Preprint UCRL-JC-146852

Multiresolution Distance Volumes for Progressive Surface Compression

D. A. Laney, M. Bertram, M. A. Duchaineau, N. L. Max

This article was submitted to 1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, Padova, Italy, June 19-21, 2002

January 14, 2002 U.S. Department of Energy Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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3D DATA PROCESSING VISUALIZATION AND TRANSMISSION 1 Multiresolution Distance Volumes for Progressive Surface Compression

Daniel Laney, Martin Bertram, Mark Duchaineau, and Nelson Max

Abstract— usable approximation of a surface can be obtained for in- Surfaces generated by scientific simulation and range teraction and browsing. As a user finds areas of interest, scanning can reach into the billions of polygons. Such sur- more bits can be decompressed to provide the needed de- faces must be aggressively compressed, but at the same time tails. This paper presents a system for progressively com- should provide for level of detail queries. Progressive com- pressing surfaces via a signed-distance representation. pression techniques based on subdivision surfaces produce impressive results on range scanned models. However, these Recently, subdivision surfaces have been shown to be methods require the construction of a base mesh which pa- effective for mesh compression as the connectivity in- rameterizes the surface to be compressed and encodes the formation only needs to be stored for the base mesh. topology of the surface. For complex surfaces with high The work of Khodakovsky [4] and Bertram [5] show that genus and/or a large number of components, the computa- wavelet-based techniques on subdivision surfaces result in tion of an appropriate base mesh is difficult and often infea- competitive compression rates and allow for progressive sible. decompression. We present a surface compression method that stores sur- faces as wavelet-compressed signed-distance volumes. Our There exist two open problems with subdivision based method avoids the costly base-mesh construction step and approaches. First, a coarse base mesh is required be- offers several improvements over previous attempts at com- fore the subdivision can be applied. As surfaces become pressing signed-distance functions, including an ¢¡¤£¦¥ dis- large and complex, with an ever greater number of com- tance transform, a new zero set initialization method for ponents, the construction of the base mesh becomes prob- triangle meshes, and a specialized thresholding algorithm. lematic. Even if a base mesh is produced, a surface with We demonstrate the potential of sampled distance volumes hundreds or thousands of components requires topological for surface compression and progressive reconstruction for modification in order to achieve usable progressive recon- complex high genus surfaces. structions. The hybrid mesh representation proposed by Guskov [6] may alleviate the problems of base mesh con- I. INTRODUCTION struction for these cases, but it requires user interaction in HE rapid increase in computing power and advance- the construction process. The second open problem is the ments in surface acquisition techniques have enabled extension of subdivision based techniques to time-varying the creation of meshes of 200 million triangles and larger data. The topology of the surface is explicitly represented [1], [2], [3]. This has led to a dilemma in surface visual- in the base mesh, causing difficulties when time is intro- ization: meshes of this size and complexity require both duced to the representation. The work of Shamir [7] pro- efficient compression techniques and a capacity for level- vides a starting point for multiresolution time varying sur- of-detail interrogation. Simulation codes running on the face representations. However, the suggested representa- newest supercomputers will be able to generate meshes tion appears to be difficult to reconcile with multiresolu- measured in billions of triangles. These surfaces will tion compression methods. be complex and time-varying, multiplying the storage re- In this paper we advocate an alternative approach to quirements and complicating the compression algorithms. surface compression which is based on a signed-distance Progressive compression algorithms enable both efficient volume representation [8], [9] . A signed-distance vol- compression and level of detail reconstruction. A pro- ume is a trivariate distance function encoding the mini- gressive compression algorithm re-orders the bit stream in mum distance to a surface for each volume sample. The such a way that the most relevant information is near the sign changes as the surface is crossed. Figure 1 depicts the front of the stream. Thus, with a small number of bits a data flow in our system. The resulting compressed surface is reconstructed by extracting the isosurface with zero dis- Daniel Laney and Nelson Max are with the Dept. of Applied Science tance. at UC Davis and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory The signed-distance representation does not directly Mark Duchaineau is with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

specify the topology of the surface. This freedom from ¨ Email: § laney1, duchaineau1, max2 Email: [email protected] storing the topology increases the potential for using sim- 2 3D DATA PROCESSING VISUALIZATION AND TRANSMISSION

