ^ iio T w } )------■j'iv '! « '■ '' ~ S « . » a !ii *I??!,- ' tmrr lit.J l M h . N-c.,. SM..1 .1 r5Siir'S“ir .'s!" ' ! t- :5 “ in t./»o/.t.o..>17:u 1 s g f ? 3 :S S E u ?" iSjjiisis • «.9^^ ntJ.'c t*« irei.ii i^m M K T ...... ik m a m k.vM1l'pJj“ i«c ' IIJ51 tlW^^lIM JO) to MO , WMt !:■•:• t;t s a ai 'Is .f; flitft i*i«ia kiss'* V . T U . r . 2 • Jifl ill il> ■-«> ••Sit ”l.'-e 'i^fs‘ p J i ••!ji:i Kp^t iv ia Ch*T« ■ SS.V'"''^ ■ »-. |:ii.^' »-«:>*i 'jij.K i-^i. iwi.lil'“ ^ S • g S;S’ ii, ■'" I W - • rt'i.ji Vs Ci/»* loiv* >-« . I|l*-»1t« »Hor.Ot,\ S S - ’- 3 W^t'i §'• i' “ Ij’^ ' i^Vs 'siJlu V POTATOES Mtwfa/l . .VI; .L^-‘-t • ^ ^ • Mi.i ;:;.-il!t • " l.S LTi!/' Ja t»; Cjm'i’i S;.;* .!im ■■10.-J .I..1; u&vj 3^l-;4 nMki*r«t.’ ;t:t,'u I'i;.;' .fV-r-. -jm . j m M "}«,:) '^■■.’ :!•!••' I.1-I1: '•;• ■:.<«.:; JMnlMfM 'c-." W-'HS; )K.\- -r^: - '■i SSj"'ii(j'^' H ;iB 11^ Ipj!. 1

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!?~C; fiwiiwit’ /■; if'iT-r;--(m «i»r»ic , i-iiy 3 'i ______METALS/MONEYI I:!; .S rit: e '5 ’S^"? .:J -U;!.'.. M4^ . ijjai i ..-...■ MMMOUtrM Miil* -. . - -• - SiUSi" iSS- s; ;;ii.» p ■ riSi'i S i t - E ^ I E S '’!5:i; S ; 5?:S £ ■-7MWU •»«<») »3»0WJ '-. I},.-I- K i:s S f sH 3K ! !ES s;s.„ s s Ji::i1 is •iil n p .ii ;;i; ;; i-U'_ : .<-y ■ • ' m; .'„- u<. ^ Z - . sp.;":; jS; b e aANS n ______'.I;' V j )«.:• r>W" , g ' ' k ir •IK.V nrnxrtil. - ynn- «uin*tANi j i t - ’i »•«•*•»’•I•»ro-T'« I'uio. l|J. If’ kar'^llz. ^ SuP" r“ - ’^ i « u r’^I’iff rii'ml-'' ' '’ 7 I-' S j ' 5 H i i ; - r - • «.« MUetlSMllt i s l " ' " i i d 1 “:. si^? EJ^l 5 H:i»-:; § • Si, Un'? ?S” ' mrtmlti*’' " ■ ta rifa ■uicHj _ »i«,Ve» |E^1p S ;|:ij § ‘ ______G R A\IHS I> ______l^i.llj|;'|^ »r^j^ : ll'i i» MurruuM > tt4).a P.t'*’0-.»Jlar-IW« ~.M S ’-'’ E Si‘! Il(liri.-|f .v.v-T... . .,, „.,, ,,, . i:~: S ife'is.'S ss,. ’ « < V * ' ; ' c , ' 1 ;,4' rri!.ii faiivrM t. ucu.'i >.r«usi>£> .... -I!.. ■■; V^‘i p' ’ l\::o SUGAR ______. H i . l - : ; | rSJ 'lt:a . . |4>i-V«i> M-m t'M>« m t^. »>v4 M s-ri» £ ' i i i £ ^ 1)M. I dxtrt l-t. M«i Uw »«IH. en*. 3&a--i:t.a § : wniiwM^’ I<4 u . J IV /■ '• - (• -» »•<•» tr'V;* Vs <3 tutuiiwilioi SA ;;i- .. .£ • ^ 2 V.i- !i:<.'l !•«>:; 44^-01 Mir«|i> I'l'is 'Itt'-l r**tW« ’ ' U^.n i**' r.i.-A -r”'’»5i'i w l’ ;?.f! "n .r- (•••/ •:■■ I f ; '; ; ; ______c h e•E e S! E T""-' S ' S : ? S j * '" H " ii;!iS .'t-^." ^ 1 • U- -iil:!’ i?i :r^ n tt.n !du»ti2tH.4i ■■■•■ H 2 ;h 'I i-1.., S ’ ?i:i ss “kill 0 ,,?^'^ -'“"'^“'^ S ' ' i ; : l ^ S ilr- K :« i; ■ :« .;! ruM5 1!*i“ Stt(" lili” I Kama DIv U t C7*g ■ vr.n utt -W .t44t -U . « -J. H B I H - - 5 ’uv\ u i!” .il' Miw r« .31.31 ■ ■ B E a H JJ7 ,:i 't? fcSS"'’ * '““ is :S MOSTACTIVE«..»o.»i.'.":i>■" u S b !h N»m< Lait Cha SCh.SCho Namo Lait Chg SChp NaiNama U at Chg *;Chq I S S ' •* !Srt..2« “ il -lr ulv.y :i" n s .11 i ? ^ 5 1. 2JU .» irj .« iS'W **' -Ji s««f. M 32 2iu'.22 »«On{an JU; .JM .170 .1? UiopUir/ii 229 .43 .301 flFli^FlMj 064 . 300 .532 J « ; .I 19B i« |;2” ji;; :i; iiH>n . t>7 .H ^. l^hy. 9rj -n *5!} *'?3 4)ir .« ttWfH irCJ •!« .125 .IJ VCIiMoU 245 100 Ui««0 « 4i « « • « \T /^ • 7'S;i;« ^ikM ’tr iil w«*. i? i’^ ill‘it ■ « .'??? .103 CemiMM 240 .??■ .97 fi4mUmtm 207 . 42 .17 1 M OB .M l»i<* '« •» S«<' '«•tt]i itrs -Oi S'tNt 3010 .214 .10 J.S MiOiia .. 4H .st V4i.T« Mil .11 5« -M I*'"" M 2'” ■'• \lr!l'.•^ MM ,.5i S*»«c!f I114> .]tlill. JH .M l«f« tu Slit .JS v.(,^ «, LOSERS (u .» .> ' LOSERS« « » . . ^ Ur<;. 14I.' .3 VW'» 1311 -e?• 02 s f " i i s :;1 S i;5 rj, iiie iil lo s e r s MC.— 1 MH iS! 'S i r : 4 ” JT", -IU .a ;« u i 74ii .30 Ml •» ■“ “ 'Vis 32- 3«44 '.‘j Namo L«»t Ctig *.Chi'.Chg Namo La«l Cha SChg N«.amo .Laa. Chg SChg *--«■ ... stt .n :;5 U-1 lut'oN ‘si I-J !* la lw t n C!1 .M 4t:i .ot [5 5 ^ ■ ,;S S W' MU ia nu inirs * lr io J'M -3'2-149 MFKIK 1160 -261 -165 U|xuecoj 621 -130 -173 MM 331 -56 -145 >.■»,. . ? H :li \n :it ””5 •" :tss 34’ h “ ii-t u - lJ )2« -Ih •61. AOMjI 360 -20 -53 G«mWmpkn 310 -51 -131 » « •« ! r £ ''^ in SU «M Lc«r0Hi’^57 to ;JS IJ WJIHIM 4950 -313 -6' '.Ut itn ifl’ 8<»,Ce 3615 -1!9 .50 -51 US0C07n 910 -50 -52 NtwJwtlflrt 18 74 - 2 75 .120 xf„ j!” "\\ hS4.In! .IH 5tT!5 ^ . t nt! i " s.-..-. 7V (70 ’.M nnni. »2i .111 y.ivi .*24i .«'« w w ’ r BU '» ’ i u ti?p''''‘tf n ii« .10 S* ’n «*5M'5lU ?5ft . » tw w« ill DAWY DAIRY D airy ^ ” IU .'N “»N/'S1 ^ -M ia-lii • i n u ' . > i j i " vl^s 401 .aia 2271 UjincM ea klitU<|iXM 1.909 ,12 •« l r £ . i i i * ii! liil'•MUI . t« .ix I? 7S71 .M AA^>.u )<■• .H ,« i;2\r. .ir »j!irviK rs« .» lar^Hanin M4i .71 MimiO- 2j: JU .« u-'m' t)]i .01 Ju:,'9 t»Ut Uli .J7 DttLW) 1013 1&< Ok1>.-.r.« « it -ii M m i ..fU n .it4 •!; Uiiehifijrt 136 13 Uncfui>9« 96 UntfJnttonflrt ;72 «=«"• MU :* 'is 'I S m . i S u*uCtJM« -y> X4I .1M ■Wii'if'' '* H31 • ■ S-V-S*.1, rcjui^i 3450 345 Tmilniun 1.0U 7oUI■0UIM«1 3166 *•»'■ ' 111 .5» «caey( rj MM ■ » M«ti'.ni'2Mt )4): .« N«H«M 107 10 Nnrhgn 61 Nra C4 .» “'J-' t tiJCi«2i .« Nwlort 19 1 N««lein 29 Nf«£S ■ 'S iS,l, -;j» .jis 1 ^ ..^ J .m V-'?; jj« -;i Sulr-J 977 .01 i ! I l i is iw tS S il” 2.M63MtlU38U6 Volume 3O02IS.OIO Voli/olumt . n.914 703.743 boer. Jcf>i • H j:« -H ^ iJJ;’ ’• ■“ lk?22 « '« » ’-R iMtSn 24 Ifi Im “*"■< M Mil . ^ . tMtei .•« Siii i-“ is W..;.'. S!f IOM .•; jw -K -O I^ J h59)M .to «"t* IU 41M-'» S«.n (*'W’ H't 8«fTSSttM tiol •» tMim'N irrSCtompoMt 63U 70 .34:30 30 .41 .811 >10 63 t«9nu lK.^.^ :i*4 . r 5.HS-0 2«K -B IU .!« I^fl*"'* » “ • ! '•W^Sl'5!.« i(u "ja 9651 74 7211 14 HYS! 'Mxrlr. IC.' .tt I0irr'.«00r I7tt .4) JK .?3 Man»toJ« « » • » Ijrj* UlW -31 2.O<0» li» U AiMilnXi *>N I.91296 -i038138 -2 04 .10 45 113 70 ! n 2 ’2- ^ *** •” MI .t» U»]S(«< i7IK .11 Im -jT *i*r« n JJOI -U l« r,. ;i S6P500 1.310 07 <49696 .30 .5i9 .741 W « ‘ «5 H ’ S ^ •" ciiK» )s;t i;i 2« in !!S “ U i ‘i55>t* .1} Iin ... :>Ji -t I ?M«>i tn ?A[ ’S ' “ 670 l.1M» S«P tc-lrt - Mf 5« u u .i J*" ■*'*»}7 -tj ie»C« K f • t iMfiaf. ... .« M .i» 6147C Ruiul2000 flvH 7)0 70 >(22122 .66 .854 .966 -■ 15 is £32 .i;5 •; r" ’M .tl tos> .11 •-IH, u WH .la «»’IU .It JiWlJr. « » -w 1i«»w, ' 117 .0 13J?2M I16M20 WiMlMOO W« 13.204 04 .610909 .46 .546 .7.61 w w ^iWw^Tt.ip » jjJJJ Ot>yii 1541 .□^'T j;i ISU .ss Cxfceni U &rS*oJ c t .C4 TfiUjnti 134) .1) s ; , 5 ! i ; :!! i s r a s s c-..!' -srs Kc" t r .13 fUfT W MT -i< ?■«» “1« * !!| hmt HM iu CUO !ii .11 faty tse .ot t 'l .11 UM 2J4> UiO •» IiusnnH 6 3627 . 02 .294 IWCfp 12020 21 30 01 .01 .29 7 lu m Itn ijl " 2 ^ {2 ;]• II) .IJ t..„n . to .« K S ” " ™ :» 7K .]J HOt/M «4X .:0S lum i; 38 13 3722 - 25 .130 • i i i i SSS. tf,5 eitj .93 <74 Kr)C»Q . 130 • !{* :?J IIJJ *1” «■” ' n :»« i r i.v s’’ ttsi its KII .sr , “ j5 « ! ij *n>C»M« Jl 233 21 2114 . 10 -69 iNtM 72 .72 15 24 21 .34 -Hi / ( » .01 '-MG', S72J >tt 'li ■ ■ m i n N*Mn i» n u •» TKiTcq ]!:jr: 74M .» *MC«S « 166 ^J4 56 . 06 -39 l«Vntm ra Tiii wc< IM im rar .» iicMinSm 174 155 54U 72 . 03 .30 6 MuwlI .. 33 1000 -47 .352 S T / ' " " » « '•'» * MH’ iJI ■ ■ £ S S r « KK JJI ■ .M « « ’• ’ Jt tlKrt^'W . 563 - 09 .395 OflMMii 60SO 4172 -63 .61i riTIHiU -911 .21 ru .40 NmUilN Iltt -t2 iM ilr”’j*17.i5 ... 5 36 61 1990 . 05 .464 wmw ,., *IM i 't ® •'* 'S'*' g s .j.'SS :S « S '!5TM..J1 W rt'S * -'J T»M " r « . i » 22JI 122 51» 51 . 20 .125 RockTtn 36 fUCS-l tu .It UlV-lir ■»» it* .10 ««M « .oe IMm 77» .29 C9B*5fj 72 211 235623 . 06 .162 S«mM 60EO 19 20.11 .01 .123 J2" I »U ill ' 'JfJ sr,sS'411 .17 tara IK U4I .M trnoA- nM..713 cwto 52 222 494S 54 - « .1 S^«^tt .1212 11 2523 . 09 .6 1 JJI .* W4 124 UIO .Ji Into* ?ln 2 S OttxM M 411 4201 42 .05 .106 ThjJt' ... 9 13.90 -39 -46 ' i'^ ’ ** '; m iu JJ, .,J lu-toett m;i .?i ; iacm « '»'-.ixt IS’I -n SS .)07 .u >»rKi» hnttlk ...iltTt.lM (MfM|t... H ‘1« in' i5 J*I 3040“ 09 .16.9 W4ihf« 0?t« 14 22.75 .07 -1.0 ^ • ” >*xru .ttu .« ' S.'S, lli ?{?; 'l i & . « . « « ., .. 420 - 12 -52 cert, fwv- JIM l'”'K 34M '« IF ;S KS5»» "« .:« S2,'£1 £ 3« -01 »«« ' « 200 41.50 41 -II .231 WrttOffl 1 “ .'■ S f « 3S :S s ; 7« 'IS ».4W M t70 ‘.a t«» tSJisj I7» .43 ItoiirtP 32 231 363736 . 55 .270 'HMvii 1.12121 15 3548 ..14 .12.9 t^lxn 17 3.37.17 til -62 7i3n6cp 14444 15 7»2« -56 .36 M J*» io vS st 127} ili ■” iS m* ^ wa ’•” wSSf’ w , ■ js'isS 'JiislifV>ivnW« 114 Wnim 4» .17 ;; lllil ill:att .iir 0u>Mt'u4sn ■» um7^io l« u u n '- ^ ItM -01 HWWCT.I n » .tsts in .11 ftMrax r t l .71 uM ii » h->r'> tjt .02 vwSm sts -OS FVfWl tn .01 WW4i Kj ilS7 .1t7 4IJ .IM onuUu M 417; - a uwn irt . I!” ■» S lli 'is S tn •(! OmmlOO B44 .l» \jnjnai ' vi S?T 'S H«ts*f*mo«Smo»l*Nl oOTira atocki on Sto Now ‘ urti Stockk EEnhaneo. tM 400 ' Corcwm - 1014 .IS MlWii... ItM .1(3 U l .Cl OKCKWWiiea .<9 uw»rn.x"30 m r .11 me*j #euv« on trw NMdi PrUU-l t7 7rn .IS nil .222'22 ■ • br(£« 71 J7.H .01 ^vi' “ 3 ” Ja*daq Nauonai Maikois and lOO mou ac•ctivoonAflMficsn cunoci hwl. I03t .11 »Ui* 12JI .11 fit .Tt Stock E(Cti«r>o«. Mutualitual lundt a n 1.119 bi^Mt. Slock* in b.»o,«wbo >p.~. ■ S5T.S SS :S h 31 nil .» wmorolApiic*. 474it i?1 m 16 71i4 -22n 3s;;'” !!3-;S 5 7 “ ^"li '1 w"*is us i“ ?Srf*» ' ■'“ ;ii ^ J S :S K W 47R .17 4021 .70 M Ml! it” ■^•0ued aiphobatkMlty t» ttM corrpany-a MK r i S S a i K : ; T^rti- -nSr—«—u KU ' « ----- llonJrCoinpiny^nBmwn'« • mado up ol mo^appoar at Di« 6 ^ rwsot— asoo—« — ahS-ss-rii-SrS' Outfai ... Il.n .tt 7anu ;S3 .01 a” in ^ iJtu tiJx : ' ” u4S.i77 oiw CuiTtnl annual dMJaoddvH raw pakl on atoek. baaod onlati SF'irrf ^Oofct Itir .o 7»«< Kit .tr '. S3?S S S :S KSlS^iSSM .tt N»»r TT « '• -Jt MvvCinli:ii.lirs . 0) annual MdaiBtion. uMMjMou o«wwiM lootnoiM. ais .77 [jJJip ^ iiIh iti SOmm w U 37 X .» Tw 11.17 .11 IS) .11 2«<" Jtt 4111 .« lAnrrtttn . 3IR .12 LMUPrtcauockwaatiiu tiadng ai wtton outiaitga dOMd lor Om 44 Chg: Lom Of D»m lofK thotht day. No eharioo indKatod by... mail •■ g g f i s - s s :S s ; , » ^JS s :l!S 'S S S iSSS” ' I4t - n ^nSn . t4U .11 VMM J** •** Fund K*m*5 Nama ol mutualm fund and lamvy. tj7 -U hnOltOTi C » .774 MamltK 771 .Jl Pi«n IU« K40 •4t wmnJTa ;2 8«l;Nala»»«vWu*.pfa. pr pne* at tMO) lw«l coUd b« a^d. I :»Sr siii Ml* " m a Chflt Dally n«diaoB*kloomiMNAV. ON U l a>0 MSHI' . 2lt .(* UTiCoAACMI I ts .2t UggiUlOO ttSO .li *W» t n .Oi ug>(C II Itu -to . . ^ '■'' n « iS * *■ : " 5 C : JU i S s c v d » »j» - a ****** ♦* 5’Si” 2 B fsii-is S 'I'’i r S S io* ■>o«.K,K vwtM >Mn H. 09 - U m n MM 13 im . d UC>$«> <1200 -17 Sm MTi 3K Wt4 -11 goa, 1«M« .14 d nCmOwi >. 8Md> pne* n . MnP H - ID W W13l4«tJ .Tt Wrani««"« • 3K .01 sm 2irilS22 .u t no Pt ciici^ii a »-y w wg» g!*g;m e«UO 3» .» SfUtf Itil IJt2t .lot IJ* ■« Imm jw 4SS " a K w *‘i!«! m ■■!! srsssfsssi I - iS .M ^H ,5 a-^ *2*,«•» » 1147 .72 S#U«» Ti. 3141 .nn • »*!» IS ts£i.«!12‘Iio ‘!^ nM uitn S n •» ^ nJ& °[ S S nwad. grtd y w nm» ■ t a 'a S?™ "* •>” *M »t>«ITOtMli . « .02 SfMK <2id324 -Or (71 .1} rM n Ito >400 IMM V IM i 5 5 ■’5 ^'SfSSSfTH S 'S^SSSTrPSSa ' )6#n M.1?lt0 47l J»WI 4k n u .111» •S X ’S^iS:?? SS32SS iMnMKL^ • WwThmm^ ^ w>-irm>u«ami.Bi-. J s5i.‘h.';;5:!S5si;u t |t ... IM -H VCmm31< Mtr .14 IJI I m taHRl 'lo UM ll? tMaSiVn ‘*a iu iu noo .02 sfi«gr m> uoi .11* '• £S!«-2SS.;iS E T S101 ir >91 ^«adUt2D M4i .M w^n vsir:st a .S s& r.!: S£^J«W -iafi2? S£2biy *I £ ? : SSSJiJiSS 5S'■MM Itt -BS S»l«cl 74>.Mlt .n Cm«< a r m .t.ij “g » ■ “{ ■nCwi 440 . 01 VMi Ul SM .31 l i ;f, !ISS«'ii - “ - , ! S - ? S ','! E « • ££«.“ S« :S “ jS « S ^ 1 1 , 1 s ™ ? ■»«' 1271 .It S»Ul" ImS 34« .81 K o s SSSS'S :S s s , ! ” 'jj :• sssfiis :s W »« . 234J -N ?s ... CK««Tk«« IIX -Jl 5 5 5 " ''g *IU g * .IM Aim. n w o . » WKU it - ^ *S a«mwiai7to .u ^.sts< S m s an -» Ef^ .2 *“ • SH k s s s S u ^ M l . - samiiot. 1700 I2J >iusi>*04> tic iti a :.s a r f ss ;s Erffl2 s S f f i S rl»tlrtlA

■ » 4 • . 4 - Thindn,S«^«nbtfl«,2L4~2006 TImM4iM*,Tw1nWt»,l(Ui(i*b"E -3

TheTmiesI m l i i I ■

i s l “ B h s " '■ r a - HB- t hMD « n l IN THE DISTRICT COUH)URT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTDIS OF THE NOTICE OF tHEARING ON NAME CHANGEE CITY OF TWIN FALLSLLS STATE OFF 10,IDAHO. IN ANO FOR THE C0UN1JNTY OF CasoNo:CV-0«V-06-4126 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEAREARING TWINH FALLSFt MAGISTRATE DIVISION)M . A Polilion lo0 ctchongo Iho name ol Darnel Evaivan' MMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25.2006:006.6:00 P.M. ' Snort born1 06-06-26-82 in Twin Falls, ID, residinding 1TWIN FALLS CITY COUNCIL.CHAMBERS CH 01 244 r AveAvonuo Easi, Twm Falls, has boolOon OS 'THIRD AVENUE EAST. TWINN FiFALLS, IDAHO Coso No. CV 2006-273535 filed in Twinin RFalls County District Court. ID. Tho.Th CHILD PROTECTIVE ACT SUMMONS namo will charchange lo Doniel Evan Leo. becaus n'na For the Purpospose ol Hoanrig Public CommenisIs RRegarding the Inouaso m InlhelniereslOl: I havo novoror k known or mo* my btood lalhor nn JOSEPH REBENSOORF.RF. I would ralhoiilhor carry my mother's nomo. The Th WATER RATES AND FEIFEES d.o.b, 04-19-04 potiHonor;sI fatfather is living and his oddrossS IS' A Child under tho ago ofotei eighteen. unknown. Tho poiiMner's mother is living anand THE STATE OF IDAHO3 SENDSSE GREETINGS TO; . hor oddrossIS ISis 1211 Emerald Bay Rond. S.L.TL.T., Beyond] thithe Limits Proscribed by Idaho CodCodoSoeiion63.l3llA FREDRICKFR REBENSDORF . CA 96150.. A Ihearing on the potilipn is schotiod- ' YOU ARE NOTIFIED THA'rHAT; ulod lor 9:0000 0o'clock am on Cciobor 5, 2006.5. ati • . Tne PrOpireposed Foes Exceed lOS'o ol theno FFoes Last Collected A Polilion, a copy ol which■hich liaiiached. has been liied inm ttIho above-entilled iho Countyf CoCourthouse. Obiocnons may bo liieIlled maltor in iho MagisKolctrato's Division dl iho Disiiici Cou^ourt ol Twin Falls by any porsonrson who con show tlio court a goolOod Notice IS hereby given thatit mein City Council ol iho City of Twinrwin Falls. Idaho, wiil-hoid a public; hihoanng County, Idaho, by Iheie ProsocuiingP Aiiorney, allegingg Uthe above-named reason againsllinsi Iho nomo cf, inge. for consideration ol a prop(roposod loo increase, said hoonngring io be held at Twin Falls City CCouncil chito comowiihm tho Court'sCoi lunsdiciion undor the Childlid ProtectiveF Act. Doio: Augusi1130.2006 30 Chambers, Twin Falls. Idahclaho at 6:00 p.m.. on Soptomber 25.2006.25.. _ You are horeby direciod9d to K appear personally lo> a Revie'iview Hearing at tho By Deputy Clork:iork Twin Falls County Courtiourthouse. 425 Shoshone Stioel.,.T»ioF=lls, T Idaho. The City ol Twin Falls hast proposedpr to incroaso leos by an ;amouni thai exceeds one hundreIred five lopiombor 7.14.21 and 28,2006 I curreni Of) October 12.2006. ai9at 9:30 AM, percent ol Iho current loe>0. The proposed incioasos would3utd havo me following impact on c You aro noMiod lhal sen/ico sen ol the atiachtfd Petition^ uponui you, as the — lees: 'Paroni(s). guardiar>. or)r custodiancu ol Ihis child, confers personalper JunsdiClion NOTICiiTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE CURRENT PROPOSED PERCECENT ol Iho Court upon youou and: subiocls you to iho provtsiivisions ol Ihe Child- loaho Codo1 4545-1506 Today's daio: August 25, 2i WATER RATES RATE RATE INCRE;)EASE ■ ProlociiveAcl, 2006 File No.:vo.: 7261.23264 Loan No,; 13013501503 (All u'sogo rates aro per 1,000')00 gallons) You are noiilied ihai ll il yeyou fail to appear without reasorisonablo cause. Ihe Saio daio andond time (local iimo|: December 26. 2< 'Mmimum monihly base tato,10. Coun rnay proceed in1 youryoi absence or you may bo proce•ocoeded against lor 2006 at 10:00):00 AM Sole location: in Iho oHico0 ic ' includes usage ol2 6.37 • 6.04 7.3e.36'!. contompi of Court. First Amoncanican Title Company. 260 3rd Avonu Rates for additional utogo}0 You aro noMiOd thal Iho the pareni(s). guardian, or a cucustodian moy bo ' North, Twinn FiFalls, ID 83301 Property oddrosi Usage Irom 3 10100 1.01 1,08 ■ 6,9.>,93% linanciallyliablo for Iho'0 sisuppon and'or Iroalmonl ol the.child. ch 134SWllrT»flw a A y e n u o . Twin Falls. ID B330, Usage Irom 10110 tO.OOO 0.46 0.49 6,55,52% Vou aro lurthor notilindi thatthi Iho child and paient(s). guardatdian. or custodian Succossw .^■gfainoe* /;^ o n h w esi Trusic Usago above lO.OOO 0.35 0.37 5.7>.71% have Iho tighl lo be loproseniod lOp by an aiiorney ol your you choosing, or if Sw ico^ -lnc^ |,Q5 Sample bill ® consumptionnol oi 15.000 lcimo,appoml»a by },.^ ^ g ^ a ^ j t a Ana.,CA 9270 gallons/month S19 50 S20.B8 7.0r.OB% • • (jnnnoally unablo to pay.Day. have Iho right to havo an atlorr ’•48fl^*pootl.flB Trust mlotmalio Itio Court toroprosoniit theme children or tho parcni(s). guardlardian. or cusiodan f Bhd Julio Poo al couniy expense. II you roauosi 10 havo an atlornoy aptappointed at couniy WATER PERMIT AND SERV•RVICE CURRENT PROPOSED EFFECECTIVE and w T l S '^ W trustee; Aliianc RATE MNCREREASE eiocnse. you must aoooipooar boloro iho daio ol Iho holinnsnng given above, at ow Corp Orfginai bonoliciary: No LINE FEES • RATE which lime tho Coun1 shall sh consider-appointment ol an anornoy lor the longage Corporation Recording ootiloto: 1'm oierwiih manual roadI 5603.00 5843.00 4.98% 4.; . child ond mquito whetherther ihd pareni(s). guardian, or custiustodian require tho 29, 20032003 Recorder's instrument numbeibet: r moier with louch-read hodilOdd(new)' a'a , S903 00 12.‘2.45% separaio apoointmoniI olo(. an atlornoy. 2003-0137511'51 Couniy: Tvnn Falls Sum owingg oc n I'm eter with radio-read irans■anscoivor (now) n-.i S993 00 - 23,113,66% You aro lunhor noiiliedinaI mat Ihoro shall bo a robullobio pro:Dresumption lhal il o obiiQotiorotion; as of Augusi 25; 200006: ■ ■ . • child IS plocod m the custodycusi ol Iho IDHW and was alsoio pplaced in coro out S7e.iS9.577 BiBocauso Of interosi. iaic chargegos. Tho increased revenue rs necnecessary lo oHset me costs ol servservice. ol ino home lor a period pon not less ihan lilteen (15)t5) oul ol the last ond other chnchnrgos Ihat may vary Irom day twenty-two (22) monthsiihs Irom Ihe date ol Adjudicaiion,on, Ihe IDHW shall' day. iho omouiTiouni duo on Iho day yOu pay mayy bot At said Hearing all' ifitoresie■Sled persons may appear and sh6J) descnbed real propony. situated siti m iho County ot Twin1 FaFalls. Siaio ol Idaho, and doscnbiribed as Piamiilf, covenant ol any kind. (TS» 7261.2326- 1002.63973-FE3-FEI Ic'lows, to wit: A'pan ol Lol 1. Block 1 olII Highland H View Tract. Twin Fallslls CCounty. Idaho, according lo Iho» c official CHRISTOPHERSON ARC%RCHITECTURAL ALLIANCE, P.C?.C.. a Utah Prolos- plat Ihoroof. Med in Book(2 2 oli Piais at Pago(s) 9. Ollicial RoiRecords ol Twin Falls County. Idahciho. and lUCTlON. INC.. on PUBLISH: SopKieplombor 7.14.21 and 28.2000 Sional Corporation: HAFHARRIS BROTHERS CONSTRUC located In the SE NE 'i o'ol Section 15. Township 10 Soulh.luin. Range 17 cast, Boise Mondian.m. moro Idaho Corporation. UNITJNITED FIRE & CASUALTY COMOf^PANY, on Iowa ______“ particularly described as loiiilollows: Corporation, PACIFIC: WlWEST CONSTRUCTION. INC.,.a ar n Idaho Corpora. j n t HEDIST3ISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH1 BEGINNING al a point on methe North Imo ol Lot i ai 194.5 loot>01 VWest Irom mo Nortnc.isi corner IhiIhoroof. lion, and NATIONAL SURETYSUi CORPORATION, an lllmoiunois Corporation. JUDICIALVL DDISTRICT OF THE STATE OF THENCE South 125 loot paralaratiet to the East imo ol Lot i : Dotendanls. IDAHO,0 . irIN AND FOR THE COUNTY THENCE West 60 (eol: HARRIS BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION.c o r INC.. on Idaho0 CiCorporation. • OF TWINI FAFALLS MAGISTRATE DIVISION^ TEHNCE North 125 feel; Thiid-Pany PiamiiH, THENCE Eost 60 feel on Iheho NorthI Dcundary ol>Lot 1 to IhoJPOINTOFBEGINNING. PC Coso No. CV^06-4100 06 • PARCEL II AMBASSADOR COUSTFSTRUCTION, INC.. an Idaho Cor;Corporation; R,E.K. SUMMONS A part ol lot t. Block i ol11 Higniand H View Traci. Twin FailsIls CCounty, Idaho, according to ihc; officialc QUALITY DRYWALL,...LLC, LL an Idaho Limited Liability Corporation:Cor SHILO SUZANNE REN=1ENEE GONZALEZ plal Iherool. liled m Book12 2 oli Piais at Page(s) 9. Otliciai RocRecords ol Twin Falts Couniy. IdahoIho, and AUTOMATIC SPRINKEFKERS, INC.. an Idaho Corporation:non; SMITH ROOF- Plomlitl, locaiod in mo SE NE '4 o:ol Section 15. Township 10 Souin,juin. Range 17 East. Boiso more ING AND SIDING. LLC. LLC an Idaho Limitod Liahiiity■ Corporation, C( drt>/a v lollows;______« A te Z ARIZMENDI------______panicuia^Jescribod ns loHi SMITH ROOFING-COMP3MPANY; LEWIS CORPORATION,)N, an ldahoCorpo--JESUSOONZA' BEGINNING al a poimon memo Norihonst cornor ol said Lot i ; talion; ADVANCED INSLNSULATION, LLC, an Idaho Limit()0U BEGINNING. Thifd-Pany Delondanls.inis. WITHOUT FUl PARTICULAR DESCRH't ON OF)F THE RESPONDI WWITHIN 20 DAYS. READ THrHE THE TRUSTEE HAS NOD KKNOWLEDGE OF A WORE PA •AL PROPERTY, BUT FOR PURPOEPOSES OF COMPLIANCE WITHI ICIDAHO E-NAMED DEFEN- INFORMATlOfTION BELOW. ABOVE-DESCRIBED REAL NOTICE: YOU HAVE’BE'BEEN SUED BY THE ABOVE-hi CODE. SECTION 60-113,I TlTHE TRUSTEE HAS BEEN INFOfFORMED THAT THE STREET ADDfDRESS DANT/THIRD-PARTY' PlPUINTIFF. THE COURT MAYAY ENTER JUDG- HEREBY NOTIFIED lhal in orderr to! OF: 2164 Highland Awonuinuo E. Twin Falls. ID 83301, MAVAV !SOMETIMES BE ASSOCIATEDD ' w rm MENT AGAINST YOU''JU WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICEICE UNLESS YOU S. lawsuit an approptioio written rtro- SAID REAL PROPERTY, RESPOND WITHIN 20:0 DAYS.D. READ THE INFORMATlOf■lONDELow. ISI bo lilod with the above dosignalonod It Iho succossful bidder caniwnnot provido mo bid price by/ mimuans ol one of me abovo moaoons ol in 20 days after sorvico of lhi9 Ihi payment, Ihe salo will oo( popostponed lo» 10 minutes only lo10 alaliov 'he high bidder lo obtain pay)aymonl TO: R.E.K. Quality Drywt■ywall, LL.C.. 24S1 CodorchIp Rd. ID on you. II you lail to so respond tho th In a (orm proscribed heroifiroip abovo.'H ihe high bidder isIS uunsuccossiui in obtaining paymonom as 83301 C/O Rogltterodd A(Agent - Ralph Kllntky court may' orenter judgmoni against you <‘9 a directed within 10 minutes,is, Ithe sale toehold immodiaioJiaioly nnd any bid by the high bidderJorlrom by Iho Plainiilf in iho Complami. tho previous salo. will bo ro|(reioclod. all m accordance wnn idahidaho Codo 45-1502 ot. Soc, You nro horoby notiliedd Ihatihi In order to dolend Ihls lawsuiifsuil. an approprlaio a copy ol theIho compiaini is sereod with [f*'® ihi Said salo wtli be mado withoiinoul covenani or warranty regardinj•ding title, possossion or oncumbrancincos lo • wriilon rospor-u muslil bo lilod with Iho libovo dosignaternoy in Ihls manor, onco with Rule 10(a)(1) and olher Idaho Rule IBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION. . nse. II any, may be ol Dvii Procodicoduro and shall olso Includo: PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLi ' you shouM do so p'omptimplly so Ihat your written response Tho dolaull lor whk:h ihis salolalo IS to bo mado is failure to: IlloO in ttmo and oihor' legalleg. rights prctociod, 1. Tho lillo annd d rnumber ol Ihis case,, Deed of Trust ond Promissory Noto>10. Tho response Is on Answer lo th.tho Mako principal and Iniorosiit paymontspj a s sot fonh on said Dor An opproprioio wiittonI responsero! requires compiianco with wll Rule 10(a)(1) 2, M your ros IS S36.000.00 togothor with inieroserosi ihoroon ot the rato ol 7,500*/10% por ' B includo: Comploinl. il must contain admissions cor original loan amount was S and Olher Idaho Ruless ol Civil Procoduro and shall oiso in Promissory NolO datod Juno 23.13. 11999. Paymonts aro In dolaull1 (or lc mo ■of Ihls case.. - denials ol th-tho soparato allegations ol Iho th' onnum. as ovidencod in Pn 1. Tho tillo and number ofi 1. months ol May Ihrough and anc Including August ol 2006 Inn mIho amount ol $384.14 por montrnth and 2. If your rosponso 13 is dn( Answer to the Oelendanlml Harris Brothers Comploinl and olhor dolonsos you may claim, main admissions or 3. Your sJgnoturialuro. mailing oddross and lolophoniono continuing oach ond overyery month inoroalior unill daio ol salo or reihslatomonl. The phisrtnclpal Conslruclion, Inc.'s Thirdhird-Party Complalni. It musl contai I acaued and accruing inlorosi theresroon at :omploint and other ; Iho signaiuro. mailing address amand batonco as of Augusi 8.2002006 is S32.952.26 logother wHh aci donlaltt of mo soparololo oloiiogations of tho Third-Party Con annum, in addition lo tho above,ive. moro is also due any lato cht:harges. aim. numbor ol your attorney. • mo rate ol 7.500% per am ' defenses you moy claim. 11(111100 or doiivory ol o copy of you'OUf advances, escrow coUociionion loos, attorney foos, loos or costs}sts associaiod with mis loredosure. 3. Your signaiuro. mailingIng addressi and lolophono number,flf. or ino sfgnoiuro, to"p0 Plolniiirs attorney, as dosignoloi m u dale on mo obligation securedjred by said deed of trust Is $32,95,962.28. elophono number of your attorney, Ilod Tho balance owing as ol this moiling address and leiop jnd expenses actually incurred in1 onionlorclng iho obligations moreundeiderortn or delivery of a copy of you excluding Interosi. cosls and 4. Proof ot mailing or 0 wholhor you musl pay a liling foi IS and/or reasonable allornoy's loosloos as aulhonzod in Iho promissory)ry note DofondanUThird-Pany^ PlalnilirsPli atlornoy. os designatedS a .J f '”""’ “ TSTmmln. »1 mts sale, as irusioo's foes a rosponso, coniact Iho Clork of Ihi socurod by mo aloremoniioniilonod Deed of Trust. To daiormino wholhoryouyou musl poy a filing loo with your it lod court, Dated; August 24,2006. tho Clerk ol iho above-noi)• namod court. DATED this 31-3 T d a y of August. 2006. :______DATED this 27* doy ol Jul>July. 2006. Alliance Title & Escrow Corp.rp- ______CLERK OF THErHE DISTRICT COURT ____ gy. pwhhl n iHlinIrt TfimtflHirfIficcc______------)l7cionr5fihTD!inncn:ouT:mm------By Deputy uRTrlTro'rR— ;------By Oopuly Clark Phonb: (877) 947-1553 eptombor U . 21. 26 and Ociobor S PUBLISH; Septe PUBLISH; August 31. Soplomilembor 7.14 and21,2006 ______PUBLISH: August 24,31.S)1. Seplombor B ond 14.2006 ______2006______

