/-^i ^ IN THE SUPREME ^^'URT OF 01110 i NORTHEAST OHIO REGIONAL SEWER . CASE NO. 201 3-1 770 Aplseal zaom Court of Appeals for the Petitioner, Eighth Appellate Dasta act CASE NO. CA-12rr098728 vso : (Consolidated ^rith Case Nos. CAa l 2a098729 & CA-1 2-098739) BA'1':El T0WNS1-11Pa OHIO, et a1. Cuyahoga County Court of R^^^ondent. C€^^iman l'leas, CASE NO. CV- 1 0m71 4945 BRIEF OF AM10 CURIAE BROOK PARK, BROOKLYN.^ BROt^KL-t-N HEIGHTS, CLTYA^^GA HEIGHTS, HIGHLAND HILLS, MAYFIELD VILLAGE, MIDDLEBURG HE.1^HTS, MORELAND HILLS, NEWBURGH HEIGHTS, OLMSTED TOWNSHIP, ORANGE, PARMA, PARMA HEIGHTS, SEVEN IIILL^^ ^^IAKER HEIGHTS, SOUTH EUCLID, VALLEY VIEW AND WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS IN SUlkPORT OF APPELLANT NO1IT^^EAST 0111OR1wSGIONA1~a SEWER DISTRICT Yvette McGee ^^o,,,m (13030642) Neal M. Jamison (0005911) Counsel of Record CITY OF BROOKPARK Chad. Read1er (0068394) 6161 Engle Road JONES DAY Brook Park, Ohio 44142 325 John H. McConrie1l Boulevard, Suite 60€) 'l"e1: (216) 433-1. 3 0£1 11.0. Box 165017 Fax: (1-16) 433-1630 Columbus, Ohio 432-16v5017 Email: [email protected] Tel: (614) 469m3939 Fax: (614) 461-4198 Attomey for City of Email: ymcgeelaro-wn^^onesclay.corn caread1^rCojorf,^sday.c€^m Attomey for Village of Cuyahoga Heights, Village of Moreland Hills, and Orange Village 3 %o5/.^'i^i^^i / i / /' Scott Claussen (0074465) Jerome Dowling (O4^^69375Y ------------------- ---- - -__.- CITY OF BROOKL'I'N VILLAGE OF BROOKx^YIN-1.11E^GHTS 7619 Memphis Av^n-ue 20800 Center I^id^^ Road, Suite 222 Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 Rocky River, O'n1o 44116 Tel: (216) 635-4216 Te1: (440) 331-1010 Fax: (216)351-2133 Fax: (440} 331-881-2 11rnaaI: sc1aussen@bxoolCl^^oh1o.gow Email: [email protected] At^om^y for Cgty o1°Brooklyn Attorney for Village ral`Brooklyn Heights Thomas:P. O^Do.nnell (0002462) Joseph W. Diemert, Jr. (0011 _573) VILLAGE OF HIGHLAND HILLS JOSEPH W. DIEMERT, JRe 3700 Northfield Road, Suite 11 & ASSOCIATES, COa, L.P.A. H1gh1^id 1=1:illsF Ohio 44122 1360 S.O.M. Center Road Tel: (216) 283-3000 Cleveland, Ohio 44124 Fax: (216) 283-2516 Tel: (440) 442-6800 Email: ^^^onnellC&todlaw. com Fax: (440) 442-0825 Email: recelstiorti.st@dlemertlaw,cram Afforney for Village of Highland Hills Attorra^y for Mayfield Village Peter H. lIull (0003731) Luke McConville (0067222) CITY OF MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS WALD1=^^^ER COYNE CO6^ LPA 15700 Bagley Road 1991 Crocker Road, Suite 550 Middleburg l-aeights, Ohio 44130 West1ake, Ohio 44145 Tel: (440) 234m8811 Tel ; (440) 835-0600 Fax: (440) 234-8993 Fax: (440) $35°1511. Email: peterl;ull(@,gmaix.^om Fma.l; [email protected] Attom^y for City of MlcldlebLi.rg Heights Attomey for Village of Newburgh :llelghts Dale F. Pelsozy (0020653) 7"imotl-iy G. Dobeek (0034699) CUYAH(3G,f"`& COUN'F"av PARMA CITY HALL PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE 6611 Ridge Road 1200 Ontario Street, Justice Center 8th :k'loor Famia, Ohio 44129 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Tel: (440) 885-8132 Tel: (216) 443-7757 Fax: (440) 885-8008 :Ij ax: (216) 443-7601 Email: law^cl^rs^^^,rmam^sl^.