Notitiæ January 26, 2014 Sunday Masses Propers: Third Sunday After Epiphany, Class II, Green Readings: Romans 12:16-21; Matthew 8:1-13
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St. Francis de Sales—January 29 Pastor: Rev. Fr. Joseph Terra, FSSP Associate: Rev. Fr. Kenneth Walker, FSSP Office: 602-253-6090 Cell: 480-231-0573 (for urgent messages) Fax: 602-253-8013 Church: 1537 W. Monroe St. Phoenix, AZ 85007 Mail: same as church address Email: [email protected] Website: Notitiæ January 26, 2014 Sunday Masses Propers: Third Sunday after Epiphany, Class II, Green Readings: Romans 12:16-21; Matthew 8:1-13 7:00am Low Mass; 9:00am Low Mass; 11:00am High Mass at Mater Misericordiae Mission Intentions: 7:00am: Fabian Michael Kobe; 9:00am: Stan Stodolak+; 11:00am: Pro Populo 9:00 am Low Mass at Saint Cecilia’s Mission, Clarkdale Intention: 9:00 am: Pro Populo Weekday Masses At Mater Misericordiae Mission, Monroe St. Church Monday-Friday: 6:30 am and 6:30 pm, Saturday: 6:30 am and 8:00 am Monday, January 27 Thursday, January 30 Propers: St. John Chrysostom, Bishop and Doctor Propers: St. Martina, Virgin and Martyr Class III, White Class III, Red Readings: II Timothy 4:1-8 Readings: Ecclesiasticus 51:1-8, 12 Matthew 5:13-19 Matthew 25:1-13 Intentions: Intentions: Francis was born of noble and pious parents, near Annecy, 1566, and studied with brilliant success at Paris and 6:30am: In Thanksgiving 6:30am: Mark Anderson 6:30pm: In Thanksgiving 6:30pm: Peter Anderson Padua. On his return from Italy he gave up the grand career which his father had marked out for him in the ser- vice of the state, and became a priest. When the Duke of Savoy had resolved to restore the Church in the Tuesday, January 28 Friday, January 31 Chablais, Francis offered himself for the work, and set out on foot with his Bible and breviary and one companion, his cousin Louis of Sales. It was a work of toil, privation, and danger. Every door and every heart was closed Propers: St. Peter Nolasco, Confessor Propers: St. John Bosco, Confessor against him. He was rejected with insult and threatened with death. But nothing could daunt or resist him, and ere Class III, White Class III, White long the Church burst forth into a second spring. It is stated that he converted 72,000 Calvinists. He was then Readings: I Corinthians 4:9-14 Readings: Philippians 4:4-9 compelled by the Pope to become Coadjutor Bishop of Geneva, and succeeded to the see in 1602. At times the Luke 12:32-34 Matthew 18:1-5 exceeding gentleness with which he received heretics and sinners almost scandalized his friends, and one of them Intentions: 6:30am: Alan Anderson Intentions: 6:30am: Joseph Anderson said to him, "Francis of Sales will go to Paradise, of course; but I am not so sure of the Bishop of Geneva: I am 6:30pm: Herlinda Anderson 6:30pm: Steve Wrublik almost afraid his gentleness will play him a shrewd turn." "Ah," said the Saint, "I would rather account to God for Wednesday, January 29 Saturday, February 1 too great gentleness than for too great severity. Is not God all love? God the Father is the Father of mercy; God the Son is a Lamb; God the Holy Ghost is a Dove—that is, gentleness itself. And are you wiser than God?" In un- Propers: St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor Propers: St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop & Martyr ion with St. Jane Frances of Chantal he founded at Annecy the Order of the Visitation, which soon spread over Eu- Class III, White Class III, Red rope. Though poor, he refused provisions and dignities, and even the great see of Paris. He died at Avignon, 1622. Readings: II Timothy 4:1-8 Readings: Romans 8:35-39 -From Butler’s Lives of the Saints Matthew 5:13-19 John 12:24-26 Intentions: 6:30am: Jennifer Gefter Intentions: 6:30am: Jodi Wicker OUR MISSION STATEMENT 6:30pm: Michael Anderson 8:00am: Sophie Wicker Mater Misericordiæ (Mother of Mercy) Mission glorifies God, uniting its members in faith, hope and Confessions charity through confession of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Faith and through participation in At MMM Church in Phoenix: Mon-Sat: 30 minutes before each Mass. Saturdays: 3:30-4:30 pm. the Sacraments and Traditional Rites of the Missale Romanum of 1962, under the governance of the Sundays: Between 7am & 9am Masses, between 9am & 11am Masses, and after the 11am Mass. Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix and the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter. At St. Cecilia’s: Saturdays: 3-4 pm. Sundays: Before the 9am Mass. Other times by arrangement. SUNDAY COLLECT. PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS appointed Peter Nolasco, then twenty-five years old, his tutor, and sent them both together into Spain. Peter in the midst of the court of the king at Barcelona, where the kings of Arragon resided, led the life of a recluse, practising Candlemas: Next Sunday is the O Almighty and everlasting God, look mercifully upon the austerities of a cloister. He gave no part of his time to amusements, but spent all the moments which the in- Feast of the Purification of Our our weakness: and stretch forth the right hand of Thy struction of his pupil left free, in holy prayer, meditation and pious reading. The Moors at that time were possessed Lady, also called Candlemas. Be- Majesty to protect us. Through our Lord... of a considerable part of Spain, and great numbers of Christians groaned under their tyranny in a miserable slavery fore the 11:00 Mass, we will bless both there and in Africa. Compassion for the poor had always been the distinguishing virtue of Peter. The sight of so the new candles and then have a SUNDAY EPISTLE: Romans 12:16-21 many moving objects in captivity, and the consideration of the spiritual dangers to which their faith and virtue stood procession. If you would like to exposed under their Mahometan masters, touched his heart, and he soon spent his whole estate in redeeming as Brethren: Be not wise in your own conceits. To no man have candles blessed on this feast many as he could. Whenever he saw any poor Christian slaves, he used to say: “Behold eternal treasures which nev- rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in day, please bring them to the hall at any time be- er fail.” By his discourses he moved others to contribute large alms towards this charity, and at last formed a project the sight of God but also in the sight of all men. If it be fore the blessing begins. for instituting a religious Order for a constant supply of men and means whereby to carry on so charitable an under- possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. taking. This design met with great obstacles in the execution: but the Blessed Virgin, the true mother of mercy, ap- Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give FSSP PRAYER REQUESTS pearing to St. Peter, the king, and saint Raymund of Pennafort, in place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I distinct visions the same night, encouraged them to prosecute the will repay, saith the Lord. But if the enemy be hungry, January 26: Fr. Gerard Saguto holy scheme under the assurance of her patronage and protec- give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink. For, do- January 27: Fr. Gregory Pendergraft tion. St. Raymund was the spiritual director both of St. Peter and ing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. Be January 28: Fr. Kevin O’Neill of the king, and a zealous promoter of this charitable work. not overcome by evil: but overcome evil by good. January 29: Fr. Charles Ryan The king declared himself the protector of the Order, and January 30: Fr. Joseph Valentine assigned them a large quarter of his own palace for their abode. SUNDAY GOSPEL: Matthew 8:1-13 January 31: Fr. Karl Pikus All things being settled for laying the foundation of it, on the feast of St. Laurence, in the year 1223, the king and Saint Raymund And when he was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed him: And behold a leper came and Reminder: This Saturday is the First Saturday conducted St. Peter to the church and presented him to Beren- adored him, saying: Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make of this month. garius, the bishop of Barcelona, who received his three solemn religious vows, to which the saint added a fourth to devote his me clean. And Jesus stretching forth his hand, touched Our Lady spoke [to Lucia], whole substance and his very liberty, if necessary, to the ransom- him, saying: I will, be thou made clean. And forthwith saying: "Look, my daughter, ing of slaves; the like vow he required of all his followers. St. his leprosy was cleansed. And Jesus saith to him: See at my heart, surrounded with Raymund made an edifying discourse on the occasion, and de- thou tell no man: but go, shew thyself to the priest, and thorns with which ungrateful offer the gift which Moses commanded, for a testimony clared from the pulpit, in the presence of this august assembly, men pierce it at every moment that it had pleased Almighty God to reveal to the king, to Peter unto them. And when he had entered into Capharnaum, by their blasphemies and in- there came to him a centurion, beseeching him, And Nolasco, and to himself, his will for the institution of an Order for gratitude.