1 14 T1n»Nm.TWInMb,Ma,ld ^ TtK>m»»p(«B^14.2006006 ______

md,. • ■ ^ ^ l i i w l j HB , Lrt«l IN THE aSTW CT COURT OFOFTHERFTH INTHEDISDISTRICT COURT OFTHE FIFTHt : I ■ PLICATION FOR PERMtT IN THE D tsmTRICT ii COURT OF THE STH AL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF APPLK JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF^TH TH ESTA TE'.:/ JUDICIALI Tho loSowing oppUcalion(s)I) hnhovo boon niod lo oppropifato thoho pubtici waters . JUDICIAL OtST)ISmiCT0FTHE8TATE0F HECOONTYOF IDAHaiNANDFORTHE H>A ANO FOR THB COUIHY.OF OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE' ol tho Sinio ol Idaho: IDAHO, IN ANI EDIV18I0N- - ; ■ COUNTY COI OF TWIN FALLS 65-230T7 TWIN FALLS SM/iSMAU. CLAIMS DEPARTMENT CASSIA MAGISTRATE D ^-HENHYSN«OaC ------— ------■••'CoseNoTCV-Oi V -06^t05— ------. . 6126 W STATE ST Coso No. CV 06-241« 4 8 9 PI5oplombor.7_1.4.2Land,28.2006_ ------TTSN‘n03E -89 N6NE------mont-nffalnsryDu;VDurforiho'monoyorporsofuil-t-D alo 8/23iW-— ------^------T15N R03E SIO NENWt NWNW SWNW ho ploinlill asks lor in Iho claim. /S/MichaolI'- R. CrM too. Magisiraierale - proporty Ihoi tho p PU8UC NOTICE Number Ol Acros 360 ill's COSIS for liling iho dalm and 11 ^ ..L— plus tho plolnlilfs nned and takon by your govetnmoi RomnrK:6i<< shallow groundnd walorv ponds lor supptamontalil irrigation ir and you whhh ncnofico of Iho daim, fPUBLISH;. Soplomber 7 .14ond^ 2 2 1 ,2 0 0 6 Aciions plannoi rtol - - orTMtniiy porpojos BJO propos•posod lor Bolio Revo • IF YOU FILE AN4 ANSWER,At you will bo moilod a - - —aroconlainedled in puWlc noticos.'.Thoy oro part c Subdivision. D dalo ond limo for a hoaring. r OF THE STH your righl to kknow ond lo bo informed cl whi*hal...... aybosubmitled IN THE DISTRICT COURT 01 ______Pormds will bo subloct lo allill priorpi waier rtghis. Protests may t ____ JUDICIAL mSTRICT OF tH E mmenl Is doing.. As self-govemmoiloni . Dnsoti on tno ctiionu oi SJd88 -42.203A. laarw c oao.------^ HEARING DO NOT FILE AN SSSrafZ O T niT N ritrtoiirctfr’his-now! >prova1 of this application musi bo» lilodli wilh Iho. NOJ A Hi IDAHO. IN AND FOR THE C( Any proiost againsl Iho appro' TWIN FALLS SMALL CLAIMSIS DOEPAfiTMENT paper uigasos r information lo oxorciso Ihoir righl11 toI on or bolorc 00/25/2006. Tl an answor. You can mail your Blic records and public moelings. protest to Ihe applicant. docido to filo an . sSUMMONS access public 1 • KARL J DREHER. OifOCIW onswot to: Courtjrt Sorvicos,S PO Box 126. Twin yWILSON BATES, INC. IMPORTANT Falls. Idaho 6330:3303, Tho onswor musl bo re* PlointiffO). ess all logal advertising to: outt wiihin tho 20-day doodlino, v Pioaso address • PUBLISH. Seplombor B andd U14, 2006 coivod by Iho coutt LEGAL ADVERTISING io hovo rocoivod a documoni t LE _ _ _ _ _ You ShoukJ olso t TERESA DAHL The Times-News collod INFORMATi^ATION FOR DEFENDANTS IN LLARRY R SHAW NOTICECE IOF TRUSTEE'S SALE ^S CASES' along wilh. this Dofandant(s). PO Box 546 T S. -NO.. HC-91315-C Loanin t No,: 0437372337 A.P.N,; RPC9JC9501017011A Twin Falls, Idaho TITLE INSUR- summons. A rrwronoro dolailod booklet which will NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENVEN that. FiOELITY NATIONAL Til 83303-0548 wstoo. Will on tako you slojUjy-si}y-stop through the small daims TTO THE DEFENDANT(S); ANCE COMPANY Ihe duiduly appointed Succossor Trusti > ovailablo upon roquosi Irom tho YYOU ARE-NOTIFIED.Ihol a claimaim has been Mod email to tM (rocMnizod locol timo). AT^T THE MAIN court procoss is Dvi 12/2B/2006 at 11:00 AM islrici Court in your county. This ogainst you. The plainlill(s) who»ho Mod'Iho dnim. . • ENTRANCE TO ALLIANCECE TITLE & ESCROW. 1411 FALLALLS AVENUE Clotk ol tho Dislric ub)ic auction, to bookiol has import,portani inlormalion lhal will help tno court with which Iho cloJmm iiis lilod, ond the Deadline forr locl^ a l ads: 3 days prior to publics■ica- EAST, SUITE 1315. TWINM F/FALLS. ID 83301. win soil al publii coso numbor ossignod to your)ur icose oro lisiod' non, noon on 'WodnesHny lor Sunday, noon 0 mo highosi bidder.,:ash. in lov^ul monoy ol tho Uniiooon on Tuesday (or Friday anand /IN F A a S COUNTY. IDAHO., ACCORDINGA DATED this I?-dday ay of August. 2006. . . musl filo an answor wilh Iho c Holiday deadlines may vary. II yoyou FORD TOWNSITE. TWIN nod Ihis summons, TOTHE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOFTHE RECORDED IN BOOKK 2 OF PLATS. By Deputy Clerk ol CCourt days Irom iho doto you received quesliohs call Ruby. legal cloik.. ;al IF YOU AGREE WITH THE CLCLAIM. AND 0 0 PAGE 26. RECORDS OFP TlTWIN FALLS COUNTY. IDAHO)0 Tho Ttusloo rr. NO ACTION 20B-73S-3324. h.15 no knowlodgo ol a mormoro ponicular doscriplion ol ihd abovoi relbt- PUBLISH: Augustst 24,2 31. Soptomber 7 ond 14, NOT WISH TO CONTEST IT, oncod (oal proporty, bul lor (purposes ol complionco wHh SociionSoi 60-113 2006 NEEO BE TAKEN BY YOU. TICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Idaho Codo. tho Trusteo has b«en inlormod that Iho oddresjless somoiimes ______^ IF YOU 0 0 NOT FILE YOUR ANIANSWER Wlih Iho ..-h o c S f oI T 45-1506 s Today's date: Augusi 2!25. associaiod with said roaiII p0 Boxi 126. Twin Compony Orlginol-'^nolidory: 0 ''Mottgag COMPLY WITH SECTION)N <45-1S06(4)(A). IDAHO COOE,E, NOI REPRE- Fans. Idaho 83303. Tho onswoswor must bo ro- Electronic'Ro' Regislrolion Systems. Inc.. solol,b ; , SENTATION IS MADE THA'rHAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT.T. PRESENTLYf TO THE DEF£NDA^iDANTtS): coived by the court wilhtn ihe 20-day20-i deadline. a s nomineeDO lor■ MILA. Inc, Recording dateate: 1 RESPONSIBLE FOR.THISIS OBLIGATION. C Tho Dolouli for• whichwh this solo YOU ARE N0TIF1EIIFIED mat 0 claim hos boon titod You y should a lso ' hove rocoivocived 0 docurixim February 24. 2005 Rocotdor's insuumotlent ' is to bo mado is iho loilureure 10 pay whon due. undor DoodOd ofi Trusi and agoinst you. Thorio pplQinlill(s) who Mod Iho claim, canod INFORMATION FOR DEFENDANTSDE IN numbor; 2005005-003957 County; Twm Foils SutSum t . Noio datod 12/15/2003. ThoThe monlhiy poymonts for Principal,Ml. Iniotosi and tho court wiih which whi< the dalm Is liled, and tho SMALL CLAIMS CASES* along all wilh Ihis owing on IhoIho (obligolion: os ol Augusi 25,^00(X>6: Impounds (il opplicoblo) olof 5:529.03, duo por monlh Irom 5/1/2/ 1/2006 through coso numbor assi{ossignod lo your coso aro lisiod summons. A moro deloilod bookiol boc which will $111,717.2121 EBocauso ol Inlorost. latu charge;30S. ! 12/26^2006. ond oU SuDS0n riroquosi Irom Iho day. iho omouTiouni due on mo day you pay may/b b e non socurod by said Oood0 ol Trust Is 560,^8.1 erpius aixrut:rued inlorost ol YOU WANT TO•O (CONTEST THE CLAIM, you Ckitk of Ihe Oisirld Court in yoiyour couniy. This groolor. Hon&once, if you pay tho amount showown tho roio of 7.67*> por annuninum-liom 4/1/2006, All delinquentml omounlsi aro must (ilo on onswinswor wilh Iho court whhin 20 bookiol hos Importoni inlotmaiioaiion lhal will help abovo. an odjodJuAlmonl may be nocossory. oticlitor now due, logoihor with ocaDcauing loto chorgos. and inlorost.est. unpaid and ^Qy, ((om Iho daiodalo you rocoivod Ihls summons. you pteporo lor your hearing; wo rocoivoJ yoyour chock. For further, inlornvalio acouing laxos. assossmontnonts. Irusioo's loos, allornoy's (eos. loc and ony ip yoU AGREE•E VWITH THE CLAIM, AND DO Favor e do ovisarnos anies do la lochaI do Io ou- write or call tho Succossor Trustee at tho th . amotinis advanced to protoctItoct Iho socunty associaiod wilh this (orectosuio. nOT WISH TO0 (CONTEST IT. NO ACTION doncia si usiod nocosnara unin inietproloii on la addrost: orr lellolephone numbor provided above3ve. • Tho Bonoliciary olocis lo) sosoil or causo tho irusi proporty tc NEEO BE TAKENEN IBY YOU. corte. Bosis ol dolouoloult; Iniluro to moke paymenls who satisfy said obiigatkin. Daio3aiod: Augusi 28, 2006 FIDELITYITY NATIONAL |p YOU DO NOTr FIIFILE YOUR ANSWER wnh tho DATED (- Ihis 17“ day of Augusi. 2006.20( ‘‘UO' P'ooseso inke notice thot Iho Succosscjsor TITLE INSURANCE COMPAMPANY Candy Horzog. authorizedod signoloryc/o ^oun wiihm 20■ dojd o ^ . Ihe court tnoy ontor judg- By g Oopuly Clork of Court Trustee willill s(soil 01 public ouclion to Iho higho!lost EXECUTIVE TRUSTEE SERVICES. SEF INC.154S5 San Fomoi monl ogoinsi you. lor Iho monoy or personal biddor lor’ cccortilied funds or equivalent Ihe ih Blvd. «208Mission Hills. CA 91345 Phono: (816) 837-2302300Salo Lino: property that Ihefie ploinlillp asks (or in the claim, PUBLISH; p Augusi 24. 31. Soplon„.mb.,7ana,4. osctibod above. Tho proporty oddrosess (S16) 361-6998 ASAP* 7081108188 plus Iho plainlifl'sII'S icosls lor Illing iho claim and 2006______d to comply with IC 60-t 13 bul is ncnot sorvirtg you wilhh rwrwiico ol Iho claim. - wotronlod loto bo correct, Tho property's logt PUBLISH. Augusi 3I.Soplomomber t 7 .14 ond 21.2006 ' IF YOU F^ILE AN1 ANANSWER, you witl bo mailed a IN THE DISTRICT COURT'O OF F THE STH ' description) Is: Tho East ono-hail of Lol 5 i nolico wnh Iho9 dtdate ond lime lor a hearing. JUDICIAL DISTRICT OFTHEHE StATE OF Bk)ck 1 ol SwSweet's Addilion, Twin Falls Couni)niy. whon (ho judgeI will hoar your caso. IF YOU DO IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE• COUNTYCC OF according 10 the Official Plot Ihetool. MedI ini NOT WANT Ai HEHEARING DO NOT FILE AN TWIN FALLS SMALL CUIMSS DEPARTMENT0 . Book 5 Ol PlniPlnis 01 Page to. Olficiol Recotds.cS.0 I ANSWER, Twin Foils CoiCouniy. Idoho. Tho sale is subjoci:i tol< You should rocoivoivo ian ANSWER lorm otong with cCaso No, CV 06-3347 condnions.. tultules and procedures as doscnbobod this summons. YO'You musl uso that form il you sSUMMONS . ot tho solo.lo (and which can bo reviewedI ot( doddo 10 filo anon answor. You can mail your vWILSON BATES. INC. or USA-ForocIcdo- ' answor lo; Courturt i Son/k;es, PO Box 126, Twin ' Ploinlilt(o),, Tho salo Is modo without reprosoniimo­ Pal's. “3303. 30; Tho onswor musl be re- v tion, worrontynnty or covononl of any kind. (TSrs* coivod by mo courtourt within Iho 20-day doodlino, ^’ T nA M. TOVAR, 7104.25512)2) 11002.SS504-FEI ' You shoukl olsoso havoI rocoivod a documoni Delondant(s). M ' callod INFORMATMATION FOR DEFENDANTS IN PUBLISH; SopiiSoplomber 7.14.21 and 28.2006 ''' j . , SMAU CLAIMSMS CASES- olong with this TO T THE DEFENDANT(S): sumnwns. A moronore dolailod bookiol which will YOU v ARE NOTIFIED thol o claimoim has boon lilod NOTICE OFIF PETmONP FOR ABANDONMENT toko you siep-by-sby-slop through tho small claims ogalnsi you. Tho plointill(s) whovho filed tho claim. ANDI VAVACATION OF ROADWAYS, court process iss avavailable upon roquosi from tho the court with which the doimm tsii likjd, and the ALLEYWiYWAYS ANO OTHER PUBLIC Clork of tho Districislrict Coutt In your county. This coso number assigned lo your')ur caso ato listed RIGHTS-OF-WAY. bookiol has Importiportant inlormalion thal will help obovo, youproparoforyoir your hooting, IIIF YOU DISAGREE WITH THEIE CLAIM.C AND. IF NOTICE IS> HEREBY H GIVEN lhal Iho TWIIVIN E YOU WANT TO CONTEST THE TH CLAIM, you FALLS HIGH!GHWAY DISTRICT hos rocoivodd 0. ) Favor do ovisarnosnos anies do la focha de la ou- doncla si usledd ninocosiiara un inlorprolo on la musl filo an onswer with Ihoto courtc witfiin 20 peinton lovocivocoio a toodwoy kKotod in the Twiiwin corto. doys Itom Iho dale you rocoivodvod Ihis summons Foils Hoighls,his Subdivision and being (rom grkgrk] W S t B B O f f DATEDthis3l''dayday ol Augusi, 2006, IF YOU AGREE WITH THE CLAIM, Cl AND DO numbers 3t43It43 E 10 3149 E 013275 N ond mon _By.DopulyXlofkJjLC NOT WISH TO CONTEST rr. IT, NO ACTION specilicailyI doscnboddoi a s lollows: “ NEED BE TAKEWBY Y O O r' • ------A porceroriairia n d locaiod in the SEwNWVii“oi c ...... PUfeLISH: Soplombitmbor7.14.?lond28.2006 IF-YOU II DO NOT FILE YOUR ANSWERAN; wilh the Sociion 14,1, TownshipTo t l Soulh. Rango 17 Eas:asl. court within 20 doys. Iho courtIrt mayr enior judg- Boise Moridiaiidian. Twin Palls Couniy, Idaho omond monl ogoinsi you, (or the monhis -_SMAU_CLAlMS_CA5ES!_aIialono with Ihls cirf>Hi.A.L,^- n U T ------appearand bo hoah eart BtthoTippointod limo:------^ H o w Tro l M ake Yo summons, A moro detailed bookkit txx whktf) will Thonco N65'16'I'18'S4‘ W along Itw Souihotly boundind- ^ * * * A comploio dascflpicflption Is on tile with iho Twin toko you step-by-step Ihroughh metf small doJin* aty ol the Lot Falls Cffy Planninghing and Zoning Administrator al Lot Uno Adjuslmoni Plal ol iho Twiiwin court procoss ta ovalloblo uponKl tirequest f r o m ^ p^Ils Hoighlstils SubdivisionJ lor a distance of 22.71!-75 D i s a p p e aar... i ■ City Hal. 321 S^co e a n d Avenue Easi, 735-7269. Clerk o( Ihe DIsMct Court In. youryoi county. This la ... “ C air r g spedai occommodalions at a Persons rweding s| booklet has important Informolloolk>n Ihot will help ThotKeN66-03'r o s -s r W along Iho Southerly bouridirid- 1 are asked to coniact the City ol you prepare for your hearing, Lol Une Adjuslment Plot ol the TwIi■wIrt. S i m p l yf aiadvertise in the Classilsifieds' f£Fab!f7M"’35-7267 al leasl live (5) working Favor F de avisamos onlos de lalo fechof de la ou- Ho^hiS'cnis Subdivision lor a distance of 37.e: doncla el usled nocesltaro unin Inlorprolo1 on to ,^0, ,0 a pSii ’.67 and get results qul< 10 meeting. point on Ihe North boundary of mime IW, Mayor code. ™ SE>4NWtto(aol sakl Sedlon14; DATED Ihls 31 • day of Augusi. ««»•20i -nionce N89-51'y s r 4 r E along tho North bounder By Deputy Clerk o( Court lory PUBLISH; ThUfSdfliSday, September 7,2006 ^ o(,lhe SEUNVKNWM ol sakl Section 14 (or a disdis- ’ 1 .n/i on W M l*hCO of 370,2170,21. loot lo the TRUE POINT 01OF , Thursday. SofSoptember14.2006 fPUBUSH: Septembot 7.14.21I andon 28.2006 beGINNINQ. ----- ^ t Tho Tvrin Foilsalls Highway Dlslttci bcaled al 262i820 ■ T ease your braillin this m orning Kimberty Rooinood. Twin Foils. Idaho will accep»pl 208.73733.0931 act. 2 • written commimmont on tho poUtloned vacolloi y vntU 2;00 PM on October 4.2006«6. 2 w i t h ai cup ( of coffees and the crossj s w o r d TJXlime, the hearing on Ihe pellUon1 to ti ■ 1.800.6.658.3883 act. 2 tt rtght-of-way win be hokJ, p u zjzle, z the Jum blilie w ord scramnble l TwmFWAsifiS HIG^IWAY DISTRICT Herman Otierkiterkamp. Chairman dthB -Suldolktrrnum berTJuzzIZ l 6 ^ 300 North Classsitteds ^ Q Twin FaUs, Idah'd a h o a ^ t ______F i nnd e them on pac[ges E-6 and E' — ...... magi a l n d h r . w m ______I PIIRIIOH.ft^l.l*pt«nbef-14rl6,-2» and 22.-8006-

« Th«r»d.y;'s>ptwbirl4.iOOB~Tg ~tim»»' N^TW faFtfs;idi

101 ' ' 11*- andhxind ^ Tmiaiimt .i ' • CHILD CABB; RB o t l^ CLERICAL B # ' 0 ■a Austroiian grandmother Shophotclord/flluo Heel- opening in horier home,f 3 .jo-eao Mon-Thur.' ;A’- CORDINANCE NO. 2871 or X.. FtfmaloI 9W Coll208-735-9te-9t01 Muttllaskiog. yoars Dav care OMnlriiinlrwMln computer literacy. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY I ’PROPrU t INQ THE VARIOUS SUMlUMS OF MONEy' o EEMED NECESESSARY TO DEFRAY -chppfld. TY OF TWIN FA U S; IDAHO. APPF m y h o n S T ^ I I A U NECESSARY EXPENSESSES ANO LIABILITIES OF THE CITYCf OF TWIN FALLS. IDAHO.1. DlDESIGNATING AND SPECIFYINIING THE DIFFERENT and white CPft, ICCP certined.C«ti A p p lt^ M.ns at office EVENUE SHALL ACCRUE AND> FfFROM WHICH SUCH APPROPRIA'RIATIONS SHALL BE MAOE FORR THE RSCAL YEAR . «u' CaB 208-733-5:13-5712 Oehl ChlroprcUc AND'ENDING*OfrrHr30TH'DAY-|AY'OF"SEPTEMBER7‘2007rTO '8l ■82fl B lut U k M Blvd— 5rDArorOCTOBERr2006,~ANI DIuo coilanllar, Losi In ttw HABITAT FOR)RKIDS K TwInFale , ' ANNUAL APPROPHtATIONI BILLBIL OF.F.Y. 2007. ,V ' aroo ofot Farkt Way Dr nas openirtgss lor 2-4 No phone calls please> BE IT OROAINEO BY THE MAYCAYOfl ANO COUNCILW THE C;iTY m OF TWIN F A a S . IDAHO:' ty o( Twin Falls. Idaho, ^ixl NoiNorth Collogo, , years. Pre-seh-school ------^------SECTION 1. That Iho (ollowinog namedm lurids are horoby designalinalod a s tho proper (unds Into whiciiIcil iall rovenuos accnjing to Iho City lame is Sautty. program and alterrKMnaltoi CONSTRUCTION from oil wurcos durtng tho fiscaiscal year beginning on tho (irst daylay o( Oaobor, 2006. and ending on llthe 30" day o( Soptombor. 2007.7. shall bo paid (or'Iho I Special Funds heroin .wool. Noeds tior care. Slate Icensed,leer Carpentar needed min- purpOM of mooting oil llobilitlotlitlos ot Iho Cliy o( Twin Falls (orir IhoIh a(orosaid liscal yoar. an monlosmios accniing th the General qnd S ino. Margie 490- Call Debbie 324-324-5593 Imum expertence pf 33. montionod..or so much Ihoroolroof os may bo rfocassary. aroJ tie w r e b ^ fl^ p r la te d (rom sakl GemJenoral and Spodal Funds rospocliHjlivoiy (or tho sovoral • or 734-3538 . years, must hove, own putpOMS (or which tho monlosos taccruing lo sakl (unds aro colkKi tools & transportalion.fl. n e n t . caii jim '420-0120 OPERATING FUNDS FOUNDS/} 8/29 Cockallel E m ptoynw r e Jerome City in tho . CONSTRUCTION Total ' Po'K. V.Very friendly. • Dopirtmont Personnel Charges Transfers ipod wings. Hew All advertlsln:ltlng i Construction Worfcarta 26.420 139.992. unclippoc City Council 112,672 tottio O’’® vfs- 10.255 - 1.646 234.526 trom a troo onto a suOjoet lo tt City Manager 214,227 8.400 1C der '4 perched newsfupor's ! e*0’ fW- Wage OOE. 17,573 165162,910 •• . - - 508,178 ShouWor 737.0000 or 731-6656*8 Finaneo • 327,695 cnic labk). Inter- surxfanfot , Into. Sofvtcos 478,049 5,800 250,967 25( 3.219 738.035 0" tfo/ , ______172.800 « ^ d . n ICO. ■ CONSTRUCnON Logoi 175172.800 .CMMoZn"?’ . 11,900 . 624 , t-_Nows ; Door/Wlndow1nttal(er CommonHy Dov. 298^89 3.000 • 11 ■ , 626-3Q26 - Timos-.No Economic Oov. , . 118,289 .500 ■ ' 14.70Q M . • • ------, fosenos itio» rylr5 lull duties. Exp In Transfor-Pool 76.000 78.000 mm mololoio. 6 monttis to assumes tu ------TOTAL O ^E R A L FUND------13.011,453------— i ug.biu------^------2;ont;0TW91------fW fiO — Twin Fqtls!Fqtl 736-4490 . lt)o tnilhlul 1eof content ■ estirnaling. Salary nog,,~ 1,569.825 218.175 tvenisor S48.000-$65.000 . Siraots 790.543 3.300 2,565 = m i TDC«oc.l.i.L.V c ' “'“" r I 284.00028< 15,774 >00 rango. Resume with Siroot Ltghts Soum W nl ol —I references lo 1.182.381 ? “l» Libioiy ’ m s ,o ia T»m RFnlls. Coll to ------I —^ Email: croyertekO . Airport ; • • . 391.596 19.400 302.929 30! 264,087 ly 208.731-7007 Aihing 1.624,296 2.624.296 'tl”"l*ly ^ i g _ Capital Impravomont 2.62' i * Of (ax 208-786-5701 Airport Conslnicllon 1.49J.498,109 1.498.109 FOUND.D. Hoond. ,od “ “ “ " " ‘J 1.333,206 . . 615.038 ■ 6.474.240 and wh Walor 1,476.046 49,950 4.33: J * ' ^s'cwer CONSTRUCTION 447.301 10,800 • 4.78(1.780,391- 379.876,, . , 5.616.368 .north ol Ihone, Siding Installer, expe-I- 1.612,800 124.798 1.891,538 mohwoy. SanitaMn 151.440 2.500 1.6i: tily nonco roquirod. WageI® 195,141 7,450 173.643it : 26,387 402.621 ,opo. ' o ™ S ,!o ° ■ ESlll DOE. Needed asap, Goll 182.000 Found Tl , Swimming Pool 162.000ie: «arcn. . Siding Laboror/ ' Diorkos/Shoshono.Falls 58,203 3.500 165.650 16! 6,902 0 Rod Hoolor S7.00to$9.00/h00/hour Cuttar, hard worker, 319,550311 39.437 Inaoiarjco 218.8 2 8 - cross. lomaio.lor G mos,- Casual workivork will train right person,1. 192,286 4.500 22.040Z nent. Call 208-410-1418 ' SHOP 15.000 ' yonfir 0bid, Cornor of environment Fifoworks 15.0001! hono A 2 " .Avo. Floxibk) evoniizoning. (or Interview. 188.200181 BIO 208-737-9400 day. and wknd i t t ::------TOTAL ALL FUNDS 16.714.011 290.903 22.3515.350.671 1.879.635 ------, 5.30 r*5u,5MosMook. COOK Adjust tor Transfers cai. male Drown- 5 ,05, pori-tin'1-timo Immediate hire lorOf . TOTAL BUDGET 16.714.011 290.903 22.3511.350.671 1.679.635 )l|ow stripped. or socondjnd Ijob, Backcounlry Cook>k Appro*.», I8tt,s, Eo« a'^„iocs!„|I campus 'or hunting parties.'S. PASSEO BY THE CITY COUNCIINCIL Sopiombor 5.-2006 20" in i S C call lor ^Jrther info(0 Po' "Wfo "” oim IS. SIGNED BY THE MAYOR Sopiombor 5.2006 1468 0.320-0358 call 208-738-236-2853 Qhd salary quotas. 208-823-4414.^ , /s/Moyor LOST'dOdark Chocototo • • • • • • * • • * ATTEST; l.ib mnicnnlo Answers lo ------CUSTODIAL Oopuly City Clork Gus.. NO N( collar. Re- BOOKKEEPER'»kkM r»r Custodial/Mainionanco:o • • ward!I208-316-081S 20 Port-limo h ^ k Full-limewirnbonolits..I.. PUBLISH: Soptombor 14.2006)6 ------opprox . 15 hi0hl shllt. S8.00 OOEIE ■ j K I ^ B S C ] knowledge ol Books Ar andid APAl Apply ot Jerom e M County CourthouseB ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE NONOTICE OF FEE INCREASE S e m ^ P ' ' DOE. Fox losuresume to • 300 n . uncoln Rm p .||. NOTICE OFIF ISALE 733-0604 To Whom II May Con:o n c em : Tho Filer ScSchool District No. 413. Twin Fal ll, Idaho yntl soil siorod i S S y l ------302 Jetom o, Waho> has proposed to increase ihe (oUowirowino Ctoar Lnkos Storage. Buhl, Snake River Storago will soli sol Ihe personal County, has Items ul John Parkt. laslast known address is CASHIER Drug Free Workplace, d Brown. This salo [oos by an anuunl that exceods ono hundro Parks, last known od- Port-limo to lull-limo, lu ■ - property belonging lo Chad B Buhl. Idaho, ond Lydia Pt 25*^ hours aJ woweek All CUSTODIAL' will lako place at a (ulure date.late, by a tocal auc* 'l''® P®,'®®')'ont (105%) of the fee charged lasi ihyoo ^ ii «>'0S5 is Buht, Idaho, to an auction company ol The lolnwiniwing table Is an ostimato o( whai ihoi C v f f i i m ■ shins,. Al leileast 6 .Custodian I • lion company. r! m d Soplombcibor 14.2006, may moan lo sludonls.-guaidlan or k Z b H I i ' months cashiorihiors oxp, Full-lime with benolits,IS, The Iasl krwwn address ol ChaChad Brown is c/o ” , Must bo ott leoleast 19, Applications oro avail-lll- ind 14.2006- ^ Pansy Brown. 419 FnjillandI Av»..Av *34. Bom;lO P"'™ "'' PUBLISH: Scptom.ber 7 and \ , j ■ i? . Pick up opplicatilicalion ot able at tlKi Gooding 0 V United1011 Oil School Olttrlctlet 03316. Proposed 'l992Klmbert>lerty Rd oiflce, 507 Idaho SS t t I This salo is macto Io entorco, lliolh( lion r«hts Ol a lie U s t year tncraase % Increasreaso . ■ LOSTinir ! soli sorvic^ storage facility. i ^ o i r A v r i n Twin Felt, befcbe(oro12 Gooding or by callingng Yearbook S15.00 S20.00 - 33,33% PROPOSED CHANGE• COF WATER RIGHT on Ono ------934-4321 0X1109 Burloy f Open until (ilted. , PUBLISH: Sopiombor 7 and 14.>4.2006 J All cili20nss oro01 invilod lo allond a pubU; hoarir O Schonck Rem'son ol 3 ’• S'*’'- n s BoukJor Irrigalton Co., C/O rcu collar with P r i v a t e on Iho incrcwroased (ee roquost. Tho heorrng’3 Wllv. POBox 450. McCan. 10 63630e: filed Appl-calion '"0 CUSTOMER SERVICE:e Named Skooior. P a r t y Ac in­ NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'!EE'S SALE bo holdon on Sopiombor 20. 2006 al 7.tK>p.m. “i No. 7275610 Iranslor twoD walorv lighls wilh 1925 rnii »» Rep., FT, ATR expen- tr Elomoniary Libra^, 700 Slever 208-077-3123. go Loan No: 00093783U1 T.S. No,;No,: 06-4385-ID Ori 'ho Filer ! prioriiy dales (rom Bould-ildor Crook and L o u lo ------r n ------■' i r Requuos pre-i “ P'“*- (rocognlzod locol Avonuo, Filor,Fil( Idaho. OOE, Send resume to 12/11/2006 Dl 11:00 AM (r Lake lolaling 24.0 c(s oniand 361 a( ol storage. STOLEN ir 10 puo- Hydraulk: & timo). In Ihe tobby to First Anv;\nwricon Tillo Omc- The purposo o( tho tronsinsler IS to modily Ihe bike, is Leir. Business Monagor/Clork i..o»,-n»O o Repair. 1982 Floralral pany. 260 Third Avonuo NonrJonh, Twin Falls 10 /S/Kermil Leir boundary ol iho irrlgalenjn company to include " jit cards, Ave,. Twin Falls or laxox 63303. In tho Couniy of Twinn Falto,Fi Slate ol Ida- Filer Schoolol District( « 1 3 ^ ho sharoholdors, Waior ^ lands ownod by one ol tho raoo. •|°2°a-^<-3^ ho, Rrst Amortcan Tlilo Insurnrurance Company os 700 B Stevenvons Avonuo will bo usod within Ihono modiliod boundoiy Ono Mongago Cor- Rior. ID 833; ;“ c r , : r 3 o S Trusioo on bahalf ol Opiion On 13328 . served by tho appticanl soulhoasi sc ol McCall in 553Q poraiion will soil ot puljllc auctkuciion lo'lho highest Iho phone.? „ r ^— Valley County. Muttipio immodiaio . bl(Jdor. for cosh, in lawful monnonoy ol tho United PUBLISH::Septembor7and So 14.2006 irding Iho application. 1 0 ® imo of salo. the lol- For specific details rogard 93^ oponlngs (or local Slatos. all payablo at Iho limo 0 Dopartmoni c( Woior Profcofesslonar ■ lowing doscnbod rool propoilyOrty. siluatod in Iho ■' — pleaso contact iho Idaho I County of Twin Falls. SlotoQ Of of Idaho, and do- NOTICEE OF0 HEARING OF NAME CHANGEGE Rosourcos (IDWR) Weslon;oin Regkin at 208-334- sServlcos e i IbaisKKa J s s r s t soe atiachod exhibit, 2190 or visit wilh doiail p r o - ______l j ------and Mobile Steam I scribod a s lollows: Pioaso soe CASE NO CV-OM140 = = 7 = 7 T = |^ CLERICAL Cleaner. Will irain otion: Township 1 0 ' vWed under 'now walorlor nghi applications'. Bankrupt I . ‘A‘ Exhibit A Logoi Doscriptior '’*'P * nghi candidates! soulh. range 14 oasl, B.M... TwinT» Foils Couniy, a poiiiionI lo lo chango tho name ol Niclhanlotilot J. Protests may bo subrmttodod basod on tho criioria Guarai ^OOd SklllS in Ou«k- Call Shawn at 731- ide: Any piotosi against Pf’co ^ r Idaho. Soction 1: A parcelQl oiol land tocalod in e^an Morri;orrison-Baker. bom Juno 21. 2000100 in o( Soc 42-222, Idaho Codo *>«"'■ Word.S’ S : ie2a1.rm.,.inl... Lol 2 moro particularly doscriboribod a s loltows: Bo- Las Vedas.jas. Novada-(osiding al 625 Hoybuilybum Iho proposed change muslUSl bo (lied wilh IDWR 'osontoi. I"'®"'®' »hours per — — ------ginning al tt» northoast comi Ave. TwinIn FFalls. Idaho ^ 3 0 1 . has boon fileditod in Westom Roglon. 2735 Airport A Wy, Boiso ID "rii? !, nn 14 oost. B.M.. Twin J . p ,, ,y d o e , DA'RY lownsnip 10 south, range 14 i Jis County Districi Court. Idaho.. T^Tho 83705-5062 logoihor witlwith a ptoiesi (00 ol ft-86B-flB8-Z3W. obb!*b«.'>100 | Falls Couniy. Idaho: said poinloinI lied north 69 do- ^win '=ais Itv in D0>- Needed oxperiencodod, rill chango lo NIcthanlel J. Btookejokor. 525.00 (or oach appilctilcatlon on or b e lo ro '______E 200 S., Calf Feodor on Dairyiry groos 3r31* oasl,' 2657.35> loiloot from Iho north must also sond a copy CLEANINNINQ vory ollord- son at 24 E. 2 Ihonco soulh 89 do- or NietrvMlianiel lo havo tho samo tosi namo as hish 9/25/06. The prolostant mi 10, quarter cornor of sociion I ; Ihor icant. able owand detail orioni- Burley, across foot 10 tho northeast tathor. inrho o child’s mother Is living andd hihor ol Iho protosllo tho applica groos 3 7 '3 r wost. 1326.67 fool m tho KARLJDREHER.OIroctor,r . . od. 'FroFree osiimotesl BLM office. 1 comer of Lol 2: thonco southuth Odogroos address isis unknown, Idoho. A hearing on W First 5 homes I h oti. wost. 207.50 loot olong Iheie ooost boundary ol pclillon isis : scheduled (or 9:00 o'clock A.M.M. con r»d 14.2006 ITHDAY PHOTOS Lot 2: Ihonco north 69 degrcegroos 49‘26' west,..-October 10 2006. al the County Courthouslouse. PUBUSH; Sopiombor 7 and 90.00 feol 10 Iho rool point of bbeginning; ihonco Objectionsns i may bo (iled by any person who10 «can Experlr H a v e y o u north 89 dogroos 49’ 28' wowosi, 144.00 fool: show thecaJ court a good roason against the nan'name ^ ------— • »will come to thonco north 0 degrees 10‘-i3*43’ ioasl, 180.25 (ool chanae yourhcr home, I wilt do f o r g o t t ein n totl pickup your birthday thence north 69 dogroos 3TS37^1* east, 144.00 oatodAugus3US131.2006 IN THE DISTRICT COUFURTOFTHE FIFTH ‘^°'^noDoi ’ W e have som e photos we fool: thonco south 00 degro. R. Guam Deputy Clork JUDICIAL DISTRICTr OFC THE STATE laundividfy&'cieaning! ■e y o u d o n ' t w a n t u s t o l o s s , 161.33 foot to tno real polniSToo^nTn,"?!!; 0 ^ a r e s u r e y OF IDAHO, IN AND FORIR THE COUNTY OF S13 50/TW/hr, 733-3612, f f ^'se e s e can be picked up at Tnjstoo hos no kno-.vlodgo ol i : Thursday Seplombor.7.14.21 andnd 28,2 jy/iN f a l l s MAGISTIJTRATE DIVISION doscriplion ol tho above roferor TheTt) Times'News ty. bul (or Iho purposes ol comiampllance WHh soc- Caso No. CV 2004-1850 Child1 Caraa Servlcoe ClassifiedC D ept______. . . . lion 60-113 (daho Codq,JtL«J10 Trusioo has boon Informed Ihat tho address ol:ofnoog'BiTrley’Av: 1 ------IN-THEDf DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIfTHFHv ORDER.— NOTICB— ANOID SUMMONS FOR I. onuo Buhl. ID 63316. is somoiimetimos asM dalod JUDICI CAREI ICCP wilh Iho said reol property.f. SSakl salo wili bo OF IDAHCIHO. IN ANO FOR THE COUNTY CFOF In the inierost o(: certiliod.lod. CPR Iirst aid. 1------modo wilhoul covonont or wornvarrenty regarding ti- JEROROME MAGISTRATE DIVISION DESTINEE VILLERS nil rnoanoals. Opon 24 CIRCULATIO,TION Uo, possossion or oncumbrancranees to satisfy (ho d.o.b. 08-20-92 hours5 01n day Mon-Fn, The Southh IcfahoW P re ss currently h a s tho.. obUgalkin socuied by and pursiursuant lo tho powor Cm o t;Jo. CV 2005-677 PQP A Child Undor Eighloon Yoaioars ol Ago Call1206-358-0977 20 followingflng posilion avallablo in Iho NOTICE, AND SUMMONS FO ol sale conforrod In Ihe DoodBd col Trust oxoculod ^ ICARE in Jeromo CifCt:irculalion Oepartnioni: IG ilnatton ol Poreni-Child cmLOCA by: Robert J, Larten and InMInez E. Larsen hu*- HpRlNG A Petition under Iho Toimln limited openings, Customer Ci Sorvlco .n m l., 8'anlon., “ irost ol: Act has boon (ilod by tho0 DopartmoniI o( Hoalth "7 ' band and wife, as |oint tonar ,-ANN ARACELY SANCHEZ I licensod, ICCP R eprcipresontailve-Part TIrw uronco Compony, os c y w i^ at and Wolfaro. Tho merits5 olc tho pomion will bo ( To: First Amoricon nilo Insurer 6^ 4 3ved. Firsi Aid This posilionlon Would' bo scheduled 10 work successor Tmsloe. (or Ihe bonolil bor and security examined in an ovtdonilar^ary hearing on October ciCPR certiliod. Mon.-Frl.. eveningsev wilh a rotating on- irporatton.osBeno(i- A Child Undender Elghleon Yoars ol Ago ol Option Ono Mortgogo Corpoi 12, 2006 ot 9:30 AM In IhoIh Magisiralo's Court, cortiliodliod teacher and scheduUidule (or Saiurday mornings andJi 1 clan, doled 12/ 16/2006. rocorjcordod 12/31/1996. . _ I undor tho Tormlnotion ol Paront-Chl•Child Twin Falls County Courjurthouso. Twin Falls. cOA.crt.crodontial. Full- jHolicfavS (at(approx, 15 hours por week), a s Instrumenl No. 1996021972972. rocords ol Twin • limo, p boon filed by tho Dopanmeni of Hoot-loatih Idaho. R e S S n slibilities lS Includo cuslom or sor-{ Fans Couniy. Idoho. Pioaso10 hNote: Tho obovo Karo. Tho merits of Ihe poilllon winvin tbo Tho following individuals shallsh poisonally appoar drop m c telephone and walk-in iratfic, dren 10, loi «»cn Mull. *1“ "i“ “ I Granlors are norrwd lo comply •d in on ovktonllary hearing on Oclobclober at tho hoarlng: r roienlion. dispatching news-I ■ K V =;;,-Sni; or Agos 0-0.5 vomi Ml oislomor 1; 1506{4)(A). Idaho Codo. No i 3 at 9flO AM irMho Maglsirato‘8 CouCourt. ALICE HUDELSON, Mother xloltvery. redelrvering nowspa- modo Ihat they are. or ore0 nnoL p.osonlty ro- Falhor 324-3431J436 or 324-4183 . paper redeli County Judk;ial Annex. Jeromo. Idahooho. GROVER SMALLWOOD, Ft needod, and other lasks as as-1 sponsible for this obligation sot (orth heroin. Tho Tho toBowiw Tho above-named indivkluauals aro lurthor noilliod — : pars a s noS' ______Dolaull for wt»lch this sale (s Ic bo roprosonted by legal . signed. .______Ihal Ihoy.nro.ertlitled lo bo Jidaies-will- p o sse ss good ver- j failure dcomforti Ihis dato on the obUgatlon socui I, on (orms availabkj (or ‘ ! All candidatedales must have a valid driver's s accrued inlerosl at his claim1 as (omer o( o child bom oul of wedioi>diock Bureau o( Vllol Slatislics. c of Trusl to SS7.3S7.05, plus oc Bureau ol Vilal Slatis- NlNEWS ; license mdond t» ablo lo work weekends Dio rale of 10.65% por annuffnum from 10/1/2005 with IhoI Department0 ol Hoalth ond Weilorallaro. such purposes from tho B ) now duo. together Bureau ol VitalV Statistics, on (omis ovaliable3le (or( Ues ol Iho Dopartmoni 0( o( Health and Wollaro.- A ocicicn ' and holidayslays to bo considered. AH delinquent amounis aro nc Interested in twing pari o( your end Inierost, unpaid such purpo;rposes (rom Iho Bureou o( Vital StallStaUs- Said fathor Is further notlfiiIHiod Ihat ho shall mail .A S S IF I E D I Ifyou a re lnl( wlih sccnjlng lalo charges, enc 0 Bureau of Vital Stalls- »itfii I . communiiylily nevrapaper.t pleaso submit aI and accruli^ Uuos. assossi«ssment8. inialee's tics of ho the Oepartment ol Health and Wellarsllare. iho complolod form to tho ( WILL (Mmploledaxl application (resume optional) (ees, attorney^ foes, and1 orany amounts od- Sold (ather(wr Is (urthor notidod ihot he thaBH mall nv Ues, and H shall bo aignod andi wttnossod boloro I jrity ossodalod wilh tho compioiplelod (orm lo iho Bureau of VKal StatiS'"*** a Notary Public. Yotir foitulituro to so register can c i l I Attn: JenI Busick vancod lo protect tho security -L e v e r y I ie benonciaiy elects ties, andI n Btuie be signed and witnessod beloiM'w® resull In youf being barrocrod In your maintaining ^ J L l. Circulation Director- Ihis foceclosuro and Ihal the t / Public. Your failure lo so rogistor a 10 sell or causT tho trust proptroperty lo bo sold lo a Notary Pi ’'in lS establish patoiitomlty ol tho said child M South Idaho PrMt I your being barred In your malntatnir N E E D i s o sallsty said o b l^ to n . Datod:«J: BG S r 006 By: Rrst rosult in yo f e i ^ and consUtutes a prima fwfack) caso o( abandon- s230 E. Main St. n to oslabUsh paternity of Ihe #akJ chi fi 16-2005 of Iho Idaho American Tide Insun ^ Comi sUtutes a prlma (ado caso ol abandoindofl- pursuant to sociion i 1 Burley, a 10 83318 Default Servtees. lu Duty A trsuant lo soction 16-2005 ol the IdalIdaho Oodo. 1201 Dove Street Suite 400IN««i>on0«acl,.CA Ne Dale August 25.2006 BL ------926dO-04&-25S-2800-Chria. ------/sAtoward-Smytw— ------■106------^------SE Sale Ofdcer P254205, /s/Magisirateate Magistrate 111 Mill Press- PUBUSH: August 24, 31. Septt^ptember 7 ,and 14. p^g^lSH^A.: Augusl 31. September 7 ond 14.2002006 PUBLISH; Seplembor 14.2121 and 28,2006 L . _____ M T1wiitliwi,T[»,TV*iMa.ldrto HMsdi|;Sat«rrt«iterl4,2006 2 0 0 2 0 0 ------1 aooI 2 0 q 200 2 0 0 201 ffnent Employment .Employment _ Employinlmt Empliployment ■ ^Employment • Employm I sujddojku I ^ DRIVER!/ S i r FARM T” ^ LABORERS J J i O Puzzles I • • GENERAL '*ondNA** . s by Pappocom t yD'S o t t& Catllo Truck gKpofioncod Ranch/ Starl your e t n t,, r i -Pretsure Washer* & Mechanicm Neadad. d for all shitls. . .. ■ drtverrtvofS. CDL Roq. pafm Hand j Auto Dryer* noodod. ., Applya, in porson only - soi *' todtywlU) Soiious Nowlow oquipmontI CDL plus.i. wage American Exttrtont Bills AutombUva & opplicaicantsonlyl Call111208-306-6633 21 SIOOO-S2000 > "'1 = ~ \ 3 X) monih Groat oav. Muffler. • . ceH 208-08-212-0115 ' ' 2 «31-0128 ; QunrMloSl^so,^ ] COII326-S188.; . 402 Main Ave S' — EZ TwlnFall*-- [MjpicAL ...... DHIVERIk drivors noodod__ •nnd^grosslvo« I .LANDSCAPE AL ^ i — i - . Truck-hSi^st-carjoo— d Bonus PlanrOr~rrLaborer* ur- A'SprliiMw ■ : ------/or'har208-312-4583 or •______' Toam Mombors Enrr Techs'.noaded, Will- .*?EJ k at 208-312-4832 GENERAL ______S750* per. Week 1 Ing to Irain. Wage ■^N '' o'S p ERIENCE" y v v iI^FALLS' ? ’ i| 2 " rn n in . . -'Condudl’n^ . ! ■ OOE. Call 734-7395 NECESSARY'; ,. e Center ■ i 1 : ' 7 6 gTHICIAN — M O aIg H K M ! Ooor-lo-Door Market • ■ 5 250$ ■' • ■ ------ELECTRJourneyman ■ f tO T il Rosoarch Surveys Sign On Bonus -'*-1 _ Jou .PN Nurse . triclan. lulMlmo. immedlalii„ , ! • (No polling), ' S s S S n B ' DOiroctii Cnro S7 lo stnrl | R N /LP .. 3 ' ■■ 4 . Electric! . Indivkluals w/^gn 1 noodod] (or(< Fuii-tlmo. Availabilityih/ for ‘ Enorgoiic Toam • CollorF '.o'■longuago siart ol o' ■:' night jhilt.shii Customer , - i DoyandSwIn)ing aniiichi*. • Mombors n'oniod to , full-time Inlectlon* .1highor wago OOE. ' onontod:od. leadership ' 2 8 9 4 DTRICIAN Posltloni I LoodorlnHomo ..-Groat BonoMs-MusI i shillslanJposliivo ai ' Twyman or No Solos Invc Romodoling for our have dnvors l«onso 4 otlitudtjdo required, j Jounwyiprentice Oectrl- Survey Rose jollllvo wages ' Appren json ch , Twin Falls Markol. cor Insuranco. Assisi ‘ Compel 3 na noodod for iho Calls On t r^ Contact Judy al poisons w/dovotop- ; and Corrompleiobono-: clanadivortong r crow ol ‘Baso Pay 1 kago available' > - har«hvoi / up To • 801-330-7779 H y S & l . mental disnbililios to ■ fitpackai lOS Electric in ■ Sil.OO. . . • ! lo schedule an o'chlovogrontorindo-'i ''IncludingligPTOflJOIk; . ■ immodlotoly ' 7' 4 I5 ' 8 . stoy ; 10. Contact -Tuiiion Roirrjimburso- interview pondonco. Apply at Apply ur 2 ; 208-720-68SS il „,onl - lor• fullfu part- . •______Inclusion South, Inc. 674 EasUandDr.Ea Ericr 2< oro Inlorosiod. iimo ompkiyii alls. ID 83301 you' 01 lyooS. neuBciAi • • °Mmo“viV «ob'cr ' 1411 Falls Ave. <205 TwInFolli 6 go Is OOE. «Floxjblo S< » d .. progressive compony. tj)ctUicaled In Ih aL o c m f 206-73434-4264 Fax • WOQO 13 '• Wanlodoxporiehced' 8-7344647 MachlnlstWoldor. Grove Buslnes* . 208-1 RSHI HATCHERYHA ‘ I ^ Park Twin Fall*, ID ■ Wo 110sio 0*i>n Fioo holchery North of Want^ to s s Fabricator andnd Bonolils?Company P y«i e0&M/F/V_ ■ r!' [ . 4 Fish II hole and South ol . T » » . Shop Clean-Up. ______83301______Buhlndoll a sooking •Sf’' " , S'ait ’■ awWJrfo7it” ranM.' — 3 • Wondol:sioyoos lor Pond Co^^do ------vacation, paid noli- meMEDICAL n , “ E 01CAL ^ ______• MEDIUM » 8 9 omployiw_Wondfly:Etidav_ SciI2?'.S£!wiiodulos I ^ ■ ___days^ a^d 40Hk| plan. .Nurao.Pjactltloneru _ni ______------Crew_JI somo wookoiids. ‘Bononis ava. - GENEHAt—------■ Planned PaionI- • ovailablo al hood'ol 1 Idaho has T W IN FilllnthegrI grid so that every row. ev n*m a th I n v o lv e d . piaco.:o. Heotlh. > donial. avoilaoio. lod posiiivo. Heallh Nuraa cuslomtmor orienlod.______The griri hai I hlo provided Pioaso apply. 2152 S Uncoln p hns numbars, hut noihingig Ihas to add uo tP , IIU08-S4T8444' “ REWTDC^ Yard Man/Forklllla JeromeJp^^38 anything elselse. You solve the puzzle — ------across Iron Twin Falls locniion. N iahjh t Shift 'le with reasoning ------ni Oporafor posJtfont Position may grow S . eral CSIcampui !•* • Spoors is an OQual ' CNA'S a n d lo g ic . Find Fi the answers for todaidays puzzle on lipempl.^mom 840 Meadows« O r v e nvailnbio.COLor n's the businoss oporionco '«■ opportunity empioyor f pfnto bonolil . pageE-14. Oppoipponuniiios lor 3 ^ 11, ^ grows. Groat pay jllvery Person/ pgn' '• profottod but noi MANUFACTUni^ ,nnd groat plnco lo ; ago available ______I Oollve igPTO&40lk ndery Assistant Orcallu* nocossary. Must )lbo Woodworking ; wotkl Must bo including I 2 0 0 ' 2 0 0 . I bo able 10 lift 75 -jm , 735,g(“a w i - 18 yrs Old to apply.t)0 Cranaman licensed In Idnho. ' immodiaioly 200 mu8, Franklin Building Eastland Dr. EmptoymentBfit Employment ^ s. Bonelits. Dnjg (»»»> 'y- .Tho Fnimhouso CollflC- PPI n pays maipracitfo 6 " ^ • Employment b workplace. Soo ------Supply.ollors ag tion, 0 lilgh-ond furni- pp insuranco. Twi"F»"«alls. ID 83301}ob GENERAL jjroal wogo ondI turo mpnufaclutor. is Fnx covor letter wilh 34-4264 Fax , AUTOMOTIVE ' DRIVER iORIVE^ ” doloils. !I or appiy-al ' immodiaio 0jDonmns p< ' bonolil pockngo. J-734-0647 Auto Truck Driver. 6 days a I hinng skilled wood- p^ tosumo 10 • 208-’ Experioneed A I KnJ$9Natlenwtd9lne. . Blue Lake’s Blvd Good Pay:„7„ " Pleaso see Grady al uoOrunFioo O0Uil«f. tult'iiUlMimo, wook. SIO riour. O ass worker* to ctonio ^ i eOCAI/FiV i Islookmgfer , .^I^BIu'Twin Falla •Loboiois' 515 Weal Main ' al high ond fumituro. I eX"' woge OOE. Collall FFrod A COL. doubio. triple ^^eromM doho^ .2O0*736-332S. . ondorsomonis. » OTR Drivers. _____ I! ‘Auto Mochamc Thoso positions ollor L _ Trucks oquippod for GENERA compoiilivo salatios MEDICAL — — I 834-3505 or 599-4749 IS County .s now •Expononcod1 FiamofSFi ' (den tal drivors comlort with ■ Comos C HEALTHCARE wiin bonofils ihai in- ipling oppl«olions •HousoKoopors ExperienMd Oant>«ntal DRIVERS 'rolrigorotor. m>ctowavo. accoplin ^ - Aclivitles Assistant cludo; Vocation, ond Aul«UnLCemno. IHH&H o ile rs conlinuing oducaication and a pooltlonsln Ield.ID 83327 or 111 Filor "J®A' ' Call lor oppi. 324-7697 Ofthodonlie olflc<>lflco. Ag Express ' Pioaso fill oot. Fairfieldlo 208-784-2349 ' 733-730C I. wago OOE. Bonolils |Hcompetitive benefit packagos avaiiabioe IS to 208-678-4625. appllcalion al fax lo 2 afier 90 days ol employm<■meni. . Send rosumos to isereapondby 221 S Lincc1C0ln . MAINTENANCE >97 availobio. Appty at 1 • 3606 E 3908BN N 206-438-8886 or 1999 Frontage Road Piooso i ----- —Rich Thompson Como bo a part of a caring envnvironnlenll tember 25.2006 324-940(100 iciaho Youth Ranch is Kimborly. 10 633413341 208-733-66Sr N. Wendell, ID 63355 Septomi Trucking No prwna ca«»pi«iiM Camaj Cw riand looking for a mainte- 1 IS 23 W 100 S. Jerom e. ' 826 Eastland Drive oroi ORIVEfl DRIVERS ------Oppont 140 nanco professional — -"g:: "/.a nte- Or call 324-3511 em ail re s u m e s to) : • Drivor Customerer i Ser- DRIVERS GENERAI:RAL wiih facility monago') n a l ------Vico Rop foror tho * T O P G U N Mllkyway, LTI Inc c o ,|„lecllon ,| poslllon ______monl oxpononco igo- foi MECHANIC heather® EOE Hoalthcare divisloiislon ol TRUCIBlry. trucks arid soil ' NEThe Gooding County Leadeiier has; a ' CDL w/l:lazmot 7 3 5 -6 6 5 6 bnsod oquipmonl. Hourlylly plus | commis- and HVAC knowhical. unloading iroilots. ti full-time opening for3ra ' tankor endorsoflisofflsnt. DRIVERS Musi hovo curroni . Will tram. 40lk, ForHoiida:[lay odgo. Compolilivc3wl- ExpoMonco and own Somo rwavy' lil'ng Delivery Orlvtrs mus. Class A- CDL omoni, tnsuranco. Sooion >n pay and bonofils. ilivo lools required. Wago Reporter/Edltctor • roquirod. Porttd(itltipalo bo2l.smaJMruckpro- w/doubios or tnpios ^pplyly Mon.-Fri.K 8.30 ot Iho } Please call Larry at .DOE. Bonolils includo In ’on cair rotairotation. vW«d. good biSnotils, ■ r n and vohiclos (N) ■ '33:00 0 , pm Mapic VniroylyMnll I 208-532.4117 orat modical. 40tk and Musi have previous jourrjm alisnt Musi poss blback- good driving record. or (X) ondorso- 280 Blue3lue Lakea Blvd. email loiter vncalion. experience, be a serious selself-starter. ground check & cdrug Apply ai 228 East- moms and musi ______I------Soo inleresl and resum e Ag Exprea* 733-6657 g, and enjoy working with the:he public, screen. Fuil*iull-Umo isnd Dr. Twin Falla, mool or oxcood QENERAI'BAL www.mno’CvaivaliQV; lo imcarthur®ne or731-249S w/exe«lloni bona>on9(iis., orcall 208-733-1142 OOT t)art 391 ComrommunlCaro fnn|i,com S0L ‘ AnoMn porson drivors quaiilicaiion Jerom j, e lor lisi ol siorosrosnow EOE , MEDICAL ■ Excellent benelit packakage. , - ’■.. Audfoon A^VO ve' W DRIVERS roquiros. Good poy now jccoptingacco applico- accopiin{ ing ------Full-timo CNA'S abovo Pay DOE. n Falls or via/la Ilax -O rtv e ra lo n O and bonolils. lionsI lor lor woik In group opphcniions ‘la '0' <''0 MANAGEMENT ___ avorngo- wagos low 0 wheolors noodod for Send Resume to homos.!,os. Slarting S8/hr, hoWay soaioason. Citv ol Faitliold IS . turnover, miloogo ______• poiaio harvest. S e n d re s u m e s to; EOE POBox 348 oonolilsaills allor piobalion. ^ b s 3b = = - ' sookmg a ' ill-limo; roimbuisuo. bonoMs DRIVER ------NO CDL REQUIRED. Jorome. ID 83338 callI 208-324-9572 2» = = ------j Public Work* } altor 90 dnys: hontih. Norma DeVoe, . Farm NV^ of Poul rs Call 208-644-1730 or e mall lo or pickupKup appllcalion al GENERAL denial, sick, vacation, 133 East Main, Jerom e, ID 8 3 3 3 8 18 N. Uncoln, SklandSnowl sooklno Torvw^*-whoel d r iv e r s nharHsem Uyn- 1118 r iwboard 516.83Air 10 S20.20/hr, rotiromonf. oicoHonl , ^ [email protected] ome. 9am-5pm Tuning Tech artf Sami driven Drivers noodod, must or fru to Jeromi ch.. Dny DOE/OOQ. Sholl bo n cowoikeis nnd toam haul farm and foerooaiot ^ c i^ jj cql 208-324-1176 or ------— snill. Apply w’ w'lf’ '«• High School gradunio,g 0 oimosphoro. ovory :RAL t,y om Applications can be pickedj upi at the commodities. CollCall lor g^od driving call Ihe office at GENERAI imail 10 or oquivaioni ond olhoi wookond oil, appi206-43t-5371 206-324-1175. Idaho Youih Yo Ranch is r,niosfiVidahotlfiHOlM carry oi loast a ClassH B First Choice Home A above ad d ress orral a record. 108 8. Cherry ^ or S t Shoshone. ID. or : ' — * looking I or 2165 COL Knowlodgo ol. n Care & Hospice 438 Idaho St.. Gooding.}. id ah o I ORIVER- icanls Inlorosiod Ovorland in 1B Burloy. Sitool Moinionnnco/0, Call 73&-0900 ask for Olttner Milkk call 208-886-2?^ ‘DRIVERS . appiicanwoiking dirocily RedkMIx Drlvora ^ ■ ■ Snow Plowing.50/ Lonnie or Darla L — Tronsporuiion lomalo odolos- - 7 7 ;— --- Possession ol or willing is looking for DRIVERS wamod. COL s nt - our rural GENERAL _ Full-limo Exp Drivera. required. Poy DOE. cornsCh irealmonii con- South ComiololHond lo obtain Lagoon orIling OTR Orlvera i noDtica- Class 1 Wssiowoior { g e n e r a l forourvansond™ . Locol runs. Homo at Full bonolils. Apply ol noar '' Ruport 10. Slort inviios ai or [■t w i n V a L l s I «, hlflhl. Closs- A CDL. IS Driver and Class I Waier roelers;Siaitlr>g paj Idaho Concrete Co. Swing, and lions lor Bus 1 Snlory paid on por- 1294 Addison Ave. ioyaid Sfy- stiilis avail- (S8,56-B.99>)9>and Opotalor'sCortllicoios 35C0 mile wilh lui contogo ol k»d avof- iticiBni I'on* Ilio Stalo ol benefits and 40U W. Twin Falls, ID . CompolJirvo pay Progrom AasI PAso ago S14-S17 hr. Bell . bonoliir . (S7.95-0.35) InIn Burloy. Idaho Shall molnlolnr ( 4 after 90 days. Ploa: 5 Stinger Irailor*. onckaoo 0.6 CEU's annually. call 677.324-351 ase call Larry el CSI bcnofii pa Jin ______E z r ------PleaseB8-532-4117or I COLw.lhPS> 4S on- Full job descrlpiionly. nt balweonOam-Spmi DRIVERS ■ - 208-5 r o ^ “od. City C le ^ a M ic e for Tim or Dove. •mall letter of doisemonts ro nt ' Rood Bromors noeds o-malrest & resum e to Apply at 800 I EEaat 16'“ contact Boni Peter* DRIVER Call280-112S oxporioncod Truck InterestImcarthur® SIroaL Clo:iosos 208-764-2333 or ir* • Produce Dellvonivary ? Drivers lor local and outh^onch.orfl Ime Sopiombo^221, l 2006. email resum e to Driver DRIVERS regional. CDL' youth F______clerktalr paraprofeaeionai ■ sign, surveying a n d insp< drtving. Salaryt KS8Au. s ; — ^ laacoer aide*. Sub- ^ ■ r Technician c o m p le tees s technical StartiM 00/1 S. DRIVERS stilutes nre on esson- ■ Lead Engineerloering 1 design, sun/eylng, constislruclion in- CaH Dona 1870-11 liol pan ol our suc­ THE EARLY BIRDGESETS THE WORM, id engineering work for Iho CliClty’s public — cess. We wouU bo work involving onglnoer spoction. and relatedrojects. e IDWVCRS ^ 3 s s x S 2 ) delighied if you Jolnod NA/CN tIOOObonu*^ Tt4LiCKINa INL our loam. If you or NA'S Wforks construclion projoi toquaUflodappllea Immediate oportirigs any ono you may $500 sign on1 tbonus or FulUmo driver* fl for FladMd Drtvara. know is inleicstod Public Safety L Dedicated routes, financial assistancea 1w ith C N A C lass . Local HUk pleaso have Ihem eelsP l the community Irom hazardirdous stlua- homo weekends contact the Districi IVIUCH BETTER TH,HAN WORMSII HaCdlf*o Rout** an environm ent ot put3lic Inlorma- excoliont pay and Otnc*. 208-834-4321 p .« Imer C are Unit and In LTC Firetlghter pioikis Flexlbla work ah Posilions available in Alzhelm aijaWo on-lino and Include Inforidrmalion on ______avBlaMa.fot_ f J b .n r t l p S k .0*. .ax t 109 and fill oul a lions and promotes, an i rodrooa & part- -— cmssinod appllcaiton. b h _lion packots a re availalc ed u rb sr tlmM.BotwfltaaItaand ®®™ j ■ les'ti^ dales ond proced ^ a W 206-73»-1645 Of S%quitiai1yBi>« . ir» easy lo advertUe ■ ■ - Supports tho polico departmontmt through a bonus. Applya In etamlled. 733-0831 WHY NOT PUT ITTO'V> WORK FOR YOU! Records Clerk d Sladminlslrativo tasks that docui:umont. Wo- RtohTTwfnpaot>eon - • »ntrol polico rocords. c aso lll«»c- LAWENP0RCEMEN1 variety of clerical and a< 2SW .1D0& ENT I RN&LLPN cess, maintain and contlalion. ^ RvMrv* Polic*»Onicer O Openlnga Jeromo.", TbeOtyotTWinF A s k a b o u t o u r sIgf g , n - o n b o n u s t t a n d related inlormalic O fc tf M 4-W 1 n Falls is accepting Public Worl(s I applicallorraforRERE8ERVE.P0UCE Position available in Alzhelmtn e r C are Unit and in LTC Poi P l D M V m ------OmCER.AppllcanUinis must be at least 21 ollections .Operator •- Operates Aogroaalve TrudrrueWng yrs oW. Thia Is aI non-payingnc position. I M W astew ater Colloment such as a sewer )ot lo peperform rou- Sm pany naadadaOTR < ApplleationandJKl job deacrfpUon heavy a n d light oquipmethe sewer collection lines and rospondiloro « nagtonoi OrlvEMvar*. may be otrtain line maintenance ol the Oood driving f*< alned from tha Ctty Information Cin calls lor service^ . r*qulr*d. Eam « Center (CIC) located at thaTWtn Falla WPolica Department, Bin a City em ploym ent appliesicaiion. ■ fJSftnla MMdg S J S ! 3563“ Ava E. a:^artaoca. Ban E , Twin Falla, You may obiainicement and requirements atIX 5?gSr Forfuitharini Dietaryr Aide M ijda Mad inquiry e-mail job L . danM. vWonr pf S : rtuatoa*aS tfldorg p M vaeadcna.1.401k. 4< Interested applicarcants must submit a IonalWl Information, contact thea Jlrr«»tlw^ nr> l*t«f thnn______^ContactJeanelifitte.Sparka______Foradditloni.located-inU^ty-Hallr321^d-/j-Ave-Er------contact llo n d ay O M apply in peraon — ------Personnel-Oflice-loc.Falls, orcall 735-7268. ■ iWfon ihiCnofTtri«tober2,2006. 20&-734 8645 o ra p “ " B S H T w in FoilsPal; I* on Equal Opporiuniiy Emptoyioyer. ______^ l a>jHy^.fc^an .8 1 ^uilOppoitur 640 Filer Ave W.. Tw)t/)n Falla, ID S3301 Drug Frea Workplace. tX » J4 0 _ ftuQfteeVy ThaCltyofTwlnFoIli III- 6 ^ ______Dru Thmday,S*p(«Bb*rl4,200«»0 6 ‘Tlme»ftow, TWln FMb. Mate iE-7

