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[email protected] Issue 21 Assurance and Winter 2013 Accreditation News of our dementia dashboard and standards and consultancy Highlights from 2013 support, which make up the assurance programme. 2013 has been a year for consolidation The standards development team, as always, has continued and reflection following the significant to develop and maintain our programmes of standards. The changes in 2012. This year we said main achievement was the publication of the International goodbye to Ruth Wright, a long term Accreditation Programme for healthcare organisations 2013. client manager, who has left us for Updated using a patient pathway approach, and the modules as the pleasures of retirement which we a framework, we are excited by the end product which is a step hope she is embracing. In the summer, forward from the 2010 standards. Other programmes completed we were shocked by the sudden death of Julie Hyde, our in 2013 were the domiciliary standards and the oncology Accreditation Awards Panel chairman, which is a great loss to standards. The primary care standards are out for consultation, us. Her legacy will remain in the many structures and processes and work is very much underway on revising the hospice and implemented during her tenure and the memory of her ‘matter care home standards for completion in the first half of 2014. of fact’ approach to life. Alan Corry Finn has now taken on the chairmanship. Regulation and inspection As a result of the Francis, Keogh and Berwick reports there has Celebrating success been notable change in the regulation and inspection of health At our Top Hospitals ceremony in May, Guy’s and St Thomas’ and social care organisations in hospital was the winner of the dementia care award for their the UK this year.