This is a repository copy of Homelessness Services in Europe : EOH Comparative Studies on Homelessness. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Monograph: Pleace, Nicholas, Baptista, Isabel, Benjaminsen, Lars et al. (1 more author) (2018) Homelessness Services in Europe : EOH Comparative Studies on Homelessness. Research Report. FEANTSA , Brussels. Reuse ["licenses_typename_other" not defined] Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] European Observatory on Homelessness Homelessness Services in Europe EOH Comparative Studies on Homelessness Brussels 2018 n n n n n Acknowledgements This research was based on questionnaire responses from 16 European Union member states. Each questionnaire was completed by an expert in homelessness, with additional expertise being drawn upon where necessary. Our sincere thanks to everyone who supported this piece of research. It is not possible to include every detail of the information collected through the questionnaires, though the authors have worked to try to ensure equal representation of each country and every effort has been made to report the information shared with us accurately. The respond- ents to the questionnaires in each country were as follows (the lead respondent is shown first): Austria Marc Diebäcker; Sarah Barta; Christian Beiser; Cornelia Kössldorfer Czech Republic Kateřina Glumbíková; Marek Mikulec; Dana Nedělníková Denmark Lars Benjaminsen France Carole Lardoux Germany Volker Busch Geertsema Hungary Boróka Fehér; Nóra Teller Ireland Daniel Hoey; Eoin O’Sullivan Italy Caterina Cortese; Cristina Avonto; Alessandro Carta; Egle Faletto.