a o o 2200 0 , aoo 2 0 0 2 0 0 ' 2 0 0 “ 1 !$ ■■ 904' . In v H tm i . fimpt^rra^ _ Empkiyiiwnt Bnpmployment Emptoynunteni Employiiieiit Bnptoyiniiit ■ TimIm a t-N m n I PO MEOtCAL hiscellakeous RESTAUIAURANT RESTAURANT WAREHOUSE = Tlr* 8*>*« a Servic* La CosAtisAa Is occopiing Ouitaek Sioak Hoos#Hoi T«l«n*rk*tef port- - Looking lof PT/FT holp. I M E S - ^ S I ( i M c n i ^ reconstructed Expertonco helpful. noodod ot I j s appifcaUcaUons for tho • • now hiring(or lor tlrw, good phono •W arrtwa«‘wr»onnel TIM jR P bodroom homo andnd a Schwhb In /.Bohl. i loikJwinjwing positions. Day or nlghi Cooh ' . skills, hourly pay pfcs Pro-omploymont drug Nood lo bo Mil moll* ^ . groar - commission. ir Doods of 4 4 « 4 ’ shop, Year Yei vaiod. onotgotiopof- LPort-4 lull'llme avail, ,i--Lunchch Host/Hostoss App^ in person scroon required. The1 rtgoges ond 2000 ' reconstructicakxi BlilnguolholpJul. .";,m ujtbe1 bo 10 yrs of ago 1M6 Blu* Lak** I Call 733-0601OSk for Apply in person curroi SSS MnandQOod'wilh, ______Grog ot Cincfy. 10 Contracts includes now 400 4C poopio. Fax rosumo lo ‘Apply In « o r* or ; vii:30-2o-ZM-F . ! / ; • '------Monctay-FridayB-S Inde;- - - - - "■ for a froo, amp olectricsl satvioViC«, 20fr67ft-1477.. nir.; Dishwasher RETAIL _ - . TECHNICIAN ^ 140 4” Av* W, no-obligalior>iiior>quoto. new oversize heatiritlng httpa://Jobt*arch.unl* 3 4 Twin Fall* 4 wiirts por wk, MotMilod Individu ^rvlo*T *ch 3 3 ^ 2 1 . - - ptani. oU now: plumimb- ...... ------MISCEIXANE0U8------—.0_.Cfu.conVl.aaachw>b— ^6-9:30-)0------..Noodadl— JEBOME ■ “ WELDER------^ . J ______ing. oloctncol. eoppippot______Now Hiring PAINTERS ^ i’ Evonlninlng . Cook Local cellular.compi tion-.Pwot Tochnidan. 4 0 1 ’ ' wator linos. sh*etro(rock •Forkilft driver* Exporioncod 0 ,, Painter* 'S or 4 4, thins por wk Is looking forquo'ty quol Salary ond bonolits. New JO, SalM Associat* “ 7m “ ’a . , a , S c h o o l Ira n or>d •PondLtbort . . && R nlsh Carponler* 5-9:30, • t « . Pay OOE. CDL roq. Full-timo posHion. •Koutokeoplng. 10 lo assist & prop. Pay ^ Applyply tn person ■ •' PletH lax return*J12 Call o y . at 644-9206 I se t. . solory, bonofiis. Poy floor • n th proeastIng ' OOE, 0 Call308-4765, i l l SoutbuthP*rhAv*,W 208-732-6012 OOE. CDL loqulrod. „ . S W o ^ ’S ’nJ jq.ft, = = ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ T T T , Call Don at 644-9206 s i e i e n c addition ol 700 sq. •R^'o/Thorapy , PROFESSIONAL pR RESTAUIAURANT : SALES O-MO E AVQ, c , C L A S Salrlcuo I F Walor shares, cocov- ■Tachi . PPsycho-Soclal , Reh*- LIRIo Caasai's Co< Is .now wuolossiM classifieds 300-4<0-400 S. Uncoln Tl pays io0 roiroad the • ored dock, loU. ofi Piooso apply Jn porson t bllltatlort Spoclallat lookingng for somoono ^rlng Retail Ret It pays 10 road tho. PUBUC SERVICE Avofiwnuo, fino pf.r troos. privacy. Rettool- ■t Employmont In | Burloy, Stod S14- 10 Deliv•liver Pizza* on Miiwgor &' Sal n«n tor/owner rokJcatHvtmg.' Solution* . $16 $ hour, BA dogroo. Friday n W m • • ftnopnnti MESSAGE iwj-i'.o*™ ^ j a i i Tom Lkjyd 30i IWoglc . Call Tho Timos-Nows 308- 1201 Fall! Av*. E. Call I 208-S7S-3360 havo.‘'".S roll^tor< I?’™." Uwis- Valloy Mail sloro, Fodorol Wo«- wyourqd < ^ ,,7. mlS . #88J»828 Suite 24 — ilk)n.S7/hr, , Piooso coniact° “j lo placo your ad Empkjymorn . J HM i 310xt,2 5909 PC #7241 orcell733r9277for .RECEPTIONIST -HE ' plylnpomonot . HoolhoratM 208-733-0931 0x1.2 inlormalion is froo. Must havo oxcollont R L E R A A A A i , more Informailon 79. - A A A A A A A ’ Romombor. no ono . pofsonaliiy ond TwlnFoTl* 2Q&.039-O179, 6 0 1 - can promiso you a PROFESSIONAL- 'suporb phono skills, ------WAREHOUSE GEM 1 Idaho Youth Roneh is ^Knowlodgo o( payroll. RESTAUIAURANT SECRETARY (2)Warehouaeposl- . fodorol jot). For froo 400-6I;;!‘^® I 5 < 6 - s i. O p en Ho Insurance, Excol. fiC- Now hir . STATE REALTY. INCNC. looking lor Supervt- ''' ’ hiring Oollvery • • Pari'limo (15-201■20 hrs/ tlonv. musi baat)fo lo .nformation about e00-9(0-900 BLK Idaho------— ------2Q8-734-O4O0 - 'Bor* 01- oor Ronch •. counting.wilh AR & Driverver*day.ovo& ' wk)Biiinguoip>ofoiloforiod lltt SS lbs. Full-limo. lodoral fobs. Sloviilovons Strooi. I Iroattnoni contor noar '''AP a plus bul noi noc- ^kndend shifts avail, Socroiary/nocepMiipMnist 40> hours. Apply ,al Coll Coroer ossary. Wo havo ^ p iy BUHL flupon ro, Musi havo ®; jply in porson noadod for busysy lawla Kimberly Semi Amoreo fout*>ute«549. grooi tjonolils. Indud- Burtmrt«y Pizza Hut olf>co. Sond rosurrisumo 521 Hwy 30 East. HURRYIt Country^3 3 0 BS dogroo in a p‘ Connoclion. lin-Midway ing Insuronco A 40tk jeromiome PlB a Hut wiih rolororKOSOS lo;lc Plug Ftoo Work Ptaco 0-600 BLK 5 ' Si. bdrm Capo Cod onn a human sorvicos fiOM 478-757-3000 1,2 000 wim 4-boy or stgnlllcaht supofvl- P]pockogo. Apply in ------MiniglngAltomc »y WAREHOUSE • - ..,?-y>-;ial gnrogo/shop pluss -potsoi).____ £09umos_flETAIL_IL______R.O.BOJU1407..TW ------Route accopiod. No phone -KmarTis11s now hinng for Falls, ID 83303-1411*1407“------Furnituro------I S - lavo rock BARN.. Oulies includo supor- ______WarehousWdellvery 2 1 8 'o-*^*6"*Slroot. TWIN F A lS " .vising diroci coro stoH .%calls piooso. Iho lotloollowing positions ^ 0-900Un,onSl, , 1 HOUSE HURRY! Call working wilh ol-risk 1300 '•* Highland Ave E. Ovemighlight Riling team TECMHICIAN driver. Musl bo abio T i m e s - N e w s 4:00-6:00 PMMon-FnPM Corrmno S176.90010 youlh, Soo WWW, . TvvIn Falls.' DaytimeImo Checkouts ArnokI MochinoryDry Co. Iol.fl100*lbs, lute(S52 1:00-3:00 P d Stock room ol Twin Foils curro:uiron1ly Pro-omploymonl drug Carriers Routt youlhronch,org lor -----I. Slovoirv o n s S L - BARKERR moro dolnlls. Compot- , ily In person ot has an openingig for fi a scroon toquirod. Inil Aifi>______Tho “Torroy K m sii' UIjn Sflopr p . ilive pay ano bonolits. I Gonor- 702 Main Ave. N.. South Idaho- " idnxoIho Avo • saoa.sia - ”' Pln»»eaULMrrytt ' Addlaon Ave E ’ senlee Tech. Go wo AVO. " 3 bodfooms.5 ,lt,.2'oihor BURLEY, in lown,1, 4 200-532-4117 or RESTAURANT RE; .TTwin ^, Far* ol losponsibiliSibillllOS iute*SS3,.; *k for U i.Ja inrjuoo R&R. dtac Curronily laking ,® iiopioviow bodioom, 2 ball»lh. •mall letter o< Dlthwather/deliVlrydIi 5iU 5 E R ^ r s i 'Of gniogu, palio. spriiprin- . Inierest and resume EOE srs. repairs applicaiions lor Iho lunch or dinner ,, ...■ — hoo™ 3 of to Imcanhur® Apply, In porson at Wo’16 «srtnhiin-e«ir' ' aw"*iy "0 Mini.Casslaoroo,. ' > Realty Inc '»o PXS- ' rwi« WALKING ROUTES -737-3939 o " '” . S1“0.000. CollCl , Pratai'* Thai Cuistno 73309311 !im M ■ monufacturo Ag LtrnSron 206-670-t2i8, 426 2 - Avo East oa w cm i ^ o n t oqutpmont, Exp with u 5l«k & MIG roquiroo. gssiaa^, I AtnoW Mochir Hilond to BonnoR 'Or> B en v il ______i f . *T ----- — OIETRICH " ’ I SALES Company oHors C' ■ Nof coni'iod 0‘^y- TWIN FALLSLS HiStor« 3,100 sq.ft.ft.j L S.ih eonofils ovail attor In- Avo. & East 16" 10 paiitnv wogos. < Easi 1 9-Siroot f you livo in Ihoso OpenI HoiHouse t]cmo on 2 acres.s. . MW 401k and full bono ' Pf'iwl' wagos areas nnd aro Sniurday tOjt0am-3pm tToniod 1,000 '*■sq. ' WSI Pleaie' contactrt^M ei OOE. Apply In person ecL2i8LB_urL« . iQicslodinboinga 3bdim..1., 1 balh. fl, shop w/storoge lEi S Northslde Welding Inc iwspapor cariior... Nowly romoomodolod, building, $149,000. Wetlin 208-523-0 • (Mon.-Sol. Dolwory) 532 W 100 S in Paul Pleeto coniact SI32.00 K r i V E or 800.292-6661 Hilond Avo. 10 ^ 2.000. 463 S. 550 E. I 208-436-5222 CrytMI. Oitlrlct 1277 Parkk MeadowsMi Rod Cliff Pfoportiosos I . OUTSIDE SALES,REPRESENTAThSA Grondviow Lono 8 Slovons Pioco 10 Mgr. 73S-3347 200-358-t58-0144 208-726-1168 THE CAT RENTAL\L STORES A division of Wosiernarn States , ■■& ■■■■ Ookwood snoot .TWIN FALLS Equipment inn TwinTv Falls has an' opening loror (an 301 Sun, 2p'm-5pn■ 5?m. B«ncil GOODINO 1977 I4.eiii e BiasaiSupejl B jnn.pniio. Broadmoro. Gociood OutBldeIde S ales Representative. - sking for people-oriented. B u sin e ss cioan. Previous sales experiencence and proven customer servii (Mon.-Sot. Doiivory) ^ Princeton condition. Pncod1 10i irviM required...... " “'[rvMSS!"»d, success-driven Individuals A SI. 10 H St. & O)pportunHlM p i soil) $3,000 or bebesl Thorough knowled'(ledge ol the use and operationin cof light w ho ar*r* Interested111 in a career PoshoimaKoy lo ' ------” 1 otfor. Buyer moveivosi construction equipmeament and prior experience inI thith e rental ______versussus iust anoiher job. SERVICE Coil 206-934-5007r equipmipment industry prelerred, ='■ . pUBLIC s SERVICE Refereierence Job #223-2006 A m e s s a g e o 1 GOODINO 3 bdrm.. 1 • HealthIth •and Denial Iniuranc* Rijnaiiiapsd „ * Propony? , fS & • 401K {Mon.-Sai. Oolivory) Bigiig 1piofiis usually -oy 3^ ' submit api:application when applying, ly any foos iiooring. Grooi plotiioco m whilt Itam program GSl. loKSt. & rto mo ’ Offering excelleielleni benefits and compensalior II working •nvlronmtni moan big risks. uniil it's.sold.For soli 10 level Ouiol sirotreel. • Advancatncemeni apportunitias 4‘ St. BoBoloro ycu do troo informlormolion 431-3959 or 431-595>958 business wiih a Visit oiir w ebsite at for jo|ob deiails. r m - r , —_ _ c*uTwr*NiiAr OKJinglimo q q OOING ompany, chock n A U T O f T J K s s . , nnd roai 4,45 ocres wilh wavraior ______Equalual Opportunity Employer DSt. 10 HSI. 4 12- 0“'''lui wiin mo Bottor ni FraudF poacofut. No damomosi WasWashington, O.C. mformalan•on Conior.1 Call Juir Loo 410- 4ii RT. 131 20580 205 or call ino 1.800-876876-7060 2878. MLS Ml mWB g y y (Mon.-Sal. Doiivory) •Nniional .No Froud I I *98264496 PC »7t3’t31 I Soulhoasi Rupon: |,,|a,ilormolion Conior _ _ _ Basolino to 350 5. ' 1-800-676-7060 .e E A ' a Hwy 24 10 300 E. - - w r n g e m fl RT.136 j % l i n STATE REALTY. INCINC. ', ...... (Mon.-Sal. Doiivory) \ l l l l l 208-734-0400 • Wosi Ruport; 300 S. ■ 10 200 N. & Moridi- ' , _ IHAGERMAN 550j an 10 500 W. ^ i n 2 s'ory. sec m m ACl i r ond opi >n back unun-l ■News ■ 11 you fivoln Ihoso z finished, 3-4 bdrm.■m..| uroosondaro TIMES-N5 'N E W S 2 balh. ' covorecrod| . iniorosiod in bomg a paito. hoi lub. nicol) nowspaporcQrrior... RVffi d Please coniaci ' | ' l u ISIFIED ai, eSSSI. I Amy al 677-8761 I H S164.000, Call 837.37- i i i i i * " " 230 e. Main, Burtoy * !|TMENT ySM jyw pi^ly. I Disirici Service i Manager || \ O/t c c o o • CiasM.««, Tho answowor 2 0 8 7 3 4 jD JO 10 nil your quoslions.s. W e a r e c u rr e n tly aic c co e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s f o r Imindependent contractors to deldeliver the Times-News SUVs 733-0931 oxt, 2 toourcustcistome'rs. Are you availablee tb e tw e e n 3 a n d 6 am , s e v e n daysdi a week? I TIM ES-N EW S I MACICVAVALLEY AREA A rc v».u re.idv ti irs each w eek. S e e h o wV muchm extra Income you coi:o u ld m a k e In Ju st a few h o u r s ( hi-lr RU]^UJLD your OW N home? W ouldId ■ vonIII likli ' li> lo.irn new ••kills.ind };i’l lo ktuiiv v’luir LIVE NEAR AN'MY OF THESE LO.dCATIONS? Tho Timos-Nowo .5 / H f l j;hN'r> 111 llu- priKi-^s? ll m>. DO YOU Ll curronily looking fo' f f t Hoiisiiifi lilitlio ni.iv Iv for vou!j ! Independent Route « Jfl I T 'S A N EASY Ei WAY TO»PICKUPEXTRi I ItACASH... Carriers i id iiih ’ USDA-Kf).indlHFA

■ Moming^de I riorain ^ • Monaco Su • OeaunDr. TWIN FALLS ' _ • Firebird • Meadow View Ln. iiri' tii/i>r»iii(ii)ii;'/i'ii.'4‘ nil/ lull fn v > 4th Ave: E. • Dubois SUVs » ■ -Starflre • LeeAnn Or. Route 713 208-73:-737-1470 or 1-866-335-2087 ■ Hamion Park • Wiseman 1200-1600 Evor- groon Orivo. T W IN FALLSLSj I TWIN FALLS TWIN FALLS I 1200-1500 Holly Dr. 2 • Locust St. N. . Robbins “ j.Valencia H pO rdfi! I * E N H O U S E 2700-30M Lonnn AW D DAY SEPTEMBER l4 ‘ 4-7pnim • Evergreen Dr. • Meadows Ln. • ElCamIno '• 4thN. w i n v c ______.^SIG N-O N BONUSl—il------.A u d em ic------_____‘.EheaHnt______. . _ •.2ndW ;______2ao0.MOO Doaun _ . " n U u n Q i 7 i8ROOIinEU).TW ^ lNFAlU5 ItWIN FALLS,S I I TWIN FALLSJ ItwinfallsI DTWIN FALLST Onvo. I Route 742 ■ 2400-2600 4* Avo E. ^SUVs H 1 • Bitter Bruih I'East Gate Routes Available R outes 40O-SOO Sngobrush. • SageBrush ' •4lhE. A vailable • Pace Dr. SIGN-ON BONUSI Subsitutes Needed Route 792 1600-1000 4" Avo. E ■ Gorscous39a 3900 sNorthSt.lSl9nonSonutl) '• 'Fair St.lSl9nenBenutl) Route B60 I T W IN f a l l ;s FILER 100-400 Wisomon L N FILER _ ■FILER . Avonuo. ' 10^500 Borah Avo. I ^ HI m | | | | H 5 1 6 HItnten tn SL Eaat • 734-4477 \\ • s. Uncoln Av^ Tow n Route • Union Ave. Wost. jjjnyfddoorTMlljIlc^^ ______M otor Route _ •YakimaAve. _ _ S ign o n Bonus 7 • WAve.KSIgnonBoout!)ml) 2 h r s * 4 8 M i l e s - • 7(h SL(Si«nenB«fw*]| ’ Route 872 200-400 Elaino ^ JEROMEJ JEROME J KIMBERLY _ FILER_I 100-400 Robbins 9 Route 876 S -erookOr. I iMotor Routes: 2hr,50mlled 800-900 Rosewood h J M • M alnSL $600-$6s0 pront Drivo. every4WHk 900-1000 Brockon ■ ■ • Rainbow Sl. Nonn.

BUHL GOODING Route 881 1100-l300Monoco Siroot. TUUIKVIN FALLS 2 bedroom , officefi'ce/ s m ^ 3 " ^ d r o o m ^ ! s a bout routes a¥allabli 100-300 flWgowoy ' C allttow formm om Inform ation ai ble lo four area! Orivo. batbath. 2 car garage, central vacuum,vai large laundry/ hob-h byby Iroom, large m aster bedrooiroom, walk in pantry, appli-I. if you live In those a, , mature landscaping, 2452 jJeroine,H ^ley,.Sl..Shoshone, C ooding; &( W endell: K a ^ Hlarm u wi 735-3348 an ces in kitchen, garage, m areas and aro (eet. guest house, 1 bdrm., Interested in beir>g 0 square » feet. 6 1 6 square (eel ' Jerornbm e, Fileiv' B uhl, C astisdefonJtCry^ 735-3- 3 3 4 7 nowspopor carrier... 1I bath. Dl 1 car garage, hobby/wi//work room. & sto rag e room,n. Plea** contact ' ' >V x>Wn F alls:'^ 7 3 5 -3 3 ite All on 1.65 $369,500 _ JtalhyJJIitficLMgr^ ______...... — 212~WoodridgrCli n, R ujyrt, l;t«);faumj.d|^^^ ywter73S^S302- - 208-735-3348 Clrcte-733^2733 " ■ - ‘ . ------