sociated with base mesh construction and explicit distance topology tracking. All operations in our method are surface performed on regularly sampled volumes. The dis- transform tance transform algorithm is based on the propaga- tion technique of Breen [12] . The algorithm is sim- ple to implement and can be coded efficiently. The wavelet threshold wavelet transform is the common biorthogonal B- decomposition spline wavelet transform [13] . 4. Autonomy: The algorithm requires only a desired bit count in order to produce a compressed file. This zero−tree is in contrast to subdivision methods which may re- coder quire explicit base mesh vertex positioning for sharp features [4] , editing operations [6] , or multiple fit- Fig. 1. The compression system comprises four modules. The ting parameters for obtaining the base mesh [14]. input surface is transformed into a distance representation then decomposed into wavelet coefficients. These coefficients are II. RELATED WORK thresholded using the distance information to retain the surface Traditional approaches to surface compression have fo- geometry. Finally, a zero-tree coder produces the progressive cused on polygonal mesh compression techniques. Early bit stream. methods focused on the encoding of mesh connectivity in- formation [15], with vertex information being compressed ple algorithms that will extend elegantly to surfaces that via quantization and prediction schemes. Surface simplifi- have high genus and are time varying. We achieve a mul- cation algorithms [16] were introduced to reduce the com- tiresolution representation by applying a wavelet decom- plexity of scanned surfaces so that editing operations and position to the implicit function. Compressing multireso- compression techniques could be applied. However, these lution signed-distance functions has been studied in [10], approaches lacked the level-of-detail reconstruction re- [11]. Our contribution is a complete system that over- quired for interactive viewing and remote visualization ap- comes the problems of existing distance based surface plications. Multiresolution mesh representations enabling compression methods. The main features of our method both compression and level-of-detail rendering [17], [18], are as follows: [19], [14] have been developed to overcome the limita- 1. Progressiveness: We generate a progressive encod- tions of traditional mesh compression and simplification ing of the distance function which can be partially techniques [16]. Multiresolution methods allow selective reconstructed from the most relevant bits of the most refinement operations to adjust surface geometry accord- relevant wavelet coefficients. Thus, approximations ing to a user-defined error criterion or a prescribed trian- of the surface can be viewed without requiring a full gle budget. Progressive mesh representations such as the decompression. In addition, the implicit nature of our edge-contraction approaches of Hoppe [17] and Pajarola representation facilitates topology modification to re- [20] encode the connectivity of the mesh. duce the complexity of the approximate surfaces be- Wavelet transforms have been used to obtain multireso- yond what is attainable by subdivision surface meth- lution representations of scalar volume data for rendering ods. and compression [21], [22], [23], [24], [25] . Tao [26] 2. Scalability: The method is not limited by the need described a system for progressively transmitting volume to re-map a complex surface to a base mesh with data encoded as wavelet coefficients. Time-varying vol- subdivision connectivity. Our algorithm constructs umes were treated with wavelet techniques in the work of regularly sampled distance volumes and performs a Westermann [27] . Volume compression techniques [1], wavelet analysis. Thus, surfaces with large numbers [28] based on wavelet transforms have been used the vi- of components and complex topology can be rep- sualization of large data sets. The present work uses stan- resented as long as appropriate sampling rates are dard wavelet transforms on volumetric data but is not con- used. Our thresholding method removes wavelet co- cerned with representing the entire volume. We retain only efficients that do not contribute to the zero set result- the minimal number of wavelet coefficients necessary to ing in a size related to the surface complexity. represent a surface. The error criteria used in the quanti- 3. Simplicity: The distance volume representation dis- zation step are markedly different than those used in the penses with a lot of the algorithmic complexity as- reviewed work due to the fact that we are concerned with : MULTIRESOLUTION DISTANCE VOLUMES FOR PROGRESSIVE SURFACE COMPRESSION 3

minimizing the geometric error of the derived surface. formally define the signed distance from a surface as:

Multiresolution techniques have also been investigated ¡£¢¥¤§¦©¨ ¤¢¨  ¢¥ "!"#%$&¨(') +*-,.'/ in the implicit surface literature. Velho [29] proposed a (1)

multi-scale implicit representation based on a biorthogo- ¤¢¨  where is negative on one side of the surface and nal B-spline wavelet transform. Their technique produces positive on the other. Most scanned objects are single a representation based only on B-spline scaling functions. closed components making an inside/outside relation easy They eliminate the wavelet coefficients by projecting the to define by insuring triangle normal vectors are oriented wavelets onto the scaling basis functions at the next finer consistently. Isosurfaces from trilinearly interpolated sci- scale. This eliminates the wavelet coefficients at the cost entific data also have this property although an isosurface of an increased number of scaling coefficients. The trade- may have a boundary on the boundary of the sampled vol- off is that all modeling and rendering operations are per- ume. In such cases the boundary of the distance volume formed on a hierarchical B-spline representation. The must coincide with the boundary of the scientific data. In work does not explicitly treat the problem of compressing ¡¨ the remainder of the paper we will use to denote the the resulting data. approximate distance as computed by a distance transform Closely related to the previous work is the technique algorithm. of Grisoni [10], [11] . They represent the field function of an implicit surface as a sampled volume and apply a A. Error Metrics wavelet transform to obtain a multiresolution representa- tion. Following Velho’s method, they project the wavelets Surface errors are required to study the rate distortion onto the scaling basis at the next finer level producing a properties of our algorithm. We adopt the 021 error metric

used in [4] and measured by the METRO tool [30]. The

¡3¨ 564-

data structure with only scaling coefficients. Their thresh- ¡3¨ 4.5

error is defined by taking the max of and ,

4 olding scheme operates on the projected coefficients. The ¡3¨ 4.5 location of the wavelet coefficients is not considered in the where is the distance between to surfaces and thresholding process. This allows thresholding of coeffi- defined as:

cients affecting the reconstructed surface at the expense

¡3¨ 35 IHKJML ¡3¨ 475 8:9 ;




¨ 4A 8B>C

(2) of retaining some small coefficients far from the surface. <>=@?©<

They propose a sparse storage scheme based on a hash ta-

¡3¨ 5 ON

ble storing the location and value of each coefficient in a where is the Euclidean distance from a point 4

packed three byte block. Coefficients at coarser scales re- to the closest point on . All errors reported in this quire fewer bits for encoding position and thus increase paper are relative to the bounding box diagonal length. the number bits available for quantizing the coefficient value. This data structure does not provide control over the IV. THE DISTANCE TRANSFORM number of bits allocated to the wavelet coefficients, which We apply a distance-transform algorithm to surfaces de- could impair the accuracy and efficiency of the compres- fined by triangle meshes and to isosurfaces from regu- sion. The present work provides both a location-based larly sampled volumetric data. The transform produces thresholding scheme and an adaptive bit allocation method an approximation of the actual distance function using the that reduces geometric error and improves compression. closest-point propagation algorithm of Breen [12] . The distance volume is first initialized with closest-point infor- III. SIGNED-DISTANCE VOLUMES mation for all cells intersecting the surface to be encoded A signed-distance volume encodes the minimum dis- (the zero set). These are the only explicit computations tance to a surface for each sample point. The distance with respect to the input surface. Once the zero set is ini- changes sign at the surface so that negative values lie on tialized a propagation algorithm assigns the closest points one side and positive values on the other. Given a closed to the rest of the volume samples. In addition, the zero shape, the sign determines whether a point is inside or out- set signs are also initialized and this information is propa- side of the shape. For isosurfaces, the notion of inside gated along with the closest points. and outside is not helpful as the surface may exit the dis- The propagation technique is essentially a point sam- tance volume. In these cases the sign of the distance is pling approach, as the approximation is produced with re- determined by the isovalue without relying on notions of spect to the initial set of closest points in the zero set. We inside/outside. Signed-distance functions vary smoothly begin by describing the propagation algorithm, then de- across the transition from inside to outside which make scribe the zero set initialization methods for scanned and them prime candidates for wavelet decomposition. We scientific surfaces. 4 3D DATA PROCESSING VISUALIZATION AND TRANSMISSION

A. Closest Point Propagation with closest point information. Once a distance sample The closest point propagation algorithm relies on the has been initialized it is not reinitialized later for another

incident cell.

following heuristic: the closest point of a sample will ¨

 in most cases be geometrically close to the closest points We denote the scalar field by  . Let denote the iso-

value of the desired isosurface. We define a linear approx-

 ¨  ! ¨ ¨ *

of the neighbors of . Our algorithm differs from that of ¨


Breen [12] , since we use a simple queue instead of a pri- imation about a sample as

¡3¨ and compute the closest point:

ority queue. Let be the current approximate distance


* ¨


assigned to sample . Let denote the closest point

¨ 8 ¨


¡3¨ ) ' * ¨ "'