^^^ Email: dpolsozy@pr^^^cutor.e,uval^^gaccstmty.us Attorney for City of Parma Atiomey for Olmsted 'I'ownship Michael Fsskomy (0024792) Richa.rd A. Pignatiello (0041137) CITY OF PA:R^A HEIGHTS CI'I'Y OF SEVEN HILLS 6281 Pearl Road 3479 Jasmine Drive Fanna Heights, Ohio 44130 ^even:Elzl.ls, Ohio 44131 TeI; (440) 884-9600 Tel: (216) 525-6237 Fax: (440) 884m1802 Fax: (216) 525-6256 Email: law@F^naheightsohe^ov l,"Mazl: 1.a.w@^^^enhillsohloeorg Attorrfey for City o1'Farma Heights Attorney for City of Seven Hills William M. Ondrey Ciruber (0005950) Mlchael. P. Lograsso (0058557) CITY OF SHA.1^'R HEIGHTS CITY OF SOUTH EUCLID 3400 Lee Road 1349 South Gr^e-n Road Shaker llelghts, Ohio 44120 South Euclid, Ohio 44121 Tel: (216) 491-1445 Tel: (216) 381-0400 Fax: (215) 49141 ^^ ^ Fax: (216) 381y0364 Email: [email protected] Ernaal: [email protected] Attomey for Clty of Shaker 1=1e1ghts Attorney for City of South 1;uclld David Lambros (0008654) Teresa Metcalf Beasley (0061.314) VILLAGE OF VALLEY VIEW CALFEE, HALTER & GRISWOLD LLP O;ie Berea Commons, Suite 216 The Calfee Building, 1405 East Sixth Street Berea, Ohio 44017 Cleveland, Ohio 44128 Tel: (440) 816w1525 1'el (216) 587M6500 Fax: (440) 816-0604 Fax: (216) 5 87-6594 Emai.l: [email protected] Eraiaal^ t,.n1^easley@c^.1fee.com Attomey for Village of Valley View Attorr#ey for City o1'Warrensville llelghts Mark I. Wallach (0010949) John B. Nalbandlan (0073033) THACKER 1VYARTZNSEK LPA Vl`AFT ST.^e"^°'^^^..C^1 ^7S & HOLLISTER LLP 2330 One Cleveland Center 425 Walnut Street, Suite 1800 1375 E. Ninth Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 '1'el: (513) 381-28:18 Tel: (216) 456T3848 Fax: (513) 381M0205 Fax: (216) 456-3850 raalbandl ax^ ^ tafftlaw. carn Email: m%Arallach@tmlpa.^om Stephen M. O'Bryan (009512) ^'rregory J. O'Brien (006344 1) James F. Lang (0059668) Michael J. Zbiegien, Jr. (0078352) Matthew J. Kucharson (0082388) TAF"I' S'I`E"1"rIFX^IUS & IIOLLISTER LLP Molly A. Drake (0083556) 200 Public Square, Suite 3500 CALFEE, HALTER & GRISWOLD LLP Cleveland, Ohio 44114 1 405 l,"afit Sixth Street '1'el; (216) 241y2838 Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Fax: (2.16) 241rr3707 Tel: (216) 622a 8200 sobryan;x?,taftlaw.com Fax: (216) 241-0816 golsrlen^tafttaw. ^orn Email:)1ang@calfeeocom [email protected] [email protected] mdr^e@call~ee.com Attomeys ^or City of Beachwood, City of Bedford Heights, City of Cleveiaiid li:eaglits, Village of Glenwlilow, City o1' lndependeraces City of Lyn&urstq Village of Oakwood, City of Olmsted Falls, and. City of Strongsvllle, Village ol'Glenwill^w and Villa^e of Oakwood Marlene Sundheimer (0007150) Sh^lidon Bems (0000 140) :^ORTI-IEAS'F 01110 REGIONAL Benjamin J. Ockner (0034404) SEWER DISTRICT Jordan Bems (4047404) 3900 Euclid Avenue Gary F. ^emer (0070591) Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Timothy J, Duff (0046764) 1 1 'el; (216) 881-6600 BERNS, OCI^^^^ & Fax: 881^4407 GREENBERGER, LLC Et-nail; sundb^^^err,[email protected] 373'j Park East Drive, Suite 200 Beachwood, Ohio 44122 Attomeys for NEORSD Tel: (216) 831-8838 Fax: (216) 464^44$9 Email: sbems@bemso^^er,com bockner@,bernsockner.com. jberns(@bernso-ckner.com ^^^er@4^^rnsr^cknero^om tdu ff@,bern so ekner,com Attomeys for N'€^rtheast Ohio Apartment Association, et a,:t o David J,1V1atty (0012335) Shana A. Samson (047287 1) Justin Whelan (0088085) MATTY, HENRIKSON & GREVE LLC , 55 Public Square, Suite 1775 Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Tel: (216) 621-6570 Fax: (216) 621-1127 Email: [email protected] [email protected] jwk^^la^@nnmglaw.