fl>jndL» ltoba»Hwn< LLS Vintage — ^ BUHL 3 bedroom. 2 JEROME 3 bdrm. aO KMBiUBERLY 2 bdrm,,'.-TWIN FALL rm„ 2 bath, HOME INSPECTIONS5 5 " TWIN FALLS 4 bdm , 2 ^ OECLO ‘80 Char bolh. mobne home, noo electito. 213 E « t Avo . wHhrith W®,I $375 ♦ dep. lg, 3 bdrm a V, bath. Built In -05, In \ MO Fonlaslic 44' doublo wide. 15 H. No pets. $700 mo. 423-f23-5926 or 410-0199 Cloon. goodod neighbor- 2000-falftM 1893 P«W. tong term, $535 775 + dep. ' BO Baker 326-5115ie Momlngsun Sub'd. I MS from your ly romodoied. In 1 • nwnth * 0000011. CanUl -f dep. 206-733-9658 _ Prteo redocedi I oSacroparcel .park, $19,900 AN FALLS 3 bdim,, 28W >414^I or 28(^2771 ' ' or 208-731-2345. boin. $700 mo. HOME INSPECTIONSMS $310.000,293-5366 J rtowsol Snako 423-4566 or 423- or. Can Katni ------^------7— EDEN nlco. 2 bdrm, 2 2 JEROME 3 bedroom. 2 ■ 650 dep. Avail 9-16. 6 0 » ' Tho Bullding ln«p»tior TWIN FALLS 4 bdrni.. • ail, 539-2227. RoasonaUo ralos I Jor 731-9819 or FILER OkJor fT»6llen both, mobile homele bath mobile homo. No / ,Paii.. * , 1« bath, vaulted cen- ■ gotokolikolhischrodor homo, doubto> wide, storage. 423-5104 pots, tong lorm. S47S.~-»wn Con Steve 2B3-S368. . Ing. fireplace. tg.,dock. ^ >drm.. 2 nN FALLS 3 bdrm,, / . ..‘ A iw i'H By Owner. BeooUful Vory largo 1 bdr __ ' ' - IT monih + deposit. 208- • ^2 ' b,baih homo' with .■ -'> " * ! Y.D i i p t o ’ : 767 Cypress Woy.- = 3«98240309 . baUi. Comp 324-8903 or S43-8342 .^ ,0^ 1 JEROME 16 mo' okJ, cos- • ■ LS Ctoon lul-'- $147,900 by owner. tomized 3 bdrm,. 2 PC*5971, PC* : , remodolod. Poi Brand NewJ Nover>ver 735-6562 or 30B-6043 H owner carry. Mot^osi t^o - 1 S B r ,' JEROME 3 bedroom;. 2. ,a-;,S .V C 8; bsm i opt. 1 both , homo, ' loo m ontrol hoovolr, hard- ^ Deen Uved in. 3 C R i l moved. $17,000. ■ ,> boih, in the cooniry, I ulllltlos pd. y 2 TWIN FALLS 4 bdrm,, n $650 month ♦ secu- bdtm,. 2 balB. Wly E m I V I ' 208-731-7428.'“■ few ? ■ -V I porklng. No landscaped frontron, 2 bath. spHi floor plan. S?,"ll^tuyd jr C a t . rity deposit. - klng'4dn>gs. agonis wolcomo. r pets. 761 Addison, yard, master walk-aik. vaulted . coilings. a REALTY INC " FLEETWOOD'72r2 . EQUAL HOUSING ' I bedroom, $2754375 « « •nth do- i n fenced backyard with Cali C Lynotio 01 536- - ?TATE RE/ or besi OPPOflTUNSTIES • monih + sewrlly do- 650 mo. -» dop. Can ^ tn closet, upgraded 2631 or 539-7677, | 203-73^1.7M.04M ' J2*56; $3500 or l-7^-98S6. cabinets. • 2 i u drive goto, auto soring 2 ------otfor. Coll 539-000065, All rool estate odvor- 03-267.3Q00. klers. fulV lond- ^ T RLER iaa.a a o tol. Hors------^------— :— ^ tising In this news- - garaoe. Must see In - 'co»a08-420.166» twinnN" FALLS 3 bdmi.. Ll s '{I Jerome, scaped, exc oood. r ,f m r 1 J W os 4 mobile, mo homo FREE mobilo honlomo In paper Is sobied 10 . $169.900,356-0423 mrtnmntM | Caa206-9ai>1321...... i I U 1 miio So, o( Buhl, 1966 12x60, 1: Iho loir hoosing act 750 +. $600 deposit. fnr Fall 2112006.. • £ ■ ! Hwy 30.0. ono Hviry. 93. Must bo movedl)dl Coll whk:h mokes It illo* :all 208-734-2576. Com^olele college JEBOME country larff $37,500.0.948-0731 »• , 206-543-5497 nal to advortlso ^ y incolPod. , kh™ discrlminatton based /IN FALLS 3 bed- ow rlonc house with acreage. * I HAQERMArMAN,East 70 TWIN FALLS 2 b on race., cotor. roil- »m . 1 balh, lencod b, singto I ‘ bdnn, 2 bain. lorg« IS ond club . for 2007 or .' 1 bolh singio wie 0*0”. sox. hondicap. ard,, W/O hook- op. oOlity .room. 2 • carcai TWIN FALLS 4 bdrms,. WENDELL Wl For Saio ‘will '“J bo 3’* yoor pork, credit c . Utiiittos, By Owner' Cus- fomlllol slotus, or 500 mo, -► $500 dep. i •»»««- garage, shop & oot out 2 balh. 1510 sq. iL. B Coll 539-9000. roq,. nowly.Opd K 4 O Property j it,cablo ' eidgs. pasture & cor- $165,000. Call 206- tomlzod tc 8 mo old naiional origin or on :all208-731<2959 "^SUd«tod and ------$10,000,539-603■ ' intonlion ■ to moko I Managomenl I — — rals. Call 260-4616.S 946-0360 » chormor Cl with work- jcROMEW-i25acre E+/ ^ , Many locattons, I iwIN/IN FALLS 3 bod- . rhuch\ nmoicl shop.' Ifl wolk-ln itftvator shores TWIN FALLS 22 bed- ony ?och pieforence • sixes ond prices ! room,»m. 2. balh brand Campusu s Park T ; - ■ TW N , FALLS 4 bed- ‘ »j m rtito limiteilonordlsoiffli- JEROUE House with room. 2 both. 2,640 showor. " prlvoio pd- ^ «oerMS.OOO. room, 1 bolh m II avoiloble; ' ow new home, Foncod, Houi iuslr>g w- 2.25 ecree Ito. $165,500. Hand- 236 W .300S. ' homo In pork, sa$4 MO '««on. •Fomlllol sto- 2o\ . lus Inclodos chlUron 11 Where landlofOs i S850850 mo, ♦ $650 dop, ! 122 Falie:eAva.W / . 1 .2360 sqft 4 bdrm 3 bath k:appod occossibio. {208)73'1)731-3621 Coll 206-734-740 : andttnants CallJall 208-404-2005 Call 206-73-735-1180 ;| Buyer agonu woi- ___ - under the ogo ol 18 S269.000. bock.. $205,000. X 1 eome lOQf Ihor. | f = = . 238W.3008. come. Lynotio 536- piNE IDAHCAHO 3.4 acres TWIN FALLS Couniry Co . i-ving with parents or „ 1S46 Brlarwood Lane. “ leouhlul legal custodian; Call 206-73^S570 LtWIF^wTfT F A lls " T l TWIN FAUiLLS small, Call(20a)731»36212’ Call 20S-731-8900 L f2631 or 539-7677. with woll. woi Cabin shady homo. Boo I------J | r ------'- roody. $32!5325.000. I960. 14x70 2! tbdrm, pregnont womon Yoars Newl 3 . ctoon studicidio opt. No JEROME Motivalea ^ www.ospeniponoctos,ln(o 1 boih homo A>u>ju,n ,ns and people securing KIMBERLY Brand 1 bdnbdrm,. 2 bolh. 2 smoking, Somo S utill- soltefi S bedroom. 1 ITWINFALLS 1 [“• Call601-€01-607-2999 ond moro, $1C>10.000 costody or chlldien New! 3 bdim,, 2 both, : corcor goroge. oppls,. lies inclUdeijod. $345 e e e e e e v a >ie!000 undor 18. 1410 Cayuse Creek, i >£1bolh, 2 cor. 1.546 JEROME New 3 bed­ ILLS 1 acre tol •a ers ore hereby In- liet'I tute tandscoping moActwniwmaKMiiii- mg in Canyonyon Moadows Real Estato monih ♦ $500 dep, .s?- tt. 698 Parlcwood QU'® room. 2 bam. 1.650 *” fomioo .th a t oil rive. Walk lo Oro- 1®” on.SoCTos. icesi icei 10 adveniM -any sub'd. 355(3550 Falls Avo WantadI dwelling advertised Cali 208-421-0650. sq. n. Jerome Estates I ol cui-cJo-soc w aiiw w^^ 3n Trolls, $900 mo, ■I fPark Call 206-734.3397 prcltrenco p»«i imwbon or w. End ol In Ihls nowspopor monts Sobdlvtsion,'5164.900 0l«nmK«win u«od on $09,500 7 REDFISH LAKE Beau- ♦dopMp. e0|.607.?98» ^Apjn™ 1413 Evergreen SL irea aro ovailoblo on an lurlco St I **• TWIN FALLS cozy 3 race, rse. cott'. r«lio«n. m i. -----:------> NEWC0.ln.;e iHul 3 bdrm cabin, 4 z r r r r ; Call 206-410-1558 tuirMcap.lsmuiMtus. TWIN FALL!MLS close to buying on typosol of roal Wua' opponuniiy ml (lom Redfish Lake. T « 'NIIN j FALLS 4 bdrm,. Twin Foils1734-4195. T. . ___ bodroom 2 balh nan S any l>asls, To complain both. $750 -► oloc- Q n homo. For sale by or or n«iioo»l i engin v an town horso)rso propeity, 4 oslolo. Any prico. ■ spectacolar Sawtooth 2J>at lo 1 bdmi.. KIMBERLY 2000 sq fl. n. 2 Vi boih, cond, (ast ctosc discclminalion cail viow. yoor loose only. lc. ■'No smoking/pels, BtJHL Culo 4 b d n a .2 bain, familymiiy ownor. Lorge foncod munion mu 10 msk« any bodroom. < lock, yard 4 »uen p«(er«ie« imita- 2.8 ocroso s-and ■ wotor Eric206-731-57<>745 KUQ toll-lree tele­ $650 mc»nth Multifom* 2890390 E, 3400 N, By ‘"‘ek. « « « room witn gos Jire. fire­ yord. dose lo schools, sue phone numbor at No pots/ MO $124,000. l»n icn or 028 ovos, cniksien una«< lha ige Nogoiioblo | parking, fenced & MUeS number for Iho hoor- RUPERT Rani to Own. om s. . 2 boihs. ■ - , * TWIN FALLS (or sale ol ?'!; le kving wiin.par»nis TWIN FALU )50/monlh plus do- CENTER 01OFfTALL boauiirul landscaping. by ownor. 2M0 sq. It., q, . ing impaired Is; 2*. bedroom wiih $179,000. 226 Polk St or i«gal cuttotfian. o>efl- 2,5 ocres siiy (ur- 600-627-a27S. ISII. (40 pots, no FAWNBRBROOK 4 bdrni.. 3 'bath, new nani ™ women and p«0()ie and oulda™Ajo'^*'*’orono HAGERMAN lololl) noking. Plooso coli APARTM East. 206.423-6695. carpel & wood floor- , Also, access n'»hod 2 bdim,(1, with ------!s;y,ont“ss a rMENTS •ocurma «i»ioay e» cftll- wflights, Al! ndioo 737-3905 or • 734-16-1600 ing. Now Windows A disnunoeria, 10 indOOldoor, orono, booutiful shododId yard FILER 3 bdrm. 2 balh. mo. SI .425 move in. KIMBERLY Retocaling. vinyl siding, sprin- )0 , ' & crook, ouioI .sprin- s AC. fenced yord. all Drive by and thon call 10x 539-5758, Coil or visi!1sit lodoyl • must, tell boQutitui $136,500, - ibrook Avo, (I™ klors. covored polio, Thdtub nowtpaper wll nol Call 206-2j6-'260-0S76 and AC. incids-. Inc oppls. No pets. $600 206-312-4449 TWIN'IN F A L L S " W home south of Kim­ e-/«o-o!./t> woior. sowor. gorloibogo -*$300 dop, 734-5516 : occossibio berly. 3S00^ of RV parking S more, kncwingly'aewl t,r> any TWIN FALLS Officetico 5 bdrm,. $850. -lousing ■ $234,900. 491 Park m and Internet, living space wnn 3 car FILER in Iho country 1 1414 Valencia NEW 3 'danoaho hoosing occopt- irtunily “ Torroco. 734-1361 U' . smoking. $850 m bdrm.. 2 both, ro- 1 206-734-J7S4. ovos or 731:7956 ■ » e property dop, 208-30e-02'0208 bodioom, 1 boih. No lOOMr* aio n«r«)f m> — ------pois. $400 mo. ♦ dop. ducodidS950«dQp. 1— 1 bdmi.. I some view ol the Ihe TWIN FALLS «>' Coll 208-733-6126 821 1 Filer W. 3 bdrm,, TWIN«IN_FALLS lg] no. sunny. Soulh Hills. Pre-quall-joll- Foroclosuros 2** I TWIN FAL ' C l a s s i l M l,5boinS875+.dop— -homi mtl no«»#«<*Mu'Meon . OOODINO 2 bdrm.. 1 bonu»rsiL»nusim *’la"(o;i^ s. lg(ornl^ nih ♦' $200 avB it^ on an oQual : qhico buWiwjiWing, locat-1 DBpartmeni balh. appis.. W/D ' ers only. $475,000000 Free MLS Search oppotiuniiy batit. To - downtc THR^EPLEX '243 208-410-2474 9156 or 208.06-934-8568 ly. Daytime 731-6248OM "whots Yoor Homo ' » ^ t o l history, j Rop,osontaiivossa t ro dop. 208-934-6560 • . 1 baih, now carpoi. 0243 Wonh? is or eves. 423-4364. nil avoilablo Irom fresh point 4 move in — . , — ^ JEROME Luxury L 2 •tS i n ‘“ ? a , '' HAGERMAN 2 bdim. oltowonco $575 « dop . TWININ FALLS now bdrm.. monlony omoni- niCHRELO 3 bdrm..I,. 2 TWIN FALLS just Ilslod ToiMiM Te iiriepr«n« biick, J tow i m.lnS : BOT.m.5:M prP'" :j Wlih booulilul thodod homojmo noor canyon. 2 ties. $600M} mo. No balh. garoge. Borderslors on Cypiosa Way. ngmt»r toiirwn#«jj) ' nanco tri-plox trl-j wilh, Monday-Fridoday I; yard & a creek, outo 306 . li Ridgeway . bdrm,Irm,. 2 bolh. garogo pols. Coll1 loi- l( details, RIveriBLM. $139,900.00, O vorl,900sq. fl, 5 ^ ronlol history I Con our olfico:o || sprinklers and AC, In- ' 2 bedroom, l bolh 4 pspolto. quiot with 324-4854or or 324-2643 S ' " “ 00, • 1' in Twin Foilss I; ckls,, wotor. sower. Hablamos Espanol.'. bdrm.. 2 boih. Foncod L _ $500 ♦ deposit, wolklr E 1 'bdrm 4 yord wilh auto sprin- >6-253-4995 < 733-0931 oxt,1 i2 i) gorbage and Intornol. $950 . Coll »6-726-4404 0 W. 6" SL ----- klors. $169,900, *^ 3 >-566-1206 T No smoking, $600 JEROME 949-2 mo, 4^ dop. 306-0206 ; 1 2 S Z 2 5 L — ep. No pols. TWIN FALLS 2 Proper-Mr- Ceil 208-539-9950. , Faima/ftenchea/f i — —— 9 0 2 Vory nice on Iho oul- -twinIN IFALLS now inle- or smoking. ties. Lease to Ownit g. woior. irnlt W esterra Real Estate OfiMt' HANSEN 2 bodroom. 1 skins ol Joromo. ,tor)r 3 bodroom du- garbogo 4 sowogo 2 booutilul homos that MLSg96265227 _____ ■del P fo p fty U n tu m le h ^ ^ ^ boih. $400 mo. In- $1500 » doposil, euwex, gorogo. DW. pd. Coll 209-W-267-5126 will gal you Ino homo’[I* TWIN FALLS Motivol- • • clbdes water, sewer NO SMOKINGrt»ETS £,ntrtintroi air. W/D —■ . and give you the™ ed seller. 2 bdrm,. SMALLER Sf FARMS 1 iTVKiNFAuj fioom,, and garbage, $350 Brawley Property • hooku»kup. somo utils TWIN FALLL Spocloos chance lo buy In the I GOODING 4 bodio possibly O’*. 1 bath. . 119 l i t Acres - Row • Home Park 2 both. nk» homeimo on deposit. No ’ Mgmt no5 p(pois. $675 + dop * spoilossSS 1 bdrm futurel Bad credit is completely romodeiod. cr 734-5661 Eves 33030 8'* Avo East bsm i apt.. noar CSI, nol a problem. V’ . oponmonl. fuDy (oncod cornener lot. smoklng/pols. Coil ’ Ig backyard, 412 e* TO&dorRuMn***’ nc - Street. 423-6348 or 420-1466 ■ D.v.73l-5a61 |«o.ireal unit) 734-6230 All utilitiesislnclodedl house Is a brond now spoces plus 826 Colorado St Ave. N. $113,000/ 72""Ac‘S 72 ‘/- '0 0 l 0 d spaces. $650 monih. $550 J ------^------r ' ------$400 monthith ♦deposit. 3 bdrm.. 2 bolh home|2)J[ oflor 208-423-4466 pipe, pi| 2 homos. u c n o k ^ HOLUSTER couniry IN FALLS New No pots. (Con 208- .in 0 new subdivision. 50.000. deposil. pels ok. jb 'd 3 bdrm.. 2 404-3057 foi Close-in. SW Of TF, n s s p o c o s f , 530-516-9479. ^ cottage, - newer 2 , for oppl. . S950 mo. r - houseuse TWIN FALLS Must . f • • bdim., 1 bolh ♦ ollice , hos boon romodeiodlied te e . Tololiy romod- 65 ®' Acree - Ouailty ,nun6-420-4726 | je h q ME 3 bodroooom, 1 mo, * dep. Can 655- ’ - 2 4 3 bdmi apartments po,s/j)ls/smoking, $800. ' balh. “ No 1500 sq.fL. $775 mo, undor » ocro. Fully Costioloid, Ci ------balh. AC, lelilgorloralor. 4252 or 308-6919 ond houses QUIETIET NEIGHBOR. ling. Coil lor 2 gorgeous homosnos iondscopod with auto 63 03 A cres-form land ' stovo. microwowavo. ------$43510 $900 por mo hOODOOI 5 bodroom. 2 deiaiis 208-38-734-4120 that you can ront lor sprinMors, curbing. Ig .• lopols JEROME 2 bedroom. 208-735-5342 balh.Hh. oppliancos. tvVIN FALLS.LS I bdrm now and buy laier. 01 93/30 Intor- B U Y Y IT ! . >Mgmt 733-0739 TWIN FALLS.LS 1 bod- S l TWIN FALLS Most son turo. wotor shares A IIIV City Pool A school. & well, Oood bidg. IC U /C b u h l (Behveen) IBohl $450 month do- ' TWIN FALLS 2 bod- U l L J pots, $350 Huge Iol Hardwoodood by Sopl 25*. 4 bdnn.. & l c » * o 4 P(l,r) Lg coi»unlry posit, Roloionces room lownhoose, W/0 TWININ FALLS smolTT jjOOM dop. Coll iH. 3 bath, complototy ro- sisitoa.Hagormon. ■ noofB. 420-4147 JeH. aSSIFIED s i r i c u nomo. 4 bdrm, 2 ^ 1bath. 324-2834 or 539-2836 hookup. smoN (ondod hodroKJroom. some appii- 2M-212-167676 ______— modolod. high ond ov- Oil op- - ■ - backyard. $475 nionlh oncoswos fuinishod, 6 ca. l «i TWIN FA U S 206-306-106- eiyihtng. $229.000/ol- smok---JEROME 3 bdim. 1 Vi onths loose. $420 .S /V ILL pis, no pois. no si ♦ .$475 dep. No pots, month jodroom 0703 Meetf (0 eeWH 3 lor. 2916 LeeAnn Or, e -> /e B V ihg, rols roq. $6(seoo * bath. 1 car garago. Call 206-280-2985, mo,.,.d,p.733..5l» ♦ ■ bdmi.. 2 baih, 1B72B72 Can 208-306-5995 . t V t R Y seoo dop, 487-22!2296 415 Glador Orlve , • S685 sq.ft. Gorgeous home is Roniols TWIN FALLS Ptiea flo- H ------$625 •* $460 dop. No 'TWINFALLS3bdim,2 IHOC..MPVOUI wilh original hard­ JEED b u h l 1. 2 or 3 bod- smoklng/pels. 8:30- balh duplox. appis,. 4334 wood Doors Ihrough-“ ?■ duced/ 4 bedrocim. 2 IJ lent your rental? twlnlailsront)ntols,com SIV both. 2.500 sq. It. room homos, Flofor- Fl 5:30 pm. 324-3427 indudod, W/D hook oul Iho main level, 11 and ------up, central hoaVoir. Classifieds C l tw in f a l lLS s 2 bdrni,. 1160SparkaStreet UY!TI .^^‘rl^nlKn. brand now African^ $176,000, 733-0404 BUY »flro- TTeySTpBKioimS^ sprinkler system. NO C a n I ’ r/corpon, no slata tUo kt „ the J Call 206-404-8060 www.rlrealiy.eom W S E;i U I IT I Call (orr IInfor- c«#»MW»wepoWyouin SMOKINGMO PETS. >ots. 121 kltcson. Located In a .U L .I I I mallon 208-961-11-0197 M n^ drecaoniofM M $700 mo. ♦ $650 dep. 7 ^ 3 M M 1 .« ,2 < $525 ♦ quiet cul-de-sac ont> a -nwiN FALLS Price ond leovo m o s‘aga- ^ houi«>oudoiiro,73Mai Call 206-734-6053 I $400 dop. 7:736-0929 large lol. In the redueedi 3 bedroom. = O’Leary and Momlng- 1 bath, largo yard sklo school dlstrlcL , The petfoct family™yIS : '" wwi»,twlnlslihomo,eom ’" V m homo. $147,000. $132.000.356-0144 ■ “^-TW IN-FALLS-Ouiot-H ~ [TWIN FAILS 3 bdrm.. i both wtth olfice or 4" bdnn. Low COSI electric heat/AC. CoveredSS ‘* 3 0 0 deposit hololdsyournewhctome! Y o u rN'Jew i C o m m u n ityty C e n te r B o a sts:s : pabo. New paini T In- sprinklers, $195,000, ^ 2272 CM tle Ortve. alde and ou t New32; No Realtors 734-6117 * H uuge | Fireplace lawn and sprtnMer system. Now ITWINFALLS I Utcheo. both and * I ' Sarge-screen r TV floor coverings. 14S Wfleeman SL H H • C oomputers i with Higl;gh-speed Internet wa bt tou by O c t r for Walnut-lined Libraryry/S tudy $139,000 or best of­ . Wa: fer. 30»-733^68IU SeBermo(h«>ed/Built . Of 206-731-2346 In 2006. Large tot in . Eleilevator a nd Push-bubutton Entrance “ 1M7 eq!n„ 4 bdrm.! TWm PALLS 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, many extras. 1 bath w^fflce. shop, Worth a took all storage shed. Ig $159,900. fenced yd. RV partc CMI 20e-421-0851. | Ing. many upgrades 4 total remodel.?*•'- TWIN FALLS Spadous $139,000. «2S Hey- 3 bdrm., 2 bath, ’05 b w n A w . 734-6471. with upgrades. Beau- ■I” tHuBy landscaped and I TWm FAUA 3 bdrm.. fenced. Must s m , 2 bath 1.30S eq.•J fL y priced tow lo sell, ean V o u M oelng. 2 flr»- 2 320^)960 Of 420-4292 essjfSLissstatte TWM . FALLS We I sprtnkien. saZ E BI n n - FbHute*. Ne iianksl I beth P » k Drtv*. Absolutely QorgMws 1 S1S2.900. . 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 14x74 I Cell20»-7M-«0400 mwufKturad home. »20»-»1»10»61 BuU-in Q*s flreplaoe, large kschen, abun- N D e v o nn S e n i o r C o m m u n i t y I TWM P A U 3 3 bdrm..nn.. dani cupboards, cen- t N orth College 1338) N orth College Road n v M l A dw M . Ig cov- aed. •i«d_ptflo & carport TTwin w Falls. Idaho S k ESme. M U S T S ^ I #122 > Lakes Locust 2208.7352224______ilevard------® — ------SSr-^-& -'Sr - - — - - devoivon@ Cijiaos-7»noI Joyoe 206-212-6664. ^ ______Thwiday, W > m b»fl4,;U , 2006" T>»hi M s; Mih M ------

« 0 4 , # 0 8 ' ACROSSIS h |2 h 'FIIMI I . ~ 19 |i o " M B n 7 '" p 2 " " n— 3 .t&fiithwlAptt.. ' UnlivhlihadAite C o 1 Foxtail • 1 _ And Duplex ; J f . ; APPAL0 0 8 A 6 M ilitary hhi a t '* = = = = = APHC, 5 yeai TWIN FALLS 2 bdrmr 'TWN FALLS i» m r ; ^ IN FALLS rter. $550. wv 11 Grow msllellow er ------^ - duplox. No smoking.t. 3 bedroom, 2 bath-. - Offiea/Shop/ r aU«ftt.eoiTvMl.tMiJivmcaii 1 4 . Taylor Oif f'T h e ______$475 mo- 734-5463 4-plox noar CSI. Yord ■ Warehouso v 206-735-6083 and garago. W/D . ------N a n n y " TWIN FALLS Z Mcij),. 22 thousand sq. ft. CIRCLE J -87' hook-ups. paid wa|of .<44 • B l a c k ______1 bath, w/garogo. no0 and garbage. No pets/ ir’U rtS; 15 Actress B smobno/poto. SSOO ♦ uud. WO.K 16 Actor Sllvliver 2-' ■ • smoking. S625 + dop •. -rwjfrwin Falls RentaJa ' f.™ ™ S400 dop. 547 Stidup' nO JicW o n S t «I Avo. W. 736-0929 bSsSJb'S .17 Slicker inin w i n t e r ______SI f Call 510-653-4559 (wlnfi 5222^ -18"ADellcai:a te . *9 H l ^ 33 TWIN FA U S 2 bdrm., ; L HORSE 13 y« ■ . 2 bam In 4-piox, W/D■j ,inviN FALLS ( # '0” - . . rod Dunn mar B alan ce" |3 4 ■ S5 , • Ind. J575 mo, + $500D I1 Over 821 , |' . “S j to ra g e / , ~ ing < w cow horso. playw ngh dop. No pets/smoking2 |I Promlof llvlngl | : S2S00. CollJl 208.731. 2 i 9 M6 s ic g e r HIH! ’ . , Avail Nowl 308-1317 , 5231 for detaili lenre- 37 se so " . Community, k>calod i . — 20 Observe3 ______;____ " ■ • • • v : ' " ’:7».-'>;HOR8E2yoari • TWIN FALLS 2 bdmi.; noar 010 canyon, j i 43 " .2 bain. W/D hook-up.I.- - bike pain; shopping, I 1u b ‘ ' ■ latwed Qoafle banklngotc. ; . I E Ounn ly. fiPy. $1000. ' 2 3 BuildingI Wv ing ______I ------! n | M 4 9 — 52 IndiMod. All^ olK?>le, \1 We offor contral eir. > . ■ Galt a08.731-8 24 K-0 connin e c tio n " 150 51 52 woll insulotod. Cotss ) ) Irost Iren relrigora- | k H m HORSE 4 year ok. small dogs nog. 2 5 T irlac o ff tte n n is ^ ------I. : lor, sell cFoaning ; S e-i T O R A G E Arab Plntofooi ; $575 * $375 dOp.I. { 1 ovon.OW/Olsposal,’ 20' or 2 7 Furrow Komy20a-940;i157. )'or 4 0 'containers ■ ing. very flasi , plus many moro ; " ,for . 7 sale or rent. snowflake patternpatt< wilh 28 Health hala v e n ^ —------1 . amonilies. i Dellvorod r,.|i to your'- 4 vory. ver ■ f l i . 6 2 TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,. |’ Qleneoglet Apia ■ tT- ' 29 One too> th u n g * ______■ ■ bain. W/D nooK-ups. ■ homo, business or socks, reg. • ; 1846 Harrison SI. N. "consirucUon l" site 15.3 hands.rtds. Vor^ Up 65 loncod tfont yard. •' Call 206-735-0308 ' $550 mo. f dop. 456 ; calm, quiott 4& friendly,1 3 2 Bill Of 'Twr w l s t e r - ______J 2 - Avo. N. 733:6095 1 PEX CONTAINER ' all ground'woi Earhart ^7 | 208-733.1022 under saddio ' 34 Aviator Ei TWIN FALLS 3 bdmi..-'1^A'• ! • \ . y i - ^TWININ FALLS varied I, been sal 36 ActreSS DO eila I 2 batn. SSOO mo ♦ : so storage uniis • $500 dop. 3250 N.'• 81*0 37 Lion's der 2300 E. South of Fllor■ i TWIN FALLS -Saw- Irm, sisooi 4 0 B ro ad vaia lle y s '— *— '—m ■ m I e i ; 9/14/C1/06 Coll 208-420-1301 tooth School Disi. 420-4B.472S 37-9158. 4 2 VVagers “ Spacious, ovor t.800 B HORSES 5> year y< old . 4 3 K ickS OUtJt TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm., sq. It. 2 bdrm.. sunlii ______W e d n e68d6y*8 s c P u ” le S olved 2 batn, ground Iloor, ene 3 Alliances $650 mo. ♦ dop. No• bsm i apt. Only $525 M0Woblle I Homes ssoo^paimnl SSSirS,’! ^*5 C ontraver r c T W r T c W r pon. 208-731-2049 month ♦ deposit. p 'o S n i S 4 7 S c a m p 4 Endeavori r tt< o _ w/shorod utilities. No ______S o a c e s ' ' % , $400. Pre — ^ Slay, logelhei>iner. Coll 4 9 O verly in( ______TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm,,, pots. 208-404-3057. nciined obtain ■IJ c ar I ft I n«klnn 20e-734<}57B- - f(-i m n raliTlizo.,______-;-Rrflv/flry , TWIN FALLS small forr a0 place 1 lo put your HORSES oldor 2000 sq. It., garago, 53N arcs’gr,jrp. 6 Reggae'Ss ' . $750 mo, ♦ $700 dop. sludio,' rango. roMg.. minu.tnufacfured Ao/no? horu. good ni Call 206-308-1317 $215 ♦ $150 doposil. CollIII Aaronf with ques. Ounn wtlh wtiitowhii lac«. 54 Sept. preeeceder cousin - Call 208-423-4469 tions.Jns.-« 404-9495. very protly. $: 56 Actor Min :e n t | s | t | a | T | u | e TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm . ■ laces avail in Berg- yeor old bay ineo 7 Fifty percer 2 batn, 1 car garago.• TWIN ' FALLS studio, Idaho. $150 monm. pock horse,S '!S; 57 Noun-lornrmlng 0 Tree-shadeded luiBlolAlTil small fonccd back: no smokmg. All uuis. 2 morflonlhslree. tough. $150G1500. cm suffix a r e a yord, good nolglibor-: . Incld. $295.-734-54.63 ■ 208-543-6955...... 58 Neither pipartner 9 Maintain hood. Mornlngsido> TWINFALLS:i HORSES Pl School Olsirict. pals‘ Tho Fans Apts. RcR o o m m a te s .mare with J colt " . i 59 Sitcom ecequine 10 Lowest mo'novie ^■■JnTpTR nog $700, SSOO dop. Phoosani View Town • Wanted colt. <»'< Sim. 61 Mother ___ o f rating Avdi) 9/20. Call Kathy1 homos.ACl,243 Ilon MockMhilc gOa-940 1157. I 11 Patrol-car bdrm units. No pois IN FALLS mature 2 yr.'S ok '5?* Calcutta ir r P r TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm.,, $385-SS15. 734-6600 oolo looking for vvhilo stallion,2 6 3 A ctor W alallach passengere r |o|N|E|I|D|A , 0 2 bain with oppls. “mmaio, mo. «>ay (iifyly Yooiiina \ 64 Ciass papaper 12 Gridiron upuprighl I s J iJ t [ s J ( 3 Dock. No pots, no ,„a;e.2,2.!7S3, Moko 0»0,, g g A rchibaldId a n d 13 B o a rd s a je , smoking. Crodil roponi I je t s 6 R t M e ■ £ ' Expect to b« 7 0 1 roq, SSOO * $500 dop. ' HORSES—5;;^ Thurmoncnd 21 Nuzzled T s* Call 206-e37-6124, . sSoTsMs Livesiestock/Poultry, nota, S.uing,ling, oxcol- 6 7 __ PaulO,0, Brazil 26 Fastball pit< iTI4« lont pack am TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm.. bdrms. Qutol build- - r r r - ■ BB Heated didispute Ryan All iiQhti lewrvM .L 3 W year okl S750. Arab g ' 2 balh, garago. ing w/gatod undor- BULL f f ,S: 69 Slight evKSdence ' 30 Third rock;k Ifrom .. foncod yard, walor & robrod Black Angus troll ond. («■ irasn includod. $750 +: ISZIZ S5f“'ill. Catl production greol in mountiHjntalns but 70 Mach-h pl2slane the sun 41 Begln'speac)ace 51 Bug :ords avoiloWo. not for-packing S750 dop, 539-7426, 357 Bluo Ukos Blvd. 71 Ruhr cityy 31 Stirred upp partner • 52 Discontinues Call 208-544-2432 S1200200.208-934-0973, H u ^ TWIN FALLS ^ for boih, 72 Factions5 33 Three-masiasted ' 44 Blue-eyed 5 5 P ro s e BULL.L tpurobrod A ^u s: p„'cos ote lirr .304 Slue Lokea «1 j ' lirm. Coll lip . feline TWIN FALLS. 2 bdrm.. ,0 monlhs mt old. $900, 208-934-6052 sailing ship ro m a n c e s 2 bdrm. kiichon appls, 2 baih In 4-piox. W/0 callIII 2 206-543-4711 or - DOWN 35 Patronagele 46 Abilities / ■ indd., gas hoat, AJC. 206-4i 60 See regularly $495 6-405-9440______MARES (2V6 & ark 37 Volume 48 Hospital W/0 Includod $575 mo. ♦ $575 dop. p n iL io“ » A ’ 1 Trademarl 62 Uke hens' No pots/smoking. r 38 Circles ofI lilight workers 337 3'* Avo E l i K S S S do. $1500 • s c ru b b e r t e e th ? Call 20a.734.9575 2 Make a n«n ew 3 9 M o st infamiimous 50 Piece of mar sr 1 bdrm, kitchon appls. cross.» !. MOD. PIOOSO big, oWor , lan’s . 65 Thai one over S395. eeo s enii 2 orso. Hos p a rt J u d a s jew elry th e re No pols/smoking Rooms For Rent Call 206-735-0473 - .LS Black Angus SlOOOtolfor. 31 lodmg bulls, low ------^ .0 4 GAME TWIN FALLS Apis for ' JJEROME a Twin Fell* in, high growth. PAINT 5 yoar e n THAT SCRAMBLED WORD G/lirglrton rom. 2 bdrm. t both, locations Room and c nIII208-686-7S64.- ii« 16 hands, goo PetsAndPet '^°PetsAndPet J ^ by HtnrI Arnold afvd Mika Argl rolrinorator. siovo, board, indds. oil utili- ‘ ' ■ ' - ■ formatkjn andrn d d( iS j^ - Supplies Supplies unUnscramble Ihoso (our Jumbios. $575 > SSOO dop. 166 nos. laundry, houso- o ,,,., — ------omono loiior 10 each square. koopmg and moats I'm exhausted end Carnoye88-460-7630 I 208%78- “ I FREE kiltons. (2) op- to10 formI four ordinary words. can barely Ow^k - Also, hot tub $400 mo. ‘ a-431-2691 COCKER .liyTellSrs,!, prox 4-5 months old. I TWIN FALLS APTS. } Colt 206-324-5379 Dair> ------SPANIELS • and^ htlor box Iroinod, tigor I ROFYT 1401 Addison Avo. j Sept. 2 6 .2 0 0 6 PALOMINO ( 0«hahundi, AKC sin'pod, brothor nnd U_ TWIN FALLS Fur- je sd ay at l ia m Oidor kid oroko br» ond rog.. adults ond E. 2 bdrm. 1 both, nishod room, no one ^ ststor. Vory loving. kiichon oppliancos. 20S:67V^l_l_| 5M. Coll pops, Call 670-93 Call 208-404-2940. smoking/drinking. * !§§______2587 or 677-9083 W/0 hookup, gas $250. Coll 733-6627 ^ ^ :m»Ti«u^Mc'»'S«rvK hooi, AC. SSSO -f - TLE flog Simmon- SORREL moro.oro. 15 yrs. or 312-0366. FREE kiltons. 2 monlhs mature cow hord, old groot kids kids horse ^ old. box trained. Caii- • r - j m i $550 deposit, no TWIN T FALLS lal mf smoking/pots. Microwavo. rolrigorator disporflorsat, 32 yrs Al oxp. rider inly.only, Will do DACHSHUND (3) maklOio CO'S ond Sim ooso I PAADT S41 Borah Ave. W. Call lor prices. solodod matings, black polos, barrelsrels &-4H, roglslorod minisms. look a likes. 423-5136 l _ tB 2 bdrm.. l bath, No I pois. Capri Mote/ & soliciOlid ted. 934-4827 5800. CollI 206-934- 2( Ready Sopt. 26'‘’® ' ' ' FREE kittons. mothor 3-2234 S3S0 oach. Shois B kiichon appliancos. 208-733-64S2. . VS 65 head ol Hol------1— “ and 4 babios and (t)' I n m W/D. oloctric hoot. ZTWIN FALLS MOTEL sioinin dairy cows in ZOLLINGERR OH01 17*^ worming Includod 7 month old kitten. ^ AC, SS7S momn ♦ IDaily and wookly Idahoiho Falls, Call 208- ANNUALS/L SALE __ .324-3512 or 324-3338 DIONIE S57S doposil. No ratos. I OuiQl.' ClOOn. S24-i:4-i229or68i-5097 Sepl, 16’'. 11;C DACHSHUND FREE kittons. 8 wooks ^ allordablo. 733-8620. 5 ^ ^ - H E w m r T D T v e JEROME APTS. DUCKS a l9 9 4 s “l o^ 0 « ^ v i / . J mlniatuto puppios,. old. odorablo. box 1 P C C 7 D R F O R s l . CKC rogistorod, troinod. Call 732-6400. n-.i I m 920 E Main f A 6 0 6 CHIChIICKENS S4 00 Sale also on Rl d INSOMNIA, B K A U S e 3 bdrm.. I.S baths, 3 Ch60-0373. $300, piobald colorsIts. 208-837-90S4. ___ „ 1 to form Iho surprise answor. t smoking/pots. lorgo storage. $365 ♦ 1 flu« I □ I'.'m3 - suggosiod L-, tho at»vo cartooi dop. No pots. Rofor- 209-9^3-866-7564, shois (Buhl) Emai1“'' FREE Pit Bull, lull- Veeh Pra'porty pics l-405-P"3-6395 Manegement oncos. Call 326-5887. SoulhoiIhern Idaho Feeds n ^ . r bkMdod malo. IW 4Answer , here: “[ 1 1 .C, comploio lino ot * 3 0 yoars old. block and □ ■ Lylo 0 731-6589 hHAGERMAN 3 .b!-®'' „ ENGLISH BULL OOC I X X l ' - c x )lieS pups. AKC rofl.. oxcJJ whiio. Shy. noods pa- >rrow) 2 bOlh, SSOO t dop, ‘’“OOO,s r r i r - ;oQ tioni ownor, no smoll' (Answers lomorn TWIN FALLS baso- Call 206-731-7967 bloodlines. S150C Y HABIT WHITEN ‘ TRUDJDGE L 25 lb bag's ol now ALASKAN HUSKY K oach. Call 208-878.Wl. kids, shots. 206-43t- Yo: monl apt., 2 bdrm.. I — I dovoiod archaoology students do both, all oppts.. sone' 6 0 7 :rop “ Of pinlo beans. puppies usododjorslo^d f< 3584 or 431-3574 8172.______ZlZr boloro3 finalfin. exam s-THEY-DIG-IN uliliiios paid, $475 I Soulh Potk St. W. dogs, 6 wooks — FREE robbils nnd rrio. + dop. 581 Madi­ Office And Retail n ’J?-6155 or 732-5270 Coll 206-629-519-57M ■ ENGLISH MASTIFF '1 bunnios.. Located in ----- son. 208-734-3493 Rentals s t oCK c k COWS 10-15 AUSSIE/HEELEIp o n m (OmOlO, fiXOd, Mi«H ,l|l.. 260.11.11 70< . She is 0 groai family r04 704 704 . TWIN FALLS ’ p s s . blockck -4 & 5 yoor okls. pios. Toils d 3 FREE Rotlwolor mtx. t ’ | TWIN FALLS 1 room „,ocj.d. colving Jan. & woonod. oodalilaalroS i potl SMO. 30a.S356 PetsAndPet Petss AndA Pet P etsA n d ft Cloon & Culo upstairs olfico , suilo w/ampio Pob. ( — yoar old male, f 8lud>oapi.at4iOVif' , J. ol t)7. Will bo weeks oW, S4! W Australianian shols, vory Inondly. ___ Supplies______Sup g parking. $l99/mo. woenir Supplies______SuppIlM Avo. E. Immodiaio j oning this yoars 543-4711 orr 405-9440 40! Shophord/Bordio Col-:ol- Call 509-998-4243. = Landlord pays power, calfI a crop il Inlorestod — ■ — possossion, somo util- , N SHEP- houtorod .AB puppios. ono Rottwenor and SCHNAUZER 1 year gas. wator. irash. Call m .oolno soo Iho w .l«y GERMAN SHEPHERD a good itios Incl. S430/mo. for ; details 733-6844 5 Black Iri spayod fo- chocolaio, Ihroo enow. » Freo to oW (or sale to a i 404-3839 or 735-1392 - »ocl...m o,p,o. sks $250 '" “'0. Cfoto Itoinod.K(, puppios. AKC logis- I. ir cok . duco. ap. lorod. 2 males. 2 (0- black, r snots. Sl2S. ? ? ? ! ,„romos. n Call nomo oeooor rS U hw m MdVnO cannoi koop. Call208-306-61l2- ?7-9n8. oroT'for^ato swipayed. _ TWIN. FALLS 2.500 hoad.,a. ;oB.4M.oiK_ “ s-y sK86-2644 s:; Call20e-410-94s0 malos. b|ock/lnn. nno Kj/pflaf.______------iTW INFAttS-^^^- sq. It. with 5 olficcs . ------— -1 sablo. S400. 206- , .p iN— KfCTENS.— areat-dOO-S300/i .ABRAOOODLE slan- CFA rogislorod. rogi V Call 316-0016. TURN OFTHE ond conloroneo 11 ^ lup, AKC FREE 2 cots, noutorodod 312-4772 or 312-4773 dnrd 2" gon- ' shois. S20 rooms plus show I C O N N E C T ll Labs. 2 males, solid btack and S200 cash only. ------CENTURY GERMAN SHORT Otaotation. non shoflding. Coll 206-5)6-543-6659. SHIH TZU CHARMI toom or sludio I W ITH . I males, yellow,ow, black, tno olhor is Siamoso. Croam. 8 weeks, l pnupnaN i )ies. aroo. Fully carpol- I p . k d Svwpt Found in Joromo. &1IIM HAIR pups AKC rog. Crc S2S0. Laundry & storogo. ;U S T O M E R S k«LS. i2 Born 7/tO. 1-" shols, fhOmolo. t (omalo. Sor- IANIAN , pups. ■ ™ios, slSs^W Sludn. 1 bdrm. od and oir condi- I 4-1213. 206-324-2642. VICO dog linos. Hoalin od. 6 wks old. 2 Coll 206-431-979768. lionod. Plus 1,250 I WiW H O N EEO Grooming &^boarding boil p ^ g g —^ gronl huntors 4 lamtly vici opts, from $375. I X, pots, EE-DAH-How, 0guarnnioo ^ & more, * IS. o S250/ooch. r 1 833 Shoshone N. sq. It. Orivo in I StSOO. 775-738-5210. S200. Parents SHIH TZU CKC/;C/AKC y o u r ------fomalo. 10 monthsII’S 324-5082/308-0073 imaloa. 208-410*2550 garago with 12 x I Elko, NV. Mini Aus. .206-438-5382 pups. 2 (em 14 loot truck door. I os l e r v i c e (2) pure- OkJ, spayod. ownorw Roloroncos I. $450. »lo>. 6 am,Ble nooas aooaod ■ iralIrallan duo in Sopl. POMERANI $2,250 monih. . I Adviadvertise In the- I wooks old. brod pupp ■250 or 2158 4” Ave. £.01 1 Bl d. $300 nomo. Call 736-1048fl GERMAN WIRE- TWIN FALLS U rge 3 B uilneeeai | oach. Call 733-(■33-689t. '------ITT HAIR POINTERS ;------= ------1 roody r-o I*; 20«-^«-»52 bdrm.. 2 bath condo Call20MKW9^ I s«fvl A . I twoon io s ? O N mTCDD,CD f r e e cal. 2 yoar old ******** S300-$350. eu|H TZU PUCsupples- with now carpet, now 1 ^ Coll 208-4: >33.0931 ext. 2 pupa. Readyu Ni 11" 'omoie. somi- AKC rog. Champion 18-432-5587. ^^KC. ^ a «vs re- 'point, .dock^ most TWIN Tl FALLS Buff pto- |L Z ? 1 Ml IO"0 P'0“ 0 « '• bWodlmos. sirong ' tots. 6 fosskmal oHico spoco. ' I shots. (4) giri ^ POMERANI appls., water indd. No < 3® pioMO 2Q8-60S '22fl' _ pointers, oxc. bird ANIAN white moved, 1’ Stwtales & pels, no smoking. Groot i visibility. Up lo 7 0 3, boys. S350. I LABS Ivory and (omato pui , coll 208-431-6611-6605 FREE Chow, purobrod,,d, ond wator dogs. puppy. Ready 431. Roferencos 4 credit Black, rog.. dow lo go SAni Sopt daii. lomalos. Cal60 ------11 rrwnths okJ, fomalo ,lo Parems on sito. claws “ removed, lirst islored,^ e p t.g ^ ti'’^ 0296 or 608-3360 chock. S650 mo * J t o ,0, toady to go. $5S0 " ooixi no™. An oxcoptional liter.' shots. Parents oto worn^g Hippies • TWIN FALLS modical AOAMS Clia«.»3.33l7 both huntors. Call 206-3. ------TWIN FALLS Now car- professional ( - oHkio --H O R! ------Call2Q6.676-58 ------Call 208-894.2239^ _ :8°320-'y %H IH ^^,e-^latujts______spaco on Falla Av Rollablo JW 5 ^ AHUA pups. $300/eacn. CoOlO 208- poi 2 bodroom. oppH- : Iblo service. 20 CHIHUAHUA od 1-2731 oneos, oloctric onuo. i Contact Todd or yrs. oxp. o> Mike 670- puppies for sal< ay GERMAN WIREHAIR (omalos. T., Call 308- ^ 0 not Shod, so 677-2781 0r431-! >bifinA mil Rotrievor cross fo-Io- AKC pups. Groai heoi/AC. W/D hook- Scoit ! 738-7422 0360.10.436-6879 msg Ing $250, Pkiai 3996 or 320-0105 Sash oJ^".iust see. $400. ------UPPiM, up, b ak»ny.«75m o. - !•' coats, oxcoltonl por- L — Wly. 208-737- SHIH TZU pupi TWIN FALLS new ol- APPAL, smalla CUL-DE-SAC 3 bdrm., or‘ 733.7051 lots ofof color,( $700, Call 208-884-36 IS. (emale $600 oach/ol- shois. sho S275-$300. 300 & 2 baih. no appls.. nice J P'“V>u'- MO — ------8 wooks old, litter boxox lor. 208-735-2267. Call call 206-431-9766. . ■326-3618. J5 0 0 .206-436-999937 atzo yard. $625 month TWIN t> FALLS iH’2 0 M 8 ? 2 8 ir " COCKER S PWflE*- ^ II iralned. short hair. QUIET NQGHBOR- COfflco/ Retoll/ Storage le; GREAT PYRENEES —------RA BB nrs KC rog.. very cutot Call 208- IINIATURE Satiii. Re; .AKC. HOOD 3 bdrm.. ap­ 392-6400 sq. ft. BAY MARE. Mi APHA 7 “^ r s 'a n d Choc 1, puppios, AKC, 10 “ 'Nl; ™ox.'“ k.m“i; lecked. OkJ, w/floshy palnl S350 fomalos,SKS wooks. 4 mates. $500. DACHSHUNDS, CKC Giant, CaHI pls.. small yard, wood Several Locations. yrs old. I»»«o»m..,o||.. rogislotod. 1 malo. 2. cross bre Cute & lloors. $650 month. Hammeek stud1 con, c< 5 mos. oW. males. Ready _ Call 210-683-2689 ■ s r . " " s s ale & rent oil shols. Exp. call Jesso at bk www.lourquarlor lomalos. 7 weeks old. $40 oa. 20i Tbo Mflmt 733-0739 M anagement Curreni at 206- FREE kittens 9 wook 1- shots. $375: Can - ».734- «>»734-4339 -Ider^r. $1500/oHer 208- 303-8201.______OkJ girls nood good3d ' s i ' oJi'ss: TWIN FALLS Now du- - -9996or3l2-2769 cOCKEfl SPi flRIEHflwook 22B3oHofeflm. pk>x, 3 bdrm., 2 baih. T>TWIN FALLS small _ SPANIEL k>vlng liomes. Cotl0» n-AUAN GREY------" o " Sluto,.groy ” wlih ■ ■- -■ yd care Inckf., no tbusiness space. 600 BUCKSiKSKIN mare, Reddish buff AK _ HOUND puppkis. 12 PARIARROTS Hand lod tan tuxedolodo maridngs. SIAMESE klttena.» (1) smoUno/pets, $695 -f ssq.ft. offlcowith 1,000 small.III. Good health, pups. 1* shots,xils. dow- FREE klilons to 0 good}q Wks, 1 lemale. 5 malo. OroGreen Cheek looks Ukoko nmini pinsch- boy ond (1) girljW. All Conuros 8, Moiimill- er. $425. I sq.'it. shM . $665 m0j_ _ G 00d>d ^horse lo add lo claws Cod». home. Pioaso callQjl chocolate &. block. Cor IS. Please call shots, spayed1 and *• ------Beta Call 605-484- r noro. Cau ^ e - o-poo. 101110107aierTOT/— $eS333y073-oT»rg:-----J 500:— 206-924-1051---- utn-utn-P«nt(S-perrol«:----- 7 d ^ 2 1 - 3193 Of 420-2877. J Ave. 208-736-6246° 677^1-2761 or 431-2731 654-9391 of 431 219-0812.______or 206-539-6077. Ver^tfery tamo 420-6685 8963, loav