'" ¨ "'



assigned to sample such that . Fi- (3) nally, when initializing the zero set for meshes the sign 

of some distance values may be ambiguous. Each sample The scalar field gradient at a given sample point is esti-


contains a flag amb which is set if the sign is ambigu- mated by central differencing. The sign of the distance is

¨ #

$ ous. The propagation algorithm is as follows: positive if  and negative otherwise. This approx- imation is inaccurate for high curvature regions but can

For all distance samples ¤ set be computed very efficiently. Greater accuracy can be ob-

¡ ¥¦¥

d ¤ max float tained by performing Newton iterations, or by extracting a Initialize the zero set of the distance mesh and applying the technique in the next section. field as described in the following sections. C. Zero Set Initialization of Meshes

Place all zero set samples in a queue §

while § is not empty do The zero set initialization for triangle meshes operates

¥ ¡ ¥ §

Let ¤ front on individual triangles. The algorithm does not use edge ¤

For each 26-neighbor ¨ of do

¥ ¡ ¥

¡ or vertex adjacency information. The zero-set initializa-

¤ ¨ © ¨

If © cp d then

¥ ¡ ¥

¡ tion algorithm proceeds as follows: ¤

cp ¨ cp § Push ¨ onto

End if For every triangle in the input mesh:


¡ Compute the bounding box of the ¤ If ¤ has a sign and amb false

triangle ¨ then assign the sign of ¤ to end for For each cell wholly or partially end while included in the bounding box:

For each distance sample ¤ of the

Breen et. al. presented a scheme based on a priority- cell:

¡ ¥ ¤

Compute %'& ¥

queue that always examines the sample with the smallest ¡ ¤ distance, insuring that a sample is visited only once by Record whether % & lies on a

face, edge, or vertex.

¡ ¥

the algorithm. This leads to an expected running time of ¥


©'%'& ¤ ¤)©

Let ( ¥

O where is the average size of the zero set of ¡

(+ >= ¤ If (+*-,/.021'3£4545687:9¨<; and samples. The algorithm presented here may set the dis- then:

tance value of a sample a small number of times but uses a place the sample on the

 simple and fast array based queue and runs in time O ¨ . queue of zero set On average each distance sample is updated only 1.2 times samples. for the surfaces we examined. Set a flag indicating that the sample is B. Zero Set Initialization of Isosurfaces queued to prohibit duplication. Our current implementation produces signed-distance Select the sign of this volumes of isosurfaces defined on regularly sampled sample according to the scalar fields. Instead of formally defining the isosurface rules presented below. with respect to trilinear interpolation, we compute closest end if points based on local gradient estimates. The distance ap- end for end for proximation is constructed at the same resolution as the end initial scalar field. The algorithm examines each volume cell in the scalar field. If the cell contains the isosurface, The sign of a given sample is computed based on the lo- then the distance samples at the cell corners are initialized cation of its closest point (vertex, edge, or face). Figure 2a : MULTIRESOLUTION DISTANCE VOLUMES FOR PROGRESSIVE SURFACE COMPRESSION 5

p ~ p p a h a a j 2 aj+1 − − j+1 2 h + j n ~ g 2 d − − d 2 g n j+1 j+1 n

decomposition reconstruction ; Fig. 3. (Left) Decomposition filter bank with low pass filter  and high pass filter  . (Right) Reconstruction filter bank with

a b c  

low pass filter ; and high pass filter . Fig. 2. Zero set initialization for triangle meshes: the sign of a

¡ a 3 distance sample is determined using the vector from the clos- a a d d

£ 2 3 3 3

d 4 est point to the sample and the triangle normal vectors . a 0 a 1 d 1 d 1 d 1 d 1

d 2 d 2 d 2

shows the simplest case where the closest point lies on a


¥ ¢

face. In this case the sign is given by the sign of ¢ where Fig. 4. (a) Two dimensional extension of the filter bank by 

¥ alternating the directions of the filtering steps. ¢ ¢ is the triangle normal and is the vector from the closest point to the distance sample. If the closest point lies on an edge as in Figure 2b, then there are are two dot products mation. These two filtering steps are repeated recursively (one for each triangle sharing the edge). The absolute val- on the coarse approximations to obtain a multiresolution ues of the dot products are compared and the sign of the representation. At each stage the size of the data is down larger dot product is taken. Finally, a closest point which sampled by a factor of two. We will use the term subband coincides with a vertex of the mesh as in Figure 2c may be to refer to a set of wavelet coefficients generated by one ambiguous if some dot products are negative and others step of the transform.