^om Attomeys for City of Brecksville TABLE OF CONTENI`S Page INTRODUCTION .....,.n....e.n..e.e.,...,,.n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1 STATEMENT OF INTEREST,r,......,,n.,..,re.,..e.erer,e.e ..............e.,.,....,.,...a,.aasenu,usua,.nun.nernrnr,e,e.erer„s^ STA'7^^MENTOF CASE AND FAC'I'S....e.a.a..a.e.a..a.e.u..,..,u..,..e.,.er.r,.,..e.e.,..e.5 1. Stat€,itary R^quirerner^^^ for Establishing a District ...e......e.e.......,...e .....................5 lI, "Che Distxlct's Petition and Plan for Operations....e.,....e.,.,..,.,.a..e.a...a.a.e ................7 ARGLJMEI'VT....,,....,......,...,.,.:..e.,.,....e.,.,.,..e.,.,..e.,.,.a..,.e...e.e....e,.....e ......................e..,..,.,.,.,..e ltl Proposition of Law: When a Petition and Plan of Operations grant a R.C. 6 1119 district the authority to operate storm water haiidling 1'ac-ilitless -that District is authorized to create and implement a regional stormwater management program, including imposing appropriate charges to operate that program. .,....e .........................e.a.,....a....e.e,......,.,.....,.n.....,.,.1Q 1. The Petition and Plan Give the District Auffioxl^i xo::"^anage Sts^^water and ImpIemezrt a Fee to Fund Such Operations ......... .............,r..............,.,.,..e.,.,11 A. Chapter 6119 Districts Have Authority to Implement New 13'rograin^ that Fall Within the Scope of Their Petition and Plan Without First Seeking Court Appra^val.n ..........................e.e, I 1 B. '11xe Program and Its Attendant Fee Are Withiii the Scope oI'the District's CourtaAp^roved. Ilexltlon and Plan from 1979 .,.,..e.e.,.,....e ............e.,.,.,..,.,..,.,....,.,.,..e.,.........,........,...,.,.n..,.15 C. The Program Does Not Infringe 11^pon the Protections for Local Control Established in the Plan and Petition,......,r,.rerer,r,,,,l^ Il. Invalgdatiiig the Program Would Have Catastrophic Consequences for the Ability of Member Communities to Manage Regional Stormwater Prob1ems .,.,..e,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e.,.,,.,.,.a.e,a.ae.e..,e.e,,,n..r,r,.r,r,u,.,.,er,,.rere.,,,..,..,.,.,,.a.a2l CONCLUSION e.e.....,e...,.,....e .............e...,.,....,.n....e.,.,..,.,.,,.,.,....,.,..,.,....,.,.......,r.......,...r,r,.,....e.,.'?7 ADDENDUM: Impact on Amlci Commuiizties APPENDIX 1979 Petition and. Plan -1- T.^ BL^'. OF AUTHORITIES Page CASES In re Appeal of Jefferson Tivp. Bd. of Trustees, 78 Ohio App.3d 493, 605 N.E.2d 435 (10 Dist. 1992) ...... ............................................... 14; 21 Kucinich v. Cleveland Regional Sewer Dist., 64 Ohio App.2d 6, 410 N.E,2c1795 (8th Dist. 1979)..... .,.,< .......... ............. ............ ....... ........ Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer Dist. v. Bath Twp., 2013-Ohio-4186, 999N.E.2d 181 (8th I31st.).,<............................................................... 1,7,17 Seven Hills v. CleveIand, 1 Ohio App.3d 84, 439 N.E,2d 895 (8th Dist. 1980) .................................................................^ State v. Noling, 2013-01-iio-1764, 136 Ohio St.3d 163, 992 N.E.2d 1095 (2013) ......................................16, 17 Village of Cyloaaster v. I'ritnble Township Waste Water Treatment District, 112 Ohio App.3d 392, 396, 678 N.E.2d 992 (4th Dist. 1996) ................................................13 STATUTES R. C. Chapter 6119 ..................................................................................................................passim nlim I1^^^^DUC^IO^' Amici Curiae cormnunitles in Northeast Ohio continue to suffer the devastating effects of storm-wateryrelated problems, which have increased signlficantly over the past several ^^^ades, These stonnwater problems include flooded and impassable roads and bridges, basement ilooding; streamlsanks erodiiig the foundation of homes and roadways, and threats to water quaLity.
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