. I EdO ThM»l(m.TMnly n W b ,to h o b>rl4.2006 ______7 0 * - ...... •01.VV,,- .■ B0» ■ • 1 0 81 0 S IO ; 80 1 0 8 1 0 . P tU A n d ML'i ^ S^and>w iii.t ^ rewood Fumlture A Cp»pe( Fumliu^tCaf^t FiimHureftCirpW FumHmlture& Carpet Furniture & Carpet . Suppnes - m r = ------FREE Elm Ifoe (ire- BEDROOM SETE T ~ S BEOROOM SET? iFURNrrURE Cherry MATTFTTRE8S SET sTlO SLEIQH BE3ED solid ' = . IfALFAiJA^ 'sEEb'll == You cul and ‘>'d now, slia P(T BULL puppios btg Ornnd Valley C o m i *Attantion Daaiers wood. You Susan's Antiques & haul away.voy. Coll 208- Solld.pino. KlngslI size 4 ■ drossor w/mlrror & unrt, matching eo«oo P'M’leastlc. Can . dolivor. in box, LWt $699,S sell hood Call 206-543-■f3- aood. Oalfl. pa».; »' ;n poster. heodbcJboard. night stand. SIOO. tatHo. sofa table, .ond Coll111 208-J20-6350. 2t sjjo . Canin' delivor, .9262 Of 206-731.5436436 (u,o mixo«. grasa-i Colloctibios Is ' 539-3359 footboard, featherTor top 490-0647 altor4pm towo $498. Poffoci n rTTnESSSET™'m: = r CM2«t-A!0.>0 a350. ' .> I es. Bob Hamilton I ‘ 'pandlng. Reserve WBM'nTtlli ' youf space now. ' motlioss. high COUCH & love aeai. Cotrt.208-731.2711. ; Doo &«>>nQlnou> 8««<. 206-735-, M •. drossor. nJghlSt y foam. Conlorms lo sOFA SET 3 piecep cor- Coll Susan F u m ltu re j pi'lowlop-dark groin, I — I I body.idy. 'Now. novor ^or sel cen No «igo9, |ujt 0 lot,,0l ol I; 2192 or 420-4869 j | ^J08-735-1105 tof info, rurillU Mr e PI a v a r p c i mpio drossor Witi- enlor labto. n S-*®® « '• 6*6 00k ®fV FUHNrrUREI Twtn o * ^ , $200/(jf(or lovol Lg loncod yaitfMtf ' 22227 Main Avoou>E ______fok) mirror, n ^•.1 2 '« J a s . $ .0 .0 O.O.Or _i_usod__ SISOO,__ r„i>. - lartalnment :ccnter., . mattress sol wilh . .Sacnflicnflco . . . $399. CnII 208-423-?3-4765 ' __ — -mod-cokjrSioO.-King-- -nwloi------frame; ■0^6350 Cnndoiiuof,— ------Spflyodftiouiofod & flil 3UTTER OISH cov PRINCESS}S BED. I twin., 212-0739______------8)zo mattreaa & box ' 48x24x9 book shelf, ------iwn voneor ' - cuiioni stwls roqui'Od Hay G raln't Ried orod. condlowick pal- box springs r dark apring 801 $300. All . 43x19*29 computer PILLOVLOWTOP Q U ..J torn. $38. Blue wodgo . $110. Coll 3 hexagon Call 733.9027 ■ - tor Ifosser Iloms usod very litllo. dosk. kitchen lablo, $129. — ALFALFA I" cutting wood wa bowl S35, Chi-. O O O « < iddod arm WEST HIOHI.ANO ro, (2) oxc cond, -.08-438- 46* diamotor with 2 boxficTs s> nS r";coasters. ■"D (oeder hay. StKWon. na cupa A aaucera — ----- — loavos (11.5- wldo with WHITE TERRIER B° 2^ cutting, SllOflon S Sti toeacn. 543-6332. BED Black Blac ■ Iron nighistand S brastoss & 5522 or 208-670-2893 «,o1r.all7'l7Wwido. ------each).------Moving. 6350.'■50, Lonoeiivor, $150, Call32' mofltti.okl molo, noi or S5/tiok). Rupon ^ ,y. mattr'ess iTr^ s^DINING" " room 324-4854. moking it os a show flCTORIAN Oak Soc- ■j^‘^ ? ’springs spi sot. . cond, S750. 324-B mi/st solll Mako mo -■ " j - So 208-43t-9565, — _ wood, 6 Choirs. $100. . anoftor 293.5192 ROCKECKEH/GLIDER ' dog. Nood£ poi homo. rotory, Excoplonal' now. siillinr in1 plastic, BEDROOM SET: 7” ALFALFA Of GRASS Lg! IT; 7 Entertalnmant can- Shormlormog w/ottoman. 811 SSOO. 208-S43'9a97 Lg. Display caso. Lrsi S799, , bod. tor with lights. S60. ; — mix hay, hoavy 2 .catcabinoi drnwors sholl. §299. Cor YORKIE AKC fOg. 2 lo­ Con dol^rer.dol^er n,„hisiand, dro:irossor ‘ Sola sloopor stylo. *LIVING ROOM SET all . f | a r '2 HeaOns.gand lo- Blnng bnl09. 1" & 2 " bovotod bo\ mirror otig 208-420-63' • loomof. 3 pieces. , malos. ,) malo, laltior''0 ' cutting. Will sell small hardware hot Sl.OOO. Coil — ■■■ ■ ______. with muror. chost,5t, Still $75. • Coll 208-736-; ' Wonlng StSs.-moirwr Jibs, r " 4,000,. 8224 ollof Spm. S1.200’ or best otiot- ?£ • nmounis. Coll 206- 208-734-41182(H BED. KINGHQ PILLOW- ^ ' WasS2.700 Most solil snois bonutilul color-,Iw . 324-5082 Of 308-0073 = I i n w -. TOP $239.”9 r m allow 4 Sacrifice $1,499. ( ORESSERWANrTY ing, S1200 casn only. 3 yrs ok], Localod in sOFA-A lortg.'brown, I all - FIREPLACE: FobcoF; Bio , Novo? ufod . dolivor. Can 420-6: '.cornor 3 • ploco/9 Twm Falls. 539-0016 downwn cu$hion.'Sl50. Fool insert,. wilhw fans, Bom pntonls m! ALFALFA SEED. EBIRTHDAY drawer pine. Good . Jerome g08-739-6379179 Corn Seed (S59A)ag) ' COUCH 4 love S ------2 Damboo bam club chairs groal for cabliibins. $750 .— Super Wtnlor Hatdy , • P H O T O S delivo7'4M-it20-6350 - , . Hojculon ploid fobrrc fo Retail voluo LIVING I ROOM s e r In otfo tf« whiio. S150 sol. Call 208-734-.14-4646 YORKSHIRE Toffier 'Farmof to Fnrmor HeHovo you'lorgotton op n n fV iu « ------• . (wine. ■ bluo; . groauiilauiilul walnut glass Imo. plpo irtcludod irtc * 208-536.5605. - birttJday pholos? lui $ oflor. Kitchen lablo. top.I. hexagon h colloo extras. $500)0 or bost Roy Odermott '««wlvaUrmcha.’' “ I™' CENTER solid oak. Wo hnvo somo soil lor S499. S4 420- cond S200/OI will) (2) choirs. SIOO. tablo.lie. hko now S300. olfor. Call allor at 6pm 7 0 5 206-465-5280 or .pholos . we nro suie 6350. Can di 2^21: <»*c cond. $400 Call 68______1) 1-800-910-4101 733-1055 or420-a'•^ 5 5 20B-536-5355______Call 206-539-1491 , CallII208-733-6235 20 206-326-4556 Farm Equipment you don't want us ------— GRA6S -H A V -6lrfl.ghi------W10 tote. T1m?co can COMBINE John Deere” 0 grass, small baios. no 1be picked up nl H I I ^ H 4J00 with oram head­ woods. S6 por bole. jTho Timos-Nows er Gas ongino, Now»« Rupon. 208-431-9565 c fuel pump., oxtra Dolts. ^lassilio^oprj AC c>>argod. 3.10000 GRASS HAY. cotlifiod • nouis. Runs gronlloil 37 por bole or Sl30 8 0 2 04 per lon. Sm.ilt tmlos. — call 208-431-blM . ^-AppHanooo ■ ■- . CORN HEAOen J500 6 row Kompor. goodOd HAY lor salo PPLIANCES condition OM lioid(Id inihe Ruport oroa. *"'5Vit lypos and modols. toAdy^ S19.S00 or o( Pleose call sinning price S65 with bost ot'or. 308.-B279 208-434-4404. ■ • wawarranties. Also will do oppls. Repairs. T oadvertise caall classifieds n HAY Promium horso, Q( DUMP BEO 20 loot Oolivory availobio, '• hay for sale. Si 00/too. 733-0114 scissor hoist for'' mKlsiM bales, ap- —— 733-09311 (BXt. 2 l e c t o n xt f ' twois and gram' . prox. 700 Ibs, Wo will D'SH'SHWASHER wiin Call 208-431-5546. ' load yoor iruch or trail- flU'oluiot sysiom, SI25. , — or, Giondalo Rd.. S«o»>lovo G.E. Glass top, A P PL L^ lE L E C n U C ^ tRIGATION| ROOFTy j N G I FARM BED '81 Tra.leZ IIANCEI CLEANING HOME , |..r™ f 1350. Wastiar/dryer sms Sollovuo. 768-7683 S35C PAIR . 42' doubio ojiol. 34'4 . WhirVhirlpool supor co. l U U '/ i T.E.Elcctric REPAIRS & . • . bolt, S17.000. Coll:>’) T.S.C Hay Retrieving pnoiindy. S400 SOI, Coll „ , Jti-niixlclH,npw LANDSCAPING % 20e-539-5494. _ Call C ohat: , ~ 208-'08-30.8-oi6g ______S to n y C r e . ^ C o . ” c(«wiruciif^ M.IMiiliili-iyn*!. FORD poiato truck, 20’O’ 206-280-0839. - FREElEEZER 21 cu II Aut).c«n--i».cx|ierirtKf, and Lu>d«9{iii« »»> ING or PTO. good shape,0. WANTED TO BUY 324- S 'r n i m r i BowW&in.«inHl, ' S.,uvI!lMA[]All tviNn low miios. S7.500.0. STRAW , =5------^ iiminKxkln. ( „ 208306«739 I''^iill. "■'iU lEEZER Gibson up- miWiTU-dir J?.m 733-7300 Twin JOJW31.7MO (.fi{(Kirmi! Sv Cnll 208-829-5121 0'Dr Cali,208-539.2669 Of cy CUllffllH rnucftx.clciinoiilx. ghi. S400. Call 206------. .SiK-ciidiziiu: 208-431-3435. _ 208324-6551 | ^ Cnll20&-73' ^ ^ j a I iuiuloJT*.W«-dowluii |"_ ' ■ 70-1216:______— >(xiciu\tdo.Tony \WNCAREI FREIQHTLINER 76 L A W S a - ' 350 cummirts motor, •FRIGERATOR. A R T RIAI.1 A I .FRY I CLEANING I GRAVEL. I . ?:M4m2or-ll&OOIl . /•hv&Jmm Oig cam. 13 spood.° ■ "rrigidaro,S icomakor. .TOPSOIL. j=— ______,b — T* . .Jo ; « « O rt iz (;«1120H-7M WoBlern Star 75,1 Crops/Produce rikoko i now. S250. Kon- |»oiri.MonJil u r d c n S c r v ia ; id^K-'Vi'j>w_____ lore washer/dryer. inclwiin.miOarUHW M & K C lc a n in^ FILLDIRT i ^ E , lliinuiiK.Kniiin*! ______350 cummins. smoU KVWiWi ‘cam. t3 Spood with '1!a BARTLETT PEARS 5100100 boih. 293-4933 ' ,\«hiB Tc«t« REPAIRS o.,,™v(_v— ond viiuriviluEictinn." , • I{i-movnl&l)tfiKiml, . h'Vivi-iUjinjiim, . . . , , doubio L. now drivo“ Call208-324-J184 .s®®'de by side, 21, \iirirtyorM.-n-in«willi ■ ■ iK S,- b S3^£tt7/3J0-iafl7 ti:inUiw i: ULiw n rollers nnd now boH. aier & iCO (novor IJnn'aC ntoi J i.iirvi'(>rMm:illJill unit* Y” *- iinjIixTtnick .&t»nn.. ■ 20 loot spudnrck. now sod). 3 yrs old. liko 5ib iIw Jv- HolKiitlondiT a s s . StiallS, new sprocKots" I ELBERTA I ow. $399. 679-2201. RlrJ.lDJM: VWNCAREl "'"£.;;KlI'iili Ilf H T "■•'ftisr'- la-ain«l& l.icrn:«il 42M10(i'3I0-lB0« .MncicV.nllcv and twarings. Chevyy PEACHES & 5^ TACrUnth Utfn*4}{C'Tr/)W •83 Blazer, 350 motor. kSHER & DRYER Kn.&Siii.An.An.rTv«n.J cml.Oflin.^& - , I 4234)105/311SiV a f- BARTLETT PEARS " j '*onmoro. " HD targe ----- * IVmKpartnlian _ = = SerfposLawn e r g K.-iihiim«nvi-r, , , . FREtCHTUNER '9t iUER PAINTING .viu^iinlci<-iuMi|i, mmv-' SC R A P MEi e t a l I ; woi kl sleeper 4500 TOMATOES ‘ lois of WASHkSHER & Dryer like A l l i i l - l s a r s s f R e c y cLING u n p.. melds Trantcialit( n«o ones. 49 conis/IO. nowaw £350. Mi- p O RT m R A r r CGNCRBIIi l l I GUN n IntitinrnfldExtiTior C«di2i _ Single Trncr iuiUi>& x>d combo, now .n assiONS SMITHING f'nrl'jiuniiitit* ------irir with ramps, great . 'rt» /P h m MoUcrCcnavCe lor hauling harvest 712 r» = SIOO. 320-1224 iiick or CiiM-y .\I>Tr» M O F fiictinn All lypmofermcn-l.VI.- KimberiyCunHnMir 3aM1Hlor3aWW01 ; OBILE RV ‘f S S oquip 8 1 ion bales.^ Miscellaneous AG washiSHER Whirlpool, (Jaimw.' incliKlinKHiil«.i>rk.It. -t-i.Vfnnx-xjx-jvfKf, l - REPAIR T;;!-,.:;'!?;ET . S20.000 or bes- oNor.1. --- - QRY,RYER Konmoro - mr.TUjwiI raI.VI7r>-(S;)L, ' Winu-n.U'twiipptuidunK ------'I loims, H inlorosiod WASHkSHER/DRYER and ARTIS' ----- 1 ' 2C6-t23-<190 I Choppers. Scrap pnco3 pioaso contact oVEi SAWTOOTH (ion'lfoojoito lion' I Q ' m o K i VEN. SIOO lof W/D, A T E I^T SJffiCT METAL winlcniicriM.vourRV: STORAl (1)wilh electric st»arp- Joni2SCh-Koarl $150150 (or ovon. Coil oner. 20B-676-2015 , coNsmucnw HitUinKH-rvin-iind W.-cciVcomi'-tii.viiti! Farms 206.*^•S39-3379; ______ifFlnfArt ‘ ^ ’I HANDYMAN! n-|jur.Coninimi;il L>0*vratvrae?irx(i. Klrcth- wo CMC 78 6500 air7 208-532-4119 iSHER/DRVER HWUnt/i^iKvniuOi/. A lo Z I n tc n o n i iml }{i«i(l<'nli:i] ^ c:ii.l,|lllUllllUl«,IllilL*- iili. brakos. Hondnckson.; I KonI;anmoro Elile. whilo. Arnli(-&(h/idwiJiU,- M^iiwiiltyoun 208-733«48or ^ i>i'liv<’nnlliiviiiiriiiirlKiiiii-. pross drill with codar.. .. 7 I 1 4 condiindition. $250.' C.iU8'^9-(110lllOforlnfo. L J .^rSIirdUra^iit, pPnrndiac Landflcnpc r v = a08-tZ3-(0(^1 t 6 looi. S5.000 Call''■ Pastures Wanted ingle waalier $125 — Constructim PAI■AiNTTNG I 208-539-4875. .™n„.,73M805. ASPHA coNsnuxniOTON _ DiwflinndHciiURK, /U'FXCOWAIvo^t Drill lrriKiiti«i,N.-w JcfTfiifT sP a in tin rf 2iw-7:c>.imlogj I CRAIN DRILL JO 10''. Z WANTED 6 0 3 singto uisk. Snap o n ' . 3 ConcMi- ii)^ h a n d y m a n ! LiKTwnnd Sod. |Jn-(vin-tiKtl,U)tirliil. ------' Fall Pattur*. Corn p . A sp h a lt Kcxifin); & hunting. Snri^-ni. iiuuniwin^i.nwik-iiiui!. 1— ______- dual llret 169/38.• fio'ds. aifailo siubbios. •Bazaars And j& D Asi Call 208-733-4393 ng.n.Hi)>uill Iti-mnlc-U AilditionK, & CLEANUP nndKM^lliW cimiiiiimmiTixiI.n'niJilH. STORAC . Wo eon provide 24 wftnirxjwrii'nn.. •2‘ivm-l-jtTi. -jii r foncos & woter il ' 'cpui», D<'ck.H& F<-ncini!, hrttEniiixUn' ('allfdri HYDRAULIC POST till- l j ^ « ~ . Va J lk y ■ DRIVER w/3 pi. Hy­ needed. 100tOOa of vafdi ol J o h n 2 0M 6 20-0799^ .V HPO-20 SHC*. Soo K«3 I 160 [EEPING HCTailiKn n'movnloftlrliriii ,ciuiMtinfctiiminiiim. PADAIMING lof specs. Nearly now.. 7 ' 1 6 Or.N.,n“ A ?'“1;,"”063 [ b o o ™ ™ -----’ Wf*loit«Ii*mp>t.. ctwrnitlilp.vinyi • dnvon loss Ihon 50 . , Itubcn 20B-73+6600 > AG Business And 4 B renda'idals . CONSTOUcriOT 1 iJPHFR TRACTCr a F I posts, S4.800 or bosi! Service IMrectoty buhj ^ iiCT»79H8 I S ' S L.UFJWUK LU w n n K ofler. Call 206-720- [NTING INC. WOKK 7945 or 208.766.7327 R.n.i.k.|»«U.liom, IPPLIES rocks. Roil- n«lr.-m«lilp. itim:.K...u(.lcl»ut M « k O fA lIT i JOHN DEERE '51 MT,: I ANIMAL I ^ HANDYMANl L Tm dffi ad tios. Beams qll rti-n-xtumw. .M(wni;Knu-i.l,,nl.irmdinj! 2 cylinder, air fotcodI FEE3> .os Irom small to CnllZOM lC governor, lan driven. ^ WORK i= tint;. rge. 206-420-4728 ------' KITCHEN ‘'"i,Cnil BUI 208-3aWS514 5 M P74 *40.3 eyiindet; W - n I uiwftCf.fnuninBWvimd .______I .B O O IEEHNG ^ ^ _____ rmuhcan>entj>-.. •GcncmlhomcnriiQini^____ANDBA.TH• ____ ^^^3)8l3'iKH75or i.imK.‘»i«:K^i-:ni2H ______I- -Idaho iW « tXC.- -806— ti7a7.>207C«-U ~ = Ccmnli-tL-liivor m l lniijri(»(>|iinl0 bi-nnH. XBOXox consoio. orig,, 4 n ^ u e l i Ucw»iiHCT-1167 SERVIC[CE 8-6pmMon-Sni. contxintfotlors. accos- , n “'iCKiKS"' CmmnBdwMiiKic, ^ oiler. Coll 206-934- U7Sou(hP»i)i sorios — .fahn 808.73M179 VnllryiiHmi-Cnwi;. v -'Ji 8931 or 316-3697 irios & 6 gomes, oil * A-h J im ’s TTree SW'MWuit in good 00 cond. . SSbH; coNsimicnoNW] i 731-eicg 73aa270 54*, ■w^Tri, Scn'kc ' , r>-inK Ot Tub & Pools BUSINZ[NESS RMb.winJowii. -•,(:i.-.-iaUcixi.r. r.-m’tia.r! lnwniim PARMA 910 Mini lank LANDSCAPE & | /liiiimiLinim'iu "I'mijnj: & tiiiiidiildunt;. b«ot han/oslor, 22* ^ Tigof River, soots S E R VI'ICES I C ‘ Jcny^IIcatingBnd ^ Air Condhioifav LAWN «ndlU-«iitiit.-, S -riiw M w V i spacing. Exc cond. JENNUAHR ®5*ic$1000. Filler Ouoon sukwnlkn. MAirnENANCE [}u>'«.-li«.-lluMtl|)iiu»it nn«:Hj'.iir F a n n s Vacui fhTlCiHinialfn' Smricp & (nstnllntioi 470 208-676-5945 or 208- , Frw E«timatni iindiMficJxii. 30M7l^347i - - 312-2248.______BoancuUinR. 324-4 w i n fPALLS a l ' Anis Tcmons NOItniSlDB 2 o|£ ^ M3 PUV4ROnffiY Jlm J 'i UndaeatrioK - BKSiin I mniGATia^ F A X YOUR A N D S O N S _ U C COMK w r a m w G SHOPa I “ ‘s ® kN^JP 1 BBJExcavatkn^ Contfiudni , FRCDtXnS cuI L A S S iF J E D SmaUJotalnbncr* n a m A D aeftiiuiia.w » EiSmar.Coveriflsthe 1 Weddlnjf* Mnid £ Jwbcdi lifrtwfiinMand MoeieVoUeyand I , _ , , SIii»-GI(B-m.V» TIM•IMES-NEWS oddjobi. q u a t B ^ rock free,^ Mini-Coaiaann. ^ InvitntiontNopk CLASSIFIED Cutt««Au*ui Oiirtcn-'nanwCo& I S S S S ’ C L riithmfoins . BlDBltMfcJr. ______20ft-7aaW18 ^ ------30»>7S14n96«r------DEPEPARTMENT------Uwn-Mewirlei«nf------^0Oeaa6

S l l ' - - i i e a i i r - HsaUnflaml l i S m AccwtoriK- ' .AirCohdHtenlngI For V BENELUNovtNova 12 gs.. COBRA *05- C l ^ PJPLOHAT 0 771 8 motor imp. never UotoeroM; oxcaIIi ------home eJesfl,in, runs WOOD STOVE. “ FAST TREES Grow fli- rV T T T T T ?S;,sS5""’5. condition.. $2,000 FOUR WINNS t r . W). STARCRAFT 81 ‘67. 15‘ SHELLa. Late model gooj, 90K tnflTdes. ax- i ■ Schroder. In oxc. eond.H 10n^r.$9.e5-$1fl.9S » 1300 XTR. $2,500 ' With •xtra ext 0P0« l»w. fish or ski. nshing fi boat and traHer Ford.I. $475 $4 or bMl of- S ^ e n t tor (ishing. Holds lg. logs,’bumsn« doliverod. Potiod. C LILASSIFIEDS i good cond., ports, too manu (oU fish, (inder. $5000. wrth* fish fndor. 25hp for. 208-678-0103. 208 ' comping, huntlintlng. joe slow, vory otflcienl, Brochoro. 80^615. Ifpaystoreadtho »150.308-76:}-7631 Call 208-420-6667J Call 206-731-0103. motor, n motor nowly ------Site $4250 , !See al Seoo/offor. Comos 3405. ( ovothauiod. runs SIX PAC 6‘ overshol ,2 ,’6 n Rllmllmore In 391 'youth HaHLgy d a v ip sq n OLENM 71 18 (I open good. g $850. Soo at camper. W j e r o m ^•5224. w/)>lpo & totno wood. FREEZER VWrlpool Coll'^1 The Times-Nevrt mojoi, UKE.I —— _____i_Cnll20flT536-6705.------KENEW. 20 l i l M l l i l i l l M i bow, walk Ihtough 1216 i N Fillmore In rtg, $3J ------uprtgtif;—$2eiO.--B»d------tcto placo your ad ' ga.. usedil~5nen^niH 01 ^H I winbow, canopy. caJ-~'■ Joromo:324;S224"j ------4<54ort-or736^5039.- OODGE 7 6 Wlnneba-. Wl » 1 2 quoon, $160. DrtM or ; 203-»8r733-093t ext. 2 . I876, Call11308-7631. 301 ■ i l M l i i l l i l l or. S2.100/offer. Call ------go, 440 engingine, 727 9 drawer, w/n^rror. - a i 206-436-9490______9 M 0 4 SPORTKIrrXiNG '65 9 W transmission, t Auction!/ $250. Olnltig UbIe. k A A A A A A b u l l ELK; PERMITPE (1) • shoi compor. Im- tor. bad roof,I. i « ontlquo. S3S0. Coll 0 119 0 ' V ' - ’.1' .-$2500. OOEOE PERUFT HYDE dtilt boot. 16 8 \- ’•.0*p.»*nd;i, utaie Mnd. fuUy uade. 73l-S26(266_____ ^ Auctkmeefs Unll 49. Call loadod with (uil lorp. _ 206-423-4443 r,, ;: ^• eU w ik . ■ --C ,'(1) $500. Unll I S h e ilt ' soil a W C yeiW ^206-623-4444*446. Exc. cond.. ' $3900. ■ — — ' " JWrkirig, 20; Class n GEM STONE’ liqukla- sirrT - Calt208-732-0915r-^j^ morgood------I . tion solo. Thousonds BICYlCYCLES Full sbdV aUSHMASTEf(TER M4 - •♦•■USED SHELLS'— 00. Call 3 Carbine.' $2500. Coll 404- - COM.. o( stooos. hundreds ol mennons Schwinn bike. A2 .223 SEA SWIRL‘84 18 (ool OuaWy—Low 0 Ptkies- 7 or 734-2462. ' 206-420-6040.0;______. 3 slabs. Many Unds; Smaimall biko for a boy. 'T’«*y o ^ o i > ^ B i a DOWNS S ,5":'; Cu'O^.ltor.Apopo • ■ cutty cabin wilh potly, Solociion. < 312-1825 Dreamer, vWCTlON 8EHVKEI wood, bono. IhurKfer. Bothloth are $35 each. C h a ^ s Daiy Dali 12 go Hangor bors. brokley L0I8.18 0 ------U ^ N CE '96 9 w ft. ond litos. wonder- GEORGIE BOY crowavo w/hood. All vindows. S26.000. loot, now eorp0- 206-543-5670. .206-731-0002 2 208-73M222 ,I H.D. SSO. Air toxturod Cal >RINGFIELD ■ gun $2S. 734-9429 . lOPOTATOES 1911 Al .45.45 1 stainless • PIANO Evotoll. boouli- ,Frosh, Order nowl , w/accossoiios»10S. $550. A 1 36-2002 or 539-5466 - 308-4454 or 7736-5039 8 1 4 . (ul. 77 Uncoln Conti- 536-, nontal. 98K. 73 —— , Black. 14S0CC. Slagago . Lawn And Garden a PUMA 44 mog.. . 1 Kil. Screamin' EagiiQ\o m M V a V I ™ Codllloe Flootwood ' W I Brougham 43K. 613 WSWanted To Buy 2. lover gun Exhaust. 5,200 milos IW w/box. $13,888. A l ROTOTILLING Toton Or in Joromo. . 479-683-0709 or 479- WANI rm. PUMA Wood mowing, Uodo 774-4223.______wh0(S a l r “ Nol o t " To advertise call vrotk, dump Ituck & IC.MS25.50I1-u 0'0“*Jji, cond,.r s 3 = S : loador. Corrugating. PIANO lorgo upright, 6-543-5691 736-448t— , classifieds Magic Voiloy aioa oxcotlont wood and in WANI»NTED bolt OCWn or 308-8656, I HARLEY DAVIDSC .oxcollont condition, 22 ( Donvor Fins 2 or 22 mag rrflo. Tz— i 'oo flt- 8 o . 37( 733-0931 ext. 2 $325 or bosi ot(or. mbuljbular fod. Homing- REMINQTON actuol milos. $85g, I ‘97 Spotisior Hugg Quoon water bod. lod- cycio,), oir 01 compressor, and kJis ol m . Doiivory or p«k-up. 1 gas pum ps or nUGAR, paif. pai oiO with saddle' bogSS,°' • Thurs. & Fri, Sopt dtor d bods, boy ctolhos air blush', biu: furniture, neous: 20a-280-3000, x c u r a as station Iloms. modol Vaquioquoro, 44 $5,000. Ploase caii ci ■ (nowbomio4i), « loisof homo0 docor. < crofts, 317 AshIh 208-734-3SS4 " TopTo| monoy paid, Mog„ 7,5 ine 43,. eam-Spm, loonago K and womens now gilt 5 inch. CUS- 208-677-4S63 or'43 i Sal. 6 - ' 8 1 6 SOFA/SLEEPER Ton;rony 206-866-0274 ,om" j,ci«n.:«n. grips. 6302 a(tor 2pm.^ Saiurday Sopt, 16' brand b name cloihos, ing, guy ____ 8am-3pm, walor w hoator. snow miseoilai”l.™ o a .|. ‘ m . 5 l.mlyn:ly sole. Exercise Equipmentit bolQO/bt^wn plaid, (iill u/ami $1000/palr — I------1. fishing KNTED Old miiiiarv 6-S43-S691 HONDA '77 XL3S.350. Furnituro. houso* skis, &i home d6cor and . 2795IS JoshuaJi Way - siro, SlOO or bost o(- lousehold BOWFLEX XLT. gioai01 (or. Wood burning D6-66S6. good cond.. doosiosn'i hold iloms, sowing lots ic o( othor Itoms. . (Eastist ende corner) S i — i --! ‘-1 tun. noods cartjuralcalot, machitio. ok) . 210 Glacier — s. toys. cond. Wo'ro movtng.J. stove. Bla:o King. ' r f . Itico stun. :3 synlhotw $250. Coll 420-604040, injnks, coiioclibies. Offg ol North Lincoln TWIN FALLS FA Friday 4 baby slulf, Offic nood 10 soil, S5S0-J. modular homo ap------Saturdaiirday. 8am-? Fur- stereo equip..1.. 0 little CallgQ8-731-0fl90. ' proved. SSOO. Call ?'*«J|,%"8' HONDA •99C^2-S:250, yord’lOOlS.'s.lW JEROME Sat only. 8- nituro,0, miscolianoous 1 bit o( everything - 206-539 0020 '■ oxcoiloni shop Spm. Couch, lovo hbusehc;ehold Hems. RV 823 Robbir5S. NORDIC TRACK PRO VNTED Silver Chnsl- 544-7599, lapo, books. 1,700 5 StOO SONY tw Wogo Thni- WANT . ____ Sl,800. KAWASAI5AKI rocords, Naiional soal. = bakers rack, ox- pons} andam mOch more. (Between FallsISA < Rier Call208'670-1218. iron 36" flat T.V. Sil- las trees, rovolvmg t RI STARt 12l: gago -93 kxi25, 30O(t go< Googrophics 1943 orciso o equip, domes. 1393393 Valencia , oN of Grand'ndview . - ver, now $1100 soil coloralorod lights, oWor somi auto,,3 3,5 ,5 ,m ax4 jhapo. S1.200. Call Ci to prosoni, moro kids •< cioihos. lools. rT T rT T street) TREADMILL $600. Silver low dock alloweon ddcor, camo. nowaw -in• box 206-260-0572. 922 S. Davis TWIN FALLS FA F ,« ., V ■ ____ ' Evetyono Welcome! irdoy. 6am-? Mov- TWIN FALLS SaturdaySi S250/O(tof. T.V, siand w/Qlass. «3rn rn slalks. tiros to lit $500 206-312 7 1 2 1 1 -Ave. North j= Solurdo' Coll 20e-293-5368 Sony entertainment . ’'W7|«^RK.«208. — —------HONDA -99 ShOdO JEROME Sat. only. '"9 Salo! Sal Computer. & Sundoy. Hugfugo salol rERConton- j ,o o . custom paiilaint, ' ., 6-2pm. Baby items; mattressiress 501. misc. Lols of groailai deals : ' WEIGHT BENCH ROCk system , top ot tho '**•' ). 1 9 » oc- pipos iioof ooard lino, now $4S0: S2S0 WANT ards. b u h l Friday and Sat- cnb. tablo. playpen, househcsehoid furnishings and noal stuH!fl! (it, 350 IbQ. lat Dor INTED TO BUY S S i " ™latrol. ™ gold sojjjjio togs. • wm .much moro. .164 BlalrDrive Dr firm. Coll 420-6425. ’ 6 '! Sir •> pipo and novo vind- urdoy. 8am-6pm. loys. ckjthing,, and.muc rack. Iho works. S250. lovor boon juiokJ. S3700/o(f«3lfot. Furnituro. yard items, housohokl Items, 1&311 Elizabeth Eli Blvd (nearSmllhillhs) eonh. Call 280-0769. has has lag on • con 206-601-0825 Call208-670-1218. ■5 or iQis miscollanoous 536 5 Silver Beach Dr VNTED TO BUY iiHl .n box. 208-324-3266. Itoms. L FALLS Friday & TWIN FALLS SaiurdaySl 8 1 6 M u sic a l . W., $4500, ------irday 8am-Spm. 7am-? LARGE3E mulll- joksi I pay cosh (or !!?''?', 900 Milner Street JEROMEe Thur-S^ d boohs. Woslorn Call 206-670-170-1218, KTM 50 JR SX ’0 'Ciso oquip, (amily sololll Groat - Miscellaneous Instruments oid ond, ,------Cloan C yard sate, = = = = : ^ = Hisioiisiory. Children's. 3 3 5 race biko, oxc con :zral( dmnor ware varioty, someihBthing fot ForSale rodo only ono yotpfoar. -BUHL Sopt. 1 5 '1 16' Loveseat L sol. just ., Roso p, pattern, everyone! _ ALTO SAX Bundy with Utoratoroturo. LOS, Mili* p a —nlnn/H i lain- 8,im-? AutomoUvo 4 cioanod. ci lovosoat sot ... , ry. OIC. I iravoi to campingmi^ u n U n g ir cnair, books 1389 Park Me»eadows . BREAST PUMPp hand coso. Groat tary. Call RV pans, todmor. with 2 roclinors. i :^ |^VOS o j& misc. ______Drive ^ shape. S3S0. Call buy.,y. 800-623-9124. EqUlpmi doubio mirror drossor, n Modoia pump and pment 208-431-9910 kids clothos ,S loys, d' I Del mar Drive jWIN FALLS Sj — Bratj siut(. saddio .oak0 baby bod w/mat- ______Saturdoy stylo. S150. Baby; ,J22:2£±5256 ______0 turn.. ■wing. Groco. S2S.5, AMPLIFIER. Fondor cidora o l p L s t o m S BOWS M«l.(lathows, (1) KXF2S0-06 4500 MOI"O’’' packs, camping siuH iross. ■' 25 tables ol TWIN FALLS F- Fndoy 8-3pm. Nice handod, (1) s'«' Enoigy graphic and much much moro. yard y‘ safe items! and Saturday Sa 9am- some ontiquesIOS. Tea Bike rack, Ynkinia.I. Hot Rod Do Viiio. 60 cider,dor. Also intofosled 'eoi 'o'l f«n' , o( oak wafts, (2) 12 inch in. cdci oc supplies, liko LX right handtandod, Boih FMF system, flex ..nrtbai 1S08E4SOON 521 N Lincoln 4pm.. Carnival Ci Gropo can. 2 sols < S20. 208-734.3933 d and toady & quicksian. oxc cor k chairs. - spoQkois. -1 yoar old. bairoarrois. 208-670-3612 fully loadod ar 4 miles North on jwaro, buttons. P'ossod back 3°a.Vl.6946 423-5731 or 420-666 KIMBERLY Sal. 7am 0 hutch. BUNKBEDS^ with mat-J- S5M). ; o8-4;q. iooo ------^ to hunt. 208-4: Clear Lakes Rood T ng not nco cookor. (Iy lishing KIMBERLY Kit Sat. Inside ------...... glass and ^CO M PLETE SOUND WANT^NTEDTOBUr,,... Call 206-490-0762 FALLS Friday 1742 Glendalelie Ave 0 system with wiroiuss stockock crowd alloy. 8 2 6 ^----- Itoms. Christmas ' garago 9' sale. Houso- TWIN Fi BURN BARRELS SIO rcuif Itoms, clothing. some now. tumituro. 0 htiio “ "'y!. -J'7am-? Moving Behind the YMCAYh oach. Okl bain wood.1 mics, mixing board, Roos Equlamant 250 '97 pro citci ' '■ pipo. boy5Son toodods, lools (or shop & many bit bi o( ovorylhing. Salo! R: Ig dog houso S25. an­ spoakors, monitor. Catl < 441 Easi Madison chair,' " c S . '“2 Saturday . SI500. 543.6332 — 7 Custom, runs greot and loofc50ks moro, CASH ONLY. ‘ items, • tique oloci tango iNTEDTOBUVold. “‘'S j ' ' ' ______;------housoMooMoid liams. gas 0-4- Boby S250.208-543-6168 j Its. 3W Ib. gfeai. Si.SOO. 208- 20f iioms are pricod as 10 KIMBERLY Saturday drv'ir• andanr much moro.---- >“":hon iioms.s, homo ORGAN Lowery Cita- or■ roirood bike moiorcy J!?"'® ? ,,!?londod ;. mag 312-1560 or 438-850ISOS valuo. not to got nd ot. » 'urn, ) lion. 64 rhythm solid clos.os. Suzuki, Yamaha. K i ^ Ontyl 9am.3pm. Van- r,*? AsoenwoodAsp Ln s°mo lun DESK 5 drawer, SSO. ----- 214 Churchill Or. ous' household: artd —L ------' --- 651 Harrison n5 S IS BooktheK, SSO. Stor* ook organ. Liko brand Kowa (1.2 mi. E. on Hwy 61 FALLS Friday (By Oregon1 TrailTi , now, cost $27,000. 90's.r ‘?ar,°biko?ok Sr"-oxtr«„S"'S Chrisimas items TWIN f t age cuptMsrd. S30. , M l 208. . look (or baiioons/s>gns. . ^ A2J ^ Siorage Units Sopi.. 15“ 15 8am-Spm_. 'ElomontaryMy)_____ Wheelchair. $25. 'SOn (itsi $6,000 takos It. Colloil'208-731-8296 : oi Call 206-734-9760, -206-;W-212-5479 Nonh Main Street Saiurday Saturday Formica drop loa( ta- Across trom 6am-3pnS . “w ™ TWINFALLS.. ------KAWASAKIi T Jl i T s i c T ' Ing sizes 16-IX. 8:00-?Chippisper/ ble.' 208-734-1764 PIANO , .m aple Wuri- WANT (2) ♦Trailer 11 ’,15 urday 9am-Spm, An- or 1993 750 shOW. S » t Sept. 23 tiques. lowolry and __ Sentential Park 'o?s' >l.®b00ksandmis-o" k sh.oader, me T iKOf. upnghl. oxc con- UsodJd wrestling m ats 45 ,<1997 750 Noon-4pm. DOORS doubtu son- )prox, I2'xt5'. Call s S 's it down. ' lots o( miscellanoous RUPERTr Sal. 8am-'’ coiinnooinoous. scooter, Shop^p'light. I ’tion, 6 loot with gloss.; dition.'S1S00, Auio app« SI'I.' Registration ol t lom nachlne, horp w/caso, SiOO, Jos'’)Sh 490-1877. OBO.C01J308. houiohold Items, 3 Family Sale! 239 Oub ■S300. 208-306-0160 308-6140 .by Bartons Jowolry.y 3825 N. A 2200 E. Exorciso Ex biko. lull 31:0 __ “"“"s s k ulf,;' - novor usod. Call 208- No ontry foo ayPr- ESPRESSO ITEMS5 .190-0647 odor 4pm. 3 901 Turn left on Stevens headboard, lois ol jWlNF fFAALLS I 1251 Parkway ______PRIZESI_____ ^“namo’bfand'dott^ing ' ^“ HOVIf' ------Ow'*----- 70Qf— own - j^ T VVS s Call Penny 734-2064 JVINGSALE------TWlN'FACtS'SaSaturdoy osptosso shop! I havo5 TRUMPET ' Conn stu- GOODINO Friday ano and moro! Fn 10-2.10-J Sal. 7-2. ■ Only! 9am-tpm.m. Toys. I, doni modol with extra WALK mosi o( tno oquipmoni iLKER now 4 whool - 7»T 7 7 ‘03 500 YAMAHA ‘01 CiV50 m Saturday. Largo yard 1502 A Siroel oownsi;trnsizing so musl tjooks.' homeI dOcor. ■ to stan. S8S00 CallII mouth pioeo, liko new 100 sale. Lots ol doming. = ? part,rt with.Wl Tons Ol Oikes. (urnitute. (ur n condition, $300 or cnQ .maiic. tod. Zu™> Scoolo^r. 10 botwoon S-9pm ;%.=£,‘soS’S bosi olfot "iiios. St200/ol(o,llo, toys, and much morol RUPERT Rl nroaloal nousehold strollers, cnb S more.1 206-404-2166 bost oKor. 320-2937 2oe.; ill 206-678- Call 206-423r9083.I Located next 16 Wise < Estate Sell ilomsDmsand(urn.l -. 1264 Wendell•II SL S :S « 2 i2 ------1___ Basque Cenier Seplember 702 Rive 2917 or 206-4: YAMAHA ’03 YZ25I250, ------14" 4 15” 9-6. (Behind tw in FALLS sSaturday . rfTUrTTi or206-43l-46: MUST SELL! In goolOOd GOODING Saturday Seplember S 16" 9-1 BrecIreckenrldga Only! 8am.4pt1pm. 3 KEEPI’ UP W ITH 1I W E T „ - „puu'| COiKf.. $3000/o(1oHer. Only! Sopt. 16*. 8am- Wator W. lall bodroom throitrough gate) Lois ol 5pm'. First Chrisiian sol. s aniiquo buKol. — ^ somelhing forr overy- 1 TRXSM Foreman TF Church. Misc. houso- solo. s W/0. Ro(rigor- -nviN FALLS FAI Sat 9-3 Come ondidsee. 1 AlAUCTIONS 2WD. $4250.250. ■ YAMAHA '0* TTR22J^ • hold Itoms, fumituro. oior, « 2 (roozers, Boautilullliul bunk bod sol 695 LynwoodJ Bvld.B Coll 208-73S-735-5353 like now condiliot sporting goods, lools, patio p sol, oil kitchen |,om As^ a(ior6P(6 PM. Jinrdly tiddon. $2,80( Ashloy lurniluro, -nv,N FALLS Saturday Sol Corner ot 4" & Items. it Mk*oy drossors,lors, ireadmiil, onty! 8am-? Dining I ------* 735-6494 or 316-264fli Nevada Streel MouseI collection. goll ciu: POLARIS -OO)0 S:325 Ttail ------clubs, lois ol ,00^ loblo iv/cholra. w/( 50F —■ - ' Thimble 1 colloclion. mgns,;, womens, w< boys exercise equip,.Ip,, win- Boss, groot001 cond. YAMAHA '04 YZ4S0F Hummoil spico sot. ^ gi,i9 c ily 4 whool. now cond, with lotsS oic HANSEN Friday & Sat- •- Is Clolhes, toy», ,o/clothing ondid more,1 Groot family 4 books, quoon s>te txwkson ot. S2000/Off«i/offor. Call oxlros, . S4300/o(lt)ltor urday 6am-Spm. Es- » sand bikes. 179 BucWnghan«m Dr. 162. Call 208-731-2079 tale & Moving Salei mattross. n & lols iS2Boi: Bonny Drive ------— ' ■ 208.734-7162. - motol...... ------TWIN FALLS SatSoiurdoy------POURIS -04'04 SOOHO 0 0 3 nico Itoms too numer­ 30 N 300 W TWIN FALLS FAL Sal onlyl only, 6:30am-5:l5:00pm, low,-inllos witn ous to hsi; BUT IN­ By Blue Cow . , 7-till Its its gone! Stuff Range mterowwavo. like now " eo t S S Boats And CLUDE: Mission oak ' 208-312-4900 Irom which wti dreams furniture, loisof5f misc.’1 $4,800. 206-538-539-3599 AccoMorlet furnituro, Doprossion — made! Col- 308 RobWns AviW enue ■— glass. Plottigral dish- TWIN TWI FALLS Ft) & Sat lectibles.los. oniiquos, ------PO U RIS ’06 8-4pm. TV. VCR. cab- uniquos,os, Somo of diS TWIN FALLS Salt:alurday. h * orfros BASS TRACKER >69 '8: os. Christmas tree 8- eye. wtth ,nii. and docorations. quilt- inei. in< old chosl. tools, and a1 wholowh. k>t dat, 6am to 2pm, bost o((or. 16 foot bool whh troll DBAItalrDr 1470 Tara StnIrM t C heck the TTimes-News Class! lon Ing motorlals. ontor- small sri rolng. weed 400 A i s i f i e d s , | S a ° . ; 2S“520-5766. or, good condilior whacker, ontkjues. r r r ; — r leand ------$4,600 or besl ofloiM„r' tainment conlots. wf gic Valley sections,s , RACK SYSTE ! olt desks, TV. VCR’s, misc-NooailvJirds.- ml »n)____ Magii ’STEM 2- Call 208-731-9969 0 664 Buchanan 7^^-^ ^ . place, sidee loadlc (or 20e-733-6e99 - . compulor.' hospital iand log on to I truck. $ 1,000MO Call .JJ CflpH— ■ bod, walker, crutches, ^TWIN FALLS Frt 10-7 andrnisci FAX.YOUm l I 208-678-5216. iP'i, dishes. lowols. bod- WWW/w .m — ^— 7 ^ 16'. nowly robulll 4.; & Sal 8-7 Backyard- 243Mom 4-3 omg. comforter sols. salei * Books old/new. O ftol4 TRAILER heovloovy du^ Morcruisor 1/0-12 nw- nw Lown & garden iloms. ?“ riJSvre.-” CWSSIFIElE D loys. drums, lots ol Batweetiwen Locust a __ with ramps.. e6 nfi . x a n . - warranty, fish & depil'Pin children's itoms and ^ new tires, o) misc. Romodetod. ______EastlandE« AD “'OS. »• toys ond much moro. ' F■or o r more information . condition. $6SI Uu.1 u c rl'lc . S6SOO«0. 3622 N 3950 E Iloms. '‘*, TWIN FAt 2027 Hillcrest Dr JilIH1 Hollon 208-735-3222 . 678-4560 Of>f 3131Z-4i0i. Qji, 412-8481. FromHwy30W®' _ J " ^ l r ? “ oSi TiMES-NEVEWS — Rock Ctvek Road In TWIrWIN FALLS Fri. & croft n w FISHING BOATS (2 H«ns«)(3a00E)go Sat. Sa 9am-2pm. COME conterple< CLASSIFIE1ED _____ ^______J T h e R TffiBfovSnSfrtcSn.cartloadlo 16 tl. w/trollors. ??! hai_____ L m H ttJU rem _____.SSE E £ l_ WoVo-flown:___ dlo«..Chrt " ------— c5ifS5®rHiWr

E-ia n m w W w s.MiMi,idri» iM nm d»sm ^i4,M 20M .__ ^______■_____ ^n^»(k^8^p^«>nb»fll.2«>o^ T iB n » ^ 7 iifa fti» .M iiM &ia ;


• /y - > L V — I f ' ^ '1 J I I -M I A N EEWLEVEIL OF CON I '-M J I C i a l ! OtillLEJ I f lo o a taWMOMIHK I j T O , (5S I

fN6143.N6155- l#P7004 l UODCl/Ml't H AS LOW AS ' I M S R P ™ .™ .™ ------..^ $ 1 6 1 6 5 ^ ^ I ' XM RADIO FOR 1 YEAR S S : M ? , 9 i 5 YEAR 100,000 IWiU I “l!^riTo"sK i i WARRAKTY' ; *13,98 H V ^ IslliS V

m ^ m I f l B B TOM : 20C 4 HYUN^SA^MF ^ I f f l K D)6 NISSAN IfTi^ i EEetBi )st 1^4X 4 ilH C H O O SE ■ 1^1 I6NT24,6NT25 M00tl*21110 |fPHH|B' MSRP_ < sr.;-.-;;-.--- b ■ ^ • IZ S - ROB'S DISCIISCOUHT C nm , ' Cmw Cab • I h TT a '^ H ' MTGRIMTIu n ------SMSO M i *H O T ow P 5 ydar 1 00 ,0 0 0 mih _____3.1H F n 60m . 16,781: \ • nu i iiii. **| 0*C HJUWimtnvwm'iPiwn'■!»>«.. 10% twsnw « ti«« raiit>vi Ui h«■JMOXWMJ?!- jnt aTU^S^UBltiOtMr.UttlncLmi Sn' FTiy.fflirsim%iaiirntitautiiir;'McfMiXiaAtuui ivM[tihr(«s:J?arj^'r<'<>rJ3..i.-.<< >ini.-i .rtvi- r,vri!r,t.i™*p-x»'nc«™a)-f.n>'ji(iiwt%'».«vo.iif;ttiwi '.»',An*vrini»T»(*nio: ' / W i k -If 0 l i ^

% O n t nA V IM CilT 1999B¥CSiemmExt.Cab4x4,>m, »..«N0W<7769 1993 I m T mfnofa,m>, ______-to J B>»N0W*3987 B I l o I w K M l Y l C l l I O.A.C 1998s u e 1 5 0 0 4 x 4 ,^,...... _»,...»NOW '7781 ' mmiMIrfte ft.■ « « _ ___ ,______la^niS.ntNOW*48SO ' Tm 1998Jeep S a ______fniOI«N0W'S986 B r biiRrcllAUrE DIIIC J. AnVAMTAfE ~\ 1999BIIIC25BIIExC3btmu.. _ — <«i.g«N0W'8023 'ENANCE PLUS + ADVANTAGE mmneiBiiepii^., . «,.«,now8284 2IIII1Poiitlact ______;...... w .aN0W«6348 THE GREIEEN AUTO GRIROUPINTRODI)UCESMAINTEI . JUSTnODUCED-ONEVEIIVEAR FREE MEMSEHSHIPwllii annny vehicle puicliasel'Tliat means allallot yoor most toitmonmalnlenaiiciiancereq«iienienlsarepalillorandpeitorniedly,protesslonal,cerlilleJte^^^^^^^ 50(1 imw »,i.!«NOW'8594 2 m m rilfllSimi n __——______n i B>»N0W*6593 B - Ue. oil SlillerS limes pelperyear.(illeselSsptliellcseilra|tra) - - One year winilsliiellieii rep air------:------r g E S s i S t e ------m em rC em ile«.: ...... ::::=i=iT^N0W .*«680 ------m t a mIrnvoCOfn/'in^ —______^ -Ito ilW^NOW *6842 ■ Fliilil lop ofl wllli eatl) oilIcliange. ct " One year lire proteiiteclion ■ Accraiiilate loyally reward points tor parts, service, repalis or 20B2ClinSletPICniiSe!,m<...... »i.!«HOW'8707 m & ie r iVl/ i e 0 e m ^ ------— ...... I n t W »N 0W *6925 ■ Tire lolallon once per yearir ■ One year HieOTatanlontproleclim ■ Cat wash eviiyseiylce visitIsil ■ $25oHpainliessilident repair ovei S1(» m m Heiletif»»L — i — :—______l n {wN » 0W «W 32 ■ MDlllpgiolniioleiiaiitelnsiInspection wilh every visll ■ }75BoilySliopillsiIlscounloverSSm SraM Httr"'*'*''''''"''*'"' m BaiseM tta^,...: ...... -...... «n,»NOW '8890 m m g e l k _____ :______;-.fc$ illH...NOW <7344 ...... _ ...... Ill m m ...... »<.»NOW '9243 1im i^‘i'iiiii:»^lF m ltfiflW fW ...... «„»N0W '9994 1 9 9 9 ^ i s - ____ ^______! - l n tin>N0W<7413 M . 2 o s ^ m ______M iWt«N0W*7418 B > Iln UfSHi mBttCkmie,m.-.:.-...... __«.„»NOW '10123 1 9 9 S M ..NOW *7434 /OnceAgslain ROB GlIREEKHas .Team edupw iin ^ M Fomnstiir.^, „«howio93i — —fwjja l wN0W-i7672- - SCHWAN’^SMANForirJlCOOl D eal! ^ ' j^FordflSO,^’...... ^ ...... - ...... «,.«NOW *12784 ______4 - T h e ^ dhwoii's GiftI Certificate’^( j* ^ ^gAxi fHhevervvelehi^ purdrasel y i=»oivT-i/tv<^^BBH|S^^|^|^ e SO' runoni j FREE 1/2 GALiUDNOFVANlUA COME CHIU WITH ROB |9 l( |1 lj|B f liB myoutvmt~ M KECREAMWWITH TEST DRIVEf i g GREEN AUTO GROUP.