are positive. However, one cannot use the edge test in this The original data can be reconstructed by reversing the § situation. In these cases the distance sample is marked as process with another set set of filters and in the general ambiguous and no sign information is propagated for it. case. The right half of Fig. 3 shows one reconstruction After the distance transform has completed the ambigu- step. The low pass filter § is similar to a subdivision oper- ous samples are revisited and the following heuristic is ator, smoothing the coarse approximations and increasing

applied: the signs of the 26-neighbors are examined and their resolution (the number of samples). The high pass

¦ the sign of the majority of the neighbors is assigned to the filter re-introduces the details encoded by and enables sample. Our method is very similar to a recently presented exact reconstruction of the data. Both filters are preceded technique [31]. However, their algorithm does not detect by an up sampling by two which inserts zeros between the ambiguous vertex closest points and initializes the in- each pair of input values. In the present work we chose

correct sign. the linear B-spline wavelets with the following filters:


; ; ; ;

§   *




; ;


A wavelet transform [32] decomposes a signal into a §


sequence of wavelet coefficients representing the details of  (5)

   ; * ;

the signal at several levels of resolution. These coefficients ¦

;   (6)

are often of small value and can be compressed efficiently.

; ; ; ;


     (7) A. Fast Wavelet Transform We apply the fast wavelet transform of Mallat [33] to The 2D extension of the algorithm in Fig. 3 is shown signed-distance volumes. The left half of Fig. 3 shows in Fig. 4. The one dimensional transform is alternately

one step of decomposition algorithm. At each step a low applied to each dimension, creating subbands 1 and 3 in


§ ,


pass filter produces a set of scaling coefficients ( ¨ © ) the direction ( , ) and subbands 2 and 4 in the



which coarsely approximate the input data. Additionally, direction ( F , ). The 3D case follows the same pattern

1 ¦

a high pass filter produces a set of wavelet coefficients as Fig. 4 except that the transform directions cycle through



( © ) representing the details lost in the coarse approxi- the , , and directions. Some readers may note that in J 6 3D DATA PROCESSING VISUALIZATION AND TRANSMISSION image processing applications the high pass coefficients a wavelet

3 support £¤£¤£¤£

resulting from the direction filtering are processed by the ¥¤¥¤¥¤¥

, d £¤£¤£¤£

5 ¥¤¥¤¥¤¥ £¤£¤£¤£

filter bank a second time in the direction yielding three ¥¤¥¤¥¤¥



£¤£¤£¤£ ¥¤¥¤¥¤¥

d £¤£¤£¤£

sub-bands per level in the 2D case and seven subbands in d4 3 ¥¤¥¤¥¤¥


¥¤¥¤¥¤¥ £¤£¤£¤£ curves ¥¤¥¤¥¤¥ 3D (after a  pass). In contrast, our approach generates one subband per level for data of any dimension. We chose the direct extension of the filter bank algo- d2 d1 rithm for three reasons: first, in our experiments on im- age data the compression rates were better. Second, fewer operations need to be performed on the data. Third, the wavelet original coefficients signed−distance first subband of wavelet coefficients (produced in the first

high pass filtering) effect distance values in the direction §¦ Fig. 5. Distance based thresholding: the coefficient in 9 is set only. The support of these wavelets is thus local in mem- to zero because its support shown on the right does not overlap ory, enabling simple and local optimization schemes for the curves. allocating bits to these values.

