STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE [Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Resident Commissioner and Delegates in boldface] [Room numbers beginning with H are in the Capitol, with CHOB in the Cannon House Office Building, with LHOB in the Longworth House Office Building, with RHOB in the Rayburn House Office Building, with H1 in O’Neill House Office Building, and with H2 in the Ford House Office Building] Agriculture 1301 Longworth House Office Building, phone 225–2171 K. Michael Conaway, of Texas, Chair Randy Neugebauer, of Texas, Vice Chair Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. Collin C. Peterson, of Minnesota. Frank D. Lucas, of Oklahoma. David Scott, of Georgia. Steve King, of Iowa. Jim Costa, of California. Mike Rogers, of Alabama. Timothy J. Walz, of Minnesota. Glenn Thompson, of Pennsylvania. Marcia L. Fudge, of Ohio. Bob Gibbs, of Ohio. James P. McGovern, of Massachusetts. Austin Scott, of Georgia. Suzan K. DelBene, of Washington. Eric A. ‘‘Rick’’ Crawford, of Arkansas. Filemon Vela, of Texas. Scott DesJarlais, of Tennessee. Michelle Lujan Grisham, of New Mexico. Christopher P. Gibson, of New York. Ann M. Kuster, of New Hampshire. Vicky Hartzler, of Missouri. Richard M. Nolan, of Minnesota. Dan Benishek, of Michigan. Cheri Bustos, of Illinois. Jeff Denham, of California. Sean Patrick Maloney, of New York. Doug LaMalfa, of California. Ann Kirkpatrick, of Arizona. Rodney Davis, of Illinois. Pete Aguilar, of California. Ted S. Yoho, of Florida. Stacey E. Plaskett, of Virgin Islands. Jackie Walorski, of Indiana. Alma S. Adams, of North Carolina. Rick W. Allen, of Georgia. Gwen Graham, of Florida. Mike Bost, of Illinois.
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