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lO O tt Winiiii I O M loiku Ansvtrers: ’°“ suv. SSrHonW HYt ] A v l a l l o n ______[ do___ Trucks Thicte Thido Thicks. -6-5-12_9_7-|4_3_!Z] ______SPORTCOACH ‘92 ~ l P I t h i i c i Di«Ml puarwr. 34 (o«l - NOTICE soiiyiDCKSW ANliblTl-CH^,^™ISO ongino. 3 7 1 5 6 2 .8 !9 long, loaded, g roal. III your vohicio lor 2 condition. Claasltlod ■ 734-8471 condition, undor SOK Advortlsor. CA^ 9 2 3 4 8 7 6 _5 1 milos. S33.900. Coll c^ t A v , ______• 20e-670^2Ba. ____ mnk< F O y •OOpiosol Quad 5 1 4 2 9 8 7 _ 61 ______lakes and models l ^ 3 - ± i TIOOA M Class C. 26 ■ USB2500 4x4 automatic. o o ad lor accuracy tho L—_ , fooi. 460 en0irw. gon- s i 5.950. CO. AC. cruiso. ^ 8 ° 6 7 1 5 3 9 -4 first day it runs. BRIOAC 324-0069 emtor. microwavo and ve 7,3L. tiirbo diosol! $5,299 7 4 Tho Timos-Nows will CatiAOIER die '84, AT. 2811 So. Lincoln _ 2 _ an mo goodios. Lois : diesel. 20 tt, Ross CHEVY '98 Exira 4WD. XLT. AC. PW. 4 9 6 8 3 1 5 : PL. tin whool.' CC, ot now! SS.7S0. Call • - only bo rosponsiblo I wilh siiago sides, 4x4 Silvorado.: 206-543-6763 or 206- tor any errors ?d.lSS! AM/FM. S7247 CI E P ® ' “ 7 4 9 3 2 5 118 ^ 7 4 800 Wlih 20' Vortoc350. S< Sm alleyigo^rs W ID RLgK A ^ 731-676 3 ropoitod ontho tirst Callibio 20 L spud bod, ' 324-0069 Mark 306-5002 g 2 WINNEBAOO ‘94 Ad- 1208-260-1132, 2811 So. Line 5 206-736-2460 2 3 8 6 1 9 4 !7 doy of publication — — »• W- fORD '00 F-250 Supoi voniuror. Class A. 30'. Pioaso Coll ' 2 roof AC's, quoon - VROLET'02 Cob XL, V-10 ongpor ^ I 9 1 8 \ 5 7 4 |e 2 :3 I bod. all Itw oxtras, • 733-0931 oxt. 2 , \O X ftn now tiros, a a:, ciuiso, U % .S“= SmJeyllMi AT, trir pkg. 38,SOC flU cood. 60K, Loadet 1 0 0 8 1 0 0 8 $22,000. ',08-734- 1 1' 0 0 2 tainmoi DODOE •Of 250C mis- vory good eond,w I 70030f 208-420-9091 ■:HEVY'MSubu7ban. Sl Auto Parts And “ “ i hJ ’TS' --'’"J”" SUVs______SUVs ny In bod iiner. ^ . .| CHEloathor 4x4. kudod. jow ay gooso nock • ^ FORD '00 F-350 powoi— FORD'98F-150Super loa -Accessories ban. 9-5244 sifoko.XLT. crow cab, very doan. $7,950. FORD'0'03 3 Escopo. 1 4x4, ^SBWf.VflWcto =~ ■ - runninf cob, shon bod. V6 vei 324-0069 PW. PL. L'i.:omatlc ACCURA '90-'93 $27.00;ing“ « o i S short bod, 4x4, grooi 2811 So. Lincoln I6020mii condition. S16.500 oi 5,4L. outo. 4WD. Utl- ) milos $14995 TUCkER SNO CAT-59 'Iniogro interior pons. 260-30 ot. PW. PL. tilt wheel. 2 Jeromo. ID. qeaLER lER 733-5776 lights, now body kit. cHEVRiiSSli bosi olfor. Call 208- 442 pIcX-up modol, ■ n j f l 934-8931 or316-3697 AMff^M, tooihor.' runs o'oal. many ex­ 206-358-1235 soo 9 b h S $7893 SmalleyM dtdrs q m c ''00oo Yukon OE- JE E P '02 iras. SS.SOO. Pioaso 1605 < Grandview Or N K S l jnDUUjKAlW — Sn ------NALi. silv.silver, oxc, con- milos,' oxc condind. woll call206-43i-3248. J «S2 TFSat.&Sun8-4 206-736-2480 ----- , S1l.600/olter. equipped, groatlat SUV ■ B f f i l l l H DODOE'01 i g Call 208->08-731-2281 or for a groolI price. FORO •87.'97 pickup Cummings, oulc vory ■ CMC “go Suburban H long box tor sale. _ >*' 208-731-{31-8161, $13,500 3 B S 3 £ t long bod ISO. 4x4. ■ FORD'04 F-150 Ext. ^ 4x4, humor truck, tow- A s s i s t Anit rro 'ilkimlTntm. Mako I otfor. 208-324- | _ "“ i R U r cloan. S16.950, " 9 , cob, 4x4, dark groy, mg upgrados, noeds m:HEVY'99 m Tahoo. LT. ^ H B j l 4552 or 324-2724 . 324-0069Jncoln iivo now. 32K milos,oy, pamt work; $3200, S B | 2® ^ l d a h ^ i STH WHEEL HITCH - 4x4. supor ckian in- FORO '90 Bronco. H 9 2811 So. Uno'•W- nlco.iruck.S20,900,OS, COII308-4155. Wendell 208-536-36-1900 ■Hijacker UlUa Slider Jeromo, sido & out. 95K milos. Oout)le Pivof, stwn parts I only. 351 on- ■ ■ H QMC'934x4,shor\bod $9950. sId gino. good condition. Crow., JEEP '93 WnVrangio* box adjustmoni. Mod- j DW. LS. maroon. S m alleyiyt6C pickup. Cloan V-6 S9200 lor SwnltAmlHewy 1500.5,9U parts, Bost oltortor. Ci-'; AC. klicrwn with ml- , long bed. Dura- DOOOE'98 1500 ■ 1-eOO-574-t248. | [■ * crowavo, slove. ro­ E a u l n m ^ < f?«. PORO '94 F-150. supor loodod,(, 69K milos. LT. V-8, 4x4. oxt- lrig,. sleroo. sway — Jod. ioaltior. ono 77.500 ml. goo » eob. s^'on bod, V6lor L, TOYOTA '01 4-Runner. B bars, beautiful condl- BOBCAT, bi aniculatlng L. . 9SK hwy miles, ton. H I n is s a n '00 xiiXiorra^l lor. oxc cond w/good sp a n , b tow- Uon. S20.000. Coll whool » loader, modol ,.900 or, wom bom] greai cond. $14,500/ ■ SINor. XLT *■ m m S i i J M rod, 4W0, a c . S ' B S S S & )AI'05Tuscon Ing. now tiros.s. vory 206-731-4174. 1600. 1 runs groat. LSBIBT A ir r o 9500 ib. wornPS. v antli aoa-736-2480 > olforrCall320-1621 leather. Si V-6, aulo, PW. HYUNDAI' PL. lilt, cruiso. A/C. GLS; 4X4.4X4 CD, cruiso. cloan. 85,000} nmilos PnOWLER 75 16’, JS6500,734-5721 SfUiKUUUiB ' Air shocks. lial. PS loctory . ; . i i leat — JRUCKS WANTEOn 21.600mi1es. PI $16,950 PW. PU PL. RM, rool ' Asking S9$9000, Otan. self conlolrted. INTERNATIONAL <>j ’»3 WondoU'5 S. Idoho St., sUp difforonlial,, temporo- i refrig,, ail appis. j idoll 206-536*1900 compass & ter ^ 1 Son your vohicio tor 21.1 rock, Siock»- SI 2048 .Pioaso cpit :208- 8100 series OT. 468, brake con- PRyiHfilCAL S1799595______320-2224 or• ;208- $1800.934-5209. 7 • spood ironsnilsslon. r tow O M SAI.B* vv ■ • 0 3 = S S i XIn connoc- R CASHTODAYI P I 736-4481 CHCvnni-rrj 366-7143. PROWLER 7 7 10'. Pinto > hiich and reeolv- ’ , or hitch for pulling ,[ ir extorior H Buying all yoars, pretty good old trailer. | ■ makos and modols ___•ORD______'------irallers wHti oloctnc or " PORO'95F-lSO.iong (2,000.208-324-4552 < I linor, low pkg., mirrors. 4.10 lOi ■1 1-800-574-1248. | FOF| ^ K ! P | n f H | 206-7;6-733‘-3033 ______or206-324-5747 air I brakes. 12 loot bod w ’Iiros w/nm. auio .oonn and ® oxc , S S ' 6 cyl 4.9L. 5 5pd — -wrtt»— otoetrio— ho fruckP^And W 28'. awnlno. no sJklo. 5.000 i mikrt. S8,500, CHEVY— ------OODGE '97 C m M NISSAN '05 XTER ExceDont condltk>n, Call i 208-431-5238 oxt, cab, SWC5 . c l : FORO 'SS F.2S0 XLT 4X4, VC. outo.10. AC, $11,500/Otfor, Must d<^lmo I or 208-736- power overyihinI 77I ' 4x4. Supoi Cab Am-Fm'm . CD. SoB.208-390-1058. 3339 evenings. . M W $5500 316-177;------PoworsHoko, 5 spc 1. tool >6 4WD. manual, canopy, lots CHEVY '87 A 'flsi k ISUZU'99' lorraniy. SALEM ‘03 25' 5" KENWORTH K '04 '92 DODGE '96 S S S s - - wttool, 12' Mng/din- i :. quad cab ol oxtias. Low milos.Ots S 10 4x4 pickups. I Edd'e Bauor Ediiton. *£■, Ffolflhtllnor. 74 45 fl I v rt* * £.<) wrCummlns.J.700/otfor. qu. $8500/offor. Soe os. 01 Bolh aro 0x1. cabs, I Edi milos. Clean. big sHdo, LIKE NEW , box | trailor. Coll 208- M 3 i \ blue. V-8. P ', PU lilt, 170K. S13,70(0-1018. . 469 Hankins Rd. N.Ql ve auto. Both njnl. gluioulse, Art:. *1995. I loaded w/opilons, 539-6883______Call 208-670-10 Hnch IncM. S1S,000. r Call 208-736-7041 N ond can be driven. I q. Call 208-731-6466. LEROY DRESSER 165 9 Dakota — ------‘ Can 206-123-6396.1 Compressor. Uke ^ 5 ! ! ? I OODQE 'S9 0 — ask. tor Jlm fori p | K *308-5002 736-4481 ------8UNNYBR00K *02 5" now i with 900 hrs, Pd Ito, KUV body. V-6, Spoit, 67.0001 lurthor details. I ------JEEP 'Wheel, 31/33 ft. 3 0. A/C, 800 mltos. V6 3.9 mor or sides, oxe cond. Sigb™ c.ii8M .'g!!o' at lor plumbing or AC. powor leaand liros ' $3000 under retail al - yeor . P OOOGE truck pans H P * J '05 Slop dock strucilon. . $27,950.' bod lirior and $24,745. S43-Z03. - loss than )- i FORO'95 Super cab Irom 1955-1970. H SUZUKI'01 XL7 . trailer. 11 fool uppor I t ^ f t r n C A L old. $7,900. Have whole truck or H 3 seats. 4x4; 49:000 4! W!LOCAT‘OS29'trsvol dock. i 40 loot kjwor 7' 06. Bolso long bod 4x4 XLT IT ports. Coll 208-356- H miles. Automatic.llic. AC, . trailer. NEW, slkfo- d < eelt with boover tail, — r : - " — *■ $5,950, 'ANTEOII 324-0069 2717 loovo message.- ^ 'Onty-SIO.950:— out. $25.000totfef. 3 ramps, 34.000 Ib. 324-0069} limit. 12,000 ib.'olec- TRUCKS^ANlBhiclotor 2811 So, Uncoln JEEP '87 parting out^FOFsport ullllly. V6 2,9L. 5 Call 206-733-4027, i 2811 So. Uncocoin - trie wincti, electric » T S 1 Soil your vohicijiaio Jerom*, Id. Chorokoe. 7 8 Chevy spd. sp( 4W0. XL. AC. WILDERNESS -92 29', brakes, ! S12.500, I M l j i a B i f l l Immodiaio p/u front dip SC5. Call $1913 spc . Jeronw, Id.d. AC, gos-olMt rMrlg, Can , 20B-73I-0103 - C H ^ CASH TOO/ 206-731-5266. ^ microwavo. solar pan- _ d models ...... ^ 206-736-2480 tm. AJC.K < S ,:." ' Smalleyit!^| 3 r s I ' ■ I 14 ton,VY '05 Silvorado. «" V«t TIRES, tnick (4) » els. rear bdrm w/Tufl ' on, crow cab. *^4, »-i248i C O N N E C T vo«ioc M 255x70* 16 H v«m, ;___ customI Whools.whl 17.500 - width do a o t TV'on- loc5.3V a.bnlv3K 1-800-574-12 SI 8,488. tanna. oloct tongue ■ ' WTTH m $100 or best otter. M jack, lilteh & tension " i s . . " r s i r f o r d - - 6 736-2550 after 5pm. ■ bars, vary pood cond, rcusTOMERs saa P R( ^f J i n c A L 18,000.80^628 . -iWHONEEDr _____ I I TOOL BOX Weather HIMC '00 Yukon XL, FORD '96 F-250, long■ Guard tor a pick up. ^66K miles, loaihor. on - Y O U R : • CHEVY l i i i bod. V8. 7.3L. turbcg GbOd conditton, $75 ------TOYOTA'00 4-RuRunner.i star, exc, condilion. VY 7 6 lull. sUa I H ^ B S diosol. aulo. AWD!bo or bost offer. Call 208- I?' SRS, 4x4. V6.-}.-ibWi BB______M(Dka_MtoQd«UAb, r«vino io' Find a QOod ut«a nlCO, $11.1511.000. TOYOTA 'S* M'.r j 6 o. —AUnrUleneeerrleed^— wnrtm Immodiaio ^ n a r A u to ------i60K-Tn!i«rw ATV I n t e r wMi at- aoonlUiton.UM*Mr* /mm7N ^ S-speed, good shapo»■ ------CASHTODAYI------^ l7N E-15 1010 ■ • 1010 Thursday, Sept.)t. ]14,2006 101 0 1 0 1 0 - 101 A i i t b i ' Airtot ■ __NAutot : Au M ] CHEVY ‘94 Con/otiotioT FORD '02 Mustang FOP'ORD '05 Taurus, c a rtSWANTEDIt s w I THEA(\CESONBRIJD G E ^ Bobby WolVolff • nuio, 60K milosios. convenible. luliy load- khaW. khj PW. PL. 25,536 rour vehkUe lor. _ _ SI 2.500 Coll 32424- 0d ,47K S13,50n/«f(or milmiles $9995,00 ' immediale 4552 or 324-2724 . 208-539-2997______DEALER Dl 733-5776 ' q ^SHiSH TOOAYt ing an yeore. “H u m o r brings i\insight aiid toler- NORTH M C la s s ifie d HVTNb“ ‘02" I os artd models ance. Irony brinrings a deeper and 4k A 8 Acconl. 2 door. 5 1-600-5»-574-l24a. I P r iv a te speed. AC. CO P a r ty A d s less friendly understanding.” n d V S 4 player, 69K miles. 0LD9M0BIOBILE 5 7 — ’■ Agnes Repplier------____♦_A-K.J-9-6.5-2- ____ FOBDJOe.F.ocus ZX4,_____-good—roliablo-car.« — Model-90i-96.-njTtso«»l‘------~Roqul(epco-pay- 6 disc. CD. 4000 J4000,t 543-6449 lont. S180 , ♦ -A 2 ■ ment prior to .1800 or besl of- Convertible, blactack. miles, liko rtow, lacio- I— fer. 206-7: publk:alion. Mojor I6-731-1026. aulo, healed loatllather. • W'EST EJ EAST , .7worronty:S14.900. htYUNDAIYU -03 Tiburon. rulse. crodit'deUt cards. Aflttsr Avro ^ g « ™ -X AC- Sabirie Aukene n Of Germany has. a QQ7652 A943- 6 speed manual, roar PtYM Oim 3 ' , ‘ & cosh occeplod. 8P0lk>r.V.S S13995, ciai*?- m i IKI n m , . w ritte n 6 n e o f ththe t most entertain- .V Q 7 ChecK 275 S. Idatw St.. M Q 10 9 6 2 V A J7 OEALER 733-5776 "07*324'. wort, ^ make of- ZAL . ' ing autobiograp}aphies I have read ♦ 77, ' ♦ Q 4 'a'..'-’'. 3 .' • procosslnfl ■ Wondea 208-536-1900 _ 14-3164 Iv.m'sg. .. Oi0rthophono._ IY.UNDAL'04-Tjduton, ^C - • “ ------.736-4461 - - from the,world•Id of bridge. This ♦. 8 ^ - • 10 • 'FORD ‘84 Tempo, mar GT. clean. 24K mllos,' PO nnA C - deal dntes backck to her debut in 733-0931 0x12 •; chanlcs spociol./Runs S14.000/olfer Call i n f ! P P 9 | H VW '00 Bug. 5 S(speed, SOUTH ond dnvos but noods the 1987 Euroiropean’ Champi- Tho Tlmeo-Nowt 423-S44S 423-4560 W H M m i M air conditioning,g, cu»-- • A K J 10 - help. $39d/oller. Call _ lom wheels. $6000 $ o n sh ip s a t B rigjh h to t n . ^ 208-695-1172 Iv msg. V Call 208-934-466662 V K83 DODGE *03 Tntropic After an aucUo:tion in w hich N o rth ♦ 10 8 SE. V-6. AC. cruiso h a d sh o w n a stroitro n g b u t n o t g am e- ■ . ♦ Q 9 G 5 4 PW. PL. (omoto. 66K fo rcin g h a n d w ith mllos. AM/FM 015 g | | B K /ith diamonds, West solte, SS.OOO/otlor lYUNDAI ‘96 Accent. ^ S 3 0 led th e sbc o f hjearts e a against three Vulnjlnerable: Bolh ,0nn,at206*312-5040,r aulo, low. low .miios. Rod. outo. t !£ - FORD‘98 Escort 4 . E a no-trump — foun)urth best fi^m her Dealealer: West Easy linancmg plan . moon rool I ■ doot wagon. 75.000 wilh vviU no crodit chocks, u u. S' wheels. longest and slrorrongest. Auken foi-; ■ miles, vory clean. «2 tinied low ed low fro m1 dummy,di and East. Theie bidding: 1 53.950. *; B f c T I C A L glass, (adory wawarran- . Pat Davies, mad« M 324-0069 n ade the fine play of -Cft,,. ■ 2811 So. Lincoln . )ulh West North East Chris S39-1246 S S H u m ■ ' putting in thejacjack of hearts after ■ Joromo, Id. ___‘ 2 PassISK OODQE'05 Siratus »c ‘01 Grand 733-7700 — ------no-morc-than-a-fa-fractional-hesita— -2 -4 - ♦ ------P u s s — 3 - 4 ------pasjg-iSS------SXTTPW.-PL— PM,™— Small^igotSr— speedi tion. CD/coss. Slock* 2044 oadod. leolhor. ^xc. cond,.Id,. 36k vJT AJl pass Jl. • iiniod win- B u t even a l 20. A uken w as up to Si 1.935______, GMC '55 pickup. Q d wl light playing tricks in a n unspespeci- (rcioiCVrJOLCTi dows. bra. K}/o(fer; drawing the corcorrect Inference: fiedj SISOO, GMC '87 Jim- uINCOLN.‘00 i ^ Town . 82K milo :d s u it ■ J my.- 4x4. v-6. S900; ' coi f r ; caii 208-324.254‘547 or, • • East must have/e beenI thinking of - Cor.' executive sodan. Call 208-538-543-6259 208-420-2334. ______gO»-733.a033 GMC‘87S-15pkjuning-lL»ud.‘-HL'urtT.-h r------flWD. S6&47------PO«TfA«-xe ‘04 qiuiiir-» g a a F ? l DOOGE '95 Inliopid.lid. seoo Chevy ‘92 Cor- niiODtr.KAUfT iu i Am GT.T. \V6. atr ram. rectly insertedI th e ja c k , re a liz in g _____ roomer. vory clean, auio. AC.\C. s«a LT. v-6. S880, 2»a.736-i00______m u n ications openen w ith h e r pa rtn e r, III)l.l) 14|t ...... ! L HOND^'OO , —I ••■••••• flfc: V PONTtAC'i G6. 26K If Auken’s an;analysis was cor- CARS WANTEDI! C.«c, Only S6500 _ ■ ^ . J ’i''0 rect, surely Davieivies was also look- Uth holds: Soli your vohiclo lot' CallWiko946-9701. nico car,.r" Iln««~ w«7 Vw W iS p! ing al the guauarded diamond - • • • immodioio ranty. $16,S P>- PM' lo.’^tiit. A K J 10 CASHTODAYI CD. undor ;3000 queen. Otherwirwise she would V K 8 3 Buying all yoois. HONOA '02 Civic. jOt UNCINCOLN ‘04 LS IiHo '"'•os- Stock# i2064 ‘ ralher have triciried for five heart ♦ 10 8 makes ond modelss block, won cored for. now. nov oil tho options. a ^ T l d $ 18.995 tricks, playing partnerpat to have led * Q 9 G 5 4 1-600-574-1246, . CO. AC. now liros, . 42K.42K while, gionl sav- Wondolla'206-536-1900 2& =1 S12.700 Coll now mgs mn- al 515,200, 734- ■ ?? . .. from king-fifth1 of hearts. In that . 15. . 208-736-4514 291 3 lUth North East FORO '01 Taurus SES. 2914 or 420-6428 case Auken coulduid make her con- grool cond . oil power. 208-733-30M5 ____ I ♦ P ass er. HONDA '03 Accord. tr a c t only if s h e dducked the heart , 68K milos. S5,300/of-of- EXL. v-6. whiio. 4 dr.. H 4T Pass 2 V PassSS ler. Call 208-736->6- oulo. TCS. oxc, cond, | | | M ' WARNING3 I jack. Ifshe didn’JIn’t, the defenders , 1842 or 731-7329 SI7.900/ol(or. 736- K- Whon purchasingmg a would able to► cicash four heart ^ 1807or BOt-927.7472, ^ PONTIACkC ‘0‘Oe.Gcond vohiclo. moko usure tricks on winninling tho diamond PW PL PM thot Ihe tiiio is In me ■JSWER: Your partner’s's SC-; a [HONDA ‘03 Elomont I | | | | cruis'o Slock* name' of Ihe sollu»lIU uiiulrl llkl- Iticiinldcl U»litn' Wnlll. c iiuil hi 7 ...... !- ■■■ 7441 744 loavo mossago- nnumonN 1 Iho IxiIJl^l nts nccoplod. vehicle, vohicicclo •'■’I':l^i}Tii;hl Cnil’nl Krilun-Stn'liralr. Ini' ERCUHY '9o" s a o ^ No crotJilrooil noodod. .doniilicalionin 133K mis. lair cond .111 $2,995. number, amour>unl sorvico rocords SOTO. nriJT f! ie{s) Coll 208-736-6737 L jflM l 1 0 0 8 1 (0 0 9 1 0 1 03 1 0 1 0 r r . r o f ! i FORO '03 Muslang 5 Tho SUVs \iVans And Buses ____ AutosA Autos) S . SPOOtJ- AC.- V-6.'6. I H k f l l l l ERCURY '91 Mai- Chris 53' st bo .. 41,000 milos, S9.950,}, HONDA ‘94 Accord. S quis. quis S87S or bosi ol- , ■ Signed, doled ondor spood. cruiso. AC. lor. lor, Call 208-324- TOYOTA ’89 4 Runnof. » AUOI ‘01 P S * * T siK"ociuolsl ‘01 A6, 2,8 qual- CHEVY '02 Cc ,281?'^.“ffn«ln powor options. S3,999 4552 455 or 208-324-2724 .3.0 V-6. S spood. 33 1 HO. gr.great ride, 90K PW. PL. oulomaiic outc _ miloago al Iho lirllmo Inch, tiros, lols ol ox- >1 ol salo. II you haveho milos.s. S15.000 Call S099S m Iras. S4.000 or bosi 20B-!M{'948-0394 DEALER 733-S: fis. Ot(o_r..208-73l-0628 SmaUcyiJlotars Mark 308-5002 . SUBARU Oi p s s r ;I ;your S BESTAl- AUTO RATES m m i i l r H all whool I or's .? S. ^ ' l«Ol OSSOSSOI'I 10 unlucky d'lvor, FORD '04 Muslang. AC, PW.N. fPL. fl^-Fm. iooa >{ '0'' FORO‘99WindSlor. lor thouomo day SR22 40" Annrvorsory. V-6-6 j g CD, lowN milos.mi factorv ______Vans And Busss LX. ^ V6. 3.6L. auio. Hunlor ■ l i s 5 spood. loadod. S warranty,ly.nowStS9B0 n ' hwD. PS, PW. PL. lilt jranco Agency, yoar-IOOK milo war. wtim£SSm-i‘. WHO can help YOUYC I VANS WANTEDtl whool. CC.S6913 ■06-676-90I3 ranty. $13,000. Call ISSAN ‘04 Sonira ^33-733-7700______soil your car?? 'Soil your vohiclo tor mlUDDtKKAUIT i 20B- Jusiin ai 731-4642. I.6S, aulo.,CD. PW, SUBARUU ‘J‘86 siolion. C la s s ifieis ds Immodlolo ___ 206-736-2460 CHEVY'04 ImpaKipa^. S ' HONDA '94 Accord. =>L. PL. PM. Sioch* 2073 u ,.- .- 41 CASH TOOAYt B | PW. PL. PM, PS S outo. I30K miles. PW, $10 , car. $850.iso'T iiS ,,,9 ”,''' ■ Buying oil yoa>s. B cnjiso. stock! PL Now point. fsC-'CHnuRGinT] f g 550-1564.64 733-0931 ext..2 2 makos ond modols ■ SI0845______Financing available. 1-600-S74.I248. I “ 'OrCHEvr^nLi SUBARU^J '87 GL Wog- 208.733-3033 on 144K.4K. 5 Speed. CHEVY '01 Vonluro. H . IMClUtTU. iUUMIUI. ------OfrMWMIivMua^ I AC, 53000.(X)0. 731-0300 oxt.. 64K milos. nowof 4. tar. CD, Slock 206-733-303: I ^033 FORO'05 Focus ZX4. Low down paymont. ^ rW 5= 7 InnPortAncf»d liros. roar AC. 6 pos* ” °x4°* p 6,^ nuw'.^PW; I2S15.99S ' , TOYOTA 1 PL. Irom & roar AC. 1 m m m OUIO. PW. PL. PM. $4,995. ____ : songor. giool cond.. 3 CHEvrinutTi H H H CD. cruiso, Siock« .208-731-19 Sporis Caiars S7000.20B-734-7226 loaitior. " alloy whools. r ^ P 2046______;• nowS19980 I____ C, 3 I'C S DIEVI^DlXTl CARSW#; WANTEDII .1 • a T H B 08-733-3oT3 . I i Chtis 539-1246 1r^V ^ Soil yourur vivohiclo for - .LAC ‘89 SoVilte imodiaio ' f 1 OLOS ‘M Silhouolto imission sooi CHRYSLER '9818 208-733'-3oT3 SSAN ‘OS Sontro c a SHH TiTODAY!.. runs 4 looks good. 5. SSOO or bost of- Concord. V6.3. OUIO. — ■ I n - - ,V— - ig g r 208-768-2862 loaihor. AC. CO. s ond models 149K mites, roar oir. • i.OCk; 2047 S. 1,935 PW. PL, romoto, now- — ciuiso. ctoan., S4.299.S4. I-574-I246. Jori ‘oi ~ HONDA'96 Accoro. ’<^riii.uNnLi.T] ’BS — von. 4 captains ctioirs ‘or c liros; S1.900/ollor. CHEVY'CY'OOCavalior. ntllTPNMlAi Call 308-0467, 4 nuto, PW. PL. AC. — isTi!S;™ uJ ''“ I.™ '05 S40. btuo CHEVY'92 CorvotloItie and powor bod. = FORD‘OS Taurus, ve, nolaliic. 9500 LTI, romovablo. itop. S7.950. ■ AU/FW(t cond. 106K Maih 308-5002 gioat >002 • nulo. AC. PW. PL. a . r)remium : pack- now mos & muHbidlers, 324-0069 ■ ;, S3,500/olfor. ------nowS9988 SSAN '93 Maximo. ogo. sunrijunrool. oxc, 54.500 actual mimiles. 2611 So. Uncoln M 420*7130 Joys Flirt 1I. Sell 1I, Buyuy It. it, n. S22.350, $12.500/oHor, i06- 5 Call 4 Can mnko paymonis xc cond, groal MPG. condition. Jerom e. Id. ■ 19-4003 ovoning, CMalleds. 73Mfni«i>31«M,2 733-7700 w.lh no ciodil chock. 2450 Call 731-1966 Coll 208-34;5-342-0828, 678-7984 o r4 3 l.£•2248 TOYOTA‘02 Slonna SS,49S. ( _ ^xi Sm allcyijl^^s XLE van. loadod, ! ■ ■ ■ CHRYSiiFwCoJpT loaihor.o\ suniool, ono ptissongor Grond mini ownor. St5,9S0, I - p p . ^ A s B ts r A uto van, orivocy glass. Chns 539-1246 $245 ------tjulti-in bnby—soaty.— •; •275SrldahoSl.-;------roar AC. romoto sion. WortOoll208-53C-1900' W( Runs, dfivos -and — looks groot. $4800. "OTOYOTA ‘04 Sionna Call 208-316-0232, 41K. loaded, loaihor. DVD. StaOOO, Pioaso COII206-736-087I, 1 0 1 0 m S t - Autos CHRYSLEH'0 2 Town « & Couniry. V6. AC. DODGE DO ‘03 Noon. Sll> PW. PL. front & roar vor vo spoilor. CD. AC.' AC,nowS7980 36 36Kfxi| miles. 30-35 mpg. cond,. 733-7700 . . S7500/OllO(, S7 208-271- DODQE ‘04 Caravon 8049,208-315-2867 ^ V6. 7 poasongor. PW. — ■ \ Coodwrench Engines and Tran:ransmisslons PL S9995 ------DEAL6tT733-S776----- ,F0n0—'oa-uJsiono^^^H It-w .i’-.i >L''i>;irnii.ic!ii’C(J powOftMirtr,i;n units must Mill Low miles. DODOe ‘97 GrarKi Cor- 26 26 mpg. PW. PM. PS. •year/100,000-fnile n.itic>nvvi(le■ hmhrnitfcJ vv,)rraii:y' U'.Vts & IjhOf)I ovan LE. AWD. AC, oxc, ox cond, 260-2083 PW. cnjIso. AWPM • 'fbig'ii-'il tor pri'cistcin li! Jnd funcl'nct'Oi' cas#«D . ff* row MOI. j== Ull! to t»H''L- lugh Ot ongmeerir.•enmj si.irKl.iriit ih,ii yo mlo every■y now tiros, only 8SK $CARSWANTEDIt j mllOB. Vory clooni Sollyourvohk:lo(or ^ • Mi-wI'wCMvyhiclo.Wilh protprodiiC! i'f>'CCniL‘nti $4750 Call 735-5234. tmmediale lil-tifi' I'ov-.'crlrjin CofiUcl CcnU’rr S6'S66-.5'’.3--1123tor Pw.vrtrjmsuppoirwrt ■ CASH TODAYI ■ FORD 7 8 Club WoQon i T n w * t 3 M C • Dobii van, V-8, sWo Buying r ell yoars. makos ond modols •Bull! wheeletiair/molorlzed 1-800-S74-1248. j • chair lift. 71K mllos. ^ woll malntalnod, runs H y l = O r M X I /A K C @ ) b L j . c Itl'W good. AC. cruiso. AT. ■ • To:i,)i PS, radio, dual gas ■ tanks, oood njbber ■ ■■■ B OTKJ boST St.600. BUICK ‘96 LeSabre, Call 206-735-1131 74K 'jJ miles, low mllos. cloon car. oxc. cond. c z t c FORO. '95 Aorosior 56: 7 3 3 - 1 8 2 3 •. 1.800-333-22e a m u p ' . van. wtiKe, AC. cruiso. 56950 J A sfW T A u to __ _ a U ___ wheol___drivo.______1427-BLUIUKISlSnVD..H.J_IW lNJUlS,l I Goodwiiench Enginess&Ttansmfasions & 140,000 mllos. $2000. 2 2® S J d o h l ^»gi«M m bgraiip.»ii Coll 206-420-7845. Wondoll Wei 208-536-1900 ______1 2 1 9

4 ,.ID ______—

i at,ldilu_nii^Stptm tttU1,2006 ,» I f E S S I ■ T ^ J • J f H Y O Uf j ^ J i I T * 1 I f • L * * 1/ * 1 1 r /

■ B Q j

AU.RHMAM■ M Q M O e M :l i n e r t s EXPLOREfl . 5 spood autom atic tra K U son. Variable lorguo-n w*s'33,264 ^ mont. In bod trunk. RomotoRo NOW * 2 8 ,9 8 8 J H 24 _ S ' ^ O ^ F £FOR 6 0 m o . - ^ s ontry. Powor windows FBEESTYlf ■ ■ j f l stock >21’007. 0 R S 2 C 0 ^ SHOPPING AT FREESTAR M£WEW^^ J O - y m o . * ESCAPE ^SjjWMjunfaWjjBMJn^ ■ >v«. DOVC. I'VTEC 74.y»lv« SOMC VTEC 244' nq.n», S p«»t»fvg«f 6«n np. 2nd >>oid' powet t«at. Oon*'ii'Se «>'iup>. A biow t'C OM O. .lufO'TMO; \fA.«'23,914 _ ■' «e27004 ^ uas’31J39 ■ SAME 12 H a COORD 1 2 SE D A N „ SEYKX n o w ’26,112 1 ^ 2 j^ g S T K rmOSH(XM 7 .0««u« CH/CD. Il'OOOm.iftK 4'CylinOc'. 0 'iv « Dr '•"» ■ $n,ooo «A!i*23,S69 _ ■° ’ ‘' savi;*3,812 . £ 9 4 'SWUI H EISUENTEZFWD ,, 2A.S2000 NOW'31,193 J a STM r»«oiiMo(MitvHia7cew ' ' »;Mea>2U5£NW ‘”**399coo. u.K>*KC>Ma> imMn»MomM/ CD >' Pitrnlum ^ i l ii>'Pawi>SMt ✓ m . •Mack r o n . ST>ni4SU '* 2 3 ,9 6 ■ ■ m m Ml Iw IC ltn .