B. Thresholding have the original signed-distance field as computed for the  two curves shown inside. The wavelet coefficient in F The goal of the thresholding step is to reduce the num- can be thresholded because its support does not effect the ber of values that need to be coded without introducing curves being represented. geometric errors. An aggressive thresholding method is The wavelet support radii are easily computed as they required for efficient distance volume compression. Our depend only on the lengths of the filters and the number of method removes all wavelet coefficients that do not con- applications of those filters. A more accurate threshold- tribute to the reconstructed surface. Thresholding too ing can be accomplished by explicitly testing the distance many coefficients could result in spurious surface compo- samples in the wavelet support to determine if any belong nents appearing in the distance field. Currently, we do to the zero set. This more expensive test would be applied not have a formalism that allows us to prove that new after the sphere test. However, this scheme was not imple- components or handles are not added under the method mented for this paper. we present. For complicated surfaces a verification step can be performed that checks the original distance volume VI. ZERO-TREE CODING against the distance volume reconstructed after the thresh- olding step and warns of any irregularities. A progressive wavelet coder should send the most sig- The thresholding method proceeds as follows: nificant bits of the most significant wavelet coefficients first. This amounts to encoding the locations of the sig- For each subband: nificant coefficients as efficiently as possible. A zero tree Determine the support of wavelets in coder [34] generates a progressive bit stream by utilizing this subband with respect to the the property that wavelets decay in magnitude at finer res- reconstructed samples. olutions. That is, if one defines a hierarchy of wavelet

Compute the radius of a bounding coefficients from one subband to the next it is likely that sphere for the wavelet support. the child coefficients will be smaller than the parent. For each wavelet coefficient within

the subband: A zero tree is defined as a hierarchy of coefficients for ¨ which ¨ © for every coefficient in the hierarchy, where

Compute the sample ¤ in the

reconstructed volume is a threshold used to determine the significance of any corresponding to the center of given coefficient. The zero tree relation is defined for a

the wavelet basis function quadtree-like hierarchy in 2D and an octree-like hierar-

¡ ¥¢¡

¤ if = set the wavelet chy in 3D. Figure 6 depicts the 2D case for our subband coefficient to zero ordering. Two hierarchies are shown, one for the di-

end for , rection (subbands 1, 3, and 5) and one for the direction end for (subbands 2 and 4). A zero tree coder is particularly well Figure 5 illustrates the basic thresholding operation in suited to the distance based thresholding method as the 2D. On the left is the wavelet transformed signed-distance thresholded coefficients are spatially contiguous. field showing three wavelet subbands. On the right we The coding algorithm repeatedly traverses the wavelet : MULTIRESOLUTION DISTANCE VOLUMES FOR PROGRESSIVE SURFACE COMPRESSION 7

a5 d5

d4 5.9 KB 18.7 KB d3

d2 d1

34.6 KB 64.7 KB

Fig. 7. Progressive reconstructions of the horse model from a compressed distance volume of 64x138x115 samples. Fig. 6. Hierarchies of wavelet coefficients for the zero tree relation. If all of the coefficients are less than a given threshold, the entire tree can be skipped until later in the coding process. Subdivision 2 Dist 32x68x57 10 Dist 96x208x173 4) coefficients in a predefined order. At any point in the − coding process the wavelet coefficients are divided into two groups: those that are not yet significant, and those 1 10 that have been found to be significant during the current

traversal or a preceding one. The threshold starts at half the value of the largest wavelet coefficient, and is di- vided in half after each traversal. Thus, each traversal pro- Mean Squared Error (10 0 gressively adds more wavelet coefficients to the significant 10 group and removes them from the insignificant group. A 2 3 4 5 6 10 10 10 10 10 zero tree is coded by a single symbol the informs the de- Size (bytes) coder that every coefficient in the hierarchy can be skipped at that stage during decoding. Zero trees efficiently encode Fig. 8. Comparison of compression rates of subdivision sur- the positions of the insignificant coefficients. Once a co- faces and signed-distance volumes.

efficient is deemed significant, its sign is transmitted and

5 5


¡ £¢ another bit is added to its representation following each 

model consists of vertices and ; triangles. subsequent traversal of the insignificant coefficients. Our

A good lossless non-progressive mesh compression algo-

* implementation follows [34] which contains pseudocode 

rithm [35] generates between ; bits per vertex. Thus, and a small worked example of the algorithm.

one could expect the lossless non-progressive compres-


£¢ sion of the horse mesh to produce a file between  VII. RESULTS

kilobytes in size. Our progressive coding begins to repre- £¢ We applied our algorithm to two surfaces. All file sizes sent the muscle structure of the horse at about  kilo- are the result of applying the gzip utility to the progres- bytes. Our algorithm is of course a lossy compression sive bit-streams resulting from our zero tree coder. A technique. horse model was used to compare the performance of the Figure 8 plots the mean squared geometric error de- signed-distance volume approach to the subdivision sur- fined in section III-A for the subdivision surface method face approach in [4]. An isosurface was used to demon- of Khodakovsky [4] and our approach. The errors are strate the ability of our algorithm to compress complex scaled to the bounding box diagonal. As expected, the surfaces with many components. subdivision surface approach fairs better than the distance

