Cuyahoga Soil & Water Conservation District Leading Conservation in the Urban Landscape ON THE LAND SPRING 2015 STORM WATER UPDATE On December 22, 2014, nearly every to public involvement and public ed- of the revised SWMP includes how community in Cuyahoga County was ucation, construction site erosion and communities will address Best Manage- required to submit their Notice of In- sediment control and post construction ment Practices (BMPs) related to Total tent for their OHQ000003 NPDES storm water management. Cuyahoga Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs). Permit. This is the third iteration of the SWCD is also a member of the An overview of the new permit, require- permit that requires communities to Northeast Ohio Storm Water ments and deadlines, plus TMDL fact implement a storm water management Training Council. Training Coun- sheets and suggestions of BMPs that program that identifies best practices cil members provide workshops and address the TMDLs can be found at: that the community plans to address resources to community staff and during the permit cycle related to the storm water professionals that address following Minimum Control Measures: what communities need to do to stay For additional information about public education, public involvement, in compliance with the regulations. the assistance Cuyahoga SWCD illicit discharge detection and elimina- provides to communities, tion, construction site erosion and sed- By now, all regulated communities please contact: iment control, post construction storm should have filed their Notice of Intent water management, and municipal good under the new permit. By December BrentEysenbach housekeeping and pollution prevention. of 2016, regulated communities will
[email protected] have to submit their revised Storm Cuyahoga SWCD currently provides Water Management Program (SWMP) Jan Rybka assistance to 25 communities related to the Ohio EPA.