, TOYOTACUIRV*KIAOPT1MA«HOND H tS la liil i b M t • VOLKSTAGON jm A •SUDARUr L e ~ H E H ~ BUICK •UNCOtCOLN* NISSAN •FORD* ONDAACCORD SUBARU •MERCIRCURY •CHRYSL£R‘ MIT- RULEGAQ' ' v'Powtrwjndowi ✓ PowMioeiii SUBISHI •CHEVRO/ROI£r*ANO MUCH MORE I *79Wk . ✓ Timid windimt I ' ✓ARi>Yt««f>Mll i ✓ AM-FM CD I UBS ✓ Ctuiu ' p m ' “3 5 1 2001 OLOSMOBILEAUROIU 2q00 GMC JIMMY 2«2CHBYSlERTOWNSCOUfnHV ;2005 FORDTAURUS V-6 *7980 rtousA *9988 ; 2001 CHEVY BWZERLT 4X4 l i ^ a ! *10980 •SWA^I

I 2002FOROEXPLOR^ 2 2005 KIA OPTIMA LX 2001 HONDA CRV 4X4 0 (. *10980 .M.u *14888 <- 2003 KIA iSORENTOLX 4X4 ^ ■ 1 >THE(irARCEST.!^ ■ )pOE>MMrelOCBLES' ■ ■14980 .SMO. < 2003VW JETTA GLS 2000TOYOTA4fiUNNER4X42 _a42§!btiL -.. *14980 .....7 u ■ U i i M M i B 2005 SUBARU LEGACY AWO H I MiboL^nuFP B _ _ *159 8 0 .sn. . CERTIPIED I -.;WCHICLPSiWITM . ■ 7 1 ^ - - 2006 KIA SORENTO LX 22005TOVOTASOLARASE T.YEnRTfobTobo *16980 .«S37 *17777 «««3o MILE,WARRANTY; ■ ■ 2004 NISSAN QUEST 3.5S

^ ' 2004VWPASSATGLSAWD 2003 2( HONDA ODYSSEY EX _ *18985 < 2005 NISSAN XTERRA 4X4 * 1 9 9 7 4 ,^

2003HONOAPILOTEX-L4X4 2t2003HONOAPtLOTEX-L4X4 i ^ M 9 9 8 0 j ;m«u ^^*2198^Nie»*8^^^ iBBPWW W W flM iiflffii 200S CHEVY 1/2TONCREW4X4 ^ D L E K KAUFF m m ™DDLEKAl ■ H M H H O N DDA i ------r------I ^ i H i F OORD l LINCOLN M £R(iRCURY------— LUFF 0 ■ r ml ■ . . . Vs tt- » M U[»a» » __ HONDA. ( ® - <^ m ■ ■ i * ^ LINCOLN MERCURY 2 0 8 . 7 3 3 .1.7700 7 1.800.5 2 0 8 . ^ 3 6 ..2480 2 1.800.4:4 7 3 . 5 7 9 7 1 . 5 4 8 . 6 2 8 0 W W W.middlekauffhond . l t •u

> . Q ) I n d a . c o m

m H Thursday, September 1

F s(j'i 'K : 11' ( I eI iiiiis'r/iM'kiJiu! P

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Also inside;______Oldj gigames, new pag e 2 , "Tfiertie B lack Dahlia^’ ...... p ag e 4 New CD by DMX...... pag e 13 ...... PAGE 2 THURSD.ISDAY_SEPTEMBER.14_2006mIW ...... Staples HHBSSOII V I D E O GiAM l E REVIEW I ______New on DVD . . . . .j . g P e 7 -B m Events calendar BHiaElBEl ...... Page .EVISION Sea (Specialiclal Edition),- Walt Disney mi," CBS. Home Video.feo. ' Dining guide ...... PPai age 12 2. ‘Law so mnler:SVU,"NBC. e , Karaoke (ta rn e r. . .Pai.Page 13 3 .-Two and aha Half Men," CBS. quiem for a Dream," Lions 4. “Prison Breal•eak.'Fox. Gate Homele Entertainment.E Ofl th e covei/ e r 5. ■'60" CBS. « “Rnh iti — FfomNlclMfiMfiModladoMa/er. E) ttie Builder To the Res- (Mwr M Have VMfl I cue!’ Hit EnilEnlertalnment. Canadian actress Holly Laro.aroajuo PIL developed Big Band Broadci • 4 . -Dora3 the 111 Explorer; Dora Save opening concert of the Magi 1.'InvjnciblB.’ I 2 .-Crank,-Uonl o S S ' Ihe Da,,-Pa-Paramount Homo Enter- ' leyArts on Tour season, alon 3. -The WIcko:kor Man," Warner tainment. Tjandleader Mark Ferguson,on. it 5 coming to tha College of SSoirthemol 4 ’ -■ i«|- iii« a Conditioning for Athlet- Idaho Fine Arts Center audits Iss Simshlno," m idltorlum searchlight. ics," GaiamVImvldoo. Ir TWin Falls on S ept 27. he classic party game 'Bomberi]erman Act: Zero' goes 3-D In It; 5. “The lilusioisionist,” Yari Film -FromromQiltboardmaoiuira) ven n Its iatesT Group. erslonforXbox360., — FfomExfubiioibllofRetaiKmCo. r DVDVD SALES f . k." Ji^ ln Timber- mt Hlli;- Sony Pictures Gaming’s'sold doggs I s n Home Entertalattainment. HOTFBridge," Ferflie. 2. -Poseld;eldon." Warner Home ^ A p u b lic a tio n o f Ihf 1. “SexyBack."aris Barkley. Down- Wdeo. ^etnew nm akeovee r s n m e s - N e w s lake.Jive. • 2. “London B 3."RV,"-SorSony Pictures Home En- The Pussycat Dolls BYUXJKESnM "Bomberman" has boonon»)iu-(if < P ublisher ,1^0 A&M/lnterscope.Oogg). A&M/lnter- »e™‘ 3.'Cra:y.’ Gnarl$ Tbe Assodaicd Press the all-time greai pany 4. “Scary/ MovieM( 4." Genius Prod- Brad H u rd ...... 735-33' ' town/Lava. Tile concept'lends lisolfiiL'lfit.r,f,i. I Gonna) Give It Up AsA? m u ch JIS wc love classic 4. “Buttons," >aulThe (feat. Keyshla paced action with n larRcrnoj;ioii|): Editor (leat. Snoop Do«:. 5. -Just My t.uck.- 20th Cenlury deo Riimes, w c li.ive lo ndm llI You sim ply run aroundd a ni,i/i-.i scope. ey d o n ’t ngc woll. It’s no t iliutI bom bing walls whilo ir>r>'iM(!U. ii Sieve Crump ...735-32:1-3345 5."(WhenYou'G( WL*d• don't still onjoy a few m inuiosIOS trick ynur opp onents Inm 10 Me,“ Sean Paul lnni^i-1- lUMS wiBintwifdmaBiulnB wlili111 "Coniipode" orTromjor." D esigner ColB}.VP/Allantic. lin g fried by the blast.s.. ThThi-ilisi mes," Bob Dylan, Ifs ll EricGoodcll •3 2 2 3 . -FfomOilltxw i lhai .ittoinpis lou pd nlesu ch:h fatal m istake m ade by "HiinilKT-"Hii ne,-Danit, Kana. TOPITUNENES DOWNLOADS nies wilh :MJ graphics have m an Act: Zero’ Is that iKlllCstl'lli

  • f let you ploy with n bunch i Advertising 1. -SexyBac'Back," Justin Timber- ' ichol L> orl}>iniils. /anciGomn ....735-32J 1. -Modem Time friends in the sa m e room:>m: lii- . .Columbia. ' . Smokin',- lakMeaiartngiIngTimbaland Sii Slill, Kiimepubllslii-rs know stead, you have to hunt di 2. -Danlly Kane,’ it dou'ti Classified______teslcs." Chrlsllna Z.'LoMonB. ■•Ir classics havoiniboaiahltt Bad Boy. onlineonponcntsonXhi»;h»xl.iu'.. m o rocoKMllion, Thoro'sn nyou . o m - * Sony Pictures 3- “6 RainierIler Drive" by Debbie - day Is hereb y design atedtvspa- VHS/DVD RE sim plicity that m ade Uicm so0 have a gam e that w ouldI bo a rip- th e d ay o f d ie w eek o n whlin 1- 'Poseidon,- W (Mira) (fiction/paper- sdly appealing is seen as a li­ o ff a| even a third o f its pricprico. l e s H o ^ E n . ability legal notices wilt be pul Video. tiack) lty 20 years later. And so our O ne-half star out o f four.r. liu rs. 2 . -Silent HIII.* S old pa Ilshed: pals arc continually made • “Pac-M an World llally" " Unlve^l Stu- 4 . "The Cameamel Club" by OavId ovcrw l y Posimasier. please ser Home Entertainment, • with nashier graphics and (N am co Bandal, for the i’laySia-I’la; vhich .3 .“RV,-SonyPictui4:Genlus"prod- Baldacci (WarnerTier Vision) (flctlon/pa- nioree

    T - W M 3 THURSDAYlSKiSEPTEM8ER::14;2006TlIT“ wmmm Cover storyst JO L______AlLrtieShaw^-FtVnirFrpshmpipn hijighlightM Ci] concert seriilie s *

    Tlmes-Ncws To leam morep e ... A ilm tsskm ts Mlnl-CassiasiaCom- ( nuiURLl-rV— Mlnl.Ca.s,sia a> mI- - munlty Concerts events issb by ysea- m unitlity Concerts will begin itss son membership only; gentjenerally five-e»•event season on Oct. 10n no Indivldua] tickets areI sold so: at the door. . vvith> a ctmcert hy hurji-anci-vo- MemlMrshlps are availabiJlable at cal dtdtio lironn lotirney in the the door at any concert. PriceTfcesare King{l-lneArlsCenter. I' $40 for adults. $20 for students stut Seal;attle-ba.sed harjiisl Hronnn andSHOforfamilles. lourniney and hi< C:madlnn-t>ornII For Infornistlon, call Paullul LyonsL w ife.».'Katherine— a .sopnino,—_ at 678-9799, Susan Tuft at 678-i ' have• performed together for 1798 or Jan Manning at 678-i 7447. m oree thani a decade. A Universi-' ty of o f Washington gnidunte. Itronnin, now laying in a varieiy of sottiiI'ttingK. I Holly Larocque'eue's Big Band Broadcast Is badacksd by a 13-plece orchestra. iipjirojroach to u seriou sly classicalll instn‘tinient ii ha v e m ad e him a fa-. Pleaso SCO IMINl-CASSIA,I. PagePa 1G Big band show/kicks k off Magic^:ValleyArtsonTou3ur season — Tlmes-Nows _ . _ repertoire." Bronn and Ticket9l8 . Inl995, [^rocirocque recreated ii A KathorlnaIna , ^^9 Journey TWIN' I-ALLS - lit i b l e W orldW arll troitroop sh o w backed g->; ly havo e s- liirocqu c alrcacly h ad n day; ' , |i " 2 awailab • by Ihe C.imadlnidlan Forces Hand |L ~ ' tablished!e d a A coupic, acmally. ' SaasontkkstBfortti ^itnada. In'thal pro- . Ic Valley Arts on TourW M nttM ihiinouredQini >'.ff reputationtion ■llie O n iario-b om actrcss«was v ses^aduH reservKved seats and tli'cilohshcmein e t Mark l-erguson. in the Pa-?a- t>)L‘ .star o f u long* nm n in g Cana-Cai $ 6 5 for student reseijseived seats. •' nrrangiinger. and in 1999 clfic NorthDrth- dian Hrpadcasling Co. chlldrc Bmmissloned totre- w est for)r Idren's General admission sseason e prices theyvverecom ir .sticnv in th e ‘90s. und th enI host-ho ara $72 for adults. $6S(65 for seniors a te a c o n c c r ttnto : h o n o r th e lloyal their harp-arp- and-vocal cd licr own homc-lmprovemtL'ment .a n d $54 for studenIents. TTiey'fe Canadian Airr ToI'orce prisoners of ical virtuosity.Ity. sho^v for Ihree reason s. available by pttonlngg 7732-6288. war ofWorld WaiW arn. S 'Ilien Lirocquc turned:d to Tliey recnilieilted a bnnd, und JB what sh e re’\van led to do,Jo,es* i th e 19-ips is longscaStanding and that act eyolveclIved in to Hig Hand tabll.shlng a touring act basedicdon deep-sealed." she! ssaid. “As a Hroadcast. vvhic!hich they first took |V ^ 9 the big b a n d s o f th e IS-lOs.s.'nic T smoll-child, in lieuu o< f b edtim e on the road In 2G Hig Hand Uroiidcast opensIS thet stories. I played a ni(nightly m usi- “In the gloricijrioiis tradition of MiiglcValley Arts onTour.sense ason cul g am e vvith m y fatiFather — him - ^gliim orou s brrbroadcasts from m gH on Sept. 27 in the Collegc•gc of sclfaWorld.WarlLvet/et —wherein stadii ballroomsim.s. w c aim tn give Southern Idaho I'incArtsCcmIcnier hc would hum a: ttttme that 1 ntidlences thehe experience of l»^ Sl j nudltorium. vvould havc'to Identlf;itlfyandcom * whai it w ou ldJ hihave tjeen like lo “My passion for the tnusicisic of pletc. Mence: the bc(be^nnJngs of attend « ly-iOsIs bihig band concert lust as It m iglitIt hihove b e e n broad- m m m cast live IO alr.“lr.“ U irocq ue said. “Onr m u sic iss gigrounderctaiion o f Ihe iy

    ■ ■ PME4THURSDAY.SEFSEPTEMBER_14_2006 TMf M ovies

    —^^^ Now playing 'T H E B5 l a c k “]^ A H t li a ' TWIN FALLS Twin Cinema . 'AeccptM' Too milu ch o fn oo t h i n g i n iD ePalmaathrilleiir •eamyanj- ■nia Convwant' 'Cmnk' BY DAVID C SM A I ■Evcrytooy’s ticio' Ilu!A.w)i.K«f(irri;;; •Gndifon Cang'

    •InviiioWa’ llrian Dc I'al^iii a •PinilM ol rho CanbOcan 2: [)cad ^ n iiiik Dahlia" area iiai orTifrM' 'Taltadcga NigMis' fllnTinak7Tvviiinrnin~ •THoWckerMnn' — rorcrallinnvisi-iTal, liii- •WortdTfaboCcntw' :igi‘r>'. aiu l a story ihat's hlrxKlycvisirrailnn. Odyssey Theater That's not lo say ihc'i ■Becftasr • ■cars' gotxi inovii-. ihoii};>i. fie- 'Tiw Illusionist* tioiiali/.i-(i lale of two I. "I •LtlttoMlssSurisnino' los ck'ifCliws assipii' lo Ihc >it'r •Scoop- }>riii.-soinL‘ ISMOs nuin •Slop Up* rc-al-lifc xvaiiiiahi'siarli The Orphoum a s a slow hiii itiiri};iiin] ■ThBOttC»DaHIW tiT sillily thai Kradiiallylily (itlo a liirKltl niL-ss. Motor-Vu Dflve*ln Adaptcit froni lame ■TJioOcsccnf hlack ■fNjbc* noirinystiTV thriller. ■•'I Dahlia" is siiiiic(hlnKo: to forin for the dirccio HAILEY/KETCHUM siich nitiody, stylixed ii ofien Hrisly crim e sji|{as a s4 "S"Scarfnce." ;t cops. Leo Blanchard (Aaron Eckhart)Ec and Bucky Bielchert1 (.(Josh Hartnett), are callod to Big Wood. Cinemas "•|lie Unloiiciiaijleslies" and Two ox-puglllst c( ’GrtClronCana' investlsatetheho3 homicide of ambitious silvcr-si-screen B-lister Betty Ann Shorhort in 'The Black Dahlia.' “D ressed lo KIM." •Evoryofio'sHoro’ tiy lla n nn c e u . tlie acior aim ing fnr D I}i ollar Haby," Swank (ii)iiiiiiaiinail's *T}M)Busiontst* And li’s definitely/ a step u|) her scenes with a nici- cmiiilllilli-I; •Ttw COftywMfit* ■fron* su c h reccni D e IMltna ih e crispsp bluniness of classic ht drecic as*'l*emme !-ninlciale,":Snako .‘TH© B ir narration biil in stead lion tic of ihe.arisiocraiii' allnnia- i; Black n""-""" il'iilil SkiTlme Cinemas liyes" and “M ission looMani." ^ n«»kl- , soundingiig like a hored l-ngllsh tio tir n s nf the fein in e fatales 'il'nl ‘TheLMKIn’ cPalmuplc Dsn*lillia siiideniI Iinum i)Iing through a I ll< lollywood. 'Utile Miss Sutshlna* Ycl like so m any D c Pi tures. (he convoluted<1 sSlory gels ' ixKik rcpiport. I iarlnell is su ch a li^1ituci)iiI'iUiii lartnett, Aaron liki-a' Magic Lantern cijolted amid the flashih anda nour- StarHn* Josh Hart narration does lllile in presence, pr his Bucky swiris liki- . K -„ i...i EcWiart, Mia Klrs^ *7)wBlacfcDtt«l' ishes of the flimmokc ihe slory. whicli lie- b be oy sen t out to jioMrn in ih c pn ;ss only a bibrief resiischalion, bul in in th e m ovie. lant! JEROME alw ays o h hand. a s th e Black Dalillalilia for her raven Swank’si family dinner scene K eep an e y e o u i for k.d. laiv . Then Lee and Buckicky aro as- hair and the flowcower that adorned packs. rn

    .'six' m m n tm tor-Vu Drive In is 0Open | Fri - Sat - Sun It*Sun at 8:00 CCo^Hi^ri - Sat - Sun 9:4545 E 3 3 l M C M i l H I ^ b ^ B M lj i^uEawcNI rnnSm iinmmt ■ £ b « r : “U5F idsKM Under 12 FREE »• FtFM Stereo In Your Carar J I P G - 1 3 1 Will Forrell IW Now at the Twin Cinema Nothing is Whaia t It S e e m s = = ^ r ^ Edward Norton Paul Giariamiatti Jossica Biol Statham kicked butt in Traiispisp o rto r— C ------o y s This llmo, poisi)ison in his veins. Vongcanccncc in his hoart. ^ r m ; a ILLUSSIONIST f e S ; | | K m | V at the Odyssey ------— rInvincibleiPGi— V ir> llni'l.ii Sii'tooi'd SCKiiid Oj|'|» ' Oi Tirn Now ' .. i^^t- Sun 1? Ib .•’I'll <. Sn1-S unl?lS .3 30.7 00.'J v S S S S ! '>•;. Ir , r:..i.oui»l T'Ounfl D n e G o a l ...... S e c . Everybody'S Heror < a Som e Sa 3eM= = ade! ( ■ ] n r ^ DIRDN4 :•;•• ^ n:%.’is-o[io Sacrfices Have to Be ■IOO ^ g r Ic . Pirates of the Caribbean ^ N G rwin & J e r o m e C inem a 'S' ’■ S■ ihansson Hillary Swankink ' Taiadega Nights (i3in;My■ 7 3(30.9 4r. I------In California I ; ■ !i.M biin12 4 i-3 L ? -!, 16- /iO / iO -9 4!. :, ~ n littleE M I S S m m I Hartnett Scarlett Johc •‘ ' • Invincible,iv,ii)!>.iy7300-6-I5 i) . ‘ "■UJE • S-il S » i.i;< 5 ' 3 00 - 5l!i-73Q I Everybody's Hero t.. aiSUNSHMINE “ 1 > \ H I ; 1 A I)fl.lr7 50-9 00 ______» Now at thehe Odyssey J Now at the Orpheum r.2iL.ajiQ. . I------In Dolby Digital Surround A c c e p te d . i'.iJ..ii» 7?;, .9 36 ...... —- • S.I1 Sun 1? to - 3 00 ■ 6 10 • 7 Sr. n N( r t je c a n1 jBe a Hero -- or Playay it Safe V:/ '. I ” ______It •• H ollywoodland .(>,o.wvC« in Ma1 i 0 P P > W alt D isn e y 's C a r s .i-c r I ThoPorfoctMan.Tho‘ho Porfocl Story » - Adulls S2 - KIdt i l 0.111/7 00.oo.o:s ;X-: N * Tho PorfoettM Mi urdor r ; | | . | • S.-.I.Sun ■.00^400. / o o . o ; NCIBLE _ ii____ Twin & Jerom e Cinema \ N ow a t th e 0 t th o 5 d y sso y r Demand at Jorome Cinoma■ma y • ff Popular D


    I ' ^ ______MBeiJHUHSUAY_lfl'_S£HIEMaEJL14_2m».fllI___ ! Movies ■■■

    a notorious unsol'golved HoUv- A frftlltttt | | 0 ratflK I scrawnjTty litlle boy, grow ing u p in ciunchbig i intensity. And , ------;------wood homidd<^ Hi B n d o w o r YanfaiL'-Sta d lm n —D 1 w uyji(;“T1n .TU )cfJom >isonex- son ■------M p la y s a fe m m e fatolifaJc a n d ScoT' • « - t jfVtelll during!g the Depression worship- udcs i his usual naiural magilagncf- n u g g e ts® leit Johansson co-s:o-s(ais as a Ibill^gMjndM|h these ping BaBabe Ruth, leams sclf-cs- ism I -as the probation officer oft w o m a n involved wit):rf(h b o th co p s. whenhegoesonanadven- t u rn e d c o ac h . (N ot o n c e doJoes c he • *'Accepted’'/ C . lu s tin1 LiL ong R fo r stro n g violence,ice, s o m e gris- i!rOxM akn-,-.W m ro wtrith it a uiiking bosebaU a n d try i to w ring a laugh out ofraising rai: ((he .Mac Cuy In those ApApple Iy images, sexual con(cnta and ^ th e B aun ir b ln o 's be lo v ed b a t. (T h e thai t fam ous cyebrowofhls.)is.) II'c;- ads) slaiB in this, low camiimedy lont^ge. 121 minuteu tes. . movie! 1:b animated, by (he way. '■ 131 for som e startling .sccneiin e s of a b o u t h i ^ 'e r e d u c a tio n a s(a a c c o N •"TheCSovenvenant''/0 All and notot a documen(ary by K en vviolence, mature (hemaiiclie ma-t lege reje ct w h o U ivents a iminlver- lv • “Brick"/No ratinidng Rian that's scaryry about "The Bums.).) Given his professional tterial and language. 120D nm in- sity nperpered descendants to carr^try in g d n th e ir leg acy (Ben (I Aflleck), oozes penoil:)il i au- sig n ed lo th e g r u c ^ m e 1941940s "Monsters, Inc."), Pixar Pt finally of four familieslies (Slcven Straii, posihumtmously. So the kindest tlthenllciiy and features seveieveral murder of a reol'life wannalmabe roiled oul a clunker,:er. A l t h o u ^ 71i)1or Kilsch,, Tbby l b Hemingway thing we wt can say is this: The strong sl performances, notalotalily ' starici begins as a slow bulul iin- "Cars" is dirccied IjyIiy John Las- and Oiace Crawravrford) that have movie meansm well and, like tee frfro m D ia n e L an e w h o ’s vihri'ibrani iriguing character study ihIhal seler, the creative forcefor behind had extraordina]Inary powers since ball, il'ss pf ro b a b ly b est su iie d fo r and ai vicious as Reeves' oldoUI lt, gradually unravels into a liugtugid the compuler animaiilaiionsiudio, they arrived inn Massachuseiis M in llie llilleslesi kids nnly. Rob Reiner, m rr a n n e d m istress. Bvcn ih e SU));st mess. Like so many De Pain’a lm a th is feels m o re like ana n assembly- the late leoos.IS. A> member of n Wlioopili G oldl)erg a n d W illiam porting pi octors are powerfulrful, ill plciurcs. the convoluled siosiory line kiddie flick llianlan anything fifth' family .(Sebasiiah.(Sc Sian). II. Mocycy a re a m o n g th e vocal the.briefest il: of roles, inclmliliulin^ gets choked amfd the flasii1 aai n d cise. 1 h o u r. 57 m inuicUles G which was c cui u t OUI o f th e c ast, wilh ill the ideally casl Brian Joe Jo S p a n o a s M G M 's piihlii'hlii-isi (lourisiies of ihe-nimmaker’sr ’s vvi- covcnant.showsIWS u p se ek in g rc- D enneiiyhy bellow ing a s ih e B abe, u ui n d Lois S m ith ils Ileeves’ gritgricv- suai excess, and charactersiwhd wl . “Crank"/C A / h i r m a n venge. i’G-13) forU inlense se- C>. iiSinirlim ite s Ining mollier. Bin there's sonSDMIf- siarl out promisingly idiosyiDsyn- ("The IVansporter’scr's" ?ason quencrs of vioieioience and action, •> 111thing sadly inert aboui tlu-If ft fea- cnilic bccom e caricaiurcs l>y>y IheiJ Siaihum) hus lo keep!cp his heart some disturbinging imnges, sexual • "GriSrldlroii Gang"/C lUiii- tuture debui from longtime IV e p o iso n Ih ai's b e e n in inji je cted in io gUii|;e. 97 m inlules. u ic ils is a seriessi oC clips from llic ihthe City," "nie Sopraims").s"). .1 movie stars losh ilnrtncU arand llis body will kill himlim. Hated K 15193 dococunieniary ihal jirovid- lelhnrgy le iq ihe pacing iliImi Aaron Ecktiari as cops iiuniirniihg (strong violence, pervcrvasive lan- • “The Descencent" / B+ A cdihcba:lasis for lliis drama about m a k e s il feel a s if it will lu-vIK-VVI for Ihc psycho wiio kiiied1 arand guage, sexuality, nudity nu and sniitri. scury tmdand very gory en* a fooiballall leam al a Los Angeles cte n d a fle r o n ly a n h o u r. Adriitdrii'M muiilaied a young actress (M(Miu d ru g u se ). I liour. 23) durance tesi. Hriiish iir wriier-di- juvenilea d e te n tio n cenier. ’Ilie Brody Bi stars us the' deieethrve I in- Kirshnur) ihcn cui her in halfo lfin I rector Nell Marsliirshall’s film sends reiil jieop□pie say a n d d o th e sa m e vevestigating Reeves' death., v\iVMtll ______six women (Inclincluding Shaiiiia things}usisawact«rssayand IkBub Hoskins playing the cm 'i Macdonald nd and Niilalie Men- do, onlyly in a stripped-down. M GM p re sid e n i. R for lanpi^i} j ' H e r r ee l t t C e n t e r { dozuj. inlD an.uncharietl n _ t Ap- ' maiier-ofof-fact manner wiihoul som so e violence and .sexualI ti'OII- o f o r A r t s i palachlan cavern,e rn , w h ere a cave- llie swelli■ llin g o flio m b a silc m u sic tent. lei 12(> minuies. . . in im ps liicmA . As s th e y se arch for to acconiunpany every feel-good - r . ^ “f’ escape, ihcircir nervesi siuri to"' nr puigniinafti momem. Tliose fl- • •■Invincible"/ D-t- Imi 'i. 'HiKftUUHUUHau tt.*?.-. | 2 fray, Ttie titlec applies a lo liie iialfewmm o m e n is arc m o rc pow - M Mie a n i os a n insplniiional iiinvnova- r'flSBapMnvuolnthoHenen $9 women's llleralal expeditione un- erful than •iiaN D m l-toi lor ffw wholo fomByi a n a n y th in g w e sa w d u r- based ba on ihe m ie siory ofVini\'in cr '^owtertDjwEDCEOFsmc derground andJ alsonli Ih e ir regres- in g th e p r ...... MOpm p rev io u s tw o ho u rs, sim - I*apole I»a (M ark W ahlberg. jujuM lurvivol instincts - ply becairause ihey don't try so flnflne), a n average Joe w ho playiilay

    — w ae T-muPgPAYzSEfmMBW 9EfC14^2006mrT7777~ >vies

    "The WIW” 6 ’noung animals from) a N ew York z o o leave th e comfoin f o i ^ l e confines of ihdr ramiUaror urbani existen ce an^ wincl u p Inlan an exot- Ic foreign land, w * ere theyry traipsetr ^ through toll trees, chcckilykily Joke with cach other, face ihclricir fears and. In (he proccss, bccomc>me bet* I ter people. Er. creatures. IjTjUiMT Sou nd s familiar? You sawla w ita J - ready — when ii was; c “Madagascar^ Y oull b e foigivcn forconfjonfusing .'•rHsneyi “ The Wild" withvith last year's animated escapadedc from Nigel th e koala (volefolced by Eddie Im rd ). here with«lth BriSSV«ie?ra^ H DrcamwbrL'i. (Janeane Garofalo)0) stealsj the show In ‘The Wild.'d.' W hereas “Madagascar” w as Kunono Becker plays a Mexican*AmAmerican soccer s ta ^ ^ th e TI rise ls In d ecidcdly old sch ool in Itstsvisud v 'Goallall The Dream Begins.' approach, “The Wild" is obsebsessivc In its realistic, three-dlmcnsl ballpUplaycr. a ragtag hockcy team , ■“DIstrirtB13"3" ^ dciail& a huitumble golf caddy, a brokcn-:n- Bui becausc the tw o film:Ums arc dowkvn r racehorse_— flots a slibt uiUl It would take aboutI a million so similar struaurally and the- m ajoijor^enginrSpoilsglory. c u p s o fcoffee to approxintxim aic the matically, and becausc ih lately witli su ch fllck.s asa s In to :t law less w alled ghi he can't refuse In death g h e tto all (lahcane Garofalo) Jokee aboutat 'Lucky Number StevIevln.* le Rookie." “Miracle." “Tliehe but abandoned by the a "The e auihorl- finding "bling" in th e trashle ca a n s. - •aiest Game liver Tiaycd" andid ties and contn>Iled byy gigun-iot- Greai Stealing every sc en e he'siin. in. and way out of penury/byperforming b) Kingsley arc eamer: Inspired tiya'IHieSio*0* Ing, drug-dealing gangs.Igs. D avid are . c h arism a tic p er- “Dren giving this fccl-good film1 sou m e a service. That servicvice is an act of formers. I lanr . Helle plays I^iiio. a fo rm er n n n c li h a s b e e n belter, ry." m u cli-necd cd edge, is EddieJdie I/- m urderous retributju iion in th e but Lucy Liu, 111), the movie manages u fewrw d e n i/e n o f D istrict Hi:i.ii:j. Wliile Liu, w h o se c h arac ter Still /ard. providing tlie volccofoifabad- t serviccofalargertrittribd batUe b e- h ap pens to li m atic variations tiiat set il imprisoned, he dreamsins of re- 0 live across tlie hdl drami boy British koala nam ed NigcJigd. tw een T h e Boss ancin cf Th e Habbi from Nick. Ls a n som ew h at, and M exican’1'V■V lurning to the disirlci io Lsadeliglii. . apart: 10 re sc u e ’ — TIieAssoctaiedfedPrrss (Ben Kingsley). Buillierc'sit Kuno Becker is earnest andid his sisier. Ix)la [Dany Veriecomes some* over a plucc at exiictly the w ongg time.ll waspaldindeatl).as%o sw er eiiisw ife h ow teclloa't. Y etic dreams. h us a d y n a m ic d u o in Belle Bel a n d I.S. Young director I*iiul alhleti Suddenly two very violent viol andchlld.'ilinistoryi:ryisniirTalc*dat • M cGuigan Is lu'd think director Dannyly Cyril Knffaelli. As lead i Is Inioxlcated w ith You' id aciors, gangsias arrive, beat th e pep)cp out im airport l>y a crip:rippled Bmce tliem, hut out noil's leiiureas u writer, direc-:• these veieran slunlmenle n don'i out In the audience. Cannr of him and haul liim before')rcT lie Willis, u-e'rcl>e^nnlnt and producer on the brisklyly exactly oo/e charisma,. yelye eacli Dlngioscjuinn. tor an Boss (Morgan Freeman),i). Al* l l i e m ovie has na J Jaunty, even — 77, L-d CSl television franchise>e ' is a whirlwind of llc|uiil:I nim o tio n . - TJw W aslihigtnn Post p aced tlioiigli Sle\^n protests, (hele b o ss m erry lono, for .soi.something so lid h a v e nil>l>cd off m ore,e. A fter a n e u tro n b o n il) Falls fal: Into w ould insists that Slevin is Nick, the ac- - blood-soiikcd. Il takeikes its editing - "Goal! Thelie DreamI Begins" nica*-re's plenty of fut to cut from11 i'aha's ' h a n d s. ' sup<•upcr-coj) tud n;nicr of tiie apartment.It. And/ rhythms from thele clever Guy t!. which would have liecn a Damien (Kaffaelli) leaiib PG Ooni!. Ulls will) thni sin ce Nick ow es him mornoney. Rllchle o f "Ii>ck. Similock anci ’I\vo We'a- having nger story al a lean, meau S)0|(i I.elto 10 storm District Hi:i HI a n d .'ing lh a l Mime d rea m strong Slevin niust either pay itt hackh 4>mnklng Barrels" fain;tnie. And there agiiin. nieont" utes. d isa rm d ie devlcei m e where.* thetinllkeli- m lniiti (dearly impossible) or earnim ills na-some pleasures,i. i'lI'reeman and est tinderclog - — A&UHifilt’il Pn wM — AssiHidh'i(Ill'll I'lCSS t)g — a n aged rookie BEfl_i4_2006_ m r ■ ______:> IM fiE S THURSOAY.SEPTEMBEI P*6E9THURS0Ay.SEPTBMBERJ4_2006_Hn’ _ . — BieniSwmmm E v e n t s " ^ : FRIDAY FRIDAY-SUNDAY^Y WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY En calendilar Mftiintjfal—— r ____Funny sienS&i ThUW nRtae BrMBeMPnfwa T«URSIMy,SB>T.14 Variety/TWIn F alls Theater/Bolse are$4(braduKs,$3forsenk)rdt-£ m edal twhaktontfieSiMka DJ Kurt Xnuer win performrm Idaho Shakespeare MO-tt. bens, S2 for studenti and S9 (or MooaOem.l^ RhwCwjon'iiouSt: c a . families. Children under 4 tfe not Varietymvin Falls (rom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at val v/iii present James Vaicq ■ otGodondOpetn r )n v M « H ^ admitted. vMlrockUswis - sSS l ' S S , Aimsgeddon will play fromm Kruzer's Night Ufe. Coverm and Fred Alley's musical-Sptt- u charg0'Is$3.Kruzer'slsat12121 flra(!rtn” a t 8 p.m.intl)efe3tf- AfflphlOwaterln cfwflngindBASE : 9 p.(n. u 1 a.m. In the Cotfax vw Salt Loko City Room at the Lamphouse. CoverBr Fourth Ave. S. val's amphitheater on Boise's «TURaAY,SEI>r.16 Jutnpmo aid Iotl ot' ■ Z f l l West Valtoy Clly Tuesday MwDolWut loodmlllnmu*:. chanje Is S4. TTie Lamphouse is east end. Tickets, which areire ■ ■ ...... 'Vaiioy ory. . 8t223Rn»Ave.S. ^ Variety/IWIn Falls S27 and $35, can be reserved^ FtotivainVvIn Falls I ■ . ' DJ N(gM will be featuredAri by phoning (208) 336-9221. The Perrine Bridge Festi*u* Varlety/IWIn Falls from 10 p.m. unOl dosing al Phat^ The amphirnealer is at 5657 vat will be held al venues near ^ WarmSprlngsAve. OJ Nigtit will be featured^ Eddy's. No cover charge. Must the Snake Rivor Canyon. High­h- Country/Utah Theater/Bolse Smith's TJX al (800) BB8-T1X)IXX served by phoning (800) 888888- R o ck /B o lse ■ R ock /U tah R o ck /B o lse Festlval/H aaerm an auditorium. Tickets, which are from 10 p.m. until dosing at M l* and online at httpy/vmw.smill H b e 21 oroMenPhatEddy^lsat lights wili Include Parachuteses Don Williams wili play the Idaho Shakespeare FestI m TIXX or online « a Mastodon ond ( ^ e r g e Starsailor wili play In the The Casualties and The The14thannualThou$and $l8foraduilsandSl5forchil- Ptiat Eddy’s. Covor charge is 233nfthAve.S. ' Country/Utah for Kids BASE Jumping at 8 Doo Center on tho campus} of val wrili present James Vaici;ftilcq slii.cnni,intncVonuelsat21‘J19 http://w w w .sm ------S3.-Age-18-and-older.-Pftat— . - Miranda-Lambert and Ja* com. will perform at tho Big Easy Venue In Salt Uko City at 8 Briefc wrlll pertorm at Tho Springs Festhral of the Arts dren. are available by calling >* B.mi and-a barbecue-at-tho^o~ Weber Stale University in Og*Og— end Fred Alley’s musical "Spit — Burt's.Tikki Lounge is iocatetM ted-concort-House-at 8 p.m.-on p.m r on SEPT—22. Ticketsr Venue in-Bolso at 6 p.m, on- -will be held Irom 10 a m, to 6 - Camille Barigar al 732-6288. ' Eddy's Is at 233 Rfth Ave. S. Countnf/Jerome son Aldean wili perform al theie Buu Langdon Visitors Conterer den at 7:30 p.m. Tickets,Bts, fire Grill" at 8 p.m. in th" festi at 726 S. Stato St. inah State Fair at ttte State 5£PT: ;?f. Tickets, which are whicharoSl2,canberesen»ed SfPT 2 1 Tickeis, vrtiich are p.m. on S5/>7:2Jand Irom 10 Couitry C im lcs wU play to al 6 p.m. which aro $27 and $32, canIbe be val’s amphitheater 01 ;.:'s MONDAY, SEPT. 18 R ockA ttah ^ Falrpark In Salt i.ake City at reserved by phoning Smith’s $16 and $32, can be reserved by phoning Smith’s Tlx at (800) $12. can be reserved by phon-. a.m, to 5 p.m. on SfPT al pnn/Rn>se „ from 8 p.m. to mWflight at the Ihs east end. Tickets. wh.v. an Pianetarlum/TWiri Fallslls by phoning (800) 965-4827, 888-TIXX or onlino at [ng (800) 965-4927, online el the Nature Conservancy's S m u h Mouth will play theI Snake River Oks Lodge. CoverZ 7:30 p.m. Tickets, which f l9 . Tix at (800) 888-T »a br onlineline $27 and $35, can be resorveiin?ed Christian rock/Boise can be reserved by phoningf'.R • o ck /IW In Falls . The r ^ tk n er Plbnetariun::rium online al hltp:/Avww.llck- http://www.8mlthstixxom. In h t t p j / / ^ ^0 Thousand Springs Preserve Utah Stato Fair at ttie State ; ^ Invasion will play from 9Q at htlp://www, by phoning (208) 336-9221[221. Third. Day v^iil perform al ' Falrpark In Salt Laice City at , Smith's Tlx at (BOO) 888-TI)0C at at the Herrett Center for Art! p.m. until dosing al Woody's. The amphitheater is al 565i» 5 7 Taco Boll Arena on Ihe campu:)us arid Science on the campus 01 7:30 p.m. Tickets, wtilch are , or online at http;//www.smilh- fi Rock/Ulah WarmSprlngsAve. ol Boise Slole University at S ^ Dinner also will be available (rom The Utah Stale Fair-r Cover charge Is S3. Woody's Is t 8 the College of Southom Idahc S2<1. can t>e reserved by phon-" 6 , to 9 p.m. Snake River Bks at 213 Fifth Ave, S. Forglva Dunten wiil play thetho o.m. Tickets, wliich aro $15, p S S i = H i s Ina Smith's ~nx at (600) 688- i ” parklsatl55N.iqoow. IS, InTWinFallswrillpresonfJour.I . - aM,6S.Ni„’thSt. , countnr/utah « M 2. a ,. a,all.»l. a, t,,. : Lodge is at 412 E 200 S. on Avalon in Salt Lake City al 3:30:30. Planetarium nw in Fallslls $20. $25 and S30. can be r re- o - ney lo the Edge ot Space and ~nxx or online al , U Varlety/TWIn Falls p.m. Tickets, which are $8 , can^ The Faulkner Planetariuirrtum sened by phoning Select A Time* at 7 p.m. Tickets aro S4 Ttie Classical/Utah tn bo reserved by phoning Smith's at the Herrett Center for Art• X Seal at (208) 426-1494 oron-’n- for adults, $3 for senior citl- Utah State f^rpark Is at ISSN. i Utah Symphony will open Its "HlSM°5foei(o ITU SfanSpooSS'InMortfllan Tl'oOWI^SsanSkbtlW'l'sl HIp-llop/Utall a S S 'M a S in ra ' C a u n b y /D e c lo 9 ^m!iri*?m.'in"ihe^CcrtfS,» ' Tlx al (800) 888-TIXX or online and Science on tne campusj s ^0 line al iittp://www.ldahotlck- zens. $2 for students and $9 tooow. ' „ 2006-07 season wilh sr' at The Fugttives wriii ptay (rom ‘X Room at the Lamphouse. Cover ‘7 ’ thoCoiiegoofSouthemidahoirho in ' ' for families. Children underi n 4 Sao“„“'S o l;"at“?.rs' ? Beethoven's Third Symphony ts ^ 0 Avalon is at 3605 S. State S i S l S 9 p.fti. to 1 a.m. at Shakers. No |y chargais$4.TheLamphouseis TWin Faiis wiil present "Hubbit are not admitted.. Tickets, Which are $8, can bo S n n nfiT Dy Ovoning Smith’s Tix al (800) on SfPr 24, Tickets, which are .NinthSt. Theater/Bolse ;cover charge. Shakers isst 826 al 8 p.m. in Salt Lake Ciiy's,8 at223RtthAve.S. Rock/Ulah reserved by phoning (800) 965- fo??*'®88-TIXX or online at $ 12, can be reserved by phon- •'* AbravanelHali.Tlckerts,which Vision''at 2 p.m.,-Cowboy'As* As- Supagroup will play Egos in 2 0 4827. onlino al f®^oathttpy/i|^.ll^ http7/ Ing Smith’s Tlx al (800) 888- R ock/U tah ■ HighwaySl. ironomer" at 4 p.m., ‘Journey WEDNESDAY, SE PT 2 0 val wrtll present James Valcq * are SI 2, S24. 530 and S40, Varlety/TMinF^IIs Rock/Utah mey SailLakeCltyat9p,m,T1ckols, httpy/www.tlckelwebcom. or hT ^ Depotisal13N.400W. ' TlXX or onlino al ^ lotheEdgeofSpacoandTlme' and Fred Alley's musical “Spit- i can be resereved by phoning Tl Chuck Negron of Throe Dog Ime" which are can be leserved at Atkinson’s MarkeU In Hailey Majkots fn Haiioy a ^ Ketchum htlp://, c i m n ' Country/Utah (801) 355-2787. Abravanel'S OJ Kurt Kruzer v^li perform lyrd: by Dhonmg Smith's Tix al (600) Comedy/Burley fire Grill" at 8 p.m, in the lesti- )l Night will porform'al the Sandy^ 0(7 p.m., and "Lynyrd Skynyrd: . and Ketchum. The Venue is at iffSpeedway is al R o ck /B o lse . Egos Is located at 668 S. Stato f c p r 97 ■Si,«t7 ; The Bellamy Brothefs will" Hail Is located at 123 West, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. al p.m. 8B8-TIXX or online at Comedy Night will bo (ea­ val's amphitheater on Boise's , :r City Amphithealer in the Salt Fly On. Free Bird’ al 6:15 p.m. 52,».B ,.adSt. 355MalnSt. , C a « ^ ano Acac^ St. ' perform at Uie Outlaw Saloon jnIn South Temple. ” Kruzer's 'Night Ufe. Covcr 3 lor http://v/, tured Irom 7:30 to 9 p.m. at east ond. Tickets, wtilch are , charge Is $3. Knjzer'slsat12lI Lako City suburb of Sandy attfi 6 Tickets are $4 fnr adults, $3 foi S20 and S28. can be reservedi Ogden at 8 p.m. Tickets, which Ego's IS located at 6G8 S. SlateJto The Steakhouse and Conven­ FourthAvo.S. - p.m. Tickets, which are $15.15 sonior cillzens, $2 (or students y™-. Rock/Utah, . p.m^n Sf/>r THISMOHTH ™ IE™ “i by phoning (208) 336-9221.’ arp $12. can bo reserved by tion Contor. Cover chargo Is S6 . ; phoning Smith's Tlx al (600) Rock/Utah ' $18 and $25. can bo reservedred and S9 for families. Childrendren The amphitheater is at 5657 'The Steakhouse Is' at 1340 886-TlXX or online alil Brian Jonestown M as-^ ,Country/IWIn F^lls by phwing Smith's Tlx al (800)K))‘ under 4 are not admitted. ilS irS T lS S s^praTSTnSiS S’'K ;r*r9"5'SS“ „.ckA«att ™:™w”».smltSfx.c.m' WarmSprlngsAve. . | sacre wilt play the Urban TUESnAY,SEPT. 19 Oakley Ave. alTo p r o n S O T i ™ ^ lour.-at8p“m .onS £Pr2r-2J oSline at® > p ; / / www.llck: " S S L p e r f o m i a t C l u b Avalon is at 3605 S. State St. hltp:// n Smoke ^Thunder will play,v 888-TIXX or online at Lounge in Salt Lake aty at 10 S r tic h a r e $ 1 6 ^ b o r S r v S ‘ a"'' ^t 7 p.m. on SEPT. 24 at, or- ot Atkinson's Vegas S iSke Oty at ^ The1 Outlaw Saloon islocated at ? '50s and '60s music from 9g The SUNDAY, SEPT. 1 7 Rdck/Bolse 1254W2100S,- • p.m. Tickets, which ore $ 12, , s Sandy City Amphitheater is at Rock/Utah b v S n o S m l W s ^ S m Cactus Petes Resort Casino. Markets In Ketchum and Hailey, n m on s w r V t e e s^ E lectronlca/U tah can be reserved by phoning'' p.m.' to 12:30 a.m .al Johnny's E Elton John will play Taco FBIDAy.SEPI.IS ' S at Senor' Caesars. No coverir 1300 E. 9400 S. Elton John will play the E raco aaa.nxx or online at Jlckets.whlchare$45.S50and The Venue is at 521 W. Broad which are S6 , can bo reserved Vaux wili perform at Club Smith's Tlx at (800) 888-TI)0( itv Bell Arena on tho campus ot ^ charge.Johnny'sisal64Sfllerir Festival/TWln Falls Corner in the Salt U ke City by phoning Smith's Tix at(800) Boom Va In Ogdon at 7 p.m. Rock/Bolse oc online at http://www.smlth- a Boise Stato University at 8 p.m. J Ave. Classical/Utah Tha PeiTfne Brhfge Festi*isti* suburb ol West Vaiioy City at 8 '’^5’c-U rbanL oungoisat400S.400 ‘no (8 00)82M l03. p«.w /m < ih 886- m or online . at. on SEPT. 27. Tickets, which Festival/IWIn Falls ' Throwftown, Zao and Ever-r- The Urban iounge is ‘ vsl will bo held al venues near ;e Tickeis, which are $45, $75 TM Prnrl™ Bi«g« Itotl- , Utah Symphony will open its lear' Tickets, which are $55, ? l^ W. Rtwk/ltoh rttp://www, are $10, can be reserved ' green Terrace will perform atIt at 251 S. 500 E. ,‘s the Snake River Canyon. High-igh- S85.Sl2SandSi4S,canbore-e . and $95. can be reserved byby Rockrtrtah Faun Fables wl perform at Club Vegas Is at 400 S. 400 W. by phoning Smith's Tlx at varvrill bo held at venues near^ \ The Venue. Tickets, which are•e 'Variety/TWIn Falls 2006-07 season wilh the Snake River Canyon. High* < lights will Includo ParochutosJtos senred by phoning Smith's Tlxnx phoning Select A Seal at (208) T h ea te r/B o lse Rockapella v^ill perfomi jnowfpan Lounge rn ^ ii_U ke (eoo) 8 8 8 -Tixx or online al ' S12, can bo reserved by phon- Mixed Emotions will playy Beethoven'S Third Symphonyny lor Kids BASE jumping al 8 I- RockAHah )> 8 at (8001 688-TIXX or online at 426-1494 or onlino at Idaho Shakespeare Ftoti* wtth the Ittah Symphony at 8 ISLSh im <« R ock /B olse • http;//www.smlth , light will include a kickoff par-' j; Ing (800) 965-4827, online at rt from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 ajn. alII at 8 p.m. in Sail Lake Ciiy's/ s a.m. and a barbecue at iho tyani;30a.m.^ . II ' Megadelli. Lamb ol God IHO htto:// Theno http:/Avww, httpyAwwv/ ' orir rnidOpolh will play usona Am-. MontanaI Steak Houso. No cov-. Abravanel Hall. Tlckorts, whichch Buzz Langdon Visitors Conlernler E Center is at 3200 S. Decker val will present James Vaicq P;?; S o m d T p h S ’Smliii's Club Boom Va Is localod al. at Atkinson's Markets inn ptilUioalor in tho Salt Uko CityV is at 1826 Canyon Crestit can bo resereved by phoning Sm oke'n Thunder will play i, Idaho Shakespeare Festi* I is al 521W. Broad St. 5:30 p.m. Tickets, which ares Drive.I . (801) 355-2787. • Abravanela Oance/TWln Falls Rock/Utah val will present James ValcgS q fIf^VhonlSS^'orssS?! The Urban Lounge is nt 241 S. ^ d J K S l S p o a r e Festi- 'SOs and '60s music from 9 ^ S30, & 6 and $45. can be re­ Hall Is located at 123 West ist TWin Falls Senior Citizens«{)* Tho Casualties wiil performm and Fred Alley's m usicar Spit* p.m. to 12:30 a.m. at Johnny's r served by phoning Smith’s Tlx } Soulh Temple. Center will hold a dance witn at Senor Caesars. No cover: *' Rock/Bolse X Variety/TWIn Falls alAvaton 111 Salt Lako City at Are Grill" at 8 p.m. In Iho festi- ,1 ot (800) 888-TI)a or online Ot music Irom 2 to 5 p.m. at ino charge. Johnny's is at 645 Rier .. Bill Pinkey’s Orioirtal DJ Night will bo fealurcd 7:30 p.m. Tickets, which aroro val's amphitheater on Boiso's Drifters and The Fabulous, httpy/ Us-‘ by phoning (208) 336-9221. al223RfthAve.S. C 357 | campus of Boise State Univer­ Tickets, vrfilch aro S16, can be 1 The Venue at 7 (i.m. Tickets,, Avalon In Salt Lake City at Tho amphitheater is at 5657 Sle^S^^ "'5S?l^ll’playAvaloninSatl Variety/IWIn Falls the^onSJlSffo^aV ’ Planetarium /IW In Fdlls v I 8:30 p.m.'nckots. which are sity at 7:30 p.m. on SEPT. 2J. reserved by phoning (800) 965- which aro S6 . can be reserved WarmSprlngsAve. Vari^nVrin Falls n ■The Faulkner PlanetariumI by b phoning (800) 965-4827,, S15,canbereservedby Tickets, which are $10,fi: M r r s s : 4827, online at httpyA«ww.tlck- . M x0d Brattons will, play ^ ’ at the Herrett Cemar lor Alls1 0online al httpy/www.Uck-. phoning Smlth’sTlx at (800) RockAttah Rock/Utah $29.50 and $39.50, can bo be ticl«,oratWWn$ons $ 13, u n bo reserved by phon- berosorvodbyphonlngSmlth's The Big Band Broadcast, foa- by phoning Smith’s Tix ot (BOO),» or at Atkinson's> and: Science on the campus ofI, 0 or at Atkliison'sI 888-TIXX or online at ttio The vibrators will performn reserved by phoning Select A Markets in Hailey and Ketchum. 1 Andrew Bird will play In the I A “a'S'in. ing Smith's Tlx at (BOO) 888- Tlx at (800) 886*TlXXw online turing the 13-ploce Mark Fer- . 888-TIXX • or online at Montana Steak House. No cover ^ • theCoOegeofSouSwmid^wlUI Marketsh in Hailey andI http://;, Venue in Salt Lake (5fy att 7 at Burt's Tikki Lounge In Salttt Soatal(208)426-1494oron-on- Ketchum. The Idaho ftlte Civic TlXX or online at at http:/Awww.smlthsllx.coifi. guson Orchestra, at 7:30 p-m. in charge. Montana Steak House Tl The Big Easy Concert House Isi present'Journey1 to the Edge otf Ketchum. K The Venuo is at 521 Tho Avalon Is al 3605 S. Statee p.m. Tickets, which are $13,13, Uke City at 10 p.m. Tickets,t. line at http://www.ldahotlck-ck- Auditorium Is at 501 S, Holmes Avalon is located at 3605 S. on 5£PT 27 In the College ol tho Venuo is located al 219 S Is at 1826 Canyon Crest Drive, at al 416 S. Ninth S t ! Sp^andT1mo''at7 p.m.T1d(et31 VW.BroadSt St. can be reserved by phoningIng which are $10, can ba re>I* Ave. s ta le s t SouthomldahoRnoArtsConter 600W, = ® i t’s easy! Just fill out the entn tr y fo rm b e lo w aand n niail it in. You couldd w in a $ 5 0 g ift certificate to any of thesele r e s ta u r a n ts . A W in i O g ift cei n e ' w w in n e r w ill b e ch o ses e n e v e ry w e e k . S B