Figure 7 shows four progressive reconstructions of the volume method for this smooth model. The base mesh

  horse model for increasing file sizes. The original horse used for the subdivision based method consists of ; ver- 8 3D DATA PROCESSING VISUALIZATION AND TRANSMISSION

Data Set Zero Set (s) Propagation (s) is the use of the gzip utility as a back-end. This is less ef- Horse 74 2 ficient than a compression technique specifically tailored (32x68x57) for wavelet transforms. An arithmetic coder applied to the Turbulence 17 157 coefficient magnitudes should reduce the file sizes even (256x256x128) further. TABLE I The geometric error for small bit counts can be im-

ELAPSED TIMES FOR THE ZERO SET INITIALIZATION AND proved by modifying the ordering of the bits. A standard ¨§ © CLOSEST POINT PROPAGATION STEPS OF THE DISTANCE zero tree coder assumes an 0 error because the signif- TRANSFORM. icance test depends only on the value of the coefficient and not on the size of the corresponding wavelet support. It is possible for wavelet coefficients at the finest level to have bits emitted along with coefficients at a coarser level. tices. This small size enables quite efficient compression. However, the mean-squared geometric error metric inte- Our method produces a very efficient encoding of the ap- grates over the surface area, implying that the significance

proximate signed-distance as the original distance func-

5 5

  ¡   test should include the support of the wavelet. Incorpo-

tion comprised floating point values in the case


 rating the support of the wavelets would insure that all of

;¤£ of the ¢ distance volume. the early bits increase the accuracy of the coarser scale Figure 9 shows four reconstructions of a complex iso- wavelets instead of potentially adding fine scale wavelets, surface compressed with our system. The data set de- thus improving the overall error. picts the turbulent mixing of two fluids [1] at a resolu- tion of 2048x2048x1920. The isosurface shown here de- Finally, the encoding process should be modified so that rives from a subset of 256x256x384 samples. The dis- the topology is simplified at early stages and is refined as tance transform was computed at the same resolution as more bits are added. Our implementation does not track the subset of the scalar field. Our system retains the major topology changes and allows both simplifications and re- features of the surface for small sizes and achieves good finements to occur. This can produce holes in thin shapes compression through topological modification. This sur- at small numbers of bits that disappear later in the decod- face is less well suited to subdivision surface techniques ing process. A method for ordering the topology changes as the size of the base mesh is much larger due to the com- and increasing the significance of the wavelet coefficients plex topology and large number of components. affecting those areas could mitigate this problem. Finally, we present performance results for our sys- tem. Table I shows the time required for each stage of IX. CONCLUSION

the distance transform. All times are reported for an SGI

£¢ £¢¡¢  We have presented an algorithm that produces progres- O2 work station with megabytes of ram and a sively compressed signed-distance volumes. Our method megahertz MIPS R5000 processor. The zero set initial- progressively compresses surfaces without the re-meshing ization cost of triangle meshes is due to the large num- that is required for subdivision based approaches. Our rep- ber of intersection computations. In contrast, the simple resentation does not explicitly represent the surface topol- linear approximation used for scalar field data is ideal. ogy, enabling topological modification without complicat- The propagation time is manageable even for large data ing the data structures used in the implementation. We sets. Some improvement is possible if the distance sam- believe our approach is best suited to surfaces with com- ples are reordered to improve cache coherence when visit- plicated topology and many components. Time-varying

ing a sample’s 26-neighborhood. The zerotree coder took


¦¥  ¢ surfaces pose many problems that can be overcome with from seconds for the horse model at various reso- an implicit representation. We believe our compression

lutions and geometric errors. The isosurface coding took

* £¢  techniques can be extended to the time domain to produce between ; seconds depending on the number of bits an efficient yet simple surface representation. produced.

VIII. DISCUSSION X. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Our algorithm successfully produces a progressive en- This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. coding of a signed-distance volume. However, subdivision Department of Energy by the University of California, surface approaches still produce very compact surface rep- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract resentations. One drawback of our current implementation No. W-7405-Eng-48. : MULTIRESOLUTION DISTANCE VOLUMES FOR PROGRESSIVE SURFACE COMPRESSION 9

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Fig. 9. Progressive reconstructions of an isosurface of a turbulent mixing simulation.

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