    F E A T U R E D RR ESTA\ U R A rN T I gjfc MIP t(uL[^^A rde i s a i s V l rllaigpuritttio i

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    * " E N TTRY FO5 R "m '' j ^ Authentic Chineinese Cuisine H I ^ H i Cantonese • Szcchai:haun • Hunan R estaurant ______I Daily Uinch Spcciali1 • Banquet Room I We'll prepare your.tur. wild game! N am e ______------^ l l IGomlMnni) S Peking Reststaurant H Ei ^ A d d ress______B S 3 824 Blue Lakes Boulev;levarJ North 733"4S12513 « I C ity .______State______P hone^ ^ = | | Behind Wen

    ETiaiallElbllEllsIlDllsilEJBIIEllElllEllalil^G JlSlldlSllElTt^lQ□ IIIb IISIIQJIQIIGI

    SI;tiU 4 CHINM B u m i , I *n \ , V s t o t n e r s ' IB a cujs* I CC l h o i c e B I _ _ ■ 3______l i r i e s e B u ffe!t------B------^ I F R E SSH h SALAD BAR, GGRAND BUFFET AN\ND COMPLETE MVIENU EVERY DAV ■I • BkSTVALUE]£ Iced tea. coffee or hol)t lKING STAFF . Aa n s a tRIHffOUH s e TAKEOl■)UTandDEUVERY Duly II am -9 pm ^35 Blue Lakes Blvd.I. N.\ • Twin Falls • 73-'34-6578 tSottinliiy'tll9;30 J f . H p ' ' p i z z i Ku A N D ^ n w M T l P A n g B g . Buy 12" or 16" Piz i \ At Regular Price: r p Q B jW Get A 12" - 1 Toppiping ^IheNawOitnahakft»e^V H |H <0 Pizza For Only/ TmnFoUioffendrsdn array of dUhet to Mtiify a . - I $ 5 - C i;i) Blut UkM Blvd. •IWn fall!-:li-733-3963 ® ® assSii&s:r Buffer usin gs ------i buffet b an WTlhhover a 80 (fishu of Hunan,n, ]Szechuan, W iW W ir o B f ! i Catrtonese, Amerxenconand I ' ItaCari euitine bein>eing served : everyday. Pnvct® Room1 o>m a U b k h r V fe MC ' yw bu stn etto rfi 'lutcniariotioiuiC 'Bu^X & ' ‘M qnijolijofian 'BtirCcciuc H | TheNswChinaBv o»Hoon^^ Spcciaiial L-unclicoii Commlilnacions on od holideyt. IIKW aH m •- 4 : 0 0 p m • Monday throirou^ Saturday . v e d w ith B ' . $:$5.95 iod egg rolls im l l J. D.B.Q. Poikk Chowmcina <>. Deep FrieFried 5»«in.p (6) Z Sweel & Sourlur Chicken( or Potk 7. Deep FrieFried Fi>h (6) J. Chickcn Almurmond Ding 8. Moo Gooloo Gai Pjn |L^g 4. Oroccoti Chick.lickenorBeef 9. Spicy Chic ’ 1 ,1 i ' '\ ! ■' 5. Cutry Chickcnken orBccfupkrhufj JO- M-ndarin ^ ' lWl>^li..n..-!)ii,iii. tWl Seafood Spccui'll ' , y‘ ' | I I B Mt T

    l i y i ; ______

    B uhl E"'”"" About thele■ dining Wo□rthgetlting upI (early S ’s?"”' guidide BYsBYSTEVECmiMP TNT publishes a linieS'Nw/sv.Tiier Tmii ' ■ din,' n •! m “ fS S '.o" ™ Jl in AH'A ,1/xJ OeW3 Lw'o. J fl? fOlating list of f(restaurants in Ata owners. r.4n-«aD5. . south-ccnlral WalKlaho. along witti lA C k-i'or0 r. Nev. - My'Aiiiii in 's their hours, (oodI spspecialities and .. ; liiresM-il frir 211 yi'iirs al Kcs 2 i c fit) P™® ranges. For reasons ol ______space, not everyy nroslauranlwill___ C lul). a IaiK>’ <'asiiii> in B p/v S13 III niiiiMiays. be listed every-wec)leek, Dut tliey will (hnvium vn P 6.un,-anni.:Fml.iysana S,iliif(tiyiftMr. li t,e lisied on a rcgul;Quiar basis. ’iiTiiiiiiiiu-nii-ni im w j'rnpliiys am.-9p.m.;Siin0jy5, .Cp.m I ® If your rcstauranrant is nol listed iid,ikki pi-np.•ii|»lr a iu l ii|)rra lrs III ij .• j/ivnffS,55 Wiiio 111-w a s ill iiiwii. Ila n a h j , I ”ys 5^ i '- It's a Iree:oservico: s , ,'I . 1 1 l l ul liis iiii’als III lill' [j i?pm^*!>!oart»tT^iufaiw*'Ta.“5a.iH.-ii p m. LcennaiimUJMkson. onvei:WJ5343- . , fsiaunini. aiul lu-was v 6570 ______— ----- W i l l l.imlHliiini;r8.S^WSl2.E12.50 Hrtr /rtfitf,s •' ■'H' kllT' Itnlur (|ualiiy ll ivasa J t* l | | • La'PlMa, i?06M;»nSl -- T,i(T,icos. en- Mnml.i^ imoiiiiii Saliiid.iy(I,iy1ftiiit. ‘ll>in. li(iiircilli-iv.i-i v.aiulruTasi(.iiallv IJ*.'Hillill j i'm i l ills ctia^iaos. Ui'iilos wiiii ttonicnnicmaoc lor- du'i-’dSiin[);iy5. Cii.uh-lup luMvoiiI.I1 slunvsh ui> al uiisiirial ^ .i lilkis, laimi»-5tvlc Incrd potk ot sW.irstflamcd 5.J3K(iiKi h m trs'— ilill th e iiiiiriiiii};, j::ill ; <|ii;iru-iru-r p asi inidiii|;lii. Ill- Burley illK-il ~ fl'Kireg a rd less aa nn v il p.m.;rn'^------nio';i pronili 'pan, cMckofi-lnod steak. S4.SS-StiS-St07S. days ihtough Sundays,., toto 30 am .-9 30 iMiiTV. w hhieh ir traces its pi-di);iee A b o u t th e T he trick lo rrui u n n i n g Hours: Sundays Ituougii Thundaysdays. 11 p.m M res Areeo. a m.-l0 p m. Pen Rw. owner 43C-43G, 8339. * Prkl't a te . 2444 0 s c tu » P e te s R esort Casino, is freshnesss a n d I lu e sd ay . JiltlHmKh I'm • EdKtit 144 Hkghmyiy81E 81 .~ meals iwsJiuIlnpptlitM! [ockpot, Nev. — Homostyle pol consistcnl quiq u a l i t y , Cwgcf and lues. S2-S5, /fcwrs"Tuesdays Tuc Hows MondaysIhiooohS illing/lore irii(r/i beftire o a st, chlckcn-fricd steak and 0«oogriFfidays.l1 a.m.-8p.m,'1. Twrom Jones. 9 p m .: ck>sed Sundays.s. DDeiiKAnaerson. (i. (jrajravy. sandwiches ond salads, according lo) A u n t o«wr 878-M48. onver 678-5149 I ho irickIck tn runniiiK iill all- hoiloney-foasted turkey melt. K athy. C oflee ggc e t s o l d hours rcsiiiisiaurani is freshness S616.29 S17.99. Hours: Open and bitter w ith:h I t i m e , iind coiisisiisisieniiiualiiy. ac- 24,24/7. (775) 755-2321. e«. Albion 3311 f o o d o n - s t e a m:i t;t a b l e s cordinK to A/ u n i Knlhy. Cloffee ■ • AMon Cand Satur- ’inughTtwrsdays. 8 n.m. ney iind flavni: und couliuid eiisily ciU'iI .w ith a s]>(iun days, 7 a.m.>10 p.m. Ao00f JenWw.Wns.OMTWi; jr>dSaturditys.Sa.m.>10| ' ' short-order ccc o o k s am.-9p.m. ranivxflruCnaoiGriuta. owners. shori-ordcrder cooks areii'l ai ihe —and ai llie mix ofiiiKredienis , C73-S404. , aren’t at the tto o p o f G73- 6696. io |i o f thelr(;ame f lr ai 3 In the waslisn av o rfiil. It w.Ts clearly a m o rn in g . w ell­•ll-praeiiced recipe whippedJ their game at 3 i n t h e Auao B e l l b a j e I orderede d io n e o f th o se de- ‘ u p> I)hy a n ex p erien c ed chef. Noi" m o r n i n g s • Aimo CrMkOutpott. 3020)ElbaAImo Elk . siKH-your-o'r.ownonielels(S7.!)il). extr;itraordinar>’. hui perfectly re- Hoad — Specialty sieaks. hamOuigciuigcMtthOf .0ikstrw t,l090al Vou8.-,youro u r c h o ice of 10 flllliiKs: spececiahle. .Served w ith a ■ OuanoihernuirniMK.lh!.the tiiKken samhvlcrws. »n ed wllli11he Ilw ullliTWlc soups and sandwiClMJS. U I mado from and ciiccse. cashewchicken ch>c: salad, special th re e fllling-sn gs co n ic w ith Ihe it wa,vas a Rue way m siari tlii- om elui m ay nni have heeneen as a 250 n S p O l 3.9S -«n!J1.95./fours- luncheon entrees d.iHy. H J eac h add iiio n al InRre- m iiniirning — even, Kdiui. Hui ihcO esert HoiinHim cer- ' i X m S Monday Ihrouoti Soluiday 10 n.m.-9n.-9p.m.: llirough Frtdav I1:30nm (:aeius IVtes, of course, has ctoscdSuflOays. Wtm'iimaJennineC(M Dewsnup. Wjfter. owner. 788.3046 (llL-nilK?9ClU cents. I had mine with t:a 1 iiiinly passed itiyiip-herori-rore-Min- ■ownm. 824-5577. h a co n , greet:reen pe|»pers and jack I hee \v'J Kooilo d fn o d . 2-t/7. Hui iibiliiy andd Tmirs-Krirs ler/fer.S/eSU'iw o m le ssc u p l — ji'tso fii. • e.xei'iecuiloii a re su in e iin ie s tw o Cri/niii a in Iw ifiiclifiliitii7:{r.- ri, '•ag®lrtE*j«w.745E.U.s!‘»’Hlghway Hoi/fj; Open 24 hours,.s™ sm , 30, BUM — BegoUwmenu: Dreakijjaklasts. 5rcvff amf Julie co m tts 352- Hy ih c ta.ste,‘ite. I could lell il had veryry d illete n t ihiiit's in ilie food-d- .'jA'.V. o r irrih- iii h im iii borjera, sandwKhcs. siesk. Uppto lo: $12.99. '1070. )>.!>i lit'unI ,servirvice husiness. s\rimiii<"'iiiiinii'i'

    {■ PAGE13THURSDAY_SEPTEPTEMBEH.I4 ,2 0 0 6 TKT ^H ltilusic/s/m ovies’ KAR RickCk Ross DMX ‘Port of Miami* ‘The Year of the Doc (DeJ. Again' (Sony) COFRNER l)L-r Jilin prL-sjivsidi'iit Jay-/, wjis Y, S e p t . 1 4 iiiiprossw l fiHnijidiik Ii by-KIck Koss . lIu' lirfNlX's sixih omm in g . arnoke will t)c fenlured kViir for K()';s' sc Ik* also H | ^ H icIN you m ost o f what you iii .m .lo 1 a.m at Moniana . ;'aini* (>iil <)r scin lo tolu iknow ahom hisconu-hack. i. No cover cimrge. Mon- add viTsi-s lo iiI ro Mia- I h f ri-si o f il you liin df|>erhi)ii($(‘i(«(‘ l hislliiiV^----- frnirrnm-nisrncw'roalliy'sliiivv'i; ' riiiil pairoiiiiKliiKi' hils ('iiiiratt- just sliirifd o n Uirr. r h o se s will be fealured (rom 9 n. al Kruzer's Nigiil Lile. . teed »oss'c;idii*i,lift, hul Ih f hi-iird- tiers; "I'oPort of Mliimi" lumbers cepCfpiihlf lo this cross-markfif lin g . T h u r s d a y ,! S I a l . 7 p.m. No cover c'(l:«)<)*|><)iimkTve rw iili llK‘ }{ri/yJy' from .sianian lo finish wiih the un- pjo pjoy will rmtl.DMX m u ch as'" ll V V V \ er'sisat121FounhAve. iK'arKrowlisihckI f kind or Kuy w h o slop piil)kl>le m bm uniiini o f k'fiIffi him t lu f f years agir. iiillld ' A \ \ P S' D Knrat (ToinmiindK aiii'iiii'n iion anywiiy. l-riinkonsinstein 'sm on slfr. llia:ihiil'sa problem. (rom 8:30 p.m.«tli Lone Woll Entehain- lispi'dally wllliII ii il d fiiiii alh um A n d tlif(liL-siirtirsiiiipIf-mindcil- I-l-vrn w h en "(Iriind Cliiinitnp" stibsiiiniiiil coitiplaii Sleak House.tealured Nt Irom 8:30 p.m laiin Sicak Hou< ihiHS ill! ll»iipi>ttof{fiir ffli'hrii- ness, loo,III. l.ikc.'iOCcni, K ossisiiii ii|){iii|)pfaifd ihiii I'iill, ll was flifli-iir "Hiihy MolIm.'M vcihai li'e Pioneer Club. No cov- _____ Crest Drive. • liiinoflnsoxporiL'L'rifin-fs in the vo- ou isizcd:d . personaliiy niiis-— iliaiihat .th e forin er liiirl Sinniii:lions an f.\ ihal would probii ’ioneer Club is al 1519 -} Karaoke will ciiliiL* irack'. illld iiiii a siniiliirly (jufradin^ling iis an f m c ff; fa cii ar- uiihwas on aiiiopiloi. rfhiishingi tthf ' ifil niiidf anysfiisf. Id. ' ■ . p.m. to 1 a.m.vill a be featured Irom 8 - iiini>riil<)(k>t(>l)liihlinj?. rustiiiK cccoupli't alioiii ihf dark oiitiDUtnigfoiis ' conffssions ' tlthai Ondoublfdlv. n.MXI Doors open:.m. al at the Klovcr Klub' “\VluTc My Moiifv M (1 Nfc'd side of SUIsu n n y Moridii is offset hy tuiiituiuk- his l!U)fl (leb iii. "h's DiDark ilif iigc iild miisir Iii/ p cliarge. Kruzer'scovcr r:narge. Klovcr rh:il)~ is llie lla-sh fsis, and "lllow.'' a h alf'dlo o / /f ii !^liin»is o f lu iiirsfly and iiml Ilfll Is Hol." su rh a sen'■iisii- "Civf ilm VVhiii l lii'v ' 2MainN. ^ which disi>lays a cch ild lik f I'xciif- rhytufdI nonsense.i Al Icasl he lionlion. DM.X's la lfs l o llfr s iillI iIhf naiiir ol vfi .anoiiicr” ~ Karaoke witli in e n i ill m a teriaalfxcfss. l o siipplifs has a job[>b wailing for him ivlu'ii sani'iiuiif hiirk w ith htik- o f the bitf. hi numlHT. liut fvcii lain il is than mcnt will be teaiBurley llu* n a iu ra l i-(»nL'ondusion. Wiih his hip-lio•ln)jininisovfr, righright d ow n lo th e lo w frin g Svv:>vvi/y w iini it probiihly owiiM liissiuili (.1 101 n.m attii'efKaraoke witli Daniel slovv. m e n a c in gK hInfa is from ( loot Ufalival/product ions; ihedifferfiifiiCf bums' woribalri-iidy. je (eatured trom 9 p.m...... K/ Hrc, Jii/7.e Phil’hil iind t h f Kun* — Hanford Coiimiii iss thilltl sm h iriK -kstleserw inin o r f — Itiiiit'ni llie niversitlo. No cover rsltfe is at197W . High- i/plnlosopliy „ Movie!B S Continued page 6s .____ ^______■V Wani." llu- KlubisaM 02MOeclo fr liirklu-lfr i Lou Brown will befea- • "Uttlc M iss}ss Sunshine" / ' withsmeverai hoalloiids of heard- mildly mil enienaining piffle aboliotit an d p o in tfd lo fs. .Sooiliiosr who . 8 B p.m. lo midnight at One of thosee cotii-of'ihe-hliie cd hiiccaL-caneers and ghostly nm* auan jAmerican jotirniilisni sludedfnt ciid0 ’ •■' "’- ‘T '"e cliargo. Riverslcfi -RV“/a i e v y terrilory: a lin ed foilfollowtip lo 2()o:is rollick- gnrgrave. Nanifly. thf city's newtw si sexual-healing songs ti way 30.' EPT. 1 5 dysruncilonul-fai•fam ily road (rip ing liiKh(;h seas hil. Diirk and dis- seriserial killer m ay b e dash in g iiriiirls- "Dirty Dancing" jiopul Twin Falls ------^------JJ in un equally dysdysfunctional yin* itppolndim ing. w ilh hi»[f the cast u>ci(ocnit llugl) Jackman. Allen ap-a| und Dewati are allrat Eniertalnmcnt will bo cage VW hus. Ihn(hit this m ovie lia s covcrcd:d liin barnacles, 2 Iicmrs, 30 peapears a s a hack m agician sh e•in- ii can boih timve. bul I Karaoke byI Lo8:30 p.m. to \ a.m. at m ore Jn com mio on n vvith the co m - m inu (supernatural viieviies ■ for n o discern ib le reuseison spend.100 much limelo ni ih e y b e - tured Jfom 3:iub. p No covcr charge. pk*x hu m or annnd hiitersweei scares,, viiviolence, iniiyhem, adult othiother than to give himself molore Ing. Hated 1’C;*I3 (ihen.-f leam "C.“ Shakers, No cov«■ Is al 1519 Kimberly (one or chee 'nianksgiving* themes)■s) ‘ .serescreen tim e • to help. T lic w holiole menis. Iirief violencer ua s.w iih oiit at 826 Higliway I ihcmcd “PIccescs < o f April." IJtlle thirthing's rather rcmlnisceni iof endo). 1 hour.3ii minuiivfnfss and ill be featured from 8 m. at the Klover Klub Olive (adorablyly cchulrtjy Abigail • “I'rofroposlllon'VNol rated AlleAllen's "M anhattan M urder Myly s . > that niiidf F r id a y , S e p t covor charge. Klover lery," but n o f a s good . A nd cvc lular. Tiitiim HreslJn) warnsi wto c o m p c ie in a X^ipt. .SiiStanley (Ilay Winsione) lery :ven • “Talladega Nights: iMainN. heauly comcsi.St. s o her fam ily captureses fugitive hroiliers thalih a t.v i^ m idlcvcl W oody llatt:Ited lad of Kicky Bobby”iraciivf / B and , Lone Wolf Eni hJis the road. TtiTlie flawless en- Charleyy((»uy (i Pearce) and Mlkey I*c;-l*CM3 (so m e sexu al conten t).1). 1 l-'errell is back on theI Ihese tw o featured (rom Burley 8:: scmhlc cast JncJincludes her par* ' Uurns (Kichard (l< Wilson) at a 'houIiour, 36 m inu tes. fast irack wilh tlijs afl*ele n o t d a n c - the Pioneer Clubill be featured from 8 v n is (Greg KJnnInnear and Toni scene ofof 1bloody rape und mur- infccilously high-splrllem aiic e lf- Pioneer Club1. at is the 610 Club. No CoJIctio), grandpid p a Alan Arkin der. Inforiforming Charley that he • • "StcpUp“/C- Ifdance;eis just plain hilarious moie a n d in n u - . The, 610 Club is at und gay unclc:1c Steve Carcll. m u st MLkill his older bmlher, suci>uch a big, red iscovered pastlniim e a NASCAK cham p, livelu ie s a Ave, ^ ^ ' p.m. to 1 a.m.I Karaoke , will bo fea- Smart and goof]lofy, tender und Artliur(D(D an ny I lu ston ). In order anindovcm d m nlng reality TV thelien g oin g lUcky Bobby's wa; ^ . Lounge. No ) cov p.m. to 1 a.m, at . laugh-oui'Ioudd fufunny, ih ls is ilie to b e sesel free, Stanley drags why.vhy Is Disn ey's ‘Step Up" such:h a intruder from I-ormulait.s:T hcO al. KlubisaMOZMa )ver charge. Cheers Is sleeper hit of tlicslesummer. Haled Mlkey loiQ a decrepit jailhouse lengengtJiy bore? Easy answer. I leilerc effete, espresso-sippii/ B+ Will .S. Highway 30. II (language, somiim c sex an d drug w h ile hc he waits for Charley lu wcvc 1have s t^ ’t thug "A" (Cliaran- mus-reading rrenchmahe comedy Bu contcmj. I hour,ir, 4 1 m inutes.^ carry outut ithe d eed . K. nln(ling 'Hiluin as troubled lyieiIcr) Baron C ohen, hilarioiifl'eciionaic. Karaoke willRupert b wv hoh o throws dow n hip -h o p step:;ps. letiges Jiim nn hisilriied oi a n d p.m. to 1 a.m.toity-scho(lOoI unas-suming as a pu]ivervihinK's 1054 OvcfiancJAvs Melody Bar. 502 Sixth , , ack, "jvlutch Point." damiancer "B" (Jenna D civan aas . movie also features a : D ep p, KeJra Knlgnlghtley and Or- comeback 7™ '““" ,„“ 9^ lando Bloom arcirc back — alon g W oody Allen Al backslides in this ncrvlervous Nora), who's all balkillel e n sem b le cust.ula Ont., an Q,'g{,rg fjo coveree MWOKE. Page 14______i iping. Ot at 163 West U.S. I m an (Sacha ious) chal-______Rui ow n, um . Kroakers Kara ilayful and Krieger will be (ej puppy, the tola.m.atlhcMc n .splL-iiillil St. ______Please se e I H BC E 14 t THURSDAy_SEPTEMBER_1_14_2006 HfT 'M usic H

    —KARAOI)KE Ait s o»ilon&iuedfrompage3 ------»• wilh Ihc Big ., CSI Fine Arts CenterCet attdi- E b I c Bands," and gui«^idcdonilssenli- torium — Samarabaibalouf is a CORNE. menial journeyicy by the '40s- string trio from Franceic e tiiat plays e spirit o f the ., 9 sty lc p a ttc ro faaradioannounccr. n iifT’ 1 o ri^ n a l m u sic in the s( continued front pag M < lw iU ,- DDon'l c Sit Undcrihc ^ Gypsy jazz siur Djar)jango Rein- hordt. Founded in 20C2000 by gui* Saturday, Sb >t. 160 A pple •!>«!.’ “Sti“Stardusi,'' “In ihc M ood." “And ththe Angels Sing* larisi Francois Petit,I, thistl Insiru* . a n d m a n y o ihicr cr standards. mental outfit has touroured exten* twin Falls slvely ihrougliout France. Fra Hel- Karaoke will be-featureijjfcb trom ; T ick cis for iliith e 7:30 p.m . per* gium and the restt of-n: Europe. . p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Klover Klo> Klub fprmanci; arc $1SlSforaduhsand ' imlc guitars, ’ ------Lounge, No-cover-chargeirge. Klover- s i s . for siiidcni!mis.nnd children, . ■ Composed of rhythm! K lu bisat402 Main N. an d an; availabl Eastern harm ony. Kroakers Karaoke withNith Daniel ing, Uurlcy andmd llailey, or l>y ner, John Cl Krleger will be featured fromfron 9 p.m. p h o n in g 732-62fi5288. nckcls. which arc S12 for i to 1 a.m. at fhe Rhrerside.le. No^ cover o ilic r Arts, on Iadults and S8 forchildren, chll are j charge. The Riverside Is3 at 1,97 W. a n ccs th is scasor available at F.verybocbody's Busi* Highway 30, • Druml.A/oK.7V.2,7:30p.nt.. CSI ness, Kurt's Pharmtacy aq & Hall* Karaoke will be featured a ic Valley Arts r ™ ," .;™ ri„,Ar:sa„,crler aiullldriiim — mark'und the Magic V at 'Hie Steakhouse and Coi C ouncil in'IWln Falls,ls,a iS a u v Mor . S S rlilsNoraSoolta>ila*based musical H f l |D Center. No cover charge. Th< p r u g in Huhl. at Arleneenc'snowcrs house is at 1340 Oakley Ave production Tearcaiurcs 20 per* in lerome. and at:si CSl Ouircach Karaoke v^ll be feahjredired from 8 Tormcrs from caeach of the Cana* p.m. to V a.m . at the 61010 Club.( No d ian province'se's principal cul* I Jj Centers In Gooding,I. HBurley and cover charge. TTie 610 Club Cli Is at lu r e s - b la c k . A.Acadian, aborigi* !Hailey, or by phoningng 'i732-6288. 1054 0ver1andAve. nal and Celiiclc -— brouglii lo- 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ • Cclllc Tenors, MMarch 30, gcih cr In a fu; 7:30 p.m.. CSI FineTArts At Center Rupert y, video, rhythm aitdilorium — Maithiithew Gilse- jke'wlll be High'Mountain Karaoke lening lo the soli- nan, Niall Morris and' ar James a m a the featured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.r le aborigin al drum Samarabaliibatouf is a string trio from Franance Influenced by guitar mas- N elson are three lrl.shiIshmen witii •i^lue Room. No cover chatS o m i ">ryl.c.,oC.hc. (hcotor.lhcrcian, «rD]ango^go Reinhardt. It will perform InlnTWInFall8onFeb.26. musical degrees, twoNO platinum Blue Room isat6l3F remmonl or Avo. ln acln rk i:ncdU l explosion of dndrummers, musi------albums and intenternaiional. D edo cian.s and danccncers for an over* — foiforemost improvlsaiional iictlictlng awards, Morc likely;ly to wear Miller Time Karaoke will be lea-, ture. Drum! shshnw ca.scs iradl* ^ troiroupc In (he United Slates.s. /An Icniher jackets thanan tuxedos. tured from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.n. ata the Big lion al and m ode)dern styles, rang- ^ Incn cub oior for cclcbrliies,. it's's ffa- this group infuses. ninew songs Kahuna. No cover charge.}. BigBl Kahu- Ing ffom ih c b>ongo or an d djem tie N mcnous for cncoura(^ng Ihe! i(iiul> und classic C eliic mlu usi sic w ilh its n a i s a t9 E Main. lo spoons und un accordions. en.•nts o f John Belushl. Hill Murroirray. ow n sty le.q n d sou ndnd. , Total ul- n d b agp ip es. Mip- I j M Ch3hris Farley. ’Ilm Meadowlows, bu m sales worldvvide,Je, Iincluding Sunday, Sa>r. 17 hop mccls higlligliland dancing. Sicsieve; Carcll, Stephen Colbcibert. compilations, are nuwlow at morc and flying floruscc sce m drumstick-s UnaHr Fey. D an Aykroyd, Gilt;>ildh than t m illion, mmaking al The TWin Fails arc temperedd t}y th e deep. Raladnur. John Qmdy, Mananin Celtic.Tenors the biggtiggest classi- Karaoke will be featured ind of Ihe native She joinctl o n siagcigchysopra- Klut) Is at 402 Main N. adulls and $188 Tfor children, are :omcdy lhal tries to stay boibolh no Dlerdre Shannon.on. who for 1 avnilahiu at EveEverybody’s Busi- opical and universal. four years played the p a n o f Monday, Sb t . 18' n ess, Kurt's Pha’harm acy & Mall- Ilckets, which ari> S15I furfi Erin the G od dess In1 “l.(“l.ord o f the mark and the MMagic Valley Arts '------COIidulis and Sl I for children,I. uure Dance," Burley 5 in IWin Falls, at Matthew Gl «0Iivailable at Everybody's- HusHusi- ' 'rickets, w hich are S20 for Kroakers Karaoke with•Ith Daniel C ouncil ollico It 1CSS, Kurt's Pharm acy 8i ilalIlall- udulls and SIS for chilchildren, are Krieger will be featured fronIrom 9 p.m. SavM orD raBin ln lHuhl, at Arlene's and Jam es ------1 adinark and th e M agic Valley ArtsAr available al liverybodoody's Busi* .to 1 a.m . at the Rendezvous)us Lounge.i ■ l^owcrs in ]crorrom o, a n d at CSI IMsttmenw: No cover charge. RemRendezvous O utrcach Ccntcittcr. In GoocllnB, "'Ij'™H Gllsenan, NIall Morris aviIkiuncil o ffice In 'IWln Falls,Is, ;nl n ess, Kurt's Pharmacylacy & Hall* . Lounge Is at 109 E. Main St. B u rlcyan dllailc;llcy .o rb y p h o n ln B Toportlwlllnes Nelson are three ' nci>av Mor D n ig in Buhl, at Arleniune's m ark, the M agic Voilcy Va Arts 732-6288. n with musical degrees, milowers in lerome. and at CS!C C ouncil. Sav Mor Druj;Irug in Buhl, March 30.llnum album s and inter- c o IWlnFaUs •Sccond City;ity, Jan. 22. 7:30 Outreach Centers In Goc>dlnJlng. Arlene's Rowers in leromIer e and I awards. The Celtic c -, Karaoke will be featuredred from 8 t}.m..CSIFlneAt•Arts Center audi’ U n c Is ll Jurley and Hailey, or liy phonirning CSl Outreach Ceniers:rs In Good- will sing in TWin Falls on ^ p.m. to 1 a^m. at the Kloy arc there w a s "Sal* S e con d Cil ?32-6208. irig, Burley and Hallelalley. or hy Lounge. No cover charge. 10. urJoy Nlcltt Ll'i, and “Whose dy group i Ou* Sam arabalouf, Feb. 26, 7:307:i phoning 732-6288. Klubi8at402liitein N._____ ll Anyway?" there wus. Bu Cily, the C hicago com e* 73< ip that has becomc the • M 6E IB THURSORSOAY.SEPTEMBffi_14^200e TlTHT H i ' O c a l *

    Howdoparentints c o m e ~ S f ttscouin cil [Bahyi up with ttietie m ? names S u n d a y i n F aW m IL Y L i f e locoking[for

    i ® i exl 3 r s < I n t e r n aitional l H p hibitc 9Film Fe:jstival 1 ^ ^ ; Timesmcs-NwB . in lls lalerlnOiii. I’equena and office ' recep llolo r n a re a a l th e ari.^ c o u n - Septem ber 28-C• O c t o b r ^ r l '''' ■ ~ • -j-WJN lv\U-S J«S — ’n ic Miiglc cil'sofncir»cesjii i;J2 M ain Ave. S. in B oise, Idahi h o ViiJluyAxCsCoiinMmcil iNseckingiip- I listork-lc Downtown 'l\vin i'alls. pllcalioiis fromrom Magic Valley • In addilltlilton, Ihe arts coiihcll co- iiriisis inicrestcistcd in display op- o^dinalc■^lies a ijuarierly exlilhil ai poriimlik-swiih'ith lite a n s cnim cil th e 'iWiiVvin l-alls C lly C ouncil for Ih e 2007 cx)ii!Xliibii year. I»rofcs- C iiambersncarCiiyHall. b ei sionulundumaliiialeur^irtlsis ivork- lixhlhliihli applicaiions can be iiig In ali mcdiu.dia. Including hoiii pickedI up u Ul the Magic Valley ^ . 4 d a y s . iwo-dlmcnsiona:)nol and ihree-dl- Arts Couiouncil ai 132 Main'Ave. S. incjjslonal worJvork. arc encour- orhycalllailing 73'l.Airi?;. Appllca- 50 films, ' iigcd Co su h mlit il iapplications for lions may;iay also h e do w n lo a d ed at consideration.»■ the nsarts council's Web siie, V A wworld of choicices. ‘Ilic arts coucouncil offers 1)1- wwv.nuijnagicvalleyarlscouncll.or monthiy exliibicilhii opporiunllies g.onilici'IC site’s visuid a n s page.

    Video) amlinuedfromi)age2 _

    hero a in Niatenns, tickets qnd multi-fi - p o s s e s m ilia r to fan s oof f Niniendo's^ far iure~ addsIds a few new mulll- • more satisfyingT(g rac ers. SUII. p la y e r c oompetiilons, n bui parents lookingigforallght- f( ihey'reno«nowhere near as much h e n riv d ra c in g ga m e th e y can fun a s o ldId : favorites like mon- HHOB p la y w ilh you nIg g ci er kids m ay get key le n n lslis a n d m o n k e y golf. a kick GUI o f WA^orld o r Rally." AL\1. MeeN•eMee and the resi of * 4 i\vost’ars. th e m o nikeys k e are Slill as For spcciol Fetllvol roles • “Super Monkenkcy Bail Adven- adorablee a as ever, bul this game Grove Hotel o ti -888-96?6l'-5000 orfor lure” (Sega, forr IheIh PidyStaiinn is a hugeL* d disappolnim eni for oddilionol lodgii^g oppoijorlunlllet visit 2. GiinYeCubc, S39.‘J9):WhaiS3S ■ fans of iheh e se ries. PA6E16THURS0^SOAY_SEPTEMBER.14_2006 TTMI Local ■■■

    Mini-Casissia ConBmiedlrmfnf p a p e S ------^ ------7:30 p.m.. Klttfi Fine Arts Ccnier C — I hls group perforforms •Artie Show O i rchestrn, am very comfortable: playingpl in u led for 7:30 . r-eb.2,7:3 will) the same imtnisiakaikable April 17, 7::w p.m..A.7»i« Fine les," Bronn ’n ie other MiMlni-Cassla.Ctim- Center• — A tnulllnallonul pi- w many differeni styles* uid o f Arts C««/tT - Some Soii of the :cns this seo-son in* anisf at the age of. M,. cl said, and his conccrtt selectionssc munlty t^oncen sicufallilm e Moutou/.l>lU /kine w o n h is first prize ' Ihe ll classlc'lndiana vocal quar*qu most popular music range from clissicalI to Broad- elude: lardust,’ "Be- ernalionul com'pclitlon.s let li of the 1930s and ’GOs..O O v e r — hits su ch a s “Slar< \v a y to hym ns. • T lm c fo r TTlirce,Wok30.7;30 li at intern; lite years, the Tour l-reshnhnien gin the Hegulne,“’ "Moonglow""N ;ary nallve, . p.m.. King FImV/ie Arts Center — in Kharkiarkov. U kraine an d Ar* • li Katherine, a Calgary rinip.-i, and "Carioca" — vvasvva; rt'iiirili'il vo violins and a gentlna.a. He1 hiirsi unto the U.S. have h Influenced many grim graduated from Dordtit CollegeC' In r eatu rln g two d his baiul in rt sc e n e .nfter w in iiin g ih e notably n the Beach Buys.;. The1 hy Artie Shaw and h Iowa and earned a masMaster's de* . d o u b le th is ih rcesoin e c o n cert sc ,1 Award for Anlslic I’o- ciirreiil^llnctip ci — Brian I'.lclvchciir the I»3()s llirougl*■l» ‘SOs.‘ iihaw grec in m usic from Arb’.criy,onu Slate perform s an ) < eclectic mix of Special A' -ai-ihe-l lll>-Van-Clll)»rn. burner,.Vlace b lohnson, CiiCuri'is d ied In 2lM yjuj»KIte ‘L! t)4. b ul his______University. In i m theheloiinieys J classlc:ilrhltieKteKmssrHtmgnrinn— tentlul-at- Calderon.and Bob l-erreiniiril — n a m esa k e orch csiralira c o n tin u e s ...... rccordedthelrfirstalbtirbum; "lour-- -gyp^'y. - jiiz/, --c«)iimry-westfrn 1 - Inlvrnatloa lion al - I’lan o -C o m p el!- — C sings many of the originalI I'ourI 'i to ho one of tin' hesilest

    ) f t h e A r t: s s 1 4 t h1 A n n u a l 1T h o u s a n d i S prings F estival oi : family September 23-23-24 • Saturday 10-6pSpm & Sunday 10-5 pmm •- Admission: $6 aduults, $4 seniors,$3-1212'& under, $20 max fa at The TiThoi^sond Springs Preserve,, lo/ocated 7 miles S f o f Ha^ermirman. On The-Southern Idahoih o Land Trust presents this anannual /ufjdrfliser to be held at 1 Nature Conservancy's es. Turn left at th e graffiti siloD andat right into.the parking areairea. From theWendell-Hagern'crman road, drive 2.4 miles souiou th on TSOO East. Turn w est on)n 33200 South and drive 2 m iles ads leading to th e festival. Parhark in the parking area and ride a bus either Wendell exit:xic on 1-84, drive so u th -a w aay y Ifrom Wendell—and follow the signs posted along all road d ow n to Ritter's islaiisland. I Tf'CUisrcJSpfinRilfiHi'j' ./V 70 juried Arts&; & Crafts Booths K ids’ A rt A ctivitiv itles Live EnterrainiTKim e n t all W eek en d A. W aterfall ViewsiVS ^ Food, Beer &WiW in e C a rd e n nioui he day perusing beautiful art,t,take ta your Wildlife Demonsonstrations sp, ^^l

    P erfornrmance Schedule Perizrjormance Schedulei l e Sunday.!, SS< e p t 24 • Host'Kim Bartlett,:t,KMVT K Saturday, S ept 2323.- • HoU'M ichael Rodgers, KM' • 12:00-1;00prrp m ...... The Heard o.ij;Miji(oik 12*1 pm ..GayleChChapman & Friends jingft/ienjpwu.r";' J 1:15-2:15 pm ...... Strings Attachedhed i>iurpjit 1:15-2:15pm ...... Special Guest Aniin is t sQ»Tne9-' 2;30-3:30pmj m ...... Red & Grayray uumock 2:30-3:30 p m ...... Travis Ward & th e JunkYanfard . . Piocccds benefit conservatiorItion effortsof the Southern Idaho LaLand Trust, Inc.^ 3:45-5:00 pm Bandstand biui }m .... .The Bob Nora band lunklunkblunrock e Sound 8f Sta(Itage M ixing.. .Robert Simonnois&SAudK) oi ' 3:45-5;15pm ...... FESTIVAL HEADLINEI Please leavek pets at home cy . For in fo call 308*6482i82 • Brent Jensen andand The Great Riff Jazz Society , Channel 38 NBC Clear Lakes Couilouniry Club, Clear Springs Foods,Is, ElElevation Thank* to our m inyny isponsor*, including Blip PrinterIters, Black Rock Clothing, Blue Lakesikes iCountry Club, Carter Wilson. Cl vicc. Idaho Power, Idaho Dairymen':len's Association. Independent Meat,^eat. Jerome Spores,FirstFederal.Cll, CoodingAmbulance Service. Co(Cooding County Sheriff, Hagerman^ SchoolSci District. Idaho Guide Servic ipany. Mikeand Brenda Felton, Mobv^obileCash CoumryClub.iohnnytmy Carino's. La Casita. Lee Broadcasicasiing, LeMoyne Really and Appraisalaisal Leiamii Realty, Lowe's, Ma^cc Valley\ Distributing, Crude Compa isn. S and C Produce, S and S Auditjdio - Robert Sigman, Soranco, SpoiSportsman's Servtcei. North SideCae Cartpl Company ITQ Pepsi, Qualelale's Electronics. Inc. Sawtooth Chefslefs Assn. - American Culinary Assn Warehouse. St. AlphonhonsCIs Life Flight. Times News. Ton'fomato's. Twin Falls Municipal Golff Course,Co Wells Fargo. Western Wastiste Management.